opensap sf2 week 2 transcript

7/24/2019 OpenSAP Sf2 Week 2 Transcript 1/30  openSAP Run Simple HR with SuccessFactors Employee Central Week 2 Unit 1 00:00:09 Hello and welcome to Week 2 of our course Run Simple HR with SuccessFactors Employee Central. My name is Tim Wassink, Principal Solutions Consultant in the HCM SuccessFactors line of business. 00:00:23 Last week you received a general overview of Employee Central and Core HR. This week you will learn about global payroll and benefits. 00:00:32 You will first learn about EC Payroll and Payroll Control Center. And then I will teach you about Global EC Payroll and how to configure deductions and advances. 00:00:44 I will then demonstrate reporting and analytics, review global benefits, and how to configure country-based benefits. 00:00:52 So, let's begin with this first week's unit, EC Payroll and Payroll Control Center. After completing this unit, you will be able to 00:01:03 identify the major components of the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Control Center, describe the major features of EC Payroll and how it was developed, 00:01:16 identify the major features of the EC Payroll user interface. In this section we will provide an overview of the Payroll solutions 00:01:29 which includes SAP SuccessFactors' latest function, Payroll Control Center. Employee Central Payroll is a complete in- house payroll that's hosted in the cloud 00:01:40 providing a comprehensive approach to payroll administrations. As consistent with our global approach so too is Employee Central Payroll. 00:01:55 Here we have listed a number of key functions found within the system, each completely configurable to provide a more tailored approach to payroll requirements. 00:02:06 One of the hallmarks of the system is the retroactive pay calculation features. Effective dates are used to determine 00:02:15 when any payroll-related data is changed at any point within the payroll period. The system will automatically consider the effective date of the change 00:02:24 and automatically consider that during the payroll process. Examples include, but are not limited, to pay rate changes, 00:02:34 any earnings, deductions, tax or W4-related updates. And this feature significantly reduces or eliminates the need to perform manual calculations and unnecessary data entry. 00:02:51 Employee Central Payroll leverages HCM Payroll, but it is not the same. Employee Central Payroll has a higher level of standardizations than the HCM Payroll. 00:03:04 It's also not a back-door hosting option for on- premise functionalities. Let me share a couple of examples of differences, first of all, the difference in scope. 00:03:16 Employee Central Payroll does not use the SAP on-premise time management and time evaluation functionalities. Instead Employee Central Payroll uses Employee Central time-off and time sheet 00:03:30 or any third party certified by SAP. Employee Central Payroll does not use the on- premise benefits functionalities. 00:03:39 Instead of that, Employee Central Payroll uses the Employee Central global benefits or any third parties certified by SAP. 00:03:50 Also the organizational management is used from Employee Central. The different levels of extensibility and configurability.

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openSAPRun Simple HR with SuccessFactors EmployeeCentral

Week 2 Unit 1

00:00:09 Hello and welcome to Week 2 of our course Run Simple HR with SuccessFactors EmployeeCentral. My name is Tim Wassink, Principal Solutions Consultant in the HCMSuccessFactors line of business.

00:00:23 Last week you received a general overview of Employee Central and Core HR. This weekyou will learn about global payroll and benefits.

00:00:32 You will first learn about EC Payroll and Payroll Control Center. And then I will teach youabout Global EC Payroll and how to configure deductions and advances.

00:00:44 I will then demonstrate reporting and analytics, review global benefits, and how to configure

country-based benefits.00:00:52 So, let's begin with this first week's unit, EC Payroll and Payroll Control Center. After

completing this unit, you will be able to

00:01:03 identify the major components of the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central PayrollControl Center, describe the major features of EC Payroll and how it was developed,

00:01:16 identify the major features of the EC Payroll user interface. In this section we will provide anoverview of the Payroll solutions

00:01:29 which includes SAP SuccessFactors' latest function, Payroll Control Center. EmployeeCentral Payroll is a complete in- house payroll that's hosted in the cloud

00:01:40 providing a comprehensive approach to payroll administrations. As consistent with ourglobal approach so too is Employee Central Payroll.

00:01:55 Here we have listed a number of key functions found within the system, each completelyconfigurable to provide a more tailored approach to payroll requirements.

00:02:06 One of the hallmarks of the system is the retroactive pay calculation features. Effectivedates are used to determine

00:02:15 when any payroll-related data is changed at any point within the payroll period. The systemwill automatically consider the effective date of the change

00:02:24 and automatically consider that during the payroll process. Examples include, but are notlimited, to pay rate changes,

00:02:34 any earnings, deductions, tax or W4-related updates. And this feature significantly reducesor eliminates the need to perform manual calculations and unnecessary data entry.

00:02:51 Employee Central Payroll leverages HCM Payroll, but it is not the same. Employee Central

Payroll has a higher level of standardizations than the HCM Payroll.00:03:04 It's also not a back-door hosting option for on- premise functionalities. Let me share a

couple of examples of differences, first of all, the difference in scope.

00:03:16 Employee Central Payroll does not use the SAP on-premise time management and timeevaluation functionalities. Instead Employee Central Payroll uses Employee Central time-offand time sheet

00:03:30 or any third party certified by SAP. Employee Central Payroll does not use the on- premisebenefits functionalities.

00:03:39 Instead of that, Employee Central Payroll uses the Employee Central global benefits or anythird parties certified by SAP.

00:03:50 Also the organizational management is used from Employee Central. The different levels of

extensibility and configurability.

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00:04:01 What's allowed? Built payroll functions, payroll operations, and payroll reports, andconfigure schemas and rules.

00:04:11 What is not allowed? Core modifications, enhancement spots - so you are not allowed totouch our code line.

00:04:18 But finally, migration services are available to move your current SAP on-premise payrollinto the cloud, by delivering customers choice and flexibility through leveraging anycombination

00:04:34 of our cloud payroll, on-premise, third-party payroll provider, or full outsource options. Thatmeans, whatever you choose for a cloud solution, a payroll hosted on your on-premise,

00:04:48 or even any BBO service via ADP or NorthgateArinso or whatever, or even you go for athird-party payroll, we are fully ready for that.

00:05:03 Globalizations - Globalization is a huge theme throughout organizations today. And weknow that.

00:05:11 To expand into new global markets, you need a system that operates globally. And thatmeans, first of all, multi-language support, time zones, currencies, calendars,

00:05:22 local best practices, legal requirements, and statutory reporting. No one knows global HCMlike SAP does.

00:05:34 Looking at expertise, no other vendor has the depth of global expertise as SAP

SuccessFactors. No vendor supports global HR operations better than SAP with over 28years of experience delivering global HCM solutions.

00:05:51 And no other cloud HCM vendor is as global as SuccessFactors, currently supporting globalmultinational customers with 28 million end users in more than 177 countries.

00:06:08 If it comes to localizations, SAP SuccessFactors offers the most comprehensive globalHCM capabilities, including internationalizations and deep localizations.

00:06:21 We enable the application to operate globally, offering support for country-specificstandards such as time zones, currencies, printing, and benefits.

00:06:33 Other vendors are global in that they enable the application to operate in other countriesand in other languages. But only SuccessFactors delivers HR localizations in 73 countriestoday

00:06:47 and Global Payroll in 30 countries into the cloud, which includes support for local bestpractices, legal requirements, regulatory changes, compliancy, and statutory reporting.

00:07:03 Only SuccessFactors has in-country development teams monitoring local regulations andcompliancy changes and working with local officers to ensure those changes are deliveredout of the box within our HR solution.

00:07:22 Only SuccessFactors integrates globalization support deeply into the product through theupgrade center providing detailed descriptions and advice on legal changes supported bySuccessFactors.

00:07:36 HR administrators can easily analyze, test and apply localization changes through a centraladministration interface, so changes are made only when your organization is ready for it.

00:07:50 If it comes to multi-language support, the application is translated into 37 different

languages so it can be accessed by end users in their native language, too.

00:08:03 For a regional support point of view, SuccessFactors offers 24x7 support across the globe,delivered through regional support centers;

00:08:13 regional data centers that adhere to local data privacy requirements and provide fasteraccess to systems. And finally, we have a global partner ecosystem:

00:08:26 Over 1,000 certified implementation consultants across the globe are working together withus. We continue to add countries to the payroll roadmap with the intention of eventuallysupporting all of the on-premise countries.

00:08:45 Just like in on-premise, we support all the aspects of taxation, reporting, and compliancyreporting. Consistent with the SAP SuccessFactors approach to the user experience, hereis a quick preview of payroll-related data.

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00:09:05 From a global perspective, each country is fully supported from a data and processperspective. Here we provide 2 examples, one for Germany, one for the UK, of the type ofdata that is tracked at the country level.

00:09:24 Pay statements or remuneration statements are customizable and can be designed to suitthe specific layout, branding and details that is needed to fit your requirements.

00:09:39 To provide you with an idea what type of tasks you as a customer can expect to performwith our standard easy payroll solution and to distinguish it from a service bureau or

business process outsourcing-type of offering.

