new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1880-05-28 [p 7]. · 2017-12-13 · insanediatety they bonan to...

Insanediatety they bonan to yield, aad aontiaaed to deelioe BBtil tbe fall amount**! to aa mach sa ia 3 per cent. After that there was a steady improvement, subject only to narrow fluctuations, np to tbe very close of business, and with few ex¬ ceptions to-day's last prices an considerably better than yesterday's. Tbe coal stocks continue to he special feature*of tho market, and of them to-day Central of New-Jersey waa tho leader both in thc anwxiDt of business done and in tbe iinul advance that was recorded. The granger stocks fluctuate with tbe remainder of the market, bot generally are finn. The trunk line shares are attracting lees attention, hat Lake Shore fluctuates! leaper cent between 99*9 and 100%. closing at its beat figure, and Canada Southern rose from SI la to 54, Pirie making a final gain on yesterday's price of only ^ percent. The Northern Pacific etocks were active and higher on tbe Washington dispatch that thc House Committee had voted to extend tho time fur tbe completion of the railroad. If this is concurred in by the House and Senate it will restore tho com¬ pany that part of ita land grant which baa boen forfeited. Of the Southwestern list of railways, thc shares of Hannibal and St. Joseph and St. Louis and iron Mountain are notably stronger, while thc others make little ahow of improvement, and Missouri. Kansas and Texas remains at about SO. Western Union was dall between 93*4'2 031%. with final sales at 94?,j. and Pacific Mail, after sell¬ ing up i* to 36**, fell to 3-1*8331?*, The market olosed almost buoyant. The following is an extract from a lotter nd- dmaed by Secretary Sherman to Assistant Treas¬ urer Hillhoose: " I am not satisfied with the prices that the Department bas been compelled to pay for the bonds recently purchased, and am dis¬ posed to extend the call lor bids to tho 4s and 4*as, which, at market rates, will pay the Onvernment a better Interest. . . . Yon will, therefore, please give notice that next Wednesday .nd every Wednesday thereafter until further no¬ tice the Department will receive bids for the 4 and 4*8 per cent bonds of the Dinted States, as well rn for those of the description heretofore purchased.'' This was the cause of a moro active buaiuooo in Government bonds aud of marked changes in the miative prices of the different issue*. The sixes declined %a)*9 per cont and the fives Vamper cent, wiiilo th 4*as advanced 5«- and tho 4s 34 per cent. The business at the boards amouuted to f993,500, principally of Ss and 4s. Tbe market closed strong at the annexed quotations: Hid. A sued. r.e.r.* sn r««....io4 los V.B. Os'80. coop..101 lilt t'.b. tie ki. reir..-.1001 106s* V.B. 6*'xl. coup..1061 1011*4*''7s li*81 V.B. 6S'M. coup..Ill-7* 103'g V.R 4ie'Hl.reir..l(i»N 109" V.8.4lB,!M,COlU>..110ai HO ma. Asxe; PS 4*1907. rsc.10 8*1108*4 r.S. 4s J'l7.COUP. 10K1 108*4 U.S. Cy Ha 1S9.V.126 .... C.S. Cv Us 1830..USO .... I'.S. ("vS* 1897..188 _ 0.8. Cse* 1R;>8..127 .... 1 1 U.S. Cv 8* 1H1W..128 1 Dl9LotCol.3tt.iBO 051 !>.'.*» State bonds were nioro active nnd unusually firm. The business included Georaia 6s at 100. Suit h Caroliua Gs, nou-foudable, at 3*294, North Caro¬ lina 6s, special tux, third class, at 3'S414. and Vir¬ ginia Os deferred at 8. The following are the quo¬ tations: Bis. Asuea. als. Class A 2 to 5. looo_.r.7 ices Ala. do., small....... SO Ala. class ii. OB, 190G.J.AJ. 80 .. A La. class C. 2 to*. 1006. J. A i. C7 _. Ats. Ts ur. am s.ias. 6 Ara. Ts Mernuhl* AUK. 6 9 Ark. 7m I_ B, P. B. A N. ii . 6 Ark. 7s Miss. (). * H. B. «,. 6 U (Mirria >.*A._UK> Grorria7a nev t\ lK8b. J.AJ.110 Oeorsi»7s.lDil."8«.lu»i Oem tria Ts uelil 00* 1S80. U.HOI .. 111.iinii uiiiiou es 1878J.AJ..100 Illinois War Utan. IbSO.J. AJ.....1C0 Xestuckv Os.loo la. Tscoti. 1014... 441 431 Michigan ea 1883 J. A J.103 Mlcli.7s'MO.M.AN.ll3 Ho. Ss, due 1882 ur 1803. J. ft J....1021 .. Mo. Os. due io lHHti J.AJ.107*s .. Mo. 0*. duetn 1887 J.AJ._.108 Mo. Os.OuelSKMJ. &J._..109 Mo. tis. (tue tn 1889 or imsj J ft J..110 Mu Usn. A st. Ja due l*«0..I.AJ...10fl1 .. Kew-York 0*. gold res. 1-487.J. AJ. 107 jffwYnrk (tscoup.i 18ST.J.AJ.107 .. Kew-Yoi kits. Loan isa*. J. a j.loo .. Of city bank stocks Republic sold (18) at 130, AiTic-iioan Exchange (191 at ll4*2, and Fourth Na¬ tional (16) at 118. Tho foliowin a were tbs bidding and a-king prices at ibo " iii st call" I niiL Asked Kew-Y'ork 6s. Loan 18!)1.J. A J.117 .. Kew-York os. Loan 188'J.A. AO.118 .. Kew-York Cs. Loan l»l)3. A. A O.119 .. *.'. c bs old.l88o- 'PS.J. ft J. 281 30 K.C. Os. A. ftO... 281 30 N.C. N.O.B..J.4J. N.Clio..7*. coff... 00 N.t. iln.7*. A.* 0.110 N.C. tin.7s c. off 90't'OO-lttOO A.AO. 10 li H. Cfdc.aifc- :w 10 ll N.C. new Ods J. A J. 180.-DS. 17 K. < new O'S* A. sndO. 17 N.e. Chatham 1CIL A. A ti. ... 21 .. K.C *i>'i Lax, tinsel .»8-».. SI .. N.CSB'I t*x,classy 81 4*4 N.C'.sp"! titi l.i--. 3 4 4Sj B. 1. ts. coho. 1m;i;; IS'JU.J.Aj.112 S. C. iinu.fuiitUbie bonus. 1 shs. 4 jVnn.ljs.old.'OO-i.'A 30 Tinn.rts.iiewOonaa. ISOJ-S-IWIO. 26 Tenn. San. a.1914 25 Vs. tKold. Tl Va. C.s.uewb.l'W-.. 33 Vu. in. ii. Il, IH87« Tl Va. on. con. blinds. 82 Va. Os, cx-Diat'U c.. f-5 Va 8s eon.'.td »rrips 21 Va. ns. net. bonila.. 7 L-.s* C. lumtliiK 3s, IOC 41 37 30 D.otC '.¦nsllbondsltic. CL rcglsierciLlOU QOcbcoO*. looa.. 8 107 107 loll Bid. Asked. Mee*', aad TrftflA'.loo Mercai.tilu.. Meii-lisiits'.130 Merchants' Ks... SO MetKurtliuui. Kutti National... 10.'. Park ...196 l'K.pins'.lill I'lieir* Bepiibiie..130 siioeaml I.lither. 181 100 101 162 120 1011 Bia.Asked. Alberio*.-.14b .. Central National.. .. 116 Chase Ni<IIonai...l37 Coaiuvrr.'