philo 133- deliv. 1

ohn Thomas E. Luna Philo 133-C June 29, 2015 Reflection Paper Like any graduating student, we feel both exhilarating and at the same time anxious in finishing our studies. We feel a certain degree of nervousness and apprehension as we clutch are way to graduation day. Most of us feel consumed for the sleepless nights only to pass the long exams, to prepare for a theory test or maybe to finish a thesis paper. Each and every one of us is clearly fighting for our lives when we reach the last year in college. Some of us envision graduating in class with flying colours, aiming and fighting for Latin honours in the awards ceremony. In relation with movie, Monty is pumped up with his studies and is aiming for a Latin honour and the last thing he will do is to submit his thesis paper- which is obviously his life. Like Monty, we student nurses are hastily completing the required number of cases in the hospital and we work day and night to ace our nursing subjects. I also see myself similar with his situation, somehow related in a sense that we will soon to be graduates, wandering what could be our next chapter in life after our graduation. I have learned to appreciate the tedious, yet worthwhile and adrenaline-charged moments when my mind engages with individuals who are vulnerable and financially-deprived. In our field, we always utilize knowledge and skills, critical

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ohn Thomas E. LunaPhilo 133-C June 29, 2015Reflection Paper

Like any graduating student, we feel both exhilarating and at the same time anxious in finishing our studies. We feel a certain degree of nervousness and apprehension as we clutch are way to graduation day. Most of us feel consumed for the sleepless nights only to pass the long exams, to prepare for a theory test or maybe to finish a thesis paper. Each and every one of us is clearly fighting for our lives when we reach the last year in college. Some of us envision graduating in class with flying colours, aiming and fighting for Latin honours in the awards ceremony. In relation with movie, Monty is pumped up with his studies and is aiming for a Latin honour and the last thing he will do is to submit his thesis paper- which is obviously his life. Like Monty, we student nurses are hastily completing the required number of cases in the hospital and we work day and night to ace our nursing subjects. I also see myself similar with his situation, somehow related in a sense that we will soon to be graduates, wandering what could be our next chapter in life after our graduation. I have learned to appreciate the tedious, yet worthwhile and adrenaline-charged moments when my mind engages with individuals who are vulnerable and financially-deprived. In our field, we always utilize knowledge and skills, critical analysis and the initiative when taking care of our patients, and definitely its one tiring work.I understand the situation of Monty, since he found himself possessing an injury in his right leg and still ceaselessly searching for his thesis paper below the library. He came across a homeless man named Simon, reading and then burning his composition. Monty pleaded the entire paper and suggested to offer him something warming and edible in return. But Simon has another proposal for him, and that was for every deed hell give a piece of paper of his work. Like any student, I personally have experienced this kind of challenges back when I was a third year student. The unending power interruption in the evening tests our patience and endurance to study for the exams. At times when we were working in the computer laboratory and all of a sudden there was a loss of electricity and you werent able to save your work. Now and then as we conclude our year to earn our degree, the narrow and crucial is the way end. The lesson here is that we must do things as much as possible, in a gentle manner and at the same time cautious so that we would not end up messing the fruits of our labour. I was struck with Montys perseverance with his work. Day by the day Monty never gave up fighting for his life and he continues to help the poor old man even if he is stubborn homeless man. He learned a lot of things from Simon- both political and philosophical ideals. His devotion and diligence to finish his studies inspires me to do best for the remaining days in college. It is apparent when Monty met Simon, his philosophy in life has changed gradually. On the other hand, in line with his situation, student nurses are adjustable with their environment. In the field, we briskly try to learn to adapt to the different scenarios with our patient, our first encounter with our patients and because of these, it made trench in my heart when we come across patients who are unaided and ignored. These are some of the constant changes in our life- changes that implore the need to understand other people and to act selfless. Owing to the great film, I challenge myself to dig deeply and reflect what it wants us to impart to be able to rectify the confusion and uncertainty in our usual routine. It is very unlikely to find a person living in the streets or even in the peripheries and hang out with them. It is very challenging yet it tells us that true and wise people are not always found inside our comfort zones. It also tells us that true wisdom is not always obvious with educated people but it is evident with well-mannered ones. I learned that it is not bad to spend time with people who are not related to us. On duty, we always ask the patients history and establishing rapport with our clients and communicating as much as possible. What I learned from the movie was, we must not discriminate nor judge the people outside our box plus wrest opportunity to belittle them, because sometimes their experiences in life are more vital and deep more than ours. Another part of the movie which I was moved was when the time when theyve discovered that Simon was suffering from Asbestosis and his condition was already critical. His last wish was to reunite with his son and indeed he got a chance to see his son wherein he left long time ago but ill-fated his son was not happy to see him. The scene was very moving that I cried because of it. Like many of the students I also lost a father and indeed it is truly hard when you do not have a father to guide you. In the movie, it was very disrespectful for him to do such thing to his father. I bear in mind that in everything I do, I must be thankful for the life I have, even if my father doesnt anymore exist in this mortal world but still, I believe his spiritual presence is still here guiding me. Simon returned to Monty the rest of his thesis paper. But due to his repercussion and strong adherence to the government, he changed his radical ideas following the beliefs and philosophy of Simon and opposing the ideas of his professor. He submitted his papers after the expected time thus he didnt graduate as Summa Cum Laude. I saved this for the last reflection because this is what the movie sums up for. I have reflected that life must persist even if tribulation or burden comes in to our sight. I know that in the politically minded ones would truly appreciate the movie at somehow because they seem to see their selves aligned with Montys situation. But for an ordinary student like me, consciously dreaming for my future, it is with prudence that I will finish studies. It is fine if you were not able to finish your studies with a Latin honour but it is surely great if you have one. But for us nurses, as they always say, it is fine not to finish top in class as long as you top the licensure exam. The experiences are much more important since it will be both essential when we will take the board exam and when we will work as future nurses. It is necessary that what you do in life are what you love thus using the potentials wisely and opening new horizons. It is substantial that the rest of days we have in life is the mirror you have weaved your dreams. And I quote Simons death letter to Monty whom he refers to as the one who will graduate in life with honours and without regret. This is the most beautiful message that Ive ever heard and for me it left a fount in my heart to strive for the best things in life. Surely one does not end-up prying for the challenges ahead of us but with conviction and Gods guidance, each of us will search the authentic meaning of our lives in the greater scheme of things.