00:09:55 You will need to perform initial configuration of the payroll to match your specific businessneeds as well as configuration required to adapt to changes into your business

00:10:08 such as a merger or a split after the initial implementation. You will also still need to submitpayroll runs, reports, and inspect the results.

00:10:21 SAP SuccessFactors does not print or mail checks for you albeit but you may choose tooutsource this to a partner, too. There are still a number of additional tasks that can beoutsourced to partners

00:10:34 such as tax filing, remittance, payroll processes and garnishment administrations. Still moretasks can be outsourced with an application management service or one of our partners.

00:10:49 SAP SuccessFactors handles the hosting of the payroll engine into the cloud. This includesaspects such as backup and disaster recovery,

00:11:01 system provisioning and monitoring such as network infrastructure on the SAP cloud site,storage management and technical integration monitoring.

00:11:13 SAP cloud operation will also apply the upgrades, the patches, and the legal changesincluding tax updates. Note however, when applying some patches, there may be somecustomer activities,

00:11:27 such as testing or some customer-specific configurations, that are still required at your end.Certain types of patches - system patches and, for instance, a tax update in the USA - areapplied automatically,

00:11:42 while others are maybe done by your request via support ticket to accommodate yourschedule. In the next section, we will discuss one of the primary functions within EmployeeCentral Payroll, the so-called Payroll Control Center.

00:12:07 The Payroll Control Center was designed with the payroll administrator in mind, providing acomprehensive view into payroll operations.

00:12:16 As well as the editing, error checking, and corrections of the data, it is often a manual andvery, very time-consuming effort.

00:12:26 So the Payroll Control Center seeks to bring many of these functions together in a singledashboard-like interactive screen. The key takeaways, if it comes to a Payroll ControlCenter, are:

00:12:40 It eliminates your manual steps. So we have 50+ transactions automated and 70 reportsavailable for you.

00:12:48 So we can also run the overnight batch process that creates reports. We can give you real-

time insights into the payroll processing, monitoring, and alerting with focus on exceptionhandling.

00:13:02 We will provide you with real-time overview of workload and process. That means efficientlymanaged workload by distributing work packages and monitoring workload and progress.

00:13:16 And our solutions come with rich partner content as well. An example is, for instance, whatErnst & Young delivers:

00:13:22 Other partners are Accenture, EPI-USE and still more to come.

00:13:34 Automation of root cause analysis and corrections: Issues are pushed to the payroll users,focus on exception handling and guidance to remedy.

00:13:45 From an audit and compliancy point of view, we give you full transparency of who did whatand when throughout of the processes.

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00:13:58 The payroll process can be broken down into various stages and steps within the overallprocess. In this example we have provided a visual representation of how your system canbe configured.

00:14:13 Please note that at each step within the process, payroll administrators can view theexecution and status of each step when the system is running.

00:14:28 The dashboard-like approach to providing payroll users with visibility needed into yourpayroll operations can be configured to help identify any number of data editing and/or

processing criteria.

00:14:41 We have provided a few examples of how your system can be set for payroll validationrules. As a conclusion, this [was the] unit of Employee Central Payroll and Payroll ControlCenter.

00:14:58 In the next unit you will learn about Global Employee Central Payroll. Thank you forlistening.

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Week 2 Unit 2

00:00:10 Hello and welcome to Week 2, Unit 2 of our course Run Simple HR with SuccessFactorsEmployee Central.

00:00:18 My name is Tim Wassink, Principal Solution Consultant in the HCM SuccessFactors line ofbusiness.

00:00:24 In this unit you will learn about Global Employee Central Payroll. After completing this unit

you will be able to:

00:00:35 Firstly, describe the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll differentiators, explainthe benefits of an Employee Central Payroll,

00:00:45 describe the major processes available to administer your payroll globally, and list thedelivered payroll country content.

00:00:56 SAP's global payroll solution is available as a hosted option that comes integrated withEmployee Central.

00:01:04 For organizations that wish to manage payroll in-house via a cloud-based solution,Employee Central Payroll offers all the same features and benefits

00:01:14 as an SAP on-premise payroll solution, but it is delivered with the security, scale, andflexibility of the SuccessFactors cloud.

00:01:26 Employee Central Payroll offers you the following: A proven solution based on the world'sleading- edge payroll solution.

00:01:35 It is currently used in thousands of organizations worldwide. It has a global reach. EmployeeCentral Payroll is available today for 30 countries.

00:01:47 Choice - available for customers who want the benefits and convenience of cloud delivery,but who also want the control of implementing and managing payroll in-house.

00:02:02 A lower total cost of ownership - realize the significant cost advantages of a cloud-basedsolution.

00:02:11 And then compliance - Employee Central Payroll delivers legal compliancy and bestpractices.

00:02:17 Our dedicated specialists and country-specific product managers stay on top of localstatutes so you don't have to.

00:02:27 Employee Central Payroll is available as an option for SuccessFactors Employee Centralcustomers only.

00:02:38 What about business context and the status quo? Typically, large enterprise organizationshave between 5,000 and 50,000 employees,

00:02:48 with very large enterprises employing into single- digit millions of active employees. OurCore HR, Payroll, and Time Management are the most heavily used HCM solutions

00:03:00 throughout the world by the large enterprises. Their payroll runs frequently, can range frommonthly, semi-monthly, biweekly, or weekly,

00:03:09 and this doesn't account for off-cycle payroll runs, bonuses, adjustment, and retroactivepays.

00:03:17 Gigabytes of data can easily accumulate, especially for industries with large hourly workers,

00:03:24 as each payroll run includes many records of each earnings, deductions, taxes and more -beyond what is presented on a typical pay stub.

00:03:36 Additionally, one major input source into the payroll process is a reported time andattendance data such as

00:03:44 vacation leave, sick leave, time-off, holidays, floating days, regular and overtime reportingon timecards or time-clocks, time recording against projects and tasks or work orders.

00:03:58 Legacy HR Business Suite applications are well tuned for payroll calculations and for storingpayroll and reported time data.

00:04:07 However, reporting and analytics in HR have always been a challenge when trying todetermine correlations, identifying the trends,

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00:04:18 or simply respond to employee inquiries about their reported time and pay. Simple reportingcan take hours and sometimes days.

00:04:30 For instance the payroll reconsolidation report for one customer in the Pacific Northwest cantake up easily up to 8 hours.

00:04:39 And as a result, payroll-related errors that should be immediately flagged and correctedbecome uncollectable claims.

00:04:48 In the same manner, time recording-related issues that inflate or undervalue the companyworkforce costs and revenues

00:04:57 can stay unrecognized for a long, long time - enough to impact employee satisfaction andengagements,

00:05:04 and impact your customer billings. Inability to quickly and easily compare and analyzepayroll results by pay periods

00:05:14 or for selected groups of employees for earnings, deductions and taxes for earlyidentifications of errors and areas of concerns

00:05:22 with capability drill to source transactions. But also analyze retroactive calculations toidentify reasons at any level -

00:05:32 from tax company to employee - to enable process improvement and elimination ofunnecessary payroll runs.

00:05:40 Analyze historical trends in reporting overtime and payments, garnishments orderfulfillments, benefits,

00:05:47 and compensation based on master data. Employee Central currently supports multiplecountries around the globe,

00:05:58 and the number is increased with every single release. Localization for us goes beyond justaddress formats and currency support.

00:06:08 We maintain in-country product managers and global development teams to monitor legalchanges on an on-going basis

00:06:17 and deliver compliancy-related data fields, maintenance, and government-mandatedreports.

00:06:26 We enable the application to operate globally, offering support for country-specific

standards00:06:32 such as time zones, currencies, printing, and benefits. SuccessFactors delivers HR

localizations in 73 countries

00:06:39 and global payroll in 30 countries in the cloud, which include support for local bestpractices,

00:06:47 legal requirements, regulatory changes, compliancy, and statutory reporting. OnlySuccessFactors has in-country development teams

00:06:57 monitoring local regulatory and compliancy changes and working with local officers toensure

00:07:03 those changes are delivered out of the box in our HR system. SuccessFactors integratesglobalization support deeply into the product

00:07:16 through the Upgrade Center, providing detailed descriptions and advices on legal changessupported by SuccessFactors.

00:07:23 HR administrators can easily analyze, test, and apply localization changes through acentralized administration interface

00:07:31 so changes are made only when your organization is ready for it. So, let's have a look whywe have created the Payroll Control Center.

00:07:43 We all know a Payroll Process is complex. We all know that. And we have seen customersusing large calendars, long Excel lists

00:07:51 and tools to find their ways through this process. What is always the same is that eachperiod the same actions

00:07:59 are executed in the same sequence, and the same areas of responsibility do apply. What isdifferent is the period for which you execute these activities.

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00:08:11 It is like applying the same project on top of each payroll period every single time. The finalgoal is to have happy employees, authorities,

00:08:21 payroll administrators and other stakeholders based on the best possible payroll dataquality. We can look back at 30+ years of SAP Human Capital Management Payroll.