.lil 143 ContlnimtsI.ll? 115 J)'iilll1)l National., ll il .. Filth Avenue.27S (tallai in Nat Ional.! 37 (.i noun.American. 80 84 Manhattan.. 143 Mechanics'.140 135 Me. Hkif. Aas'u.... 03 A fair amount of business was done in railroad bouda of the speculative kind, und a small aiiijiuit was done in al.out xho usual variety of Wbat aro regarded as investment bonds. Ene aeoond consols were flnctuatinfr, and made no improvement on- j-esterdav's filial timi rea. Tbe price declined from 66^4 to Wi*, aud roao to 8o*a«ia6*4> On Tuesday next tbe bonds will ho quoted ex-June coupon of 3 per cent. The fonded 5s also were active between 80*8 and 70*4^80, against S0\ yesterday. Missouri. Kansas and Texas lirwts advanced from 101 to 1019a, and seconds from S4*a to 57. Rome, Watertown and Ogdeuaburg firsts sold atSii'-'<,i, against 54 tho last previous sale. C., C. and I. C. first assented rose from 70 to 81, and tbs incomes from 32 to 83. New-Jersey Cen* trul consols and convertibles were firm at yester¬ day's recovery, and adjustments sold nt 105, against 08. Canada Southern first* were 1*2 higher at 80*3. and St. Louis and Iron Mountain first in¬ comes were 3 per eent higher at 78, nnd the second incomes were l*a per cent higher at 60. The Wabash issues wero strong- Toledo and Wabash irate, St. Loo is Division, rising to 105, and T. and W. seconds to 003t, and convertibles to 057s, aud Great Western seconds to 98*2. Kanaas Pacific consols recovered to 00. .The quotations are as follows t -.,..-. Biu.A**-ea. ».Y.C.*H.lstin.r.m 1*71 Can.aoutb'u. lara hoi 89** Uar. 1 m. is ch,u;>.l^.-P* . Hst. 1 m. 7e re«. ..189** . N.V.Kiev.R. lm..ll« nevada Cen tl 1st m. 6«,18t)4. 961 98 ObioA Miss ca 1.1141 .. Ohio* M ss.con..ll4 1141 Ohto«lMl*s-Aleoii.i09 110 Ohm a Mus. 1st BB'gTd tilv. 7S*a .. Ohio Ccu. 1st inor. bsl»J0. 90 Pc uria, l)t-o. & i,. lat tisiU'.'0. 91 O.P *r.b.113 C. I'.sJuantttu b'iiloi 96 631 63 901 UH 107 100 Matt, a a 1st Os Urtb'ab.1071\ latin. J81 B.C.K.AN.. IttSs. 811 Central Iowa 1st aaveTa, 1890. Clea A tl. Gs sold Ker-slMn.d.l'.H)* 03 Cites. & O. Os sold arlsn.aa*.l90e CO Ck**, a O. 6* ev. Int. Safer'a isis. 81 Cele, a Alum, lto.1'1*) J.4C. lt-tm. L. a M. lt. K.i.. bu u. J. a c.. 1*1.111 C.B. a (4.8s. lat ni.110 aR.i.ap.8*i8i7c.H7i 118 JC'k'saDs M's 1st mtVeltna-99 98 na a os mi entail Vrnda. CK.ot.N.i.ietTs.llJ tK.(iI.N.J.aes-nfd 99 K.ol.v.j.i.aa't'd DO K. ol NJ. SI.Ooo adj'iiitt... 1908..10.1 10j1 taw.B.cen.4fd.llW aw.&asaontcd 69*4 93 aa*.i>**.tKi*.. .. too lXaRtP.lstluSp.d.l2ri*4 1^0 MaKtl,l*t7»Sa.r.(lll4 113 M4katPis4iBXaOi>. 11311 u M*v*u'aisBiaM..m M**au'i*i*B(j<aM.ii4 ns M.a**i. p.c*ts.tii.. 1111112 H4M.K 1st st7s I *1> Ext.....109 M.*Ht.P. H.W.nTr. UtOelsHNs..102 «. atam. e. is a* m. a nt p. a*. Mauler. Sa....1011109 cwa. a N.W. af-ns .. arte.*.'..W.l.b..'05 .. St4e.AN.We. b.1211191 Oklc.aK.W.l*tm. .. HOI CBle.aN.W.c^.b.119 1181 tame etatta*. Ss- ... 121 Os*Kiaa>Jkt*.«Sfc.l041 .. cate* a. lets*, .ns wi*.a a*.ium* .. Wm a hu p. a m. 1121 .. OLCcailarf'saXllf 1901 B«».?LAW^»d(a".l0]ia '.'. .. H.AN.Y.l*t7».ll8«ill5 er. a»». 'Mm. ..1131 .. ^^ajjgaiofl uM 99 a *VAe»as*a. t. 197 %1<«*. ,1041. .. tUcftlL .. 110 *H.e.e.7s'94.107 06 11.11 1041 C. P. Cal. A ti. UL 10411051 C. 2' a std bans*., los Cl*I.crant IxKiilslOi Vf. P. bila..I(i711 96 ., V. V. latm.bds_.118 091 D.P.Iaii(1trant«7alll Oil 11S1 lin h.* H. c. Mast,**. a, 7a. 1917. ._ . 114 V.V. s!uiiiisi,\llti-s U. P. rea. 8*.'88.115 K.P. 1st 64.1H0V viUici>np.c*rtlt.il7l .. K. P. 1st (JtslH'.tb. wits coup. e*rtl1117 Rsa Pac. ex c.. 102 K. p. lien. Div. tr. rsa. ss.....102** 109% Kuu.Psfl.lst aile. MO'4 801 P. lt4»fM.)st»*Vr»i07*« .. t-t. 1.. a lian Frau.*iA mos .. bfc U a Maa Pr*** 3d class R1006.. (18 5. P. Ker Ms.lau 103 Tex. a Pac. Stwej 1st Ss ISO*.. .....103 Tex a Pac eeniKM Ss 1906. 03 tub. a p4bc a m rtre«.7*.l816. 471 .. c. a p. sta st.. 114 C.. C. a LC 1st m 80 C. C. a Lu. rt. Csv eati.ljiaeB.aas 69 st^8Va**v/ii ,*0,* i**ai«.7aiaftriis 19a st, L. VsaTJUL 2d 70898.... 90 MTd a-td,7»7'>lS.'l03 10S1 P. a H. gea') m. e. 6s 1808. SQ H. W.aos.e. 1st. od*s 96V acLai.M^Art B'h 1*1 7*. 189S. .. lOSI St, L. A. I. M.. U. a Fal. 1st 7s. '91.108 ., Bfc U, cairo. Ark. 03 104 951 fi 110 198 931 ¦Mesa** JUKaBSBB.lsSai.llS Bena, a Sar.let e.. 1*4 R. a Har let peer.. 114 UAttnU'AIMD -1001 Brtelat m. ax_1211122 .ns SS as. Ta,io7 Brts 4U m. 7a '80.10X1 .. KrlsSthas. 7a', .. M. 1st c. aM.7a....11811181 Lon* nee*heart*.. .. 1191 B.N.y.AK.lm.'77.1221 124 N. Y.. laka K. A W. n. 2d eon. Hs. 80*4 86** W. Y. L. K. A Vf. 2dc..f.e.."i*«slf»C9 721 80 H.A8LJ 8s 10611061 lions. A Tex. Com. 1st M'n L7a'H1.108 1091 Hims. A 'Hx. 1st Wn dlv.7s 18.IL100 107 "s Ilona. A Tex. Caa. Inc. AIoil'v7s.. .. 061 Lub. AS. CM m.. ..' 108 Dub. A.S.C. 2div. 1101 C. K A M. lat m..1001108 Ir:l .IDiK.m'n A W 1st iinTiLIiDO..1181 .. Ind. B. AW'nlm. 72 73 Iiul. It A W'n8«. .. 61 lu.i's. Decatur A Bp'dnt7*,i9O0. 97 981 lut'n'l A Ou N'n lat Cs cold I91D. 9>i 9"*1 M.IS.AN.I.S.M.C. IOU CAT.*, f. 112 CA I. n. b.106 1"7 C.P. a A. n. b ...113 116 K. AW. P. 1st. 113 L.S.e. oono. 1st...123 L. H. crerd. 1st... 1201191 ta..114 Loulsv'e A Nash. consol 7*. Hrt8.118 113*4 fxiu'v. A Nash. JA ai. 7s ffold. 1883.103 1041 Ism v. A N san.('ec. Boh 7*. 1807. 110 Latte Rrie A W*n IstS* 1919. 971 »*<«. Lat.. Bl'n A Mon isl 8s 1819. 97 08 Manhattan B-ach Co. 7s. 10S N. V. A Man. B. Iat7*.101 110 Mar. * ('In. I iii ..Int! Mrt.Klev.lHtlWH IOU 101 \ .s.c.c.7s lure.. 117 1171 Mn. K. 10'.' Mi..K.l'.r.Udm.lne. 681 67*4 ILA Cent.Miss.latlll.'l 103 N. v. c. 6s i 1-17... 1 ooi .. N.Y.C.Be.sabrn.lua The following aro the quotations for seoaritiai on tho " i'rec List": Bia. Asked. ¦a.***. 7* issn... .. 109 few U, LAT. H'U . SM.IBS.7SIS94- 7* 89 SI.PMU asmxc. latSslVtB.IOU .. 