ni vision for labwindows™/cvi™ function · the following documents contain information that you...


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Page 1: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents
Page 2: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 4: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



1. LaunchNILicenseManagerbyselectingStart»AllPrograms»NationalInstruments»NILicenseManager.


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Page 7: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


<> Anglebracketsthatcontainnumbersseparatedbyanellipsisrepresentarangeofvaluesassociatedwithabitorsignalname—forexample,DBIO<3..0>.

» The»symbolleadsyouthroughnestedmenuitemsanddialogboxoptionstoafinalaction.ThesequenceFile»PageSetup»OptionsdirectsyoutopulldowntheFilemenu,selectthePageSetupitem,andselectOptionsfromthelastdialogbox.Thisicondenotesanote,whichalertsyoutoimportantinformation.

bold Boldtextdenotesitemsthatyoumustselectorclickoninthesoftware,suchasmenuitemsanddialogboxoptions.Boldtextalsodenotesparameternames,emphasis,oranintroductiontoakeyconcept.

green Underlinedtextinthiscolordenotesalinktoahelptopic,helpfile,orWebaddress.

italic Italictextdenotesvariablesorcrossreferences.Thisfontalsodenotestextthatisaplaceholderforawordorvaluethatyoumustsupply.

monospace Textinthisfontdenotestextorcharactersthatyoushouldenterfromthekeyboard,sectionsofcode,programmingexamples,andsyntaxexamples.Thisfontisalsousedforthepropernamesofdiskdrives,paths,directories,programs,subprograms,subroutines,devicenames,functions,operations,variables,filenames,andextensions.

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Page 12: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

BooleanExpressionsClickthe buttontoaddBooleanexpressionstoasearch.ThefollowingBooleanoperatorsareavailable:


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1. Right-clickthebook.2. SelectPrintfromtheshortcutmenutodisplaythePrintTopics

dialogbox.3. SelectthePrinttheselectedheadingandallsubtopicsoption.


4. ClicktheOKbutton.

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Page 16: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameAcquisition CopyFromRing imaqCopyFromRingAcquisition EasyAcquire imaqEasyAcquireAcquisition ExtractFromRing imaqExtractFromRingAcquisition Grab imaqGrabAcquisition ReleaseImage imaqReleaseImageAcquisition SetupGrab imaqSetupGrabAcquisition SetupRing imaqSetupRingAcquisition SetupSequence imaqSetupSequenceAcquisition Snap imaqSnapAcquisition StartAcquisition imaqStartAcquisitionAcquisition StopAcquisition imaqStopAcquisition

Page 17: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


BuildCoordinateSystem imaqBuildCoordinateSystem


FitCircle2 imaqFitCircle2


FitEllipse2 imaqFitEllipse2


FitLine imaqFitLine


GetAngle imaqGetAngle


GetBisectingLine imaqGetBisectingLine


GetDistance imaqGetDistance


GetIntersection imaqGetIntersection


GetMidLine imaqGetMidLine


GetPerpendicularLine imaqGetPerpendicularLine

Page 18: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


GetPointsOnContour imaqGetPointsOnContour


GetPointsOnLine imaqGetPointsOnLine


GetPolygonArea imaqGetPolygonArea


InterpolatePoints imaqInterpolatePoints

Page 19: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Barcode GradeDataMatrixBarcodeAIM


Barcode ReadBarcode imaqReadBarcodeBarcode ReadDataMatrixBarcode imaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2Barcode ReadPDF417Barcode imaqReadPDF417BarcodeBarcode ReadQRCode imaqReadQRCode

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Page 21: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Morphology ConvexHull imaqConvexHull


Morphology DanielssonDistance



Morphology FillHoles imaqFillHoles


Morphology FindCircles imaqFindCircles


Morphology Label2 imaqLabel2


Morphology Morphology imaqMorphology


Morphology RejectBorder imaqRejectBorder


Morphology Segmentation imaqSegmentation


Morphology Separation imaqSeparation


Morphology SimpleDistance imaqSimpleDistance


Morphology SizeFilter imaqSizeFilter


Morphology Skeleton imaqSkeleton

Page 22: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



CountParticles imaqCountParticles



MeasureParticle imaqMeasureParticle



ParticleFilter4 imaqParticleFilter4

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



MatchShape imaqMatchShape

Page 24: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Calibration CopyCalibrationInfo imaqCopyCalibrationInfo2Calibration CorrectCalibratedImage imaqCorrectCalibratedImageCalibration GetCalibrationInfo imaqGetCalibrationInfo2Calibration LearnCalibrationGrid imaqLearnCalibrationGridCalibration LearnCalibrationPoints imaqLearnCalibrationPointsCalibration SetCoordinateSystem imaqSetCoordinateSystemCalibration SetSimpleCalibration imaqSetSimpleCalibrationCalibration ConvertPixelToReal


Calibration TransformRealWorldToPixel


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Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameCaliper CaliperTool imaqCaliperToolCaliper ConcentricRake2 imaqConcentricRake2Caliper DetectExtremes imaqDetectExtremesCaliper DetectRotation imaqDetectRotationCaliper EdgeTool4 imaqEdgeTool4Caliper FindEdge2 imaqFindEdge2Caliper FindCoordSys(Rect) imaqFindTransformRect2Caliper FindCoordSys(2Rects) imaqFindTransformRects2Caliper LineGaugeTool imaqLineGaugeTool2Caliper Rake2 imaqRake2Caliper SimpleEdge imaqSimpleEdgeCaliper Spoke2 imaqSpoke2Caliper StraightEdge imaqStraightEdge

Page 26: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Classification AddClassifierSample


Classification Classify imaqClassifyClassification CreateClassifier imaqCreateClassifierClassification DeleteClassifier


Classification GetClassifierAccuracy


Classification GetClassifierSampleInfo


Classification GetNearestNeighborOptions


Classification GetParticleClassifierOptions


Classification ReadClassifierFile imaqReadClassifierFileClassification RelabelClassifier


Classification SetParticleClassifierOptions


Page 27: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

Classification TrainNearestNeighborClassifier


Classification WriteClassifierFile imaqWriteClassifierFile

Page 28: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


— ChangeColorSpace2



— ColorBCGTransform



— ColorEqualize imaqColorEqualize


— ColorHistogram2 imaqColorHistogram2


— ColorLookup imaqColorLookup


— ColorThreshold imaqColorThreshold

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



LearnColor imaqLearnColor



MatchColor imaqMatchColor

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Display — AreToolsContextSensitive


Display — CloseWindow imaqCloseWindowDisplay — DisplayImage imaqDisplayImageDisplay — GetLastKey imaqGetLastKeyDisplay — GetSystemWindow


Display — GetWindowCenterPos


Display — SetToolContextSensitivity


Display — ShowWindow imaqShowWindow

Page 31: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Display ToolWindow

CloseToolWindow imaqCloseToolWindow

Display ToolWindow

GetCurrentTool imaqGetCurrentTool

Display ToolWindow

GetLastEvent imaqGetLastEvent

Display ToolWindow



Display ToolWindow



Display ToolWindow

IsToolWindowVisible imaqIsToolWindowVisible

Display ToolWindow

MoveToolWindow imaqMoveToolWindow

Display ToolWindow

SetCurrentTool imaqSetCurrentTool

Display ToolWindow

SetEventCallback imaqSetEventCallback

Display ToolWindow

SetToolColor imaqSetToolColor

Display ToolWindow

SetupToolWindow imaqSetupToolWindow

Display ToolWindow

ShowToolWindow imaqShowToolWindow

Page 32: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement

GetWindowGrid imaqGetWindowGrid

Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement

GetWindowSize imaqGetWindowSize

Display WindowManagement

GetWindowTitle imaqGetWindowTitle

Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement

IsWindowVisible imaqIsWindowVisible

Display Window MoveWindow imaqMoveWindow

Page 33: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ManagementDisplay Window

ManagementSetupWindow imaqSetupWindow

Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement

SetWindowGrid imaqSetWindowGrid

Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement

SetWindowSize imaqSetWindowSize

Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement

SetWindowTitle imaqSetWindowTitle

Display WindowManagement



Display WindowManagement

ShowScrollbars imaqShowScrollbars

Display WindowManagement

ZoomWindow2 imaqZoomWindow2

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1PixelIntensity 4AnchoringCoordinatesofaregion2Image-TypeIndicator(8-bit,16-bit,RGB)









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Page 36: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


ClearError imaqClearError


GetErrorText imaqGetErrorText


GetLastError imaqGetLastError


GetLastErrorFunction imaqGetLastErrorFunc


SetError imaqSetError

Page 37: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameFileI/O CloseAVI imaqCloseAVIFileI/O CreateAVIFile imaqCreateAVIFileI/O GetAVIInfo imaqGetAVIInfoFileI/O GetFileInformation imaqGetFileInfoFileI/O GetFilterNames imaqGetFilterNamesFileI/O LoadImagePopup imaqLoadImagePopupFileI/O OpenAVIFile imaqOpenAVIFileI/O ReadAVIFrame imaqReadAVIFrameFileI/O ReadFile imaqReadFileFileI/O ReadVisionFile imaqReadVisionFileFileI/O WriteAVIFrame imaqWriteAVIFrameFileI/O WriteBMPFile imaqWriteBMPFileFileI/O WriteFile imaqWriteFileFileI/O WriteJPEGFile imaqWriteJPEGFileFileI/O WriteJPEG2000File imaqWriteJPEG2000FileFileI/O WritePNGFile2 imaqWritePNGFile2FileI/O WriteTIFFFile imaqWriteTIFFFileFileI/O WriteVisionFile imaqWriteVisionFile

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Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Attenuate imaqAttenuate


Conjugate imaqConjugate




FlipFrequencies imaqFlipFrequencies


InverseFFT imaqInverseFFT


Truncate imaqTruncate

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Page 40: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Morphology GrayMorphology imaqGrayMorphology

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



CannyEdgeFilter imaqCannyEdgeFilter



Convolve2 imaqConvolve2



Correlate imaqCorrelate



EdgeFilter imaqEdgeFilter



Lowpass imaqLowPass



MedianFilter imaqMedianFilter



NthOrderFilter imaqNthOrderFilter

Page 42: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Threshold AutomaticThreshold imaqAutoThreshold2


Threshold LocalThreshold imaqLocalThreshold


Threshold MagicWand imaqMagicWand


Threshold Multithreshold imaqMultithreshold


Threshold Threshold imaqThreshold

Page 43: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Transform BCGTransform imaqBCGTransform


Transform Equalize imaqEqualize


Transform Inverse imaqInverse


Transform Lookup imaqLookup


Transform MathTransform imaqMathTransform


Transform WatershedTransform


Page 44: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameImageAnalysis Centroid imaqCentroidImageAnalysis ExtractCurves imaqExtractCurvesImageAnalysis Histogram imaqHistogramImageAnalysis LinearAverages imaqLinearAverages2ImageAnalysis LineProfile imaqLineProfileImageAnalysis Quantify imaqQuantify

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


— ArrayToImage imaqArrayToImage


— CreateImage imaqCreateImage


— ImageToArray imaqImageToArray

Page 46: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Border FillBorder imaqFillBorder


Border GetBorderSize imaqGetBorderSize


Border SetBorderSize imaqSetBorderSize

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Clipboard ClipboardToImage imaqClipboardToImage


Clipboard ImageToClipboard imaqImageToClipboard

Page 48: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Drawing DrawLineOnImage



Drawing DrawShapeOnImage



Drawing DrawTextOnImage


Page 49: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName







GetBitDepth imaqGetBitDepth











GetImageSize imaqGetImageSize



GetImageType imaqGetImageType



GetMaskOffset imaqGetMaskOffset



GetPixelAddress imaqGetPixelAddress







IsImageEmpty imaqIsImageEmpty









Image Image RemoveVision imaqRemoveVisionInfo2

Page 50: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

Management Information Info2ImageManagement


SetBitDepth imaqSetBitDepth



SetImageSize imaqSetImageSize



SetMaskOffset imaqSetMaskOffset





Page 51: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



Cast imaqCast



CopyRectangle imaqCopyRect



Duplicate imaqDuplicate



Flatten imaqFlatten



Flip imaqFlip



Mask imaqMask



Resample imaqResample



Rotate2 imaqRotate2



Scale imaqScale



Shift imaqShift



Transpose imaqTranspose



Unflatten imaqUnflatten



UnwrapImage imaqUnwrapImage

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View3D imaqView3D

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Interlacing InterlaceCombine imaqInterlaceCombine


Interlacing InterlaceSeparate imaqInterlaceSeparate

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



















FillImage imaqFillImage



GetLine imaqGetLine



GetPixel imaqGetPixel











SetLine imaqSetLine



SetPixel imaqSetPixel

Page 55: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Inspection CompareGoldenTemplate imaqCompareGoldenTemplateInspection LearnGoldenTemplate imaqLearnGoldenTemplate

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Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameLCD FindLCDSegments imaqFindLCDSegmentsLCD ReadLCD imaqReadLCD

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName





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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



CountObjects imaqCountObjects





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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



FindPattern imaqFindPattern

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

















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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent




ClampMax imaqClampMax



ClampMin imaqClampMin

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



LightMeterLine imaqLightMeterLine



LightMeterPoint imaqLightMeterPoint



LightMeterRect imaqLightMeterRect

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Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



SelectAnnulus imaqSelectAnnulus



SelectLine imaqSelectLine



SelectPoint imaqSelectPoint



SelectRect imaqSelectRect

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Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameMemoryManagement Dispose imaqDispose

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Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameMeter GetMeterArc imaqGetMeterArcMeter ReadMeter imaqReadMeter

Page 67: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


FindEdge imaqFindEdge


FindTransformRect imaqFindTransformRect


FindTransformRects imaqFindTransformRects

Page 68: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Obsolete AddRotatedRectContour imaqAddRotatedRectContourObsolete AutomaticThreshold imaqAutoThresholdObsolete BestCircle imaqBestCircleObsolete CalculateCoefficient imaqCalcCoeffObsolete ChangeColorSpace imaqChangeColorSpaceObsolete Circles imaqCirclesObsolete ColorHistogram imaqColorHistogramObsolete ConcentricRake imaqConcentricRakeObsolete ConstructROI imaqConstructROIObsolete Convex imaqConvexObsolete Convolve imaqConvolveObsolete CoordinateReference imaqCoordinateReferenceObsolete SetCalibrationInfo imaqCopyCalibrationInfoObsolete CreateOverlayFrom


Obsolete CreateOverlayFromROI imaqCreateOverlayFromROIObsolete Divide imaqDivideObsolete DivideConstant imaqDivideConstantObsolete EdgeTool imaqEdgeTool

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Obsolete EdgeTool2 imaqEdgeTool2Obsolete EdgeTool3 imaqEdgeTool3Obsolete FitCircle imaqFitCircleObsolete FitEllipse imaqFitEllipseObsolete GetCalibrationInformation imaqGetCalibrationInfoObsolete GetCharacterInfo imaqGetCharInfoObsolete GetContourInformation imaqGetContourInfoObsolete GetParticleInformation imaqGetParticleInfoObsolete GetWindowZoom imaqGetWindowZoomObsolete IsVisionInfoPresent imaqIsVisionInfoPresentObsolete Label imaqLabelObsolete LearnPattern imaqLearnPatternObsolete LearnPattern2 imaqLearnPattern2Obsolete LinearAverages imaqLinearAveragesObsolete LineGaugeTool imaqLineGaugeToolObsolete LoadPattern imaqLoadPatternObsolete MatchGeometricPattern imaqMatchGeometricPatternObsolete MatchPattern imaqMatchPatternObsolete ParticleFilter imaqParticleFilterObsolete ParticleFilter2 imaqParticleFilter2Obsolete ParticleFilter3 imaqParticleFilter3Obsolete Rake imaqRakeObsolete ReadDataMatrixBarcode imaqReadDataMatrixBarcodeObsolete ReadText imaqReadTextObsolete ReadText2 imaqReadText2Obsolete Rotate imaqRotateObsolete SavePattern imaqSavePatternObsolete SelectParticles imaqSelectParticlesObsolete SetCalibrationInformation imaqSetCalibrationInfo

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Obsolete SetWindowOverlay imaqSetWindowOverlayObsolete Spoke imaqSpokeObsolete TransformROI imaqTransformROIObsolete WritePNGFile imaqWritePNGFileObsolete ZoomWindow imaqZoomWindow

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Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameOCR CreateCharacterSet imaqCreateCharSetOCR DeleteCharacter imaqDeleteCharOCR GetCharacterCount imaqGetCharCount

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OCR GetCharacterInfo2 imaqGetCharInfo2OCR ReadOCRFile imaqReadOCRFileOCR ReadText3 imaqReadText3OCR RenameCharacter imaqRenameCharOCR SetReferenceCharacter imaqSetReferenceCharOCR TrainCharacters imaqTrainCharsOCR VerifyPatterns imaqVerifyPatternsOCR VerifyText imaqVerifyTextOCR WriteOCRFile imaqWriteOCRFile

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Page 74: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Operators Arithmetic AbsoluteDifference


Operators Arithmetic AbsoluteDifferenceConstant


Operators Arithmetic Add imaqAddOperators Arithmetic AddConstant imaqAddConstantOperators Arithmetic Average imaqAverageOperators Arithmetic AverageConstant imaqAverageConstantOperators Arithmetic Divide2 imaqDivide2Operators Arithmetic DivideConstant2 imaqDivideConstant2Operators Arithmetic Max imaqMaxOperators Arithmetic MaxConstant imaqMaxConstantOperators Arithmetic Min imaqMinOperators Arithmetic MinConstant imaqMinConstantOperators Arithmetic Modulo imaqModuloOperators Arithmetic ModuloConstant imaqModuloConstantOperators Arithmetic MultiplyDivide imaqMulDivOperators Arithmetic Multiply imaqMultiplyOperators Arithmetic MultiplyConstant imaqMultiplyConstantOperators Arithmetic Subtract imaqSubtractOperators Arithmetic SubtractConstant imaqSubtractConstant

Page 75: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Operators Logical And imaqAndOperators Logical AndConstant imaqAndConstantOperators Logical Compare imaqCompareOperators Logical Compare


Operators Logical LogicalDifference imaqLogicalDifferenceOperators Logical LogicalDifference


Operators Logical Nand imaqNandOperators Logical NandConstant imaqNandConstantOperators Logical Nor imaqNorOperators Logical NorConstant imaqNorConstantOperators Logical Or imaqOrOperators Logical OrConstant imaqOrConstantOperators Logical Xnor imaqXnorOperators Logical XnorConstant imaqXnorConstantOperators Logical Xor imaqXorOperators Logical XorConstant imaqXorConstant

Page 76: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionNameOverlay ClearOverlay imaqClearOverlayOverlay CopyOverlay imaqCopyOverlayOverlay GetOverlayProperties imaqGetOverlayPropertiesOverlay MergeOverlay imaqMergeOverlayOverlay OverlayArc imaqOverlayArcOverlay OverlayBitmap imaqOverlayBitmapOverlay OverlayClosedContour imaqOverlayClosedContourOverlay OverlayLine imaqOverlayLineOverlay OverlayMetafile imaqOverlayMetafileOverlay OverlayOpenContour imaqOverlayOpenContourOverlay OverlayOval imaqOverlayOvalOverlay OverlayPoints imaqOverlayPointsOverlay OverlayRect imaqOverlayRectOverlay OverlayROI imaqOverlayROIOverlay OverlayText imaqOverlayTextOverlay SetOverlayProperties imaqSetOverlayProperties

Page 77: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


DetectCircles imaqDetectCircles


DetectEllipses imaqDetectEllipses


DetectLines imaqDetectLines


DetectRectangles imaqDetectRectangles
















Pattern LearnPattern3 imaqLearnPattern3

Page 78: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents











MatchPattern2 imaqMatchPattern2





RefineMatches imaqRefineMatches







Page 79: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


— ConstructROI2 imaqConstructROI2


— CreateROI imaqCreateROI


— GetROIBoundingBox



— GetROIColor imaqGetROIColor


— GetWindowROI imaqGetWindowROI


— SetROIColor imaqSetROIColor


— SetWindowROI imaqSetWindowROI

Page 80: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName


Contours AddAnnulusContour



Contours AddClosedContour



Contours AddLineContour imaqAddLineContour


Contours AddOpenContour imaqAddOpenContour


Contours AddOvalContour imaqAddOvalContour


Contours AddPointContour imaqAddPointContour


Contours AddRectContour imaqAddRectContour


Contours AddRotatedRectContour



Contours CopyContour imaqCopyContour


Contours GetContour imaqGetContour

Page 81: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Contours GetContourColor imaqGetContourColor


Contours GetContourCount imaqGetContourCount


Contours GetContourInfo imaqGetContourInfo2


Contours MoveROI imaqMoveContour


Contours RemoveContour imaqRemoveContour


Contours SetContourColor imaqSetContourColor

Page 82: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class Subclass LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName



MaskToROI imaqMaskToROI



ROIProfile imaqROIProfile



ROIToMask imaqROIToMask



TransformROI imaqTransformROI2

Page 83: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Class LabWindows/CVIEquivalent FunctionName

Utilities GetKernel imaqGetKernelUtilities MakeAnnulus imaqMakeAnnulusUtilities MakePoint imaqMakePointUtilities MakePointFloat imaqMakePointFloatUtilities MakeRect imaqMakeRectUtilities MakeRectFromRotated


Utilities MakeRotatedRect imaqMakeRotatedRectUtilities MakeRotatedRectFrom


Utilities MulticoreOptions imaqMulticoreOptions

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Page 85: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 87: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstimagetosubtract.sourceB constImage* Thesecondimagetosubtract.

Page 88: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 93: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagefromwhichthefunctionsubtractsa

scalarconstant.value PixelValue Thevaluetosubtractfromthesourceimage.

Page 94: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 99: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstimagetoadd.sourceB constImage* Thesecondimagetoadd.

Page 100: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 104: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROIthatwillcontainthenewcontour.annulus Annulus Definesthelocationandsizeoftheannulus.

Page 105: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 106: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 107: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 109: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagetoaddtotheclassifier.Thisparameterisoptionalifyouareaddingasampletoacustomclassificationsession.

session ClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessiontouse.roi constROI* TheROIcontainingthesampletoadd.


sampleClass constchar* Theclasstowhichthissamplebelongs.

featureVector double* Thefeaturevectortoaddtotheclassifier.Usethisparameteronlywhenyouareusingacustomclassifier.Foranyothertypeofclassifier,setthisparametertoNULL.

vectorSize unsignedint ThenumberofelementsinfeatureVector.Usethisparameteronlywhenyouareusingacustomclassifier.Foranyothertypeofclassifier,setthisparameterto0.

Page 110: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 112: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 113: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.points constPoint* Anarrayofpointsdescribingthelocationand


numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthearray.

Page 114: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDfortheaddedcontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 116: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 118: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetowhichthefunctionaddsascalar

constant.value PixelValue Thevaluetoaddtothesourceimage.Setthe


Page 119: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 122: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.start Point Thepixellocationofthestartoftheline.end Point Thepixellocationoftheendoftheline.

Page 123: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 125: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 126: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.points constPoint* Anarrayofpointsdescribingthelocationand


numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthearray.

Page 127: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 129: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 130: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.boundingBox Rect Thepixellocationinformationofthebounding


Page 131: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 133: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 134: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.point Point Thepixellocationofthepoint.

Page 135: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 137: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 138: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.rect Rect Thepixellocationoftherectangle.

Page 139: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 141: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 142: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.rect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationinformationfortherotated


Page 143: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 145: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 147: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


Page 148: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 150: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 152: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue ThevaluetoANDtothesourceimage.Setthe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 156: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.visible int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEifthe


Page 157: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 160: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sensitive int* Onreturn,TRUEiftoolcontextsensitivityisenabled.FALSEiftoolscontextsensitivityisdisabled.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 161: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 165: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.newPixels constfloat* Thetwo-dimensionalarrayofpixelvalues.


plane ComplexPlane Theplanetoreplace.SpecifyIMAQ_REALtoreplacetherealplaneorIMAQ_IMAGINARYtoreplacetheimaginaryplane.

Page 166: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 170: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosepixelsthefunctionsetstomatchtheinputarray.

array constvoid* Thetwo-dimensionalarrayofpixelvalues.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numCols int Thenumberofcolumnsinthedataarray.numRows int Thenumberofrowsinthedataarray.

Page 171: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 172: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


ImageType ArrayTypeIMAQ_IMAGE_U8 unsignedcharIMAQ_IMAGE_U16 unsignedshortIMAQ_IMAGE_I16 shortIMAQ_IMAGE_SGL floatIMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX ComplexIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB RGBValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_HSL HSLValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 RGBU64Valuestructures

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Page 174: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 176: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetoattenuate.highlow AttenuateMode Thefrequenciestoattenuate.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 181: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetothreshold.numClasses int Thenumberofclassesintowhichto


method ThresholdMethod Themethodforbinarythresholding.IfnumClassesis2(abinarythreshold),methodspecifieshowtocalculatetheclasses.IfnumClassesisnot2,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Whencalculatingtheautothreshold,thefunctionconsidersonlythosepixelsinimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinmaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLifyouwantthefunctiontoperformanautothresholdonthewholeimage.

Page 182: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ThresholdData* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofstructuresprovidinginformationaboutthethresholdrangesthatthefunctionapplied.ThearraycontainsanumberofThresholdDatastructuresequaltonumClasses.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththearray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 184: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 186: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 191: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue Thevaluetoaveragewiththesourceimage.Use


Page 192: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 196: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetotransform.options constBCGOptions* Theparameterstouseinthetransform.


mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionappliesthetransformonlytothosesourcepixelswhosecorrespondingmaskpixelsarenon-zero.Allotherpixelremainunchanged.SetthisparametertoNULLtoapplythetransformtothewholesourceimage.

Page 197: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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brightness 128contrast 45gamma 1.0

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Page 201: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPointFloat* Thearrayofpointstofittotheedgeofthecircle.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesuppliedarray.Youmustsupplyatleastthreepoints.

center PointFloat* Onreturn,filledwiththecoordinatesofthecenterofthecircle.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

radius double* Onreturn,filledwiththeradiusofthecenterofthecircle.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 202: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 205: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberofthewindowyouwanttobeactive.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 209: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPoint* Anarrayofpointsdefiningthecoordinatesystem.IfmodeisIMAQ_COORD_X_Y,thepointsarraymusthavethreepoints.IfmodeisIMAQ_COORD_ORIGIN_X,thepointsarraymusthavetwopoints.

mode ReferenceMode Specifiesthemethodthatthefunctionusestocalculatethecoordinatesystem.

orientation AxisOrientation Thedirectionofthey-axisofacoordinatesystem.

system CoordinateSystem* Onreturn,containsthecoordinatesystemdefinedbythepointarray.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 210: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 214: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* constParticleReport* Theparticlereportyouwanttouseto


parameter MeasurementValue Thecoefficienttocalculate.coefficient float* Onreturn,thecoefficientyourequest.


Page 215: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 219: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindsedges.

points constPoint* Thepathalongwhichthefunctiondetectsedges.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthepointsarray.

edgeOptions constEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctiontofindanedge.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

caliperOptions constCaliperOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctiontochooseedgepairs.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numEdgePairs int* Onreturn,thisparameterissettothenumberofedgepairsfound.Ifyoudonotneedthisinformation,setthisparametertoNULL.

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ReturnValueType Description

CaliperReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachedgepair.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthisfunctionbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 221: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 222: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 224: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagewhoseedgesthefunction

outlines.options constCannyOptions* Adescriptionoffilterparameterstousein


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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sigma 1.00upperThreshold 0.70lowerThreshold 0.20windowSize 9

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Page 230: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.SetthisparameterequaltosourceorNULLtoperformthechangedirectlyonthesourceimage.

source constImage* Thesourceimage.type ImageType Thenewtypefortheimage.typeisthenewtype


lookup constfloat* Anoptionallookuptable.Ifyoudonotwishtousealookuptable,thisparametermaybeNULL.Seethedescriptiononhowthelookuptableisemployed.

shift int Theshiftvalueforconverting16-bitimagesto8-bitimages.Thefunctionexecutesthisconversionbyshiftingthe16-bitpixelvaluestotherightbythespecifiednumberofshiftoperations,uptoamaximumof8shiftoperations,andthentruncatingtogetan8-bitvalue.Enteravalueof–1toignorethebitdepthandshift0.Enteravalueof0tousethebitdepthtocasttheimage.

Page 231: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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sourceType typeParameter ResultIMAQ_IMAGE_U8 IMAQ_IMAGE_U16,




IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB Eachcolorcomponentofthedestinationissettothesourcevalue.Ifthesourcevalueisgreaterthan255,thefunctionsets

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IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL Thefunctionsetstheluminancecomponentofthedestinationtothesourcevalue.Ifthesourcevalueisgreaterthan255,thefunctionsetstheluminanceto255.Ifthesourcevalueislessthan0,thefunctionsetstheluminanceto0.Thefunctionsetshueandsaturationto0.


IMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX Thefunctionsetstherealcomponentofthedestinationtothesourcevalue.Thefunctionsetstheimaginarycomponentofthedestinationto0.


IMAQ_IMAGE_U8 Thefunctionright-shiftsthesourcevalueby

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IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 Eachcolorcomponentofthedestinationissettothesourcevalue.Ifthesourcevalueisgreaterthan65535thefunctionsetsthecolorcomponentto65535.Ifthesourcevalueislessthan0thefunctionsetseachcolorcomponentto0.

IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 IMAQ_IMAGE_U8 Thefunctionshiftsthesourcevaluetothe8-bitrangeusingthespecifiedbitdepthofthesourceimage.Thenthefunctionsetsthe

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IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB Thefunctionshiftsthesourcevaluetothe8-bitrangeusingthespecifiedbitdepthofthesourceimage.Thenthefunctionsetseachcolorcomponentinthedestinationvaluetothecorrespondingcomponentinthesourcevalue.

IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL Thefunctionshiftsthesourcevaluetothe8-bit

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IMAQ_IMAGE_SGL Ifyouprovidealookuptable,thedestinationpixelwillhavethelookupvalueofthesourcepixel.Thelookuptablemustcontain65,536elements.Ifyoudonotprovidealookuptable,thefunctioncopiesthesourcevaluetothedestinationunmodified.



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IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL ThefunctionconvertseachpixelfromtheRGBcolorspacetotheHSLcolorspace.


IMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX Thefunctionsetstherealportionofthedestinationvaluetotheaverageofthethreecolorcomponentsofthesource,anditsetstheimaginaryportionofthedestinationto0.





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IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL IMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX Thefunctionsetstherealportionofthedestinationvaluetothevalueoftheluminancecomponentofthesource,anditsetstheimaginaryportionofthedestinationto0.





IMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL Thefunctionsetstheluminancecomponentofthedestinationvaluetothemagnitudeofthesourcevalue,anditsetsthehueandsaturationcomponentsto0.

IMAQ_IMAGE_U16 IMAQ_IMAGE_I16 Thefunctionsetsthedestination

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IMAQ_IMAGE_I16 IMAQ_IMAGE_U16 Thefunctionsetsthedestinationvaluetothesourcevalue.Ifthesourcevalueisoutoftherangeofthedestination,thefunctioncoercesthesourcetotherange.

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Page 243: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosecentroidthefunctioncalculates.

centroid PointFloat* Onreturn,thex-andy-coordinatesofthecentroid.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.IfNULL,thewholesourceimageisusedinthecalculation.Otherwise,thefunctionusesinthecalculationonlythosepixelsinthesourcewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskimagearenon-zero.

Page 244: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 247: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sourceColor constColor2* Thecolorinthesourcespace.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

sourceSpace ColorMode Thesourcecolorspace.destSpace ColorMode Thedestinationcolorspace.offset double IfthedestinationspaceisHSL,


whiteReference constCIEXYZValue* IfthedestinationspaceisCIEL*a*b*,theCIEXYZcomponentsthatmaptowhite.IfthisparameterissettoNULL,thedefaultvalues(0.950456,1,1.088754,0),whichmaptotheRGBvalues(255,255,255,0),areused.

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ReturnValueType Description

Color2 Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthevalueofthecolorinthedestinationcolorspace.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsblack.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 252: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagethatthefunctionusesfordistancemeasurement.

searchRect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularsearchareaofthedistancemeasurement.

direction RakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchforedgesalongthesearchlines.

distance float* Uponreturn,thedistancemeasuredbetweenthetwoparallelhit-lines.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constFindEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctiontodetectedgesandwhatinformationthefunctionshouldoverlayontotheimage.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* AnoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforsearchRect.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationofthedistancemeasurementbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformsearchRect.

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firstEdge PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationofthefirstedgeusedtomeasurethedistance.Ifyoudonotneedthisinformation,setthisparametertoNULL.

lastEdge PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationofthelastedgeusedtomeasurethedistance.Ifyoudonotneedthisinformation,setthisparametertoNULL.

Page 254: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqDispose().

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threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5showSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUE

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Page 259: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagethatthefunctionusesfordistancemeasurement.

searchRect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularsearchareaofthedistancemeasurement.

direction RakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchforedgesalongthesearchlines.

distance float* Uponreturn,thedistancemeasuredbetweenthetwoparallelhit-lines.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constFindEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctiontodetectedgesandwhatinformationthefunctionshouldoverlayontotheimage.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* AnoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforsearchRect.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationofthedistancemeasurementbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformsearchRect.

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firstEdge PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationofthefirstedgeusedtomeasurethedistance.Ifyoudonotneedthisinformation,setthisparametertoNULL.

lastEdge PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationofthelastedgeusedtomeasurethedistance.Ifyoudonotneedthisinformation,setthisparametertoNULL.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5showSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUE

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Page 266: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagetoclassify.session constClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessiontouse.roi constROI* TheROIaroundtheitemto


featureVector double* Thefeaturevectortoclassify.Usethisparameteronlywhenyouareusingacustomclassifier.Foranyothertypeofclassifier,setthisparametertoNULL.

vectorSize unsignedint ThenumberofelementsinfeatureVector.Usethisparameteronlywhenyouareusingacustomclassifier.Foranyothertypeofclassifier,setthisparameterto0.Allfeaturevectorsclassifiedbyacustomclassifiermustbethesamesizeasthesamplesitcontains

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ReturnValueType Description

ClassifierReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportcontainingtheresultsoftheclassification.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeoftheinformationbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 270: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.

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Page 274: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagefromwhichthefunctionremovesalloverlayinformation.

group constchar* Overlaygroupnametoclear.SetthisparametertoNULLtoclearalloverlays.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 279: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Theimageintowhichthefunctioncopiestheclipboardimage.

palette RGBValue* Anarrayof256entriesthatreceivesthepaletteassociatedwiththe8-bitclipboardimage.Ifthereisnopaletteassociatedwiththeimage,thefunctionfillsinagraypalette.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthepalette.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturns1iftherewasanimageontheclipboardor–1iftherewasnoimageontheclipboard.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

session AVISession Thesessiontouse.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 287: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 290: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindowtoclose.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_ALL_WINDOWStoclosealloftheimagewindows.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 295: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetotransform.redOptions constBCGOptions* Theparameterstouseinthe


greenOptions constBCGOptions* Theparameterstouseinthetransformofthegreenplane.SetthisparametertoNULLtoleavethegreenplaneunchanged.

blueOptions constBCGOptions* Theparameterstouseinthetransformoftheblueplane.SetthisparametertoNULLtoleavetheblueplaneunchanged.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctiontransformsonlythosepixelinthesourceimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskimagearenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtotransformthewholeimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 300: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetoequalize.colorEqualization int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoequalize


Page 301: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 305: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosehistogramthefunctioncalculates.

numClasses int Thenumberofclassesintowhichthefunctionseparatesthepixels.

mode ColorMode Thecolorspaceinwhichtoperformthehistogram.

whiteReference constCIEXYZValue* IfmodeisCIEL*a*b*,theCIEXYZcomponentsthatmaptowhite.IfthisparameterissettoNULL,thedefaultvalues(0.950456,1,1.088754,0),whichmaptotheRGBvalues(255,255,255,0),areused.

mask Image* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctioncalculatesthehistogramusingonlythosepixelsintheimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtocalculatethehistogramoftheentireimage.

Page 306: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ColorHistogramReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportdescribingtheclassificationofeachplaneinaHistogramReport.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereport,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 310: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetoapplythelookuptableto.mode ColorMode Thecolorspaceinwhichtoapplythelookuptable.


mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionappliesthelookuptoonlythosepixelsinthesourceimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskimagearenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtoapplythelookuptothewholeimage.

plane1 constshort* Thelookuptableforthefirstplaneoftheimage.Ifyousetthisparameter,thelookuptablemustcontain256values.SetthisparametertoNULLtoleavethefirstplaneunchanged.

plane2 constshort* Thelookuptableforthesecondplaneoftheimage.Ifyousetthisparameter,thelookuptablemustcontain256values.SetthisparametertoNULLtoleavethesecondplaneunchanged.

plane3 constshort* Thelookuptableforthethirdplaneoftheimage.Ifyousetthisparameter,thelookuptablemustcontain256values.SetthisparametertoNULLtoleavethethirdplaneunchanged.

Page 311: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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IMAQ_RGB redplaneIMAQ_HSL hueplaneIMAQ_HSV hueplaneIMAQ_HSI hueplane


IMAQ_RGB greenplaneIMAQ_HSL saturationplaneIMAQ_HSV saturationplaneIMAQ_HSI saturationplane


IMAQ_RGB blueplaneIMAQ_HSL luminanceplaneIMAQ_HSV valueplaneIMAQ_HSI intensityplane

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Page 316: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.

source constImage* Theimagetothreshold.replaceValue int Thevaluethefunctionassignstoselected

pixels.mode ColorMode Thecolorspacetoperformthethresholdin.plane1Range constRange* Theselectionrangeforthefirstplaneofthe


plane2Range constRange* Theselectionrangeforthesecondplaneoftheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLtouseaselectionrangefrom0to255.

plane3Range constRange* Theselectionrangeforthethirdplaneoftheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLtouseaselectionrangefrom0to255.

Page 317: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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IMAQ_RGB redplaneIMAQ_HSL hueplaneIMAQ_HSV hueplaneIMAQ_HSI hueplane


IMAQ_RGB greenplaneIMAQ_HSL saturationplaneIMAQ_HSV saturationplaneIMAQ_HSI saturationplane


IMAQ_RGB blueplaneIMAQ_HSL luminanceplaneIMAQ_HSV valueplaneIMAQ_HSI intensityplane

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Page 322: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.compareImage constImage* Theimagetowhichthefunction


compare ComparisonFunction Themethodinwhichthefunctioncomparesimages.

Page 323: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 327: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue Thevaluetocomparetothesource


compare ComparisonFunction Themethodinwhichthefunctioncomparesimages.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 332: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetoinspectfordefects.

goldenTemplate Image* Thegoldentemplatetocompareagainstimage.

brightDefects Image* Thedestinationimageforbrightdefects,orbothkindsofdefectsifthesameimageisalsopassedtodarkDefects.

darkDefects Image* Thedestinationimagefordarkdefects.

alignment constInspectionAlignment* ThealignmentwithinimagewherethegoldenTemplateislocated.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constInspectionOptions* isaclusterspecifyingthegoldentemplatecomparison.

Page 333: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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registrationMethod IMAQ_REGISTRATION_NONEnormalizationMethod IMAQ_NORMALIZATION_NONEedgeThicknessToIgnore 0brightThreshold 30darkThreshold 30binary TRUE

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Page 338: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhoseplaneofpixelvaluesaretobeplacedintoanarray.

plane ComplexPlane Theplanetoextract.rect Rect Specifiesarectangularregionoftheimageto


columns int* Onreturn,thenumberofcolumnsinthereturnedarray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

rows int* Onreturn,thenumberofrowsinthereturnedarray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

float* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsatwo-dimensionalarrayofvaluescorrespondingtothepixelvaluesoftheextractedplane.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththearray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 343: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.

roi ROI* Theannularregionthefunctionlooksinfortheedges.Thefirstcontourofroimustbeanannulus.

direction ConcentricRakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchesforedgesalongthesearchlines.

process EdgeProcess Definestheedgesforwhichthefunctionlooks.

stepSize int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsbetweeneachsearchline.

edgeOptions EdgeOptions2* Specifiestheparametersthatareusedtocomputetheedgeprofileanddetectedges.

Page 344: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ConcentricRakeReport2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededgesandtheconcentricrakeusedbythefunction.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESkernelSize 3numSearchLines 3minThreshold 10.0interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDcolumnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS

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Page 349: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimagewhoseconjugatethefunction


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 354: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* SpecifiestheimagethattheuserselectsanROIfrom.

roi ROI* SpecifiestheROIthatinitiallyappearsintheROIconstructorwindow.TheusercanthenmodifythisROIbyadding,removing,resizing,andmovingcontours.ThefunctionappliestheresultsofthesemodificationstotheROI.

initialTool Tool SpecifiestheinitiallyselectedtoolintheROIconstructorwindow.ThistoolmustbeavailableintheROIconstructorwindow.

tools constToolWindowOptions* DeterminestheavailabilityoftoolsintheROIconstructorwindow.SettoolstoNULLtodisplayallthetools.

options constConstructROIOptions2* DescribeshowafunctionpresentstheROIconstructorwindow.

okay int* Uponreturn,thisparameterisTRUEiftheuserpressedOKtoendtheselectionofaline.Otherwise,thisparameterisFALSE.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 355: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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windowNumber IMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGwindowTitle "ROIConstructor"type IMAQ_PALETTE_GRAYpalette NULLnumColors 0maxContours 1

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Page 360: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagecontainingthelabeledparticlesthat

thefunctioncalculatesconvexenvelopesfor.connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8


Page 361: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 366: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagetofilter.Thisfunction


kernel float* Thematrixrepresentingthelinearfilter.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

matrixRows int Thenumberofrowsinthekernelmatrix.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

matrixCols int Thenumberofcolumnsinthekernelmatrix.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

normalize float Thenormalizationfactor.Afterperformingtheconvolution,thefunctiondivideseachpixelvaluebythisvalue.Setthisparameterto0todividebythesumoftheelementsofthekernel.

mask Image* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionfiltersonlythosepixelsinthesourceimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtofiltertheentireimage.

roundingMode RoundingMode Specifiesthetypeofroundingtousewhendividingimagepixels.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 372: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Theimagewhosecalibrationinformationthefunctionsets.

source Image* Thecalibratedimagethatcontainsthecalibrationinformationthefunctioncopiestothedestinationimage.

offset Point Theoffsetofdestwithinsource.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 376: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

destRoi ROI* TheROItowhichthefunctionaddsthecontour.sourceRoi constROI* ContourID ThecontourtoaddtotheROI.

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ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnstheContourIDofthecontourinthedestinationROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 381: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.image Image* Receivesthecopiedimage.Ifyousetthis


imageToCopy int Theimagetocopyfromtheringacquisition.Thecumulativebufferindexspecifiestheimagetocopy.IfanotherimagehasoverwrittenimageToCopy,thefunctionreturnsthenextavailableimage.

imageNumber int* Thecumulativebufferindexofthecopiedimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

rect Rect Therectangularareaoftheimageintheringthatthefunctioncopies.IfyousetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECT,oriftheareaislargerthantheimageinthering,thefunctioncopiestheentireimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

Image* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthecopiedimage.Onfailure,thefunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeimage,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 386: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* constchar* Overlaygroupnametocopy.Setthisparameterto


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 391: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.rect Rect Theareaofthesourcetocopyintothe


destLoc Point Thecoordinatesofthetop-leftpixelinthedestinationimagewherethefunctioncopiesthesourcearea.Thislocationcanbeanywhereontheimageorontheborderoftheimage.

Page 392: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 396: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thecalibratedimagethatthefunction

corrects.fill PixelValue Thevaluethatthefunctionfillspixelsina


method InterpolationMethod Themethodofinterpolation.ThevalidinterpolationmethodsforcorrectionareIMAQ_ZERO_ORDERandIMAQ_BILINEAR.

roi constROI* Specifiestheregionoftheimagethefunctioncorrects.SetthisparametertoNULLtocorrectthewholeimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 401: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Thesourceimage.Thecorrelation


templateImage constImage* Thetemplateimagetocorrelateagainstthesource.

rect Rect Theareaofthesourceimageonwhichtoperformthecorrelation.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtoperformthecorrelationonthewholesourceimage.

Page 402: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 407: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagethatthefunctionusesforobjectanalysis.

searchRect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularsearchareaoftheobjectanalysis.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_ROTATED_RECTtosearchtheentireimage.

options constCountObjectsOptions* Definestheparametersofthealgorithmthefunctionusestolocatetheobjectsandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* AnoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforsearchRect.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationoftheobjectdetectionbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformsearchRect.

numObjects int* Onreturn,thenumberofobjectsthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 408: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ObjectReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofreportsdescribingeachoftheobjectsfoundbythefunction.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 409: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


type IMAQ_BRIGHT_OBJECTSthreshold 128rejectBorder FALSEfillHoles FALSEuseMinSize FALSEminSize 0useMaxSize FALSEmaxSize 0showSearchArea FALSEshowObjectCenter TRUEshowBoundingBox TRUE

Page 410: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 411: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 412: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 413: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtocountparticles.connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8


numParticles int* Onreturn,thenumberofparticlesintheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 414: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 415: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 416: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 417: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

fileName constchar* ThenameoftheAVIfiletocreate.Thefileextensionmustbe

compressionFilter constchar* Thenameofthecompressionfiltertouse,ifany.CallimaqGetFilterNames()foralistofavailablecompressionfilters.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteuncompressedimages.

quality int Ifcompressionisbeingused,thequalityofthecompression,between0-1000.UseIMAQ_USE_DEFAULT_QUALITYtousethedefaultforthecompressionfilter.Notethatnotallcompressionfiltersallowyoutosetthequality.

framesPerSecond unsignedint


maxDataSize unsignedint


Page 418: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

AVISession Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsasessionIDassociatedwiththegivenAVIfile.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 419: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 420: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 421: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

CharSet* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertoanew,emptyCharSet.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetError().Whenyoufinishwiththecharacterset,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 422: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 423: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 424: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

type ClassifierType Thetypeoftheclassifiersessiontocreate.

Page 425: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ClassifierSession* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanewclassifiersession.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeoftheinformationbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 426: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 427: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 428: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 429: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

type ImageType Thetypeofimagetocreate.borderSize int Thesizeoftheimageborder.Formore


Page 430: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Image* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthecreatedimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththecreatedimage,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 431: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 432: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 433: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ROI* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertoanew,emptyROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().WhenyouarefinishedwiththeROI,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 434: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 435: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 436: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 437: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagethatthefunctionusestocomputethe


Page 438: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 439: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 440: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 441: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 442: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

set CharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

index int Theindexofacharacterinthetrainedcharactersettodelete.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_ALL_CHARACTERStocleartheentiretrainedcharacterset.

Page 443: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 444: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 445: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 446: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session ClassifierSession* Thesessioncontainingthesampletodelete.index int Theindexofthesampletodelete.Use


Page 447: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 448: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 449: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 450: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 451: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageonwhichtodetectcircles.

circleDescriptor constCircleDescriptor* Astructurethatdescribesthecirclestosearchforintheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

curveOptions constCurveOptions* Describeshowthefunctionidentifiesthecurvesintheimage.ThisfunctiondoesnotsupportidentifyingcurveswithsubpixelaccuracyandthereforeignoresthesubpixelAccuracyelementofthisparameter.

shapeDetectionOptions constShapeDetectionOptions* Theoptionstousewhendetectingcircles.

roi constROI* Theregionofinterestappliedtotheimagethatspecifieswherecirclescanbedetected.SetthisparametertoNULL

Page 452: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


numMatchesReturned int* Onreturn,thenumberofcirclesthatthefunctionmatched.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwishtoreturninformationaboutthenumberofmatchedcircles.

Page 453: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

CircleMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thevalueisNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 454: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


extractionMode IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGEthreshold 75filterSize IMAQ_NORMALminLength 25rowStepSize 15columnStepSize 15maxEndPointGap 10onlyClosed FALSEsubpixelAccuracy FALSE


mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTorientationRanges NULLnumOrientationRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}minMatchScore 800

Page 455: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 456: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 457: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 458: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageonwhichtodetectellipses.

ellipseDescriptor constEllipseDescriptor* Astructurethatdescribestheellipsestosearchforintheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

curveOptions constCurveOptions* Describeshowthefunctionidentifiesthecurvesintheimage.ThisfunctiondoesnotsupportidentifyingcurveswithsubpixelaccuracyandthereforeignoresthesubpixelAccuracyelementofthisparameter.

shapeDetectionOptions constShapeDetectionOptions* Theoptionstousewhendetectingellipses.

roi constROI* Theregionofinterestappliedtotheimagethatspecifieswhereellipsescanbedetected.SetthisparametertoNULL

Page 459: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


numMatchesReturned int* Onreturn,thenumberofellipsesthatthefunctionmatched.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwishtoreturninformationaboutthenumberofmatchedellipses.

