klt autumn 2012

www.kenttennis.net Autumn 2012 INSPIRING THE NEXT GENERATION, 2012 ~ WHAT A SUMMER OF SPORT County Closed Page 02 Mens Vets Page 04 New Fitness Suite Page 08 AEGON County Cup Page 10 20 Years Ago Page 14 Kent Office Page 20 Primary Schools Page 24 Deal Page 26 West Heath Juniors Page 28

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Kent Tennis Newsletter 2012


Page 1: KLT Autumn 2012


Autumn 2012


County Closed Page 02Mens Vets Page 04

New Fitness Suite Page 08AEGON County Cup Page 10

20 Years Ago Page 14Kent Office Page 20

Primary Schools Page 24Deal Page 26

West Heath Juniors Page 28

Page 2: KLT Autumn 2012

Event Winner Runner Up Score

8 & Under Boys Singles Patrick BRADY Aaron ROBINSON [10-4]

8 & Under Girls Singles Sofia JOHNSON Nina SHERWEN [10-4]

9 & Under Boys Singles


9 & Under Girls Singles



10 & Under Boys Singles Rory GRANT Oliver RICHARDS 4/2 4/2

10 & Under Girls Singles Tiegan AITKEN Summer REEVES 4/0 4/1

12 & Under Boys Singles Thomas NORWOOD Andrew JOHNSTONE 6/1 6/0

12 & Under Girls Singles Nell MILLER Daphne PRATT 6/0 6/1

14 & Under Boys Singles James DAVIS Bailey ROBBINS 7/5 6/1

14 & Under Girls Singles Nell MILLER Florence ABBOTT 6/3 1/6 6/1

14 & Under Boys Doubles Milo BARGERON & James DAVIS

Jonah SMITH & Matthew SUMMERS 6/4 6/2

14 & Under Girls Doubles Catherine HOGH & Josephine HOGH

Natasha MUNDAY & Claire SPRINGETT 6/0 7/5

14 & Under Mixed Doubles Alex JUNIPER & Florence ABBOTT

Jonah SMITH & Josephine HOGH 6/3 6/3

16 & Under Boys Singles Shunta TAKINO Steven BLYTHE 6/2 6/1

16 & Under Girls Singles Sophia THOMAS Olivia PARSON 6/3 6/1

18 & Under Boys Singles Shunta TAKINO Henry WHYTE 6/3 4/6 6/2

18 & Under Girls Singles Sophia THOMAS Olivia PARSON 6/4 7/5

18 & Under Boys Doubles Benjamin ABBOTT & Shunta TAKINO

Steven BLYTHE & Joe HICKLIN 6/3 7/5

18 & Under Girls Doubles Rachel LE COMBER & Olivia PARSON

Nell MILLER & Natasha MUNDAY 6/4 5/7 [10-2]

18 & Under Mixed Doubles Matthew THEOBALD CERNS & Olivia PARSON

Elliot WARD & Rachel WRAY 6/3 3/6 [10-5]

Men’s Open Singles Henry WHYTE Tim SCHOENERT 6/4 6/4

Women’s Open Singles Francesca FAULKES Nicole DAISLEY 6/3 6/2

Men’s Open Doubles Joseph EDWARDS & Alistair FILMER

Paul COOK & Patryk KOSCIELSKI 7/6(4) 7/5

Women’s Open Doubles Holly RICHARDS & Rebecca FINCH

Nicole DAISLEY & Francesca FAULKES 6/4 6/3

Mixed Open Doubles Joseph EDWARDS & Catherine DARBY

Adam CHAPMAN & Rachel LE COMBER 6/1 6/2

Event Winner Runner Up Score 10 & Under Boys Singles Luca PAVAN Tihon LOBJANIDZE 4/1 5/4(6) 10 & Under Girls Singles Savannah HARRIS Florence BYERS 4/1 5/3 12 & Under Boys Singles Oliver MATTHEWS Samuel CHEUNG 6/3 6/2 12 & Under Girls Singles Tiegan AITKEN Alexandra ZAMAR 6/3 6/2 14 & Under Boys Singles Matthew COLLINS Andrew JOHNSTONE 6/2 6/4 14 & Under Girls Singles Gabrielle CHIDWICK Emma CARLTON 6/1 6/3 16 & Under Boys Singles Vincent KERCK Taj DOGRA 6/2 6/3 16 & Under Girls Singles Isobel BUGGY Emma CARLTON 6/1 6/2 18 & Under Boys Singles Joe HICKLIN Edward BISHOP w/o. 18 & Under Girls Singles Rachel LE COMBER Mollie MILLER 6/2 6/0 Men’s Open Singles Matthew DORAN Luke BALNAVE w/o. Women’s Open Singles Charlotte HOBBS Tracey HAYES 6/2 6/1


8/6 7/5

7/4 2/7 7/0

County Closed ~ 2012

Kent Junior Summer County Closed Championships 2012Finals Day Results


Page 3: KLT Autumn 2012

Editor’s NoteWhat a fantastic Summer of sport it has been for the whole of GreatBritain, kicked off by a historic victory for Bradley Wiggins in The Tourde France, with great performances across both the Olympics andthe Paralympics and culminating in Britain’s first male Grand Slamwinner in 76 years. Well if 2012 doesn’t inspire the next generation,I am at a loss to know what will.I hope you enjoy this edition of KLT and don’t forget to send in anynews articles and pictures into the Kent Tennis Office if you wouldlike to be in the next issue in Spring 2013. The deadline is 31stMarch 2013. Happy reading.

Martin Martin Eldridge, KLT Editor.

www.kenttennis.net Page 03

Kent County Closed Championships2012 Tournament Team.

Our most sincere thanks mustgo to everyone involved inorganising & helping at the KentCounty Closed Championships2012 in particular Susan Finch,Chris Mann, Holly Richards,Court Supervisors, ControlDesk Officials, Umpires andvolunteers as without themthis event would not bepossible. The ChampionshipsTournament Team would alsolike to thank the sponsors ofthe event and Kent CountyLawn Tennis Association fortheir contribution. The overallstandard of play on displaywas extremely highthroughout the week and ourfinal thank-you’s arereserved for the players whocompeted hard and played,in the main, fairly, theirparents and supporters fortheir continued and unstintingsupport and the coaches whopass on their passion andskills to their charges.We wish you all a great yearand look forward to welcomingplayers’ entries for next year’sevent:

The 84th Championships 2013

The 83rd Kent County ClosedChampionships took place onceagain at Bromley Tennis Centre at theend of August. Players from acrossKent took part with an aim ofbecoming County Champion for2012. We are once again proud toacknowledge that the ‘Kent Champi-onships’ were the largest of their kindin Great Britain for the second yearrunning! Despite a little bad weatheron some days the Tournament Teamdid exceptionally well in ensuring allmatches were completed on time andthat nobody was waiting around anexceptional amount of time.The Tournament ManagementTeam, this year, headed up by SusanFinch (Tournament Director), HollyRichards (Tournament LogisticsCoordinator) and Chris Mann (LeadTournament Referee) set to the taskof making The 83rd Championshipseven better than a very successful82nd. The Open events which wereintroduced last year saw manyreturning competitors as well asmany others, some of which justentered doubles. We hope the Openevents will grow from strength tostrength and next year reach a higherlevel of entries including some moreof the players who once played in theJunior County Closed and have theirnames on some of the historictrophies. The Kent Championshipsilverware is now displayed in its own

trophy cabinet in reception ofBromley Tennis Centre, housingmuch of Kent’s history. TheTournament Team were based inBromley Tennis Centre’s newstudio facility. The new facility gavethe team much more room andmade the event look even moreprofessional. Doubles entries onceagain remained open until thesecond day, including extending thesign in for the Open events until theevening to allow players to find apartner on site.This year saw 390 players enter theChampionships resulting in 562entries contesting in events from 8and unders all the way up to adultsacross all 14 courts running well intothe evening. As in previous years,each player received a T-shirt,Championship Programme andInformation Pack courtesy of KentLTA and their sponsors (CrippsHarries Hall, Slazenger and TrevorMay Contractors). 828 matcheswere played over the course of theseven day event amounting to 1,487sets and 7,623 games!!!Austin Smith (Kent County LTAPresident) and Tudor Rowe (KentCounty LTA Tennis DevelopmentManager) were on hand to presentthe trophies and prizes to theChampionships’ winners on FinalsDay as well as offering their thanksto the Tournament Team.

