phosphorus removal by urban runoff detention basins

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    PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL BY URBAN RUNOFF DETENTION BASINSWilliam W. Walker, Jr.Environmental EngineerConcord, Massachusetts

    ABSTRACTAn empirical model previously developed for predictingphosphorus retention in reservoirs is tested against theurban lake/detention pond data set. Deten1ion ponddesign criteria developed under the EPA's NationwideUrban Runoff Program (NURP) are ovalua1ed using themodel. For summer precipitation and runoff quality typical of St. Paul, Minnesota, a basin designed according toNURP criteria is estimated 10 have a long-term-averagephosphorus removal efficiency of 47-68 percent. For agiven loading regime, phosphorus removal is shown tobe more sensitive to pond depth than to surface area.Specific design features for enhancing phosphorusremoval (deepening, promoting infiltration, promotingplug flow, and chemical treatment) are discussed. Themethodology can be used to evaluate wet detentionpond design criteria in other regions, with substitution oappropriate precipitation and runoff quality characteristics.

    INTRODUCTIONCause--effect relationships linking urban watersheddevelopment to lake and reservoir eutrophicationare well established. Urban watersheds typically export 5 to 20 times as much phosphorus per unit areaper year, as compared with undeveloped watersheds In a given region (Reckhow et aI 1980;Athayde et al. 1983; Dennis, 1985). Summaries ofurban runoff data collected under the EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) indicate meanconcentrations of 420 ppb total phosphorus and 150ppb dissolved phosphorus (Athayde et al. 1983). Incontrast, lakes with total phosphorus concentrationsexceeding 20-30 ppb may experience nuisancealgal growths (Vollenweider, 1976). NURP concluded that lakes for which the contributions ofurban runoff are significant in relation to other nonpoint sources (even in the absence of point sourcedischarges) are Indicated to be highly susceptible toeutrophication and that urban runoff controls maybe warranted in such situations (Athayde et at1983).A relationship between urban land use and phosphorus export for watersheds in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area is shown In Figure 1 (Walker, 1985a). Increases in phosphorus export associated with urbanwatershed development primarily reflect increases in

    impervious area and surface runoff. Runoff tends tohave much higher concentrations of total and dissolved phosphorus compared with base flows thatare filtered through the soil column before reachingstream channels or lakes. Specific urban sources~ w n fertilizers, leaf fall, pets) and streambankerosion resulting from higher peak flows also contribute to urban phosphorus loadings.Physical, economic, and Institutional constraintsmake control of nonpoint phosphorus export fromurban watersheds a difficult problem. While the concept of source control is attractive, the sources aregenerally too diverse to permit control of a majorfraction of the total loading by targeting one or morespecifiC components. Devices and managementpractices such as catch basins and street sweepingare generally ineffective at controlling the export offine particulates and soluble nutrients which havethe greatest potential for stimulating lake eutrophication. Performance monitoring conducted underNURP (Athayde et al. 1983; U.S. Environ. Prot.Agency, 1986) has shown that detention ponds,which intercept, store, and treat runoff before releasing it to receiving streams or lakes, can be designedto provide significant removals of many urban runoffpollutants, including phosphorus.This paper compiles and analyzes data on phosphorus removal by runoff detention basins andurban lakes reported in the literature. It describesthe basin design criteria for suspended solidsremoval developed under NURP. An empiricalmodel for predicting phosphorus removal efficiencyas a function of watershed characteristics, basinmorphometry, and climatologic factors is describedand tested. The model is employed to evaluate theNURP design criteria from a phosphorus removalperspective under Minnesota climatologic conditions. Specific design features which may enhancephosphorus removal are discussed.NURP DESIGN CRITERIA FORSUSPENDED SOLIDS REMOVALAthayde et a . (1983) concluded that w t detentionbasins, in which permanent water pools are maintained, are potentially effective for reducing loadingsof suspended solids, heavy metals, and nutrients




    170 C160150140

    Solid Symbols ;: St. Paul Water SuP,t WatershedsOpen Symbols ;: Other Twin CItIes a Walersheds130

    Total Precipitation Range ;: 51-68 cm120 0110 y 2.92 t 1.02 Xti 100 r .83. .. 2490-..I

