our lady of mount carmel parish-shrine sixth sunday of easter · our lady of mount carmel...

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine May 26 th , 2019 Sixth Sunday of Easter The Italian National Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago Served by The Missionaries of Saint Charles – Scalabrinians Staff Pastor Fr. Giovanni Bizzotto, C.S. Associate Pastors Fr. Rigoberto Olivares, C.S. Fr. Augusto Feccia, C.S. Parish Deacons John Battisto Giulio Camerini Jose Ramon Arenas Secretaries Nancy Diaz Martha Zaragoza Ofϐice Hours Sunday 8:30am—3:00pm Tuesday– Friday 8:30am—8:30pm Saturday 8:30am — 1:00pm 2:00pm—5:30pm Monday We’re Closed Sunday Mass Schedule 5:30pm - Sat. Vigil Mass 7:45am - English 9:00am - Españ ol 10:30am - Italiano 12:00pm - English 1:30pm - Español 5:00pm - Español Weekly Mass Schedule English Monday - Saturday at 7:30am Españ ol Martes y Jueves a las 6:30pm Italiano Sotto richiesta 1101 N 23rd Ave - Melrose Park - IL– 60160 P (708) 344 4140 — F (708)344 0902 www.olmcparish.org ǀ www.facebook.com/olmcparish ǀ [email protected]

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OurLadyofMountCarmelParish-Shrine May 26th, 2019 Sixth Sunday of Easter TheItalianNationalParishoftheArchdioceseofChicagoServedbyTheMissionariesofSaintCharles–Scalabrinians


Of iceHoursSunday8:30am—3:00pmTuesday–Friday8:30am—8:30pm Saturday8:30am—1:00pm2:00pm—5:30pmMondayWe’reClosed

SundayMassSchedule5:30pm-Sat.VigilMass7:45am-English9:00am-Espanol10:30am-Italiano12:00pm-English1:30pm-Espanol5:00pm-Espanol WeeklyMassScheduleEnglishMonday-Saturdayat7:30amEspanolMartesyJuevesalas6:30pmItalianoSottorichiesta 1101N23rdAve-MelrosePark-IL–60160 P(708)3444140—F(708)3440902www.olmcparish.orgǀwww.facebook.com/olmcparishǀ[email protected]


Alfaro: Gael Alexis Guzman: Daniel Rodriguez: Yizel Alfaro: Galia Abigael Guzman: Esmeralda Rojo: Jose F. Angon: David Guzman: Gabriel Rosales: Melissa Arceo: Luisa Fernanda Guzman: Juan Carlos Rosales: Paola Arias: Osvaldo Guzman: Yaritza Ruelas: Dayanara Arriaga: Iris Hernandez: Alexis Ruelas: Diego Avila: Abigail Hernandez: Carlos Sanchez: Angel Avila: Edgar Jr. Hernandez: Israel Solis Adriana Avitia: Jonathan Hernandez: Jeffrey s. Soria: Alexander Bedolla: Andrew A. Hernandez: Magdalena Soria: Christoper Blanco: Alexander Herrera: Estela Vargas: Jonathan Bucio: Gabriel Leon: Jocelyn Vazquez: Kimberly Carrasco: Alexander Leon: Michelle A. Villarreal: Prisma Cepeda: Angelina Leon: Leslie Zaragoza: Melissa Chavez: Kassandra Leon: Rebecca Zavalza: Alondra Coronado: Eduardo Lopez: Jonathan A. Aguirre: Milca Davalos: Erik Magallanes: Gabriela Alonso: Alma Gloria De Jesus: Lizbeth Magallanes: Pablo Berreondo: Miguel Diaz: Angel Ismael Marchan: Juan Carlos Berreondo: Mildred Diaz: Daniela Mireles: Monserrat Cahuich: Marcelino Diaz: Diego Morales: Ashley Cahuich: Ofelia Diaz: Isabel R. Morales: Gerardo Cedillo: Emilio Diaz: Jazmin Moreno: Ashley Cruz: Ivette Dominguez: Adrian Jr. Moreno: Jose Elias: Daniela Esquivel: Naomi Moreno: Nancy Elias: Eric E. Flores: Ali Murillo: Andrew Enciso: Rodrigo Flores: Avi Ocegueda: Briana Jaylin Hernandez: Carlos Franco: Vanessa Ojeda: Heide Herrera: Librado Galvan: Lynnette Ojeda: Sebastian Nava: Eduardo Garay: Manuel DeJesus Jr Patiño: Jasmine Oviedo: Vanessa Gonzalez: Adaly Patiño: Yamileth Pagan: Isaac M. Gonzalez: Alexis Puentes: Tania Rivera: Enoc Gonzalez: Anthony Ramirez: Jimena Sanchez: Rosaura Gonzalez: Moises Ramirez: Kevin Gonzalez: Noe Rivas: Maria G. Guillen: Jamie Robles: Janet Guillen: Vanessa Rodriguez: Emily Guillen: Yazmin Rodriguez: Nicandro Guzman: Alessandro Rodriguez: Ricardo

