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Signal Subspace Speech Enhancement

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Presentation Outline



Orthogonal Transforms (KLT Overview)

Papers Review

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Two major classes of speech enhancement

– By modeling of noise/speech: like HMM Highly dependent on speech signal syntax and noise


– Based on transformation: Spectral Subtraction Musical noise

Signal Subspace belongs to the second class (nonparametric)

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Schematic Diagram



Noisy signalNoisy signal(time domain)(time domain)


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Schematic Diagram


EstimatingDimensions of




Signal+Noise subspace

Noisy signalNoisy signal(time domain)(time domain)



EstimatingClean signalfromSignal+Noise subspaceProducing two

orthogonal subspaces

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Procedure– Estimate the dimension of the signal+noise

subspace in each frame

– Estimate clean signal from (S+N) subspace by considering some criteria (main part) energy of the residual noise energy of the signal distortion

– Nulling the coefficients related to the noise subspace

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Assumptions– Noise & speech are uncorrelated

– Noise is additive & white (whitened)

– Covariance matrix of the noise in each frame is positive definite and close to a Toeplitz matrix

– Signal is more statistically structured than noise process

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Key Factor in Signal Subspace method

– Covariance matrices of the clean signal have some zero eigenvalues.

The improvement in SNR is proportional to the number of those zeros.

Nullifying the coefficients of the noise subspace corresponds to that of weak spectral components in spectral subtraction.

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Orthogonal Transforms

Signal Subspace decomposition can be achieved by applying:

– KLT via Eigenvalue Decomposition (ED) of signal covariance

matrix via Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of data matrix SVD approximation by recursive methods

– DCT as a good approximation to the KLT

– Walsh, Haar, Sine, Fourier,…

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Also known as “Hotelling”, “Principal Component” or “Eigenvector" Transform

Decorrelates the input vector perfectly – Processing of one component has no effect on

the others

Applications– Compression, Pattern Recognition,

Classification, Image Restoration, Speech Recognition, Speaker Recognition,…

Orthogonal Transforms:

Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT)

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KLT Overview

TNxxxx ),...,,( 21

NNLet R be the correlation matrix of a random

complex sequencethen



H xxx




ExxER 212


Where E is the expectation operator and R is Hermitian matrix.

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KLT Overview

NNLet be unitary matrix which diagonalizes R

are the eigenvalues of R.

H 1





,...,, 21

Nii ,...,2,1,

is called the KLT matrix.H

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KLT Overview

Property of :H

xy H•Consider the following transform:

sequence y is uncorrelated because :

HHH xxEyyE


y has no cross-correlation

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KLT Overview

What is ?


where N 21

i`s are ith column of and

NiR iii ,...,2,1 ,

Thus are eigenvectors corresponding to s'i si '

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KLT Overview


– The arrangement of y auto-correlations is the same as that of

– KLT can be based on Covariance matrix

– Using largest eigenvalues to reconstruct sequence with negligible error

– KLT is optimal


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– Computational Complexity (no fast algorithm)

– Dependency on the statistics of the current frame

– Make uncorrelated not independent

Utilize KLT as a Benchmark in evaluating the performance of the other transforms.

KLT Overview

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Papers Review

1. A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

2. On S.E. Algorithms based on Signal Subspace Methods [Hansen]

3. Extension of the Signal Subspace S.E. Approach to Colored Noise [Ephraim]

4. An Adaptive KLT Approach for S.E. [Gazor]

5. Incorporating the Human Hearing Properties in Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Jabloun]

6. An Energy-Constrained Signal Subspace Method for S.E. [Huang]

7. S.E. Based on the Subspace Method [Asano]

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Principal– Decompose the input vector of the noisy signal

into a signal+noise subspace and a noise subspace by applying KLT

Enhancement Procedure– Removing the noise subspace– Estimating the clean signal from S+N

subspace– Two linear estimators by considering:

Signal distortion Residual noise energy

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Notes– Keeping the residual noise below some

threshold to avoid producing musical noise

– Since DFT & KLT are related, SS is a particular case of this method

– if # of basis vectors (for linear combination of a vector) are less than the dim of the vector, then there are some zero eigenvalues for its correlation matrix

