nursing registration exams report 2014

Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014

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Exams Report


Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 Pub 45058

ISSN 2368-8599

Copyright © College of Nurses of Ontario, 2015.

Commercial or for-profit redistribution of this document in part or in whole is prohibited except with the written consent of CNO. This document may be reproduced in part or in whole for personal or educational use without permission, provided that:

• Due diligence is exercised in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced;

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• the reproduction is not represented as an official version of the materials reproduced, nor as having been made in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of, CNO.

Copies of this booklet can be downloaded, free of charge, from the CNO website at

College of Nurses of Ontario 101 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M2R 3P1


1 Introduction ............................................................................ 2

1.1 About this Document .......................................................................................... 2

1.2 About the College of Nurses of Ontario .............................................................. 2

2 Methods and Notes ................................................................ 3

2.1 Location of Initial Nursing Education .................................................................. 3

2.2 Registration Exam Requirement ........................................................................ 3

2.3 Data Collection ................................................................................................... 4

2.4 Data Quality Audits ............................................................................................ 4

3 Registered Nurse Applicants ................................................ 5

3.1 RN Exam Written by Source of Initial Nursing Education ................................... 5

3.2 RN First-Time Exam Writer Demographics ........................................................ 5

3.3 RN Exam Pass Rates by Source of Initial Nursing Education ............................ 6

3.4 RN Exam Writes and Pass Rates by Ontario Nursing Baccalaureate-Degree Granting University ...................................................................................................... 7

4 Registered Practical Nurse Applicants ................................ 9

4.1 RPN Exams Written by Source of Initial Nursing Education ............................... 9

4.2 RPN First-Time Exam Writer Demographics ...................................................... 9

4.3 RPN Exam Pass Rates by Source of Initial Nursing Education ....................... 10

4.4 RPN Exam Writes and Pass Rates by Ontario Nursing Diploma-Granting College ...................................................................................................................... 11

5 Nurse Practitioner Applicants ............................................ 13

5.1 NP Exams Written by Source of Initial Nursing Education ............................... 13

5.2 NP First-Time Exam Writer Demographics ...................................................... 13

5.3 NP Exam Pass Rates by Source of Initial Nursing Education .......................... 14

5.4 NP Exam Writes and Pass Rates by Ontario Nursing Degree-Granting University ................................................................................................................... 15

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 2

1 INTRODUCTION About this Document

This document provides an overview of registration exam results with information on individual Ontario

nursing program pass rates.

This document presents exam statistics related to Registered Nurse (RN) and Registered Practical Nurse

(RPN) applicants in the General Class, and RN applicants in the Extended Class (i.e., Nurse Practitioner [NP]

applicants)1. There are three NP specialty certificates currently registered in Ontario: NP-Adult, NP-

Paediatrics and NP-Primary Health Care.

To find out more about the College’s statistical resources, or to sign up for statistics announcements from the

College, please visit

About the College of Nurses of Ontario

The College is the regulatory body for nursing in Ontario. Its mission is to regulate nursing in the public

interest. The College sets the requirements for becoming a nurse in Ontario and the standards of practice that

must be met to maintain that designation. Only a person with a valid Certificate of Registration from the

College can practise as a nurse in Ontario and use the protected titles nurse, Registered Nurse (RN),

Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), Registered Nurse Extended Class (RN[EC]) or Nurse Practitioner


1 For more information about the College’s registration requirements and classes of registration, visit:

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 3


To become a nurse in Ontario, an applicant must register with the College of Nurses of Ontario as a

Registered Nurse, Registered Practical Nurse or Nurse Practitioner. Only members of the College are allowed

to refer to themselves as nurses in Ontario and use the titles RN, RPN and NP.

This section highlights two of the requirements for nursing registration in Ontario, which are relevant to this

report: completion of Council-approved nursing education and registration exams.2

Location of Initial Nursing Education In Ontario, nursing programs that are approved for RN registration grant a university baccalaureate degree in

nursing. Those that are approved for RPN registration grant a diploma in practical nursing from a College of

Applied Arts and Technology. Programs approved for NP registration grant a post-baccalaureate certificate, a

master’s degree or a post-master’s diploma.

In this document, location of initial nursing education refers to where the initial education in the category or

class to which the nursing exam relates occurred. It is summarized into two groups for analysis and reporting

purposes, Ontario and outside Ontario. An Ontario nursing program is one that is:

offered at an Ontario university or college and approved by the Council of the College of Nurses of Ontario 3 for the purposes of registering as a

nurse in Ontario.