God Blesses Our Lady of Mount Carmel "Let us Rejoice and be Glad…"



We encourage all to register at the Parish-Shrine.

+ + +

Les invitamos a registrarse en el Santuario Parroquial.

Support Staff

Business Manager Xochitl Duran 708.345.3632

Programs Director Daniel Michel 708.345.3632

Religious Education Modesta Martinez 708.344.4140

Music Coordinator Ann Marie Nabor 708.579.5373

Community Center Site Director Pablo Cruz 708.345.3632

Sacramental Life Confessions Confesiones Saturdays—Sábados 4:00pm—5:00pm or by appointment/ o con cita.

Baptisms Bautizos Come to the parish office. Pase a la oficina parroquial.

Weddings Bodas Contact the priest at least six months in advance. Contactar al sacerdote seis meses antes de la ceremonia

Quinceañera Contactar a la secretaria cuatro meses antes de la ceremonia.

Presentaciones Contactar la Secretaria al menos dos semanas antes

Religious Services Recitation of the Holy Rosary Mon—Sat at 6:00am

Adoration Adoración al Stmo. Sacramento Wednesdays 5:30pm—6:30pm

Novena & Benediction Wednesday/Miércoles 7:30pm

Grupo de Oración Carismática Martes a las 7:00pm

Other Services Gift Shop Hours Venta de Artículos Religiosos During the regular office hours. Durante las horas de oficina

Community Center Centro Comunitario Social outreach Servicios a la comunidad (708) 345 - 3632

Food Pantry Despensa de comida Wednesdays 3:30pm—5:30pm

Religious Education—Catecismo Saturday - Sábados 3:30pm — 6:30pm Sunday - Domingos 10:00am—1:00pm - Mass Included—Incluye la Misa


Our Lady of Mt Carmel, is served by the Congregation of the Missionaries of

St. Charles – Scalabrinians – . We are an community of Catholic religious

serving migrants and refugees of different cultures, religions and ethnicities in 32 countries.

The Congregation was founded in Italy on November 28, 1887,

by Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini (1839-1905), bishop of Piacenza (Italy).

Our missionary focus is to be migrants with the migrants and to be in mission

with people on the move, with a special priority for the poorest

And neediest migrants.


Vi invitiamo a pregare perché lo Spirito Santo di Pentecoste vi colmi dei suoi doni e

vi incoraggiamo ad accompagnarci nelle nostre attività:

a. Registrazione dei ragazzi per le classi del catechismo in preparazione alla

Prima Comunione e alla Cresima 2019-2020

b. Conoscere i Programmi e i Servizi del Centro Comunitario.

c. Conoscere e partecipare nei vari programmi, società ed attività della

Parrocchia. d. Condividere un momento di fraternità con

saporiti assaggi.