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“ Thousands at his bidding speed,And post o’er Land and Ocean without rest”wrote John Milton, & even if Kent’s45-75 men are less numerous thanthe servants of the Lord in Milton’sday they have shown theirwillingness to travel and competein Kent’s name this year.Pride of place must go to the twoteams who have reached theirinter-county finals at Dudley inearly November, Gary Sims’ 65sand Dominic Wood’s 50s. The 65shave benefited from having asquad of five strong players : Garyhimself, Keith Clark, Stuart Smith,Ray Murray and David Drayson.Keith has shown his worthiness ofthe no.1 singles spot, losing only toex-GB vet Andrew James in whatwas the team’s one reverse, 2-3away to Cornwall. Happily, therewere three 5-0s and a 4-1 in theother fixtures, with three strongsingles players in Clark, Smith andMurray, and all five playersshowing their flexibility in thedoubles pairings. They should bewell set up for the Final.In the second year of this age-group, the 50s were our only teamto win every match, starting with a3-2 victory over last year’s finalistsCheshire that was achieved bytaking all three doubles: DominicWood and David Bulgin, JohnWatton & Mick Bull. Two 5-0sfollowed, and a 3-2 against Warksin which every player had a win,Wood/Bulgin one doubles, Wattonand Bob Whitehead their singles.The Final will be a tough one, butthe 50s have the potential to win it.Our youngsters, the 45s, weredeservedly our most photographedteam, and may considerthemselves unlucky to have beensqueezed out of promotion fromDivision 2. Wins of 3-2 againstAvon, Glos and Devon (theycertainly had the prettiest

schedule) didn’t quite cancel out 2-3s against Dorset and Norfolk, in agroup that contained a number ofthe best GB 45 players. CaptainSimon Gent handled his resourceswell, Colin Coombes won the mostrubbers, Peter Elsden, MalcolmSmith, Dino Skeete, Phil Lynchand Mark Cunningham gave goodsupport.A 55s team at or nearing the endof its age-group did well to finish3rd, Rob Andrew having BobWhitehead, Niall Sweeney, RobinGarrett to go forward as a strong60s combination for next year, intoan age-group where captainJonathan Potter has conducted amasterful holding operation, his60s having been placed 4th thelast three years in a row. This timeit was Potter, Chris Mackenzie,Peter Pharo & Brian Robinson whomade a late August trip to Cumbriaand returned with the narrowest ofwins.Lastly the oldest men, and here 1stdivision status was also narrowlyretained, the 70s eking out twoclose wins, largely thanks to GB75s captain Bob Milner, and the75s the same, with thanks due toPaul Drane, who is stepping asidefor Graham Russell to take overnext year. Though both teamsstruggled at 2nd pair, the teamethos remained strong: neitherteam would have survived but forthose who were willing to travel,sometimes at short notice. JohnMilton has the right words again:

“They also serve who only standand wait”

A final thank you to all who help tokeep this competition and ourplace in it vibrant: to the county’sfinancial help, especially vital fortrips to Scotland (and where wouldBritish Tennis be without Scotland?); to the county policies that haveadvanced competitive play in East

Kent, whose players featureconsiderably, especially in theolder teams; and to DenisCostelloe, whose long service toKent’s Vets Leagues has givencohesion and encouragement toolder players. We’ll start nextyear, with 6 of our 7 teams inDivision 1 again.

Stephen Woodley

Kent Vets 60s

Stay PutAs Pyrrhus would say,“a famous victory is ideal but to avoid defeat

is as important”.Kent’s Men’s 60s Vets have, for thethird year running, snatchedsurvival from the jaws ofrelegation. A 3-2 win over Cumbriaearned the win needed despite 4 of5 matches going to championshiptie-breaks. Chris MacKenzie wasthe hero of the hour wining hissingles and his doubles (with PeterPharo) on tie-breaks. JonathanPotter and Brian Robinson wonone of their doubles. There arerumours that the cavalry is comingfrom the Men’s 55 group for nextyear – so hopefully the story willsoon be very different.

left to right: Jonathan Potter(Canterbury), Chris Mackenzie (Park

Langley), Brian Robinson (Canterbury)Peter Pharo (Bromley)

Men’s Vets Far and Wide

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Senior InterCounty


Austin Smith, Kent LTA President

The Inter-County Championshipsfor veterans was introduced by theLTA, operating through a veterans’sub-committee, in 1981 with anevent for Men 45. A Women’s 40category followed in 1984 and theMen’s 55 in 1988. Administration ofthe Championships was passed to

Vets Tennis GB in 2002. Furtherage groups have been addedgradually so that there are now sixMen’s and six Women’s divisionswith matches being played fromlate March/April through to thefinals, between the winners ofDivisions A and B, held at DavidLloyd Dudley in November. Thefinals in 2012 will be held from2nd to 4th November.Kent are the defendingchampions in the Over 70sLadies Competition and played 5group matches which they won,to reach the final in November.In the finals in 2011, Middlesex andKent were all square at 2 - Cont:

The ITF (International TennisFederation) World Team and IndividualChampionships are divided betweenten age categories, 35 to 55 in theSeniors group and ten in the SuperSeniors group, 60 to 80 for both Menand Women. The Seniors events aregenerally held over two weeks in theearly part of the year and the SuperSeniors in the Autumn in venues allover the world. Great Britaintraditionally enters teams in all theavailable events and has achievedmedal-winning success on anincreasingly regular basis.There was a strong representationfrom Kent Tennis players in the GreatBritain teams competing at the ITFSuper Seniors Events in Umag,Croatia in September 2012.The Team Championships were heldfrom 10-15 September with theIndividual Championships following onfrom the 16-23 September.Cynthia Smith captained the Over 80sGreat Britain Ladies in the Doris HartCup. The Cup is named after theAmerican tennis player, who won theWimbledon Ladies Singles in 1951. Austin Smith, the Kent County LTAPresident was there to support theGreat Britain teams and individual

competitors, which include his wife,Cynthia. Along with his support hehad an extremely important role ofbaggage collector, which he hasinformed me he received less thatminimum wage for!Bob Milner captained the Over 75sGreat Britain Men in the Bitsy GrantCup. The Cup is named after theAmerican tennis player, Bryan Morel“Bitsy” Grant Jr, who won the US OpenMen’s Singles in 1930, 1934 and 1935. Niall Sweeney captained the Over 60sGreat Britain Men in the Von Cramm.The Cup is named after the GermanTennis player, Baron Gottfried VonCramm, who won the French OpenMen’s Singles twice. Also, Paul Drane played for the Over80s Great Britain Men in the GardnarMulloy Cup. The Cup is named afterthe American player who reached theUS Open Finals in 1952 and playedthe Senior circuit into his 90s. Some players continued their stay inCroatia and played in the IndividualChampionships – check out the nextedition of the KLT to find out howthey got on! (If you can’t wait thatlong please check out the Kentwebsite www.kenttennis.net inOctober for a report)

ITF Super Seniors 2012Cont: - rubbers each at the end ofthe match and equal on 5 setsapiece, three of the rubbershaving gone the distance.Fortunately Kent won on a countback of games by 42 to 31.The team for 2012 is captainedby non-playing Cynthia Smithand the team members for 2012are Cynthia, Ruth Illingworth,Marcia Ackers, Helen Jary andJanet Broster. They will faceeither Surrey/Middlesex orNorthumberland who are yet tocomplete their matches.In the Over 65s LadiesCompetition Kent wascaptained by Judy Woodleyand they made it through to thefinals winning through a toughdivision. Also in the Over 50sMen’s Competition, Kentcaptained by Dominic Wood,are also through to the finals.The Ladies Over 50s teamcaptained by Hazel Lindfieldhave won four of the four groupmatches played, with one still toplay on Sunday 9th September,away to Lincolnshire. If they winthis match they will also beplaying in the finals in November– fingers crossed! Best of luck toall of our players in the finals.

Current title holders:

Men's Singles35 Berkshire60 Warwickshire45 Middlesex50 Leicestershire55 Surrey60 Warwickshire65 Surrey70 Surrey

Women's Singles35 Essex40 Leicestershire50 Essex60 Surrey65 Surrey70 Kent

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The people of Thanet lined thestreets in St. Peters as British TennisPlayer Elena Baltacha carried theOlympic Torch.Nearest Club in the area,Broadstairs and St. Peters TennisClub, took advantage of the arrivalof the torch in Thanet and gotinvolved in the action by stagingtheir own tennis relay through thestreets before the Olympic Busarrived.The crowds were entertained asLead Coach Julian Matthews led theway through the packed streets. Heput the Tennis Team through theirpaces as they kept the ball in playthroughout the route as they joinedthe parade.Members of Broadstairs and St.Peters Tennis Club were fortunateenough to go back to ThanetCollege, Broadstairs where they metup with Elena Baltacha for a photo.East Kent County RepresentativeVanessa Webb was also in St.Peters where she handed outleaflets advertising the Deal Indoor

Tennis Centre.She was in the right place at theright time as she also managed toget up close to Elena Baltacha asthe Olympic Bus pulled in behindher car and Elena got out ready totake over the torch.Vanessa, not one to let a goldenopportunity pass her by, managed toget a photo with Elena and the torchbefore she set off.

It’s Fun and Games atthe Olympic Torch Relayin Thanet.

Broadstairs Tennis Club Lead Coach Julian Matthews is to theleft of Elena & other club members at Thanet College

Tennis display along route

Vanessa Webb with Elena Baltacha.