Page 460: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

EllipseMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 461: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


extractionMode IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGEthreshold 75filterSize IMAQ_NORMALminLength 25rowStepSize 15columnStepSize 15maxEndPointGap 10onlyClosed FALSEsubpixelAccuracy FALSE


mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTorientationRanges NULLnumOrientationRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}minMatchScore 800

Page 462: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 463: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 464: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

pixels constdouble* Thearrayofpixeldatathefunctionprocesses.

numPixels int Thenumberofpixelsinthesuppliedarray.Youmustsupplyatleastasmanypixelsasthevalueyousupplyforthewidthelementintheoptionsparameter.

mode DetectionMode Determinesifthefunctiondetectspeaksordetectsvalleys.

options constDetectExtremesOptions* Describeshowthefunctioncalculatestheextremes.

numExtremes int* Onreturn,thenumberofextremesfoundbythefunction.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 465: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ExtremeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachextremefound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 466: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


threshold 0width 3

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Page 468: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 469: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 470: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageonwhichtodetectlines.

lineDescriptor constLineDescriptor* Astructurethatdescribesthelinestosearchforintheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

curveOptions constCurveOptions* Describeshowthefunctionidentifiesthecurvesintheimage.ThisfunctiondoesnotsupportidentifyingcurveswithsubpixelaccuracyandthereforeignoresthesubpixelAccuracyelementofthisparameter.

shapeDetectionOptions constShapeDetectionOptions* Theoptionstousewhendetectinglines.

roi constROI* Theregionofinterestappliedtotheimagethatspecifieswherelinescanbedetected.SetthisparametertoNULL

Page 471: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


numMatchesReturned int* Onreturn,thenumberoflinesthatthefunctionmatched.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwishtoreturninformationaboutthenumberofmatchedlines.

Page 472: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

LineMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 473: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


extractionMode IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGEthreshold 75filterSize IMAQ_NORMALminLength 25rowStepSize 15columnStepSize 15maxEndPointGap 10onlyClosed FALSEsubpixelAccuracy FALSE


mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTorientationRanges NULLnumOrientationRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}minMatchScore 800

Page 474: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 475: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 476: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 477: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageonwhichtodetectrectangles.

rectangleDescriptor constRectangleDescriptor* Astructurethatdescribestherectanglestosearchforintheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

curveOptions constCurveOptions* Describeshowthefunctionidentifiesthecurvesintheimage.ThisfunctiondoesnotsupportidentifyingcurveswithsubpixelaccuracyandthereforeignoresthesubpixelAccuracyelementofthisparameter.

shapeDetectionOptions constShapeDetectionOptions* Theoptionstousewhendetectingrectangles.

roi constROI* Theregionofinterestappliedtotheimagethatspecifieswhererectanglescanbedetected.Setthis

Page 478: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


numMatchesReturned int* Onreturn,thenumberofrectanglesthatthefunctionmatched.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwishtoreturninformationaboutthenumberofmatchedrectangles.

Page 479: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

RectangleMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 480: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


extractionMode IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGEthreshold 75filterSize IMAQ_NORMALminLength 25rowStepSize 15columnStepSize 15maxEndPointGap 10onlyClosed FALSEsubpixelAccuracy FALSE


mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTorientationRanges NULLnumOrientationRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}minMatchScore 800

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Page 482: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 483: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 484: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

referenceImage constImage* Thereferenceimage.testImage constImage* Thetestimage.referenceCenter PointFloat Thecenterpointofthecircularregionin

thereferenceimage.testCenter PointFloat Thecenterpointofthecircularregionin

thetestimage.radius int Theradiusofthecirclesusedtodetect

rotation.precision float Thesamplingperiod,indegrees,ofthe


angle double* Onreturn,theangle,indegrees,betweenthetwoimages.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 485: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 486: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 487: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 488: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 489: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 490: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetodisplayinthewindow.windowNumber int Thewindownumberofthewindowin


resize int IfyousetthisparametertoTRUE,thefunctionresizesthewindowtothesizeoftheimage.IfyousetthisparametertoFALSE,thewindowsizedoesnotchange.

Page 491: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 492: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 493: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 494: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 495: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

object void* Theimage,ROI,array,orreportwhosememoryyouwanttofree.

Page 496: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 497: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 498: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 499: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

report CircularEdgeReport* Thereportwhosememoryyouwanttofree.

Page 500: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 501: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 502: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 503: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

report ObjectReport* Thearrayofreportswhosememoryyouwanttofree.

Page 504: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 505: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 506: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 507: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

report StraightEdgeReport* Thereportwhosememoryyouwanttofree.

Page 508: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 509: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 510: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 512: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstimagetodivide.sourceB constImage* Thesecondimagetodivide.roundingMode RoundingMode Specifiesthetypeofroundingtouse


Page 513: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 518: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagebywhichthefunctiondivides

ascalarconstant.value PixelValue Thevaluebywhichthefunctiondivides


roundingMode RoundingMode Specifiesthetypeofroundingtousewhendividingimagepixels.

Page 519: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 523: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.mode DrawMode Themethodthatthefunctionusestodraw


start Point Thecoordinatelocationofthestartingpointoftheline.

end Point Thecoordinatelocationoftheendingpointoftheline.

newPixelValue float IfyousetmodetoIMAQ_DRAW_VALUE,newPixelValuesetsthepixelvalueinwhichthefunctiondrawstheline.IfyousetmodetoIMAQ_DRAW_INVERT,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.

Page 524: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 525: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 526: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 527: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 528: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.rect Rect Theboundingrectangleoftheshape.mode DrawMode Themethodthatthefunctionusestodraw

theshape.shape ShapeMode Theshapetodraw.newPixelValue float IfyousetmodetoIMAQ_DRAW_VALUE


Page 529: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 530: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 531: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 532: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 533: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.coord Point Thecoordinatesofthetext

referencepoint.text constchar* Thetextthatthefunction


options constDrawTextOptions* Themethodthatthefunctionusestodrawtext.

fontNameUsed int* Onreturn,equalsTRUEiftheusersuppliedfontnameinoptionswasused,andFALSEifthedefaultfontnamewasused.

Page 534: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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fontName ArialfontSize 12bold FALSEitalic FALSEunderline FALSEstrikeout FALSEtextAlignment IMAQ_LEFTfontColor IMAQ_WHITE

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Page 539: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Theduplicatedimage.source constImage* Theimagetocopy.

Page 540: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 544: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

interfaceName constchar* Anull-terminatedstringthatspecifiesthenameoftheinterfacetoopen.Examplesofinterfacesareimg0andimg1.Formoreinformationaboutinterfaces,refertotheNIVisionHardwareHelportheMeasurement&AutomationExplorerhelp.

Page 545: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Image* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnstheacquiredimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeimage,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 546: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 547: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 549: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimageofwhichthefunctionhighlights


method OutlineMethod Methodtousewhenoutliningtheedges.mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.Thisimagemustbean


Page 550: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 555: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichtofindtheedges.roi ROI* TheROItofindedgesalong.processType EdgeProcess Theedgeprocesstype.edgeOptions EdgeOptions2* Specifiestheparametersthatare


reverseDirection constunsignedint


Page 556: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

EdgeReport2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructureofinformationabouttheedgesfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 557: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESkernelSize 3width 3minThreshold 10.0interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDcolumnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS

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Page 561: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagefromwhichtoenumeratedatakeys.size unsignedint* Thenumberofkeysfoundintheimage.

Page 562: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

char** Thisfunctionreturnsanarraycontaininganumberofstringsequaltothevaluereturnedinthesizeparameter.Eachstringisthekeytoonecustomdataitemavailableintheimage.

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Page 566: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.min float Theminimumvalueoftherangetowhichthe

functionequalizestheimage.max float Themaximumvalueoftherangetowhichthe

functionequalizestheimage.mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.Thisimagemustbean


Page 567: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 571: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Thesourceimagethatthefunctionextractstheplanesfrom.

mode ColorMode Thecolorspacethatthefunctionextractstheplanesfrom.

plane1 Image* Onreturn,thefirstextractedplane.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

plane2 Image* Onreturn,thesecondextractedplane.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

plane3 Image* Onreturn,thethirdplane.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 572: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Mode PlaneIMAQ_RGB GreenIMAQ_HSL SaturationIMAQ_HSV SaturationIMAQ_HSI Saturation


Mode PlaneIMAQ_RGB BlueIMAQ_HSL LuminanceIMAQ_HSV ValueIMAQ_HSI Intensity

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Page 577: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.ValidimagetypesfordestareIMAQ_IMAGE_U8,IMAQ_IMAGE_I16,IMAGE_IMAGE_SLG,andIMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX.

source constImage* Theimagewhoseplanethefunctionextracts.plane ComplexPlane Theplanetoextract.

Page 578: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 582: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindcurves.roi constROI* TheROIthatthefunctionperforms


curveOptions constCurveOptions* Describeshowthefunctionidentifiesthecurvesintheimage.ThisfunctiondoesnotsupportidentifyingcurveswithsubpixelaccuracyandthereforeignoresthesubpixelAccuracyelementofthisparameter.

numCurves unsignedint* Onreturn,thenumberofcurveslocatedintheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 583: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Curve* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertoanarrayofreportsthatdescribethecurvesintheimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 584: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


extractionMode IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGEthreshold 75filterSize IMAQ_NORMALminLength 25rowStepSize 15columnStepSize 15maxEndPointGap 10onlyClosed FALSEsubpixelAccuracy FALSE


mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTorientationRanges NULLnumOrientationRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}minMatchScore 800

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Page 588: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.imageToExtract int Thecumulativebufferindexoftheimage


imageNumber int* Thecumulativebufferindexoftheextractedimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 589: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Image* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertotheextractedimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().BecausethereturnvalueisapointertoanimagethatyouprovidedtoimaqSetupRing(),youshouldnotdisposeoftheimageuntiltheacquisitionisfinished.

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Page 593: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.Thedestinationimagemustbeacompleximageandmustbedifferentthansourceimage.

source constImage* TheimagewhoseFouriertransformthefunctioncomputes.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 598: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhoseborderthefunctionmodifies.method BorderMethod Themethodbywhichthefunctionmodifiesthe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 603: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagecontainingparticleswithholes.connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouse


Page 604: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 608: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosepixelvaluesthefunctionoverwriteswiththegivenvalue.

value PixelValue Thevaluewithwhichthefunctionfillstheimagepixels.

mask constImage* Amaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionsetsonlythosesourcepixelswhosecorrespondingmaskpixelsarenon-zerotothespecifiedvalue.SetthisparametertoNULLifyouwantthefunctiontoseteverypixelinthesourceimagetothespecifiedvalue.

Page 609: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 613: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Onreturn,animagecontainingcirclesthatthefunctionlocated.

source Image* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindscircles.minRadius float Thesmallestradius(inpixels)tobedetected.


maxRadius float Thelargestradius(inpixels)tobedetected.Circleswithradiilargerthanthisvaluedonotappearinthedestinationimageorthereturnedreportarray.

numCircles int* Onreturn,thenumberofcirclesthatthefunctiondetectedintheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 614: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

CircleReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofstructurescontaininginformationabouteachofthefoundcircles.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththearray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 616: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 619: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethelocationoftheedge.

searchArea Annulus Thecoordinatelocationoftheannularsearchareathefunctionlooksinfortheedge.

direction SpokeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchforedgesalongthesearchlines.

options constFindEdgeOptions* Describeshowtosearchfortheedgeandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* AnoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforsearchArea.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationoftheedgedetectionbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformsearchArea.

Page 620: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

CircularEdgeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededge.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDisposeCircularEdgeReport().

Page 621: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5showSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUE

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Page 625: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethelocationoftheedge.

searchArea Annulus Thecoordinatelocationoftheannularsearchareathefunctionlooksinfortheedge.

direction ConcentricRakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchforedgesalongthesearchlines.

options constFindEdgeOptions* Describeshowtosearchfortheedgeandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* AnoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforsearchArea.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationoftheedgedetectionbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformsearchArea.

Page 626: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

StraightEdgeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededge.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDisposeStraightEdgeReport().

Page 627: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5showSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUE

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Page 631: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.

roi constROI* Therectangularregionthefunctionlooksinfortheedges.Thefirstcontourofroimustbearectangleorarotatedrectangle.

baseSystem constCoordinateSystem* Describesthebasecoordinatesystem.

newSystem constCoordinateSystem* Describesthenewcoordinatesystem.

findEdgeOptions constFindEdgeOptions2* Describeshowyouwantthefunctiontosearchforedgesandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

straightEdgeOptions constStraightEdgeOptions* Specifiestheoptionsusedtofitalineintheroi.

Page 632: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

FindEdgeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededges.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 633: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


direction IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHTshowSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUEsearchAreaColor IMAQ_RGB_GREENsearchLinesColor IMAQ_RGB_BLUEsearchEdgesColor IMAQ_RGB_YELLOWresultColor IMAQ_RGB_REDoverlayGroupName ""(defaultgroup)edgeOptions.polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESedgeOptions.kernelSize 3edgeOptions.numSearchLines 3edgeOptions.minThreshold 10.0edgeOptions.interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDedgeOptions.columnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS


numLines 1searchMode IMAQ_USE_BEST_PROJECTION_EDGEminScore 10.0maxSize 1000.0orientation 0.0angleRange 10.0angleTolerance 1.0

Page 634: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

stepSize 3minSignalToNoiseRatio 0.0minCoverage 25.0houghIterations 5

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Page 638: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* Theregionofinteresttotransform.Whennecessary,thefunctionconvertsarectangularcontourcontainedinroitoarotatedrectanglecontour.

image constImage* TheimagecontainingtheLCD.AllsegmentsoftheLCDmustbelit.

options constLCDOptions* Controlshowthefunctionperformsthesearch.

Page 639: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 640: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


litSegments FALSEthreshold 8sign FALSEdecimalPoint FALSE

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Page 644: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindsmatchestothetemplateimage.

pattern Image* Thetemplateimagewhichthefunctionattemptstolocate.AttachpatternmatchinginformationtothisimageusingimaqLearnPattern().Ifyouhavenotattachedpatternmatchinginformationtotheimage,thefunctionlearnsthepatternandappendsthepatternmatchinginformationtotheimage.Ifyouattachpatternmatchinginformationtotheimagethatdoesnotcontaintheinformationspecifiedbythemodeelementoftheoptionsparameter,thefunctiongeneratesanerror.

searchRect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularsearchareathefunctionlooksinforthepattern.ThefunctionsearchestheboundingrectangleofsearchRect.Tosearchtheentireimage,setthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_ROTATED_RECT.

options constFindPatternOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctiontosearchforthe

Page 645: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


transform constCoordinateTransform2* AnoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforsearchRect.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationofthepatternsearchbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformsearchRect.

numMatches int* Onreturn,thenumberofmatchestothetemplateimagethatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 646: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

PatternMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 647: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


mode IMAQ_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTnumMatchesRequested 1minMatchScore 800subpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULLnumRanges 0showSearchArea FALSEshowResult TRUE

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Page 649: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 650: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 651: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethecoordinatetransform.

pattern Image* Thetemplateimagewhichthefunctionattemptstolocate.AttachpatternmatchinginformationtothisimageusingimaqLearnPattern().Ifyouhavenotattachedpatternmatchinginformationtotheimage,thefunctionlearnsthepatternandappendsthepatternmatchinginformationtotheimage.IfyouattachpatternmatchinginformationtotheimagethatdoesnotcontaintheinformationspecifiedbythematchModeelementoftheoptionsparameter,thefunctiongeneratesanerror.

transform CoordinateTransform2* Thecoordinatetransformthefunctionupdatesbasedonthelocationandpositionofthepattern.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

searchRect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularsearchareathefunctionlooksinforthepattern.Thefunctionsearchesthebounding

Page 652: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


mode FindTransformMode Specifieshowthefunctionupdatesthecoordinatetransform.

options constFindTransformPatternOptions* Definestheparametersofthealgorithmthefunctionusestolocatethepatternandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

report AxisReport* Onreturn,areportdescribingthelocationofthepatterncorrespondingtothemainaxisandthesecondaryaxis.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 653: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 654: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


matchMode IMAQ_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTminMatchScore 500subpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULL(allanglesallowed)numRanges 0showSearchArea FALSEshowFeatureFound FALSEshowResult TRUE

Page 655: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 656: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 657: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 658: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethecoordinatetransform.

roi constROI* Definestheareawithinwhichtheedgedetectionisperformed.

mode FindTransformMode Specifieshowthefunctionupdatesthecoordinatetransform.

baseSystem CoordinateSystem* Describesthebasecoordinatesystem.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

newSystem CoordinateSystem* Describesthenewcoordinatesystem.Thisparameterisrequiredandcannotbe

Page 659: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

NULL.findTransformOptions constFindTransformRectOptions2* Specifies


straightEdgeOptions constStraightEdgeOptions* Specifiestheoptionsusedtofitalineintheroi.

axisReport AxisReport* Onreturn,containstheaxesthatwerelocated.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwanttoreturntheaxisinformation.

Page 660: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 661: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


direction IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_DIRECTshowSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUEsearchAreaColor IMAQ_RGB_GREENsearchLinesColor IMAQ_RGB_BLUEsearchEdgesColor IMAQ_RGB_YELLOWresultColor IMAQ_RGB_REDoverlayGroupName ""(defaultgroup)edgeOptions.polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESedgeOptions.kernelSize 3edgeOptions.numSearchLines 3edgeOptions.minThreshold 10.0edgeOptions.interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDedgeOptions.columnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS

Page 662: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 663: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 664: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 665: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethecoordinatetransform.

primaryROI constROI* Definestheareawithinwhichtheedgedetectionisperformedfortheprimaryaxis.

secondaryROI constROI* Definestheareawithinwhichtheedgedetectionisperformedforthesecondaryaxis.

mode FindTransformMode Specifieshowthefunctionupdatesthecoordinatetransform.

baseSystem CoordinateSystem* Describesthebasecoordinatesystem.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 666: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

newSystem CoordinateSystem* Describesthenewcoordinatesystem.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

findTransformOptions constFindTransformRectsOptions2* Definestheparametersofthealgorithmthefunctionusestolocatetheobjectandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

primaryStraightEdgeOptions constStraightEdgeOptions* SpecifiestheoptionsusedtofitalineintheprimaryROI

secondaryStraightEdgeOptions constStraightEdgeOptions* SpecifiestheoptionsusedtofitalineinthesecondaryROI

axisReport AxisReport* Onreturn,containstheaxesthatwerelocated.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwanttoreturntheaxisinformation.

Page 667: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 668: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


direction IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_DIRECTshowSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUEsearchAreaColor IMAQ_RGB_GREENsearchLinesColor IMAQ_RGB_BLUEsearchEdgesColor IMAQ_RGB_YELLOWresultColor IMAQ_RGB_REDoverlayGroupName ""(defaultgroup)primaryEdgeOptions.polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESprimaryEdgeOptions.kernelSize 3primaryEdgeOptions.numSearchLines 3primaryEdgeOptions.minThreshold 10.0primaryEdgeOptions.interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDprimaryEdgeOptions.columnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNSsecondaryEdgeOptions.polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESsecondaryEdgeOptions.kernelSize 3secondaryEdgeOptions.numSearchLines 3secondaryEdgeOptions.minThreshold 10.0secondaryEdgeOptions.interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDsecondaryEdgeOptions.columnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS

Page 669: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 670: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 671: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPointFloat* Thearrayofpointstofittotheedgeofthecircle.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesuppliedarray.Youmustsupplyatleastthreepoints.

options constFitCircleOptions* Describeshowthefunctioncalculatesthebestfitcircle.

Page 672: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

BestCircle2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructuredescribingthecirclethatbestfitthepoints.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththestructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 673: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 674: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 675: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPointFloat* Thearrayofpointstofittotheedgeoftheellipse.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesuppliedarray.IftherejectOutlierselementoftheoptionsinputisTRUE,youmustsupplyatleastfivepoints.Otherwise,youmustsupplyatleastsixpoints.

options constFitEllipseOptions* Describeshowthefunctioncalculatesthebestfitellipse.

Page 676: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

BestEllipse2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructuredescribingtheellipsethatbestfitthepoints.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththestructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 677: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 678: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 679: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPointFloat* Thearrayofpointstofittotheline.Theresultinglinemaytakeintoaccountonlyasubsetoftheinputpoints.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesuppliedarray.Youmustsupplyatleasttwopoints.

options constFitLineOptions* Describeshowthefunctioncalculatesthebestfitline.

Page 680: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

BestLine* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructuredescribingthelinethatbestfitsthepoints.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththestructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 681: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


minScore 900pixelRadius 3numRefinements 0

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Page 683: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 684: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 685: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetoflatten.type FlattenType Whatpartsoftheimagetoflatten.compression CompressionType Whattypeofcompressiontouseonthe

pixeldataoftheimage.quality int Ifcompressionisbeingused,the



size unsignedint* Onreturn,thesizeofthedata,inbytes.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 686: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

void* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsadatarepresentationoftheimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 687: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 688: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 690: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagethatthefunctionflipsoveranaxis.axis FlipAxis Theaxistofliptheimageover.

Page 691: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 693: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 694: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 695: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thecompleximagewhosefrequenciesthe


Page 696: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 699: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

start1 PointFloat Thestartpointofthefirstline.end1 PointFloat Theendpointofthefirstline.start2 PointFloat Thestartpointofthesecondline.end2 PointFloat Theendpointofthesecondline.angle float* Onreturn,theangle,indegrees,betweenthelines.


Page 700: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 703: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session AVISession AVIInfo* Onreturn,theinformationabouttheAVIfile.

Page 704: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 706: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 707: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

start1 PointFloat Thestartpointofthefirstline.end1 PointFloat Theendpointofthefirstline.start2 PointFloat Thestartpointofthesecondline.end2 PointFloat Theendpointofthesecondline.bisectStart PointFloat* Onreturn,filledwiththecoordinatelocationof


bisectEnd PointFloat* Onreturn,filledwiththecoordinatelocationoftheendofthebisectingline.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 708: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 712: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagethefunctionqueriesthebitdepthfor.bitDepth unsigned


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 717: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosebordersizethefunctionqueries.

borderSize int* Onreturn,thebordersizeoftheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 718: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 722: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosebytesperpixelthefunctionqueries.

byteCount int* Onreturn,thenumberofbytesperpixel.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 723: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 727: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagethefunctionreturnscalibrationinformationfor.

Page 728: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

CalibrationInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalibrationoftheimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 731: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 732: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberoftrainedcharactersinthecharacterset.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns—1.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 735: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

index int Theindexofatrainedcharacterinthecharactersetfromwhichthefunctiongetsinformation.

Page 736: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

CharInfo2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportthatcontainsinformationaboutthecharacter.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyoufinishwiththecharacterinformation,callimaqDispose()todisposeofit.

Page 737: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 739: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session constClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessionofwhichtogettheaccuracy.

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ReturnValueType Description

ClassifierAccuracyReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportontheaccuracyoftheclassifier.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeoftheinformationbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 741: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 743: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session constClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessiontouse.index int Theindexofthesampletoget


numSamples int* Onreturn,thetotalnumberofsamplesintheclassifiersession.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 744: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ClassifierSampleInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationaboutthespecifiedsample.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeoftheinformationbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 745: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 747: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* TheROIcontainingthedesiredcontour.index unsignedint Thezero-offsetindexofthecontourtoget.

Page 748: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnstheContourIDoftherequestedcontour.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 751: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* Theregionofinterest(ROI)containingthecontourfromwhichthefunctiongetscolorinformation.

id ContourID TheContourIDofthecontourfromwhichthefunctiongetscolorinformation.

contourColor RGBValue* Onreturn,thecolorofthecontour.

Page 752: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 755: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* TheROIfromwhichthefunctiongetsthecontourcount.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofcontoursintheROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns–1.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 759: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* Theregionofinterest(ROI)containingthecontourfromwhichthefunctiongetstheinformation.

id ContourID TheContourIDofthecontouraboutwhichthefunctiongetsinformation.

Page 760: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourInfo2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertothestructurecontaininginformationabouttherequestedcontour.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 761: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 763: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

currentTool Tool* Onreturn,containsthecurrentlyselectedtool.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 764: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 767: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

point1 PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthefirstpoint.point2 PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthesecondpoint.distance float* Onreturn,thedistancebetweenthetwopoints.


Page 768: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 771: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

errorCode int Theerrorcodewhoseerrortextthefunctionreturns.YoucanobtainthiserrorcodebycallingimaqGetLastError().

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ReturnValueType Description

char* Thisfunctionreturnstheerrortextcorrespondingtotheerrorcodeinput.ThisfunctionreturnsUNKNOWN_ERRORifnoerrortextcorrespondstotheerrorcodeyouspecified.Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstring,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 775: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefilefromwhichthefunctiongetsinformation.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

calibrationUnit CalibrationUnit* Onreturn,thecalibrationunitoftheimage.Ifthefiledoesnothavecalibrationinformation,thefunctionsetscalibrationUnittoIMAQ_UNDEFINED.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

calibrationX float* Onreturn,theinterpixeldistanceinthex-direction.Ifthefiledoesnothavecalibrationinformation,thefunctionsetscalibrationXto1.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

calibrationY float* Onreturn,theinterpixeldistanceinthey-direction.Ifthefiledoesnothavecalibrationinformation,thefunctionsetscalibrationYto1.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

width int* Onreturn,thewidthoftheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

height int* Onreturn,theheightoftheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

imageType ImageType* Onreturn,thetypeoftheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 776: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 779: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

numFilters int* Onreturn,thenumberoffiltersinthereturnedarray.

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ReturnValueType Description

FilterName* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofnamesofcompressionfiltersthatareavailabletocompressAVIfilesonthissystem.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 784: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

curves constCurve* Thearrayofcurvereports.UseimaqExtractCurves()togeneratethisarray.TheparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numCurves unsignedint Thenumberofcurvesinthesuppliedcurvesarray.

featureTypes constFeatureType* Anarrayofthetypesofgeometricfeaturestoextractfromthepassedcurves.SetthisparametertoNULLtoextractallofthefeatures.

numFeatureTypes unsignedint ThesizeofthepassedfeatureTypesarray.

numFeatures unsignedint* Onreturn,thenumberoffeaturesdescribedbythecurves.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwishtoreturninformationaboutthenumberoffeaturesdescribedbythecurves.

Page 785: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

FeatureData* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayoffeaturesdescribedbythecurves.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 789: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

pattern constImage* Thetemplatetoextractfeaturesfrom.numFeatures unsigned


Page 790: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

FeatureData* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayoffeaturesdescribedbythetemplate.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 791: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 792: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 794: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* ImageInfo* Onreturn,theinformationabouttheimage.This


Page 795: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 799: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosesizethefunctionqueries.width int* Onreturn,thewidthoftheimage.Setthis


height int* Onreturn,theheightoftheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 800: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 804: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosetypethefunctionqueries.type ImageType* Onreturn,thetypeoftheimage.Thisparameteris


Page 805: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 808: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

start1 PointFloat Thestartpointofthefirstline.end1 PointFloat Theendpointofthefirstline.start2 PointFloat Thestartpointofthesecondline.end2 PointFloat Theendpointofthesecondline.intersection PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationofthe


Page 809: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 812: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

family KernelFamily Thefamilyofthekernelmatrix.size int Thehorizontalandverticalmatrixsize.Valid


number int Referencestheparticulardesiredmatrixamongthepredefinedmatricesthatareavailableforeachfamilyandsize.

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ReturnValueType Description

constfloat* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertotherequestedmatrix.Thispointerpointstoconstantdatainmemorythatyoushouldnotalter.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().YoudonotneedtocallimaqDispose()onthepointer.

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Page 816: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Thisfunctionreturnsthelasterrorcode.ThisfunctionreturnsERR_SUCCESSifthereisnopendingerror.

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Page 819: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

constchar* Thisfunctionreturnsthenameofthelastfunctionthatfailed.Thefunctionreturnsanemptystringifthereisnopendingerror.Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthestringbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 822: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

type WindowEventType* Onreturn,thelasteventthatoccurred,suchasIMAQ_DOUBLE_CLICK_EVENT-Theuserhasdoubleclickedinawindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

windowNumber int* Onreturn,thewindownumberofthewindowinwhichthelasteventoccurred.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

tool Tool* IftheeventwasIMAQ_DRAW_EVENT,toolistheROItoolthattheuserdrewwith.ToolinformationisalsoreturnedfortheIMAQ_CLICK_EVENTandIMAQ_DOUBLE_CLICK_EVENT.IftheeventwasnotIMAQ_DRAW_EVENT,IMAQ_CLICK_EVENT,orIMAQ_DOUBLE_CLICK_EVENT,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

rect Rect* Arectangledescribingthelocationoftheevent.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 823: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 827: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

keyPressed char* Onreturn,keyPressedcontainsthelastkeypressed.ThefunctionsetskeyPressedto-1iftherewasnonewkeypresstoretrieve.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

windowNumber int* Onreturn,windowNumcontainsthewindownumberofthewindowinwhichthekeypresswascaught.ThefunctionsetswindowNumto-1iftherewasnonewkeypresstoretrieve.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

modifiers int* Onreturn,modifierscontainsabit-shiftedvalueindicatingwhatmodifiers,ifany,thefunctionappliedtothekeypress.Thefollowingarepossiblemodifiers:IMAQ_SHIFTIMAQ_ALTIMAQ_CTRLIMAQ_CAPS_LOCKSetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 828: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 832: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingalinewhosepixelsthefunctionreturns.

start Point Thecoordinatelocationofthestartingpointoftheline.

end Point Thecoordinatelocationoftheendingpointoftheline.

numPoints int* Thenumberofelementsinthereturnedarray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

void* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthevaluesofthepixelsalongthegivenlineintheimage.Thetypeofarraythefunctionreturnsdependsontheimagetype,asfollows:

ImageType ArrayTypeIMAQ_IMAGE_U8 unsignedcharIMAQ_IMAGE_U16 unsignedshortIMAQ_IMAGE_I16 shortIMAQ_IMAGE_SGL floatIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB RGBValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_HSL HSLValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 RGBU64Valuestructures


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Page 837: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Themaskimagethatthefunctionretrievestheoffsetfor.

offset Point* Onreturn,thecoordinateswherethefunctionappliesthemask.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 841: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

lightNeedle int SetthisparametertoTRUEtofindalight-coloredneedleonadarkbackground.SetthisparametertoFALSEtofindadark-coloredneedleonalightbackground.

mode MeterArcMode Describeshowtodeterminethearc.roi constROI* Aregionconsistingoftwolinecontours,


base PointFloat Thelocationofthebaseoftheneedle.IfmodeisIMAQ_METER_ARC_POINTS,baseisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.IfmodeisIMAQ_METER_ARC_ROI,thefunctionignoresbase.

start PointFloat Thelocationofthetipoftheneedlewhentheneedleisattheminimumsweepposition.IfmodeisIMAQ_METER_ARC_POINTS,startisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.IfmodeisIMAQ_METER_ARC_ROI,thefunctionignoresstart.

end PointFloat Thelocationofthetipoftheneedlewhentheneedleisatthemaximumsweepposition.IfmodeisIMAQ_METER_ARC_POINTS,endis

Page 842: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 843: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

MeterArc* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructuredescribingthearcacrosswhichametersweeps.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 844: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 845: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 846: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

refLineStart PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartofthereferenceline.

refLineEnd PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendofthereferenceline.

point PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthepoint.midLineStart PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationofthestart


midLineEnd PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationoftheendofthemidline.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 847: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 848: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 849: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 850: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

position Point* Onreturn,thecoordinatesofthemouseintheactiveimagewindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

windowNumber int* Onreturn,containsthewindownumberoftheactivewindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 851: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 852: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 853: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 854: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session constClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessionfromwhichtogettheoptions.

options NearestNeighborOptions* Onreturn,thenearestneighboroptions.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 855: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 856: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 857: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 858: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 859: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageforwhichyouwanttoreturnoverlayproperties.

group constchar* Specifiesanoverlaygroupnamewithintheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLtospecifyallgroups.

transformBehaviors TransformBehaviors* Describesthecurrentoverlaybehaviorwhenanimageistransformed.

Page 860: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 861: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 862: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 863: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session constClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessionfromwhichtogettheoptions.

preprocessingOptions ParticleClassifierPreprocessingOptions* Onreturn,theoptionsusedtoprocessparticlesbeforeclassification.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

options ParticleClassifierOptions* Onreturn,theoptionsusedtoclassifyparticles.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotrequirethisinformation.

Page 864: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 865: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 866: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 867: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

refLineStart PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartofthereferenceline.

refLineEnd PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendofthereferenceline.

point PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthepoint.perpLineStart PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationofthestart


perpLineEnd PointFloat* Onreturn,thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheperpendicularline.Thispointliesonthereferenceline.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

distance double* Onreturn,theshortest(Euclidean)distancefromthepointtothereferenceline.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 868: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 869: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 870: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 871: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 872: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 873: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosepixelvaluethefunctionqueries.pixel Point Thecoordinatesofthepixelthatthefunction

queries.value PixelValue* Onreturn,thevalueoftheimagepixel.This


Page 874: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 875: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 876: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 877: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 878: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingtherequestedpixel.pixel Point Thecoordinatesofthepixelwhosepointerthe


Page 879: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

void* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertotherequestedpixelintheimage.Thetypeofthepointerthefunctionreturnsdependsonthetypeoftheimage,asfollows:

ImageType PointerTypeIMAQ_IMAGE_U8 unsignedcharIMAQ_IMAGE_U16 unsignedshortIMAQ_IMAGE_I16 shortIMAQ_IMAGE_SGL floatIMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX ComplexstructureIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB RGBValuestructureIMAQ_IMAGE_HSL HSLValuestructureIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 RGBU64Valuestructure


Page 880: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 881: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 882: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 883: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindthesegments.numSegments int* Onreturn,thenumberofsegmentsfound.


Page 884: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

SegmentInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationaboutthesegments.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 885: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 886: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 887: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

start Point Thefirstpointoftheline.end Point Thelastpointoftheline.numPoints int* Onreturn,thenumberofpointsputintothereturned


Page 888: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Point* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofthepointsontheline.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisarray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 889: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 890: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 891: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPointFloat* Thearrayofpointsthatdescribethecoordinatelocationsoftheverticesofthepolygon.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesuppliedarray.Youmustsupplyatleastthreepoints.

area float* Onreturn,theareaofthepolygon.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 892: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 893: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 894: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 895: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* TheROIfromwhichthefunctiongetstheboundingrectangleinformation.

boundingBox Rect* Onreturn,theboundingrectangle.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 896: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 897: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 898: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 899: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* TheROIfromwhichthefunctiongetscolorinformation.

roiColor RGBValue* Onreturn,thecoloroftheROI.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 900: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 901: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 902: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 903: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int ThewindownumberofthewindowwhoseHWNDtoretrieve.

Page 904: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

void* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnstheWindowsHWNDforthewindow.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 905: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 906: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 907: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

void* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnstheWindowsHWNDforthetoolwindow.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 908: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 909: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 910: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

position Point* Onreturn,thepositionoftheupperleftcornerofthetoolwindow.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 911: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 912: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 913: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 914: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 915: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* TheimagethatthefunctionchecksforthepresenceofVisioninformation.

present unsignedint*


Page 916: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 917: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 918: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 919: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.

fillStyle WindowBackgroundFillStyle* Onreturn,thefillstyleofthedisplaywindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

hatchStyle WindowBackgroundHatchStyle* Onreturn,thehatchstyleofthedisplaywindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

fillColor RGBValue* Onreturn,thefillcolorofthedisplaywindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

backgroundColor RGBValue* Onreturn,thebackgroundcolorofthedisplaywindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 920: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 921: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 922: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 923: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thenumberofthewindow.centerPosition Point* Onreturn,containsthecurrentpositionofthe


Page 924: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 925: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 926: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 927: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNum int Thenumberofthewindowwhosepixelmappingpolicythefunctiongets.

mapping DisplayMapping* Onreturn,describesthemappingpolicyfortheselectedwindow.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 928: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 929: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 930: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 931: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.xResolution int* Onreturn,thenumberofpixelsbetweengrid


yResolution int* Onreturn,thenumberofpixelsbetweengridlinesintheydirection.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 932: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 933: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 934: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 935: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

handle int* Onreturn,anunusedwindownumber.Ifnounusedwindownumbersareavailable,thefunctionsetsthisparameterto–1.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 936: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 937: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 938: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 939: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.position Point* Onreturn,thepositionoftheupperleftcorner


Page 940: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 941: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 942: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 943: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.

Page 944: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ROI* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsacopyoftheROIassociatedwiththegivenwindow.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().WhenyouarefinishedwiththeROI,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 945: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 946: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 947: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.width int* Onreturn,thewidthofthewindow.Setthis


height int* Onreturn,theheightofthewindow.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 948: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 949: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 950: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 951: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.

Page 952: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

char* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthetitleofthegivenwindow.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththetitle,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 953: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 954: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 955: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.xZoom float* Onreturn,thecurrentzoomfactorinthex

directionforthewindow.yZoom float* Onreturn,thecurrentzoomfactorinthey


Page 956: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 957: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 958: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 959: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 960: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.image Image* Apointertotheacquiredimage.Ifimageis


immediate int Determinestheacquisitiontimingmethod.SetthisparametertoFALSEifyouwantthegraboperationtosynchronizeontheverticalblank.SettheparametertoTRUEifyouwantanimmediatetransfer.RefertotheNIVisionHardwareHelpformoreinformationaboutacquisitiontimingmethods.

Page 961: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Image* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnstheacquiredimage.IfyousetimagetoNULL,thefunctionreturnsanewimage.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsapointertoimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 965: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* TheimagecontainingtheDataMatrixbarcodetograde.YoumustfirstpreparethisimageforgradingusingimaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2().

report AIMGradeReport* Uponreturn,theAIMstandardgradesfortheDataMatrixbarcodeandtherawscoresusedtoderivethegrades.IfaDataMatrixbarcodecannotbelocatedbyimaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2(),thefunctionassignsthebarcodeIMAQ_AIM_GRADE_Fforallgradesand0forallrawscores.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 966: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 970: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimageonwhichthe


method MorphologyMethod Themorphologicaltransformationtoapply.

structuringElement constStructuringElement* Thestructuringelementusedintheoperation.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwantacustomstructuringelement.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 976: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosehistogramthefunctioncalculates.

numClasses int Thenumberofclassesintowhichthefunctionseparatesthepixels.

min float Theminimumpixelvaluetoconsiderforthehistogram.Thefunctiondoesnotcountpixelswithvalueslessthanmin.

max float Themaximumpixelvaluetoconsiderforthehistogram.Thefunctiondoesnotcountpixelswithvaluesgreaterthanmax.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Whencalculatingthehistogram,thefunctionconsidersonlythosepixelsinimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinmaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLifyouwantthefunctiontoperformahistogramonthewholeimage.

Page 977: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

HistogramReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportdescribingthepixelvalueclassification.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereport,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 978: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 982: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagefromwhichthefunctionmakesthearray.

rect Rect Specifiesarectangularregionoftheimagetoreturn.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTifyouwantthefunctiontoreturnthewholeimage.

columns int* Thenumberofcolumnsinthereturnedarray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

rows int* Thenumberofrowsinthereturnedarray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

void* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsatwo-dimensionalarray.Thetypeofthereturnedarraydependsontheimagetype,asfollows:

ImageType PointerTypeIMAQ_IMAGE_U8 unsignedcharIMAQ_IMAGE_U16 unsignedshortIMAQ_IMAGE_I16 shortIMAQ_IMAGE_SGL floatIMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX ComplexstructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB RGBValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_HSL HSLValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 RGBU64Valuestructures


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Page 987: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetocopyontotheclipboard.palette constRGBValue* Anoptionalpalettetoassociatewith8-bit


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 992: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

frame Image* Onreturn,thecombinedimage.odd constImage* Theoddfield.even constImage* Theevenfield.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 997: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

frame constImage* Theframeimagethatthefunctionseparatesintooddandevenfields.

odd Image* Theimageintowhichthefunctionplacestheoddfieldoftheframearea.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtheoddfield.

even Image* Theimageintowhichthefunctionplacestheevenfieldoftheframearea.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtheevenfield.

Page 998: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1002: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingthevaluestointerpolate.

points constPoint* Thepointsoverwhichtointerpolate.Allthepointsinthisarraymustbewithintheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsintheinputpointsarray.

method InterpolationMethod Specifiesthemethodfortheinterpolation.ThevalidinterpolationmethodsforrotationareIMAQ_BILINEAR,IMAQ_QUADRATICandIMAQ_CUBIC_SPLINE.

subpixel int Thenumberofsubdivisionsintowhichtointerpolate.Forexample,avalueof0causesthefunctiontoreturnonlythepixelvaluesatthegivenpoints,whereasavalueof1returnsthepixelvaluesatthegivenpointsandatthemidpointofeachpair.

interpCount int* Onreturn,thenumberofinterpolatedvaluesinthearrayreturnedbythefunction.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

float* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayoftheinterpolatedvalues.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisarray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetoinvert.mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.Thisimagemustbean


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1012: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.ValidimagetypesareIMAQ_IMAGE_U8,IMAQ_IMAGE_I16,IMAQ_IMAGE_SGL,orIMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX.Thedestinationimagemustbedifferentfromthesourceimage.

source constImage* TheimagewhoseinverseFouriertransformthefunctiontakes.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1017: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagethatthefunctionchecksforemptiness.empty int* Onreturn,thisparameterequalsTRUEiftheimage


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1021: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

visible int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEifthetoolwindowisvisibleandFALSEifthetoolwindowishidden.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.nonTearing int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEifthegiven


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1029: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.visible int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEifthegiven


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1034: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Thesourceimage.Thelabelingprocess


connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,seeChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual

particleCount int* Onreturn,thenumberofparticlesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1040: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Thetemplateusedforcalibratingyoursystem.Itshouldbeanimageofagridofcircles.

roi constROI* Determinestheregionoftheimagethatthefunctionusesinthelearningprocess.Thefunctionignoresallthecirclesinthegridthatareoutsidethedefinedregionwhenestimatingthecalibrationtransformation.Tolearntheentireimage,setthisparametertoNULL.

options constLearnCalibrationOptions* Describeshowthefunctionlearnsthecalibrationinformation.

grid constGridDescriptor* Containsscalingconstantsforthegridimagethatthefunctionusestolearnthecalibration.

system constCoordinateSystem* Definesthecoordinatesystemforrealworldcoordinates.

range constRangeFloat* Therangeofthegrayscalethefunctionusestorepresentthecirclesinthegridimage.

quality float* Onreturn,thequalityscoreofthelearningprocess,whichisavaluebetween0-1000.Aqualityof1000meansthatthefunctionlearnedthefeaturepointsperfectlywiththechosenalgorithm.Itdoesnotnecessarilyreflecttheabsoluteaccuracyoftheestimatedcalibration

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Page 1042: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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xStep 1yStep 1unit IMAQ_UNDEFINED


origin {0,0}angle 0axisOrientation IMAQ_INDIRECT


minValue 0maxValue 180

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Page 1047: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagetowhichthefunctionattachescalibrationinformation.

points constCalibrationPoints* Thesetofreferencepointsthefunctionusestolearnthecalibrationinformation.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

roi constROI* Determineswhichpixelcoordinatesthefunctionusesinthelearningprocess.Thefunctionignoresallpixelcoordinatesthatareoutsidethedefinedregionwhenestimatingthecalibrationtransformation.Tolearnallofthepixelcoordinates,setthisparametertoNULL.

options constLearnCalibrationOptions* Describeshowthefunctionlearnsthecalibrationinformation.

grid constGridDescriptor* Containsscalingconstantsforthereal-worldcoordinatesthatthefunctionusestolearnthecalibration.

system constCoordinateSystem* Definesthecoordinatesystemforreal-worldcoordinates.

quality float* Onreturn,thequalityscoreofthelearningprocess,whichisavaluebetween0-1000.Aqualityof1000meansthatthefunctionlearnedthefeaturepointsperfectlywiththechosenalgorithm.Itdoesnotnecessarily

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Page 1049: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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xStep 1yStep 1unit IMAQ_UNDEFINED


origin Thefunctionplacestheoriginatthepointwithax-coordinateequaltothelowestx-coordinatevalueinthepointlist.

angle 0axisOrientation IMAQ_INDIRECT

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Page 1054: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingthecolorinformationtolearn.

roi constROI* Theregionaboutwhichthefunctionlearnsthecolorinformation.SetthisparametertoNULLtolearncolorinformationaboutthewholeimage.

sensitivity ColorSensitivity Specifiesthesensitivityofthecolorinformationintheimage.

saturation int Setsathresholdvaluewhichthefunctionusestoseparatecolorswithsimilarhues.Thefunctionclassifiescolorsbelowthegivensaturationvalueseparatelyfromcolorsabovethegivensaturationvalue.

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ReturnValueType Description

ColorInformation* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsacolorinformationstructurewhichyoucanpassintoimaqMatchColor().Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageaboutwhichthefunctionlearnspatternmatchinginformation.Thefunctionappendsthepatternmatchinginformationtotheimage.

options constLearnColorPatternOptions* Describestheinformationthealgorithmlearnsaboutthecolorpattern.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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learnMode IMAQ_LEARN_SHIFT_INFORMATIONfeatureMode IMAQ_COLOR_AND_SHAPE_FEATURESthreshold 80ignoreMode IMAQ_IGNORE_NONEcolorsToIgnore NULL(Useallcolors)numColorsToIgnore 0

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Page 1065: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

goldenTemplate Image* Thegoldentemplatetolearnforinspection.

originOffset PointFloat Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthefunctionshiftstheoriginofthetemplatefromthecenterofthetemplateimage.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_OFFSETtousethecenterofthetemplateimageastheoriginofthetemplate.

mask constImage* Anoptional,8-bitimageofthesamesizeasthetemplatethatspecifieswhatregionsandedgestoignoreinthetemplate.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1071: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageaboutwhichthefunctionlearnspatternmatchinginformation.Thefunctionappendsthepatternmatchinginformationtothisimage.

originOffset PointFloat Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthefunctionshiftstheoriginofthetemplatefromthecenterofthetemplateimage.TheoriginofthetemplateisusedbyimaqMatchGeometricPattern()tosetthetheresultingGeometricPatternMatchstructforeachtemplatematchwithinatargetimage.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_OFFSETtousethecenterofthetemplateimageastheoriginofthetemplate.

curveOptions constCurveOptions* Describeshowthefunctionidentifiesthecurvesintheimagethefunctionwillusetocreatethetemplateimage.ThisfunctiondoesnotsupportidentifyingcurveswithsubpixelaccuracyandthereforeignoresthesubpixelAccuracyofthisparameter.

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advancedLearnOptions constLearnGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions* Advancedoptionsfordeterminingtheinformationthealgorithmlearnsaboutthegeometricpattern.

mask constImage* Anoptionalimage,whichisthesamesizeasthetemplate,thatspecifieswheretosearchforcurvesinthetemplate.IMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Toallowthefunctiontoprocessallofthepixelstodetermineifthepixelscontaincurves,setthisparametertoNULL.

Page 1073: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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extractionMode IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGEthreshold 75filterSize IMAQ_NORMALminLength 25rowStepSize 15columnStepSize 15maxEndPointGap 10onlyClosed FALSEsubpixelAccuracy FALSE


minRectLength 10minRectAspectRatio 0.2minRadius 5minLineLength 15minFeatureStrength 0.5maxFeaturesUsed 25maxPixelDistanceFromLine 2


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Page 1079: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

patterns constImage** Thearrayofpatternsyouwanttosearchforinthetargetimage.NIVisionmustlearneachofthetemplateimagesinthearrayusingimaqLearnGeometricPattern()beforeusingitinthisfunction.

numberOfPatterns unsignedint Thenumberofpatternsinpatterns.

labels constString255* Thearrayoflabelsthatidentifythepatterns.ThesizeofthisarraymustbeequaltonumberOfPatterns.

Page 1080: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

MultipleGeometricPattern* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsamultiplegeometrictemplate.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1084: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageaboutwhichthefunctionlearnspatternmatchinginformation.Thefunctionappendsthepatternmatchinginformationtotheimage.

learningMode LearningMode Themodeinwhichthefunctionlearnsthetemplateimage.

advancedOptions LearnPatternAdvancedOptions* Advancedoptionstothealgorithm.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionlearnsonlythosepixelsinthesourceimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtolearnthewholeimage.

