on para., ayne ews - city of waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/./wayne news (1938-1943)/1940...the...

iiil EWS li'I'ii: ayne On Para., Wayne's p>1H.d.. is growing ]on,ge,:, judging, New WSTC Rooster' s W' 1·11' S""o"ar. Airport ' P dents. Willis Noal{es, Wayne's .' ayne s, " enumerator, "'11<\ all lopal citizcllIJ BUloli"]le'ng 'To V I' -, I 'w . M For' Wa" y' ne .. , who co·operated' to assure a com- u·· count may take a bow on 22 CI· b '338 T ' 2 719 that. It demonstrates that despi!" I a ue n ayne ay ' 1m so· ' Be Dedicated ,., Is Likely '" -" -I' ',,'.' its neighbom are 'falllng bilek In S · lB· Off d . Off I C Sh' the parade Of N;?braslca's cities --- pecla argalns e e --- · · i " succcc(!s I I .. , ,. r . ICla . enSU$ . . D€!Jpite the· f;,: sooner Or Address Friday .... l-- IsPro,!lllsed, (Jlty I . later virtually eV,ory thief who Dedication of the Student- Reports On Tong)). BircU Student Population Leaves This City Only tries his taking ways in Wayne Faculty Activities building of the PTA Convention To Bring 'Big The probability that Wayne Four Short Of,36QQ,Marki . ends up in the county jail, it Wayne Stat" Tea$ers college will WI'Il Be GI'ven Premium '" wUl soon have, an airport looln' I M d Ai. rut. R' te Decline seems there are still 01,., or two __ ed Monday after Chamber ot ",egts r. ,',," '" who are foolish enough to gam- ta\<e place Friday afternoon in Commerce leaders were notified . '",.",,:.,-, " . ", "I" ,,,' . b l th' f t f f . th" maln dining room of the Ml,ss Ida Fisher, Miss Ruth wilf'''soar In value to FrIday that this was tha only Wfnne'.s nn.p .... ,. 9,. -, ... a,gr in of 338 .P<!FsO .. e en" u ure or a ew penn,.,s, building at 2:15,' following a 15 VI hi h a k I '" mI' 7r b oar and cigarets After a long Paden, Mrs. L. F. Perry and Mrs. a ne g 111 r on annua ob,3tacle to installation of a civil· total t n, years,.'a.& .. o. the offlcia . . ml'nute concert by 'the college I Dov .... ... ••• M . pe riod of quiet on robbe Cella Pearson wlll giv.e reports .• " .. --, ' .. "'" ay Ian pilot training program here. ration . ..... ," , " . "" ry symphony band untl' er tha d,'r- 22 t"e' """1"1 e t f I t ft' t ted /1' h ,- tomorrow (Wednesday) evening -" ,1 .. __ .. yen or . L .. E. Tyson, state airport en, This city's . 1111'1) P9PlIlation. WIlS partlC'\'l":!1 "'ft· . r3 ection of John R. Keith. at the P. T. A. me .. on the sponsored by Wayne Cham- gincer Qf the Aeronau- standln'g in yl,'!w, with.ivery, few , .. , seems, by thi> arrest and convlc' ,Dr. Walter will J?re- national P. T. A. convention they e,.,r of tics commission, inspected and eastern Nl'braska and dUes hare shown ,slight tion of one youth. SIde at the dedicabon 13l3t week: Dr. G. L. The amount to be paid fO!' approved sites year compared with 1930 due largl'ly tO I the 4r<>ught,. ,:' ,', " •• 0 I program opens with InVO' Sandrltter of. Norfolk will give rooster,. on. day only will be for fieldS nearWayn" and out. . .. ---------- ,3,l100 Beel\kll. ..., ,'" ',," Gold"n Spike Da s are well cabon by Rev. CariG. Bader, fol- his fourth and last lecture of a,anndounced'in your A,d\1I!1"f;lser lined. t/IP-,._trlllnl!lK.,--Pl'l>gram, G.'radua' 'tl-on City officials and und"";ay at and we're lowed by a eelection, .. steal series' at this meeting: HI,s topIc I FrI ay. ': which would be handled in co· Commerce leaders, who .co,oper·. banking on Wayne's official delt- Away", U:e college A Cap· will be "The Adult Discovers Roosters, wh,ch have hoen operation with Wayne State ated In evlOry way gate, E. E. Flootwood, who tenta. ,pella climr, by Russetl HImself", bringing their 'owners about 7 Teachem Willill. Noakes, offi<;lal tively plans to journey to U1I2 con. And""son. Architect Gordon Sha .' a pound; will bring this Must Lease Field EXerCI"SeS ator for Wayne, to llS/3ure a COin- vention city Wednesday, to shar" tuck, Grand Island, and Contract· special premium only if they are Only requirement of the city IS, plete count, were jubllal),t in the whiskers honOl;3, At any John L. Omaha, Chl"ld's L sold to a Wayne produce station It furnish the site 'for the the 'rate" h/? has the ber,t crop you'r,o Will prl'sent thll bUIlding. Werner eg on Wednesday. 'Scrip will be airport by renting or it. S' cheduled I With the college likely to fmd in Ulis section of Weichert, president of the stu- sued In payment for the roosters The Civil Aero.na,utics AuthOrity whl$ Is the state. dent counCIl, County Supt. F. B. Severed which will be worth Its full face takes care of all "xpens" of 1m. offici census . D<>cker, a member of the alumni I value when ueed to purcham proving it for use as an airport. has n actual po'pulatlott,\>t Speaking of whiskers, a move. association and Dr. J. T. Ander· merchandise from any of' the How,over, the IQnger tha lea,se ob· College And 596. :tj:nrolin!f'llt ment was r.ocentiy initiated by "on, presideut of the college. wiU local co-operatlng merchants. talned by the city, the greater Training School first ;term fast the Winside whisker club to ex. accept the building, Jackie Kingston Virtually every ,Wayne merchant wiil be the Improvements maae 945 and the pand the, growing ar.ea The Hon. John F, Rohn of Fre· I t' Of i,. partlciPatingj so that those by the CAA" Several of tha ,Jltcs Progtt'ams Listed c h ell,'lUj3 to cover the entiro county, The mont will deliver the dedicatory S IC 1m who r,9Celw thl,. special pr.omlum C9uld be developed to ere. This club elected offi""rs and decidea address. "Echo Song" by the A Tlragic Accident price may use tllelr scrip at their .tields--wlth-1ittle-<lx- ... Graduatlon- exercises of· ·the roillmlent--f'or'the-',eatror>i to try to form 9 1ubs in .every Cappella choir and benediction favorite stores.- pense and the sale of alfalfa, college are scheduled for 9:30 a. town in the county, We doubt by the Rev. Wilbur F. Dierking Jackie :.r]ngston, 3%, son of Mr. Special ValUes which would be plant",d with m, May 24 in the Outdoor Thea- that the idea wiIl spread much in will close the ""remonles. and Mrs. Jack Kingston, had his Another outstanding feature of seed 'furnished by the govern. trl'. The training ,"chool com· Wayne, however, due to the COl. The public is cordially invited. leg ampntated Thursday at a "Rooster Day" Is that scorllS or ment, would help finance the mencement datlO Is May 22 at 8. tracting the lege infIuen"". Certainly, most of local hospital, following a tragIc local ,stores are offering om· leasing of the field sinc.e all the p. m. Graduation "xerclses for the average the co-eds would frown on thell' accident on the college campus f3tanding values which will make profit would go to the City, lie the city school will be held at the attending from boy friends if' the latter decidea Five Farms earller in the afternoon. the scrip even more valuable than said. city auditorium May 28 at 8 p. m. r€!Jldent,s to hide behind any such collec. , Jackie was riding his tricycle The "ollege would co-operate by Baccalaureate ,'ervicCll ·for the tin I g the school term tion of hair and it's not likely the near Mr. G, L.· Rogers, superln"' (Continued Qn Page' 0) supplying ill,'ltructors to give college will be h.old at 8 p. m. gur\, added to the , barbers would relish dodging rae. Pu tenc:40nt oCthec!llleg", :!mil.gl!!!l1' the gr<>und CO,urse in cl""srooms May 19 in the auditoriUIIi' with sus total leaves Wayne jal adornments of a variety of ! r and 'grounds, who wa" cutting at thi> The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I ' Shap;€f3 with their razors, the grass with a gasoline lawn SOl"1 DI·strl"ct dents at the college would be The city school Baccalaureatl' . Advantages , " . • • • • mower. He suddenly backed his . ' . an opportUllity to take the services are scheduled for May The advantages Farmers $hould warn their Tenants T,ake trlcycl" into the machine so quick· year's course at a cost to the 26, In. city with well above the, roosters to do all their croWing i Advantage Of Iy that Mr. RQgers did not have Bel" ng ·.S.et Up students of only $40; this includlls Rev. W. F. Most, speaker. many. tn' tlre. first place. "everal because annual Roost,or Da,' Loan Program tim., to stop before Jackie's leg . . both the ground course and the BaecaJaurea.te projects for . which WIll arrive next week and with .nearl Y severed beIow, t.he Instruction under, a' competent TM program for tho college 2,500 are. eligible at:e roo,st""s b';nglllll' an attractive. , ..' flight . Instructor who paf3ses all Baccalaureat.e services ff3 81!1 fol. able to towllf3, Whose pffllilat premium on th,oWaYne 'marii;'i:" Mr. Rogem carried the young- Don Leuck Is CAA requirements. Completion lows: Jesu, Prlcel""s Treasure, A population is, under that; mark, that day, it is unlikely many wiII gram whIch IS operatmg under ster to thi> Kingston home when, Named To Board of the course would entitle the Ci,ppella chOir, Russel Ander$on, Wh!l" Waynes actual population,. be left to do any crowing. waY-I Bankl\ead-Jones P)1rchase first aid was administered by a studtmt to a private Ucense, d'trector; invocation, Rev. Carl G. students included, ne merchant" will take over the Act of 1937.was Initiated m Way· physician. Dr. Walter Benthack Of Supervisors which permlt,s him to carry pas. Bader__ Cherubim Song, A above that mark, It did !lot re- crOwing duties by offering th,o ne county In July: 1939, and at was called and Jackle was rush. sengers with9ut hire any place Cappella choir; Scripture RllacJ; 'ceive credit for that number. world a wide vari"ty of out. the present time ftve loans have ed to the hospital wh.,re the leg Organization of the board of in the country. In return for the lng, Rev, U. Alleluia! .The gain In population ,standing bargains which may be b.een approved In the regional of· was amputated. supervlson, for the Wayne Coun· Instruction, the college would reo Christ Is Risen, A Cappella choir; WIll recognition for tillS city purchased with scrip received by ftr" for the purchar,e of farms, According to reportr, ty Soil Conservation district was celve 140 per student enrollea, Sermon, Dr, Conrad Berg.endoff; due to. the fact that It hiif' farmers at local produce houses according to Mr, Ray L, Verzal, Monday, Jackie's condition is sat. started with the aPPOintment of ------ Now the Day Is Over, A Cappella made In most dif(lcult! tirnC)!!, on Rooster Day. Even i'f you are County RR Supervisor. Two of isfactory. Don Leuck of Wisner as a mem- (Continued on Page 6) choir; benediction, Rev. earl G. when neighboring IIllg just out of roosters to fl'll, you'll loans have now been closed ber of the board of I Bader, towns we,.., showing a il>l!I!r find these special value,s of great and the other. three are in the I according to word rerelved from ,ne has progressed gesp\te the interest to your pocketbook; proc.ess of clOSing. ,i Ne V t H., E. Engstrom of the j3tste soil C Of C Plans The graduation exercises at tM drought and with the outlook for they'll he list.."<l. in a big edition <>f II The loans which have been ap· I W. 0 ers conservation comrnlttoo. Mr," - college will consi,.t of the crops brighter this year any ynur Wayne Advertiser Friday. proved ar" for Roy D, Day of I Leuck will be in charge of the I slonal by the /3YIIIPhony band, otht!r In the pa,st ten Is in' an ex- • • • • Wayne who is purchasing thl" A H d organization of the district. General M t directed by John R. Keith; Alma cellent position to make progrtlll! Now th'lt"Mother's Day is only Donald S. Wightman farm, north, re' 0 no re Another step in the organlza. , ,ee Mater; Th/? Universal Judgment, rapIdly In the 'future; a memory and the Citizenship west of Wayne, Ralph Becken- tlon fs to inform the Secretary symphony InvocatlQn, Rev: The very fact that It Is 'II gro. Day affair W8j3 staged In the sue-I hauer of Wayn.o. who is purchas. Qf State of the organization work W. F, Most, TrE¥>s, mixed octette, Ing city wll\ attract other. busl- manner anticipated, thl' ing the Ralph Parker farm "outn- Address By previously conducted and to ask MembeTship Meeting uddress, Dr. W. A. Brandenburg; ness firms and Industl;les to spotlight of coming events rests I west of Wayne. Charles C, PIer· J d W nk him for a Certificate of Organl· I if 81 t d presention of degl'<¥'s, Pres. J. T. Wayne officials pointed OUt. squar,ely on the many gradua. son of Wakefield, who purch. U. ge e e zation. Next step win loll to elect n' 'une' a e ; Ander,son; henediction, Rev. C. L. Mr. Noakes reported excellent lions slated for next week. The..." aslng the Elmer F, Lundquist Climaxes Program four more farmers to the board Airport FavOll'ed Eads; r""'€!Jslonal, symphony co-operatlon from local too, call for . grfts, so the grft, fann southeast of Wakefield. ___ of lIupervlsQrs. band. who found that despite the wa.m- b1lf3ine,ss is looking up In Wayne I Fred W, Hurd of Pender. who is I An inspiring address wat<'given Thil3 board will he largely reo Plans for a general member- Training School in813 of some misinformed per- at present. purchasing the Hattie 0, Berry by Judg" Adolph E. Wenke In sponsible for the .success of the ship meeting of the Chamber of The program for the tralnmg sons, the questions were such ________ ._ farm southwest of Wayne ana the city auditQrlum Sunday aft. district and Its work, so all farm· Commerce early in JUIlt' were school graduation ex,orcises fol- that no person would hesitate W Music Drama Rolly Isom of Sholff>, who is emoon. at the first '. Citiz.enship ,ors includ.od. are urged to start made, progress along a number lows: Grand march 'from "The Oc- answer. To Be Staged By I purchasing the Georg . .0, Noake.s Day program ever.t.o .. b. e pre,sent· mo,st qualifi<;dmen .of fronts reviewed, and Hction caslonal Oratorio", t I' a I n I n g ------- . farm north of Sholes, ed In Wayne coun4'. l:!,lLexplaln. .-for-"upervlsors. Nominabon Is taken on SQme new projects at a school orchestra; Invocation. Rev. PIt' College ChOir It is hoped that at l"ast,three .. ed to the young 'voIers of the made by 25 eligible voters in the regular rno9Cting of the C, of C, Carl G. Bader; LIIllput SUitt>, Opu a Ion ·moTe··luan5 will b"approved for county, honored guests at the district signing a petition to nom· directors Monday night. Johnf3en, training s$ool orches· Of Many Towns On the night". of May 16 and purchase of farms during this' program, the and duties inat" a sUPl"rvisor. After" suffi; A report .of the budget commit· tra; Prayer Perf.oct, Stevenson, Shows Decline May 20, memh.srjs of the college fISCal year according to Mr. of citizenship. cient time has to }:¥?,rmit tee showed the organization t.s girls' octet; the address by Supt. choir and dramatics department Verzal. He expressed hi13 apprec· He I'IlIPhaf3ized the grave re·, nominations, names will be ad- operating well within itt.; budget J. A. True of Council Bluffs, Ia.; Mo,st of the cities and! towns will bring to life the romance of iation of the co-operation that he sponslbilities that voting and vertised and voted on. Farmers and a few minor changes in the In Heaven Abovl', Christiansen, in northeastl'nI'NeDriiSlia have St<'phen Foster In the music I has had from the variou.s ones citizel1,,-hip I!!!t upon them and will be pllrmitted to vote by mall allocation Of funds, recommended mixed chorus; presentation of shown a slight decrease In 'P(:!PU- drama ·Weep'·No More My Lady', who have made It pOssiNe 'to offered helpful ,suggestions to without having their ballotf3 not· by the cQmmlttee, were approved. diplomas. Supt. H. H. Hahn; latton, census reports aJreiI.ctfre- at thi> colleg!' auditorium. further the work of the tenant aid them in fulfilling future I arlzed, RUsEell Bartels 1'I'ported on the awarding of scholarshlPf3, I7of. leased reveal. The a.re. All of the most famous Foster I purchase program in Way:Tle duties. At least one polling place will airport proposal (details of A. F. Gulliver; benediction, Rev. smaller, nowever, than ha:d been' ,ongs wtll b.e sung as the story county. , The program opened at 2 p. m. be located In the district and the" which will be 'found elsewhere on C. L. Eads. ,anticipated and are dUll liuigely''to" of the young - I with a half hour concert by the election of .supervlsors will com· page) and th: board autll' Graduates Include I the effects of the drou hi in re- ': double cast WIll be used for Pastor Speaks n:'unicipal band, und"r pl,ete of the Way?" mized a more detal\t!d tDvestlga· Ann Buhl, Mildred Irene Dawson, cent ye!lr:l. ..' .__ ' g.. .. __ _ borne of the Deloro;s At Kiwanians' I the dlrechon of Prof. F, C. Reed. cou.nt y SOIl <l!-s-. tlon In hope that arrange· Wilbur Elwood Giese, Lawrence The city of Norfolk shoWi!d 'a McNatt and VlI'glnla Shelton WIll M . The address of welcolTll! was trlct. It Will be the thIrteenth dIS· may be made for an alr- Heikes Ivy Minnie Hesemann d f 290 I laU' th sing th" part Qf Susan Pentland. eetlng Monday , given by W, H. SWlOtt. trlct organized in Nebraska. port" The matter will be consia· Marie' Kirwan, Lauretta 0 . 19iO n ; ,.e ... the first love of !'ltephen; Tom --- Judge J, M. Cherry administer-I - I ered again after r,pecific plans Mahnke, Dorothy Jean Meyer, =.ed 7i7 in n1930 Hopley and Edwm Carstensen Rev, Johnson, pastor I ed the oath of cltizemhip to the Beer PlI4'lor are submitted; the engineer In Norma Meyer. Mary Ellen NI,s· Chamber of Commerce of th8.t W1ll portray stephen; Werner of the First CongregatIonal /1onored guests and certificateS(I R 'ded B I charge- of aeronautics In this reo sen, Constance Gray Owen Bette It I ki ' .' w.eic/1. ert Wl .. II, p .. la. Y Andrew .Ch .. U. rC.h in N .. Orf?ik .. .h .. iS talk to., O.f Cit.iz. enship preSent.ed to S y. gion be and Charlotte Pippttt, RiJey, In,son, who Wlllf3, wh,le the Wayne Ktwantanr> Monday i them. A 'flag pa:'l'eant was pre. Sky-Light TInef I expla: n the proposItion to all per· Arline Mari,e Rohlff, Irene Lucille some persol¥l n, had Stephen .IS in and noon, the- way some, t'3ented under the auspices of the --- I sons Interested. Weseloh, Fran("As Lucille .. Lmdb\lrg WIll play Jane I peOple .l,ve th'!I.!' ,lives .to the W'lY.-J),A,R. ' ... ,.. __ ,__ , .... -. "'lWIlde.-'1'-&>eF .. -P .. wHl- be'made--to' ...... ' --- -- ...... .c The count In Pierce enume- McDowell , some peopllO golf some The A Cappella choir of quor store at 10.2 Main street was reach all members of the Cham· mgh School rator Nick Zimrnllr PIeree Russell of the mUSIc golfers are blmd to Averythlng college, directed by Russel An. entered by a thtef or thieves who bel' of Commerce to urge that the Baccalaureate for Wayne High has 18 les.s in ulation a "e iiepartment 1$ dlrectmg mus- j around them, concentratmg only derson prer:ented musical selec- gained entry through the sky· entire membership attend the do graduatf'r. will be ,held at 8 O'clock t HiP 10 t: qt. ic; Lenore P. Ramse. y ?f 'Ion the while others take in tions. - light of the building with the ?ication of the new WSTC bund- Sunday, May 26, at the Munici- ago. speech department is dlrectmg the beauties of course with- __________ aid of a rope Friday night. mg Friday afternoon. pal auditorium. WIth mr:r e WI 'I the dr::amaticr,:; Hw I neglecting their game. Walthill Two cases of a few quarts The program fonows: pIe list'!! P!: of MISS Ram::;ieY s class nave I Many people ,are called to. of whiskey and several cartons Brother Of sional by orchestra' invocatton . un .. ...,. charge of the costuming and 'I live", R.ov, Jojm,.on said. "but Man InJured IOf cigarets made up the loot WSTC St d t by the Rev Carl Bader' g P!'rt of Wakefield, It thl't setting. A smalI admis,'3ion will be: only a few are chosen foy th,e re- ----. with which the thief or thieve' u en HI'ghSchoo'l c' holr' ScrlPtu' ,.on d , the h ed ' d f r' .. E" " Fatally Burnen ' re rea . dUring the pa"t ten M c arg _' _. ___ . __ ' : war flO " . Rlley.of WalthIll iSjescap.ed, Henry 'Rehder, proprlet· ing by Rev, Carl Bader; song, though the "Missouri"';"'''' ,,.; " He 'explamed thts thought by In a WalthIll hospItal follOWIng', or, Escape was 'made "White Birches In The Rain" by t I W . "",--. Mr. and Mm. Preston saying that thE' world is filled injuries received Friday when he! through the rear door. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pet- Loomis, High School choir' Ser- own, n d couni%. has of Belden, Mr. and. Mrs. H. A. with those .whO f::;el .they must ?-,as tear;ing down the band stand 1 The'R.:hder robbery was the er Brauer of Brunswick, was a mon, "The School Of b J -tata, 8lje- DRt Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Russel ru:::.h. to t.relr and see In the CIty park at Walthill. Th,:, 1 fimt in the bu·siness dis- brother to Lila Brauer, a junior Rev_ W. F. Most; son b chat:: av:all?-ble. It is estimatecl Pre,ston of Wayne attended the nothmg on the SId€' of the road platform gave way and in the I trict since the sertes whi$ result- B 00' f g y _ thIS Increases the by, 3?th wedding anniversary ceTj2bra- '; -they go tI;1rough life only fall, Mr. Riley':; leg- was broken' ed in - aITL'{it and conviction at the vVayne Teachers 70 IOn tsy Rev. Carl I 80. , .-- --- bon of ,Mr. Preston's brother,! the warp-s, and mstru- in two plal'l?s and three ribs were! of a youth together WI'th the rn- s nal by orchestra. Pender's population wiU J I P t d M P t ,- While hlliping a Brunswick' ---- - --- ." t f t IX! res an rs. res on. at m,entr; of their own work Ther/? broken. He is th.o father of John I c01'''ry of most of the loot farmer burn thistles off his land. .,..a .0. en Oakland FrIday evenIng. are only a few who really know, Riley, a freshman at Wayne StaIR I from the four business houses 'Congratulat:on' 5, unoffICially stated ·mn .. ,n",v . _____ , ____ ,_ feel and sense th,o world, Teachers college, lontered· Paul .Brauer, 16, was fatally IncomlPI,ete count . j" . bUrt1e-j Wednesday when flame,S popu ahon t b Mrs_ Walter of Creigh· . -.- Neither the city police force nor surrounded him, causing the can An 8 pound girl was born tI mark The 0 e ton was a medical I Datient at a Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Decker and Ann.a GOodWIfi of Wynot Sheriff Jim Pile had made an of fuel oil he carried to Mr. and Mrs. Wi1liam Lueders at sever;U enlunoel'll!oor,.st,ll local hospital from P';'iday to SUr>- children attended a (3cPoo l picnic wa.<; dIsmissed from-a local hospi· arrest in the Rehder ca.so Mon- He in. a Norfolk hospl·tal at I I h S t da \ F"da . h day. in Dtst. 11 Sunday_ . al saturday. day 11:45 night. a oca ospitsl a ur y eve- 1'1 y rug t. ., ·Ding. in 1930. was 1000.