00:08:35 Today we do have an engine which can cope with everything from simple to very complexrequirements.

00:08:42 The best proof are the 90 payroll solutions currently available, around 35 provided bypartners.

00:08:50 We have 8,000 customers paying their employees with SAP Payroll today. To a certainextent, one can say it is like a payroll operating system.

00:09:03 We consider this as an ideal basis to deliver innovations on top of it. So we askedourselves: Shall we invest to make payroll faster? Is this the next innovation?

00:09:19 Feedback is that just by using already existing means, like parallelization, large populationscan be executed in a very reasonable period of time.

00:09:29 We also asked ourselves: Shall we make other reports, for instance, pay statement printingfaster?

00:09:37 Also here we came to the same conclusions. We are convinced that investing in makingpayroll faster

00:09:43 will not be the next payroll innovation. About automation: Elimination of manual steps - sothe 15+ transactions

00:09:54 and 70 reports which we have - and over-night batch jobs that create reports. Having thereal-time insight into the payroll processes -

00:10:04 monitoring and alerting with focus on exception handling. Having a real-time overview ofworkload and process -

00:10:14 efficiently manage work load by distributing work packages, monitoring workload andprogress. And the rich partner content:

00:10:23 Examples are, Ernst & Young delivered 500+ localized validations for the US and Canada.This content includes remedies.

00:10:30 Other partners are Accenture, EPI-USE, and even more to come. Automated root analysis

and corrections - issues are pushed to payroll users,00:10:43 focused on exception handling and guidance to remedy. Audit and compliancy trails - full


00:10:50 of who did what and when throughout the process. So let's go into a demo now.

00:10:58 You are going to learn about 3 different country versions of our Payroll. We are going toview pay slips including the gross-to-net calculations.

00:11:06 And finally, I'll give you a little bit of insights into how we do error handling.

00:11:18 So there we go. So what you see here in front of you is our landing page,

00:11:23 our home page, our SuccessFactors home page. And you see all the relevant information.

00:11:27 What you need in your business today, you see it in front of you. Things like my To Do list,my Admin Alerts, or even I have my reporting just in front of me.

00:11:36 But for today, we are going to focus on our Payroll solutions. So I promised you earlier on toshow you 3 country versions of our Payroll solution.

00:11:45 And the first one is the one which I have for Dora. Dora is an employee in my organization,and she is working in the US.

00:11:53 So let's look for her information. There we go.

00:12:07 Let's go straight to her payroll information, so you see I have access to her quick card andcan take easily access straight out of here.

00:12:14 And let's go straight to her Payroll Information. So the first thing that you see here that allthe elements here,

00:12:19 if it comes to Tax, to Garnishment or to her Earnings and Deduction, are related to hersituation in the USA.

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00:12:26 And to give you a couple of examples here: I see, for instance, here my informationregarding W4 and W5.

00:12:32 So I can easily open up that information from here, and there we go. So what that actuallyis: I've logged in our Core HR solution called Employee Central,

00:12:41 and that is connecting perfectly to our underlying payroll system. So the information that yousee here is coming straight out from the payroll solution.

00:12:50 So I see, for instance, that I have a couple of W4 statements here - one is a federal one,and one is the one of Massachusetts.

00:12:57 And I can easily go over and look at the details there as well. And now I see in the bottomall the details where I can put in validation date,

00:13:06 I can change the status or withholding of adjustments. So all the information that I needhere from a payroll point of view is in front of me.

00:13:13 Keep in mind if you are the HR administrator or if you are a payroll administrator, there is noneed any longer to go to two different systems.

00:13:21 You have access to our SuccessFactors solution where you have your talent managementsuite, where you have your core HR suite,

00:13:26 and where you have now Employee Central Payroll as well. I'll give you another example.

00:13:32 And the other example is, for instance,related to tip indicators, and there we go, really

specifically for the US.

00:13:39 Open up the information, it is now collecting the data from our payroll solution and there wego. Everything that I need is just in front of me - I can run it straight from here.

00:13:49 Finally, I will show you something about gross and net calculations for the pay slip. Sostraight from here I can open up the pay statement.

00:13:58 You can imagine if you are making this functionality available for your end users, for youremployees, then they can just get their pay slip or mine

00:14:06 without any intervention from your HR team. And here I see my pay slip.

00:14:11 And if I scroll down a little bit, I see my gross pay, I can see my net pay, I can see mydeductions.

00:14:16 So all the information that I need to make my calculation from a gross salary into a net

salary are here.

00:14:21 And I have even options here to print it, download it, or whatever. My second example is anexample of a UK payroll.

00:14:31 So, let's look at one of my subordinates. And his name is Colby Evans, and he is workingand living in the UK.

00:14:40 So the first thing that you will notice here is that the payroll information of Colby is lookingslightly different, because he's working and living in the UK.

00:14:49 So all the information is based on the local law and local legislations in the UK. So I cansee, for instance, here information related to National Insurance.

00:15:01 So, let's open up the insurance data for Colby. That was not available for the US, but it'svery important in the UK.

00:15:08 And that is what I see here. I have straight insight in his social assurance which was linkedto his account.

00:15:16 Another thing that I can see, for instance, is my Pension Funds, collecting data from ourpayroll solution, and there we go.

00:15:31 And here we have the pension data in front of me where I have in a pension schemenumber 1 what was valid from 2014 up to now.

00:15:40 Finally, I will show you the pay slip as well. So if I go for the Pay Statement of Colby, thereyou'll notice that this is a different pay slip.

00:15:48 I have a different look and feel so that is something what you can do in your organization aswell.

00:15:51 If you run our payroll solution, I know that maybe you have a different payroll in the UK thanin the US.

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00:15:57 The look and feel is different, you have different elements on this and we fully support that. And that is something that you see here as well.

00:16:05 Then, I go to the next one here. And that is the one in Germany.

00:16:12 And we have here Paul Horn who is living and working in Germany. Again here, same lookand feel, but different elements.

00:16:20 Different elements if it comes to Social Insurance, Tax, or Earnings and Deductions. And Igive you a couple of examples here.

00:16:26 One of the examples is, for instance, here. What we have in Germany here

00:16:30 is the German rule for social insurance. Another thing what we have here for the Germansis,

00:16:39 for instance, the Workers' Compensation. Or I can go straight to the Disruptive Factor.

00:16:43 So all information that is just relevant for Germany is here in front of you. Let's go back tohis home page and let's have a look at his Pay Statement.

00:16:56 Here we go. Again here - different pay slip because this is in Germany.

00:17:02 SAP Payroll - different elements on it, gross to net calculation, there we go, statutorydeductions, all part of it.

00:17:09 I promised you three, but let's give you a forth one as well, because we recently announced

the Cloud Payroll solution for Saudi Arabia as well.00:17:21 So, and I've prepared that one as well for you. So, let's have a look at that one.

00:17:27 So this is the payroll of Saudi Arabia. So we are looking at Adel Rahman, and he is workingand living in Saudi.

00:17:35 And one of the things what is really specific for Saudis, is to manage sanctions. Sanctionswhat mean deductions in your salary based on some of the behaviors -

00:17:43 what is happening in the organization. So I can just have a look at it.

00:17:46 I am looking at the earning and, in this case, the deductions for Adel. And here we go.

00:17:51 He is doing good at the moment because there're no deductions for him available, but I caneasily go here in to record a sanction for Adel.

00:17:59 And now you see all the information in front of you. In the bottom of the screen, you can see

the Date of origin,

00:18:05 the Sanction Type, Sanction Authority, etc. So all the information that you need to trackagainst a sanction is available here.

00:18:14 So that was actually the first part of my demonstration. You have seen so far differentpayrolls - for the UK, for the US, for Saudi, for Germany.

00:18:25 You have seen the gross and net calculations on the pay slip. And finally, I would like tointroduce to you our Payroll Control Center as well

00:18:32 and how we do the error handling for you and really looking at exception handling. So let'sgo there.

00:18:43 And I'm logged in here as a payroll administrator. And as a payroll administrator what I'll seehere is I see my payroll processes.

00:18:50 I have insight in my upcoming processes, my current processes, but what I also see is mypayroll error handling.

00:18:56 So I can see my list of errors. And one of the things that I see here that there is a payrollcheck running

00:19:02 where I still have an error popping up. So what I can do straight from there, I can open upthat report,

00:19:07 and that gives me perfectly the insight what is going on here. And it was one error, and inthis case it's an error for Song Kim;

00:19:14 and it looks like that the payment information for him is missing. So there is no main bankaccount available.

00:19:21 The beauty here is that the system is not only alerting me about this information, because Icannot run the payroll correctly if I don't have a bank account.

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00:19:29 But it offers me also the option to correct that information straight from here. So by AddPayment information I can go straight to the page within Employee Central

00:19:39 where I can update his bank account information. And that is what you see here in thebottom.