0*.P.,M.AMs«it. 1st 7s 1909. TOL, P. A W. Par __ C.Bee.v*tta.e.dl27 Tel. P. a W. Pa*. O.rieclstm. w.d. .. Watt. K. sa. 7*. Tol. AW. 1 m. ex.111 ToiaW.lsta*.B.L«104l 105*« TohA W.2dm.... 89lil«0 T..I.AW.e.e.. WN,6* li. Wa 1st m.. HO O.W'n.adm..981 99 8t h~ omaha div.. Ist7*.1919. HO 81. L. Ossa. (Uv, CIsrlBd* b. «*. 90 Rt. L, K. A N-Ht. Chss. Bdae. 1st.. ,..M i<>5 N.M.l*tia*rV»o..ll6S117 W. U. bd*. 1900C.112 -. W. U btl«.1900r.. .. ll* Or*«t>n K. A Nav. latU* 1909. 921 931 Cuni. B. N. JcrttV inc. nd*.. 1908... .. C. *t.L A NO. 2d ni. 1007 . CS OM hie A Ind-C) _., Income 7* 18.KJ.- 321 Cunnii Iowa coup. debt cettlflcnti s. Inil'ps, Hlniun'n A Wo tai- IMIli. Ind's, Decster A Hp'd'/dinc l'.IOS. ¦. Int* O N.20 inc 08 LetnirliA *. Coal C0..18HH._ L*k* Krle * W'n lui. 7s 1H99. 641 Iailf..BL*M.lB.7s 621 631 Molt. A O.lsl prd dPhi-ntu'ea.«9 70 Mob AO 2d prd rteoentiirwi. 361 40 Molt. A (i. Md prd nrlH-ntiiris. 26 Viii-, a n. itiipfd debentures. 98 peoria, Dec. A >- . incomes 1020 46 Si. I., I.M.A H.let Vs pref mt. ne'e. 7i Rfc L.I. M.AS.'J.I Oalut. acu'lauv* i»8\ 091 81 77 33 Cl 48 68 69 671 SS 63*« TH Hut Ask od. Clli. .t-Si'il 1st M. Cl CA 1.1901. .. 107 Chic, St. Pl A M 1st Os 191-4.1011 102 Chit-.. St. I"l A M. L. O.Inr.6*imm 9S1 .. E.Tmn.Y*. Alia. 1st 7a 1900.108 110 rlld. A*kc<l. Ern- A Pl ti si'nra: coesol. 7*1898 1001 .. IloiKlA:('.l.N"th'n 21! pnr. com. rep. luteru'l UH Puj'k Cuni. Ilcr.'t*. Jefferson R. H- 1»* Mort'celS89 H'l lions Is'd 1st at.7alOS*a The Sn 1>-I'rea*iir.y to-day lost sJ2.008.187 oa bul- ance, tnada op by losass af $022,003 currency and 18,060,14*] coin. This mnk.s tbe net loss sines bul Fndav 83.107,457.' There lu no chango io tbe condition of the. iou:,ev market, 1I1" snjiply ot loan¬ able capital Wing excrsMve at tin-Sleek bxchsng*. Bates rule at 4 and 3 per cent <m ordinarv col'at- ersls mid at -a'.i per emil on ti ve nu cot Inutile. The dotnestie eicbaneas on New-York at thc pltici'8 named arc :na follows: Savannah.*iiy3Rie pretuittiii, Charleston Va-U premium, Vw-t >i e ms Commercial par, bask lt BOpreminm; Hi. lanni* 2.1 cents premium : Chicago 50 tvnta discount : l 35 cents dtacnant. Tho United Stat-- I rei surer at Washington to-day received 827:l,(NK) National bank note* tor redemption. The cn*to n receipts were $1.".1,uimi, and the internal reve f«oeipts 8420,000. Tiie following is thcji'leanng House statement today: Exchangee. 8131 ."..;_', NO balances, 86,21*1,335. Hie tranaactiona j*.l the 8nb-Treasurv covered i Receipt*. 81,507,157 ; pay¬ ment*, 84,205,20-1 ; cum ney balance. 87,820.075 j com balance, 801 .<>."i:i, 1 ".7. I bs foreign exchanges n main steady with a t"i!'-. perhaps, mthrr finner to-day than wa* jrcsteriiay a; bat business is dull. Thc nomiuul qnotatious ari¬ as 10II0WN: PankM-s' atei linn lulls SO days. on London.94 *rtia4«*7 dood baukert' ano prue* com 4 SI a 4 * 1 Ooodeomaaercial. i-¦'. IsicBinmitarv cu.nineiciai.... Ii-J «tl x:i1 Psrt»ifranc*i. ^ lu\*5 lS's Amwfrpilraucai. .'. '¦¦<¦¦ s>nss i aaaa*). Aii.Mt-rdani lamllrterpi... Ilanilmra; ireichuiarsai. lYaukfort ireii'hinaiksi. liri men treichinarke)_ Kel nu irtlciiiaaikei. 6 1:"V«0 ..|ll'4<* ss « 1- 401 OM* 9S*s i).. 1 9->1 3 d*vs «; >. i-,<»i no A .V'4</1 -I.'4 1 H»*4 ft 17S*.'. 1»*« fi ] 7 S 6 17 s 4"*a" 40»s H6* * > OS 14 96*4 P.". 1 asia u-'i^ The governors of the i'milr of England, a! then weekly nieetinc to-dav, made noebange in the rate foi discount, and rt remains at 3 ncr cent. Dunne the week tho bank gained C214.OO0 bulliub, and the proportion of ita reserve ton-- liabilities wa' increased from 46*wi a w**>k ase to 17'Jjo per cent. Al the l.otidiin Stuck Rxchantre Hr.timi kuih I- were ito biinitixl nt 01*^10 liol h for aaoney and aeftiunt. United iStato^ 5 per centadeclined to 105 j J1.. tier cents ro»n« *4 f<> 111. nnd -1 per eenie advanced '¦'¦* paroant lid's. American railway aecuril -¦¦ ter cnaettlcd Hnu fluctuating. Eris sold ai '.l'<a'.',\'-j. attanit-t Sl8^ yctenlav ; aud the second 1 lroin Hii-4 lo 88*2^ ^^14. Atlantic and Orea< West¬ ern Drats rose from Cl to fl" and tell tu li:|i-.i ami the seconds ad vnuei d fruin 2n tn 20*4 nnd <i«" l'lu-'i to L'8*2. lllinoiH Central Mihi iii ll),'. ,.¦ l(»i -j. nirsiiist 104, Pennsylfania at S2. acnin«t M'-j. Neiv-Jeraey Central consols at lt)2, againai Kin. iU-adiiiK at l'JVal", against li's, and Central nnd Ilndson al 128*j against 128. Iiarailvci is quoted lie bighar at ."i'j'h per ounce. In Paria, French !l per cents ruse from H,"t.;{2i^ to 85.42*3, sigbl exchaiiKu in London nsinir to 25.32 francs in nm £. Iii.- Hank ol Franc- r.-p'irtsit li-ssot specie foi tim wei !. anii.injiiiiK to 2,025,000 francs. 'I'.(¦ cross i-uruiniis of tbe following railroads are reported: suanout, ami kt. aosxra. 1M7H. Ih^ii. Third »f4>kof May.S31,V1I1 flt -il Jai.uury 1 lo Mar 'il.74.'..:i7.1 h'tt.:'. 19 BTjaaoDar, kaxsas .wd n w- lS7a 1880. TTiIrd week of Mav.S47,A0.'i .'.,'.'...;-. lue. 914,910 Jsaoary 1 to May 'il.941.471 l.OHC.Ool Ino. f)4lV,lSil cxavaxaao, collubus, iti ami ikduxajvus. IsT'.i. Ih^ii. Tlordweek of Mav.Il .y.'l »«0.9(J7 Inc SJ] 170 January 1 li!.].:.-.';.". 1,790,749 lui. Joplin MINNKAl-oUa A.M. ST. Ult IS. JH71I. lt-). Mecrmd wM;k in afar. 90,679 »]i-,i47 Inc. *y:t.r.i"7 Comparative nv iris ol Mian, wheat and cur: from jirincipal Atlantic ports, for weeli* ended Iduy 22. und from January 1. 1870 and iHhU: rtotm. riew-York. lislllmnn. I'hlladrlnliia. OosBsa lu-. Iii ll... Work. '70. Mt'.*. -ik.'MO. hhls. JJlleitiiinm. hills... Tear, '70. Ubi*. Yeas 'k.i. Uhla_ ijlfl.*.Obis... I'.'JiH ]i;,i.i;t 1--. 797 ln.......'.t I.OAS i'J.,('.''! (J . l.'.H 1*0,-4.1 '..ll.U.tS 14.;4.di '.'ill 904 121,107 11111.707 o.i;vi f.7 o«:i i.'i.'.i.-.i 1 |-!1 L'iSS,9»9 t.tOH,-07 -."J WWB&T. Week, '79. ttnsn .. 7r,?.911 113,090 Week, 'SO, hu»li.1.CS1 Ola 1 Piflmiii et. Hn*h.. .H2S.702 1140.