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Page 1: On Para., ayne EWS - City of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/./Wayne News (1938-1943)/1940...The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I ' Shap;


EWS li'I'ii:

ayne On Para.,

Wayne's p>1H.d.. is growing l{)n~L,<illd ]on,ge,:, judging,

'-~fS~~~~~i~~~~~~~\~~~d~~~ New WSTC Rooster' s W' 1·11' S""o"ar. In~ Airport ' P dents. Willis Noal{es, Wayne's . ' ayne s, " enumerator, "'11<\ all lopal citizcllIJ BUloli"]le'ng 'To V I' -, I 'w . M For' Wa" y' ne .. , who co·operated' to assure a com- u·· p~te count may take a bow on 22 CI· b '338 T ' 2 719 that. It demonstrates that despi!" I a ue n ayne ay • ' 1m so· ' ~~1,;';~:r~~~'';%~h~!v~~ ~~ Be Dedicated ,., Is Likely '" -" -I' ',,'.' "'"I"ill'lil:"I:IIiiil'!":C'il~jll its neighbom are 'falllng bilek In S · lB· Off d . Off I C Sh' the parade Of N;?braslca's cities --- pecla argalns e e --- · · i " ~~~ ~~~;:~s~?tfsn~:e;~g succcc(!s I ~~~ J'~l~~~n I .. , ,. r ~~~~f:/#::~m . ICla . enSU$ . . oW;~!

D€!Jpite the· f;,: t~at sooner Or Address Friday • ....l-- IsPro,!lllsed, (Jlty I .

later virtually eV,ory thief who Dedication of the Student- Reports On Tong)). BircU Student Population Leaves This City Only tries his taking ways in Wayne Faculty Activities building of the PTA Convention To Bring 'Big The probability that Wayne Four Short Of,36QQ,Marki li!Iub~alltial . ends up in the county jail, it Wayne Stat" Tea$ers college will WI'Il Be GI'ven Premium '" wUl soon have, an airport looln' I M d Ai. rut. R' te Decline seems there are still 01,., or two __ ed Monday after Chamber ot nClreaSe~, ~,.~.r,*M~rl! ",egts r. ,',," '" who are foolish enough to gam- ta\<e place Friday afternoon in Commerce leaders were notified • """,,"",~, . '",.",,:.,-, " ,·-t~ . ", "I" ,,,' .

bl th' f t f f . th" maln dining room of the Ml,ss Ida Fisher, Miss Ruth R~ers wilf'''soar In value to FrIday that this was tha only Wfnne'.s nn.p .... ,. 9,. -, ... a,grin of 338 .P<!FsO .. nS.,.o,,~,.I1.,rt.~,.e e en" u ure or a ew penn,.,s, building at 2:15,' following a 15 VI hi h a k I '" mI' 7r

boar and cigarets After a long Paden, Mrs. L. F. Perry and Mrs. a ne g 111 r on annua ob,3tacle to installation of a civil· total t n, years,.'a.& .. c!!,m~t o. the offlcia ceD.!lU~,,!!',n. u~~ ~ . . ml'nute concert by 'the college I Rooste~ Dov .... -~ne ... ••• M .

period of quiet on t"~ robbe Cella Pearson wlll giv.e reports .• " .. --, ' .. "'" ~,' ay Ian pilot training program here. ration reveal.ed.~. . ..... ," , "",~., " . "" ry symphony band untl' er tha d,'r- 22 t"e' """1"1 e t f I "j.~ t ft' t ted /1' h ,- tomorrow (Wednesday) evening -" ,1 .. __ .. yen or . L .. E. Tyson, state airport en, This city's ~u.. . 1111'1) P9PlIlation. WIlS partlC'\'l":!1 "'ft· .

b~~~na cSe~~~~ r3 '~mp;~~~ly,W~i~ ection of John R. Keith. at the P. T. A. me .. ~ting, on the sponsored by ~ Wayne Cham- gincer Qf the N~brasl<a Aeronau- standln'g in yl,'!w, o~ 'h@.~ ,_~~~, with.ivery, few cxcept10~~""l;lQ , .. , seems, by thi> arrest and convlc' ,Dr. Walter ~enthack will J?re- national P. T. A. convention they e,.,r of Comm~" tics commission, inspected and eastern Nl'braska ~w~ and dUes hare shown ,slight ~1l" ,~~ tion of one youth. SIde at the dedicabon ceremome~. at~nded 13l3t week: Dr. G. L. The amount to be paid fO!' approved "lOveral.sugge~ted sites year compared with 1930 due largl'ly tO I the 4r<>ught,. ,:' ,', "

•• 0 • I ~he program opens with InVO' Sandrltter of. Norfolk will give rooster,. on. that~ day only will be for fieldS nearWayn" and out. . .. ---------- ,3,l100 Beel\kll. ... , ,'" ',," Gold"n Spike Da s are well cabon by Rev. CariG. Bader, fol- his fourth and last lecture of a,anndounced'in your A,d\1I!1"f;lser lined. t/IP-,._trlllnl!lK.,--Pl'l>gram, G.'radua' 'tl-on City officials and Cb~,*~,.9f.

und"";ay at OIl1a~a and we're lowed by a eelection, .. steal series' at this meeting: HI,s topIc I FrI ay. ': which would be handled in co· Commerce leaders, who .co,oper·. banking on Wayne's official delt- Away", ~y U:e college A Cap· will be "The Adult Discovers Roosters, wh,ch have hoen operation with Wayne State ated In evlOry way Poesl~~ ~Ith gate, E. E. Flootwood, who tenta. ,pella climr, di~l!Cted by Russetl HImself", bringing their 'owners about 7 Teachem Col1~ge. Willill. Noakes, offi<;lal ~um!;r-tively plans to journey to U1I2 con. And""son. Architect Gordon Sha . ' .~. a pound; will bring this Must Lease Field EXerCI"SeS ator for Wayne, to llS/3ure a COin-vention city Wednesday, to shar" tuck, Grand Island, and Contract· special premium only if they are Only requirement of the city IS, plete count, were jubllal),t ov~r

• in the whiskers honOl;3, At any o~ John L. Soder~e~g, Omaha, Chl"ld's L sold to a Wayne produce station It furnish the site 'for the the r~sults. 'rate" h/? has the ber,t crop you'r,o Will prl'sent thll bUIlding. Werner eg on Wednesday. 'Scrip will be airport by renting or I~aslng it. S' cheduled I With the college likely to fmd in Ulis section of Weichert, president of the stu- sued In payment for the roosters The Civil Aero.na,utics AuthOrity latlO~. whl$ Is the state. dent counCIl, County Supt. F. B. Severed which will be worth Its full face takes care of all "xpens" of 1m. offici census .

D<>cker, a member of the alumni I value when ueed to purcham proving it for use as an airport. has n actual po'pulatlott,\>t Speaking of whiskers, a move. association and Dr. J. T. Ander· merchandise from any of' the How,over, the IQnger tha lea,se ob· College And 596. :tj:nrolin!f'llt

ment was r.ocentiy initiated by "on, presideut of the college. wiU local co-operatlng merchants. talned by the city, the greater Training School first ;term fast the Winside whisker club to ex. accept the building, Jackie Kingston Virtually every ,Wayne merchant wiil be the Improvements maae 945 and the pand the, wh~3ker. growing ar.ea The Hon. John F, Rohn of Fre· I V· t' Of i,. partlciPatingj so that those by the CAA" Several of tha ,Jltcs Progtt'ams Listed c


to cover the entiro county, The mont will deliver the dedicatory S IC 1m who r,9Celw thl,. special pr.omlum C9uld be developed to ere. This club elected offi""rs and decidea address. "Echo Song" by the A Tlragic Accident price may use tllelr scrip at their .tields--wlth-1ittle-<lx- ... Graduatlon- exercises of· ·the roillmlent--f'or'the-',eatror>i to try to form 91ubs in .every Cappella choir and benediction favorite stores.- pense and the sale of alfalfa, college are scheduled for 9:30 a. town in the county, We doubt by the Rev. Wilbur F. Dierking Jackie :.r]ngston, 3%, son of Mr. Special ValUes which would be plant",d with m, May 24 in the Outdoor Thea-that the idea wiIl spread much in will close the ""remonles. and Mrs. Jack Kingston, had his Another outstanding feature of seed 'furnished by the govern. trl'. The training ,"chool com· Wayne, however, due to the COl. The public is cordially invited. leg ampntated Thursday at a "Rooster Day" Is that scorllS or ment, would help finance the mencement datlO Is May 22 at 8. tracting the lege infIuen"". Certainly, most of local hospital, following a tragIc local ,stores are offering om· leasing of the field sinc.e all the p. m. Graduation "xerclses for the average the co-eds would frown on thell' accident on the college campus f3tanding values which will make profit would go to the City, lie the city school will be held at the attending from boy friends if' the latter decidea Five Farms earller in the afternoon. the scrip even more valuable than said. city auditorium May 28 at 8 p. m. actua~y r€!Jldent,s to hide behind any such collec. , Jackie was riding his tricycle The "ollege would co-operate by Baccalaureate ,'ervicCll ·for the tin I g the school term tion of hair and it's not likely the near Mr. G, L.· Rogers, superln"' (Continued Qn Page' 0) supplying ill,'ltructors to give college will be h.old at 8 p. m. gur\, added to the , barbers would relish dodging rae. Pu rc1..a~ tenc:40nt oCthec!llleg", :!mil.gl!!!l1' the gr<>und CO,urse in cl""srooms May 19 in the auditoriUIIi' with sus total leaves Wayne jal adornments of a variety of ! r l!S~u and 'grounds, who wa" cutting at thi> col~ge. The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I '

Shap;€f3 with their razors, the grass with a gasoline lawn SOl"1 DI·strl"ct dents at the college would be The city school Baccalaureatl' . Advantages ~i , " . • • • • mower. He suddenly backed his . ' . an opportUllity to take the services are scheduled for May The advantages ,?f~~'I\~!!l&' Farmers $hould warn their Tenants T,ake trlcycl" into the machine so quick· year's course at a cost to the 26, In. ~I!e city au<llto~ium, with well above the, 2~OO ~" ~rc

roosters to do all their croWing i Advantage Of Iy that Mr. RQgers did not have Bel" ng ·.S.et Up students of only $40; this includlls Rev. W. F. Most, speaker. many. tn' tlre. first place. "everal n~w because annual Roost,or Da,' Loan Program tim., to stop before Jackie's leg . . both the ground course and the BaecaJaurea.te projects for . which ,cl~. o~er WIll arrive next week and with wlmaee~ .nearlY severed beIow, t.he Instruction under, a' competent TM program for tho college 2,500 are. eligible at:e :no~, av~-roo,st""s b';nglllll' an attractive. , ..' .'~ flight . Instructor who paf3ses all Baccalaureat.e services ff3 81!1 fol. able to towllf3, Whose pffllilat premium on th,oWaYne 'marii;'i:" --~~ftflt.t>U!'Chase.loan p~ Mr. Rogem carried the young- Don Leuck Is CAA requirements. Completion lows: Jesu, Prlcel""s Treasure, A population is, under that; mark, that day, it is unlikely many wiII gram whIch IS operatmg under ster to thi> Kingston home when, Named To Board of the course would entitle the Ci,ppella chOir, Russel Ander$on, Wh!l" Waynes actual population,. be left to do any crowing. waY-I Bankl\ead-Jones ~enant P)1rchase first aid was administered by a studtmt to a private ~ilot Ucense, d'trector; invocation, Rev. Carl G. students included, ~as lon~·.~ ne merchant" will take over the Act of 1937.was Initiated m Way· physician. Dr. Walter Benthack Of Supervisors which permlt,s him to carry pas. Bader__ Cherubim Song, A above that mark, It did !lot re-crOwing duties by offering th,o ne county In July: 1939, and at was called and Jackle was rush. sengers with9ut hire any place Cappella choir; Scripture RllacJ; 'ceive credit for that number. world a wide vari"ty of out. the present time ftve loans have ed to the hospital wh.,re the leg Organization of the board of in the country. In return for the lng, Rev, U. Gi€!J~n; Alleluia! .The gain In population :~ou1d ,standing bargains which may be b.een approved In the regional of· was amputated. supervlson, for the Wayne Coun· Instruction, the college would reo Christ Is Risen, A Cappella choir; WIll wld~ recognition for tillS city purchased with scrip received by ftr" for the purchar,e of farms, According to late~t reportr, ty Soil Conservation district was celve 140 per student enrollea, Sermon, Dr, Conrad Berg.endoff; due to. the fact that It hiif' ~ farmers at local produce houses according to Mr, Ray L, Verzal, Monday, Jackie's condition is sat. started with the aPPOintment of ------ Now the Day Is Over, A Cappella made In most dif(lcult! tirnC)!!, on Rooster Day. Even i'f you are County RR Supervisor. Two of isfactory. Don Leuck of Wisner as a mem- (Continued on Page 6) choir; benediction, Rev. earl G. when neighboring cltl~, IIllg just out of roosters to fl'll, you'll th~,'\C loans have now been closed ber of the board of superv~.ors, I Bader, towns we,.., showing a il>l!I!r ~~-find these special value,s of great and the other. three are in the I according to word rerelved from ,ne has progressed gesp\te the interest to your pocketbook; proc.ess of clOSing. ,i Ne V t H., E. Engstrom of the j3tste soil C Of C Plans The graduation exercises at

tM drought and with the outlook for

they'll he list.."<l. in a big edition <>f II The loans which have been ap· I W. 0 ers conservation comrnlttoo. Mr," - college will consi,.t of the pro~· crops brighter this year ~ any ynur Wayne Advertiser Friday. proved ar" for Roy D, Day of I Leuck will be in charge of the I slonal by the /3YIIIPhony band, otht!r In the pa,st ten Is in' an ex-

• • • • Wayne who is purchasing thl" A H d organization of the district. General M t directed by John R. Keith; Alma cellent position to make progrtlll! Now th'lt"Mother's Day is only Donald S. Wightman farm, north, re' 0 no re Another step in the organlza. , ,ee Mater; Th/? Universal Judgment, rapIdly In the 'future;

a memory and the Citizenship west of Wayne, Ralph Becken- tlon fs to inform the Secretary symphony ~and; InvocatlQn, Rev: The very fact that It Is 'II gro. Day affair W8j3 staged In the sue-I hauer of Wayn.o. who is purchas. Qf State of the organization work W. F, Most, TrE¥>s, mixed octette, Ing city wll\ attract other. busl-cC3~ful manner anticipated, thl' ing the Ralph Parker farm "outn- Address By previously conducted and to ask MembeTship Meeting uddress, Dr. W. A. Brandenburg; ness firms and Industl;les to spotlight of coming events rests I west of Wayne. Charles C, PIer· J d W nk him for a Certificate of Organl· I if 81 t d presention of degl'<¥'s, Pres. J. T. Wayne officials pointed OUt. squar,ely on the many gradua. son of Wakefield, who i~ purch. U. ge e e zation. Next step win loll to elect n' 'une' a e ; Ander,son; henediction, Rev. C. L. Mr. Noakes reported excellent lions slated for next week. The..." aslng the Elmer F, Lundquist Climaxes Program four more farmers to the board Airport FavOll'ed Eads; r""'€!Jslonal, symphony co-operatlon from local re$i4en~, too, call for . grfts, so the grft, fann southeast of Wakefield. ___ • of lIupervlsQrs. band. who found that despite the wa.m-b1lf3ine,ss is looking up In Wayne I Fred W, Hurd of Pender. who is I An inspiring address wat<'given Thil3 board will he largely reo Plans for a general member- Training School in813 of some misinformed per-at present. purchasing the Hattie 0, Berry by Judg" Adolph E. Wenke In sponsible for the .success of the ship meeting of the Chamber of The program for the tralnmg sons, the questions were such

________ ._ farm southwest of Wayne ana the city auditQrlum Sunday aft. district and Its work, so all farm· Commerce early in JUIlt' were school graduation ex,orcises fol- that no person would hesitate W Music Drama Rolly Isom of Sholff>, who is emoon. at the first '. Citiz.enship ,ors includ.od. are urged to start made, progress along a number lows: Grand march 'from "The Oc- answer. To Be Staged By I purchasing the Georg . .0, Noake.s Day program ever.t.o .. b. e pre,sent· ,selec~ng ~e mo,st qualifi<;dmen .of fronts reviewed, and Hction caslonal Oratorio", t I' a I n I n g -------

. farm north of Sholes, ed In Wayne coun4'. l:!,lLexplaln . .-for-"upervlsors. Nominabon Is taken on SQme new projects at a school orchestra; Invocation. Rev. PIt' College ChOir It is hoped that at l"ast,three .. ed to the young 'voIers of the made by 25 eligible voters in the regular rno9Cting of the C, of C, Carl G. Bader; LIIllput SUitt>, Opu a Ion

·moTe··luan5 will b"approved for county, honored guests at the district signing a petition to nom· directors Monday night. Johnf3en, training s$ool orches· Of Many Towns On the night". of May 16 and t~e purchase of farms during this' program, the m~aning and duties inat" a sUPl"rvisor. After" suffi; A report .of the budget commit· tra; Prayer Perf.oct, Stevenson, Shows Decline

May 20, memh.srjs of the college fISCal year according to Mr. of citizenship. cient time has ela~'3ed to }:¥?,rmit tee showed the organization t.s girls' octet; the address by Supt. choir and dramatics department Verzal. He expressed hi13 apprec· He I'IlIPhaf3ized the grave re·, nominations, names will be ad- operating well within itt.; budget J. A. True of Council Bluffs, Ia.; Mo,st of the cities and! towns will bring to life the romance of iation of the co-operation that he sponslbilities that voting and vertised and voted on. Farmers and a few minor changes in the In Heaven Abovl', Christiansen, in northeastl'nI'NeDriiSlia have St<'phen Foster In the music I has had from the variou.s ones citizel1,,-hip I!!!t upon them and will be pllrmitted to vote by mall allocation Of funds, recommended mixed chorus; presentation of shown a slight decrease In 'P(:!PU­drama ·Weep'·No More My Lady', who have made It pOssiNe 'to offered helpful ,suggestions to without having their ballotf3 not· by the cQmmlttee, were approved. diplomas. Supt. H. H. Hahn; latton, census reports aJreiI.ctfre-at thi> colleg!' auditorium. further the work of the tenant aid them in fulfilling future I arlzed, RUsEell Bartels 1'I'ported on the awarding of scholarshlPf3, I7of. leased reveal. The ~rea:;oCll a.re.

