north · north west...

North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14 22nd March, 1983 To: Members of the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee: (Messrs. J. S. Bailey (Chairman); D. Bridgewood; A.G^R. Brown; C. Holland; F.R. James; J.H. Lester; P. Neal; R. Newton; J.A. Shanahan; Dr. M. Pugh Thomas; and the Chairman of the Authority (G. Mann); the Vice Chairman of the Authority (A. Richardson); and the Chairman of the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee (T. A. F. Barnes) (ex officio)). Dear Member, Please attend a meeting of the SOUTHERN AREA FISHERIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE to be held at 2.30 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, 6TH APRIL, 1983, in COMMITTEE ROOM No. 1 at DAWSON HOUSE, GREAT SANKEY, for for consideration of the following business. Yours faithfully, W. H. CRACKLE, Secretary and Solicitor AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 20th October, 1982, (previously circulated and approved by the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee on 8th November, 1982. Enclosed herewith are the minutes of the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee for 8th November, 1982, and for 31st January, 1983) . 3. Fishing Licence Duties 1984. 4. Fyke nets and otters. 5. Whirling disease. 6. Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 - Fishery Byelaws. 7. Report by the Area Fisheries Officer on Fisheries Activities. 8. Draft Calendar of Meetings, 1983-84. 9. Any other business.

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Page 1: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14

NorthWestWaterDawson House, Great Sankey Warrington W A5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321

RF2/B14 22nd March, 1983

To: Members of the Southern Area

Fisheries Advisory Committee:

(Messrs. J . S . Bailey (Chairman);

D. Bridgewood; A .G^R . Brown; C . Holland;

F .R . James; J .H . Lester; P. Neal;

R. Newton; J .A . Shanahan; Dr. M. Pugh Thomas;

and the Chairman of the Authority (G. Mann);

the Vice Chairman of the Authority (A. Richardson);

and the Chairman of the Regional Fisheries

Advisory Committee (T. A. F. Barnes) (ex o f f ic io ) ) .

Dear Member,

Please attend a meeting of the SOUTHERN AREA FISHERIES ADVISORY

COMMITTEE to be held at 2 .3 0 p.m . on WEDNESDAY, 6TH APRIL, 1983,


for consideration of the following business.

Yours fa ithfully ,


Secretary and Solicitor


1 . Apologies for absence.

2 . Minutes of the meeting held on 20th October, 1982, (previously

circulated and approved by the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee

on 8th November, 1982. Enclosed herewith are the minutes of the

Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee for 8th November, 1982, and

for 31st January, 1983) .

3 . Fishing Licence Duties 1984.

4 . Fyke nets and otters.

5 . Whirling disease.

6 . Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 - Fishery Byelaws.

7 . Report by the Area Fisheries Officer on Fisheries A ctiv ities .

8 . Draft Calendar of Meetings, 1983-84.

9 . Any other business.

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R F l/A l



P r e s e n ts T . A. F . B a rn es (Chairm an)J . S . B a i le y R. D. H oughtonW. S . B e l l J . Jo h n so nA. G. R. Brown I . J o n e sH. Caunce G. E . LoweE . P . E croyd J . E. RedheadJ . H. F e l l A. R ic h a rd so n

M ajor J . G. W. S k ip w ith


A p o lo g ie s fo r a b se n c e from th e m e e tin g w ere r e c e iv e d from M e ss rs .F . B u n tin g , G. C am p b e ll, J . M. C r o f t , J . E . G ou ldbou rn , G. Mann and Wm. McKenna.



T h a t th e m in u te s o f th e l a s t m e e tin g o f th e C om m ittee h e ld on 3 0 th Ju n e 19 8 2 , be ap p ro v ed a s a c o r r e c t r e c o rd and s ig n e d by th e C hairm an .


(A) N o r th e rn A rea

The C hairm an o f th e N o r th e rn A rea A d v iso ry Com m ittee s u b m it te d th e m in u te s o f th e m ee tin g h e ld on 1 1 th O c to b er 1982.

I n r e l a t i o n to m in u te n o .3 (d e a th o f Mr. G .N .F . W ingate) th e C h a irm a n o f t h e N o r t h e r n A re a C o m m itte e p ro p o s e d t h a t D r . J . I . A b e rn e th y o f 5 S u n s c a le s A venue, C ockerm outh , C um bria , th e S e c r e ta r y o f th e S ou th and W est Cum berland F i s h e r i e s A s s o c ia t io n , be a p p o in te d t o f i l l th e vacancy on t h a t C om m ittee c a u se d by Mr. W in g a te s ' d e a th .


(1) T h a t th e a p p o in tm e n t o f Drj. J . I . A b ern e th y to th e N o r th e rn A rea F i s h e r i e s A d v iso ry C om m ittee be a p p ro v e d .

(2) T h a t w i th t h e e x c e p t i o n o f m in u te n o . 9 , t h e m in u te s b e a p p ro v e d .

(3) T h a t t h e r e c o m m e n d a tio n s i n m in u te n o . 9 (M ink i n N o r th Cum bria) be c o n s id e r e d u nder th e a p p r o p r ia t e ag en d a i te m .

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(B) Central Area

In the absence o f the Chairm an o f the C e n tra l Area Advisory

Committee, Mr. R .D . Houghton submitted the minutes of the meeting

held on 13th October 1982.

In relation to minute n o .9 (Fishing Offences and Prosecutions

1 9 8 1 / 8 2 ) , w h ilst ap p reciatin g the steady development o f l ia is o n

between Cumbria police and the fisheries s t a ff on poaching prevention,

the Committee expressed grave concern at present levels of ba iliffing

staff in all three areas, northern, central and southern.

I t was f e l t that the present establish m ent was in s u f f ic ie n t

to deal e f fe c t iv e ly w ith the cur rent s it u a t io n on some northern

r iv e r s , notably the Derw ent, where poaching was r i f e . The Area

Committee wanted a substantial increase in the ba iliffing staff for

the 1983 fishing season.


(1) That with the exception of minute n o 's .7 and 9 the minutes

be approved.

(2) That the recommendations in m inute no. 7 (Salmon and

Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 , River Lune) be considered

under the appropriate agenda item.

(3) That the recommendation in minute no .9 (Fishing Offences

and Prosecutions 1981/82) be not approved but that as a

matter of urgency and due mainly to the seriousness of the

poaching on northern rivers, the officers in consultation

with the Chairmen of this and the Area Committees formulate

proposals to combat poaching and provision be made in the

1983/84 estimates to cover the costs.

(C) Southern Area

The Chairman of the Southern Area Advisory Committee submitted

the minutes o f the meeting held on 20th October 1982./

In relation to minute n o .12 (Jumbles Reservoir) the • Regional

Fisheries Officer explained that there was no permit charge to fish

Jumbles Reservoir because when such charges had been levied, costs had

exceeded income. This was in contrast to Worthington Lakes where the

charge was cost-effeetive.


That the minutes be approved.

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The Committee c onsid ered a rep o rt , p rev io u sly subm itted to the

October meeting of the Northern Area Committee, on the increase in the

feral mink population in north Cumbria, and possible control measures.

Although MAFF had sanctioned the introduction o f mink into the country

for the production of pelts, it had some years ago transferred its

responsibility for the control of the feral population to landowners.

It was unlikely that MAFF would now resume this responsibility ; it

was presently only prepared to advise on the construction of traps.

From the Authority's point of view , there was no question of any

redeployment of b a iliffs to trap mink as this would substantially

reduce the time spent on tasks which were more properly within the

scope of their duties.

I t was f e l t that the A u th o rity should e n l is t the aid o f other

interested bodies and that a concerted approach should be made to MAFF

by a ll concerned requesting it to resume its former responsibilities

for the control and trapping of feral mink and/or its introducing a

bounty scheme to encourage trapping. Should this approach fa il ,

the Authority should canvas the views o f other interested bodies

on the p ro v isio n o f a jo in t bounty fund which might encourage


The Committee considered the recommendation of the Area Committee

and in turn


That the A u th o rity through the R egional F is h e r ie s O ff ic e r

(1) canvas the views of all interested bodies, including water

authorities, National Farmers Union, Nature Conservancy Council,

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, county landowners

associations and local fisheries associations on a joint approach

to MAFF for it to resume its responsibilities for the control and

trapping of feral mink and/or its introducing a bounty scheme to

encourage trapping.

(2) canvas the views of the same bodies on their joint funding

of a bounty fund.


The Committee considered a report on the temporary fishery byelaws -

annual close season and weekly close time - net licence duties, on the

River Lune.

These matters had been considered by the Central Area Committee on

13th October, 1982 (minute n o .7) when that Committee had recommended:-

"(1 ) That renewal of the temporary River Lune Fishery Byelaws for

a further three years to take e f fe c t on and a fte r 1st A p r il

1983 be sought from MAFF and the position reviewed again towards

the end of that period.

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(2) That as a matter of urgency, consideration be given to finalising

the design and details of the proposed Forge Weir fish trap ."

The Regional Fisheries Officer informed the Committee that since

the Area meeting, an objection to the proposed renewal of the byelaws

had been received from a group of seven Lune anglers. The views put

forward had not persuaded him that the original proposal and decisions

of the Area Committee should be changed. He agreed with the view of

the Lune and Wyre Fishery Association that the original three year

period was too short a time to assess the effects of the temporary

measures, a view echoed by members.


