prelim and final cut comparison

Evaluation: Comparison of ‘Dead Lazy’ and ‘The Last Call’

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Post on 14-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Prelim and final cut comparison

Evaluation: Comparison of ‘Dead Lazy’ and ‘The Last Call’

Page 2: Prelim and final cut comparison


In our preliminary task our title sequence was very basic and very bland which did not really stand out to the audience. This is a complete contrast as in our final product Dead Lazy our title sequence is much more exciting, colorful, attractive which stands out to the audience and instantly they can remember what the title of our product is. Also we have moved the title sequence into the middle of the opening sequence instead of right at the start like our preliminary task allowing the time for the credits to be shown.

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Establishing Shot

In the preliminary task we used the establish shot to try and fill the scene so that the audience can see what is going on and gain a feel of the genre of the product. In our final product we have developed the establishing shot to show in the scene the two characters are talking while also having other pieces in the show such as the beer can and the controller.

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In the preliminary task the lighting shots were varied as in the shots above you can tell the lighting is different in the two shots making the film less believable. Where as in the final product Dead Lazy it is much more authentic and more engaging for the audience.

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Effects on Screen

In the preliminary task we used a grey effect to show a flashback, this flashback was very effective and we felt that these effects could be useful in Dead Lazy. We have incorporated the effects from our prelim and added a dark effect to show the time of day while also portraying the genre.

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Tracking Shots

In our preliminary task we used an effective tracking shot which worked well. We then decided to incorporate a tracking shot in the very opening of Dead Lazy. By using the tracking shot it links into the match on action which is useful for our product.

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In the prelim task we used a transition effect to portray the moment in which the flashback is introduced which worked well. In Dead Lazy there was no need for the same type of transition so we used a fade out transition to make the shot link in with the horror genre.

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Character Introductions

In both products we wanted to show the audience who the characters were by showing a close up of there name. In the prelim we did not do this as the shot is unprofessional as it instantly just show’s the characters. We made changes in Dead Lazy as we used a close up to show the characters name and making the audience wonder what he looks like.

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180 Rule/Shot Reverse Shot

In our preliminary task we effectively used the 180 degree rule and the shot reverse shot method. The task now was to put In Dead Lazy and we have managed to put in the rule and the method in these shots which clearly show that it is using the shot reverse shot method and sticking to the 180 degree rule.