All of the most famous Foster I purchase program in Way:Tle duties. At least one polling place will airport proposal (details of A. F. Gulliver; benediction, Rev. smaller, nowever, than ha:d been' ,ongs wtll b.e sung as the story county. , The program opened at 2 p. m. be located In the district and the" which will be 'found elsewhere on C. L. Eads. ,anticipated and are dUll liuigely''to" of the young co,!,pcr.~r unfo~d,s, - I with a half hour concert by the election of .supervlsors will com· t~'S page) and th: board autll' Graduates Include ~delalde I the effects of the drou hi in re-': double cast WIll be used for Pastor Speaks Way~e n:'unicipal band, und"r pl,ete organ~zatton of the Way?" mized a more detal\t!d tDvestlga· Ann Buhl, Mildred Irene Dawson, cent ye!lr:l. ..' . __ ' g.. .. __ _ borne of the ~ha:rn.cters. Deloro;s At Kiwanians' I the dlrechon of Prof. F, C. Reed. cou.nty SOIl Conse~ation <l!-s-. tlon In t~/? hope that arrange· Wilbur Elwood Giese, Lawrence The city of Norfolk shoWi!d 'a McNatt and VlI'glnla Shelton WIll M . The address of welcolTll! was trlct. It Will be the thIrteenth dIS· men~" may be made for an alr- Heikes Ivy Minnie Hesemann d f 290 I laU' th sing th" part Qf Susan Pentland. eetlng Monday , given by W, H. SWlOtt. trlct organized in Nebraska. port" The matter will be consia· Marie' Kirwan, Lauretta RQs~ ec~~a&" 0 . 10n4~f? 19iOn

; ,.e ... the first love of !'ltephen; Tom --- Judge J, M. Cherry administer-I - I ered again after r,pecific plans Mahnke, Dorothy Jean Meyer, =.ed e~t':.a";,o 7i7 in n1930 ~; Hopley and Edwm Carstensen Rev, Mar~u.s Johnson, pastor I ed the oath of cltizemhip to the Beer PlI4'lor are submitted; the engineer In Norma Meyer. Mary Ellen NI,s· Chamber of Commerce of th8.t W1ll portray stephen; Werner of the First CongregatIonal /1onored guests and certificateS(I R 'ded B I charge- of aeronautics In this reo sen, Constance Gray Owen Bette It I ki ' .' w.eic/1. ert Wl .. II, p .. la.Y Andrew R~b- .Ch .. U. rC.h in N .. Orf?ik .. ~n .h .. iS talk to., O.f Cit.iz. enship w~.re preSent.ed to S a~ y. gion ~ill be invite~ ~o r,~turn and Charlotte Pippttt, Jeannett~ RiJey, ~: e~u~~7o f.O~~i ~hec~,Of. In,son, who Wlllf3, S~an. wh,le the Wayne Ktwantanr> Monday i them. A 'flag pa:'l'eant was pre. Sky-Light TInef I expla:n the proposItion to all per· Arline Mari,e Rohlff, Irene Lucille some persol¥l n, had e~"'otng ~ Stephen .IS in Cu~cmnatl, and noon, c?mpar:~d the- way some, t'3ented under the auspices of the --- I sons Interested. Weseloh, Fran("As Lucille Wessel~ OUlltec:L.,-,--,~.-.. ,--.--,--~---I Lor~n Lmdb\lrg WIll play Jane I peOple .l,ve th'!I.!' ,lives .to the W'lY.-J),A,R. ' ... ,.. __ ,__ , .... -. "'lWIlde.-'1'-&>eF .. -P .. rIor--=d--~·Arj-LeHert- wHl- be'made--to' jjjajjn.'-'--~--' ...... ' --- -- ...... .c The count In Pierce enume-McDowell (jean~e). , some peopllO ~Iay golf ~ some The A Cappella choir of th,~ quor store at 10.2 Main street was reach all members of the Cham· mgh School rator Nick Zimrnllr sh~S PIeree

Russell Ander~on of the mUSIc golfers are blmd to Averythlng college, directed by Russel An. entered by a thtef or thieves who bel' of Commerce to urge that the Baccalaureate for Wayne High has 18 les.s in ulation a "e iiepartment 1$ dlrectmg th,~ mus- j around them, concentratmg only derson prer:ented musical selec- gained entry through the sky· entire membership attend the do graduatf'r. will be ,held at 8 O'clock t t· HiP 10 t: qt. ic; Lenore P. Ramse. y ?f ~~ 'Ion the sc~re while others take in tions. - light of the building with the ?ication of the new WSTC bund- Sunday, May 26, at the Munici- ~e:;~3 c~me ~n·th ~~ ago. speech department is dlrectmg the beauties of tp.~ course with- __________ ~ aid of a rope Friday night. mg Friday afternoon. pal auditorium. WIth mr:re

WI • 'I

the dr::amaticr,:; ~n~, Hw ~ember.s I OU.~ neglecting their game. Walthill Two cases of b~r, a few quarts The program fonows: Proce~· pIe list'!! t~n ~! a=~ ~ P!: of MISS Ram::;ieY s class nave I Many people ,are called to. of whiskey and several cartons Brother Of sional by orchestra' invocatton . un .. ...,. charge of the costuming and 'I live", R.ov, Jojm,.on said. "but Man InJured IOf cigarets made up the loot WSTC St d t by the Rev Carl Bader' g P!'rt of Wakefield, It ap~ thl't setting. A smalI admis,'3ion will be: only a few are chosen foy th,e re- ----. with which the thief or thieve' u en HI'ghSchoo'l c' holr' ScrlPtu' ,.ond, the ~otal populatlon-has,,~. h ed ' d f r' .. E" " Fatally Burnen ' re rea . dUring the pa"t ten ~ M

c arg _' _. ___ . __ ' : war flO t~mg, " . dward~, Rlley.of WalthIll iSjescap.ed, Henry 'Rehder, proprlet· ing by Rev, Carl Bader; song, though the "Missouri"';"'''' ,,.; " He 'explamed thts thought by In a WalthIll hospItal follOWIng', or, r~ported. Escape was 'made "White Birches In The Rain" by t I W . '1""~. "",--.

Mr. and Mm. Clat'~nr.e Preston saying that thE' world is filled injuries received Friday when he! through the rear door. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pet- Loomis, High School choir' Ser- own, n d a~ couni%. has .b~ of Belden, Mr. and. Mrs. H. A. with those .whO f::;el .they must ?-,as tear;ing down the band stand 1 The'R.:hder robbery was the er Brauer of Brunswick, was a mon, "The School Of Lif~" b can~:::e J -tata, 8lje- DRt Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Russel ru:::.h. to t.relr dE's~lnatIon and see In the CIty park at Walthill. Th,:, 1 fimt rp-port~d in the bu·siness dis- brother to Lila Brauer, a junior Rev_ W. F. Most; son b chat:: av:all?-ble. It is estimatecl tl;I~t Pre,ston of Wayne attended the nothmg on the SId€' of the road platform gave way and in the I trict since the sertes whi$ result- B 00' f g y _ thIS Increases the to~l by, 3?th wedding anniversary ceTj2bra- '; -they go tI;1rough life seei~g only fall, Mr. Riley':; leg- was broken' ed in -t~t' aITL'{it and conviction at the vVayne Stat~ Teachers R:~~s 70 IOn tsy Rev. Carl B~der I 80. , .-- ---bon of ,Mr. Preston's brother,! the warp-s, product,~ and mstru- in two plal'l?s and three ribs were! of a youth together WI'th the rn- con.~ge, s nal by orchestra. Pender's population wiU

J I P t d M P t ,- While hlliping a Brunswick' ---- - --- ." t f t

IX! res o~ an rs. res on. at m,entr; of their own work Ther/? broken. He is th.o father of John I c01'''ry of most of the loot take~ farmer burn thistles off his land. .,..a .0. en y~rs Oakland FrIday evenIng. are only a few who really know, Riley, a freshman at Wayne StaIR I from the four business houses 'Congratulat:on' 5, • unoffICially stated ·mn .. ,n",v

. _____ , ____ ,_ feel and sense th,o world, Teachers college, lontered· Paul .Brauer, 16, was fatally • IncomlPI,ete count . j" . bUrt1e-j Wednesday when flame,S popu ahon t b

Mrs_ Walter 'Bec;kl~y of Creigh· . -.- Neither the city police force nor surrounded him, causing the can An 8 pound girl was born tI mark The 0 e ton was a medical I Datient at a Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Decker and Ann.a ~ae GOodWIfi of Wynot Sheriff Jim Pile had made an of fuel oil he carried to explod~. Mr. and Mrs. Wi1liam Lueders at sever;U enlunoel'll!oor,.st,ll local hospital from P';'iday to SUr>- children attended a (3cPoo l picnic wa.<; dIsmissed from-a local hospi· arrest in the Rehder ca.so Mon- He d:~~ in. a Norfolk hospl·tal at I I h S t da \ F"da . h day. in Dtst. 11 Sunday_ . al saturday. day 11:45 ~ednesday night. a oca ospitsl a ur y eve- 1'1 y rug t. ., ·Ding. in 1930. was 1000.

Page 2: On Para., ayne EWS - City of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/./Wayne News (1938-1943)/1940...The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I ' Shap;


S(jct~L GALENDAR ::,:!: ::~'" ",~~ '. !

J olu( NielSen '1 Pr~sent;l! Recital··

I J'Il'n NlI'lfl"n delighted an en·, '1'''1 1'1 ""I ,

nJJiSDAY(~Y)-:-Mrs. Russel1 Bartels and Mrs.

:1. M. Brittain entex-Ialn thp U· Bld,Umclub, members In tty, BI1ttain holl1t' at a 1 o'clock lunch· eon. -- The Businq)s and Professional

. Women meet. Mr,'5. Dora ~nshoof entertains

Blbl,o Circle. WEDNE..'lDAY-

Mrs. Almana Hiscox ent.ertalns Nu·Fu club.

Mari·Octo club mc(~ts 'for the last meeting of ijIc sea:';on with Mm. Herbert R2uter.

Mrs. Clair M;:Y12["3 entertains Harmony club mcmbc)'.'~. Mrs, Gladys Fox has ti-H' pr·ogram.

Pleasant Valley meet" with Mrs. Mae Young, Mrs. Charl()'3 Meyer assisting.

The Pl'l'sbyt"l'inn Ladle," Aid meets.

King's "Daught(~rs will "nlt"Ct

Wednesday aft(~rnoon inllt.ead of Thursday, with Mrs. llJveret.t Rhoadi>s. All wompI1 <>f the church are Invited to attend.

'fHURSDAY­F011nlghtly club meets for

guest day with Mr,<;. J, T. Bmss­IeI', Jr.

Mrs; Robert Roggenbach ~nter­talns R. R. Club.

Rural Ho~ Soci{?ty meet,) with Mrs. Joe Corbit .

Mrs. W·, S. Bressler, with Mrs. W. R. Bressler a,'5sisting, enter­tajns Bapt\t3t Missionary.

Our Redeemer's Missionary So­defy mpcts at 8 p. In., in the church basement. }{uby Dunklau i,'5 hostess. Mrs. L. W. Vath in devotional leadi>r. FRIDAY-

Mrs. M. S. Mallory t:'utertafflf! E. O. F.

Score Board meets M. V. Crawford.

Caffil"O club holds " meeting. MONDA\'-

with Mrs.


.funior-senior banquet at th;e training Rchoot activities building. Mf,<;s Lcttifl Scott is spoI}...o;;or.

:Mrs. Walter PhipPf) entNi:ains M. B. C. c_

thu~la~tlc' audlenCl'l with o\l£Ljlla. no recital Friday afternoon in tne college aUdj,torlum. The' eight year old dliughter of Mr. and Mm. Chris Ni.el!'£n is a pupil fn tbe third grad" at the trainIng school. Mrs. Carl,son played ac· companiment-improvisions at a second piano for the Cinderella music.

Prof. and Mrs. Albert G. Carl· son present B.otty Jane BaKer, Malilyn Stratton, Ethel Jean 01· son and Finley Helleberg in a piano recital Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the colle~ auditor· ium. Th.~ public is invited.

ABC's Of Food Stamp Plan Listed

Questions And Answers Explain Operation


.1 W~YN

, . NEWS


Soem•• ety '"'" E:~~':n":'e~a:[ tho. Eastern Star I « " met Monday evemng. Tlw com· (Continued from Last Week)

. _. mitt ... ~e in charge was Mrs. 'r. B. 11. Question:Will this li,'3t of

Dinner G,iests I Heck.ert, chairman; Mr. and rmrplus·foods b,~ changed? Mrs~ C. M. Craven, Mrs. Homer Answer: Yes. The list will be

Sunday dinner guests of tM Scace, Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs. Linn, changed from tim,~ to time. When Russell Preston family included Mrs. Raymond Chl>rry, Mrs. Walt· the ,surplus of a listed food is Mr. and Mrs. George Lightner er Andrews, Mrs. Harvey Meyer used up natiDnally _ that pro-and family .of St. Edwards, Mr and Mr.s. Char)j>s A/3h. duet will be taken off the list. ~

OR hot city days-those burno:1"-,, -!~"'--'vhen it's alm~st a cO.m" manc1ment to look cool and i:e'·I. Ll .. , i" t:l~ a~swe~. Thlll ~reahon

I Schiaparelli's crushless suit ,;f n-:" ( r ?:1~3, adorn~d WIth 101d buttC?n. and huge pockets and PI;tU:. , • _ ~.:: .. .iay Harper. Bazaar ..

and Mr,s. Arthur Weaver of Oak· AlsD, If a surplU/3 plies up land.; Mr. and Mrs, lJi:;m-y PrC/l' MI'. and Mrs. R. J. King,Jley throug/lout thl" country on some tDn, Waynl'!;. Mrs. Albert Young, entertaIned at Sunday evenIng .other food-that product will hI" ~; M($S Clara Erickson, supper, Mr. Klng,s)j>y's mother, added to the list. New .official _________________________ _

~aldani1; Mr. an,d MI' •• Clarenco Mrs. W. G. KIngsley .of WI"Uing", lists will be l!!,Sued rJythe Si'!cre. Preston and' 'famlly, Belden; MI'. ton, Kansas; lVIr. and Mrs .. W. H,,,, 'tary of Agriculture when therl" and Mrs. Earl Preston and tlIm· Sw"tt, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Farrell arc any changes _ and these , Ily, Col,erldge; Mr. and Mr •. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence changes will be given wide pub.

....... ,., ... ,.;)~~·l~;j)~.·, ..... ·'· .... ;'.i·'lt~"i~""· '> ._

Charles Bull and family. Bcldp,::' .. n,.l-'"."' ....... BrIdge was enjoyed at a IIclty. and Mrs. Lydia li'aulk,Wayne. hour, high score being made Winside News D. A.B. -0-:- A.' R. !1'l/'!t Saturday wlt/l

Mrs. Carl WHght. Mrs. Harry TIdrick and Mrs. E. E. FleetWOOd assisted. Mrs. Jessie R2ynold gave a geruialoglcnl report. or· fleers wl"re ~Iect/'!d.

by Mr. Farr"n. 12. QUC/ltlon: Will my .orange ' stamps he good fDr ·any·

Guest Day thing except foods? FDr Mothers Answer: The term "Food"

By Mrs. 0, ]If. Davenport

A guest day for mothero Fr!· mean,s any agricultural comm'" Ml,ss Eulalie Brugger spent thI'!. G f' hed t rt . ~ dity sold in retail food stores fDr weekmld in the John Brugger nmg. ames urms en e am·

:!:.,:IO~~b tt;:;e:t~=n ~;:;;n v.;.~ human consumption; but shall home In Wayne. ~en~1 ReL"~~;~ts we~e j"'rvd enjoyable musical program was not Inclnd", foods "old 'for con· . ¥iss Lore Weible of Waynl'! 1 t ss in UCi ss "n w>!()r presented by the tl"achers college sumptlon on the premises. Or- spent thE>-week#!nd at thI'! Christ r:;;~~~n Trautwein of~oIiolk oc!i,t clarinet tdo. Mrs. 1:'._ .. '1',. ange _~"!!!~ .. may-.he··aecepted ·W,·Welblehome: ;pentSundayln: the hom" of his

:"---------.. --!J;:~~;..~·;;:a'~;_cIT'"'!ieor·th·e pro- Dr·-'Ce cr",am, candy and other The Roy Rl"ed American Legion gram. confectionery products Wilen in Post l'I'\Gt Tuesday evening in the ~~~~~~~i~r. and Mrs~ Henry

eAT~AL Will-bring

Nbc .o~ h.. th the n. ormal .cours.e .,o! ..... b.uslness. .. LegiQll- halL., Plans concer-nlng - . .. .. ----f ..... - _ umer,s pres .n---... . e oc· th~e ·ltem·.·'iir.e···iio··'t····sold for Con. Memorial Day were dl·scussed. Miss Shirley Mi,sfeldt 0 Mea·

.. - . "Tf,ies"; "Linda Lou", Su;;;ptlD~'-;;" the premIses. W. A. Crossland of Wayne will dow GroVl> spent the weekend in "Lucian,. uFlowers, "Three Blind 13. Question: wm I be given give the addres,s Memorial Day. the home of her parentB, Mr. and Mlc.e" and "Rlgoletto". my free blue surplus- The post decld.ed to co· operate Mrs. Charles Misfeldt.