Page 8: KLT Autumn 2012

The big news for this edition of theKLT is that we have some newfacilities …. a fitness gym, a studioand a player study room. It’s beenthanks to funding from the LTA,Kent LTA and Newstead WoodSchool that we have such a greatnew extension. Thanks also to ourbrilliant Kier builders who took just15 weeks and that included a twoweek interruption for snow. The Grand opening of the newfacilities was on Sunday 27 Maywith Peter Bretherton, President ofthe LTA and guests from Kent LTA,Newstead Wood School, MyTimeActive and Kier who enjoyed somefun tennis before ribbon cuttingand speeches. Now all our players have theopportunity to join sessions toimprove their agility and fitness.We currently offer two differentprogrammes. BOUNCE our Under10s programme is designed tohelp players with their agility,balance and coordination. Forover 10s we offer a comprehensiveS&C (strength and conditioning)programme. All sessions are with

specialist coaches and arescheduled around tennis squadtraining. Other new programme news isthat from September the wholejunior coaching programme will becalled ‘The Bromley TennisAcademy’. We no longer want anyseparation between the BromleyTennis centre programme and theAcademy. BTA now includes totsto teens, beginners toperformance. Within this playersare in squads according to abilityand are subsidised according tocommitment. A few bits of player news …it’sbeen a very exciting year - 5 miniplayers selected for regional talentcamps, winning teams in variousKent team events. Most notably,the 16&U AEGON Team TennisGirls were National runners up,a tremendous performancecaptained by Tracey Thomas, whohas managed the team brilliantly.There have been someoutstanding individualperformances, in particular NellMiller who won 2 Grade 2 events,

and was runner up at Nationals .Along the way she defeated manyplayers in her age group that haverepresented GB and ended theseason at GB no 1. In the KentChampionships Nell won the12&U and 14&U girls and joined along list of BTA winners – 9 in all,including double age groupwinners Sophia Thomas (18&Uand 16&U) and Shunta Takino(18&U, 16&U). Other playershave also been impressive withPaul Cook progressing to 11Nationally and Ellie Murphy to 15.In the Senior Academy MatthewShort continues to rise in theMen’s ATP rankings to 773 andSean Thornley to 180 in thedoubles. Tournaments at the centrecontinue to grow in popularity. Ifyou are not already a regular thenwe recommend the Grade 3’s inOctober and February half termsand Grade 4 in December. Allevents have all junior age groupsincluding mini events. Always niceto have an event near home.

Bromley Tennis Centre OpensNew Fitness Suite

Kent Tennis Development Officer married her long term boyfriend Craig Izzard in the historic crypt ofCanterbury Cathedral on Saturday 25th August. A thousand years of history set the scene as Harri swappedher LTA tracksuit and trainers for a beautiful gown. Harri glided down the aisle lit by candles and chandelierswith her mother's choir accompanying the congregation.

A very large table of friends and work colleagues enjoyed an evening reception at Winter's Barns inCanterbury with a magnificent hog roast complete with crackling! Harri's brother sang a song especially forHarri and Craig's first dance of the evening and there was hardly a dry eye in the room.

What a wonderful day and evening, congratulations to Harri and Craig and we wish them a healthy andhappy future together.

Harri Norford

Simon Dahdi, Siobhan Butler,Harri Izzard, Janice White & Tudor Rowe

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The LTA has accredited the centre asone of only four Coach EducationCentres in the UK. This means wenow run Level 3 and Level 4 coachcourses as well as Level 1 and Level2. We also plan to have a compre-hensive calendar of CoachDevelopment courses and continueour links with Mike Barrell of Evolve 9who delivers terrific developmentcourses. A few course dates comingup ...

• Level 1 22/23 September• Level 2 6/7 October• Level 3 3/4/5 October

Courses are on the LTA website andcoaches can book in on the secured

area or phone the centre on 01689880407. Also go to www.evolve9.com for Mike’s courses.Finally a note to all players whobelong to other nearby clubs…..Bromley Tennis Centre courts areavailable to anyone. If you are not amember you can book on the day orpop along and get a walk-on. We aregetting busier so always better tophone first. There are some regularlyavailable times such as early eveningon weekends and late afternoons onschool holidays except in Octoberand February. Might be handy if youare from an outdoor club and it’sraining… and we had a lot of that this


Sandi Procter

Nell MillerOpening the New Fitness Suite

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Day 1 vs CheshireNewly promoted Cheshire wereeager to cement their status as adivision 1 team and with acombination of experience andyouth would prove to be a test thatwe must pass to have any chanceof threatening the trophy this year.We lined up withCavaday/Thornley, May/Sargeantand the old school partnership ofBurgoyne/Searle. Round 1 sawnew boy Francis Sargeant startbrightly with Jim May, but finallytaking a loss in straight sets.Meanwhile Cavaday and Thornleysmashed their way through to levelat one rubber each. So to CaptainBurgoyne and back from injuryRobert Searle, could they be asgood as they once were? The jurywas out on that one, but they weretoo tough to beat in round one asthey gave Kent the lead in threesets, 2-1 Kent. Round 2 had aneasy win for Sargent and May, butno other wins for Kent withCavaday and Thornley going downin straight sets and Burgs andSearle losing a tight three setter

leaving the tie even at three a piece.2012 saw a new rule at County Cupallowing every team to use asubstitute and so Robbie Searlewas rested for round three to bereplaced by the mighty AlastairFilmer. It was very, very tight, but asthe sun set on day one it was a 6-3win for the Garden of England’smen and a solid start to thecampaign.

Day 2 vs HertfordshireDefending champions Herts hadbeen unbeaten for a while now andhad blocked any chances of Kentregaining the title in recent years,but, Kent had a strong team on thepark and the mood was different inthe camp with Captain Burgsresting himself after day 1 andpatrolling the sidelines. Kent’s teamfor the day was Lewis Burton/SeanThornley, Nick Cavaday/MatthewShort and Jim May/Rob Searle.Kent got off to a great start and withhope in the air it was looking goodearly on, but momentum switchedand somehow Kent foundthemselves 2-1 down at lunch after

a hero’s win from Searle and May,leaving no doubt that Mr Searle wasback near his best and a match forany full time player. Round 2 sawKent draw even with May andSearle doing it again with anincredible performance and with aninjury to Cavaday, CaptainBurgoyne joined Short at secondpair to form a strong partnershipand take the win. Thornley andBurton lost a tight match leaving usneeding two from three in the lastround. The crowds grew as wordgot round Devonshire Park that theChampions were in trouble, andtrouble it was for Herts with theforehand of Matt Short putting holesthrough any opponent that stood inhis way and Burton and Thornleypumped up to the max the momentof victory closed in. Burgs and Shortfirst to win 4-3, Searle and May losein three sets – a cliff-hanger at 4rubbers apiece, down toBurton/Thornley in front of thebiggest crowd of the week,BOOOOOOM Kent wins 5-4. Abrilliant day that left Kent in poleposition.

Kent Men Remain in Group OneAEGON Summer County Cup 2012

James Jordan Photography

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The Kent Squad

Andy Burgoyne (captain)Robert Searle (vice captain)

Jim MayNick CavadayLewis Burton

Matthew ShortAlastair FilmerSean Thornley

Francis SargeantPaul Cook

Day 3 vs NorfolkAfter a great win the day beforeconcentration was required to competeagainst a tough crew from Norfolk.With Searle resting a sore leg Kentlined up with May/Thornley at 1,Burton/Short at 2 and Burgoyne/Filmerat 3. Round one consisted of two easywins, one for Kent from Burgoyne andFilmer and one for the Norfolk first pairwho looked very strong. The battle ofthe round was Thorley and May, 4 allin the third set and 0-30 on the Norfolkserve, the moment of truth and on thisoccasion the truth was not sweet forKent as Norfolk took the lead 2-1.Round two was identical to round onewith two easy matches going eitherway leaving Burgoyne and Filmer inthe frey. Filmer serves for the match at5-4 in the third, the second moment oftruth? Painful for Kent as it slips away7-6 in the third putting Kent on the brinkof defeat. Round three saw Kent wintwo out of three, but it was not enoughand Kent went down 5-4, a very soreloss after the heights of Tuesday’s win.

Day 4 vs SurreyLocal rivals were Surrey un-beatenand with Hertfordshire slaying everyother team this was not only a mustwin for Kent to stay in contention, but amust win easily match! A newpartnership of Burgoyne/Thornleycame in at third pair, Short and May at

two and Burton and Searle as theflagship pair for the day. Round 1 went Kent’s way withBurgoyne and Thornley gellingstraight away toughing out a threeset win and Burton and Searle doingthe same in what looked like theSearle show with Robbie ‘the pearl’Searle right back to his best makingwhat looked like every return, volleyand groundstroke that he went for, agreat spectacle. Short was also onfire, but it was not enough on thisoccasion and Kent were 2-1 up atlunch. Round two went Surrey’s waywith only Burgoyne and Thornleygetting the win. Jim May looking as ifhe was fading was subbed for NickCavaday as Kent were looking for aminimum of two to get the win whileneeding three to even have an outsidechance of the title. Searle and Burtonfired it up with a win, while Burgoyneand Thornley took their first loss of theday leaving the tie at 4-4. Althoughwith only really pride on the line forboth sides as the overall result wouldnot change the championship, thecrowds at Eastbourne saw the thrillerof the week as Cavaday and Shortfought for the white horse of Kent.Kent did see match point come andgo in an eventual 7-6 in the third lossthat gave Surrey the 5-4 win on theday. A great match, but the titledream was definitely over for Kent.

Day 5 vs DerbyshireIn Theory Kent could be relegated if they did not win 2 rubbers against Derby and with injuries all over thecamp we started with a weary looking Burgoyne/Searle, Filmer/Short and May/Thornley. Round 1 saw Kentget the two rubbers needed with the only loss going to Burgoyne and Searle. The highlight of the day forKent was the debut of Paul Cook in place of the injured Burgoyne. Paul, inspired by partner Searle, wonhis debut match to become Kent’s only undefeated player of the week and declared his wish to make thesquad next year and help Kent to the title once more. With Kent 4-2 up Derby conceded the remainingrubbers as the results no longer affected any of the teams final positions.Overall it was an up and down week for the team with us ending up third, but a battle cry was heard allover Eastbourne and all the teams know that Kent are back to their best and will be looking for that titleagain in 2013. This year saw three new players make their summer debut in Short, Sargeant and Cookand the return of the mighty Robert Searle from what could have been a tennis ending injury in 2010 andright now the future looks bright for the men’s team. A usual we had the most support, so a huge thanks tothose who travelled down to watch us in battle.

