oct 23rd, 2006: addendum

Page At The Staff and Sword Ministry October 23, 2006 SO, HOW IS THE WAR GOING? Written by: Chuck-JOHNEL OPUS/ by Berkeley Breathed ,r r , ^7,^ , ^ we w^n+r ISO N5 10 2 o b? c ^. yDu CRN JQ YE^K SGT q x nV^^rr SACJs 4 'i,a x r As the little cartoon (above) depicts we go from the ridiculous (airport security) to the unbelievably dangerous (border security/Iraq war trap) in the same breath. Good ole CNN TV just aired footage taken by Islamic terrorists inside Iraq as they sniped at and killed American soldiers. A very recent government report indicates that the Federal Government has lost control of the U.S. Mexican border and at this point in time they are only apprehending 1 of every 10 illegal aliens as they cross into America. Since they apprehended some 1.2 million so far this year that means that over 9 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. Of that number it is estimated that as many as 100,000 can be Islamic terrorists - how many others are already in the U.S. waiting the day they will begin to savage our population is not known. However JESUS told me years ago that it is closer to half a million, over half a

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point in time they are only apprehending 1 of every 10 illegal aliens as they cross into America. Since they apprehended some 1.2 million so far this year that means that Written by: Chuck-JOHNEL sniped at and killed American soldiers. A very recent government report indicates Page At Good ole CNN TV just aired footage taken by Islamic terrorists inside Iraq as they OPUS/ by Berkeley Breathed ,r r , ^7,^ that the Federal Government has lost control of the U.S. Mexican border and at this SACJs


Page 1: Oct 23rd, 2006: Addendum

Page At The Staff and Sword Ministry October 23, 2006


OPUS/ by Berkeley Breathed

,r r, ^7,^ ,̂ we w^n+r

ISO N510 2

o b?c ^.



YE^K SGTq x nV^^rr



'i,a x r

As the little cartoon (above) depicts we go from the ridiculous (airport security) tothe unbelievably dangerous (border security/Iraq war trap) in the same breath.

Good ole CNN TV just aired footage taken by Islamic terrorists inside Iraq as theysniped at and killed American soldiers. A very recent government report indicatesthat the Federal Government has lost control of the U.S. Mexican border and at this

point in time they are only apprehending 1 of every 10 illegal aliens as they cross intoAmerica. Since they apprehended some 1.2 million so far this year that means thatover 9 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. Of that number it is estimated that

as many as 100,000 can be Islamic terrorists - how many others are already in the

U.S. waiting the day they will begin to savage our population is not known.

However JESUS told me years ago that it is closer to half a million, over half a

Page 2: Oct 23rd, 2006: Addendum


r agu H4 I lie 3UiiI dllu 7 vor u 1Vlllllsif -yCJctZiueu GJ, Luu q

SO, HOW IS THE WAR GOING? (Continued) million terrorists areliving in our midst... waiting. In Iraq itself, a month long massing of U.S. troops inBaghdad to shut-down the insurgency that has been killing Iraqi's by the thousandshas ended in failure. In fact, more Americans have been killed in Iraq (mostlyBaghdad) this month than have been killed at any previous month since we invaded.

WE CAN'T GO and WE CAN'T STAYThis is the dimension of a trap - no matter what we do as a nation it will only getworse at this point in time. If the Democrats win the November, 2006 election (takethe House and/or Senate) they are going to be calling for a withdrawl from Iraq andare likely to give President Bush nothing but headaches and totally distract him fromfighting the war on terror.

The Border and Illegal Mexicans and other aliens: It seems that neither theRepublicans or Democrats are able to address the illegal immigration nightmare.Presently it is estimated that we have upwards of 20 million illegals living inside thecountry - the risk a portion of that immense population poses to our national securityis significant. While upwards of 90% of the American people want the border closedand the illegal immigration issue resolved the politicians are basically ignoring thewill of the people.

