new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1888-01-31. › lccn › sn83030214 › ...v'xi.vh.!«.15 0vi...

V'XI.VH.!«. 15 0Vi jfe^-fM NEW-YORK, TUESDAY,' JANUARY SI, I88&.TEA PAGKS. PRICE THERE CENTS. O'BRIEN LEAVES IRELAND. DEPARTING SIPDENLY FOR RDBOPft nv wii,i. ku irv**. tmnm, var rion nu MAMft OK Tri! AMCltl Jan. aO.-lYillinm OUricn 1ms Mt Ire¬ land for Ita MMHh of kiiropc. where he will en¬ deavor to P'ruiMTBt* lils health. Kali r K<nn dy trnd eight fairney have be. n Iti.mra mil nuder the Crimes A«t Col attending a ojHti lll| ol a suppressed branch nf the league, at llecliB, <-"<>.mtv Cork. Eight osBOt vt on* have been summoned for a similar efcBde at Kanturk, iu the BMM county. Five hundrd bill pnaeaSM and cjoo'ni-nt ¦otiose tova bon lowi at Magherafelt, Loodon- <], ny. against tenants on tlie DnpfZS' ettRtOi In a lonely MOM near Killaney, liv«-<! a fnmilv named Doylo, eon-Ming of father, mother, three Moghten and ko tabeelM ooo. Les* evealBej Uv. v all become suddenly insane from the effect* Of poisonous lood. and fonda horribly together in 0 M-minud- Mat,. Tn dav tte ¦©¦ WM found dead in a plg-booae, hie foe* kovin* beea «Mr OOtCB away by ptfa. The other mcminn, ol HM family Lave beta pot i" BB asylum. Hi: shot HlM8KLr TO save THE CSAR. fTABTUMG I'ONFKASI'-N OF AX AliMY OWCM IK A «.. Il IK (OBI M ttosPIIAI.. Unetw.Jao. Ba "Tb/! st. jamtVi cazet.e-' ion t ui aaihentic from st. Fotorobor| tool aa omi easter woe had been shot m Um region ul Um heart, wa> toora tu a owoMi, where Um teetora te .jared thal bM wooed wa- owrtoi lae oncer there¬ upon admitted thal be ti ><» si...i hu..-.if tn arter lo avoid um no... iy i.t looeUni toe Ctor. ii-' hM ¦a was * member of a I ceol toole*, which bad bal¬ lot.-i to aerate wi... -ii..aid ootertalM tu aaaaaslaata Ila i ur, ami toe ebotc had taiien on him. Several persuaa In Um hoapttai wlm overheard pan i,( ti,.- ,,,t ..-. wop Immediately wrMwo. phy«lriang, obi wera present on doty, were ¦; strongly warugi to secte, y The full Ol i ihe artic lit.c*. ¦I- OOI taken Iii wri -d lu¬ ll. 0 IS ITCAU8I F »B WAI I cr.ivi i: m-makc K DBCURgN to sr.K LORD BABDOLPH CBCBCBtl I. Loaves, Jam, 80.- Prloeo Bismarck refused la iee Lord Randolph Churchill .m toe ground ol an averpiui al i erk, _ _ Tin: afOHTBBAL LAI ROSSfl SCANDAL. Moi.ti.-ai, J«n BO (Spedaii. Tba aaa© of Um Mou¬ lien! LaarooM Cloh against "Tba Pout" (new«pai>or| for having Mated tu September la-1 thai .'nc or four ii.i thora af tho Moanru] leora had entered into a eombtoeUoa arith aeriela notortom gamblers tn aell a ¦Mich i" toe o'nw all ClobaeaoM np lu coin today. J. U, a saloon kee; .cr. Md", a.. unlink to lils own ttetemeut, baa " lix-.1' several . purtlug events pre¬ viously, stated that D. Patterson and Brad] bad agreed m'ih l.iin ta Iel Ihe CorewaUi take three straight eames on rendition the, should Le allowed .'.ti i»m rent of ti.e amnej he won on the maloh. There Vd- :. posii ve agreement maiie. ami aftei the match he aave BSOO to the players as their share of tba oat Biaga. A BRITISH Mill' BURNES AT BRA. Loinloti, .ian. SO. The British shin Galgate, Coolala ('muinin*. irons <'aieinta November i~ om Row-York, hoi heel borned ai sea- Ber nev have arrived al l'ci namboeo. _ _ Al'l'l'M. OP THE IT KV ll CARLE COMPART. 0, -'an- BO, 'Ihe PTeneh (al.le CompSDJ has ejlvea Botlee of an appeal from the decleloa of the eal nf Cnmmeere, wb^el cave a vniiiet for the Anr. . Amerteaa ( able i nmiiao) In Ba suit again I »!:.¦ French rompanj foi (a ling to carry out lt* agree- li Bl a Itt) Ihe pOO|, 1 in TRISRfl OK MR BPTRGEON. Loodoo, .lat;. BO..The Kev. Charla II "pUTgeOB In » letter tu toa BaptM Onion sa>* that every union. utile*- it I- a action, ¦ -' i»- baaed apon eerti prlo- r11 -. Tba doelrlie nf hapttsm bj Imasers aili not «uflire as a groundwork. There are otbet .1". irlnei I*, iee srhleh tn¦ .i. Re le unable tu f-ei t. ..bin with a man arerely le.a -e ..' I u Adherence t>. iii" doctrine ol .ueralon if In ethei matieri ha U lais.- t,. ihe tea hmp- ol S r ptore . ? ATI 'MIT TO Kl!.I. TIIK BJMTOB ol' LA FKAX< E." rut'*, .tao BO.- A lieiniiti named Brandt, who ls aRegod to ha a apy, loreod hi* way into the obVeaa of the OOWOpoper "LO rrOOCO" today and tried to -h..ot the e.tttor. M. Nleot. with a revolver. He wa* selfed and d farmed afi<-r a it ru cale *tated t.> ti,e pol re thal bis objeri wee lo avenge the attaeks whleh "La Pranee" ha* made upon Germany. THREE MORTH8 POP FATHER M'PAITOEN. Dublin, .'.m. 30 Father MePadden of uweedoro, Count) Donegal, who waa arrested tar holding anti- bindii d nd anti poii.e meetlnca, wa* r..n\ irt.'d to day au! eeuteneod te ii.ree mouths ImiMiaonment, AMERICAN n*lll\i. P1M8RLB IN DISTREna Halifax. Jan. BU, The Ajnerleaa sebounon Shit¬ tier from OeorBN llai.l.s and Midnight from ¦nived here badu damaged by tba storm. Tbej will have Iq dork fr>r repait*. They have ten thousand Boondi of fre*h li*h «im h. if not Sold. Will -|.oil. l'ei- 111V.-101, tn sell M.e ti-i, »a> peremptorily refused, the local .fi.'ai- being *u>ta'ned In their Brilon by Ihe a I horti les at Otfawn, Tbeco ure the Anaerican m »>'i* hera la dlatresa, ? M.NMN.. HO lALIOTg TO PR10O9, Bellin. Jan ii. The tt ,al nf Slav loth) \\ dhow -hi. Roeoplnakl Merkonskl, Jool ebewakl ami other Boel«l- h-t* rhorgod with belog atemben ofaeeeret aaaoelation, h.,.- been eoorluded ai Pwaen. sia\in-ki waaaeoU-ncod to two yean and aloe months' Imprisonment; wii- kesraki and Konopln«kl lo two yeart and *ix months' hi pi - :,¦ tent Mei i<..n-hi and Janisebea -M lo one year aiid *i\ ¦mutha' Imprisonment, and seven others to tenn* ranging from tone down n. four months. Pour of ike inls, nci* were acquitted ? HEAVY STORM IN WALRB Landan, .tan. ao. There ha- m-en a heavy *n. w- a'-'t-ti. in Wale*. Load- are blocked an I beatrj masOi In sio.U are foarod 1IIK ROWR PR1NI F. ALM081 WI LL At,.MX. Kan Keino. Jan BO, Dr. .Ma'l.enzip made anolhci ex ¦mInatMM of I roora Prinee Prodorieh tTIUiam'i throat O'day. The tun!.,- Inllamination ^ a* red ired and io i of cancer were f..and The Pi ii er's throat was re-examined at 5 p m lier,- were prosenl hiv. Mae- » H.a ell. kn ,*... Bebrater and Hiainaim. lt was divided not io operate The Princes Licthuu wa.- i iel anil ti.e seedling Slight. no REWI PROM STANLEY. London, .lan. at. .'Hie eoaaoUltee on the Kniln Bej loUofoipedMkro h*- reeotved advice* fi.un Uganda ap to the middle ol Novenitier. bot there is no news from Stanley. THE CAPTURED PRUSSIAN LIBERATED. berlin, Jan. 30.-The Pt ailina soldier who was le /ed by RoSOlai NtiMI near the l'rus-ian fion- iiet yeabarday, has hoon liberated. yo OIL STRIKE Al CAMMI. a.. si <H WWi ah was BBPOBRB AND BO COM* fANY TBT1B0 Tu DBItX OMR. PinomBB, Jan so (SpsetaJK-^Tbe Leader" sent pu rrp-..rier |. Carmi, III., to Investigate the aRegod oil .nike wht. b emoted aa moah excitement In the market Ust week. The invest!,^,, tel, graphs as follows ¦ -lt wa- a 'fake' BOrSOtmed hy ChJOAfO j.aiHr* There is no such Well and I10 M1,U ^ nmwku. ^ npo.t.d, a.,,1 no nader way to daVM ,,, ,.i or ga* territory, i ind that ti,.^ . ,lt-vr|-|l, oil it. the **)¦« ¦¦, Iie , :'wLuI fu\ 1 fSL *"'V,'1Jl1 Cm of the Clteago Boord. *2^^ *Jj~ln« ».«»- anabMM nosaoa. w,. . reortmV ffVT 1 vl" Mew York Ot w. ll »* i h ,^ C' e* b - K"??*' Crbsg MV3 to eve, then^au ^fb^brSk!3,lr' irs T.u-iiumTat uk,, IuyK RM Babb. n. j., j.n. 30 |SpseloB.-Tbora was a ri.amploi, Knnant roos here thu afternoon for . . . nd .hird abms loo ya. h.s. each elo,, Uvlng a 1 The course was not the Bowel trbm^j^J^^ distance of five mlle* and return, tl* turning ..... being in llart*horu's Cove, near lh>. Hhjphblgoti n 't ».re five e....ies |b the second cla,s Bod three U>"iL abash 'Jue start was boos at u v. m. with n,0 w.tid l.ght, (aptaln Jaimvj H. Weavers Kitty wa* Iii*, hesso, winning the ftOoond iieniiknt. Uer thu t»0'>ig foitj thioo mlu ito*. Norman Kio* n's 1 int ui" aornnd, foll.,wed hy Captain "Rob" Chandler's lt phoon, exNheriff Allmi's N ,w Then, a.d CkaaoWi '.et lhere u-t. . aptaln Chsries irvin's Georgia won n.e .hird class peuoaut In folly eight mlontos, with | J apUlo Cum-', cude second. After the race th- boat, waaeq Up with club members and sailed away for Ml^hiVi they baa *" °ihter AiU"er * **" lyW TO SfTttJ TUM COKE COSTHOV KR Hf ^"^b. nu, J.n HO.-Ano.her BMObrog of cl.pera. ..'"V*" UIA ,0(1*'r »n,i eoossastsase paogoses was a>«ie%owBrd the In bj m n of a mw svndicalo II C rT* *'.» **?" MSl lt OM sta..-,! IhOl Um UKferenee .e*«0»o the Kilt* cowper.? %,,d .ue old me..t«i« of he syndicate In regard to Ihe amount of money claimed bf the former had been amicably adjusted. The furnace men of the Jdahonlng Valley are not satisfied with the price of eke. They Insist upon a funder reduction. A meeting of the roka consumers In ihe West will be held lu this city In a few days to lako concerted wt lou, +- LEGISLATION AT ALBANY. ASKINT, MONEY FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. TUT. TAMMANY HAM. MONOPOLY BWIMOUI .? current va otsiuu m<,vop>»i tue. AI BAW. Jan. rio (Special!.-The New-York Catholte Protectory, through Senator Ive*, to Bight asked the |ygl*lature to pass a lilli directing the authorities of New York ny to appropriate ninney for the support of Its great *cho.,l. The Institution has 3.000 pupils. Hitherto the trustees have paid the teachers fi oin charitable conti '(tuitions. Now they ask that tho city give (hem money for the Behool UM same as If M were one of the pul.Ile sekooH. There BM bOOS bitter opposition In former years to the making of such an appropriation on the ground that ihe Protectory I* a sectarian Institution senator Deea's aaaoelatoa srero aaanriog him to-night Ihal la Introducing tho Mil be wa* plunging BM a g.i deal of hot water. Ile *aid thal ba wm aware ofilia., but that ihe Protectory wee In his district ami he be- lieved thal Joelly Um Institution was entitled ha the sci..ol moneys that lt de-.led. It was an excellently managed Institution and was as much entitled lo the appropriation a> a number of other charitable Inatl- lotions which received lt, notably the New Yolk Juvenile .Asylum and oilier Ilks Instltntlone. TAMMANY A IT.Ai'Ks Titi C Al. BARONA, a few dayl ag., ki. hard Croker, the heed ol that remarkable "treat" and political mcnopoly known .- Tammany Hail. loggcateC aub .. Bee show ol vlrtoe that a reaolntioa abonld be passed agalnat "tru>ta" and other BSOaopolhM Which were ImpoalOg awful tax- on the pis pie ,,f Vi'wVuk. Tue re-olnt!oi wa* pa--"d. and al-o another. BOggeated by Mr cr..ker. di¬ recting tliat a ci lonii'iee't,.- appointed to draw np a bill fm presentation lo Um Legislature for Um prohi¬ bition of I mats and kindred mouoputle*, and IbCB Ihe ..( orporxtli n ol Tammanj Hail, limited,' wai amused. Two of Um "tni-t" bills suggested were Introduced to night, one bj Assemblyman Fina ami the other by Senator Laugher* Thal ol lae asoator i- said t" be aimed MpOOtaUy at the "cal briens.' li i- given Id full below section i. Any person or persona whn shell at- t-Mtipt to form, or *hall form an. trust, society, cor poratlon, company, a--... allon, combination or- other collection of persons foi the purpose ul controlling o withholding from the people, trade, or the marketa, «nv of the products for food c Um neeessaries of life, or any ai lela of food or mel. or w hu shall oomblne to raise the price or marka) value ol an] produel for f.I or the necessaries ol life, or any article of food or fuel for tho gam or greed Of any of sa'd person or persons, ar tutsi. or society, corporation, company, association, i.ina ti on or oi her collection nf persons t,. he d tri- iicnt of the people, trade or tl..- markets, shall upon conviction thereof he deemed pilli} of a felony and shall l>e i.i*hed accordingly. SeeUon '2 provide* that any person ot p r-nii*. or any treat, society, coi] oration, company. a**ociatton. combination or other collection of persons guilty nf forming tuck a trail *ha:i he Built j of a felony omi shall ba punished accordingly. ?-¦ ADVISING THE ASSEMBLY !<> MOVE OUT. LKTTBRJ nF WABNIRO PROM Midi'/. RICHARD- So.N A CO. A ISAST, fan. :><>. In th . Assam dy to-nlsht Mr. Shea railed up hit resolution provtdiag for tho appeiatmaat af o eemmlttee to Sod bow gaarto/a for the Aaaambly, Mr. Hadley adored a substitute provtrtlag that the Superintendent ef Publtc Bodldlnas ahall atroteh a woe nettltir. at a neat «f not over B2.O0A »rpr the Aaaembly Chamber te preveai chips of atone falling on the beads sr the membora A doaaltery debate waa ahmad by Mr. Rn*ted*a motton to table the matter, which was carried ou his statement liiat tbs ('.iusii««ii)n to examine the Belling weill 1 he here lO-UMHTOW and woafld be Hide to re|iori at ones. iobsequaatly tho cover mr transmitted ti.o (feoaa two letters from Elditta, Rmbardeou d ' ».. asblioasad to thu Trustees ol Pnblie Bolbilaga, lbs mst bj dated Jan¬ uary it i *--s. ead says: As for 'he last -es»u years our repeated roooeat* far the eorroetioa of exlsitu/ delects tn tim com; of tba Astutely 'bamber and its raul's and for tit* o. uol.'n.u of thair eoaaSrUOttOO it* well as our oreen! rrcsmuieudatloas thal the condition of the lu,ri li Wfeg t>f the i at,itel, h.elu, the Assembly * hamlisr. shall i,e reuxMMiued i»y eempMoot perenna, hove not hewn acted upou, aili expectattsa <>f au. n a, lion owing exbauatsd, wa ca:.nut be b< 11 reapeaalble foi possihia aeeiden's. Bat, as hr Ung neglect, raeh accidents ruse happen, pretest aaalnal tba further occupancy of the hoi tn wine ol tue Capitol ia it* prsaeal condition, ami oe requeei that you dlreei ihat ike laaambli chamber, Mate Library Bod oflleeo In that part of the building le oloeed until action as reeommoaded -hali have bean taken The second letter ls dates May 25, 1897, and suvs: During the past otgbl years rari'dis esmmualeetlona [rota i* io the Capitol I fciamtaaleaer h iTe sot been acted . e. rho Coiainlsaiooer elates that he ha« no pew»r Iii fie premises for Hie proaervatlaa of tba Asaemblr Chamber. \v« deslrs that eur roeemmeedattoas should bc nlsed. one er mora competent p»r»ens fainlllsr wita the theorr «f 'he arches shook! with ns examiae ino t..ult ami reeuraiiieud repairs our profaaalenal repute- lion should not be psnui te I lo oe assailed, aor should wa ha held rcapoBainle for it* Integrity vti,h« our reenas nina lat,ons fur Its eompletioo and repair arv nwt acted noon. Mr. Hasted stated that although the last letter am addressed bim, this wa* tba Brat uaie he had seen ii. Ila mored lo Hassler ike matter lo the Ways ami Means < ommltteo. Mr. Hamilton moved to tabla tba matter, widen w-as lest.yeas ll, nays 60.gud Mr. Maatod's motion wai cai ried. The Aseembly then adjourned until ll a. m. to-morrow, AMENITIES OP LEGISLATION. Albast, Jan. ju..When the Asseaibiy was in Commit¬ tee of toe Whole tala evening andT. D. sullivan's bill. which provide* that Chine*,, laundry reesipts shall be ptiuted m English, wu« up Mr. BaztoB exclaimed: "I don't cure wken, hew er where the gentleman's e».n- stltuents base their dlny linea wasned, hut I don't tullin they ought te wnb lt hms." ,"My coastlMenta ha-.e dirt? Hean tn *i,-b, I want >-Mi io aederatand. Mr.Speaker; but witera myfriead eames from ihey dwu't hare auy lmea ai al," retorted Mr. Sullivan. ihe sill was ordered to a third leading, A LETTI II 1U0M JU I i.ntos da ns. HR CANNOT Yisir THR MIMIaSIPPI UCGISLATCRR, jackson. Miss., Jan. 30..Jefler-on Ilarls has written to the Mississippi Lsjislature a letter stating his reeooi for aol being able lo accept the lurltatiou t.> a,Mi t's them. Following ld the letter : BSUOVOta Miss , Jan. St To th* Sfnatt nnd Rems a/ Rtprttentatim a/ Mtarfasippt (.KMikMi.N 1 stn siu,orelr thankful for the hutiur eon* fend nv your roooirrenl re-elutioii of the IStk Instant In siting ai* to visit you darline your pre«ent nessiou. It would give me treat pleasure to meet tiie ininesentatires af tm people i h ie Barred aa lang and ievad as moah, liisrea- souable to supoefte thal tho tune ii Bear st haatl whsn I shall go hears lorerer, and 1 waihi Oe glad porsonallf to know the ama <t tue present gSMsSASMa, to wi,otu th* destiny of >i:a»|gslppi ls to be conn.'a I. Mis- (l«Al|,|,tans, from the time of her territorial existence, have horne an honorable part In the affairs cf Hie tountry .,..,! hare shrunk from na -acnfleas which pa- tr.olistu han ASSOOBOBA Hearing testuuour as one wha cea.ns dawe te voa bom a past age, i eaa applaud the ahlvalry and miegrltyaCelsl Mississippi, OOd mr n:«>i<,t wish is tea: Usr luiurc laaerd may be wanky Sf tba past. Whan youl very roaipliuvnt.iry lesolutan was recelred tar M, iii did not permit tue, as I dsslreJ, at once to accept and Indicate a tims at whick I would rlslt yon. My anxiety lo confer with and learn the riawe of my younrer ktSthrsB rsusrd ma lo hope that at a later parted I m's'.! be ablo ta ssml ta yan an BOfSptaaae, but that hope has not been real¬ ized, jb.'. ualess ttis- session should be protracted, I au, < otu pslled to announce my laahillly to attend. With grateful acknowledgment of yoar kind oonshlera. tlon, I am, wilt, eerilial wishes for yaur welware ant kappi- u.-ss la'.iTidua'.ly aa.I collectively, Your feliow<;tl»en. Jamssoa dams. J-ASTOH aRCMHIMTS OBUkCR IS' DISORDER. Syra< LbK, N. Y., Jan. SO (Special)..Al tho aasual meeting of tho l'li-st liilvci-alsl t hUTOh to day tho inuiorlly of the eongi-cgatlon held tho majority to the statutes of the Mate and prevented them from voting. 'Hie wllde-t l..infusion, In which BASS Shook Iholr lists at anea ether, prevailed The Kev. j. c. p, (.nun- bine, paslo.". had been requested lOUM time ago lo resign. besajMd of hi.-, adhereuM io Roary Gooram This spilt tl.e church hilo two faction-,. UM majority sustaining tho pallor. Ihe pallor will romain in cha'ge ol the church until September, whoa bl* cou tia.i aspires, BeeajwhUo osskiBg to farm a no» c/mi. i.. HABEAS OOMFVi DE.T/RD PO OAMPEXTKM. lAOUnasTun, Phs, .ian SO (Special .-Judge. Saker heard arguments today on thc application lo dis charge George n. Carpenter from Ihe sheriff's enetody, on the writ «,t habeas eorpns obtained saturday night Judge luker decided ... hold the prisoner len days hs Ihe .xt,adi.ion papers iulll Kew-Yorh. Il li said that the next step will ba to attack Um legalltj ,,f ibo papers now expected, J roof; TJICRVts Mm sst MLAOTIOM TOMOBME. l "1 nins, Ohio, Jan. ;,() BJooBlali..Af la*t the fsrasorrettc feronrs of eleetlaa taUy iheeta la IMS an on Dial with Allen n. 