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  • 8/14/2019 portafolio camila- mara jose


    Universidad de Playa Ancha

    De ciencias de la educacin

    Facultad de Humanidades.

    Portafolio Vise IIIVinculacin con el sistema Educativo.

    Names: Camila GmezMara Jos Molina.

    Course of study: Pedagoga en Ingls.

    Year: 2006.

    Subject: Vise III.

    Teacher: Isabel Vsquez.

    Valparaso, 2009.

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    Programa de curso3

    Project work..7

    Descriptions and examples of visual materials used:

    1st song: No title. By Camila Gmez, Mara Jos Molina...8

    2nd song: Im waiting for your love by Los Pericos....9

    3rd song: everybody by Backstreet Boys11

    Unit and Lesson plans:

    Unidad didctica.14

    Song lessons15

    Self evaluation and Peer evaluation...17



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    Since the beginning of the man existence people have communicated each other trough language,

    culture and knowledge. Feelings and thoughts are also part of the communication, even when youdont know how to say something in words you can use gestures and you can make yourself

    understood. But, dont you feel uncomfortable when gestures and mimicries are not enough to

    express what you want? It would be ideal that all of us know how to communicate with people

    around the world, isnt it?

    Nowadays more and more people know how to speak English, the universal Language. That

    language can be considered as a bridge between different people and countries. Can you consider

    yourself as a part of the percent of that people? We are supposed to be!

    Teachers are forming people, and that people are the future of our country.

    We invite you to read our portfolio where you and we can learn together!

    Thanks in advance for your time and disposition


  • 8/14/2019 portafolio camila- mara jose



    Nombre de la asignatura: VISE IIIAnlisis Crtico y Comprensin de las Metodologas

    Profesor: Prof. Isabel Vsquez Vicencio / Rodrigo A. Gonzlez

    Carrera: Pedagoga en Ingls

    Pre-requisitos: VISE II


    La tercera fase o prctica temprana tres, estar centrada en la Metodologas de la de Enseanza y Aprendizaje, y debe

    ayudar de manera efectiva a desarrollar un eje slido y frreo entre la Universidad, los establecimientos educacionales y

    la comunidad.

    Los estudiantes de pedagoga observarn atentamente las diversas metodologas utilizadas por los profesores del nivel y

    la especialidad y el aprendizaje logrado por los alumnos. Se les incitar a comparar las diversas metodologas

    observadas y evaluarlas en trminos de eficiencia y eficacia y a revisar el sustento terico de ellas. Asimismo, debernindagar en la razones que tiene el profesor de aula para aplicar dichas metodologas y contrastarlas con los fundamentos

    que el estudiante en prctica maneja o a travs de la bibliografa apropiada.


    1. Disear, desarrollar y evaluar situaciones de enseanza y aprendizaje pertinente con la realidad educativa que

    se enfrenta.

    2. Desarrollar una actitud de continua bsqueda de mejores e innovadores formas de trabajar con los alumnos.


    1. Reflexionar, analizar y vivenciar metodologas similares a las que deber trabajar en los establecimientos

    educacionales en que realicen la prctica profesional.2. Aplicar mtodos y estrategias que permitan a los escolares participar efectivamente en las diferentes

    actividades curriculares y extracurriculares con una clara orientacin hacia el logro de aprendizajes


    3. Cuestionar las ideas respecto a metodologas de la enseanza que le son presentadas desde diversas fuentes,

    incluso aquellas que vienen de su propia existencia como escolares y como estudiantes de pedagoga.

    4. Poner a prueba los conocimientos que reciben de los profesores de la Universidad y del sistema educacional.

    5. Explicar, de acuerdo a su manera de pensar, su propia teora acerca del ensear y del aprender, como resultado

    del proceso de formacin que ha realizado hasta el momento.


    1. Desarrollar conocimientos sobre la realidad educacional y los diversos factores que intervienen en el proceso

    educativo tanto a nivel general como en el mbito del proceso enseanza y aprendizaje en la asignatura de



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    2. Desarrollar conocimientos acerca de paradigmas, modelos, enfoques, teoras de aprendizaje y estrategias que

    en una realidad educativa concreta se estn aplicando en el proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje de la asignatura

    de Ingls.