    It0 80 0D 70 0i:i

    60 50 C

    40JO C


    00 20 40 60 80 100

    PERCENT URBANFigura 1. - Phosphorus export n urban land use for twin clUe. watershedReference: Walker, 19858

    from urban watersheds. Dry detention basins, whichare used to control peak runoff but empty completely between storm events, have pollutant removal performance which ranges "from insignificant to quitepoor". The presence of a permanent pool is important because it 1) permits "treatment" (sedimentation, adsorption, biological uptake) to occur duringthe relatively long times between storm events; 2)increases sedimentation efficiency and reduces bottom scouring potential by dissipating runoff energy;and 3) provides a habitat for algae and aquaticplants which can assist in the removal of soluble pollutants.While some success with extended detention dryponds (flood detention areas fitted with outlet control devices designed to store runoff for a day or sofollowing events) has been reported for suspendedsolids and heavy metals, removals of soluble andtotal nutrients in such basins have been quite low(Randaff,1982; Athayde et al. 1983).Based upon analysis of data from wet detentionbasins monitored under NURP (Table 1), Driscoll(1983) has shown that average removal efficiency for

    suspended solids depends upon the followinghydraulic and variables:Qm/A = mean surface overflow rate during stormperiods (cm/hr)

    = ponel outflow / surface areaVpNm = permanent pool volume / mean stormvolume (dimensionless)The first ratio determines potential removal duringstorm events for particles of a given settling velocity.Under ideal conditions for sedimentation, particleshaving settling velocities greater than Qm/A wouldbe removed; the remaining would either passthrough the pond or remain suspended in the pondat the end of the event The second ratio determinesthe pond's potential to store and subsequentlyremove materials during quiescent periods betweenstorm events.Using data from several NURP projects, Driscoll1983) constructed a frequency distribution for particle settling velocities in typical urban runoff:

    Percentile : 10Velocity (cm/hr): .9 309 50 70 9046 210 2000




    Table 1 Hydraulic characteristics and treatment effectiveness of URP wet detention basins.BASINI

    WATERSHEDLOCATION BASINLansing, MI Grace No.Lansing, MI Grace So.Ann Arbor, MI PittAnn Arbor, MI TraverAnn Arbor, MI Swift RunLong Island, NY UnquaWashington, DC WestleighLansing, MI Waverly HillsGlen Ellyn, IL Lake EllynHydraulic Characteristics Relative to Mean Monitored Storm:

    QdA = Mean Surface Overflow Rate During Storm (cm/hr)V"Nm = Basin Permanent Pool Volume Mean Runoff Volume

    SS = Total Suspended SolidsTP = Total PhosphorusDP = Total Dissolved PhosphorusData Source: Driscoll 11983)


    For a typical urban watershed in northern U.S.climate (runoff coefficient = .2, mean storm size =1 cm. mean storm duration = 4 hours), the ratio ofpond area to watershed area would have to exceed.001 to remove particles with settling velocitiesabove the median value 46 cm/hr) during anaverage storm. To remove fine particles (say, 10thpercentile or settling velocity = .9 cm/hr) during anaverage storm, the ratio of pond area to watershedarea would have to exceed .12; the maximum ratiofor basins listed in Table 1 is .029. Especially sincestorms with above average Intensities have major Influences on long-term average performance, it is unlikely that a typical basin design would remove significant quantities of fine particles during stormevents.Several Investigators have shown that phosphorus tends to be concentrated in the fine particulate fractions of street dirt and urban runoffsuspended solids (Sartor et al. 1974; Pitt, 1979;Ahern et al. 1980). To achieve significant removalsof fine sediments and phosphorus, quiescent settling must be Involved, i.e., the pond must be largeenough to store runoff for treatment during the relatively long periods between storm events. With sufficient storage, mechanisms other than settling(biological uptake, adsorption) can also contributeto phosphorus removal. Under these conditions,overall performance would be more sensitive tovolume ratio 0 pVm) than to the overflow rate(am/A).For a given climatologic regime, the abovehydraulic parameters and average removal efficiency can be related directly to basic design featuressuch as mean depth and ratio of basin area to water-


    M Qm/A VpfYm TP DP0.8 270 .045 0 0 00.8 72 .17 32 12 231.5 57 .52 32 18 01.3 9.1 1.16 5 34 560.5 6.0 1.02 85 3 291.0 2.4 3.07 60 450.6 1.5 5.31 81 54 711.4 2.7 7.57 91 79 701.6 3.0 10.7 84 34