Come on ‘The Garden’!

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Captain Burgoyne

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Kent vs Leicestershire

We started Monday morning on thehard courts of West Worthing as thegrass was not ready for play due tothe amount of rain the week before!We lined up HollyRichards/Amanda Cunningham,Rebecca Finch/Sarah Cantlay andNicole Daisley/Devan McCluskey.With the weather looking extremelyhot all week we knew today wouldbe important, looking to get off thegruelling hard courts as quickly aspossible....and that’s what we did!Great performance from all the girlsand a good start to the week put us8-1 ahead by 4pm.

Kent vs Warwickshire

Warwickshire were going to be oneof the toughest teams of the week,and they proved this early on. Day2 the team of Holly/Amanda, KateGreen/Devan, Rebecca/Sarah wereup for a battle, and we were ongrass today. Kate had joined us onMonday evening and was eager toget stuck in. After 3 hours, Kate and

Devan lost in a tight 3 setter, Hollyand Amanda were still going intothe 4th hour...and managed toscrape through 7-6 in the third – amarathon match!!Warwickshire’s no.1 pair proved toostrong for Rebecca and Sarah wholost in straight sets followed by Sarahmanaging to spill a packet of peanutsover Rebecca, who is highly allergicto nuts....which saw Rebecca take atrip to the hospital and Nicole takeher place. Kent were 2-1 down atlunch time and there was all to playfor in the next round. Sarah andNicole had their chances but lost 6-4, 7-6. Holly and Amanda went on foranother 2 and a half hours to see offtheir no.1 pair 6-4 in the third! Kateand Devan lost unfortunately, soKent were 4-2 down after round 2. 3out of 3 matches was what wasneeded from us, not an easy task butthe Kent girls were fighting hard.Warwickshire took a win againstSarah and Nicole and with that theday was lost, Kate and Devanshowed some heart but lost on amatch tiebreak. Some very closematches but unfortunately they didn’t

go our way and we lost 6-3 overall.

Kent vs Essex

Day 3 and the girls woke up readyfor battle today, knowing Essexwere out to get us back afterbeating them so closely in theWinter season! A change around inthe team saw Amanda/Holly,Kate/Sarah and Rebecca/Devanstep onto the grass courts inblistering heat, ready to play. Round1 did not disappoint; Holly andAmanda fought hard to win 6-3 inthe third against Essex’s potentiallystrongest pair playing at no.2.Rebecca and Devan rose to theoccasion beating Essex no.3 pair instraight sets. With Sarah and Katestill battling away, at 2-0 up we werelooking good. In the end they lost in3 sets, but we made a great start.Round 2, all to play for and withEssex looking strong we knew weneeded to win at least 1 out of 3matches in this round. It all startedgoing wrong for Holly and Amandawho did not play well and afteranother long match lost 6-3 in the

Ladies Hold Their Own in Group TwoAEGON Summer County Cup 2012

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The Kent Squad

Holly Richards (captain)Amanda Cunningham

Kate GreenSarah CantlayRebecca FinchNicole Daisley

Jacqueline DarbyEllie Murphy

Devan McCluskey

The Ladies Team werenewly promoted team to

Group 2 in 2012

third. Sarah and Kate beat Essex 3rdpair in no time at all, 6-0, 6-0 –excellent!Rebecca and Devan went down easily,which saw us 3 all with one round togo. Captain Holly was disappointedwith her loss and felt we had left toomuch to do to beat Essex....but shewas wrong!! Amanda was not feelingwell so Jacqueline Darby stepped upfor her first match of the week, taking awin for Kent! 4-3 up. Rebecca andDevan were determined to beat Essexno.1 pair, but went down fighting 6-4 inthe third. It was all down to Sarah andKate against Essex very strong no.2pair. No one had more confidence thatKent would win that match than Kateand Sarah....whilst the rest of uswatched through our hands, they wonin straight sets! 5-4 to Kent! A rivalry I’msure will continue against Essex, butKent came out on top this time....again!

Kent vs Cheshire

Cheshire had looked strong all week,with some great doubles players. Tiredfrom the day before we knew thiswould be tough. With the team thesame as the day before Holly andAmanda won comfortably, butRebecca and Devan struggled andtook a loss. Kate and Sarah, showingthe same fight as the day before losingto Cheshire’s no.1 pair in a tight 3 setmatch. Kent were 2-1 down at lunch

time. Rebecca and Devan playedmuch better but lost; while Sarahand Kate took a 3 sets victory, whichleft Amanda and Holly in anotherlong 3 set match with Cheshire 1pair. Into a third set tiebreak and witha few loose points from us, we lostthe tiebreak, 4-2 down after round 2.We knew a win looked unlikely but wefought to win as many matches aspossible. Unfortunately it wasn’t agreat day of tennis from Kent, we gave100% but lost 6-3.

Kent vs Yorkshire

All still to play for on the last day, as itwas not clear who was going up ordown. We knew the importance ofwinning as many matches as possible.A new line up today, Holly/Sarah,Amanda/Kate and Rebecca/Devan.Kent were in a hurry to win and in notime at all we found ourselves 5-1 up.We stopped there as the day hadbeen decided. After a long wait to findout our fate, we managed to stay inDivision 2, narrowly missing out onpromotion by a only few rubbers!!

A great effort from the Kent girls, andmissing out on promotion by a smallmargin has made us eager forpromotion next year! Bring it on!!

Ladies Captain, Holly Richards

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1992 - That’s twenty years ago. It was forsome of us a year of happy schooldaysor perhaps a time when we chewed ourfingernails awaiting GCSE results. Forothers, 1992 is a reminder of many ayoung man of twenty chasing tennis ballsacross the courts of Kent. And for others,it brings back never to be forgottenmemories, of when we had the legs, thelonging and the liveliness to compete. Sohopefully, in some way or another, thistiptoe back to 1992 will ring chimes in thememories of our lives 2 decades ago.

First we go to the Kent Tennis AGMwhere, at the top table, sat Austin Smith,President, Stuart Smith and John Darby,Joint Secretaries, and Chris Ring, theTreasurer. The elected members wereGeorge Austin, Charles Bailey, RichardBarwick, Angela Darby, Geoff Griffiths,Peter Hill, Brian John, Arthur May, BrianMoleshead, John Povey, Rene Stent, MrsTrevor Stent, Peter Stotesbury, NiallSweeney, Bob Whitehead and IanWright. The meeting heard that therewere 137 affiliated Clubs, 121 Schoolsand 841 Associated Members. SchoolsSecretary Miss Lesley Brash reportedthat KCSLTA had 100 Secondary Schoolsand 21 Primary Schools affiliated. Goodnews indeed, but not so good news fromthe Clubhouse at the County Ground atDartford. After being vandalised and seton fire, we were told that Tunbridge Wellshad kindly supplied a Portakabin and thatthe local Tennis Club, J.E Hall, was alsohelping out for County Junior Matches.The future proposal was to secure a fifty-year lease and build a new Pavilionwhere the old bowling green stood. Wenow know, of course, that these plans didnot materialise and it was thanks to theStuart Smith led group, and to Stuart inparticular, that Kent secured theheadquarters that we have today. Take abow Stuart.

On to County Week, where our men,captained by Paul Bourdon, finishedrunners up to Yorkshire in Group One.The squad was Andy Burgoyne, GarethJones, Steve Joyce, Mark Sheldon,Richard Whichello, Rob Antoun, ColinBeecher and, of course, Paul. TheLadies, with Marcia Ackers as non-

playing Captain, were in Division Two andwere relegated after narrowly losing toHerts and Middlesex by 5 rubbers to 4.Flying the flag were Harriet Cotton,Gaynor Hawkins, Sally Holmes, LindseyHine, Catherine Bromfield, JanePaterson, Jenny McConville and MichelleWheeler. In the other age events ourLadies 50 and Over reached the lastsixteen, before losing on sets to Leices-tershire and their side was Sue Croft,Cynthia Smith, Sue Teubler and theCaptain Marcia Ackers. The rest of ourteams fell by the wayside I’m afraid.

Next we visit the 1992 Kent Champi-onships. In those days the annual KentClosed Doubles competition was heldduring the Beckenham Tournament,which gave competitors free entry to theTournament and the opportunity to mixwith the big professional names and,indeed, often play in front of a large groupof interested spectators. Paul Bourdonand Rob Antoun won the Men’s Doublesand Jenny McConville and MichelleWheeler were the Ladies winners. Whenyou take into account that 42 pairsentered the Men’s and 20 pairs enteredthe Ladies, it does show you how popularand prestigious this tournament was,where no doubt the Kent Captains wereon the lookout for new emerging talent forCounty week. With regard to the ordinarysummer events Danny Ward and LizCowan claimed the Singles and theexperienced and well-established Men’sVeterans pairing of Vic Chance and ColinDancey continued to dominate the Over45 scene.

The Kent Junior Championships attractedthe customary large entry and the 18 andUnder winners were Andrew Guntrip andJuliet Iliffe. The 12 and Under doubleschampions were two little boys BillyMcManus and Jim May. One very goodprospect was Dario Galasso, who wasselected for the Great Britain 14 andUnder team, which competed in theEuropean Summer Cup. There wasmuch jubilation also when the Kent Boyswon Group One of the Midland BankCounty Cup for the first time in theCounty’s history. The joint Editors of KentLawn Tennis, Eric Auger and Irene Stent,

reported this success as a magnificentachievement, so 20 years on, let’s do soonce again. Well done to the team ofDaniel Breag, Andy Burgoyne, MartinCurzey, Nick Morgan, Alex Osterreith,GarethJones, Andrew Guntrip, JonathonHind, and Paul Ryan. Not forgetting, ofcourse, the team Captain, one ClintHarris. And there were more whoops ofjoy and lollipops all round when the KentShort Tennis team won the Regional Title.The squad was Jack McManus, RobSearle, Adam Howell, David Holmes,Oliver Wallis, Daniel Riva, HannahWaddell, Victoria Lansdale, Narrita Shah,Kate Glover, Amanda Goodworth, andVicky Thomas.