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Basics – speech signal : z=y+w , K-dimensional –

– – If M=K, representation is always possible.– Else “damped complex sinusoid model” can be

used.– Span( V ): produces all vector y




Mss ,,1 Are zero mean complex variables


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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

When M<K, all vectors y lie in a subspace of spanned by the columns of V


Covariance matrix of clean signal y


## VVRyyER sy KM M,M M,K ;


MRRank y


zero eigenvalues


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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Covariance matrix of noise w : (K-Dim)

– White noise vectors fill the entire Euclidean space RK

– Thus the noise exists in both S+N subspace and complementary subspace


IwwER ww2#

KRRank w )(





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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

The discussion indicates that Euclidean space of the noisy signal is composed of a signal subspace and a complementary noise subspace

This decomposition can be performed by applying KLT to the noisy signal :

Let The covariance matrix of z is:


wsz RVVRzzER ##

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Noise is additive

Let be the eigendecomposition of Rz

Where are eigenvectors of Rz and

Eigenvalues of Rw are

wyz RRR

#UUR zz

kuuU ,,1 Kdiag zzz ,,1






,,1 if

,,1 if 2


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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Estimating Dimensions of Signal Subspace M

Because ,Hence is the orthogonal projector onto the S+N subspace


kuuU ,,1

21 : wzk kuU

)()( 1 VspanUspan #11UU


: principal eigenvectors

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Thus a vector z of noisy signal can be decomposed as

is the Karhunen-Loeve Transform Matrix.

The vector does not contain signal information and can be nulled when estimating the clean signal.

However, M (dim of S+N subspace) must be calculated precisely

zUUzUUz #22


zUU #22




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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Linear Estimation of the clean signal

– Time Domain Constrained Estimator

Minimize signal distortion while constraining the energy of residual noise in every frame below a given threshold

– Spectral Domain Constrained Estimator

Minimize signal distortion while constraining the energy of residual noise in each spectral component below a given threshold

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Time Domain Constrained Estimator

– Having z=y+w Let be a linear estimator of y

where H is a K*K matrix

– The residual signal is

Representing signal distortion and residual noise respectively

Hzy ˆ

wy rrHwyIHyyr


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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Defining Criterion

Solving :

yIHry )( #2yyy rrtrE

#2www rrtrE





0 :subject to




Minimize signal distortion while constraining the energy of residual noise in the entire frame below a given threshold




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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

After solving the Constrained minimization by ‘‘Kuhn-Tucker’’ necessary conditions we obtain

Eigendecomposition of HTDC

12 IRRH wyyTDC


IRRtr wyyK

Where is the Lagrange multiplier that must satisfy





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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

In order to null noisy components






12 wyyG

If then HTDC=I, which means minimum distortion and maximum noise

)( max KM

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Spectral Domain Constrained Estimator– Minimize signal distortion while constraining the

energy of residual noise in each spectral component below a given threshold.


K,1,Mk 0










)}(/exp{ 2 kv ywk

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]


– The most computational complexity is in Eigendecomposition of the estimated covariance.

– Eigendecomposition of Toeplitz covariance matrix of the noisy vector is used as an approximate to KLT

– Compromise between large T in estimating Rz ,and large K to satisfy M<K, while KT can not be too large

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A Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Ephraim 95]

Implementation Results– The improvement in SNR is proportional to K /M

– The SDC estimator is more powerful than the TDC estimator

– SNR improvements in Signal Subspace and SS are similar

– Subjective Test 83.9 preferred Signal Subspace over noisy signal 98.2 preferred Signal Subspace over SS

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On S.E. Algorithms based on Signal Subspace Methods [Hansen] The dimension of the signal subspace is chosen at a point

with almost equal singular values Gain matrices for different estimators


Lowest residual noise

– LS G=I Lowest signal distortion and highest residual noise K /M improvement in SNR