    shed area, as illustrated in Figure 2 (Athayde et al.1983). The performance curves are based uponsimulations which account for regional storm eventdistributions, settling under dynamic and quiescentconditions, and the distribution of particle settlingvelocities in urban runoff (Driscoll, 1983; U.S. En-viron. Prot. Agency, 1986). Based upon NURP dataand model predictions, effective control ofsuspended solids and associated poll utants can beachieved in basins with a mean depth of at least 1meter and surface area greater than or equal to onepercent of the watershed area, for a typical urbanwatershed with a runoff coefficient of 0.2.Table 2 evaluates the hydraulic parameters of adetention basin designed according to NURPcriteria and operating in the Minneapolis/St. Paulclimate. The "relative volume" (Vrel ratio of pondvolume to impervious watershed area (cm is a useful summary statistic which normalizes pond sizeagainst the contributing watershed. As shown inTable 2, the pond performance indicators am/A,VpNm, and T, can be calculated from Vrel andregional precipitation characteristics. The meanhydraulic residence time T, years) is defined as poolvolume divided by the mean seasonal outflow. Thishydraulic variable has been used in empiricalmodels for predicting average sediment retention inreservoirs (Brune, 1953) and phosphorus retentionin lakes and reservoirs (Vollenweider,1976; canfieldand Bachman.1981). A NURP pond operating in theTwin Cities summer Climate would have a relativevolume of 5 em, a mean storm overflow rate of 4.5em/hr. a pond/mean-storm volume ratio of 5.3, anda mean hydraulic residence time of 16.4 days. Summer precipitation statistics have been used for the




    1 D O . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : -




    0 05 10 0 5



    1 0 5 0

    BASil S U R F ~ E AREA AS OF CONTRIBUTING CATCHMENT AREAFigure 2. Detentlon basin performance for suspended solids removal.Reference: Athayde et al., 1983.

    eval uation because they incorporate the peak rainfallmonth for this region (June) and because monitoringdata indicate that differences between urban andnonurban watersheds with respect to runoff andphosphorus export are most apparent during thesummer months. Analogous statistics can be calculated for other regions, with appropriate adjustmentsin the precipitation statlstics.Driscoll (1983) predicted total phosphorusremoval efficiency as a function of suspended solidsremoval efficiency and the fraction of Inflow phosphorus in particulate form. This approach Is deficient, however, in that it assumes that the dissolvedfraction is inert and that particulate phosphorus isdistributed uniformly among size fractions. Removalefficiency for dissolved phosphorus equals or exceeds that for total phosphorus in five out of theseven basins (with complete data In Table 1). Theremoval of dissolved phosphorus is especially important for controlling eutrophication because dissolved forms are the most readily available for algaluptake in downstream lakes. It is apparent thatmechanisms other than part ide settling (adsorption,precipitation, biological uptake) are partially responsible for phosphorus transformations and removal in

    these basins. It would be difficult to model all ofthese mechanisms explicitly.With a pond vOlume exceeding five times themean storm runoff volume, ftuCluations in pond fineparticle concentrations associated with averageevents would tend to be relatively small. For the purposes of predicting long-term average removals offine particles and phosphorus in a typical wet detention pond, it may not be necessary to consider temporal variability associated with individual stormevents. A Simpler, empirical approach that deals withannual or seasonal phosphorus loadings and meanhydraulic residence times is possible.

    DATA BASE DEVELOPMENTPond performance and related data compiled fromthe literature are summarized in Table 3. The data setincludes nine natural and artificial wet detentionbasins monitored under NURP (Driscoll, 1983). Datafrom urban lakes in Minnesota. Illinois, Washington,D.C., and Missouri are also Included. Wetlands withpermanent pools are represented in Minnesota andFlorida. These consist of artificial detention pondsand wetlands in series. Hydraulic residence times




    Table 2.-0etentlon pond design and performance variables.POND AND WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS:Aw = watershed area ha)rc = watershed runoff coefficientA = pond area halZ = pond mean depth m)PRECIPITATION CHARACTERISTICS:Pm = mean storm size cm)


    = .2.01 Aw~


    T. = mean time between event midpoints hrsl = .95= 75= 4.2= 27.7= .25Td = mean storm duration hrs)Pt = total seasonal precipitation cm)Tt = length of season years)WATERSHED RUNOFF:m = mean storm runoff volume ha x em)Vt = total seasonal runoff volume ha x em)

    POND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS:= pond relative volume cm)= 100 AZ (Awrc)


    = 5.0 em= surface overflow rate during mean stormcm/hr)= V,J TdA) = PmD (VreITd)= pond volume/mean runoff volume= 100 AZI(AwrcPm) = Vrel/Pm

    = 4.5 em/hr= 5.3= mean hydraulic residence time years)