'I hut tuan » p,,,*,.cilor. in prvaeulliiM; thc ca»e lo Ihe )a*J lo da> Jiiu^c tnSansSM made one of the most eloquent efforts ot his life, de¬ claring that there was no use of holding elections In Ohio If such practices were not punished. He added: 'I Ahonld 1)0 ashamed to rall myself a Democrat, as you know I am, If I should let'my politics shield s crime like this." NEARLY ALL RAILROADS CLEARED. TO OPKN THE WALLKILL VALLEY TO-DAY. CROWDING PREMHCT AND coal trains to TtiriR DKSTINATIONS .ACCIOPNTS TO SHIPI'lNfi. Kinoaton, N. Y., Jan. 30 (Special).-The WalU.lll Valley Hallway ls not yet recovered from the snow¬ drifts, bul the officials hope to get the Hains running bf to Banes, The high Iron brSOga which carries this mad over the Itondout (reelt and the I>claware and Hudson Canal at ff le»adala ls now being strength med by heavy trestle work. Ono hundred men are hurrying along the work, and the cost ls estimated at 180,000. The trains atc heavier on that Uno than was contemplated at tho construction of the bridge, ami many rognrded the structure with Bnsgrvtnga. West Muire trains moved With BOOM regularity day. One track north ol Kingston wes entirely clear ami both track* to WecFiawkcn were dear. Huire freight trains were pushed to their destination as rapidly al p,r.sllde AUSABT, Jan. lb). -Almost all trices of the snowstorm have disappeared sa far BS t .silt<> id trafle ls concerned. The Hew*York central and Redaou River and ths West Shore roods are beth running nn time, and Ihe Delaware and Rudson Mad is opes avals la tia Mohawk Talley trains ran aenrlv an time to-dav. TheeOOUtry road*, however, have not yet been aliened. Huston. Jan. SQ.- Train* ran regulatlr today OB tba Vermont Ceatrai Railroad, 'ihe Brat frotgbl shipped float Blddefard, Me., since WY.Iaesday was sent out today. Baraotabla Ray as.i Bustard's Bur are covered with solid Belds af lea. Vessels bona {fer Saatee arc aoehored la tte berber of PSlaaauth aaaote I* asove oetU the lee Seldaare brnfesa np, Two arhnonori went a.uote en (.teat Point, Nantucket, and tw» became foal in th- Ice. Another BchBOOBf vvent ashore an llarse*hoa BBOOlS The schooner AddtSOB <i. l'rocier, fruin the W'c»t« ti Banks, arrive 1 at Gloucester ami reperei UM weather of the last four weeks to have beau aiissst unexamined ill Its severiiy. Several seamen have been lost by the fleet an the banks and reports of many dtk.isti r* aro expected. EasToS, Jes. SO (Speetal).- The Basgot and Portland road pot a large force of men on this morning and sue ceeds 1 iii eemng the road opes to Rei uetu. TLo Lehigh and Hodson roaapiaa Its train In'o Belvtders about l p. m. today, lt was due an hut t 'ay al il o'clock. The Sew York, Sasqoehanna aad Wasters rood Las every- thing apeu, the Sral train Retting through 'hil moreleg; ia tho last thirty henri the Lehigh Valley Cempoey has tai. u ihroagh thmy- tlve belated ftel^-ir and rail traias. Country reads au¬ stin almost Impassable aa I limitless wail tho surround lng districts greatly Interfered vt tu. I.Wi) SLIDES IN CALIFORNIA. svn iti kv I-..,, .ian. :.'i (Special). The greateel land slide ever knows In alIforola baa tal en pince ob Um line of the California a.,il Oregon Railroad, recent ly opened ss a through lina between saa I'ranctscu and Portland, Oregon. The roadbed m- fresh, and the heavy rains thal have fallen for weeks thoroughly looked th" ground *,, that "tba ul,ole country let fe and come down on the traci,.'' About Ino miles of tia.k ha.- le.-n covered with (lei.ris. The woret slides are mi the d v i-on- between ihe delis and eighteenth eroealng ..f i»..¦ so rai lent.. Riverland between Horn b.i. and Ashland A force of lj(> men ll at wink, but ll i* not BX petted the] ra:; do much to clear the Hack until spring. a) PEARS FOR SNOW hors n PASSENGERS. Pt. Paul, M.nm. Jan. 30..From Winnipeg ''The Press* leai tis that no through train* have ar¬ rived there over Um Canadian pacific since Wednes¬ day, a tain load ol passengers h said to bc blockaded in the mountains, ami fear* an- entertained for their safety a.* then supply of provisions i* not larc". ? OLIVER DOCD BYRON** COTTAGE DAMAOED. Lons Ukam ii. N. J.. Jan. .'lo.. ri)., mooni storm car- lied away tba lui Ik head of the Surf.hie COI taite of diver Dead iirren, the aster, at mSomoath Beoeb, ami mao aaa half of the bolkbead of the cottage af ex stats .-enaloi Uarret A. Hobart, >.f Now-.Iersay. BB eercinl places the surf baa tore largs gai>s lu the bli.d' alane Oeeaa-sve., Loog Reoeeh. A JANUAKY THAW IN THE BORTHWEBX Hi. I'ai l. Jan. 3D.-A regular lanuarr thaw prevails all over the Northwest, hi.-li temperature and bright ploaaaai weatlier being reported from all parts of Moataaa, Doketa and Mianeseta BARD TIMES POR THK FERRYBOATS, Tba ka m the river- and Um hay yesterday bothered the ferrybootseonalderobly. AR Um boats In the new lino thal runs from tbs Battery ta Tblity-nltiih-si., Rroekl) n, hid to gve up entlielv. They will endeavor to resume their trip* lu,lay The Staten Island feiry- boat Westfield mb cb was due here at fl :~» a. m. found the ice so heavy when »he reached Governor*! i-iani 'hat *he went up th.- North River to Pier ll sud landed her passengers lhere aller a good deal of delay ami difficulty. - .?.- 117'> V/Y(,' A TOOT UA< E A SO A URI OE. Pl l.K.N, Mo., Jan. flo .>p... lap -A wedding thal wai derided by a footrace ocenrred hero today Mi** (.ettie Langley had two lovers, W'. A. bneathen, ol Te.xa.*, wealthy: and Joass Hull, a poor but handsome young man. >II-s Langley bad leen engaged to Mr. Hull for *ome time, bul when tt.e Texan made bis ap pe,i uko and offered tbs (athel ai the fair girl fMrOOO for his daughter, il- fa'dei- quickly accepted and read the law to Ihe gill. She loid Mr Hull to hurry to Fulton and eet I,!- license and Ihe would marry him, bul ba'i i" cine in on Saturday sith the license and l lo- li'iI wa, -.nt lo low n on Sunday and this morning bneathen wenl tu the recorder's office to get a license- Jual a- Um clerk handed Um paiiors to him, l;ull came In the front dool lor lae SUM purpose. As he entered, Sneaihen wenl mil the north window. Then there wa* a nee foi IbB house where the young woman w»-. Hnll won wltli eu.-e. and although the dist Ance SSS m.' over a half mile, the ceremony wa- over when tba enraged Texan reached Um Jutish. ////; esiau: or cititr mountplbamant. Loenronr, R. T., Jan. :to (Special)..Tba Tuarn- roro chiefs in thia county now claim that the only legitimate heir to chief Mount Pleasant*i estate ls a daughter, tiio wife .f james pemberton, and the astate owes Bl ,260 to a lister el tho dead chief and .fur. to .\*a Thompson They further say that iho estato will l>o settled by the Tuscarora chiefs, and that the Surrogate Of UM county has no Jurisdiction whatever over land or property of any kind on HiO Indian reservation. Indian law savs that a third wife ls not entitled to any part of a husband's estate, and that at the expiration ot ten days she most have ll and can only remain longer bv marrying a relative Of her husband, The widow and third Will of .Mount Pleasant ls a seneca, a *i-ter of General Ell Parker, who was on the staff of General Orant. He ls now practising law In New-York. The widow has many friend! m New-York among her white listers. INDICTMENT* IB MONMOUTH GOVETT. FBI.1.hoi n, N. J., Jan. lid.-Th" On-nd Juty of Mt S mouth County ha* bund eighty-seven Indictments About forty of them Bte against tho people living in Limerick, Loog Branch, where Rrbert Hamilton waa murdered five weeks bro Dpshnr Egleston, alia* " Min K." and ber lover. Stanford B Hotter, who vv a.s one of Hamilton's assailants, have been Indicted oil level al Charons. -.- DISAGREE isa A ft To RUBBNMETM GUILT. TBOT, R. Y., Jan. BU.A dispatch from Hallston to " Tho Standard11 says : " The Jury In UM Rubens*! mur¬ der trial this morning announced that they were un¬ able t,, Agree upon a verdict, righi being for eonvls lion of murder In Ihe first degree and foul for murder in the second degree. ,,n e,ie|, nf 11,»> thirteen ballots. A new pane] was drawn Immediately." ? ._ ARRESTED TOM CRIMINAL MALPRACTICE Bamim..i:i;, .tan. :o. Dr. Prancl Stevens, of No. 7, North ililli st, wa- arrested today charged witheriav inal malpractice, on December 'j", apon pauline Boo> chat. Moir.* RoSOnthol, engineer of No. 8 Kllglne Company, i* under arrest also, ti being ebarged thal ti.» alleged -rime wa- committed al hi* Insta ure '". you nt woman died ia.*t night ai the Mary IAnd L'nlvei Blt] Hospital. I UNBAAL ",- RBAB-ADM1BAL WEI I *'. W v-him,i,,n, .la,, BO s/hJ fnaeral of Hoar-Ad mlral I lark ll. Wein took place nd* murnini; lu Oils city. The Kev. Dr Leonard, nf st john's EpsSeopal Church, officiated, Tba poHboorors were Oouorel Sheridan, Admiral* potter, Pranhlln Rodgere, Davis and Howell, Commodore Walker. Judge Maury, Hr. Hrl noell ami Mr. Longhorn Tba bod) was taken '" Philadelphia for Interment in Laurel Hill icmetety. ? .1 BRUTAL FATBBR INSTANTLY RILLED W n ,Me .lat, :.,.. \| eulie Sidney, a lo vu adjoining Augusts Edward wentworth, (etty rente of hos a family of thirteen ehJJdren, Ha wa* cruel to them, and iM Sandal esentag, afier beaUag bM artss, ho stunk one of lils dOOghSOn and had thrown lei dow n and was thohlOg her. 'Ihe wi'.. rOBBO MtSOtCd wberoupou he started to got hi* revolver, but ono of the smiis grai.led the psiol and iso low ard a l»ed room Che father followed, and ealchl-g n.n boy, vat In the act of grabbing IBS rex olver, when p wa* ill*r bergen. IO '.onie way lu- nail peoatrollai "> falher'e cheal, loll ...» h'm ii,-lenny KKADIXG'S EMPTY CARS. NO COAL TO SHIP OVER THE ROAD. A DENTAL THAT THK 81KIKK.RS AUK WAVP.fUNCI . another FIRNACK DIow*\ oir. RKADivn. jon. BO..Hm Brading Comisiny shipped thirfy-llve curs of coal from its Urook- ?ide, mid probably fifty from Locust Spring; nnd Kl ystoue Collieries to-dny. These ure the only lieuding collieries in thc S«lni.\ Ikill regions that luive made tiny attempt to atnrt up. 'Hore is said to be some indecision and xvuxcriiisr of tho linea of the strikers, but this does not amount to much. The assertion that them ure signs of a "break up"' is pr .nounced false. Thc men an* not at the end of their resources fog harassing the loading Coiiipanv. mid thor" are whis|>crs that there is another Mg move on foot. The ofli.ials suv that Dmr,', bj ;, big break in the ranks at Shumokin. TM truth is that the Pennsylvania Coal Company hus agreed te pay the full advance nnd in eonaeqnenee a small number of men will i.e put to work making ni .ess;,ry repairs, Kahley Win nt Shenandoah, owned by the 'I lumms Con] Company, storied up to-day full-handed under a positive pro ui*e riot to ship a pound of coal OVCI the Reading r,,|i,i. All wal mined there must he used for the local supply. The men say they will diop their tonis instantly if tin* promise is violated. The William l'enit Colliery has I.Mi !.led eats on it* tail track. They expect to start. Ogata on Wednesday. It i* asserted that this tittil i*al*o under promise not to load i, of coal on Reading .ats lor shipment liver thal road. Riipertatenrtont Mooro of Tjnvronec and Itnu-n's Colliery, at Mohanoy pi,ne said to-dny: "We have Hifi nt, ti at work and over '.'fifi loud. ,I ears oil fie toil tin. k but they are going to slav then for some time. Not. a pound can be shinned. I "OBI believe the strike is near over. 'Ihe men Hie solid. If we should attempt IO shin our loaded ears our men would quit, instantly. I agreed not to shu, and r am going to stick io my word." lt is nrobnble the Brook Iron Company, ut Rlrnshoro, w11. blow out two of its stacks on Wednesday. Thin will increase th- li*t of idle fnrnae, s to fourteen it, the Selim I! ll Vail v that ' :"" »ft!i r li",, honked un or blown ont A prominent furnace oom anya flint if the strike isl not s,.,,|. | before March 1 there will nut be B stacie nntliBjaeite stuck io blast In Reading ter-; ritory. Th. y cannot afford to pay Increased priers for c dbL wTOMTRfl MIRERS N'"T TO BTRIRR. WfLRFABARBB,Jan. no.--Distriel Assembly Ra IS, Knf'.-iifs of Labor, asri in * .<¦ et session In pittsburg lo div. There were nearly 400 delegates In st'i ndanee who represented over 80.000 miner* in tho Wyoming and (.»< law anna r»al stoles, riio seaton was strictly leefel ami no part ,,f lt ls obtainable, lt bas been turo!" known, however, that th" BMOtln| hid nothing to do vs th tie- Reading or le1 l.'li stril at. No n ferenee whatever was mo'" pertaining to th- Srhuvlklll strike. Another meeting I* to take ida..n u/ednes- day nest Al i!ii- session a comm It-e from Si li "vl- 1 ll region ar.* experted tn be preaent to consult oi rn »- ni* relating to th" strike. Th" rumor that the Wyoming Vallei miners viii ie- called out on strike ha no foundation in ha t. t LOTHfRG TOTTERS \* KRIOUTS OP LABOR, RAtftSMHtr, Jon lo fSpscial).- Trn thou ..nd <l. thing eat tera are represented by about one hundred dele- gales at th" National Convention which opened to¬ day In this city. They aro to form a National Trade Aaaenshtp, winch win ba Jfo SSI in this class of organ¬ isations Th« preshieiil of the convention, i hi les Uar/, ti,,; secretary and treafurer. Waltei H. Wester- buck, sore cert.,| in August at th,- preliminary con¬ vention of tlo- < utter*' Traooa Colon* lo ld In RVPO elise. Th" hu-lre-- thia aft. neon .va* to dissolve tie prrilmliMrv orrantr nth n .'.od to take steps io form ile Rational Dist rici Assembly. yo STRIKR PROBABLE OR 'MIK BELT LIM'. Th" threatened strike of car driven and conductors or, tho Boll I.lue *ui face railroad will ie ol al.iv md take pince. Th" rar Drivers' Association sent a committee to President Scribner ami made an agree mead that tho men should work during the year under tho samo conditions that ruled last yc-ir, wolch were entered ,OtO aft^r thu bis strike of IfSB A.i amicable feeling now exist, between ihe nflleers and tin; majority of th" employes, 'lue rood, Imw- e Milrea extremely hard service, and a few dis¬ contented ones together w li others who i,n\ 8 b"il discharged for good cause, have attempted to stir up strife. rn ¦a*- THE HIGGINS CARPET FACTORY OPER. Tho largo carpet factory of K. S Diggina A Co., which has been shut down for repairs dui lng tho !a*t live weeks, wm opened again yesterday morn¬ ing, ami tba eighteen hundred hands went bach tO work. Tho manager said yesterday thal wages would not ls* reduced at piesenf, yet th" fact w as that 'hey aero higher now than those poid hy ot her linns. I-'or a week or more tho linn would he on Um alert to re thal the Knights of Labor did not "spring" something on lt. The boycott, which ls supposed to ba hanging over tho thia's head, had been heard fioin only In one quarter, a house which sold on the Installment plan. . ? CI0ARMARER8 AGAINST THE REVER1 BTAX The leaders of the clgirtiiak":-' Dull IM were disposed reeterday to belittle the revolt of Hie laborer! on th" rev¬ enue fax question. They pretend that they are in (ha nrh*. know Wk. I I* best for the WOI lii"ii an have do e all they co'ipl for th'iii N" new strikes have been ordeted and three largo shops still remain closed. Mean" i.ile the workers are assiduously circulating mb- s, rtpHon pupers sud handbills announcing their pur¬ pose i" do their utmost toward lecurlng leglslsl on abolish Um revenue tax. Many of the down 'own tobacco dealers are in sympathy with them, for without the tax the workmen themselves could go into business ami tobacco sales would he Increased. To-night, u/edtesday nlghl and Tboisday night. Um matter will bin brought un at tho meetings ol the clgarmasers' unions, and delegates In all the prominent ibum are ul' the Subject, The meeting In Avenue 1) new Kunda) will be preliminary to tl.oner Colon nasa meeting to ba held later o'n. There are aboiii twenty thousand elgaimakers in tho city and the energetic way In whick preparations for the mass meeting ar" being made Indicates ihat it will be a decided demon- Miali.m. . LITTLE ROPE OF COMPROMISE. Tho flint gla-s workers continue t., lounge about their headquarters In Beboies-st., Brooklyn, and aro mule determined than they were at UM beginning of the trouble -one seek* ego, The owners al*o flatly refuse tu make any concession* whatever and all BOpa of a [deadly adjustment i* g. veil up. 8B0T WHILE BEJCBIXQ FOB HIS WEAPON. A BAR-ROOM QCARRRL OVRB MORRY RRDS IN A FATAL SHOO INC SCRAPE. Patrick Kin>,' keeps a li<|iior store at No. 413 West, Twenty sixth st. Patrick Mtiglun, who is thirty-six years old, lives at No. 4.'i5 West Fifty-sixth st. and QooTga W. Breen hsBRCS his hom.. at No. UH Wes' Twetity-sixth-st. The three met at King's liquor stoic ;it 7:30 last evening A dispute arose between Breen and Meighan con- eerning a bet. Brvefl drew Hirth some mouey from his pocket. Mcigbna laid hold ol a live dollar lull and held on to it. King noticed this, und sUppingont from behind the har d<-mantled that he give it back, which Mcluhan refused to do, where¬ upon a brief tussle ensued In tween the two men, with the result that King recovered thc money and restored it to Uren. Meighen then went ont. returned in about hali nu hour and demanded hack the mouey from King, which be claimed was not Breen*! at all hut his. King refused and ordered him out of tho place, but Meighan instead of complying put hia hand In his hip pocket, presumably with the intention ol' drawing a weapon. Before he enid d<> so. King whipped a bulldog revolver off ¦ shelf behind the lmr and discharged it in Meghan's abd, nien The wounded tuan was brought to tho New-York Hospital in an ambulai., while King was arrested. The coroner took the unt.'-mortein statement of Ifeighan upon whom an operation was performed. Only a penknife was found upon lum. Ila xviii die. Ile claims that the shooting was unprovoked, while King maintains that what ll" i|i,l WU - III self ilefclic,'. ? snor nv a jbaloum wipe. Constable charles iv Gordon, colored, wa* ihoi in th" head lost Bight at hi- bOUSO, N". SIS Smith si., Newark, and Will di". He BOld li" had <ptarrclled with hi* wife, who WM Jealous of him. She seised his re¬ volver and -hot him. Th" wife declared that (.otdoti shot himself. The woman was Bot arrested when Cordon wa* taken to the hospital, bul ollicers were out late looking for her. The couple have hail frequent <iuarrei*. ami the wife h-fi him several times, alleging unfaithfulness. Tho wlfo ls a mulatto; cm,lon M folly yeats old._ BVENINQ <>E ART AND ROTELTT WOBMA Kim. Penn., Jau HO.