Exam statistics for writers who have not completed an Ontario nursing program are categorized as “outside


Registration Exam Requirement

RN and RPN applicants must successfully complete a Council-approved registration exam for the category to

which they are applying. RN applicants complete the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE) while

RPN applicants complete the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination (CPNRE).

NP applicants must successfully complete a Council-approved exam in the NP specialty (Adult, Paediatrics,

Primary Health Care) to which they are applying. In 2014, the following NP registration exams were available

to Ontario applicants.

NP-Adult: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program’s Adult-Gerontology

Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination

2 For a complete overview of the registration requirements, visit: 3 Council may also approve an accreditation process (e.g., Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Accreditation for university baccalaureate degrees) or another body (e.g., third party) to provide approval of nursing programs for registration purposes.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 4

NP-Paediatrics: Pediatric Nursing Certification Board’s Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care

Certification Examination or l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec’s Certification

Examination for Nurse Practitioners Specializing in Neonatology

NP-Primary Health Care: Canadian Nurse Practitioner Examination: Family All Ages.

The College determines candidate eligibility for the exams listed above. In addition, Council has approved

other exams that will fulfill the NP registration exam requirement4 (e.g, NP applicants from outside of Ontario

may have completed another exam in another jurisdiction).This report only includes statistics for the NP

exams listed above.

Data Collection

The College collects exam results on an ongoing basis from the exam providers. The numbers in this report

include first-time exam writes and repeat writes. The Ontario nursing program data tables contain first-time

writes only.

Data Quality Audits To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data it releases, the College conducts routine data quality audits.

As a result of an audit in 2014, the College is restating data previously reported in earlier reports. Please refer

to the current report for the most up-to-date data.

4 For a complete list of these other Council-approved exams, visit:

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 5


For 2014, there were 4,662 first-time exam writers of the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE). Of this

number, 4,095 or 87.8 per cent were awarded their initial nursing education from an Ontario program. This

represents an increase of 243 first-time writes from Ontario programs compared to 2013 and an increase of 872

compared to 2010. The number of first-time writers from outside Ontario decreased by 14 in 2014 as compared to


RN Exam Written by Source of Initial Nursing Education First-time exam writes and repeat exam writes are displayed below in separate tables.

First-Time Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

# % # % # % # % # %

Ontario 3,223 86.2 3,759 80.4 3,825 83.5 3,852 86.9 4,095 87.8

Outside Ontario 515 13.8 918 19.6 756 16.5 581 13.1 567 12.2

Total 3,738 100 4,677 100 4,581 100 4,433 100 4,662 100

Repeat Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

# % # % # % # % # %

Ontario 679 75.4 880 66.9 946 67.5 961 65.8 1,007 64.4

Outside Ontario 221 24.6 436 33.1 455 32.5 500 34.2 556 35.6

Total 900 100 1,316 100 1,401 100 1,461 100 1,563 100

RN First-Time Exam Writer Demographics


For 2014 first-time exam writes, 11.9 per cent of RN exam writers from an Ontario program were male, compared to

16.8 per cent of exam writers educated outside Ontario.


The average age of RN first-time exam writers in 2014 was 27 years. The average age of first-time exam writers from

an Ontario program was 26.6 compared to 30.2 for first-time exam writers educated outside of Ontario.

5 In this report, Registered Nurse (RN) Applicants refer only to those seeking registration as an RN in the General Class. For more information about the College’s classes of registration, visit:

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 6

RN Exam Writers

Age Distribution, Location of Initial Education: Ontario and Outside Ontario

RN Exam Pass Rates by Source of Initial Nursing Education The percentages in the tables show pass rates of first-time writes and repeat writes separately.

Pass Rates – First-Time Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% % % % %

Ontario 82.5 80.3 81.1 82.8 84.7

Outside Ontario 52.6 40.6 36.0 40.3 37.7

Pass Rates - Repeat Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% % % % %

Ontario 60.4 53.5 58.7 52.1 64.6

Outside Ontario 33.5 30.5 38.2 30.8 37.1



356197 148

66 26 6 1 078


57 17 17 6 2 1 00







18 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65+


Outside Ontario

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 7

RN Exam Writes and Pass Rates by Ontario Nursing Baccalaureate-Degree Granting University

RN Programs 2012

Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2013 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2014 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

Brock University 94 88% 84 87% 97 87%

Brock University - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 52 94% 46 85% 58 90%

Brock University - Loyalist College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 42 81% 38 89% 39 82%

Lakehead University 148 88% 165 84% 155 90%

Laurentian University 305 76% 354 79% 345 83%

Laurentian University - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 71 72% 89 72% 93 73%

Laurentian University- Cambrian College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 35 83% 45 87% 38 87%

