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OpenO&M Oil & Gas Industry Use Cases with Scenarios and Enabling Technology Ken Bever MIMOSA CTO [email protected] +1 (513) 276-4105 1

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OpenO&M Oil & Gas Industry

Use Cases with Scenarios and

Enabling Technology

Ken Bever


[email protected]

+1 (513) 276-4105


Use Cases

1 Handover Information from EPC to O/O

2 Engineering Upgrades to O&M

3 Field Changes to Plant/Facility Engineering

4 Up-to-Date Product Data Library (from On-line RDL)

5 O&M Asset Configuration Updates

6 Preventive Maintenance Triggering

7 (Semi-) Automatic Triggering of Condition Based

Maintenance (CBM)

8 Early Warning Notifications

9 Incident Management/Accountability

10 Information Provisioning of O&M Systems2

Systems Requiring Interoperability

AHMS Asset Health Management System MES Manufacturing Execution System

CIR Common Interoperability Registry MMS Maintenance Management System

CMS Condition Monitoring System OPM Operational Performance Modelling &

Optimization System

DCS Distributed Control System ORM Operational Risk Management System

DMS Document Management System PDM Product Data Management System

EAM Enterprise Asset Management System PLC Programmable Logic Controller

ENG Engineering Schematic Topology and

Instrumentation Tag Configuration Management


PORT Enterprise KPI/Event Portal

ERM Enterprise Risk Management System PSMS Process Safety Management System

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System QMS Quality Management System

HMI Human-Machine Interface (Operator Console)


REG O&M Product, Structure, Asset Registry with

Standardised Data Dictionary and Taxonomy

ISBM Information Service Bus Model SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

LIMS Lab Information Management System SHES Safety, Health, and Environmental System


NOTE: Arrows with Do Not

Connect Directly to Another

System Publish Information

Which Can Be Subscribed to

By Multiple Systems

Open Standards Which Define Data Content for Information Exchange


OpenO&M Common Interop. Registry

ISO 15926 / iRING






Fieldbus (Foundation, Profibus, etc.)

OpenO&M Systems Landscape Data Flow

Diagram with Use Case Scenarios



1 27






29 30












8 26

2 28

4 5 11

3 6 9



No. Method Data From System To System

1 PublishAs-Designed/As-Built Engineering

Network/Segment/TagENG REG-STRUCTURE

2 PublishAs-Designed/As-Built Engineering

Network/Segment/TagREG-STRUCTURE O&M

3 Publish As-Maintained Engineering Network/Segment/Tag O&M O&M

4 Publish As-Built Engineering AssetENG,


5 Publish As-Built Engineering Asset REG-ASSET O&M

6 Publish As-Maintained Engineering Asset O&M O&M



9 Publish OEM Model O&M O&M

10 Push Asset Removal/Installation CMS MMS

11 Publish Asset Removal/Installation MMS O&M

Scenarios (cont.)


No. Method Data From System To System

12 Pull Usage Readings CONTROL MMS, ORM

13 Publish Usage Readings CONTROL MMS, ORM

14 Push CBM Advisories ORM MMS

15 Pull Maintenance Work Status/Work History MMS O&M

16 Publish Maintenance Work Status/Work History MMS O&M

17 Pull Maintenance KPIs MMSERP, ERM, PORT,


18 Publish Maintenance KPIs MMSERP, ERM, PORT,


19 Pull Performance KPIs ORMERP, ERM, PORT,


20 Publish Performance KPIs ORMERP, ERM, PORT,


21 Pull Significant ORM Events ORMERP, ERM, PORT,


22 Publish Significant ORM Events ORMERP, ERM, PORT,


Scenarios (cont.)


No. Method Data From System To System





25 Publish Product/Part Engineering Change Advisories OEM PDM REG-PRODUCT

26 Publish Product/Part Engineering Change Advisories REG-PRODUCT O&M

27 Publish Plant/Process Change Advisories ENG REG-STRUCTURE

28 Publish Plant/Process Change Advisories REG-STRUCTURE O&M

29 Pull Current Operating Data and Events CMSCONTROL, ORM,


30 Publish Current Operating Data and Events CMSCONTROL, ORM,


31 Pull Historical Operating Data and Events HIST ORM, OPM

OpenO&M Systems Landscape Data Flow

Diagram with Use Case 1 scenarios




Use Case 1 – Handover EPC to O/O

• Handover of As-Designed, As-Engineered and As-Built Information from Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Contractor(s) to Owner/Operator – A core problem for Owner/Operators (O/O), vendors and systems implementers is the lack of good mechanisms for managing the needed information exchanges between EPC activities and the O&M related systems, applications and technologies.