    1. Desarrollar y/o demostrar habilidades para interactuar en realidades educativas concretas con los distintos

    participantes del proceso educativo: alumnos, padres, apoderados, profesores, etc.2. Desarrollar y/o demostrar competencias para interactuar dinmicamente con los programas de estudio de

    primero acuarto ao de Educacin Media de Ingls, a la luz de las caractersticas de la realidad educativa

    concreta en las que les corresponde ejercer la funcin docente.

    3. Desarrollar y/o demostrar competencias para crear, transferir, integrar y aplicar los conocimientos y recursos

    didcticos adquiridos tanto en la especialidad pedaggica como en la asignatura de Ingls, en su efectiva

    interaccin con una realidad educativa concreta apoyados en distintos modelos de intervencin didctica.


    1. Valorar la importancia de la relacin entre el contexto sociocultural, la problemtica de la vida diaria, local,

    nacional y mundial y el quehacer en el aula, en el proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje, a travs dela enseanza

    de Ingls.

    2. Desarrollar y/o demostrar actitudes sociales que permitan interactuar positivamente con los distintosparticipantes del proceso educativo en una realidad concreta a travs de la enseanza de Ingls.


    Unidad Temtica N I

    Diagnstico de la realidad educativa como un medio efectivo de incorporacin gradual al proceso deenseanza y aprendizaje en Ingls


    La escuela, y sus caractersticas.

    La sala de clases, el profesor y loa alumnos; caractersticas y modalidad de interaccin. El programa de estudio de la asignatura de ingls en la escuela. Manual para la Buena Enseanza.


    1. A nivel de Taller:

    Discusiones socializadas de la informacin obtenida a travs de trabajos en grupos.

    2. A nivel de Escuela:

    Observaciones por parte de los alumnos utilizando lista de cotejo, cuestionarios y entrevistas, etc.

    Unidad Temtica N 2

    La ejecucin de clases y su evaluacin como un medio efectivo de interaccin e intervencin didcticaen la realidad educativa


    Modelos de planificacin y su aplicacin en el aula.

    Comparacin del modelo de intervencin didctica desarrollado y analizado en la asignatura de didctica

    especial con el empleado por el profesor en sus clases de la asignatura de ingls en el curso asignado.

    Planificaciones en conjunto con el profesor de asignatura de actividades de ayudanta. (Diseo de guas de

    aprendizaje, material de apoyo, apuntes, etc.) Participacin en calidad de ayudantes en la utilizacin de los materiales diseados, en la clase bajo la direccin

    del profesor del curso asignado.


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    Planificacin en conjunto con el profesor jefe del curso asignado, de una reunin de padres y apoderados.


    1. A nivel de Taller: Taller de integracin en laboratorio didctico (Didctica especial y VISE III).

    Discusin socializada. Trabajo en grupo cooperativo.



    Anlisis de contenidos.

    2. A nivel de Escuela:

    Observacin participante.




    Trabajo en grupo cooperativo.

    Unidad Temtica N III

    La ejecucin de clases y su evaluacin como un medio efectivo de interaccin didctica en la realidadeducativa


    Aplicacin integral de todos los contenidos semnticos, procedimentales y actitudinales trabajados tanto en la Didctica

    especial como en la VISE III y , por supuesto todos aquellos incorporados a travs de su vida como estudiante.


    1. A nivel de taller:

    Anlisis reflexivo del proceso desde las distintas perspectivas de los actores involucrados: Profesor de

    Didctica, Profesor de VISE III, alumnos de VISE III, y en lo posible el Profesor de aula asignado.

    Retroalimentacin de las sesiones prcticas durante su ejecucin, producto de una evaluacin de


    Socializacin de los resultados y sistematizacin de las experiencias obtenidas.

    Evaluacin integral del proceso de interaccin a lo largo de la didctica especial y de la VISE III.