I thought about it and realize that many of these illegals are decent people who wantto be Americans - to round them up and ship them back to where they came fromwould be both a cruel and painful process. However, I do NOT agree with the ideaof offering every illegal citizenship. Until the porous border is closed up that is notgoing to be a solution, only an invitation for more illegals to come.

What if a law was passed that offered citizenship to any illegal alien who finds twoAmerican citizens to sponsor them. If they cannot find a sponsor among the

American people, round them up and ship them back to where they came from. Butbefore that could be offered it would be required that the government sends troopsby the tens of thousands to the Mexican/Canadian border to interdict illegals and tosend them back as they come in. Once the border is closed we can begin to deal andcope with the tens of millions of illegals in our midst.

Would they do this? Well, I can dream can't 12!

The cat is out of the bag!!! North Korea exploded a nuclear bomb and Iran is rightbehind them seeing just how weak the U.S. is. I do not see it as coincidental that as

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S0 3 HOW IS THE WAR GOING? (Continued) problems emerge with sayIran and as the U.S. is trying to cope, North Korea suddenly does something thatdistracts us. The co-ordination between the actions taken by Iran and North Korea areprimarily demonically inspired, but I perceive that there is a level of physical co-operation between these two deadly nations as well. That we are tied-up in Iraq andAfghanistan limits our ability to address the threats posed by North Korea and Iran.

When Beastman Clinton was President he actually cut the U.S. Military in halfeliminating half of our Army, U.S. Marines, the Navy and Air Force. He also cutfunding to the C.I.A. and F.B.I. and hamstrung our intelligence agencies therebymaking 9/11 possible. When I saw this Beastman in the GAP, In The Spirit', backin 1986, I knew that he was coming to be President to the ends of destroyingAmerica. Well, he did. George W. Bush was just getting his feet wet (adaptinghimself to the office of President) when 9/11 happened which drew him into the waron terror. Unfortunately, he only had HALF of the U.S. Military that BeastmanClinton started with - he (President Bush) was handicapped from the get go!

Knowing what was ahead, as JESUS revealed it, I warned President Bush againstinvading Iraq and encouraged him to spend time and effort on building up the U.S.military (which Beastman Clinton had torn down). If he had done that we would bein a far better situation to deal with both Iran and North Korea today.

It is no longer a question, it is plain that Iraq is descending into a full blown civil warand that the current Iraqi leadership is NOT acting decisively in addressing thegrowing threat posed by armed militias who are waging this civil war.

AIRPORT SECURITY: We should have begun"profiling" airline passengersimmediately after 9/11. Israeli security "profiles" and they have not had so much asone incident in their airports or airlines since the 1970's when they started"profiling"

What is profiling? Airport security wold be trained to "look for" and "recognize"terrorists.

But get this - I recently learned that the U.S. Government has a computer bank listingall known terrorists - names and photos but they WILL NOT share that informationwith the Airline Industry computers because they "don't trust them." This is notsimply dumb it is criminal!

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rd a H4 il1 L'dll i*llU VULU Ivilll1 Ll "U LUl1CI h 3, GUUU

SO4 HOW IS THE \VAR GOING? (Continued) We are no safer today thanwe were prior to 9/1 1 and in some respects with untold numbers of terrorists floodingin across our "open borders" we are less safe today than we were prior to 9/11.

When Hurricane KATRINA devastated 10,000 square miles of the south-eastern U.S.we witnessed what may be best described as a Federal melt-down as help was slowcoming, leadership was lacking or was so poor it was shameful. President George W.Bush got the blame for that mess and in part it was rightfully placed at his doorstep.

The corrupt leadership in the city of New Orleans and in the State of Louisiana wasa primary cause for the melt-down during Katrina; but it was NOT until PresidentBush ordered the U.S. Military to take charge that things got done. F.E.M.A. wasdead on arrival; the Red Cross was able to get help to the storm victims three daysbefore F.E.M.A. began to show on the scene.