That the recommendations o f the C e n tra l Area Committee be



(1) That the Policy and Resources Committee be recommended to

approve the renewal of the temporary River Lune Fishery

Byelaws for a further three years to take effect on and

after 1st April 1983 and that the position be reviewed again

towards the end of that period.

(2) That su b jec t to the approval o f th is recommendation by

the P o lic y and Resources Comm ittee, the Secretary and

Solicitor be authorised:

(a) to publish a notice of the Authority 's intention to

make a p p lic a t io n to the M in iste r of A g r ic u lt u r e ,

Fisheries and Food for confirmation of the River Lune

Fishery Byelaws in the London Gazette and appropriate

local newspapers;

(b) Take all such further steps as may be necessary for

confirmation of the byelaws, including representation

at a public inquiry, in the event of objections to the

same being received by the M inister.


The R eg io nal F is h e r ie s O f f ic e r inform ed the Committee that MAFF

had approved the Authority 's proposals for the 1983 rod and line

fishing licence duties. Formal notification of approval was, however,

s t il l awaited.

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31ST JANUARY, 1983


W. S . Bell

H . Caunce

J . M. Croft

E . P . Ecroyd

J . H . F ell

T . A . F . Barnes (Chairman)

R. D . Houghton

J . Johnson

I . Jones

G . E . Lowe

J . E . Redhead

G. Wilson


Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Messrs.

J . S . B a i l e y , F . B u n t in g , G . Cam pbell, G . Mann, Wm. McKenna and

Major J . G. W. Skipwith.



The Committee noted that the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and

Food had now formally approved the proposed new scale of rod arid line

fishing licence duties.

Details of the new duties, which came into effect on 1st January, 1983

had been publicised in the region.


The Committee noted that the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and

Food had approved the Authority 's application to fix duties for the

use of draft nets in the estuaries of the Rivers Derwent and Ellen

subject to the modification that the duties for the use of such nets

in both areas would be £330.


The Committee considered a report concerning the current position on

the Authority 's application to MAFF for confirmation of the proposed

new code of fishery byelaws, which sought, inter a lia , to ban all

netting in the Derwent and Ellen estuaries on conservation grounds.

Under the present byelaws, draw, draft or seine nets and heave or haaf

nets are permitted in both estuaries.


That the minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on

8th November, 1982 be approved as a correct record and signed by

the Chairman.

The Committee considered the position of any net licences in these

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estuaries existing at the time the byelaws were confirmed and the

possible need to apply for a Net Limitation Order.


T h a t th e C h a ir m a n o f the C o m m ittee and th e C h a ir m a n

o f th e A u t h o r i t y be em pow ered to t a k e any a c t i o n t h e y

c onsid er necessary for the p ro tectio n and co nservatio n of

fisheries .


On 8th November, 1982 (minute no. 1 9 (B )(1 ) ) the Committee had approved

a recommendation of the Central Area Committee that the tenant of the

Esthwaite Water Fishery be permitted to carry out a scheme of pike

ranching. It had since transpired that the tenant had no right under

the terms of his lease to engage in pike ranching activities and

accordingly the Committees' recommendation had been withdrawn from

the agenda for the 22nd November meeting of the Water Management


The Committee noted that the Authority would take no further action in

this matter.


It was reported that the Diseases of Fish B ill, a Private Member's

B ill introduced by Mr. John Corrie M .P . , which amended the present

Diseases of Fish Act 1937 and the Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967,

had received its second reading on 21st January. The B ill which

extended existing powers, was designed to provide a framework for

dealing with , and preventing the spread of diseases in farmed fish

and shellfish including the registration of fish farms and shellfish

enterprises and was strongly supported by MAFF.


It was reported that the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

had made an In fe c t e d Area O r d e r , under the D ise a se s o f F ish Act

1937, declaring the premises of the Dunsop Trout Farm L t d . , at Dunsop

Bridge, Clitheroe, to be an infected area under the Act , following

confirmation of whirling disease on that farm. The order which came

into force on 8th January, .1983 prohibited the movement out of the

area of the farm of any live fish , eggs of fish or foodstuff for fish

without the previous consent in writing of the M inister . It was very

likely that the order would cause severe dislocation of supplies of

trout to those clubs in the region who had hitherto obtained their

stocking requirements from the farm.

On 10th January, a copy of a 16-day order in respect of whirling

d ise ase a f fe c t in g So uth w aite M i l l F ish Farm , P en r ith had been

received from MAFF. T h is was a temporary h old ing o r d e r , w h ic h ,

l ik e an in fe c t e d area o r d e r , p r o h ib it e d , w ithout the M i n i s t e r ' s

c o n se n t , the movement o f f the farm of a l l l iv e f i s h , eggs and

foodstuff. The main business of the farm was the supply of trout for

the table.

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The Regional Fisheries Officer reported that in accordance with the

Committees' recommendation of 8th November, 1982 (minute no. 20)

he had made the r e q u is it e e n q u ir ie s o f a l l in te re ste d bo d ies


(1) the possibility of a joint approach being made to MAFF to re-

assume its former r e s p o n s ib i l i t ie s for c o n t r o l /t r a p p in g of

fe r a l mink an d /o r to introduce a bounty scheme to encourage


(2) the joint funding of a bounty fund.

It was apparent from the replies received that whilst it was accepted

that mink were abundant throughout England and Wales, and were claimed

to be a problem in some areas, there was only moderate support for a

combined approach being made to MAFF to reassume control, and very

litt le support for the idea of a central bounty fund.


That the A u th o rity w rite to the N a t io n a l Farmers Union and

the Country Landowners Association requesting those bodies to

p u b lic is e in th e ir resp ec tiv e p e r io d ic a ls the threat to the

environment posed by the increasing feral mink population and the

necessity for control measures to be taken by riparian owners

against such mink.


At the last meeting (minute no. 1 9 (B )(3 ) ) the Committee had resolved

that the o fficers , in consultation with the Chairmen of the Regional

and Area Committees, should formulate proposals to combat poaching and

that provision should be made in the 1983-84 Estimates to cover the


In accordance with this recommendation the Regional Fisheries Officer

had carried out a wide-ranging review of the whole field of anti­

poaching work. This review together with recommendations on the

findings was submitted in the form of a comprehensive report to the


The anti-poaching aspects detailed in the report came under seven

main headings, (1) manpower (2) conditions of service (3) equipment

(4) training (5) information (6) penalties and (7) control of salmon


In r e la t io n to the problem of manpower, the Northum brian WA had

recently introduced an experimental system of "call out b a i l i f f s " ,

made up of local men selected by the Area Head B a il if fs . This system

aimed at having a pool of men to be called out as required, day or

night, or at weekends to reinforce the fu ll time b a il if f force. This

system had been found by Northumbrian WA to be effective in practice

and popular with the fu ll time b a il if fs .

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In relation to the need for statutory control of salmon sales this

matter had been pressed with government since the time of the River

Authorities, but without success. An NWC Working Party had, however,

been exploring, for more than a year, the possibility of adapting to

British requirements a system of tagging with non-removable locking

tags a l l le g a l ly taken salmon p resen tly in o p eration w it h in the

Canadian Province of New Brunswick. This Working Party was expected

to produce its report shortly.


(i) The p o s s ib i l i t y o f employment o f "c a ll- o u t " b a i l i f f s

be in v e s t ig a t e d further by the O f f i c e r s , and that a

provisional sum of £5000 be included for this purpose in

the 1983-84 estimates.

(ii) Further c o n s id e ra tio n be given to the p o s s ib i l i t y o f

riparian owners' providing some of the additional b a il if f

cover required, on a reimbursement basis.

( i i i ) The Committee endorse the work being carried out by the

Salmon S a le s G ro up , and em phasise the need for early

action in relation to the registration and licencing of

salmon d e a le rs and /or the in tro d uc tio n of a tagging

scheme for legally-caught salmon, as a matter of some


(iv) The Committee should encourage riparian owners to join

with the Authority in the prosecution of offenders under

the Theft Act 1968, in addition to any proceedings by the

Authority under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act


(v) Further consideration be given, in conjunction with the

Director of Personnel and Management Services, to the

question of resolving any d iffic u lt ie s arising in the

employment on anti- poaching d u t ie s of b a i l i f f s t a f f .


It was reported that the Secretary of State for the Environment would

be convening a Conference on the 18th March, 1983 to pursue the issues

ra ise d and to stim ulate further progress in connection w ith the

consultation paper "Cleaning up the Mersey".


That a summary of the Conference decisions be presented to the

25th April meeting of the Committee.


It was reported that since the decision by the manual water workers'

Unions to take strike action in support of their members' pay dispute,

Rivers Division had monitored the water quality of rivers throughout

the region. So far , in terms of water quality , rivers had suffered no

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i l l effects as far as fisheries were concerned. Most rivers had high

dissolved oxygen levels, due in part to the recent heavy ra in falls .

F is h e r ie s and water q u a lity s t a f f would continue to monitor the


In the event of a pollution coming to the notice of members, they were

asked to treat any such situation as a normal emergency and to contact

(as previously) either fisheries or water quality staff immediately.


On 22nd November 1982, the Water Management Committee had resolved,

inter a l i a , that the R eg io nal F is h e r ie s A dvisory Committee be

requested to advise the Recreation Sub-Committee about rules to be

applied for fishing in both Haweswater and Thirlmere reservoirs to

ensure good management.