MAY26,2019 SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER FromthePastor’sDeskVIEASTERSUNDAY.Weareoneweekaway from theAscensionand two from Pentecost and this week's liturgy leads us onceagain to theexcitingwordsof Jesusduring theLastSupper.TheirstpointunderscoredbyJesusisthatofthedisciples'loverela-tionshipwiththeLord.Jesus'statementisclear:“Ifanyonelovesme,hewillkeepmyword,andmyFatherwill lovehim,andwewillcometohimandmakeourhomeinhim”.JesusputsincloserelationshiptheloveforhimandtheobservanceofhisWord.ToindGodwedonotneedmiracles,newapparitionsorrevelations,Jesus repeats: “Hewho listens andputs intopractice theGospellovestheLordandtheWordtheyarehearingisnotmine,butoftheFatherwhosentme”.WeknowthattheGospelistheWordofGodandthis ismore thanenoughto takeadvantageofsalvation.Someonecouldobject that twothousandyearsagowereceivedtheGospelandthatlittleornothinghaschangedintheworldandwestill lackthe fruitsof theKingdomofGod.Yearsago,FatherMien,aRussianOrthodoxparishpriestkilledintheearlyeightiesinZagorsk,wiselysaid:“DonotbelievethattheGospelhasalreadysaideverything,becauseinrealitywearejustbeginningtounderstandit”.Coulditbetrue?WearejustbeginningtoreallyunderstandtheGospelandtheunderstandingthatwearehavingdemandsapassionateadhesionandafullparticipationofallofus.Actually,wedonotneedmorewords:wemust, and urgently, deepen and love the only Word that the Lord has given us, meaning: HISWORD!ItiswhatJesussaidtohisdisciplesintheirtimeandherepeatsthemtoustoday:“IhavetoldyouthesethingswhileIamwithyou.ButtheAdvocate,theHolySpirit,whomtheFatherwillsendinmyname,willteachyoueverythingandremindyouofallthatIhavetoldyou”.Jesushadunderstood that the disciples were forgetful and prone to incomprehension; and we are notdifferentfromthem.ThatiswhyheaddedthathewouldsendtheHolySpiritastheinteriorteacherof thedisciplesandofeverybeliever.Letusprepareourselvesto invoketheHolySpirit in thesecomingdayssothatwewillbe illedwiththegiftsoftheHolySpiritandhavethefruitsoftheHolySpirittransformourlivesintoalivingGospelMEMORIALMASSFORFR.PETERSORDI,C.S.WeinviteyouandallhisfriendstojoinusinamemorialMassatOurLadyOfMountCarmelChurchonSatur-day,June1stat11:00AM.toprayforFr.Peterandtoshareamomentofremembranceinhishonor.Fr.PeterwhowasbornonFeb.6,1920inPiacenza,ItalyenteredintoeternallifeMarch2019atageof99.Hewasordainedpriest,1945andhespentallhisscalabrinianreligious,priestandmissionary life inourWesternProvince.Manyofhisministerialyears,heservedinparishesofChicago:HolyGuardianAngels,OurLadyofPompei,SacredHeartSeminary,St.Callistus,O.L.Pompei,OLMC.,andtheProvincialHouse.Onhisfortiethanniversaryofpriesthood,thesuperiorgeneralwrote:“YouhaveputintoactionthepreciousgiftsthatGodhasgivenyouateverylevelofyourfortyyearsofactiveapostolateasaparishvicar,aprofessor,apastor,aprovincialsuperior,ageneralcouncilorandageneraladministrator”.Fr.SordiwasawisemanofgreatvisionandexamplewhoservedGod’speopleandthemigrantswithloveanddedication.HeretiredatArco in Italy in2012hewrote: “It isnot easy forme to leave the confrereswithwhom I shared life andmission formanyyears.However, at92yearsofage, I think it isbetter forme to retireandpray for theyoungonesandthereligiouswhoareservingthemigrants.”Wiseuntiltheend,hecontinuesnowtoprayinthehouseoftheFather.



The St. Anthony Society of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish & Shrine in Melrose Park, will be celebrating the annual

FEAST of ST. ANTHONY June 9-13, 2019. The celebration will begin with the Feast on Sunday, June 9th at the 10:30 am mass followed by the traditional blessing of the

bread, veneration of the relic, and procession through the streets

accompanied by Banda Napolitana,. After the procession, refreshments will be

served in the gym. A Tridiuum for St. Anthony will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

evening at 7:30pm. On Thursday, June 13th, the actual Feast

day of St. Anthony, there will be a special celebratory mass and an outdoor

reception at 7:30 pm. Please come and join us in one of the

largest celebrations honoring St. Anthony in the Chicagoland area.