• Information to Be Exchanged: Information is needed to properly bootstrap O&M systems with as-designed functional segment data (including P&ID diagram information of network topologies, breakdown structures and process/equipment data sheets), and asset and installation data. Need to have access to “tag” databases which identify where sensors have been installed for control and monitoring, related to the process equipment they are monitoring, and the meta-data about them (tag ID, update frequency, engineering unit, etc.).

• Scenarios Activated: 1, 4


Use Case 1 – Handover EPC to O/O


• The first scenario is (2) Publish As-Designed / As-Built Engineering Network / Segment / Tag data from REG-STRUCTURE to O&M. This scenario details the batch exchange of structural design information that forms part of the registry master data required by most O&M systems. This information originates from the Structural Registry (which stores Plant Breakdown Structures, Logical P&IDs and PFDs) and is sent to all applicable O&M systems.

• The second scenario is (5) Publish As-Built Engineering Asset data from REG-ASSET to O&M. This scenario is similar to the previous, but details the exchange of asset and installation information. This information originates from the Asset Registry and is sent to all applicable O&M systems.


Use Case 2 – Engineering Upgrades

• Recurring Updates – Send Open Engineering Upgrades to O&M: Once a site is operational, plant or facility engineering and design organizations may continue to make changes to the as-designed information models on a recurring basis. These changes can be driven by the need to operate more efficiently or with greater safety in support of the originally intended process supporting the same product mix or they can be associated with the need to change the process to yield new products, not envisioned in the original design. Once the new design information is developed it may be managed in several different ways depending on the driver for the change and the associated priority it will be assigned. Depending on the nature and scale of the changes involved, the actual work may be performed by the maintenance staff, a maintenance contractor or a construction contractor. In all cases, some type of appropriate feedback loop must be provided to ensure that the status is known and shared by Engineering Reference Databases and O&M systems.

• Information to Be Exchanged: Need to propagate changes to functional segment data, including P&ID diagram information related to process/equipment data sheets with guaranteed delivery despite network hiccups.

• Scenarios Activated: 1, 2, 4, 5


Use Case 3 – Field Changes

• Field Engineering – Changes Sent To Plant or Facilities Engineering: In a perfect

world, fully leveraging best practices, all engineering changes would flow through the

enterprise design engineering and approval systems on a “waterfall” basis, even if the

actual design work is done locally or through an independent contractor. All such

engineering changes would be fully reconciled and rationalized before the work was

actually done and the integrity of the Engineering Reference Databases would be ensured

as a specialization of use case 2. Unfortunately, there are many situations where this does

not occur (and may be impractical). This frequently results when a centralized plant or

facilities engineering organization is overwhelmed by emergent situations and the plant or

facilities manager must take responsibility for the situation without the ideal level of

centralized support. Lack of proper synchronization of this work can result in anomalies

with respect to the system of record for the engineering information, since in this case, the

most up-to-date as-designed information is flowing from the field to the enterprise, rather

than the other way around.

• Information to Be Exchanged: The information is very similar to that which is contained

in Use Case 2, but it now needs to flow from the field to the Engineering Reference

Database so that the systems can be kept in sync. Need to propagate changes to

functional segment data, including P&ID diagram information related to process/equipment

data sheets with guaranteed delivery despite network hiccups.

• Scenarios Activated: 3, 6


Use Case 4 – Online Product Data

• Open On-line Product Data Library: All of the Use Cases contained in this document anticipate the on-line availability of appropriate product data libraries containing the detailed engineering reference information for makes and models of important classes of physical assets. Critical elements of ERM including both Operational Risk Management (ORM) and EH&S depend on the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Reliability Management (RM), Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and ORM systems leveraging the most current product data. Manufacturers are often reluctant to publish some quality and reliability data about their products which is extremely important and this information needs to be gathered from trusted third parties and/or internal operating experience. As this new experience-based information becomes available, it also needs to be properly persisted and synchronized.

• Information to Be Exchanged: For all key originally installed and replaced equipment, ORM and EAM systems need on-line access to motor/pump/gear/bearing/valve/sensor OEM cut-sheet specification data in order for ORM systems to perform equipment diagnostics, validate current configurations meet the required process requirements, and for EAM systems to display to maintenance personnel. ORM and EAM systems need to know if this data is subsequently updated/modified to adjust algorithms with guaranteed delivery. ORM and EAM systems also need to ability to transfer newly-discovered product data into the PDM master database.