(111.1 Tear,'79, bush.10.^70.423 6.61X117 le« 111 Ycar.'HO, busli. ....17.SS1.6IS 6.639.4.69 'J.'i'A.; ', 1.6; ..Ml DuTenrcaa, bn»h...*l.W66.193 '199,414619,9^8,934 '^7.(170? CttKK. W6.146 711.HI 4 4P.'..2?fl 24* .117 lilft.llS 24H,l*4l'i f.Wl.lK'.l |.H,«7'J I140.7S1 »4«7.8tW .211,073 I0i.238 11.H92.747 19.199,946 7,l:io.oiil l.v: i.» >7 1S.34S.I70 x.siii.iisi 7,Mi.s,:.xi4 i.r, , ,, .M49,42StS,97S,0So .t.-:>..,JV i. .IMA ii 471 27,09)1 .20..-.27 ¦Week,'70, bn»ti.. ts'Hek, 'i»o, bufh DiOi-rcuoe*. truAti., Year, '70, bnsh... Year. 'so. bosh Difference*, bush. 'Increase, tlxwreast. Tbe lollo-ving ia a comparative atatcuieut nf thc Canal Audi or, abowitiit the total Quantity of each article(in tons) cleared on the canals trom May IS to 22. inclusive, 187U and 18>S0, niuo the total amount of tollu received and total number of miles boals cleated I 1.6i7 3.110 970 1 193 29,6»d *,»oS 1879. Boards *nd sciuitllnir 3apl5 Hhlniih* Iunber. "hUvus_ Wtid. "AltlH'l, li.-ttlie I.. -1-erk. .Cheeec.... «I>*rtl. wi¬ low sud lard etl.. .WO .1- Bide*_ -Himr... Wheat... Rye.» Corn., 28.114 -UornMtsd hi Barley.... 603 Barley ^alt..... Oils. Bian and a b I p staffa..... Pea* sod bean*_ I'otai >es... .Dried Fmiu..«. .rot i on.... . passaaav factured tabacco.. .Hemp.. .. .limn. . IlinuistlO apiti tn.... Oil melli and cake .leather.. Fariillore. .Bar and IBS.'). 66,440 10" 1.47a 9.141 1,727 j 240 1.63-J 1879. 1.699 644 942 hi ino 96.37'.) 6H2 82.8-5 12 10.. 40."i 1,428 1H 1SS 100 875 43 'ir, a 6 28a 20 47 ess tins* ami Iron ware. . linnie-1'.t woniiena. . II.'UH Mic COU'ins.. 1) o lurstie 2.708 ¥ ot ai ga eau. 613 3 807 1,034 Muvar jin- leas.. lMniriui.... Blo.irn and bar Iron. 1 1,877 160 Molasses.. 'CeSXt. Nail* spilt ec and boris .hoe*.... iron anil ster-l. Hail road lum. Flint mam el, cn»k- 111. All ol her in'ten. Stun e.. lime snrt flay. 25U, (lyi.siiin.. riinsphatt rn Anthraiiio coal B 11 umiii nus ooal. Irnn ure Pstrelenm, e r a d e and re¬ fined 'Un i-iiU'tlle* 1 Total Urns Tutsi lolls Tutsi mites host s cleared... 226,. 14 14 169 90 H'Sl 97 7,071 6.110 964 ISM 62 165 1.CI3 nm 1.445 SO 6 SS 602 2, ISO 'nu 0,475 7.62H us a 224 80,4<»4 27.030 8.078 b.Oib 6.8H1 lt). 200 8,005 826 .177.0-1 'Un Irue ilsa. The tidlowing were th* receipt* ami Hhij>ni.;:itn At and from Chicago and Milwaukee to-day: ,-Receipts-- --4lupm*nt*- Cnleseo. Milwaakss. Cblcscit. Milwank-. 6.811 6,740 6.8W3 6,783 Flour, bbl*. Wheat. rra*h. 100.3(7 torn, bush_ usu. bn*b. le m torn. bu*h. 70il,o»i U'3.027 Bye, bu**... Barley, bosb_ Total ooah. 98S.ao7 78.31* 27,200 15.650 6,440 2.H50 189.869 The receipts and shipments at and from liuflalo to-dai are reported aa follows t nsrslri* By laka lull road*. rionr, bbls..... 4.9(10 1.600 -.<0daosnts.- "siln By canal. Itsilrnida. . 6,800 Wheat, bush-., Oom. smsa_ 68,000 o»t*. tm**i..._ . Ky*, baaa....^. . Barley, wen... ,v-.. Tstal busiu... ISajffl 19.000 146.660 26.000 tm %z ,\T.'.'.' ~49") 94aj»46 166,600 The receipts of floor anti grain at the prinolw Atlantic porto this 27th day ot May wawi Wew-Terk. CanaL BTFd. crtw> Bal*. Pnfla. BooVi Fleer, bbl*..... 11.943 1,217 W70 1.790 T.S1 Weest.bmia.. 90. 00 «£oOQ - S$!Si,$?'rX2 **?.1! CernImrt....138.31X1 80.6^ . ^»JM 5Wg 0»ts. trash..127.250 . 9,740 «-2°0 14.401 »rye.tnish. 666 . 818 600 ...j. ¦^KTaiKeMJ^BeS :.:^llK4lB8192;S)0 78.961 EUTtOPF.AN FINANCIAL IdARKBTH. Losdox, Blay 27-12:80p. m.-UAfem-snd ahaU perren per rants. Ul; Nsw Aves. 105*s; Atlantic and Great Waft ern first morteaee. trustee* ce rtiflc* te*. 65; da., secouii,-.u Erle Rstlwsv shares, 85; do., secead eeo set a. Wt.AWg Oenu-al. I06J Readme Ballmad, 12*s: New-Terk Central. 12t Iiindok, Ita*- 27-8 n. m.-The bullion In .*»¦**¦*¦_"; Enflaon has increased a214,OoO dunne th* psst week. Tin proportion of the Bank of Knirlanil reeerve te liability Whici last week was 4U*., per cent, la now 47*is per cont. Lrwnoa. Mar 27.*:8o p. bv-U. s. oonda foor per eanu, 1 IO** Kew Ave*. 106; Atlantic ann Orv»t Western first mort s-as-e trustees certificates, tu *a; do., second. US'*: Elie Han way snare*. 31 »s ; do., seoontl consols. 88 Now Jerscv Dan tra! consol*. 102. The amount ot bullion withdrawn from thi Bank ol Kiielauitea balance t<vdav la jgoO.OOo. Paris ail vt rei qnote throe per cent rente* st 86 trance 42*a centimes lor tnt laanuX, Msy 27.- 811vfr I* qnotsd at 52*ed. per ounce r'ASls. Mny 27.. Fxrlianre un t/mnon, *.!.'. frnnc* 32 cen Umes for checks. Tbe specie in the Bank ot France bs* dc creased 2,926.000 franc* nurina; tbe past week. THE MARKETS. TOTAL KKCBfPH OP PRODUOB Prr Sorts Biter. VeearHimi Itailroa'it. Tm.'asrnT. Mit 27. lfl«0. hard. te*... I.M4 Laid, kass. 9.1 Hi Hiitter.pc*. IfOTi Ashes, pnw. 1 Pee*, bash. 2,640 Colton, hies. 471 Oatml. bbia lld Conon se«d DStin'l.bK*. W> oil,bids.. 2">21 (iresar.itcs. '-'-I r.r.'i Hide*. Ni... 6(H) Kc**, pkif*. 2.117 Hide*, hies. 277 Hmir. bbl-.. H.VM I Hops.bales. 7 ( "riini'J.bls. 1 hu Lealh'r.sds 11,907 w heal, bu*.16H,(t|K) oik'kt'.pirs. h.107 Oom. hash 317,-00 Pork. pkKS. .'¦ lev. oat*, boa*. 147,7601 Heel, pkirs. 107 Tob..pkir» Bro. hush.. HOS jCal mesle. \Vi-.i.'y,b .. Msit. basil. 8,2001 pkss. 1,7031 Wool, balee, li ilise**, aaa, 12.0.1 stnrch, pa*. 3o4 -trine, pa* li T**. xh; I'allnw Oil. bb.a. 30' Titi hhd* . 71 GENEKAL MARKET REPORT. 'Iiiii.M.AV. May 27. 1880 A SH KB.Tn sn:, il -mri'l rale Bl isle lrircs COTTON- ?I'm is. lower -"nll|ll1< t. Imt the Cle*e W -SSte.idy; aaiea.007 hale*il .1 last rvejuniri, memana; IVm fur rinorl and x<>7 ter Hpiiiiiinv delivered mi contract. 300bales; re¬ ceipts »t the pori'tn dav. 2.6 13 ba.i s aaalaat 2,012 thuds*-laai week ami 907 baleelastyesr;since Ksptaanbef I, 1.74 ..oi.ii bal.-sn/aiuht 4,3791.067 .lining t ir sum- period U»l s-sxiu. .¦<. ol'ni llp'an-is. sn.i inf- res**. rintinsrv. Sf* [?