panacea is a registered non-profit organization, dedicated ...2009_jul... · panacea is a...

Panacea is a registered non-profit organization, dedicated to educational study and research . All copyrights belong to their owners and are acknowledged. All material presented on our web sites is either news reporting or information presented for non- profit study and research, or has previously been publicly disclosed or has implicitly or explicitly been put into the public domain. Fair Use applies. The Panacea main web site Greetings and welcome to Panacea-BOCAF newsletter #7 dated August 2009. Panacea does not conduct frequent newsletters but when we do report, it is after we have achieved and made major changes in our genre of research – However it is our subscribers and donators which have made a difference where no others have. Policing open source FREE energy research and development has been successful in the past due to our combined efforts. Every month you can see numerous articles on Peswiki about people who are ready to market their free energy devices, but so far nothing has come out. WHY? Panacea has done research to understand why and know how to prevent this. The biggest issue is investment and FACULTY acceptance. No one is willing to put their money into the technology - this would change if the mainstream faculties had validation and grant endorsement of our genre of research. Add to the fact that the government is giving billions to bankers to fix their imaginary monetary system rather than into this neglected and critically needed area. However due to the open source energy community and work we are doing - These three major elements can addressed and addressed effectively. First up the trustee’s of Panacea wish to personally thank “Rolf”, “JT” and “D” for their generous donations in helping prevent energy suppression and supporting open source FREE energy R and D. An individual we know of as “Rolf” has been above average in generosity and helped us perform our NON PROFIT public service. Thanks “Rolf” and to all who have donated. It is only due to YOUR subscription and donations that we have effectively prevented past FREE energy suppression cases and have been able to continue our nonprofit FREE energy R and D. Open source engineers continued R and D input is vital in helping Panacea OPEN SOURCE the information back to the public. Your subscription and donations are making a difference. This subscription is giving engineers security and confidence.

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Panacea is a registered non-profit organization, dedicated to educational study and research. All copyrights belong to their owners and are acknowledged. All material presented on our web sites is either news reporting or information presented for non-profit study and research, or has previously been publicly disclosed or has implicitly

or explicitly been put into the public domain. Fair Use applies.

The Panacea main web site

Greetings and welcome to Panacea-BOCAF newsletter #7 dated August 2009. Panacea does not conduct frequent newsletters but when we do report, it is after we have achieved and made major changes in our genre of research – However it is our subscribers and donators which have made a difference where no others have.

Policing open source FREE energy research and development has been successful in the past due to our combined efforts. Every month you can see numerous articles on Peswiki about people who are ready to market their free energy devices, but so far nothing has come out. WHY? Panacea has done research to understand why and know how to prevent this.

The biggest issue is investment and FACULTY acceptance. No one is willing to put their money into the technology - this would change if the mainstream faculties had validation and grant endorsement of our genre of research. Add to the fact that the government is giving billions to bankers to fix their imaginary monetary system rather than into this neglected and critically needed area. However due to the open source energy community and work we are doing - These three major elements can addressed and addressed effectively.

First up the trustee’s of Panacea wish to personally thank “Rolf”, “JT” and “D” for their generous donations in helping prevent energy suppression and supporting open source FREE energy R and D. An individual we know of as “Rolf” has been above average in generosity and helped us perform our NON PROFIT public service. Thanks “Rolf” and to all who have donated.

It is only due to YOUR subscription and donations that we have effectively prevented past FREE energy suppression cases and have been able to continue our nonprofit FREE energy R and D. Open source engineers continued R and D input is vital in helping Panacea OPEN SOURCE the information back to the public. Your subscription and donations are making a difference. This subscription is giving engineers security and confidence.

A reminder for Security

To all our subscribers - It is Important note that should your news letter not show up and / or the Panacea web site ever is taken down ,or anything suspicious like a non response from the nonprofit organization ever occurs - Please email from the link below (save this link). Along with the following text template provided. Please email the Panacea web site BEFORE hand to double check.

Queensland Police head quarters.

Police Headquarters Queensland Police Service

200 Roma Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

Telephone: (07) 3364 6464 (TTY - (07) 3364 4655) Facsimile: (07) 3236 2359

GPO Box 1440 BRISBANE QLD 4001

Queensland Police Service Internet Web Site -

Hello, I am a news letter subscriber of a nonprofit organization at I am sending this email in order to inform you that the nonprofit

organization which is engaged in research and development into alternative and suppressed energy technology may have been targeted and or intimidated. Their news letter has not turned up and or there is no response from their web site. As a

news letter subscriber this email has been sent as a precaution, deterrent and as a “watch dog” of their operations. Newsletter subscribers have been informed that the nonprofit organization has visited your police station to go on record detailing

that they are pursuing this research and further that intimidation or interference may possibly occur. Plus they have reported that previous intimidation has occurred to

their registered engineers. Therefore we the news letter subscribers are advised that if anything suspicious arises, for the news letter subscriber to send you this concerned

email. Please look into the situation immediately. Regards….