For more information, call 708/344-4140


Please stop by the office and pick up a flyer to support Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. By

bringing the flyer in to Portillos or showing it on your smartphone, 20% of the

proceeds will benefit our Parish.

The event date will be JUNE 4th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

Portillos is located at 170 W. North

Avenue, Northlake, IL, 60164


JUNE 9, PENTECOST SUNDAY It is Pentecost Sunday and while we

rejoice on the coming of the grace of the Holy Spirit, we invite you to reserve the

day and to accompany us in our TRADITIONAL FEAST OF THE TENTS


where we celebrate several activities:

a. Registration of the Catechism candidates for First Communion & Confirmation Classes for the year

2019-2020 b. Be acquitted with the Social Services of

Community Center c. Be acquitted with the Groups and

Activities of our Parish OLMC. d. Spend some time socializing and

enjoying a rich sausage, tacos and more...

FR.. LEANDRO RAFFLE We thank all those who supported us in the RAFFLE to help the Scalabrinian Seminary and here are the winners: Mrs. Lillian Rianda de González, CA. Mr. Enrique Núñez and Ada Iezza from Los Angeles, CA. Thank you all and Blessings.

MAY26,2019 SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER DelEscritoriodelParrocoVIDOMINGODEPASCUA.EstamosaunasemanadelaAscensionya dos dePentecostes y la Liturgia de esta semananos lleva unavezmas a las emocionantespalabrasde Jesus durante laUltimaCena. El primer punto que subraya Jesus es el de la relacion deamor de los discıpulos por el Senor. La a irmacion de Jesus esclara: “Si alguno me ama, guardara mi palabra, y mi Padre loamara,yvendremosael,yharemosmoradaenel”.Jesusponeenestrecha relacion el amor por el y la observancia de su Palabra.ParaencontraraDiosnonecesitamosnimilagros,niaparicionesni revelaciones nuevas, repite Jesus: “quien escucha y pone enpracticaelEvangelioamaalSenorylapalabraqueestanoyendono es mıa, sino del Padre, que me envıo”. Sabemos que elEvangelioeslaPalabradeDiosyestoesmasquesu icienteparaaprovecharlasalvacion.Alguienpodrıa objetar que yahacedosmil anos quehemos recibido el Evangelio y quepoco o nadahacambiadoenelmundoynosfaltaparagozarlosfrutosdelReinodeDios.Haceanos,elpadreMien,parrocorusoortodoxoasesinadoainiciosdelosanosochentaenZagorsk,decıaconsabidurıa:“Nocrean que el Evangelio lo ha dicho ya todo, porque en realidad apenas estamos empezando acomprenderlo”. Verdad? Apenas estamos empezando a comprender realmente el Evangelio y lacomprensionquevamosteniendorequiereunaadhesionapasionadayunaparticipacion totaldetodosnosotros.Enrealidad,nonecesitamosmaspalabras:debemos,yconurgencia,profundizaryamarlaunicaPalabraqueelSenornoshadonado,esdecir:SUPALABRA!EsloqueJesusdijoasusdiscıpulosdeentoncesynosrepitehoyanosotros:“Leshedichoestascosasestandoentreustedes.Pero el Paraclito, el Espıritu Santo, que el Padre enviara enmi nombre, les ensenara todo y lesrecordaratodoloqueyoleshedicho”.Jesushabıaentendidoquelosdiscıpuloseranolvidadizosypropensosalaincomprension;ynosotrosnosomosdistintosdeellos.Poresoanadioqueenviarıaal Espıritu Santo como maestro interior de los discıpulos y de todo creyente. Preparemonos ainvocar en los proximosdıas al Espıritu Santopara quenos llenes de sus dones y haga que susfrutosdelEspıritutransformenuestravidaenunEvangeliovivo.Junio9,DomingodePentecostes