And so we take a look at Wimbledon andstart with the qualifying tournament atRoehampton. Colin Beecher of Kent beata certain Tim Henman 6-3 6-1 beforelosing to a Canadian called GregRusedski 4-6 4- 6, who lost in the nextround. We had eleven British girls inWimbledon’s first round and ten fell at thefirst fence, with the lone survivor ShirleyAnn Siddall tumbling out in the secondround. The gallant ten were Valda Lake,Clare Wood, Sara Gomer, Sarah Bentley,Colette Hall, Amanda Grunfield, SarahLoosemore, Virginia Humphrey–Davis,Jo Durie and Monique Javer. The mendid have a hero in Jeremy Bates, whohad a wonderful tournament before losingin a thrilling five set match to Guy Forgetof France in round four. As regards therest, Mark Petchey and Chris Wilkinsonmade it to round two, leaving thecustomary band of plucky first roundlosers, Chris Bailey, Andrew Castle,Andrew Richardson and Andrew Foster.It was a glorious Wimbledon for AndreAgassi, the 12th seed who despatchedJohn McEnroe in straight sets in the SemiFinal and then went on to beat the No 8seed Goran Ivanisevic in the Final in fivesets. The Ladies Final was far more onesided than we expected and the No 2seed Steffi Graf blasted the No 1 seedMonica 6-2 6-1 with a powerful display.Incidentally, admission to Wimbledonwas £7 and Centre Court tickets for thefirst Monday and Tuesday cost £17.

So what do you do when Wimbledon is

It Was 20 Years Ago Today

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over? Well, twenty years ago, 240 revellersfrom Kent went back to the hallowedground or, rather, the Debentures Loungein September of that year for the KentTennis Presentation evening. Special guestLord Weatherill, the former speaker of theHouse of Commons, presented the KentInter Club winners trophies. It was awonderful evening for all those who canremember it and a profit of £350 was raisedfrom Tombola. Perhaps we could do it againsometime, shall we say 2015 when KentTennis will celebrate 125 years?

Now just in case tennis is not your sport,you might recall that in 1992 Liverpool beatSunderland 2—0 in the Cup Final withgoals from Thomas and Rush. Nick Faldowon the British Open Golf and LinfordChristie won the 100 metres at theBarcelona Olympics. Other non-sportingheadlines went as follows: Bill Clintonelected US President, John Major andConservatives win the General Election andBetty Boothroyd becomes the first WomanSpeaker. Silence of the Lambs sweeps theOscars and Whitney Houston conquers thePop Charts with “I will always love you“ asdid Wet Wet Wet with “Goodnight Girl“.Alders in Bromley were offering a ZanussiWashing Machine for £369.99, a PierreCardin Men’s Suit for £149 and Farahtrousers (have you still got them?) for£19.99. First Class postage was 24 pence,a pint of milk cost 28p, a Mars Bar 30p andstrawberries and cream at Wimbledon£1.65. The New Fantail Restaurant atLocks Bottom offered a three-course lunchfrom Monday to Friday for £12-95. Couldyou afford it then? Well the Members ofParliament certainly could as they gavethemselves a forty per cent rise on theirexpense accounts.

1992 was a sad year for my MountPleasant Club, when one of our Veteransplayers Barcelona-born Enrique Palaopassed away. Every Club has a character

and Enrique was certainly one. He livedin London, where he played for a club inthe Middlesex league, he worked in EastLondon, where he played for a Club inthe Essex league and then he travelledto Blackheath, where he played for us inNorth Kent.

I leave you with my final memory of 1992,or rather a Veterans match betweenBexley and Wellcome Dartford in thatyear. Bexley lined out with Ron Brain, JohnFarrell, Paddy Dennehy and DerrickHaynes and Wellcome had Alan Mcgrath,Keith Elcome, Eddie Grimmer and CharlieBrown. I cannot tell you who won, but I hadthe opportunity of playing against theseguys for the Mount Pleasant Club duringthat season. Sadly, Ron Brain died on thetennis court two years ago, but MessrsFarrell and Dennehy are still treading theBexley courts. As for the rest, dear DerrickHaynes, coach to more Bexley Junior KentChampions that anyone can remember,has retired and I can only assume that therest have found goodness and gratitude onthe Golf Course.

And lest I forget, one late result and it’s aVeterans Tournament run at the MountPleasant Club in March of that year wheretwo Bromley boys Vic Chance and NormanWitham beat Hartley’s John Beslee andcigar smoking Bernard Toomey in the final.And that’s about it, for in the words of the1938 John McCormack song “The Old


“it’s time I was movingit’s time I passed on “

Denis Costelloe

Back RowTony DorricottPhil LynchDenis CostelloeGeoff GriffithsMalcolm FoxHarry Lynch

Back RowHarry JeffordPaula RobinsonFleur BuckleyKeeley TyrrellShirley Marshall

Page 16: KLT Autumn 2012

The North Kent Cup CompetitionsFinals were held on the customary lastSunday of July at the Bexley TennisClub. Normally one can expect sunnyconditions, although down the years wehave encountered the odd showery ordull Finals Day. This year, however, theReferee, Jeff Richards of the SydenhamClub, and North Kent Chairman, PhilLynch, were faced with intermittentmassive downpours, which turned themain three Acrylic Courts into smalllakes within seconds. It was a time tocall on any willing volunteers to get thebrushes out and hope that the warmsunshine that followed would get theplayers back on court as quickly aspossible. This on and off game betweenthe weather and organisers continuedthroughout the afternoon and indeed atone stage there were doubts if some ofthe Finals would have to be postponedto another day. Eventually man andbrushes triumphed over the elementsand the programme of nine matcheswas concluded.

The Ladies Singles went to Crescent,represented by Katy Taylor whose allround play was much too steady forBexley’s Alison Strub. Katy won 6-1 6-3and the last time Crescent won this titlewas back in 1990 when Jo Copp wasthe victor. The Men’s Singles proved avery one-sided affair when the holderJason Barnett, this year representingHartley, simply cruised home 6-0 6-1over Martin Dene's Dave McGonigle.Jason, who reached the Final with theloss of only one game, Jason Barnett is,as at today, ranked World No.1 in theOver 35s in the ITF World Ranking andwas the beaten finalist in this year’sBritish 35 Indoor and Grass CourtChampionships.

The Men’s Doubles Finals was equallya bit one sided with the holders Kaan

Basaran and Joe Edwards from theBromley Wendover Club disposing ofMartin Dene’s Chris Wyles and AlexJuniper in straight sets 6-2 6-1. MartinDene were unable to call on the Salhbrothers, who were on holiday for theFinal, so they drafted in promising Kent14 and Under junior, Alex to partnerChris Wyles. They put in a goodperformance, but had to give way to theguile and experience of a doublespartnership that has participated inseveral Finals down the years. TheLadies Doubles produced a similar storyfeaturing Blackheath’s old hands NaylaSolh and Kate Hands (sorry about thepun) on Finals day. Going for three in arow, Blackheath’s finest were pushed allthe way in the opening set against LisaKing and Jo Robinson of the SundridgePark Club, who were no doubt wishingthey were back home on their grasscourts. A seesaw first set went to Naylaand Kate 7-5 and from there onwardsthey were always on top, clinching thematch 6-1. Four in a row beckons nextyear for the winners.

The Mixed Doubles gave us the onlythree setter of the afternoon whenGravesham’s Alice Crane and DylanCampbell took on Crescent’s HelenSweet and Ernie Wellhausen. Crescenthadn’t won a mixed title since 1989when Jo Copp and Russell Bruty.Russell Bruty, the first man I saw with abig Prince racket, was quite a big manwith an equally big serve as I rememberand Ernie, yes they call him Ernie “andhe hits the fastest service in the West”came along. Ernie needed those fastand big serves as it happened, beforewinning 6-4 3-6 6-4, He also had asteady reliable partner in Helen Sweet.

On to the Ladies Vets and place yourbets please. From Bexley, and going forthree in a row, we had Sheila Badger

and Janice Barnshaw and opposing thechampions were Helen Custy andMandy O’Callaghan from the DavidLloyd Dartford Club. Result says it all,6-0 6-1 to Bexley and nothing more toadd – well apart from recording thatSheila and Janice have now won 14North Kent Titles between them.

We did have two Junior Finals, with theGirls title going to Emily Thompson whodefeated Meopham's Marcelle Lowe 7-5 6-4 in an entertaining match. Emily’smum Jane won the Ladies Doublesback in 2003. The Boys Final was wonby Gravesham’s Ewen Reader, whodefeated Martin Dene’s John De Costaby 6-2 6-0.