Send the Email to this link below - Save this link!

Energy suppression is a continued problem. Panacea has just completed part one (8 hours long) of “The Panacea energy suppression production, researchers edition” which will summarize our 5 years of research into FREE energy suppression. This will be uploaded in the near future. Part 2 is currently being edited. This researcher’s edition will be used in our public demos for reference to create awareness and public pressure.

This Panacea energy suppression production (researcher’s edition) is long overdue and unique, it is the first to ever profile in detail ALL of the suppression cases and provide the reasoning for the proposed granted research and development center as an effective solution. Panacea intends to use this medium to lay ground work with this new production to help the public.

We are happy to report that no suspicious behavior has happened to your nonprofit organization or to any of our open source engineers despite us being involved in this genre of research that threatens the status quo. The Panacea’s trustees would like to personally congratulate you for playing a continued successful security role with your news letter subscription. Thank you for your critically needed support! – We look forward to reporting to you in the next newsletter which is due in December of 2009.

Main page news Panacea at Green Fest 2009

Pollution cutting and energy saving technology featured

Panacea presented open source and suppressed FREE energy technologies at Australia's biggest green festival ( in order to educate the public and government to superior pollution cutting and energy saving technologies. This was the first time these technologies were all in one place and presented to the public. We intend to push for public pressure in order to get the government to use these technologies to save the tax payer money, stop pollution and save energy.

GEET/SPAD/Ecopra Hydroxy

SOLAR Bedini technology/Imhotep Roto Verter

This was also done to support the open source free energy movement. Technical instructions on the replication of these devices can be found on the Panacea University website

Panacea Trustee and representative – Ashtweth speaking in our educational production

The information presented at Green Fest was also sent to the Australian government by registered mail in order to wake them up to all our technology and the energy saving technology which can save the tax payer money on fuel and stop pollution.

Info Pack sent to Parliament – Dated July 28 2009

Registered mail receipt – The package is now on record

Please forward this information to your local members of government and help support this work. We need your help to do so. A DVD can be obtained from us directly for this purpose; if you can do this please contact us for your DVD.

Full details can be found in our video production

Panacea at Green Fest 2009 (1 of 8)

Educational install videos to help cut the carbon footprint and save energy

Panacea has completed two FREE install how-to videos in order to give the public a medium that will allow the training of mechanics to retrofit energy saving and

pollution cutting technology. This was also done to support Paul Pantone. Panacea is the NON profit re-seller of these devices in order to help support Paul pantone. We are committed to disseminating them at LOW COST to stop pollution and save energy.

Ecopra kit install

The Pollution cutting and energy saving Ecopra kit

Background - Ecopra Kit system

Video -Panacea Ecopra Installation

Nano Kit Installation

Background - Nano Kit system

Install Video -The Panacea Nano Installation

It is recommended that people move towards the GEET school (more info below), these kits do not compare in efficiency and so far we are the only ones RE- selling them at low cost to give back to Paul Pantone.

The GEET School is up and running!

We are happy to report that Paul Pantone is now a free man due to every ones combined efforts and largely due to David Pantone. Panacea has been donating funds to help him get back on his feet. As a result Paul pantone has commented “I wish to utilize you and Panacea for advancement for knowledge. Other groups are not in the same caliber or mindset.” – Paul Pantone.

A Panacea GEET conversion taken from our video production

A personal thank you to Paul for such kind words, it means the world to us. The fact that he is now safe means we have fresh energy and the task to help Paul get the due recognition he deserves from his invention plus stop pollution and clean up the planet. The GEET technology could effectively remove up to 90%+ of the pollution in EVERY country in the world not to mention relieve a significant economic burden.

It is Panacea’s intent to help and support Paul Pantone with the new school, also to create public awareness and public pressure for government to endorse the GEET to save the tax payer monies on city council applications – Plus help to create rebates to make it easier for people retro-fit the technology to cut the carbon foot print and save energy.

You can still help Paul get back on his feet, hasn’t he been through enough? Paul Pantone has NO TEETH due to medical neglect from the authorities! To help, please visit the web page listed below and go to David Pantone’s website listed there to make a donation to help Paul.

(Refresh page)

Panacea hopes to help Paul and David with the GEET School Australia. More news will be announced in the near future.