Page 1085: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1089: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagethatthefunctionusesforintensitymeasurement.

start Point Thecoordinatelocationofthestartoftheline.

end Point Thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheline.

showMeasurement int SetthisparametertoTRUEtooverlaythelocationoftheintensitymeasurementontheimage.SetthisparametertoFALSEtoleavetheimageunmodified.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* Anoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformfortheline.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationoftheintensitymeasurementbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonot

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Page 1091: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

LineProfile* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportcontaininginformationabouttheline.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththelineprofile,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1095: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagethatthefunctionusesforintensitymeasurement.

point Point Thecoordinatelocationoftheintensitymeasurement.Theintensitymeasurementismadeina3x3blockcenteredonthepoint.

showMeasurement int SetthisparametertoTRUEtooverlaythelocationoftheintensitymeasurementontheimage.SetthisparametertoFALSEtoleavetheimageunmodified.

intensity float* Onreturn,theaverageintensityofthepixelsina3x3neighborhoodcenteredonthepoint.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* Anoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforpoint.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthe

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Page 1097: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagethatthefunctionusesforintensitymeasurement.

rect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularareaoftheintensitymeasurement.

showMeasurement int SetthisparametertoTRUEtooverlaythelocationoftheintensitymeasurementontheimage.SetthisparametertoFALSEtoleavetheimageunmodified.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* Anoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforrect.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationoftheintensitymeasurementbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransform

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ReturnValueType Description

HistogramReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportdescribingthepixelvalueclassification.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereport,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1107: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichthefunctioncalculatespixelvalueaverages.

mode LinearAveragesMode Thetypesoflinearaveragesthefunctionshouldcompute.

rect Rect Setstherectangularareainwhichthefunctioncalculatestheaverages.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtocalculatetheaveragesonthewholeimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

LinearAverages* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructurecontainingthelinearaveragesoftheimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionmeasuresthedistancebetweenedges.

start Point Thestartingpointoftheline.end Point Theendingpointoftheline.method LineGaugeMethod Themeasurementmethod.edgeOptions constEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthe


transform constCoordinateTransform2* Anoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformfortheline.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationoftheedgedetectionbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformtheline.

distance float* Onreturn,thedistancebetweenedgesand/or

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Page 1114: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1118: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingalinewhoseprofilethefunctioncomputes.

start Point Thefirstpointoftheline.end Point Thelastpointoftheline.

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ReturnValueType Description

LineProfile* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportcontaininginformationabouttheline.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththelineprofile,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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ParametersName Type Description

defaultDirectory constchar* Thedirectorythatthedialogboxopensto.

defaultFileSpec constchar* Stringthatspecifiesthefilestodisplay.Forexample,avalueof*.bmpdisplaysallfileswiththe.bmpextension.

fileTypeList constchar* Stringthatspecifiesotherfiletypestheusercanchoosetodisplay,suchas.jpgor.png.Useasemicolon(;)ordelimiterbetweeneachfiletypeextension.

title constchar* Thetitleofthedialogbox.allowMultiplePaths int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoallow


buttonLabel ButtonLabel ThelabelontheOKbutton.restrictDirectory int SetthisparametertoTRUEto


restrictExtension int SetthisparametertoTRUEtolimittheusertoselectingfileswiththedefaultextensionspecifiedbydefaultFileSpec.SetthisparametertoFALSEtoallowtheusertoselectfileswithanyextension.

allowCancel int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoallowtheusertocanceloutofthedialogbox.SetthisparametertoFALSEto

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allowMakeDirectory int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoallowtheusertomakeanewdirectoryfromwithinthedialogbox.SetthisparametertoFALSEtopreventtheuserfrommakinganewdirectory.

cancelled int* Onreturn,specifieswhethertheusercancelledthedialogbox.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

numPaths int* Onreturn,thenumberoffilestheuserselected.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

char** Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayoffilepathsthattheuserselected.ThearraycontainsanumberofstringsequaltothevalueofnumPaths.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththearray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1128: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetothreshold.windowWidth unsignedint Thewidthoftherectangular


windowHeight unsignedint Theheightoftherectangularwindowaroundthepixelonwhichthefunctionperformsthelocalthreshold.Thisnumbermustbeatleast3andcannotbelargerthantheheightofsource.

method LocalThresholdMethod Specifiesthelocalthresholdingmethodthefunctionuses.

deviationWeight double SpecifiesthekconstantusedintheNiblacklocalthresholdingalgorithm,whichdeterminestheweightappliedtothevariancecalculation.Validkconstantsrangefrom0to1.Settingsthisvalueto0willincreasetheperformanceofthefunctionbecausethefunctionwillnotcalculatethevarianceforanyofthepixels.ThefunctionignoresthisvalueifmethodisnotsettoIMAQ_NIBLACK.

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type ObjectType Specifiesthetypeofobjectsforwhichyouwanttolook.

replaceValue float Specifiesthereplacementvaluethefunctionusesforthepixelsofthekeptobjectsinthedestinationimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1135: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1140: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue ThevaluetoANDNOTtothesourceimage.Set


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.table constshort* Thelookuptable.For8-bitimages,thelookup


mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionappliesthelookuponlytothosesourcepixelswhosecorrespondingmaskpixelsarenon-zero.Allotherpixelsremainunchanged.SetthisparametertoNULLtoapplythelookuptotheentiresourceimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagetofilter.Thefiltermodifiestheborder


width int Thewidthoftherectangularneighborhoodaroundthepixelonwhichthefunctionoperates.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

height int Theheightoftherectangularneighborhoodaroundthepixelonwhichthefunctionoperates.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

tolerance float Themaximumallowablevariance.mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.Thisimagemustbean


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1156: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Onreturn,themaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.

source constImage* Thesourceimagecontainingtheparticletomask.

coord Point Thecoordinatesofthereferencepointintheparticletomask.

tolerance float Specifiesthepixelvaluetolerancethatthefunctionusestodeterminewhetherneighborsofthereferencepointarepartoftheparticle.

connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherpixelsarepartofthesameparticle.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherpixelsarepartofthesameparticle.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,refertoChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

replaceValue float Thevaluetowhichpixelsintheselectedobjectareset.Pixelsnotintheobjectaresetto0.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

center Point Thelocationofthecenteroftheannulus.innerRadius int Theinternalradiusoftheannulus.outerRadius int Theexternalradiusoftheannulus.startAngle double Thestartangle,indegrees,oftheannulus.endAngle double Theendangle,indegrees,oftheannulus.

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ReturnValueType Description

Annulus ThisfunctionreturnsanAnnulusstructurecontainingthecoordinatevaluesyouspecify.

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ParametersName Type Description

xCoordinate int Horizontallocationofthepoint.yCoordinate int Verticallocationofthepoint.

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ReturnValueType Description

Point ThisfunctionreturnsaPointstructurecontainingthecoordinatevaluesyouspecify.

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ParametersName Type Description

xCoordinate float Horizontallocationofthepoint.yCoordinate float Verticallocationofthepoint.

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ReturnValueType Description

PointFloat ThisfunctionreturnsaPointFloatstructurecontainingthecoordinatevaluesyouspecify.

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ParametersName Type Description

top int Locationofthetopedgeoftherectangle.left int Locationoftheleftedgeoftherectangle.height int Heightoftherectangle.width int Widthoftherectangle.

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ReturnValueType Description

Rect ThisfunctionreturnsaRectstructurecontainingthecoordinatevaluesyouspecify.

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Page 1176: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

rotatedRect RotatedRect Therotatedrectangleforwhichthefunctionreturnstheboundingrectangle.

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ReturnValueType Description

Rect ThisfunctionreturnsaRectstructurerepresentingtheboundingboxoftherotatedrectangleyouspecify.

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Page 1180: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

top int Locationofthetopedgeoftherectanglebeforerotation.left int Locationoftheleftedgeoftherectanglebeforerotation.height int Heightoftherectangle.width int Widthoftherectangle.angle double Therotation,indegrees,oftherectangle.

Page 1181: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

RotatedRect ThisfunctionreturnsaRotatedRectstructurecontainingthecoordinatevaluesyouspecify.

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ParametersName Type Description

rect Rect Therectanglethefunctionconvertsintoarotatedrectangle.

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ReturnValueType Description

RotatedRect ThisfunctionreturnsaRotatedRectequivalentinsizeandlocationtotherectangleyouspecify.

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Page 1189: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.mask constImage* Themaskimage.Thisimagemustbean


Page 1190: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1194: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

mask constImage* ThemaskimagethatthefunctiontransformsintoaROI.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.

withinLimit int* Onreturn,thisparameterindicateswhethertheROIisatruerepresentationofthemask.IfTRUE,thenumberofpointsiswithintheINT_MAXpointlimit.IfFALSE,thenumberofpointsexceedstheINT_MAXpointlimit,andtheROImaynotrepresentthemaskcompletely.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1195: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ROI* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertotheROIdescriptor.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisdescriptor,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1199: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingcolorsyouwanttocomparewiththegivencolorinformation.

info constColorInformation* Thecolorinformation.CallimaqLearnColor()togetthecolorinformation.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

roi constROI* Theregionoftheimageinwhichtocomparethecolors.Allregioncontoursareconsideredtobeexternal.Ifroicontainsmultipleregions,thecolorinformationineachregioniscomparedindividuallytothecolorinformationspecifiedbytheinfoparameterandthematchresultsarereportedforeachregionSettheparametertoNULLtocomparecolorsintheentireimage.

numScores int* Onreturn,containsthenumberofvaluesinthescorearray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1200: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayfilledwithscoresdescribingtheclosenessofamatchbetweeneachcontourintheregionofinterest(ROI)andthecolorinformation.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisarray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1204: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindsmatchestothecolortemplateimage.

pattern Image* Thecolortemplateimagetofindintheimage.NIVisionmustlearnthistemplateimageinimaqLearnColorPattern()beforeusingitinthisfunction.

options constMatchColorPatternOptions* Describeshowtosearchforthecolortemplateimage.

searchRect Rect Specifiesarectangleintheimageinwhichtosearchforthetemplateimage.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtosearchforthepatternimageintheentireimage.

numMatches int* Onreturn,thenumberofmatchestothetemplateimagethatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1205: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

PatternMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1206: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


matchMode IMAQ_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTfeatureMode IMAQ_COLOR_AND_SHAPEminContrast 0subpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULL(allanglesallowed)numRanges 0colorScoreWeight 500colorSensitivity IMAQ_SENSITIVITY_LOWsearchStrategy IMAQ_CONSERVATIVEnumMatchesRequested 1minMatchScore 800

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Page 1210: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type

image constImage*

pattern constImage*

curveOptions constCurveOptions*

matchOptions constMatchGeometricPatternOptions*

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advancedMatchOptions constMatchGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions2*

roi constROI*

numMatches int*

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ReturnValueType Description

GeometricPatternMatch2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANTsubpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULL(allanglesallowed)numRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}occlusionRange {0,25}numMatchesRequested 1minMatchScore 800


minFeaturesUsed 5maxFeaturesUsed 5subpixelIterations 20subpixelTolerance 0initialMatchListLength 200matchTemplateCurveScore FALSEcorrelationScore TRUEminMatchSeparationDistance 20minMatchSeparationAngle 10minMatchSeparationScale 10maxMatchOverlap 80coarseResult FALSEsmoothContours FALSEenableCalibrationSupport TRUE

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Page 1217: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindsmatchestothetemplateimages.

multiplePattern constMultipleGeometricPattern* Thepatternstofindintheimage.YoumustlearnthismultiplegeometrictemplateusingimaqLearnMultipleGeometricPatterns()beforeusingitinthisfunction.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

roi constROI* Specifieswhere,inimagefunctionsearchesforthetemplateimages.Thefirstandonlycontourofroimustbearectangleorarotatedrectangle.SetthisparametertoNULLtospecifythatthefunctionsearchesintheentireimage.

numMatches int* Onreturn,thenumberofmatchesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

GeometricPatternMatch2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1222: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindsmatchestothetemplateimage.

pattern constImage* Thepatternimagetofindintheimage.UseimaqLearnPattern2()tolearnthetemplateimagebeforeusingitwiththisfunction.

options constMatchPatternOptions* Describeshowtosearchforthetemplateimage.

advancedOptions constMatchPatternOptions* Describesadditionallyhowtosearchforthetemplateimage.

searchRect Rect Specifiesarectangleintheimageinwhichtosearchforthetemplateimage.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtosearchforthetemplateimageintheentireimage.

numMatches int* Onreturn,thenumberofmatchestothetemplateimagethatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

PatternMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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mode IMAQ_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTminContrast 10subpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULL(allanglesallowed)numRanges 0numMatchesRequested 1matchFactor 0minMatchScore 800

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Page 1228: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Onreturn,theobjectsinthesourceimagethatmatchtheobjectinthetemplateimage.

source Image* Theimageinwhichthefunctionsearchesforshapes.

templateImage constImage* The8-bitimagecontainingtheshapetofind.

scaleInvariant int SetthisparametertoTRUEtosearchforshapesregardlessofsize.SetthisparametertoFALSEtosearchforshapesthatare±10percentofthesizeofthetemplateshape.

connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,seeChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

tolerance double Indicatestheallowabledifferencebetweenthetemplateshapeandsimilarshapesintheimage.Thedifferenceisexpressedasavaluefrom0to1.

numMatches int* Onreturn,thenumberofmatchestothetemplateimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1229: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ShapeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofreportsdescribingthematchestothegiventemplateshape.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththearray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1234: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.method MathTransformMethod Thetransformfunctiontouse.rangeMin float Thesmallestpixelvalueonwhichthe

functionappliesthetransform.rangeMax float Thelargestpixelvalueonwhichthe

functionappliesthetransform.power float Ifyousetmethodto


mask constImage* Anoptionalmask.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctiontransformsonlythosesourcepixelswhosecorrespondingmaskpixelsarenon-zero.Allotherpixelsremainunchanged.SetthisparametertoNULLtoapplythetransformtotheentiresourceimage.

Page 1235: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1239: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


Page 1240: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1244: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.value PixelValue Thevaluetouseinthecomputation.Usethe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1249: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagecontainingtheparticletogetinformationabout.

particleNumber int Thenumberoftheparticletogetinformationabout.

calibrated int Specifieswhethertoreturnthemeasurementasareal-worldvalue.

measurement MeasurementType Themeasurementtomakeontheparticle.

value double* Onreturn,thevalueoftherequestedmeasurement.ThisparametercannotbeNULL.

Page 1250: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1255: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagetofilter.Thefiltermodifiestheborderof


width int Thewidthoftherectangularneighborhoodaroundthepixelonwhichthefunctionoperates.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

height int Theheightoftherectangularneighborhoodaroundthepixelonwhichthefunctionoperates.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmask.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionfiltersonlythosesourcepixelswhosecorrespondingmaskpixelsarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtoapplythefiltertotheentiresourceimage.

Page 1256: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1261: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.palette constRGBValue* Anoptionalpalettetoassociatewith8-bit


numColors unsignedint ThenumberofRGBValuesinthepalettearray.Iftherearelessthan256entriesinpalette,thefunctionmapsallpixelvaluespastthelastelementinpalettetotheassociatedgrayscalevalue.

group constchar* Overlaygroupnametomerge.SetthisparametertoNULLtomergealloverlays.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1266: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1271: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.value PixelValue Thevaluetouseinthecomputation.Usethe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1276: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstimagetomodulodivide.sourceB constImage* Thesecondimagetomodulodivide.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1282: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetobemodulodividedbythescalar

constant.value PixelValue Thevaluetouseasthedivisorintheoperation.


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1284: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1285: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1286: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1287: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimageonwhichthe


method MorphologyMethod Themorphologicaltransformtoapply.

structuringElement constStructuringElement* Thestructuringelementusedintheoperation.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwantacustomstructuringelement.

Page 1288: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1289: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1291: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1292: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* Theregionofinterest(ROI)containingthecontourtomove.

id ContourID TheContourIDofthecontourtomove.deltaX int Theamounttomovethecontourinthexdirection.deltaY int Theamounttomovethecontourintheydirection.

Page 1293: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1294: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1296: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

position Point Thenewposition,inscreencoordinates,oftheupperleftcornerofthetoolwindow.

Page 1297: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1298: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1299: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1300: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.position Point Thenewposition,inscreencoordinates,ofthe


Page 1301: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1302: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1303: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1304: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1305: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe

sametypeofimageassourceA.value float Thevaluebywhichthefunctionmultipliesthe


Page 1306: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1307: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1309: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

operation MulticoreOperation SpecifieswhethertheVIgetsorsetsthenumberofcoresavailabletoNIVision.

customNumCores unsignedint* ThenumberofprocessorcoresavailabletoNIVision.

Page 1310: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1311: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1312: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1314: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstimagetomultiply.sourceB constImage* Thesecondimagetomultiply.

Page 1315: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1316: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



Page 1317: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1320: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.value PixelValue Thevaluebywhichtomultiply.Setthememberof


Page 1321: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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rangeMin rangeMax useNewValue newValue80 150 TRUE 10120 200 FALSE ignored



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Page 1325: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.ranges constThresholdData* Anarrayofthresholdranges.This


numRanges int Thenumberofelementsintherangesarray.

Page 1326: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1327: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1330: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


Page 1331: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1332: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1335: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue ThevaluetoNANDwiththesourceimage.Setthe


Page 1336: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1337: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1340: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


Page 1341: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1342: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1343: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1345: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue ThevaluetoNORwiththesourceimage.Setthe


Page 1346: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1347: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1348: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1349: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1350: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagetofilter.Thefiltermodifiestheborderof


width int Thewidthoftherectangularneighborhoodaroundthepixelonwhichthefunctionoperates.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

height int Theheightoftherectangularneighborhoodaroundthepixelonwhichthefunctionoperates.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

n int Specifieswhichvalueintheneighborhoodtoplaceinthedestination.Setnto0toselectthesmallestvalueintheneighborhood,setnto1toselectthenextsmallestvalue,andsoon.

mask constImage* Anoptionalimagemask.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionfiltersonlythosepixelsinthesourceimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtofiltertheentiresourceimage.

Page 1351: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1352: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1355: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

fileName constchar* ThenameoftheAVIfiletoopen.

Page 1356: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

AVISession Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsasessionIDassociatedwiththegivenAVIfile.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1357: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1358: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1359: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1360: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


Page 1361: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1362: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1365: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue ThevaluetoORtothesourceimage.Setthe


Page 1366: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1367: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1370: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaythearc.arc constArcInfo* Thelocationandsizeofthearc.color constRGBValue* Thecolorofthearc.Thealphacolor


drawMode DrawMode Themodebywhichtodrawtheoverlay.ValidoptionsareIMAQ_DRAW_VALUEandIMAQ_PAINT_VALUE.

group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1371: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1372: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1375: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaythebitmap.destLoc Point Thecoordinatesofthepixelintheimage


bitmap constRGBValue* Thetwo-dimensionalarrayofbitmapvaluestooverlayontheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numCols unsignedint Thenumberofcolumnsinthebitmaparray.

numRows unsignedint constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddthe


Page 1376: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1377: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1378: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1380: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaytheopencontour.

points constPoint* Anarrayofpointsdescribingthelocationandshapeofthecontour.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthearray.color constRGBValue* Thecolorofthecontour.Thealphacolor


drawMode DrawMode Themodebywhichtodrawtheoverlay.IMAQ_DRAW_VALUEandIMAQ_PAINT_VALUEarevalidoptions.

group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1381: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1382: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1383: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1385: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaytheline.start Point Thecoordinatelocationofthestartoftheline.end Point Thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheline.color constRGBValue* Thecoloroftheline.Thealphacolorchannelis


group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1386: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1387: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1388: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1389: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1390: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaythemetafile.metafile constvoid* TheWindowshandletothemetafilethatyouwant


rect Rect Thelocationofrectangularregionwithintheimagethatthefunctionoverlaysthemetafile.Tousetheboundingrectangleinformationstoredinthemetafile,setthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECT.

group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1391: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1392: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1393: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1394: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1395: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaytheopencontour.

points constPoint* Anarrayofpointsdescribingthelocationandshapeofthecontour.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthearray.color constRGBValue* Thecolorofthecontour.Thealphacolor


group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1396: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1397: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1399: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1400: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaytheoval.

boundingBox Rect Thecoordinatelocationoftheboundingrectangleoftheoval.

color constRGBValue* Thecoloroftheoval.Thealphacolorchannelisnotsupported.Settingthecolortotransparenthasthesameeffectasselectingblack.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

drawMode DrawMode Themodebywhichtodrawtheoverlay.ValidoptionsareIMAQ_DRAW_VALUEandIMAQ_PAINT_VALUE.

group char* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1401: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1402: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1405: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaythepoints.

points constPoint* Anarraydescribingthecoordinatelocationofeachpointtooverlay.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthearray.colors constRGBValue* Anarraydescribingthecolorofeach


numColors int ThenumberofRGBValuesinthearray.

symbol PointSymbol Thesymbolthefunctionusestorepresenteachpointthefunctionoverlays.

userSymbol constUserPointSymbol* IfsymbolisIMAQ_POINT_AS_USER_DEFINED,thisparameterdefinesthesymbol.Otherwise,thefunctionignoresthisparameterandyoushouldsetittoNULL.

group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothe

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Page 1407: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1408: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1409: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1411: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaytherectangle.

rect Rect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangle.color constRGBValue* Thecoloroftherectangle.Thealphacolor


drawMode DrawMode Themodebywhichtodrawtheoverlay.ValidmodesareIMAQ_DRAW_VALUE,IMAQ_PAINT_VALUE,andIMAQ_HIGHLIGHT_VALUE.

group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1412: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1416: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaytheregionofinterest.

roi constROI* Theregionofinteresttooverlayontotheimage.

symbol PointSymbol Thesymboltorepresentapointcontourintheoverlay.

userSymbol constUserPointSymbol* IfsymbolisIMAQ_POINT_AS_USER_DEFINED,thisparameterdefinesthesymbol.Otherwise,thefunctionignoresthisparameterandyoushouldsetittoNULL.

group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1417: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1419: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1421: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageonwhichtooverlaythetext.

origin Point Thecoordinatelocationofthetextreferencepoint.

text constchar* Thetextthatthefunctionoverlays.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

color constRGBValue* Thecolorofthetext.Thealphacolorchannelisnotsupported.Settingthecolortotransparenthasthesameeffectasselectingblack.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constOverlayTextOptions* Themethodthatthefunctionusestooverlaytext.

group constchar* Thegrouptowhichyouwanttoaddtheoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoaddtheoverlaytothedefaultgroup.

Page 1422: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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fontName ArialfontSize 12bold FALSEitalic FALSEunderline FALSEstrikeout FALSEhorizontalTextAlignment IMAQ_LEFTverticalTextAlignment IMAQ_BOTTOMbackgroundColor IMAQ_RGB_TRANSPARENTangle 0

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Page 1427: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimagethatwillcontainonlythefilteredparticles.

source Image* Theimagecontainingtheparticlestofilter.

criteria constParticleFilterCriteria2* Anarrayofcriteriatoapplytotheparticlesinthesourceimage.ThisarraycannotbeNULL.

criteriaCount int Thenumberofelementsinthecriteriaarray.

options constParticleFilterOptions2* Theoptionsusedbythefunctiontofilterbinaryparticles.

roi constROI* TheROIwhosecontoursaparticlemustbecontainedintoavoidbeingfilteredout.IfrejectBorderistrueinoptions,anyparticletouchingtheborderofacontourinroiwillalsobefilteredout.SetthisparametertoNULLtofilterparticlesintheentireimagebasedonthecriteriaarray.

numParticles int* Onreturn,thenumberofparticlesleftintheimage.

Page 1428: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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rejectMatches FALSErejectBorder FALSEfillHoles FALSEconnectivity8 TRUE

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Page 1431: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1432: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1433: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetoquantify.mask constImage* Ifprovided,alabeledversionofthesourceimage


Page 1434: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

QuantifyReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertoareportdescribingthestatisticalparametersoftheimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1435: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1436: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1437: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1438: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.roi ROI* Therectangularregionthefunctionlooks


direction RakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchesforedgesalongthesearchlines.

process EdgeProcess Definestheedgesforwhichthefunctionlooks.

stepSize int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsbetweeneachsearchline.

edgeOptions EdgeOptions2* Specifiestheparametersthatareusedtocomputetheedgeprofileanddetectedges.

Page 1439: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

RakeReport2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededgesandtherakeusedbythefunction.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESkernelSize 3numSearchLines 3minThreshold 10.0interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDcolumnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS

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Page 1442: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1444: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichtheframeisstored.session AVISession Thesessiontouse.frameNum unsigned


data void* IftheAVIcontainsdataattachedtothisframe,thedatawillbestoredhere.

dataSize unsignedint*


Page 1445: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1449: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingthebarcodetoread.type BarcodeType Thetypeofthebarcodetoread.roi constROI* Aregionofinterestspecifyingthelocationofthe


validate int IftypeisIMAQ_I2_OF_5,IMAQ_CODE39,orIMAQ_CODABAR,setvalidatetoTRUEtousetheerrorcorrectioninformationofthebarcodetovalidatethedata.IftypeisnotIMAQ_I2_OF_5,IMAQ_CODE39,orIMAQ_CODABAR,orifyousetvalidatetoFALSE,thefunctiondoesnotvalidatethedata.

Page 1450: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

BarcodeInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructurecontaininginformationaboutthebarcode.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1451: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1453: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session ClassifierSession* Thesessioninwhichtoloadtheclassifierfile,orNULLtocreateanewsession.

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletoread.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

mode ReadClassifierFileMode Themodetousewhenreadingtheclassifiersessionfromfile.

type ClassifierType* Thetypeofclassifiersessionthatwasreadfromfile.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

engine ClassifierEngineType* Thetypeofenginethesessionwastrainedwith.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

description String255 Onreturn,thedescriptionoftheclassificationsession.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1454: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ClassifierSession* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanewclassifiersession.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeoftheinformationbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1455: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1458: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagethathasthedatatoread.key constchar* Thekeyusedtofindthedataintheimage.size unsigned


Page 1459: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

void* Ifthekeyisfoundintheimage,thisfunctionreturnsacopyofthedataassociatedwiththatkey.Whenyouarefinishedwiththisdata,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1461: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1462: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1463: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* TheimagecontainingtheDataMatrixbarcodetoread.

roi constROI* Aregionofinterestspecifyingthelocationofthebarcodeintheimage.Thefirstcontourofroimustbearectangle,rotatedrectangle,orclosedcontour.IfskipLocationofthesearchOptionsparameterissettoTRUE,aclosedcontourhasanadditionalconstraintofbeingfour-sided.SetthisparametertoNULLtousetheentireimage.

prepareForGrading DataMatrixGradingMode Specifiesifthefunctionshould

Page 1464: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


descriptionOptions constDataMatrixDescriptionOptions* DescribestheDataMatrixbarcodethefunctionshouldlookfor.

sizeOptions constDataMatrixSizeOptions* DescribessizinginformationfortheDataMatrixbarcodethefunctionshouldlookfor.

searchOptions constDataMatrixSearchOptions* DescribesthemethodsandlimitationsthefunctionshouldusewhensearchingfortheDataMatrixbarcode.

Page 1465: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

DataMatrixReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructurecontaininginformationabouttheDataMatrixbarcode.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1466: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


aspectRatio 0.0rows 0columns 0rectangle FALSEecc IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_ECCpolarity IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_POLARITYcellFillPercentage IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_FILL_PERCENTAGEminBorderIntegrity 80.0mirrorMode IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_MIRROR


minSize 0maxSize 0quietZoneWidth 10


rotationMode IMAQ_UNLIMITED_ROTATIONskipLocation FALSEedgeThreshold 30demodulationMode IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_DEMODULATION_MODEcellSampleSize IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZEcellFilterMode IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_FILTER_MODEskewDegreesAllowed 5maxIterations 500initialSearchVectorWidth 5

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Page 1470: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichthefunctionstoresdataitreadsfromthefile.

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletoread.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

colorTable RGBValue* Anoptionalarrayofupto256elements.Ifthefilehasacolortable,thefunctionfillsthisparameterwiththecolortablevalues.Ifthefiledoesnotcontainacolortable,thefunctionreturnsanemptyarray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwantthefunctiontoloadthecolortable.

numColors int* IfcolorTableisnotNULL,thefunctionfillsthisparameterwiththenumberofcolorsinthecolortable.IfcolorTableisNULL,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1471: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1473: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1475: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* TheimagecontainingtheLCDtoread.roi constROI* Aregionofinterest(ROI)consistingof


options constLCDOptions* ControlshowtheLCDisread.

Page 1476: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

LCDReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructuredescribingthestateoftheLCD.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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litSegments FALSEthreshold 8sign FALSEdecimalPoint FALSE

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Page 1481: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageofthemetertoread.arcInfo constMeterArc* Informationaboutthemeter'sarc.This


percentage double* Returnsthecurrentsweeppositionoftheneedleincomparisontothemaximumsweepposition,expressedasapercentage.Forexample,avalueof100indicatestheneedleisatthemaximumsweepposition.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

endOfNeedle PointFloat* Returnsthelocationoftheendpointoftheneedle.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1482: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1485: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletoread.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

description String255 Thedescriptionofthemultiplegeometricpatternfile.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1486: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

MultipleGeometricPattern* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsamultiplegeometrictemplate.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1489: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

fileName constchar* Filethatthefunctionusesforthisoperation.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

set CharSet* Thecharactersetthefunctionoperateson.TocreateacharactersetuseimaqCreateCharSet().Ifthecharactersetalreadycontainstrainedcharacters,thefunctionappendsthetrainedcharactersfromthefiletotheexistingtrainedcharacters.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

setDescription String255 Onreturn,thedescriptionofthecharactersetcontainedinthefile.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

readOptions ReadTextOptions* Onreturn,theoptionsusedtoreadtextcontainedinthefile.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

processingOptions OCRProcessingOptions* Onreturn,theimageprocessingoptionscontainedinthefile.Set

Page 1490: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


spacingOptions OCRSpacingOptions* Onreturn,thecharactersizespacingoptionscontainedinthefile.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1491: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1493: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1495: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingthebarcodestoread.roi constROI* Aregionofinterestspecifyingthelocationof


searchMode Barcode2DSearchMode Specifiesthemodethefunctionusestosearchforbarcodes.ThisfunctionsupportssearchModevaluesofIMAQ_SEARCH_MULTIPLEandIMAQ_SEARCH_SINGLE_CONSERVATIVE.

numBarcodes unsignedint* Onreturn,thenumberofbarcodesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1496: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Barcode2DInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofstructurescontaininginformationaboutthebarcodes.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisarray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1500: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* TheimagecontainingtheQRcodetobedetected.

roi constROI* Aregionofinterestspecifyingthelocationofthecodeintheimage.Thefirstcontourofroimustbearectangle,rotatedrectangle,orclosedcontour.IfskipLocationofthesearchOptionsparameterissettoTRUE,aclosedcontourhasanadditionalconstraintofbeingfour-sided.SetthisparametertoNULLtousetheentireimage.

reserved QRGradingMode Thisisreservedforfutureuse.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_QR_NO_GRADING.

descriptionOptions constQRCodeDescriptionOptions* DescribestheQRcodethefunctionshouldlookfor.

sizeOptions constQRCodeSizeOptions* DescribessizinginformationfortheQRcodethefunctionshouldlookfor.

searchOptions constQRCodeSearchOptions* DescribesthemethodsandlimitationsthefunctionshouldusewhensearchingfortheQRcode.

Page 1501: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

QRCodeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructurecontaininginformationabouttheQRcode.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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minSize 0maxSize 0



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Page 1506: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Thesourceimageforthisoperation.

set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

roi constROI* TheROIthatthefunctionperformsthisoperationon.PassNULLtousetheentireimageforthisoperation.

readOptions constReadTextOptions* Theoptionsyouusetoconfigurehowthefunctionreadstext.

processingOptions constOCRProcessingOptions* Theoptionsyouusetoconfigurehowthefunctionprocessesthecontentsoftheimagebeforeattemptingtoreadtext.

spacingOptions constOCRSpacingOptions* Thesizeandspacingconstraintsyoucanapplytocharactersintheimage.

Page 1507: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ReadTextReport3* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportthatcontainsinformationaboutthetextcontainedintheimage.Onfailure,thefunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyoufinishwiththereport,callimaqDispose()todisposeofit.

Page 1508: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


validChars NULLnumValidChars 0substitutionChar ?readStrategy IMAQ_READ_AGGRESSIVEacceptanceLevel 700aspectRatio 400readResolution IMAQ_LOW_RESOLUTION


mode IMAQ_COMPUTED_UNIFORMlowThreshold 0highThreshold 255blockCount 4fastThreshold FALSEbiModalCalculation FALSEdarkCharacters TRUEremoveObjectsTouchingROI FALSEerosionCount 0


minCharSpacing 1minCharSize 20maxCharSize 65536maxHorizontalElementSpacing 1maxVerticalElementSpacing 0

Page 1509: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

minBoundingRectWidth 1maxBoundingRectWidth 65536minBoundingRectHeight 1maxBoundingRectHeight 65536autoSplit FALSE

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Page 1513: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichthefunctionstoresdataitreadsfromthefile.

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletoread.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

colorTable RGBValue* Anoptionalarrayofupto256elements.Ifthefilehasacolortable,thefunctionfillsthisparameterwiththecolortablevalues.Ifthefiledoesnotcontainacolortable,thefunctionreturnsanemptyarray.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwantthefunctiontoloadthecolortable.

numColors int* IfcolorTableisnotNULL,thefunctionfillsthisparameterwiththenumberofcolorsinthecolortable.IfcolorTableisNULL,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1514: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1515: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1518: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theinspectionimageinwhichyouoriginallylocatedthematchesyouwanttorefine.

pattern constImage* Thetemplateforwhichyouwanttosearchduringtherefinementphase.ThetemplateimageisanoutputofimaqLearnPattern2()

candidatesIn constPatternMatch* Thecandidatematchestorefine.

numCandidatesIn int Thenumberofcandidatesbeingpassedin.

options MatchPatternOptions* TheoptionspassedintoimaqMatchPattern2()

advancedOptions MatchPatternAdvancedOptions* TheoptionspassedintoimaqMatchPattern2()

numCandidatesOut int* Onreturn,thenumberofcandidatesreturned.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1519: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

PatternMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1520: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1521: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1522: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1523: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Thesourceimage.Iftheimagehasaborder,the

functionsetsallborderpixelvaluesto0.connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8


Page 1524: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1525: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1526: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1528: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session ClassifierSession* Thesessioncontainingthesampletorelabel.

index int Theindexofthesampletorelabel.newClass constchar* Thenewclassofthesample.

Page 1529: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1530: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1532: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.

Page 1533: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1534: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1536: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* ContourID TheContourIDofthecontourtoremove.Afterthis


Page 1537: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1541: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagetoremovethecustomdatafrom.key constchar* Thekeytoremovefromtheimage.

Page 1542: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1544: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1546: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* TheimagethatthefunctionremovesVisioninformationfrom.

info unsignedint Flagsrepresentingwhichinfotypestoremove.CombinevaluesfromtheVisionInfoType2enumerationtocreatethis

Page 1547: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1548: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1550: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

set CharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

index int Theindexofacharactertorename.newCharValue constchar* Thenewcharactervaluethatyouwantto


Page 1551: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1555: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.mode ColorMode Thecolorspaceinwhichthefunctionreplaces

planes.plane1 constImage* Thefirstplaneofreplacementdata.Setthis


plane2 constImage* Thesecondplaneofreplacementdata.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwanttochangethesecondplaneofthesourceimage.

plane3 constImage* Thethirdplaneofreplacementdata.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwanttochangethethirdplaneofthesourceimage.

Page 1556: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Mode PlaneIMAQ_RGB GreenIMAQ_HSL SaturationIMAQ_HSV SaturationIMAQ_HSI Saturation


Mode PlaneIMAQ_RGB BlueIMAQ_HSL LuminanceIMAQ_HSV ValueIMAQ_HSI Intensity

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Page 1561: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagewhosedatathefunctionmodifies.newValues constImage* Theimagecontainingthereplacement


plane ComplexPlane Thecompleximageplanetoreplace.SetthisvaluetoIMAQ_REALorIMAQ_IMAGINARY.IfsourceisaCompleximage,thenthisparameteralsoselectswhichplaneofthesourceimageisusedasthereplacement.

Page 1562: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1566: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Theimageintowhichthefunctionplacestheresampleddata.Theimagemaybethesameassource.

source constImage* Theimagetoresample.newWidth int Thewidthoftheresampledarea.newHeight int Theheightoftheresampledarea.method InterpolationMethod Themethodofinterpolation.rect Rect Specifiesanareaofthesourceimage


Page 1567: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1568: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1571: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagefromwhichthefunctiongetstheprofile.roi constROI* TheROIdescribingthepixelsaboutwhichthe


Page 1572: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ROIProfile* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertoinformationaboutthepointsalongtheedgeofeachcontourintheROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1573: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1574: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1575: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1576: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

mask Image* Theresultingmaskimage.roi constROI* ThedescriptordefiningtheROI.fillValue int Thepixelvalueofthemask.Allpixelsinside

theROIreceivethisvalue.imageModel constImage* Anoptionaltemplateforthedestinationmask


inSpace int* IfyouusedimageModel,thisparameterindicatesonreturnwhetherthemaskisatruerepresentationoftheROI.IfTRUE,theROIdataiscompletelywithinimageModel.IfFALSE,someoftheROIdatafelloutsidethespaceassociatedwithimageModel.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation,orifyoudidnotuseimageModel.

Page 1577: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1579: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1581: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetorotate.angle float Theangle,indegrees,torotatethe

image.fill PixelValue Thevaluethefunctionappliestothe


method InterpolationMethod Themethodofinterpolation.ThevalidinterpolationmethodsforrotationareIMAQ_ZERO_ORDERandIMAQ_BILINEAR.

maintainSize int SetthisparametertoTRUEtomaintainthesizeoftheimage.

Page 1582: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1586: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimagetoscale.xScale int Thescalingfactorinthexdirection.Ifyouset


yScale int Thescalingfactorintheydirection.IfyousetscaleModetoIMAQ_SCALE_LARGER,yScaleisamultiplicationfactor,meaningthefunctionduplicateseachsourcepixelyScaletimes.IfyousetscaleModetoIMAQ_SCALE_SMALLER,yScaleisadivisionfactor,meaningthefunctiontakesonepixelforeveryyScalepixels.

scaleMode ScalingMode Thescalingmode.rect Rect Specifiestherectangularregionofthesource


Page 1587: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1591: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagetosegment.Thesegmentationmodifiesthe


Page 1592: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1596: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1597: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagefromwhichtheuserselectsanannulus.

annulus Annulus* Onreturn,thisparameterspecifiesthecoordinatesoftheannuluschosenbytheuser.Iftheuserdoesnotselectanannulus,thefunctionsetsalloftheelementsofannulusto–1.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constConstructROIOptions* Describeshowafunctionpresentstheannulusconstructorwindow.

okay int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEiftheuserpressedtheOKbuttontoendtheselectionofanannulus.Otherwise,thisparameterisFALSE.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1598: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1599: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


windowNumber IMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGwindowTitle "SelectanAnnulus"type IMAQ_PALETTE_GRAYpalette NULLnumColors 0

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Page 1603: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagefromwhichtheuserselectsaline.

start Point* Onreturn,thisparameterspecifiesthecoordinatesofthestartofthelinechosenbytheuser.Iftheuserdoesnotselectaline,thefunctionsetsalloftheelementsofstartto–1.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

end Point* Onreturn,thisparameterspecifiesthecoordinatesoftheendofthelinechosenbytheuser.Iftheuserdoesnotselectaline,thefunctionsetsalloftheelementsofendto–1.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constConstructROIOptions* Describeshowafunctionpresentsthelineconstructorwindow.

okay int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEiftheuserpressedtheOKbuttontoendtheselectionofaline.Otherwise,thisparameterisFALSE.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1604: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1605: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


windowNumber IMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGwindowTitle "SelectaLine"type IMAQ_PALETTE_GRAYpalette NULLnumColors 0

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Page 1609: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagefromwhichtheuserselectsapoint.

point Point* Onreturn,thisparameterspecifiesthecoordinatesofthepointchosenbytheuser.Iftheuserdoesnotselectapoint,thefunctionsetsalloftheelementsofpointto–1.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constConstructROIOptions* Describeshowafunctionpresentsthepointconstructorwindow.

okay int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEiftheuserpressedtheOKbuttontoendtheselectionofapoint.Otherwise,thisparameterisFALSE.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1610: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1611: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


windowNumber IMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGwindowTitle "SelectaPoint"type IMAQ_PALETTE_GRAYpalette NULLnumColors 0

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Page 1615: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagefromwhichtheuserselectsarectangle.

rect RotatedRect* Onreturn,thisparameterspecifiesthecoordinatesoftherectanglechosenbytheuser.Iftheuserdoesnotselectarectangle,thefunctionsetsalloftheelementsofrectto–1.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

options constConstructROIOptions* Describeshowafunctionpresentstherectangleconstructorwindow.

okay int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEiftheuserpressedtheOKbuttontoendtheselectionofarectangle.Otherwise,thisparameterisFALSE.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1616: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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windowNumber IMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGwindowTitle "SelectaRectangle"type IMAQ_PALETTE_GRAYpalette NULLnumColors 0

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Page 1621: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagecontaining


erosions int Thenumberoferosionstoperform.

structuringElement constStructuringElement* Thestructuringelementusedintheoperation.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwantacustomstructuringelement.

Page 1622: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1627: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosebitdepththefunctionsets.bitDepth unsigned


Page 1628: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1632: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosebordersizethefunctionsets.size int Thenewbordersize.Validbordersizesrangefrom0-50.

Page 1633: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1636: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* Theregionofinterest(ROI)containingthecontourwhosecolorthefunctionsets.

id ContourID TheContourIDofthecontourwhosecolorthefunctionsets.

color constRGBValue* Thecolortowhichthefunctionsetsthecontour.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 1637: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1641: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosecoordinatesystemthefunctionsets.Thisimagemustalreadycontaincalibrationinformation.

system constCoordinateSystem* Definesthecoordinatesystemforthecalibratedreal-worldcoordinates.

Page 1642: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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origin {0,0}angle 0axisOrientation IMAQ_INDIRECT

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Page 1646: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

currentTool Tool Thetooltomaketheselectedregiontool.

Page 1647: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1650: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

errorCode int Thecodeoftheerrortoset.function constchar* Thenameofthefunctioninwhichtheerror


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ReturnValueType Description

int Setsthecurrenterror.

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Page 1654: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

callback EventCallback Thefunctiontocall.SetthisparametertoNULLifyouwanttodisableeventprocessingusingacallback.Ifyoudisablecallbacks,youcanprocesseventsusingimaqGetLastEvent().

synchronous int SetthisparametertoTRUEtocallthecallbackfunctioninthethreadthatcallsimaqSetEventCallback().SetthisparametertoFALSEtocallthecallbackfunctionasynchronouslyinaseparatethread.Toprocesscallbackssynchronously,yourapplicationmusthaveamessagepump.InLabWindows/CVI,callingRunUserInterface()startsamessagepump.ThefunctionignoresthisparameterifcallbackisNULL.

Page 1655: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1660: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagetoresize.width int Thenewwidthoftheimage.height int Thenewheightoftheimage.

Page 1661: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1665: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhoselinepixelvaluesthefunctionmodifies.

array constvoid* Theone-dimensionalarrayofpixelvaluesthatthefunctionusestoreplacethevaluesintheline.Thetypeofarrayyouprovidedependsontheimagetype,asfollows:

ImageType ArrayTypeIMAQ_IMAGE_U8 unsignedcharIMAQ_IMAGE_U16 unsignedshortIMAQ_IMAGE_I16 shortIMAQ_IMAGE_SGL floatIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB RGBValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_HSL HSLValuestructuresIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 RGBU64Value


arraySize int Thenumberofpixelsinthearray.start Point Thecoordinatelocationofthestartingpointofthe

line.end Point Thecoordinatelocationoftheendingpointofthe


Page 1666: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1670: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Themaskimagewhoseoffsetthefunctionsets.offset Point Thecoordinateswherethefunctionappliesthemask.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1674: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type

multiplePattern MultipleGeometricPattern*

label constchar*

curveOptions constCurveOptions*

Page 1675: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

matchOptions constMatchGeometricPatternOptions*

advancedMatchOptions constMatchGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions2*

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANTsubpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULL(allanglesallowed)numRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}occlusionRange {0,25}numMatchesRequested 1minMatchScore 800


minFeaturesUsed 5maxFeaturesUsed 5subpixelIterations 20subpixelTolerance 0initialMatchListLength 200matchTemplateCurveScore FALSEcorrelationScore TRUEminMatchSeparationDistance 20minMatchSeparationAngle 10minMatchSeparationScale 10maxMatchOverlap 80coarseResult FALSEsmoothContours FALSEenableCalibrationSupport TRUE

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Page 1681: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageforwhichyouwanttosettheoverlayproperties.

group constchar* Specifiesanoverlaygroupnamewithintheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLtospecifyallgroups.

transformBehaviors TransformBehaviors* Specifiesthecurrentoverlaybehaviorwhenanimageistransformed.

Page 1682: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1685: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session ClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessionfromwhichtosettheoptions.

preprocessingOptions constParticleClassifierPreprocessingOptions* Thepreprocessingoptionstoset.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwanttosetthepreprocessingoptions.

options constParticleClassifierOptions* Theclassificationoptionstoset.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwanttosettheclassificationoptions.

Page 1686: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1690: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosepixelvaluethefunctionsets.coord Point Thecoordinatesofthepixelthefunctionsets.value PixelValue Thevaluetowhichthefunctionsetstheimagepixel.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1694: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

index int Theindexofacharactertosetasthereferencecharacterforitscharacterclass.

isReferenceChar int SetthisparametertoTRUEtosetthecharacterasthereferencecharacter.SetthisparametertoFALSEtounsetthecharacterasthereferencecharacter.

Page 1695: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1698: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROIwhosecolorthefunctionsets.color constRGBValue* ThecolortowhichthefunctionsetstheROI.


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1703: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagethefunctionsetscalibrationinformationfor.Thisimageshouldeitherhavenoassociatedcalibrationinformationorsimplecalibrationinformation.

method ScalingMethod Definesthescalingmethodcorrectionfunctionsusedtocorrecttheimage.Iftheimagehasbeencalibratedpreviously,usingtheimaqLearnCalibrationPoints()orimaqLearnCalibrationGrid(),thisparameterisignoredandthepreviouslydefinedscalingisused.IMAQ_SCALE_TO_PRESERVE_AREAandIMAQ_SCALE_TO_FITarevalidoptions.

learnTable int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoprocessandstorethecorrectiontable.Thecorrectiontableacceleratestheprocessofcorrectinganimageandisusefulifyouplantocorrectseveralimagesusingthiscalibrationsetup.

grid constGridDescriptor* Definesscalingconstantsfortheimage.Iftheimagehasbeencalibratedpreviously,usingtheimaqLearnCalibrationPoints()orimaqLearnCalibrationGrid(),thisparameterisignoredandthepreviouslydefinedscalingconstantsareused.

system constCoordinateSystem* Definesthecoordinatesystemforthecalibratedreal-worldcoordinates.

Page 1704: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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xStep 1yStep 1unit IMAQ_UNDEFINED


origin {0,0}angle 0axisOrientation IMAQ_INDIRECT

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Page 1708: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

color constRGBValue* Thetooldrawingcolor.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 1709: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1712: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sensitive int SetvaluetoTRUEtoenablecontext-sensitivetoolselection.SetvaluetoFALSEtodisablecontext-sensitivetoolselection.

Page 1713: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1716: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.rect Rect Theareatoacquire.Ifyousetthisparameter


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1721: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.images Image** Anarrayofimages.Eachelementinthe

arraymustbeapointertoavalidimage.numImages int Thenumberofimagesintheimagesarray.skipCount int Thenumberofframestoskipbetweeneach


rect Rect Theareatoacquire.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtoacquiretheentireacquisitionwindow.

Page 1722: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1726: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.images Image** Anarrayofimages.Eachelementinthe

arraymustbeapointertoavalidimage.numImages int Thenumberofimagesintheimagesarray.skipCount int Thenumberofframestoskipbetweeneach


rect Rect Theareatoacquire.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtoacquiretheentireacquisitionwindow.

Page 1727: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1730: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

showCoordinates int Determineswhetheractivepixelcoordinatesarevisible.SetthisparametertoTRUEtodisplaytheactivepixelcoordinates.SetthisparametertoFALSEifyoudonotwantthecoordinatestoshow.

maxIconsPerLine int Themaximumnumberoftooliconstoshowoneachline.Thetoolwindowusestheminimumnumberoflinesneededtodisplayallofthetoolsbasedonthisparameteranddistributesthetoolsasevenlyaspossible.

options constToolWindowOptions* Determinestheavailabilityoftoolsinthetoolwindow.SetoptionstoNULLtodisplayallthetools.