IIIdwln Carstl"nsen sang a tenor stamps at the saml'! time with Carroll in sponsoring theIr Mrs. Fred Miller left Saturday solo, "A Wandl"rlng Mlnstral I". that I buy my orange Memorial service thi/3 year and to visit her son, George MilJ,er. Virginia S'?;h~n :~~ ;Z-ft~~P~~ stamp,,? voted to present a book to Win. and Mrs. Miller at Valparaslo,

Wing" and "My DesIre". Al1/lwer: Yes. When ;xou buy a I ~Ide Public library; Carrol1 Pub- I~rs: Gurney B.en,shoff wa" an Elaine Lundbl>rg ,sang "Here Am book of orange stamps there will 1 IIc library and Hoskins public overnIght guest TllUrsday In tlu? I" and "I Love Llfl"". Bette be Includoo blue stamps ",qual to SC?OO!. The book Is. "A~erlcan H. D. Addif,on home at Wayne. Blair played a plano $010. ';jCtude" half the total vai"", at the orange ~~ r:;!:.s and BattLe FIeld,s m Eu·" Mrs. Mildred Witte attendeII by McDowel1. stamps. These stamp bookI'J Wll1 . I' . Parents Day at the Wayne Stat,

ClarInet numbers wer", "Schen· be available In"denomlnatlons to Refreshments were served. Teachers col1ege in Wayne Fri. zo" and 'ILargo·Allegro" by take car~ of family groups at Mrs. Ferdinand Kahl wat3 host· day Watterson. different [lizes. ess on Friday ~ftern?"n to G. T. Ciarence R"w of Sioux Cit was

A d",ssmt course was served 14. Question: Will al1 Stamp club. Progressive pmochle was a week.end visitor in the y Sam by Mrs. W. E. VonSeggl"rn, Mrs. Books contain the sam,' played. Hostess served. R h Clarence Wright, MI)3. J. O. Went· number of ,stamps? Frank BI'onzinski, ~ho recently ~:hno~~s of Sioux City was }'!Dl'th, Ml's. H. A. Welch. Mrs. Answer: No. Books for ""rsons und.erwent an operation. i/3 gd· a week#!nd guest in tlI#! John Mae ·Young. Mr,<I. R. R. Stuart, buying Orange Stamps wtIJ In tlng along fine. Loebsack home. Mrs. A. M. Daniels, Mrs. T, C. clude Blue Stamps equal to halt Mrs. Maude Clary of Wayne Mrs Fred Tram!>" and Mrs Frlst, Mrs. D. S. Wightman and of the Orange Stamp valUI" and spent the ~eekend in Winside. Fred' Bright were Norfolk visitor; MI'S. W. H. Swett. wll1 be lt3sued In 6 dlfl'J>rent a· Th., MethodIst Ladles Aid held on WednE!/3day

mounts· from $2.00 tD $10.00. a no·host meeting in the c"hurch Mrs. Mlldroo' Witte and daugh. Thus, a $10.00 book Of Orange parlors Tuesday. Following the t"r. Miss Betty, were Friday ew,. Stamps will contain In addition bU"lness meeting. the afternoon nilig dinner guess in the Harry $5.00 wort,h of free Blue Stamp,s. wa~ spent qUIlting. A covered Granquist home near Wayne

Donna Faye L01'enzen, Infant di:iug/ltCl' of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lor;

, was rccI>ived into the Holy 111~""4-'" baptism at Our Redeem·

er's parsonag>e Saturday evenln'g. Mr. and Mrs. L. B1ecke were the l'Spons~rs.

We spoolanze In quaUty prtnb In, at _.able prlOO8. Th. Wayne·N_


15. QUI"stion: Will the Blue Sur· di" luncheon was served_ The .I"nior class of thf.! Win~lde plus Food Stamps b" In ad· A da.ughter .was born to M~. I High ~c.hool enjoyed Sneak Day dlt1on-to the assistance now ~~d %'S. ~rchl€ Collins on FI'I' Friday. M,embers went to Lincoln. being given by the Welfare Y. ay . Donald Hansen f3ponsor accom-Departments Dr will the pre- Bernard M",yer of Wayne visit· led th' , "ent amount of aid be re· ed Tuesday at the Dieddch M,ey', pa;oe Wh~~~y was a Norfolk duced? er home. . visitor Saturday.

Answer: The Blue Surplus Food T-he Jumor .Federated club ml?t Mr. and Mrs_ Ab.~ Hollaway Stamps will be In addition to the Monday evenmg at the home o,f ',oft Saturday for a week's visIt pre,sent assistance and particIpa- Mrs. J. S. Clawson. At the bus!- in Wymore and Topeka, Kans. tlon in the Food, .. Stamp Plan will ne,ss meeting. officers ~ere elect· Martin Rockwell was a Wayne not eff~t tbe amount of the eo.:! for the new club year. At visitor Wednesday evening. present assistance. Those who ~~~ed.Of the meeting, h~stElis M:r.s. J. G. Neely and. ~rs. havp receIved regular Food ·Ord· Th N I hb rI CI I t'LoUIe Kahl were Wayne vIsitors el)3 from the County Wl"lfarl> Of· e ego ng rc e II¥' Monday nce In the past, wlll receive dl· Thursday afternoon at the home Mrs. Maurlc.e Hoffman spent rect by mall from their County Of Mrs. Frank Bright. The fol· a few days the past week in Oma. ASsistance Depal'tffi/'!nt, orang;o lowing guests wer" also pre,,!,!",: h stamps in plaCll' of a grocery"-orct· Mrs. &n Fenske. Mr:s. Lours aMiss Adelin.":!' Fleer wa,'5 a Nor­er. With t/lese orange stamps will Kahl, Mt),. Fred Bright and Mrs. folk visitor Tu."day. be the Free Blue Food Stamps. Wm. Misfeldt. Mrs. Herman Koll Arvid Horn ~pent the weekenII

16. Qt'{'stion: If, rather than was program leader. Hostes,:, with his mother in Allen.

S~perior Grease Guns

usc my /3tamps, I n~ to served luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Scdbner get all or part .of my money Mr. and Mrs'.,Faye Sno."'den and son Charles of Carroll were back on the orange colored of H~rllngen vis, ,-,d with fl1ena,s Winsld.~ visitors Wednesday.

.J!taIJlPsLm~y-l dQ. so? In Wlllslde MD~day. Miss Elinor 13rune' '01 Grand

'ONty,,·,·, ,-,-$2,75

. ~pecill!l! Prices on FRAM OIL FILTERS

'tn.A01oR '1'IRlils at a. New Low Price

Rem¢mber-:-w~ are hea.dquarters for FIR~STONE TIRES


W~'ca.rry a complete stock of' ,,:t~t~(!ne truck and passenger lICK· lr8Ii .


Answer: Yes, if because of Mrs. EmIl R.~hmus. who Ia In I(lland spent the weekend at tne some .e~rgency you need to, a Norfoh{ ~o",pl~al. is r .. ~ported to Wm. Brune 'home. Junior Brune you can get YDur money back On beM~~tt~e'(t~~~t:"l,,::rRed Oak. of Sioux City was a guest on the orange ,stamps you nave not Ia is Visiting the hom" of /ler Sunday . used provided you personally re- .• Mrs. Valtah WItte and daugh· t 'th to t"- . Ith bl I doughter. M. rs. Arehle Collins. tel' Miss Thea vi,sltoo Saturday urn e.m, ge • ..,1' w 1JJ> Mr,'. O. Craig went to LinCOln '0, . "tamps m the same ratiD of blue

with relatives. Richard Moses visited Thurs­

day in the Mrs. Mary Reed home_ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller anC!

daughter Loi:rof Wayn.c: w~~ Tuesday V~'itDI)3 In the Carl

, t\ 16 Ritza home. ques on . The Rebeka/l lodgl" met Friday

(To Be Continued Next Wl"Ck) e\'.~nlng in tM I.O.O.F. hall. . I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brubak·

Elaine WetSt. ·daughter ot Guy I er left Saturday for AUburn, West of Hartington, had. her tpn-I Nebr., . where Mr. Brubaker. has sUs and ad~noids removed at a employment ~n a bak~ry. local hospital ThlmJday. LO~::' i!hl; =tw~~~t:~!sM:;';;

home, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dimmel.

Mrs. Everett Witte and Mrs. Wm. Kant were Norfolk visitom Sat· urday.

Mrs. Charles Misl'J>ldt and Mr,s.! Norris Weible visit..."<i Fdday I with Miss Shirley Misfeldt at Meadow Grove.

Wednesday afternoon to the TrI· . Anything you don't need III In nity Lutheran Ald. A Mother'"

the way, Cleall. out 10ur attlc, Day program wa,s pre&entea. WAYNE 00I11\l' or II~ tor IlIIIIh by Ho.stesses serv,-,d lunch,

~1gi~::~:I~r,:~~.~~(r;1::m~T.iI ••••• II ••••••••••• II'F Jiolng W_'.__ PIaoe. al L~~er sr::,fsem~~nag d~~Ot1:;

Coterie club met .on Thursday afternoon with Mm. Leo Jordon as ho.stess. Guests w.ere :Mrs. Donald Dunigan, .Mrs. .James Lowe, Mrs. F'xed Erickson, Mfa. Albert Behmer and Mrs. Henry Asmus. the last two of Hoskln,s. Prizes In bridge we,.." rec,eiv"d by Mrs. Thorvald Jacobsen, high membel)3hip, Mrs. Gurney Ben· shoff, second blgh, Mrs. Albert Be,hm.er. guest priz.e. Hostess

, News Want Ads. church parlors on Thursday- eve- served. ~

. Mrs. H. H. Tangemlm, been with her daughter, O. Ring, In LlncDln, w· indefinite vi,slt In the Trautwein hDme.

J aIr.,s Bliss of Oakdale Is mak· ing an jndeflnite visit In the 'Henry Nelson home.

Baccalaureate services graduating class were I)eld day !'!Venlng In the TrInIty Luth· I?ran church. Rev. H_ G. Knaub delivered the ".rmon. The churc"h choir rcmng. The commenc,c:ment e"",rclses will be held Thursday evening in the new auditOI1um. Prof. K. N. Parke of Wayne will give the address. M,'?mbers of the class art) Theodore Witt, Evelyn Walde, Donald Weible, Wilbur Radford, Alfred Bronzynski, Elva Hamm, Harold ~ Ritze, Ge:rp.­Baird, Mildred Jen~n, Alvin Nie· man, Junior Trautwein, EtBel Seider"" Raymond Bronzynski. Audrey Farran and Rohert Rhudy.

Martin Rockwell, coach In th.~ Winside public school, has resign· cd and will not return to Winside next year. .

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Butl.,. visited Sunday In the W. R. Scribner /lome In Carroll.

Church Calendar BAPTIST cHuRCH

C. L. Eads, pastor 10 A. M.-Church School 11 A. M.-Mornlng Worship 6,30 P. M.-CoUege B. Y. P. U. There will be no evening ""rvice

because of the cDu"ge Bacca. laureate servir.e

8:00 P. M. Wednesday-Prayer meeting

8:00 P. M. Thursctay-ChDir reo lu?arsal


W. F. Most, pasto. 10 A. M.-Sunday SchOOl Tltere will be nD church services 7:30 P. M. Tuesday-Cholr re-


R2v. Guy Dunning is conduct­Ing ,funeral rite,s today (Tuesday) at Neligh, for Mrs. Henry Pl"xton who di.ed last week. Mrs. Pexton it> a grandmother of Dorothy Pex. ton, a WSTC student.

Rev. W. F. Most and John Dun. klau, delegate from Our Red,,,,,m. er'1'3 Lutheran church will leave Wednesday afternoon for Hooper, Nl>b., to attend the synodical con. vention of the Midwest Synod which conven€f) from May 15 to May 19,

Miss Vern Twamley of South Sioux City was a medical pat!ient from Friday to Sunday at a loc· al ho,spital.



LEGAL NOTICE To John S. Lewis, Jr., and all otho':!r persons interested in thl" Estate of John S. Lewis. Jr., Deceased: yo~. and each, of you, are here­

by notifLed that .on the 7th day of November, A.' D., 1935, the undemigned purchas.~d at pub· lic tax sale, from tb", COunty Treasurer of Wayne County, Ne­braska, for the tax .. s 'for the Yl>ar 1934, the follOwing described real estate, to-wit:

Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10). Block Tw~nty·twD (22), Col . lege Hill Flr~t __ Ac;ldltion ... lo Wayne. In Wayn" County, Nebraska,

paid taxes amounting to tIle sum of $7.00, and that 1 have sIn"" paid as subsequent taxes for the years 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938 and the first half of 1939, amounting

METHODIST CHURCH to $32.43. Said property was as· Car) G. Bader. pastor sessed and taxed in the name or

10 A.M.-Sunday School "aid John S. l",wi.s, Jr. 11 A. M.-MDrning Wors.hip You are further notified that

6:.30 .. P.r.r=-~Qtlb.Lea~_ ~Mi~T,l'i>~t.,~~-Y~ll~r:: GRACE LUTHERAN June 22nd. 1940. and unless same

CHURCH Is redeemed by that date. I will . 'WaTrer·lIraCli:eiisTcI<;-paswr··-··· -apply·to-tlTe County'l'reasurer of 10 A. M.-Sunday School Wayne County, Nebraska, 'for a 11 A. M.-Morning. Worshjp deed theref-or.

Dated thIs 2nd day of May, A. CHURCH OF CHRIST D., 1940. ,

Guy B. DunnIng, pastor Mary E. Lewis, 9':45 A, M.-Morning Service Owner and holder of 7:15 P. M.-Chrlstlan Endeavor Tax Sale Certificate 8 P. M.-Evenlng Service No. 16 of said Tax


W. F. Dierking, pastor 10 A. M.-Church School

(Publish May 7, 14, 21, 1940)

11 A. M.-Mornlng Worship 6:30 P. M.-YDung'P'eople's



,Rev. G. Gieschen, pastor 10 A. ?I.-Sunday School 11 A. M.-Morning Service 7:30 P. M. Wednesday-OlOlr


CATHOLIC CHURCH WIlliam Keams, pastor

7:30 P. M. Saturday-Confes' .sions heard

9 A. M.-Mass In Wayne Catechism after mass

CHURCH NOTES Dwaine Dunning and his father

exchanged pulpits Sunday be­cause of Baccalaureate services at Valparaiso.

Have that lUuch·needed perrna­'nent now, and ask our expert coiffure artists to desIgn you a new halr-dD. You'U find It does things for you and to yoo.


the Church .of Christ begins at ue ers eauty Shop Morning pr",aching service at I L d B 9:45 Sunday morning. The scr· Phone 87

mon ,subject is "The Salt Coven- .:::;:============-

JUST SLIPS OF P~ER ••• but th~y h~lp prot~ct every Nebraskan!

Beer retailing is a privilege conferred only by a_JiceIJ8e.- And it is importaDt--~"tirizen· that this licensed privilege not be abused.

To safeguard this privilege. the Nebraska Brew­en and Beer Distributors Committee employ. • field representative to make reports on the operation of retail beer outlets. These reporu show that the great majority of establishments ani operated in the public interest. Only a few abuse their licenses, thereby jeopardizing the ltale's aDDual tax revenue of apprOximately $500.000 end the nearly $2,000.000 in Neb..,k. wages derived from the manufacture and saJe of beer every year.

Tho brewinl industry will continue 10 coo operate with the legal authorities 10 weed ou~ these few and thus k.eep b~r retailing as wholesome as. beer itseU.

NEBRASKA Brewers and Beer Distributors Co",miHee

CHARlES· E. S'ANDALL, Stat. Direaor 7'10 Flnt National Bank Bldg. Uncbln. _Nebr.

Page 3: On Para., ayne EWS - City of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/./Wayne News (1938-1943)/1940...The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I ' Shap;

S ','"i, ,', ,,> ,~le,Club I,:'

(C' . , 0' ·C:, ,.11 e" ty,' "I'" ."";'1i:. M~s. M. ,L. Ringer I'nt<}l~tained

" '(1Jot'dHe cilib membe!)3 at· cards Monday of' :~5t \'I,'Dek, following

Altrusa Club' i lunclleOl1 ":~ the college grill. Mrs, J. F. Ahern Won a prize in cards~

Carroll Ne~vs Fa~h~r·df ' : Mrs. 'Emery Is Taken By Death ·1

, ~y ,ll!J"s. JOJUl G1lttn)aD Mrs. W. A. Emery's father. , "I. Patrick Danahy. SO, of Omaha,

Congress As Seen by KARL STEFAN

T.ox.\oy brot/ler,s h"Jd'a Fordson died In St. Je"eph's hospital at Americans.In Norway tl'<lctoi' d,':flU.ll:t3u;<J,tion on the Goo. Th.e board of education elected Omaha, Thursday marning; fol· Thcr.e. aro'J- about three thousand Gaskill farm Tuesday. Mr. Vernon P.9nson or Wau.sa to lowing a s,hort iIInes,. with pneu· Americans' In 'Scandlnavla who

Mrs. Esth¢\·, Il'homllspn .onter· The women contributed gifts to ,,' tailled members Of tile Altrui;a ,gco'1tin·g. Cote.;e club will nJ.oee club Tuesday evenliig. Otlier only once a month throug/lou, guests were ¥~s. M.' L. Rin'g~r, the summer. Mrs. F. L. Blair, and MiEt3 Wilma ,_. Gild~rsleevl'. PMzes in bridge MI,slonary Meeting w:-nt ~o ¥rs

l·,' Charlc'l':l Helk.s-s, I Report,s were given at the Pres­

MISS G.Ilders]e~ve and Mrs. Ring- I bytr>I'ian Missionary society nuzet­er. LOIS Thom~son helped the ing Wedn""day aftel"l1oon by host.~ss s~e luncheon. those attending the Presbyterial

Mr. ,and Mrs. Fay~ Snowden of serve as coach a~ well as t.~ach monia. Mrs. Emery, who 'went to want tp come home. Nearly ,aU Harlingen, Texas, 'Ieft Monday in high school next year. Mr. Omaha on Monday of last w/lek, of thl'm arc there on b ..... lness. It evening for Norfolk where th"y Benson has an A. B. from Midland was with him at th" time of his costs our government quite a M(md~rrlin, visited overnight with Mr. and college. death. Dr. Eml'ry left Friday to little money to help them get out Mrs. Spl'nce Jones h,foro leaving MIs,s Lela B"", who has b"en an attend the. funeral services held of the war affected countrle'" for Grand Island to visit her sis· instructor In high ~c/1001 th" past Saturday at Omaha.. Therl' Is criticism from some pea­t.cr, Mrs. Amo,s Staurr-er and fam. two years, resigned her position Mr. Danahy was born In I~ pie who feel that t):1ese Ametlcans '

Officer,s elect~d are president, at Norfoll<. Mrs. A. A. Welch was Mrs. Faye Strahan; vice presi· /lostess and Mrs. Willis Noakes dent., Mrs. Er~c Thompson; ~.~c- and Mrs. Clar .. mce Wright a(3' retary, treafml'er and reporter, sisted_ Mrs. R. C. Hahlbeck; program committee, Mrs. Oscar Liedt.l:m, Mrs. H,,:ikes and Mrls. W. C. Cor­yell.

EI Deen Club In honor of M~s Bernadine

M:?yer, EI D.een club membel,'s and Mrs. C. E. Miller had a can. ned. goods shower Monday eve. ning in the Charles Meyer hom,e. Mrs. Lewis Bak.~r and Mm. ErWIn Fleer won prizes in games and pref.ented t/lem to the gue,st or honor. Blu.'? violets tied with gola ribbon, the bride's colors, were used for favors.~ Luncheon war3 serw::·d.

By. After a "hort visit there, they to go to South Sioux City to land. He came to Ametlca at th.e had plenty of time to comll home returned to their hom". Mr. and teach next year. Thls vacancy age of 19. For years he was de- befor,o war actually startl'!d. But Mrs. Snowden brought her par· I has not been filled as Yl't. pot agent In variOtl/3 towns In there Is another side. America I'nts, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Linn, Carroll Woman's club had Its Nebl'a,gka and Wyoming. After has been after foreig-n trade. We t th ' h' laot m tl f th retirement from this 11M of a ell' orne n.ore after spend· I " c,o ng a e year at the have cncoUl'a:ged Americans to Ing the wint,or wit/l them in the Methodist church parlors ThuQ3' work, he operated a parktng lot go to foreign cOWltrle,s to cru:ry South. '<lay. It was a· Mother's Day guest in Oma/la during his reclining on busillCSl3. These ,

Catholic Guild met Wednesday party. 78 wer,,' prl'sent to hear years. take a chance and stay as long M. I. H. Club Mrs. Ed Miller enteliained M.