-The Art au I Novelty Works took tire last nlitht and sere destroyed Loss, Bl I .SOO I laeareaee, $-1,000._ .IV HTS ERA NT ERE ACKER'S EATAl SHOT. CiisMMKitsitiM,,. Prtiii.. Jan BO OtfSSSSlV.FA ¦ M* Pbefson, an Itlneranl preaeher who gives his address as VeriuoiiUrtVe.. Waahlnirtuu, 0 C., waa srreeled lieie lo- OAjr abased with ahaotlng Joseph SfRoy. SM r-rea. Uer claimed to bo a detective and wanted to arr. st Wiley wltnout a warreat. winn Wiley resisted MePtetses shot him through the body, milo ur ir a fatal wound. EITHER EARTHQl AUK OR DY \A ilITU. A STARTI.INi; SHOCK F' Ll IN Ttir TOWNS OF RIIOKK 1ST AND A.VI) Xl A«S Alllt SK ITS. Piiovidk.v t, Jan. SO (SpMtaR. STOW various parts of the Slat*- lhere were repnr's today of an earth¬ quake this morning, about 12 :40 o clock. A number Of Newport people say that they experlencd a long rumbling shock, and many pBOpsS testify to being awakened kg lt. Prom Centreville and I nunpton caine the reports of a shock at about IS ISO a'Cfock, that lasled several BBeOCMM and ra'fled th" windows and Crockery In th" houses. Hope Valley pcopln felt th,, quake, loo, and time Its keginniOg al 12 a. m.. and Its duration at four seconds. Al Kali Klver. Mass., the shock was |>ei.nt I bl y felt for eight seconds. It seemed to travel from south to not: h. and was severe ennui:!, to awaken people from sleep. At Kast deer, ariah the axpei lenee of tba people wa* coincident with that of tho Foll Rhrei lol ks. The shock was also felt as lu au av BS N B Bedford. At Bristol ho,i-"s vvoie iboken severely. 'Ihe di.tnrbaiiie waa felt lu this city. I.ut il WM not v Igm o *. Booroo, .lan. lid.--A dispatch from Providence states 'lin Hie ii,,-, rfc bouses were badly shaken up lust Blghl by a dynamite explosloa lu Newport Har¬ bor, in many places the shock resembled an earth quake, and reports from various pol nts *poaU of lt as a genuine earthquake, ihe eau*e not being generally known. No other cau*e for th" shock wae known until to-day, when it wa, learned that lu Newport Harbor etforf* wee making to "har the harlor of leo. J ».>. 90..The report Mnl from ProrHraie of adynami'e explosion rn Newport barber fer ttae pur- pssoof brea kl ac tea vvas wkaiiv laeorroet Prefas*i>r Muiiioe. of t'te Torpedo Station, states that all the .trna- mil... in tins Mlvhborhood I* lu lill charge sad that li* has not given au? of lt out. The shock felt herc was caused by a genuine Mrthquake. RAILROAD INTERESTS. THE SYNDICATE IN' ACCORD WITH MK. CORBIN. Pilli snui'tiiA. Jan. BO (Special)..YSi report that ha- KSJoed wide circulation that thom I* an Mtrange iiei.l between Ihe syndicate tint took part lu li" iceni reorgaasatieo ol Um Heading Kadina,!, ami President (oii.iti wm officially denied to-day. An ofllcer of tho company saul lins morning: "If the ¦ySedhsate did sol talah Mr. Corida parfoetiy anio to managa ti,.- company, li would bava 'ecu made known long BgO, The wisdom of Mr. ni Inn's plans is al ready becoming apparent, fur the ulrike at the mines I* eraduall] breaking. To-daj wo lave ei^-iit ,.t our collieries at work', which ls more than on any oilier i.i> iluce ii" -mho began. Abra, there aro asea la liv.; ..lier collieries making repairs, and a* soon a* those a:-" done, work lo them will begin. Tho cull orlcs being wi iked are the il nrj flay, Glendower, Ino K'-v-i. ii-, ina Licusl spring, tim Alaska, baw Locust tap, the Suffolk, thc Brookside ami ibo Lincoln,11 A COMMITTEE T<> CALL OR CONGRESS, Washibotox, .ian. :i". John ll Davis, John L tee and II MrOarvey, a committee representing the sink lug operative- and miner- of Iii" I'lihnl Iphia and K ad¬ la,; and Lehigh Valley Railroad companM, and tba i blladetphla and Beading Coal Bod iron Compaay, arrived In Washington today foe tho pnrpoae of uigit.g Congreaa to take action arith reference to the trooblea. a'lhoy will present, tn tba Houm a i cition Baking foran Investigation of the componree' adan *. ? RET BARRINGS OP TME CARADIAR PACIFIC MuSTBBAL, Jan. 80 (Special)..Tba annual statement of the earnings and expenses of UmCanadian Paeths railway tor the year 1**7 shows -rro*s Mratags t" imvo ueea 811,608,413, and expeosei 08,102,28-4, making tue nd prouts 83,304,118. Tbi* ibowa a dim nasa of sl'ii,:li;* tu thc net prottts a* compare I v. ith 1 --<i l .. mt pt.,iii* for lice, tuber last tere 8368,707 Se, an lu¬ cie lac "i »¦*:(, ;,;j over the prerluus >ear. ¦?¦ A NEW VI< E-PRBBIDENT FOR Uti: BRIM, K ll. ThomSS has been elected second vice presi¬ dent of thc Row-York, Lake Brie and Weston Kail road, lo have ,'iiarge of the lines west .i saiaiiianca. His beasktaartets wUJ ba at cleveland. Mr. Thooma ha.- lice,, second vteo-prssldeoi and general manager of thc Richmond and Danville Ital I mad since september, 1885, ami -iu,c October ni thal fMr also general maa a., r el ir Urnrgts Pac ilk Unitway. I'm - veal yoma previous to 1885 he wai general manager ot ibo lice Lt ne. 0801 NOLKSS RUMORS OF A RECElVERfftTJa*. RBBsers of au Impending dMant hy tu,. Mi.-i, Kansas and Texas Hal,way have been revived re¬ cently, ami dispatches published ye*terday stated that the property was about to be placed in th" hands of a receiver, ami in tba' way separated from th.- Mh> som Pacific system, (.ci ge j. Gould, acting presid nt of the Missouri Pacific, ami a rtce-prMldeU of the Misson,!, Kansas ami Te.xa*, sail to a Taihi vi. re¬ porter: "The reports ar" wlthoui fo iodation Tho February Interest wit be pani .md h there was any Intention ol placing the road under a receivership, I sin sine that 'ie. d. fault would not be mule on Hie consolidated 7 per cu's winch are undeniably a good bond. Ihe,e is no ground for th" rumors, any¬ way. Like those started in November, I bel have ben originated probably by 'hen I' in Missouri pacific, who t,i,e nu* mean* to depreciate Che eredil of ihi- com¬ pany ami atleot Iii" pries of if.-, atora, iii- result is likely to bo the same." OKCAMZINC T<» SECURE A DIVIDEND. At a meeting yesterday of the common slock holden of tie Ohio and Mlsafawippi Hallway Company at the ofliro of H. T. Carey, Nu. 40 New-st., a commute., of five was appointed Ie confer with a simiiat committee of tho preferred stockholders, recently organised In Loud .n. wiiii til- rles of iee pring harmonious action i.. tween iii- different Interests, 'iii.mmlttee con¬ sists of Lou* c. tiark. of Clark. Ho.lg- A '.,.; H. (.. Dominick, of Dominick A Motormen; Ouatave J. Wetciar. of J, n. Probe) ,v Co : Malcolm Campbell, ot Alexander Campbell <v CO. and Van Brugh Livingston. The committee w-a* organised afterward by th" elec¬ tion of Mr. Livingston a* Chairman. Th" meeting was, well attended and many prominent firms ncr reprc- lented lt la understood that the common *tock holders aie anxious to secure a dividend on their mve-uient MISCELLAREOUS BAILW tY IRTELLIOERC K Pin-hi ito, Jau. 30 (Special)..Vice presideut Ore**, of the Paaasylvsnts Bsllraad. said today that the :io."oo tua srder foe suet rails wm gissa ant with the aadantaadlag that Hie corni at y baa tba prir,l»ifo of ii.creasuij :r n> 80,01 tons, theameuut r.-ipnrcd ea. h year for Ute maintenance of the road. c. 11 Mill's. Jan. UH (Special)..The Meeking Valley Rail road cam ts aew fe tho tlrsatt Court lu appsal, sad areaC pents wita 'emu t dar. Gorercor He.dlr came on from Ni -.York wuk President *i, lW ia appSBt lot .hu plaintiffs. t ol., Jan. '.'.0.. At a meeting of freight agent* of tho toothers Pacific, Inion PMlflC, Denver and Kio (iiande and Santa To roads held In this city to¬ day lt was decided to Increase tho rate on all classes of freight from California points to (,dorado points fifteen per cent, with the exception of g'oen fruits, which remain tho same M at present. e> TEE SAD CLOSE OE A BRIEE ESVOCSTER. There was sorrow In the face of E. C. Blake, of Cincinnati, last evening, when he left tho Gllsey IIouso and wearily trudged to tho train which was to take bim back to the lardy atmosphere of his native towa A few days Ago he had invested two hundred big round cart wheels In a little fox-terrier pup, who» bluo blood and Irreproachable pedigree dbl not make him appear, externally, worth moro than what a wild Westerner would call a .' blt.-' The yup wm the pitas of lu owner, and was exhibited to ail new acquaint¬ ances as unique In Its kind. The end Ul ahort, but terrible. On Sunday nighs Mr. Make took his terrier out for a constitutional At the santo time, an unknown, beetle browed, square- jawed individual, with a slOBg-ahoi ls bia pocket and blood In bis eye. was leading by a chain a big bulldog with gory chops. Tho two strollers met, and the 8200 fox terrier pup wilted. Tho meeting was short and tho bulldog and Mg "heeler" owoor ''got away'1 with grace and dispatch. That ls why Mr. Blake cut ihort his visit, and wand¬ ered tn his traiu whistling mournfully "I vo lost my doggy." < CflAROBD MITE MIMAPPtXQ A BOT. Captain James Jones, master ot the British bark Dunstaffuage, wm the defendant tn a ault cries! yes¬ terday In the City Court before Judge Ehrlich, In which Alfred Nett, Age eighteen, demanded 84.ono on the allegation that he ha/1 been kidnapped and Im¬ prisoned by the captain. The boy sghj that <«n No vember a, 1887, ho waa employed by Charam Woodman, a sailors' bssqrdlag heess keeper, of liuenoa Ayres, to work for him At a salary of 810 a month and board. Woodman on that day sent Nett aboard the bark with a bag of clothes that beloogod to another sedor and the hov wa* detained on the vessel by the Ont nisie, Charlo- Brown. Tho haik sailed for New York on \, vember 11 reaching hoi e on January 17. The captain denn,1 Neil's etory ami tho Judgo reserved his decision._ RX OONOEEEBMAB OBAPO MOULDER OOTEBXOEf Booton. Jan. SO tfjnetiiil) aTt-lfg'".* <*Rfo is early lu thc ibid as .1 candidate for the BSfBWltCOB uotu- InatioU for (...vernor. "The New-Bedford Standard" M.BOOM authorltatirely that Mr. crapo ls willing to run for Uta albee, um will not mako any aajeSoag for the nomination. _ I UK MATPJRLDM RAD WOOER DISBANDED. CWABIJBSTOS,W Va.,Jan SO..The vendetta between the ILittlr!d». of i " '.in ''» univ. tbl» State, and the Mc Qaya, of Mle county. Ky., la settled for the pre-cut The .trent WSMS Governor Wileen scut to Logan County some Uses ago returned this afien oon and reported that the belligerents have disbanded. Govenior Wilson has cunteriuaii.'.-i the oidei cailliig out the military. A ".Ml KDhKhD" MAN KKTUKNS A MYSTERY SHROUDED IN MANY Ll KS. 8TRAROB ACCCSATIO.NH rXOVKD TO BK FAf.SlC.A MANGU D Bi|)Y IN A WUP. Stam ko m. Conn., Jan. 30..The staid ofd town of Stamford, Conn., is ntlrrvd up. A man, thought to bo muiderod and thrown In a well, taken our and buried in «.- town plot of Darten, thro* miles east of Stamford two years ago, hus just turned up alive iu the pince as if arisen from tho dead. In the BSUBOMt of 188.1 thc neighborhood was horrified when ihe body of a murdered man, iden¬ tified gg that of Thomas Leahy, a shoemaker, was found at the bottom of a well on the Cornell property in Darien. Michael Hagan, who hos leased the place for the last five years, is au e. centric character. Ile lives with hie family In B low. slant,tig-roofed. Bsd mihi anti house on the Stony Cte, k road and fid the authorities nB thad no m.,ral,lc Sunday morning kg .lune that he hud found the l,,.|y |n nn abandoned ajoJJ near hie house, which had I.n empty for several yearn. Emu wa* arrested on suspicion nnd kept in the Bridgeport jail for a wu k, hut, miens .1 toff want of evidence nguinst- him. Coroner ll-tt, of Bridgeport hronghf out the fact that life had be,,i ext met in the body for several m,.nths. 'Ihree pistol-shot, wounds were in the head S, nu of the people of N.Toton. where Leahy was \ve|| known, sw re ft,at it was the lindy nf "Tom* Lamb, of that place: oth-rs thought lt WM some one else, hut a shoemaker named RI,.lilian, of Noroton. jp. whose shop Leahy had worked lust, previous u, the murder, was positive that it waa Leahy. Leahy could not he found, and the ^yeterrtent died ont. Karma claimed that be knew in-thins; nhnut the matter wna'ever. 'Ute murderer was Bevel fo ind. and it, re mains a myatt ry tod.U-. iv-rr-T mr tv my rssr. itrvivn. The facts that have com.- to li/ht in the lust fortnight) however, have revised the whole siorv of the tra "edy. and a case has Leen largest in court which bfcVs fair to reveal gnssetkhsg ss Startling as the ronptv-aninee of the supposed dead man All sorts nf rum rs and theories ure al! a', now that Leahy is fonnd L alu'* sister who lives in Vw Jersey, stoled that lor btotbei had visited hr wee',; before thc body amt found, ihe murdered mau had bega ,i ad a long time, and this threw doubt upon ihe assertion that Leahy was thc victim. 'IIns was not made public at the time. On Dee, ruber '.Mi. 1 8«7. BogOU made an a'lesjcf e. ni,-,j . t. Charles Wat ibu rr. at Bridg tv rt,, and to fharles \ Hobble, Mying that he km w a'f about the murder, and h's eons. j. ne forced hiss to speak after his long stlenee, ll" deelared that John Connia?, a shoemaker, shot Leahy in tba lintis,, of An.Hew Moran in Stamford, and (Just in 'he nisht tiny had taken the h dy in a wagon ami thrown it in the weil. Ile had repeated ihe .tory to others. Connitf is an old. white haired man who hal worked f,,r govern! vars in 'Crae, y's ghi -hop and boarded will, Moran, who isa man lift, years o'd. reenoeard by Ins neighbors has a foggily >>l Bil and i- employed at the < old Milla of the Mam- ford Mann fact nring Com any. The nun. as-.->..<» Ly the otli-ers of Fairfield County, aaesttsined that Leahy, who is of a roving disposition, was in Pennsylvania, and they prevailed upon lum to collie here. COVFSORrRB with TEE '* mi un" rt rn" MAX. Ile put in an aopcarainv tea days ago, and va* presented to Eugjaa .it his house. Ragas] then declared that Leahy biasarlf had told him I hut Conn itt had shot the man found in the welt Leahy flier this and all knowle,|gg . t tim ifTair. ll,- has away again, but the officers kn.,\» Where In- is wheo they want him. ConnitT has gacd Kauai, tn the rMperlo* Court of F.i'til. ld County, which *its nt Bridgepors, for I6.0Q0 damages for defamation of charuetrt, lite si it being based up,,n the ponfesniim of Eugun, nnd four dara ega Depatj Sheriff Richard Rois ter. of Fairfield County, attoehed all of RagturM personal property to secure the claim. The trial is set dows for the first Tuesday in Febrenryf and the people expert interesting teaaJssoay The only bbum for Eagnn'a animosity to Morer that is spoken >f openly us yet ls the fart ?hat S iiiui nntned McKenzie, who worked one month for Eugun, I'll him. savir.y h.- did not receive las- pay, and went f,, work for Moran oifcrtWUrd. Ari /DIMS TO IK tlS<. V. UK KID, HAIIUAT'O WITH NsP'tTIIA AV» IM'ltVI l>.<')t 1 IstoVS-A nR'»KI'N WMBTBt. Coil *,;.>. .Ian. SOX.A fre4a*M tra'n west heuad. en the Lake atora amt Mleblsm Sf.n'K.»-n Baflrsad.ISPInsengk abridge two mikss WOK Of line, rad, The rear car was leaded with a hu^e tank eeutalulnc 3,.V>0 callons ot naphtha, which wa* Otutrad aver tho meek ia avery di¬ rection. Coder, a brakaw BS. was on the car immediately behind the on .-lue, BB 1 was hurled ia the raina Sn trace af him could afterward to BUBBA, About 1:80 a ¦. to div sereral train baa '.* wera searching for Ceder's body, when ii huston Irnited the naphtha. Th*r«- was a flash, followed by a powerful Boaousqmq, and asa mittre masa of ruins was al Iago, Ail Lake -koro tia,ns for akone a sask alli to abllgsd te asiisB te tho Musalgan ( euttai tracks to -.-et ImoChtoagQ, BOBTM ADAMO, Mass, .faa. 30..This morning at 7:"><) o'eleck a wild freiiiht train drawn by engine Na. 1 HI, BModoUISOWSMBOOad matu tia.'s near tho Ifs -ai Tunnel statlen af the lVrhbjrsf road. A snow ptougb ran Into the rear of rae (rel , wrecking MM twe, Ito angina tohiud the plough, and a now karsasaglSa slush wea halag toadied as fraiust ta RawO^hman Theess'lseerof the Bl >w ataturk was slightly burt en the toad »ut nobody ri** was injured. Indianapolis, Ind.. Jan. S0.-A ihSJBSMt to Th* Onil% Stitt from Munda, Ind., says: "ike esst-beund Kee Line express, due hero al 4:05 Ibis merida*, came tknnderiag Into tie atty at Caa rate af gfty mies su hour Bid eBBBAssAl into a freight i uirliie BtSBsttBg fust sase of Tlie air lu xl.. « af tho express were MeSSSSS BgSUkle. ind tha train could not be ch esk ed. Roth an¬ glos* are almost ruined, tO!»stber wltb twe palace cara; several caches aud frcla-nt ears. Firo luituedlatelr blake eat li lae palace inri Sim etty ibo >i»n.utn-r.t was luramouod and did all tho isrr'.ce Btasssslj but they are rained. The tracks sre toru up far rods, and the gates aed station kousa ar) washed t:> tba grennd. No oas was hurt except tho freight en;meer, who ls se¬ verely Injured." Pr. Albans, Vt, Jan. 30.- Tho New-York cxpresi. due here early this BMVBMSft was thrown ft eui tho rails at F.smi Junction hythe break's » cf a wbeel ob tho ten¬ der. All the cars left the'.rack. No serleus dasaage ra- . ulted and the pataeus-ers wero brought through after eely an bear's delay. -? A KEW BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONER. R, lt. KENNLHY, TEM WXI I.-KNOWN ISKL'RANCH BtSSMCRR, APruIvTEH.KOW THK no Alli) STANDS. Contrary to general expectation, Mayor Chopin yesterday lilied ono of tho vacancies in the Park Commission la Brooklyn, as lt was supposed ho would await tho action of the Legislature lu n-nard to placing that department under a single commissioner. Tho Mayor appointed Elijah R. Kennedy, of tho hCventh Ward, and ho takes tho place vacated by Anson Fer¬ guson, who resigned when ho became an Alderman- at-Large. Although Mr. Ferguson lt a Democrat, his successor ls a Republican, an 1 this appointment makes two Republicans to four Democrats lu the board. Thoro aro still two vacancies, caused by His resignations of Commissioners Lyons and ll ai team Mr. Kennedy ls a itAnch Republican and has been president of tho Seventh ward Kepublican Association and a delegate to tho General Committee, where ha has been ore of tba mos: active BMUaSSSS, lu 1*-, ho made many speeches in advocacy of Mr. Maine', election. Ho la a member of the insurance brokers' linn of Wood at Kennedy, willi at No. Its) broad¬ way. He ls al-o a member ol the Hoard of lin Insurance Dnderw titers. For some years h.) hui teen an Intimate fi lend ot Mayor t'lupin. Tho post Hon of Park CommlBslonor ls unsal trie.1, and tho ap pointment ls uot regarded as Bsaaaoatng political sigmilcance._ TRY IMO TO SAVE HIE INDIAEA EOROERS. Indianapolis Jan. :!0 (Special).-Tlc« Democratic politicians of the State aro supporting Coy and Beru- Bassos, UM ctn I. tod .:,> 'Um conspirators, and aro mik lng an ergaaiaod effort te secure fat them either a new trial or ta Inllueiico Judgo Woods to Itnpo-e u light sentence. sj- .4 STEAMSHIP DAMAGES TUE TIER. "Tue steamship tineen, which arrived yesterday, while entering her dock at Pier il?. North River, wa-s crowded satanist ber dock by the vast iiuantttlea of Ice In the river, aaa damaged tho pier to tue oxtcut of S/J.OOO. SECBIVISa TUE SPEAKER WOE A SALVTE. Foat Momioh, Va.. Jan. 30.-Speaser Carinia aud MM Carlisle carno ashore this moinim, from the reve¬ nue cutter and Visited tho Port. The sieikr. was re- celved with a salulo ol seventeen guns-