• Scenarios Activated: 7, 8, 9, 25, 26


Use Case 5 – Asset Updates

• Automatic O&M Configuration (Remove/Replace) Updates: One of the largest headaches for any complex facility or plant is keeping accurate track of the uniquely identified physical assets which are currently installed in a given functional location. Use Cases 1 and 2 deal with “top-down” Design Engineering-driven activities and Use Case 3 deals with the situation where this is a “bottom-up” process, but routine remove/ replace operations are work flow-driven rather than design-driven.

• While all organizations make an attempt to properly keep track of this information for classes of assets with critical functions, experience has shown that substantial process and information gaps routinely exist. After a few years of operations, there is often a substantial difference between the assets that are shown to be installed in the system of record and those that actually are installed. This situation is normally verified and at-least partially corrected when a “walk down” takes place in conjunction with the implementation of some new related system (such as an EAM system). This is an expensive, labor intensive process and it does not solve the fundamental problem, which results in its recurrence. Lack of proper management of this seemingly straight-forward element of configuration change can have profound consequences for reliability, EH&S, quality, and yield.

• Information to Be Exchanged: When a fieldbus device is replaced and a CMS system is able to sense that a new device has been removed/installed, it should immediately update the registry (REG) system of this configuration change, which should then be propagated to all other O&M systems. When data is keyed into an EAM system that an asset removal and/or installation has taken place, it should immediately update the registry (REG) system of this configuration change, which should then be propagated to all other O&M systems with guaranteed delivery despite any potential network connectivity and/or latency problems.

• Scenarios Activated: 10, 11


OpenO&M Systems Landscape Data Flow

Diagram with Use Case 5 scenarios




Use Case 5 – Handover EPC to O/O


• The first scenario is (10) Push Asset Removal/Installation data from CMS to MMS. This scenario details the sensing

of an asset removal/installation at a functional location and

subsequent notification by a condition monitoring system to

a maintenance management system.

• The second scenario is (11) Publish Asset Removal/Installation data from MMS to O&M. In order to

notify other O&M systems that a serialized asset has been

replaced, the maintenance management system publishes

an asset change event to all relevant O&M systems.


Use Case 6 – Automatic PMs

• Open Automatic Preventive Maintenance (PM) Triggering: While there has sometimes been confusion between automated triggering of PM and the evolving trend to use more Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), PM, along with Corrective Maintenance (CM) continue to be part of the “Maintenance Mix”, with the appropriate use of each to be dictated by a maintenance strategy properly linked to ERM. Parts of this linkage are normally established through an engineering practice known as Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), but comprehensive linkage to the ERM process has not been routine to the degree which will be increasingly required.

• PM procedures are normally setup to be performed based on the passage of time, some sort of meter-based utilization record (such as miles driven) or a combination of the two. PM procedures must often be performed as part of a manufacturer’s warranty requirements or to meet external regulator agency requirements. While PM is expected to slowly decline in favor of CBM, it is still critical for systems that rely on it and it is often too easy to miss a PM that is required by utilization. PM, CBM and CM are often interrelated when a PM procedure is setup to trigger an inspection route work order which may subsequently result in either a CM or CBM activity. Proper integration with the controls and/or plant data historian environment enables the usage information to be captured for automatic PM triggering. The EAM system must be able to compare the newly proposed PM event to any pre-existing events to avoid generating multiple work orders for the same requested activity, but the individual request must enable a linkage with an audit trail from each requesting system (Agent).

• Information to Be Exchanged: In order to allow PM activities which are usage-based to be triggered at the appropriate time without manual entering of readings and to assist ORM systems which have usage logic included in their diagnostics/prognostics, then there is a need to automatically transfer usage readings captured on certain equipment from the Historian system to the EAM system (for PM-triggering) and ORM systems (for CBM-triggering).

• Scenarios Activated: 12, 13, 29, 31 19

Use Case 7 – CBM Triggering

• Open Automatic or Semi-Automatic CBM Triggering: The benefits of interoperability start to pay significant dividends when the near-real time decision support systems (such as ORM) begin to properly interact with the transaction processing oriented business systems (such as EAM) based on data/information feeds from true real-time systems involved in monitoring and control. While it is fairly easy to show a hierarchy of data/information/knowledge on a PowerPoint slide, the nature of the use cases needs to be fully contemplated when the transforms are taking place as part of the systems interaction scenarios. This involves several categories of systems spanning 3 basic layers (real-time, near real-time and transaction processing) in the interoperability stack and they are normally provided by several communities of solutions providers, with multiple vendors in each community. Providing sustainable interoperability for all of these systems of systems is a critical focal-point for open standards based interoperability.