Page 1731: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1732: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1733: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1734: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.configuration int AnyoftheWindowOptionsflagscombined


Page 1735: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1736: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1737: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1738: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.

fillStyle WindowBackgroundFillStyle Thefillstyleofthedisplaywindow.

hatchStyle WindowBackgroundHatchStyle Thehatchstyleofthedisplaywindow.

fillColor constRGBValue* Thefillcolorofthedisplaywindow.SetthisparametertoNULLtousethecurrentfillcolor.

backgroundColor constRGBValue* Thebackgroundcolorofthedisplaywindow.SetthisparametertoNULLtousethecurrentbackgroundcolor.

Page 1739: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1740: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1741: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1742: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thenumberofthewindowthefunctionsetsthepixelmappingpolicyfor.

mapping constDisplayMapping* Describesthemappingpolicythefunctionsetsforthewindows.

Page 1743: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1744: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


conversionMethod IMAQ_FULL_DYNAMICminimumValue 0maximumValue 0shiftCount 0

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Page 1746: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1747: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.xResolution int Thexresolutionofthegrid.yResolution int Theyresolutionofthegrid.

Page 1748: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1749: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1750: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1751: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.maxContourCount unsigned


Page 1752: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1753: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1754: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1755: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.nonTearing int SetthisparametertoTRUEifthegivenwindow


Page 1756: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1757: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1758: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1759: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.

type PaletteType Thepalettetypetouse.palette constRGBValue* IftypeisIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,


numColors int IftypeisIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,thisparameteristhenumberofcolorsinthepalettearray.IftypeisnotIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.

Page 1760: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1761: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1762: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1763: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.roi constROI* TheROItoassociatewiththewindow.Set


Page 1764: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1765: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1766: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1767: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.width int Thenewwidthofthewindow.height int Thenewheightofthewindow.

Page 1768: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1769: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1771: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

policy WindowThreadPolicy Thethreadpolicy.

Page 1772: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1773: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1774: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1775: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.title constchar* Thenewtitleofthewindow.This


Page 1776: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1777: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1778: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1779: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.zoomToFit int SetthisparametertoTRUEifthegivenwindow


Page 1780: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1781: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1784: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetoshift.shiftX int Specifieshowmanypixelstotherighttoshiftthe

image.shiftY int Specifieshowmanypixelsdowntoshiftthe

image.fill PixelValue Thevaluewithwhichthefunctionfillsthe


Page 1785: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1786: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1787: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1788: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.visible int IfTRUE,thescrollbarsofthewindoware


Page 1789: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1790: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1792: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

visible int IfTRUE,thetoolwindowisvisible.IfFALSE,thetoolwindowishidden.

Page 1793: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1794: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1795: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1796: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.visible int IfTRUE,thegivenwindowisvisible.IfFALSE,


Page 1797: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1798: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1799: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1800: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1801: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagethatthe


structuringElement constStructuringElement* Thestructuringelementusedintheoperation.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwantacustomstructuringelement.

Page 1802: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1803: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1804: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1805: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1806: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1807: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichyouwanttofindedges.

points constPoint* Thepathalongwhichthefunctiondetectsedges.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthepointsarray.

options constSimpleEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctiontofindedges.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numEdges int* Onreturn,thenumberofedgesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1808: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

PointFloat* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofpointsindicatingthelocationoftheedges.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthearraybycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1809: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1810: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1811: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1812: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimageonwhichthe


connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,seeChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

erosions int Thenumberoferosionstoperform.

keepSize SizeType Determinesthesizeoftheparticlesthefunctionkeepsaftertheerosion.

structuringElement constStructuringElement* Thestructuringelementusedintheoperation.

Page 1813: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1814: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1815: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1816: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1817: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1818: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1819: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagewhoseskeletonthefunction


method SkeletonMethod Themethodthatthefunctionusestocalculatetheskeleton.

Page 1820: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1821: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1825: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.image Image* Theimageintowhichtoacquire.Ifimageis

NULL,imaqSnap()createsanewimage.rect Rect Theareatoacquire.Setthisparameterto


Page 1826: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Image* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnstheacquiredimage.IfyousetimagetoNULL,thefunctionreturnsanewimage.Otherwise,thefunctionreturnsapointertoimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1827: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1828: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1829: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1830: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.roi ROI* Therectangularregionthefunctionlooks


direction SpokeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchforedgesalongthesearchlines.

process EdgeProcess Definestheedgesforwhichthefunctionlooks.

stepSize int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsbetweeneachsearchline.

edgeOptions EdgeOptions2* Specifiestheparametersthatareusedtocomputetheedgeprofileanddetectedges.

Page 1831: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

SpokeReport2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededgesandthespokeusedbythefunction.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1832: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESkernelSize 3numSearchLines 3minThreshold 10.0interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDcolumnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS

Page 1833: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1834: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1835: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.

Page 1836: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1837: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1838: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1839: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

sessionID SESSION_ID AvalidsessionID.

Page 1840: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1841: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1844: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.

roi constROI* TheROItofindstraightedgesinside.

searchDirection SearchDirection Thedirectiontosearchforstraightlines.Thefirstcontourofroimustbearectangle,rotatedrectangle,ora4-sidedclosedcontour.

edgeOptions constEdgeOptions2* Specifiestheparametersthatareusedtocomputetheedgeprofileanddetectedges.

straightEdgeOptions constStraightEdgeOptions* Specifiestheoptionsusedtofitalineintheroi.

Page 1845: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

StraightEdgeReport2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructureofinformationabouttheedgesfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1846: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESkernelSize 3width 3minThreshold 10.0interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDcolumnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS


numLines 1searchMode IMAQ_USE_BEST_PROJECTION_EDGEminScore 10.0maxSize 1000.0orientation 0.0angleRange 10.0angleTolerance 1.0stepSize 3minSignalToNoiseRatio 0.0minCoverage 25.0houghIterations 5

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Page 1850: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstimagetosubtract.sourceB constImage* Thesecondimagetosubtract.

Page 1851: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1856: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagefromwhichthefunctionsubtractsa

scalarconstant.value PixelValue Thevaluetosubtractfromthesourceimage


Page 1857: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1860: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1861: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.rangeMin float Thelowerboundaryoftherangeofpixel

valuestokeep.rangeMax float Theupperboundaryoftherangeofpixel

valuestokeep.useNewValue int SetthisparametertoTRUEtosetthepixel


newValue float IfyousetuseNewValuetoTRUE,newValueisthereplacementvalueforpixelswithintherange.IfyousetuseNewValuetoFALSE,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.

Page 1862: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1866: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Thesourceimageforthisoperation.

set CharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

index int TheindexoftheobjectidentifiedwithintheROIthatyouwanttotrain.PassIMAQ_ALL_OBJECTStotrainalltheobjectsthatthefunctionidentifiesintheROI.

charValue constchar* Anull-terminatedstringofcharactersthatspecifiesthevalueoftheobjectattheindex.Thelengthofthestringmustnotexceed255characters.IfyousetindextoIMAQ_ALL_OBJECTS,eachcharacterincharValueisthevaluefortheobjectatthecorrespondingindexinthesetofobjects

Page 1867: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


roi constROI* TheROIthatthefunctionperformsthisoperationon.PassNULLtousetheentireimageforthisoperation.

processingOptions constOCRProcessingOptions* Theoptionsyouusetoconfigurehowthefunctionprocessesthecontentsoftheimagebeforeattemptingtoreadtext.

spacingOptions constOCRSpacingOptions* Thesizeandspacingconstraintsyoucanapplytocharactersintheimage.

Page 1868: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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mode IMAQ_COMPUTED_UNIFORMlowThreshold 0highThreshold 255blockCount 4fastThreshold FALSEbiModalCalculation FALSEdarkCharacters TRUEremoveObjectsTouchingROI FALSEerosionCount 0


minCharSpacing 1minCharSize 20maxCharSize 65536maxHorizontalElementSpacing 1maxVerticalElementSpacing 0minBoundingRectWidth 1maxBoundingRectWidth 65536minBoundingRectHeight 1maxBoundingRectHeight 65536autoSplit FALSE

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Page 1872: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session ClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessiontotrain.options constNearestNeighborOptions* Theoptionstousewhen


Page 1873: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

NearestNeighborTrainingReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportcontainingtheresultsofthetraining.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthereportbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 1874: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1877: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosecalibrationinformationthefunctionusestotransformthepixelcoordinates.

pixelCoordinates constPointFloat* Thearrayofpixelcoordinatesthefunctiontransformstoreal-worldcoordinates.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numCoordinates int Thenumberofcoordinatesinthearray.

Page 1878: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

TransformReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportdescribingtherealworldcoordinates.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereport,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1882: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosecalibrationinformationthefunctionusestotransformthereal-worldcoordinates.

realWorldCoordinates constPointFloat* Thearrayofreal-worldcoordinatesthefunctiontransformstopixelcoordinate.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

numCoordinates int Thenumberofcoordinatesinthearray.

Page 1883: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

TransformReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportdescribingthepixelcoordinates.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereport,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1886: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItotransform.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

baseSystem constCoordinateSystem* Describesthebasecoordinatesystem.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

newSystem constCoordinateSystem* Describesthenewcoordinatesystem.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 1887: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1892: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetotranspose.

Page 1893: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1897: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagewhosefrequenciesthefunction

truncates.highlow TruncateMode Specifieswhichfrequenciesthefunction

truncates.ratioToKeep float Specifiesthepercentageoffrequenciesthat


Page 1898: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1900: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1902: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* constvoid* Thedatatounflatten.Thisparameterisrequiredand

cannotbeNULL.size unsigned


Page 1903: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1907: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimagefortheunwrappedpixels.

source constImage* Theimagecontainingtheannulusofpixelstobeunwrapped.

annulus Annulus Thecoordinatelocationoftheannulusthefunctionunwraps.

orientation RectOrientation Specifiestheorientationoftheresultingrectangularimagerelativetotheannulus.

method InterpolationMethod Specifiestheinterpolationalgorithmusedintheunwrappingprocess.ValidmethodsareIMAQ_ZERO_ORDERandIMAQ_BILINEAR.

Page 1908: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1912: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Thesourceimageforthisoperation.set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunction


expectedPatterns constString255* Thearrayofexpectedpatternsintheregionofinterest.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

patternCount int ThenumberofpatternsintheexpectedPatternsarray.

roi constROI* TheROIthatthefunctionperformsthisoperationon.PassNULLtousetheentireimageforthisoperation.IftheROIhasmultiplecontours,eachcontourisinterpretedasapatternlocationintheimage.IftheROIonlyhasonecontour,thefunctionsearchestheROIfortheexpectedpatterns.

numScores int* Onreturn,thenumberofscoresreturnedbythefunction.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

int* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofverificationscoresforthefirstnumScoreselementsoftheexpectedPatternsarray.Ifareferencecharacterdoesnotexistforthecharacterclassofacharacter,thefunctionsetsthescorecorrespondingtothatcharacterto0.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.TogetextendederrorinformationcallimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1917: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Thesourceimageforthisoperation.set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperates


expectedString constchar* Theexpectedcharactervaluesintheregionofinterest.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

roi constROI* TheROIthatthefunctionperformsthisoperationon.PassNULLtousetheentireimageforthisoperation.IftheROIhasmultiplecontours,eachcontourisinterpretedasapatternlocationintheimage.IftheROIonlyhasonecontour,thefunctionsearchestheROIfortheexpectedpatterns.

numScores int* Onreturn,thenumberofscoresreturnedbythefunction.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

int* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofverificationscoresforthefirstnumScorescharactersintheexpectedStringarray.Ifareferencecharacterdoesnotexistforthecharacterclassofacharacter,thefunctionsetsthescorecorrespondingtothatcharacterto0.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.TogetextendederrorinformationcallimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 1920: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1922: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimageofwhichtocreatea3D

representation.options constView3DOptions* Specifieshowtoconverttheimagetoa


Page 1923: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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sizeReduction 2maxHeight 64direction IMAQ_3D_NWalpha 30beta 30border 20background 85plane IMAQ_3D_MAGNITUDE

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Page 1928: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.connectivity8 int Specifieshowthewatershedtransform


zoneCount int* Onreturn,specifiesthenumberofzonesdetectedintheimage.Azoneisaregionoftheimageinwhichallofthepixelsbelongtothesamecatchmentbasin.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 1929: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1934: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* TheimagetowritetotheAVI.session AVISession constvoid* IfthisAVIhasdataattachedtoit,thedatato

attachtothisframe.dataLength unsigned


Page 1935: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1939: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.This


compress int SetthisparametertoTRUEtocompresstheBMP.SetthisparametertoFALSEtowriteanuncompressedBMP.

colorTable constRGBValue* Anoptionalcolortabletoassociatewith8-bitimages.Ifyouwanttoprovideacolortable,thetablemusthave256elements.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteagrayscalepalettetothefile.

Page 1940: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1943: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

session constClassifierSession* Theclassifiersessiontowritetofile.

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

mode WriteClassifierFileMode Themodetousewhenwritingtheclassificationsessiontofile.

description constString255 Adescriptionoftheclassificationsession.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedadescriptionforthisfile.

Page 1944: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1948: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageinwhichtowritethecustomdata.key constchar* Thekeyusedtofindthedataintheimage.This constvoid* Thedataassociatedwiththekey.Thisparameteris

requiredandcannotbeNULL.size unsigned


Page 1949: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Extension FileType.aipdor.apd AIPD.bmp BMP.jpgor.jpeg JPEG.jp2 JPEG2000.png PNG.tifor.tiff TIFF


Page 1952: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

FileTypes ImageTypesAIPD allimagetypesBMP,JPEG 8-bit,RGBPNG,TIFF,JPEG2000 8-bit,16-bit,RGB,RGBU64

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Page 1954: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.Thefunctioncannotwriteallimagetypestoallfiletypes.

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefile.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

colorTable constRGBValue* Anoptionalcolortabletoassociatewith8-bitimages.Ifyouprovideacolortable,thetablemusthave256elements.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteagrayscalepalettetotheimage.

Page 1955: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 1959: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

lossless int SetthisparametertoTRUEtowritetheJPEG2000filewithoutlossofinformation.SetthisparametertoFALSEtowritetheJPEG2000fileasanapproximationtotheimage.

compressionRatio float SpecifiesthedegreetowhichtocompresstheJPEG2000file.Forexample,acompressionRatioof50meansthattheresultingJPEG2000filewillbe50timessmallerthanthesizeoftheimageinmemory.Thisparameteris

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advancedOptions constJPEG2000FileAdvancedOptions* SpecifiesadvancedbehaviorswhenwritingaJPEG2000file.

colorTable constRGBValue* Anoptionalcolortabletoassociatewith8-bitimages.Ifyouprovideacolortable,thetablemusthave256elements.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteagrayscalepalettetotheimage.

Page 1961: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1962: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


waveletMode IMAQ_WAVELET_TRANSFORM_INTEGERuseMultiComponentTransform TRUEmaxWaveletTransformLevel 5quantizationStepSize 0

Page 1963: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1964: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1965: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1966: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.Thisparameteris

requiredandcannotbeNULL.quality unsignedint Representsthequalityoftheimage.Asquality



colorTable void* Reserved.JPEGfilesdonotsupportcolorpalettesforgrayscaleimages.

Page 1967: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1968: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1969: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1970: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

multiplePattern constMultipleGeometricPattern* Themultiplegeometrictemplatetowritetofile.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

description constchar* Adescriptionoftheclassificationsession.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedadescriptionforthisfile.

Page 1971: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1972: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1974: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

fileName constchar* Filethatthefunctionusesforthisoperation.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

set constCharSet* Thetrainedcharacterstostoreinthefile.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteanemptycharactersettothefile.

setDescription constchar* Thetrainedcharactersetdescriptiontostoreinthefile.Thedescriptionmustnotexceed255characters.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtostorethisinformation.

readOptions constReadTextOptions* Theoptionsforreadingtexttostoreinthefile.SetthisparametertoNULLtowritethedefaultreadingoptions.

processingOptions constOCRProcessingOptions* Theoptionsforimageprocessingtostoreinthefile.SetthisparametertoNULLtowritethedefaultprocessing

Page 1975: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

options.spacingOptions constOCRSpacingOptions* Thecharactersize


Page 1976: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1977: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


validChars NULLnumValidChars 0substitutionChar ?readStrategy IMAQ_READ_AGGRESSIVEacceptanceLevel 700aspectRatio 400readResolution IMAQ_LOW_RESOLUTION


mode IMAQ_COMPUTED_UNIFORMlowThreshold 0highThreshold 255blockCount 4fastThreshold FALSEbiModalCalculation FALSEdarkCharacters TRUEremoveObjectsTouchingROI FALSEerosionCount 0


minCharSpacing 1minCharSize 20maxCharSize 65536maxHorizontalElementSpacing 1maxVerticalElementSpacing 0

Page 1978: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

minBoundingRectWidth 1maxBoundingRectWidth 65536minBoundingRectHeight 1maxBoundingRectHeight 65536autoSplit FALSE

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Page 1981: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1982: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.


compressionSpeed unsignedint Representstherelativespeedofthecompressionalgorithm.Asthisvalueincreases,thefunctionspendslesstimecompressingtheimage.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000,with750asthedefault.PNGformatalwaysstoresimagesinalosslessfashion.

colorTable constRGBValue* Anoptionalcolortabletoassociatewith8-bitimages.Ifyouprovideacolortable,thetablemusthave256elements.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteagrayscalepalettetotheimage.

useBitDepth int Whensavingasigned16-bitimagetoaPNGfile,NIVisionmustconvertthedatatoanunsignedformatandshiftthedatasothatthemostsignificantbitisalwaystheleftmostbit.SetthisparametertoTRUEtousethebitdepthinformationattachedtoimagetoperformtheseconversions.SetthisparametertoFALSEtobiastheimagebyaddingaconstantvaluetoallthepixelsinthe

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Page 1984: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1985: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1986: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1987: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1988: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.This


options constTIFFFileOptions* AstructuredefiningthespecificoptionstousewhilewritingtheTIFFfile.

colorTable constRGBValue* Anoptionalcolortabletoassociatewith8-bitimages.Ifyouprovideacolortable,thetablemusthave256elements.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteagrayscalepalettetotheimage.IfthecompressionTypeelementofoptionsisIMAQ_JPEG,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.

Page 1989: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1990: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


rowsPerStrip 0,whichwritesalldatainonestripphotoInterp IMAQ_BLACK_IS_ZEROcompressionType IMAQ_NO_COMPRESSION

Page 1991: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1992: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1993: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 1994: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.This


colorTable constRGBValue* Anoptionalcolortabletoassociatewith8-bitimages.Ifyouprovideacolortable,thetablemusthave256elements.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteagrayscalepalettetotheimage.

Page 1995: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 1996: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 1999: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


Page 2000: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2001: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2004: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue ThevaluetoXNORwiththesourceimage.Setthe


Page 2005: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2006: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2009: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstsourceimage.sourceB constImage* Thesecondsourceimage,whichmustbethe


Page 2010: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2011: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2012: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2014: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Thesourceimage.value PixelValue ThevaluetoXORwiththesourceimage.Setthe


Page 2015: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2016: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2018: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.xZoom float Thezoomfactorforthexdirection.SetxZoom


yZoom float Thezoomfactorfortheydirection.SetyZoomtozerotomaintainthecurrentzoomfactorfortheydirection.

center Point Thecenterpointaroundwhichtozoom.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_POINTtomaintainthecurrentcenterpoint.

Page 2019: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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-1074396155 ERR_UNINIT



-1074396152 ERR_BARCODE_CODE39

-1074396151 ERR_BARCODE_CODE93

-1074396150 ERR_BARCODE_CODE128

-1074396149 ERR_BARCODE_EAN8

-1074396148 ERR_BARCODE_EAN13

-1074396147 ERR_BARCODE_I25

-1074396146 ERR_BARCODE_MSI

-1074396145 ERR_BARCODE_UPCA

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-1074396141 ERR_BARCODE_CODE128_FNC

-1074396140 ERR_BARCODE_CODE128_SET









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-1074396117 ERR_MATRIX_SIZE












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-1074396011 ERR_RPC_BIND



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-1074395990 ERR_FILE_GET_INFO

-1074395989 ERR_FILE_READ-1074395988 ERR_FILE_WRITE-1074395987 ERR_FILE_EOF-1074395986 ERR_FILE_FORMAT-1074395985 ERR_FILE_OPERATION-1074395984 ERR_FILE_INVALID_DATA_TYPE






-1074395975 ERR_AVI_TIMEOUT

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-1074395960 ERR_INIT-1074395959 ERR_CREATE_WINDOW-1074395958 ERR_WINDOW_ID-1074395957 ERR_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH





-1074395920 ERR_NUMBER_CLASS

Page 2033: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents









-1074395795 ERR_K_TOO_LOW

-1074395794 ERR_K_TOO_HIGH


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-1074395788 ERR_NO_SAMPLES







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-1074395774 ERR_NO_LABEL-1074395773 ERR_NO_DEST_IMAGE







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-1074395725 ERR_DATA_VERSION




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-1074395720 ERR_BAD_ROI-1074395719 ERR_BAD_ROI_BOX-1074395718 ERR_LAB_VERSION











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-1074395644 ERR_LABEL_TOO_LONG


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-1074395640 ERR_TOO_MANY_ZONES











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-1074395600 ERR_INFO_NOT_FOUND






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-1074395318 ERR_INSF_POINTS

-1074395317 ERR_UNDEF_POINT




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-1074395306 ERR_INVALID_TOOL





-1074395301 ERR_ROI_NOT_2_LINES




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-1074395287 ERR_INVALID_LINE



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-1074395280 ERR_ROI_NOT_RECT




-1074395267 ERR_COMPLEX_ROOT

-1074395265 ERR_BARCODE

-1074395263 ERR_LCD_NO_SEGMENTS-1074395262 ERR_LCD_BAD_MATCH

-1074395261 ERR_GIP_RANGE

-1074395260 ERR_HEAP_TRASHED


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-1074395203 ERR_OCR_LIB_INIT






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GlossaryA B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S


Page 2082: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

AAIPD NationalInstrumentsinternalimagefileformatusedfor


alignment Theprocessbywhichamachinevisionapplicationdeterminesthelocation,orientation,andscaleofapartbeinginspected.





asynchronous Propertyofafunctionoroperationthatbeginsanoperationandreturnscontroltotheprogrambeforethecompletionorterminationoftheoperation.



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Bbarycenter Thebarycenterofarangeofanimage'sgrayscalevalues






blob Binarylargeobject.Aparticle,orobject,presentinabinaryimage.

blurring Reducestheamountofdetailinanimage.Blurringcommonlyoccursbecausethecameraisoutoffocus.Youcanbluranimageintentionallybyapplyingalowpassfrequencyfilter.

BMP Bitmap.Imagefileformatcommonlyusedfor8-bitandcolorimages.BMPimageshavethefileextensionBMP.



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Ccaliper Findsedgepairsalongaspecifiedpathintheimage.


cell Asinglemodulethatencodesonebitofdataina2Dbarcode.

CIEL*a*b* Colorencodingschemethatclassifiescolorsaccordingtothehumanvisionsystembymimickingthelogarithmicresponseoftheeye.

CIEXYZ Colorencodingschemethatclassifiescolorsaccordingtothehumanvisionsystem.



class Acategoryrepresentingacollectionofsimilarsamples.classification Anoperationthatassignssamplestoclassesbasedon







classifier Afunctionthatassignsasampletoaclass.closedcontour


closing Adilationfollowedbyanerosion.Aclosingfillssmallholesinobjectsandsmoothstheboundariesofobjects.

CLUT Colorlookuptable.Tableforconvertingthevalueofapixelinanimageintoared,green,andblue(RGB)intensity.

codeword Numericvalueoftheprintedbar/spacepatternina1Dor

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densitometry Determinationofopticalorphotographicdensity.densityfunction


device Plug-indataacquisitionboardthatcancontainmultiplechannelsandconversiondevices.



digitalimage Animagef(x,y)thathasbeenconvertedintoadiscretenumberofpixels.Bothspatialcoordinatesandbrightnessarespecified.

dilation Increasesthesizeofanobjectalongitsboundaryandremovestinyholesintheobject.





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Eedge Definedbyasharpchange(transition)inthepixel

intensitiesinanimageoralonganarrayofpixels.edgecontrast Thedifferencebetweentheaveragepixelintensity





entropy Ameasureoftherandomnessinanimage.Animagewithhighentropycontainsmorepixelvaluevariationthananimagewithlowentropy.



erasure Missingorundecodablecodewordataknownpositionina2Dbarcode.

erosion Reducesthesizeofanobjectalongitsboundaryandeliminatesisolatedpointsintheimage.





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Ffeature Ameasurementfromorattributeofasample.featureextraction




FFT FastFourierTransform.AmethodusedtocomputetheFourierTransformofanimage.

fiducial Areferencepatternonapartthathelpsamachinevisionapplicationfindthepart'slocationandorientationinanimage.







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Ggauging Measurementofanobjectordistancesbetweenobjects.Gaussianfilter












graylevel Thebrightnessofapoint(pixel)inanimage.gray-leveldilation








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histogram Indicatesthequantitativedistributionofthepixelsofanimagepergray-levelvalue.









HSI ColorencodingschemeinHue,Saturation,and,Intensity.HSL ColorencodingschemeusingHue,Saturation,and


HSV ColorencodingschemeinHue,Saturation,andValue.

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Iimage Atwo-dimensionallightintensityfunctionf(x,y),where,


imagefile Afilecontainingimageinformationanddata.imageprocessing






innergradient Findstheinnerboundaryofobjects.inspection Theprocessbywhichpartsaretestedforsimple












interpolation Thetechniqueusedtofindvaluesbetweenknownvalueswhenresamplinganimageorarrayofpixels.



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JJPEG JointPhotographicExpertsGroup.Imagefileformatfor


JPEG2000 Animagefileformatforstoring8-bit,16-bit,orcolorimageswitheitherlossyorlosslesscompression.JPEG2000imageshavethefileextensionJP2.

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Llabeling Amorphologyoperationthatidentifieseachobjectina




linegauge Measuresthedistancebetweenselectededgeswithhigh-precisionsubpixelaccuracyalongalineinanimage.Forexample,thisfunctioncanbeusedtomeasuredistancesbetweenpointsandedgesandviceversa.Thisfunctionalsocanstepandrepeatitsmeasurementsacrosstheimage.

lineprofile Representsthegray-leveldistributionalongalineofpixelsinanimage.

linearfilter Aspecialalgorithmthatcalculatesthevalueofapixelbasedonitsownpixelvalueaswellasthepixelvaluesofitsneighbors.Thesumofthiscalculationisdividedbythesumoftheelementsinthematrixtoobtainanewpixelvalue.













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mask Isolatespartsofanimageforfurtherprocessing.maskFFTfilter Removesfrequenciescontainedinamask(range)

specifiedbytheuser.maskimage Animagecontainingavalueof1andvaluesof0.


matchscore Anumberrangingfrom0to1000thatindicateshowcloselyanacquiredimagematchesthetemplateimage.Amatchscoreof1000indicatesaperfectmatch.Amatchscoreof0indicatesnomatch.

medianfilter Alowpassfilterthatassignstoeachpixelthemedianvalueofitsneighbors.Thisfiltereffectivelyremovesisolatedpixelswithoutblurringthecontoursofobjects.

MMX MultimediaExtensions.Intelchip-basedtechnologythatallowsparalleloperationsonintegers,whichresultsinacceleratedprocessingof8-bitimages.



M-skeleton UsesanM-shapedstructuringelementintheskeletonfunction.



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Nneighbor Apixelwhosevalueaffectsthevaluesofnearbypixels














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Oopencontour AnROIthatdescribesapointorareainanimage.


opening Anerosionfollowedbyadilation.Anopeningremovessmallobjectsandsmoothsboundariesofobjectsintheimage.

operators Allowmasking,combination,andcomparisonofimages.YoucanusearithmeticandlogicoperatorsinNIVision.



OCR Opticlecharacterrecognition.Theprocessofanalyzinganimagetodetectandrecognizecharacters/textintheimage.

OCV Opticalcharacterverification.Amachinevisionapplicationthatinspectsthequalityofprintedcharacters.



outergradient Findstheouterboundaryofobjects.

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Ppalette Thegradationofcolorsusedtodisplayanimageonscreen,

usuallydefinedbyacolorlookuptable.particle Aconnectedregionorgroupingofpixelsinanimagein







pixel Pictureelement.pixelcalibration




PNG PortableNetworkGraphic.Imagefileformatforstoring8-bit,16-bit,andcolorimageswithlosslesscompression.















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RGB Colorencodingschemeusingred,greenandblue(RGB)colorinformationwhereeachpixelinthecolorimageisencodedusing32bits:8bitsforred,8bitsforgreen,8bitsforblue,and8bitsforthealphavalue(unused).





ROI Regionofinterest.Anareaoftheimagethatisgraphicallyselectedfromawindowdisplayingtheimage.Thisareacanbeusedtofocusfurtherprocessing.Thisregioncanalsobedefinedprogrammatically.





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Ssample Anobjectinanimagethatyouwanttoclassify.scale-invariantmatching












Sigmafilter Ahighpassfilterthatoutlinesedges.skeletonfunction


skiz Obtainslinesinanimagethatseparateeachobjectfromtheothersandareequidistantfromtheobjectsthattheyseparate.



Sobelfilter Extractsthecontours(edgedetection)ingray-levelvaluesusinga3×3filterkernel.



spatialfilters Altertheintensityofapixelwithrespecttovariationsinintensitiesofitsneighboringpixels.Youcanusethesefiltersforedgedetection,imageenhancement,noisereduction,smoothing,andsoforth.



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Tthickening Alterstheshapeofobjectsbyaddingpartstotheobjectthat

matchthepatternspecifiedinthestructuringelement.thinning Alterstheshapeofobjectsbyeliminatingpartsoftheobject

thatmatchthepatternspecifiedinthestructuringelement.threshold Separatesobjectsfromthebackgroundbyassigningall




TIFF TaggedImageFileFormat.Imageformatcommonlyusedforencoding8-bitandcolorimages.TIFFimageshavethefileextensionTIF.

truthtable Atableassociatedwithalogicoperatorthatdescribestherulesusedforthatoperation.

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Page 2115: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethelocationoftheedge.

searchRect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularsearchareathefunctionlooksinfortheedge.

direction RakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchforedgesalongthesearchlines.

options constFindEdgeOptions* Describeshowtosearchfortheedgeandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

transform constCoordinateTransform2* AnoptionalspecificationofthecoordinatetransformforsearchRect.Thisparameterspecifieshowtotransformthelocationoftheedgedetectionbasedonthedifferencebetweenthereferencecoordinatesystemandthemeasurementcoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtotransformsearchRect.

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ReturnValueType Description

StraightEdgeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededge.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDisposeStraightEdgeReport().

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threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5showSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUE


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ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethecoordinatetransform.

searchRect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationoftherectangularsearchareathefunctionlooksinfortheobject.

transform CoordinateTransform2* Thecoordinatetransformthefunctionupdatesbasedonthelocationandpositionoftheobject.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

mode FindTransformMode Specifieshowthefunctionupdatesthecoordinatetransform.

options constFindTransformRectOptions* Definestheparametersofthealgorithmthefunctionusestolocatetheobjectandtheinformationthefunctionoverlaystotheimage.

report AxisReport* Onreturn,areportdescribingthelocationoftheedgescorrespondingtothemainaxisandthesecondaryaxis.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5mainAxisDirection IMAQ_BOTTOM_TO_TOPsecondaryAxisDirection IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHTshowSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUE

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ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhichthefunctionusestocomputethecoordinatetransform.

primaryRect RotatedRect Specifiestherectangularsearchareathefunctionlooksinfortheobjectedgecorrespondingtothemainaxis.

secondaryRect RotatedRect Specifiestherectangularsearchareathefunctionlooksinfortheobjectedgecorrespondingtothesecondaryaxis.

transform CoordinateTransform2* Thecoordinatetransformthefunctionupdatesbasedonthelocationandpositionoftheobject.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

mode FindTransformMode Specifieshowthefunctionupdatesthecoordinatetransform.

options constFindTransformRectsOptions* Definestheparametersofthealgorithmthefunctionusestolocatetheobjectandthe

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report AxisReport* Onreturn,areportdescribingthelocationoftheedgescorrespondingtothemainaxisandthesecondaryaxis.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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primaryThreshold 40primaryWidth 4primarySteepness 2primarySubsamplingRatio 5secondaryThreshold 40secondaryWidth 4secondarySteepness 2secondarySubsamplingRatio 5mainAxisDirection IMAQ_BOTTOM_TO_TOPsecondaryAxisDirection IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHTshowSearchArea FALSEshowSearchLines FALSEshowEdgesFound FALSEshowResult TRUE

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ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItocontainthenewcontour.rect RotatedRect Thecoordinatelocationinformationfortherotated


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ReturnValueType Description

ContourID Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsaContourIDforthecontour.YoucanusetheContourIDtoreferencethecontourwithinthecontainingROI.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagetothreshold.numClasses int Thenumberofclassesintowhichto


method ThresholdMethod Themethodforbinarythresholding.IfnumClassesis2(abinarythreshold),methodspecifieshowtocalculatetheclasses.IfnumClassesisnot2,thefunctionignoresthisparameter.

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ReturnValueType Description

ThresholdData* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofstructuresprovidinginformationaboutthethresholdrangesthatthefunctionapplied.ThearraycontainsanumberofThresholdDatastructuresequaltonumClasses.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththearray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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ParametersName Type Description

sourceColor constColor* Thecolorinthesourcespace.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

sourceSpace ColorMode Thesourcecolorspace.destSpace ColorMode Thedestinationcolorspace.

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ReturnValueType Description

Color Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsthevalueofthecolorinthedestinationcolorspace.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsblack.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Onreturn,animagecontainingcirclesthatthefunctionlocated.

source constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindscircles.minRadius float Thesmallestradius(inpixels)tobedetected.


maxRadius float Thelargestradius(inpixels)tobedetected.Circleswithradiilargerthanthisvaluedonotappearinthedestinationimage.Thesecirclesareinthereturnedreportarray,butthefunctionreportstheirradiiasnegative.

numCircles int* Onreturn,thenumberofcirclesthatthefunctiondetectedintheimage.Ifanycirclesfalloutsidetheradiusrange,numCirclesisgreaterthanthenumberofcirclesthatthefunctiondrawsinthedestinationimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

CircleReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofstructurescontaininginformationabouteachofthefoundcircles.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththearray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosehistogramthefunctioncalculates.

numClasses int Thenumberofclassesintowhichthefunctionseparatesthepixels.

mode ColorMode Thecolorspaceinwhichtoperformthehistogram.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctioncalculatesthehistogramusingonlythosepixelsintheimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtocalculatethehistogramoftheentireimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

ColorHistogramReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportdescribingtheclassificationofeachplaneinaHistogramReport.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereport,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.roi constROI* Theannularregionthefunctionlooks


direction ConcentricRakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchesforedgesalongthesearchlines.

process EdgeProcess Definestheedgesforwhichthefunctionlooks.

options constRakeOptions* Describeshowtosearchfortheedges.

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ReturnValueType Description

ConcentricRakeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededgesandtheconcentricrakeusedbythefunction.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5subpixelType IMAQ_QUADRATICsubpixelDivisions 1

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ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* SpecifiestheimagethattheuserselectsanROIfrom.

roi ROI* SpecifiestheROIthatinitiallyappearsintheROIconstructorwindow.TheusercanthenmodifythisROIbyadding,removing,resizing,andmovingcontours.ThefunctionappliestheresultsofthesemodificationstotheROI.

initialTool Tool SpecifiestheinitiallyselectedtoolintheROIconstructorwindow.ThistoolmustbeavailableintheROIconstructorwindow.

tools constToolWindowOptions* DeterminestheavailabilityoftoolsintheROIconstructorwindow.SettoolstoNULLtodisplayallthetools.

options constConstructROIOptions* DescribeshowafunctionpresentstheROIconstructorwindow.

okay int* Uponreturn,thisparameterisTRUEiftheuserpressedOKtoendtheselectionofaline.Otherwise,thisparameterisFALSE.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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windowNumber IMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGwindowTitle "ROIConstructor"type IMAQ_PALETTE_GRAYpalette NULLnumColors 0

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ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagecontainingthelabeledparticleswhose


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimagetofilter.Thisfunctionmodifiesthe


kernel constfloat* Thematrixrepresentingthelinearfilter.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

matrixRows int Thenumberofrowsinthekernelmatrix.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

matrixCols int Thenumberofcolumnsinthekernelmatrix.Thisnumbermustbeodd.

normalize float Thenormalizationfactor.Afterperformingtheconvolution,thefunctiondivideseachpixelvaluebythisvalue.Setthisparameterto0todividebythesumoftheelementsofthekernel.

mask constImage* Anoptionalmaskimage.ThisimagemustbeanIMAQ_IMAGE_U8image.Thefunctionfiltersonlythosepixelsinthesourceimagewhosecorrespondingpixelsinthemaskarenon-zero.SetthisparametertoNULLtofiltertheentireimage.

Page 2175: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2176: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2177: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2179: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPoint* Anarrayofpointsdefiningthecoordinatereference.IfmodeisIMAQ_COORD_X_Y,thepointsarraymusthavethreepoints.IfmodeisIMAQ_COORD_ORIGIN_X,thepointsarraymusthavetwopoints.

mode ReferenceMode Specifiesthemethodthatthefunctionusestocalculatethecoordinatesystem.

origin Point* Onreturn,theoriginofthecoordinatesystem.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

angle float* Onreturn,theangle,indegrees,ofthex-axisofthecoordinatesystemrelativetothex-axisofanimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2180: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2181: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2182: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



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Page 2184: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Theimagewhosecalibrationinformationthefunctionsets.

source constImage* Thecalibratedimagethatcontainsthecalibrationinformationthefunctioncopiestothedestinationimage.

Page 2185: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2186: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2187: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



Page 2188: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

metafile constvoid* TheWindowshandletothemetafilethatyouwanttoconvertintoanoverlay.ThehandlemaybeeitheranHMETAFILEorHENHMETAFILE.

Page 2189: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Overlay* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanoverlay.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeoverlay,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 2190: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2191: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



Page 2192: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* Theregionofinteresttoconvertintoanoverlay.

Page 2193: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Overlay* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanoverlay.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeoverlay,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 2194: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2195: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



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Page 2197: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.sourceA constImage* Thefirstimagetodivide.sourceB constImage* Thesecondimagetodivide.

Page 2198: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2199: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents




Page 2200: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2203: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagebywhichthefunctiondividesascalar

constant.value PixelValue Thevaluebywhichthefunctiondividesthesource


Page 2204: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2205: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2208: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindtheedges.points constPoint* Thepathalongwhichthefunction


numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthepointsarray.options constEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctionto


numEdges int* Onreturn,thenumberofedgesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2209: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

EdgeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachedge.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthisfunctionbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 2210: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2211: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



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Page 2213: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindtheedges.points constPoint* Thepathalongwhichthefunction


numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthepointsarray.process EdgeProcess Definestheedgesforwhichthefunction

looks.options constEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthefunctionto


numEdges int* Onreturn,thenumberofedgesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2214: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

EdgeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachedge.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthisfunctionbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 2215: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2218: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindtheedges.

roi constROI* TheROItofindedgesalong.processType EdgeProcess Theedgeprocesstype.edgeOptions constEdgeOptions2* Specifiestheparametersthatare


Page 2219: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

EdgeReport2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructureofinformationabouttheedgesfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 2220: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


polarity IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGESkernelSize 3width 3minThreshold 10.0interpolationType IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXEDcolumnProcessingMode IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS

Page 2221: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2222: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



Page 2223: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPointFloat* Thearrayofpointstofittotheedgeofthecircle.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesuppliedarray.Youmustsupplyatleastthreepoints.

circle BestCircle* Onreturn,astructuredescribingthecirclethatbestfitthepoints.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 2224: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

Page 2225: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2226: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



Page 2227: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

points constPointFloat* Thearrayofpointstofittotheedgeoftheellipse.

numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesuppliedarray.Youmustsupplyatleastsixpoints.

ellipse BestEllipse* Onreturn,astructuredescribingtheellipsethatbestfitthepoints.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 2228: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2232: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagewhosecalibrationinformationthefunctionqueries.

unit CalibrationUnit* Onreturn,theunitofmeasurethatyouspecifiedinimaqSetCalibrationInfo().SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedtheunitinformation.

xDistance float* Onreturn,thedistancebetweentwoadjacentpixelsinthex-direction.Thisvalueisintheunitsspecifiedinunit.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthex-distanceinformation.

yDistance float* Onreturn,thedistancebetweentwoadjacentpixelsinthey-direction.Thisvalueisintheunitsspecifiedinunit.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthey-distanceinformation.

Page 2233: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2236: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

index int Theindexofatrainedcharacterinthecharactersetfromwhichthefunctiongetsinformation.

Page 2237: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

CharInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportthatcontainsinformationaboutthecharacter.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyoufinishwiththecharacterinformation,callimaqDispose()todisposeofit.

Page 2238: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Page 2239: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents



Page 2240: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi constROI* Theregionofinterest(ROI)containingthecontourfromwhichthefunctiongetstheinformation.

id ContourID TheContourIDofthecontouraboutwhichthefunctiongetsinformation.

Page 2241: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ContourInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertothestructurecontaininginformationabouttherequestedcontour.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisstructure,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 2242: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2245: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Thebinaryimagecontainingparticlesonwhichthefunctiongetsparticleinformation.Thecalculationmodifiestheborderoftheimage.

connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,seeChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

mode ParticleInfoMode Controlstheextentofparticleinformationthatthefunctionreturns.

reportCount int* Onreturn,filledwiththenumberofreportsinthearrayreturnedbythefunction.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2246: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ParticleReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsapointertoanarrayofreportsabouttheparticlesintheimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisdata,disposeofthearraybycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 2250: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.xZoom int* Onreturn,thecurrentzoomfactorinthex

directionforthewindow.yZoom int* Onreturn,thecurrentzoomfactorinthey


Page 2251: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2255: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* TheimagethatthefunctionchecksforthepresenceofVisioninformation.

type VisionInfoType TheVisioninformationforwhichthefunctionchecks.

present int* Onreturn,thisparameterisTRUEiftheVisioninformationspecifiedbytypeispresentintheimageandFALSEiftheinformationisnotcontainedintheimage.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 2256: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2260: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Thesourceimage.Thelabelingprocess


connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,seeChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

particleCount int* Onreturn,thenumberofparticlesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2261: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2263: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


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Page 2266: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageaboutwhichthefunctionlearnspatternmatchinginformation.Thefunctionappendsthepatternmatchinginformationtotheimage.

learningMode LearningMode Themodeinwhichthefunctionlearnsthetemplateimage.

Page 2267: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2271: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimageaboutwhichthefunctionlearnspatternmatchinginformation.Thefunctionappendsthepatternmatchinginformationtotheimage.

learningMode LearningMode Themodeinwhichthefunctionlearnsthetemplateimage.

advancedOptions LearnPatternAdvancedOptions* Advancedoptionstothealgorithm.

Page 2272: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2276: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageonwhichthefunctioncalculatespixelvalueaverages.

rect Rect Setstherectangularareainwhichthefunctioncalculatestheaverages.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtocalculatetheaveragesonthewholeimage.

Page 2277: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

LinearAverages* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsastructurecontainingthelinearaveragesoftheimage.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 2281: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionmeasuresthedistancebetweenedges.

start Point Thestartingpointoftheline.end Point Theendingpointoftheline.method LineGaugeMethod Themeasurementmethod.edgeOptions constEdgeOptions* Describeshowyouwantthe


reference constCoordinateTransform* Thetransformbetweenthecoordinatesystemoftheparticleandtheimage.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotwanttoapplyatransform.

distance float* Onreturn,thedistancebetweenedgesand/orpoints.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

Page 2282: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2286: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

pattern Image* Thetemplateimage.fileName constchar* Thenameoftheimagefiletoload.

Page 2287: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2291: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindsmatchestothetemplateimage.

pattern constImage* Thepatterntofindintheimage.

curveOptions constCurveOptions* Describeshowthefunctionidentifiesthecurvesintheimagethefunctionwillusetomatchthetemplateimage.ThisfunctiondoesnotsupportidentifyingcurveswithsubpixelaccuracyandthereforeignoresthesubpixelAccuracyelementofthisparameter.SetthisparametertoNULLtousethesamecurveoptionstomatchthetemplateimageasyouusedtolearnthetemplateimage.

matchOptions constMatchGeometricPatternOptions* Describeshowtosearchforthetemplateimage.

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advancedMatchOptions constMatchGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions* Specifiesadvancedbehaviorsofthefunction,whichcanbeusedtooptimizetheperformanceofthefunctionortofine-tunethematcheslocatedbythefunction.

roi constROI* Specifieswhere,inimagefunctionsearchesforthetemplateimage.Thefirstcontourofbearectangleorarotatedrectangle.SetthisparametertoNULLtospecifythatthefunctionsearchesintheentireimage.

numMatches int* Onreturn,thenumberofmatchestothetemplateimagethatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2293: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

GeometricPatternMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

Page 2294: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


mode IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANTsubpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULL(allanglesallowed)numRanges 0scaleRange {75,125}occlusionRange {0,25}numMatchesRequested 1minMatchScore 800


minFeaturesUsed 5maxFeaturesUsed 5subpixelIterations 20subpixelTolerance 0initialMatchListLength 200matchTemplateCurveScore FALSEcorrelationScore TRUEminMatchSeparationDistance 20minMatchSeparationAngle 10minMatchSeparationScale 10maxMatchOverlap 80coarseResult FALSE

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Page 2298: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichthefunctionfindsmatchestothetemplateimage.

pattern Image* Thepatternimagetofindintheimage.NIVisionmustlearnthistemplateimageinimaqLearnPattern()beforeusingitinthisfunction.

options constMatchPatternOptions* Describeshowtosearchforthetemplateimage.

searchRect Rect Specifiesarectangleintheimageinwhichtosearchforthetemplateimage.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_RECTtosearchforthetemplateimageintheentireimage.

numMatches int* Onreturn,thenumberofmatchestothetemplateimagethatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2299: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

PatternMatch* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofinformationabouteachmatchfound.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofthepointerbycallingimaqDispose().

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mode IMAQ_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANTminContrast 10subpixelAccuracy FALSEangleRanges NULL(allanglesallowed)numRanges 0numMatchesRequested 1matchFactor 0minMatchScore 800

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Page 2304: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source Image* Theimageonwhichto


criteria constParticleFilterCriteria* Thearrayofcriteriaforthefilter.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

criteriaCount int Specifiesthenumberofentriesinthecriteriaarray.

rejectMatches int SetthisparametertoTRUEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatdonotmeetallthecriteria.SetthisparametertoFALSEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatmeetallthecriteriatothedestination.

connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,seeChapter9,

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Page 2306: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2311: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimagethatwillcontainonlythefilteredparticles.

source Image* Theimagecontainingtheparticlestofilter.

criteria constParticleFilterCriteria2* Anarrayofcriteriatoapplytotheparticlesinthesourceimage.ThisarraycannotbeNULL.

criteriaCount int Thenumberofelementsinthecriteriaarray.

rejectMatches int SetthisparametertoTRUEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatdonotmeetallthecriteria.SetthisparametertoFALSEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatmeetallthecriteriatothedestination.

connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,refertoChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

numParticles int* Onreturn,thenumberof

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Page 2313: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2318: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimagethatwillcontainonlythefilteredparticles.

source Image* Theimagecontainingtheparticlestofilter.

criteria constParticleFilterCriteria2* Anarrayofcriteriatoapplytotheparticlesinthesourceimage.ThisarraycannotbeNULL.

criteriaCount int Thenumberofelementsinthecriteriaarray.

options constParticleFilterOptions* OptionsusedbyimaqParticleFiltertofilterbinaryparticles.

roi constROI* TheROIwhosecontoursaparticlemustbecontainedintoavoidbeingfilteredout.IfrejectBorderistrueinoptions,anyparticletouchingtheborderofacontourinroiwillalsobefilteredout.SetthisparametertoNULLtofilterparticlesintheentireimagebasedonthecriteriaarray.

numParticles int* Onreturn,thenumberofparticlesleftintheimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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rejectMatches FALSErejectBorder FALSEconnectivity8 TRUE

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Page 2324: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.roi constROI* Therectangularregionthefunctionlooks


direction RakeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchesforedgesalongthesearchlines.

process EdgeProcess Definestheedgesforwhichthefunctionlooks.

options constRakeOptions* Describeshowtosearchfortheedges.

