prelim task and final opening sequence comparison

Task 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

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Page 1: Prelim Task And Final Opening Sequence Comparison

Task 7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Page 2: Prelim Task And Final Opening Sequence Comparison

This is a screen shot of long shots in both my prelim task and my final opening sequence. In the progress of creating the opening sequence I feel I have learnt how to take shots at a better angle and a better layout. In the first screen shot, although it was not a bad first attempt of a long shot, it did cut out my feet at the bottom. Whereas in the second screen shot we made sure my whole body and more was showing, in order to also show the setting. Not only this but we also moved the camera so it followed me as I walked away, but in the prelim task shot we kept the camera still. Both techniques I thought where very good however the movement of the camera made it just that bit more effective.

Page 3: Prelim Task And Final Opening Sequence Comparison

In this screen shot, it shows how we used the rule of thirds. In the progress of creating the opening sequence I feel I have learnt how to position the camera and the footage it is filming more accurately. In the first shot of the prelim task we did not position the camera in the right place as it is neither in the first third or the second third, its in between. However in the second screen shot of our opening sequence we made sure this time round we positioned it at a good angle and placed myself in the last third and the face approximately in the middle. By doing this it not only helps the audience to focus more but also makes it look more professional and effective.

Page 4: Prelim Task And Final Opening Sequence Comparison

This is an example of the 180 degree rule which we used within our prelim and our opening sequence. In our prelim task we used the 180 degrees rule to show the two characters talking and we kept to the same side while filming, however the placement of the camera was filmed at an awkward angle making the characters look out of proportion. During the filming process of our opening sequence we made sure we videos from a good angle and kept to the same side (as she opened up the newspaper and left) in order to not confuse the audience. During the making of our opening sequence I feel I have learnt in the progression of it how to make an effective shot using the 180 degree rule.

Page 5: Prelim Task And Final Opening Sequence Comparison

In these screen shots of the prelim task and our opening sequence, it show how we used match on action. In the prelim task the match on action was accurate however there was noise in the background which we couldn’t cut out. In the second screen shot it shows when we used match on action in our opening sequence; when she opens the blinds then somebody is watching her outside. I feel we have progressed in doing this shot as we filmed it from an effective angle and matched it on perfectly.

Page 6: Prelim Task And Final Opening Sequence Comparison

My preliminary task was a continuity throughout as it suited the task we where given, however out opening title sequence task we shot in as a montage and continuity. After the film after the alarm clock went off it was continuity shots, before that we used montage shots. We used a variety of shots like match on action, the 180 degree rule and the shot reverse shot however. In the beginning, we presented it as a montage sequence because this presented the genre of thriller much better than the continuity sequence did. We tried to use a variety of camera shots within our final piece to make the sequence effective and try to achieve fitting our thriller genre, for example we filmed the character Josie opening the blinds from someone else's perspective and used match on action to show this. Not only this but we also shot a long shot of our character leaving the house at the end of the sequence as it made it look effective and left our audience on a cliff hanger because they were unaware on what could happen to our character from then on.