1. H. club memhers at cards and a social time Wednesday after· noon.

Dr. L. F. Perry. dentist. Phone 88. ..

with Mrs. Hi!nry Haase and Mrs. the following program: Survivors, b,esldes Mrs. Emery, 'as possible. If the Department of SenIO!)3 of the college, ,g:radu· Frank Loberg at the form~r's Song by t/le' group; Welcomr., are his wife who lives In Omaha; Stat£ did b,elp .them and If some \ltlng with distinction, will 'b,e re. home. There was a good attend. Mrs. Don Btlnk; sola, Mrs. LloY<l four sans, H. L. Danahy, Seward, of them were killed or injured, cognized for their schoIi>rshlp ane" and after the bu.shiess mee~. Morris;' playlet "Courage is the Nebr., Gene, Clarence and Hugh the Department would ,be critic. and dt):1er qualities at honill1! ing the afternoon waj3 spent Torch" by,geveral club membeQ3; Danahy, all of Omaha; a daugh· Ized. So the Department is hard. 'convO<)atlon today Tuesday). SOcially. Miss Winnie Collins won Girls' High School sextette; mad. ter. MQ3. M. P. Curnyn and one pres,sed during t):1ese.,wars. It Tho"" graduating with dlstln •. in a contest and Mrs. 'Ed Kenny ing "A Little Parable Ior Moth. sister both of Omaha. mU(,t g.et these Americans Ollt. tlon! ranking tn the uppei' fl~ won two contests. Mrs. Herman ers" by lI!:l1l' David Theophflus. .. Believe It or not, thefj! Is on;y percent of the cia/¥!, are "Vera Thun, Mrs. Fred ThWl, and MIs,s A social time followl:!d busines. one government In the world Kalal, Wayne; Louise OIb,er<Ung,

Players Enl>ertain St. Paul Aid Odella Haase wer., gl1o$ts. Next meeting. Mrs. Don Brink was I which can h.~lp our Den •• 7tment Breda, Ia.. Werner Weichert, The Wayn. e Players and t/lelr Cit h,' h ch '. t· '11 b M olected p Id t· I Wayne ClOt ...... Emerson and M I R I I AI gll<'sts enjoyed a covered di,sh y g s 001 pup,ls P'C' m.OI' Ing w, e ay 22 with Mrs .• ' rro en, In p ace of Mr~. y of State get Amerl~s out of arve e s I)B, .

luncheon .at the club rooms Tu .•• " ~~~tsetd. paauPlrAogdram 0 of music at Ed Renny and Mrs, Harry Dene- W. R. Scribner, who declined thl' Scandinavia. That Is Germany. So len, , ,I

day evening. About 30 were pre-' C , gu..st day Thurs· sia assisting. office and Mrs. W. H. Reesl.'!lill ~chool Not" es ,overy day our officials here are Having two and one halt tlme.g sent . day afternoon. Mm. HalTY Mc. Mr. and Mrs. MYl'on Larson ana be. the nl'w treasurer. A, two 0 In conference with the Gnrman I as many quality points as ,/loWll . __ . I Millan was in charge of the pro. children visited Fri-dayevening courf,' IWlChl'on followed. Favors officials working out ways and at credit attempted, thUS!\Tad~.

Bible Circle ! f~~':ee~:' A,d meets again In at ~~~~~h Lo~~~f:' and Arthur ~~r~. c:~:a~~a.!'a~~~~g~::; Supt. N. F. Thorpe will be the :e~~~u~[er:;:::.~. ?;~<¥lr:I~m~~~! ~I~~U!~~~~, ~~I~i;g~~":~n~~~d: Mrs. A. P. Gossard I'nt.ortalned I -__ Larson drove to Excell3lor chairman and Mrs. D. J. Davis, speaker of the evening at the Pcp cans mostly get out of scandlna., tlatln. g with honom, having ' twice

Bible Circle Tuesday. MIf3s Char· I G. L. P. :Club Springs, Mo., last Sunday to kitchen chairman. The first meet. club banquet tonight (Tuesday) via now via Malmo, Swl'd"n ana ",s many quality points as, hours lotte Ziegler wa,s leader. Mrs' i Mr.g. Oscar Lil'dtke entertained bring Mrs. Eddi,e home t/lat eve. ing.of the year will be in Seplt!m. at tbe Presbyterian church at thence Into Germany and on' to of crl'dlt attempted, are Lillian Dora Benshoof will be hostess 1 members of G. L. P. club We<!. ning. She had been under treat. Io.or. 0:30 p. m. Carl Bad<>r will be Genoa, Italy, and sail for hom". I D. Anderson, West Potnt; John and !,eader next Tuesday. ,nesday at a 7 o'clock dinner. ment thr,OI' weeks .. for rheumatism Special ~ervices will be Included t9a8tma.s~r and Lyle Seymou,' If ltaly ~hould get mixed up In/' Kyl, Wayn. e;. Vivian. ~. jalt, ,W" ak, ~,"

1 Prizes m cards w,on! to Mr. am! nd also had a tonsilectomy at tIle M. E. church next SunClay will give the r""ponse. A music· the war. the only outlet for our field;, .. Morton_Galley, Laurel, Royal Neighbor 1 Mrs John Groskurth, Mr. and while th.ere. She is improving. for Mothl'r's Day. Each mother al program will be presented by refu'g(¥>s wou:d' b,e Spain Naomi Warden, Poff AnBellas,

Imtiation services were held at' Mrs. Frank Gries and Walter I Mis,s June RasmuS/3Cn, pupils will recelvl' flowers. Ruth DamlM, WIlliam HawkIns, 0 0 • 0 • Was/I.: William Nelsori, W~e; the Royal Neighbor lodge meet· 1 L,rner. The club me,ol/3 in two and patrons in Dist. 50 had a Merry Makers will meet on the mlxl!d octette, boys' quartet, Newspapers from home giving Alma Sanders, Lindsay; Do!1)thy ing TUI'sday evening. The mem.1 weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Roy school picnic last Sunday. SchOOl May 24 at the Henry Rellekl'! girls' trio and the string qUintet. t/l,9 prices farmers are receiving Zimmerman, Ewing. , • ' ber,; practiced fof the county con.j Pierson. I closed May 10. Miss Rasmus~en hOll',e south of Wayn.e. Chairmen In charge are Mar· for their products, attract atll'n. Lillian D .. Andersonan<l ,John vontion at Bloomfield June 5 ana ---- left for her homl' at WinMbago Methodist Aid meets May 15 jorie Harrison, menu; Evelyn tion h.9l"e. Those of us who are Kyl were seiP-cted from the "pp~r the tri·county convention at wat'I' A. A. U. W. that day. instead of May 8, the usual time. Auker, Invitations; Edna Penn, fortunate In having wive,' Wllo ten per Cl'nt of the clat!ll fOf' ,upr. erbury June 6 Sue Brown, E1sl;o The senior girl,s of th" college, f Mr. andMr~.Baul-BrOOkel' ...QQ'll.m-"'!1~IDen~xerclsl's decorations' and Richard ~cook-<luI"-own-meals-get.-qulte'll .verslty tuition scholarship. , Heine and Wilma Evans ,served. I the training school and thl' city visited la,st Sunday at AlIonza 1-,0 .May 17 at the audltortum kick out of comparing fooo

--,_ .. - h'gh school were ent,ortained by Wurdinger'~ at Hoskins. Mrs. Dr. Harold Griffin of Wayne will prices here with the farmers' P. E. O. I the A.A.U.W. at a tea Thursday Wurding/2i had returned recent· give the addr-e,gs of the "venlng. Commlttee,s In charge of the price at home. Here is a late li/1t

Mrs. F. A. Mildner entertained afternoon. Mrs. H. D. Griffin waa Iy from Clinton, Mo., wher.o ail" The Baccalaureate ,o",rvices will Junior·Senior banquet arrange· from our kitchen: one dozen eggs, P. E. O. chapt£r Tuesday aft£r.1 cha,rman. Colors. were carried had been called by the t3erious 1-.0 held May 12 at the M. E. ments are: Decorations, J. B,orry, 37 cents; one pound butter, 36 noon, with M. rs .. J. A. Ra an" lout In red and wh,te tulips and 'Ilness of her mother, Mrs. O. B. ~hurch, R",v. Earl Ressel will Cle· W. Mlvers, B. Heine, A, Jel11,en, cents;· one pound ground meat, Mrs. J. W. Jones assiSting~ Mn3. whIte cherry blo.$oms. PIckering, formerly of Carroll. lIver the sermon. M. Soehn.er, B. Sanders, A. Ruser, 50 cents; half pound. bacon, 30 A. W. Ahern and Mrs' J M ~ ,--- I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Linn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother· E. Rhoad<>s, H. Gathje. R. Allvin, cents; beef tenderloin costs over Strahan gave reports ~n' th~ St. Mary's Guild Hugh, jr., of Laurel, Mr. an<l ham and baby of Council Bluffs B. Dunn, J. Bush and R. Haas; a dollar a pOWld. "tate convention at Lincoln Mrs Mrs. BIll Franz.':n wa.s hostess I Mrs. Avery Linn. of N .. ~wcaistle, VIsited her fatr.l';>r, Tom Sylvanus, program, B. Foster, M. Oilder· •••• R W. Casper will b.o hono~ed a~ t~ the Kard Klub ~y aft· Mr .. and Mrs. Faye Snowden of' a few days the past we,ok. sleeve, P. Harrington, A. Lind· Lots Of Money· P. ~. O. guest day May 21 tn elnoon. Mrs. A. J, Cochran, Mrs. Ha~lmgen, Texas, Mr. -and Mrs. I Alr{?rt Sah) and Rev. C. E. gren; invitations, D. Denisia, A. Many ~tter.s have been re· the Woman's club r'ooms ' W .. T.homas and Mrs. Earl Fitch M. S. Linn and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frederickson called on Mrs. Hans Grone and Carl Bader; menu, B. c.oived, asking this office tor In.

. won prizes in cards. The club Linn had dinner together Sunday Tietg.en at Sholes Sunday ev"ning, O,sborne, P. Troth and B. Hook. formation as to the total amount A A U W tr,oets May 23 with Mrs. Cochran. at M. S, Linn's before the Snow. Mrs. Tietgen is, very ill. of money expended for the army

. . .... --- den's left for thllir home. Hugn Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Williams or 1 N<'w offl""rs elected at th" last and navy and aJ,;o for relief pur. Reports g,ven at the Soc,al Stud· 8 To 12 Club ,Linn will go to Bould r C· Magn,et came Saturday to visIt I regular meeting of thi! Quill and poses sin"" 1939. In answer to ~~~p of th~ A, .' ~. u. W., I Mrs. Charles Bakel' entertained I soon to re,3ume his studi:s' for o;~; over Moth, .ers Day with Mr. and I Scroll wednet3day, ev~nlng are: these il1quirlAs, the following

s ay evenm.g at the E. ,J. n":~mbers of the 8 to 12 club summer. Mrs. Merle Roe and 'in t.hI? John' President, Edna' Martens: vice· fIgures are given. For 1939 can. R;;te::r ~ome ,?;Iud"d'. ':a: Ire· Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. I Wm. F~sher, 86, was taken' to William,s home near Randolph. I prp~ldent, Bob Haas;. Betty ~os., gress appropriated for the army. blark 0 aShi~z:t~ ~ MIld:ed' Georg.~ Bornhoft were guests. a Wayne hospital where he had Mm. ChrIS Anderson of Go.then. er, Recr~tary·treasurel. New J1""l,~m· navy and civil funcUon,"3 of' Ule b M~ ne o~ ,:>~zes 10 clothmg Prizes in 500 went to Mr .. and a limb amputatpd the first o~ betg, who visited a w~ek in Ute be>rs imtiated into th~ society army, a. total of $1,352,710,385.34; o~ fro ~ Austin Cramer anCl one Mrs. Barnhart,. Mrs. Albert I the week. Mr. Fisher passed Th,eron Horn home, left Sunday werl' Esther Schroeder. Rlchara for 1940 for the saml' depart· Bloss ~n foods. by Mr.s. M. C. Johnson, Eric Thompson and, away Thursday. .. lor her home. Claycomb and Bill Hawkln,s. ments, a total of $2,071,958,878.00 '~t' rs. MerYlTI FedMrsen a:!l- Otto Oleen. , Cass Elmer P,'}lford was i.)orn Mrs. Lewis Jones of Livermore, was approprlatP-d 8ll<lait ij3 esti.

s" ed the hq;;tess. 'at OBkaloosa. la., Aug. 19, 1871 Calff., arrived Thursday for seve·,. "group of students r"pr€/lent· mated that a total or$1.954,251,. . --- Mother's Stu and died on May 6, 1940, at hIS ral weeks visit with her parents, 'I mg the high school science de· 099.00 will be appropriated for

M,ss Bernadine Meyer enter· I Mother's Stdy Club " r hom,o in Clay Center, Nebr., aft- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murrill. partment returned Sunday froIn th<'t3e three activitle,s for 1941. For tamed g~ests Tu.e,sday and Wed- II post oned fr~!V Club pICnIC wa~ I er an illnes.s of only 11,~ days. Central Social C:ircle met last att?nding t~oe annual junior aca- rel~f, including work r.elief, eee r,esday m the Charles Meyer thO p ok Th Thursd~y unlli i Mr. Belford spent his boyhood week Thursday WIth MQ3. Julia demy of SC' .. nce at Chadron Sat· and NYA, congress appropriated home. . ch'~r we,o . e co~m'tte,o In in Iowa coming to Carroll In Purdue. The following gu.ests, urday and a s,hort trip to the $2,824,136,000.00 In 1939; $2,050,.

The colle'ge symphony :band, directed by John R. Keith, was featured on the Sioux City music week program at the Central high school auditorium Thursday eve. nlng. The program_was broadcast over WNAG and KBC1. -

T/le b.and presented.. tw~ Call: ""rts in the morning at C~nt",l High ,school and one In the aft. ernoon at En"t High sohool;

Mom than 200 parents vlslteil the college on annual' Pai:ents' Day FrIday. Music by the 1 sym: phony orchestra and mixed !)Ct£t, a solo by Virginia Shelton an(l addres,"",s of welcome by Dr. J. T. AndeI)3on and Janet Mills and an oration by Ward Reyno)dson composed the special chlfpel exercises at 11.

From 1 to 3 .p. m., the visitors were conducted on tours of the campus, including the new stu· d"nt·teachers activities building. A tea for parents was '!:tven from 3 to 5 In the activities build· . Ing. Dr. H. D. Griffin s~owed motion pictures of call1PuS o""".~, ....... _ ....

;- ------- '0 Tg~~~ ~';:'. id T. Glllesp,e, Mrs., 1891 where he farm.ed a short wer.o present: Mrs. Geo. Wisch· 1 Black Hills and bad lands of 600,000.00 in 1940; and It Is estl.


M ' J g , rs. Mary Brinton, 1 time before entering th", barb.'r. oaf. Miss Lottie Bush, chairman 'I South Dakota. mated that in 1941 there will be Rev. and MQ3. G. Gleschi!n and


rs. . R. Miller, Mrs. J. A. ,'ng b s'n' I 1900 h t t of program for next year gave a The following, students, accom· a total of $1507450 000 00 appro- tour chlld~on moved here 'Wed. , ,"'" 4 1 2 t Moor,e and Mn~ A MD' 1 lUI ess. n e wen 0 I • I d b MI Mild d Cl k ' , , . ~ . - per CeIl: , ,. . . ame s. , Auxvasf,e, Mo., to make his home. report. Mrs. Renny Kieper, Mr,s.! pan e y ss . re ar ',prlated fOl" these activities" Thill nesday from Leigh. Rev, G1esch. .. FHA LOANS : On Feb. 4, 1902 hc W2" marri,od to Blaine Gettman and Mrs. Cecil: made up the group: Herbm Tern·' makl's a total appropriation for en was installed Sunday as pas-

, ' Dr. GiII"",pie went to Sioux I Miss Ella Mae Alt. urn at Bowling J-T,cn"ley made .the neW programs. I n,o, Robert Haa~, Edna Penn, th,~ army, navy and the civil fune· ~tor of St. Paul Lutheran oi1urch,~ City Wednl'sday ev"nlng to at. Green, Mo. In December. 1903 Thl' 1'h pound ~baby born to, Lyle Seymour and Bob Bcnthack, tions of- the army for the years tend the meeting of the Iowa Op· ,the family came to Carroll later Mr. and Mrs. Viggo Hansen died. Sigma. Mu Gamma provided fund" 1939, 1940 and 1941, of $5,378,921,. It Pays To Shop In Wayne.

Now Available for'REFINAN CING the Present Loan 011

Your Home; to PURCHASE; I or BUILD NEW.

tometrist as,..;;ociation held at the I taking a homesto"'ad in South Da- tlw following day. Services for it; for mlleage an~ each student 362.34, and for relief. Including Martin hotel. i kota wher.'? they lived a year and were ~eld at the grave in Carron I the group prOVIded the other ,ex· work rellef, CCC and NYA, a

I came to Carroll again .. In 1925 cern.~t~ry. penses. total appropriation of' $6,382,186,· the family went to Clay Center Mrs. Don Brink and Donna Rae; "---.. 000.00 for the (3amC period.

Borrow as mUch as 80% of value to PURCH ABlE home-

90% of vaiue "j' 11"""'0 ""Ol I lot to B1UIlLD NEW, I

THE NATIONAL C€), 500 First Nat'. B:lInh: lEidt! 0 I

Omaha" Neon'. I

Don Wightman and John 1'.,'


Bressler, Jr., 1st Nott. ilbul, Ii JLooaI, Brol",r§ 'j



MILK -11-

Always Pure

and Hemthfut1'





But Wbat A Difference!

Wayne Creamery

I whC're tlu!y have resided sInce. expect to go to Omaha next I Baccalaure~te serVI(,~S Will be ' ! Mr. B.-:lford id,entified himself Thursday to th,e Golden Spike I h-?ld .May 26 In t?,,: municipal ~u· Man eo If? have heen intc-. I with the Methodist church of cC'leiJ.ration. They will r,eturn on dltorlUm for semors of the hIgh 11"'stcdYinP th~ ~a ro riation for which he was a member until th,,:, following Monday. Th~y willi school. Rf'v. W. ~. Most, p~sto~ I '~assl..o er conr:ot P This item

I his death. also visit relatives while in Orna- of Our Red(>cm.er s church, has: g . ~,pp, . : , ha bprn ,secured aA speaker. was takcn care of In the recent

He l~aves to mourn his sudden . deficiency hill. Th~ budget esti-pa8(:>ing his wife, and thrf',~ sons We Fu Bridge club met with mate for inE'~ct control wa,'S three \Vallace of Clay Center, Harold M~'r:l'~o~W~~n~~id~~:n:e~~~ LantPr~i'l~~(';H~DJ<~a1ifOrnia million dollars. The house cut of Hastings and Marvin of Ona- Brink and Mi&.> Hylda Hokamp w~re snown to the children Tues- that down to two million, and ~~'f I~"t also 4 grandchildren, a wel'(I in Rosali.n. last Saturday ana day. I the senate restored it to three

