pinterest for marketing


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How to use pinterest for marketing, 8 things marketers need to know about pinterest


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8. Things Marketers

need to know about

Prepared by Aimee Carmichael

Find my pins here! :)

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• Loads of articles and tips on how to use Pinterest for Marketing... But how about the things you should know before you invest your time in using it?

• Here is a quick round up!

• Remember – there are a lot of social media platforms out there but you don‟t need to be using every single one!

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1. Invite Only?

But they make it easy to request an invite so don‟t worry if you don‟t have any friends to invite you!

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2. US Centric

OK so there is a lot of hype online about the growing success and traffic referral value. But when thinking „does this apply to me?‟ remember its user based is still largely US based.

In the UK the platform is still in infancy

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4. Professional Females


Aged 25-44 Degree Average income

Tech Savvy


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5. Mums use Pinterest

• Females in 30‟s 40‟s – work full time and pride themselves on being computer literate, use to build boards of lifestyles for decorating, cooking etc.

OR • Stay at home

mums/mumpreneurs who are running a biz from home or making money online!

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6. Don’t Self Promote too Much!

• Thinking of opening a brand account and „pinning‟ pics of just your products or just yourself with links to your website?

THINK AGAIN!! The regulations say “Pinterest is designed to

curate and share things you love. If there is a photo or project you‟re proud of, pin away! However, try not to use Pinterest

purely as a tool for self-promotion”

...and you wouldn‟t want to break any guidelines would you?

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7.Thou Must Engage

Pinterest is a social network, so take the time to form relationships with other users and to build a community around your brand. When you see that users have re-pinned your items, comment and thank them. Follow other users, and this will encourage them to follow you in return. Don‟t just lurk!

(source: adapted from


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8. Pinning is Easy

• The Pinterest bookmarklet makes it easy to pin as you surf!

• Simply install the add-on to your choice of browser, when you see an image worth pinning to one of your boards click the icon and it does the rest!