    = 100 AZ/{VtlTtl = V aiTt/PI = .045 years= 16.4 days

    and removal efficiencies have been calculated frompermanent pool volumes and total outflow over theentire monitoring period for each impoundment.The data set represents a diverse collection ofsystems from different areas of the country. Common factors include the presence of a permanentpool and domination of inflows by urban or, in twocases, agricultural) runoff. The data set is limited inthe sense that different sampling intensities, durations, seasons, and data reduction techniques wereemployed by the various Investigators.In every case except two Ann Arbor[Traver andWashington/Burke), the reported removal ofsuspended solids exceeds that of total phosphorus.This is consistent with the tendency for phosphorusto concentrate in the fine particulate fractions whichare less readily removed via sedimentation. Somefraction of the total phosphorus in urban runoff Is Ina dissolved form 12 to 68 percent for systems InTable 3) and may be removed or transformed atrates which are slower than direct sedimentation.Driscoll (1983) attributed the low suspended solidsremoval efficiency at Traver suspended solids

    removal 5 percent, total phosphorus removal 34 percent) to bank erosion at the outlet structure.MO EL TESTINGA variety of empirical models have been developedfor predicting phosphorus retention in lakes andreservoirs Vollenweider,1976; Canfield and Bachman,1981). The model considered here Table 4) isbased upon data from 60 Corps of Engineer reservoirs (Walker, 1985b) and has been tested against independent reservoir and lake data (Clasen andBernhardt,1980). The sedimentation of phosphorusis represented as a second-order reaction, I.e., therate of phosphorus removal per unit volume per unittime is proportional to the square of concentration.With a fixed second-order decay rate, K2, of 0.1m3/mg-yr, the model explains 80 percent of thevariance in Corps reservoir outflow concentrations.When the decay rate Is related to surface overflowrate and inflow ortho-phosphorus/total phosphorusratio using the empirically-derlved equation in Table4, the explained variance Increases to 89 percent.




    Table 3.-Summary of detention pond, wetland, and urban lake characteristics.BASIN HYOFlAULlC INFLOW (C)WATEFISHED MEAN RESID. REMOVALS ( )AREA DEPTH TIME TP DP PLOT MONITORED

    LOCATION BASIN RATIO M YRS PPB TP TP DP SYMBOL STORMSUSEPA NURP Detention Basins (U8EPA, 1982; Driscoll. 1983) (a)Lansing, MI Grace No. .0001 0 8 0.001 395 .12 0 0 0 a 18Lansing. MI Grace So. .0004 0.8 0.003 435 .14 12 23 32 0 18Ann Arbor, MI Pitt .0009 1.5 0.006 200 .20 18 0 32 0 6Ann Arbor, MI Traver .0031 1.3 0.031 91 .36 34 56 5 0 5Ann Arbor, MI Swift Run .0115 0.5 0.017 134 .29 3 29 85 0 5Long Island, NY Unqua .0184 1.0 0.094 229 45 60 0 8Washington, DC Westleigh .0285 0.6 0.091 398 .56 54 71 81 0 32Lansing, MI Waverly Hills .0171 1.4 0.263 198 .22 79 70 91 0 29Glen Ellyn, IL Lake Ellyn .0176 1.6 0.119 506 .19 34 84 0 23Minnesota Wetlands (Brown, 1985) b)Twin Cities, MN Fish .0221 1.2 0.100 307 .59 44 32 92 x 5Twin Cities, MN Spring .0007 1.3 0.002 293 .68 0 0 0 x 5Minnesota Wetland (Weidenbacher and Willenbring, 1984; Wilson, 1986)Roseville, MN Josephine 0.619 1.2 0.124 416 .67 6 69 79Minnesota Urban Lakes (Erdmann et al., 1983)Minneapolis, MN Harriet .3080 8.8 23.529 1232 96 mMinneapolis, MN Calhoun .1326 9.8 7.407 700 89 mMinneapolis, MN Isles .1554 2.4 1.321 685 87 mMinneapolis, MN Cedar .1062 6.0 3.096 439 88 mMinneapolis, MN Brownie .0228 4.9 0.193 181 66 mFlorida Detention PondlWetland (Martin and Smoot, 1986)Orlando, FL Pond .0047 1.9 0.020 181 .34 35 57 58 13Orlando, FL Wetland .0177 0.2 0.007 118 .23 13 0 53 13Orlando, FL Pond + Wetl. .0224 0.6 0.027 181 .34 43 52 80 13Illinois Urban Lake (Hey, 1982)Glen Ellyn, IL Lake Ellyn .0161 1.6 0.076 441 .31 60 72 87 14Washington Urban Runoff Detention Pond (Randall, 1982)Washington, DC Burke .1150 2.6 0.106 398 .51 59 56 37 b 29Missouri Agricultural Flood Detention Reservoir (Schreiber et al., 1980)Columbia, MO Callahan .0056 2.0 0.029 1409 .07 74 43 88 + 3 yrsMissouri Urban Lake (Oliver and Grigoropoulos, 1981)Rolla, MO Frisco .0512 1 0 0.077 309 65 88 z 25(a) Mean ReSidence Times for NURP Detention Basins Calculated from Mean Storm Overflow Rates Reported by Driscoll (1983). Assuming MeanStorm DurationfTotal Time Between Storms = 05.b) Mass Balances on Minnesota Wetlands Reported for March-Mid May Onlyel TP = Total Phosphorus, DP = Dissolved Phosphorus, SS = Total Suspended Solids