** 9*4 tMnct oniinarT. 0".s l"'is l,'*i* (0~h1 I'nliiisrr. V>h 10\ I lr* HtrlctO.I0i*ia lo"|9 J i .i |X>W Middllnr. ..11',, ll'ia ll'is Billet Low** U8* 1*":n ll"'!* 11* ih v sildlmcr.IH'ia Igu l^is Hr-it iswmI Muli:hue.i2».» l'.'t,i r-"u ns Fair. "it !?I*i« Fm . I l-''ii l*»H sri. - Urdlnsry R'*i» ; Lo-.* Middini*.10% Mun iliad ordi*»rr.. 9'» I Nlddliac. .....i1! Pattin »Bindi rat ly active.riostn* stead* at adcellos ot 6 t<> H p..mis..n I he eal I] Mjt. 11.40 ur ll 17 Alisa*!. I1.S'J#I1.7«<; l^ 1 I .'.'.'.> '.'.'.' di-lo-r. 10.7(1* 10.7.. Si..: iii.'.i Prices fm Kirs* ami Mannas.Mai. Il.*'»i ll IS; July, ll.KO Alienist ¦'¦ Keplcmber, ll.'.'.:; (ii lo brr. 10.71 November lo61: 1 Junu.'rt. in. 0. Tn-dST'* clnsinir pnees foi con I ra il '-n. li ll l.i .im.-, i l.i ., 11. i. Inly. il. .>.:.. :. .\npii»i. i f.-,./i l.i.i) Henternber, ll..."j- fK-tobee. I".71 Novemhrr, 1".' /1 '. .''¦; Beeeniber, I0.5iiai0.67. 'li Shir nrtlere. 11.4 .col-r'M lu.i -ti ¦' nerslly nnrhsnre-1. tenneacy In bny- ii- f.n. r 511 in'*;- i BieU t- -lo oa K,>.,", .' """ i^"1 ;..o rn I444.M |.i-r "liol ii iU iii.f.-l' previous ki ii fait* .1 e. " uni * i»" ll '(. M: n "i t:. m.. 1.4 .Lui. ri ut i: ASH MKAI. Kl ni lt- Mai kel -Ml slmi ai ir (| "i.' nm pi ul uni inalnli I )."». ,i ,.'.. I.'.me m -i'- hieCy ta email pi o !..i' ¦onie .1 fe I", ns r.. li Im liding ¦¦.' aim eiijH'-nn-i lonrnv. sa'.«. llh*r ."»,ViHI MilinesOU xiiu. : I'll bbl*. Wlnti tt li .1 hi rn. l-l ft ' " I KIM. «l ill, .'.'i. 1 ski bbla Cite W.l :-"i'r».*i ' Kuper- S'i* t". " t -r M li:", r Wheal *". (,./-. Til foi \'. rel 1 *4 :(-'. SOS 2,40 PbU .%.'. -' at <? \t nm i Wtcai; ol ineaatca. '.'.io<) nins. .. / (Jiirilnt I en..ii to Kau Kites ~i-*t' «; Common io ¦.i Kxtrs t*"e*" '¦' *. ri >< ... ksnrr li... SI ' fi::. Renns Hoon 'bi i ' (.in 2.7 t iinni'iii t-nr* MinnesotaS4 t*: li ¦¦' ii ' 47-'. I itinil. Iii i'iOiiUII.'', it.-eflr si' :!. ¦¦¦ | ar in '.. h..:*.- o ./..'. 7". ..««: i.n I .. I-sin liv. .. Patent Uintfr vi bent hitrs. *..«-» s if) rill i.n i i ma to Otsa Kim* *.;. loass *". <.¦-. uki. ... T.i ., sl.'i :..;< Ii'm.i li I sm i, I. --'ii/m. :. in*. Fl -i ll cn it In Pani ' " 1.;ihi .),-... Indu .i,..- VollnW Wi bn.mli Wini, S I fi UltAfN.U'HRAT.Market shoal '. a id ittverUb, lrr*i«nlai ami ii.'. i. ai ll .,ily HIM |V* -ti e snit '.'"¦--.i" bil Sm nu-.*: ll .-tl l. .-. 2 '.'! winer Nu 3 lied, SI 24: No. S ht- i.S 3 Antin. «l X-'. N" NO. 1 While. SI :'.fe*' '.".t nisn No. '-' ll il. Ms)". SI 41./tl 12V .: -i/ Ml Jnne. 41 -.'.. ¦/ *l -."'i 0| lil1*. 2> -.iii 'Jil Si. rtneills «< * 1 2a *»T 2.' ll VI Mate and . an* .r.AKl.l.l !.\'.l IJUlltl -Mill Actively incl! '1 In,- I' ,. Mi''-.l. .'.'¦'«i.. ii".. June, Mil il wnli li »rt " i"in'"i. Lu- ,i *t V ,i :. Male, 17.. :-... li Ill . 11:< ii i, .ii 1 itml. HAY VNII nu. an.I ."..'. i-. Imusl. Hil'-' ll il '. ii ... .i .. r. arlina Us i ->'" Ps .ni New r I- -i ii. to lt,|.- ii.lif l.'.i:..; Ih!i Ihlai.d* ..irt ii'.-. N ". V A I. s i'll (pim ¦-. h. ne.'lai'i-. ¦' Hil IlKIs n'llil un lin- » 'i:ir 2.1*4 UulnlBtSl I'..isl 42*slor Mtratnesi i.t n. .; -h >:¦ i, i »; li dull. SN I- li Mil . nl'v iwel . Unsli-rale, f sall, li ¦ n| oll.iu, 11 n;i, 12s. :. ;.. i .,.. i, im li .i Him I'.-., i, pi lon list ..'. sn I. ii, li Menin, iii mm hush. Oraln, il Cl a ... I.'ii.o bales c.-li li, ,,i'i bolos I'h-.ii .nm.: -.''joli.Ii- hMi- limn. Mus. On 2* 1.2.1 bah * ultim, tin.. lona Mriimiri-n.rii- J'ur., SS t-:., isar, .:.'».; u.l I .ki-. ;">¦ .-, i,,' iM.iii.'r.i. i;o. Lonnon, sall. 100 u>u* Mi iain Mund*. 12s. fULi .ii n oiinieii is. SM. iw-r Md. u > pei lou .'mil eases ijaiin'-'l IJoiMla, !-. (si elesin. -O'hi nun Oraln, 5'4't.; 2,0i«J ease* IaUheil . .;. ;.(j |uUI Oreaus. 2HK.I IMO noses llanos, 1J4 Od SO les Hvef, Lin-. Pork, la.; .¦." ions .»¦ k Flour. aVIs.: 1.INHJ bbe*. d 2m, ,/2v m son pkes. linn.-1 ai di ..).». lid; I1S1 urns Measiirriiient (MimIs. -.-ii, .,, "i«i,,t <"4la» Kow,steam.2,000 bhls. Kb.ur. Us ul i.-iu.*!, Klmir els -Om lu Hum Meas in ineiil (bin:,. -.'. . j": ,: ji¦. ,.,_ ;|, .] Huirei yin.Ld ¦.'.".».. ikLi sall, Hull lilin. I imir. ;'s. VI: Mei hosea hlalt'b, od.; .1..0 bl,la. i,uiuieal.iiK no, *-. lill« 1 jil il (in. J.'.s. Lei lb, stesra, IS,(.bush. '.ru..,'. .1., atantl anl i"'sli., 4'io cases canuel (.ihhIs. .7,4 Sd. Bresssn .JO t4sii. (irciiii'. lfts.S.1 Antwerp, sall, UVi um. Lsu-ti.Mivate Vernie, 1. im twit* MUrch, las. n.-i-i-. aajl. '.'.".11 icm Ililli, -"-'i. Od.; I.mi.b ship 1.1 (erk fur urdnra, Hmo ins 1.1 un. 4s. (id. .'.iirwetisu leirk IO do., t.lMJOdo (11-lliiaii .Inp 1:11 llnslou) to I Iain bnr»r, K.iajn ,!.., , |.ilil,|| ship to .In.. i.KOO do., Ss. lOHid.: Norwi- -I.n bilk lo Iii- Mal tlc. S.W-Odo., 4s. no.i Mrltish tteaaier, ova ton*, lo Bbrdisui or Antwerp. »,is"Kt un. f.«. Sd.: Boolhef, June iosdmir to (Vtr* for (inters, ami OnitlneM, eii-m-Ilns linnet h iixidn fis. H.I.; inn! another, late fun* lowdina, asian vi^aa-e wed lethis; Norwosian l.aik to the oorm itt Ballia, v..omi bhls llrliiinl fi ru lenin, i-ts.. a bili; In M 1.1,1. tin, . and lilli no* Ar ros. m.1.0 essea da, ana.; Dnilah bri*;, TM lu lol sow, Spirits Turpeullni-, Ha; llntlsli lisik. M7 tuns Lon In lill (."Ski. i|it..I11I Us.; lin',nil si.itiini, 1,401 lui,., tn I.ur' pool, si urra! caiiru. private iittus. 1 mm riillaiti-lphla rtrli i Jj -'.' aniei lo urK nu unit rt- m..l Continent,ii.01 sj l:s uiuln Mivnl' ii-rrus; Norweala'i bur* In IrportO. S.OSJara. ds Iii hui: p. i's haKM, UV. ls-r,el snotliM lu lim minnel 2.500 du a*. 3d.: llrltlsb bar* Ina:, IiImIi purl, il nu., lo*i/i. Fi om Baltimore.2 finish steamer* to ('nra'fur oiilurM. so-., JniielomlliiR, 7,00O sud H.ooodo. 