00:19:44 The Payment Information is completely missing. I go in, I enter the data with a certaineffective date,

00:19:52 and then I see all the information that I need to store a bank account: Pay Type, PaymentMethod, the Bank Country, Account Owner, and so on, and so on.

00:20:05 Said that, this demo now concludes our unit on Global Employee Central Payroll. In the nextunit, you will learn how to configure deductions and advances.

00:20:16 Thank you.

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Week 2 Unit 3

00:00:10 Hello and welcome to Week 2, Unit 3 of our course Run Simple HR with SuccessFactorsEmployee Central.

00:00:17 My name is Tim Wassink, Principal Solutions Consultant in the HCM SuccessFactors line ofbusiness.

00:00:22 In this unit you will learn how to configure deductions and advances. After completing this

unit, you will be able to:

00:00:32 First, understand how to configure state- and country-based deductions. Secondly, explainhow to configure state- and country-based advances.

00:00:42 And finally, configure specific global requirements as an HR administrator. What does thatmean for today?

00:00:52 We are going to have a look at the system and I come to show you how we can add adeduction. So administrators then can create one-time or recurring deductions,

00:01:02 including the permissions, the workflows, and business rules. The same applies foradvances.

00:01:07 And there you have also the eligibility rules. They are including the permissions, theworkflows, recovery methods, etc.

00:01:17 And then, you see as well how to configure specific global requirements. How can I create,for instance, an advance

00:01:23 which is only applicable for Germany and not for the rest of the world. That is alsosomething that you are going to learn in the upcoming minutes.

00:01:29 Let's have a look at the system first. I have logged in as an HR administrator and myresponsibility is, for instance,

00:01:43 to update my advances and deductions into the system. Before we go to the more or lesstechnical side of the screen,

00:01:52 let's have a look at what does that mean for the end user. So let's have a look at one of myemployees which is Mr. Hill.

00:02:03 And let's go straight to update his employment information. One of the changes what I canpropose here for Mr. Hill is, for instance, to request an advance.

00:02:23 This is maybe also something where you enable an employee self-service of manager self-service,

00:02:27 but in this occasion I show this out from an administration point of view. And you can see, Ican enter information like a Request Date, an Advance Type, a Currency,

00:02:38 because we have a global solution, the Requested Amount, but also what is the PaymentMethod.

00:02:44 This is something what you do in a cash flow or is it a bank check or a bank transfer for yourpayroll solution.

00:02:51 I can even upload an attachment with maybe some approval information or some additionalinformation.

00:02:57 And then I see information related to my Recovery Details. We are going to look later on

how we can configure this page

00:03:05 to meet your specific requirements. Or how can we configure this to meet only the specificneeds in a certain country,

00:03:12 so just from a localization point of view. A couple of other examples are the one-timedeductions.

00:03:19 And here you can see how I can request the one time deductions. I have 6, 7 fieldsavailable here, including an attachment field.

00:03:25 I can link into an Advance as well. And then I have my Manage Recurring Deductions

00:03:34 which is maybe also linked to an Advance where I have maybe got a loan from theorganization

00:03:38 which I need to pay back in 12 installments. That is something what you can easily manage

with this as well.

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00:03:44 So we are now going back to the administration site of the solution. And I am going to showyou how we can start using,

00:03:52 for instance, with the deductions functionality. Go to Admin Tools.

00:04:02 If you have never used our one-off and recurring deduction functionalities, you need toconfigure that in our system.

00:04:10 Of course, you can start from scratch using our meta-data framework. However, our systemcomes with content.

00:04:17 And that means, you can also visit our Success Store and download content from ourSuccess Store.

00:04:23 Let's have a look at that functionality. Via the import functionality, I can easily importinformation from the Success Store.

00:04:35 Here you have your one-off deductions user interface, recurring information, and also theadvances.

00:04:40 So if you have not done that yet, you can use it as a starting point. Download the userinterface and then you can change it based on your own needs.

00:04:50 Let's go back to Admin Tools. Let's have a look - what we just have imported to our solution,

00:04:58 is our one-of deductions user interface as a starting point. Deductions ... And there we go.

00:05:09 This is actually the page where I can modify the user interface. This is what I have justdownloaded and here you see the fields:

00:05:17 my User ID, my Deduction Date, my Input, Amount and Percentage. And this is what you just have seen before.

00:05:23 So this screen layout is something that you can manage yourself. You can drag and dropfields from one place to the other place if you'd like to do so.

00:05:33 Another thing you can do, you can just hover over and look at the details of a field. If you'dlike to show the label, if the field is required, yes or no.

00:05:41 So all the attributes that you need for this are available here. I can even link it to a rule aswell.

00:05:48 So our rules engine has great capabilities. If this field needs to behave slightly different inone part of the world, you can do that.

00:05:57 Or if you would like to make a difference between your blue-collar workers and your white-collar workers, you can utilize the rules engine to do so.

00:06:07 I can easily add fields to this one. I can add a link maybe with some important documents

00:06:13 which you would like to provide to your employees. Or I can group functionalities togetheras well, fields together.

00:06:27 Let's open up the Manage User Interface Rules. So I can go in here and add user interfacerules as well.

00:06:35 So based on our rules engine, I can add rules how our user interface should behave. So Ican hide fields, I can include fields, exclude fields, based on preset rules in the system.

00:06:50 Again, my example here was just the white- collar and the blue-collar workers, or maybe theinternals and the externals.

00:06:56 Maybe you don't want to show all the fields to the externals. You can utilize our rules engineto do so.

00:07:07 And here you can see that I can add the properties of this whole component as well. I canchange the layout offered - if it is a form layout, for instance, or a flow or a grid.

00:07:17 I can enter a border around it, Yes or No. So the whole user interface can be managed justfrom here.

00:07:33 Okay. So let's have a look at the recurring deductions as well. And there we go.

00:07:52 First of all, you see that the look and feel here is slightly different. And if I go to my EditProperties,

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00:07:57 then you see here that the Layout is a Form, the Alignment is Center. So that is all managedhere in this screen.

00:08:04 Maybe you recognized this from before, because this is exactly the same look as what yousaw from an end user point of view.

00:08:13 Let's hover over and look at the Manage User Interface Rules. Here you see now that Ihave pulled rules on top of the user interface.

00:08:21 So for instance, my pay component fields are read-only, because that is something that anend user should not touch on.

00:08:28 Or, for instance, make fields read-only if there is no permission to do so. So you can reallymanage that whole user interface

00:08:36 just for your own great admin experience. Let's go back to Administration Tools.

00:08:58 What about our advance functionalities. The purpose here of this part of the training here isto help you out with the advance functions.

00:09:07 You can now create advances based on local requirements, local laws, etc. How do youconfigure that?

00:09:18 Let's look for some advance functionalities, so Manage Advance Objects. And there we go.

00:09:28 Let's first look at some Eligibility For Advances. And let's go to personal loan for the US.

00:09:45 Again here, what you can do, you import the user interface to the solution and you can startworking with this.

00:09:53 And this is the place where you as an end user can create those country-specific advancesinto the solution.

00:10:01 Let's have a look at the one which I created just earlier on. This is an Eligibility For Advances, it's a personal loan in the US.

00:10:09 So what does that mean? The moment that I created one I can put in an Eligibility ID

00:10:15 that I can recognize it later on, Enable Auto Recovery, Yes or No. Do I would like to link thisone, for instance, to an automatic deduction plan, Yes or No.

00:10:25 Is there a workflow linked to it? Do we need an approval workflow on top of that?

00:10:31 But also information like an effective date: By when should this advance type be accessiblein the solution?

00:10:38 But also things like an Advance Type: Which kind of advance type is this? Is it an advancetype of personal loan, is it a bonus or whatever?

00:10:46 And this is an important part because this one is linked to our role-based permissionframework.

00:10:51 So at the end of the day, if this is part of employee self-service, the employee will only seethis advance type if he or she has access to the advance type here.

00:11:02 And that is something that you manage in the role-based permissions. I can even link it to apay component type and send that to your payroll solution if you want to.

00:11:11 And here, very important, is my Legal Entity. So I link it here to the Legal Entity USA.

00:11:18 That means this advance type is only available for employees who are linked to thecompany in the US, to the legal entity Ace USA.

00:11:26 I can even link it to a Pay Grade if I would like to have this available only for pay grade 6and above, for instance.

00:11:32 I can put in other rules as well, for instance, the Maximum Eligibility Amount/Percentage,that's maybe 10,000.

00:11:38 The Currency is USD. And the Maximum Eligibility of Currency is 5. So that means in myexample here you see, in

00:11:47 you can only request up to 5 advances with a total amount of 10,000 US dollars. So this isvery important.

00:11:56 Those kind of rules are ready embedded in our solution. You just provide the solution withthe figures and there you go.

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00:12:04 And then I can put in some default as well - my default bank transfers, my defaultinstallments,

00:12:10 my installment frequency, interest types, etc. And those fields, you remember the userinterface that you saw before,

00:12:17 can be completely controlled. Whether employees are allowed to overwrite, for instance,

00:12:21 the number of installment is something that you can configure as an end user. So you see,it's simple, it is easy

00:12:33 and it's just a matter of minutes to configure this into your solution. Let's have a look at the Accumulation For Advances.