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1888-01-31. › lccn › sn83030214 › ...V'XI.VH.!«.15 0Vi jfe^-fM NEW-YORK, TUESDAY,'JANUARY SI, I88&.TEA PAGKS. PRICE THERE CENTS. O'BRIEN LEAVES

V'XI.VH.!«. 15 0Vi



nv wii,i. ku irv**. tmnm, var rion nu

MAMft OK Tri! AMCltl Jan. aO.-lYillinm OUricn 1ms Mt Ire¬

land for Ita MMHh of kiiropc. where he will en¬

deavor to P'ruiMTBt* lils health.Kali r K<nn dy trnd eight fairney have be. n

Iti.mra mil nuder the Crimes A«t Col attending a

ojHtilll| ol a suppressed branch nf the league, at

llecliB, <-"<>.mtv Cork. Eight osBOt vt on* have

been summoned for a similar efcBde at Kanturk,

iu the BMM county.Five hundrd bill pnaeaSM and cjoo'ni-nt

¦otiose tova bon lowi at Magherafelt, Loodon-<], ny. against tenants on tlie DnpfZS' ettRtOi

In a lonely MOM near Killaney, liv«-<! a fnmilv

named Doylo, eon-Ming of father, mother, three

Moghten and ko tabeelM ooo. Les* evealBejUv. v all become suddenly insane from the effect*

Of poisonous lood. and fonda horribly together

in 0 M-minud- Mat,. Tn dav tte ¦©¦ WM found

dead in a plg-booae, hie foe* kovin* beea «Mr

OOtCB away by ptfa. The other mcminn, ol HM

family Lave beta pot i" BB asylum.


