non-timber forest products and conservation: what prospects?

THINKING beyond the canopy Non-timber forest products and conservation: what prospects? Terry C.H. Sunderland, Ousseynou Ndoye and Susan Tarka Sanchez 49 th Annual Mee-ng of the ATBC Bonito, Brazil, 19 th June 2012

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Non-timber forest products have been hailed as a ‘silver bullet’ for sustainable development and forest conservation, because of the significance of forest products as both food and income for rural dwellers, but evidence from this presentation’s core study suggests that harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is failing to meet goals for combining conservation and poverty alleviation. NTFPs can have a role in rural livelihoods, especially through multiple-use sustainable forestry projects, but these require long-term investments and complex co-management approaches. CIFOR scientist Terry Sunderland gave this presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, held in Bonito, Brazil on 19 June 2012.


Page 1: Non-timber forest products and conservation: what prospects?

THINKING beyond the canopy

Non-timber forest products and conservation: what prospects?

Terry  C.H.  Sunderland,  Ousseynou  Ndoye  and  Susan  Tarka  Sanchez    

49th  Annual  Mee-ng  of  the  ATBC    Bonito,  Brazil,  19th  June  2012    

Page 2: Non-timber forest products and conservation: what prospects?

THINKING beyond the canopy

This presentation… §  Sunderland, T.C.H., S. Harrison

& O. Ndoye. 2011. NTFPs and conservation: what prospects? In: S. Shackleton, C. Shackleton & P. Shanley (eds) Non-timber forest products in the global context. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Page 3: Non-timber forest products and conservation: what prospects?

THINKING beyond the canopy


§  NTFPs hailed as “silver bullet” for sustainable forest conservation

§  Many conservation interventions still rely on NTFP “development” for alternative livelihoods

§  However, evidence suggests that the NTFP/conservation linkages are tenuous

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THINKING beyond the canopy

Brief history of NTFP/conservation paradigm

§  Colonial expansion led by novel forest products that became agricultural commodities

§  “Boom and bust” nature of production systems often characterised by elite capture and exclusion (Homma 1992; Dove 1993)

§  Revisionist “Rainforest Harvest” theory of 1980’s, led in part by “extractive reserve” model where high value forest products and established markets coincided

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THINKING beyond the canopy

NTFP’s and rural livelihoods §  Significant value of forest

products to rural dwellers and often keystone of food and nutritional security

§  Often provides only means to access cash economy

§  Recent global study suggests that one fifth of rural income is derived from forest products (CIFOR’s Poverty and Environment Network)

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THINKING beyond the canopy

Is NTFP harvesting sustainable? §  It depends…. §  Factors to consider: tenure, plant part

harvested, intensity, long-term management and monitoring

§  Unfortunately, very few examples where sustainable management of individual resources have taken place in the context of the individual resource and wider ecosystem

§  Even high value forest products (e.g. Prunus africana) are harvested without a basic understanding of long-term impacts of exploitation

§  Very little investment in sustainable multiple-use forestry: co-management

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THINKING beyond the canopy

NTFPs and protected areas (PA’s)

§  Exponential increase in PA’s globally (now 11.5% of terrestrial surface)

§  8.4% of land area are IUCN I-IV classifications, thus annexed from human use (conflict and non-compliance)

§  Clear advocacy for “wild nature” over sustainable use §  If NTFPs and conservation are compatible, why is this the


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THINKING beyond the canopy

Transition from natural forests to “domestic” forests

§  Low density of NTFPs in natural forests §  Transition from “nature to culture” (Dove 1995) and

anthropogenic landscapes §  Domestic forests (e.g. peri-urban forests of Belem

(Brazil) or rubber agroforests of Sumatra (Indonesia)) §  Simplification of production systems §  Thus NTFP extractive systems not reliant on biodiversity

per se

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THINKING beyond the canopy

Constraints to NTFP contribution to biodiversity conservation

§  Estimates of non-timber “value” greatly over-exaggerated (c.f. Peters et al. 1989, Nature)

§  Commercialisation often leads to appropriation and depletion

§  Increased demand + resource scarcity = cultivation or substitution

§  Thus “value” of biodiversity-rich forests is reduced

§  NTFP-based income often part of the informal forestry sector; the “hidden harvest” (Laird et al. 2010)

§  Erosion of traditional knowledge §  Lack of tenure

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THINKING beyond the canopy

PEN: A global study of NTFPs

§  25 countries §  36 PEN studies §  239 households in the average study §  364 villages or communities surveyed §  2,313 data fields (variables) in the average study §  >10,000 households surveyed §  40,950 household visits by PEN enumerators §  294,150 questionnaire pages filled out and entered §  456,546 data cells (numbers) in the average study §  17,348,734 data cells in the PEN global data base!

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THINKING beyond the canopy

Value of NTFPs to livelihoods?

§  NTFPs classified as “safety nets” but sometimes as “poverty traps”

§  Not a pathway out of poverty §  Agriculture and off-farm income more attractive than forest

product harvesting alone §  Thus further disassociating integrated conservation and

livelihood functions

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THINKING beyond the canopy

In summary

§  Links between NTFPs and biodiversity conservation have been based on simplistic assumptions and generalisations

§  Further hindered by separation of protection and sustainable use

§  Multiple-use sustainable forestry requires long-term investments and complex co-management approaches

Page 13: Non-timber forest products and conservation: what prospects?

THINKING beyond the canopy  [email protected]