That this matter be included as an agenda item for the meeting of

the Northern Area Committee on the 28th March, 1983.


The Regional Fisheries O fficer explained that Durham University were

to in itiate a study into the behaviour of goosanders and that he had

been asked i f he could help by suggesting a suitable site where the

proposed study could take place. He had replied suggesting that

consultation should take place with local Fisheries staff in South

Cumbria with a view to deciding upon a suitable site , and had offered

all the help possible.


That the Committee approve the action taken.

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6TH APRIL, 1983


1 . A t i t s b u d g e t m e e t in g on 7 t h F e b r u a r y , t h e A u t h o r i t y r e s o l v e d "T h a t th e R e g io n a l F i s h e r i e s A d v iso ry Com m ittee be i n s t r u c t e d to fo rm u la te p r o p o s a ls f o r f i s h i n g l i c e n c e d u t i e s fo r rod and l i n e , com m erc ia l e e l f i s h i n g and n e ts and f ix e d e n g in e s to be e f f e c t i v e from 1 s t J a n u a ry 1984 o f a l e v e l a t l e a s t e q u a l t o t h a t r e q u i r e d t o t a k e a c c o u n t o f i n f l a t i o n s i n c e t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f t h e c u r r e n t r e s p e c t i v e d u t i e s and o f assum ed i n f l a t i o n in 1 9 8 4 -8 5 " . D uring th e d e b a te th e C hairm an o f th e A d v iso ry C om m ittee a rg u ed s t r o n g ly t h a t a f t e r s e v e r a l a n n u a l r e v i s io n s r e s u l t i n g in in c r e a s e s in d u t i e s th e r e s h o u ld be a p e r io d o f s t a b i l i t y and c o n s o l i d a t i o n .

2 . Rod and L in e F is h in g L ic e n c e D u t ie s

A f te r e x te n s iv e i n v e s t i g a t i o n and d i s c u s s io n in com m ittee a m ajor r e s t r u c t u r i n g o f th e l i c e n c e d u t i e s was u n d e r ta k e n l a s t y e a r . The r e v i s e d d u t i e s w ere in tro d u c e d on 1 s t J a n u a ry 1983 , and w ere b a sed on a t a r g e t incom e ( s e t a t 45% o f th e t o t a l e s t im a te d d i r e c t f i s h e r i e s c o s ts ) and i t s a p p o rtio n m e n t am ongst th e v a r io u s a n g lin g i n t e r e s t s a c c o rd in g to th e way in w hich r e s o u r c e s w ere d e p lo y e d . D u tie s fo r salm on l i c e n c e s w ere in c r e a s e d from £ 1 9 .8 0 t o £27 , f o r m ig ra to ry t r o u t from £ 6 .6 0 t o £ 9 , f o r non m ig ra to ry t r o u t from £ 3 .9 0 t o £4 w h i l s t th e d u ty fo r a c o a r s e f i s h in g l i c e n c e was red u c e d from £ 3 .9 0 t o £ 3 .2 0 .

3 . On th e a ssu m p tio n t h a t th e p r i n c i p l e s o f th e a p p o rtio n m e n t and t a r g e t incom e sh o u ld rem a in unchanged f o r 1984-85 th e A u t h o r i t y 's d i r e c t i o n would r e s u l t in th e fo llo w in g d u t i e s b e in g l e v ie d from 1 s t J a n u a ry 1 9 8 4 ;-

P r e s e n t R ev isedd u t i e s d u t i e s(1983) (1 .1 .1 9 8 4 )£ p £ P

( i) SalmonS eason 2 7 .0 0 28 .50S easo n c o n c e s s io n a r y 1 3 .5 0 1 4 .2 5Seven day 4 .5 0 4 .7 5

( i i ) M ig ra to ry t r o u tS eason 9 .0 0 9 .5 0S eason c o n c e s s io n a r y 4 .5 0 4 .7 5Seven day 1 .5 0 1 .6 0

( i i i ) N o n -m ig ra to ry t r o u t(brown t r o u t , ra in b o w t r o u t and c h a r)

S easo n 4 .0 0 4 .2 0S e a so n c o n c e s s io n a ry 2 .0 0 2 .1 0Seven day 1 .0 0 1 .0 0

(iv ) F re sh w a te r f i s h and e e l sS eason . 3 .2 0 3 .4 0S easo n c o n c e s s io n a r y 1 .6 0 1 .7 0Seven day 1 .0 0 1 .0 0

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The concessionary seasonal licences are issued to juveniles (14-16

y ears ), state retirement pensioners and registered disabled persons.

4 . Commercial eel f is h in g and nets and fix e d engines fishing licence


Duties for these licences were last increased on 1st January 1982.

Anticipated inflation during the years 1983-84 and 1984-85 would

justify a 10% increase resulting in :^


Fixed eel traps

Eel or fyke nets

Traps, putcheons or baskets


(Area within the boundaries of the

former Cumberland River Authority)

Whole area d r ift , hang or whammel net

(not exceeding 275m in length when wet)

River Eden, draw, draft or seine net

(not exceeding 275m in length when wet)

Whole area heave or haaf net

River Eden coop

River Derwent coop

South West Cumberland garth

Present duties

(from 1982)


33 .00 per trap

per annum

65 per net

per annum

6 .60 per 25 (or

part thereof)

per annum




36 .30


7 .25


330 .00

27 .50


286 .00

143 .00

151 .00

363 .00

30 .00

142 .00

315 .00

157 .00


(Area within the boundaries of the

former Lancashire River Authority)

River Ribble, d r ift , hang or whammel net 88 .0 0

(not exceeding 140m in length when wet)

River Lune, d r ift , hang or whammel net 146 .30

(not exceeding 300m in length when wet)

River Lune, draw, draft or seine net 127.60

(not exceeding 185m in length when wet)

River Duddon, draw, draft or seine net 121 .00

(not exceeding 185m in length when wet)

River Lune: heave or haaf net 56 .10

River Kent: lave net 66 .00

River Leven: lave net 55 .00

97 .00

161 .00

140 .00

133 .00

62 .00

73 .00

60 .00

5 . W ill the Area Committee please make recommendations for consideration

by the Regional Committee which in turn w ill formulate proposals to

the Authority in accordance with the resolution quoted in para 1 .

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6TH APRIL, 1983


1 . R ecen t c o r re s p o n d e n c e w ith th e N a tu re C o n se rv an cy C o u n c il a t B ow ness- on-W inderm ere h a s b ro u g h t to th e a t t e n t i o n o f th e A u th o r i ty th e f a c t t h a t o t t e r s a r e v e ry l i a b l e t o be c a u g h t and drow ned in fy k e n e t s s e t fo r e e l s . T h ree o t t e r s had been k i l l e d i n t h i s way in S ou th C um bria d u r in g November 1982 and two o t h e r s , one o f them a l a c t a t i n g fe m a le , k i l l e d n e a r C a r n f o r t h tw o m o n th s e a r l i e r . T h e l a t t e r l o s s w as p a r t i c u l a r l y d i s t r e s s i n g b e c a u se th e l i t t e r o f cu b s would have d i e d . M en tion was a l s o made o f th e l o s s o f a t l e a s t 23 o t t e r s i n fy k e n e t s o v e r a p e r io d o f o n ly e ig h te e n m onths i n S ou th U i s t and B en b ecu la in th e O u te r H e b r id e s i n th e m id d le 1 970s.

2 . T he N a t u r e C o n s e r v a n c y C o u n c i l ' s o f f i c e r e x p l a i n e d t h a t , a t t h e C o u n c i l ' s r e q u e s t , t h e W e lsh W a te r A u t h o r i t y h a d m ade a b y e la w r e q u i r in g t h a t some form o f n e t t i n g o r g r id s h o u ld be p la c e d a c r o s s th e m outh o f a l l fy k e n e t s s e t t o t a k e e e l s , t h e mesh s i z e o f t h i s p r o t e c t i v e f i t t i n g b e in g i n a c c o rd a n c e w ith a s p e c i f i c a t i o n p ro v id e d by th e NCC.

3 . W hile th e R e g io n a l F i s h e r i e s O f f i c e r i s i n f u l l ag reem en t w ith th e C o u n c il t h a t some su ch m easu re sh o u ld be e n fo r c e d , p r e f e r a b l y by b y e la w , h e h a s e x p l a i n e d t o t h e NCC t h a t u n t i l t h e new c o d e o f f i s h e r y b y e law s i s c o n firm e d by th e M in is t r y o f A g r i c u l tu r e , F i s h e r i e s and Food t h e r e seem s l i t t l e l i k e l i h o o d t h a t th e A u th o r i ty would w ish t o i n i t i a t e a f u r t h e r new byelaw f o r th e p r o t e c t i o n o f o t t e r s . A c tio n h a s , how ever, b een ta k e n to sen d o u t t o a l l fy k e n e t l i c e n s e e s in th e r e g io n a l e t t e r d raw ing t h e i r a t t e n t i o n t o th e d an g e r p osed to o t t e r s by fy k e n e t s and s e e k in g t h e i r c o - o p e r a t io n in f i t t i n g p r o t e c t i v e n e t t in g t o e x c lu d e them . Some 20 l i c e n s e e s , o p e r a t in g a c o n s id e r a b ly g r e a t e r number o f n e t s , a r e l i k e l y t o be in v o lv e d i n th e c o u rs e o f a y e a r , and t h e i r r e s p o n s e to th e A u t h o r i t y 's r e q u e s t w i l l be m o n ito re d by b a i l i f f s .