And so to the Men’s Veterans Finals.Martin Dene sent out five timeschampions Errol Evans and Ian Milliganto face HSBC’s Phil Lynch (North KentChairman) and Jeff Richards(Tournament Referee). For Phil and Jeff,their pre-match preparation was anarduous three hours trying to getmatches played, contending withplayers who wanted their favouritesurfaces or those who were a littlereluctant to start in case of slipperycourts. All these are logical complaintsof course, but when you are theorganisers and the waiting crowds arerequesting action, it can take a coolhead to please players, spectators andumpires. As things went we witnessed ahighly competitive final, the spoils goingto Phil and Jeff on a 6-4 7-6 scoreline,after a three setter seemed certain atone stage. A repeat of this match in 2013looks highly probable

Austin Smith very kindly attended topresent the trophies and our thanks toBexley for hosting the event.

North Kent Finals

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Congratulations to James Davisfrom The Appeti Tennis Centre,Canterbury on his fantasticachievement at The HSBC NationalRoad to Wimbledon Competition,reaching the finals in both thesingles and the doubles.James, the grandson of former KentLTA Treasurer John Povey, hasbeen a player and pupil with AppetiTennis and with coach, RichardMyall, since the age of five. Richardwas present during the week to offeradvice, support and pre-matchpractice to James.In the singles final James facedLuke Hammond from Warwickshire.James stayed positive and confidentthroughout the match and afterlosing the first set 2-6 began to fightback in the second. This was muchcloser with both boys not wanting tolose at this stage.At 6 all the set went to a tiebreakwhere James and Luke continued tomatch each other point for point. Inthe end Luke was able to breakserve and took the match 6-2, 7-6,winning the tiebreak by the closest

of margins, 9-7.It wasn't long until James wasback on court facing Luke againin the doubles final. James andhis doubles partner Piers Foleyfaced Luke and partner BarnabySmith. James and Piers flew out ofthe blocks and pushed ahead totake the first set. They never lookedback and continued to work as ateam to win the title of BoysDoubles Champions, 6-1, 6-2.James was presented with histrophies by Tim Henman, theambassador for the Road toWimbledon, who had attended theFinals Day.The competition was held at TheBank of England Sports Ground,where the qualifying draws forWimbledon take place. The Road toWimbledon Competition is usuallyheld at Wimbledon but this yearwas moved venue due to theOlympics. The exciting thing forJames, being only 13, is that hestill has another chance atreaching the finals next year andplaying at Wimbledon.

Davis Excels on theRoad to Wimbledon

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James Davis, (above & left) withCoach, Richard Myall and Tim Henman

Lucas Percy

To reach the national finalsplayers had to first compete inone of over 800 local club orschool events to qualify via theCounty Finals. Kent’s JamesDavis and Lucas Percy bothreached the National Finals andwere invited by The All EnglandClub Lawn Tennis Club, andHSBC, to benefit from a fun-filledweek of tennis.

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Siobhan is a member of the KentLTA team based at The BromleyTennis Centre. This year she wasawarded AEGON Team TennisOrganiser of the year 2012, jointlywith the organiser in Surrey,together beating all the otherCounty Organisers in the UK. So,we thought it would be a good ideato find out more about Siobhan:

How long have you worked for KentTennis?3 years

What did you do before this?After A-Levels, I studiedPsychology with Sport andExercise at Canterbury ChristChurch University, graduating witha 2:1 BSc Honours Degree.

How long have you been playingtennis?21 years, having started playing atThe Bailey Tennis Centre inDartford, which is now David LloydDartford. After that I joined theDavid Lloyd Club in Sidcup, beforejoining Crescent LTC and playingfor their Ladies teams. During myschool years, I representedDartford Girls Grammar School inKent Schools Tennis Competitions

and then went on to play in theWomen’s 1st team at CanterburyChrist Church University.

What are your greatest tennisachievements?I won the Crescent LTC LadiesSingles title in 2004 and captainedthe Women’s 1st Team atCanterbury Christ Church Universityin the BUCS University League for2 years. In 2009 I qualified as a LTALevel 1 Coaching Assistant and asan Association of British TennisOfficials (ABTO) Referee.

What other sports do you play?I used to play hockey at Burnt AshHockey Club in Bexley in additionto playing netball at school. I alsoenjoy swimming and cycling whenI have the time.

What has been your greatestachievement at Kent Tennis?Receiving the AEGON TeamTennis award was a great momentfor me. I had worked hard to get263 teams competing in the 2012AEGON team tennis leagues inKent, which was an increase inboth the number of junior andadult teams. Also there was a high

level of match completion rates(83%) and recording of matchresults (95%) which made all thehard work worthwhile. I would liketo thank all the team captains whoarranged matches, entered resultsand communicated with methroughout the duration of theleague.

What are your ambitions for thefuture within tennis?TTo continue to support peopleplaying tennis, to increase thenumber of 10 & under girls playingtennis and help the Kent LTA teambecome recognised as the bestcounty within the LTA.

What is the best part of your job?Organising tennis competitions andrunning the leagues, in particularthe AEGON Team Tennis and KentJunior Team Tennis Autumnleague. I also enjoy refereeing 8 &under events and helping toorganise/referee the Kent SchoolGames Tennis Competition everyother year.

What is the worst part of your job?Not having the time to play tennisas often as I would like!

Award Winning Siobhan Butler,Interviewed for KLT

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Deal ITCGet the Carnival Spirit

When the Carnival rolled into townthe Deal Indoor Tennis Centre didnot waste any time getting involved.The Centre chose to be on footrather than aboard a large vehicle.They had a transit van decoratedwith a mini tennis net and racketsand balls attached.Banners advertising the Deal IndoorTennis Centre were also fitted andlively music to help the 30 strongvolunteers keep up the pace.Lead Coach Chris Hollands, TennisCoordinator Vanessa Webb andVista Leisure’s Kyle Fisher walkedbehind the vehicle with 23 Junior’sranging from 5-16 year olds. Theymanaged to get 6 parents along tojoin in the fun as they distributedtheir leaflets advertising the manycoaching programmes available atthe tennis centre and the summercamps.The Children and Adults were allkitted out with Deal Indoor T. Shirtsand armed with rackets had greatfun hitting stress balls into thecrowds that packed the pavementsalong the route.

The first half of the route wasalong the seafront and each timethe carnival came to a halt theteam were quick to put up a mininet on the cliff top for a tennisdisplay before they started walkingagain.The route went from Deal seafront,along Walmer seafront ending up inthe north of Deal.The parade lasted two hours but theglorious evening sunshine helpedmake the Deal Carnival asuccessful and fun night out.The Centre gave thanks to all that

Tennis Display on the seafront cliff tops as parade comes to a stop

Parents also get involved and join the parades

Deal Indoor Tennis Centre Junior’s alongside decorated Vanbefore the procession.

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As I write this Andy Murray has justcollected a Gold Medal from theOlympics Tennis Men’s Singles Finaldefeating the great Roger Federer instraight sets and he and LauraRobson then went on to pick up aSilver Medal in the Mixed Doubles.Team GB are 3rd on the medals tableand there is a fantastic feel good buzzaround in general – everyone seemshappy, positive and inspired – so theslogan of ‘Inspire a Generation’ maywell come to fruition – let’s hope so!So what, you may well ask, have webeen doing in the Kent Team to addour 2p to the amazing sportinglandscape this year?Well, our main focus has been aroundincreasing participation in our sportand we have looked to achieve thisthrough the 4 P’s – Places, People,Programmes and Promotion.Places – there has been investmentin the facility developments atBromley Tennis Centre (The KentHigh Performance Centre & anaccredited Coach Education Centre)with the addition of a gym, playerstudy room and a multi-purpose studioand The Parklangley Club’s hugelysuccessful ‘Tennis for Free’ schemehas received an investment to expandtheir community offer with the additionof 2 full size courts and 4 stand alone,purpose built mini red courts at theirCroydon Recreation Ground site. People – we have hosted a forumfocused on using technology tosupport our Places to Play to use ITand marketing in an effective way.With BTC becoming an accreditedCoach Education Centre it hasenabled both our existing andpotential coaches to access highquality, wide ranging courses locally.And through our review meetingsaround our County Cup policy,schools competitions, summer andwinter tournaments and through ourSurveyMonkey questionnaires wehope to listen, understand andimplement where we can to improvethe experience for Kent players andtheir supporters!Programmes – Mini Tennis was re-launched this year to give youngsters

Summer 2012 - Wow!

How We’re Doing - September 2012

Number of 6+ RCJ’s

Number of 20+ RCJ’s

Number of Clubs Clubmarked

Number of Beacon Sites

Number of Registered Places to Play

Number of Places to Play Tennis Members

Number of British Tennis Members


0 29953359


















(Regularly Competing Juniors)

(Regularly Competing Juniors)

a great introduction to tennis andoffers an easy to understand set ofawards to allow and monitorprogress. To encourage adults whoperhaps haven’t played a great dealof tennis but like to get a sweat on –Cardio Tennis has been launched. InKent we piloted a successful silentdisco cardio experience atCanterbury University to see if therewas a way of running cardio tenniswithout disturbing players on othercourts – we reckon there is!

Promotions – Through allplay tennis

(an online tennis community), theP2P area on the main LTA websiteand through the forum we ran andthe programmes which aresupported we hope that our P2Phave a range of tools to enable them

to attract, retain and grow thenumber of players in our sport.All in all we have had a successfulyear against our targets (see tableabove) and hopefully communicatedeffectively to all of our tennis peopleto update them on what’s coming upand available now through KentTennis Direct (KTD), informing themof spaces on courses and places intournaments through Twitter andFacebook and kept you all informedof all things related to Kent Tennisthrough our website and emailcommunications.Have a great rest of 2012 and welook forward to and wish you asuccessful 2013!