• This use case does NOT assume interaction with operations planning and scheduling oriented systems. It is limited to the current practice where specialized maintenance, reliability, quality and safety systems are able to diagnose or prognose a need for a maintenance action. When an ORM system (PSMS, AHMS, QMS, EMS) determines that a maintenance action is required; it must be able to generate a CBM-driven request for action/work advisories using an open interface to an EAM system. The ORM should be smart enough to check beforehand to see if similar maintenance work entries are outstanding on an asset so as not to “flood” an EAM system with the exact same CBM request for action/work. In addition, the ORM system needs to be able to check the status of the work submitted.

• Information to Be Exchanged: All information required to generate a CBM request for action/work.

• Scenarios Activated: 14, 15, 16, 29 ,30, 31


Use Case 8 – Early Warnings

• Open Early Warning Notifications: As we attempt to move from a purely reactive world to a

world where we optimize overall operations, all of the various systems must be able to provide

each other with some degree of early notifications about impending situations which will require

an optimal decision to be made. If optimal operations are to be achieved, a fully informed dialog

needs to take place between all of the participating systems and personnel as they make

optimization decisions in support of a previously agreed upon definition of optimum for a

particular organization, which may be established using tools such as balanced scorecards.

• This use case contemplates the situation where an Operational Performance Modeling &

Optimization (OPM) system is receiving early warning notifications from a variety of systems

which are contributing inputs to the overall optimization effort. The objective is to avoid the

“collisions” which routinely occur in planning and scheduling meetings. While this case focuses

on the maintenance and reliability oriented systems, equal attention must be played to all of the

operational planning and scheduling systems. The OPM can then be used to generate a unified

O&M schedule that is optimized according to agreed upon metrics and that should be the basis

for any discussion about further optimization (or deviations).

• Information to Be Exchanged: OPM systems (Operational Performance Modeling &

Optimization Systems) and enterprise portals (PORT) need to be guaranteed immediate

notification of ORM significant actual and early warning ORM events and KPI's. In addition,

Portals need guaranteed delivery of KPI's from OPM, ORM, EAM, DCS, HMI, and HIST


• Scenarios Activated: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31


Use Case 9 – Incident Accountability

• Incident Management: With the increasing emphasis on risk management topics including

Operational Risks and Health, Safety and Environmental risks, better incident management

methods must be established. While traditional incident management systems relied on

somewhat arbitrary (and frequently manual) methods to declare, capture, escalate and

respond to various categories of incidents, a more systemic approach enables a substantially

improved approach to risk management. Post mortem analysis shows that in many cases, a

catastrophic event is proceeded by a series of improperly captured and escalated incidents.

When the catastrophe occurs, management often responds by indicating they were unaware

of the situation in spite of prior related incidents. In response, regulatory agencies such as

OSHA are communicating their intent to hold management increasingly accountable

(including criminal prosecution) for future catastrophes with ignorance to not be an excuse. In

order to enable management to be properly aware of these incidents (in addition to the other

risk indicators flowing in association with use case 8), industry must make sure that critical

information is captured and escalated along the lines of accountability. An automated

approach offers the greatest assurance of such a flow by eliminating unnecessary gaps in the

process. This will also properly support the forthcoming requirements to capture, track and

report “near-miss” incidents.

• Information to Be Exchanged: Enterprise Risk Management Systems must be guaranteed

delivery of actual and near miss incidents as they are declared and captured at the lowest

practical level in the data/information “food chain”. They can then escalate and manage the

incidents bases upon previously defined rules.

• Scenarios Activated: 21, 22, 29, 30, 31 22

Use Case 10 – O&M Provisioning

• Data Enrichment and Provisioning of O&M Systems – The data required for O&M systems goes beyond the data set the EPC provides. For example, maintenance hierarchies are defined externally (e.g. by the O/O or a maintenance contractor) and not by an EPC, although the hierarchy may reference EPC data elements. The EPC turnover data in the O&M Register is therefore enriched before information provisioning for each O&M system.

• Information to Be Exchanged: Information is needed to properly bootstrap O&M systems with as-designed functional segment data (including P&ID diagram information of network topologies, breakdown structures and process/equipment data sheets), and asset and installation data. Need to have access to “tag” databases which identify where sensors have been installed for control and monitoring, related to the process equipment they are monitoring, and the meta-data about them (tag ID, update frequency, engineering unit, etc.).

• Scenarios Activated: 2, 5


OpenO&M Systems Landscape Data Flow

Diagram with Use Case 10 scenarios




Use Case 10 – O&M Provisioning


• The first scenario is (2) Publish As-Designed / As-Built Engineering Network / Segment / Tag data from REG-STRUCTURE to O&M. This scenario details the batch exchange of structural design information that forms part of the registry master data required by most O&M systems. This information originates from the Structural Registry (which stores Plant Breakdown Structures, Logical P&IDs and PFDs) and is sent to all applicable O&M systems.