00:12:41 And let's have a look at the data for the personal loan. So what I see here, I see here theemployee data.

00:12:50 So I have accessed as an administrator or as an HR to all the information that is goingalong with those advances.

00:12:59 So what I can see here that Mr Irvi Singh, he has requested only one time now for anadvance and there are still 4 remaining.

00:13:07 And I can see also that the total amount is So all the information that I need is available forme.

00:13:15 I can also run reports on top of that and see how many information of how many money of

how many advances

00:13:22 are still open, pending, or maybe upcoming. Let's see if I can request an advance forMarcus.

00:13:36 So we have done all the work now, we have created an advance. And how can we requestnow an advance for Marcus.

00:13:42 So I use my top navigation, where I can just type in advance and the system comes backwith Give advance to ...

00:13:49 And I would like to give an advance to Marcus. And there we go, Marcus Hoff.

00:13:58 And this brings me to the screen which is the screen of the end user. And the end usercould be, again, an employee, a manager, HR.

00:14:05 It's just depending on your HR policies. And now we can see here that all of the information,

00:14:12 all the fields are available that you just saw. I can go for the Advance Type.

00:14:17 It was the Personal Loan; you saw that one earlier on. The Currency will be defaulted toUSA.

00:14:22 But you will see as well here that all the information, all the rules are available for me. So Ican put in the Requested Amount, for instance, which is 3,000 here in this example.

00:14:31 The payment method - I really would like to have this as a Cash amount. I'll put in aDescription:

00:14:41 Need money for upcoming business travel. I can add an attachment if I want to.

00:14:53 And Recovery Mode here is a Bank Transfer or maybe Cash or Check. And the Number ofInstallments is 12, which I really would like to trim down to 6.

00:15:02 Installment Amount: 500 a month. Submit the request.

00:15:08 Here you see, I had linked it to a workflow and that is what we see here: It goes first to mygroup of HR business partners to review the request, to finalize it.

00:15:17 And then you see some informational e-mails will be sent to your benefits organization andyour payroll organization.

00:15:26 So, said that, as you can see, with Core HR for HR administrators:

00:15:36 What have we now learned today? What have we seen today?

00:15:39 So we have seen that adding deductions is easy, it is easy to configure. You go to thesystem, you download the template if you have the template there.

00:15:48 You configure it based on your personal requirements, your business requirements, yourcountry scope, etc.

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00:15:54 And you can start using it. Adding an advance allows you to meet organizational andcountry requirements.

00:16:00 I have showed you how you can easily create a personal loan for the US only. But you cancreate different ones from country to country.

00:16:09 It was easy, it was just a matter of minutes instead of hours and days. And you saw as wellthat you can configure that on a global requirements basis.

00:16:18 So only where you need it, you implement it. Conclusion for today.

00:16:24 This concludes our unit on Configuration of Deductions and Advances. In the next unit youwill learn about Reporting and Analytics.

00:16:34 Thank you.

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00:03:44 So, let's have a look at the demo. So, this is my SuccessFactors landing page, my homepage. I've logged in as an HR business partner.

00:03:53 As an HR business partner I see all the relevant information on my home page. So I cansee my to-do list. I can see my admin alerts.

00:04:00 But also the quicklinks to navigate to all the parts of our solution. I've also my reportsanalytics on my home page.

00:04:07 And one of the things what you see is my Nationalization dashboard. This dashboard givesme a great insight of my distribution of employees across my organization.

00:04:15 And if I need to know who is working in Brazil, I can just hover over and the system showsme all the details below. I'm going to teach you later on how to create those dashboardsyourself.

00:04:26 It is easy, it is simple, you even don't need a consultant to do so. You as an HR businesspartner can create those dashboards yourself.

00:04:36 Another thing what you see on the home page is my Headcount reports. Let's open up myHeadcount reports.

00:04:43 And before we dive into the details of these Headcount reports, let's talk a little bit aboutworkforce analytics. Our workforce analytics solution comes with a lot of content.

00:04:52 It comes with over 2,000 dimensions and 300+ KPIs out of the box. So, and we all know,

that from an HR point of view, you only need 20, 30, 40 maximum dimensions to run yourHR business.

00:05:08 So, looking at this content, this is the End of Period Headcount report. This comes pre-packaged.

00:05:13 We have also great explanations how we have created a report. What are the formulasconnected to it. What is the purpose of it, etc., etc.

00:05:23 So, this report gives you a nice overview of my employees over the last 4 years. And thisreport here was created based on performance management data.

00:05:34 So you can see here a 9-box grid. I can see my counsel, my solid, and there we go. Butmaybe I would like to see this data from a different point of view.

00:05:42 Maybe I'm running a diversity process project in my organization. So, what I can do, I can

analyze this data based on different dimensions.00:05:50 I go in, select for instance Gender and look at exactly the same data, but then from a

different point of view. And now I can see the split between female and male within in myorganization.

00:06:01 I can even drill down in different parts of the organization and see how are they performingthere. I can also download the data in different formats.

00:06:10 I can download it in Excel, or I can download it in pdf or Word and PowerPoint. Think aboutthat, you download it in PowerPoint and carry it along with you

00:06:19 if you have your management meeting the other day. If it comes to compliance reports, weprovide you with pre-packaged out of the box compliance reports as well,

00:06:30 from country to country, which we do support. Let's have a look at those kind of reports.

00:06:35 Let's go to Employee Center reports, and let's look at one of the compensation reports. Forinstance my Recurring Pay History.

00:06:42 This gives me a nice Excel look and feel overview about all the big components linked to myemployees. I just hover over and there we go.

00:06:52 I can even drill down into details or take the appropriate actions for those employees. I caneven again download it to Excel.

00:07:01 From a localization point of view, let's drill down into details of one of the reports over there,for instance a country-specific report for the United States.

00:07:10 And what you see on the left hand side, you see the countries which I have activated in mysolution here, and which we do support. We do support 73 countries in total.

00:07:19 And one of the reports what you see for instance here is my Veterans employment report.Let's open up that one.

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00:07:26 Really specific for the US, so, it's only available for employees in the US and there we go.This one comes pre-packaged.

00:07:33 Another example is an example for instance for Switzerland, where we have the EmployeeStatistics. Let's open up that one.

00:07:44 And there we go. So, it is very easy to navigate from one report to the other report.

00:07:50 Those reports are coming out of the box. You can also use those reports as a starting pointand build it out based on your own requirements.

00:07:58 Talking about that, let's create a report from scratch. Let's create a query from the start andbeginning.

00:08:06 I go to create my Query Workspace and we're going to identify all the elements that I needin my report. This is the query which I've run the last time.So this one is popping upautomatically.

00:08:18 If I go to File, I can create a brand new query. And let's say that we are going to create aHeadcount report

00:08:25 and that we link some other data to the Headcount report as well. Maybe we're going to putin some talent data as well to that report.

00:08:32 So combining two different areas together. So first of all we need of course my full timeequivalent.

00:08:39 So let's drag that one to the column. So you see it is just simple easy-to-use, just drag anddrop functionalities.

00:08:46 And it gives me instantly also the details. I see within in a second that I have over 9,000employees working in 2015 in my organization.

00:08:54 I would like to see what we did over time. So maybe we should bring in the calendar yearsas well. So, let's do that.

00:08:59 Now we can see how we have grown the organization from 2012 to 2015. My organizationis 4 years old.

00:09:07 I would like to see how that is done from location by location. So, bring in the locations aswell. And there we go.

00:09:14 And then even I may be interested in talent data as well, so bring in maybe some Future

Leader data as well. So let's go to the Future Leader and bring in that data as well to therows.

00:09:26 And there we go. So you will see that within a minute I've just created a Headcount report,

00:09:31 including where the leader is sitting in the organization as well. Hit the OK button and therewe go.

00:09:38 So this was just an example, how we can easily create a report from scratch. And I haveeven drilldown functionalities as well.

00:09:46 If I would like to see what does this mean for Spain, there we go. Or for instance what doesit mean in 2015 for quarter to quarter. There we go.

00:09:54 Easy, simple to use. You are ready to start with this solution as well. So, let's see if we cancreate an update of an existing report as well, and how that should work.

00:10:09 I go to my Report Designer at the moment. And let's go to my SAP folder00:10:21 and go to Payroll and Benefits. And let's preview this one.

00:10:27 So this is one of the reports; we are talking about Payroll and Benefits for this week, whichcame standard out of the box.

00:10:32 A report where I see some information about payroll, my benefits, I see some graphics infront of me. So, let's assume that we would like to change a little bit on this data as well.

00:10:42 So how do we do that? So I return to the designer mode. The designer mode is for HRadministrators.

00:10:49 In my designer mode, let's open up that report. And there we go.