SDC improves the SNR in the range 0-20 db



Less sensitive to errors in the noise estimation

Musical noise

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Extension of the Signal Subspace S.E. Approach to Colored Noise [Ephraim]

Whitening approach is not desirable for SDC estimator. Obtaining gain matrix H for SDC estimator

is not diagonal when the input noise is colored Whitening Orthogonal Transformation U’ modify

components by

,...,m iαNvE ii


1 :subject to




2121 ~ ww RUHURH



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An Adaptive KLT Approach for S.E. [Gazor] Goal

– Enhancement of speech degraded by additive colored noise


– Adaptive tracking based algorithm for obtaining KLT components

– A VAD based on principle eigenvalues

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An Adaptive KLT Approach for S.E. [Gazor] Objective

– Minimize the distortion when residual noise power is limited to a specific level

Type of colored noise– Have a diagonal covariance matrix in KLT

domain 12


1 nyyG

Replaced by

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An Adaptive KLT Approach for S.E. [Gazor] Adaptive KLT tracking algorithm

– named “projection approximation subspace tracking”

– reducing computational time

– Eigendecomposition is considered as a constrained optimization problem

– Solving the problem considering quasi-stationarity of speech

– Then a recursive algorithm is planned to find a close approximation of eigenvectors of the noisy signal

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An Adaptive KLT Approach for S.E. [Gazor] Voice activity detector

– When the current principle components’ energy is above 1/12 its past minimum and maximum

Implementation Results

SNR (dB)


Ephraim’sNoise Type

10 85% 55% white

5 75% 69% white

0 64% 89% white

10 75% 73% office

5 85% 79% office

0 68% 89% office

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Incorporating the Human Hearing Properties in the Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Jabloun] Goal

– Keep the residual noise as much as possible, in order to minimize signal distortion

Novelty– Transformation from Frequency to Eigendomain

for modeling masking threshold.

Many masking models were introduced in frequency domain; like Bark scale

IFET Masking FETeigendomain eigendomain

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Incorporating the Human Hearing Properties in the Signal Subspace Approach for S.E. [Jabloun] Use noise prewhitening to handle the colored noise

Implementation results

Input SNRCompared with noisy signal

Compared with Signal Subspace

20 dB 92% 71%

10 dB 85% 78%

5 dB 85% 92%

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An Energy-Constrained Signal Subspace Method for S.E. [Huang] Novelty

– The colored noise is modelled by an AR process.

– Estimating energy of clean signal to adjust the speech enhancement

Prewhitening filter is constructed based on the estimated AR parameters.– Optimal AR coeffs is given by [Key 98]

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An Energy-Constrained Signal Subspace Method for S.E. [Huang] Implementation Results

Input SNR 0 dB 5 dB 10 dB 20 dB

Baseline 40 % 70 % 90 % 100 %

ECSS 90 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

Word Recognition Accuracy for noisy digits

Input SNR 0 dB 5 dB 10 dB 20 dB

Improvement 7.6 6.4 5.2 2.9

SNR improvement for isolated noisy digits

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S.E. Based on the Subspace Method [Asano]—Microphone Array

The input spectrum observed at the mth microphone

Vector notation for all microphones

(spatial) correlation matrix for xk is

Then Eigenvalue Decomposition

is applied to

kNkSkAkX md





Microphone array

Ambient NoiseDirectional

Sourceskkkk nsAx

]xE[xR Hkkk


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S.E. Based on the Subspace Method [Asano]—Microphone Array

Procedure– Weighting the eigenvalues of spatial correlation


Energy of D directional sources is concentrated on D largest eigenvalues

Ambient noise is reduced by weighting eigenvalues of the noise-dominant subspace

discarding M-D smallest eigenvalues when direct-ambient ratio is high

– Using MV beamformer to extract directional component from modified spatial correlation matrix

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S.E. Based on the Subspace Method [Asano]—Microphone Array

Implementation results

– Two directional speech signals + Ambient noise

Recognition Rate:

87.2%81.5%86.6%81.1%10 dB

78%72.3%71.5%66.9%5 dB



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