Page 2325: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

RakeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededgesandtherakeusedbythefunction.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5subpixelType IMAQ_QUADRATICsubpixelDivisions 1

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Page 2330: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagecontainingthebarcodestoread.

roi constROI* Aregionofinterestspecifyingthelocationofthebarcodesintheimage.Thefirstcontourofroimustbearectangle,rotatedrectangle,oval,annulusorclosedcontour.SetthisparametertoNULLtousetheentireimage.

options constDataMatrixOptions* DescribeshowtosearchfortheDataMatrixbarcode.

numBarcodes unsignedint* Onreturn,thenumberofbarcodesthatthefunctionfound.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

Page 2331: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

Barcode2DInfo* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayofstructurescontaininginformationaboutthebarcodes.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththisarray,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 2336: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Thesourceimageforthisoperation.

set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

roi constROI* TheROIthatthefunctionperformsthisoperationon.PassNULLtousetheentireimageforthisoperation.

readOptions constReadTextOptions* Theoptionsyouusetoconfigurehowthefunctionreadstext.

processingOptions constOCRProcessingOptions* Theoptionsyouusetoconfigurehowthefunctionprocessesthecontentsoftheimagebeforeattemptingtoreadtext.

spacingOptions constOCRSpacingOptions* Thesizeandspacingconstraintsyoucanapplytocharactersintheimage.

Page 2337: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

ReadTextReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportthatcontainsinformationaboutthetextcontainedintheimage.Onfailure,thefunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyoufinishwiththecharacterinformation,callimaqDispose()todisposeofit.

Page 2338: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


validChars NULLnumValidChars 0substitutionChar ?readStrategy IMAQ_READ_AGGRESSIVEacceptanceLevel 700aspectRatio 400readResolution IMAQ_LOW_RESOLUTION


mode IMAQ_COMPUTED_UNIFORMlowThreshold 0highThreshold 255blockCount 4fastThreshold FALSEbiModalCalculation FALSEdarkCharacters TRUEremoveObjectsTouchingROI FALSEerosionCount 0


minCharSpacing 1minCharSize 20maxCharSize 65536maxHorizontalElementSpacing 1maxVerticalElementSpacing 0

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minBoundingRectWidth 1maxBoundingRectWidth 65536minBoundingRectHeight 1maxBoundingRectHeight 65536autoSplit FALSE

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Page 2343: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Thesourceimageforthisoperation.

set constCharSet* Thecharactersetthisfunctionoperateson.Tocreateacharacterset,useimaqCreateCharSet().ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

roi constROI* TheROIthatthefunctionperformsthisoperationon.PassNULLtousetheentireimageforthisoperation.

readOptions constReadTextOptions* Theoptionsyouusetoconfigurehowthefunctionreadstext.

processingOptions constOCRProcessingOptions* Theoptionsyouusetoconfigurehowthefunctionprocessesthecontentsoftheimagebeforeattemptingtoreadtext.

spacingOptions constOCRSpacingOptions* Thesizeandspacingconstraintsyoucanapplytocharactersintheimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

ReadTextReport2* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsareportthatcontainsinformationaboutthetextcontainedintheimage.Onfailure,thefunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyoufinishwiththereport,callimaqDispose()todisposeofit.

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validChars NULLnumValidChars 0substitutionChar ?readStrategy IMAQ_READ_AGGRESSIVEacceptanceLevel 700aspectRatio 400readResolution IMAQ_LOW_RESOLUTION


mode IMAQ_COMPUTED_UNIFORMlowThreshold 0highThreshold 255blockCount 4fastThreshold FALSEbiModalCalculation FALSEdarkCharacters TRUEremoveObjectsTouchingROI FALSEerosionCount 0


minCharSpacing 1minCharSize 20maxCharSize 65536maxHorizontalElementSpacing 1maxVerticalElementSpacing 0

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minBoundingRectWidth 1maxBoundingRectWidth 65536minBoundingRectHeight 1maxBoundingRectHeight 65536autoSplit FALSE

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Page 2350: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

dest Image* Thedestinationimage.source constImage* Theimagetorotate.angle float Theangle,indegrees,torotatetheimage.fill PixelValue Thevaluethefunctionappliestotheimage

pixelsnotcoveredbytherotatedimage.method InterpolationMethod Themethodofinterpolation.Thevalid


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2355: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

pattern constImage* Thepatternimagetosave.fileName constchar* Thenameinwhichthefunctionsavesthe


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2360: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* TheimagefromwhichimaqGetParticleInfo()generatedtheparticlereports.

reports constParticleReport* ThearrayofreportsthatimaqGetParticleInfo()returned.Thefunctionmakesacopyofthereportsthatmatchthecriteria.

reportCount int Thenumberofreportsintheinputreportsarray.

rejectBorder int SetthisparametertoTRUEtofilteroutparticlestouchingtheborderoftheimage.SetthisparametertoFALSEtoprocessallparticles.

criteria constSelectParticleCriteria* Thearrayofcriteriaforthefilter.ThisparameterisrequiredandcannotbeNULL.

criteriaCount int Thenumberofcriteriainthecriteriaarray.

selectedCount int* Onreturn,thenumberofreportsthatmatchedthecriteria.SetthisparametertoNULLifyoudonotneedthisinformation.

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ReturnValueType Description

ParticleReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanarrayoftheinputreportsthatmatchthefiltrationcriteria.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththereturnvalue,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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Page 2365: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image Image* Theimagewhosecalibrationinformationthefunctionsets.

unit CalibrationUnit Theunitofmeasurethatthefunctionusestocalibratetheimage.

xDistance float Thedistanceinthexdirectionbetweentwoadjacentpixelsinunitsspecifiedbyunit.

yDistance float Thedistanceintheydirectionbetweentoadjacentpixelsinunitsspecifiedbyunit.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2369: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.

overlay constOverlay* Theoverlay.SetthisparametertoNULLtoremoveanyexistingoverlayfromthegivenwindow.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2374: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimageinwhichtofindedges.roi constROI* Theannularregionthefunctionlooksin


direction SpokeDirection Thedirectionthefunctionsearchforedgesalongthesearchlines.

process EdgeProcess Defineswhichedgesthefunctionlooksfor.

options constSpokeOptions* Describeshowtosearchfortheedges.

Page 2375: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ReturnValueType Description

SpokeReport* Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsinformationdescribingthecalculatededgesandthespokeusedbythefunction.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturnsNULL.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().Whenyouarefinishedwiththeinformation,disposeofitbycallingimaqDispose().

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threshold 40width 4steepness 2subsamplingRatio 5subpixelType IMAQ_QUADRATICsubpixelDivisions 1

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Page 2379: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

roi ROI* TheROItotransform.originStart Point Theoriginofthestartingcoordinatesystem.angleStart float Theangle,indegrees,ofthex-axisofthestarting

coordinatesystemrelativetothex-axisoftheimage.originFinal Point Theoriginofthenewcoordinatesystem.angleFinal float Theangle,indegrees,ofthex-axisofthenew


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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Page 2384: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents

ParametersName Type Description

image constImage* Theimagetowritetoafile.fileName constchar* Thenameofthefiletowrite.


compressionSpeed unsignedint Representstherelativespeedofthecompressionalgorithm.Asthisvalueincreases,thefunctionspendslesstimecompressingtheimage.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000,with750asthedefault.PNGformatalwaysstoresimagesinalosslessfashion.

colorTable constRGBValue* Anoptionalcolortabletoassociatewith8-bitimages.Ifyouprovideacolortable,thetablemusthave256elements.SetthisparametertoNULLtowriteagrayscalepalettetotheimage.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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ParametersName Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.xZoom int Thezoomfactorforthexdirection.SetxZoom


yZoom int Thezoomfactorfortheydirection.SetyZoomtozerotomaintainthecurrentzoomfactorfortheydirection.

center Point Thecenterpointaroundwhichtozoom.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_NO_POINTtomaintainthecurrentcenterpoint.

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ReturnValueType Description

int Onsuccess,thisfunctionreturnsanon-zerovalue.Onfailure,thisfunctionreturns0.Togetextendederrorinformation,callimaqGetLastError().

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Name Type Description

grayscale float Agrayscalepixelvalue.UsethismemberforimagesoftypeIMAQ_IMAGE_U8,IMAQ_IMAGE_U16,IMAQ_IMAGE_I16,orIMAQ_IMAGE_SGL.

rgb RGBValue ARGBpixelvalue.UsethismemberforimagesoftypeIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB.

hsl HSLValue AHSLpixelvalue.UsethismemberforimagesoftypeIMAQ_IMAGE_HSL.

complex Complex Acomplexpixelvalue.UsethismemberforimagesoftypeIMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX.

rgbu64 RGBU64Value Anunsigned64-bitRGBpixelvalue.UsethismemberforimagesoftypeIMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64.

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Name Type Description

center Point Thecoordinatelocationofthecenteroftheannulus.

innerRadius int Theinternalradiusoftheannulus.outerRadius int Theexternalradiusoftheannulus.startAngle double Thestartangle,indegrees,oftheannulus.endAngle double Theendangle,indegrees,oftheannulus.

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Name Type Description

x int Thex-coordinateofthepoint.y int They-coordinateofthepoint.

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Name Type Description

top int Locationofthetopedgeoftherectangle.left int Locationoftheleftedgeoftherectangle.height int Heightoftherectangle.width int Widthoftherectangle.

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Name Type Description

top int Locationofthetopedgeoftherectanglebeforerotation.left int Locationoftheleftedgeoftherectanglebeforerotation.height int Heightoftherectangle.width int Widthoftherectangle.angle double Therotation,indegrees,oftherectangle.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_REAL 0 Thefunctionoperatesontherealplaneofthecompleximage.

IMAQ_IMAGINARY 1 Thefunctionoperatesontheimaginaryplaneofthecompleximage.

IMAQ_MAGNITUDE 2 Thefunctionoperatesonthemagnitudeplaneofthecompleximage.

IMAQ_PHASE 3 Thefunctionoperatesonthephaseplaneofthecompleximage.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ATTENUATE_LOW 0 Thefunctionattenuateslowfrequencies.

IMAQ_ATTENUATE_HIGH 1 Thefunctionattenuateshighfrequencies.


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Name Type Description

rangeMin float Thelowerboundaryoftherangetokeep.rangeMax float TheupperboundaryoftherangetokeepnewValue float IfuseNewValueisTRUE,newValueisthe


useNewValue int IfTRUE,thefunctionsetspixelvalueswithin[rangeMin,rangeMax]tothevaluespecifiedinnewValue.IfFALSE,thefunctionleavesthepixelvaluesunchanged.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_THRESH_CLUSTERING 0 Thefunctionusesamethodthatsortsthehistogramoftheimagewithinadiscretenumberofclassescorrespondingtothenumberofphasesperceivedinanimage.

IMAQ_THRESH_ENTROPY 1 Thefunctionusesamethodthatisbestfordetectingparticlesthatarepresentinminusculeproportionsontheimage.

IMAQ_THRESH_METRIC 2 Thefunctionusesamethodthatiswell-suitedforimagesinwhichclassesarenottoodisproportionate.

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IMAQ_THRESH_MOMENTS 3 Thefunctionusesamethodthatissuitedforimagesthathavepoorcontrast.

IMAQ_THRESH_INTERCLASS 4 Thefunctionusesamethodthatiswell-suitedforimagesinwhichclasseshavewellseparatedpixelvaluedistributions.


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Name Type Description

brightness float Adjuststhebrightnessoftheimage.Avalueof128leavesthebrightnessunchanged.Valuesbelow128darkentheimage,andvaluesabove128brightentheimage.

contrast float Adjuststhecontrastoftheimage.Avalueof45leavesthecontrastunchanged.Valuesbelow45decreasethecontrast,andvaluesabove45increasethecontrast.

gamma float Performsgammacorrection.Avalueof1.0leavestheimageunchanged.Valuesbelow1.0enhancecontrastfordarkerpixelattheexpenseofthebrighterpixels.Valuesabove1.0enhancecontrastforbrighterpixelsattheexpenseofdarkerpixels.

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Name Type Description

x float Thex-coordinateofthepoint.y float They-coordinateofthepoint.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_COORD_X_Y 0 Thismethodrequiresthreeelementsinthepointsarray.Thefirsttwopointsareonthex-axisofthecoordinatesystem,andthethirdpointisonthey-axis.

IMAQ_COORD_ORIGIN_X 1 Thismethodrequirestwoelementsinthepointsarray.Thefirstpointistheoriginofthecoordinatesystem,andthesecondpointisonthex-axis.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_DIRECT 0 They-axisdirectioncorrespondstothey-axisdirectionoftheCartesiancoordinatesystem.

IMAQ_INDIRECT 1 They-axisdirectioncorrespondstothey-axisdirectionofanimage.


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Name Type Description

origin PointFloat Theoriginofthecoordinatesystem.angle float Theangle,indegrees,ofthex-axisof


axisOrientation AxisOrientation Thedirectionofthey-axisofthecoordinatereferencesystem.

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Name Type Description

area int Thenumberofpixelsintheparticle.calibratedArea float Thesizeoftheparticle,calibratedtothe

calibrationinformationoftheimage.perimeter float Thelengthoftheperimeter,calibratedtothe

calibrationinformationoftheimage.numHoles int Thenumberofholesintheparticle.areaOfHoles int Thetotalsurfacearea,inpixels,ofallthe

holesinaparticle.perimeterOfHoles float Thelengthoftheperimeterofalltheholesin


boundingBox Rect Thesmallestrectanglethatenclosestheparticle.

sigmaX float Thesumoftheparticlepixelsonthex-axis.sigmaY float Thesumoftheparticlepixelsonthey-axis.sigmaXX float Thesumoftheparticlepixelsonthex-axis,

squared.sigmaYY float Thesumoftheparticlepixelsonthey-axis,

squared.sigmaXY float Thesumoftheparticlepixelsonthex-axis

andy-axis.longestLength int Thelengthofthelongesthorizontalline

segment.longestPoint Point Thelocationoftheleftmostpixelofthe

longestsegmentintheparticle.projectionX int Thelengthoftheparticlewhenprojectedonto

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thex-axis.projectionY int Thelengthoftheparticlewhenprojectedonto

they-axis.connect8 int ThiselementisTRUEifthefunctionused


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_AREA 0 Surfaceareaoftheparticleinpixels.

IMAQ_AREA_CALIBRATED 1 Surfaceareaoftheparticleincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_NUM_HOLES 2 Numberofholesintheparticle.

IMAQ_AREA_OF_HOLES 3 Surfaceareaoftheholesincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_TOTAL_AREA 4 Totalsurfacearea(holesandparticle)incalibratedunits.

IMAQ_IMAGE_AREA 5 Surfaceareaoftheentireimageincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_PARTICLE_TO_IMAGE 6 Ratio,expressedasapercentage,ofthesurfaceareaofaparticleinrelationtothetotalareaoftheparticle.

IMAQ_PARTICLE_TO_TOTAL 7 Ratio,expressedasapercentage,ofthesurfaceareaofaparticleinrelationtothetotalareaoftheparticle.

IMAQ_CENTER_MASS_X 8 X-coordinateofthe

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centerofmass.IMAQ_CENTER_MASS_Y 9 Y-coordinateofthe

centerofmass.IMAQ_LEFT_COLUMN 10 Leftedgeofthe


IMAQ_TOP_ROW 11 Topedgeoftheboundingrectangle.

IMAQ_RIGHT_COLUMN 12 Rightedgeoftheboundingrectangle.

IMAQ_BOTTOM_ROW 13 Bottomedgeofboundingrectangle.

IMAQ_WIDTH 14 Widthofboundingrectangleincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_HEIGHT 15 Heightofboundingrectangleincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH 16 Lengthoflongesthorizontallinesegment.

IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_LEFT_COLUMN 17 Leftmostx-coordinateoflongesthorizontallinesegment.

IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_TOP_ROW 18 Y-coordinateoflongesthorizontallinesegment.

IMAQ_PERIMETER 19 Outerperimeteroftheparticle.


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IMAQ_SIGMA_X 21 Sumoftheparticlepixelsonthex-axis.

IMAQ_SIGMA_Y 22 Sumoftheparticlepixelsonthey-axis.

IMAQ_SIGMA_XX 23 Sumoftheparticlepixelsonthex-axissquared.

IMAQ_SIGMA_YY 24 Sumoftheparticlepixelsonthey-axissquared.

IMAQ_SIGMA_XY 25 Sumoftheparticlepixelsonthex-axisandy-axis.

IMAQ_PROJ_X 26 ProjectioncorrectedinX.

IMAQ_PROJ_Y 27 ProjectioncorrectedinY.

IMAQ_INERTIA_XX 28 InertiamatrixcoefficientinXX.

IMAQ_INERTIA_YY 29 InertiamatrixcoefficientinYY.

IMAQ_INERTIA_XY 30 InertiamatrixcoefficientinXY.

IMAQ_MEAN_H 31 Meanlengthofhorizontalsegments.

IMAQ_MEAN_V 32 Meanlengthofverticalsegments.

IMAQ_MAX_INTERCEPT 33 Lengthoflongestsegmentofthe

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convexhull.IMAQ_MEAN_INTERCEPT 34 Meanlengthofthe


IMAQ_ORIENTATION 35 Theorientationbasedontheinertiaofthepixelsintheparticle.Formoreinformation,seeChapter10,ParticleMeasurementstheNIVisionConceptsManual

IMAQ_EQUIV_ELLIPSE_MINOR 36 Totallengthoftheaxisoftheellipsehavingthesameareaastheparticleandamajoraxisequaltohalfthemaxintercept.

IMAQ_ELLIPSE_MAJOR 37 Totallengthofmajoraxishavingthesameareaandperimeterastheparticleincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_ELLIPSE_MINOR 38 Totallengthofminoraxishavingthesameareaandperimeterastheparticleincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_ELLIPSE_RATIO 39 Fractionofmajoraxistominoraxis.

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IMAQ_RECT_LONG_SIDE 40 Lengthofthelongsideofarectanglehavingthesameareaandperimeterastheparticleincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_RECT_SHORT_SIDE 41 Lengthoftheshortsideofarectanglehavingthesameareaandperimeterastheparticleincalibratedunits.

IMAQ_RECT_RATIO 42 Ratioofrectanglelongsidetorectangleshortside.

IMAQ_ELONGATION 43 Maxintercept/meanperpendicularintercept.

IMAQ_COMPACTNESS 44 Particlearea/(height×width).

IMAQ_HEYWOOD 45 Particleperimeter/perimeterofthecirclehavingthesameareaastheparticle.

IMAQ_TYPE_FACTOR 46 Acomplexfactorrelatingthesurfaceareatothemomentofinertia.

IMAQ_HYDRAULIC 47 Particlearea/particleperimeter.

IMAQ_WADDLE_DISK 48 Diameterofthe

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IMAQ_DIAGONAL 49 Diagonalofanequivalentrectangleinuserunits.


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Name Type Description

edge1Contrast float Thecontrastofthefirstedge.edge1Coord PointFloat Thecoordinatesofthefirstedge.edge2Contrast float Thecontrastofthesecondedge.edge2Coord PointFloat Thecoordinatesofthesecondedge.separation float Thedistancebetweenthetwoedges.reserved float Thiselementisreserved.

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Name Type Description

threshold unsigned Specifiesthethresholdvalueforthecontrastoftheedge.Thefunctionidentifiesonlyedgeswithacontrastgreaterthanthisvalueinthedetectionprocess.

width unsigned Thenumberofpixelsthatthefunctionaveragestofindthecontrastateithersideoftheedge.

steepness unsigned Thespan,inpixels,oftheslopeoftheedgeprojectedalongthepathspecifiedbytheinputpoints.

subpixelType InterpolationMethod Themethodforinterpolating.ValidoptionsincludeIMAQ_QUADRATICandIMAQ_CUBIC_SPLINE.

subpixelDivisions unsigned Thenumberofsamplesthefunctionobtainsfromapixel.Forexample,setsubpixelDivisionsto4tospliteachpixelintofoursubpixels.Themaximumnumberofsubpixeldivisionsis12.

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Name Type Description

polarity TwoEdgePolarityType Specifiestheedgepolarityoftheedgepairs.

separation float Thedistancebetweenedgepairs.IftheedgepairhasaseparationgreaterthanthisvalueplusorminustheseparationDeviation,thefunctionignorestheedgepair.Setthisparameterto0tofindalledgepairs.

separationDeviation float Setstherangearoundtheseparationvalue.Ifyousetseparationto0,thefunctionignoresseparationDeviation.

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Name Type Description

sigma float ThesigmaoftheGaussiansmoothingfilterthatthefunctionappliestotheimagebeforeedgedetection.

upperThreshold float Theupperfractionofpixelvaluesintheimagefromwhichthefunctionchoosesaseedorstartingpointofanedgesegment.Thisvaluemustbebetween0and1.

lowerThreshold float ThefunctionmultipliesthisvaluebyupperThresholdtodeterminethelowerthresholdforallthepixelsinanedgesegment.

windowSize int ThewindowsizeoftheGaussianfilterthatthefunctionappliestotheimage.Thisvaluemustbeodd.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_IMAGE_U8 0 Theimagetypeis8-bitunsignedintegergrayscale.

IMAQ_IMAGE_U16 7 Theimagetypeis16-bitunsignedintegergrayscale.

IMAQ_IMAGE_I16 1 Theimagetypeis16-bitsignedintegergrayscale.

IMAQ_IMAGE_SGL 2 Theimagetypeis32-bitfloating-pointgrayscale.

IMAQ_IMAGE_COMPLEX 3 Theimagetypeiscomplex.

IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB 4 TheimagetypeisRGBcolor.

IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL 5 TheimagetypeisHSLcolor.

IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB_U64 6 Theimagetypeis64-bitunsignedRGBcolor.


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Name Type Description

rgb RGBValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheRGB(Red,Green,andBlue)colorspace.

hsl HSLValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheHSL(Hue,Saturation,andLuminance)colorspace.

hsv HSVValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheHSI(Hue,Saturation,andValue)colorspace.

hsi HSIValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheHSI(Hue,Saturation,andIntensity)colorspace.

cieLab CIELabValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheCIEL*a*b*(L,a,b)colorspace.

cieXYZ CIEXYZValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheCIEXYZ(X,Y,Z)colorspace.

rawValue int Theintegervalueforthedatainthecolorunion.ThisvalueisnotvalidfortheCIEL*a*b*andCIEXYZcolorspaces.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_RGB 0 ThefunctionoperatesintheRGB(Red,Blue,Green)colorspace.

IMAQ_HSL 1 ThefunctionoperatesintheHSL(Hue,Saturation,Luminance)colorspace.

IMAQ_HSV 2 ThefunctionoperatesintheHSV(Hue,Saturation,Value)colorspace.

IMAQ_HSI 3 ThefunctionoperatesintheHSI(Hue,Saturation,Intensity)colorspace.

IMAQ_CIE 4 ThefunctionoperatesintheCIEL*a*b*colorspace.

IMAQ_CIEXYZ 5 ThefunctionoperatesintheCIEXYZcolor

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Name Type Description

Z double TheZcolorinformation.Y double Thecolorluminance.X double TheXcolorinformation.alpha unsigned


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHT 0 Thefunctionsearchesfromtheleftsideofthesearchareatotherightsideofthesearcharea.

IMAQ_RIGHT_TO_LEFT 1 Thefunctionsearchesfromtherightsideofthesearchareatotheleftsideofthesearcharea.

IMAQ_TOP_TO_BOTTOM 2 Thefunctionsearchesfromthetopsideofthesearchareatothebottomsideofthesearcharea.

IMAQ_BOTTOM_TO_TOP 3 Thefunctionsearchesfromthebottomsideofthesearchareatothetopsideof

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Name Type Description

threshold int Specifiesthethresholdforthecontrastofanedge.Duringthedetectionprocess,thefunctionidentifiesonlyedgeswithacontrastgreaterthanthisvalue.Contrastisdefinedasthedifferencebetweentheaveragepixelintensitybeforeanedgeandtheaveragepixelintensityafteranedge.

width int Thenumberofpixelsthatthefunctionaveragestofindthecontrastateithersideoftheedge.

steepness int Thespan,inpixels,oftheslopeoftheedgeprojectedalongthepathspecifiedbytheinputpoints.

subsamplingRatio double Thenumberofpixelsthatseparatestwoconsecutivesearchlines.

showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showSearchLines int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchlinesusedtolocatetheedgesontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showEdgesFound int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationsoftheedgesfoundontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthehitlinesto

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Name Type Description

referenceSystem CoordinateSystem Definesthecoordinatesystemforinputcoordinates.

measurementSystem CoordinateSystem Definesthecoordinatesysteminwhichthefunctionshouldperformmeasurements.

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Name Type Description

bestClassName char* Thenameofthebestclassforthesample.

classificationScore float Thesimilarityofthesampleandthetwoclosestclassesintheclassifier.

identificationScore float Thesimilarityofthesampleandtheassignedclass.

allScores ClassScore* Allclassesandtheirscores.allScoresSize int ThenumberofentriesinallScores.

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Name ValueIMAQ_RGB_TRANSPARENT {0,0,0,1}IMAQ_RGB_BLACK {0,0,0,0}IMAQ_RGB_WHITE {255,255,255,0}IMAQ_RGB_RED {0,0,255,0}IMAQ_RGB_BLUE {255,0,0,0}IMAQ_RGB_GREEN {0,255,0,0}IMAQ_RGB_YELLOW {0,255,255,0}




Name Type Description

B unsignedchar


G unsignedchar


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R unsignedchar


alpha unsignedchar


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Name Type Description

plane1 HistogramReport Thehistogramreportofthefirstcolorplane.plane2 HistogramReport Thehistogramreportofthesecondplane.plane3 HistogramReport Thehistogramreportofthethirdplane.

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Name Type Description

minValue int Theminimumvalueoftherange.maxValue int Themaximumvalueoftherange.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_CLEAR_LESS 0 Thecomparisonistrueifthesourcepixelvalueislessthanthecomparisonimagepixelvalue.

IMAQ_CLEAR_LESS_OR_EQUAL 1 Thecomparisonistrueifthesourcepixelvalueislessthanorequaltothecomparisonimagepixelvalue.

IMAQ_CLEAR_EQUAL 2 Thecomparisonistrueifthesourcepixelvalueisequaltothecomparisonimagepixelvalue.


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IMAQ_CLEAR_GREATER 4 Thecomparisonistrueifthesourcepixelvalueisgreaterthanthecomparisonimagepixelvalue.


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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthecenterofthegoldentemplateintheimageunderinspection.

rotation float Therotationofthegoldentemplateintheimageunderinspection,indegrees.

scale float Thepercentageofthesizeoftheareaunderinspectioncomparedtothesizeofthegoldentemplate.

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Name Type Description

registrationMethod RegistrationMethod Specifieshowthefunctionregistersthegoldentemplateandthetargetimage.

normalizationMethod NormalizationMethod Specifieshowthefunctionnormalizesthegoldentemplatetothetargetimage.

edgeThicknessToIgnore int Specifiesdesiredthicknessofedgestobeignored.Avalueof0specifiesthatthealgorithmwillnotignoreedges.

brightThreshold float Specifiesthethresholdforareaswherethetargetimageisbrighterthanthegoldentemplate.

darkThreshold float Specifiesthethresholdforareaswherethetargetimageisdarkerthanthegoldentemplate.

binary int Specifieswhetherthefunctionshouldreturnabinaryimagegivingthelocationofdefects,oragrayscaleimagegivingtheintensityofdefects.

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Name Type Description

firstEdges EdgeInfo* ThefirstedgepointdetectedalongeachsearchlineintheROI.

numFirstEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthefirstEdgesarray.

lastEdges EdgeInfo* ThelastedgepointdetectedalongeachsearchlineintheROI.

numLastEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthelastEdgesarray.

searchArcs SearchArcInfo* Containsthearcsusedforedgedetectionandtheedgeinformationforeacharc.

numSearchArcs unsignedint ThenumberofarcsinthesearchArcsarray.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE 0 Thefunctionsearchesthesearchareainacounter-clockwisedirection.

IMAQ_CLOCKWISE 1 Thefunctionsearchesthesearchareainaclockwisedirection.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FIRST 0 Thefunctionlooksforthefirstedge.

IMAQ_FIRST_AND_LAST 1 Thefunctionlooksforthefirstandlastedge.

IMAQ_ALL 2 Thefunctionlooksforalledges.

IMAQ_BEST 3 Thefunctionlooksforthebestedge.


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Name Type Description

polarity EdgePolaritySearchMode Specifiesthepolarityoftheedgestobefound.

kernelSize int Specifiesthesizeoftheedgedetectionkernel.

width int SpecifiesthenumberofpixelsaveragedperpendiculartothesearchdirectiontocomputetheedgeprofilestrengthateachpointalongthesearchROI.

minThreshold float Specifiestheminimumedgestrength(gradientmagnitude)requiredforadetectededge.

interpolationType InterpolationMethod Specifiestheinterpolationmethodusedtolocatetheedgeposition.

columnProcessingMode ColumnProcessingMode Specifiesthemethodusedtofindthestraightedge.

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Name Value Description



IMAQ_POINT_TOOL 1 Thepointtooldrawsapointontheimage.

IMAQ_LINE_TOOL 2 Thelinetooldrawsalineontheimage.

IMAQ_RECTANGLE_TOOL 3 Therectangletooldrawsarectangleontheimage.

IMAQ_OVAL_TOOL 4 Theovaltooldrawsanovalontheimage.

IMAQ_POLYGON_TOOL 5 Thepolygontooldrawsapolygonontheimage.

IMAQ_CLOSED_FREEHAND_TOOL 6 Theclosedfreehandtooldrawsclosedfreehandshapesontheimage.

IMAQ_ANNULUS_TOOL 7 Theannulustooldrawsannulusesontheimage.

IMAQ_ZOOM_TOOL 8 Thezoomtoolcontrolsthezoomofanimage.

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IMAQ_PAN_TOOL 9 Thepantoolshiftstheviewoftheimage.

IMAQ_POLYLINE_TOOL 10 Thepolylinetooldrawsaseriesofconnectedstraightlinesontheimage.

IMAQ_FREEHAND_TOOL 11 Thefreehandtooldrawsfreehandlinesontheimage.

IMAQ_ROTATED_RECT_TOOL 12 Therotatedrectangletooldrawsrotatedrectanglesontheimage.


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Name Type Description

showSelectionTool int IfTRUE,theselectiontoolbecomesvisible.TheselectiontoolselectsanexistingROIinanimage.

showZoomTool int IfTRUE,thezoomtoolbecomesvisible.Thezoomtoolcontrolsthemagnificationofanimage.

showPointTool int IfTRUE,thepointtoolbecomesvisible.Thepointtooldrawsapointontheimage.

showLineTool int IfTRUE,thelinetoolbecomesvisible.Thelinetooldrawsalineontheimage.

showRectangleTool int IfTRUE,therectangletoolbecomesvisible.Therectangletooldrawsarectangleontheimage.

showOvalTool int IfTRUE,theovaltoolbecomesvisible.Theovaltooldrawsanovalontheimage.

showPolygonTool int IfTRUE,thepolygontoolbecomesvisible.Thepolygontooldrawsapolygonontheimage.

showClosedFreehandTool int IfTRUE,theclosedfreehandtoolbecomesvisible.Theclosedfreehandtooldrawsclosedfreehandshapesontheimage.

showPolyLineTool int IfTRUE,thepolylinetoolbecomesvisible.Thepolylinetooldrawsaseriesofconnectedstraightlines

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ontheimage.showFreehandTool int IfTRUE,thefreehandtool


showAnnulusTool int IfTRUE,theannulusbecomesvisible.Theannulustooldrawsannulusesontheimage.

showRotatedRectangleTool int IfTRUE,therotatedrectangletoolbecomesvisible.Therotatedrectangletooldrawsrotatedrectanglesontheimage.

showPanTool int IfTRUE,thepantoolbecomesvisible.Thepantoolshiftstheviewoftheimage.

reserved1 int ThiselementisreservedandshouldbesettoFALSE.

reserved2 int ThiselementisreservedandshouldbesettoFALSE.

reserved3 int ThiselementisreservedandshouldbesettoFALSE.

reserved4 int ThiselementisreservedandshouldbesettoFALSE.

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Name Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.Thefunctiondisplaystheimageinthespecifiedwindowandtemporarilysetsthewindowtomodalmode.WhentheuserclicksOKorCancel,theattributesofthewindowresettotheirinitialvalues.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGtodisplayamodaldialogwindowcenteredinthescreen.

windowTitle constchar* Specifiesthemessagestringthatthefunctiondisplaysinthetitlebarofthewindow.Usethiselementtoprovidetheuserwithinstructionsdescribingtheobjecttoselect.

type PaletteType Thepalettetypetouse.palette RGBValue* IftypeisIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,this


numColors int IftypeisIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,thiselementisthenumberofcolorsinthepalettearray.IftypeisnotIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,thefunction

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ignoresthiselement.maxContours unsigned


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ROUNDING_MODE_OPTIMIZE 0 Roundstheresultofadivisionusingthebestavailablemethod.

IMAQ_ROUNDING_MODE_TRUNCATE 1 Truncatestheresultofadivision.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ZERO_ORDER 0 Thefunctionusesaninterpolationmethodthatinterpolatesnewpixelvaluesusingthenearestvalidneighboringpixel.

IMAQ_BILINEAR 1 Thefunctionusesaninterpolationmethodthatinterpolatesnewpixelvaluesusingabidirectionalaverageoftheneighboringpixels.

IMAQ_QUADRATIC 2 Thefunctionusesaninterpolationmethodthatinterpolatesnewpixelvaluesusingaquadratic

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IMAQ_CUBIC_SPLINE 3 Thefunctionusesaninterpolationmethodthatinterpolatesnewpixelvaluesbyfittingthemtoacubicsplinecurve,wherethecurveisbasedonknownpixelvaluesfromtheimage.

IMAQ_BILINEAR_FIXED 4 Thefunctionusesaninterpolationmethodthatinterpolatesnewpixelvaluesusingabidirectionalaverageoftheneighboringpixels.Thefunctionmakestheaveragingcalculationsusingfixed-pointmathematics,whichincreasesthe

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Name Type Description

center PointFloat Specifiesthelocationofthecenterofmassofthebinaryobject.

boundingRect Rect Specifiesthelocationoftheboundingrectangleofthebinaryobject.

area float Specifiestheareaofthebinaryobject.orientation float Specifiestheorientationofthelongest

segmentinthebinaryobject.aspectRatio float Specifiestheratiobetweenthewidthandthe

heightofthebinaryobject.numHoles int Specifiesthenumberofholesinthebinary


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Name Type Description

type ObjectType Specifiesthetypesofobjectsthefunctiondetects.

threshold float Specifiesthegrayscaleintensitythatisusedasthresholdlevel.WhentypeisIMAQ_BRIGHT_OBJECTS,thresholdindicatesthelowestpixelvaluethatdefinesabrightobject.WhentypeisIMAQ_DARK_OBJECTS,thresholdindicatesthehighestpixelvaluethatdefinesadarkobject.

rejectBorder int IfTRUE,thefunctionignoresobjectstouchingtheboarderofthesearcharea.Ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontoignoreborderobjects,setthiselementtoFALSE.

fillHoles int IfTRUE,thefunctionfillstheholesintheobjects.Ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontofilltheholesinobjects,setthiselementtoFALSE.

useMinSize int IfTRUE,thefunctionignoresobjectsthesamesizeorsmallerthanminSize.Ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontoignoresmallobjects,setthiselementtoFALSE.

minSize int ThefunctionignoresobjectsthissizeandsmallerwhenuseMinSizeisTRUE.

useMaxSize int IfTRUE,thefunctionignoresobjects

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maxSize int ThefunctionignoresobjectsthissizeandlargerwhenuseMaxSizeisTRUE.

showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showObjectCenter int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationofthecenterofmassoftheobjectsontheresultimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showBoundingBox int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaystheboundingboxesoftheobjectsontheresultimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_CLASSIFIER_CUSTOM 0 Theclassifiersessionclassifiesvectorsofdoubles.

IMAQ_CLASSIFIER_PARTICLE 1 Theclassifiersessionclassifiesparticlesinbinaryimages.


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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthecenterofthematchedcircle.radius double Theradiusofthematchedcircle.score double Thescoreofthematchedcircle.

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Name Type Description

minRadius double Specifiestheminimumradiusofacirclethefunctionwillreturn.

maxRadius double Specifiesthemaximumradiusofacirclethefunctionwillreturn.

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Name Type Description

extractionMode ExtractionMode Specifiesthemethodthefunctionusestoidentifycurvesintheimage.

threshold int Specifiestheminimumcontrastaseedpointmusthaveinordertobeginacurve.

filterSize EdgeFilterSize Specifiesthewidthoftheedgefilterthefunctionusestoidentifycurvesintheimage.

minLength int Specifiesthelength,inpixels,ofthesmallestcurvethefunctionwillextract.ThefunctionwillignoreanycurvesthathavealengthlessthanminLength.

rowStepSize int Specifiesthedistance,intheydirection,betweenlinesthefunctioninspectsforcurveseedpoints.

columnStepSize int Specifiesthedistance,inthexdirection,betweencolumnsthefunctioninspectsforcurveseedpoints.

maxEndPointGap int Specifiesthemaximumgap,inpixels,betweentheendpointsofacurvethatthefunctionidentifiesasaclosedcurve.IfthegapislargerthanmaxEndPointGap,thefunctionidentifiesthecurveasanopencurve.

onlyClosed int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldonlyidentify

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subpixelAccuracy int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythatthefunctionidentifiesthelocationofcurveswithsubpixelaccuracybyinterpolatingbetweenpointstofindthecrossingofthreshold.SetthiselementtoFALSEtospecifythatthefunctionidentifiesthelocationofcurvesasthepointnearestthecrossingofthreshold.

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Name Type Description

mode unsignedint Specifiesthemethodusedwhenlookingfortheshapeintheimage.CombinevaluesfromtheGeometricMatchingModeenumerationtospecifythevalueofthiselement.

angleRanges RangeFloat* Anarrayofangleranges,indegrees,whereeachrangespecifieshowmuchyouexpecttheshapetoberotatedintheimage.Todecreasethesearchtime,limitthedegreesofrotationinwhichyouexpecttofindtheshapeintheimage.SetthiselementtoNULLtoallowallangles.ThisfunctionignoresthisrangeifdoesnotincludeIMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANT.

numAngleRanges int ThesizeoftheorientationRangesarray.scaleRange RangeFloat Arangethatspecifiesthesizesoftheshapesyou


minMatchScore double Theminimumscoreamatchcanhaveforthefunctiontoconsiderthematchvalid.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthecenterofthematchedellipse.

rotation double Theorientationofthematchedellipse.majorRadius double Thelengthofthesemi-majoraxisofthe

matchedellipse.minorRadius double Thelengthofthesemi-minoraxisofthe

matchedellipse.score double Thescoreofthematchedellipse.

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Name Type Description

minMajorRadius double Specifiestheminimumlengthofthesemi-majoraxisofanellipsethefunctionwillreturn.

maxMajorRadius double Specifiesthemaximumlengthofthesemi-majoraxisofanellipsethefunctionwillreturn.

minMinorRadius double Specifiestheminimumlengthofthesemi-minoraxisofanellipsethefunctionwillreturn.

maxMinorRadius double Specifiesthemaximumlengthofthesemi-minoraxisofanellipsethefunctionwillreturn.

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Name Type Description

location double Thelocationsoftheextreme.Thelocationisanindexbasedontheinputpixelarray,butmayoccurbetweenactualindexvalues.

amplitude double Theamplitudeoftheextreme.secondDerivative double Thesecondderivativeoftheextreme.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_DETECT_PEAKS 0 Thefunctiondetectspeaks.

IMAQ_DETECT_VALLEYS 1 Thefunctiondetectsvalleys.


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Name Type Description

threshold double Defineswhichextremesaretoosmall.Thefunctionrejectsanypeakwithafittedamplitudethatislessthanthreshold.Thefunctionignoresvalleysifthefittedtroughisgreaterthanthreshold.

width int Specifiesthenumberofconsecutivedatapointsthefunctionusesinthequadraticleast-squaresfit.widthmustbegreaterthanorequalto3butshouldbenolargerthanone-fourthoftheapproximatewidthofthepeaksorvalleys.Settingwidthtoalargevaluecanreducetheapparentamplitudeofpeaksandshifttheapparentlocation.Thelessnoiseyourdatahas,thesmallerthevalueyoucanchoose.

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Name Type Description

startPoint PointFloat Thestartingpointofthematchedline.endPoint PointFloat Theendingpointofthematchedline.length double Thelengthofthelinemeasuredinpixelsfromthe

startpointtotheendpoint.rotation double Theorientationofthematchedline.score double Thescoreofthematchedline.Scoresrangefrom


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Name Type Description

minLength double Specifiestheminimumlengthofalinethefunctionwillreturn.

maxLength double Specifiesthemaximumlengthofalinethefunctionwillreturn.

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Name Type Description

corner[4] PointFloat Thecornersofthematchedrectangle.rotation double Theorientationofthematchedrectangle.width double Thewidthofthematchedrectangle.height double Theheightofthematchedrectangle.score double Thescoreofthematchedrectangle.Scoresrange


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Name Type Description

minWidth double Specifiestheminimumwidthofarectanglethealgorithmwillreturn.

maxWidth double Specifiesthemaximumwidthofarectanglethealgorithmwillreturn.

minHeight double Specifiestheminimumheightofarectanglethealgorithmwillreturn.

maxHeight double Specifiesthemaximumheightofarectanglethealgorithmwillreturn.

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Name Type Description

center PointFloat Thecenterofthecirclethatbestfitsthecircularedge.Ifthefunctiondoesnotdetectanyedgesortheedgesdonotfittoavalidcircle,itsetscenterto{0,0}.

radius double Theradiusofthecirclethatbestfitsthecircularedge.Ifthefunctiondoesnotdetectanyedgesortheedgesdonotfittoavalidcircle,itsetsradiusto0.

roundness double Theroundnessofthecalculatedcircularedge.Thiscalculationisbasedonthelocationoftheedgesdetectedbythefunction.Ifthefunctiondoesnotdetectanyedgesortheedgesdonotfittoavalidcircle,itsetsroundnessto0.

coordinates PointFloat* Anarrayofpointsindicatingthelocationofthedetectededge.

numCoordinates int Thenumberofdetectededgecoordinates.

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Name Type Description

start PointFloat Thecoordinateslocationofthestartofthecalculatededge.Thepointislocatedattheintersectionoftheedgewiththefirstsearchlinescannedbythefunction.Ifthefunctiondoesnotdetectanyedgesortheedgesdonotfittoavalidline,itsetsstartto{0,0}.

end PointFloat Thecoordinateslocationoftheendofthecalculatededge.Thepointislocatedattheintersectionoftheedgewiththelastsearchlinescannedbythefunction.Ifthefunctiondoesnotdetectanyedgesortheedgesdonotfittoavalidline,itsetsendto{0,0}.

straightness double Thestraightnessofthecalculatededge,whichisequaltotheleast-squareerrorofthefittedlinetothentiresetofcoordinates.Ifthefunctiondoesnotdetectanyedgesortheedgesdonotfitavalidline,thestraightnessissettozero.

coordinates PointFloat* Anarrayofdetectededgecoordinatesthefunctionusedtocalculatethelocationofthestraightedge.

numCoordinates int Thenumberofdetectededgecoordinates.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_DRAW_VALUE 0 Drawstheboundaryoftheobjectwiththespecifiedpixelvalue.

IMAQ_DRAW_INVERT 2 Invertsthepixelvaluesoftheboundaryoftheobject.

IMAQ_PAINT_VALUE 1 Fillstheobjectwiththegivenpixelvalue.

IMAQ_PAINT_INVERT 3 Invertsthepixelvaluesoftheobject.

IMAQ_HIGHLIGHT_VALUE 4 Thefunctionfillstheobjectbyhighlightingtheenclosedpixelswiththecoloroftheobject.Thehighlightingallowsfeaturesofanimagetopersistinsideafilledobject.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SHAPE_RECT 1 Thefunctiondrawsarectangle.

IMAQ_SHAPE_OVAL 2 Thefunctiondrawsanoval.


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Name Type Description

fontName[32] char Thefontnametouse.Thisparameterislimitedto32characters.

fontSize int Thesizeofthefont.bold int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoboldtext.italic int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoitalicize

text.underline int SetthisparametertoTRUEtounderline

text.strikeout int SetthisparametertoTRUEtostrikeout

text.textAlignment TextAlignment Setsthealignmentoftext.fontColor FontColor Setsthefontcolor.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_EDGE_DIFFERENCE 0 Thefunctionusesamethodthatproducescontinuouscontoursbyhighlightingeachpixelwhereanintensityvariationoccursbetweenitselfanditsthreeupper-leftneighbors.

IMAQ_EDGE_GRADIENT 1 Thefunctionusesamethodthatoutlinescontourswhereanintensityvariationoccursalongtheverticalaxis.

IMAQ_EDGE_PREWITT 2 Thefunctionusesa

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IMAQ_EDGE_ROBERTS 3 Thefunctionusesamethodthatoutlinesthecontoursthathighlightpixelswhereanintensityvariationoccursalongthediagonalaxes.

IMAQ_EDGE_SIGMA 4 Thefunctionusesamethodthatoutlinescontoursanddetailsbysettingpixelstothemeanvaluefoundintheirneighborhood,iftheirdeviationfromthisvalueisnotsignificant.

IMAQ_EDGE_SOBEL 5 Thefunctionusesamethodthatextractstheoutercontoursofobjects.Asopposedto

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Name Type Description

edges EdgeInfo* Anarrayofedgesdetected.ThenumberofedgesdetectedisdeterminedbynumEdges.

numEdges unsignedint


gradientInfo double* Anarraythatcontainsthecalculatededgestrengthsalongtheuser-definedsearcharea

numGradientInfo unsignedint


calibrationValid int Indicatesifthecalibrationdatacorrespondingtothelocationoftheedgesiscorrect.

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Name Type Description

points PointFloat* Thepointsonthecurve.numPoints unsigned


closed int ThiselementisTRUEifthecurveisclosedandFALSEifthecurveisopen.

curveLength double Thelengthofthecurve.minEdgeStrength double Thelowestedgestrengthdetected

onthecurve.maxEdgeStrength double Thehighestedgestrengthdetected

onthecurve.averageEdgeStrength double Theaverageofalledgestrengths


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_BORDER_MIRROR 0 Symmetricallycopiespixelvaluesfromtheimageintotheborder.

IMAQ_BORDER_COPY 1 Copiesthevalueofthepixelclosesttotheedgeoftheimageintotheborder.

IMAQ_BORDER_CLEAR 2 Setsallpixelsintheborderto0.


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Name Type Description

center Point Thecoordinatepointofthecenterofthecircle.radius int Theradiusofthecircle,inpixels.Iftheradiusofthecircle

isnotwithinthegivenrange,thisvalueisnegative.area int Theareaofthecircle,inpixels.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_OUTSIDE_TO_INSIDE 0 Thefunctionsearchesfromtheoutsideofthesearchareatotheinsideofthesearcharea.

IMAQ_INSIDE_TO_OUTSIDE 1 Thefunctionsearchesfromtheinsideofthesearchareatotheoutsideofthesearcharea.


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Name Type Description

straightEdges StraightEdge* Anarrayofstraightedgesdetected.ThenumberofstraightedgesdetectedisdeterminedbynumStraightEdges.

numStraightEdges unsignedint Indicatesthenumberofstraightedgesfound.

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Name Type Description

direction RakeDirection ThedirectiontosearchintheROI.showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthe


showSearchLines int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchlinesusedtolocatetheedgesontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showEdgesFound int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationsoftheedgesfoundontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthehitlinestotheobjectandtheedgeusedtogeneratethehitlineontheresultimage.Whenapplicable,thefunctionalsooverlaysthelocationofanymeasurementsmadebythefunction.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

searchAreaColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearcharea.

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searchLinesColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearchlines.

searchEdgesColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearchedges.

resultColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaytheresults.

overlayGroupName char* Specifiestheoverlaygroupnametoassigntotheoverlays.SetthiselementtoNULLtoaddoverlaystothedefaultgroup.

edgeOptions EdgeOptions2 Specifiestheedgedetectionoptionsalongasinglesearchline

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Name Type Description

numLines unsignedint Specifiesthenumberofstraightedgestofind.

searchMode StraightEdgeSearchMode Specifiesthemethodusedtofindthestraightedge.

minScore double Specifiestheminimumscoreofadetectedstraightedge.

maxScore double Specifiesthemaximumscoreofadetectededge.

orientation double Specifiestheangleatwhichthestraightedgeisexpectedtobefound.

angleRange double Specifiesthe+/-rangearoundtheorientationwithinwhichthestraightedgeisexpectedtobefound.

angleTolerance double Specifiestheexpectedangularaccuracyofthestraightedge.

stepSize unsignedint Specifiesthegapinpixelsbetweenthe

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minSignalToNoiseRatio double Specifiestheminimumsignaltonoiseratio(SNR)oftheedgepointsusedtofitthestraightedge.

minCoverage double Specifiestheminimumnumberofpointsasapercentageofthenumberofsearchlinesthatneedtobeincludedinthedetectedstraightedge.

houghIterations unsignedint SpecifiesthenumberofiterationsusedintheHough-basedmethod.