Laurentian University - Northern College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 33 85% 37 84% 34 79%

Laurentian University - Sault College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 59 64% 46 72% 39 74%

Laurentian University - St Lawrence College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 107 81% 137 81% 141 91%

McMaster University 475 85% 454 86% 448 89%

McMaster University - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 160 89% 168 93% 166 93%

McMaster University - Conestoga College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 148 91% 123 90% 126 91%

McMaster University - Mohawk College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 167 76% 163 75% 156 83%

Nipissing University 86 88% 108 81% 106 91%

Nipissing University - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 85 89% 32 88%

Nipissing University - Canadore College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 1 0% 53 79% 81 93%

Nipissing University - Scholar Practitioner Program 23 78% 25 84%

Queen's University 114 96% 104 97% 116 97%

Ryerson University 485 66% 540 68% 531 78%

Ryerson University - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 138 75% 139 76% 153 86%

Ryerson University - Centennial College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 104 56% 127 61% 123 74%

Ryerson University - George Brown College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 152 61% 149 60% 132 78%

Ryerson University - Post Diploma BScN Program 91 70% 125 76% 123 74%

Trent University 192 79% 166 82% 192 82%

Trent University - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 94 82% 69 86% 64 77%

Trent University - Post-bridge RPN to BScN Program 4 100% 1 100% 31 81%

Trent University - Fleming College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 94 74% 96 79% 97 86%

University of Ottawa 375 87% 326 86% 343 88%

University of Ottawa - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 214 86% 178 85% 207 87%

University of Ottawa - Algonquin College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN)- Woodroffe 136 86% 119 88% 110 90%

University of Ottawa - Algonquin College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN)- Pembroke 25 96% 29 86% 26 92%

University of Ontario Institute of Technology 141 83% 156 95% 187 78%

UOIT - RPN – BScN Bridging Program - Oshawa Campus 27 85% 28 100% 44 70%

UOIT - Durham College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 90 80% 102 95% 120 78%

UOIT - RPN - BScN Bridging Program - Georgian Campus 24 92% 26 88% 23 96%

University of New Brunswick 137 82% 184 81% 207 84%

University of Toronto 161 99% 157 96% 172 98%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 8

RN Programs 2012

Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2013 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2014 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

University of Western Ontario 278 93% 285 93% 285 92%

University of Western Ontario - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 107 93% 55 95% 56 96%

University of Western Ontario - Fanshawe College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 171 94% 230 93% 229 91%

University of Windsor 275 89% 269 90% 305 89%

University of Windsor - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 100 90% 96 94% 113 87%

University of Windsor - Lambton College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 38 87% 37 84% 44 91%

University of Windsor - St Clair College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 137 88% 136 90% 148 91%

York University 559 68% 500 76% 606 75%

York University - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 130 91% 119 87% 141 91%

York University - Internationally Educated Nurses BScN Program 35 57% 35 51% 37 70%

York University - Georgian College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 134 71% 124 81% 146 87%

York University - Seneca College Collaborative Nursing Degree Program (BScN) 260 56% 222 73% 282 61%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 9


For 2014, there were 5,936 first-time exam writers for the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination

(CPNRE). Of this number, 3,663 or 61.7 per cent were awarded their initial nursing education from an Ontario

school. This represents an increase of 130 first-time writes from Ontario programs compared to 2013 and an

increase of 984 compared to 2010. First-time writers from outside Ontario increased by 166 compared to 2013.

RPN Exams Written by Source of Initial Nursing Education First-time exam writes and repeat exam writes are displayed below in separate tables.

First-Time Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

# % # % # % # % # %

Ontario 2,679 77.1 3,415 74.8 3,405 69.0 3,533 62.6 3,663 61.7

Outside Ontario 794 22.9 1,151 25.2 1,531 31.0 2,107 37.4 2,273 38.3

Total 3,473 100 4,566 100 4,936 100 5,640 100 5,936 100

Repeat Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

# % # % # % # % # %

Ontario 486 54.8 583 56.6 646 49.8 589 45.0 543 36.6

Outside Ontario 401 45.2 447 43.4 652 50.2 721 55.0 941 63.4

Total 887 100 1,030 100 1,298 100 1,310 100 1,484 100

RPN First-Time Exam Writer Demographics


For 2014 first exam writes, 12.5 per cent of RPN exam writers from an Ontario program were male, compared to 19.2

per cent of exam writers educated outside Ontario.


The average age of RPN first-time exam writers in 2013 was 30.1 years. The average age of first-time exam writers

from an Ontario program was 29.2 compared to 31.4 for first-time exam writers from outside of Ontario.