FIESTA DE LAS TIENDAS LosinvitamosarezarporqueelEspırituSantolosllenedesusdonesylosanimamosaacompanarnosennuestrasactividades:a.RegistraciondeloscandidatosalasclasesdepreparaciondelaPrimeraComunionydelaCon irmacionporelciclo2019-2020b.RecibirinformacionessobrelosProgramasyServiciosdelCentroComunitario:CASAESPERANZAc.Recibirinformacionesyregistrarseparaparticiparenlosprogramas,ministeriosylesactividadesdelaparroquia.d.Compartirinmomentoalegreconmusicayricosplatillos



La Sociedad de San Antonio de Nuestra Señora de Monte Carmelo celebrará la fiesta anual de SAN ANTONIO del 9 al 13 de junio del 2019. La celebración comenzará con la fiesta el domingo 9 de junio con la misa de las 10:30 am, seguida de la tradicional bendición del pan, la veneración de la reliquia y la procesión por las calles acompañada por la Banda Napolitana. Después de la procesión, se servirán refrescos en el gimnasio. Un Tridiuum para San Antonio se llevará a cabo los días lunes, martes y miércoles por la noche a las 7:30 pm. El jueves 13 de junio, día propio de la fiesta de San Antonio, habrá una misa especial de celebración y una recepción al aire libre a las 7:30 pm. Por favor, venga y únase a nosotros en una de las celebraciones más grandes en honor a San Antonio en el área de Chicago.

Para más información, llame al 708 / 344-4140.

SABADO JUNIO 8, 2019 1. SOLEMNIDAD DE PENTECOSTES 1a. 7:00PM a 12:00AM Vigilia de Pentecostés en la Iglesia. Todos invitados a celebrar y experimentar el Poder del Espíritu Santo. 2a. Solemnidad de Pentecostés: preparémonos a celebrar con fe la Venida del Espíritu Santo y pidámosle gracias y bendiciones por nosotros y nuestras familias.


Por favor, pase por la oficina y recoja un folleto para apoyar a nuestra Parroquia. Al llevar el volante a portillos, mostrarlo en su teléfono

inteligente, o con solo mencionar el nombre de Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Fundraiser, el 20% de las ganancias beneficiará a nuestra parroquia.

La fecha del evento será el 4 de junio

de 5:00PM a 8:00PM.

Portillos se encuentra en 170 W. North Avenue, Northlake, IL, 60164


RIFADEP.LEANDROAgradecemos todos aquellos que nosapoyaron en la RIFA para ayudar elSeminario Scalabriniano y aquı le vanlos ganadores: Mrs. Lillian Rianda deGonzalez, CA.Mr. EnriqueNunez y AdaIezzadeLosAngeles,CA.Graciasatodosyseraporotravez.Bendiciones.

MAY26,2019 SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER Fr.Feccia’sRe lectionSestadomenicadipasqua—QuandosanGiovanniscrivevailsuovangelo, eraunodeipochidiscepoli ancoraviventi cheavevanoconosciutoilSignore.Iprimidestinataridelquartovangelononsitrovavano dunque in una situazione diversa dalla nostra:anch’essidovevano cercare soltantonella fede la certezza che ilrisorto e presente dovunque nel mondo, ma in un modo tuttoparticolare con una «presenza nell’assenza». Dobbiamo confessare che facciamo molta fatica aviverequestarealta:piuomenoconsapevolmente,portiamosempredentrodinoiilvecchiosognodiunregnovisibileebenlocalizzabile.Eppuredovremmosapereche,ritornandoalPadre,ilCristononhacessatodiagire.Lamortenonhainterrottol'azionefecondadellasuaparolanelmondo,cheera appena iniziata.Ma bisognava che egli se ne andasse, perche questa parola liberata da ognilimite di tempo e luogo, si diffondesse su tutta la terra, si acclimatasse sotto ogni cielo,germogliasse e portasse frutto dal suo terreno d’origine, dovunque trovasse un solco pronto adaccoglierla. Si tratta ormai di una parola vivente, animata dallo Spirito che richiede e stimola lanostra iniziativa e ci spinge, non a ripetere senza stancarci, ma a cercare nuovi signi icati, asviluppare implicazioni inedite, che verranno alla luce nellamisura in cui faremo riferimento alvangelopergiudicarelesituazioni,perdeciderelenostrescelte;comelascienzaprogredisce,cosılanostraconoscenzadelvengeloprogredisce.Iltempodellapresenzanell’assenza,dunque,eanchequellodellanostraresponsabilita:senzairrigidircisuposizionigiaacquisite,dobbiamoassumere,nellafedeenellasperanza,ilrischiodidarerispostecorag-gioseaiproblemisemprenuovichelavita ci pone. E un raschio che bisogna correre nello Spirito. La nostra condizione e esaltante emera-vigliosa:«Abbiamodeciso,loSpiritosantoenoi…»(Atti15,28).GesuprometteunapresenzaintimaerivelantedelloSpirito—AlcentrodelbranoodiernostaladomandadiGiuda:«com’eaccadutochedevirivelartianoienonalmodo?»(V.22)Dopolapromessadellapace,quellachesoloCristosadare,vienelapromessadelloSpirito(v.26):essaeunagaranziadiassistenzasututtociochelachiesaintraprende.LoSpiritoedatoallachiesa,quandoessacercadiamareilsuoSignoreeubbidirgli.Enell’ubbidienzadiamoreaCristo,dopolaprovadellapassione,lachiesascoprelagioia(v.28).D’orainpoiCristosimanifestaattraversolachiesa quando essa ama il Signore nell’obbedienza della fede e quando vive la gioia piena chesuscitaloSpiritoinlei.