5* Hd italian ami a lliuudan l>ar« lo do., 4.000 mjkI b.OOO na., Aucust lua^l- lUK, fi*. U. " (tl 1,-4 -Uutef, and prlren n(i;ii!n,illr unchanged fKHbll.K.OM -lu-ttiied verv nrtu.OWIBa IO limited offer. Inns, (erl lits;us Inwi-i enid.., 1 Mhpi.ina urib-r. rt--/* 7»4C-. Naphtba. 5"<.*.i UeOned at 7-^e. Nssr.Torfci iV. for fhuadelphia, ami 7 c for Ualtlmure. case.. llrtlv.-. (inn tumut nush reports aaiea L'nltwl Usrtltt- r.lea (( mle Petroleum), Ncw-imk. l.'i.OOO bids.; UH 14:1,000 bbl*. Hradfora, ^74,ooo nblai npeuec bid; blshest.O'.'-Se.; lowest, S<l<rC.i elused INJ4-. bul l PtUiVlHiuNb-puitlk^Msss epsboil 1./1..1. per bbl belier, bul closed seas, w|lb s jan lou of tue iiuiuovem«.-ul lost; exi.n11 (lemana only BMdVmte; sueeulal yrv".' ''bis. .New Mesa.apo*.SI ./»l .0 lull, mHIIiiik Mice i.n last Call. SUI DA; Bot billi' doll* in 1,idi,him ¦Murd tall.June, alu nnu-Ml Juli *l 411 10; AUKUMi. H1««,U Ht; -rpi. nb."-, -ill Kial iirtuiH-i, s>tl i5d.SU Sd.iii;!,i Mm active ami stoatly tales, lin us. (ny Kxtrs ind .,, ;.,.'., Hain Mso*. SW WaSl'U F.tttB ,u,., *.,,,, + ,,.,.,. ludls Moss. »HaS20; i-lnlH.'-liihli. da *i'i BEKKllAMK "teadll* held i.u-,1,, .,. |..,.,,-', ",,.", ;,"jVii «»ly "0,.'I'1 BthATH unjet imo wituoui uti .'haiijfi ; riuklod Mi-ii'-lcis, A'(a< 1 ii,,,, w*. aio'4C; hu."ki"! Sh 1...'Un. 5-*4«0c.; .-un.I id llauiH I11I..0 li'ic; Middles nnettsnged and sail, j.,,u^' ii ir e..1 l inn C> 1 -. ;,.,( ,,, rt li-:u. hiilf mid bstf, -i H I" uh .ec. lllk'ti'T itml f mil sctlvn I'lty Pig*, c.. l.AHH Market 01 cued ;i . lai. Sard lueBdvaa e wu^. lusi.aii.l c-|.a«l HU-.uly at alwut '.' e rettuijt, fi nun .M. 111, m spill..quotod S.d, k .,. ,Bhl (Jii (Blee, 250 les. Mut, u.07i., rluMin; tl.Woo.: 7,000 U-i lu... 7c., cusVus e.Duc., 5.1)00 t... ^jly, ,,.1,,..,u7,0^^.1'.; l.ieitw 7c.; 2,260 los. Aili ...Ina ,".o."h rs ttotrtssaoer, ".l-«. 7,l.".c., i iu inc 7.iuo.; 25o les!' l'ear, U.U.'u-. 1 'uni Call. .lune, i! fl.'«vui..»7 vc- .Injv 7,r iM-ae-i Anguat, 7.0-j.,,, 7.u, ¦-.«.; .s,-puani,.-.r, 7.u; ti<»7!i,.c. fear. C-ir^ssui'Sc.; do. hui ero' 014.141.*7.4-c. ^lir bv4vam lanlj- ar;lve and steady asia*. ."0, ,ci-.,u-:'("'-- offtoUi.ed. aalua. OMUa. V-miU. lent. ..Soc..Ulillhii-Maj'ki.t dull. pu. et still .jV'.ulua" bin rn; New linn, r-Htsie pulu uud ;uba. Common to C i«ee, 14*30c.; mu'.o Weish lube, Cumin.n ju Cho ce. I4o20c.; slate Creamery, Cutoni.iu lo 1 ii-nce Iii r'.'lc^ WcsUrn lu-ltatlou frswuiery, 14u1ih-.; 'i.r.i'uii Oalry, Poor to Choice, 12»lHr.; WeMieru Faclorv. I'oor tu Fancy, 0»l*«.i Very Pojr. 7«H44i.CHKJ k abade el 1 oncer with a cood demand Milo Ka. Ul 1, Ooott .0 12*71 Js«i-.; Half Hslma. lodll'yo.i Hklui*, ."n.-ye Western fist, OiskI io Choice, ifjai2r.; Couinum. ssu*-e Skims. Common to Coolee, 590s.KUUH-A abase eosi.r iud very dull: Lon* Island and N*wJersey, l2*»*Mac.i jute and Pannaylvanls, liaiHac.; Westoru. 10*Bll(ec: Canada, U»ll*»e. lt iCK - Moderately aetlvs, Woady, unchanged; ^>eolliis. O'* HLOATt-Baw flrsa bot qrrlet; Pair to Oood rleflnhir. 7*,.s> I»uc, aad Ctnlrifucal, S'«i*8a»c.: sale*, 2t)0 nbd». iieiado. 6*iaC.; 60 hhd". St. Dom in co, private terms t 200 bbl*. Ja- n tic*. sinint7*4e. Befined stnocer,mers active; Crushes sud Powdered, w*4«.: OrsirsJBtsd. 0*ac; Cut Loaf, 8V«>U'*»%j Standard - A," S*»39l*c HEFDs.Qnlot, snrB.sid IlL^^J^^^feooliia^.8^ TEA-At th* saeoon sale tonia/ K«-ntos»Ooleu sbow«b no miterui ebanjr*. but the otborklnds aotd snows* s allfbs decline: parttcolars sr*: Tao bait enacts Moyen* Oroeo ss »3'»«2Ae. tor Bysoa ; S0*»B35*se. for Yana*: Hjt**** 31*t» 33se. for Im^rlaij MSHOe. fer (fcutBOWis*i S41 jdua. Mnjnvoev Oreen st afrMS«t*._for Yosxnfjfysoa ; 26*«»J9*»a LIVE STOCK MARK El'. NKWVork. Msy 27.-BF.EVES-No fresh eoetpts »nd no trade of importance at either of sae dook yards. A few choice ( attie hsid over from yesterday were welfbed to an exporter, hui m.-t of the stale stock waa left nndismrbrd In tbs foedinc liens. A elow trade tn Dressed Bssf was resorted st ttushiucton Market, aad price* strongly favored too buyer »f ur an early hour, neutral sales were st 0*^7 *4C., with Ve.7fc,h*^«tdesat7*sc. Tm» steamer CslUo sslled to-dsy with G«o qnarters of Beef sod 200 earcssso* of Mutton for Joseph I-as-in sn. CAi.VEH-Hecelptswers2.U3 besd-1,871 st00thst_14t st\Au»hincton Market.and 08 st Jersey Citv. Tmsl since Hatii'ilay, 6,311 head, against Q.H'll head tor us corr**- time last week. Heavy receipt*, extremely w*ira wealJier and adeprsasod Dresaod Moat market combined to inaks a dull and lifeless market tot Uv* Calves. Tho situa¬ tion was so very nm srtaln that hntchers scarcely knew what to pay for stock. Sellers Invariably met boyer's vlewa after 7 a. m., and a largo part of tbs offerings chanced bands, t hour li abooi 2Bo head will he csrried over. Strstchtlotsot Hnttcrmllk Calves were sold st 2*nSr-',4c.; whero tl.rie wein a lew slippery Veals mixed lo 8c. wns reacheii; mixed lots at :04c.. sud Ordinsry to Prime State Vcultat 4 <rSr; choice aud selected lota bioucht S'ettS'so., bot th**- are -xtreme flcurea Itressed Veal* were very dull st .>'« 7c, and Biiuermli* Calves st Sir lc. HMi-a-IInlleiiiiMk- m Diivis stud: 15 State Buttermilk Calvi*. 181'J*ac: 21 do., InHfc, sf 2»4C.; 70 Mixed da, HIS. sta V; tm Veils (few Buttermilk cal vet), 122 IB. at 4c.; bl do., 132 Bi, al 4c.; 4:4 Ho.. Ill a, at 4*40 27 do.. 180 Ih. ai ft 70; 71 do. 1..7 lb, at 4 V.; Ul do, 138 th, si r.e.- -ju du, 1 .,.-._», at 5c.; .".5 do.. 141 a. ht »*4C; 10 do., 156 IB, at 6'*.'.. -ii du.. 14, IB, a' J. 17. Hume sold; 09 Matu lluttsru.ilk Calve*. 121 lb. St 2>C:78 ih... 137 m. at 2 v.: 32 Mixed co.. 1.14 Si at SV-; Ul) V.'SN, 120 fl», S' 4 e.;iir. do., 131 tb, at 43iC; 78 do.. 138 IB, st .".c.; 4 do., lull DJ. ul 54 .; 27 do, 1 '0 lt. at SV. Kill, ubjik A Di wei soid 15 Malo lluttermilkca've-i, 128 m. st 2V.: Hi'co.. 184 SX st 2V-; 7 Veal* .Culla>. 