6 In this report, Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) Applicants refer only to those seeking registration as an RPN in the General Class. For more information about the College’s classes of registration, visit

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 10

RPN Exam Writers

Age Distribution, Location of Initial Education: Ontario and Outside Ontario

RPN Exam Pass Rates by Source of Initial Nursing Education The percentages in the tables show pass rates of first-time writes and repeat writes separately.

Pass Rates – First-Time Writes

Pass Rates - Repeat Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% % % % %

Ontario 54.9 54.4 58.8 55.7 55.6

Outside Ontario 35.9 40.7 35.3 35.1 41.4

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% % % % %

Ontario 84.8 86.7 84.0 89.4 90.0

Outside Ontario 46.3 56.6 58.9 60.6 56.8





7119 4 0





68 28 5 2 10










18 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65+


Outside Ontario

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014


RPN Exam Writes and Pass Rates by Ontario Nursing Diploma-Granting College

RPN Programs 2012

Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2013 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2014 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

Algonquin College 153 87% 170 89% 182 95%

Algonquin College - Nepean Campus - Practical Nurse Program 129 86% 140 87% 161 94%

Algonquin College - Pembroke Campus - Practical Nurse Program 24 92% 30 100% 21 100%

Cambrian College 38 97% 44 100% 40 95%

Canadore College 49 84% 88 93% 86 94%

Centennial College 196 94% 175 95% 243 96%

Centennial College - Practical Nurse Program 190 95% 171 96% 242 96%

Centennial Personal Support Worker To Practical Nurse Bridging - Practical Nurse Program 6 67% 4 75% 1 100%

Centennial College - Internationally Educated Nurses - Practical Nurse Program 7 86% 10 80% 15 100%

Collège Boréal 69 65% 39 87% 58 90%

Collège Boréal - Hearst Campus - Practical Nurse Program 3 100%

Collège Boréal - Kapuskasing Campus - Practical Nurse Program 17 59%

Collège Boréal - Nippising Campus - Practical Nurse Program 11 91% 9 100% 6 100%

Collège Boréal - Sudbury Campus - Practical Nurse Program 21 76% 14 86% 20 95%

Collège Boréal - Timmins Campus - Practical Nurse Program 9 56% 7 100% 14 93%

Collège Boréal - Toronto Campus - Practical Nurse Program 11 36% 9 67% 15 73%

Conestoga College 212 90% 267 95% 343 92%

Confederation College 63 90% 90 97% 58 93%

Durham College 123 91% 120 98% 145 94%

Fanshawe College 114 92% 101 96% 127 95%

Fanshawe College - London Campus - Practical Nurse Program 79 91% 70 94% 90 94%

Fanshawe College - Woodstock Campus - Practical Nurse Program 35 94% 31 100% 37 97%

Fleming College 134 87% 132 91% 136 92%

George Brown College 156 98% 130 98% 145 96%

Georgian College 308 83% 285 93% 288 89%

Georgian College - Barrie Campus - Practical Nurse Program 172 79% 184 94% 164 91%

Georgian College - Bracebridge Campus - Practical Nurse Program 9 89% 16 81%

Georgian College - Midland/Penetanguishene Campus - Practical Nurse Program 1 100%

Georgian College - Orangeville Campus - Practical Nurse Program 47 87% 28 71% 29 79%

Georgian College - Owen Sound Campus - Practical Nurse Program 80 88% 72 97% 79 90%

Humber College 227 76% 280 83% 242 86%

La Cité Collégiale 48 83% 40 68% 58 66%

Lambton College 53 94% 71 99% 59 98%

Loyalist College 44 91% 61 98% 41 95%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014


RPN Programs 2012

Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2013 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2014 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

Loyalist College - Bancroft Campus - Practical Nurse Program 8 88%

Loyalist College - Belleville Campus - Practical Nurse Program 36 92% 61 98% 41 95%

Mohawk College 201 89% 207 92% 203 90%

Mohawk College - Practical Nurse Program 173 90% 205 92% 202 90%

Mohawk College - Aboriginal Communities - Practical Nurse Program 28 86% 2 100% 1 0%

Niagara College 91 87% 137 92% 125 94%

Northern College 33 97% 54 98% 18 89%

Northern College - Kirkland Lake Campus - Practical Nurse Program 1 100% 26 100%

Northern College - Moosonee Campus - Practical Nurse Program 1 100% 4 100% 1 100%

Northern College - South Porcupine Campus - Practical Nurse Program 31 97% 24 96% 17 88%