«.. Il IK (OBI M ttosPIIAI..

Unetw.Jao. Ba "Tb/! st. jamtVi cazet.e-' ion

t ui aaihentic from st. Fotorobor| tool aa

omi easter woe had been shot m Um region ul Um

heart, wa> toora tu a owoMi, where Um teetora te

.jared thal bM wooed wa- owrtoi lae oncer there¬

upon admitted thal be ti ><» si...i hu..-.if tn arter lo

avoid um no... iy i.t looeUni toe Ctor. ii-' hM

¦a was * member of a I ceol toole*, which bad bal¬

lot.-i to aerate wi... -ii..aid ootertalM tu aaaaaslaataIla i ur, ami toe ebotc had taiien on him.

Several persuaa In Um hoapttai wlm overheard pani,( ti,.- ,,,t ..-. wop Immediately wrMwo.

phy«lriang, obi wera present on doty, were¦; strongly warugi to secte, y The full

Ol i ihe articlit.c*.

¦I- OOI taken Iii wri




cr.ivi i: m-makc K DBCURgN to sr.K LORD


Loaves, Jam, 80.- Prloeo Bismarck refused la iee

Lord Randolph Churchill .m toe ground ol an averpiuial i erk, _ _

Tin: afOHTBBAL LAI ROSSfl SCANDAL.Moi.ti.-ai, J«n BO (Spedaii. Tba aaa© of Um Mou¬

lien! LaarooM Cloh against "Tba Pout" (new«pai>or|for having Mated tu September la-1 thai .'nc or four

ii.i thora af tho Moanru] leora had entered into a

eombtoeUoa arith aeriela notortom gamblers tn aell a

¦Mich i" toe o'nw all ClobaeaoM np lu coin today.J. U, a saloon kee; .cr. Md", a.. unlink to lils own

ttetemeut, baa " lix-.1' several .purtlug events pre¬viously, stated that D. Patterson and Brad] bad agreedm'ih l.iin ta Iel Ihe CorewaUi take three straighteames on rendition the, should Le allowed .'.ti

i»m rent of ti.e amnej he won on the maloh. ThereVd- :. posii ve agreement maiie. ami aftei the matchhe aave BSOO to the players as their share of tba


Loinloti, .ian. SO. The British shin Galgate, Coolala

('muinin*. irons <'aieinta November i~ om Row-York,hoi heel borned ai sea- Ber nev have arrived al

l'ci namboeo. _ _

Al'l'l'M. OP THE IT KV ll CARLE COMPART.0, -'an- BO, 'Ihe PTeneh (al.le CompSDJ has

ejlvea Botlee of an appeal from the decleloa of the

eal nf Cnmmeere, wb^el cave a vniiiet for the

Anr. . Amerteaa ( able i nmiiao) In Ba suit again I

»!:.¦ French rompanj foi (a ling to carry out lt* agree-li Bl a Itt) Ihe pOO|,

1 in TRISRfl OK MR BPTRGEON.Loodoo, .lat;. BO..The Kev. Charla II "pUTgeOB In

» letter tu toa BaptM Onion sa>* that every union.

utile*- it I- a action, ¦ -' i»- baaed apon eerti prlo-r11 -. Tba doelrlie nf hapttsm bj Imasers ailinot «uflire as a groundwork. There are otbet .1". irlneiI*, iee srhleh tn¦ .i. Re le unable tu f-ei

t. ..bin with a man arerely le.a -e ..' I u Adherencet>. iii" doctrine ol .ueralon if In ethei matieri ha Ulais.- t,. ihe tea hmp- ol S r ptore

. ?


rut'*, .tao BO.- A lieiniiti named Brandt, who ls

aRegod to ha a apy, loreod hi* way into the obVeaa of

the OOWOpoper "LO rrOOCO" today and tried to -h..ot

the e.tttor. M. Nleot. with a revolver. He wa* selfedand d farmed afi<-r a itrucale H» *tated t.> ti,e pol re

thal bis objeri wee lo avenge the attaeks whleh "LaPranee" ha* made upon Germany.

THREE MORTH8 POP FATHER M'PAITOEN.Dublin, .'.m. 30 Father MePadden of uweedoro,

Count) Donegal, who waa arrested tar holding anti-

bindii d nd anti poii.e meetlnca, wa* r..n\ irt.'d to dayau! eeuteneod te ii.ree mouths ImiMiaonment,

AMERICAN n*lll\i. P1M8RLB IN DISTREnaHalifax. Jan. BU, The Ajnerleaa sebounon Shit¬

tier from OeorBN llai.l.s and Midnight from

¦nived here badu damaged by tba storm. Tbej will

have Iq dork fr>r repait*. They have ten thousandBoondi of fre*h li*h «im h. if not Sold. Will -|.oil. l'ei-

111V.-101, tn sell M.e ti-i, »a> peremptorily refused, thelocal .fi.'ai- being *u>ta'ned In their Brilon by Ihea Ihort i les at Otfawn, Tbeco ure the Anaerican m»>'i* hera la dlatresa,


M.NMN.. HO lALIOTg TO PR10O9,Bellin. Jan ii. The tt ,al nf Slav loth) \\ dhow -hi.

Roeoplnakl Merkonskl, Jool ebewakl ami other Boel«l-h-t* rhorgod with belog atemben ofaeeeret aaaoelation,h.,.- been eoorluded ai Pwaen. sia\in-ki waaaeoU-ncodto two yean and aloe months' Imprisonment; wii-kesraki and Konopln«kl lo two yeart and *ix months'hi pi - :,¦ tent Mei i<..n-hi and Janisebea -M lo one yearaiid *i\ ¦mutha' Imprisonment, and seven others to

tenn* ranging from tone down n. four months. Pourof ike inls, nci* were acquitted


HEAVY STORM IN WALRBLandan, .tan. ao. There ha- m-en a heavy *n. w-

a'-'t-ti. in Wale*. Load- are blocked an I beatrj masOiIn sio.U are foarod

1IIK ROWR PR1NI F. ALM081 WI LL At,.MX.Kan Keino. Jan BO, Dr. .Ma'l.enzip made anolhci ex

¦mInatMM of I roora Prinee Prodorieh tTIUiam'i throat

O'day. The tun!.,- Inllamination ^ a* red ired and io

i of cancer were f..and The Pi ii er's throat wasre-examined at 5 p m lier,- were prosenl hiv. Mae-» H.a ell. kn ,*... Bebrater and Hiainaim. lt wasdivided not io operate The Princes Licthuu wa.-i iel anil ti.e seedling Slight.

no REWI PROM STANLEY.London, .lan. at. .'Hie eoaaoUltee on the Kniln

Bej loUofoipedMkro h*- reeotved advice* fi.un Ugandaap to the middle ol Novenitier. bot there is no newsfrom Stanley.

THE CAPTURED PRUSSIAN, Jan. 30.-The Pt ailina soldier who was

le /ed by RoSOlai NtiMI near the l'rus-ian fion-iiet yeabarday, has hoon liberated.


fANY TBT1B0 Tu DBItX OMR.PinomBB, Jan so (SpsetaJK-^Tbe Leader" sent pu

rrp-..rier |. Carmi, III., to Investigate the aRegod wht. b emoted aa moah excitement In the marketUst week. The invest!,^,, tel, graphs as follows ¦

-lt wa- a 'fake' BOrSOtmed hy ChJOAfO j.aiHr*There is no such Well and I10 M1,U^ nmwku. ^npo.t.d, a.,,1 no nader way to daVM ,,, ,.ior ga* territory, i ind that ti,.^ .

,lt-vr|-|l, oil it. the **)¦« ¦¦, Iie , :'wLuI fu\ 1 fSL *"'V,'1Jl1Cm of the Clteago Boord. *2^^ *Jj~ln« ».«»-anabMM nosaoa. w,. . reortmV ffVT 1 vl"Mew York Ot w. ll »* i h ,^ C' e* b - K"??*'Crbsg MV3 to eve, then^au ^fb^brSk!3,lr'

irs T.u-iiumTat uk,, IuyKRM Babb. n. j., j.n. 30 |SpseloB.-Tbora was a

ri.amploi, Knnant roos here thu afternoon for . ..nd .hird abms loo ya. h.s. each elo,, Uvlng a1The course was not the Bowel trbm^j^J^^distance of five mlle* and return, tl* turning .....being in llart*horu's Cove, near lh>. Hhjphblgoti n 't».re five e....ies |b the second cla,s Bod three U>" abash 'Jue start was boos at u v. m. with n,0w.tid l.ght, (aptaln Jaimvj H. Weavers Kitty wa*Iii*, hesso, winning the ftOoond iieniiknt. Uer thut»0'>ig foitj thioo mlu ito*. Norman Kio* n's 1 int ui"aornnd, foll.,wed hy Captain "Rob" Chandler's ltphoon, exNheriff Allmi's N ,w Then, a.d CkaaoWi'.et lhere u-t. . aptaln Chsries irvin's Georgia wonn.e .hird class peuoaut In folly eight mlontos, with |J apUlo Cum-', cude second. After the race th- boat,waaeq Up with club members and sailed away for

Ml^hiVi they baa *" °ihter AiU"er * **"

lyW TO SfTttJ TUM COKE COSTHOVKRHf^"^b. nu, J.n HO.-Ano.her BMObrog of cl.pera.

..'"V*" UIA ,0(1*'r »n,i eoossastsase paogoses wasa>«ie%owBrd the Inbjmn of a mw svndicalo II CrT* *'.» **?" MSl lt OM sta..-,! IhOl Um UKferenee.e*«0»o the Kilt* cowper.? %,,d .ue old me..t«i« of

he syndicate In regard to Ihe amount of money claimedbf the former had been amicably adjusted.

The furnace men of the Jdahonlng Valley are not

satisfied with the price of eke. They Insist upon a

funder reduction. A meeting of the roka consumers

In ihe West will be held lu this city In a few days to

lako concerted wt lou,+-




currentva otsiuu m<,vop>»i tue.AI BAW. Jan. rio (Special!.-The New-York Catholte

Protectory, through Senator Ive*, to Bight asked the

|ygl*lature to pass a lilli directing the authorities of

New York ny to appropriate ninney for the supportof Its great *cho.,l. The Institution has 3.000 pupils.Hitherto the trustees have paid the teachers fi oin

charitable conti '(tuitions. Now they ask that tho city

give (hem money for the Behool UM same as If Mwere one of the pul.Ile sekooH.

There BM bOOS bitter opposition In former yearsto the making of such an appropriation on the groundthat ihe Protectory I* a sectarian Institution senator

Deea's aaaoelatoa srero aaanriog him to-night Ihal la

Introducing tho Mil be wa* plunging BM a g.i dealof hot water. Ile *aid thal ba wm aware ofilia., but

that ihe Protectory wee In his district ami he be-lieved thal Joelly Um Institution was entitled ha the

sci..ol moneys that lt de-.led. It was an excellentlymanaged Institution and was as much entitled lo the

appropriation a> a number of other charitable Inatl-lotions which received lt, notably the New Yolk

Juvenile .Asylum and oilier Ilks Instltntlone.TAMMANY A IT.Ai'Ks Titi C Al. BARONA,

a few dayl ag., ki. hard Croker, the heed ol that

remarkable "treat" and political mcnopoly known .-

Tammany Hail. loggcateC aub .. Bee show ol vlrtoethat a reaolntioa abonld be passed agalnat "tru>ta"and other BSOaopolhM Which were ImpoalOg awful tax-

on the pis pie ,,f Vi'wVuk. Tue re-olnt!oi wa*

pa--"d. and al-o another. BOggeated by Mr cr..ker. di¬

recting tliat a ci lonii'iee't,.- appointed to draw np a

bill fm presentation lo Um Legislature for Um prohi¬bition of Imats and kindred mouoputle*, and IbCB Ihe..( orporxtli n ol Tammanj Hail, limited,' wai amused.Two of Um "tni-t" bills suggested were Introducedto night, one bj Assemblyman Fina ami the other bySenator Laugher* Thal ol lae asoator i- said t" beaimed MpOOtaUy at the "cal briens.' li i- given Idfull below

section i. Any person or persona whn shell at-

t-Mtipt to form, or *hall form an. trust, society, cor

poratlon, company, a--... allon, combination or- othercollection of persons foi the purpose ul controlling o

withholding from the people, trade, or the marketa,«nv of the products for food c Um neeessaries oflife, or any ai lela of food or mel. or w hu shall oomblneto raise the price or marka) value ol an] produel forf.I or the necessaries ol life, or any article of foodor fuel for tho gam or greed Of anyof sa'd person or persons, ar tutsi.or society, corporation, company, association, i.ina ti on or oi her collection nf persons t,. he d tri-iicnt of the people, trade or tl..- markets, shall uponconviction thereof he deemed pilli} of a felony andshall l>e i.i*hed accordingly.