The Kent Team

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Upgrade forCroydon Rec

It was 14 years ago when tenniswas last played on the three grasscourts at Croydon RecreationGround in Beckenham and sincethen the ground has been left towaste. Adjacent to these threegrass courts were 6 poorlymaintained tarmac courts.In the period from 2002 to nowThe Parklangley Club hascompletely refurbished the sixcourts by rebuilding twocompletely and resurfacing 4others. These courts are now ofclub standard.The six courts were so heavilyused and the demand was sogreat through the Parklangley‘Tennis for free’ scheme that it wasclear we needed more courts atthe site.A feasibility study was carried outto convert the three old grasscourts into hard courts. Thesegrass courts were on three levelsso retaining walls would also benecessary.An application for funding wasmade to Mayor of London’s facility

fund and also to the LTAfacilities department. Both theseapplications were successful.The tender was won by TrevorMay and work began at thebeginning of February 2012.Snow covered the ground theweek before but after that therewas perfect weather. The workwas completed by the end ofMarch but the weather turned sothe painting could not be carriedout until 21st May and the first dayof use was 26th May 2012.We decided to turn one of the newcourts into mini tennis red courts -so now we have an additional 2full size courts and 4 mini tennisred courts.The vista from one end to anotheris fabulous and seeing tennisplayed on 8 tennis courts (alsoorange lined) and 4 mini tennisred courts in a row is a wonderfuland rewarding sight.

Tony Beddoe

Croydon Rec’s New Courts www.kenttennis.net Page 21

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Deal Indoor Tennis Centre hasachieved the Lawn TennisAssociation’s prestigious mark ofquality in its first year of operation.Club Mark is only awarded tofacilities and clubs that havereached specific criteria relating totennis coaching and managementand Deal has become the ninth clubin East Kent to be recognized asreaching the standards set by thetennis governing body.

The LTA County Development OfficerHarriett Norford presented theCentre with the Club Mark plaqueand certificate and said: “The DealIndoor Tennis Centre Team hasworked hard to achieve this accredi-tation. They are demonstrating thatthey are delivering a comprehensiveprogramme for all ages and abilities,as well as being forward thinking.This is a Centre that will no doubt bea huge asset to British Tennis formany years to come”.

The Tennis Centre has over ahundred children playing in the junior

mini tennis programme thatcaters for children as young as 3years old. Lead coach ChrisHollands is very excited by thetalent that is developing in Deal andsaid: “We already have childrencompeting in regional competitionsand we have a group of under 4’swho are showing an amazing abilityto rally. The future of Tennis in Dealis bright!”

Kalvin Clapson, Head of Businessand Community Development said:“We are all very proud to receive thisrecognition at such an early stage.The Tennis Team and other staff atTides Leisure and Indoor TennisCentre continue to work hard atdelivering a great service and we arekeen to ensure children and adultsbenefit from this excellent facility”.

Deal ITC CentreAchieves Mark of Quality

Vanessa Webb (centre) receives theplaque from Harri Izzard (right) withChris Hollands (left)

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Kent SchoolsGames Finals

Yr8 & Yr10

25 teams from across Kentcompleted in the Yr 8&10 KentSchools Games Finals on 20thand 21st June (Thursday andFriday) 2012 at the University ofKent – Canterbury.Thursday saw the Year 10 eventswith teams put into 2 boxes. Thewinner and runner up from eachbox fed through to the Semi FinalsStage.In the boys event the first semifinal was contested by TunbridgeWells and Sheppey & Sitting-bourne with the second contestedby Thanet and Ashford. BothTunbridge Wells and Ashfordprogressed through to the finalswith Ashford coming out the Goldmedal winners leaving TunbridgeWells with a well deserved silvermedal! The bronze medal play offwas won by Thanet.In the girls event the first semi finalwas contested by Tonbridge/WestKent and Canterbury with thesecond contested by Thanet andAshford. Both Tonbridge/West

Kent and Ashford progressedthrough to the finals withTonbridge/West Kent coming outthe Gold medal winners leavingAshford with a well deserved silvermedal! The bronze medal play offwas won by Canterbury.Friday saw the Year 8 events withteams again put into 2 boxes. Thesame format applied for the daywith the winner and runner upfrom each box feeding through tothe semi finals Stage.In the boys event the first semifinal was contested by Maidstoneand Shepway with the secondcontested by Dover andCanterbury. Both Maidstone andCanterbury progressed through tothe finals with Maidstone comingout the Gold medal winnersleaving Canterbury with a welldeserved silver medal! The bronzemedal play off was won byShepway.In the girls event the first semi finalwas contested by Tonbridge/WestKent and Canterbury with thesecond contested by the 2 Ashfordteams. Both Tonbridge/West Kentand Ashford progressed throughto the finals with Tonbridge/WestKent coming out the Gold medalwinners leaving Ashford with awell deserved silver medal! Thebronze medal play off was won byCanterbury.

A great two days of tennis washad by all teams with a greatstandard of tennis being playedthroughout.

Kent PrimarySchools


The 2012 Kent Primary SchoolsCompetition kicked off with theboys Orange and Green whichwere a big success.On Wednesday 23rd May, 16teams of 4 boys from a number ofdifferent schools across the countyarrived at Bromley High School for

the Kent Primary Schools OrangeCompetition.Throughout the morning there wasmany close matches and somefantastic tennis being played. Theplayers all thoroughly enjoyedthemselves, basking in theglorious sunshine as well asplaying tennis.The final was between Oaklodgeand Russell House with Oaklodgewinning 4 ½ to 1 ½.In the afternoon a further 9 teamsarrived from a variety of schools tocompete in the Mini Tennis Greentournament.We saw even more high quality

tennis, with players winning by asingle point in some matches. Allplayers were a credit to theirschools both off and on the courtOaklodge met Amherst in the final.

A big thank you goes to MaryEvans who ran the event on behalfof Kent Tennis and to all theteachers for supporting the event;we couldn’t have run the eventwithout your help.

Look out for the 2013 entryforms!

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Under 8Schools


14 teams from across Kentcompeted in the 8U Kent SchoolGames Finals on 21st June atCanterbury High School.Teams of 2 were split into 4 roundrobin boxes, named after the GrandSlams. In Round 1 Dover werewinners of the Australian Open box,East Kent Costal ‘A’ were winners ofthe Wimbledon box,Malling/Sevenoaks won the USOpen box and Ashford ‘B’ won theFrench Open box.Lots of tennis was played, eachteam playing in two pairs against theother teams in their box; each matchlasted 7 minutes.After a busy morning, everyone hada well deserved lunch break,relaxing on the field and practisingtheir skills on the tennis court.After lunch, Round 2 was playedwith the teams playing in 4 minicompass draws to decide the finalstandings. In draw 4, as we only had2 teams, 1 match was played todecide 13th & 14th place. Medwaywon over Shepway in a closely

fought match.Gravesham won draw 3 gaining9th place, with Canterbury in10th, Dartford in 11th andTonbridge finishing in 12th place.Ashford ‘A’ beat East Kent Costal‘B’ in a high scoring match to claimfifth place, East Kent Costal ‘B’,Tunbridge Wells and Thanetfinished in 6th, 7th and 8th placerespectively.In draw 1, Ashford ‘B’ beat EastKent Costal ‘A’ to claim the bronzemedal position of 3rd place. Thefinal was contested betweenMalling/Sevenoaks and Dover, withMalling/Sevenoaks edging pastDover winning 32 points to 29.A lot of fun was had by all and therewas a fantastic atmospherethroughout the day.Thank you to all the Schools GamesOrganisers, teachers/parents andplayers for all your help, it was anenjoyable day and I look forward tothe 2014 finals!

Siobhan ButlerReferee


Kent Tennis have once againhad a busy year with schoolsactivity ranging from thecourses we provide forteachers to teach tennis totheir students, pupils tosupport tennis activity and thecomprehensive competitioncalendar available.Many thanks to all of those

involved to make theseactivities so successful: thevolunteers who run so manyof the events; the SGO’s(School Games Organisers)for their energy andenthusiasm; the teachers fortaking up the opportunitiesavailable; the venues who hostthe events; the Places to Playand their coaches fordeveloping strong links withtheir local schools; parents fortirelessly supporting theirchildren and of course the 1812students for representing their195 schools in such a positiveand committed manner – welldone and thank you!

The Winning Teams from Oaklodge

Orange: Oscar Powell, James Gibbins,Liam Vincent and Harry Schofield

Green: Harvey Conway, Ben Georgel,Jo Bertolotti and Joe Walsh

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Deal’s Daniel onthe Road to


Talented youngster DanielHodgson is fast becoming one ofthe Deal Indoor Tennis Centre’stop junior’s.Daniel first started playing tennisat the age of five. He then had totake time out when he broke hisarm the following year. He joined the Deal Indoor TennisCentre when it opened its doorslast year where he enrolled ontothe mini red tennis programmeunder the watchful eye of leadcoach Chris Hollands.He was very keen and competitiveand soon progressed to miniorange.He started playing in the LTACounty Tour Events and can befound competing in events in andaround the County almost on aweekly basis.Last year was the start of hiswinning streak as he made hisdebut in the LTA Autumn TeamEvent, along with his partnerFreddie Larsen they entered at thelast minute when another team

pulled out and ended up winningtheir group to earn a place in theFinals played at the BromleyTennis Centre in March earlier thisyear.He finished the year off by pickingup most of the prizes at the DealIndoor Tennis Centre ChristmasCompetition.Earlier this year, he played a keypart in the Kent Schoolscompetition team event and withhis team secured a place in theCounty Finals in June after theywon the Deal and Dover Districtcompetition. They went on to winsilver medals in the Finals justbeing beaten by Malling andSevenoaks by just three points oncount back after levelling at 2-2.