00:10:57 So I have now the option to modify the elements as well. So maybe if we look at OvertimeHours Rate, maybe I would like to bring in a different color scheme,

00:11:06 so whatever, let's see how that works. So I'm going to edit these components.

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00:11:10 And now I have all the elements what I can change in this solution. So what I can do forinstance,

00:11:17 I can change the chart from a line chart maybe to a horizontal bar or to a vertical bar. Let'sgo to a vertical bar.

00:11:26 I can change the title, I can change subtitles. I can change for instance backgrounds. Thebackground color was white, I prefer maybe green. There we go.

00:11:35 I can update my labels. So all the things what you need to do make this report very specificfor you, you can do it.

00:11:43 I can change the color here from black to pink and there we go. And it updates automaticallymy report here.

00:11:51 Maybe you don't like the color scheme, so you can change it again. This is just a simpleexample. Another example here is to change for instance the query.

00:12:00 So maybe you would like to include some other data in the Excel grid on the right hand sideas well. So I go to Edit Query from here and there we go.

00:12:09 So maybe I would like to bring in some other data in the rows as well. Maybe I would like tobring in some survey data as well. And there we go.

00:12:17 I just bring it to the rows, and there we are. Put in the Results, Employee Engagement Indexor Satisfaction Index and there we go.

00:12:29 And now you see I have my Customer Satisfaction Index as part of this report as well. Againhere, you have a starting point, you can start with existing reports and it is very easy tomake a change yourself.

00:12:44 Okay, so let's go back to another solution here. Let's show you how you can create a simpledashboard on the homepage.

00:12:53 And let's do that from here. So we go into Manage Dashboards.

00:12:57 This is the place where I can create my own dashboard and publish it on the homepage oreven publish it on an iPad. Manage my dashboard. I have now the option to build onemyself from scratch

00:13:09 or I can even download from the Success Store. We have also pre-packaged dashboardsavailable for you, which are ready to use for you.

00:13:15 In this example I am going to build one from scratch. I select a domain, and the domaincould be Core HR, could be Payroll or could be even Talent Management.

00:13:24 For this example I go to Core HR. And there we go.

00:13:33 First of all I give it a proper name. Let's create the Diversity Report.

00:13:40 Give it a proper description. I go to the next step.

00:13:47 So you see it is really wizard-like functionality what I do here. My Report Type: It is a reportthat is for managers, is it for maybe for matrix managers,

00:13:54 or is it only for HR or just other filters? I choose for other filters, because I would like to seethe wider population. Go to the next step.

00:14:04 I can choose the different chart types, is it a line, a pie or a column? I go for a pie chart.

00:14:11 I select a category, and my category here is Gender. I said that before. So let's search forGender, and there we go.

00:14:23 I select the metrics. So the metrics in my case is the Username, because that is a uniqueidentifier in my solution. And I select the calculation and it should be a Count.

00:14:33 Going to Next. I can put in filters. Maybe I don't want to see the whole organization here.But in my example I'm good now.

00:14:42 Drill down. This is my drilldown capability, so if I drill down to the details, which kind ofcolumns would I like to see here? I add a couple of columns here.

00:14:49 Maybe first name and last name, an e-mail address or any other filter you want to see there. And then we go to preview. How that looks like. And there we go.

00:15:02 Again, waiting a minute. I created here just a dashboard based on diversity reports. And Ican drill down into the details, for instance, who is female in the organization. And there we


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00:15:14 And there you see the columns which I just selected. It is easy, it is simple and you can do ityourself.

00:15:19 The next step typically could be to add it to the homepage. and publish it to your employees.

00:15:26 I can add it to the homepage, I can add it to the iPad and make it active from here. Therewe go.

00:15:31 Easy, simple, and end of this. So that said, we are almost done for this session.

00:15:44 So this concludes our unit on Reporting and Analytics. In the next unit you will learn globalbenefits, and country-based benefits as well.

00:15:54 Thank you.

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Week 2 Unit 5

00:00:10 Hello and welcome to Week 2 Unit 5 of our course Run Simple HR with SuccessFactorsEmployee Central.

00:00:17 My name is Tim Wassink, Principal Solutions Consultant in the HCM SuccessFactors line ofbusiness.

00:00:23 In this unit you will learn about global benefits and country-based benefits. After completing

this unit you will be able to:

00:00:32 Accurately describe the global benefits framework, describe some country-based benefitsexamples

00:00:39 including for the USA, Australia, Brazil, Germany, and France. Employee Central Benefits Administration manages the complexity

00:00:51 of the multiple needs of a diverse and multinational workforce. It increases efficiency bylowering and controlling costs.

00:01:01 Our benefits administration makes benefits a key differentiator to attract and retain talent.

00:01:12 SAP SuccessFactors has taken a truly global approach when it comes to benefitsadministration.

00:01:19 It does so by delivering a flexible template that can be configured to suit your number of

benefits offerings found in a variety of countries.00:01:29 In this example, we've called out country- specific provisions. As you can see, the global

framework needs to be flexible

00:01:37 and at the same time address the specific data, evaluation, and reporting requirements.

00:01:46 Here we've categorized a few key features of the global framework and how that may applyto an organization's processing requirements.

00:01:55 The items marked in bold are already available. Others are on the roadmap.

00:02:03 And that is what you see. You see for instance here the configuration engine, where wehave the eligibility rules, the enrollment, the different types of benefits.

00:02:10 And that is something that I'm going to address in the next units. If it comes to the countryversion that is something

00:02:15 what we are working on while I'm speaking here. And that will be available in the upcomingreleases.

00:02:20 For the life events we do support today birthdays, service anniversaries, child birth,marriage, and the other ones are upcoming,

00:02:27 like the transfers promotion, new hires etc. There are 3 steps to success in using globalbenefits and country-based benefits.

00:02:40 First, there is creating the global framework to serve your specific business needs.Secondly, implement best practices for your organization.

00:02:50 For example, in India for leave travel allowance we provide pre-packaged content. I willshow you this in more details in our next units.

00:03:00 And, finally, you can create your own country- specific content, or check out our roadmap

that I referenced in the previous slide for upcoming additional content00:03:10 that you may be able to use for faster implementations. As mentioned earlier, the global

benefits framework

00:03:20 is a component within Employee Central. It is a complete Core HR experience in the cloud.

00:03:27 Homepage and profile page that is customizable and easy to use. The benefits process anddata can be found within employee records,

00:03:38 and easily accessed in a variety of methods and manners. So, let's have a look at a coupleof examples.

00:03:55 So for our first example, let's look at the United States benefits. We have a third-partypartner called Benefitfocus,

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00:04:03 who provides best-in-class Total Benefits Management in the US and serves over 23 millionpeople on their platform called BENEFITFOCUS® Marketplace,

00:04:14 providing a consumer-like shopping experience where people shop, enroll, manage andexchange benefits.

00:04:23 Benefitfocus is a leader and they lead in the uniqueness of US benefits market morerobustly then anyone can.

00:04:32 Many HR vendors claim to have US benefits nailed. But, when you look closely at themarket

00:04:38 roughly seventy percent of companies use a specialist provider. While HR systems cansolve some of the puzzle, they don't solve it all.

00:04:49 When we look at our competitors, customers instead of using their HRMS-based benefits,they use a specialist provider, often Benefitfocus.

00:05:00 So, how does that work in our solution? So what you see here is the homepage of BrendaDavis.

00:05:06 And Brenda Davis has just become part of our organization. And one of the things that shewould like to do is check out her benefits.

00:05:14 So on her homepage there was a link to her benefits. So if she goes there, the system willconnect from the SuccessFactors solution

00:05:22 straight into the Benefitfocus solution. So there is one user experience for Brenda availablehere.

00:05:28 She has the welcome videos from Benefitfocus available and she can also enroll now inBenefit programs.

00:05:35 Let's have a look at that. So this will open up her Benefits program profile,

00:05:41 where she sees her profile data, which is maybe not maintained in Benefitfocus. Thatinformation is maybe coming from SuccessFactors into Benefitfocus.

00:05:50 And here she can view the profile, enroll into benefits, and so on, and so on ... This was justan example how we perfectly integrate

00:05:58 with our strategic partner Benefitfocus. Okay, now let's take a look at a couple of othercountry examples,

00:06:12 using the SuccessFactors Global Benefits solution. Over the last year we have built out

00:06:18 significant global benefits capabilities in SuccessFactors Employee Central. We willcontinue to provide our customers

00:06:26 with transparency and insights in their benefits from around the world, whether it's acomplex car allowance in the UK,

00:06:36 a festival allowance in India, a superannuation in Australia, or time accounts in Germany.

00:06:42 We got the global picture. Let's have a look at a couple of country examples.

00:06:49 And my first example is an example for an employee working and living in Germany. So firstlet's log in as Miss Baker,

00:07:00 and there we go ... Jada Baker. Okay the system is opening the landing page for Jada here.