• The second scenario is (5) Publish As-Built Engineering Asset data from REG-ASSET to O&M. This scenario is similar to the previous, but details the exchange of asset and installation information. This information originates from the Asset Registry and is sent to all applicable O&M systems.



control systems,

operational data

historians & hmi’s



operational forecasting,

planning & scheduling



order/mission mgt..,

material mgt., personnel &

financial systems (ERP)


OpenO&M Information Service Bus & OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry


periodic & online

condition monitoring

systems, diagnostic /

prognostic asset health


o&m system topology

& tag registries, asset

registry with




maintenance work



well information,

drill/well production


Energistics PRODML


OpenO&M Approach –Each System Engineered to Speak a Common O&M Language over a Common Information BusWith a Common Interoperability Registry

OEM product specification

data & EPC system

engineering design


ISO 15926

Enabler: OpenO&M

Common Interoperability Registry (CIR)

Enabler: OpenO&M

Common Interoperability Registry (CIR)

EPC P&ID Requirements&OEM Product Data

Control Systems, Data Historians, Condition Monitoring, & SHE Systems Data

Enterprise HR, Financial,

Materiel, Logistics, &Mission Capability Data

Maintenance Breakdown Structure, Maintenance Work Plans, & Actual Failure Data

Production Optimization, Planning & Scheduling

Oil & Gas Portals / Business Applications

Business Intelligence

O&M Requirements Repository

O&M Registry

OpenO&M Information Service Bus

OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry


• Provides the “Yellow-Pages” lookup for all systems to locate

an identical object in another system

• Glue to tie systems together which have different Identifiers

for the exact same object but never had to talk “on-line”


• Provides a globally-unique CIR Identifier (CIR Id) to link

“local” object IDs

OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model

class OM CIR Model V0.5


+ ID: IdentifierType


- userDescription: TextType [0..n]



Registration Server A

Test Registry

Finance System Registry

OpenO&M Common Interop Registry (CIR) Model

Copyright 2009. MIMOSA and World Batch Forum (WBF).

All Rights Reserved.

Release 0.4 (21-Apr-09)


CIRRegistry A CIRRegistry object is the container object for a set of registration categories. Examples of

multiple registries include: test registry, active registry, local site registry, global corporate



Attribute Description Restrictions

ID User supplied ID of the registry. This must be

unique within the registry server.


GUID System assigned globally unique ID for the

registry. This is unique across all registry



userDescription User description of the registry and expected

use of the registry.

Multiple values allowed

for multiple languages or

alternate descriptions

OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model

class OM CIR Model V0.5


+ entityIDinSource: IdentifierType

+ sourceID: IdentifierType


+ ID: IdentifierType

+ categorySourceID: IdentifierType

+ userDescription: TextType [0..1]

+ ISO15926ObjectReferenceURI: IdentifierType [0..n]

categorySourceID Examples












OpenO&M Registry Entry









P&ID Diagram Object

Batch Status

Production Status

Equipment Status


+ ID: IdentifierType


- userDescription: TextType [0..n]



Registration Server A

Test Registry

Finance System Registry

OpenO&M Common Interop Registry (CIR) Model

Copyright 2009. MIMOSA and World Batch Forum (WBF).

All Rights Reserved.

Release 0.4 (21-Apr-09)








OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model

CIRCategory A CIRCategory object is the container object for a set of registry entries. Registry categories

define sets of related, or potentially related registry entries. For example, a registry category may

be defined for equipment hierarchy level names (Enterprise, Site, Area, Work Center, Work

Unit), which have alternate names on different systems. The combination of ID and

categorySourceID must be unique.


Attribute Description Restrictions

ID User supplied ID of the category Required

categorySourceID Identification of the category. May define the

organization and specification name for the

category, for example:


• ISA 88 BatchStatus

• ISA 95-2000 EquipmentModel

• B2MML.EquipmentModel

• ISA88.RecipeModel1995

• BatchML.RecipeModelV4.04.01

• ChemCompany.RefineryModelV2.1

• ShippingCompany.TransportCode


userDescription User description of the category and expected

use of the category

Multiple values allowed

for multiple languages or

alternate descriptions



Defines the associated part of the ISO 15926

that defines the registry category.


OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model


+ entityIDinSource: IdentifierType

+ sourceID: Identi fierType

+ CIRID: UUIDType [0..1]

+ sourceOwnerID: IdentifierType [0..1]

+ userDescription: TextType [0..n]

+ userTag: CodeType [0..1]

+ inActive: IndicatorType [0..1]


+ ID: IdentifierType

+ categorySourceID: IdentifierType

+ userDescription: TextType [0..1]

+ ISO15926ObjectReferenceURI: IdentifierType [0..n]

categorySourceID Examples













Oil Company A

Chem Company B

System Supplier A

System Supplier B



OpenO&M Registry Entry









P&ID Diagram Object

Batch Status

Production Status

Equipment Status

CIRRegEntry Examples

CIRID enti tyIDinSource userTag

================================== ============= =======

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 234443 Loop 106

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 423ABC Cmn Loop 106

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 TIC-106 Top Temp Control

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655448778 TIC-8106 Top Temp Control

sourceID Examples


Engineering DB #234

Supplier A MIMOSA CRIS Registry Database #1










OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model

CIRRegistryEntry A CIRRegistryEntry object defines a registry entry. Registry entries define named element and

properties with an identifier local to the owning application and a possible global ID (CIRID) that

defined equivalent entries in other applications.

For example the tag TC101 in system A may be the equivalent of tag UNIT101.TOP_TEMP in

system B.

The assumption is that the combination of entityIDinSource and sourceID form a unique

composite key within a registry category.


Attribute Description Restrictions

entityIDinSource User defined identification of the entry in

the source system


Unique within the source


sourceID Identification of the source system Required

CIRID System assigned globally unique ID for the



sourceOwnerID Organization that has responsibility for the

source system or entity name space


userDescription User description of the entry Multiple values allowed

for multiple languages or

alternate descriptions

userTag Shortcut identification of the entry, may not

be unique within the source system.


inActive Flag, if FALSE or missing indicates the

entry is active and available for use.

Examples of inactive entries may be data

that is entered but the source system is not

yet available or in use.


OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model


• The OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry ID (CIRID) must be generated in compliance with the Universal Unique IDentifier (UUID) definition found in ISO/IEC 11578:1996 "Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"

• A UUID is a 16-byte (128-bit) number. The number of theoretically possible UUIDs is therefore 216*8 = 2128 = 25616 or about 3.4 × 1038. To understand the quantity which this represents, 1 trillion UUIDs would have to be created every nanosecond for slightly more than 10 billion years to exhaust the number of UUIDs.

• In its canonical form, a UUID consists of 32 hexadecimal digits, displayed in 5 groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters(32 digits and 4 '-'). For example:



+ entityIDinSource: IdentifierType

+ sourceID: IdentifierType

+ CIRID: UUIDType [0..1]

+ sourceOwnerID: IdentifierType [0..1]

+ userDescription: TextType [0..n]

+ userTag: CodeType [0..1]

+ inActive: IndicatorType [0..1]


+ ID: IdentifierType

+ currentValue: CIRValueType [0..*]

+ dataType: CodeType [0..1]

+ UOM: CodeType [0..1]

+ mandatory: IndicatorType [0..1]





Oil Company A

Chem Company B

System Supplier A

System Supplier B

P&ID Diagram Object

Batch Status

Production Status

Equipment Status

CIRRegEntry Examples

CIRID entityIDinSource userTag

================================== ============= =======

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 234443 Loop 106

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 423ABC Cmn Loop 106

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 TIC-106 Top Temp Control

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655448778 TIC-8106 Top Temp Control

sourceID Examples


Engineering DB #234

Supplier A MIMOSA CRIS Registry Database #1


Entity to store a small subset of properties that may be needed to l ink systems

together. It is not intended to be a global property master registry. The properties

may help in identification of equivalent entries. There are two predefined properties:

• CiRParentEntityID : Has the entityIDinSource for the parent object in the

source's hierarchy.

• CIRChildEntityID: Has the set of entityIDinSource for the child objcts in the

source's hierarchy.





OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model

CIRProperty A CIRProperty object defines a property of a registry entry. Properties may be used to help

identify equivalent registry entries. The properties should be a small set of properties that may be

needed to link systems together, and not intended to be a global property master registry.