1210). ut 8VC.;2d0, 4c ;77 On., Id2 lb, st -I Sic; 33 do., 157 m. at oe. Ji luff.- Wrli-ht, Ito. r a Co. toto i ll'. Matu Viuil*. 14() tb. st i' e.. 22 o, l»o lb. atf-l SA I 29 do., lld Iii. at A V.; 32 do, lin m. a. ;.r.; ii ..., ian m. ni 5"gc Kn bva co. -mid: ic -rm,, liiiif-rmiik- naive*. 113 m. at '.".(. 1< du, 153 Ul,at 2a4c, lo Veals, ll.i IB. ni 4c.; i2x a. si ic. Baa it Otis wibi S RMprerv reals. 1 Ul lb, at »'-<..; "> slat" Veals, Uk tl,, at -ie.; .",1 do, rjr, Bj, k| i ...,. ().., lil m. at 4-V ¦'. du., iii ft. ai r.e.,- 12 Hucks County do., 131 lt.. ut ov.; 12 do., 12j IB. at o'jc. 2 do., 1(mi lt., in Se. Juill * Inn kinch,un mid 70 Pcnii.-iylvanla Veal*, 187 fti, at C. Collins sold 20 Mt. Holli- VraJa extju) ai ''.3d*, c. P. it.." n aold H Jerse) Vast* nt Jr and i do., nt Se. n!ii:i-.i- ami i.amii^ itii einr. w- 'i S.nnr, Ui-.ui 27 esr* st Jcrwiy City. 3 curs nt. no- hst. uni 2 cir- it WaMiinctou Mantel. Total sttira aatuiilav .7.-3o hmd ;.-u.n-I 21.1)10 li, ni Ibu curri MiM.iitiii,^ Illili- List WSOJC Ali craike of Sheep nil cir ka* '4.c p> rik. inn at then- need neurea s f;i r bnainswa done. I sst bern and Weal, ru I nu .a wera lunch ibu asmi aa t .»u-mj.. hut lbs 7oo lu ml of j er.ii do, na sale were som .,''.¦ lower. Huies of Sheep weroats«fl*4C for i iswinon tn choire-a carnied >t I'liiiu-WeUiers toMr. iiiu* lor export ai tba Isttorptlee. \H>..i.:i Kid i.eiilu kj l.iiiih-i rsil--. >, 11 oiu .'.7nC. Io 7^:11 ..I Ai.,, limn do. ai -h.. and 1nu.11 ol the J ur Brr d" wile wild st H, Hali . ll illeni.i. k .1 ki-- sud st SOth rt.i 40 xtnli- Shem '.- .: '..',. ¦'¦ III i, .il .-'ec; 2.i Lamb*. --1 Bi. J' H v..: 13 ¦h...n. re.: 23 w ur do.. Bu ;... ai oe.. SS iin,f.5. ai .. a Dewey told: 07 Western Sheep, 04 m, at ."-c; 152 W hli rn I., ni -, J. ll Hume sold 112 Western Miecp. 'U fh.'.-tt A*ir 17.-1 do. Ill '. il .. ic -.' HUI.. " ll lt st f.*«e.i 1H stale OVc . Phil .. . -i ld .: J - Itv 102 Ohio -lieei. ¦t SI ii "do |... .it .-,.- 170 .:., ||J IB, .il ..Se il kentu,>y Ijimb.-. lb, al 7i.. 2. j .ii t '. i",' Mary. lane M ih, at m- im> lereer do., 50 rt. at Kr M'S do.. tl ii-x Ni i iou A U dwi a sold ; -ll Ohm sheep, ho tb, al ;¦"..; s 2d" i. n7 a, hi iv.; 22 iiiu.,..' a.St ¦: Virginia I ninl.s. .'J tr., al Bl !¦-,(.. i-'.-i'In. i-2 IB, ai "c.; 830 do., ... Judd a lliiriincbsin sold : 2 NOhm Phi it fl 70; 2.0do.,00 "*r. Ml Pena*y!vanis ilnr-k.. sud Kwaa, nisi 41 jh, at bc.: Tl Jet*, vdu, ,41 -.<./., J. r :.. nt r-.e.;lP< du. 11" mm- -. 7' P. .u I., mi do.. 1 il p fi Ine'ii Mst* Jer* | 1 r. ii"t..... rn hi h »4r. usiH.hl J.iJi mb*, ' " ;.t S«9( ami... '.I a. at ? sc IS do., 54 ii '.. .;¦;- win 27 ,,i J. r Sd ( '.'.. .0 ow:ri MM lime Usl Hoes U.-I >.»i .!..-, .1 ia lilia in....' I HUM'S DAKithltl- Itv I'KI.'/l'MKII .. .'.I Mit I'SI kill!-. Henty, -i um,- m.tb ,i siuubei cart'a.Hi ki »lom, h. . * nu .iii li lu. i. «in market qUIl I Si ¦. !i a; i fairly i< liva: »; i -. -; j. I i., ..-Si 25 las*. 1,000 hied; afllp- I 4 ^1 i. ste sn ijtf lui y .. ;o um won to Kx I, 0 MrkIS al SI i I* '.<<: i' for lill « m., I lill rars market IO; s.x .V l||t|« mi lltaij III-: .-! '. I. cl I'.'M'K I ll i \'i.-I li r la id mi- arly ii urlu, ' '-r -ullin, -ii Nu. Mi.ii. \\ .ni. I I'.-.I. SIH.t, c.-. si .-.,%' .". -I i- '..'.. 10'-. ii lol I ll I ure; ii ..i ru .1 ..'.,..' lb; Am-.i.'. iW lld Wi '.tn lie. inc linn .ilu'i ci .i ;.- lt sn.j .-.ii M ii vi. t, Lui Iml an ni .li i Cs's ... quiet, lu in USl V dun IO- .uni. ¦ dui sud icuni .-I .il lo .,.., -A* .-> .fl |l<yc w blakey i.i.l qu ... 4 fri lents lo I.I vi rpool pel aleauw-r miiuuial i lotion, '41.. Fioar. 2a: drain, no lu |iU I- .-ir. K7.I bbl*.; VS'; IV.IKSJ bush.'. ( mn. .1. io.. i..i«|i o.iiM. .1..h.; live. 2i-0 buab. .- -1 in-^iiu urn. 3s.inI2 bu»u. asl ns Wheat. 325.1100 bush.: cu.. 7...0 ll bush. lay un dil w ;,. il J:iM No. 1 Duluth offered si $1 WO Ni. '.' 4 .10+1 |7 kio-., H.OOO bilah, Nu. I lUi.l Iiiilnih. .11 in a, ai ti 23. Corn BSSM iiiul dull sale*. I,.' l.u-li. U..l.i Jim:. In lcIk, ;,. 4..C|U ¦! >.e.; .i.iiill bu li. Ni. 'J Milwaukee, lu it:ivc. at 45 V. Hale doll and scares; ailee. Tao bosh White, oa ii.e trui k. ui^o .1-. liur- Itt Ins. live llyo uer ictnl. csu '.mt. Mer 27.-Vl'iur dull and nominal Wheal nrtsottli rt ¦ind ki ,ui oh lower, bat iloavd Bru: Na " i^-d Winter, ,1 h., Nu. 2 chlraco MsnuaT. si l*** ea 4 h sud Mari »i i'4 V .;*! Ol*.- Jinn -fl l|i"4 Jnl>: 00 Uu 30 Ss". Aucnial subs ut 0 .'-j..,/-1 01 July; r.". 3 1 bicsco Hpifnc, t>iiii-7c Cora tellly uelive sud ii sha le hl)riierut S7*4C. COShl '-ti'.'se. Jin ei Inly and Aiii.'ii-.t l;.ju. od. Mhe. o*U aetiie. timi and bi her si i»«»e. ossa ami Moy 1 Sl*«c. Juue: 2 >e. July, uh .ed uurbsnawd. I'ork niiMlerntel) ac. live sud blctier it *I006 issb and lunn. S10 15»«ll) 17 , j nlv *lo 'j:, \nuiist. iJird ste.uly with 11 fell dimind al (,. ftc. raab Sisl Juno: li.57*jtril.Ooo. July 1 ll«2'»c. bid Ancn*t. Hulk .Meats siea.1) 1111.I un. li.i;iK.iL Wbiaki-y stead] und nm d ai »1 ol). PmahU- Corn to umful.t, tt'ee.i w :..... 1, i;c. ai Hi" close. Wboat lairiy active and a eimde lui;)..rut SI ol 'a Jun.. »l 1 July, coiu ac I nc, linn un.1 him -r st 3Mi,r. Muv KS*sB3H-V. June; :U;',c. .Illly. Oula rn rood iii-iiisiui *nd .c. blcbttr. Pork auady and uiu-hauged. Lani *sstcr and 'fi-, lower. .\4)l, Miir 27.-Uonr henry Fsnilly. »4 WliTSS IS; l-.un -., r In./-*.'.. Wheal weaker; So.'i Bed WlUtor, SI 1.1 if si 14 1 11 -I-iIm. 7.'i0 liuslv; slilproelilM. 10,000 boan, ('urn naree So.2 Mixed, 11 *.i .liieb-vuior; 4-. r..,tosriivo. natsituil snrt lower No. 2 .Mlfo.1. 34c. live null al 02r. B»r|ev rC»rii< sud Him; astra No. .1 KbII, SSS. Perk dull at flo .'.0. Ijnd nu,i-l ut B.57*»*o.tK)0. I;ul* Meals sipl Huron ii'iiet and un- chanced. Whiskey iteadt with a fun demand nt 4107. Bul t,.r eiiMi'-r. but tin.