Panacea Research and Development projects Dr Ron Stiffler’s SEC

Dr Stiffler’s SEC exciter charging a battery

This device has been tested and confirmed by many replicators as being the first easily replicable COP+1 device which can be used for lighting, battery charging or as an electrolyzer. Dr Stiffler has collaborated with Panacea to produce an educational course on his SEC device. We will be independently testing 3 SEC circuits and making the info available for all to apply into real world applications. Dr Stiffler is a personal hero of ours and shows you can be open source with free energy and make a difference.

New MRA Tests

Thanks to Norm and Joel – The New MRA (magnetic resonance amplifier) experiments will be conducted for over unity research. New windings are being done and form this new replication an independent report will be gathered by Panacea France. Upon completion and verification we intend to make this device available public with press to support Joel and Norm the original inventors plus help create social reform in the patent office and stop them from suppressing free energy technology.

All in one Solar/Fan/Light Bedini charger

One Battery charging two of equal size whilst operating a light and or Fan

Panacea will be publishing this new practical battery charging circuit which combines the Joule thief for lighting and charging, plus the solid state and Bedini fan. All this will be in the New Bedini course within 3 weeks. This is an efficient charger and unique method to preserve lead acid batteries. This is also a great proof of principle to show how you can run solar off the grid houses using John’s unique charging process. You can effectively run your house by charging WHILST you operate your lights and or fan. No other process can do this.

All Credits to Rick Friedrich and John Bedini. You can support their research at the below link:

Background on John Bedini

(Refresh Page)

Thane Heins technology

Recently in 2009 an engineer named Thane Heins disclosed numerous proven tests demonstrating his “Perepiteia" generator. This employs high voltage coils to counteract the effects associated with Lenzs Law and the Law of conservation of energy. Whereas a conventional generator high current coil design causes the prime mover to decelerate under load the "Perepiteia" high voltage coil design causes the prime mover to accelerate. The COP is high and above 1.

Thane's Motor generator

Despite Thane doing an Ottawa University test showing how high voltage coils negate Lenz's Law, do you think this new discovery would be embraced by the mainstream curricula and others?

"Electric motor polarizes opinion" Ottawa inventor Thane Heins is steadily winning supporters for his electrical motor, which he claims can produce more energy than it consumes. While many are skeptical of the theory, no one has been able to disprove it. (Feb. 12, 2009) Fierce debate rages around entrepreneur Thane Heins' dogged pursuit of green engine

Thane Heins, tired and a little grumpy after a long flight from California, walks onto the stage of an Ottawa conference room and begins a sales pitch that usually raises more eyebrows than money. One of three entrepreneurs chosen earlier this month to present at a “Pitch The Dragons” contest, a spin on the CBC show Dragons’ Den, Heins has invented a technology that he says will put out more energy than it consumes. His invention, he boldly claims, offers a way to make electric cars that can travel hundreds of kilometres from the energy in a small, inexpensive battery.

It’s a tough crowd. One of the contest judges is TV-show judge Robert Herjavec, a multimillionaire who just minutes earlier shared with the audience his own story of success and the life it now funds - the fancy gas-guzzling cars, the mansion, the luxurious yacht. The two men are oil and water. Heins, who wants to help the world kick its fossil-fuel addiction, immediately gets his back up. Herjavec is dismissive from the get-go.

“It turned into a shouting match in front of 300 people,” Heins says later that day. “I didn’t mind him kicking sand in my face, but the thing that really got me is when he said I don’t get it. He pushed me a little too far and I fought back.” Source.

Panacea has made contact with Thane and proposed our solutions. Panacea has also pledged to help Thane by a replication to remedy this situation. Background on how to counter this can be found on our how they went wrong page. It is also possible that the solid state version can applied to the RV technology to convert the

reactive power to usable watts; Panacea will also be conducting tests to explore this possibility. Results will be open source to the public.

Ismeal’s Technology coming out in 3months

Ismael's proof of principle unit Taken from the video

Panacea has made personal contact with Ismael Aviso the inventor of a repelling force technology which has been coined by Ismael as the "FYMEGM ENERGY force". This technology is capable of powering an electric car engine without the need for fuel. Tests point to above unity. Ismaels patent will be out in three months time showing ALL DETAILS no secrets. Panacea will conduct an independent replication for the public.

Cloud busting and Orgone validation tests coming.

Panacea has just completed the cloud buster course - An Educational method for atmospheric self-regulation using the original teachings of Wilhelm Reich Orgone energy discovery. This method is a clean non chemical way to treat drought affected areas plus clear smog and pollution. This document is made available for research purposes only and specifically for governments, faculties and the press.

We intend to get mainstream validation of the process and make the government go on record in recognition of this process to help the drought in Australia and the rest of the world.

