ola erstad

Digital literacy in Norway and beyond (2006-2015) Ola Erstad

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Digital literacy in Norway and beyond (2006-2015)

Ola Erstad

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1. Shifts in overall discourse

2. ‘Knowledge promotion’ and beyond

3. Diversity and challenges

4. Recent developments

5. The next ten years

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1. Shifts in overall discourse• From technology to pedagogy

• Standardization (testing, curriculum perspective) vs Digital generation (youth perspective)

• Knowledge society challenges– DeSeCo vs PISA

• The problem of the school system (MOOCs++)

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2. ‘Knowledge promotion’ and beyond

• An important change for Norway– Focus on use and implications for learning– How did the Ministry see this in 2005-6 vs the community?

• Also, The Programme for Digital Competence 2004-2008. Too ambitious?

• Norway on the international map. (EU, internat.)

• Focus on skills, less on more complex competencies

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10 years with ‘Knowledge promotion

• A 5th key competence area. All subjects and levels. – In 2011 “basic skills in the use of digital tools” were changed to

“digital skills”. Progression matrices for the skills were developed stating differences between levels.

• Problem has been the research and knowledge base for this area compared to the others. Leaves uncertainty.

• Lost momentum. Given space for more critical voices

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10 years with ‘Knowledge promotion’

• In general:– More focus on ways of using ICT in schools– Variation according to subject domain– Major differences between levels and municipalities

(Monitor)– Challenges of including new technological developments

(social media++)– Digital competence reach beyond the tech enthusiasts

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3. Diversity and challenges• The Journal represent a constant focus on:

– Understanding the concept of digital literacy/competence (Søby editorial comments, Lankshear & Knobel 2006; Buckingham 2006; Thomas 2011; Johannesen, Øgrim & Giæver 2014)

– Examples of using digital media in educational settings

• Digital literacy with complex and multiple meanings

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• ‘information literacy’; which has been used by librarians as ways of handling information and sources as part of media developments,

• ‘visual literacy’; especially by P. Messaris (1994) as a discussion of ways of interpreting visual representations,

• ‘multimodal literacy’; especially by G. Kress (2003) and C. Jewitt as more complex representations.

• ‘computer literacy/ICT literacy’; focusing more on skills in dealing with computers.

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Digital literacy on different levels

• Personal skills and competences – Access, Skills, Understand, Production and creativity

• Media systems and content – Content, Aesthetics, Systems, Institutions

• Social interactions and practices – Participation, Citizenship, Creation, Emancipation

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Definitions - digital literacy

• Digital transformations report (2002):– “the ability of individuals to use ICT appropriately to

access, manage, integrate and evaluate information, develop new understandings (create), and communicate with others in order to participate effectively in society”

• Ofcom (2005):– “the ability to access, understand and create

communications in a variety of contexts”

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• Digital competence is the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes (thus including abilities, strategies, values and awareness) that are required when using ICT and digital media to perform tasks; solve problems; communicate; manage information; collaborate; create and share content; and build knowledge effectively, efficiently, appropriately, critically, creatively, autonomously, flexibly, ethically, reflectively for work, leisure, participation, learning, socialising, consuming, and empowerment. (Ferrari, 2012, pp. 3-4)

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Building on J. Tornero, 2008

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The Journal as an expression of developments

• Diversity in approaches reflecting the term– Multimodality, transformative digital literacy…

• Literacy studied as social practices

• Norway in a Nordic and international perspective

• National and international surveys/tests (Monitor, ICILS)

• Still, many of the same issues in 2006 are still valid

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Core challenges• In connecting policy – research – practices

• To grasp the multi-level aspects of digital competence

• Assessment system

• Teacher education.

• The research base. – In subject domains and digital learning resources (ARK&App) – Systematic reviews.

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4. Recent developments

• Teacher education

• The younger age groups– COST Action on years 0-8

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4. Recent developments

• Teacher education

• COST Action on years 0-8

• Related to 21st century skills

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4. Recent developments

• Teacher education

• COST Action on years 0-8

• Related to 21st century skills

• In and out of school, digital generation

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Girl West (ethnic-Norwegian) Monday: I got up around 6.30. I was awakened by the terrible sound from my mobile. The first thing I did was to get dressed and make breakfast before I sat down with the breakfast in front of the PC. I then checked Facebook, even though I know that very few updates came during the night or that early in the morning, but it has become a habit. A bad habit! I went into by blog to update it. At school today, we visited the “Clinic for Health and Sexuality Education” with the class. At the clinic, I took a number of photos of my friends with my camera that I later might use for my blog or just as nice and funny memories. When I came back to school after the main recess at noon, I sat in the computer lab to find some information about the Cuba crisis for a test in social sciences tomorrow. When I arrived home from school, I uploaded the photos I took during the school day to my PC and edited some of them with Photoshop. Since I have problems to leave things aside that I think are fun, I continued making some web designs in Photoshop, because it is one of my hobbies. In addition, I am a bit upset because my MSN does not work after a crash with Windows Vista and the newest MSN. Ahh, I should pull myself together… It is just an awful small luxury problem! Later on, I sat down and read in the social science book and wrote notes on the computer because of a test tomorrow. When I finished the notes, I printed them out in order to read them again. At 18:00, I have extra math. At this teacher’s, I get help with assignments I believe are difficult and to understand the connection between different themes better. Before I went home after extra math, I bought Costume, a magazine I read every month. This magazine I read in bed before I lie down to sleep. When I came home, I put on a TV series that I like a lot. It runs on MTV and is called The Hills, but I have several season packages (DVDs) at home, which I put on when I am tired or do not have anything special to do. I have also downloaded some music to my iPod and it is charged now, tonight, because I like to listen to my iPod when I am going to sleep. Now I have some new music! Goodnight

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5. The next ten years• Continuing development of perspectives/terminology, studies of

digital literacy on different levels and more systematic knowledge base

• A new interdisciplinary field (Søby 2015)– Inclusive media literacy (Drotner & Erstad 2014)– Different methodologies

• How digital literacy links to other issues and domains (21st century competencies)– Green Paper on School of the Future (Ludvigsen-committee)