
Taylor’s Gym has received a large increase in our growth in the past month. Our company is becoming the premiere gym in Barrie, Ontario.

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Taylor’s Gym has received a large increase in our growth

in the past month. Our company is becoming the premiere gym in Barrie,


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Rules of etiquette

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• Do not bring your gym bag or other personal belongings onto the fitness floor.

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• If there is a line at the water fountain, please do not fill up your water bottle.

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• Ask if you may “work in”, and allow others the same courtesy; afterward, return the seat and weight to the last user’s setup.

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• Refrain from yelling, using profanity, banging weights and being loud.

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• Re-rack weights and return equipment and accessories to their proper place.

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• Ask staff to show you how to operate equipment so that others do not have to wait as you attempt to figure it our yourself.

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• Wipe down equipment after you’re done using it.

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• Listen to posted time limits on machines.

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• Do not bring children onto the gym’s floor.

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• Do not disturb others. Focus on your own workout, and allow others to do the same.

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• Before starting your workout, please wash your hands and wipe off any cologne or perfume.

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Classes Offered

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Kangoo Boot Class

• The Kangoo power class is a highly motivating, explosive, interval training program. It is designed to increase core stability, ensuring a balanced workout, for beginners or even the fittest. The benefits of Kangoo Jumps are amazing. Using Kangoo Jumps reduces your body fat; and firms your arms, legs thighs, abdomen and hips; increase your agility and muscles. Kangoo jumps provide an aerobic effect for your heart, rejuvenating your body when it’s tired, and generally helps your health and fitness.

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Spin Class

• Spin Class involves an instructor at the front of the class who leads the class through routines that are designed to simulate terrain and situations similar to bike riding. The exercises include hill climbs, sprints and intervals. Using music, motivation, and leadership, the participants are lead through a ride that best suits their fitness level and goals. Our classes are created to increase a rider’s outdoor skill set and endurance while providing an intense workout.

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Step Aerobics

• This class uses the same principles as traditional aerobics, but also adds more intensity in that extra energy is expended when stepping on and off the platform. Step classes are usually performed to music and taught by trained instructors. Regularly participating in a step aerobics class at the right intensity will help the class lose weight as their bodies reach maximum heart rate and more calories are burned. Step aerobics can be a full body workout, and in addition with light weights you will work some of the major muscles, to help firm and tone the body.

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Mommy and me fitness

• This workout allows you to take time each week to work out with your child. Focus will be on relieving stress, gaining strength and enjoying time with your child. Done in groups, both you and your child will enjoy the Mother and Child exercise course as you work together through a variety of exercises.

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Crossfit Class

• This is designed for people who have been participating in crossfit for several months and have basic knowledge of the 9 crossfit moves. Each class will incorporate these moves and introduce more complex moves like the snach, kipping pull up, and more. These classes will be more intense than the elements class so expect to step it up a notch. Athletes in these classes have made crossfit an important part of their life and are training to increase their levels of strength and conditioning and to learn new skills.

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Yoga class

• This class is for experienced participants who want to really use the body in a dynamic way. The positions practiced in this class are often linked through the sun salutation, and are meant to develop strength and flexibility, as well as balance and awareness. Participants will align movement with breath to create awareness and a body/mind connection to their workout. An energizing and vibrant class! So prepare to sweat.

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Hot Yoga Class

• Taught in a studio heated to 38 degrees Celsius, Hot Yoga is a cleansing, powerful and expansive approach to yoga. The hot environment stimulates the skin to sweat, which is an effective means for eliminating toxins in the body. The heat supports the lubrication of joints and it softens stiff muscles, and it’s beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular health. Hot Yoga helps students increase focus, stamina and ease of mind.

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• Zumba is a cardio-based workout to achieve any desired fitness goal. The workouts feature interval-training classes where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin Flavor and international zest into the mix and you have Zumba. Zumba is suitable for anyone. Students of any fitness level or age can learn Zumba right away.

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Rebounding Revolution

• Our rebounding revolution trampoline classes achieve a great cardio workout without excess stress on the heart, muscles, or any joints while working the lymphatic system which is designed for all levels of fitness. Achieve great results in this low impact and fat burning exercise while also increasing your balance and coordination. The workout involves moves from many different workout activities and also incorporates some from that can only be executed on a trampoline. Studies show that an hour of jumping on a trampoline burns over 1000 calories.

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TRX class

• Start with this simple TRX workout as you improve total-body flexibility, increase mobility and stability and build core strength. This class focuses on technique, flexibility, balance, and strength by improving basic foundational workouts through easy to follow progressions. New participants are encouraged to attend this class.

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One on one personal training

• The one on one training program at this gym focuses on training that develops strength, endurance, flexibility, mobility and stability. You will improve functional movement and decrease aches and pains. While our training systems were built to support professional and elite athletes, our programs are individualized to meet each client’s goals, utilizing the energy systems of training, and nutrition that best supports your physical abilities to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

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