    2. A nivel de Escuela:

    Aplicacin de la planificacin diseada bajo un modelo de intervencin didctico en el curso

    asignado de la asignatura de ingls correspondiente al nivel de Educacin Media.

    Reflexin en la prctica a manera de diario (journal).


    El curso ser entregado de manera terica-prctica, a travs de la modalidad de Taller, detallada ampliamente en la

    seccin Actividades del programa de curso. En general, se trabajar con:

    Observacin de las metodologas empleadas al interior del aula de Ingls.

    Anlisis crtico y comprensivo de las metodologas. Aplicacin de los conocimientos acerca de metodologa de la enseanza y el aprendizaje del idioma


    Comparacin de la prctica observada con la teora.


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    Planificacin de clases en equipo con el profesor de aula.

    Desarrollo de clases a cargo de los estudiantes de pedagoga orientados y asesorados por el profesor



    Evaluacin del desarrollo de las clases por parte del estudiante en prctica y el profesor titular.

    Socializacin de los resultados.

    Sistematizacin de las experiencias.

    Uso de herramientas TICS.


    Pruebas escritas: 15%

    Informes y reportes: 15%

    Planificacin de Unidad y de clases: 10%

    Ejecucin de clases: 30%

    Pauta de Evaluacin de profesor gua: 30%

    Asistencia: 90% mnimo a las sesiones en el Establecimiento Educacional. (Porcentaje menor implica

    reprobacin del curso). Asistencia al 90% de las sesiones de Taller con el Profesor titular de la asignatura.


    La bibliografa general del curso se encuentra en el Manual para los Talleres de Vinculacin con el Medio Educativo,

    Prcticas Tempranas I, II, III, y la especfica de la especialidad ser entregada por el profesor titular de la asignatura de

    VISE III, cuando se requiera


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    Project Works:Project Name: First English Song Festival

    School Name and Class:School:Naciones Unidas.

    Class: 7 A (the rest of 2do ciclo bsico students are included also)

    Date: From October, 26th to December, 1st.

    Brief Description:Since the next unit that students are supposed to learn is simple present, we are planning to organisean English Song Festival.

    Talking about the unit, we want to concentrate in 3 main points:

    - Teach the simple present structures through songs.

    - Teach the students the following topic (concerning to didactics projects): Pop stars

    certainly earn their money: For and against.

    - Ask some students to perform in the Song festival, and others to create signs in order to

    cheer their peers using the simple present.

    Objective(s):- The students learn how to express ideas, facts, and issues in simple present.

    - Students will know more about the advantages and disadvantages of being a pop star.

    - Students will learn how to express their feelings and how to support their peers.

    Required material:- White board

    - Teachers voice

    - Students voice, students imagination.

    - Playbacks- Loudspeakers

    - Microphones

    - Chairs

    - Cards (signs)

    - Note: the resources that the school didnt have were going asked at University.

    Group members names: Camila Paz Gmez Valds Mara Jos Molina Vera.

    Further explanation:

    The initial idea was to invite our classmates to participate in this Project also. It was supposed to

    have at least one student per year between 6 and 8.


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    This was a transversal project, because it worked not only with English but also with music. The

    teacher Ren, of musical education had offered us to include a grade in his subject to the students

    who participated in the project.

    Descriptions and examples of visual materials used.

    Since our project was an English song Festival, all our lessons were Song Lessons. We selected

    catchy songs appropriated to our students, and we combined those songs with games also such as

    Simon says. Here are some of the activities we prepared for our students:

    1st song: No title. By Camila Gmez, Mara Jos Molina.

    This song was created by us on purpose in order to review the present continues contents.

    We are running in the classroom

    She is writing on the board

    They are looking at the window

    He is sitting on the floor.

    Im angry because Im hungry,

    You are angry and hungry too.

    It is clean, we are ready.

    It is time to go home!

    I. First we should check vocabulary. The teachers explain the unknown words to the students orally.

    II. Explain the game to the students. This song should be sing and acting at the same time. We

    mean this is for TPR.

