p.a.a. - purdue university libraries fileblack and gold pin inscribed fuhdue with attached black and...


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Page 1: P.A.A. - Purdue University Libraries fileBlack and gold pin inscribed FUHDUE with attached black and gold ribbons 50th reunion gold badge with "Class of 1933 Ruth Vaught" ... ( FGV

Lesiie L. and Ruth G . Iiauaht. Materials

Lbonore: Dr. and M r s . Eciwiri C . Leonard

P.A.A. Purdue Sweater

Manager Purdue Sweater

Blue sweater w i t h "1932" l e t t e r e d on f r o n t ; probably from [ Jn ive r s i t y of I l l i n o i s a t h l e t i c meet

Freshman Green Cap

Black REAMER cap w i t h go ld brim, gold " R" on it

Senior b l ack derby ( s i z e 7 1 , /4") , LLV

Senior b l ack derby ( s i z e 6 3/14"), RGV

Green/white cap , i n s c r i b e d "Class of '32 Purdue U n i v e r s i t y ' 6 " - 35th c l a s s reun ion

Blue and whi te c a p w i t h ENGINEER i n yel low on it

. Black and go ld p i n i n s c r i b e d FUHDUE wi th a t t a c h e d b l a c k and gold r i bbons

50th reunion go ld badge w i t h "Class of 1933 Ruth Vaught" r ibbon

50 th reun ion go ld badge w i t h "Class of 1933 Les Vaught" r ibbon

Yellow badge wi th b l ack r ibbon i n s c r i b e d "50 th Anniversary Ruth Vaught '32"

Gold and b l ack badge i n s c r i b e d "1933 Purdue"

Black and go ld badge i n s c r i b e d " '32"

Black and go ld badge i n s c r i b e d "'33"

6 Cards wi th Furdue emblem

Booklet e n t i t l e d Purdue i n A t h l e t i c s

Booklet e n t i t l e d P p

Furdue U n i v e r s i t y D i r ec to ry . 1927-1928, October 1927

Rook, Volume XXIV, 1927-28

T h ~ k , 1930-31, The O f f i c i a l S tudent Hand Book o f Indiana U n i v e r s i t y

Page 2: P.A.A. - Purdue University Libraries fileBlack and gold pin inscribed FUHDUE with attached black and gold ribbons 50th reunion gold badge with "Class of 1933 Ruth Vaught" ... ( FGV

Lec..jie T Y U - U. and b;utk: G. Vau&t Materials ( c o r i ' t )

Indiana . Furdue, November. 21, 1953

Journal and Courier., Sec t ion D "The Purdue You Never Knew" August 29, 1981

Banquet program i n honor of Edward C . E l l i o t t

Lucky S t r i k e br idge favor/place card

2 58th commencement programs, 1932 (RGV name ca rd i n each one )

2 C l a s s of 1933 d i r e c t o r i e s ( l e t t e r i n one copy; pos tcard i n t h e o t h e r copy)

2 Brochures f o r 50th reunion Class of 1933 ( A p r i l 22-24 19R3)

14 Fee r e c e i p t s (LLV)

10 Blue coupons i n s c r i b e d , "Representing Purdue The O f f i c i a l Purdue------- Ring------- Student Council

. 2 Reamer Boards

Ross Surveying Camp (framed; Les Vaught is i n f i r s t row, 6 t h from r i g h t ) ( t h i s p i c t u r e is i n t h e cage wi th t h e o t h e r b i g photographs)

Page 3: P.A.A. - Purdue University Libraries fileBlack and gold pin inscribed FUHDUE with attached black and gold ribbons 50th reunion gold badge with "Class of 1933 Ruth Vaught" ... ( FGV

The Lesl ie L . and Ruth G . . Vaught Materials

Donors: D r . and Mrs. Edwin C. Leonard

P .A. .A. Purdue Sweater

Manager Purdue Sweater

Freshman Green Cap

Black FEWER cap w i t h gold brim, gold "R" on it

Senior black derby ( s i ze 7 L i " ) , LLV

Seilior black derby ( s i ze 6 3/4") , RGV

Green/white cap, inscribed "Class of '32 Purdue University '67" 35th c l a s s reunion