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Name Type Description

litSegments int SetthisparametertoTRUEifthesegmentsarebrighterthanthebackground.SetthisparametertoFALSEifthesegmentsaredarkerthanthebackground.

threshold float DetermineswhetherasegmentisONorOFF.AsegmentisONifthestandarddeviationofthepixelsalongalineprofileacrossthesegmentisgreaterthanthreshold.Increasethevalueofthresholdwhenusingimageswithhighcontrast.Decreasethevalueofthresholdwhenusingimageswithlowcontrast.

sign int Indicateswhetherthefunctionmustreadthesignoftheindicator.SetthisparametertoTRUEtosearchforthesign.SetthisparametertoFALSEtonotsearchforthesign.

decimalPoint int Determineswhethertolookforadecimalseparatoraftereachdigit.SetthiselementtoTRUEtosearchfortheseparator.SetthisparametertoFALSEtonotsearchfortheseparator.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthecenterofthematch.rotation float Therotationofthematchrelativetothetemplate

image,indegrees.scale float Thesizeofthematchrelativetothesizeofthe

templateimage,expressedasapercentage.score float Theaccuracyofthematch.Ascoreof1,000


corner[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsdescribingtherectanglesurroundingthetemplateimage.

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Name Type Description

mode MatchingMode Specifiesthemethodtousewhenlookingforthepatternintheimage.

numMatchesRequested int Numberofvalidmatchesexpected.

minMatchScore int Theminimumscoreamatchcanhaveinorderforthefunctiontoconsiderthematchvalid.

subpixelAccuracy int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoreturnareasintheimagethatmatchthepatternareawithsubpixelaccuracy.

angleRanges RotationAngleRange* Anarrayofangleranges,indegrees,whereeachrangespecifieshowmuchyouexpectthepatterntoberotatedintheimage.Todecreasethesearchtime,limitthedegreesofrotationinwhichyouexpecttofindthetemplateimage.SetthiselementtoNULLto

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allowallangles.numRanges int Numberofangleranges


showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthecentersandboundingboxesofthepatternsitlocatesontheresultimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FIND_REFERENCE 0 Updatebothpartsofthecoordinatesystem.

IMAQ_UPDATE_TRANSFORM 1 Updateonlythenewreferencesystem.


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Name Type Description

matchMode MatchingMode Specifiesthetechniquetousewhenlookingforthetemplatepatternintheimage.

minMatchScore int Theminimumscoreamatchcanhaveforthefunctiontoconsiderthematchvalid.

subpixelAccuracy int SetthiselementtoTRUEtoreturnareasintheimagethatmatchthepatternwithsubpixelaccuracy.

angleRanges RotationAngleRange* Anarrayofangleranges,indegrees,whereeachrangespecifieshowmuchyouexpectthepatterntoberotatedintheimage.Todecreasethesearchtime,limitthedegreesofrotationinwhichyouexpecttofindthetemplateimage.SetthiselementtoNULLtoallowallangles.

numRanges int NumberofanglerangesintheangleRangesarray.

showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwant

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showFeatureFound int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationsofthecenterofthepatternandtheboundingboxofthepatternontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthepositionandorientationofthecoordinatesystemontheresultimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

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Name Type Description

origin PointFloat Theoriginofthecoordinatesystem,whichistheintersectionofthetwoaxesofthecoordinatesystem.

mainAxisEnd PointFloat Theendofthemainaxis,whichistheresultofthecomputationoftheintersectionofthemainaxiswiththerectangularsearcharea.

secondaryAxisEnd PointFloat Theendofthesecondaryaxis,whichistheresultofthecomputationoftheintersectionofthesecondaryaxiswiththerectangularsearcharea.

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Name Type Description

direction FindReferenceDirection Specifiesthedirectionandorientationinwhichthefunctionsearchesfortheprimaryaxis.

showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showSearchLines int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchlinesusedtolocatetheedgesontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showEdgesFound int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationsoftheedgesfoundontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthehitlinestotheobjectandtheedgeusedtogeneratethehitlineontheresultimage.When

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searchAreaColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearcharea.

searchLinesColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearchlines.

searchEdgesColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearchedges.

resultColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaytheresults.

overlayGroupName char* Specifiestheoverlaygroupnametoassigntotheoverlays.SetthiselementtoNULLtoaddoverlaystothedefaultgroup.

edgeOptions EdgeOptions2 Specifiestheedgedetectionoptionsalongasinglesearchline

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Name Type Description

direction FindReferenceDirection Specifiesthedirectionandorientationinwhichthefunctionsearchesfortheprimaryaxis.

showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showSearchLines int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchlinesusedtolocatetheedgesontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showEdgesFound int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationsoftheedgesfoundontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

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showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthehitlinestotheobjectandtheedgeusedtogeneratethehitlineontheresultimage.Whenapplicable,thefunctionalsooverlaysthelocationofanymeasurementsmadebythefunction.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

searchAreaColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearcharea.

searchLinesColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearchlines.

searchEdgesColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaythesearchedges.

resultColor RGBValue SpecifiestheRGBcolorvaluetousetooverlaytheresults.

overlayGroupName char* Specifiestheoverlaygroupnametoassigntotheoverlays.SetthiselementtoNULLtoaddoverlaystothedefaultgroup.

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primaryEdgeOptions EdgeOptions2 SpecifiestheparametersusedtocomputetheedgegradientinformationanddetecttheedgesgottheprimaryROI.

secondaryEdgeOptions EdgeOptions2 SpecifiestheparametersusedtocomputetheedgegradientinformationanddetecttheedgesforthesecondaryROI.

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Name Type Description

center PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthecenterofthecircle.

radius double Theradiusofthecircle.area double Theareaofthecircle.perimeter double Thelengthoftheperimeterofthecircle.error double Representstheleastsquareerrorofthe

fittedcircletotheentiresetofpoints.valid int ThiselementisTRUEifthefunction


pointsUsed int* Anarrayoftheindexesforthepointsarrayindicatingwhichpointsthefunctionusedtofitthecircle.IfrejectOutliersisFALSE,thisarrayissettoNULL.

numPointsUsed int Thenumberofpointsthefunctionusedtofitthecircle.

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Name Type Description

rejectOutliers int Whethertouseeverygivenpointoronlyasubsetofthepointstofitthecircle.IfthisvalueisTRUE,thealgorithmdeterminesthebestsubsetofpointstouseandignorestheoutliers(thepointsoutsidethesubset).IfthisvalueisFALSE,thealgorithmuseseverygivenpoint.

minScore double Specifiestherequiredqualityofthefittedcircle.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectfit.

pixelRadius double Theacceptabledistance,inpixels,thatapointdeterminedtobelongtothecirclecanbefromthecircumferenceofthecircle.

maxIterations int Specifiesthenumberofrefinementiterationsyouallowthefunctiontoperformontheinitialsubsetofpoints.Youmustallowatleastoneiteration.

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Name Type Description

center PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthecenteroftheellipse.

majorAxisStart PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartofthemajoraxisoftheellipse.

majorAxisEnd PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendofthemajoraxisoftheellipse.

minorAxisStart PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartoftheminoraxisoftheellipse.

minorAxisEnd PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheminoraxisoftheellipse.

area double Theareaoftheellipse.perimeter double Thelengthoftheperimeteroftheellipse.error double Representstheleastsquareerrorofthe

fittedellipsetotheentiresetofpoints.valid int ThiselementisTRUEifthefunction


pointsUsed int* Anarrayoftheindexesforthepointsarrayindicatingwhichpointsthefunctionusedtofittheellipse.IfrejectOutliersisFALSE,thisarrayissettoNULL.

numPointsUsed int Thenumberofpointsthefunctionusedtofittheellipse.

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Name Type Description

rejectOutliers int Whethertouseeverygivenpointoronlyasubsetofthepointstofittheellipse.IfthisvalueisTRUE,thealgorithmdeterminesthebestsubsetofpointstouseandignorestheoutliers(thepointsoutsidethesubset).IfthisvalueisFALSE,thealgorithmuseseverygivenpoint.

minScore double Specifiestherequiredqualityofthefittedellipse.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectfit.

pixelRadius double Theacceptabledistance,inpixels,thatapointdeterminedtobelongtotheellipsecanbefromthecircumferenceoftheellipse.

maxIterations int Specifiesthenumberofrefinementiterationsyouallowthefunctiontoperformontheinitialsubsetofpoints.Youmustallowatleastoneiteration.

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Name Type Description

start PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartoftheline.

end PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheline.

equation LineEquation Definesthethreecoefficientsoftheequationofthebestfitline.

valid int ThiselementisTRUEifthefunctionachievedtheminimumscorewithinthenumberofallowedrefinementiterationsandFALSEifthefunctiondidnotachievetheminimumscore.

error double Representstheleastsquareerrorofthefittedlinetotheentiresetofpoints.

pointsUsed int* Anarrayoftheindexesforthepointsarrayindicatingwhichpointsthefunctionusedtofittheline.

numPointsUsed int Thenumberofpointsthefunctionusedtofittheline.

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Name Type Description

minScore float Specifiestherequiredqualityofthefittedline.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectfit.

pixelRadius float Specifiestheneighborhoodpixelrelationshipfortheinitialsubsetofpointsbeingused.DuringrefinementiterationsthefunctionignorespointsthatarefartherfromthelinethanpixelRadius.

numRefinements int Specifiesthenumberofrefinementiterationsyouallowthefunctiontoperformontheinitialsubsetofpoints.Youmustallowatleastoneiteration.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FLATTEN_IMAGE 0 Flattensjusttheimagedata.

IMAQ_FLATTEN_IMAGE_AND_VISION_INFO 1 FlattenstheimagedataandanyVisioninformationassociatedwiththeimage.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_COMPRESSION_NONE 0 Specifiesthatthefunctionshouldnotcompresstheimage.

IMAQ_COMPRESSION_JPEG 1 SpecifiesthatthefunctionshoulduselossyJPEGcompressionontheimage.JPEGcompressionmaycausedatadegradationintheflatteneddata.

IMAQ_COMPRESSION_PACKED_BINARY 2 Specifiesthatthefunctionshoulduselosslessbinarypackingontheimage.Thissetting

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_HORIZONTAL_AXIS 0 Flipstheimageoverthecentralhorizontalaxis.

IMAQ_VERTICAL_AXIS 1 Flipstheimageoverthecentralverticalaxis.

IMAQ_CENTER_AXIS 2 Flipstheimageoverboththecentralverticalandhorizontalaxes.

IMAQ_DIAG_L_TO_R_AXIS 3 Flipstheimageoveranaxisfromtheupperleftcornertolowerrightcorner.

IMAQ_DIAG_R_TO_L_AXIS 4 Flipstheimageoveranaxisfromtheupperrightcornertolowerleftcorner.


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Name Type Description

width unsignedint


height unsignedint


imageType ImageType ThetypeofimagesthisAVIcontains.numFrames unsigned


framesPerSecond unsignedint


filterName char* ThenameofthecompressionfilterusedtocreatethisAVI.

hasData int SpecifieswhetherthisAVIhasdataattachedtoeachframeornot.

maxDataSize unsignedint


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Name Type Description

errorMap float* Theerrormapforthecalibration.Theerrormapwillbeemptyifthefunctiondidnotcalculateitwhenlearningthecalibration.

mapColumns int Thenumberofcolumnsintheerrormap.

mapRows int Thenumberofrowsintheerrormap.

userRoi ROI* SpecifiestheROItheuserprovidedwhenlearningthecalibration.

calibrationRoi ROI* SpecifiestheROIthatcorrespondstotheregionoftheimagewherethecalibrationinformationisaccurate.

options LearnCalibrationOptions Specifiesthecalibrationoptionstheuserprovidedwhenlearningthecalibration.

grid GridDescriptor Specifiesthescalingconstantsfortheimage.

system CoordinateSystem Specifiesthecoordinatesystemfortherealworldcoordinates.

range RangeFloat Therangeofthegrayscalethefunctionusedtorepresentthecirclesinthegridimage.

quality float Thequalityscoreofthelearningprocess,whichisavalue

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Name Type Description

charValue constchar* Retrievesthecharactervalueofthecorrespondingcharacterinthecharacterset.

charImage constImage* Theimageyouusedtotrainthischaracter.

internalImage constImage* TheinternalrepresentationthatNIVisionusestomatchobjectstothischaracter.ThisinformationishelpfulwhenyouarenotsurewhyNIVisiondoesnotrecognizeasegmentedcharacterintheROI.ThisinformationshowshowNIVisioninterpretsthecharacter,whichmaybedifferentfromhowthehumaneyeinterpretsit.

isReferenceChar int ThiselementisTRUEifthecharacteristhereferencecharacterforthecharacterclass.

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Name Type Description

size int Thesizeofthearraysinthisstructure.

accuracy float Theoverallaccuracyoftheclassifier,from0to1000.RefertotheDeterminingtheQualityofaTrainedClassifiersectionofChapter15,BinaryProcessing,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

classNames char** Thenamesoftheclassesofthisclassifier.EachnameinthearrayisaNULL-terminatedstring.

classAccuracy double* Anarrayofsizeelementsthatcontainsaccuracyinformationforeachclass.Theclassaccuracyindicatestheprobabilitythattheclassifierclassifiesasampleintothecorrectclass.Eachrowshowshowtheclassifierclassifiedallofthesamplesknowntobeinacertainclass.RefertotheClassifierAccuracysectionofChapter15,BinaryParticleClassification,intheNIVisionConceptsManualformoreinformationaboutthisfield.

classPredictiveValue double* Anarraycontainingsizeelementsthatcontainsthepredictivevaluesofeachclass.Thepredictivevaluesindicatetheprobabilitythatasampleclassifiedintoagivenclassbelongstothatclass.Refertothe

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classificationDistribution int** Atwo-dimensionalarraycontaininginformationabouthowtheclassifierclassifiesitssamples.Thisarrayisasquarearray,withbothdimensionscontainingsizeelements.RefertotheDeterminingtheQualityofaTrainedClassifiersectionofChapter15,BinaryParticleClassification,intheNIVisionConceptsManualformoreinformationaboutthisfield.

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Name Type Description

className char* Thenameoftheclassthissampleisin.featureVector double* Thefeaturevectorofthissample,orNULL

ifthisisnotacustomclassifiersession.featureVectorSize int Thenumberofelementsinthefeature

vector.thumbnail Image* Athumbnailimageofthissample,orNULL


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Name Type Description

type ContourType Thecontourtype.color RGBValue Thecontourcolor.structure ContourUnion Theinformationnecessarytodescribethe


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_UNDEFINED 0 Theimagedoesnothaveadefinedunitofmeasurement.

IMAQ_ANGSTROM 1 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageisangstroms.

IMAQ_MICROMETER 2 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageismicrometers

IMAQ_MILLIMETER 3 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageismillimeters.

IMAQ_CENTIMETER 4 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageiscentimeters.

IMAQ_METER 5 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageismeters.

IMAQ_KILOMETER 6 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageiskilometers.

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IMAQ_MICROINCH 7 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageismicroinches.

IMAQ_INCH 8 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageisinches.

IMAQ_FOOT 9 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageisfeet.

IMAQ_NAUTICMILE 10 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageisnauticalmiles.

IMAQ_GROUNDMILE 11 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageisgroundmiles.

IMAQ_STEP 12 Theunitofmeasurefortheimageissteps.


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Name Type Description

type FeatureType Anenumerationrepresentingthetypeofthefeature.

contourPoints PointFloat* Asetofpointsdescribingthecontourofthefeature.

numContourPoints int ThenumberofpointsinthecontourPointsarray.

feature GeometricFeature Thefeaturedataspecifictothistypeoffeature.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_NOT_FOUND_FEATURE 0 Specifiesthefeatureisnotfound.

IMAQ_CIRCLE_FEATURE 1 Specifiesthefeatureisacircle.

IMAQ_ELLIPSE_FEATURE 2 Specifiesthefeatureisanellipse.

IMAQ_CONST_CURVE_FEATURE 3 Specifiesthefeaturesisaconstantcurve.

IMAQ_RECTANGLE_FEATURE 4 Specifiesthefeatureisarectangle.

IMAQ_LEG_FEATURE 5 Specifiesthefeatureisaleg.

IMAQ_CORNER_FEATURE 6 Specifiesthefeatureisacorner.

IMAQ_PARALLEL_LINE_PAIR_FEATURE 7 Specifiesthefeatureisaparallellinepair.


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IMAQ_LINE_FEATURE 9 Specifiesthefeatureisaline.

IMAQ_CLOSED_CURVE_FEATURE 10 Specifiesthefeatureisaclosedcurve.

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Name Type Description

imageUnit CalibrationUnit IfyousetcalibrationinformationwithimaqSetSimpleCalibrationInfo(),imageUnitisthecalibrationunit.

stepX float IfyousetcalibrationinformationwithimaqSetCalibrationInfo(),stepXisthedistanceinthecalibrationunitbetweentwopixelsinthexdirection.

stepY float IfyousetcalibrationinformationwithimaqSetCalibrationInfo(),stepYisthedistanceinthecalibrationunitbetweentwopixelsintheydirection.

imageType ImageType Thetypeoftheimage.xRes int Thenumberofcolumnsintheimage.yRes int Thenumberofrowsintheimage.xOffset int Ifyousetmaskoffsetinformationwith


yOffset int IfyousetmaskoffsetinformationwithimaqSetMaskOffset(),yOffsetistheoffsetofthemaskoriginintheydirection.

border int Thenumberofborderpixelsaroundtheimage.

pixelsPerLine int Thenumberofpixelsstoredforeachlineoftheimage.ThisvaluemaybelargerthanxRes.

reserved0 void* Thiselementisreserved.

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reserved1 void* Thiselementisreserved.imageStart void* Apointertopixel(0,0).

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_GRADIENT_FAMILY 0 Thekernelisinthegradientfamily.Gradientkernelshighlightthevariationsoflightintensityalongaspecificdirection,whichhastheeffectofoutliningedgesandrevealingtexture.

IMAQ_LAPLACIAN_FAMILY 1 ThekernelisintheLaplacianfamily.Laplaciankernelshighlightthevariationofthelightintensitysurroundingapixel.

IMAQ_SMOOTHING_FAMILY 2 Thekernelisinthesmoothingfamily.Smoothingkernelsattenuatethevariationsoflightintensityin

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IMAQ_GAUSSIAN_FAMILY 3 ThekernelisintheGaussianfamily.Gaussiankernelsattenuatethevariationsoflightintensityintheneighborhoodofapixel.AGaussiankernelissimilartoasmoothingfilter,butitsblurringeffectismoresubdued.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_NO_EVENT 0 NoeventoccurredsincethelastcalltoimaqGetLastEvent().

IMAQ_CLICK_EVENT 1 Theuserclickedonawindow.

IMAQ_DRAW_EVENT 2 TheuserdrewanROIinawindow.

IMAQ_MOVE_EVENT 3 Theusermovedawindow.

IMAQ_SIZE_EVENT 4 Theusersizedawindow.

IMAQ_SCROLL_EVENT 5 Theuserscrolledawindow.

IMAQ_ACTIVATE_EVENT 6 Theuseractivatedawindow.

IMAQ_CLOSE_EVENT 7 Theuserclosedawindow.

IMAQ_DOUBLE_CLICK_EVENT 8 Theuserdouble-clickedinawindow.


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Name Type Description

needleBase PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthebaseofthemeterneedle.

arcCoordPoints PointFloat* Anarrayofpointsdescribingthecoordinatelocationofthemeterarc.

numOfArcCoordPoints int ThenumberofpointsinthearcCoordPointsarray.

needleColor int ThiselementisTRUEwhenthemeterhasalight-coloredneedleonadarkbackground.ThiselementisFALSEwhenthemeterhasadark-coloredneedleonalightbackground.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_METER_ARC_ROI 0 Thefunctionusestheroiparameterandignoresthebase,start,andendparameters.

IMAQ_METER_ARC_POINTS 1 Thefunctionusesthebase,start,andendparametersandignorestheroiparameter.


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Name Type Description

method NearestNeighborMethod Themethodtouse.metric NearestNeighborMetric Themetrictouse.k int Thevalueofk,ifthe


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Name Type Description

ShiftBehavior GroupBehavior Specifiesthebehaviorofanoverlaygroupwhenashiftoperationisappliedtoanimage.

ScaleBehavior GroupBehavior Specifiesthebehaviorofanoverlaygroupwhenascaleoperationisappliedtoanimage.

RotateBehavior GroupBehavior Specifiesthebehaviorofanoverlaygroupwhenarotateoperationisappliedtoanimage.

SymmetryBehavior GroupBehavior Specifiesthebehaviorofanoverlaygroupwhenasymmetryoperationisappliedtoanimage.

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Name Type Description

manualThreshold int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythethresholdrangemanually.SetthiselementtoFALSEtohavethethresholdrangeautomaticallycalculated.

manualThresholdRange RangeFloat Ifamanualthresholdisbeingdone,therangeofpixelstokeep.ThisfieldisignoredifmanualThresholdissettoFALSE.

autoThresholdMethod ThresholdMethod Ifanautomaticthresholdisbeingdone,themethodusedtocalculatethethresholdrange.ThisfieldisignoredifmanualThresholdissettoTRUE.

limits RangeFloat Thelimitsontheautomaticthresholdrange.

particleType ParticleType Whatkindofparticlestolookfor.

rejectBorder int SetthiselementtoTRUEtorejectborderparticles.SetthiselementtoFALSEtokeepborderparticles.

numErosions int Thenumberoferosionsto

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Name Type Description

scaleDependence float Therelativeimportanceofscalewhenclassifyingparticles.Thisvaluerangesfrom0to1000.IfscaleDependenceis0,thesamplesareclassifiedindependentofscale.Forexample,alargeobjectandsmallobjectofthesametypewouldbeclassifiedasthesameclass.

mirrorDependence float Therelativeimportanceofmirrorsymmetrywhenclassifyingparticles.Thisvaluerangesfrom0to1000.Anexampleofobjectsexhibitingmirrorsymmetryarethelowercaseletterspandq.IfmirrorDependenceis0,thesamplesareclassifiedindependentofmirrorsymmetry.Forexample,pandqwouldbeclassifiedasthesameclass.

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Name Type Description

numberOfPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthesegment.isOpen int IfTRUE,thecontourisopen.IfFALSE,

thecontourisclosed.weight double Thesignificanceoftheedgeintermsof


points ContourPoint* Thepointsofthesegment.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FILL_STYLE_SOLID 0 Fillthedisplaywindowwithasolidcolor.

IMAQ_FILL_STYLE_HATCH 2 FillthedisplaywindowwithapatterndefinedbyWindowBackgroundHatchStyle

IMAQ_FILL_STYLE_DEFAULT 3 FillthedisplaywindowwiththeNIVisiondefaultpattern.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_HATCH_STYLE_HORIZONTAL 0 Thebackgroundofthedisplaywindowwillbehorizontalbars.

IMAQ_HATCH_STYLE_VERTICAL 1 Thebackgroundofthedisplaywindowwillbeverticalbars.

IMAQ_HATCH_STYLE_FORWARD_DIAGONAL 2 Thebackgroundofthedisplaywindowwillbediagonalbars.Thebarsstartinthelower-leftcornerandendintheupper-rightcornerofthewindow.

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IMAQ_HATCH_STYLE_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL 3 Thebackgroundofthedisplaywindowwillbediagonalbars.Thebarsstartintheupper-leftcornerandendinthelower-rightcornerofthewindow.

IMAQ_HATCH_STYLE_CROSS 4 Thebackgroundofthedisplaywindowwillbeintersectinghorizontalandverticalbars.

IMAQ_HATCH_STYLE_CROSS_HATCH 5 Thebackgroundofthedisplaywindowwillbeintersectingforwardandbackwarddiagonalbars.


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Name Type Description

method MappingMethod Describesthemethodforconverting16-bitpixelsto8-bitpixels.

minimumValue int WhenmethodisIMAQ_RANGE,minimumValuerepresentsthevaluethatismappedto0.WhenmethodisIMAQ_PERCENT_RANGE,minimumValuerepresentsthepercentageoftherangeusedtocomputethepixelvaluemappedto0.Otherwise,minimumValuedoesnotaffectthemappingpolicy.

maximumValue int WhenmethodisIMAQ_RANGE,maximumValuerepresentsthevaluethatismappedto255.WhenmethodisIMAQ_PERCENT_RANGE,maximumValuerepresentsthepercentageoftherangeusedtocomputethepixelvaluemappedto255.Otherwise,maximumValuedoesnotaffectthemappingpolicy.

shiftCount int WhenmethodisIMAQ_DOWNSHIFT,shiftCountrepresentsthenumberofbitsthefunctionright-shiftsthe16-bitpixelvalues.Otherwise,shiftCountdoesnotaffectthemappingpolicy.Formoreinformation,refertotheDisplayfunctionstopic.

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Name Type Description

overallGrade AIMGrade Theoveralllettergrade,whichisequaltothelowestoftheotherfivelettergrades.

decodingGrade AIMGrade ThelettergradeassignedtoaDataMatrixbarcodebasedonthesuccessofthefunctionindecodingtheDataMatrixbarcode.ThefunctionsetsthisgradetoIMAQ_AIM_GRADE_Aifthefunctioncoulddecodethedatamatrix,otherwisethefunctionsetsthisgradetoIMAQ_AIM_GRADE_F.

symbolContrastGrade AIMGrade ThelettergradeassignedtoaDataMatrixbarcodebasedonthesymbolcontrastrawscore.

symbolContrast float Thesymbolcontrastrawscorerepresentingthepercentagedifferencebetweenthemeanofthereflectanceofthedarkest10percentandlightest10percentoftheDataMatrixbarcode.

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printGrowthGrade AIMGrade TheprintgrowthlettergradefortheDataMatrixbarcode.

printGrowth float Theprintgrowthrawscoreforthebarcode,whichisbasedontheextenttowhichdarkorlightmarkingsappropriatelyfilltheirmoduleboundaries.

axialNonuniformityGrade AIMGrade TheaxialnonuniformitygradefortheDataMatrixbarcode.

axialNonuniformity float Theaxialnonuniformityrawscoreforthebarcode,whichisbasedonhowmuchthesamplingpointspacingdiffersfromoneaxistoanother.

unusedErrorCorrectionGrade AIMGrade TheunusederrorcorrectionlettergradefortheDataMatrixbarcode.

unusedErrorCorrection float TheunusederrorcorrectionrawscorefortheDataMatrixbarcode,whichisbasedontheextenttowhichregionalorspotdamageintheDataMatrixbarcodehaserodedthereadingsafetymarginprovidedbytheerrorcorrection.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_AUTOM 0 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatgeneratessimplerparticlesthatcontainfewerdetails.

IMAQ_CLOSE 1 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatfillstinyholesandsmoothsboundaries.

IMAQ_DILATE 2 Thefunctionusesatransformationthateliminatestinyholesisolatedinparticlesandexpandsthecontouroftheparticlesaccordingtothetemplatedefinedbythestructuring

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element.IMAQ_ERODE 3 Thefunction


IMAQ_GRADIENT 4 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatleavesonlythepixelsthatwouldbeaddedbythedilationprocessoreliminatedbytheerosionprocess.

IMAQ_GRADIENTOUT 5 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatleavesonlythepixelsthatwouldbeaddedbythedilationprocess.

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IMAQ_GRADIENTIN 6 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatleavesonlythepixelsthatwouldbeeliminatedbytheerosionprocess.

IMAQ_HITMISS 7 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatextractseachpixellocatedinaneighborhoodexactlymatchingthetemplatedefinedbythestructuringelement.

IMAQ_OPEN 8 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatremovessmallparticlesandsmoothsboundaries.

IMAQ_PCLOSE 9 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatfillstinyholesandsmoothstheinnercontourofparticles

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IMAQ_POPEN 10 Thefunctionusesatransformationthatremovessmallparticlesandsmoothsthecontourofparticlesaccordingtothetemplatedefinedbythestructuringelement.

IMAQ_THICK 11 Thefunctionusesatransformationthataddstoanimagethosepixelslocatedinaneighborhoodthatmatchesatemplatespecifiedbythestructuringelement.

IMAQ_THIN 12 Thefunctionusesatransformationthateliminatespixelsthatarelocatedina

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Name Type Description

matrixCols int Numberofcolumnsinthematrix.matrixRows int Numberofrowsinthematrix.hexa int SetthiselementtoTRUEifyouspecifyahexagonal


kernel int* Thevaluesofthestructuringelement.Specifythesevaluesinorderfromthetop-leftofthekerneltothe

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Name Type Description

histogram int* Anarraydescribingthenumberofpixelsthatfellintoeachclass.

histogramCount int Thenumberofelementsinthehistogramarray.ThenumberofelementsequalsthevalueyouprovidedinnumClasses.

min float Thesmallestpixelvaluethatthefunctionclassified.

max float Thelargestpixelvaluethatthefunctionclassified.

start float Thesmallestpixelvaluethatfellintothefirstclass.

width float Thesizeofeachclass.mean float Themeanvalueofthepixelsthatthefunction

classified.stdDev float Thestandarddeviationofthepixelsthatthe

functionclassified.numPixels int Thenumberofpixelsthatthefunction


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Name Type Description

mode CalibrationMode Specifiesthetypeofalgorithmyouwanttousetoreducedistortioninyourimage.WhenusingLearnCalibrationOptionsasaninput,setmodetoeitherIMAQ_PERSPECTIVEorIMAQ_NONLINEAR.

method ScalingMethod Definesthescalingmethodcorrectionfunctionsusetocorrecttheimage.

roi CalibrationROI SpecifiestheROIcorrectionfunctionsusewhencorrectinganimage.

learnMap int SetthiselementtoTRUEifyouwantthefunctiontocalculateandstoreanerrormapduringthelearningprocess.Theimageerrormapreflectserrorboundsonthecalibrationtransformation.Theerrormapisanestimateofthepositionalerrorthatyoucanexpectwhenyouconvertapixelcoordinateintoareal-worldcoordinate.

learnTable int SetthiselementtoTRUEifyouwantthefunctiontocalculateandstorethecorrectiontable.Thecorrectiontableacceleratestheprocessofcorrectinganimage.Itisusefulifyouplantocorrectseveralimagesusingthiscalibrationsetup.

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Name Type Description

xStep float Thedistanceinthexdirectionbetweentwoadjacentpixelsinunitsspecifiedbyunit.

yStep float Thedistanceintheydirectionbetweentwoadjacentpixelsinunitsspecifiedbyunit.

unit CalibrationUnit Theunitofmeasurefortheimage.

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Name Type Description

minValue float Theminimumvalueoftherange.maxValue float Themaximumvalueoftherange.

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Name Type Description

pixelCoordinates PointFloat* Thearrayofpixelcoordinates.realWorldCoordinates PointFloat* Thearrayofcorrespondingreal-

worldcoordinates.numCoordinates int Thenumberofcoordinatesinboth


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Name Type Description

infoCount int Thesizeoftheinfoarray.saturation int Thesaturationlevelthefunctionusestolearnthe double* Anarrayofcolorinformationthatrepresentsthe


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SENSITIVITY_LOW 0 Instructsthealgorithmtodividethehueplaneintoalownumberofsectors,allowingforsimplecoloranalysis.

IMAQ_SENSITIVITY_MED 1 Instructsthealgorithmtodividethehueplaneintoamediumnumberofsectors,allowingforcoloranalysisthatbalancessensitivity

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IMAQ_SENSITIVITY_HIGH 2 Instructsthealgorithmtodividethehueplaneintoahighnumberofsectors,allowingforcomplex,sensitivecoloranalysis.


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Name Type Description

learnMode LearningMode Specifiestheinvariancemodethefunctionuseswhenlearningthepattern.

featureMode ImageFeatureMode Specifiesthefeaturesthefunctionuseswhenlearningthecolorpattern.IfyousetlearnModetoeitherIMAQ_LEARN_ALLorIMAQ_LEARN_ROTATION_INFORMATION,featureModemusteitherbeIMAQ_COLOR_AND_SHAPE_FEATURESorIMAQ_SHAPE_FEATURES.

threshold int Specifiesthesaturationthresholdthefunctionusestodistinguishbetweentwocolorsthathavethesamehuevalues.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to255.

ignoreMode ColorIgnoreMode Specifieswhetherthefunctionexcludescertaincolorsfromthecolorfeaturesofthetemplateimage.Anycolorthefunctionexcludesduringthelearningprocesswillalsobeexcludedinthematchphase.

colorsToIgnore ColorInformation* AnarrayofColorInformationstructuresprovidingasetofcolorstoexcludefromthecolorfeaturesofthetemplateimage.ThefunctionignoresthedominantcolorfromeachColorInformationstructure.Anycolorexcludedduringthelearningprocessisalsoignoredfromthepatterninthematchphase.GenerateeachColorInformationstructureusingimaqLearnColor()withthesensitivityparametersettoIMAQ_SENSITIVITY_HIGH.SetthiselementtoNULLifyoudonotneedto

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ignoreanycolors.numColorsToIgnore int ThenumberofColorInformationstructures


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Name Type Description

minRectLength int Specifiestheminimumlengthforeachsideofarectangularfeature.ThefunctionignoresrectangularfeatureswithasideshorterthanminRectLength.

minRectAspectRatio double Specifiestheminimumaspectratioofarectangularfeature.ThefunctionignoresrectangularfeatureswithaspectratioslessthanminRectAspectRatio.

minRadius int Specifiestheminimumradiusforacircularfeature.ThefunctionignorescircularfeatureswithradiilessthanminRadius.

minLineLength int Specifiestheminimumlengthforalinearfeature.ThefunctionignoreslinearfeatureswithlengthsshorterthanminLineLength.

minFeatureStrength double Specifiestheminimumstrengthforafeature.ThefunctionignoresfeatureswithastrengthlessthanminFeatureStrength.Validvaluesforthiselementrangefrom0to1.

maxFeaturesUsed int Specifiesthemaximumnumberoffeaturesthefunctionuseswhenlearning.Setthiselementto0tospecifythatthefunctionshoulduseallfeatures.

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maxPixelDistanceFromLine int Specifiesthemaximumnumberofpixelsbetweenanedgepixelandalinearfeatureforthefunctiontoconsiderthatedgepixelaspartofthelinearfeature.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_LEARN_ALL 0 Thefunctionextractsinformationforshift-androtation-invariantmatching.

IMAQ_LEARN_SHIFT_INFORMATION 1 Thefunctionextractsinformationforshift-invariantmatching.

IMAQ_LEARN_ROTATION_INFORMATION 2 Thefunctionextractsinformationforrotation-invariantmatching.


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Name Type Description

shiftOptions LearnPatternAdvancedShiftOptions* UsethiselementtocontrolthebehaviorofimaqLearnPattern2()duringtheshift-invariantlearningphase.

rotationOptions LearnPatternAdvancedRotationOptions* UsethiselementtocontrolthebehaviorofimaqLearnPattern2()therotation-invariantlearningphase.

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Name Type Description

profileData float* Anarraycontainingthevalueofeachpixelintheline.

boundingBox Rect Theboundingrectangleoftheline.min float Thesmallestpixelvalueinthelineprofile.max float Thelargestpixelvalueinthelineprofile.mean float Themeanvalueofthepixelsinthelineprofile.stdDev float Thestandarddeviationofthelineprofile.dataCount int ThesizeoftheprofileDataarray.

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Name Type Description

columnAverages float* Anarraycontainingthemeanpixelvalueofeachcolumn.

columnCount int ThenumberofelementsinthecolumnAveragesarray.

rowAverages float* Anarraycontainingthemeanpixelvalueofeachrow.

rowCount int ThenumberofelementsintherowAveragesarray.

risingDiagAverages float* Anarraycontainingthemeanpixelvalueofeachdiagonalrunningfromthelowerlefttotheupperrightoftheinspectedareaoftheimage.

risingDiagCount int ThenumberofelementsintherisingDiagAveragesarray.

fallingDiagAverages float* Anarraycontainingthemeanpixelvalueofeachdiagonalrunningfromtheupperlefttothelowerrightoftheinspectedareaoftheimage.

fallingDiagCount int ThenumberofelementsinthefallingDiagAveragesarray.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_COLUMN_AVERAGES 1 Specifiesthatthefunctioncalculatesthemeanpixelvalueofeachcolumn.

IMAQ_ROW_AVERAGES 2 Specifiesthatthefunctioncalculatesthemeanpixelvalueofeachrow.

IMAQ_RISING_DIAGONAL_AVERAGES 4 Specifiesthatthefunctioncalculatesthemeanpixelvalueofeachdiagonalrunningfromthelowerlefttotheupperrightoftheinspected

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IMAQ_FALLING_DIAGONAL_AVERAGES 8 Specifiesthatthefunctioncalculatesthemeanpixelvalueofeachdiagonalrunningfromtheupperlefttothelowerrightoftheinspectedareaoftheimage.

IMAQ_ALL_LINEAR_AVERAGES 15 Specifiesthatthefunctioncalculatesallfourlinearmeanpixelvalues.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_EDGE_TO_EDGE 0 Measuresfromthefirstedgeonthelinetothelastedgeontheline.

IMAQ_EDGE_TO_POINT 1 Measuresfromthefirstedgeonthelinetotheendpointoftheline.

IMAQ_POINT_TO_EDGE 2 Measuresfromthestartpointofthelinetothefirstedgeontheline.

IMAQ_POINT_TO_POINT 3 Measuresfromthestartpointofthelinetotheendpointoftheline.


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Name Value Description



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Name Value Description

IMAQ_NIBLACK 0 ThefunctioncomputesthresholdsforeachpixelbasedonitslocalstatisticsusingtheNiblacklocalthresholdingalgorithm.

IMAQ_BACKGROUND_CORRECTION 1 Thefunctionperformsbackgroundcorrectionfirsttoeliminatenon-uniformlightingeffects,thenperformsthresholdingusingtheOtsuthresholdingalgorithm.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_BRIGHT_OBJECTS 0 Thefunctiondetectsbrightobjects.

IMAQ_DARK_OBJECTS 1 Thefunctiondetectsdarkobjects.


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Name Type Description

matchMode MatchingMode Specifiesthemethodtousewhenlookingforthecolorpatternintheimage.

featureMode ImageFeatureMode Specifiesthefeaturestousewhenlookingforthecolorpatternintheimage.

minContrast int Specifiestheminimumcontrastexpectedintheimage.

subpixelAccuracy int SetthisparametertoTRUEtoreturnareasintheimagethatmatchthepatternareawithsubpixelaccuracy.

angleRanges RotationAngleRange* Anarrayofangleranges,indegrees,whereeachrangespecifieshowmuchyouexpectthepatterntoberotatedintheimage.Todecreasethesearchtime,limitthedegreesofrotationinwhichyouexpecttofindthetemplateimage.SetthiselementtoNULLtoallowallangles.

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numRanges int NumberofanglerangesintheangleRangesarray.

colorWeight double Determinesthepercentcontributionofthecolorscoretothefinalcolorpatternmatchingscore.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000.Thealgorithmusesthecolorweightforthefinalmatchranking.Forexample,ifyouuseaweightof1,000,thealgorithmfindseachmatchbyusingbothcolorandshapeinformationandthenranksthematchesbasedontheircolorscores.Iftheweightis0,thematchesarerankedbasedontheirshapescores.Thedefaultis500,indicatingthatthematchscoreusesanequalcombinationofthecolorandshapescores.

sensitivity ColorSensitivity Specifiesthesensitivityofthecolorinformationintheimage.

strategy SearchStrategy Specifieshowthecolorfeaturesoftheimageareusedduringthesearchphase.

numMatchesRequested int Numberofvalidmatchesexpected.

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minMatchScore float Theminimumscoreamatchcanhaveforthefunctiontoconsiderthematchvalid.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationoftheoriginofthetemplateinthematch.

rotation float Therotationofthematchrelativetothetemplateimage,indegrees.

scale float Thesizeofthematchrelativetothesizeofthetemplateimage,expressedasapercentage.

score float Theaccuracyofthematch.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.

corner[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsdescribingtherectanglesurroundingthetemplateimage.

inverse int ThiselementisTRUEifthematchisaninverseofthetemplateimage.Forexample,thematchisawhiteobjectonablackbackgroundbutthetemplateimageisablackobjectonawhitebackground.ThiselementisFALSEifthematchandthetemplateimagehavethesamecontrastwiththeimagebackground.

occlusion float Thepercentageofthematchthatisoccluded.

templateMatchCurveScore float Theaccuracyofthematchobtainedbycomparingthetemplatecurvestothecurvesinthematchregion.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.

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matchTemplateCurveScore float Theaccuracyofthematchobtainedbycomparingthecurvesinthematchregiontothetemplatecurves.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.ThiselementiscalculatedonlyifthematchTemplateCurveScoreelementoftheadvancedMatchOptionsparametertoimaqMatchGeometricPattern2()TRUE.

correlationScore float Theaccuracyofthematchobtainedbycomparingthetemplateimagetothematchregionusingacorrelationmetricthatcomparesthetworegionsasafunctionoftheirpixelvalues.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.ThiselementiscalculatedonlyifthecorrelationScoreelementoftheadvancedMatchOptionsparametertoimaqMatchGeometricPattern2()TRUE.

label String255 ThelabelcorrespondingtothismatchwhenthematchisreturnedbyimaqMatchMultipleGeometricPatterns()labelisanemptystringwhenthematchisreturnedbyimaqMatchGeometricPattern2()

featureData FeatureData* Thefeaturesusedinthismatch.numFeatureData int ThesizeofthefeatureDataarray.calibratedPosition PointFloat Thelocationoftheoriginofthe


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calibratedRotation float Therotationofthematchrelativetothetemplateimage,indegrees.Iftheimagewherethematchisfoundisacalibratedimage,thenthisvalueisinreal-worldunits.Otherwise,thisvalueisthesameasrotation.

calibratedCorner[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsdescribingtherectanglesurroundingthetemplateimage.Iftheimagewherethematchisfoundisacalibratedimage,thenthisvaluedescribesthecalibratedrectangle.Otherwise,thisvalueisthesameascorner[4].

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Name Type Description

mode unsignedint SpecifiesthemethodimaqMatchGeometricPattern()whenlookingforthepatternintheimage.CombinevaluesfromtheGeometricMatchingModespecifythevalueofthiselement.

subpixelAccuracy int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldcalculatematchlocationswithsubpixelaccuracy.SetthiselementtoFALSEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldcalculatematchlocationswithpixelaccuracy.

angleRanges RangeFloat* Anarrayofangleranges,indegrees,whereeachrangespecifieshowmuchyouexpectthetemplatetoberotatedintheimage.Todecreasethesearchtime,limitthedegreesofrotationinwhichyouexpecttofindthetemplateimage.SetthiselementtoNULLtoallowallangles.ThisfunctionignorestheserangesifnotincludeIMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANT.

numAngleRanges int NumberofanglerangesintheangleRangesscaleRange RangeFloat Arangethatspecifiesthesizesofthepatternyouexpect


occlusionRange RangeFloat Arangethatspecifiesthepercentageofthepatternyouexpecttobeoccludedintheimage.ThisfunctionignoresthisrangeifmodedoesnotincludeIMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_OCCLUSION_INVARIANT.

numMatchesRequested int Numberofvalidmatchesexpected.minMatchScore float Theminimumscoreamatchcanhaveforthefunctionto

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Name Type Description

minFeaturesUsed int Specifiestheminimumnumberoffeaturesthefunctionuseswhenmatching.

maxFeaturesUsed int Specifiesthemaximumnumberoffeaturesthefunctionuseswhenmatching.Setthiselementto0tospecifythatthefunctionshoulduseallfeatures.

subpixelIterations int Specifiesthemaximumnumberofincrementalimprovementsusedtorefinematcheswithsubpixelinformation.

subpixelTolerance double Specifiesthemaximumamountofchange,inpixels,betweenconsecutiveincrementalimprovementsinthematchpositionbeforethefunctionstopsrefiningthematchposition.Setthiselementto0tospecifythatthefunctionshouldalwaysuseanumberofrefinementsequaltosubpixelIterations.IfyouprovidevaluesforbothsubpixelIterationsandsubpixelTolerance,thefunctionrefinesthematchfor,atmost,subpixelIterationsbutmay

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initialMatchListLength int Specifiesthemaximumsizeofthematchlist.Thematchlistcontainstheregionsintheinspectionimagethathavethehighestprobabilityofcontainingamatch.

matchTemplateCurveScore float Theaccuracyofthematchobtainedbycomparingthecurvesinthematchregiontothetemplatecurves.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.ThiselementiscalculatedonlyifthematchTemplateCurveScoreelementoftheadvancedMatchOptionsparametertoimaqMatchGeometricPattern()isTRUE.

correlationScore int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldcalculatethecorrelationscoreandreturnitforeachmatchresult.SetthisparametertoFALSEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldnotcalculatethecorrelationscore.

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minMatchSeparationDistance double Specifiestheminimumseparationdistance,inpixels,betweentheoriginsoftwomatchesthathaveuniquepositions.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthathavethesameposition,scale,andangle.Setthisvalueto–1ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontousethepositionofamatchtodeterminewhetherthematchisunique.

minMatchSeparationAngle double Specifiestheminimumangulardifference,indegrees,betweentwomatchesthathaveuniqueangles.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthathavethesameposition,scale,andangle.Setthisvalueto–1ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontousetheangleofamatchtodeterminewhetherthematchisunique.

minMatchSeparationScale double Specifiestheminimumdifferenceinscale,expressedasapercentage,betweentwomatchesthathaveuniquescales.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthathavethesameposition,scale,andangle.Setthisvalueto–1ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontousethescaleofamatchtodeterminewhetherthematchisunique.

maxMatchOverlap double Specifiesthemaximumamountofoverlap,expressedasapercentage,allowedbetweentheboundingrectanglesoftwouniquematches.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthat

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coarseResult int Specifieswhetheryouwantthefunctiontospendlesstimeaccuratelyestimatingthelocationofamatch.SetthisvaluetoTRUEifyouwanttoquicklydeterminewhetherapartispresentintheinspectionimagewithoutanaccurateestimateofitsposition,angle,andscale.SetthisvaluetoFALSEtospecifythatthefunctionreturnsmatcheswithpixelorsubpixelaccuracy.

smoothContours int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifysmoothingbedoneonthecontoursoftheinspectionimagebeforefeatureextraction.

enableCalibrationSupport int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythealgorithmtreattheinspectionimageasacalibratedimage.UseimaqSetSimpleCalibration()orimaqSetCalibrationInfo()tocalibratetheinspectionimage.

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Name Type Description

mode MatchingMode Specifiesthemethodtousewhenlookingforthepatternintheimage.

minContrast int Specifiestheminimumcontrastexpectedintheimage.

subpixelAccuracy int SetthiselementtoTRUEtoreturnareasintheimagethatmatchthepatternareawithsubpixelaccuracy.

angleRanges RotationAngleRange* Anarrayofangleranges,indegrees,whereeachrangespecifieshowmuchyouexpectthepatterntoberotatedintheimage.Todecreasethesearchtime,limitthedegreesofrotationinwhichyouexpecttofindthetemplateimage.SetthiselementtoNULLtoallowallangles.

numRanges int Numberofangleranges

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numMatchesRequested int Numberofvalidmatchesexpected.

matchFactor int Controlsthenumberofpotentialmatchesthatthefunctionexamines.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to1,000.Formostapplications,setmatchFactorto0,whichoptimizesthespeedofthealgorithm.IfyouarenotgettingallofthenumMatchesRequested,increasingthisfactormayincreasethenumberofmatchesyoureceivebutdecreasesthespeedofthealgorithm.Normally,increasingmatchFactorisnecessaryonlywhenlookingformorethan200matchesperimage.

minMatchScore float Theminimumscoreamatchcanhaveforthefunctiontoconsiderthematchvalid.

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Name Type Description

coordinates Rect Theboundingrectangleoftheobject.centroid Point Thecoordinatelocationofthecentroidofthe

object.size int Thesize,inpixels,oftheobject.score double Avaluerangingbetween1and1,000thatspecifies


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_TRANSFORM_LINEAR 0 Thefunctionuseslinearremapping.

IMAQ_TRANSFORM_LOG 1 Thefunctionuseslogarithmicremapping.Enhancescontrastforsmallpixelvaluesandreducescontrastforlargepixelvalues.

IMAQ_TRANSFORM_EXP 2 Thefunctionusesexponentialremapping.Enhancescontrastforlargepixelvaluesandreducescontrastforsmallpixelvalues.

IMAQ_TRANSFORM_SQR 3 Thefunctionusessquareremapping.

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IMAQ_TRANSFORM_SQRT 4 Thefunctionusessquarerootremapping.Similartologarithmicremappingbutwithamoregradualeffect.

IMAQ_TRANSFORM_POWX 5 ThefunctionusespowerXremapping.Causesvariableeffectdependingonpower.