The Panacea converted farm still has the lowest carbon foot print in the world

Thanks to our sponsor City Country Farms. As a result of this farm conversion there are now tangible examples of the open source energy community’s research being applied IN THE REAL WORLD doing real benefit. There is also valid FACTS showing how we need to create more security and attain more political support (and grant support) for this technology/FREE ENERGY technology plus valid reasoning for the nonprofit Panacea R and center as a proposed solution. Also our license to do HEMP production on the Panacea farm should be finalized by the end of the year.

New Pages on the BOCAF site

PLEASE ALWAYS REFRESH THE PAGES WHEN VISITNG THE PANACEA SITE, MISTAKES ARE BEING CORRECTED AND NEW CONTENT IS BEING ADDED. Please contact us if you see any mistakes. We appreciate any help and feedback. Currently we are under staffed in proof reading the site; if you can help we really need it and would appreciate it. Please contact us if you can.

Activism Section

Honor – Dishonor - educational information on the law. This page presents remedies to protect against civil right violations. This page has evidence of neglect in the judicial system that will shock you!

Projects section

Ron Paul Audit the FED! – A Practical and workable solution to addressing the coming financial crash. Please help and sign the petitions.

Panacea University news Added into the Panacea start page introduction (please refresh the page):

There is a VAST amount of research into electricity or "energy" that the mainstream faculties must update their curricular with. A significant contribution to this field can be found in the "Energy From The Vacuum Science Series" created by Energetic Productions, LLC, with input from Tom Bearden. Fourteen EDUCATIONAL DVD's have been released, featuring Howard Johnson, John Bedini, Dr. Deborah Chung, Daniel Sheehan PhD, Peter Lindemann, Tom Bearden.

EFTV 01 - 129min - Overview EFTV 02 - 133min - John Bedini

EFTV 03 - 039min - Dr. Deborah Chung - The Chung Experiment EFTV 04 - 064min - Howard Johnson - Pioneer of Magnetic Exchange Forces =

Spintronics EFTV 05 - 075min - Tom Bearden - Hidden Electrodynamics and The Final Secret of

Free Energy EFTV 06 - 069min - John Bedini - Inside Radiant Energy

EFTV 07 - 090min - John Bedini - Tesla's Impulse Technology EFTV 08 - 090min - Prof. Daniel Sheehan Ph.D. - Challenging the 2nd Law of

Thermodynamics EFTV 09 - 090min - Tom Bearden - The Early Years: Moray, Sweet and Antigravity

EFTV 10 - 124min - John Bedini - The Kromrey Generator - G-field generator EFTV 11 - 131min - John Bedini - Magnetic Gates & Howard Johnson EFTV 12 - 094min - John Bedini - Petrovoltaics & the Faraday Motor

EFTV 13 - 120min - Tom Bearden - Electrodynamics - its Origins, History & Struggles EFTV 14 - 047min - John Bedini - The Lockridge Device

Panacea intends to help and approach universities with independent tests and device demos plus help distribute this information to them. This task is to help advance their education and gain support for the research.

Pending Panacea university courses

Dr Stiffler’s Spatial Energy Converter – Awaiting proof reading from the Doc

Bio Algae at home - 4 months away from completion.

Permaculture – 4 months away from completion.

Recent courses

Cloud Busting (PDF) - added July 23 2009 An Educational method for atmospheric self-regulation using the original teachings of Wilhelm Reich Orgone energy discovery. This method is a clean non chemical way to treat drought affected areas plus clear smog and pollution. This document is made available for research purposes only.

Rick's Pipe Dream Project (PDF) - added June 26 2009 Open source magnetic motor generator donated by Rick Rickoff intended as a way to building a working and useful magnetic motor-generator that could be replicated by anyone possessing basic knowledge, skills, and abilities, and with a minimum of tools. Discussion and technical support - Energetic Forum

Electric vehicle conversion (PDF) - Do It Yourself electric vehicle conversion guides done by the open source EV communities. Next to compressed air cars, EV’s remain the cleanest, most efficient, and most cost-effective form of transportation available. This guide has both technical and legal suggestions to help get more conversions on the road.

Panacea needs you!

WE cannot survive on a shoe string budget if you can assist us in any way shape or form please donate.

If you are involved in or can help with any of the subject matter presented on our projects page, please contact us for collaborative work. Only united can we all work effectively to stop subjugation. Also we are helping make real changes by public activism. Please sign our petitions; it’s as easy as name email and country. Thank you for taking an active role in stopping suppression, again your next news letter due date is DECEMBER of 2009. If it does not turn up, you know that interference is responsible and to email the authorities we mentioned in this newsletter.

Please check our news section on the Panacea-BOCAF site for new video productions coming soon. The nonprofit organization’s volunteers are proud to work for the public and look forward to reporting our public service to you soon!

Thank you for your subscription.


The trustee’s of Panacea-BOCAF.