SeeUon '2 provide* that any person ot p r-nii*. or

any treat, society, coi] oration, company. a**ociatton.combination or other collection of persons guilty nfforming tuck a trail *ha:i he Built j of a felony omi shall

ba punished accordingly.?-¦


So.N A CO.AISAST, fan. :><>. In th . Assam dy to-nlsht Mr. Shea

railed up hit resolution provtdiag for tho appeiatmaataf o eemmlttee to Sod bow gaarto/a for the Aaaambly,Mr. Hadley adored a substitute provtrtlag that theSuperintendent ef Publtc Bodldlnas ahall atroteh a woe

nettltir. at a neat «f not over B2.O0A »rpr the AaaemblyChamber te preveai chips of atone falling on the beadssr the memboraA doaaltery debate waa ahmad by Mr. Rn*ted*a motton

totable the matter, which was carried ou his statement

liiat tbs ('.iusii««ii)n to examine the Belling weill 1 hehere lO-UMHTOW and woafld be Hide to re|iori at ones.

iobsequaatly tho cover mr transmitted i« ti.o (feoaatwo letters from Elditta, Rmbardeou d ' ».. asblioasad to

thu Trustees ol Pnblie Bolbilaga, lbs mst bj dated Jan¬

uary it i *--s. ead says:As for 'he last -es»u years our repeated roooeat* far

the eorroetioa of exlsitu/ delects tn tim com; of tbaAstutely 'bamber and its raul's and for tit*o. uol.'n.u of thair eoaaSrUOttOO it* well as our oreen!

rrcsmuieudatloas thal the condition of the lu,ri li Wfegt>f the i at,itel, h.elu, the Assembly * hamlisr.shall i,e reuxMMiued i»y eempMoot perenna, hove nothewn acted upou, aili expectattsa <>f au. n a, lion owingexbauatsd, wa ca:.nut be b< 11 reapeaalble foi possihiaaeeiden's. Bat, as hr Ung neglect, raeh accidents ruse

happen, w» pretest aaalnal tba further occupancy of thehoi tn wine ol tue Capitol ia it* prsaeal condition, amioe requeei that you dlreei ihat ike laaambli chamber,Mate Library Bod oflleeo In that part of the building leoloeed until action as reeommoaded -hali have beantakenThe second letter ls dates May 25, 1897, and suvs:

During the past otgbl years rari'dis esmmualeetlona[rota i* io the Capitol I fciamtaaleaer h iTe sot been acted. e. rho Coiainlsaiooer elates that he ha« no pew»r Iii fiepremises for Hie proaervatlaa of tba Asaemblr Chamber.\v« deslrs that eur roeemmeedattoas should bc one er mora competent p»r»ens fainlllsr witathe theorr «f 'he arches shook! with ns examiae inot..ult ami reeuraiiieud repairs our profaaalenal repute-lion should not be psnui te I lo oe assailed, aor shouldwa ha held rcapoBainle for it* Integrity vti,h« our reenasnina lat,ons fur Its eompletioo and repair arv nwt actednoon.Mr. Hasted stated that although the last letter am

addressed t» bim, this wa* tba Brat uaie he had seen ii.Ila mored lo Hassler ike matter lo the Ways ami Means< ommltteo.Mr. Hamilton moved to tabla tba matter, widen w-as

lest.yeas ll, nays 60.gud Mr. Maatod's motion wai

cai ried.The Aseembly then adjourned until ll a. m. to-morrow,

AMENITIES OP LEGISLATION.Albast, Jan. ju..When the Asseaibiy was in Commit¬

tee of toe Whole tala evening andT. D. sullivan's bill.

which provide* that Chine*,, laundry reesipts shall be

ptiuted m English, wu« up Mr. BaztoB exclaimed:"I don't cure wken, hew er where the gentleman's e».n-

stltuents base their dlny linea wasned, hut I don't tullinthey ought te wnb lt hms.","My coastlMenta ha-.e dirt? Hean tn *i,-b, I want

>-Mi io aederatand. Mr.Speaker; but witera myfrieadeames from ihey dwu't hare auy lmea ai al," retortedMr. Sullivan.ihe sill was ordered to a third leading,

A LETTI II 1U0M JU I i.ntos da ns.

HR CANNOT Yisir THR MIMIaSIPPI UCGISLATCRR,jackson. Miss., Jan. 30..Jefler-on Ilarls has written

to the Mississippi Lsjislature a letter stating his reeooifor aol being able lo accept the lurltatiou t.> a,Mi t's

them. Following ld the letter :

BSUOVOta Miss , Jan. StTo th* Sfnatt nnd Rems a/ Rtprttentatim a/ Mtarfasippt(.KMikMi.N 1 stn siu,orelr thankful for the hutiur eon*

fend nv your roooirrenl re-elutioii of the IStk Instant Insiting ai* to visit you darline your pre«ent nessiou. It wouldgive me treat pleasure to meet tiie ininesentatires af tmpeople i h ie Barred aa lang and ievad as moah, liisrea-souable to supoefte thal tho tune ii Bear st haatl whsn I shallgo hears lorerer, and 1 waihi Oe glad porsonallf to knowthe ama <t tue present gSMsSASMa, to wi,otu th*destiny of >i:a»|gslppi ls to be conn.'a I. Mis-(l«Al|,|,tans, from the time of her territorialexistence, have horne an honorable part In the affairscf Hie tountry .,..,! hare shrunk from na -acnfleas which pa-tr.olistu han ASSOOBOBA Hearing testuuour as one wha cea.ns

dawe te voa bom a past age, i eaa applaud the ahlvalry andmiegrltyaCelsl Mississippi, OOd mr n:«>i<,t wish is tea: Usrluiurc laaerd may be wanky Sf tba past.Whan youl very roaipliuvnt.iry lesolutan was recelred

tar M, iii did not permit tue, as I dsslreJ, at once to acceptand Indicate a tims at whick I would rlslt yon. My anxietylo confer with and learn the riawe of my younrer ktSthrsBrsusrd ma lo hope that at a later parted I m's'.! be ablo ta

ssml ta yan an BOfSptaaae, but that hope has not been real¬ized, jb.'. ualess ttis- session should be protracted, I au, < otu

pslled to announce my laahillly to attend.With grateful acknowledgment of yoar kind oonshlera.

tlon, I am, wilt, eerilial wishes for yaur welware ant kappi-u.-ss la'.iTidua'.ly aa.I collectively, Your feliow<;tl»en.

Jamssoa dams.

J-ASTOH aRCMHIMTS OBUkCR IS' DISORDER.Syra< LbK, N. Y., Jan. SO (Special)..Al tho aasual

meeting of tho l'li-st liilvci-alsl t hUTOh to day thoinuiorlly of the eongi-cgatlon held tho majority to thestatutes of the Mate and prevented them from voting.'Hie wllde-t l..infusion, In which BASS Shook Iholr listsat anea ether, prevailed The Kev. j. c. p, (.nun-

bine, paslo.". had been requested lOUM time ago lo

resign. besajMd of hi.-, adhereuM io Roary GooramThis spilt tl.e church hilo two faction-,. UM majoritysustaining tho pallor. Ihe pallor will romain incha'ge ol the church until September, whoa bl* coutia.i aspires, BeeajwhUo osskiBg to farm a no» c/mi. i..

HABEAS OOMFVi DE.T/RD PO OAMPEXTKM.lAOUnasTun, Phs, .ian SO (Special .-Judge. Saker

heard arguments today on thc application lo discharge George n. Carpenter from Ihe sheriff's enetody,on the writ «,t habeas eorpns obtained saturday nightJudge luker decided ... hold the prisoner len days hsIhe .xt,adi.ion papers iulll Kew-Yorh. Il li saidthat the next step will ba to attack Um legalltj ,,f ibopapers now expected,J roof; TJICRVts Mmsst MLAOTIOM TOMOBME.

l "1 nins, Ohio, Jan. ;,() BJooBlali..Af la*t thefsrasorrettc feronrs of eleetlaa taUy iheeta la IMS anon Dial with Allen n. 'I hut tuan » p,,,*,.cilor. inprvaeulliiM; thc ca»e lo Ihe )a*J lo da> Jiiu^c tnSansSM

made one of the most eloquent efforts ot his life, de¬

claring that there was no use of holding elections InOhio If such practices were not punished. He added:'I Ahonld 1)0 ashamed to rall myself a Democrat, asyou know I am, If I should let'my politics shield scrime like this."


DKSTINATIONS .ACCIOPNTS TO SHIPI'lNfi.Kinoaton, N. Y., Jan. 30 (Special).-The WalU.lll

Valley Hallway ls not yet recovered from the snow¬

drifts, bul the officials hope to get the Hains runningbf to Banes, The high Iron brSOga which carriesthis mad over the Itondout (reelt and the I>clawareand Hudson Canal at ffle»adala ls now being strengthmed by heavy trestle work. Ono hundred men are

hurrying along the work, and the cost ls estimated at

180,000. The trains atc heavier on that Uno thanwas contemplated at tho construction of the bridge,ami many rognrded the structure with Bnsgrvtnga.West Muire trains moved With BOOM regularity t» day.One track north ol Kingston wes entirely clear amiboth track* to WecFiawkcn were dear. Huire freighttrains were pushed to their destination as rapidly alp,r.slldeAUSABT, Jan. lb). -Almost all trices of the snowstorm

have disappeared sa far BS t .silt<> id trafle ls concerned.The Hew*York central and Redaou River and ths WestShore roods are beth running nn time, and Ihe Delawareand Rudson Mad is opes avals

la tia Mohawk Talley trains ran aenrlv an time to-dav.

TheeOOUtry road*, however, have not yet been aliened.Huston. Jan. SQ.- Train* ran regulatlr today OB tba

Vermont Ceatrai Railroad, 'ihe Brat frotgbl shippedfloat Blddefard, Me., since WY.Iaesday was sent out

today.Baraotabla Ray as.i Bustard's Bur are covered with

solid Belds af lea. Vessels bona {fer Saatee arc aoehoredla tte berber of PSlaaauth aaaote I* asove oetU the leeSeldaare brnfesa np, Two arhnonori went a.uote en

(.teat Point, Nantucket, and tw» became foal in th- Ice.

Another BchBOOBf vvent ashore an llarse*hoa BBOOlSThe schooner AddtSOB <i. l'rocier, fruin the W'c»t« ti

Banks, arrive 1 at Gloucester ami reperei UM weatherof the last four weeks to have beau aiissst unexaminedill Its severiiy. Several seamen have been lost by the

fleet an the banks and reports of many dtk.isti r* aro

expected.EasToS, Jes. SO (Speetal).- The Basgot and Portland

road pota large force of men on this morning and sue

ceeds 1 iii eemng the road opes to Rei uetu. TLo Lehighand Hodson roaapiaa Its train In'o Belvtders about l

p. m. today, lt was due an hutt 'ay al il o'clock. The

Sew York, Sasqoehanna aad Wasters rood Las every-

thing apeu, the Sral train Retting through 'hil

moreleg; ia tho last thirty henri the LehighValley Cempoey has tai. u ihroagh thmy-tlve belated ftel^-ir and rail traias. Country reads au¬

stin almost Impassable aa I limitless wail tho surround

lng districts greatly Interfered vt tu.

I.Wi) SLIDES IN CALIFORNIA.svn iti kv I-..,, .ian. :.'i (Special). The greateel land

slide ever knows In al Iforola baa tal en pince ob Umline of the California a.,il Oregon Railroad, recent lyopened ss a through lina between saa I'ranctscu and

Portland, Oregon. The roadbed m- fresh, and theheavy rains thal have fallen for weeks thoroughlylooked th" ground *,, that "tba ul,ole country let feand come down on the traci,.'' About Ino miles oftia.k ha.- le.-n covered with (lei.ris. The woret slidesare mi the d v i-on- between ihe delis and eighteentheroealng ..f i»..¦ so rai lent.. Riverland between Hornb.i. and Ashland A force of lj(> men ll at wink,but ll i* not BXpetted the] ra:; do much to clear theHack until spring.


PEARS FOR SNOW hors n PASSENGERS.Pt. Paul, M.nm. Jan. 30..From Winnipeg ''The Press* leai tis that no through train* have ar¬

rived there over Um Canadian pacific since Wednes¬

day, a tain load ol passengers h said to bc blockadedin the mountains, ami fear* an- entertained for theirsafety a.* then supply of provisions i* not larc".


OLIVER DOCD BYRON** COTTAGE DAMAOED.Lons Ukam ii. N. J.. Jan. .'lo.. ri)., mooni storm car-

lied away tba lui Ik head of the Surf.hie COI taite of diver

Dead iirren, the aster, at mSomoath Beoeb, ami mao aaa half of the bolkbead of the cottage af ex stats.-enaloi Uarret A. Hobart, >.f Now-.Iersay. BB eercinl

places the surf baa tore largs gai>s lu the bli.d' alaneOeeaa-sve., Loog Reoeeh.

A JANUAKY THAW IN THE BORTHWEBXHi. I'ai l. Jan. 3D.-A regular lanuarr thaw prevails

all over the Northwest, hi.-li temperature and bright

ploaaaai weatlier being reported from all parts of

Moataaa, Doketa and Mianeseta

BARD TIMES POR THK FERRYBOATS,Tba ka m the river- and Um hay yesterday bothered

the ferrybootseonalderobly. AR Um boats In the new

lino thal runs from tbs Battery ta Tblity-nltiih-si.,Rroekl) n, hid to gve up entlielv. They will endeavorto resume their trip* lu,lay The Staten Island feiry-boat Westfield mb cb was due here at fl :~» a. m. foundthe ice so heavy when »he reached Governor*! i-iani'hat *he went up th.- North River to Pier ll sud landedher passengers lhere aller a good deal of delay amidifficulty.


117'> V/Y(,' A TOOT UA< E A SO A URI OE.

Pl l.K.N, Mo., Jan. flo .>p... lap -A wedding thal wai

derided by a footrace ocenrred hero today Mi**

(.ettie Langley had two lovers, W'. A. bneathen, olTe.xa.*, wealthy: and Joass Hull, a poor but handsomeyoung man. >II-s Langley bad leen engaged to Mr.Hull for *ome time, bul when tt.e Texan made bis appe,i uko and offered tbs (athel ai the fair girl fMrOOOfor his daughter, il- fa'dei- quickly accepted and readthe law to Ihe gill. She loid Mr Hull to hurry to

Fulton and eet I,!- license and Ihe would marry him,bul ba'i i" cine in on Saturday sith the licenseand l lo- li'iI wa, -.nt lo low n on Sunday and thismorning bneathen wenl tu the recorder's office to get a

license- Jual a- Um clerk handed Um paiiors to him,l;ull came In the front dool lor lae SUM purpose. Ashe entered, Sneaihen wenl mil the north window. Thenthere wa* a nee foi IbB house where the young woman

w»-. Hnll won wltli eu.-e. and although the distAnceSSS m.' over a half mile, the ceremony wa- over whentba enraged Texan reached Um Jutish.

////; esiau: or cititr mountplbamant.Loenronr, R. T., Jan. :to (Special)..Tba Tuarn-

roro chiefs in thia county now claim that the onlylegitimate heir to chief Mount Pleasant*i estate ls a

daughter, tiio wife .f james pemberton, and theastate owes Bl ,260 to a lister el tho dead chief and.fur. to .\*a Thompson They further say that ihoestato will l>o settled by the Tuscarora chiefs, andthat the Surrogate Of UM county has no Jurisdictionwhatever over land or property of any kind on HiOIndian reservation. Indian law savs that a thirdwife ls not entitled to any part of a husband's estate,and that at the expiration ot ten days she most havell and can only remain longer bv marrying a relativeOf her husband, The widow and third Will of .MountPleasant ls a seneca, a *i-ter of General Ell Parker,who was on the staff of General Orant. He ls now

practising law In New-York. The widow has manyfriend! m New-York among her white listers.

INDICTMENT* IB MONMOUTH GOVETT.FBI.1.hoi n, N. J., Jan. lid.-Th" On-nd Juty of Mt S

mouth County ha* bund eighty-seven IndictmentsAbout forty of them Bte against tho people living in

Limerick, Loog Branch, where Rrbert Hamilton waamurdered five weeks bro Dpshnr Egleston, alia*" Min K." and ber lover. Stanford B Hotter, who vv a.s

one of Hamilton's assailants, have been Indicted oil

level al Charons.-.-

DISAGREEisa A ft To RUBBNMETM GUILT.TBOT, R. Y., Jan. BU.A dispatch from Hallston to

" Tho Standard11 says : " The Jury In UM Rubens*! mur¬

der trial this morning announced that they were un¬able t,, Agree upon a verdict, righi being for eonvlslion of murder In Ihe first degree and foul for murderin the second degree. ,,n e,ie|, nf 11,»> thirteen ballots.A new pane] was drawn Immediately."