FESTA DI SAN ANTONIO Domingo 9 di Giugno celebreremo la Festa di San Antonio con la Santa Messa alle ore

10:30AM seguita dalla Processione e dalla Benedizione nel Ginnasio. I giorni 10,11 e 12 di Giugno alle ore 7:30PM avremmo il Triduum

in onore di San Antonio. Vi aspettiamo. Il giorno 13 di Giugno, Festa Propria di San Antonio, Celebreremo la Santa Messa alle ore 8:30PM seguita da un rinfresco.

FESTA DI PENTECOSTE E FIERA DEI MINISTERI Il 9 di Giugno celebreremo la Solennità di Pentecoste. Preghiamo perchè lo Spirito Santo

discenda abbondante su ognuno di noi. Vi invitiamo a participare alla FIERA dei ministeri e a condividere un momento di fraternità nello spazio di fronte al

Centro Comunitario.


ConnyRicoJohnSepkaRobertJ.VillaBaltazarGarciaMargaritoFloresGuadalupeRicoAnnYenchDamianA.VelasquezFred&ChadBallogDayanDelValdiveesoJohnS.MaryS.JenniferSanchezRosaCastroMiriamMendezFr.NickMarro.,c.s.PeggyMarroHelenSeverinoVirginiaFrullaRossUrsoWilliamA.AlipertaLenaMartymelMay our prayers bring them strength,

healing, and peace. PleasecallourParishOf icetoaddalovedone’snametoourparishprayerlist.


Saturday, May 25 Easter Weekday 10:00 am Confirmations 3:00 pm Confirmations Sunday, May 26 Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:45 am † 9:00 am † 10:30 am †Robert & Anna Marie Villa by Son Robert & Kathy Villa 12:00pm † 1:30 pm † 5:00 pm † Monday, May 27 Easter Weekday 7:30 am † 6:30 pm Tuesday, May 28 Easter Weekday 7:30 am † 6:30 pm †

Wednesday, May 29 Easter Weekday

7:30 am †Josephine Torraco by Roseann 5:30 pm ADORATION 6:30 pm 7:30 pm NOVENA Thursday, May 30 Easter Weekday 7:30 am †Angeline LaPorte by Son For Rochina Di Bartolo by Maria Sconza 6:30 pm † Friday, May 31 Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30 am † 6:30 pm † Saturday, June 1 St. Justin 7:30 am † 5:30 pm † Sunday, June 2 Ascension of the Lord 7:45 am †Angelo & Anna Rose Orlandino by Son 9:00 am † 10:30 am †Lino Rauzi by Wife & Family 12:00pm †Sam & Rosalie Lisuzzo by Daughter Rose 1:30 pm † 5:00 pm † †Margaret M. Sansone

†Connie Dindia

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