IMAQ_TRANSFORM_POW1X 6 Thefunctionusespower1/Xremapping.Causesvariableeffectdependingonpower.


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Name Value




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Name Value Description

IMAQ_GET_CORES 0 ThenumberofprocessorcoresNIVisioniscurrentlyusing.

IMAQ_SET_CORES 1 ThenumberofprocessorcoresforNIVisiontouse.

IMAQ_USE_MAX_AVAILABLE 2 Usethemaximumnumberofavailableprocessorcores.

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Name Type Description

boundingBox Rect Thecoordinatelocationoftheboundingboxofthearc.

startAngle double Thecounterclockwiseanglefromthex-axisindegreestothestartofthearc.

endAngle double Thecounterclockwiseanglefromthex-axisindegreestotheendofthearc.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_POINT_AS_PIXEL 0 Asinglepixelrepresentsapointintheoverlay.

IMAQ_POINT_AS_CROSS 1 Acrossrepresentsapointintheoverlay.

IMAQ_POINT_USER_DEFINED 2 Thepatternsuppliedbytheuserrepresentsapointintheoverlay.


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1 0 11 0 11 0 1


Name Type Description

cols int Numberofcolumnsinthesymbol.rows int Numberofrowsinthesymbol.pixels int* Thepixelsofthesymbol.Specifythesepixelsinorder


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Name Type Description

fontName constchar* Thenameofthefonttouse.Thefunctionprocessesonlythefirst32characters.

fontSize int Thesizeofthefont.bold int Setthiselementto

TRUEtoboldthetext.italic int Setthiselementto


underline int SetthiselementtoTRUEtounderlinethetext.

strikeout int SetthiselementtoTRUEtostrikeoutthetext.

horizontalTextAlignment TextAlignment Setsthealignmentofthetext.

verticalTextAlignment VerticalTextAlignment Setstheverticalalignmentforthetext.

backgroundColor RGBValue Setsthecolorforthetextbackgroundpixels.

angle double Thecounterclockwiseangle,indegrees,ofthetextrelativetothex-axis.

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Name Type Description

parameter MeasurementType Themorphologicalmeasurementthatthefunctionusesforfiltering.

lower float Thelowerboundofthecriteriarange.upper float Theupperboundofthecriteriarange.calibrated int SetthiselementtoTRUEtotake


exclude int SetthiselementtoTRUEtoindicatethatamatchoccurswhenthemeasurementisoutsidethecriteriarange.SetthiselementtoFALSEtoindicatethatamatchoccurswhenthemeasurementisinsidethecriteriarange.

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Name Type Description

rejectMatches int SetthisparametertoTRUEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatdonotmeetallthecriteria.SetthisparametertoFALSEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatmeetallthecriteriatothedestination.

rejectBorder int SetthiselementtoTRUEtorejectborderparticles.SetthiselementtoFALSEtokeepborderparticles.

fillHoles int SetthiselementtoTRUEtofillholesinparticles.SetthiselementtoFALSEtokeeptheholesinparticles.

connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,refertoChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

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Name Type Description

global QuantifyData Statisticaldataofthewholeimage.regions QuantifyData* AnarrayofQuantifyDatastructures


regionCount int Thenumberofregions.

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Name Type Description

firstEdges EdgeInfo* ThefirstedgepointdetectedalongeachsearchlineintheROI.

numFirstEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthefirstEdgesarray.

lastEdges EdgeInfo* ThelastedgepointdetectedalongeachsearchlineintheROI.

numLastEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthelastEdgesarray.

searchLines SearchLineInfo* Thesearchlinesusedforedgedetection.

numSearchLines unsignedint Thenumberofsearchlinesusedintheedgedetection.

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Name Type Description

outputString constchar* Astringcontainingthedecodedbarcodedata.

size int Thesizeoftheoutputstring.outputChar1 char Thecontentsofthischaracterdepend


outputChar2 char Thecontentsofthischaracterdependonthebarcodetype.ForIMAQ_CODABAR,thefunctionsetsoutputChar2tothestopcharacter.ForIMAQ_EAN8andIMAQ_EAN13,thefunctionsetsoutputChar2tothesecondcountrycode.ForIMAQ_UPCA,thefunctionsetsoutputChar2tothesystemnumber.Forallotherbarcodetypes,thefunctionsetsoutputChar2to0.

confidenceLevel double Aqualitymeasureofthedecodedbarcoderangingfrom0to100,with100beingthebest.Thisvalueweighstheerrorinthewidthsofthebarsandspaceswiththesizeofthecharacterin

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type BarcodeType Thetypeofbarcode.

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Name Value Description


oftypeCodabar.IMAQ_CODE39 2 Thebarcodeis

oftypeCode39.IMAQ_CODE93 4 Thebarcodeis

oftypeCode93.IMAQ_CODE128 8 Thebarcodeis


IMAQ_EAN8 16 ThebarcodeisoftypeEAN8.

IMAQ_EAN13 32 ThebarcodeisoftypeEAN13.

IMAQ_I2_OF_5 64 ThebarcodeisoftypeCode25.

IMAQ_MSI 128 ThebarcodeisoftypeMSIcode.

IMAQ_UPCA 256 ThebarcodeisoftypeUPCA.

IMAQ_PHARMACODE 512 ThebarcodeisoftypePharmacode.

IMAQ_RSS_LIMITED 1024 ThebarcodeisoftypeRSSLimited.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_CLASSIFIER_READ_ALL 0 Readallinformationfromtheclassifierfile.

IMAQ_CLASSIFIER_READ_SAMPLES 1 Readonlythesamplesfromtheclassifierfile.

IMAQ_CLASSIFIER_READ_PROPERTIES 2 Readonlythepropertiesfromtheclassifierfile.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ENGINE_NONE 0 Noenginehasbeensetonthisclassifiersession.

IMAQ_ENGINE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR 1 Nearestneighborengine.


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Name Type Description

found int ThiselementisTRUEifthefunctionlocatedanddecodedaDataMatrixbarcodeandFALSEifthefunctionfailedtolocateanddecodeaDataMatrixbarcode.

binary int ThiselementisTRUEiftheDataMatrixbarcodecontainsbinarydataandFALSEiftheDataMatrixbarcodecontainstextdata.

data unsignedchar* ThedataencodedintheDataMatrixbarcode.dataLength unsignedint Thelengthofthedataarray.boundingBox[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsdescribingtherectangle

surroundingtheDataMatrixbarcode.numErrorsCorrected unsignedint Thenumberoferrorsthefunctioncorrectedwhen

decodingtheDataMatrixbarcode.numErasuresCorrected unsignedint Thenumberoferasuresthefunctioncorrected

whendecodingtheDataMatrixbarcode.aspectRatio float SpecifiestheaspectratiooftheDataMatrix


rows unsignedint ThenumberofrowsintheDataMatrixbarcode.columns unsignedint ThenumberofcolumnsintheDataMatrix

barcode.ecc DataMatrixECC TheErrorCorrectionCode(ECC)usedbythe

DataMatrixbarcode.polarity DataMatrixPolarity ThepolarityoftheDataMatrixbarcode.cellFill DataMatrixCellFillMode ThecellfillpercentageoftheDataMatrixbarcode.borderIntegrity float ThepercentageoftheDataMatrixbarcodeborder

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thatappearscorrectlyintheimage.mirrored int ThiselementisTRUEiftheDataMatrixbarcode


minimumEdgeStrength unsignedint ThestrengthoftheweakestedgethefunctionusedtofindthecoarselocationoftheDataMatrixbarcodeintheimage.UsethisvalueasaguideforsettingtheedgeThresholdsearchOptionsparameterofimaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2()

demodulationMode DataMatrixDemodulationMode ThedemodulationmodethefunctionusedtolocatetheDataMatrixbarcode.IfdemodulationModeIMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_DEMODULATION_MODEinthesearchOptionsimaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2()indicatestherecommendeddemodulationmodeforthisimage.

cellSampleSize DataMatrixCellSampleSize ThecellsamplesizethefunctionusedtolocatetheDataMatrixbarcode.IftoIMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZEinthesearchOptionsimaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2()indicatestherecommendedcellsamplesizeforthisimage.

cellFilterMode DataMatrixCellFilterMode ThecellfiltermodethefunctionusedtolocatetheDataMatrixbarcode.IfIMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_FILTER_MODEinthesearchOptionsimaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2()indicatestherecommendedcellfiltermodeforthisimage.

iterations unsignedint ThenumberofiterationsthefunctiontookinattemptingtolocatetheDataMatrixbarcode.IfthisnumberisequaltotheelementofthesearchOptions

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_NO_GRADING 0 Thefunctiondoesnotmakeanypreparatorycalculations.AttemptstogradethisDataMatrixbarcodewillgenerateanerror.

IMAQ_PREPARE_FOR_AIM 1 ThefunctionpreparestheimageforgradingusingtheAIMPrintQualitymetrics.


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Name Type Description

aspectRatio float SpecifiestheratioofthewidthofeachDataMatrixbarcodecell(inpixels)totheheightoftheDataMatrixbarcode(inpixels).Settingthisvalueto0indicatesthefunctionshoulddeterminetheaspectratio.

rows unsignedint SpecifiesthenumberofrowsintheDataMatrixbarcode.Settingthisvalueto0indicatesthefunctionshoulddeterminethenumberofrows.

columns unsignedint SpecifiesthenumberofcolumnsintheDataMatrixbarcode.Settingthisvalueto0indicatesthefunctionshoulddeterminethenumberofcolumns.

rectangle int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythattheDataMatrixbarcodeisrectangular.SetthiselementtoFALSEtospecifythattheDataMatrixbarcodeissquare.Ifbothrowsandcolumnsare

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ecc DataMatrixECC SpecifiestheECCusedforthisDataMatrixbarcode.

polarity DataMatrixPolarity Specifiesthedata-to-backgroundcontrastfortheDataMatrixbarcode.

cellFill DataMatrixCellFillMode SpecifiesthefillpercentageforacelloftheDataMatrixbarcodethatisinthe"ON"state.

minBorderIntegrity float Specifiestheminimumpercentageoftheborder(locatorpatternandtimingpattern)thefunctionshouldexpectintheDataMatrixbarcode.Duringthelocationphase,thefunctionwillignorepossibleDataMatrixbarcodecandidatesthatdonothaveatleastthislevelofborderintegrity.

mirrorMode DataMatrixMirrorMode SpecifiesiftheDataMatrixbarcodeappearsnormallyintheimageorifthebarcodeappearsmirroredintheimage.

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Name Type Description

minSize unsignedint


maxSize unsignedint


quietZoneWidth unsignedint


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Name Type Description

rotationMode DataMatrixRotationMode SpecifiestheamountofDataMatrixbarcoderotationthefunctionshouldallowfor.

skipLocation int IfsettoTRUE,specifiesthatthefunctionshouldassumethattheDataMatrixbarcodeoccupiestheentireimage(ortheentiresearchregion).Thefunctionthenskipsthelocationphase,movingimmediatelytoextractionanddecoding.IfFALSE,thefunctiondoesnotmakeanyassumptionsaboutthepercentageoftheimage

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edgeThreshold unsignedint Specifiestheminimumcontrastapixelmusthaveinordertobeconsideredpartofamatrixcelledge.Thelowerthisvalue,themorepotentialedgecandidatesthefunctionwillexamineduringthelocationphase.Settingthisvaluetoolowwilldecreasetheperformanceofthefunctionbecausethefunctionwillexaminetoomanypotentialedgecandidates.Settingthisvaluetoohighmayalsodecreasetheperformanceofthefunctionbyremovingvalidedge

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demodulationMode DataMatrixDemodulationMode Specifiesthemodethefunctionshouldusetodemodulate(determinewhichcellsareonandwhichcellsareoff)theDataMatrixbarcode.

cellSampleSize DataMatrixCellSampleSize Specifiesthesamplesize,inpixels,thefunctionshouldtaketodetermineifeachcellisonoroff.

cellFilterMode DataMatrixCellFilterMode Specifiesthemodethefunctionusestodeterminethe

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skewDegreesAllowed unsignedint SpecifiestheamountofskewintheDataMatrixbarcodethefunctionshouldallowfor.

maxIterations unsignedint SpecifiesthemaximumnumberofiterationsbeforethefunctionstopslookingfortheDataMatrixbarcode.

initialSearchVectorWidth unsignedint Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthefunctionshouldaveragetogethertodeterminethelocationofanedge.Youmayneedtoincreasethisvaluewhenthe

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Name Type Description

text constchar* AstringofthecharactersoftheLCD.segmentInfo LCDSegments* AnarrayofLCDSegmentstructures


numCharacters int Thenumberofcharactersthatthefunctionreads.DescribesthenumberofelementsinthesegmentInfoarray.

reserved int Thiselementisreserved.

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Name Type Description

validChars[255] String255 Anarrayofstringsthatspecifiesthevalidcharacters.ThestringateachindexinthearrayspecifiesthevalidcharactersforthecorrespondingcharacterpositionintheROI.Youcanspecifyastringofvalidcharactersforeachelementofthearray,oryoucanuseoneofthepredefinedstringsofcharactersfromthefollowingtable.


numValidChars int ThenumberofstringsinthevalidCharsarraythatyouhaveinitialized.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to255.Setthiselementto0tospecifythatallcharactersarevalidforallpositions.

substitutionChar char Thecharactertosubstituteforobjectsthatthefunctioncannotmatchwithanyofthetrainedcharacters.readStrategy ReadStrategy Thereadstrategy,whichdetermineshowcloselythefunctionanalyzesimagesinthereadingprocesstomatchobjects

withtrainedcharacters.acceptanceLevel int Theminimumacceptancelevelatwhichanobjectisconsideredatrainedcharacter.Acceptablevaluesrangefrom0to

1000.aspectRatio int Themaximumaspectratiovariancepercentageforvalidcharacters.Theminimumvalueforthiselementis100,which


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readResolution ReadResolution Thereadresolution,whichdetermineshowmuchofthetrainedcharacterdatathefunctionusestomatchobjectstotrainedcharacters.

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Name Type Description

mode ThresholdMode Thethresholdingmode.lowThreshold int Thelowthresholdvalue


highThreshold int ThehighthresholdvaluewhenyousetmodetoIMAQ_FIXED_RANGE.Forotherthresholdmodes,thisparameterspecifiesthehigherlimitofthecalculatedthreshold.

blockCount int Thenumberofblocksforthresholdcalculationalgorithmsthatrequireblocks.Validvaluesrangefrom4to50.

fastThreshold int SetthiselementtoTRUEtouseafaster,lessaccuratethresholdcalculationalgorithm.

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biModalCalculation int SetthiselementtoTRUEtocalculateboththelowandhighthresholdvalueswhenusingthefastthresholdingmethod.SetthiselementtoFALSEtocalculateonlythehighthresholdvaluewhenreadingortrainingdarkcharactersandtocalculateonlythelowthresholdvaluewhenreadingortraininglightcharacters.ThisoptionisavailableonlywhenfastThresholdisTRUE.

darkCharacters int SetthiselementtoTRUEtoreadortraindarkcharactersonalightbackground.SetthiselementtoFALSEtoreadortrainlightcharactersonadarkbackground.

removeParticlesTouchingROI int SetthiselementtoTRUEtoremovetheparticlestouchingtheROI.

erosionCount int Thenumberoferosionstoperform.Afterperformingtheerosions,thefunctionrestorestheremainingobjectstotheiroriginalunerodedsize.Setthisattributeto0ifyoudonotwantto

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Name Type Description

minCharSpacing int TheminimumnumberofpixelsthatmustbebetweentwocharactersforNIVisiontotrainorreadthecharactersseparately.ThisvaluecannotbelessthanmaxHorizontalElementSpacing.

minCharSize int Theminimumnumberofpixelsrequiredforanobjecttobeapotentiallyidentifiablecharacter.Theminimumacceptablevalueforthiselementis1.

maxCharSize int Themaximumnumberofpixelsrequiredforanobjecttobeapotentiallyidentifiablecharacter.Setthiselementto65536toindicatethatallcharactersizesgreaterthanminCharSizeareacceptable.

maxHorizontalElementSpacing int Themaximumhorizontalspacing,inpixels,allowedbetweencharacterelementstotrainorreadthecharacterelementsasasinglecharacter.ThisvaluecannotexceedminCharSpacing.Theminimumacceptablevaluefor

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thiselementis0.maxVerticalElementSpacing int Themaximumverticalelement


minBoundingRectWidth int Theminimumpossiblewidth,inpixels,foracharacterboundingrectangle.Theminimumacceptablevalueforthiselementis1.

maxBoundingRectWidth int Themaximumpossiblewidth,inpixels,foracharacterboundingrectangle.Setthispropertyto65,536tospecifythatallwidthsgreaterthanminBoundingRectWidthareacceptable.

minBoundingRectHeight int Theminimumpossibleheight,inpixels,foracharacterboundingrectangle.Theminimumacceptablevalueforthiselementis1.

maxBoundingRectHeight int Themaximumpossibleheight,inpixels,foracharacterboundingrectangle.Setthispropertyto65,536tospecifythatallheightsgreaterthanminBoundingRectHeightareacceptable.

autoSplit int SetthiselementtoTRUEtoautomaticallyadjustthelocation

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Name Type Description

type Barcode2DType Thetypeofthe2Dbarcode.binary int ThiselementisTRUEifthe


data unsignedchar* Thedataencodedinthe2Dbarcode.

dataLength unsignedint Thelengthofthedataarray.boundingBox[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpoints


numErrorsCorrected unsignedint Thenumberoferrorsthefunctioncorrectedwhendecodingthe2Dbarcode.

numErasuresCorrected unsignedint Thenumberoferasuresthefunctioncorrectedwhendecodingthe2Dbarcode.

rows unsignedint Thenumberofrowsinthe2Dbarcode.

columns unsignedint Thenumberofcolumnsinthe2Dbarcode.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SEARCH_MULTIPLE 0 Thefunctionsearchesformultiple2Dbarcodes.

IMAQ_SEARCH_SINGLE_CONSERVATIVE 1 Thefunctionsearchesfor2DbarcodesusingthesamesearchingalgorithmasIMAQ_SEARCH_MULTIPLEbutstopssearchingafterlocatingonevalidbarcode.

IMAQ_SEARCH_SINGLE_AGGRESSIVE 2 Thefunctionsearchesforasingle2Dbarcodeusingamethodthatassumesthebarcodeoccupiesamajorityofthesearchregion.ThismethodskipssomeofthepredictiveportionsofthesearchalgorithmusedbyIMAQ_SEARCH_SINGLE_CONSERVATIVE,whichcanleadtoimprovedperformance.Usingthissearchmodewhenthebarcodedoesnotoccupyamajorityofthesearchregion,whenthebarcodeisrotatedorwhentheimageisblurry,canleadtoreducedperformance.


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Name Type Description

found unsignedint ThiselementisTRUEifthefunctionlocatedanddecodedaQRcodeandFALSEifthefunctionfailedtolocateanddecodeaQRcode.

data unsignedchar* ThedataencodedintheQRcode.dataLength unsignedint Thelengthofthedataarray.boundingBox[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsdescribingtherectangle

surroundingtheQRcode.tokenizedData QRCodeDataToken* Containsthedatatokenizedinexactlythewayit


sizeOfTokenizedData unsignedint Sizeofthetokenizeddata.numErrorsCorrected unsignedint Thenumberoferrorsthefunctioncorrectedwhen

decodingtheQRcode.dimensions unsignedint Thenumberofrowsandcolumnsthatare

populatedfortheQRcode,measuredincells.version unsignedint TheversionoftheQRcode.Theversionindicates


modelType QRModelType ThisoptionallowsyoutospecifywhattypeofQRcodethisis.MicroQRcodeshaveonlyonetargetinthetopleft.Model1codeshavealignment"dashes"alongthebottomandrightsideofthesymbol.

streamMode QRStreamMode Theformatofthedataencodedinthestream.matrixPolarity QRPolarities ThepolarityoftheQRcode.mirrored unsignedint ThiselementisTRUEiftheQRcodeappears


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appearsnormallyintheimage.positionInAppendStream unsignedint IndicateswhatpositiontheQRcodeisinwith


sizeOfAppendStream unsignedint SpecifieshowmanyQRcodesarepartofalargerarrayofcodes.SometimesaQRcodeispartofalargerarrayofcodes.

firstEAN128ApplicationID int ThefirstEAN-128ApplicationIDencounteredinthestream.ThisisonlyusefulforEAN-128codesandformixed/appendedEAN-128codes,refertothetokenizedoutput.

firstECIDesignator int ThefirstRegionalLanguageDesignatorencounteredinthestream.ThisisonlyusefulforECIcodes.FormultiplelanguageECIcodes,refertothetokenizedoutput.

appendStreamIdentifier unsignedint SpecifieswhatstreamtheQRcodeisinrelationtowhenthecodeispartofalargerarrayofcodes.

minimumEdgeStrength unsignedint ThestrengthoftheweakestedgethefunctionusedtofindthecoarselocationoftheQRcodeintheimage.UsethisvalueasaguideforsettingtheedgeThresholdelementoftheparameterofimaqReadQRCode()

demodulationMode QRDemodulationMode ThedemodulationmodethefunctionusedtolocatetheQRcode.IftoIMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_DEMODULATION_MODEinthesearchOptionsparameterofimaqReadQRCode(),thiselementindicatestherecommendeddemodulationmodeforthisimage.

cellSampleSize QRCellSampleSize ThecellsamplesizethefunctionusedtolocatetheQRcode.IfcellSampleSizeIMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZEinthesearchOptionsparameterofimaqReadQRCode(),thiselementindicatestherecommendedcellsamplesizeforthisimage.

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cellFilterMode QRCellFilterMode ThecellfiltermodethefunctionusedtolocatetheQRcode.IfcellFilterModeIMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_FILTER_MODEinthesearchOptionsparameterofimaqReadQRCode(),thiselementindicatestherecommendedcellfiltermodeforthisimage.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_NO_GRADING 0 Thefunctiondoesnotmakeanypreparatorycalculations.AttemptstogradethisQRcodewillgenerateanerror.


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Name Type Description

dimensions QRDimensions ThenumberofrowsandcolumnsthatarepopulatedfortheQRcode,measuredincells.

polarity QRPolarities ThepolarityoftheQRcode.mirror QRMirrorMode ThiselementisTRUEiftheQRcode


modelType QRModelType ThisoptionallowsyoutospecifythetypeofQRcode.MicroQRcodeshaveonlyonetargetinthetopleft.Model1QRcodeshavealignmentdashesalongthebottomandrightsideofthecode.MostQRcodesareModel2.

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Name Type Description

minSize unsignedint


maxSize unsignedint


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Name Type Description

rotationMode QRRotationMode SpecifiestheamountofQRcoderotationthefunctionshouldallowfor.

skipLocation unsignedint IfsettoTRUE,specifiesthatthefunctionshouldassumethattheQRcodeoccupiestheentireimage(ortheentiresearchregion).Thefunctionthenskipsthelocationphase,movingimmediatelytoextractionanddecoding.IfFALSE,thefunctiondoesnotmakeanyassumptionsaboutthepercentageoftheimageoccupiedbytheQRcode.

edgeThreshold unsignedint ThestrengthoftheweakestedgethefunctionusestofindthecoarselocationoftheQRcodeintheimage.UsetheminimumEdgeStrengthelementoftheQRCodeReportreturnvalue.

demodulationMode QRDemodulationMode Thedemodulationmodethefunctionusesto

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locatetheQRcode.cellSampleSize QRCellSampleSize Thecellsamplesizethe


cellFilterMode QRCellFilterMode ThecellfiltermodethefunctionusestolocatetheQRcode.

skewDegreesAllowed unsignedint SpecifiestheamountofskewintheQRcodethefunctionshouldallowfor.

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Name Type Description

readString constchar* Thereadstring.characterReport CharReport3* Anarrayofreportsdescribing


numCharacterReports int Thenumberofidentifiedcharacters.

roiBoundingCharacters ROI* AnarrayspecifyingthecoordinatesofthecharacterboundingROI.

Page 2647: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Type Description

subpixelIterations int Definesthemaximumnumberofincrementalimprovementsusedtorefinematchingusingsubpixelinformation.Thedefaultis20.

subpixelTolerance double Definesthemaximumamountofchange,inpixels,betweenconsecutiveincrementalimprovementsinthematchpositionthatyouwanttotriggertheendoftherefinementprocess.Thedefaultis0,whichspecifiesusingthesubpixelIterationsvalue.IfyouprovidevaluesforbothsubpixelIterationsandsubpixelTolerance,thealgorithmrefinesthematchforatmostsubpixelIterationsbutmaystopearlyifsubpixelToleranceissatisfied.IfyousetsubpixelTolerance,matchesmaybeinvalidatedduringthesubpixelmatchingprocess.However,usingsubpixelIterationsalonecannotinvalidateamatch.ThisbehaviorisparticularlyimportantwhenusingimaqRefineMatches().

initialMatchListLength int Specifiesthemaximumsizeofthematchlist.Thematchlistcontainstheregionsintheinspectionimagethathavethehighestprobabilityofcontainingamatch.

matchListReductionFactor int Specifiesthereductionofthematchlist

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initialStepSize int Specifiesthenumberofpixelstoshiftthesampleacrosstheinspectionimageduringtheinitialphaseofshift-invariantmatching.Thedefaultis0,whichusestheinitialStepSizestoredinthetemplate.Ifthestepsizeisnotanoddinteger,thealgorithmusesthedefaultvalue.

searchStrategy SearchStrategy Specifiestheaggressivenessoftherotationsearchstrategy.ThedefaultisIMAQ_BALANCED.Thisappliesonlytorotation-invariantmatches.NotethatIMAQ_VERY_AGGRESSIVEisnotcurrentlysupported.

intermediateAngularAccuracy int Specifiestheaccuracytouseduringtheintermediatephaseofrotation-invariantmatching.ThedefaultisthevalueoffinalAngularAccuracyinthetemplate.Thealgorithmcoercesthisvaluetoanintegerthatevenlydivides360andliesintherangedefinedbyinitialAngularAccuracyandfinalAngularAccuracyoptiononlyappliestorotation-invariantmatching.FormoreinformationaboutinitialAngularAccuracyandfinalAngularAccuracy,refertoLearnPatternAdvancedRotationOptions

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_VISIONINFO_CALIBRATION 0x01 UsedtoindicateinteractionwiththeCalibrationinformationinanimage.

IMAQ_VISIONINFO_OVERLAY 0x02 UsedtoindicateinteractionwiththeOverlayinformationinanimage.

IMAQ_VISIONINFO_GRAYTEMPLATE 0x04 Usedtoindicateinteractionwiththegrayscaletemplateinformationinanimage.

IMAQ_VISIONINFO_COLORTEMPLATE 0x08 Usedtoindicateinteraction

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IMAQ_VISIONINFO_GEOMETRICTEMPLATE 0x10 Usedtoindicateinteractionwiththegeometrictemplateinformationinanimage.

IMAQ_VISIONINFO_CUSTOMDATA 0x20 UsedtoindicateinteractionwiththebinaryortextCustomDatainanimage.

IMAQ_VISIONINFO_GOLDENTEMPLATE 0x40 Usedtoindicateinteractionwiththegoldentemplateinformationinanimage.

IMAQ_VISIONINFO_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF Removes,checksfor,orindicatesthepresenceofalltypesofextrainformation

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Page 2652: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Type Description

report LineProfile QuantifyinginformationaboutthepointsalongtheedgeofeachcontourintheROI.

pixels Point* AnarrayofthepointsalongtheedgeofeachcontourintheROI.ThisarrayhasanumberofPointstructuresequaltothedataCountinreport.

Page 2653: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Value Description

IMAQ_SCALE_LARGER 0 Thefunctionduplicatespixelstomaketheimagelarger.

IMAQ_SCALE_SMALLER 1 Thefunctionsubsamplespixelstomaketheimagesmaller.


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Name Type Description

windowNumber int Thewindownumberoftheimagewindow.Thefunctiondisplaystheimageinthespecifiedwindowandtemporarilysetsthewindowtomodalmode.WhentheuserclicksOKorCancel,theattributesofthewindowresettotheirinitialvalues.SetthisparametertoIMAQ_MODAL_DIALOGtodisplayamodaldialogwindowcenteredinthescreen.

windowTitle constchar* Specifiesthemessagestringthatthefunctiondisplaysinthetitlebarofthewindow.Usethiselementtoprovidetheuserwithinstructionsdescribingtheobjecttoselect.

type PaletteType Thepalettetypetouse.palette RGBValue* IftypeisIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,this


numColors int IftypeisIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,thiselementisthenumberofcolorsinthepalettearray.IftypeisnotIMAQ_PALETTE_USER,thefunction

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Page 2656: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Type Description

L unsignedchar


S unsignedchar


H unsignedchar


alpha unsignedchar


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Name Type Description

B unsignedshort


G unsignedshort


R unsignedshort


alpha unsignedshort


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SCALE_TO_PRESERVE_AREA 0 Correctionfunctionsscaletheimagesuchthatthefeaturesinthecorrectedimagehavethesameareaasthefeaturesintheinputimage.

IMAQ_SCALE_TO_FIT 1 Correctionfunctionsscaletheimagesuchthatthecorrectedimageisthesamesizeastheinputimage.


Page 2659: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Value Description

IMAQ_PALETTE_GRAY 0 Thefunctionusesapalettethathasagradualgray-levelvariationfromblacktowhite.

IMAQ_PALETTE_BINARY 1 Thefunctionusesapaletteof16cyclesof16differentcolorsthatisusefulwithbinaryimages.

IMAQ_PALETTE_GRADIENT 2 Thefunctionusesapalettethathasagradationfromredtowhitewithaprominentrangeoflightblueintheuppervaluerange.

IMAQ_PALETTE_RAINBOW 3 Thefunctionusesapalettethathasagradationfrombluetoredwithaprominentrangeofgreensinthemiddlevaluerange.

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IMAQ_PALETTE_TEMPERATURE 4 Thefunctionusesapalettethathasagradationfromlightbrowntodarkbrown.

IMAQ_PALETTE_USER 5 Thefunctionusesapalettedefinedbytheuser.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_CALLING_THREAD 0 Usingthispolicy,NIVisioncreateswindowsinthethreadthatmakesthefirstdisplayfunctioncallforagivenwindownumber.

IMAQ_SEPARATE_THREAD 1 Usingthispolicy,NIVisioncreateswindowsinaseparatethreadandprocessesmessagesforthewindowsautomatically.


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Name Type Description

type LevelType Determineshowthefunctionevaluatesthethresholdandhysteresisvalues.

threshold int Thepixelvalueatwhichanedgeoccurs.hysteresis int Avaluethathelpsdetermineedgesinnoisy


process EdgeProcess Determineswhichedgesthefunctionlooksfor.subpixel int SetthiselementtoTRUEtofindedgeswith


Page 2663: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Value Description

IMAQ_KEEP_LARGE 0 Thefunctionkeepslargeparticlesremainingaftertheerosion.

IMAQ_KEEP_SMALL 1 Thefunctionkeepssmallparticleseliminatedbytheerosion.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SKELETON_L 0 UsesanL-shapedstructuringelementintheskeletonfunction.

IMAQ_SKELETON_M 1 UsesanM-shapedstructuringelementintheskeletonfunction.

IMAQ_SKELETON_INVERSE 2 UsesanL-shapedstructuringelementonaninverseoftheimageintheskeletonfunction.


Page 2665: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Type Description

firstEdges EdgeInfo* ThefirstedgepointdetectedalongeachsearchlineintheROI.

numFirstEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthefirstEdgesarray.

lastEdges EdgeInfo* ThelastedgepointdetectedalongeachsearchlineintheROI.

numLastEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthelastEdgesarray.

searchLines SearchLineInfo* Thesearchlinesusedforedgedetection.

numSearchLines unsignedint Thenumberofsearchlinesusedintheedgedetection.

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Name Type Description

straightEdges StraightEdge* Containsanarrayoffoundstraightedges.

numStraightEdges unsignedint Indicatesthenumberofstraightedgesfound.

searchLines SearchLineInfo* Containsanarrayofallsearchlinesusedinthedetection.

numSearchLines unsignedint Thenumberofsearchlinesusedintheedgedetection.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SEARCH_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT 0 Searchesfromtheleftsideofthesearchareatotherightsideofthesearcharea.

IMAQ_SEARCH_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT 1 Searchesfromtherightsideofthesearchareatotheleftsideofthesearcharea.

IMAQ_SEARCH_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM 2 Searchesfromthetopsideofthesearchareatothebottomsideofthesearcharea.

IMAQ_SEARCH_DIRECTION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP 3 Searchesfromthebottomsideofthesearcharea

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Page 2669: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Type Description

classDistancesTable float** Theconfidenceinthetraining.

allScores NearestNeighborClassResult* Allclassesandtheirscores.

allScoresSize int ThenumberofentriesinallScores.

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Name Type Description

points PointFloat* Anarrayoftransformedcoordinates.validPoints int* Anarrayofvaluesthatdescribethevalidityof


numPoints int ThelengthofboththepointsarrayandthevalidPointsarray.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_TRUNCATE_LOW 0 Thefunctiontruncateslowfrequencies.

IMAQ_TRUNCATE_HIGH 1 Thefunctiontruncateshighfrequencies.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_BASE_INSIDE 0 Specifiesthatthebaseoftherectangularimageliesalongtheinsideedgeoftheannulus.

IMAQ_BASE_OUTSIDE 1 Specifiesthatthebaseoftherectangularimageliesalongtheoutsideedgeoftheannulus.


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Name Type Description

sizeReduction int Adivisorthefunctionuseswhendeterminingthefinalheightandwidthofthe3Dimage.Thefunctioncoercesthevalueifitisnegativeorgreaterthenone-eighththeheightorwidthoftheoriginalimage.

maxHeight int Definesthemaximumheightofapixelfromtheimagesourcedrawnin3D.Validvaluesrangefrom2to256.

direction Direction3D Definesthe3Dorientation.alpha float Determinestheanglebetweenthe


beta float Determinestheanglebetweenthehorizontalandthesecondbaseline.Validvaluesrangefrom15to45.

border int Definesthebordersize.background int Definesthebackgroundcolor.plane Plane3D Indicatestheviewafunctionusestoshow


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Name Value




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Name Type Description

waveletMode WaveletTransformMode Determineswhichwavelettransformtousewhenwritingthefile.

useMultiComponentTransform int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseanadditionaltransformonRGBimages.SetthisparametertoFALSEtonotuseanadditionaltransform.Thisparameterhasnoeffectwhenencodinggrayscaleimages.

maxWaveletTransformLevel unsignedint Specifiesthemaximumallowedlevelofwavelettransform.Increasingthisvaluewillresultinamoreaccurateimage,butwillincreasethetimetowritetheimage.Validvaluesforthiselementrangefrom0to255.

quantizationStepSize float Specifiestheabsolutebasequantizationstepsizeforderivedquantizationmode.ThiselementhasnoeffectwhenIMAQ_WAVELET_TRANSFORM_INTEGER.

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Name Type Description

rowsPerStrip int Indicatesthenumberofrowsthatthefunctionwritesperstrip.Setthiselementto0ifyouwantthefunctiontowriteallofthedatainonestrip.

photoInterp PhotometricMode Designateswhichphotometricinterpretationtouse.ThefunctiononlyusesphotoInterpwhenwritingunsigned8-bitimages.

compressionType TIFFCompressionType IndicatesthetypeofcompressiontouseontheTIFFfile.

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Name Type Description

center PointFloat Thecenterpointofthearc.radius double Theradiusofthearc.startAngle double Thestartingangleofthearc,specifiedcounter-

clockwisefromthex-axis.endAngle double Theendingangleofthearc,specifiedcounter-


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Name Type Description

center PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthecenterofthecircle.radius double Theradiusofthecircle.area double Theareaofthecircle.perimeter double Thelengthoftheperimeterofthecircle.error double Representstheleastsquareerrorofthefitted


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Name Type Description

center PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthecenteroftheellipse.

majorAxisStart PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartofthemajoraxisoftheellipse.

majorAxisEnd PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendofthemajoraxisoftheellipse.

minorAxisStart PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartoftheminoraxisoftheellipse.

minorAxisEnd PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheminoraxisoftheellipse.

area double Theareaoftheellipse.perimeter double Thelengthoftheperimeteroftheellipse.

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Name Type Description

width int Thewidthtomakethebrowser.height int Theheighttomakethebrowser

image.imagesPerLine int Thenumberofimagestoplace

onasingleline.backgroundColor RGBValue Thebackgroundcolorofthe

browser.frameSize int Specifiesthenumberofpixels


style BrowserFrameStyle Thestylefortheframearoundeachthumbnail.

ratio float Specifiesthewidthtoheightratioofeachthumbnail.

focusColor RGBValue Thecolortousetodisplayfocusedcells.

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Name Type Description

left int TheleftoffsetofthecharacterboundingrectanglesinthecurrentROI.

top int ThetopoffsetofthecharacterboundingrectanglesinthecurrentROI.

width int ThewidthofeachofthecharactersyoutrainedinthecurrentROI.

height int TheheightofeachtrainedcharacterinthecurrentROI.

characterSize int Thesizeofthecharacterinpixels.

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Name Type Description

charValue constchar* Retrievesthecharactervalueofthecorrespondingcharacterinthecharacterset.

charImage constImage* Theimageyouusedtotrainthischaracter.internalImage constImage* TheinternalrepresentationthatNIVision


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Name Type Description

character constchar* Thecharactervalue.corner[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsthatdescribesthe

rectanglethatsurroundsthecharacter.reserved int Thiselementisreserved.lowThreshold int Theminimumvalueofthethresholdrange

usedforthischaracter.highThreshold int Themaximumvalueofthethresholdrange


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Name Type Description

character constchar* Thecharactervalue.corner[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsthatdescribes


lowThreshold int Theminimumvalueofthethresholdrangeusedforthischaracter.

highThreshold int Themaximumvalueofthethresholdrangeusedforthischaracter.

classificationScore int Thedegreetowhichtheassignedcharacterclassrepresentstheobjectbetterthantheothercharacterclassesinthecharacterset.

verificationScore int Thesimilarityofthecharacterandthereferencecharacterforthecharacterclass.Ifareferencecharacterdoesnotexistforthecharacterclass,thescorewillbe0.

verified int ThiselementisTRUEifareferencecharacterwasfoundforthecharacterclassandFALSEifareferencecharacterwasnotfound.

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Name Type Description

character constchar* Thecharactervalue.classificationScore int Thedegreetowhichthe


verificationScore int Thesimilarityofthecharacterandthereferencecharacterforthecharacterclass.Ifareferencecharacterdoesnotexistforthecharacterclass,thescorewillbe0.

verified int ThiselementisTRUEifareferencecharacterwasfoundforthecharacterclassandFALSEifareferencecharacterwasnotfound.

lowThreshold int Theminimumvalueofthethresholdrangeusedforthischaracter.

highThreshold int Themaximumvalueofthethresholdrangeusedforthischaracter.

characterStats CharacterStatistics DescribesthecharacterssegmentedintheROI.

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Name Type Description

b double Theyellow/blueinformationofthecolor.a double Thered/greeninformationofthecolor.L double Thecolorlightness.alpha unsigned


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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthecenterofthecircle.radius double Theradiusofthecircle.

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Name Type Description

className char* Thenameoftheclass.distance float Thedistancefromtheitemtothisclass.

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Name Type Description

points Point* Thepointsthatmakeuptheclosedcontour.numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthearray.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thecenteroftheclosedcurvefeature.arcLength double Thearclengthoftheclosedcurvefeature.

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Name Type Description

r float Therealpartofthevalue.i float Theimaginarypartofthevalue.

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Name Type Description

rakeArcs ArcInfo* Anarraycontainingthelocationofeachconcentricarclineusedforedgedetection.

numArcs int ThenumberofarclinesintherakeArcsarray.

firstEdges PointFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofalledgesdetectedasfirstedges.

numFirstEdges int Thenumberofpointsinthefirstedgesarray.

lastEdges PointFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofalledgesdetectedaslastedges.

numLastEdges int Thenumberofpointsinthelastedgesarray.

allEdges EdgeLocationReport* Anarrayofreportsdescribingthelocationoftheedgeslocatedbyeachconcentricrakearcline.

linesWithEdges int* AnarrayofindicesintotherakeArcsarrayindicatingtheconcentricrakearclinesonwhichthefunctiondetectedatleastoneedge.

numLinesWithEdges int Thenumberofconcentricrakearclinesalongwhichthefunctiondetected

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Page 2694: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thecenterofthecirclethatthisconstantcurveliesupon.

radius double Theradiusofthecirclethatthisconstantcurveliesupon.

startAngle double Whentravelingalongtheconstantcurvefromoneendpointtothenextinacounterclockwisemanner,thisistheangularcomponentofthevectororiginatingatthecenteroftheconstantcurveandpointingtowardsthefirstendpointoftheconstantcurve.

endAngle double Whentravelingalongtheconstantcurvefromoneendpointtothenextinacounterclockwisemanner,thisistheangularcomponentofthevectororiginatingatthecenteroftheconstantcurveandpointingtowardsthesecondendpointoftheconstantcurve.

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Name Type Description

type ContourType Thecontourtype.numPoints unsigned Thenumberofpointsthatmakeupthe

contour.points Point* Thepointsdescribingthecontour.contourColor RGBValue Thecontourcolor.

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Name Type Description

x double Thex-coordinatevalueintheimage.y double They-coordinatevalueintheimage.curvature double Thechangeinslopeatthisedgepointofthe

segment.xDisplacement double Thexdisplacementofthecurrentedgepixel


yDisplacement double Theydisplacementofthecurrentedgepixelfromacubicsplinefitofthecurrentedgesegment.

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Name Type Description

initialOrigin Point Theoriginoftheinitialcoordinatesystem.initialAngle float Theangle,indegrees,ofthex-axisoftheinitial

coordinatesystemrelativetotheimagex-axis.finalOrigin Point Theoriginofthefinalcoordinatesystem.finalAngle float Theangle,indegrees,ofthex-axisofthefinal


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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthecornerfeature.rotation double Theangularcomponentofthevector

bisectingthecornerfromposition.enclosedAngle double Themeasureoftheenclosedangleofthe

corner.isVirtual int ThiselementisTRUEifthecornerisvirtual


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Name Type Description

searchMode Barcode2DSearchMode Specifiesthemodethefunctionusestosearchforbarcodes.

contrast Barcode2DContrast Specifiesthecontrastofthebarcodesthatthefunctionsearchesfor.

cellShape Barcode2DCellShape Specifiestheshapeofthebarcodedatacells,whichaffectshowthefunctiondecodesthebarcode.

barcodeShape Barcode2DShape Specifiestheshapeofthebarcodesthatthefunctionsearchesfor.

subtype DataMatrixSubtype SpecifiestheDataMatrixsubtypesofthebarcodesthatthefunctionsearchesfor.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationoftheedgeintheimage.calibratedPosition PointFloat Thepositionoftheedgeintheimagein

real-worldcoordinates.distance double Thelocationoftheedgefromthefirst


calibratedDistance double ThelocationoftheedgefromthefirstpointalongtheboundaryoftheinputROIinreal-worldcoordinates.

magnitude double Theintensitycontrastattheedge.Thisstrengthcanbeusedasthenoiselevelforthedetectededge.

noisePeak double Thestrengthofthenoiseassociatedwiththecurrentedge.

rising int Indicatesthepolarityoftheedge.IfTRUE,theedgeisarising.

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Name Type Description

edges PointFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofalledgesdetectedbythesearchline.

numEdges int Thenumberofpointsintheedgesarray.

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Name Type Description

location float Thelocationoftheedgefromthefirstpointinthepointsarray.Thisisasubpixelinterpolateddistance.

contrast float Thecontrastattheedge.polarity PolarityType Thepolarityoftheedge.reserved float Thiselementisreserved.coordinate PointFloat Thecoordinatesoftheedge.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthecenteroftheellipse.rotation double Theorientationofthesemi-majoraxisofthe

ellipsewithrespecttothehorizontal.minorRadius double Thelengthofthesemi-minoraxisofthe

ellipse.majorRadius double Thelengthofthesemi-majoraxisofthe


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Name Type Description

threshold int Specifiesthethresholdforthecontrastoftheedge.Thefunctionidentifiesonlyedgeswithacontrastgreaterthanthisvalueinthedetectionprocess.Contrastisdefinedasthedifferencebetweentheaveragepixelintensitybeforetheedgeandtheaveragepixelintensityaftertheedge.

width int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthatareaveragedtofindthecontrastateithersideoftheedge.

steepness int Specifiestheslopeoftheedge.Thisvaluerepresentsthenumberofpixelsthatcorrespondtothetransitionareaoftheedge.

subsamplingRatio int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthatseparatestwoconsecutivesearchlinesoftherake.

mainAxisDirection RakeDirection Specifiestheorderanddirectioninwhichthefunctionsearchestheedgealongthemainaxis.ThisdirectionmustbeperpendiculartosecondaryAxisDirection.

secondaryAxisDirection RakeDirection Specifiestheorderand

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showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showSearchLines int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchlinesusedtolocatetheedgesontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showEdgesFound int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationsoftheedgesfoundontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthehitlinestotheobjectontheresultimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

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Name Type Description

primaryThreshold int Specifiesthethresholdforthecontrastoftheedgeintheprimaryrectangle.Thefunctionidentifiesonlyedgeswithacontrastgreaterthanthisvalueinthedetectionprocess.Contrastisdefinedasthedifferencebetweentheaveragepixelintensitybeforetheedgeandtheaveragepixelintensityaftertheedge.

primaryWidth int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthatareaveragedtofindthecontrastateithersideoftheedgeintheprimaryrectangle.

primarySteepness int Specifiestheslopeoftheedgeintheprimaryrectangle.Thisvaluerepresentsthenumberofpixelsthatcorrespondtothetransitionareaoftheedge.

primarySubsamplingRatio int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthatseparatetwoconsecutivesearchlinesoftherakeintheprimary

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rectangle.secondaryThreshold int Specifiesthethresholdfor


secondaryWidth int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthatareaveragedtofindthecontrastateithersideoftheedgeinthesecondaryrectangle.

secondarySteepness int Specifiestheslopeoftheedgeinthesecondaryrectangle.Thisvaluerepresentsthenumberofpixelsthatcorrespondtothetransitionareaoftheedge.

secondarySubsamplingRatio int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthatseparatetwoconsecutivesearchlinesoftherakeinthesecondaryrectangle.

mainAxisDirection RakeDirection Specifiestheorderanddirectioninwhichthefunctionsearchestheedgealongthemainaxis.Thisdirectionmustbeperpendicularto

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secondaryAxisDirection.secondaryAxisDirection RakeDirection Specifiestheorderand


showSearchArea int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchareaontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showSearchLines int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthesearchlinesusedtolocatetheedgesontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showEdgesFound int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthelocationsoftheedgesfoundontheimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

showResult int IfTRUE,thefunctionoverlaysthehitlinestotheobjectontheresultimage.Ifyoudonotwantthisinformationoverlaidontotheimage,setthiselementtoFALSE.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationoftheoriginofthetemplateinthematch.

rotation float Therotationofthematchrelativetothetemplateimage,indegrees.

scale float Thesizeofthematchrelativetothesizeofthetemplateimage,expressedasapercentage.

score float Theaccuracyofthematch.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.

corner[4] PointFloat Anarrayoffourpointsdescribingtherectanglesurroundingthetemplateimage.

inverse int ThiselementisTRUEifthematchisaninverseofthetemplateimage.Forexample,thematchisawhiteobjectonablackbackgroundbutthetemplateimageisablackobjectonawhitebackground.ThiselementisFALSEifthematchandthetemplateimagehavethesamecontrastwiththeimagebackground.

occlusion float Thepercentageofthematch

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thatisoccluded.templateMatchCurveScore float Theaccuracyofthematch


matchTemplateCurveScore float Theaccuracyofthematchobtainedbycomparingthecurvesinthematchregiontothetemplatecurves.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.ThiselementiscalculatedonlyifthematchTemplateCurveScoreelementoftheadvancedMatchOptionsparametertoimaqMatchGeometricPattern()isTRUE.

correlationScore float Theaccuracyofthematchobtainedbycomparingthetemplateimagetothematchregionusingacorrelationmetricthatcomparesthetworegionsasafunctionoftheirpixelvalues.Ascoreof1,000indicatesaperfectmatch,andascoreof0indicatesnomatch.ThiselementiscalculatedonlyifthecorrelationScoreelementoftheadvancedMatchOptionsparametertoimaqMatchGeometricPattern()isTRUE.

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Name Type Description

I unsignedchar


S unsignedchar


H unsignedchar


alpha unsignedchar


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Name Type Description

V unsignedchar


S unsignedchar


H unsignedchar


alpha unsignedchar


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Name Type Description

a:1 unsigned Trueiftheasegmentison.b:1 unsigned Trueifthebsegmentison.c:1 unsigned Trueifthecsegmentison.d:1 unsigned Trueifthedsegmentison.e:1 unsigned Trueiftheesegmentison.f:1 unsigned Trueifthefsegmentison.g:1 unsigned Trueifthegsegmentison.reserved:25 unsigned Thiselementisreserved.