J~ffe~~~:,\:.:r~n~IO;\~~W~;~t~: Sunday. Th.' 2nd and 4th rows ar,o lead· :;;}Iii~n. Th" ~nf~~~~~i~~~ t~~ (Irs, Harrison Davi,':i of W,cbster A group of friends surprised ing in the clean ~:.k contest. two el:~~e a a~alfc million 'd~l1ars. City, la. and Charles Dam of Tom Hughes on his birthday Fri· FOURTH GRADE Due to the fact that there was Racine, Wis. A dau'ghter, Cev.er--' ~~gh::e~~~. at the Mrs. Ann Two rabbits and a pheasant egg an unexpended balance in the old Funera.1 Director

~~~e di~~ld in a:nf~;'.:'y, M~~~~~:~ Mr,s. Joy Tucker "ntertalns were brought to school by Bo!) appropriation, there Is now $2,· Hiscox Funeral.Ho1l1e church W"dnesday with Rev. Earl knitting club on May 21. Bathke. In English the childr.on 900,000 for Insect control thIS ARMAND Ressel in charge. Burial was MI)3. Walt,or Bredemeyer will dt'scribe-d ('xperlenc€/l with pheas· year. I WA.YNE.. made in Carroll celMtery. entertain Contract Bridge club on ants.

Mrs. C. E. Belford and Wallace May 13. II Pays To Shop In Wayne. went to Clay Center Wednesday Lions club m('o'::ots next Tuesday' F1rst G.md~ f'vening. Mr. and Mr,'3. Marvin to finish plan ... for a Memortar Mrs. Clare Johnson and Mrs. . '1' Belford and son of Onawa, la .• Day progrAm. A committee llas Birdi,n. Mitchell w~re visitors last S W -t'h S f~ t ' wl?nt to Clay ~nter for a few been appointed to procure an week. ave lOa e 'y davs with hifl mother, Mrs, C. E. nut of town sp<"'aK('r. The Le~ion First grade gardens consi,c;ting , '. Perford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold'l' ~ uxiiiary is helping with tbr, pro. of differ"nt kind13 of flowers ana . ' "

, Pel ford of Hastings, who also at· , ~ram. vegetables are growln~g,ot,:n::I~c.ec;IY;'~I _______ ~ ____ -:-__________ "::;"_·_.'1--:.....:-. en eoTtifierar-servICes'foihiS Poppy i)';;' -;;11 be ob"i!rvea on and -th" plants will be

father, went home WedMSC/ay 'Saturday, May 18, under th.e dl. the pupils' hom"s next week. evening. recHon of Mrs. T. P. Roberts an-j

Mrs. Ceo. Porter spent Wed· Mr,"'. Evan Jone,1, Mrs. Nick KINDERGARTEN nesday in Wa·yne with her grana: Warth will have charge o'f deco- Fruit punch. and cookies, which daught,o.r, Mrs. Carl J~cot:Bon. r:->ting business house windows, the children made, were ~erved

Mrs. Gpo, Holecamp l~ planning this Saturday, with poppies to i at the Mother's Day party Friday. to move to Emf'rson at the close stimulate- intArest in poppy sales. I T~ mormng group ,~hopped of the school y"~r.. . Tuesday for the ingredIents used s Ed St,ophens J5 III w,th pleun· Mrs Gilbert Mau and Janet I in bakmg the cookies ;md _the ,y.. . .' vis,ted Tuesda with M Herb .• ftprnoon group shopped for the J . DaVId Theophllus wa,e; In Sioux: ert PetTy y r,'3. I pa. pRr plat.os and napkins used In

1 CIty Thursday. - f'rrving. The youngsters P;"v. and Mrs. C. E. Frederick· ------ turns in serving and an,e;wering

"on, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brede- Commencement addresses at ~he door. A· short program of meyer', Mr. and Mrs_ Ed Traut. Magnet on May 16 and O,smohd songs and selection by the rhy· w"in, Mr., and Mrs." Joh~ ~tt. on May P will be given by Dr. thm orc/1€fltra was prl'SCnted.

Use Kendall's


The extra mileage makes the highest quality oU the cheapest!

man and Mr. and Mrs. Walter I J. R. Johnson.

Bredemeyer spent TIlursday ,eve· - ----- Anything you don't nood I. In F· h G . ning in the H. C. Bartels home Tuesday afternoon guestr> at tbe way. Clean out :lour attie. IS et arage for his 76th birthday. The eve~ l.pet~;-f Bahde's were Mrs. AI cellar 01' storeroom for r,ash by ~ ning was ,sPe:n.t socially. Mrs. Deitchler and Alice, Mr. and Mrs. PHONE 110

'b _____ ..... ~~~~"":"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!..-"!-!'!!~~~:~:""!'!':'!-r-"~l~@.~~~~r, .~~~·~~e ~~~el~e ~I?-~ _~Obbi.e Of:'!: :a:~::s. Market ~cP:cI:ca.:cce1!;;;;;;;;;;;.;;..; _______ •· ___ ~ ____ ." ____ .;.~,~! """';

::""'11;' 'l!i(


Page 4: On Para., ayne EWS - City of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/./Wayne News (1938-1943)/1940...The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I ' Shap;

Entered as second (!las.s matter in 1884 at the post ... )ffiee at Wayne, Nebraska. und~r._ tlw ad of M: .. a"'rc_h....;;S'-. ,,18.:.7,,9.:.. ______ _

Subscription Rates. .... ____________ $1.50 Six Months ___________ ___ . __ :15

The Wayne News Advocates 1. Fc;>rmation of a Wayne civic organ!zation with a paid

secretary ,which"~'i1l have as its'sofe objective the improve­meiif"a:nif lil~owth of Wayne'; an -organiia£ion'-through whIch all bu~jn'e.ss fjrm;-~md professional men may unite their ~---.-'-.-.. ----------------

2. Expallf3!on of Wayne'~ trade t,erritory. 3. Co:operaUon between WSTC 'lnd Wayne for their

mutual benefit. 4 ImproVied t.ransp<>rtatlon facilities Including all,weath·

er roads throughout this section of the state. 5. Extension o[ the soil and water conservation work

throughout Wayne and adjacent countws. 6. Improvement of educational facllltl<>$ and stsndards

In both l'ural and town schooJ,;.

Tactics Shifted Politics an~ alwaY!-I a hit amusing but ~~ld{)m do/.:?-s t.,he ,shifting

of positionf; from onf: side of the fencc to the other~I:each th~ J.:?-nter~ taining stage so {.Iurly in a campaign as has b~en the case with republican leader~ this year.

First, the old guard GOP press informed the world Limt 'l'homas E. Dl?Wey, the I'mergetic amI ambitJollJ3 district attorney of New York City was fat' too iJ1('xperj~nccd to be trusted with the grave j re~ponsibl1itics of b{;,ierg pl'('bid(~nt. Now, it ~~ems, since Mr. Dewey has defeated their favol'ites in most of the (ltate primaries. he is much sw,..~et,Dr and lX'al1y is a quite capabLe and experienced ;3tatcs· man, Republican editors have suddenly come to the conclusion, since checking primary mRultf~; that instead of being an in~xperilmced· youth, who Sho111(1 be- seasoned for ,";(?veral years, that he knows aU t.ltt!' answers. '

Anoth(?,l' -equally sudden chang{!, jn tactics is the (;trategy now being employed of shffting nt.ta"ks from what President Roo,scvelt and his administration hay" don(> III the past eIght years to warn­Ings of what the Nl'w Deal will do in the next four If retumed to po.wer. In other word,:i t the past r/word is apparently not. so bad that a {:iufficient lIumb.~r of votcrs desire a change so the wise old

build imagillal'Y houses of a great reform pro· the tllt~1re lind then hurl rocks at them, accom­a 'gra:~ wamtng.

look at what Mr. Dewey is t,elllng the root of program, particularly as it __ concerns agricul­'hls lIP"Cches arc causing. The following edi·

... ~""" ,~." .. the Shawnee (Okla.) Morning. News Is ampltl dl"trlct attornpy Is still stumbling around.

as the food stamp plan which will

"Presidential c"ndldate E. Dtl\WlY may land the 22 Ok1a/loma GOP votes in the national convention as a result of his

t~ Oklahoma, bl:lt ~," will not ca,'ry. the 'state If he Is nomin·

"'l'hp. i,;pu6Ilcans;-"rifQirlly their' blg'gest-lll!WIlpaper'''guns;dld'' .' . their best to. make DI1wey's visit a major "vent, alld~ubllcan . : . "'tfal.rs In OIlIa:horna are meas\lI'{Jd, it wall a pmtty good show. But

,!I when you cOmpare It. to thl' record the democra~ have set when , favored : leaderS came visiting, the Dewey party Is small

S? Dewey might have made a bigger dent In th., 13tate. . Ther~ are 80me democrats around who are not at all pleased wIth .. ··FDR and the :l'iew Deal. who could be lured away from the party.

"But Okla!Joma I,. an agricultural state and Dewey did not say , II; .word that gll ... e the slightest hop,e for Oklahoma farmers. In fact,

, 1TIade j301TIe statements that prove beyond doubt h.e knows so of tl¥lfarm problem in the nation he has no idea or what

exist)!, :much Ills. how to cUl'e It. . atts~kNl the Burplu" food stamp plan by

the farm Problem, In the "",xt breath, he bHter price.. for what they produce.

who know vl'ry little about the stamp it was just anoth.er BCNeme to he knew what he was talking plan Is t.Iu> only program ad­

. or-consuming farm sur-­surpluses arc the source of nearly all


-I· , reported ing and the senat'? It is perfectly clear that the bill does not touch do· mestic"silver' at 'all, ';3ince th.~ sale object is to stop the buying of foreign silver which Sen'ator Townsend condemIlf3 as "a waste­ful, unnecessary, pointless and di(:lturbing proces,5".

Th{~re are plenty of votes in the f"imate and house in favor or th,: biB which would di;';continue foreign silver purchases. Opposed to tpE" plan is the National ad· ministration, including the Presi· dent.

The WPA And Politics Th.,: republicans are playing

with th~ big idea of making an i/3sue of the WP A in the coming election., Some republican big­boys charge that the New Deal is using th;~ WPA to get votes, and the GOP may propose to cut out relief aiiministration from Washington and put it under the direction of states and local com· munitles.

Governor Sts,ssen will be the J<-.oynoter for the republican party at its 1940 convention, and P.~ wa(:j in. ,Washington May the question was cOloSidelr.ed!i as to whether It would be ad­visable for the 'governor to cut loose on the above political IS. SUI!.

1 the i has apparently.

cam;;lidatef3 Dew,':~Y. Political I

Drs 'Senator Taft. Senator' VHn­denberg appears to be out of it.

The Dewl~Y boostctp not (mly endor",o the New Yorker but they go farther and say thai; ,he Is the only candidate in th(: repub· lican pastures that can win the election.

Other candidat.~ al'e mention· ed, among them Frank E. Gan· nett, a New York publi"h0r who has made the chips fly in hiS bitter attack,s against the New Deal, Wendell L. Willkie made a brave and valiant fight for tM public utility interest that he d" minatcs - but that doesn't mea}' that he is a possibility.

20 Years Ago

Mr. and Mrs. Krthur Weaver from Oakland came to tM (Wid meet day. and visited at the

Labor Laws home of Mr. and Mrs. H, A. Am,endmen~ to the wage.hour Preston. Mr. Weaver remained

~ct have not met With distinct' until Stm~ afternoon. Imccess in congr.ess. But it Is 1 Clyde Oman was at Norfolk quite probable that there will lJe a short time Wejl.nesday. mild am",ndments passed at th,. I Mrs. Albert Bastian returned {3ession to the Wagner Act. The from Denver, Colo., to h.-er ho~ National Labor RElations board I at Wayne Thursday night. is the main target that is being I Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Roe went to shot at. . Sioux City Saturday to spend

Congre(3s finds itself virtually I Sunday at the home of their son. "between the horns of a dllem-j Frank. now living at that place. rna" aU of which may be tra('ed Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pinkham to the fact that the American from Carroll were here Wednes· Federation of Labor and the 1 day forenoon. returning from Congress of Indu,strial Organiza- 1 Norfolk. w/lere Mr. Pinkham hall tlons are at swords points over been for a month In a hospital

N eal Ide I'treams, Plymouth. Boston, eon. many important issues that are I rallying from the effects of an

atlon n ustrle~... cord and Lexington add a great Involved. The public and the em-I operation for liv.~r and app,endlx. deal to the limitJ~ss attractions ploym13 don't seem to cut much Mr. Pinkham haf3 many Wayne of these ,",ections. Ice with our political mal'ters as friends who will Ill' .glad that he

W4L'llikly ReVleew Principal objectives of summer the labor l",aders. So. watch out is able to return home. He Is a ~ travel will b.~ the World's Falrs for compromises! member of the s.ext<>tte of carroll

• at New York and San Francisco. Return Of An Old Hero and has frequently ~urrg ror

The Nation's Leading Letter by J. E, Jones, Washington, D, O.

and st"~amllning. ""'e hlghwa= Jusdt a,:,othes trip thatt canblM Gen",ral Charles G. Dawes, the Wayn,e people. . 1- "'"l "... rna e In onl;.:'::; own au orno :re, uHell. and Maria" hero of the Mrs. George Crossland went to

lead to playgrounds in the Rock· on a bus. or by rail. The routes A . "'~~ Omaha Saturday. where she viSit-ies, to routes once known as lead NO ..... h to the Great Lakes. mencan 'CUO" .. l=ditionary Forces

• ". of the World war. and later hard.- ed relatives over Sunday. then "cov",red wagon trails". Every- or South to the Gulf of MexiCO. boiled vice-president of t.Iu> United went on to Lincoln the first of

RAn NE"'" F.B!O- where in the grandest country on You mnst not mir3s the gr.eate~T. States came. back to Wo~hl'ngton the week to attend tile f3,essions AClwSS THE\VATERs ..... "arth .. tlrer"'-is-magnifieentscen.! natural-wend,er-·in·-the-wel'id;--arut a 'r;'w-days"ago-"aiiiCl'ifuiid-lli-,,' -of-.. the--Grand Chapter. O. E.' Be

Washington, D. C.. May 13 - prv along level country, In t.Iu> ~~~~. ~~e~~:s ~y::,s~~~: "w,elcome" stili I'hining on the She plans to again vi,sit at Oma­The new European war brings hills and valleys, amidst woodi'. route to Cal!fomla. The boo~~". ~apital ~oormat... He told Wash- ha after the meeting at Linco," troublesome news reports that lake(3 and rlv,ers. and In cities, O~ ~ mgton nght t t f th t .~~ closes

viII d t . d th I of tha,t. State. guarant",e "a big. • 0 I S ace. ~ u"' . are practically of the same ages an owns, an e p ac~ cool vllcation", with"'10 thousand ~Udget m\Wt b~ balanced_ If na- Georg", Fortner. wife and son. mom.ent as app,eared In American like Salt Lake City. D.enver, sights, Including old MissloIl/3. bonal ban.kruptcy and ruin are and his sist~r. Miss Fortner. nowspapers in the Spring of 1915. states like Louisiana and those in Los Ange'~s and Hollywood. The to be aVOIded. The 75 year old drove to Belden Sunday to visit 9 months nfter the beginning of the mlddll" and ,orouthwest. These Golden G,rte Exposition is at San statesman and banker notified at the home of Mr. and Mrs . the World war, regions and those widl" space" of Francisco which'i,s one of the I the national capital that this was Fortner's daughter. They report

Th/> shorte.st way to define the our land have a different grand· solid and beautiful cities ot hll3 "Swan ~ong". A.nd that help- bad roadtl. for",lgn policy of the United eur which visualize the gifts of ed make hi I -------States in 1915.16 WIlt3: liTo keep God and natur.e w;hich were un· America, and everyonp- Ohould sec pres.sive 5 warmng more m· Mr. and Mrs. Bert Surber and Uncle Sam's nose out of foreign fola.od to those pioneers who did It. One naturally.follows the high·' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bak,er vis-wars". That Is .. xactly the honest so much In developing the new ways into Oregon, and up Mount Politics Seen T/lrobgh lted at the Earl Miller homl" at position of A~erlca today. world th~t we call "ours" as we Hood to the million dollar lodge Washington Eyes Waterbury. Neb .• Sunday of last

Th/>re may Ill' officials and In- a--wheellng go. UnleSi' you go In that the N,~w Deal built. Up the Presid",nt Roos~t has told week. dlvlduals who hav", different an automobile you are pr",tty coast f1'!>m Portland to Seattle many of his political friends and Ideas on this ,subject but .the pol. like, Iy to m",s a great part of reo and Mount Rainier are top-at· leadem that he would preter not

b It A i V t hi h tractions. to succeed himc:elf as President. Icy of the United States govern- UI mer ca. as g ways. So much for routes of travel The qu,ostlon remains open as to mcnt it3 l',9al neutrality. Tl1el'e is t~e naUon,al parks, modernized, I h th th an ahp,<,>st ut:llversal desire among P nasa~t accomodations to live In when one yields to the urge ana I weer . e endo~SI=ments of American people as well as the -are eVidences of real progress. a'whe;~1ing goes. ~oosevelt In the national prtmar-representatives in th.e national Besldp,. tMre aI'", comfortable Buying Foreign SUver les are a command for him to be-capital. IncludIng the adminlstra- tourist cabins and roadtllde hotels The bill of Senator Tow",sen" I come the democratic t3tandard-

the 'f11'1')n _ques~lon by saying 'the people pr",rel' tlon and congre,ss, to avoid In- everywhere. Th"y provide .every- providing for the repeal of the 1 Marer. Whether he consents or

, .fah' prIc,e for his product·. He .Indicated he Yolv",ment In the affairs of coun- ~~~~;~ 1~~~Up~ln~l~i~·gC~~m~Od:~~·llu93.4t IdeglSSlattitOn untd.er which the I =1I~~n~~ ~~:!:'~~at~~

Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Haines of Pag#) were in Wayne 'Friday eve· ning to attend the class play In which their granddaughter. Jean­nette Br",ssier, has a part. The Haines ar'" parents to MIP. G,eorge BreSi'ler and Mrs. Carl Nuss.

was ;Jomethlng that fixed farm priceI'. His trl~s engaged ill war. •• • - m .0 a es reasury has will be able to pick the nomm' ee ~ few cents for a News Want wmir services, and in some b 1

been madp slnc,e we had farmers.· It \,._ You may call this "I,30lation" places they throw in bathing ought for",lgn t3llver at prices of t.Iu> democratic national con- Ad opens the doors to Wayne

t OUl!'keht IttO

get labllong

nicely. but It Ls some- If you want to. or you may call beaches. motor boats. or fish 1 !a!b~oveiiithieiwioiriidimiairikieit ihiasibieeini' iveinitllio.n.ainidithia.tih.b.' .c.h.oiic.eiWli·lilioouniit7.'Simarkiiiet.iiiiiil sow' 0 rna po$9 e. I It ::paclflsm" -- that makes no PO\~f~ at places where ther~ are all the other republicans, Is pretty flOod while he ctltfl'I''''w,". ',ince the fact IS both actually fish to catch I,

tI1e prograll\ t.Iu> democrats have lnaugur- of the old political parties are . ~u!::~t~~~s~~~:~::!~: ~very:w"'ere, he Is all I"mpty of construct· evading all temptations and is, 1 The American /lollday season Is \' s· our' problems. sues that would change the policy r~cognl.r·d by Uncle Sam who

of the United Stat _So The 'II give,' hiS employes a month off-, good, but When you anaIlze his s!>l'ech. . . 0 •• 1'. y, and now a lot of lazy 'guys down I

to IndIcate that he has any more grasp of our st~; th ... le. f"stened to pea.",. u~, in Washington are trying to get, pel~son who reads hb3 newspapers or ler.,s the people, fast.~ned to thell' a five-da week t b t

radios and dally n,ewspapers go, y, 0 00. war-crazy. ( Th,~ Good Old Summertime

Deal subjj>ct to attack and Dewey T/I' I' . seems to have been planned by ·we think It ~s going to take more NC 9 sohd satlsfachon and the wise Creator for the v",ry

the trick for thl" republicans thl" fall. comfort In the pmsent condition pUl1>cfies d"'fined in the efflcial -------- I which fln~, national .se~~llllf.'nt call to "Travel Am.erica" in the

G ,... muted fm America First. 1 coming weeks The automobile .' rowing ",lty '. But you d\>n·t have to be very makes It posSIbl", to visit relatives

·one of the-f<!w---towns and cities In 1lO1'tp. oldtol'l)member that the aglta. and old friJ:lllii§ aM to kee up made a substantial gain In population. d,e. tion to fight with th", Allies did the human. contacts which !ther'l

not Mgln to crystallze until the wise mlg/lt be skIPped:ovp-r. was not as great as the mcc-t optimistic had very year before we were In the

cl,ea~~Y' that this cJty is in an excellent posl. war, up to our cam, in April. Man.y persons believ.e that rapidly when weather condItions return to 1917. In the previous NovemMr there "",ver would have been a fa~met'S to raise 'good crops again. Prellent till) presidential election was ca~- Civil war in the United Stat<l3 if

thl" happy condition will prevail this year, rled by a mere scratch on the is. the people of the North and doubtleSs grow mOre rapidly than tho,,,, clUe" S\ll' that President Wilson had ~o,:,th had met on as frwndly and

.' .P_~l?~l~tion decnn~ s!noo_. t~_ last <;ensus. '11f''3Pt us out of. Ute war. That it; IntImate term,s as they have since ___ . __ . ____ ~ history -- and _ ,remember that the automobile became 50 popu

"history I','peats"! Some curloUI'. lar a method of transportatlon unfol'sc('n circumstance may in- Let's A-Wheeling Go! flame our country and bring This momentous summer of about a change In the pr",sent 1940 has been dedicated to "Tra sane foreign policy. When the vel America", The President aG c.hi'qg£ __ .sta..rj;~!I __ MeJn 1~16 .it_ v~,,_It, _,,_nd . tll~_ Y!!iteQ __ :;;.!..a.t~ swept the nation like, a prairi,~ "i'rnvel Bureau makes it official. fire. Forn~r President Theodore I There f.s war in Europe, a rising RoosC'velt W3lO:; the wnd~st leader national income in the Unit.ed of all. He helped push U/3 into the States. cheaper travel costs, and World war. many n.ew tourist attractions

Young America should watch I among nature's spots of natural his and /1m" step and never for- grandeur such 3j> In Yellowstone g,et th,e truism that "nobody wms the Blue Rldg#) and the Yosemite a war, everybody loses". , Pivot in the American I'poke Is

See The Greatest I Washington, D, C., capital of our <Jt;Jntry On Earth natlon~ N.earby is the grea~est Re-

.",.~, .• "."'u that 'It has the best bomb The chief of th.e United Statl!9 storation that t!te eountry has

The Most Powerful Sales Force In Wayne!



Because They 'Are Read By -ALL the people who want to SELL -ALL the people who want to BUY

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distressed by weakness¢!, Travel Bureau say,s that the rail-I ever wltn.e.:'sed, at WI!II~sburg; by actual testing ot rQads and bUll lines' aTe whole..' and .Talllf.'l'::otoW?, Vi~at where I I

There 113 some satisfacti<III heartedly backing "Travel Amer_ 1the first Enghsh gamed a foot- ------\ WHY NOT REA(lH ALL THE PEOPLE? _____ _ not Subject to comp1l!te defla.· lea" Summ.~r. Low-rates are of- I !told In 1607. St.. Augustine, F1or· YOU R . ,- . . . YOU'D .. 1

Journal. f.ered. for c~1'Cle to. ursthatturnlsh I Ida, the South and the Mi,ssissip- II -¥' ---_ .. -"-----' - a swing 'round the country for pi w,ere of plior discovery, New W N . W· Ad

. 8 thousand lovely milos. almost England has charmed visitors In . ayne ews . ayne vertiser ., sP"Cch to the Canadians t.Iu> 1 any way one wants to go its wooded hm3 and on its coast,

OiIiii;:J;Bt;,;t;;~~(n;;b~C'-- and It got him -th...,e para-\ Th,2reat-e new comf;'rts tn 1 and with Its 25 hundred l.lkes : i ••••••• : ••••••••••••••••• " ••••••••••••••• buses, including ,air.conditionin'g I and 5 thousand riv.ers and (.

Page 5: On Para., ayne EWS - City of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/./Wayne News (1938-1943)/1940...The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I ' Shap;

MIO·ss n, .,~:', .I o·a","'d"e'" s' puplltl; Is being accompllsn·· ot tlils.1 ' .1., ". " nil Certainly. thI' com;se Is ([e-I The ~rt meta~ work ~. equallY veloping in t ere s tin g hobbles. IMpressive a!ld Includes work

T Go 'Ii St t amQllg the college students. ! with p~wter, copper, sliver and o ,Ir ,s . a e Tl)e homecraft display Inclu~s I other hl;otals. Involving dAllgnlng. several excellent examples of' raising; piercing, riveting. etch·

Alternate Will Be Wayne County's Entry

Elaine Rhoad,,!, Of the city oSchool has been selected to at~na Girls' sta~ at Camp I{lwanls, near Milford, Jmle 8 tb 13. S/lI! was originally chosen alternate­but Ethel J"an Olson of the prep ,school who was ·supposed to re­preSl>nt Wayn,e at'Girls' state will move to Norfolk before June 8.

To be eligible for Girb3' state a girl must have the follOWIng qualifications: 1. She must b.e a mo':?'mber of the junior class in high school, in good health, and of good character. 2. She must be in thl> upper' /laliof her Clasp scholastically. 3. She should have qualiti"s of leader"hlp. 4. She should be able to take baci< to many in her community the inte­rest and Stense of responsibility in government which it Is ex­pected ,she will gain. Only 100 girls may attl'nd.

Girls' state is the logical Qut· growth of the Boy(3' stat~~ move­ffil'nt, inaugurated by the Ameri· can Legion in Illinois, in 1934. Its results ~ave oo'.:m so sucoeSrs­ful that last year 32 state" held Boys' stat€f3. The respon.se throughout Nebraska to the Boys' states of 1938 and 1939 ana thI' Girls' stat.e of 1939 has been so enthusla,stlc that they have been accepted. as annual eventl3.

Various activities of govern· ment will ~ stressed at Girls' state, giving each girl an acUve part 1 n some phase of ,state or city government. Ample time will be allowed for r.9creation sucn as boating, j5wimming, and game~

under the supervision of trained recreational leaders.

Hobbies On Display' Here Art Me.tal And Homecraft Display Attracts Interest

Sorn.e €xcell£nt ,hobby sugges· tions, which demonstrate whal may be accomplished with inex· pelll3ive ,equipment and energy, are attracting wick.:- interei'lt in thE' art metal and homecraft -dis­play in thp south 'Nindow at !<irkman's.

A 11 tll:~ articie~; ttl thn display were made by ~;tudents of Ray" mond Ch.':'rry, industrial arts in· structo,· at Warne State Teacn· l'I"S college, mO('lt of whom have Ix'en doing thi.s work for the first time this year.

Obviously t.he objective of tl1€ I course, which is to train l: i'2uchers to conduct e:x"tra·curricular ao· tivities in their schools and ce· velop worthwhile hobbies among

The cream to us~ bdora