There are two predefined properties that should be used to identify an entry’s position in a

source’s hierarchy:

1. CIRParentEntityID: Has the entityIDinSource for the parent object in the source's


2. CIRChildEntityID: Has the set of entityIDinSource for the child objects in the source's



Attribute Description Restrictions

ID User defined identification of the property Required

Unique within the list of

entry properties

currentValue Current value of the property Optional

Multiple values with value

key to provide for alternate

values for identification

dataType Data type of the current value Optional

UOM Unit of measure of the current value Optional

mandatory Flag that indicates if a value is required Optional

OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model

class OM CIR Model V0.5


+ entityIDinSource: IdentifierType

+ sourceID: IdentifierType

+ CIRID: UUIDType [0..1]

+ sourceOwnerID: Identi fierType [0..1]

+ userDescription: TextType [0..n]

+ userTag: CodeType [0..1]

+ inActive: IndicatorType [0..1]


+ ID: Identi fierType

+ currentValue: CIRValueType [0..*]

+ dataType: CodeType [0..1]

+ UOM: CodeType [0..1]

+ mandatory: IndicatorType [0..1]


+ ID: Identi fierType

+ categorySourceID: IdentifierType

+ userDescription: TextType [0..1]

+ ISO15926ObjectReferenceURI: Identi fierType [0..n]

categorySourceID Examples













Oil Company A

Chem Company B

System Supplier A

System Supplier B



OpenO&M Registry Entry









P&ID Diagram Object

Batch Status

Production Status

Equipment Status

CIRRegEntry Examples

CIRID enti tyIDinSource userTag

================================== ============= =======

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 234443 Loop 106

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 423ABC Cmn Loop 106

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 TIC-106 Top Temp Control

550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655448778 TIC-8106 Top Temp Control

sourceID Examples


Engineering DB #234

Supplier A MIMOSA CRIS Registry Database #1


Entity to store a small subset of properties that may be needed to link systems

together. It is not intended to be a global property master registry. The properties

may help in identification of equivalent entries. There are two predefined properties:

• CiRParentEntityID : Has the entityIDinSource for the parent object in the

source's hierarchy.

• CIRChildEntityID: Has the set of entityIDinSource for the chi ld objcts in the

source's hierarchy.


+ ID: IdentifierType


- userDescription: TextType [0..n]



Registration Server A

Test Registry

Finance System Registry

OpenO&M Common Interop Registry (CIR) Model

Copyright 2009. MIMOSA and World Batch Forum (WBF).

All Rights Reserved.

Release 0.4 (21-Apr-09)











OpenO&M Common Interoperability Registry UML Model

UNCEFACT Core Components

• UN/CEFACT Core Component Types

• The base types for most OpenO&M and MIMOSA XML Schema elements are derived from core component types that are compatible with the UN/CEFACT core component types. The UN/CEFACT core component types are a common set of types that define specific terms with semantic meaning (e.g. the meaning of a quantity, currency, amount, identifier,…). The UN/CEFACT core components were defined in a Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS) developed by the ebXML project now organized by UN/CEFACT and ISO TC 154.

• The core components use several international standards for the representation of semantic and standardized information:

Name Standard

Country Code ISO 3166.1

Region Code ISO 3166.2

Language Code ISO 639: 1988

Currency Code ISO 4217

Date and Time Representation ISO 8601

Unit Of Measure Code UN/ECE Recommendation 20

Unit of Transport or Packaging Code UN/ECE Recommendation 21

AmountType is used to define a number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of currency is explicit or implied. It is derived from a decimal. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description

currencyID normalizedString An identifier specifying the identification of a currency code. Reference UN/ECE Rec 9, using 3-letter alphabetic codes, also available as ISO 4217.

currencyCodeListVersionID normalizedString An identifier specifying the version of the currency code. The version of the UN/ECE Rec.9 code list.

UNCEFACT Core Components

BinaryObjectType is used to define a data types representing graphics, pictures, sound, video, or other forms of data that can be represented as a finite length sequence of binary octets. It is derived from base64Binary. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description

format string The format of the binary content. No identifiers for standard formats are defined.

mimeCode normalizedString The mine type of the binary object. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047.

encodingCode normalizedString Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047.

characterSetCode normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047.

uri anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.

filename string The filename of the binary object. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047.

UNCEFACT Core Components

CodeType is used to define a character string that is used to represent a entry from a fixed set of enumerations. It is derived from the type normalizedString. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description

listID normalizedString An Identifier specifying the identification of a code list that this is registered with at an agency. For example: UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list

listAgencyID normalizedString An Identifier specifying the agency that maintains one or more lists of codes. For example: UN/EDIFACT.

listAgencyName string Text that contains the name of the agency that maintains the list of codes.

listName string Text that contains the name of a code list that this is registered with at an agency.

listVersionID normalizedString An Identifier specifying the version of the code list. name string Text equivalent of the code content component. languageID language An Identifier specifying the language used in the code name. listURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where

the code list is located. listSchemaURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where

the code list scheme is located.

UNCEFACT Core Components

DateTimeType is used to define a particular point in time together with the relevant supplementary information to identify the timezone information. It is derived from the type dateTime. This is a specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. For example: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for UTC as “2002-09-22T13:15:23Z”

Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description format string A string specifying the format of the date time content,

however the format of the format attribute is not defined in UN/CEFACT specification.