? ._

ARRESTED TOM CRIMINAL MALPRACTICEBamim..i:i;, .tan. :o. Dr. Prancl Stevens, of No. 7,

North ililli st, wa- arrested today charged witheriavinal malpractice, on December 'j", apon pauline Boo>chat. Moir.* RoSOnthol, engineer of No. 8 KllglneCompany, i* under arrest also, ti being ebarged thalti.» alleged -rime wa- committed al hi* Instaure '".

yount woman died ia.*t night ai the Mary IAnd L'nlveiBlt] Hospital.


W v-him,i,,n, .la,, BO s/hJ fnaeral of Hoar-Admlral I lark ll. Wein took place nd* murnini; lu Oils

city. The Kev. Dr Leonard, nf st john's EpsSeopalChurch, officiated, Tba poHboorors were OouorelSheridan, Admiral* potter, Pranhlln Rodgere, Davisand Howell, Commodore Walker. Judge Maury, Hr.Hrl noell ami Mr. Longhorn Tba bod) was taken '"

Philadelphia for Interment in Laurel Hill icmetety.?

.1 BRUTAL FATBBR INSTANTLY RILLEDW n ,Me .lat, :.,.. \| eulie Sidney, a lo vu

adjoining Augusts Edward wentworth, (etty rente hos a family of thirteen ehJJdren, Ha wa* cruelto them, and iM Sandal esentag, afier beaUag bM artss,ho stunk one of lils dOOghSOn and had thrown leidow n and was thohlOg her. 'Ihe wi'.. rOBBO MtSOtCdwberoupou he started to got hi* revolver, but ono ofthe smiis grai.led the psiol and iso low ard a l»ed room

Che father followed, and ealchl-g n.n boy, vat In theact of grabbing IBS rex olver, when p wa* ill*r bergen. IO

'.onie way lu- nail peoatrollai "> falher'e cheal, loll...» h'm ii,-lenny



another FIRNACK DIow*\ oir.RKADivn. jon. BO..Hm Brading Comisiny

shipped thirfy-llve curs of coal from its Urook-?ide, mid probably fifty from Locust Spring; nndKl ystoue Collieries to-dny. These ure the onlylieuding collieries in thc S«lni.\ Ikill regions thatluive made tiny attempt to atnrt up. 'Hore issaid to be some indecision and xvuxcriiisr of tholinea of the strikers, but this does not amount tomuch. The assertion that them ure signs of a

"break up"' is pr .nounced false. Thc men an*not at the end of their resources fog harassing theloading Coiiipanv. mid thor" are whis|>crs thatthere is another Mg move on foot. The ofli.ialssuv that Dmr,', bj ;, big break in the ranks atShumokin. TM truth is that the PennsylvaniaCoal Company hus agreed te pay the full advancennd in eonaeqnenee a small number of men willi.e put to work making ni .ess;,ry repairs, KahleyWin nt Shenandoah, owned by the 'I lumms Con]Company, storied up to-day full-handed under a

positive pro ui*e riot to ship a pound of coal OVCIthe Reading r,,|i,i. All wal mined there musthe used for the local supply. The men say theywill diop their tonis instantly if tin* promise isviolated. The William l'enit Colliery has I.Mi!.led eats on it* tail track. They expect tostart. Ogata on Wednesday. It i* asserted thatthis tittil i*al*o under promise not to load i,of coal on Reading .ats lor shipment liver thalroad.

Riipertatenrtont Mooro of Tjnvronec and Itnu-n'sColliery, at Mohanoy pi,ne said to-dny: "Wehave Hifi nt, ti at work and over '.'fifi loud. ,I earsoil fie toil tin. k but they are going to slav thenfor some time. Not. a pound can be shinned. I"OBI believe the strike is near over. 'Ihe menHie solid. If we should attempt IO shin our loadedears our men would quit, instantly. I agreed notto shu, and r am going to stick io my word."

lt is nrobnble the Brook Iron Company, utRlrnshoro, w11. blow out two of its stacks on

Wednesday. Thin will increase th- li*t of idlefnrnae, s to fourteen it, the Selim I! ll Vail v that' :"" »ft!i r li",, honked un or blown ont Aprominent furnace oom anya flint if the strike islnot s,.,,|. | before March 1 there will nut be Bstacie nntliBjaeite stuck io blast In Reading ter-;ritory. Th. y cannot afford to pay Increased priersfor c dbL

wTOMTRfl MIRERS N'"T TO BTRIRR.WfLRFABARBB,Jan. no.--Distriel Assembly Ra IS,

Knf'.-iifs of Labor, asri in * .<¦ et session In pittsburglo div. There were nearly 400 delegates In st'i ndaneewho represented over 80.000 miner* in tho Wyomingand (.»< law anna r»al stoles, riio seaton was strictlyleefel ami no part ,,f lt ls obtainable, lt bas beenturo!" known, however, that th" BMOtln| hid nothingto do vs th tie- Reading or le1 l.'li stril at. No n fereneewhatever was mo'" pertaining to th- Srhuvlklllstrike. Another meeting I* to take ida..n u/ednes-day nest Al i!ii- session a comm It-e from Si li "vl-

1 ll region ar.* experted tn be preaent to consult oi rn »-

ni* relating to th" strike. Th" rumor that theWyoming Vallei miners viii ie- called out on strikeha no foundation in ha t.

t LOTHfRG TOTTERS \* KRIOUTS OP LABOR,RAtftSMHtr, Jon lo fSpscial).- Trn thou ..nd <l. thing

eattera are represented by about one hundred dele-gales at th" National Convention which opened to¬

day In this city. They aro to form a National Trade

Aaaenshtp, winch win ba Jfo SSI in this class of organ¬isations Th« preshieiil of the convention, i hi lesUar/, ti,,; secretary and treafurer. Waltei H. Wester-buck, sore cert.,| in August at th,- preliminary con¬vention of tlo- < utter*' Traooa Colon* lo ld In RVPOelise. Th" hu-lre-- thia aft. neon .va* to dissolvetie prrilmliMrv orrantrnth n .'.od to take steps io formile Rational Dist rici Assembly.

yo STRIKR PROBABLE OR 'MIK BELT LIM'.Th" threatened strike of car driven and conductors

or, tho Boll I.lue *ui face railroad will ie ol al.iv md

take pince. Th" rar Drivers' Association sent a

committee to President Scribner ami made an agreemead that tho men should work during the yearunder tho samo conditions that ruled last yc-ir,wolch were entered ,OtO aft^r thu bis strike of IfSBA.i amicable feeling now exist, between ihe nflleersand tin; majority of th" employes, 'lue rood, Imw-e Milrea extremely hard service, and a few dis¬contented ones together w li others who i,n\ 8 b"ildischarged for good cause, have attempted to stir upstrife. rn


THE HIGGINS CARPET FACTORY OPER.Tho largo carpet factory of K. S Diggina A Co.,

which has been shut down for repairs dui lng tho!a*t live weeks, wm opened again yesterday morn¬

ing, ami tba eighteen hundred hands went bach tOwork. Tho manager said yesterday thal wages wouldnot ls* reduced at piesenf, yet th" fact w as that 'heyaero higher now than those poid hy ot her linns.I-'or a week or more tho linn would he on Um alertto re thal the Knights of Labor did not "spring"something on lt. The boycott, which ls supposed to

ba hanging over tho thia's head, had been heard fioinonly In one quarter, a house which sold on theInstallment plan.

. ?

CI0ARMARER8 AGAINST THE REVER1 BTAXThe leaders of the clgirtiiak":-' Dull IM were disposed

reeterday to belittle the revolt of Hie laborer! on th" rev¬

enue fax question. They pretend that they are in (hanrh*. know Wk. I I* best for the WOI lii"ii an have do e

all they co'ipl for th'iii N" new strikes have beenordeted and three largo shops still remain closed.Mean" i.ile the workers are assiduously circulating mb-s, rtpHon pupers sud handbills announcing their pur¬pose i" do their utmost toward lecurlng leglslsl on

abolish Um revenue tax. Many of the down 'own

tobacco dealers are in sympathy with them, for withoutthe tax the workmen themselves could go into businessami tobacco sales would he Increased. To-night,u/edtesday nlghl and Tboisday night. Um matter willbin brought un at tho meetings ol the clgarmasers'unions, and delegates In all the prominent ibum are

ul' the Subject, The meeting In Avenue 1) newKunda) will be preliminary to tl.oner Colon nasameeting to ba held later o'n. There are aboiii twentythousand elgaimakers in tho city and the energeticway In whick preparations for the mass meeting ar"

being made Indicates ihat it will be a decided demon-Miali.m. .

LITTLE ROPE OF COMPROMISE.Tho flint gla-s workers continue t., lounge about

their headquarters In Beboies-st., Brooklyn, and aro

mule determined than they were at UM beginningof the trouble -one seek* ego, The owners al*oflatly refuse tu make any concession* whatever andall BOpa of a [deadly adjustment i* g. veil up.



FATAL SHOO INC SCRAPE.Patrick Kin>,' keeps a li<|iior store at No. 413

West, Twenty sixth st. Patrick Mtiglun, whois thirty-six years old, lives at No. 4.'i5 West

Fifty-sixth st. and QooTga W. Breen hsBRCS his

hom.. at No. UH Wes' Twetity-sixth-st. The threemet at King's liquor stoic ;it 7:30 last eveningA dispute arose between Breen and Meighan con-

eerning a bet. Brvefl drew Hirth some mouey fromhis pocket. Mcigbna laid hold ol a live dollarlull and held on to it. King noticed this, und

sUppingont from behind the har d<-mantled that hegive it back, which Mcluhan refused to do, where¬upon a brief tussle ensued In tween the two men,

with the result that King recovered thc money andrestored it to Uren.

Meighen then went ont. returned in about halinu hour and demanded hack the mouey fromKing, which be claimed was not Breen*! at allhut his. King refused and ordered him out of thoplace, but Meighan instead of complying put hiahand In his hip pocket, presumably with theintention ol' drawing a weapon. Before he enidd<> so. King whipped a bulldog revolver off ¦ shelfbehind the lmr and discharged it in Meghan'sabd, nien The wounded tuan was brought to thoNew-York Hospital in an ambulai., while Kingwas arrested. The coroner took the unt.'-morteinstatement of Ifeighan upon whom an operationwas performed. Only a penknife was found uponlum. Ila xviii die. Ile claims that the shootingwas unprovoked, while King maintains that whatll" i|i,l WU - III self ilefclic,'.


snor nv a jbaloum wipe.Constable charles iv Gordon, colored, wa* ihoi in

th" head lost Bight at hi- bOUSO, N". SIS Smith si.,Newark, and Will di". He BOld li" had <ptarrclled with

hi* wife, who WM Jealous of him. She seised his re¬

volver and -hot him. Th" wife declared that (.otdotishot himself. The woman was Bot arrested whenCordon wa* taken to the hospital, bul ollicers were out

late looking for her. The couple have hail frequent<iuarrei*. ami the wife h-fi him several times, allegingunfaithfulness. Tho wlfo ls a mulatto; cm,lon Mfolly yeats old._

BVENINQ <>E ART AND ROTELTT WOBMAKim. Penn., Jau HO.-The Art au I Novelty Works

took tire last nlitht and sere destroyed Loss, Bl I.SOO Ilaeareaee, $-1,000._


Pbefson, an Itlneranl preaeher who gives his address as

VeriuoiiUrtVe.. Waahlnirtuu, 0 C., waa srreeled lieie lo-

OAjr abased with ahaotlng Joseph SfRoy. SM r-rea. Uer

claimed to bo a detective and wanted to arr. st Wileywltnout a warreat. winn Wiley resisted MePtetsesshot him through the body, milo ur ir a fatal wound.




Piiovidk.v t, Jan. SO (SpMtaR. STOW various partsof the Slat*- lhere were repnr's today of an earth¬quake this morning, about 12 :40 o clock. A numberOf Newport people say that they experlencd a longrumbling shock, and many pBOpsS testify to beingawakened kg lt. Prom Centreville and I nunpton caine

the reports of a shock at about IS ISO a'Cfock, thatlasled several BBeOCMM and ra'fled th" windows and

Crockery In th" houses. Hope Valley pcopln felt th,,

quake, loo, and time Its keginniOg al 12 a. m.. andIts duration at four seconds. Al Kali Klver. Mass.,the shock was |>ei.nt Ibl y felt for eight seconds. Itseemed to travel from south to not: h. and was severe

ennui:!, to awaken people from sleep. At Kast deer,

ariah the axpeilenee of tba people wa* coincident with

that of tho Foll Rhrei lol ks. The shock was also feltas lu au av BS N B Bedford. At Bristol ho,i-"s vvoie

iboken severely. 'Ihe di.tnrbaiiie waa felt lu thiscity. I.ut il WM not v Igm o *.

Booroo, .lan. lid.--A dispatch from Providencestates 'lin Hie ii,,-, rfc bouses were badly shaken uplust Blghl by a dynamite explosloa lu Newport Har¬bor, in many places the shock resembled an earthquake, and reports from various pol nts *poaU of lt as

a genuine earthquake, ihe eau*e not being generallyknown. No other cau*e for th" shock wae knownuntil to-day, when it wa, learned that lu NewportHarbor etforf* wee making to "har the harlor of J ».>. 90..The report Mnl from ProrHraie

of adynami'e explosion rn Newport barber fer ttae pur-pssoof breaklac tea vvas wkaiiv laeorroet Prefas*i>rMuiiioe. of t'te Torpedo Station, states that all the .trna-mil... in tins Mlvhborhood I* lu lill charge sad that li*has not given au? of lt out. The shock felt herc wascaused by a genuine Mrthquake.


Pilli snui'tiiA. Jan. BO (Special)..YSi report thatha- KSJoed wide circulation that thom I* an Mtrangeiiei.l between Ihe syndicate tint took part lu li"

iceni reorgaasatieo ol Um Heading Kadina,!, amiPresident (oii.iti wm officially denied to-day. An

ofllcer of tho company saul lins morning: "If the

¦ySedhsate did sol talah Mr. Corida parfoetiy anio tomanaga ti,.- company, li would bava 'ecu made knownlong BgO, The wisdom of Mr. ni Inn's plans is al

ready becoming apparent, fur the ulrike at the mines

I* eraduall] breaking. To-daj wo lave ei^-iit ,.t ourcollieries at work', which ls more than on any oilieri.i> iluce ii" -mho began. Abra, there aro asea laliv.; ..lier collieries making repairs, and a* soon a*

those a:-" done, work lo them will begin. Thocull orlcs being wi iked are the il nrj flay, Glendower,Ino K'-v-i. ii-, ina Licusl spring, tim Alaska, bawLocust tap, the Suffolk, thc Brookside ami iboLincoln,11

A COMMITTEE T<> CALL OR CONGRESS,Washibotox, .ian. :i". John ll Davis, John L tee

and II MrOarvey, a committee representing the sink

lug operative- and miner- of Iii" I'lihnl Iphia and K ad¬la,; and Lehigh Valley Railroad companM, and tbai blladetphla and Beading Coal Bod iron Compaay,arrived In Washington today foe tho pnrpoae ofuigit.g Congreaa to take action arith reference to trooblea. a'lhoy will present, tn tba Houma i cition Baking foran Investigation of the componree'adan *.


RET BARRINGS OP TME CARADIAR PACIFICMuSTBBAL, Jan. 80 (Special)..Tba annual statement

of the earnings and expenses of UmCanadian Paethsrailway tor the year 1**7 shows -rro*s Mratags t" imvo

ueea 811,608,413, and expeosei 08,102,28-4, making tue

nd prouts 83,304,118. Tbi* ibowa a dim nasa ofsl'ii,:li;* tu thc net prottts a* compare I v. ith 1 --<i l ..

mt pt.,iii* for lice, tuber last tere 8368,707 Se, an lu¬

cie lac "i »¦*:(, ;,;j over the prerluus >ear.¦?¦

A NEW VI< E-PRBBIDENT FOR Uti: BRIM,K ll. ThomSS has been elected second vice presi¬

dent of thc Row-York, Lake Brie and Weston Kail

road, lo have ,'iiarge of the lines west .i saiaiiianca.His beasktaartets wUJ ba at cleveland. Mr. Thoomaha.- lice,, second vteo-prssldeoi and general manager ofthc Richmond and Danville Ital Imad since september,1885, ami -iu,c October ni thal fMr also general maaa., r el ir Urnrgts Pac ilk Unitway. I'm - veal yomaprevious to 1885 he wai general manager ot ibo liceLt ne.