Why? What is the problem? President George W. Bush is a nice guy who tries towork with everyone, even his political enemies. When President Bush came to powerJanuary of 2001 he essentially kept on the people that Beastman Clinton had put inplace in the Federal Government. President Bush should have fired a whole bunchof the Clinton drones and put in his own people (as Beastman Clinton did when hecame to office).

But after 9/ 11 President Bush should have gone through the various agencies of theExecutive Branch and tossed a whole bunch of those losers out. Instead, the peoplewho gave us 9/11 were still in place when Katrina happened - thus another disaster.

Why do you think so many Federal War Secrets are being "leaked" to the Press ona fairly regular basis (which is undermining our war effort and placing the wholenation in danger)? It is because of the "Clinton leftovers" who can hardly wait tobetray President Bush in any way they can manage. Problem is that they are betraying

the nation and endangering our security as they do.

How is the War Going?

Not well!!! On JESUS' direction I warned President Carter, President Reagan,President George H. Bush and the current President George W. Bush but inspite of all those warnings we are going headlong into disaster. A disastrousoutcome is a foregone conclusion and it is now only a matter of time.

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Page AS The Staff and Sword Ministry October 23, 2006

LETTERS TO THE PRESIDENTFollowing JESUS' instructions on September 7, 2006 (see main Newsletter) I wrotePresident Bush September 16, 2006 and informed him that he had 8 months to callthe nation to pray and fast for God's Help to escape this war trap.

On October 16, 2006 I wrote President Bush a brief reminder, "Countdown Letter#2 of 9", stating that he now has 7 months in which to call the nation to pray and fastfor God's help.

JESUS made it plain that while this nation has the "opportunity" to pray and fast toescape this war trap, that they won't embrace the opportunity.

May 17, 2007 is the last day he can call the nation to pray and fast, after that it is allover - America will enter a sharp decline leading to dissolution. I offer copies ofthese two letters on the enclosed Response form.


As Leith was able to re-organize my files on Presidential letters (quite a job) I dug-out this letter written to Bush the elder (George W.'s dad) that goes back nearly 16years.

In essence, I briefly summarized JESUS Word and my earlier letters to PresidentJimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan and how they failed to heed the counselof the Lord and suffered loss as a result.

My counsel to President Bush that 1991 (the current President's dad) concerning theplan to attack Iraq that 1991 was this, (Quote) "...JESUS plainly states: "WHATIRAQ HAS BEGUN OTHERS WILL FINISH..." which to me is an indicationthat this trouble is not going to go away; no matter what the short termoutcome is, down the road in time, another worse trouble will emerge."(Unquote)"

I next wrote then-President George H. Bush (Quote) "What is certain to me is thatas we have seen a measure of the troubles JESUS spoke of happening toPresident Carter in 1980, we next saw a greater measure of the troublesJESUS spoke of befall President Reagan in 1983. In like kind you willexperience even greater troubles than any of these. At this point in time,

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(Quote from letter to President G. H. Bush January 9, 1991 continued_ muchof what JESUS said would be is plain to see in current events; but that it isnot all visible tells me an even more terrible war is yet to come and will followthese troubles . And as already stated, whatever the outcome of this presentconfrontation, it will only lead to something even worse a time later. In everysense of the word, you and this nation are in a `no win' situation.... As since1979, military action is not advised as this would entangle us even deeperthan we already are and with no good outcome. God bless." (Unquote)

A copy of this letter January 9, 1991 is also available on the Response Form.


I knew back then in 1991 that this Word did not pertain to then President George H.Bush but to a coming President. Sadly, it is beginning to look like it will pertain tohis son, George W. Bush.


The countdown to May 16, 2007 goes on, the time within which this nation has afinal opportunity to escape the worse consequences of this war trap and judgment.

This is probably the primary reason why we have not seen any severe judgments sofar this 2006 - GOD'S MERCY continues to hold back the worse of the judgmentwhile our nation has the "opportunity" to pray and fast for God's help.

God bless.