Blue and w h i t e cap w i t h ENGINEER i n y e l l m on it

Booklet en t i t l ed Purdue in A t h l e t i c s

Booklet en t i t l ed PEP Football Schedule 1932

Purdue University Directory, 1927-1928, October, 1927

Purdue University Hand Book, Volume XXIV, 1927-28

The Red Book, 1930-31, The Off ic ia l Student Hand Book of Indiana University

2 Black and gold pins inscribed PURDUE w i t h attached black and gold ribbons

50th reunion gold badge w i t h "Class of 1933 Ruth Vaught" ribbon

50th reunion gold badqe w i t h "Class of 1933 Les Vaught" ribbon

Yellm badge w i t h black ribbon inscribed "50th Anniversary Ruth Vaught ' 32"

Gold and black badge inscribed "1933 Purdue"

Black and gold badge inscribed " '32 "

Black and gold badge inscribed " '33 "

6 cards w i t h Purdue esnblem

Blue sweater w i t h "1932" le t te red on front; probably £ram University of I l l i n o i s a t h l e t i c m e e t

Page 4: P.A.A. - Purdue University Libraries fileBlack and gold pin inscribed FUHDUE with attached black and gold ribbons 50th reunion gold badge with "Class of 1933 Ruth Vaught" ... ( FGV

The Story of Purdue Engineering by H.B. Knoll

Purdue b:emorial Union, 1929

Debris. 1928

2 58th commencement programs, 1932 ( FGV m card i n each one)

2 Class of 1933 d i rec tor ies (letter i n one copy; postcard i n the other copy)

2 FWUIER boards

2 brochures for 50th reunion Class of 1933 4/22-24/83

Purdue University Alumni Directory 1875-1934

Indiana . Purdue, 11/21/53

Banquet program i n honor of Edward C. E l l i o t t

10 blue coupns inscribed, "Representing Purdue The Of f i c i a l Purdue------- Ring ------- Student Counci 1"

Lucky Str ike bridge favor/place card

The Purdue Exponent, Volume XLIL: 64, 66; 1930

Journal and Courier, Section D "The Purdue You Never Knew" 8/29/81

1 4 fee receipts (LLV)

Drawing of Purdue B e l l Tower by Alberta M. Graves

The Oval

Michael Golden Shops

Heavilon Hall

Eliza Fowler Hall

Page 5: P.A.A. - Purdue University Libraries fileBlack and gold pin inscribed FUHDUE with attached black and gold ribbons 50th reunion gold badge with "Class of 1933 Ruth Vaught" ... ( FGV


Agricultural E x p r k n t Stat ion


Menorial Union Building

Spectators a t footbal l game ( 2" photographs)

Ros s-Ade S t ad k h ( 2 photographs )

~Nemri;rl Union (sign: Welcome A l u m n i Register Here" [2 photographs] )

W r i a l Gymnas ium (2 photographs)

Graduates outside of building

Purdue campus (2 photographs)

Baseball players (3 to t a l : Picture of 2 unidentified players; Hufhan; Schupp)

Probably t rack ( 4 total: Krugler; Hollingsworth; Doyle; vars i ty squad)

Military ( 5 photographs)

Group of male students (5 t o t a l : 2 A.S.C.E; 1 Reamers; 1 TBTT; 1 Gimlet)

Group of students ( 2 t o t a l : 1 KdTT; 1 sophomore class by El iza Fowler H a l l )

ROSS Surveying Camp (framed; L e s Vaught i s i n f i r s t rm, 6th from r igh t )

Alumni group (2 t o t a l : 45th reunion, c l a s s of 1933 4/21/78; 50th reunion, class of 1932 4/23/82)

Alumni group ( C l a s s of 1933 and four door sedan w i t h typed explanation from class agent, P h i l Connelly, on plans t o donate four door sedan t o Alumni Foundation a t 50th reunion)