    This formulation has been shown to be useful forpredicting reservoir-to-reservoir variations inaverage pool and outflow phosphorus concentrations and for predicting spatial variations withinreservoirs (Walker,1985b).The empirical retention model is tested against theurban lake/detention pond data set in Figure 3, Dataset ranges and performance statistics are summarized in Table 5. To permit inclusion of seven impoundments with missing data, inflow dissolvedphosphorus is assumed to be 38 percent of inflowtotal phosphorus, based upon summaries of urbanrunoff data by Athayde at aI.(1983), Driscoll (1983)and Ahern et al. 1980). To satisfy data requirementsof the retention model (Table 4), inflow ortho phos-

    phorus is assumed to be 79 percent of inflow totaldissolved phosphorus In each case (Ahern et al.1960; Bowman et aI. 1979).As shown in Figure 3, observed and predictedremovals generally agree to within 15 percent, withone exception, Lake Ellyn, an IllinoIs urban lakemonitored under NURP, occurs twice in the data set,once from the summary of NURP data reported byDriscoll 1983) (observed removal = 35 percent,predicted removal = 74 percent) and once from areport by Hey 1982), the project investigator (observed removal = 60 percent, predicted removal =63 percent). Differences in data reduction procedures and/or averaging periods may account for thediscrepancies between these two sources.




    100 ,/...90

    ,.- 80 ...0 ,.-

    ./'... ,.- ...K 70 -...... /z ,.... ,

    60 / J ,,,- .2 ,,- I J ....0 ,,-...0:: .... , ; '50L .... '... ...0 f ... , ; ' /40 .../ J15 .//fII .,..0 ,. 0m 30 -0 ./... //'20 ...

    ...' /// 010 /

    // '/ 00

    0 20 40 60 80 100ESTIMATED P REMOVAl.. (%)

    figure 3. - Observed and predicted phosphorus removal etflclencles .ymbol. defined In Table 3. Dashed lin Indicate 10percent errOl bound .

    Table 4.-Phosphorus retention model developedfor Corps ot Engineer reservoirs.Symbol Definitions:F = inflow ortho P/total P ratioT = mean hydraulic residence time (years)

    = mean pool volume/mean outflow rateQ = mean surface overflow rate (m/yr)

    = mean outflow rate/mean surface areaPi = inflow total phosphorus concentration (mg/m3)= total phosphorus loading/mean outflow rate

    Second Order Decay Rate (m3/mg-yr):K2 = .056 QsF.;- l/(Os + 13.3)Dimensionless Reaction Rate:N, = K2PiTRetention Coefficient (Mixed System):

    Rp = 1 + [1 - (1 + 4N,)S]/(2N,)With the exception of the Minneapolis lakes, themean depths and hydraulic residence times of theimpoundments In this data set tend to be lower thanthose represented In the model development andtesting data sets (Table 5). Model errors, asmeasured by mean squared errors in the logarithmsof predicted outflow concentrations, are of similarmagnitude (.017 for Corps Reservoirs, .034 for

    OECD Reservoirs and Shallow Lakes, .018 for theentire detention pond data set, and .012 for thedetention pond data set excluding the outlier discussed above). Despite the heterogeneity of thedetention pond data set, the empirical modelderived from much larger and more consistent databases appears to be useful for predicting averagephosphorus removal efficiencies without detailedsimulation of individual storm events.MODEL APPLICATIONSThe empirical model tested above can be used toexamine the relationship between basin morphometriC features (area, depth) and phosphorusremoval efficiency for a given watershed andclimate. Such an application is demonstrated belowfor precipitation rates and urban runoff concentrations typical of the St. Paul area. The approach canbe applied to other areas with substitution of appropriate regional parameters.Model implementation requires specification ofmean hydraulic residence time, surface overflowrate, inflow total phosphorus concentration, and inflow orthophosphorus/total phosphorus ratio. Asshown In Table 2, relative voh,lme is directly propor-




    Table 5.-Data set and model performance statistics.MODEL


    TESTING THIS STUDYData SetImpoundments a60 b20 c24Mean Depth (m)Residence Time (years)Inflow Total P (ppb)Inflow Ortho PlTotal P

    - -Data Set Characteristics1.5 58.013-1.9114 1047.06 .95

    5 20.3 1.65 1000

    .13 .8

    .2 8.8.001 23.591 1232.06 .54

    - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - Mode I Performance StatisticsPredicted Variable: Annual Outflow Total Phosphorus ConcentrationN 60 20.886.03424 (23)0.