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6TH APRIL, 1983


1 . The r e p o r t , a t t a c h e d a s an a p p e n d ix , c o n c e rn in g a r e l a x a t i o n o f th e M in is t r y o f A g r i c u l tu r e , F i s h e r i e s and F o o d 's p o l ic y to w a rd s th e movement o f l i v e f i s h and eg g s from w h i r l in g d i s e a s e i n f e c te d s i t e s , was p r e s e n te d t o th e m ee ting o f th e A u th o r i ty on 7 th F e b ru a ry , 1983 , when i t was r e s o lv e d :

" T h a t s t o c k i n g o f w a t e r s g e n e r a l l y w i t h i n t h e A u t h o r i t y ' s a r e a be p e r m i t t e d w i th t r o u t f ro m w h i r l i n g d i s e a s e i n f e c t e d fa rm s , s u b je c t to such c o n d i t io n s as may be l a i d down by th e M in is t r y o f A g r i c u l tu r e , F i s h e r i e s and F ood".

2 . The A u th o r i ty h a s now been n o t i f i e d o f th e c o n d i t io n s im posed by MAFF w hich a r e a s fo llo w s :

(a) each co n s ig n m e n t m ust be moved d i r e c t l y to th e r e c e iv in g s i t e ;

(b) t h e v e h i c l e and t a n k s u s e d f o r m o v in g a c o n s ig n m e n t m u s t b e d i s i n f e c t e d im m e d ia te ly a f t e r d e l i v e r y and b e fo r e th e v e h ic l e v i s i t s , o r th e ta n k s a r e ta k e n t o , a n o th e r f i s h farm or f i s h e r y s i t e ;

(c) r e c o r d s m ust be k e p t o f th e num bers and i d e n t i t y o f th e f i s h o r f i s h e g g s in e a c h c o n s ig n m e n t , t o whom th e y w e re m o v ed , t h e t r a n s p o r t u sed ( i . e . v e h ic l e make and r e g i s t r a t i o n number) and th e d a te o f each movement; th e s e r e c o r d s m ust b e made a v a i l a b l e to a M in is t r y I n s p e c to r a t any r e a s o n a b le t im e .

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1. On 24th A p r il 1 9 8 2 , the Regional F is h e r ie s A dvisory Committee

considered the question of stocking certain reservoir fisheries within

the catchment of the River Mersey with trout from fish farms affected

by Whirling Disease, which is a Notifiable Disease under the Diseases

of Fish Act 1937. The reservoirs in question discharge into rivers

which, by reason of pollution, soon become fishless . MAFF's Fish

Diseases Laboratory had advised that, in these circumstances, there

could be no risk to fisheries, as the disease affects only fry - and

primarily the fry of rainbow trout - under the crowded conditions

which exist in a hatchery.

2 . The Regional Committee accepted that, apart from these reservoir

fisheries, stocking consents under S . 30 of the Salmon and Freshwater

Fisheries Act 1975 should not be issued by the Authority for the

introduction of trout from infected farms into any other waters.

3 . MAFF have now decided to relax their policy towards the movement of

live fish and eggs from Whirling Disease infected sites . They w ill ,

in future, normally authorise movements between farms infected with

the disease. In addition, they w ill consider authorising, subject to

conditions, movements from infected farms into other waters, provided

that the water authority in whose area the receiving water is located

has issued a S . 30 consent,* and that proof of such issue is furnished

by the supplying farm when seeking MAFF au th o risatio n for the

movement. In considering whether to grant authorisation, MAFF w ill

consider whether there are any uninfected farms in the catchment of

the river to which the fish are to be introduced.

4 . The effect of this relaxation of MAFF policy is to make it possible

for trout for stocking fishing waters to be supplied from Whirling

Disease infected farms. It would, however, be improper for Fisheries

Department staff to issue the necessary S . 30 consents in the absence

of amendment of the restrictive approach adopted by the Regional

Committee in A p r il 1 9 8 2 . As the next meeting of the Regional

Committee is scheduled for 25th April 1983, and as the next three

months are the period when most fish farms deliver many of their

annual orders, it is considered unreasonable to withhold the issue of

S . 30 consents during that period. Accordingly, the position has been

considered by the Chairman of the Regional Committee and the Chairman

of the Authority who have agreed that the restrictive approach to

stocking with trout from infected farms, adopted in April 1982, should

be modified in the light of the MAFF's relaxed policy.

5 . it is therefore recommended that stocking of waters generally within

the Authority 's area should be permitted with trout from Whirling

Disease infected farms, subject to such conditions as MAFF may lay

down. It is understood that these w ill be notified shortly.

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6TH APRIL, 1983



1 . The A u th o r i ty have been n o t i f i e d t h a t th e M in is te r o f A g r i c u l tu r e , F i s h e r i e s an d Food h a s c o n f i r m e d e l e v e n o f t h e p r o p o s e d F i s h e r y B ye law s, nam ely bye law s 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 25, 2 7 , 28 and 29 w hich w ere made by th e A u th o r i ty on 2 7 th O c to b e r , 1981 .

2 . The c o n firm e d B yelaw s came i n t o e f f e c t on th e d a te o f t h e i r con­f i r m a t io n by th e M in i s t e r , 23 rd F e b ru a ry , 1983, and s u b je c t to th e m o d i f ic a t io n s (made w ith th e c o n s e n t o f th e A u th o r ity ) s p e c i f i e d i n p a ra g ra p h 3 b e lo w . The new ly c o n firm e d B yelaw s a r e a s f o l lo w s : -

8 . The w eek ly c lo s e tim e fo r salm on and t r o u t ( o th e r th a n w ith ro d and l in e )

The w eek ly c lo s e tim e fo r f i s h i n g f o r salm on and t r o u t (o th e r th a n w ith ro d and l in e ) s h a l l b e th e p e r io d betw een th e hour o f s ix on S a tu rd a y m orn ing and th e hour o f s ix on th e fo llo w in g Monday m orning w ith th e fo llo w in g e x c e p t io n :

In th e Solway F i r t h th e p e r io d be tw een th e hour o f s ix on S a tu rd a y mor n i ng and th £ hour o f tw e lv e m id n ig h t on th e fo llo w in g Sunday.

9 . L im i ta t io n o f n e t t i n g

The u se o f any n e t (n o t b e in g a f ix e d e n g in e o r a la n d in g n e t u s e d i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i th a ro d a n d l i n e ) f o r t a k i n g s a lm o n , t r o u t , f r e s h w a te r f i s h , o r e e l s i s p r o h ib i t e d e x c e p t f o r th e u se o f t h e s t a t e d t y p e s o f n e t s i n t h e f o l l o w i n g p a r t s o f t h e A u t h o r i t y 's a r e a :

(a) I n th e Solw ay F i r t h - heave o r h a a f •n e t s .

(b) In th e R iv e r Eden - d raw , d r a f t o r s e in e n e t s .

(c) In th e C um brian C o a s ta l W ate rs e x c lu d in g th e E l le n P r o te c te d A re a , th e D erw ent P r o te c te d A re a , th e E h e n /C a ld e r P r o te c te d A rea and th e I r t / E s k P r o te c te d A rea a s d e f in e d - d r i f t , hang

' o r whammel n e t s .

(d) I n th e Duddon E s tu a ry - d raw , d r a f t o r s e in e n e t s .

(e) I n th e Leven E s tu a r y - la v e n e t s .

( f) i n th e K ent E s tu a ry - la v e n e t s .

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(g) (i) In the Lune Estuary - heave or haaf nets.

(ii) In the M iddle Lune Estuary - draw , d r a ft or seine


(i i i ) In the Lower Lune Estuary - d r ift , hang or whammel


(h) In the Wyre Estuary - heave or haaf nets after 30th June,


(!) Jn the Ribble Estuary - d r ift , hang or whammel n$ts.

Provided that this byelaw shall not apply tos

(i) any net necessarily and solely used for the purpose of

removing from a fixed engine the fish caught by that fixed

engine, or

(ii) to any person using a net o f any kind w ith the prior

permission in writing of the Authority, and subject to any

conditions contained therein.