00:07:08 And let's see what this Global Benefits means for her. So, this is her landing page, she is anemployee in the organization

00:07:17 and she can go straight to her benefits section. And within the benefits section you seeinstantly

00:07:23 that those benefits here are linked to her situation in Germany. Jada is working in Germanyand that is the reason

00:07:31 that she has for instance current benefits available, like Transportation Ticket in Germany orChild Care Allowance in Germany.

00:07:38 There's clear insights in what money is left in our pot. And you can see, she can still claimfor instance 1,000 euros on transportation.

00:07:46 There are also some claims in process, like the relocation to Germany that is still in

progress and needs to be approved maybe by the management team.

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00:07:54 And further on she can enroll in other benefit programs as well like the Meal Allowance inGermany or maybe the life insurance.

00:08:03 Let's for instance claim some transportation tickets for Germany. This will bring her to a self-service screen, where she can take the actions.

00:08:14 So, claim for the benefits, it is a transportation ticket, I can put in an amount, I've maybe aticket for 25 euros available.

00:08:22 I can upload the attachment if I want to, with the ticket here. There is maybe somesupporting information as well,

00:08:30 like some travel policy document etc. If I feel comfortable, I can save it and then it goes tomy manager for an approval.

00:08:37 This is just an example how it could work for Germany. Let's have a look at a couple ofmore examples.

00:08:42 Let's look at an example for Australia for instance. And there we go.

00:08:55 It is one global solution, so you will find out that it is exactly the same look and feel, but yousee different content there because this employee is coming from Australia.

00:09:06 Let's go to the benefits. And there we go.

00:09:11 So here we see all the benefits, which are linked to Australia. I see also that I have the Australian Dollar linked to it; there is a meal allowance available here.

00:09:20 There is nothing in process. But on the right hand side I see at least

00:09:25 that there are a lot of things which are relevant for Australia where can I enroll myself to. Forinstance my Parking Reinbursment in Australia or Fuel Ticket Australia.

00:09:33 So let's enroll myself on one of those programs. And there we go.

00:09:38 So the system brings me to the relevant self- service screens, where I can put in all theinformation that is related to it.

00:09:45 If I feel comfortable, I can save it and send it forward to the next person in line. I have twomore examples to cover.

00:09:55 And the next example is an example for France. This is the example for Laurent.

00:10:05 Let's go in. Again here you will see the same look and feel, but again different data.

00:10:15 So, I go to My Benefits. Into my global benefits screen

00:10:21 I can see there are currently no benefits, I have not subscribed myself to one of the benefitshere,

00:10:26 but I can easily enroll myself into it. It could be by the way an employee self-servicefunctionality.

00:10:31 It could also be something that is managed by the managers in manager self-service modeor by the HR administrators.

00:10:37 I can easily go in and enroll myself in a company car policy. And there we go.

00:10:44 All the relevant information will be popped up automatically. It is fully effective dated.

00:10:49 I can see my benefit is a company car for France. I can see the enrollment amount.

00:10:54 I can fill out all the missing information and send it towards the next person in line. And thenmy final example will be an example for employees in Brazil.

00:11:06 And there we go. Example for Marcia.

00:11:16 And there we go. So again here.

00:11:20 I go straight to My Benefits, as Marcia, and I can see here I have a couple of currentbenefits.

00:11:25 This employee is a little bit longer in my organization. I created a Meal Allowance for Brazil,a Childcare Allowance,

00:11:31 I see all my reimbursements here, where I can claim some money against too, or I canenroll myself in additional plans as well.

00:11:49 Okay actually this concludes our units on global benefits and country-based benefits. In thenext unit, our last unit of the week,

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00:11:58 we will go into more details on configuring country-based benefits. Thank you.

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Week 2 Unit 6

00:00:10 Hello and welcome to Week 2, Unit 6 of our course Run Simple HR with SuccessFactorsEmployee Central. My name is Tim Wassink, Principal Solutions Consultant in the HCMSuccessFactors line of business.

00:00:22 In this unit you will learn in more detail how to configure country-based benefits. Aftercompleting this unit, you will be able to

00:00:33 describe how global benefits needs can be managed on one Core HR platform, be able toupdate and configure country- based eligibility rules for specific benefits,

00:00:45 but also describe how to add the Leave Travel Allowances benefit for India. So first of all wedo a little bit of a recap of what we saw last week.

00:00:56 So we are going to look at the benefits of one of the employees. And further on we aregoing to see how we can tailor that, how we can make it a little bit more specific for yourorganization -

00:01:06 how we can change, for instance, eligibility rules. And at the end of the course I am going toshow you an example of the Leave Travel Allowance for India as well.

00:01:18 But before I begin the demo, let's take another look at a short video. Adama is a majorplayer in the agro-chemical industry.

00:01:32 We have over 50 subsidiaries globally in over And we have over 4,500 employeesworldwide.

00:01:42 Only recently, Adama announced the acquisition of ChemChina subsidiaries. Once theintegration happens, we'll double our headcount.

00:01:53 So the HR was called up to support the business transformation. And by forming a globalHR function, we wanted to have one unified infrastructure,

00:02:07 one global focus - so one global company. First, to be able to see a full picture of who weare.

00:02:15 In the first phase, we did a kind of a pilot in three major companies in different regions. Thesecond phase included all the other subsidiaries globally.

00:02:28 The benefit is to have one global database that will support the talent processes. and willenable us to have workforce planning.

00:02:41 SuccessFactors made our lives as global HR and also as local HR much easier. It has itsown seated localization within the system.

00:02:53 And it helps us to accommodate local needs and, of course, local language.SuccessFactors is a very user-friendly system.

00:03:05 It was easy to implement. And the benefits from having a cloud solution are fast deploymentat relatively low costs.

00:03:14 You can start with whatever modules you are ready to start with - PerformanceManagement, Goals Management, Compensation, Succession and, most important,Employee Central.

00:03:26 Once you have a solid infrastructure in place, it will be much easier to have those acquiredcompanies on board. It's easier to retrieve data; it's easier to get a full picture on time about

our workforce.00:03:42 It's easier to analyze and to plan accordingly. I'm definitely happy with the results coming

from the SuccessFactors projects.

00:03:50 I see the benefits, and SAP helps Adama run simple. Okay, so let's have a look at thedemo.

00:04:12 So for this example, I have logged in into the solution as an HR administrator because thosestars are maybe consumed as a little bit more technical, but it is not that difficult.

00:04:23 It is quite easy to create based benefits and global benefits into our solution. And I have acouple of great examples for you.

00:04:31 But before we go there, let's have a look at what does it mean for the end user, what is thelook and feel for the end user. What are we going to try to build with those global benefits?

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00:04:39 So we are going to log in as one of our employees who is on an assignment: Jada. She iscurrently on an assignment in Germany.

00:04:49 Logging in as Jada will open up her login page. And there we are.

00:04:57 I go to her Benefits. And the first thing what I see is her benefits in Germany.

00:05:02 Maybe you recognize this from last week. So I can see her reimbursement, travel ticket inGermany, the claims, but more important, I see the enrollments.

00:05:10 And one of the enrollments is the car allowance in Germany. Let's have a look at that one.00:05:17 And this is actually what we are going to do during the exercise today. We are going to have

a look on this specific benefit.

00:05:23 How we have created this benefit, what was needed in the system to do so. As actually justa few places where you have to put in some configuration.

00:05:31 For instance, what we are going to do, we are going to put in the benefit type. Which kind oftype it is.

00:05:37 We are going to connect it to a pay component as well, and how that works together. Wewill put in an eligibility rule on top of that to identify the entitlement amount

00:05:47 because it could be a fix amount, or it could also be something what is entitled by thesystem based on seniority in the organization or your grade level and those kind of things.

00:05:58 Let's go back to My Benefits. I'm not going to save this one for now.00:06:03 And another thing what you see here as well that this is truly a global solution here. I can

toggle between her home and her host assignment as well because she was on her globalassignment, I told you that earlier on.

00:06:12 So if I go back to her main employment in the US, then she has benefits there as well. Andthat is typical of what you are doing:

00:06:20 If you are on a global assignment, maybe some of the benefits, maybe your original pensionscheme, is still paid by the home, while the host is taking care of car allowance, schoolingallowance and those kind of things.

00:06:30 And we typically can cater for that because that is what you see here. I can see, forinstance, her relocation benefits, what she got form the US in order to move on to Germany.

00:06:40 Great insights here. Let's go back as the HR administrator.

00:06:46 So as an HR administrator there are typically a few steps what you need to do before youcan start working with global benefits. First of all what you need to do, you need to makesure

00:06:56 that you have access to the solution, access to our global benefits solution. So you have toactivate this.

00:07:01 So the moment that you have done that, you need to start working with our templates, thetemplates for global benefits. The same what we did earlier on for the deductions, you candownload the templates from our Success Store.

00:07:15 So there is no need to start from scratch - you can download it from the Success Store andyou start from there.

00:07:20 Secondly, what you do, you make sure that you give the right permissions to youradministrators before you can start. I have done that work already for you today, so we willstart from creating the master data.

00:07:31 Creating the master data is an important thing. And one of the elements of the master datais our pay components. I told you that earlier on.