UNCEFACT Core Components

IdentifierType is used to define a character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme. It is derived from the type normalizedString. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description

schemaID normalizedString An Identifier specifying the identification of the identification schema.

schemaName string Text that contains the name of the identification scheme. schemaAgencyID normalizedString An Identifier specifying the identification of the agency that

maintains the schema. schemaAgencyName string Text containing the identification of the agency that

maintains the schema. schemaVersionID normalizedString The version (as an Identifier) of the schema. schemaDataURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where

schema data is located. schemaURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where

schema is located.

UNCEFACT Core Components

IndicatorType is used to define a list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values that express the only possible states of a Property. For example “True” or “False”. It is derived from the type string. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description

format string A string specifying whether the indicator is numeric, textual or binary; however the format of the format attribute is not defined in UN/CEFACT specification.

UNCEFACT Core Components

MeasureType is used to define a numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the specified unit of measure. It is derived form type decimal. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description

unitCode normalizedString The type of unit of measure. See UN/ECE Rec 20. and X12 355.

unitCodeListVersionID normalizedString The version of the unit of measure code list.

UNCEFACT Core Components

NumericType is used to define a numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the specified unit of measure. It is derived from the type decimal. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description format string Specifies if the number is an integer, decimal, real number,

or percentage. No standard identifiers defined.

UNCEFACT Core Components

QuantityType is used to define a counted number of non-monetary units, possibly including fractions. It is derived from the type decimal. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description

unitCode normalizedString The unit of the quantity. May use UN/ECE Rec. 20. unitCodeListID normalizedString The identification of the code list for the quantity unit of

measure. unitCodeListAgencyID normalizedString The identification of the agency that maintains the

quantity unit code list. unitCodeListAgencyName string The name of the agency that maintains the quantity unit

code list.

UNCEFACT Core Components

TextType is used to define a character string (i.e. a finite set of characters) generally in the form of words of a language. It is derived from the type string. Optional Attribute Base XML Type Description languageID language An Identifier specifying the the language used in the

content component. languageLocaleID normalizedString An Identifier specifying the locale of the language

UNCEFACT Core Components

Enabler: OpenO&M

Information Service Bus Model (ISBM)

Enabler: OpenO&M

Information Service Bus Model (ISBM)

Actual Proposed Design

Actual Proposed Design

Better Approach

Enabler: MIMOSA Open System Architecture for

Enterprise Application Integration (OSA-EAI) Common

Conceptual Object Model (CCOM) with Markup

Language (CCOM-ML)

Enabler: MIMOSA Open System Architecture for

Enterprise Application Integration (OSA-EAI) Common

Conceptual Object Model (CCOM) with Markup

Language (CCOM-ML)

MIMOSA Open Systems Architecture for

Enterprise Application Integration (OSA-EAI)

MIMOSA Open Systems Architecture for

Enterprise Application Integration (OSA-EAI)

The MIMOSA Open Object

Registry Is a Core O&M Interoperability Enabler for

Asset Intensive Industries.

•It provides a full mesh network for maintaining interrelationships between people, processes and systems in a Services Oriented Architecture.

•Unlike traditional Master Data Management (MDM), it is designed to support the highly dynamic requirements of physical asset management such as configuration management.

Enabler: OpenO&M – ISO 15926 Transform EngineEnabler: OpenO&M – ISO 15926 Transform Engine

OpenO&M – ISO 15926 Transform Engine

Aims and Benefits

• Automation of semantic integration

• Flexibility through open transformation

across ecosystems

• Standards-based transformation

• Reusable transformation through library

of mapping operators

• Transformation process for complex


• Extensibility allows dynamic changes

• End-user friendly tool guidance with

abstract visual notations for non-IT-experts58


Models on the Conceptual Level

ISO 15926 MIMOSA CCOM 3.2.3

*.rdf/*.qxf file *.xml file





Interface toInformation Bus


Use Case 1: Handover EPC to O&M



ISO 15926 Representation

• Templates in Reference Data Library (RDL): Specialized Templates from ISO 15927-7

• Templates defined inISO 15926-7

• Concepts defined inISO 15926-2

• Values

Use Case 1: Handover EPC to O&M


Export to open

standardfor example XSLT or QVT

Complex Transformation in Form of a Process

for example BPMN, EPC, BPELExport to open


Use Case 1: Handover EPC to O&M


MIMOSA Representation

• Object Types in Topology

• Object Types from Asset Registry

• Instance Values

Use Case 1: Handover EPC to O&M


Use Case 1: Handover EPC to O&M