Regulation of nets

(i) D r ift , hang or whammel nets shall for the purpose of these

byelaws be unarmoured nets without bags or pockets, consisting

of a single sheet of netting measuring when wet -

(a) when used in the R ib b le E stu a r y , not more than 140

metres in length and not more than 34 meshes deep at any

point and having meshes not less than 82mm in extension

from knot to knot, or 328mm round the four sides;

(b) When used in the Lower Lune Estuary, not more than 300

metres in length and not more than 44 meshes deep at any

point and having meshes not less than 63mm in extension

from knot to knot or 252mm round the four sides;

(c) when used in any other part o f the A u t h o r it y 's area

meshes not less than 50mm in extension from knot to knot

or 200mm round the four sides and a length of not more

than 300 metres;

(ii) Heave or haaf nets sh all , for the purposes of these byelaws

be of single netting of a mesh measuring when wet not less than

50mm in extension from knot to knot, or 200mm round the four

sides and shall be so constructed as to form a bag or purse

suspended from a wooden frame, consisting of a heave, beam, or

pole not exceeding 5 .5 metres in length having at each end an

end stick or projecting arm not exceeding 1 .2 5 metres in length

except that within the Solway Firth the mesh shall measure when

wet not less than 44mm from knot to knot or 176mm round the

four sides and the end sticks or projecting arms shall not

exceed 1 .9 metres;

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( iii) Lave nets shall, for the purposes of these byelaws be o f single

netting of a mesh measuring when wet not less than 50mm in

extension from knot to knot or 200mm round the four sides and

which shall be constructed to form a bag or purse attached to a

yoke in the shape of a " V " , the widest part of which shall not

. exceed 2 metres, and which shall be fitted with a hand staff to

, . the' apex of the yoke;

(iv) Draw, draft or seine nets shall, for the purposes o f these

byelaws, be unarmoured nets without bags or pockets consisting

of a single sheet or wall of netting , having meshes measuring

when wet not less than 50mm in extension, from knot to knot or

200mm round the four sides ahd a length of riot more than 275

metres with the exceptions that when used in the Middle Lune

and Duddon estuaries the nets shall have the following measure­

ments when wet namely; a length of not more than 18 5 metres and

a depth on the middle of the : net of not more than 144 meshes;

(v) For the purposes o f paragraphs ( i ) , ( i i ) , ( i i i ) and ( iv)

o f th is byelaw measurements from knot to knot s h a ll be in

relation to each side of the square of the mesh;

(vi) The use of any net made w holly or p a rtly o f mono-filament

material is prohibited.

11. Regulation of use of nets

Where, under the provisions of byelaw 9 the use pf any of the nets

therein mentioned is permitted such nets shall not be used in any

manner except that prescribed by the succeeding paragraphs of this

byelaw. ’

(i) The number o f o p e rativ es allow ed to work a dr i f t , hang or

whammel net at any time shall be limted to two and the number

allow ed to work a draw , d r a ft or se in e net at any time is

limited to three.

(ii) The manner of using a d r ift , hang or whammel net shall be as

follows, namely it shall be shot or paid out from a boat and

the boat and net attached shall float or d r ift with the tide

provided that no dr i f t , hang or whammel net or any p a r t

thereo f sh a ll be used w ith in 18 5 m etres from any part of

another d r ift , hang or whammel net already in use;

Provided that no d r ift , hang or whammel net shall be worked

across more than three-quarters of the water in the channel at

the time of fishing ;

(i i i ) The manner of using a heave or haaf net shall be by one person

supporting or holding the net and lifting or scooping any fish

that may become enclosed in the net;

( iv) The manner of using a lave net shall be by one person standing

or moving in the water and supporting or holding the net and

lifting or scooping any f is h . No person shall use a lave net

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in proximity to a fixed net, designed to catch other fish ,

in such a way that th§ m igratory f is h are r e str ic te d in

movement by such fixqd net thereby facilitating their taking in

the lave net;

(v) The manner of using a draw, draft or seine net shall be as

follows, namely one end of the rope of the net shall be held on

the shore or bank and the net shall be shot out or paid out

from a boat which shall start from such shore or bank, and

return thereto w ithout pause or d e la y , and the net sh a ll

thereupon be drawn into and landed on such shore or bank and no

net shall be shot out or paid out from any point within 90

metres from any part of the space on the shore or bank between

the p o in t o f sta rtin g and the p o in t o f return of the boat

during the said o p eration or u n t il after e x p ira tio n o f 15

minutes from the time at which the net is completely drawn in

and landed. No draw, draft or seine net shall be worked across

more than three-quarters of the water in the channel at the

•time of fishing .

The hand ropes attached to the ends of the net shall not be

considered part of such net,

12 . Numbering of licences, nets and boats

Any number bearing label issued by the Authority in respect of a

1 icensed net sh a ll at a l l tim es w hile the net is being used for

fishing be attached to the headrope of the net or, in the case of a

heave of haaf net, to that part most nearly corresponding to the

headrope. Except that in the case of heave or haaf net it shall not

be an offence i f the label is carried on the person of the licence

holder when operating the net.

The same number shall be conspicuously painted and maintained in

white numerals not less than 150mm high and 20mm wide, on a black

background, or in black numerals on a white background, on the outside

and near the centre of the gunwale on each side of the boat from or in

connection with which the net is used. Provided that this byelaw

shall not apply to boats that are already required to display numbers

by the Merchant Shipping (Fishing Boats Registry) Order 1927 ( S .I .

1 92 7 /6 4 2 ).

13 . Carrying of nets during annual close season

No person sh all, during the annual close season for salmon, carry

or permit to be carried in any boat any net capable of taking salmon,

other than a landing net or a net commonly used in the area for sea

fishing if carried in a boat or vessel commonly used for that purpose.

14. Carrying of unlicensed1 nets

The carrying in or attaching to a boat or vessel whilst being used

in fishing for salmon or trout of any net (other than a landing net)

which is not licensed or i f licensed has not attached thereto the

label referred to in byelaw 12, is hereby prohibited.

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25 . Returns of net and rod catches

Any person to whom a licence is issued to fish for salmon or migratory

trout within the Authority 's area shall in the month of November each

year in the case of anglers and on the last day of the months of

March, A p ril , May, June, July , August and September where appropriate

in the case of netsmen, either (i) send a return to the Authority in

the appropriate form provided by the Authority o f any such fish he has

taken w ith in the A u t h o r it y 's area during the period or periods

specified in such forms or (ii) i f he has taken no such fish , send to

the Authority a statement that he has taken no such fish during such

period or periods,

27. Application

These byelaws shall not apply to any employee o f the Authority acting

in his o ffic ia l capacity or to any person who with the permission in

writing of the Authority and acting in accordance with any conditions

attached to thbt perm ission c a r r ie s out work con n ected 'w i t h the

maintenance improvement and development of a fishery or for some

scientific purpose.

28. Revocation of existing byelaws

All existing byelaws made by the Authority under the powers contained

in the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 with the exception of

the River Lune Byelaws and the Skerton Weir Byelaws are hereby revoked.

29. Interpretation

(i) In these byelaw s , un less the context otherw ise re q u ire s ,

"Authority" means the North West Water Authority.

"Authority 's Area" means the area of the Authority as defined

in Section 2 (2 ) o f and in Sched ule 1 and paragraph 4 o f

Schedule 2 to , the Water Act 1973.

"R iv e r Lune Byelaw s" means byelaws made by the A uth o rity

regulating the Annual Close Season for salmon (rod and line) in

the River Lurie' and the Weekly Close Time for salmon and trout

(other than rod and line) in the estuary of the River Lune, and

confirmed by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on

31st March, 1980.

"Skerton Weir Byelaws" means byelaws made by the Authority

re g u latin g f is h in g at Skerton Weir on the River Lune and

confirmed by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on

15th February 1979.

"Solway Firth" for the purposes of these byelaws means those

tidal waters and parts of the sea within the Authority 's area

between a l in e drawn from the centre o f the G o lf H o tel at

Powfoot at national grid reference NY 14686546 to the eastern

extremity of Grune Point at national grid reference NY 14395684


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(i) In the River Esk (Border), a line drawn across the river

from national grid reference NY 32456503 to national grid

preference NY 3245663 2.

(ii ) For the purposes of byelaws 9 , 10 and 11:

In the River Eden, a line drawn across the river from

national grid reference NY 33656182 to national grid

reference NY 33656155?

"Year" means the period from and including 1st January to and

including 31st December following,

(ii) "River Eden" means that part of the River Eden between the

eastern limit of the Solway Firth and the disused railway

bridge at national grid reference NY 383565 near Stainton in

the City of C arlisle .

"Cumbrian Coastal Waters" means those tidal waters and parts

of the sea to a distance of six nautical miles measured from

the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is

measured adjoining the coast of Cumbria between the western

limit of the Solway Firth and a line running true south-west

from the summit of Black Combe at national grid reference SD


"E llen Protected Area" means those tidal waters and parts of

the sea within a radius of 3 kms (1 .6188 nautical miles) from

the beacon at the seaward end of the south pier at Maryport.

"Derwent Protected Area" means those tidal waters and parts of

the sea within a radius of 3 kms (1 .6188 nautical miles) from

the beacon on the south pier at Workington.

"Ehen/Calder Protected Area" means those tidal waters and

parts of the sea within a radius of 3 kms (1 .6188 nautical

miles) from the centre of the railway bridge over the River

Calder at national grid reference NY 025027.

"Ir t /E sk Protected Area" means those tidal waters and parts of

the sea within a radius of 4 kms (2 .1584 nautical miles) from

the railway station at Ravenglass.

"Duddon Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the River

Duddon seaward of a line drawn through Dunnerholme Point and

Green Road Railway Station,

"Leven Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the River

Leven seaward of a line drawn parallel to , and 350m below the

Leven Viaduct near Ulverston.

"Kent Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the River

Kent seaward of a line drawn parallel to and 350m below the

Kent Viaduct at Arnside.

"Lune Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the River

Lune seaward of Carlisle Bridge in the City of Lancaster.

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"Middle Lune Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the

River Lune which lies seaward of a line drawn true south­

east from the landward end of the breakwater at Bazil Point.

"Lower Lune Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the

River Lune which lies seaward of a line drawn from Cockersand

Abbey lig h th o use to the seaward extrem ity , at high water

springs, of Sunderland Point.