~~~bf::n~fF-:~ntC~chFn: up. A trial will convince.


When you and your iamlJy skirt on a train, :notor or bus trip, be sure you have a box at MothetrsiWs. Travel nausea inevita.blV occurs at an meon ve"lent time, but w.:Ien prepared with Molhersill's- your~; will bo d na.ppy Journev. Children are not occustome<i to the constOlnt motion dnd swaymg 01 tr"Jns metors and busses, lind oflE'P ....acome laint and nauze,1tcd ufte·,' l'idin(J but a short way. ReBev€! this trovel SjcJ(·· ness With a t.Jmeiy d'~se at Motl'1el""sili's. the remedY successfully used lor more than a third at a century, IJnd rec('m~ mended by phymcian,', nurses ard w(41 1

,. ~ known travelers thrucu' &1I(ClPTID~ the world. At drug stores. \!IPD.iitNTS·I\~ 9", (",rhn ',,(o,m,'·'"'' u!nrc to

,.~~ r~i:,rM~TH~~.~~~~, l~F.~~.~",Vy~.?~/ u~o

leathercraft, woodcarving, meta:' ing. colOring and soldertrrg. tooling and plastiCS. Many of th,~ I Students pay for th... material artlcl." are the first mad,., by I used. which Is purcha,sed In large the ,student. who is usually sur-, quantltll's by thI' college, and prised that hi> or she is able to they keep or ..,,1I the articles they do such excelll'nt work with th,~ I make: Several have made con· limited equipment. The work with I sid"rab'" extra money through plastics is being strer,sed bccaus., ,j!elllrrg billfolds, beltS, lamps ana of t1>.'9' rapid r,ecent development other ~rticles they have made.

Commissioners' Proceedings Wayne. Nebraska May 7. 1940

Board met as per adjou~ffiI'nt. All members present. MlnutF-s of tn.,."eting Apnl 16. 1940, read and apprqved. Report of L. W. Needham. Co. Clerk. showing amount of fE¥!l'

rF-ceived by him for the quarter "ndlng March 31, 1940,· amounting to the sum of $540.05, and the payment of tM same Into the County 'l'rea,sury. was examIned and on motion duly approved.

ThI> Standard Workmen's Com~nsatlon and Employer's LI· ability Policy of the Employers Mutual Casualty Company was on motion duly approved.

Public Liability Policy of the Employe", Mutual Casualty Com· pany was on motion duly approved.

A motion was· duly approved to accept a specIal endor&~rn~nt covl'ring elective or al'>polntive offlclal,s deSignated as County Com· mlsslonl'rs and Road Overseers to the above mentIoned pollcl€!>.

The following warrant Is hereby canc.elled: No. 696 Old Age Assistance, for $13,71. for William Elias Jones, dated Apr. 16, 1940. becau,se of &ath.

The following claim" are on motlQII audltl'd and allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the reSpective funds as herein s/lown. Warrants to be available and ready for ~llvery SATURDAY. MAY 18i 1940.

General Fund: Nailli' What for Amount

778 School Dist. No. 20. Rent Qf school house for Primary, Arnold Vahlkamp, Tr. ElI'ctlon, 1940. claimed $5.00, allowed at _". ________________________ $

787 N. W. Bell TeL Co .• Rentals 4·16 to 5·15, Tolls 3 . 16 to 4 . 15 ___________ .. ,,',, _____________________ _

788 ZIon Office Supply, Supp""s·Co. Clerk _____________ _ 789 K-B Printing Co .• Supplies·Co. Clerk _____________ _ 790 WaYlll' NeW!', ptg.·Co Clerk $2, Proc.eedlngs $14.73 791 Carroll News. Ptg. Proe. $3.11, Supplles·Co. Clerk

$6.70. Co. Treas. $7.25. Co. Assessor $4, total _____ _ 792 L. W. Needham. Co. Clerk. Cash adv. for postage __ 793 Tr.oobald Lumber Co., Equipment-Co. Clerk's office 794 Klopp Printing Co, SUPPli"l"Co' Treas. . __________ _ 795 J. J. Steele. Co. Tr .• Postage-Apr. ___ . ., __________ _ 796 Frank F. Korff. Clk. D\tlt. Ct .• Costs· State vs. Harry Johnson ___________________________________ _ 797 Geo. A. Lamberson, Bailiff Eervice ____ -, ___________ _ 798 Boyd Hotel. Meals for jurors _____________________ _ '799 J .. M. Cherry. Co. Judge. Statement of Cq,ts·State

vs. Hollis Grimm ____________________ ..;. ___________ _

800 J. M. Cherry. Co. Judge. Statement of costs·State vs. Leslie E. ~ __________________ ::=-_" ___ ~ __ _

801 Milburn & Scott Co .• Supplies for Co. Supt. _______ _ 802 Wayne Herald. ptg. Notice Primary Ballots $71·

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.511, ptg. Proc~ $11.08, ptg. supplleS-co. SlIff, $20.2~; Supplles"Co. Supt. $6.75,' total' ______________ 109:63 874

803 Alex Gabler, Siren for Co. Sheriff _________ ~________ 15.00 875 804 Jo/ln Littt, A"sesslng Hunter Precinct·1940 _______ 128,75 876 Ted, Wlnten,tein, 805 Harry Swinney; Assessing Strahan Pr""hiCt·194O __ 131.25 877 EmIl Tletgl'ri, 806 Ed McQulstan, AsseSSing LeslJ., Preclnct·i940 ______ 90.00 878 Wm. F. Bonta, 807 David J. l!:"iner. Ass"l'sing Wilbur Preclnct·194O ___ 879 Chrl,s Jorg"nsen, 808' .James H. Pile. Shff .• Board of prisoners & JaIlor fees 50.25 880 Reinhard Gehrkl', 809 Carhart Lumber Co.. Supplles·Co. Jall _____ :'-_~___ 1.94 881 V. D. Raulston, 810 W. A. HIscox, SuppH...ag,CO!lrt House $12.80, Co. 882 M. I. Swihart,

'Jan· $2.20, total _____________ ~~ _______ ~ _____ ~______ 15.00 Comm. Dt.st. 811 Mrs. Rhea ~le. Laundry at Co; Jall·Mar. & April __ 5.00 883 Andrew Mann, Clearing 812 International Chemlc.al Co .• Supplles·Co. Janitor ____ 32.0~ grader & painting --.. --,-----.. ----r---.---~ .. -----.----813 Wlnr>l<\<l TrIbune. ptg. Proceedings ________________ 11.10 884 MI'lJeldt Oll Co .•. Gaso & 814 Norfolk Dally' News. Election supplles for Co. Clerk 3.90 885 D·A Lubrie;ont CQ., Motor 011 --.,-1---.-----.. ----.. ----815 ' Mavis A. lIaker, Asst. in FSA office Apr. 15 to May 4 45.00 I 886 Stlrts Oll Co., Oll --·------------r----------------816 Frank Erxleben. CommissIoner service $62.50, S87 Intl'rstatf' Mch" & Supply Co., LoadIng chain _______ _

Mlleagl' $13 • April ________________________________ 715.,50 388 Nebraska Culvert & Pipe Co., Gra\ler bl",des _____ •

817 Frank Erx!F-ben, 4 month·s lDng distance caUs 889 Gilmble StOrEfl,. Rl'palrs ---------r' ------~----, I'll $3.85. Postage 28c _____ .'___________________________ 4.13 890 Skalowsky',s Auto. Parts, Repairs _______ • ___ ~

818 Wm. J. Mlsfel-dt, Com. services $65. Mlleage 891 Hoskins Lumber Co., Paint & B;:.jsjl _. __________ • $13.10, for Apr. ____________________________________ 78.10 'Automobile Or Motor Vell/cJe .Fund:

819 M.I. SWIhart, Com. services $70. Mileage $15, for Apr. 85.00 ,~'1!l.d Draggllli"plst, No, l,..-Erx1eben ',1,0:;(",',"',: 820 Oriill B. "Zlggafoos. Mlk>age _______________________ 11.35 860 Conoeo Service Station, GasoUrJli .--___ .__________ 1 """,, 821 Robert C. Jeffrey. Mlleage on assistance cases ____ 20.80 "810 W. A. Hiscox, Hardwa~ __ ---___________ -----~---. ,:I.~.l{)." 822 W. P: Callnln'g; Mileage to WPA proj,ect" __________ 4.6~ 892 Leslie Swinney, Operating ,Patrol .____________ ,~I).E1O.i 823 CObtractors Supply Co., Repairs ___ ~ ______ ~_~_____ 4.7~ 893 LonnIe Hlmegar, Operating Patrol _______________ ,*P~, 824 Sot\ensen Radiator & Welding Shop, Repairing ~_____ .15 894 Stlrtz Oll Co.,DleM~ Ful'l __ ~___________________ ~!1Ii.811,

825 United Wholesalers, Repairs _______________________ 26.84 RoadP ,PIst. No.2-Swihart " ,,,, """,.,,, 826 D. W. Davis •. TakIng appllcatlons for Food & 894 Stlrtz 011<;:0". 1"1.-.---"--_----.--------:,,.-, 1Q:1.4~'r

Seed Loans ___________________________ c __ .• --______ 9.20 895 Glen JenklllS', .. ' ,.~O •. 1-21 Mo~or Patrol 1131:, "1 "~~' , 827 J. W. Ransom & SOlli!, Wayne Co. share of office halt of. Ma)';,"'~-.• -.-.-,------1------.------·--''',' ,:rW.~",

rent 'for Nat'l Youth Adm. at Norfolk ~___________ 6.00 896 Interstate. Me.Cb .. ll~""J',"PPly .. Co." Rl'pa,lrs ---"'-- "'iI~''l6, 828 Cavanaugh Illf3UrancF- Agency, Premiums on 897 Stanley Grltfl~,.:rt!tlll'g",\lP· "now fil"ce & road )york" ""~.~,,

Workmens Compensation policy & Public Liablllty _ 631.75 898 Beach Hurlb.ert",,()~~!l)g MQtor P~trol -.-------•• - , ",~~·AI1I"" . 'I' 829 R •• glstratlori of Births & Deaths for First Quarter, 1940: 899 Robert Johns<;ll). Jlj.ac\';;!l1'ltlt )vork ------_-------,~- " "/p,qo,,

779 780 781 782 830 831

832 833 834 835

-83& 837 838 839



841 842

V. E. Armstrong, Wisner (Cumlng Co.) ____________ .25 Road Drall'glng Dlst. No s.-Misf~ldt """~' "I", W. S. Bressler, Wayne ________ .. ________________ .-- 11.75 894 Stlrts Oll Co., Dles,el Fuel _______ • _____ • __________ ., i lIl3;~8 ; Mrs. Viola Carter, Winside _______________________ :15 899 Robert Johnson, Blacksmith work • ____________ .--, ,,;1.~, Bertha Cborm'. Norfolk (Madb,on Co.) ____________ .50 831 E. H. Molgaard, Maintaining, repairing & hauling Mrs. Emma Davis, Carroll ________________________ 1.75 bridge plank ----. ______________ .• --------------.-- : ",38.:\0", H. D. Donelson, Wakefield (Dixon Co.) ________ .___ .50 ,830 Ollver Reichert, Maintaining, Repairing & bridge work '(~,,~, C. A. Kerr, Randolph (Cl'dar Co.) _________________ 1.25 596 Unlt,.,d Wholesalers, Repairs ---~-.---------.------. , , ~'.~, i F. 1. Solso, Laurel (Cedar Co.) _____________________ .25 900 Wm. Kallstrom, Repairing truck & tractor cab ____ , u "V

Brldre Fund 901 Brune &" Son, R •• pallY3 ________________________ .____ '6;113' " Lage & Pfell, Equlpme.nt, material & labor on bIidge 48.52 902 United Wholesalers, Repairs, claimed $7.53, aI· Lage & Pfeil, Equipment, material & labor ________ ' 135.98 lowed at ______ --_______ .---------------------.---Lage & Pfeil, Equipment. material & labor on bridge 58.72 903 Chicago Lumber Co., Lumber, Hdwe & Paint _____ _ Lage & Pfeil, Equipment, material & labor ________ 31.50 904 Nieman OU Co., Ga..olln/> r-----------------------·-OlIver Reichert, Maintaining. Repalrlng & Blidgl' work 2.00 905 Royce LonglV!cker, Rl'palrlng, maintaining & painting E. H. Molgaard, Maintaining, repairing, /laullng 906 Miller·Hasselbalch Co" RePairs & paint -----------bridge plank _____________________________________ 2.00 907 Gabler & Neely, Hardware & parts ----------~----Herman Stamm. R,.,planking bridge _______________ • 3.00 908 William Sydow. Canvas & ,repair work ------------Byron tJ.Ruth, Bridge wot.'K&"haulIng'plank ______ 7.35 Road mit. Fund: Frank Ruth, Bridge work ----r-------------------- 1.50 Road Dlst. No. 80 Harold Carlson. Bridge work ______________________ Clay lll)'on, TakIng up snow rence

u -------------_."'_,,_ ,3

7 •• 00.2", "

Ralph VanAllI'n; Bridge work & haulIng plank _~_~~ Earl An~rson. Taking up" snow fenre ' c ______ ._____ v Tom jIoIcDonald, Bridge work ______________________ 7.40 Road Dlst. No. 31 Lage ~ Pfeil, Repairing bridge ____________________ 113.79 911 Fred Bargstadt, T"klng up Bnow fence ______ "_____ ~O.OO", Lage & Pf.~Il, BuildIng bridge _____________________ , 451.87 Road Dlst. No. 33

2.00 Administrative Expense Fund: 832 Herman Stamm, Taking up snow fence -----------Esther Thompson, Mlhlilge $16.95, Cash adv. for 912 Esnvoweret;an~~wm_' __ a_n_; __ p_I_an __ k_l_n_g __ b_rI __ dg __ e __ & ___ t_ak __ I_n_g __ U __ p_____ "",30 Postage & Box R"nt $2.75. total __________________ 19,70 .~ ~" ~v

Unempl'lyment Rellet Fund: Road Dist. No 85 "N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Rentals & tolls for Co. 9111" John Davis. Taklnio1~~r r:~~~ ----------------Reller office _________________________________ • ___ ,-- 10.85 Homer RoS/3, Relief for Apr. 1940 & F"br. 1939 _____ 36.00 914 John Surber, Cleaning road ------------------------Frank Erxleben, Cash adv. for transportation of 915 Herman Assenheimer, Operating tractor ----------poor to Omaha __________ c_________________________ 1.00 916 Milo Meyer, Operating ,irl'Sno -------------------~-

Mrs. C. W. Hiscox. Bal. due for Old Age ClIents·Apr. 7.80 917 1.I'0n Haneen, Operating grader ------------------


1.20 411.40 17.00 17.20

Wayne Hospital, Bal. due for Old Ag;> ClIents·Apr. 7.80 Road Dl,5t.No. 50 I

Wayn,e Hospita~ Room & care of poor -----------c- 37.50 918 Will L. Baker. Road & Bridge work --______________ '6.00 :/drs,.: Orra Martin, Board, room & care of poor ______ 21.00 ' Road Dlst. No. 1\8 Frank Fleer, Board of poor ______ ~' ________ ,------- 15.75 830 Oliver Relc/lert. Maintaining. repairing & brldgl' work 2.00 Orr's Store. Groc. for poor _______________________ 10.00 Road Dlst. No 60 M. S. Whitney. Groe. for poor _____________________ 13.00 919 F. C. Voss. Road work & taking up snow fence ---- 18.10 J. P. Timlin, Groc. for poor _____ " __ C ____________ c_ 18.00 Rejected OIa1ms: Roberts Ca"h Store, Groc. for poor ________________ 8.00 The following claim was on motion rejecfl'd: Wayne Grain & Coal Co .• Fu.ol for poor ____________ 5.00 Claim No. 509 for Fairy B. HI(lcox. for board, room Phillips Lumber Co., Fuel for lJOor ________________ 4.00 & nl!rslng of poor.tn 1939. for th/> reason that claim Klaus Kuhl,. House mnt for poor·Mar.·& Apr .. ______ 10.00 was not authorized. ' Pete Church. House rent for poor·Apr. ___________ 7.00 Laid Over Claims: S. A. Lutgen. Room & care of poor ________________ 04.00 Th" following claim,s are on file with the County Clerk' Dr. J;l. O. Craig. Medical·car.~ of poor ______________ 10.00 but have not been passe<! on or allowed at this time: Felbers P/larmacy, Insulin for poor ________________ 1.71 Geneml Fund, Safeway Store. Supplies for commoditle~ __________ 1.12 211 for $301.50 920 for $8.00 001 for $85.00 Conoco Service Station, Gasoline __________________ 2.90 Bridge Fund

General Road Fund: 405 for $920.30 406 for $490.23 Comm. Dist. No. I-Erxleben Unemployment"ReUet Fund:

Sorensen Radiator Iii Welding. Shop. Repairing ____ 29.90 1939 Reinhard Gehrkp, Driving dump truck ____________ .80 4396 for $120,75 Chris Jorgensen, Driving dump truck _____________ 2.80 V. D. Raulston, Driving dump truck _______________ 2.00 Emil Steffen. Snow fencI'. fencing & culverts ______ 29.10 Jesse Tietsort. Fencing ___________________________ 4.50 Wes Hansen, Bullaing '& I'emoving fence __________ 16.80 WeI'> Han~n, Removing (mow fence ___ ________ 12.60 Stirts Oil Co .. Gas & gr,.,ase _______________________ 3.19 Langemeler Oil Co., Gasoline _____________________ 42.56 'Intersta~ Mch. & Supply Co .• Repairs ____________ 13.96 S. J. ickIer. Repairing ____________________________ 15.75 A. N. Eaton Metal Products, RlOpairs ______________ 9.16 Leon Hansen. Operating grader ___________________ 33.60

Dr. 'Miles Ant:i-Pain Pills usually relieve Headaches. You will find them effective also in the relief of the other nagging pains mentioned above. - ---,---

General· Road Fund Corom. Dlst. No. I-Erxleben

922 for $3.00 Comm. Dlst No.2-Swihart


L. w. Needham, Clerk. ----_.

Professional and Business Directory

The following leadln" pr6tessloiiiif'iUiil"liiiiilnesJJ" men ot Wayne appreciate your patrona"e and are competent and well equipped to serve you. The val' lous types ot services offered are listed In aJpbalJetl. cal order for ,your convenlenoo •





DR. L. B. YOUNG Dental Surgeon Pbone S07W



320 LIncoln

Phone: 20


Physician and SutgeQD Eyes ExamIned Fo~ GJass~



MARTIN L. RINGER Writes Every KInd '!f

Insurance Except Lite. Special BttentWo to FARM and AUTOMOBQ:.E

Insurance .

