particle settling velocity put particle in a still fluid… what happens? speed at which particle...

Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s , shape fluid properties: ρ , μ, Re F g F d

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

Particle Settling Velocity

Put particle in a still fluid… what happens?

Speed at which particle settles depends on:

particle properties: D, ρs, shape

fluid properties: ρf, μ, Re



Page 2: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

STOKES Settling Velocity

Assumes: spherical particle

laminar settling



Page 3: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

At terminal velocity,

Fg = Fd

Solve for Ws,

Stokes settling velocity:

Remember Assumptions!

Stokes Region: WsD/ < 1 Laminar




2 gDWs

Page 4: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape


Shape close to a sphere

Laminar –

What if turbulent?

Cd = f (ν, D, ρ) - turbulent

Cd = 24/Re - laminar

D (nominal)

Ws SF = 1

SF < 1

Page 5: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape
Page 6: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

Turbulent part of the curve:

Gibbs formulation –

(cgs units)

use for spheres 0.0063 cm < D < 1.0 cm









Page 7: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

Laminar (Stokes) vs. Turbulent (Gibbs) settling

Comparison of Stokes and Gibbs





0 0.05 0.1 0.15

Diameter, cm



g V



, cm




Page 8: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

For a 0.01 mm particle:

How long to settle through 10 m of water column?

Size (D) Ws (Stokes) Time(S) Time(G)Very coarse sand 1 mm 64 cm/s 16 sec 1.1 min

Fine to very fine sand 0.1 mm 0.64 cm/s 26 min 28.2 min

Silt 0.01 mm 0.0064 cm/s 43 hrs

Clay 0.001 mm 0.000064 cm/s 180 days

Page 9: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

What we see:

“Observations of suspended sediment concentration collected around the mouths of rivers around the globe provide clear support for the hypothesis that mud and sand both sink rapidly from discharge plumes” Hill et al, in press

“After a large flood, more than 80% of the flood sediment could be accounted for in water depths of less than 50 m at distances less than 20 km from the river mouths. Given that currents typically fall in the range of 10-20 cm/s, these observations suggest that particles must have been sinking at speeds of approximately 0.1 mm/s which is typical of medium silts and exceeds settling velocity of clay particles by an order of magnitude” Drake et al., 1972

Page 10: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

Particles have a tendency to form aggregates:

Larger particles (settle faster)

Lower density (settle slower)

Settling Camera :

Page 11: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

According to: Physio-chemical factors in particle aggregation, Johnson et al.

Aggregation applies to the general process of formation of larger particles from the collision of smaller particles.

Flocculation refers to aggregation when the bonding agent that holds particles together is a high molecular weight polymer that operates through inter-particle bridging.

Coagulation describes the process of aggregation in which primary particles are destabilized by charge neutralization through double layer compression.

But … in Oceanography the terms are used interchangeably to mean the formation of larger particles from smaller.

Page 12: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

Aggregation of particles:

• physio-chemical processes

• biological processes

Physio-chemical processes

Electrostatic forces – All particles are charged..

Van der Waals force – attraction of one molecules nuclei with another’s electrons.

Born Repulsion – once close enough, electrons of one repulse electrons of another.


Page 13: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape
Page 14: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

All these forces require particles to be close together

How do they get together and cause collisions?

• Brownian motion

• Shearing mechanisms

• Differential settling

Smaller grain sizes – of similar size Brownian motion

of different size Shear

Larger grain sizes of similar size Differential settling

of different size Shear

Page 15: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

Flocculation - less common in rivers (ionic strength)

- reversible process

Limits to size

Biological Processes

• fecal pellets – settle at high rates

• mucous “stringers”

Page 16: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

When aggregation occurs,

• Aggregates can grow O(102) larger than compound particles.

• “card-house” structure with much water in interstices.

• Floc density typically ranges 1.27 – 1.07 g/cm3

primary aggregates – 1.16-1.27 g/cm3

secondary aggregates – 1.06 – 1.07 g/cm3

• Floc settling velocity is substantially higher than the settling velocity of the component grains.

Page 17: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape
Page 18: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape
Page 19: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

Hindered SettlingAt increasing concentrations, flocs interact


• Particles cause an upward flow of the fluid they displace

Page 20: Particle Settling Velocity Put particle in a still fluid… what happens? Speed at which particle settles depends on: particle properties: D, ρ s, shape

At ~ 10 – 20 g/l (10 - 20 ppm of flocculated sediment) hindered settling occurs