"Wyre Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the River

Wyre seaward of Shard Bridge.

"Ribble Estuary" means that part of the estuary of the River

Ribble which lies seaward of a line drawn due south from the

Naize at Freckleton.

The modifications to the Byelaws referred to in paragraph 2 are as


Byelaw 8 - The W eekly closetim e for salmon and trout (other than

with rod and line)

The word "exception" shall be amended to read "exceptions". The

figure (i) shall be inserted before the word "In " and the following

new sub-paragraph shall be added;

" ( i i ) In the E lle n Protected Area the period between the

hour of six on Thursday morning and the hour of six on the

following Monday morning".

Byelaw 9 - Limitation of netting

In sub-paragraph (h) "30th June 1982" shall be amended to read "31st

December 1985 ". The following new sub-paragraph shall be added:

" ( j ) In the Ellen Protected Area - heave or haaf n ets ."

Byelaw 11 - Regulation of Use of Nets

In sub-paragraph (i) the word "operatives" shall be amended to read

"persons"; the word "two" amended to read "three" and the word "three"

amended to read "fo u r " .

Page 23: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


Byelaw 25 - R e tu rn s o f n e t and ro d c a tc h e s

The l e t t e r " ( a ) " s h a l l be i n s e r t e d b e fo r e th e word "Any" in th e f i r s t l i n e o f th e byelaw and th e w ords " p ro v id e d by th e A u th o r i ty " i n l i n e s 6 and 7 o f t h e b y e la w s h a l l b e d e l e t e d an d s u b s t i t u t e d by t h e w o rd s " s e t o u t i n p a ra g ra p h (b) o f t h i s byelaw (g iv in g th e p a r t i c u l a r s i n d ic a te d t h e r e i n ) " . The fo llo w in g new s u b -p a ra g ra p h s h a l l be ad d ed :

" ( b ) I n t h e c a s e o f a n g l e r s th e f o l l o w i n g i s t h e a p p r o p r i a t e f o r j n : -

- 8 -

I n d iv id u a lw e ig h ts


Page 24: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14

In the case of netsmen the following is the appropriate forms-


Page 25: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


Byelaw 28 - Revocation of existing byelaws

the whole byelaw shall be deleted and the following byelaw inserted

in its place.

"A ll presently subsisting byelaws made by the Authority under

powers conferred by section 28(6) and Schedule 3 of the Salmon

and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 shall be deemed to be revoked

as and when each such byelaw is superseded by a new relevant or

corresponding byelaw and when the said new byelaw is duly

confirmed by the M in ister".

Byelaw 29 Interpretation

The following new sub-paragraph shall be added:

" { i i i ) For the purpose of Byelaw 5?

"enclosed waters" means waters from which or into which fish

cannot normally swim to or from other w aters".

In accordance with Regional Committee minute n o .46 of 26th Aprp. 1982,

the detailed modifications to the byelaws, set out in paragraph 3 of

t h is re p o rt , have been agreed by the Chairman of the Regional

Committee and tfye Chairmen of the three area Committees.

Page 26: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14




6TH APRIL, 1983





River levels have been subject to fluctuation and,generally maintained

above normal with numerous spates and freshets. Catches were much

reduced during cold sp e lls and have in general been very patchy

throughout the period. On the River Weaver small chub, roach and dace

were caught from time to time in the Nantwich area together with some

bream up to 1 lb . In the Northwich area fish taken were mostly roach

and bream but sport was very unpredictable and no noteworthy catches

reported. On the River Dane quite good catches of chub have been

taken with up to 20 lbs in the Byley Bridge area.

Sport on canals has also been variable with the most productive venues

being on the Trent and Mersey, Leeds/Liverpool and St.Helens canals.

The Trent and Mersey produced good catches with bream to 2 lbs and

carp to 5 lbs. The following areas on the Leeds/Liverpool canal

fished w ell. Lydiate and Maghull produced good catches of tench with

nets to 30 lbs and in the Scarisbrick and Appley Bridge areas good

catches of perch, tench and roach were taken. The warm area of the

St,Helens canal was popular with anglers during cold periods and some

good catches of roach to 0 .5 lb and carp to 4 lbs were taken.

Stillwater angling was generally poor to moderate with the Cheshire

meres fish in g badly after the f i r s t fro sts of the w inter and

relatively few anglers fished these waters. Very few notable catches

were reported with the exception of a 19 lb carp from Shakerley Mere

and a 6 .5 lb tench from Carr M ill Dam.


Hollingworth Hatchery

Rainbow trout being developed for stocking the Authority 's reservoir

fisheries have continued to feed, with the exception of a few cold

spells , during the winter months. Few losses have been seen and the

numbers held are similar to those quoted in the previous report to the

Committee. The 1+ fish which were 6-8 inches at the time of the last

report have now reached a length of from 13 to 15 inches and these

should provide good angling targets during the coming season.

Pilot Hatchery

In v e s t ig a t io n s into the v ario u s asp ects o f hatching and rearing

coarse fish in heated water in enclosed systems which were started

in 1977 were completed during 198S. The installation was started

Page 27: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


solely for experiment and the various units comprising the whole

were designed to give specific information rather than for fu ll scale

production of fish . With the conclusion of the project the useful

l i f e of the in s t a l la t io n came to an end and it has now been



500 roach from Bostock Hall stockpond were introduced into the Trent

and Mersey Canal and 150 were given to the University of Liverpool for

research purposes.

Transfers for Clubs carried out by Authority Staff

During the review period a total of 59 ,700 mixed coarse fish were

moved for 18 clubs.


32 consents have been issued to introduce the following fish:-.

Rainbow trout 102,050

Brown trout 5 ,650

American brook trout 500

Roach 28 ,647

Bream 17,408

Carp 7 ,001

Tench 1,206

Perch 1,283

Crucian 3 ,163

Rudd 1,170

Pike 39

Ru f f e 2 ,000

Koi carp 10 ,000

Mixed coarse fish 27 ,000

TOTAL 207,117


During the review period 5 instances of fish mortality were noted

which resulted in the loss ofs-


100 ,600

50 ,000

2,000 100






Brown trout








Crucian carp

Minor species

TOTAL 153,076

Page 28: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


O nly one of these in c id e n ts involved over 100 f i s h , the d e t a ils

of which are:-

Date Site Club Species Approx No. Cause

2 5 .2 .8 3 Madeley Manor private






Minor species

100 ,600 Toxic pollution

50 ,000 entering water-

2,000 course following

100 motorway accident



Only two instances o f f is h d is e a s e were noted during the review

period. In both cases the fish losses were negligible and a direct

result of poor handling.


During the review period 37 site v isits were made to give fisheries

advice. In addition 28 investigations including the use of electro­

fishing and netting techniques were carried out to provide information

for fisheries management.



D e t a ils o f m igratory f is h movement in northern are as , f is h e r ie s

prosecutions undertaken by the Authority during the period October

1982, to February, 1983, together with details of the monthly fish-

catch returns by rod and line and nets and fixed engines, are given in

appendices 1, 2 and 3 .

Page 29: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14

Yearl Weir Basinghyll Duddon.. Hall . Haverthwaite. Halton Skerton Broadraine Winckley Hall Waddow Weir Locks IWeirRiver Derwent River Kent River Duddon River Leven R.Lune River Lune River Lune River Hodder R. Ribble R. Ribble


Page 30: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14




Name and Address Offence

River & Date

Court & Date Result

Philip Mearman,

18 , Hemmons Rd.



Robert Howard,

West Lodge



Brian Martin

22 Birch Avenue


Mark Baker

17, Oak Terrace.

Clayton Br.Mcr.

Robert Green

26 Poole Street,


Paul Pickup

4 Peel Mount C l.

Knuzden, Blackburn

Michael Dixon

15 Beardwood Rd.


Keith Laycock

34 , Leicester Rd.


Fishing for freshwater fish

or eels otherwise than by

means of a licensed instru­


Using a keep net during

the annual close season.

Fishing for freshwater

fish or eels otherwise than

by means of a licensed


1 . As above.

2. Using a keep net during

annual close season.

3. Fishing for freshwater

fish during annual close


1 , 2 & 3 - as above

4 . Failing to state correct name and address.

1. Fishing for freshwater

fish during annual close


2 . Using a keep net during

annual close season.

As above.

Fishing for trout,fresh­

water fish or eels other­

wise than by means of a

licensed instrument.

Dane2 5 .4 .8 2


2 2 .5 .8 2 .

Dane9 .5 .8 2

Dane9 .5 .8 2

RishtonResr.1 6 .5 .8 2 .

RishtonResr.1 7 .5 .8 2



1 7 .5 .8 2 .


age Resr

2 9 .1 1 .8 2

Northwich5 .1 0 .8 2


1 2 .1 0 .8 2

Sandbach1 2 .1 0 .8 2


1 2 .1 0 .8 2

Church1 5 .1 0 .8 2


1 5 .1 0 .8 2


1 5 .1 0 .8 2

Blackburn1 5 .7 .8 2 .

Fine 1)£25

2) £15

Costs £15.

Fine £30

Costs £15

Fine £30.

Costs £15

Fine 1)£30

2)£20 3}£20

Costs £15.

Fine 1)£15

2)£25 3)£30

4) £5

Costs £15.