0801 NOLKSS RUMORS OF A RECElVERfftTJa*.RBBsers of au Impending dMant hy tu,. Mi.-i,

Kansas and Texas Hal,way have been revived re¬

cently, ami dispatches published ye*terday stated thatthe property was about to be placed in th" hands ofa receiver, ami in tba' way separated from th.- Mh>som Pacific system, (.ci ge j. Gould, acting presid nt

of the Missouri Pacific, ami a rtce-prMldeU of theMisson,!, Kansas ami Te.xa*, sail to a Taihi vi. re¬

porter: "The reports ar" wlthoui fo iodation ThoFebruary Interest wit be pani .md h there was anyIntention ol placing the road under a receivership, Isin sine that 'ie. d. fault would not be mule on Hieconsolidated 7 per cu's winch are undeniably a

good bond. Ihe,e is no ground for th" rumors, any¬way. Like those started in November, I bel have benoriginated probably by 'hen I' in Missouri pacific, whot,i,e nu* mean* to depreciate Che eredil of ihi- com¬

pany ami atleot Iii" pries of if.-, atora, iii- resultis likely to bo the same."

OKCAMZINC T<» SECURE A DIVIDEND.At a meeting yesterday of the common slock holden

of tie Ohio and Mlsafawippi Hallway Company at theofliro of H. T. Carey, Nu. 40 New-st., a commute., of

five was appointed Ie confer with a simiiat committeeof tho preferred stockholders, recently organised InLoud .n. wiiii til- rles of ieepring harmonious actioni.. tween iii- different Interests, 'iii.mmlttee con¬sists of Lou* c. tiark. of Clark. Ho.lg- A '.,.; H.(.. Dominick, of Dominick A Motormen; Ouatave J.Wetciar. of J, n. Probe) ,v Co : Malcolm Campbell, ot

Alexander Campbell <v CO. and Van Brugh Livingston.The committee w-a* organised afterward by th" elec¬tion of Mr. Livingston a* Chairman. Th" meeting was,

well attended and many prominent firms ncr reprc-lented lt la understood that the common *tock holdersaie anxious to secure a dividend on their mve-uient

MISCELLAREOUS BAILW tY IRTELLIOERC KPin-hi ito, Jau. 30 (Special)..Vice presideut Ore**, of the

Paaasylvsnts Bsllraad. said today that the :io."oo tua

srder foe suet rails wm gissa ant with the aadantaadlagthat Hie corni at y baa tba prir,l»ifo of ii.creasuij :r n> 80,01tons, theameuut r.-ipnrcd ea. h year for Ute maintenance ofthe road.c. 11 Mill's. Jan. UH (Special)..The Meeking Valley Rail

roadcam ts aew fe tho tlrsatt Court lu appsal, sad areaCpents wita 'emu t dar. Gorercor He.dlr came on fromNi -.York wuk President *i, lW ia appSBt lot .hu t ol., Jan. '.'.0..At a meeting of freight agent*

of tho toothers Pacific, Inion PMlflC, Denver andKio (iiande and Santa To roads held In this city to¬

day lt was decided to Increase tho rate on all classesof freight from California points to (,dorado pointsfifteen per cent, with the exception of g'oen fruits,which remain tho same M at present.


TEE SAD CLOSE OE A BRIEE ESVOCSTER.There was sorrow In the face of E. C. Blake, of

Cincinnati, last evening, when he left tho Gllsey IIouso

and wearily trudged to tho train which was to take bim

back to the lardy atmosphere of his native towa

A few days Ago he had invested two hundred big roundcart wheels In a little fox-terrier pup, who» bluo

blood and Irreproachable pedigree dbl not make him

appear, externally, worth moro than what a wild

Westerner would call a .' blt.-' The yup wm the pitasof lu owner, and was exhibited to ail new acquaint¬ances as unique In Its kind.

The end Ul ahort, but terrible. On Sunday nighsMr. Make took his terrier out for a constitutional At

the santo time, an unknown, beetle browed, square-jawed individual, with a slOBg-ahoi ls bia pocket and

blood In bis eye. was leading by a chain a big bulldogwith gory chops. Tho two strollers met, and the 8200fox terrier pup wilted. Tho meeting was short andtho bulldog and Mg "heeler" owoor ''got away'1 with

grace and dispatch.That ls why Mr. Blake cut ihort his visit, and wand¬

ered tn his traiu whistling mournfully "I vo lost mydoggy." <

CflAROBD MITE MIMAPPtXQ A BOT.Captain James Jones, master ot the British bark

Dunstaffuage, wm the defendant tn a ault cries! yes¬

terday In the City Court before Judge Ehrlich, In

which Alfred Nett, Age eighteen, demanded 84.ono on

the allegation that he ha/1 been kidnapped and Im¬

prisoned by the captain. The boy sghj that <«n No

vember a, 1887, ho waa employed by Charam Woodman,a sailors' bssqrdlag heess keeper, of liuenoa Ayres, to

work for him At a salary of 810 a month and board.

Woodman on that day sent Nett aboard the bark with

a bag of clothes that beloogod to another sedor and the

hov wa* detained on the vessel by the Ont nisie,Charlo- Brown. Tho haik sailed for New York on

\, vember 11 reaching hoi e on January 17. The captaindenn,1 Neil's etory ami tho Judgo reserved his

decision._RX OONOEEEBMAB OBAPO MOULDER OOTEBXOEfBooton. Jan. SO tfjnetiiil) aTt-lfg'".* <*Rfo is

early lu thc ibid as .1 candidate for the BSfBWltCOB uotu-

InatioU for (...vernor. "The New-Bedford Standard"

M.BOOM authorltatirely that Mr. crapo ls willing to

run for Uta albee, um will not mako any aajeSoag for thenomination.



CWABIJBSTOS,W Va.,Jan SO..The vendetta between

the ILittlr!d». of i " '.in ''» univ. tbl» State, and the Mc

Qaya, of Mle county. Ky., la settled for the pre-cut The

.trent WSMS Governor Wileen scut to Logan Countysome Uses ago returned this afien oon and reported thatthe belligerents have disbanded. Govenior Wilson hascunteriuaii.'.-i the oidei cailliig out the military.




Stam kom. Conn., Jan. 30..The staid ofd townof Stamford, Conn., is ntlrrvd up. A man, thoughtto bo muiderod and thrown In a well, taken ourand buried in «.- town plot of Darten, thro*miles east of Stamford two years ago, hus justturned up alive iu the pince as if arisen from thodead.

In the BSUBOMt of 188.1 thc neighborhood washorrified when ihe body of a murdered man, iden¬tified gg that of Thomas Leahy, a shoemaker, wasfound at the bottom of a well on the Cornellproperty in Darien. Michael Hagan, who hosleased the place for the last five years, is aue. centric character. Ile lives with hie family InB low. slant,tig-roofed. Bsd mihianti house on theStony Cte, k road and fid the authorities nB thadno m.,ral,lc Sunday morning kg .lune that he hudfound the l,,.|y |n nn abandoned ajoJJ near hiehouse, which had I.n empty for several yearn.Emu wa* arrested on suspicion nnd kept in

the Bridgeport jail for a wu k, hut, miens .1 toffwant of evidence nguinst- him. Coroner ll-tt, ofBridgeport hronghf out the fact that life hadbe,,i ext met in the body for several m,.nths.'Ihree pistol-shot, wounds were in the head S, nuof the people of N.Toton. where Leahy was \ve||known, sw re ft,at it was the lindy nf "Tom*Lamb, of that place: oth-rs thought lt WM someone else, hut a shoemaker named RI,.lilian, ofNoroton. jp. whose shop Leahy had worked lust,previous u, the murder, was positive that it waaLeahy.

Leahy could not he found, and the ^yeterrtentdied ont. Karma claimed that be knew in-thins;nhnut the matter wna'ever. 'Ute murderer wasBevel fo ind. and it, remains a myattry tod.U-.

iv-rr-T mr tv my rssr. itrvivn.The facts that have com.- to li/ht in the lust

fortnight) however, have revised the whole siorvof the tra "edy. and a case has Leen largest incourt which bfcVs fair to reveal gnssetkhsg ss

Startling as the ronptv-aninee of the supposeddead man All sorts nf rum rs and theories ureal! a', now that Leahy is fonnd L alu'* sisterwho lives in Vw Jersey, stoled that lor btotbeihad visited hr wee',; before thc body amtfound, ihe murdered mau had bega ,i ad a longtime, and this threw doubt upon ihe assertionthat Leahy was thc victim. 'IIns was not madepublic at the time.On Dee, ruber '.Mi. 1 8«7. BogOU made an a'lesjcf

e. ni,-,j . t. Charles Wat ibu rr. at Bridg tv rt,,and to fharles \ Hobble, Mying that he km w a'fabout the murder, and h's eons. j. ne forced hissto speak after his long stlenee, ll" deelared thatJohn Connia?, a shoemaker, shot Leahy in tbalintis,, of An.Hew Moran in Stamford, and (Just in

'he nisht tiny had taken the h dy in a wagonami thrown it in the weil. Ile had repeated ihe.tory to others.

Connitf is an old. white haired man who halworked f,,r govern! vars in 'Crae, y's ghi -hopand boarded will, Moran, who isa man lift, yearso'd. reenoeard by Ins neighbors has a foggily >>lBil and i- employed at the < old Milla of the Mam-ford Mannfactnring Com any. The nun. as-.->..<»Ly the otli-ers of Fairfield County, aaesttsinedthat Leahy, who is of a roving disposition, was inPennsylvania, and they prevailed upon lum tocollie here.COVFSORrRB with TEE '* mi un" rt rn" MAX.Ile put in an aopcarainv tea days ago, and

va* presented to Eugjaa .it his house. Ragas]then declared that Leahy biasarlf had told himI hut Conn itt had shot the man found in the weltLeahy d« flier this and all knowle,|gg . t tim ifTair.ll,- has away again, but the officers kn.,\»Where In- is wheo they want him.

ConnitT has gacd Kauai, tn the rMperlo* Courtof F.i'til. ld County, which *its nt Bridgepors,for I6.0Q0 damages for defamation of charuetrt,lite si it being based up,,n the ponfesniim of Eugun,nnd four dara ega Depatj Sheriff Richard Roister. of Fairfield County, attoehed all of RagturMpersonal property to secure the claim. The trialis set dows for the first Tuesday in Febrenryfand the people expert interesting teaaJssoayThe only bbum for Eagnn'a animosity to Morerthat is spoken >f openly us yet ls the fart ?hat S

iiiui nntned McKenzie, who worked one monthfor Eugun, I'll him. savir.y h.- did not receive las-pay, and went f,, work for Moran oifcrtWUrd.

Ari /DIMS TO IK tlS<.


IM'ltVI l>.<')t 1 IstoVS-A nR'»KI'N WMBTBt.Coil *,;.>. .Ian. SOX.A fre4a*M tra'n west heuad. en the

Lake atora amt Mleblsm Sf.n'K.»-n Baflrsad.ISPInsengkabridge two mikss WOK Of line, rad, The rear car was

leaded with a hu^e tank eeutalulnc 3,.V>0 callons ot

naphtha, which wa* Otutrad aver tho meek ia avery di¬rection. Coder, a brakawBS. was on the car immediatelybehind the on .-lue, BB 1 was hurled ia the raina Sn trace

af him could afterward to BUBBA, About 1:80 a ¦. to

div sereral train baa '.* wera searching for Ceder's body,when ii huston Irnited the naphtha. Th*r«- was a flash,followed by a powerful Boaousqmq, and asa mittre masa

of ruins was al Iago, Ail Lake -koro tia,ns for akone a

sask alli to abllgsd te asiisB te tho Musalgan ( euttaitracks to -.-et ImoChtoagQ,BOBTM ADAMO, Mass, .faa. 30..This morning at 7:"><)

o'eleck a wild freiiiht train drawn by engine Na. 1 HI,BModoUISOWSMBOOad matu tia.'s near tho Ifs -ai

Tunnel statlen af the lVrhbjrsf road. A snow ptougbran Into the rear of rae (rel , wrecking MM twe,Ito angina tohiud the plough, and a now karsasaglSaslush wea halag toadied as fraiust ta RawO^hmanTheess'lseerof the Bl >w ataturk was slightly burt en

the toad »ut nobody ri** was injured.Indianapolis, Ind.. Jan. S0.-A ihSJBSMt to Th* Onil%

Stitt from Munda, Ind., says: "ike esst-beund Kee

Line express, due hero al 4:05 Ibis merida*, came

tknnderiag Into tie atty at Caa rate af gfty mies su hour

Bid eBBBAssAl into a freight i uirliie BtSBsttBg fust sase of Tlie air lu xl.. « af tho express were MeSSSSSBgSUkle. ind tha train could not be chesk ed. Roth an¬

glos* are almost ruined, tO!»stber wltb twe palace cara;

several caches aud frcla-nt ears. Firo luituedlatelrblake eat li lae palace inri Sim etty ibo >i»n.utn-r.t

was luramouod and did all tho isrr'.ce Btasssslj but theyare rained. The tracks sre toru up far rods, and thegates aed station kousa ar) washed t:> tba grennd. Nooas was hurt except tho freight en;meer, who ls se¬

verely Injured."Pr. Albans, Vt, Jan. 30.- Tho New-York cxpresi. due

here early this BMVBMSft was thrown ft eui tho rails at

F.smi Junction hythe break's » cf a wbeel ob tho ten¬

der. All the cars left the'.rack. No serleus dasaage ra-

.ulted and the pataeus-ers wero brought through after

eely an bear's delay.-?




Contrary to general expectation, Mayor Chopinyesterday lilied ono of tho vacancies in the ParkCommission la Brooklyn, as lt was supposed ho wouldawait tho action of the Legislature lu n-nard to placingthat department under a single commissioner. Tho

Mayor appointed Elijah R. Kennedy, of tho hCventhWard, and ho takes tho place vacated by Anson Fer¬

guson, who resigned when ho became an Alderman-at-Large. Although Mr. Ferguson lt a Democrat,his successor ls a Republican, an 1 this appointmentmakes two Republicans to four Democrats lu the

board. Thoro aro still two vacancies, caused by His

resignations of Commissioners Lyons and ll ai team

Mr. Kennedy ls a itAnch Republican and has been

president of tho Seventh ward Kepublican Association

and a delegate to tho General Committee, where hahas been ore of tba mos: active BMUaSSSS, lu 1*-,

ho made many speeches in advocacy of Mr. Maine',election. Ho la a member of the insurance brokers'linn of Wood at Kennedy, willi at No. Its) broad¬way. He ls al-o a member ol the Hoard of linInsurance Dnderw titers. For some years h.) huiteen an Intimate fi lend ot Mayor t'lupin. Tho postHon of Park CommlBslonor ls unsal trie.1, and tho appointment ls uot regarded as Bsaaaoatng politicalsigmilcance._

TRY IMO TO SAVE HIE INDIAEA EOROERS.Indianapolis Jan. :!0 (Special).-Tlc« Democratic

politicians of the State aro supporting Coy and Beru-

Bassos, UM ctn I. tod .:,> 'Um conspirators, and aro mik

lng an ergaaiaod effort te secure fat them either a

new trial or ta Inllueiico Judgo Woods to Itnpo-e u


.4 STEAMSHIP DAMAGES TUE TIER."Tue steamship tineen, which arrived yesterday, while

entering her dock at Pier il?. North River, wa-s crowdedsatanist ber dock by the vast iiuantttlea of Ice In theriver, aaa damaged tho pier to tue oxtcut of S/J.OOO.

SECBIVISa TUE SPEAKER WOE A SALVTE.Foat Momioh, Va.. Jan. 30.-Speaser Carinia aud

MM Carlisle carno ashore this moinim, from the reve¬

nue cutter and Visited tho Port. The sieikr. was re-

celved with a salulo ol seventeen guns-