Since the school holidays beganDaniel did not waste any time instarting his summer of tennis. Heentered his first tournament on the21st July when he played in theSummer Mini Masters 9+U atWest Worthing Tennis and SquashClub. He managed just one win out ofsix matches.On the 25th July he took part inthe Hythe Open 9+U where hecame 6th out of 16.He was seen in Canterbury on the30th July where he managed onewin out of four matches in the

Canterbury Open Boys 9+U.In August saw improvement andwith more match experience underhis belt came more success. Onthe 2nd August he reached theSemi Finals of the Surrey JuniorTour-Orange Event in Redhill. In afield of 15 competitors and playedin windy conditions he narrowlylost in a closely fought three setmatch.On the 10th August he went onebetter as he won the FavershamMini Orange Match Play winningall four of his matches in a RoundRobin Format.On the 20th August he entered theBromley Tennis Centre SummerTournament where he foundhimself up against 16 strongcompetitors. In his group he managed to win 1match out of 6 but was delightedto win the ‘Fair Play’ Award for thetournament.His last two events brought moresuccess as he won the Hythe MiniOrange Match Play Event on the22nd August when he won all sixof his matches in a Round RobinEvent.On August 25th he finished hisjourney where he had started backin West Worthing.He took part in the West WorthingSuper Saturday Mini-OrangeFestival.

He won all of his five matches in his Round Robingroup where he progressed to the Quarter Finals. A 7-5,7-2 victory saw him safely through to the Semi-Finals which turned out to be the match of theTournament. Daniel in increasing tension managed tohold his nerve as he came through a titanic tussle 10-8,11-9 for a deserved place in the Final.The Final was one step too far and he lost 2-7,0-7 butwas elated with his runner’s up trophy.Daniel is currently on two courses a week at the DealIndoor Tennis Centre where he is working hard withcoaches Chris Hollands and Toby Churchill.He also has Buddy Hitting sessions with TobyChurchill on a regular basis and has been targeted bythe Centre to join their new ‘Development Squad’which they will be starting in the new September term.

Vanessa Webb

Daniel Hodgson withChris Hollands (above)

Runner’s-Up Trophy atWest Worthing Super SaturdayMini Orange Festival

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Matt Short’s firstITF F5 FuturesTitle

Matthew Short has won his firstdoubles title in July at the ITF F5Futures Event in Serbia.Playing with Marko Djokovic,brother to Novak, the thirdseeded pair defeated top seedsBojan Zdravkovic (SRB) & StefanMicov (MKD) 7-6(4), 7-5 in thefinal.

www.kenttennis.net Page 27

Deal’s TalentedToby

The Deal Indoor Tennis Centre’sToby Churchill has recently passedhis LTA level 3 Coaching Qualifi-cation making him an LTA Level 3Licensed Coach.Since joining the Deal Indoor TennisCentre as an apprentice lastSeptember Toby has been keptbusy by his mentor and lead coachof the Centre Chris Hollands.With Hollands mentoring and Tobygaining coaching experience as anassistant helping out in the Juniorcoaching sessions within one monthhe had passed his Level 1 coachingqualification to become a qualifiedLTA Level 1 Coaching Assistant.His keenness and love of coachingsaw Toby undertake his Level 2course in January.Toby sailed through the course andpassed his exam to become an LTARegistered Level 2 coach. He didnot waste any time in enrollingimmediately on the level 3 course.Toby passed his Level 3 qualifi-cation in July.This was an remarkable feat. It

would normally take 1-2 yearsminimum to pass Level 1 and 2and begin a Level 3 course butToby has passed all 3 within 10months and at the tender age of19.Toby is looking to start his LTALevel 4 Senior PerformanceCourse starting next year.

Toby has been a keen tennis playersince a very young age, competingin County and regional tournamentssince the age of 12 in both UK 12and under and 16 and under agegroups. He broke into the top 10 inthe county rankings.Over the last few years, he has wonnumerous Winter County Tourevents and looks forward tocompeting in British Tour events inthe future.

The Tennis Team at the Deal IndoorTennis Centre would like to take thisopportunity to congratulate TobyChurchill and wish him luck as hecontinues to move forward in thefuture as a player and a top levelcoach. He is an asset to the team.

Vanessa Webb

Toby in theDeal Indoor Tennis Centre

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On the 4th July 2012 six WestHeath juniors, Tanner and Keeande Villiers, Phoebe Ecuyer-Dale,Theodora Enslin, Amelia Monteithand Jamie Smith, got up very earlyand, with Di and Melinda in tow,boarded the train to Wimbledon.

Below is an interview withTheodora about her day;

What was the best bit of the day?The guided tour of Wimbledon bya very nice lady.

Where did they take you?They took us to Centre Court, whichwas huge, and to Number Onecourt. We went to the place wherethe friends and family sit and watch,and we walked down the tunnels.We saw the man who’s job it is togo through every blade of grasschecking that they’re the correcttype. The lady told us that pigeonspoo on the courts and the seeds intheir poo are the wrong kind ofgrass for playing on.

Did you see anybody famous?Yes, I saw Serena Williamsplaying on the practice courts andher dad being interviewed.

What did you do after the tour?We went to the play area andmeasured the speed of ourserves. I sat on a very wobblyumpire’s chair.

Did you see any matches?We saw the number one ladiesdoubles pair in the world and saton Murray Mount and saw some ofMurray’s match against Ferrer.The screen was enormous.

Did you get a souvenir?Yes, we went to the stringing roomand I was given a piece of AndyMurray’s old string!

West Heath JuniorsEnjoy the Tennis at Wimbledon

Kent MenSupport a Good

Cause atBromley CC

Members of the club paid for theopportunity to play in a Pro Amevent followed by an exhibitionmatch between East and NorthKent, all in aid of the BurgessAutistic Trust. With one of thestrongest teams Kent could putout, including three players who

have played atthe WimbledonChampionshipsthemselves, itwas a feast oftennis that noteven the weathercould dampen.The green grassof Bromley saw

a nail-biting afternoon of exhibitiontennis that ended in an honourabledraw, with the real winner beingthe charity which benefited from allthe donations raised by themembers of Bromley Cricket Club."I hope this is the first of many ofthese types of events" said AndyBurgoyne, the Kent men’s captain,who went on to thank both theKent Lawn Tennis Association andthe All England Lawn Tennis Clubfor providing them with somefantastic, “once in a lifetime” prizesfor their charity raffle and toBromley Cricket Club for hostingthe event on their high qualitygrass courts.

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Parklangleyin Print

Over the Summer months Yakulthave produced their Little Book ofFitness and the Summer edition ofDigest, and we’re in both...Not only that but we are in esteemedcompany with Yakult supporting theBritish Hockey and British Rowingteams at the 2012 London Olympicsand Swimming worldwide.The Little Book of Fitness is a greatread especially their section onTennis. With a literary contributionfrom our very own Graham Haydenwho explains how to start in Tennisand the best way to get the most outof the sport, including competing. Toaccompany the article is a photo of15 of our 9&U competitors from ourevent in April, 2012/2Yakult Digest is their regularnewsletter and we are given a greatmention along with some photos of afew of the winners, again from theApril 2012/2 event.We are on page 3.

You can get the Little Book of Fitnessthrough Yakult’s website atwww.yakult.co.uk

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Charles Howe

It is with sadness that we report the recent death of Charles Howe father ofNicky Howe –Slater formerly of the Bexley Club. Charles and Brenda Howewere very prominent members of the Kent Juniors Parents Group duringthe eighties and regularly transported Kent Junior players all over the SouthEast Region.

Charles and Brenda were always seen at Eastbourne during the AnnualCounty Week where they supported our County teams.

Our Sympathy goes out to Brenda, Nicky and family.


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Kent Tennis News Articles - Ifyou want the publicity, it is upto you to send us news, we’realways happy to receivesubmissions.

Guidelines for Website News:1. A heading eg: ‘TennisLegends Event’2. 1-10 words for the frontpage to entice people to openthe article eg: ‘Kent men winpromotion’3. Up to 100 words about thetopic.4. A photo – this is a must,with captions and names.5. Be aware that Kent Newsonly stays on the front pagefor one week only. LTA centralmedia people says news olderthan a week is old news andso it disappears from the frontpage but still can be found byclicking on the news tab.

To clarify how this differs froman article for the KLT.

Guidelines for the KLT:We are now publishing thenewsletter electronically twotimes per year in May andOctober in an effort to keepthe news and results as up todate as possible, as well ascontinuing with some of thefeatures that have remainedpopular over the years.In general terms an article of300 words will constitute a halfpage with 600 words making afull page. Please rememberthat people don’t generallywant to read huge slabs oftext, so make the article cometo life with a picture or two,which must have either acaption, names or both.

The deadline for the nextedition is 31st March 2013.

www.kenttennis.netKent Lawn Tennis


Autumn 2012

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County Closed Page 02Mens Vets Page 04

New Fitness Suite Page 08AEGON County Cup Page 10

20 Years Ago Page 14Kent Office Page 20

Primary Schools Page 24Deal Page 26

West Heath Juniors Page 28

KLT Editorial Panel: Martin Eldridge (Editor), Graham Silvester (Design & Production)Clare Lilley, Janice White, Tudor Rowe.