Fine £20


Costs £15.

Fine. 1)£20

2) £25

Costs £15.

Fine 1)£15

2) £15

Costs £5.


Page 31: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


Name and Address. OffenceRiver &


Court &

Date Result

Robert Alan Green, 1 . Fishing for trout,fresh­ Parsonage Blackburn . Fine 1)£15

26, Poole Street, water fish or eels other­ Resr. 1 5 .7 .8 2 . 2) £15

Blackburn. wise than by means of a

licensed instrument.

2 . Failing to state correcHy

name and address.

2 9 .1 1 .8 1 Costs £5.

Ian Scanlan Fishing for freshwater fis lBridge- Newton-le- Fine £25

7 , Farm Avenue, otherwise than by means of water Willows. Costs £15,

Stretford, Mer. a licensed instrument. Canal.

7 .6 .8 2 .

2 7 .1 0 .8 2

John O 'K elly In possession of an un­ Bridge­ Newton-le- Fine £25

23 Lemington Avenge licensed instrument with water Willows Costs £15.

Statham, N r . Lymm intent to use it for

fish ing .


7 .6 .8 2

2 7 .1 0 .8 2

Jeremy Taylor 1 . Fishing for freshwater

12, Woodlands Dr, fish during the annual Dane Sandbach Fine 1) £25

Goo s trey , Crewe. close season.

2-i Using a keep net during

the annual close season.

2 2 .5 .8 2 28 .1 0 .8 2 2) £25

Costs £15.

Tony Wilson, Fishing for trout,fresh­ Dane Sandbach Fine £40

17 , Lansbury House, water fish or eels other­ 1 9 ,5 .8 2 9 .1 1 .8 2 Costs £15.

Chorlton. cum-Hardy wise than by means of a

Manchester. licensed instrument.

James David Bullen,

72, St.Thomas’ Square


Fishing for freshwater fisl

or eels otherwise than by

means of a licensed


Church St.

Canal. ]

3 0 .6 .8 2


1 .1 1 .8 2

Fine £5.

Alan McLoughlin II II Pilsworth Bury Fine £10.

4.,Newton Cres, Fisheries 16 .1 1 .8 2 Costs £15.

Langley,Middleton. 3 0 .6 .8 2

Matthew Cartledge tt tt Pilsworth Btiry Fine £10

11, G ilpin Walk Fisheries 1 6 .1 1 .8 2 Costs £15

Langfey Middleton. 3 0 .6 .8 2

Peter Byrne It II Pilsworth Bury Fine £10

4. Balmoral Dr. Fisheries 16 .1 1 .8 2 Costs £15.

Heywood 3 0 .6 .8 2

John Stuart Graham

15, Boswell Avenue,

1 . Inpossession of an

unlicensed instrument



3 0 .6 .8 2


Warrington. (net)

2. Removal of Fish.


1 7 .4 .8 2

Peter Lynch Fishing for trout,fresh­ Boggart Manchester Absolute

5, Raycroft Avenue water fish or eels 3ole Clough 1 9 .1 1 .8 2 Discharge 1

Blackley, Mcr.9 otherwise than by means

of a licensed instrument.

L 4 .6 .8 2 . Costs £5.

David Paul Cotton m ii 3oggart Manchester Absolute

41, Evesham Roa$ , Hole Cloug i l 9 .1 1 .8 2 . Discharge

Blackley, Manchester 9 1 4 .6 .8 2 . Costs £15

Robert Townsendn ii Pilsworth



2 3 .1 1 .8 2 .

Fine £10

Costs £157. Silverdale Avenue

Prestdrich Manchester.

Page 32: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14

Name and Address. OffenceRiver &


Court &

Date Result

Ian Shearson Fishing for trout,fresh ­ Pilsworth Bury Fine £10

51 , Green Brow Rd.

M 'c r . " ■ ■

water fish or eels other­

wise than by means of a

licensed instrument.


3 0 .6 .8 2 .

2 3 .1 1 .8 2 . Costs £15.

Anthony RhodesPilsworth


3 0 .6 .8 2

18, Jutland Avenue,



2 3 .1 1 .8 2 .

Fine £10

Costs £15

Glen Howard Cross

9 , Ryldon Place ,

Marton, Blackpool

fl ItPilsworth


3 0 .6 .8 2


23 .1 1 .8 2

Fine £10

Costs £15

David Williamson

43, Sheepfoot Lane

Prestwich, Mcr.

II IIPilsworth


3 0 .6 .8 2 .


2 3 .1 1 .8 2

Fine £10

Costs £15

Melvin Douglas Lomax

285 Moorside Rd.


II IIPilsworth


3 0 .6 .8 2


2 3 .1 1 .8 2 .

Fine £10

•Costs £15.

John Taylor

16, Rawsthorne Ave.


If IIJumbles


2 7 .6 .8 2


2 2 .1 1 .8 2 .

Fine £15.

Costs £15

Michael Campbell

99 Hazel Ave. Bury.

II IIJumbles


2 1 .6 .8 2


2 2 .1 1 .8 2 .

Fine £15

Costs £15.

Brian Baxendale

138 Longsight,


II II Jumbles


2 3 .6 .8 2 .


2 2 .1 1 .8 2

Fine £15 «

Costs £15

Stephen Blakemore


Bradshaw Lane


It IIUpper


worth Resr

2 6 .6 .8 2


2 9 .1 1 .8 2

Fine £5

Costs £5. if *

Robert George Thompsoj

58 Davenport Dr.


I H " Compstall


3 0 .6 .8 2


2 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £15

Costs £10

Kenneth Anthony Mathe:

2 . Fairfield Avenue,


It It Compstall


3 0 .6 .8 2 .


2 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £10

Costs £5.

William Henry Kingsbe;

359 Stockport Rd.

Gee Cross, Hyde

-ry Compstall


3 0 .6 ,8 ?


2 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £10

Costs £5.1

Barry Crutchley

59 , Fulmar Drive,



ii iiCompstall


4 .6 .8 2


2 .1 2 .8 2 C

Fine £10

osts £5.

r 7 . --- --...----- - ----- -- -- --- ----- --- -- - ---

Page 33: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


Name and Address.

Harry Sherratt

149, Hillock Lane,


John O'Rourke

152 Wilderspool



Alfred Donald Taylor

27 West Dale Gardens

Levenshulme, Mcr,

B ill Harrison.

18, St . Helens Rd,


John Jones

49 Westbourne Rd.

Walton. Warrington.

Peter Oxer,

10, Stopes Brow,

Lower Darwen

James Grive,

1, Stopes Brow,

Lower Darwen

Francis Gerald Atherto

36, Rutherford Drive,

Over Hulton,


John Glover S n r . ,

Vienna Beech A v e .,


'Jr. Chorley.

'iichael Hogg,

78, Bow Lane,


Thomas Whiteside,

i5, Ash Grove,


homas Edwin Pickstone

51, Rowntree House,

ferneth, Oldham.

erence McGiffen,

5, Rembrandt Walk,

Sholver, Oldham.



Fishing for trout,fresh­

water fish or eels

otherwise than by means of

a licensed instrument.

River & Date

Grey Mist


3 0 .6 .8 2



2 4 .6 .8 2 .



2 4 .6 .8 2 .


Park Lake

3rey Mist




toddle swortl:

*es. 23 .7



. les. 2 3 .7 .8



lies. 2 5 .8 .8 $


2 4 .1 1 .8 2 .


2 4 .1 1 .8 2 .


7 .1 2 .8 2 .


9 .1 2 .8 2


8 .1 2 .8 2




7 .8 .8 2




7 .8 .8 2



8 .8 .8 2



9 .8 .8 2



9 .8 .8 2

Court & Date


1 3 .1 2 .8 2


1 3 .1 2 .8 2


1 4 .1 2 .8 2


1 4 .1 2 .8 2


1 4 .1 2 .8 2


1 4 .1 2 .8 2


1 3 .1 2 .8 2


1 3 .1 2 .8 2


Fine £20

Costs £5.

Fine £20

Costs £15.

Fine £30

Costs £15.

Fine £10

Costs £15.



Costs £15.

Fine £10

Costs £15

Fine £10

Costs £15

Fine £20

Costs £15

Fine £10

Costs £15

Fine £10

Costs £15

Fine £20

osts £15

Fine £15

osts £15

F’ine £20

^osts £15

Page 34: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14

Name and Address. Of fence. River &


Court &

Date Result

Trevor Burgess,

313, Preston Road,


Fishing for trout, fresh­

water fish or eels

otherwise than by means of

a licensed instrument


Fish Pond

2 3 .8 .8 2


1 7 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £25

Costs £15

David Forshaw,

39, Fairhurst A v e .,





'ish Ponds

2 3 .8 .8 2

i Ormskirk

1 7 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £25

Costs £15

William David Wright,

2 , Brookfield Avenue,



II II Rhodes


2 0 .8 .8 2


1 6 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £5

Costs £5

Michael McGrady,

4 , Kingsley Road,


It II Rochdale


6 .8 .8 2


1 6 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £5

Costs £5

John Bernard O 'Hara ,

1, Glenthorne Ave. ,

High Blackley,


»l H Rhodes


2 0 .8 .8 2


1 6 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £5

Costs £5

Val Mears,

36, Travis Court,



II H Rhodes


2 0 .8 .8 2


1 6 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £5

Costs £5

James Edward Roscow,

16, Delph A v e .,

Edgerton, Bolton.