    III. Sing once with the whole class.

    IV. Ask students to sing without our help.


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    2nd song: Im waiting for your love by Los PericosGender: Reggae.

    Activities (power point presentation):


    First of all we have to give students the lyric of

    the song.

    Present them a brief description of the band that

    sings that song, in order to approach their

    previous knowledge with the song.

    Then, ask them to underline the present

    continuous verb forms in order to review the

    last unit. Then they should mark the unknown

    verb forms (simple present).After that, the teacher is going to explain them

    with a chart how is called that verb form and

    how this new verb form works.

    The following activity is a mimicry game.

    That is to introduce the verbs that appear in

    the song.

    Students should form small groups.

    The teacher gives students little cards with

    the definition of the verb and a picture of


    The group decides how to represent the verb

    only with mimicries in front of the class, and

    the other groups have to guess.

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    The classic filling in the gaps.

    That is only to check students

    understanding about the informationexplained.

    Creating signs.

    That is a complement for our Project.

    The idea is to motive students to create

    signs for their classmates, the ones that

    were supposed to represent their class in

    the English Song Festival.

    That is a way to review the contents also,

    because when we write signs we do in

    simple present

    Something that students really love is

    singing. So, to finish that song lesson, of

    course, they have to sing.

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    3rd song: everybody by Backstreet Boys.Gender: Pop.


    Reading Section:

    I. Present a short text related to the cost of the fame.

    A: Before you read the text, answer the following questions:

    1. - What type of music do you like?

    2. - Who is your favorite artist?

    B: Now, read the text. Underline the words that you may not understand.

    II. After reading the text. Ask the students to make a list of the good things and the bad thingsabout being a pop star.


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    III. Ask students to look up in the dictionary the words that they underlined in the text. Theyshould create a short story using them.Listening section:

    I. Before listening activities:

    You will hear a song of a famous pop group. Answer the following question.

    What is the name of the band?

    a) Nsync b) Backstreet Boys

    c) Metallica d) Westlife.

    II. Filling the gaps. Students are going to hear the song again and write in the blanks themissing words.Everybody- Backstreet BoysEverybody, yeah

    Rock your _______, yeaheverybody, yeahRock your body rightBackstreet's back, alright

    Hey, yeahOh my God, we're back _______Brothers, sisters, everybody singgonna bring the flavor, show you howgotta question for you better answer______, yeah

    Am I________? YeahAm I the only one? YeahAm I sexual? YeahAm I everything you need?You better rock your body nowEverybody YeahRock your body Yeah_________Rock your body rightBackstreet's back, alright

    Now throw your_______ up in the airWave them around like you just don't careIf you wanna ________let me hear you yellCuz we got it goin' on again Yeah

    Am I original? YeahAm I the only_____? YeahAm I sexual? YeahAm I everything you need?You better rock your body now

    Everybody now YeahRock your body now Yeah


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    Everybody nowRock your body rightBackstreet's back, alright Alright

    So everybody, ________Don't be afraid, don't have no fear

    I'm gonna tell the world, make you ________As long as there'll be music, we'll be comin' back again

    Everybody, yeahRock your body, yeahEverybodyRock your body right (rock your body right)Backstreet's back ________

    *Note: we selected this song, because it has simple present forms and it has a different use of thelanguage such as gotta, which is interesting to teach also.

    III. Post- listening activity. Students have to choose between the following activities:

    A: Look up another pop song and present it to the class.

    B: Create a different music video for the song.

    C: Perform the song in front of your classmates.

    Unit and Lesson plans


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    Lesson Plan: Im waiting for your love.


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    General objective (purpose of the lesson): to Review the present continues priorknowledge and to introduce the simple presents contents.

    Target Audience: 7 grade of primary school (children between 12 and 13 years old), with

    an intermediate level of proficiency.

    Material & resources: Audio material, images, teachers voice, whiteboard, studentsimagination.

    It is a song lesson. The song selected is Im waiting for your love by Los Pericos.