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Name Type Description

searchStrategySupport SearchStrategy Specifiestheaggressivenessoftherotationsearchstrategyavailableduringthematchingphase.IMAQ_VERY_AGGRESSIVEisnotcurrentlysupported.

initialStepSize int Thelargestnumberofimagepixelstoshiftthesampleacrosstheinspectionimageduringtheinitialphaseofmatching.Thedefaultvaluesare5fortheIMAQ_BALANCEDsearchstrategyand3fortheIMAQ_CONSERVATIVEsearchstrategy.Ifthestepsizeisnotanoddinteger,thealgorithmcoercesittothenextsmalleroddinteger.NotethattheIMAQ_AGGRESSIVEsearchstrategydoesnotsupporttheinitialStepSizefield.

initialSampleSize int Specifiesthenumberoftemplatepixelsthatyouwanttoincludeinasamplefortheinitialphaseofrotation-invariantmatching.Thedefaultis0,whichallowsthealgorithmtocomputeinitialSampleSize.For

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initialSampleSizeFactor double Specifiesthesizeofthesamplefortheinitialphaseofrotation-invariantmatchingasapercentofthetemplatesize,inpixels.Thedefaultis0,whichcausesthealgorithmtouseinitialSampleSize.IfyouprovidevaluesforbothinitialSampleSizeFactorandinitialSampleSize,thealgorithmusesinitialSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,thealgorithmcoercessizesthatarelessthan240toanintegermultipleof12andcoercessizesgreaterthan240toanintegermultipleof60.

initialAngularAccuracy int Setstheangleaccuracy,indegrees,touseduringtheinitialphaseofrotation-invariantmatching.Thedefaultis6degrees.ThealgorithmcoercestheangletothelargestintegersmallerthaninitialAngularAccuracythatevenlydivides360.ThisoptionisnotusedinconjunctionwiththeIMAQ_AGGRESSIVEsearch

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strategy.finalSampleSize int Specifiesthenumberof


finalSampleSizeFactor double Specifiesthesizeofthesampleforthefinalphaseofrotation-invariantmatchingasapercentoftheedgepointsinthetemplate,inpixels.Thedefaultis0,whichcausesthealgorithmtousefinalSampleSize.IfyouprovidevaluesforbothfinalSampleSizeFactorandfinalSampleSize,thealgorithmusesfinalSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,thealgorithmcoercessizesthatarelessthan240toanintegermultipleof12andcoercessizesgreaterthan240toanintegermultipleof60.

finalAngularAccuracy int Setstheangleaccuracy,indegrees,touseduringthe

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subpixelSampleSize int Specifiesthenumberoftemplatepixelsthatyouwanttoincludeinasampleforthesubpixelphaseofrotation-invariantmatching.Thedefaultis0,whichallowsthealgorithmtocomputesubpixelSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,thealgorithmcoercessizesthatarelessthan240toanintegermultipleof12andcoercessizesgreaterthan240toanintegermultipleof60.

subpixelSampleSizeFactor double Specifiesthesizeofthesampleforthesubpixelphaseofrotation-invariantmatchingasapercentofthetemplatesize,inpixels.Thedefaultis0,whichcausesthealgorithmtousesubpixelSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,thealgorithm

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Name Type Description

initialStepSize int Thelargestnumberofimagepixelstoshiftthesampleacrosstheinspectionimageduringtheinitialphaseofshift-invariantmatching.Thedefaultis7.ThealgorithmmayreducethevalueofinitialStepSizebasedoninitialSampleSizeandthetemplateimage.Ifthestepsizeisnotanoddinteger,theVIcoercesittothenextsmallerinteger.

initialSampleSize int Specifiesthenumberoftemplatepixelsthatyouwanttoincludeinasamplefortheinitialphaseofshift-invariantmatching.Thedefaultis0,whichallowsthealgorithmtocomputeinitialSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,thealgorithmcoercessizesthatarelessthan240toanintegermultipleof12andcoercessizesgreaterthan240toanintegermultipleof60.

initialSampleSizeFactor double Specifiesthesizeofthesamplefortheinitialphaseofshift-invariantmatchingasapercentofthetemplatesize,inpixels.Thedefaultis0,whichcausesthealgorithmtouseinitialSampleSize.IfyouprovidevaluesforbothinitialSampleSizeFactorandinitialSampleSize,thealgorithm

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finalSampleSize int SpecifiesthenumberoftemplatepixelsyouwanttoaddtoinitialSampleSizeforthefinalphaseofshift-invariantmatching.Theseadditionalpointsincludeedgepoints.Thedefaultis0,whichallowsthealgorithmtocomputefinalSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,thealgorithmcoercessizesthatarelessthan240toanintegermultipleof12andcoercessizesgreaterthan240toanintegermultipleof60.

finalSampleSizeFactor double Specifiesthesizeofthesampleforthefinalphaseofshift-invariantmatchingasapercentoftheedgepointsinthetemplate,inpixels.Thedefaultis0,whichcausesthealgorithmtousefinalSampleSize.IfyouprovidevaluesforbothfinalSampleSizeFactorandfinalSampleSize,thealgorithmusesfinalSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,thealgorithmcoercessizesthatarelessthan240toanintegermultipleof12andcoercessizesgreaterthan240toanintegermultipleof60.

subpixelSampleSize int Specifiesthenumberoftemplatepixelsthatyouwanttoincludeinasampleforthesubpixelphaseofshift-invariantmatching.The

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subpixelSampleSizeFactor double Specifiesthesizeofthesampleforthesubpixelphaseofshift-invariantmatchingasapercentofthetemplatesize,inpixels.Thedefaultis0,whichcausesthealgorithmtousesubpixelSampleSize.Foroptimalspeed,theVIcoercessizesthatarelessthan240toanintegermultipleof12andcoercessizesgreaterthan240toanintegermultipleof60.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thelocationofthelegfeature.Thelocationisthecenterofthesegmentadjoiningthetwoparallelsides.

corner[4] PointFloat Thefourcornersofthelegfeature.rotation double Theorientationofthelegwithrespecttothe

horizontal.width double Thewidthoftheleg.height double Theheightoftheleg.

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Name Type Description

start Point Thecoordinatelocationofthestartoftheline.end Point Thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheline.

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Name Type Description

a double Theacoefficientofthelineequation.b double Thebcoefficientofthelineequation.c double Theccoefficientofthelineequation.

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Name Type Description

startPoint PointFloat Thestartingpointoftheline.endPoint PointFloat Theendingpointoftheline.length double Thelengthofthelinemeasuredinpixelsfromthe

startpointtotheendpoint.rotation double Theorientationofthelinewithrespecttothe


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Name Type Description

start PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationofthestartoftheline.end PointFloat Thecoordinatelocationoftheendoftheline.

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Name Type Description

minFeaturesUsed int Specifiestheminimumnumberoffeaturesthefunctionuseswhenmatching.

maxFeaturesUsed int Specifiesthemaximumnumberoffeaturesthefunctionuseswhenmatching.Setthiselementto0tospecifythatthefunctionshoulduseallfeatures.

subpixelIterations int Specifiesthemaximumnumberofincrementalimprovementsusedtorefinematcheswithsubpixelinformation.

subpixelTolerance double Specifiesthemaximumamountofchange,inpixels,betweenconsecutiveincrementalimprovementsinthematchpositionbeforethefunctionstopsrefiningthematchposition.Setthiselementto0tospecifythatthefunctionshouldalwaysuseanumberofrefinementsequaltosubpixelIterations.IfyouprovidevaluesforbothsubpixelIterationsandsubpixelTolerance,thefunctionrefinesthematchfor,atmost,subpixelIterationsbutmay

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initialMatchListLength int Specifiesthemaximumsizeofthematchlist.Thematchlistcontainstheregionsintheinspectionimagethathavethehighestprobabilityofcontainingamatch.

matchTemplateCurveScore int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldcalculatethematchcurvetotemplatecurvescoreandreturnitforeachmatchresult.SetthiselementtoFALSEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldnotcalculatethematchcurvetotemplatecurvescore.

correlationScore int SetthiselementtoTRUEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldcalculatethecorrelationscoreandreturnitforeachmatchresult.SetthisparametertoFALSEtospecifythatthefunctionshouldnotcalculatethecorrelationscore.

minMatchSeparationDistance double Specifiestheminimumseparationdistance,inpixels,betweentheoriginsoftwomatchesthathaveuniquepositions.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthathavethe

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minMatchSeparationAngle double Specifiestheminimumangulardifference,indegrees,betweentwomatchesthathaveuniqueangles.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthathavethesameposition,scale,andangle.Setthisvalueto–1ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontousetheangleofamatchtodeterminewhetherthematchisunique.

minMatchSeparationScale double Specifiestheminimumdifferenceinscale,expressedasapercentage,betweentwomatchesthathaveuniquescales.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthathavethesameposition,scale,andangle.Setthisvalueto–1ifyoudonotwantthefunctiontousethescaleofamatchtodeterminewhetherthematchisunique.

maxMatchOverlap double Specifiesthemaximumamountofoverlap,expressedasapercentage,allowedbetweentheboundingrectanglesoftwouniquematches.Thefunctiondoesnotreturnmatchesthatexceedthisoverlappercentage.Setthisvalueto–1ifyouwantthefunctiontoignoreboundingrectangleoverlap.

coarseResult int Specifieswhetheryouwantthe

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Name Type Description

className char* Thenameoftheclass.standardDeviation float Thestandarddeviationofthemembersof

thisclass.count int Thenumberofsamplesinthisclass.

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Name Type Description

points Point* Thepointsthatmakeuptheopencontour.numPoints int Thenumberofpointsinthearray.

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Name Type Description

firstParallelLinePair ParallelLinePairFeature Thefirstparallellinepair.

secondParallelLinePair ParallelLinePairFeature Thesecondparallellinepair.

rotation double Theorientationofthefeaturewithrespecttothehorizontal.

distance double Thedistancefromthemidlineofthefirstparallellinepairtothemidlineofthesecondparallellinepair.

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Name Type Description

firstStartPoint PointFloat Thestartingpointofthefirstlineofthepair.

firstEndPoint PointFloat Theendingpointofthefirstlineofthepair.

secondStartPoint PointFloat Thestartingpointofthesecondlineofthepair.

secondEndPoint PointFloat Theendingpointofthesecondlineofthepair.

rotation double Theorientationofthefeaturewithrespecttothehorizontal.

distance double Thedistancefromthefirstlinetothesecondline.

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Name Type Description

parameter MeasurementValue Themorphologicalmeasurementthatthefunctionusesforfiltering.

lower float Thelowerboundofthecriteriarange.upper float Theupperboundofthecriteriarange.exclude int SetthiselementtoTRUEtoindicatethat


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Name Type Description

rejectMatches int SetthisparametertoTRUEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatdonotmeetallthecriteria.SetthisparametertoFALSEtotransferonlythoseparticlesthatmeetallthecriteriatothedestination.

rejectBorder int SetthiselementtoTRUEtorejectborderparticles.SetthiselementtoFALSEtokeepborderparticles.

connectivity8 int SetthisparametertoTRUEtouseconnectivity-8todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.SetthisparametertoFALSEtouseconnectivity-4todeterminewhetherparticlesaretouching.Formoreinformationaboutconnectivity,refertoChapter9,BinaryMorphology,intheNIVisionConceptsManual.

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Name Type Description

mode QRStreamMode SpecifiesthestreammodeortheformatofthedatathatisencodedintheQRcode.

modeData unsignedint Indicatesspecifiersusedbytheusertopostprocessthedataifitrequiresit.Typicallyrepresentssize,sometimesrepresentslanguageforECIStreamModeandApplicationIDforEAN-128codes.

data unsignedchar* ShowstheencodeddataintheQRcode.dataLength unsignedint Specifiesthelengthofthedatafoundin


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Name Type Description

mean float Themeanvalueofthepixelvalues.stdDev float Thestandarddeviationofthepixelvalues.min float Thesmallestpixelvalue.max float Thelargestpixelvalue.calibratedArea float Thearea,calibratedtothecalibrationinformation

oftheimage.pixelArea int Thearea,innumberofpixels.relativeSize float Theproportion,expressedasapercentage,of


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Name Type Description

threshold int Specifiesthethresholdvalueforthecontrastoftheedge.Thefunctionidentifiesonlyedgeswithacontrastgreaterthanthisvalueinthedetectionprocess.

width int Thenumberofpixelsthatthefunctionaveragestofindthecontrastateithersideoftheedge.

steepness int Thespan,inpixels,oftheslopeoftheedgeprojectedalongthepathspecifiedbytheinputpoints.

subsamplingRatio int Specifiesthenumberofpixelsthatseparatetwoconsecutivesearchlines.

subpixelType InterpolationMethod Themethodforinterpolating.ValidoptionsincludeIMAQ_QUADRATICandIMAQ_CUBIC_SPLINE.

subpixelDivisions int Thenumberofsamplesthefunctionobtainsfromapixel.Forexample,setsubpixelDivisionsto4tospliteachpixelintofoursubpixels.Themaximumnumberofsubpixeldivisionsis12.

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Name Type Description

rakeLines LineFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofeachoftherakelinesusedbythefunction.

numRakeLines int ThenumberoflinesintherakeLinesarray.

firstEdges PointFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofalledgesdetectedasfirstedges.

numFirstEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthefirstEdgesarray.

lastEdges PointFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofalledgesdetectedaslastedges.

numLastEdges unsignedint ThenumberofpointsinthelastEdgesarray.

allEdges EdgeLocationReport* Anarrayofreportsdescribingthelocationoftheedgeslocatedbyeachrakeline.

linesWithEdges int* AnarrayofindicesintotherakeLinesarrayindicatingtherakelinesonwhichthefunctiondetectedatleastoneedge.

numLinesWithEdges int Thenumberofrakelinesalongwhichthefunctiondetectededges.Thisnumberrepresentsthesize

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Name Type Description

readString constchar* Thereadstring.characterReport constCharReport* Anarrayofreports


numCharacterReports int Thenumberofidentifiedcharacters.

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Name Type Description

readString constchar* Thereadstring.characterReport CharReport2* Anarrayofreportsdescribingthe


numCharacterReports int Thenumberofidentifiedcharacters.

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Name Type Description

position PointFloat Thecenteroftherectangle.corner[4] PointFloat Thefourcornersoftherectangle.rotation double Theorientationoftherectanglewithrespecttothe

horizontal.width double Thewidthoftherectangle.height double Theheightoftherectangle.

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Name Type Description

lower float Thelowestamountofrotation,indegrees,avalidpatterncanhave.

upper float Thehighestamountofrotation,indegrees,avalidpatterncanhave.

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Name Type Description

arcCoordinates ArcInfo2 Describesthearcusedforedgedetection.

edgeReport EdgeReport2 Describestheedgesfoundinthissearchline.

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Name Type Description

lineCoordinates LineFloat Theendpointsofthesearchline.edgeReport EdgeReport2 Describestheedgesfoundinthissearch


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Name Type Description

parameter MeasurementValue Themorphologicalmeasurementthatthefunctionusesforfiltering.IfyousetthemodeofimaqGetParticleInfo()toIMAQ_BASIC_INFO,parametercanonlybethefollowingvalues:IMAQ_AREA,IMAQ_AREA_CALIBRATED,IMAQ_LEFT_COLUMN,IMAQ_TOP_ROW,IMAQ_RIGHT_COLUMN,orIMAQ_BOTTOM_ROW.IfyousetthemodeofimaqGetParticleInfo()toIMAQ_ALL_INFO,parametercanbeanyoneofthevalueslistedaboveoronethefollowingvalues:IMAQ_NUM_HOLES,IMAQ_AREA_OF_HOLES,IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH,IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_LEFT_COLUMN,IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_TOP_ROW,IMAQ_PERIMETER,IMAQ_PERIMETER_OF_HOLES,IMAQ_SIGMA_X,IMAQ_SIGMA_Y,IMAQ_SIGMA_XX,IMAQ_SIGMA_YY,IMAQ_SIGMA_XY,IMAQ_PROJ_X,orIMAQ_PROJ_Y.

lower float Thelowerboundaryofthecriteriarange.upper float Theupperboundaryofthecriteriarange.

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Name Type Description

threshold int Specifiesthethresholdvalueforthecontrastoftheedge.Thefunctionidentifiesonlyedgeswithacontrastgreaterthanthisvalueinthedetectionprocess.

width int Thenumberofpixelsthatthefunctionaveragestofindthecontrastateithersideoftheedge.

steepness int Thespan,inpixels,oftheslopeoftheedgeprojectedalongthepathspecifiedbytheinputpoints.

subsamplingRatio double Theangle,indegrees,betweeneachradialsearchlineinthespoke.

subpixelType InterpolationMethod Themethodforinterpolating.ValidoptionsincludeIMAQ_QUADRATICandIMAQ_CUBIC_SPLINE.

subpixelDivisions int Thenumberofsamplesthefunctionobtainsfromapixel.Forexample,setsubpixelDivisionsto4tospliteachpixelintofoursubpixels.Themaximumnumberofsubpixeldivisionsis12.

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Name Type Description

spokeLines LineFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofeachofthespokelinesusedbythefunction.

numSpokeLines int ThenumberoflinesinthespokeLinesarray.

firstEdges PointFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofalledgesdetectedasfirstedges.

numFirstEdges int ThenumberofpointsinthefirstEdgesarray.

lastEdges PointFloat* Thecoordinatelocationofalledgesdetectedaslastedges.

numLastEdges int ThenumberofpointsinthelastEdgesarray.

allEdges EdgeLocationReport* Anarrayofreportsdescribingthelocationoftheedgeslocatedbyeachspokeline.

linesWithEdges int* AnarrayofindicesintothespokeLinesarrayindicatingtherakelinesonwhichthefunctiondetectedatleastoneedge.

numLinesWithEdges int Thenumberofspokelinesalongwhichthefunctiondetectsedges.Thisnumberrepresentsthesizeofthe

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Name Type Description

straightEdgeCoordinates LineFloat Endpointsofthedetectedstraightedgeinpixelcoordinates.

calibratedStraightEdgeCoordinates LineFloat Endpointsofthedetectedstraightedgeinreal-worldcoordinates.

angle double Angleofthefoundedgeusingthepixelcoordinates.

calibratedAngle double Angleofthefoundedgeusingthereal-worldcoordinates.

score double Describesthescoreofthedetectededge.

straightness double Thestraightnessvalueofthedetectedstraightedge.Straightnessisdefinedastherootmeansquarederrorofthefittedlinethatrepresentsthedetectedstraightedge.Avalueof0indicatesaperfectlystraightline.

averageSignalToNoiseRatio double Describestheaveragesignaltonoiseratio

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calibrationValid int Indicatesifthecalibrationdataforthestraightedgeisvalid.

usedEdges EdgeInfo* Anarrayofedgesthatwereusedtodeterminethisstraightline.

numUsedEdges unsignedint


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Name Type Description

rgb RGBValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheRGB(Red,Green,andBlue)colorspace.

hsl HSLValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheHSL(Hue,Saturation,andLuminance)colorspace.

hsv HSVValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheHSI(Hue,Saturation,andValue)colorspace.

hsi HSIValue TheinformationneededtodescribeacolorintheHSI(Hue,Saturation,andIntensity)colorspace.

rawValue int Theintegervalueforthedatainthecolorunion.ThisvalueisnotvalidfortheCIEL*a*b*andCIEXYZcolorspaces.

Page 2755: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Type Description

point Point* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_POINT.

line Line* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_LINE.

rect Rect* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_RECT.

ovalBoundingBox Rect* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_OVAL.

closedContour ClosedContour* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_CLOSED_CONTOUR.

openContour OpenContour* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_OPEN_CONTOUR.

annulus Annulus* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_ANNULUS.

rotatedRect RotatedRect* UsethismemberwhenthecontourisoftypeIMAQ_ROTATED_RECT.

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Name Type Description

circle CircleFeature* ApointertoaCircleFeature.ellipse EllipseFeature* ApointertoanEllipseFeature.constCurve ConstCurveFeature* Apointertoa

ConstCurveFeature.rectangle RectangleFeature* Apointertoa

RectangleFeature.leg LegFeature* ApointertoaLegFeature.corner CornerFeature* ApointertoaCornerFeature.parallelLinePair ParallelLinePairFeature* Apointertoa

ParallelLinePairFeature.pairOfParallelLinePairs PairOfParallelLinePairsFeature* Apointertoa

PairOfParallelLinePairsFeature.line LineFeature* ApointertoaLineFeature.closedCurve ClosedCurveFeature* Apointertoa


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_AIM_GRADE_F 0 TheDataMatrixbarcodereceivedagradeofF.

IMAQ_AIM_GRADE_D 1 TheDataMatrixbarcodereceivedagradeofD.

IMAQ_AIM_GRADE_C 2 TheDataMatrixbarcodereceivedagradeofC.

IMAQ_AIM_GRADE_B 3 TheDataMatrixbarcodereceivedagradeofB.

IMAQ_AIM_GRADE_A 4 TheDataMatrixbarcodereceivedagradeofA.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SQUARE_CELLS 0 Thefunctionusesanalgorithmfordecodingthe2Dbarcodethatworkswithsquaredatacells.

IMAQ_ROUND_CELLS 1 Thefunctionusesanalgorithmfordecodingthe2Dbarcodethatworkswithrounddatacells.Usethisalgorithmonlywhenthedatacellshaveclear,distinctroundedgeswithaminimumofblurring.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ALL_BARCODE_2D_CONTRASTS 0 Thefunctionsearchesforbarcodesofeachcontrasttype.Usingthisoptionreducestheperformanceofthefunction.

IMAQ_BLACK_ON_WHITE_BARCODE_2D 1 Thefunctionsearchesfor2Dbarcodescontainingblackdataonawhitebackground.

IMAQ_WHITE_ON_BLACK_BARCODE_2D 2 Thefunctionsearchesfor2Dbarcodescontainingwhitedataonablackbackground.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SQUARE_BARCODE_2D 0 Thefunctionsearchesforsquare2Dbarcodes.

IMAQ_RECTANGULAR_BARCODE_2D 1 Thefunctionsearchesforrectangular2Dbarcodes.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_PDF417 0 The2DbarcodeisoftypePDF417.

IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_ECC_000 1 The2DbarcodeisoftypeDataMatrixECC000.

IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_ECC_050 2 The2DbarcodeisoftypeDataMatrixECC050.

IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_ECC_080 3 The2DbarcodeisoftypeDataMatrixECC080.

IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_ECC_100 4 The2DbarcodeisoftypeDataMatrixECC100.

IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_ECC_140 5 The2DbarcodeisoftypeDataMatrixECC140.

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IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_ECC_200 6 The2DbarcodeisoftypeDataMatrixECC200.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_RAISED_FRAME 0 Eachthumbnailhasaraisedframe.

IMAQ_BEVELLED_FRAME 1 Eachthumbnailhasabeveledframe.

IMAQ_OUTLINE_FRAME 2 Eachthumbnailhasanoutlinedframe.

IMAQ_HIDDEN_FRAME 3 Eachthumbnailhasahiddenframe.

IMAQ_STEP_FRAME 4 Eachthumbnailhasasteppedframe.

IMAQ_RAISED_OUTLINE_FRAME 5 Eachthumbnailhasaraised,outlinedframe.

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Page 2765: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Value Description

IMAQ_INSERT_FIRST_FREE 0 Insertsthethumbnailinthefirstavailablecell.

IMAQ_INSERT_END 1 Insertsthethumbnailafterthelastoccupiedcell.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_PERSPECTIVE 0 Functionscorrectfordistortioncausedbythecamera'sperspective.

IMAQ_NONLINEAR 1 Functionscorrectfordistortioncausedbythecamera'slens.

IMAQ_SIMPLE_CALIBRATION 2 Functionsdonotcorrectfordistortion.

IMAQ_CORRECTED_IMAGE 3 Theimageisalreadycorrected.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FULL_IMAGE 0 Thecorrectionfunctioncorrectsthewholeimage,regardlessoftheuser-definedorcalibration-definedROIs.

IMAQ_CALIBRATION_ROI 1 ThecorrectionfunctioncorrectstheareadefinedbythecalibrationROI.ThecalibrationROIcorrespondstotheareaofthecalibrationtemplatecontainingdots.

IMAQ_USER_ROI 2 Thecorrectionfunctioncorrectstheareadefinedbytheuser-definedROI.

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IMAQ_CALIBRATION_AND_USER_ROI 3 Thecorrectionfunctioncorrectstheareadefinedbytheintersectionoftheuser-definedROIandthecalibrationROI.

IMAQ_CALIBRATION_OR_USER_ROI 4 Thecorrectionfunctioncorrectstheareadefinedbytheunionoftheuser-definedROIandthecalibrationROI.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_IGNORE_NONE 0 Specifiesthatthefunctiondoesnotignoreanypixels.

IMAQ_IGNORE_BLACK 1 Specifiesthatthefunctionignoresblackpixels.

IMAQ_IGNORE_WHITE 2 Specifiesthatthefunctionignoreswhitepixels.

IMAQ_IGNORE_BLACK_AND_WHITE 3 Specifiesthatthefunctionignoresblackpixelsandwhitepixels.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_AVERAGE_COLUMNS 0 Averagesthedataextractedforedgedetection.

IMAQ_MEDIAN_COLUMNS 1 Takesthemedianofthedataextractedforedgedetection.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_EMPTY_CONTOUR 0 Thecontourisempty.

IMAQ_POINT 1 Thecontourrepresentsapoint.

IMAQ_LINE 2 Thecontourrepresentsaline.

IMAQ_RECT 3 Thecontourrepresentsarectangle.

IMAQ_OVAL 4 Thecontourrepresentsanoval.

IMAQ_CLOSED_CONTOUR 5 Thecontourrepresentsaseriesofconnectedpointswherethelastpointconnectstothefirst.

IMAQ_OPEN_CONTOUR 6 Thecontourrepresentsaseriesofconnectedpointswherethelastpointdoesnotconnecttothefirst.

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IMAQ_ANNULUS 7 Thecontourrepresentsanannulus.

IMAQ_ROTATED_RECT 8 Thecontourrepresentsarotatedrectangle.


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Name Value





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Name Value









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Page 2776: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Value


IMAQ_1x1 1

IMAQ_2x2 2

IMAQ_3x3 3

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IMAQ_4x4 4

IMAQ_5x5 5

IMAQ_6x6 6

IMAQ_7x7 7


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Name Value





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Page 2780: NI Vision for LabWindows™/CVI™ Function · The following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this help file. You can access NI Vision documents


Name Value Description

IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_ECC -2 SetsthefunctiontodeterminetheDataMatrixbarcodeECCautomatically.

IMAQ_ECC_000 0 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodesofECC000only.

IMAQ_ECC_050 50 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodesofECC050only.

IMAQ_ECC_080 80 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodesofECC080only.

IMAQ_ECC_100 100 Setsthefunctionto

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IMAQ_ECC_140 140 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodesofECC140only.

IMAQ_ECC_000_140 190 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodesofECC000,ECC050,ECC080,ECC100,andECC140only.

IMAQ_ECC_200 200 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodesofECC200only.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_MIRROR -2 SpecifiesthatthefunctionshoulddetermineiftheDataMatrixbarcodeismirrored.

IMAQ_APPEARS_NORMAL 0 SpecifiesthatthefunctionshouldexpecttheDataMatrixbarcodetoappearnormal.

IMAQ_APPEARS_MIRRORED 1 SpecifiesthatthefunctionshouldexpecttheDataMatrixbarcodetoappearmirrored.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_POLARITY -2 SetsthefunctiontodeterminetheDataMatrixbarcodepolarityautomatically.

IMAQ_BLACK_DATA_ON_WHITE_BACKGROUND 0 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodeswithdarkdataonabrightbackground.

IMAQ_WHITE_DATA_ON_BLACK_BACKGROUND 1 SetsthefunctiontoreadDataMatrixbarcodeswithbrightdataonadarkbackground.


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Name Value






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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ALL_DATA_MATRIX_SUBTYPES 0 ThefunctionsearchesforDataMatrixbarcodesofallsubtypes.

IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_SUBTYPES_ECC_000_ECC_140 1 ThefunctionsearchesforDataMatrixbarcodesofsubtypesECC000,ECC050,ECC080,ECC100andECC140.

IMAQ_DATA_MATRIX_SUBTYPE_ECC_200 2 ThefunctionsearchesforDataMatrixECC200barcodes.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_3D_NW 0 Theviewingangleforthe3Dimageisfromthenorthwest.

IMAQ_3D_SW 1 Theviewingangleforthe3Dimageisfromthesouthwest.

IMAQ_3D_SE 2 Theviewingangleforthe3Dimageisfromthesoutheast.

IMAQ_3D_NE 3 Theviewingangleforthe3Dimageisfromthenortheast.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FINE 0 Specifiesthatthefunctionusesafine(narrow)edgefilter.

IMAQ_NORMAL 1 Specifiesthatthefunctionusesanormaledgefilter.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_ALL_EDGES 0 Searchesforalledges.

IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_RISING_EDGES 1 Searchesforrisingedgesonly.

IMAQ_SEARCH_FOR_FALLING_EDGES 2 Searchesforfallingedgesonly.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGE 0 Specifiesthatthefunctionmakesnoassumptionsabouttheuniformityofobjectsintheimageortheimagebackground.

IMAQ_UNIFORM_REGIONS 1 Specifiesthatthefunctionassumesthateithertheobjectsintheimageortheimagebackgroundconsistsofuniformpixelvalues.Thisallowsthefunctiontomoreaccuratelycalculatetheexternalcurvesof

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_DIRECT 0 Searchesfromtheleftsideofthesearchareatotherightsideofthesearchareaforadirectaxis.

IMAQ_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_INDIRECT 1 Searchesfromtheleftsideofthesearchareatotherightsideofthesearchareaforanindirectaxis.

IMAQ_TOP_TO_BOTTOM_DIRECT 2 Searchesfromthetopofthesearchareatothebottomofthesearchareaforadirectaxis.


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IMAQ_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_DIRECT 4 Searchesfromtherightsideofthesearchareatotheleftsideofthesearchareaforadirectaxis.

IMAQ_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_INDIRECT 5 Searchesfromtherightsideofthesearchareatotheleftsideofthesearchareaforanindirectaxis.

IMAQ_BOTTOM_TO_TOP_DIRECT 6 Searchesfromthebottomofthesearchareatothetopofthesearchareaforadirectaxis.

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IMAQ_BOTTOM_TO_TOP_INDIRECT 7 Searchesfromthebottomofthesearchareatothetopofthesearchareaforanindirectaxis.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_WHITE 0 Drawstextinwhite.IMAQ_BLACK 1 Drawstextinblack.IMAQ_INVERT 2 Invertsthetext

pixels.IMAQ_BLACK_ON_WHITE 3 Drawstextinblack


IMAQ_WHITE_ON_BLACK 4 Drawstextinwhitewithablackbackground.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANT 0 Searchesforoccurrencesofthepatternintheimage,assumingthatthepatternisnotrotatedmorethanplusorminus5degrees.

IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANT 1 Searchesforoccurrencesofthepatternintheimagewithreducedrestrictionontherotationofthepattern.

IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_SCALE_INVARIANT 2 Searchesforoccurrencesofthe

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IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_OCCLUSION_INVARIANT 4 Searchesforoccurrencesofthepatternintheimage,allowingforaspecifiedpercentageofthepatterntobeoccluded.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_GROUP_CLEAR 0 Setsthebehavioroftheoverlaygrouptoclearthecurrentsettingswhenanimageistransformed.

IMAQ_GROUP_KEEP 1 Setsthebehavioroftheoverlaygrouptokeepthecurrentsettingswhenanimageistransformed.

IMAQ_GROUP_TRANSFORM 2 Setsthebehavioroftheoverlaygrouptotransformwiththeimage.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_COLOR_AND_SHAPE_FEATURES 0 Instructsthefunctiontousethecolorandtheshapefeaturesofthecolorpattern.

IMAQ_COLOR_FEATURES 1 Instructsthefunctiontousethecolorfeaturesofthecolorpattern.

IMAQ_SHAPE_FEATURES 2 Instructsthefunctiontousetheshapefeaturesofthecolorpattern.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ABSOLUTE 0 Thefunctionevaluatesthethresholdandhysteresisvaluesasabsolutevalues.

IMAQ_RELATIVE 1 Thefunctionevaluatesthethresholdandhysteresisvaluesrelativetothedynamicrangeofthegivenpath.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FULL_DYNAMIC 0 Thefunctionmapsthefulldynamicrangeofthe16-bitimagetoan8-bitscale.Itdisplays16-bitimagesbyscalingthedatato8bits,calculatedasafunctionofthedynamicrangefromtheimagesource.Thefunctioncalculatestheminimumvalue(min)andthemaximumvalue(max)automatically.Thenthefunctionappliesthefollowingformulatoeachpixel:Display(x,y)=(Src(x,y)-min)×255/(max-min)

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IMAQ_DOWNSHIFT 1 Thefunctionshiftsthe16-bitimagepixelstotherightthenumberoftimesspecifiedbytheshiftCountelementoftheDisplayMappingstructure.

IMAQ_RANGE 2 ThefunctionmapsthepixelvaluesintherangespecifiedbytheminimumValueandmaximumValueelementsoftheDisplayMappingstructuretoan8-bitscale.

IMAQ_90_PCT_DYNAMIC 3 Thefunctionmapsthedynamicrangecontainingthemiddle90percentofthecumulatedhistogramoftheimagetoan8-bit(256grayscalevalues)scale.

IMAQ_PERCENT_RANGE 4 Thefunctionmapsthepixelvaluesinthe

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_MATCH_SHIFT_INVARIANT 1 SearchesforoccurrencesofthetemplateimageanywhereinthesearchRect,assumingthatthepatternisnotrotatedmorethanplusorminus4degrees.

IMAQ_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANT 2 Searchesforoccurrencesofthepatternintheimagewithnorestrictionontherotationofthepattern.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_MINIMUM_MEAN_DISTANCE 0 Theminimummeandistancemethod.

IMAQ_K_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR 1 Thek-nearestneighbormethod.

IMAQ_NEAREST_PROTOTYPE 2 Thenearestprototypemethod.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_METRIC_MAXIMUM 0 Themaximummetric.

IMAQ_METRIC_SUM 1 Thesummetric.

IMAQ_METRIC_EUCLIDEAN 2 TheEuclideanmetric.


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Name Value Description


IMAQ_NORMALIZATION_HISTOGRAM_MATCHING 1 Adjustimagesoitshistogramissimilartothegoldentemplate'shistogram.

IMAQ_NORMALIZATION_AVERAGE_MATCHING 2 Adjustimagesoitsmeanpixelvalueequalsthegoldentemplate'smeanpixelvalue.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_PARTICLE_LARGEST 0 Useonlythelargestparticleintheimage.

IMAQ_PARTICLE_ALL 1 Useallparticlesintheimage.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_BASIC_INFO 0 Thefunctionreturnsonlythefollowingelementsofeachreport:area,calibratedArea,boundingRect.Showingonlybasicinformationallowsthefunctiontogeneratefasterresults.

IMAQ_ALL_INFO 1 Thefunctionreturnsalltheinformationabouteachparticle.


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Name Value Description


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_WHITE_IS_ZERO 0 Thefunctioninterpretszero-valuepixelsaswhite.

IMAQ_BLACK_IS_ZERO 1 Thefunctioninterpretszero-valuepixelsasblack.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_3D_REAL 0 Thefunctionshowstherealpartofcompleximages.

IMAQ_3D_IMAGINARY 1 Thefunctionshowstheimaginarypartofcompleximages.

IMAQ_3D_MAGNITUDE 2 Thefunctionshowsthemagnitudepartofcompleximages.

IMAQ_3D_PHASE 3 Thefunctionshowsthephasepartofcompleximages.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_EDGE_RISING 1 Theedgeisarisingedge.


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Name Value











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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE_AUTO_DETECT -2 ThefunctionwilltryeachsamplesizeandusetheonewhichdecodestheQRcodewithinthefewestiterationsandutilizingtheleastamountoferrorcorrection.

IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE1X1 1 Thefunctionwillusea1×1sizedsamplefromeachcell.

IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE2X2 2 Thefunctionwillusea2×2sizedsamplefromeachcell.

IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE3X3 3 Thefunctionwillusea3×3sizedsamplefrom

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eachcell.IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE4X4 4 Thefunction


IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE5X5 5 Thefunctionwillusea5×5sizedsamplefromeachcell.

IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE6X6 6 Thefunctionwillusea6×6sizedsamplefromeachcell.

IMAQ_QR_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE7X7 7 Thefunctionwillusea7×7sizedsamplefromeachcell.


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Name Value







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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_AUTO_DETECT 0 ThefunctionwillautomaticallydeterminethedimensionsoftheQRcode.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_11x11 11 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas11×11.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_13x13 13 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas13×13.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_15x15 15 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas15×15.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_17x17 17 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas17×17.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_21x21 21 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas21×21.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_25x25 25 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcode

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as25×25.IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_29x29 29 Specifiesthe


IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_33x33 33 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas33×33.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_37x37 37 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas37×37.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_41x41 41 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas41×41.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_45x45 45 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas45×45.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_49x49 49 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas49×49.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_53x53 53 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas53×53.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_57x57 57 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas57×57.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_61x61 61 Specifiesthedimensionsof

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IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_65x65 65 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas65×65.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_69x69 69 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas69×69.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_73x73 73 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas73×73.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_77x77 77 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas77×77.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_81x81 81 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas81×81.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_85x85 85 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas85×85.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_89x89 89 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas89×89.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_93x93 93 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas93×93.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_97x97 97 Specifiesthe

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IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_101x101 101 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas101×101.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_105x105 105 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas105×105.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_109x109 109 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas109×109.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_113x113 113 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas113×113.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_117x117 117 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas117×117.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_121x121 121 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas121×121.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_125x125 125 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas125×125.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_128x128 128 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas128×128.

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IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_133x133 133 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas133×133.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_137x137 137 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas137×137.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_141x141 141 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas141×141.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_145x145 145 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas145×145.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_149x149 149 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas149×149.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_153x153 153 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas153×153.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_157x157 157 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas157×1537

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_161x161 161 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas161×161.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_165x165 165 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcode

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as165×165.IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_169x169 169 Specifiesthe


IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_173x173 173 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas173×173.

IMAQ_QR_DIMENSIONS_177x177 177 SpecifiesthedimensionsoftheQRcodeas177×177.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_MIRROR_MODE_AUTO_DETECT -2 ThefunctionshoulddetermineiftheQRcodeismirrored.

IMAQ_QR_MIRROR_MODE_MIRRORED 1 ThefunctionshouldexpecttheQRcodetoappearmirrored.

IMAQ_QR_MIRROR_MODE_NORMAL 0 ThefunctionshouldexpecttheQRcodetoappearnormal.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_MODELTYPE_AUTO_DETECT 0 Specifiesthatthefunctionwillauto-detectthetypeofQRcode.

IMAQ_QR_MODELTYPE_MICRO 1 SpecifiestheQRcodeisofamicrotype.MicroQRcodeshaveasingletargetinthetopleftofthecode.

IMAQ_QR_MODELTYPE_MODEL1 2 SpecifiestheQRcodeisofamodel1type.

IMAQ_QR_MODELTYPE_MODEL2 3 SpecifiestheQRcodeisofamodel2type.Thisismostcommonmodel.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_POLARITY_AUTO_DETECT -2 ThefunctionshoulddeterminethepolarityoftheQRcode.

IMAQ_QR_POLARITY_BLACK_ON_WHITE 0 ThefunctionshouldsearchforaQRcodewithdarkdataonabrightbackground.

IMAQ_QR_POLARITY_WHITE_ON_BLACK 1 ThefunctionshouldsearchforaQRcodewithbrightdataonadarkbackground.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_ROTATION_MODE_UNLIMITED 0 Thefunctionallowsforunlimitedrotation.

IMAQ_QR_ROTATION_MODE_0_DEGREES 1 Thefunctionallowsfor±5degreesofrotation.

IMAQ_QR_ROTATION_MODE_90_DEGREES 2 Thefunctionallowsforbetween85and95degreesofrotation.

IMAQ_QR_ROTATION_MODE_180_DEGREES 3 Thefunctionallowsforbetween175and185degreesofrotation.

IMAQ_QR_ROTATION_MODE_270_DEGREES 4 Thefunctionallowsforbetween265and275degreesofrotation.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_QR_MODE_NUMERIC 0 Specifiesthatthedatawasencodedusingnumericmode.

IMAQ_QR_MODE_ALPHANUMERIC 1 Specifiesthatthedatawasencodedusingalpha-numericmode.

IMAQ_QR_MODE_RAW_BYTE 2 Specifiesthatthedatawasnotencodedbutisonlyrawbinarybytes,orencodedinJIS-8.

IMAQ_QR_MODE_EAN128_TOKEN 3 SpecifiesthatthedatahasaspecialmeaningrepresentedbytheapplicationID.TheapplicationIDislocatedintokenizeddatastream.

IMAQ_QR_MODE_EAN128_DATA 4 SpecifiesthatthedatahasaspecialmeaningrepresentedbytheapplicationID.

IMAQ_QR_MODE_ECI 5 Specifiesthatthedatawasmeanttobereadusingthe

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IMAQ_QR_MODE_KANJI 6 SpecifiesthatthedatawasencodedinShift-JIS16Japanese.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_LOW_RESOLUTION 0 ConfiguresNIVisiontouselowresolutionduringthereadprocess.

IMAQ_MEDIUM_RESOLUTION 1 ConfiguresNIVisiontousemediumresolutionduringthereadprocess.

IMAQ_HIGH_RESOLUTION 2 ConfiguresNIVisiontousehighresolutionduringthereadprocess.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_READ_AGGRESSIVE 0 ConfiguresNIVisiontoperformfewercheckswhenanalyzingobjectstodetermineiftheymatchtrainedcharacters.Thisoptionboostsperformancebyupto20percent,butmightresultininaccuratereads.Youcansuccessfullyusetheaggressivestrategyformostcases.Usetheaggressivestrategyunlessthecharactersetorimagequalityrequiresmorestringentanalysis.

IMAQ_READ_CONSERVATIVE 1 ConfiguresNIVisiontoperformmorecheckstodetermineifanobjectmatchesatrainedcharacter.Thisstrategyisslowerthantheaggressivestrategy,butismoreaccurateandresultsinfewermismatches.

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Name Value Description




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Name Value Description

IMAQ_CONSERVATIVE 1 Instructsthepatternmatchingalgorithmtousethelargestpossibleamountofinformationfromtheimageattheexpenseofslowingdownthespeedofthealgorithm.

IMAQ_BALANCED 2 Instructsthepatternmatchingalgorithmtobalancetheamountofinformationfromtheimageituseswiththespeedofthe

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algorithm.IMAQ_AGGRESSIVE 3 Instructsthe


IMAQ_VERY_AGGRESSIVE 4 Instructsthepatternmatchingalgorithmtousethesmallestpossibleamountofinformationfromtheimage,whichallowsthealgorithmtorunatthehighestspeedpossiblebutattheexpenseofaccuracy.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_USE_FIRST_RAKE_EDGES 0 Fitsastraightedgeonthefirstpointsdetectedusingarake.

IMAQ_USE_BEST_RAKE_EDGES 1 Fitsastraightedgeonthebestpointsdetectedusingarake.

IMAQ_USE_BEST_HOUGH_LINE 2 Findsthestrongeststraightedgeusingallpointsdetectedonarake.

IMAQ_USE_FIRST_PROJECTION_EDGE 3 Usesthelocationofthefirstprojectededgeasthestraightedge.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_LEFT 0 Leftalignsthetextatthereferencepoint.

IMAQ_CENTER 1 Centersthetextaroundthereferencepoint.

IMAQ_RIGHT 2 Rightalignsthetextatthereferencepoint.


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_FIXED_RANGE 0 PerformsthresholdingusingthevaluesyouprovideinthelowThresholdandhighThresholdelementsofOCRProcessingOptions.Thismodeprovidesthefastestthresholding.

IMAQ_COMPUTED_UNIFORM 1 CalculatesasinglethresholdvaluefortheentireROI.

IMAQ_COMPUTED_LINEAR 2 CalculatesavalueontheleftsideoftheROI,calculatesavalueontherightsideoftheROI,andlinearlyfillsthemiddlevaluesfromlefttoright.UsetheblockCountelementofOCRProcessingOptionstocontrolthestepsize.UsethismodewhenthelightintensityvariesuniformlyacrosstheROI.

IMAQ_COMPUTED_NONLINEAR 3 DividestheROIintothenumberofblocksspecifiedbytheblockCountelementofOCRProcessingOptionsandcalculatesathresholdvalue

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_NO_COMPRESSION 0 ThefunctiondoesnotcompresstheTIFFfile.

IMAQ_JPEG 1 ThefunctionusestheJPEGcompressionalgorithmtocompresstheTIFFfile.JPEGcompressionisnotvalidforsigned16-bitorunsigned64-bitRGBimages.

IMAQ_RUN_LENGTH 2 ThefunctionusesarunlengthcompressionalgorithmtocompresstheTIFFfile.

IMAQ_ZIP 3 ThefunctionusestheZIPcompressionalgorithmto

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_NONE 0 Thefunctionignoresthepolarityoftheedges.

IMAQ_RISING_FALLING 1 Thepolarityofthefirstedgeisrising(darktolight)andthepolarityofthesecondedgeisfalling(lighttodark).

IMAQ_FALLING_RISING 2 Thepolarityofthefirstedgeisfalling(lighttodark)andthepolarityofthesecondedgeisrising(darktolight).

IMAQ_RISING_RISING 3 Thepolarityofthefirstedgeisrising(dark

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IMAQ_FALLING_FALLING 4 Thepolarityofthefirstedgeisfalling(lighttodark)andthepolarityofthesecondedgeisfalling(lighttodark).


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Name Value Description

IMAQ_BOTTOM 0 Alignsthebottomofthetextatthereferencepoint.

IMAQ_TOP 1 Alignsthetopofthetextatthereferencepoint.

IMAQ_BASELINE 2 Alignsthebaselineofthetextatthereferencepoint.Thebaselineofthetextactsasthebottomforalluppercasecharacters.Certainlowercasecharacters,suchasgandj,haveaportionthatdips

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_ANY_VISION_INFO 0 Thefunctionchecksifanyextravisioninformationisassociatedwiththeimage.

IMAQ_PATTERN_MATCHING_INFO 1 Thefunctionchecksifanypatternmatchingtemplateinformationisassociatedwiththeimage.

IMAQ_CALIBRATION_INFO 2 Thefunctionchecksifanycalibrationinformationisassociatedwiththeimage.

IMAQ_OVERLAY_INFO 3 Thefunctionchecksifanyoverlayinformationisassociatedwiththeimage.

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_WAVELET_TRANSFORM_INTEGER 0 Usesa5-3reversibleintegertransform.Thistransformisgenerallyfasterthanthefloating-pointtransform,butproduceslessaccurateresults.

IMAQ_WAVELET_TRANSFORM_FLOATING_POINT 1 Performsa9-7irreversiblefloating-pointtransform.Thistransformisgenerallymoreaccuratethantheintegertransform,

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Name Value Description

IMAQ_WIND_RESIZABLE 1 Whenpresent,theusermayresizethewindowinteractively.Whenabsent,youcanonlyresizethewindowprogrammatically.

IMAQ_WIND_TITLEBAR 2 Whenpresent,thetitlebaronthewindowisvisible.Whenabsent,thetitlebaronthewindowisnotvisible.

IMAQ_WIND_CLOSEABLE 4 Whenpresent,thecloseboxisavailable.Whenabsent,thecloseboxisremoved.Thetitlebarmustbepresentforthisflagtohaveeffect.

IMAQ_WIND_TOPMOST 8 Whenpresent,thewindowisalwaysontop.

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BranchOfficesOffice TelephoneNumberAustralia 1800300800Austria 43662457990-0Belgium 32(0)27570020Brazil 551132623599Canada 8004333488China 862150509800CzechRepublic 420224235774Denmark 4545762600Finland 358(0)972572511France 33(0)157662424Germany 49897413130India 918041190000Israel 972036393737Italy 3902413091Japan 81354722970Korea 820234513400Lebanon 961(0)1332828Malaysia 1800887710Mexico 018000100793Netherlands 31(0)348433466NewZealand 0800553322Norway 47(0)66907660Poland 48223390150Portugal 351210311210Russia 74957836851Singapore 18002265886Slovenia 38634254200

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SouthAfrica 270118058197Spain 34916400085Sweden 46(0)858789500Switzerland 41562005151Taiwan 8860223772222Thailand 6622786777Turkey 902122793031UnitedKingdom 44(0)1635523545UnitedStates(Corporate) 5126830100