    .780 .SSO).018 (.012)A2 .887Mean Squared Error .017Predicted Variable: Mean. Growing-Season. Mixed-Layer P ConcentrationN 40 19.934.019A2 .923Mean Squared Error .013"Model Performance Statistics Calculated on Log ,o scalesExcluding One Outliers (Lake Ellyn/Driscoll (1983))Data Sets:a U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Reservoirs. Walker (1985a)b DECD Reservoir and Shallow Lakes Program (Clasen and Bernhardt, 1980)c Urban Lakes and Detention Ponds, This Study, Table 3

    tional to mean hydraulic residence time for a givenseason length and total precipitation. Mean surfaceoverflow rate (mean depth/mean hydraulic residencetime) can be calculated for a given relative volumeand pond depth. Based upon review of regionalurban runoff data, an inflow total phosphorus concentration of 650 ppb and inflow orthophosphorus/total phosphorus ratio of 0.3 have been assumed for the purposes of the following evaluations.Using the above parameters, pred icted total phosphorus removal percentages are plotted as a function of relative volume and mean depth In Figure 4. Abasin designed according to NURP criteria (Vrel = 5_1lEPlH

    110 0 M10 e "

    T LO MP 60 0.5 M[R 50 IXMl4

    30V URP DESISNAL00 i0 10 15 20 25


    Rgure 4.-Predlcted phosphorus removal efficiency vs. relative volume X axis = pond volume/(waterahed area x runoffcoefficient).

    em, Z = 1 m, Table 2 is estimated to have a phosphorus removal efficiency of 59 percent. Thepredicted performance is very sensitive to Vrel atvalues below 3 to 5 em. At values above 5 em,however, performance is relatively insensitive tovolume and increasingly sensitive to mean depth.An alternative way of expressing the performancicurves is to plot percent removal against basin relative area (pond area/(watershed area X runoff coefficient)) for various mean depths (Fig. 5). This Isolateseffects of pond area and depth. Generally, depthsensitivity is maintained over a wide range of relativeareas. In contrast, performance is relatively insensitive to area for relative areas above 3 percent. Thissuggests that deepening a pond is generallypreferable to increasing its surface area for improving phosphorus retention.10

    To 60T5IJ

    P 1-40R

    30DY 2010

    _ .5lEAN DEPTH 00

    Figure 5.- Predicted phosphorus removal.mcl.ncy v..tlve area (X axis = 100 percent x pond a,.a/(wllter.hed rx runoff coefficient).




    The flatness of the performance curves suggeststhat the NURP design is relatively robust and costeffective for phosphorus removal. When land valuesare not considered, pond volume is the best predictor of capital cost (Schueler, 1986). When landvalues are considered, however, costs may be moredirectly related to area, depending upon local conditions. In order to increase removal efficiency from 59to 75 percent, a 40 percent reduction in the residualloading) the pond volume would have to be increased by a factor of 4 (from Vrel = 5 to 20 cm).This could be achieved, for example, by increasingthe mean depth from 1 to 3 meters and increasingthe relative area from 5 to 6.6 percent.Figure 6 Illustrates the sensitivity of model predictions to twofold variations in each input parameterfor a basin designed according to NURP criteria.Removal rates are most sensitive to inflow phosphorus concentration, inflow ortho phosphoruS/totalphosphorus ratio, and the effective second-orderdecay coefficient (predicted removal range = 47 to68 percent). A first-order error analysis indicates thatthe effects of model error can be approximately represented by twofold variations In the effective decaycoefficient for estimation of 90 percent confidenceranges (Walker, 1985b). Thus, when potential modelerror is considered, the predicted performance of aNURP basin would range from 47 to 68 percent.Compilation and analysis of regional runoff data canhelp to reduce uncertainty associated with estimatesof Pi and Fo.

    T IIIP


    ~ ~ ~ ~ I _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ I P ~F CTOR

    Figure 6. - SenslUvlty of model predictions t Input factorseffects of 2-fold variations In each Input factor on predi ctedphosphorus removal eff iciency are shown. Base values are 5em for relative volume, 1 m for depth, 650 ppb for pi, .3 for Fo,and 27 em for precipitation. For example, the depth barshows the predicted performance range for a depth range of0.5 to 2 meter with other Inpu t factors held fixed.