    HOOK (activate students prior knowledge): Make students listen a catchy song. Thefirst time is just for listening (individual), the second time the teacher gives them the lyric

    and they identify present continues structures already learnt and underline the unknown

    structures (in pairs). The third time is for singing.

    PRESENT (explained what facts & details you will present): Introduce the verbs thatappear in the song through a mimicry game (small groups). Then, tell students about the

    present simples examples that appears in the song, and explain them what they can express

    using simple present. Put emphasis in explaining the use of the s in 3rd singular person.

    APPLY (explained how your students will apply & use the knowledge): Ask students to

    transform the present continues phrases that appear in the song into simple present ones(pairs). Give them a short fill in the gap activity related with their routines (individual).

    CREATE (explained how your students will personalize the knowledge): ask thestudents to create sign using phrases in simple present such as I love you, This song is

    wonderful, etc (small groups). and then ask one or two students to be the singer, he/she

    has to sing in front of the class as being in a concert and the rest should show him/her the

    poster as being the fan club (the whole class).

    Lesson Plan: Everybody.


  • 8/14/2019 portafolio camila- mara jose


    General objective (purpose of the lesson): topractise simple presents contents.

    Target Audience: 7 grade of primary school (children between 12 and 13 years old), with

    an intermediate level of proficiency.

    Material & resources: Audio material, images, text, teachers voice, whiteboard, studentsimagination.

    It is a song lesson. The song selected is Everybody by Backstreet Boys.

    HOOK (activate students prior knowledge): Ask students some question about theirfavourite music.

    PRESENT (explained what facts & details you will present): Make a reading exercise,working with new vocabulary.

    APPLY (explained how your students will apply & use the knowledge) : Ask student tomake a list with good and bad things of being a pop star. Ask students to listen a song and

    write the missing words in the blanks, according with what they hear.

    CREATE (explained how your students will personalize the knowledge): ask thestudents to select one of these three alternatives: Look up another pop song and present it to

    the class, create a different music video for the song or perform the song in front of your



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    Self evaluation and Peer evaluation:

    Camila Gmez:

    Mara Jos Molina:

    Criteria Myself (Camila Gmez) My partner (Mara Jos Molina)Self responsibility. 6,5 6,3

    Time invested in the Vise III. 6,0 6,0

    Progress made. 6,0 6,5

    Capacity of improvisation. 7,0 5,8

    English skills. 5,5 6,8

    Teaching skills. 6,8 6,0

    Designing material for the

    class.6,8 6,3

    Performance in the classroom. 6,9 6,0

    Patience. 5,0 6,8

    Empathy. 5,5 6,5

    Criteria Myself ( Mara Jos Molina) My partner ( Camila Gmez )Self responsibility. 6,0 7,0

    Time invested in the Vise III. 5,0 6,5

    Progress made. 6,0 7,0

    Capacity of improvisation. 5,0 7,0

    English skills. 7,0 7,0Teaching skills. 5,0 7,0

    Designing material for the


    7,0 7,0

    Performance in the classroom. 6,0 7,0

    Patience. 7,0 5,0

    Empathy. 7,0 5,0


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    Now, that we have finished this part of the process we can affirm the following:

    Being in a public school allows us to appreciate different social realities, which affects our teaching

    environment directly. That is not easy, but if that was different, it hadnt been so interesting!

    We really appreciate having those kinds of opportunities, because these instances are the ones that

    enrich our work as teachers. We are not only in charge of teaching English, but also we have to be

    in charge of teaching values, behaviours, etc.

    Moreover, preparing and designing material for real students gives us a different motivation. All

    these years in our course of study we have prepared to imaginary students, but this time was

    different, and when we prepare our classes we did thinking in every single students in the classroom

    there at Naciones Unidas school. Thas is really gratifying and motivating.

    Definitely we cant imagine ourselves in another place, different from a classroom. No matter howdifficult being a teacher could be, but as Silvio Rodriguez says: Lo terrible se aprende enseguida, y

    lo hermoso nos cuesta la vida.

    We can assert that our partners and us wont forget this vise III, neither our students at Naciones

    Unidas School.

    Thank you.