II II Jumbles


7 .8 .8 2


1 6 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £15

Costs £15

Derek Howies,

3, Edge H ill Road,



It " Rochdale



9 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £10

Costs £5

Charles Peter Shearso

40, Denhill Drive,



i, ” Pilsworth


3 0 .6 .8 2


1 5 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £5

Costs £15

Clifton B e lfie ld ,

71, Leonard Street,



ii H Capesthorn


8 .7 .8 2



1 5 .1 2 .8 2

Fine £25

3 Costs £15

Alan Greaves,

11, Hazel Avenue,


n ii Queens Rd.


2 8 .8 .8 2



5 .1 .8 3

r- Fine £10

Costs £15

Frank Ulph,

40, Cartmel Drive,

R a inh ill .

ii « lalsnead

Park Lake

3 0 .6 .8 2


7 .1 .8 3

Fine £10

Costs £15

John Lockett,

40, Devon Way,


ii ii Halsnead

Park Lake

3 0 .6 .8 2


7 .1 .8 3

Fine £10

Costs £15

" ' *!------ ------- ----- ----- ---


-- ...----

Page 35: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


Name and Addrrs

Edward Rogers,

12, Montgomery Road,


William Hunter,11, Beatty Close,


Terry Brown,

9 , Oxford Street,


Kenneth Yardley,

58,' Collingwood R d .,


Paul O 'B rien ,

13, Waverley Avenue,



Edmond McKenna,

2, Yew Tree V illa s ,

Preston Road,

Charnock Richard

Alan Causer,250, Common Road, Newton-le-Willows,

Stephen John Trow,

102, Middlebrook Dri\



Eric Mottershead,

11B, High Street,

M acclesfield.

David Wood,

7, Knights Close,



Alan Ward,

29, Brookfield Lane,

M acclesfield.

Peter Dunn,

4 , Rosewood Avenue,


Alan Dunn,

44, Cedar Avenue,


Fred Ullha,

12, Privet Street,




Fishing for trout, fresh­

water fish or eels

otherwise than by means

oif a licensed instrument

River & Date


Park Lake

3 0 .6 .8 2


Park Lake

3 0 .6 .8 2



8 .8 .8 2



1 9 .9 .8 2



Leeds/LiverpoolCanal7 .8 .8 2

Leeds/LiverpoolCanal5 .8 .8 2

Jumbles Reservoir2 9 .8 .8 2

BosleyReservoir1 9 .9 .8 2

BosleyReservoir1 9 .9 .8 2

BosleyReservoir1 9 .9 .8 2

EltonReservoir1 5 .9 .8 2

EltonReservoir1 5 .9 .8 2

Strinesda;Reservoir9 .8 .8 2

Court & Date


7 .1 .8 3


7 ,1 .8 3


1 4 .1 .8 3


1 4 .1 .8 3


1 4 .1 .8 3


1 4 .1 .8 3


1 2 .1 .8 3

Bolton1 7 .1 .8 3


1 9 .1 .8 3


fie ld


fie ld


2 4 .1 .8 3


2 4 .1 .8 3


2 4 .1 .8 3


Fine £10

Costs £15

Fine £10

Costs £15

Fine £25

Costs £15

Fine £25

Costs £15

Fine £25

Costs £15

Fine £25

Costs £15

Fine £10

Costs £15

Fine £50

Costs £15

Id Fine £20

Costs £15

F.ine £20

Costs £15

Fine £20

Costs £15

Fine £5

Costs £ 7 .50

Fine £5

Costs £7.50

Fine £15

Costs £15

Page 36: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14


Name and Address. OffenceRiver & Date

Court & Date Result

Ian Udall, Fishing for trout, fresh­ Queens Rd Ashton-unc3er- Fine £20

14, Oak Grove,


water fish or eels

otherwise than by means

of a licensed instrument


2 8 .9 .8 2


2 .2 .8 8

Costs £1!

Karl Walker,

63, George Road,


n ii Elton


1 5 .9 .8 2


1 4 .2 .8 3

Fine £20

Costs £15

David Leigh,

16, Derrington A v e .,


II II Elworth


1 4 .9 .8 2


1 5 .2 .8 3

Fine £30

Costs £15

Philip Scott,

2 , Ross Street,

St. Helens

II H Carr M ill


2 0 .9 .8 2


1 7 .2 .8 3

Fine £15

Donald Keith Phillips

99, Orchard Park,


Nr. Chester.

II It Pennine


8 .9 .8 2


1 6 .2 .8 3



12 months

Costs £10.

Laszlo Szeputi,

169 , Elsdon,

Ashfield Valley ,


l> II Calder-



1 9 .9 .8 2


1 6 .2 .8 3

Fine £20

Costs £10

Jack Hodgson,

7, Whalley A v e .,



tl II Croft


6 .9 .8 2


1 6 .2 .8 3

Fine £20

Costs £10

Barry Bird,

58, Smock Lane,


II II Pennine


8 .9 .8 2


1 6 .2 .8 3



12 months

Costfe £10

David Bigwood,

24, Fields Farm Road,

Hattersley, Hyde.

II II Coombs




Fine £30

Costs £10

Ronald David Jones, 25, Cowpen Road,Old Swan,


II II Lymm Dam

3 0 .9 .8 2



2 3 .2 .8 3

Fine £25

Costs £15

Arthur William s, II II Sandmere Northwich Fine £15

IB , Letburn A v e .,



6 .9 .8 2 2 2 .2 .8 3 Costs £15

David May,

36, Smith Grove,



II II Weaver

7 .9 .8 2


2 2 .2 .8 3



f--------......... -..------- - -.....—..... ---- ------

Page 37: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14

Name ami Address.

Ronald Cope

I R i n /o n Road ,

C ( ac^e. .

Gordon John Morrell,

20, Doddington Road,



Fishing for trout, fresh­

water fish or eels

otherwise than by means

of a licensed instrument

River & Da te



2 9 .9 .8 2

Crewe 3ark Lake

1 .9 .8 3

Court & Date


2 2 .2 .8 3


2 2 .2 .8 3


Fine £5

Fine £10

Page 38: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14



Border Esk(Eng)EdenDerwentCockerEllenEhenCalderIrtEskDuddonLevenCrakeKentLuneOthersNorthern AreaRibbleHodderWyre


Page 39: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14

Border Esk (Eng)














OthersNorthern Area








Page 40: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14



Eden & EskCoastal DriftSouth & West CumbriaDuddonLevenKentluneBibble


Page 41: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14



March.............. ......

April May June July August oep tember AverageWeight Total

No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No a wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. . No. Wt. lbs. No. wt.Eden & Esk - - 37 108 1298 5068 3631 87729 1401 346SJ 199 452 122 318 2. 42 6688 16187Coastal Drift - - - - - 29 144 5 23 1 5 - - 4.91 35 172South West Cumbri a - - 12 21 4.1 76 93 165 39 115 6 219 - - . 2.09 191 ' 398J

Duddon - - - - - - - - 15 34 - - - - 2. 26 15 34Leven - - - - - 11 41? 3 17 1 7 - - 4.56 15 65JKent - - - - - 42 173 3 ■10J 1 4 - - 4.08 46 1873lune - - ■ - 139 5825 549 2354J 121 465J 19 759 - - 4.20 828 34779Ribble - - - - 1 3 10 k?i 15 67 - - - - 4.52 26 1179

TOTAL - - 49 129 1.479- 3729i 4365 11698 1602 4200̂ 227 565 122 318 2.63 7844 206399

Page 42: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14





6TH APRIL, 1983


1 . The A u th o r i ty a t i t s a n n u a l m ee tin g i n Ju n e i s r e q u i r e d t o c o n s id e r a c a le n d a r o f m e e tin g s f o r th e a u t h o r i t y , i t s C om m ittees and Sub­c o m m it t e e s up t o and i n c l u d i n g t h e n e x t a n n u a l m e e t in g . I n t h e p r e s e n t c ir c u m s ta n c e s o f im pending w a te r in d u s t r y r e o r g a n i s a t i o n , a d r a f t c a le n d a r f o r m e e tin g s o f R e g io n a l and A rea F i s h e r i e s A d v iso ry C om m ittees h a s been p re p a re d and th e p ro p o se d d a te s a r e s e t o u t in th e a p p e n d ix h e r e to f o r t;he in fo r m a t io n o f m em bers.

2 . The C om m ittee i s i n v i t e d t o g iv e p r e l im in a r y a p p ro v a l t o th e d r a f t c a le n d a r . Any v a r i a t i o n s made a t th e a n n u a l m ee tin g w i l l be n o t i f i e d .

Page 43: North · North West Water Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321 RF2/B14





REGIONAL 2.15 p.m . Monday 27th June, 1983

Northern Area Central Area Southern Area

2 .30 p .m .

2 .30 p.m .

2 .30 p.m .




10th October, 1983

12th October, 1983

19th October, 1983



2.15 p.m .

2 .15 p.m.



7th November, 1983

30th January, 1984

Northern Area Central Area Southern Area

2 .30 p.m.

2 .30 p.m.

2 .30 p.m.


26th March, 1984

28th March, 1984

4th A p ril , 1984

REGIONAL 2 .15 p.m . Monday 23rd A p ril , 1984