    Sensitivities to volume and precipitation raterange from 51 to 64 percent. The responses totwofOld variations in precipitation approximatelyreflect the expected performance range under different seasonal hydrologiC conditions. Based uponanalysiS of 20 years of precipitation data from the

    Minneapolis/St. Paul airport, seasonal





    T 80ALP J 70RE14 600VAL 50

    40 1 2 8 o .5 1 2 4 1- 2-PlugCell Cell Flow 01 251 501 751Figure 7.-AHernaUve methods for Increasing phosphorus removal efficiency (solid b r = predicted performance of NURPbasin design; hatched b r = predicted performance of modified design).discharge Is through a surface outlet. OVerall phosphorus removal may be enhanced by promoting infiltration to groundwaters, w ~ would tend toremove significant quantities of dissolved andsuspended phosphorus via adsorption and filtration.Feasibility depends strongly upon soil characteristics and groundwater regimes. Self-sealing of pondbottoms with organic material and clays may limitlong-term pertormance. During extended dryperiods, loss of permanent pool volume may poseaesthetic problems. Design of outlets and topography to promote overflow of the pond onto adjacent pervious soils during storm events and subsequent infiltration may be feasible and effective Insome situations.Approximate perspectives on the potential effectsof Infiltration on removal efficiency are shown inFigure 7. The magnitude of the pond overflow rate inrelation to the Infiltration rate through the pond bottom determines potential benefits. Effects onremoval efficiency have been estimated according tothe following equation derived from a mass balance:1-Rpl = 1-Rp) 1- i/qs) 1)

    where,Rpl == retention coefficient, adjusted for infiltrationRp retention coefficient without infiltrationqa = pond surface overflow rate (cm/day)

    = infiltration rate (cm/day)

    This assumes that percolated water no longer contributes to downstream loading. McGauhey (1968)reports equil ibrium Infiltration rates (after extendedperiods of permanent flooding) for sands and loamsin the range of 1.5 to 37 cm/day. The NURP design Inthis climate corresponds to a surface overflow rateof 22 mtyr or 6 em/day. As illustrated in Figure 7 Increasing the infiltration rate from 0 to 4 cm/day increases removal efficiency from 59 to 86 percent.Promoting Infiltration may be a viable option in areaswith permeable soils.The soiution to the phosphorus retention model(Table 4) assumes completely mixed conditions.Separation of the detention pond Into two or moredistinct cells would promote plug-flow conditionsand increase removal efficiency for suspendedsolids and phosphorus. The importance of designingsedimentation baslns to promote plug-flow behavioris well established In the sanitary engineering fiffid(Fairet al. 1968). Oberts 1983) has suggested thatstaged designs for runoff treatment (sedimentationbasins followed by natural or artificial wetlandbasins) may be beneficial in providing a range ofconditions and habitats for various removalmechanisms to operate and in protecting wetlandsfrom sediment accumulation. Two-cell configurations have also been suggested to facilitate pondmaintenance (Driscoll, 1986). Urban trash, coarseand medium suspended solids (representing most ofthe sediment mass) would tend to be deposited in




    the first ponel. Dredging or other maintenance practices could be implemented in the first pond withoutdisturbing established biological communities in thesecond. The second pond would also provkle a buffer against water quality disturbances associatedwith maintenance of the first pond.The model can be used to evaluate the potentialbenefits of multicell designs with respect to phosphorus removal. The second-order sedimentationmodel has been shown to apply to simulations ofspatial variations in several lakes and reservoirs,when advection and dispersion processes are represented Walker, 1985b). The solution for the retention coefficient under plug-flow conditions is givenby:

    Rp = NrI 1 + Nr) 2)where Nr is defined in Table 4. Figure 6 comparesthe predicted performance of a NURP basin in eachof three configurations completely mixed, two-cell,plug flow). The two-cell case is based upon simulation of two, completely-mixed basins in serias, eachwith a relative volume of 2.5 cm. Generally, someelevation drop would be required between the firstand second cells to prevent back-mixing. Performance of the basin Increases from 59 to 83 percentas the configuration changes from mixed to plugflow colxlitions. The potential increase in performance is substantial enough to seriously considertwo-cell or multicell designs.The addition of chemicals to promote precipitation of orthophosphorus is another method to improve performance. Ahern at al 1980) usedlaboratory settling column tests to estimate the annual phosphorus removal efficiency of a sedimentation basin in an urban Wisconsin watershed. It wasprojected that seasonal addition of alum would increase annual removal efficiency from 62 to 76 percent. Applying ferric chloride or alum to the inflowsof drinking water reservoirs in Europe has beenshown to be effective at reducing reservoir algalgrowths Bernhardt, 1980; Bannink et al. 1978;Hayes et aI. 1984). The feaslbUity of applying thistechnique to onsite and regional detention ponds inthe watersheds of the St. Paul water supply lakes iscurrently under investigation Walker, 1986). Whilechemical addition would Involve additional cost andmore Intensive operation, the expense and effortmay be justified In some situations, depending uponrunoff chemistry, watershed conditions, andlake/reservoir management objectives.Effects of chemical treatment to remove Of -thophosphorus can be estimated by adjusting theInflow orthophosphorusltotal phosphorus ratio used

    to calCUlate the effective sedimentation rate Table4). s illustrated in Figure 6, chemical treatment toremove between 0 and 75 percent of the inflow orthophosphorus without influencing inflow totalphosphorus) would increase removal efficiency from59 to 76 percent. Model projections are similar tothose obtained by Ahem et al. 1980).Other possibiities for Improving performance include 1) promoting growth of specific types ofaquatiC vegetation which are adapted to phosphorus removal from the water column versus bottom sediments) and 2) hydraulic design of outletstructures to provide temporary storage on top ofthe permanent pool slow draining flood pool). Thelatter may increase detention time and removal efficiency for larger events, depending upon the extentof flood storage volume available, outlet deSign,hydrograph characteristics, and flood elevation constraints. It is not possible to evaluate these alternatives with a model of the type described above,however.M INTEN NCE CONSIDER TIONSThe deSign criteria evaluated above refer to permanent pool volume and depth during the period ofoperation. Removal of sediment would be requiredat periodic intervals in order to maintain performance. Since dredging costs are typically three tofive times dry excavation costs per unit volumeSchueler, 1986), it may make sense to oversize apond initially to Insure performance over a specifieddesign period. Experience with detention ponds Inthe Washington, D.C. area and in Canada indicatesvolume losses on the order of .5-1 percent per yearScheuler, 1986; Chambers and Tottle, 1980).Monitoring data on suspended solids export fromstabilized urban watersheds can be used to projectsediment accumulation rates for detention ponds Ina particular region. Since potential sedimentationrates during construction periods are much greaterand more difficult to predict, the Initial pond volumecriteria should apply to pond conditions at the endof the construction period when watershed vegetation has been re-established. The sizing of ponds Isonly one design aspect; other practical considerations regarding design and operation are discussedin a publication by the Washington Area CouneRGovernments 1986).Multiple-use potentials of detention ponds shouldbe considered in their design and maintenance.Based upon a survey of 360 Maryland resk:lents, thepublic considers wet detention ponds to be Important resources with respect to wildlife attraction,landscaping, aesthetics, recreation, and propertyvalues Metropolitan Washington Council Govern-



    mants, 1983). These values, combined with potentialpollutant removal effectiveness, suggest that urbanponds have important places in lake and watershedmanagement.ON LUSIONS

    1. An empirical model originally developed forpred icting phosphorus retention in reservoirs hasbeen shown to be useful for predicting phosphorusretention in urban lakes and wet detention basins.2. Detention pond sizing criteria for suspendedsolids removal developed under the EPA s Nationwide Urban Runoff Program can be most effectivelyexpressed in terms of relative volume (pondvolume/impervious watershed area > 5 cm) andmean depth > 1 meter). For a given climate, relative volume is directly linked to important predictorsof pond performance, including mean hydraulicresidence time and pond/mean storm volume ratio.3. For conditions typical of the St. Paul area,ponds designed according to NURP criteria are es-timated to have mean hydraulic residence times of16 days and total phosphorus removal efficienciesof 47 to 68 percent. The design appears to bereasonably robust (insensitive to key designparameters). With appropriate adjustments inprecipitation statistics and runoff water quality conditions, the methodology can be applied to predictpond performance in other regions.4. Possibilities for improving performance include:1) Increasing mean depth; 2) promoting infiltration;

    3) promoting plug flow conditions; 4) chemicaltreatment to remove orthophosphorus; 5) encouraging growth of certain types of aquatic plants:and 6) design of outlet structure to provide extended detention of large runoff events. These maybe useful and appropriate, depending upon thedesired level of control and other site-specHlc conditions.5. Allocating additional pool volume to allow forsediment accumulation over a design lifetime is suggested as a means of Improving treatment longevityand reducing long-term maintenance requirements.

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