Sault College 60 80% 41 93% 67 81%

Seneca College 284 71% 291 76% 319 77%

Seneca College - Practical Nurse Program 146 84% 149 83% 170 85%

Seneca College - Continuing Education - Practical Nurse Program 138 59% 142 68% 149 68%

Sheridan College 244 66% 195 76% 159 88%

St Clair College 258 86% 252 88% 250 90%

St Clair College - Chatham Campus - Practical Nurse Program 95 83% 108 87% 110 87%

St Clair College - Windsor Campus - Practical Nurse Program 160 88% 140 90% 140 92%

St Clair College - Anishinabek Educational Institute - Practical Nurse Program 3 67% 4 25%

St Lawrence College 146 81% 154 88% 142 87%

St Lawrence College - Brockville Campus - Practical Nurse Program 67 76% 61 84% 50 82%

St Lawrence College - Cornwall Campus - Practical Nurse Program 33 82% 31 90% 34 88%

St Lawrence College - Kingston Campus - Practical Nurse Program 46 87% 62 92% 58 91%

Ontario RN Programs7 94 84% 99 85% 114 95%

7 RPN applicants who completed an Ontario RN baccalaureate program, but are applying for RPN registration. Applicants do this for a variety of reasons; for example, they have been unsuccessful in registering as an RN or they want to hold registration in both nursing categories.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 13


For 2014, there were 250 first-time exam writers for NP exams administered in Ontario. Of this number, 219 or

87.6 per cent were awarded their initial NP nursing education from an Ontario university. This represents an

increase of 22 first-time writes from Ontario NP programs compared to 2013 and an increase of 60 compared to

2010. First-time writers from outside Ontario increased by 5 writers over 2013.

NP Exams Written by Source of Initial Nursing Education First-time exam writes and repeat exam writes are displayed below in separate tables.

First-Time Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

# % # % # % # % # %

Ontario 159 88.8 168 88.9 192 89.3 197 88.3 219 87.6

Outside Ontario 20 11.2 21 11.1 23 10.7 26 11.7 31 12.4

Total 179 100 189 100 215 100 223 100 250 100

Repeat Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

# % # % # % # % # %

Ontario 31 79.5 16 80.0 23 92.0 13 81.3 9 69.2

Outside Ontario 8 20.5 4 20.0 2 8.0 3 18.8 4 30.8

Total 39 100 20 100 25 100 16 100 13 100

NP First-Time Exam Writer Demographics


For 2014 first-exam writes, 5.9 per cent of NP exam writers from Ontario NP programs were male, compared to 9.7

per cent of exam writers educated outside Ontario.


The average age of NP first-time exam writers in 2014 was 35 years. The average age of first-time exam writers from

Ontario NP programs was 35 compared to 36.2 for first-time exam writers from programs outside of Ontario.

8 In this report, Nurse Practitioner (NP) Applicants refers to those seeking registration as a Registered Nurse in the Extended Class. For more information about the College’s classes of registration, visit:

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 14

NP Exam Writers

Age Distribution, Location of Initial Education: Ontario and Outside Ontario

NP Exam Pass Rates by Source of Initial Nursing Education

Pass Rates – First-Time Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% % % % %

Ontario 93.1 91.1 90.1 91.9 92.2

Outside Ontario 80.0 85.7 78.3 88.5 96.8

Pass Rates - Repeat Writes

Location of Initial Nursing Education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% % % % %

Ontario 67.7 62.5 87.0 76.9 66.7

Outside Ontario 37.5 25.0 50.0 66.7 75.0


74 73




30 00

710 8

2 03 1 0 0











18 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65+


Outside Ontario

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2014 15

NP Exam Writes and Pass Rates by Ontario Nursing Degree-Granting University

NP – Primary Healthcare Programs

2012 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2013 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2014 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

Lakehead University 11 100% 10 100% 12 83%

Laurentian University 19 90% 16 94% 22 86%

McMaster University 7 100% 26 100% 19 89%

Queen’s University 17 100% 11 91% 15 100%

Ryerson University 20 95% 18 94% 25 96%

University of Ottawa 13 100% 18 94% 20 90%

University of Toronto 7 86% 15 93%

University of Western Ontario 12 100% 8 88% 20 100%

University of Windsor 16 81% 11 100% 8 100%

York University 6 83% 23 87% 23 96%

NP – Adult Programs

2012 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2013 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2014 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

University of Toronto 45 78% 38 87% 29 90%

NP – Paediatrics Programs

2012 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2013 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

2014 Number of First Writes

Pass Rate

McMaster University 2 50% 3 33% 2 50%

University of Toronto 21 95% 6 100% 9 89%