Real Estate


,'Ii: I FBml LooWa

A package of these promj)t acting pain re­lievers may save you hours of suffering. BG prepared. Have Dr. Miles

I· '1 1,1


_T_"_E_W_·'A_Y_NE __ NE_W_. S_\ _t:us_ti;~aiI_1 Pills-Rea:-full dl-, r.ectl-ons In-paCk-age.


Phone 61 918 MaIn . ___ --____ I

DR, J, T. GILLESPIE. I Eye Examlnatlon -.TralDlDg ,

Glasses Pl'escrIbed I

Ahem BuIlding I ... Wayne, Neb . ..:....P .. one -~, ,I


Page 6: On Para., ayne EWS - City of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/./Wayne News (1938-1943)/1940...The leading stu- Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, speaker. short' of the 3600 truirk., I ' Shap;


H You Are Planning: to Build . A Home, D6 It No~, Says' Eip~r~ ·W e~kly. F~rm Review HE' S

By Ohester Walters W~neli'douhty1l:xtensio!l Agent

SHOTS I . . -. I ---'" I :'1·' I 1i'1111

Grasshopper!~ I H. pays for' itt') effOl1. in soil The hoppers arc hatching_ In loavcd eluting years of heavim'

a few more wann day,'';, there rainfaJ1, will t.-:- large numh.cr~j of them Everyo:n.e in Wayne eounry hatch£<} out. Again W(~ will ~ay should haw: the chance to ob· that the only good hoppe)' is t.he ~rve this work this year and dead hopper: decide for them~clv(',i whnther or

Many peoplE' have' said thnt not it is worth while. they do not find any It is I 4·J[ ClulJ. true that l~ggs cannot found 'l'hc Pleasant Valley 4·H club in m~y ,fi,~ld5: On ntl:' olher I has hr{m rcorganiu:d with Mm. hand, it IS not n{'ces,<mry to go V/iJI BrICk a.c; the leader. 'l'hl2're :very far to find them in sHfne·l·arc te~ members en roUnd and lent numbers .to C8~1~'{> a great 1 they WIll tak~ the third year deal of damage. ThIS very fact pro.7l:ct in Girls Room. makes it all th(' more d('fiirable: The club members al'.":!' }iJ,sther that every farmer watch for th~ I Schrocder, preSident; Marie Post, hatch and pOison t.be infested vice pn2sident; Irma Back, ~:,p.cre­fi.J:Jdt:i or hatching grounds before tar:v and I"IeWS reporter. Other they spr.ead. A hopper docs not membem are Helen Schroedm\ Al·. p",~t wings unt.il' II(! is about. a los Back, J..tOis FInn, Helen Os' month old. EffectiVi~ polsoning-lJ3 burn, Bonnie Osburn and F~ran!!e.':i done before th{>y reach the Iflylng French_ stage. TIl!' Busy Bne club was organ·

The f.cderal bait will he avail· izect witp Helen P5bul"Il as lead. abJr. as soon as anyone want;:., it. cr. They will talm' the first year We ..... xpect that to be this week. cool<ing project. Then'" aI'£! seven

Talk t.o your neighbors ana en- memhClYi enrol1ed. MJ. C. Kardell courage them t.o hI' on th,' 'look Is th" as,slstant leader. out' and to poison as noon ns Cluh members arl.~ Genevieve po,s,siblc. Kardell, preSident; Marcella Pet·

ConlOn The Coutotnr er50n, viet:' preSident; Bonnie Os-Wayne count.y fnlinC-l'H will do burn, s.ecretary; Wilma Nelson,

mOI~ contour fa:rming thIs year nCWf:; rcporter and the olliel" mem· than ~ver before. In addition t.o bel'S are Loui,se Osburn, .ToyCf! ne.:1.rly thirty farm.:;! 'which al'~ Peterson and VioJ.et Nelson. enjoying the co-operation 01' Ul;'~ Severa~!moI'e girls clubs will be SCS work, t.h{~l'e ~tl'e runny oth{~r I on~anlzed' in th(~ nl:!Rl' future. farms which WIll havo erop~: rrhere is also time to organi7n planted on th(! eontour. 'rh:, Un~',' ,,('vcral ldnds of boYt:! clubs yet on the lattaer fal'Jn(i have hN'U th~o::; sprin'g. laid in many different way;') ______ _ -"some by the u,s" of hom" mad/' Roosters Will Soar In levels. some by gUf'S8 0[" 't.he ,0'10 ' Value In Wayne May 22', and othel'5 with l'x:-gulnl' );hvels. .. For the larg,. part, this work will Special Bargains Offered do'a great. .df>(ll of good, In f:OIY'{'

casefj where Hncs arc varil~d too (Oontlnued from Page 1)

, I N the general flurry of elections, European wars and census takers, a condition of great importance to the United States is receiving

. practically no notice. That condition is the building situation. Based on more than 12 years of measuring and analyzing fa'~tOrs responsible for changes in buiJdin.g costs, Real Estate Analys~s,. inc" throullb. its president, Roy WenzlIck, announces a .6.t~ convtctton that buddlOg tosta will ,rise sharply in the very ~be war started. Materials alone early 1940 s. . however are not the full basis ot

UIf s:6u ever expect !o b~lIld a Mr. We~zlick's belief that costs ar.e borne.'.' says Mr. Wenzh.ck In the due to rise. Using the same typical May lSBue of Better Homes and house as an example, he points out Gardens, "there are many reasons that the cost of building it in 1914 for beHeving ~h.e next, six months was $4,254. In 1920. $8,006; the offe~ op~ortum~leB whIch probablr. bottom of the depression, $6.053, and won t eXIst agam for many years. last year it climbed back to $6.627.

Mr .. Wenz1ic~ bases his. state- These are actual figures, not m~nts 1D t~e artIcle on five dIfferent theory, that form a foundation for p.omts which he analyz~ exh_aus- Mr. Wenzlick's prediction. Another tlvely. Th~y. are: materIal prIces; point he brings out is the fact that co~t of b~lldIng labor; pres~nt low~ practically no apprentices have been prIce of sites; c~st o~ financmg and trained during the depression. mterest rates; nses 10 rents. Financing costs are lower now

Material for B, typical middle- than they have ever been. A de­western house which - would have mand for money is starting again cost $1 in 1926 and $1.40. in 1920 which, as it increases, win bring: would cost 84, cents today. Prices "about a rise in mortgage¥interest of building materials are slightly rates. At present, a 20-year FHA.

~~~:hS ~~:. I~hi93i~eJd W37 g:~~ ~~~~r~~ ~~:n c~~~ ~f :h~~:: !~:eb~: eral business improved rapidly. This obtained at 4 ¥.! perc(ortt interest plus I

resulted in a 12·percent price rise a % percent service charge. This is in less than a year. The improve· practically equivalent to the DVE~l"age ment of business conditions since Tent pairl for less desirable quaT­last summer has already started a terM with the profit going to the slight upward trend in prices. owner.

From the beginning"of'tbe World Inevitably, as costs increase. rents War in 191·1 to April 1917 building· will' rise correspondingly. From material prices soared on the aver· 1935 to 19::57 they rose on an aver­age, 65 percent. In the following age, 8 percent. DUring the last three years they gained another 93 World War they ro~e 68 percent. percent, making the total "i:;;c 21811 T,he builder. however, will continue percent above the average when hiS payments at the 1940 price.

Election of Woman President Fa~ Distant, Says Mrs. F.D.R.

"CAN a woman be President of tbe United States? Emphatically

far from thr. contoUl"-{,,-avold- -- ... ---...... . - . -

short rows, the results may not a like amount of cash today, In be entlrl'ly satisfactory. How· this way, those who havl' roost-ever, tMre are many Ca5et3 where t a f{!w feet variation will notmakl' ers 0 swat and E.ell will not only

get more for their roosters If ,sold a great deal of difference In the Wednesday but will all30 get more efficll'ncy of. the practice and lots n',orchandls(' for their scrip. of ,short rows may b(' avoided. While roosters must be sola on 'fhe drainage area above and de- Rooster .Day, Wednesday, May gree of variation must be care- 22, to r~~~JV(!,., Jhf!. _,s.Pl2.cial pr.'"Jrn.

* BAZAAR PREVIEW. * IREA Power IFor Winside

no, says Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt in ber article "Women in Politics" appearing in the Apri!. issue of Good. Housekeeping Maga­:tine. It will be a long time before any such eventuality will even become a possibility, according to the first lady,

"As things stand today, even if an emotional wave swept a woman into this office, her election would ,------------­be valueless, as she could never hold her following long enough to put over her program," ahe says.

Mrs. Roosevelt feels that have as of ......... ·· .. ,·",,·· ..... · .. 1 . iPurchase Of

-:~0~~~lo~ld~l"a"tc·e:l1lrt'-a~in'~tY1l!L'e:a~3."t fully conslderj'!d and .... even .... with· T"m th I I d b ···-~Y"e"fy"··precauUoil;····a row that is t~l:;ed t~ scl~l~haEf:!ue may .c

. OucreUtJ:s ___ _ not lev,,1 may draul--<>\IHn,*lgh-~' .-_.-P ... _aSJl "lft.....aandlse rnoist\lr~ to malu: several bushe1n from co-o~rattng busiI1l!ss fIrms dlffel'l'nce in the yield o[ thn on. Wednesday, Thursday and crop; Contro1i:ng the watm' it:; not Fraday. .only a dry weathe,. proposition Watch I'm' A<lverUser

•. ,.iiil-i.-i-i-I-I .. i-.I .... i ... i ..... iii-i.I--~.-~! 'l'he Qutfitanding bargain.s of· 4 ferD<i by local firms fol' Rooster

Day and more details about Mw big .cwmt. will be found in the­



big super-coverage edition or your Wayn,r. Advertiflel', which will reach 5,600 ~lomel~ on a SCOI,{~


o:r rural routes and In n <107(~11 towns Mxt Ij1riday. If you shoul": fail to receive youI' copy, call at the Wayne New,' and Adv('rtlser offIce and one will bl' given you. You will want to talm advantage

MltY 14 of the cxC<!I'."nt bargallllJ offere<!.

'JOHNNY.APOLLO· ."", .. mlg

TYl'OlUte I'owo,· Dorotlly Larnonr

Scrip will bE:' issued in dJ:nomi­nations of 1 cent, 5 cents, 25 cent::; ~ind 50 rnnts, so that It may b(~ convel1i'~nt1y us'Cd to purchase the sr~cial Roostpl' Bargail1,~ with which you)' Advertl,-Pl' will t)c loaded.

Wednesday Wayne businpss firms will haVe

May. 15 hunjlrods of barga Ins 'worth Qr",wlng about' for Rooster Day. Swat th.0 roosters and bring tpem t? Waytll' Wednesday,

-Eariy- aho\\!- Woo:nesda.y Admission 21!ic from 6 to 1 THE big bri~med Itraw comes out when the sun gOtS up. Here is onCl

'--arched over a 11m'cle, easygoing dresl of striped and dotted rayon Jersey as presented n the May Harper's Bazaar. A drawltring rUnl around the mIddle and o"lI. In • bow In front.

Being Considered

Winside may purchaB'? its cur· tent .soon from the Wayne coun·

I, ty REA, which in turn is getting Its current from the Loup River Public Power district.

At a recent meeting of the vii- I

lag~ board, repr.esentatives of the Wayne county REA di/5trict and the Loup River Public Pow· er district conferred with Win· side officials. Advantages to WIn· side were str~ed by the speak· ers, who indicated that cheaper rates would be offered. However, as no defini~ rate schedule Wa,3

submitted at this meeting. action was dl'layed.

Representing the Wayne county district at the meeting were Henry Moedin'g, superintendent, and tpe following directors, Law· rence Ring, Wakefi,eld; Jack Sweigard, Winside, and Albert Watson, Wayne.

Loup River officials pre,3ent wer~ Harold Kramer, general manager, and D. J. DeBoer, chiei" elechical engineer of that dis· trict.

must do that job better than any man would have to do it. That wages and salaries are usually lower for a woman than for a man for com-

b:r:t~ib~~!~' t~h~h~a~~:e~ ~:c~:~! they accept the situation and the lower wages.

Thorough awareness of politieal power has not as yet struck the majority of women, Mrs. Roosevelt goes on to say. However, the threat of something serious happening to homes ahd to children's Jives may finally arouse women to form a solid front of political and economic protest. '-?

Such a threat may eventually lead to a campaign against war. Such a drive, she feels, will most probably come from the women of the United States, since we are the last great nation at peace in the world. She continues:

"It is obvious that women cannot do this throughout the world DrOVe 8 unifying interest for 'Vhen they get to the point of feel ..

th3t men's domination is ruining

New Roughage Mill Demonstrated

Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt

their homes, then they will use what. ever weapons lie at hand.

flI think we in thi::l cOlmJry !'hould be prepared for something of this kind. That is why I said that we must become more conscious of our· selves as women and of the force we might wield if we were ever to have a women's cause. We must be careful, however, not tg try to wield this force for unimportant tbings. If we do~ it will split up, for we are as individualistic as men in every¥ day affairs."

MOline, TIl, was Utere. Implement dealers from the

Wayne territory inspected the , --_. . new mill, following luncheon

A new type of roughaw>. mill /3erved at the Hotel Stratton. I William Lueders was a mediCal was demon.strated at the Snnon I . Airport Music Hour pati,~nt In a local hospital Satur· Strate Implement company Mon· A few cents for a News Want For Wayne I Progr.am Given day and Sunday with a minor day afternoon. Mr. Davis, a reo Ad opens the doors to Wayne

Is Ll'kely I - face infection. preSentative from the factory at·, county's market. ____ _

fouftgsterl Hold Key to Tomorrow

b I 'flu> muslo /lour program pre- !Ifjllii-ffiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiii.-iiiil. I N the opinion of many, t e fate I k "

S sentro rluring mu.sic wee , ,LY.1ay of the United· . tates twenty (Continued from pa;:e 1) I 7, In the auditorium, by .the pia.

years from now rests largely in the ...... ----Units orlo--- no dcpartm<>nt of the Wayne hands of youngsters now in grade Students are grouped in unit" State 'fea~h"rs coll/C>ge, AI~~rt; G. scbools, kindergartens and even of 10 with the probability that Carlson. dlr,:c~?r, follows. Span· younger cbildren. Gretta Palmer two such groups would be form. Ish CapriccIo . (2 ~lan0/31 by ~\,'it~~e otS~Jlgl~~~~g I:~~{i:!~~:~~ cd:here providing-instruction for Kenney, Larhyha WhItmore and

:1 tb~t fact by edUC"tol'S- t~ll"ou~l:ol,lt a score' of students. Additional Dorothy Zimmermanj "On the th •. country. Says Mi •• Palmer: group>, would be organized lat,or. Sea" ~r Schytte, Eleanor c.:?staf.

'.':I'ho reali •• tion of tho import- Only planes whleh pass the son; Preludeo

Aral: .. sq~e,,' by ance of' the. -conllnOtl mnn~f; and ~trlct :requir~ments- of the CAA Rogers, Dolor,...s Nelson, ~ woman's during the next twen- arOl Ufled for instruction purpose~. lienno" (2 plan",,) by Triggs, ty yenrs think, at the root of This pilot training program has Fileanor ~,artln and" Margaret our preoecu.p~tion with already bE¥m.launched In six state Haglund; Arabesque ~second)

this quarrel to ~I.k· educationalin,stitutions IncludIng by DebuffiY, Franrl's Blezek; co~~e~~de~~~~: the University of Nebraska, Uni· HD~p River" (~ pianos) by

I lelves too with tho already vl'rslty of Omaha, Nebraska Wes· Paganucci, Maxl,~e Mills an~ e!-llnblished nttitudes of young men leyan Chadro;ll T.eachcrs CoUeg,n Frances Blezek; Elegy Op. 88 .nd women In tho late teons and HaSti~ college and Scottsbluff by Nottet and "Se'gUIdlllas" by ~~!~~ t~;~~::~t!'t~!eRgO~~ o~o:gl Junior College. Albenlz, Harold Hu~ph~:.:S: nre finished products. Schools and The program pas an excellent "Overture to Euyranthe (2 pI.a. home have .(:ompleted their jobs." r",cot'd of . Throughout the p.os) by Wl'ber, LarhyUa Whit·

.The education of the students have more. Dorothy Fran· imporlancu. Mis8 Palmer ''hii:?,i.':-H~r;,'l~'''~;'~)f'-;;;\I'!t\~ .... c~ r:!~;;::~+~.';_JJ,,-,,-<~~~~~:::...:Ml: lis. tl,,~t given the l1ounlle. C ,safety...ls str~ssed

__ WMSL£MfMters .. .and. thl'Oughout-the"course, ~;~rfft "::W~~tdac~':,1~~d at While the CAA d(¥>s not bulla will go far in forming the !.:~~~~ ~u:~ p:~~~ ~~~d~~ ~~~ne;:'~th:;!i~f.i1d~enth~i1F~com.. hou,le the instructory;' planes ana

An example is naturally, the airport would be fOl1nd D'nkota a ~uniclpal onll for tl¥! use of

sa the all fliers. The advantage cif hav· ing such ~ airport, which will be In Increasing demand as avll\tlon develops, walS stressed.

Local Chamber of Commel'(>,'J

ll1<'<ltin·g city. offi-olals, and othcrs intNl'flled In thl' project. soon .. Mr. Tyson agreed to rl'.t\lm. hill,!, . and (jl~c""s the pro­poc;itfgn in det..1il at that time.

Paul C. Woodbridge of the Rur· al Electrification Administration Is to be heard on WN AX, 'fUI'I'· day. May 14, at 9:45 p.'m. IDs topic will be "Ideas in Action"'.

Mrs. W. G. Kingsley of W~l1· ington, Ka.n.s., came Sunday to

R. J. Kingsley, and wife and little gmnddaughtcr, Barbara Kay.


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