pflichtmodul master conference – mastertagung aim: the aim of the module is the organization of a...

Pflichtmodul Master Conference Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days. The students decide on the scientific focus of the conference and prepare the scientific program regarding themes and sessions. Talks will be presented by the students as well as by in- house and external speakers. The students are responsible for the development of the program, time scheduling, speaker invitation and the assignment of activities. Skills: At the end of the module you will be able to - to coordinate a conference session - to assess the organisational complexity involved in coordinating a session - to present scientific results to a professional audience

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days

Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung


The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over

two (02.–03.02.2015) days.

The students decide on the scientific focus of the conference and prepare the

scientific program regarding themes and sessions.

Talks will be presented by the students as well as by in-house and external


The students are responsible for the development of the program, time

scheduling, speaker invitation and the assignment of activities.


At the end of the module you will be able to

- to coordinate a conference session

- to assess the organisational complexity involved in coordinating a session

- to present scientific results to a professional audience

Page 2: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days
Page 3: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days
Page 4: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days
Page 5: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days
Page 6: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days
Page 7: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days

Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung


Course achievement: contribution to the conference organization

- will be checked by assignments depending on the type of contribution


80 h / 3 CP

- 42 h presence, working group arrangements and conference attendance

(3 SWS, 14 weeks) - 38 h conference organisation and preparation of

personal contribution

Page 8: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days

Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung

Timetable Talks - Conference:

• 02.-03.02.2014 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr

• Lecture Hall 1550

Next Meeting: 30.10.2015

Page 9: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days

Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung


I am Head of conference and Head of finances (preparing the budget)

I am taking part in all phases of preparation, execution, ending and

evaluation and sets up the time frame of the event

Page 10: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days

Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung

4 or 8 Research Groups…..

………….responsible to fill the two days of the meeting

Organize meeting with your colleagues, collect ideas about program, have

some brain storming about interesting topics for discussions or lecturers,

events ...

- Ask professors etc. to have a short lecture or be part of discussion on a

specific theme

Page 11: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days

Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung

1 Group: Head of program (what would be the program like, getting in

touch with the guests, lecturers, participants….)

Prepare the program of the conference; plan every event from getting up in the

morning to going to sleep…..

Individual tasks are:

- preparing the program, order of the day (in agreement with the group responsible

to the topic of the day; one person of the “Program Group” should accompany

one “Research Group”))

- preparing the outline of the abstracts, design the abstract program booklet

- getting in touch with the lecturers, participants etc.; sending out the invitation (only

in agreement with Head of conference and Head of finances)

- informing the Head of technical support which equipment isneed and when

Page 12: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days

Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung

1 Group: Head of technical support (preparation of lecture hall, audio-

video equipment, info-point, photocopying…), webmaster and public


Prepare the lecture hall in time; make sure that the audio-video equipment

is working properly.

Other tasks are:

- responsible for up date of info – point and materials available there;

- photocopies for needed materials for the conference.

- providing the white board markers, floppy discs for the delegates, etc.

- maintain the home page of the conference; make sure you get provided

with the content for the home page e.g. theme and speaker etc.

- prepare announcements, flyer

- prepare the abstract volume (in cooperation with Head of Program)

- looking for the sponsorship; catering

Page 13: Pflichtmodul Master Conference – Mastertagung Aim: The aim of the module is the organization of a geosciences conference over two (02.–03.02.2015) days