00:07:39 So I go to my Admin Tools or my admin center, and I go to my pay components. And therewe go.

00:07:48 Because we need to add a couple of pay components into the system. There we go. Andlet's go to.

00:07:54 I'll show you a couple of existing pay components which I have already set up in thesolution. And let's stick to examples of car because we all love cars.

00:08:02 And there we go. So I go to, for instance, my Car Allowance in Germany.

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00:08:07 That was my example from earlier on. And if I look at the details, you see here all the detailsthat are relevant for the pay component.

00:08:13 This is the information what you maybe need to pass through your payroll solution as well.So I can see here it has a unique identifier, a Name, a Description,

00:08:22 but also things like the Currency, the Frequency, how you would like to pay it out. But alsothings like Tax Treatment, and so on, and so on.

00:08:28 So all the information what you need is stored here. And you see already here that this isreally country specific, already here.

00:08:35 For instance, you see here the Euro. If I toggle back, for instance, to my example of carallowance for the UK,

00:08:43 you see already more or less the same data, but now you see the currency is in BritishPounds. So that is also a way how you can differentiate from country to country where youhave also different rules and legislations.

00:08:55 So let's assume that we set up all those pay components. The next step what you typicallydo is then set the permission rights:

00:09:01 Who can see and edit those pay components? That is a step what you typically perform inour role-based permission solution.

00:09:10 So the next step here is go back to Admin Tools. And let's have a look at a couple of other

elements which we need for car allowances.00:09:22 I go to Benefits Admin Overview. This is actually the place where you can register all your


00:09:29 And first of all, I am going to search for car. A couple of basis elements what you maybeneed to enter to the system is, for instance,

00:09:39 my cars of my car providers in my example. My car providers are maybe AVIS orLeasePlan.

00:09:48 It could also be things like: Which cars are allowed for your employees to select on if youhave a car policy?

00:09:55 In my example here I can go for a Nissan, a Toyota, and a Volkswagen. And this is whatyou see later on if I enroll someone in a program here, then those are the cars which arepopping up.

00:10:05 So this is all the basic data what you need in the system. If you have done all these things,then you can start entering the benefit itself into the solution.

00:10:15 Let's have a look at that. We all do it from the same screen by the way.

00:10:19 It's easy, it's simple. Here we go.

00:10:24 And we have here the car allowance for Germany and the one for UK. First, we are going tolook at the one for Germany.

00:10:31 And there we are. All the benefits details which you saw earlier on on the screen from Jada,

00:10:39 but now from an administration point of view. So I can see the Benefit Name, I can see theBenefit Type -

00:10:45 in this case it is an Allowance, but it could be a Reimbursement, it could be a Pension, anInsurance. The Benefit Short Description; I can link it to a Benefit Program where I cangroup together multiple benefits.

00:10:58 I can put in Benefit Payment Options. And here you see the link to my Pay Component whatwe had just entered into the solution as well.

00:11:05 And the payment method here is via Payroll. What I said earlier as well, but it could also bea Bank Transfer, or Cash, etc. etc.

00:11:12 I can enter my Entitlement Details. I can put in an Eligibility Rule here. And I'll show youlater on a little bit further when we go to some enhancement details what does that mean.

00:11:23 So we can enhance the system where we can create, for instance, an eligibility rule. In myexample here it is just a fix amount.

00:11:33 Benefit Schedule & Frequency: This is the one - the enrollment for 2015 based on a monthlybasis. My Enrollment Details: It's a manual enrollment,

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00:11:43 but you can also change it to an automatic enrollment, maybe after you have reached acertain seniority in your organization or maybe during your new hire process.

00:11:53 Very important here, this is the Legal Entity. So this is the legal entity Germany. So thismeans this specific benefit is only applicable for Germans.

00:12:02 So it is really a global solution here. My Balance Carry Forward & Exceptions: Am I allowedto carry money forward to the next year?

00:12:12 And Additional Benefit Fields: So I can also add additional benefit fields to the benefitscreen here. So you'll remember earlier on that we created some car types and those kindof things.

00:12:23 So you can add those specific fields to the benefits solution here. I can put in UsefulContacts. Those are available for the end user.

00:12:33 So in this case this is Tessa Walker. She is our single point of contact. And we have herethe Benefit Documents.

00:12:38 So those are the supporting documents which are helping the employees to make the rightdecision if they are going to opt in for these benefits.

00:12:49 The same example is available here for the car allowance for the UK. But you see then thatthe information is maybe slightly different.

00:12:57 So maybe the entitlement rules are slightly different. Maybe the supporting documents are

slightly different because it is a different entity within your organization.00:13:04 But the setup is exactly the same - global solution, again. So you see how easy this is.

00:13:14 Because if you have done this, it works fine. This one will now be available for theemployees, and they can start enrolling themselves into those benefits.

00:13:21 We can enhance the solution a little bit more if you wish to. So one of the things what youcan do, you can Configure Business Rules.

00:13:31 And let's go there. Let's go to my Configure Business Rules, there we go.

00:13:37 And look at one of the business rules which I have briefly set up. So one of the businessrules is the Car Allowance Amount.

00:13:43 You'll remember earlier on that it was 500 euros for the German car allowance. But maybeit's not always 500 - sometimes maybe 250, another was 750.

00:13:52 That is something that you can create via our rules engine. Our rules engine has a greatuser experience.

00:13:58 So what I can see here is that, for instance, if I'm a permanent employee, if my carallowance is in Germany, if I'm working for the BestRun company in Germany

00:14:09 and if I'm working in the business unit Corporate, then my entitlement amount should be750 euros. In other cases, if I am a contractor and if I am working in Germany, then I haveonly 250 euros available for me.

00:14:27 And in all other cases, it will still be 500. So you can see how flexible it is, and you can keepthis in mind if you configure your rules for your organization.

00:14:37 It is flexible, it is easy to use. Another example is, and that is something what you remindmaybe from the deductions from last week,

00:14:48 is our Manage Configuration User Interface. You are also in control of what the user cansee and cannot see from a user interface point of view.

00:14:58 So let's have a look at My Benefits. So let's create a benefit here, and this is actually thepage where you can set up all the configurations for it.

00:15:10 You have seen that last week. And so, what I can do, for instance, I can go in here and Ican look at, for instance, Manage User Interface Rules.

00:15:20 So here I can show claim pension information in certain cases. So this information shouldnot be available always, but only in a certain situation.

00:15:29 So I can go in here and I can set all those kinds of rules. If the pay component is, forinstance, linked to a pension schema, then make sure that those pension fields areavailable.

00:15:39 In other cases, just don't show it. And there we go.

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00:15:45 And other things what I can do I can add a field and I can add links and groups, so I canreally define here my user interface. This is the user interface what you typically downloadfirst from our Success Store,

00:15:56 and then you can modify it further on based on your own specifications. That was actually aquick overview of how you can create those kinds of elements easily yourself.

00:16:08 You see it is easy, it is quick, it is fast. And I have another example for you.

00:16:12 Another example is the one for India where we have a leave and travel allowance what isvery important for that region. How does that look like?

00:16:21 So let's go there. And let's go to My Benefits Admin Overview.

00:16:30 And let's do a search for this one. Go to Benefits, and I'm going to search for leave.

00:16:37 And there we have the one: Leave Travel Allowance for India, available since 1st of January2014. Let's look a little bit more to the details.

00:16:48 So what you see here, the steps are exactly the same what you saw earlier on for the carallowance. And you can see here this is a reimbursement.

00:16:57 It is not an allowance, but this one is a reimbursement. And you see my Leave Travel Allowance as a description.

00:17:01 It is associated here to India, and not any longer to Germany, for instance. I can see my

specific enrollment, so all the fields are available here.00:17:10 It's the same screen, the same functionality. So said that, even if it is an allowance, a

reimbursement, a pension, an insurance, or a wallet, or a deductible allowance,

00:17:21 we have one place where you can enter the data, one place where you can configure it. Sosaid that,

00:17:36 what have you actually seen? So all global benefits needs you can access on one platformin a trouble-free way. So that is very important here. So we have one platform, and in thatone platform you can do everything.

00:17:48 We can tailor those eligibility rules based on your configuration, based on your rules, basedon your specific needs. And we have seen an example of the Leave Travel Allowance forIndia as well.

00:18:03 So this concludes our unit on configuring country-based benefits. And this also concludes

our topic for the week on Global Payroll & Benefits.

00:18:14 You should now have a good understanding of Employee Central Payroll and PayrollControl Center, Global Employee Central Payroll, how to configure deductions andadvances,

00:18:24 how to build reports and use them for analytics, how to explain global benefits and configurecountry-based benefits.

00:18:32 Next week my colleague Debi Suslow will teach you about time and attendance. Again, myname is Tim Wassink, and it has been my pleasure being your instructor for this week.

00:18:45 I look forward to seeing you in the openSAP discussion forums and I wish you good luck onyour weekly assignments. Thank you.

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