- 'quoiablt lower. Kiif^sr steady Hants, IO New'i liken* blither ut 7-',<rH«4C lluis eiuli-i; c..1111110.1, *':./*3 '.'.. MkIi 1. *3 80a*a4IO| SJ noa' SI IO; lliilrliers. *1 l.'i (1*4*21) rve4'!ptM. 1,000 berni slop- melita, BoO heud. in cudi. .Muy 27.-Floor dull and Dnrnanjrsd. Wbaat fevinshaad higher: Kxtrs Uicbhtsn nominal: Nu. lWiatu Miihicuii. »1 1 J*v; May. f Ki's,; June. SI 12"-.: .lulv. no auks MUlina -No- I. Sellars, *l 13. CoriiUulhlBcilniiiK. .ii and sie.-ili. ('In- i-i -1 -i I linn nt Si bid for P111110. l.i-,. 14.t-4 -1'iiuir. 1.41*0 I.I.-1 Wheat, 55,000 boah.; Corn, in 11 'nisi... (..iii, 'J,','Ui' bilah. Mnp-iiciila i lull', J. leo blib)., Wbest. 17.".« ililli; cnn, sun bush.1 Oats. I.doo boab' .Mii.wsisrv, May 27. -Hour dull »iu! iinchsiiKed. Wheal nirenisl strone, advanced '..-., mid i-l.tacl ste-nlv No. I Mnwullkes . (ititi at fl 081 do- emn at $1 ni-j; No. 2 Mlwankee, oaah and M: y. |101*s| June, #102'4; July, tm.'1,: No 3 Mliwankreal H0*aoj No. 4 d.-. ni 82C.J Ut i.-ried in 'i'-e. Cuni lalrty acllvo aaa a shade higher 1 No. I, oat* finn and lilclior No. KStSlo, rive lower mid ic lected Nu. I at7i»C Uarley in.-. -ti .ul, No. " sj.i mc, 70 Prc l«i.i:i quiet but firm Mrs* Pork quiet at s.O 10 1.1 I, sud June; flo iW July. ard-pinue Steam nt il.65c ind June 1 r Uocs raster al ?.uti 15. Ftetcbts- Wliuat to llinfaui, ec. PHlLAUII.l'HiA. tim 27.- -Klor.rinscllv.i and weak. SA'heat esrRu rate fur No. 2 Ked ia innitiial at SI 32, free on boanl; lull Illili-ur none om-rlna; at lid. Ileura. At tbe K bi I St 32*j asked for cir Inls nf No. 2 lied, lu iud Pennsylvania, if bern, would cuiniiianil 02c Corn stvaay i Piunsyuuul*. Wesicru and rn Yellow, on track and in crain depot, S5*a Western Hall Mixed int. con track. 54*ac; i, on tra**, o4«54**tV. while In aJSvatat,Ooo. At r*eouM i nil. 54c. bul, o5c *akedfor rnr-luu ol M-nl Mixed, in stavator; esrso rate tor still Mixed, prompt elnpiuen.'*, Sse. free on board: du. Srst hslf, June. 52'|0. ii it< mi board I". BBSrS. tree on board. Out* dull .'iud iiiisetllt'd lirlrea iii dined 'vi'.; Na 1 While, 45 'ec. No. 1 do., 4S4»4S*iic: No 3 d... 4'JoHaie.; ll" li ct. J. ll* 42c; Mixed, SH x lue.: Miked No. 1 at 42c Pee. very quiet; Citv Mea* Beef. $12; Hm f ll*iu*,*:7<» S'. 7 fl); Miss Pork, esr lot*. SH 25 ital 1 50; Extra trime, SO; flunked llama, lOsllC; do. tn Halt Sud Plukln. rl*jail*an.| ( lear nb Hreuked, 7*40.1 d*. tn Halt, 7o.; Hhoulders, tn hilt. 4I-.C.; du. bucar Pickled. 5'4 05Va; do. hsiwketl, OS GU..; Itressed liocn, 6\ti61*o. lard- \\ esuun, 7.7. c.; de. Hteam, 7.*7.)Oc; do. H-itcbwrs', moon, 6*«e. rlniterdull, 11,1 ul Choice, lear* 9rm 1 rsnasvlvsnls. t4c; Vteitern, i3c Ch«wee-Cheioe warned ; Poor dali; New York Pasusrv. Vieauru Pall Crssta, liailSe. rtuolosin guiet 1 ltnllued In bbl* 7 Vi rases, ile Whltkey sUouc ; Westers soldatSl ll.nswheW*! 41 IA t*ntBS««Trts.WTisat, 58.770 tiuali.i Cora. 71.085 bash. 4 p. at.Wheat escsaw t Msy nasa. si 3* otd. a aa saMd a* No. a Bsd. Mar 1 SI 24% lu". Si '-'4', anked Juue SI 13*. bid. SI 14** asked July! SI 10 bid, SI 10*4 **ked Allf DSt. Corn Sim j B4*e0. hld. Louts, blay ^..fVonr dun j only small ordsr frat! Unnsottlsdi eaah towac, bat opuona batter; fa. ill U "miati *°* ** a?'' *"" * "sa *J re lewse atSl & Bavtey-r** marret Wadawey Jaafc fl 08. Pork dall at flO S3 bid easb aad af a/. Lord jm*bi i.wet oeu*BJis rwar, ,i,wv ooo.; wew> tnw ;rw Ova. 62.000 boaki Oats. £000 boaVT»w*eo*a-nii»j o.oofS bbts.1 Wheat, 1.00Cibosh.; Ossa, U.000 *Mtaa.i Oat 9JOOO~ 2*oonb»*a. toledo. May it.wbss*. atsadr i ga 1 WMta Missaja f] 18*»i AiaisrHlohicaa. Ol Hi Bo. f Bsd wB4Maa,aa> il 17*s: Jons, ft !**.: July, fl ol* i Ko. 1 DsTtoajti PBIHT CLOTH MARsTKT. FATA Hirst, afass Julv 97.-Tho prlntlac etoth msrlr* bs* been more active la demand, bat bo .slea stwrsporlai Quotations rule a* lc old and 4 *ea asked tor 64 *o, nares. COTTOM MARKKTH-BY TKLBOBAPH. Uvrsroou Mar 77-19:30 tx m.-Cotton quiet sflddUa Colanda. «*i,«d-: Mlddlinc Orleans. B's*.: asles,8.000 balee, ti cludlne l.ixo bales for spacolsttoo aud export. Kecswpti 17.100 balsa. meiadtBr ii.Boo bales Amsrleta, rasarse D| lands, low Mlddlinc clause, Mas* delivery. 0*t*ti do., r lanna. I*>w Mlddlinc clause. May delivery. 0*4*1,1 do., May ss Jun* delivery. OM., also «'»t*d.: do., Jims tad Julv deliver) h«m!.. also «i».d.: do.. Jnlvend Anjrost esliTery, 8*ad.. al* 8'*»ad.: do^Ancust *ad Heptembsr dorl very. 6*'aad., also 8M do.,September sim October delivery, 6*url; do., Oetobsr atv November dellverv. 7wt*d.. slso 8*4(1.: do., November sud I>* cember delivery. 6T»jd.; do.. January and February delivery fejaA Livasrooi. Mar 27-1.30 p. re.-MISdllnc Uplands Cotton Stiled.) Mlddlinc orleans,!!*,.!.! I>w Mlddlinc upland*,b*i#d. Ootsl ordlnarv Uplands, BULi Ordinary C uland*. 6*»d. I.ivrr.roou May 27-5:16 p. m..The sains of (be d*y In clinioii .1,000 bales Amencau. Futores.Uplands, Low Mid d linc clause. December sad January delivery, 0*«d. Future* closed ..nil. Aioisis. Msy 27.-Ootton quiet: MlcdAine, 13V.i Lo* Mlddlinc, lo V.: Oood OtiUnary, SHc.i receipts. 73 bales sales. 114 bales. lULriMOKk. May 27.-cotton inlet i Middling, ll***.: Lo* Middini!'. ll***.: Unod ordinary, lOt'ac.: exports coastwise 2 bale*; sales. r,o bale* (tock, 9,284 bal ec Howth!*. M»v 27.-*'olton .lixll: Mlddlinc, 19e,: I,ow Mid (Hine, UV.: Oood (irdlnarv. UV.: net roootnta. 946 bales »rr. .sa, 24(1 balee exports to Oreat Britain, 820 baie*; clock 11.516 bats*. OHaitLsaioa". 5fsy 27.-Cotton es*y Mlddlinc. ll»g«llV. Low Mir.dlinc. llV'-llV-; Hood ordinarv, l<i**a»10**e.: ne, H.- bake; experts coastwise,01S belo*; sales. 40( bales: shh*, ll,"34 baie*. ciNnssAii. May 27. cotton easy; MlCdllnr. ll*4C.i Los Midd mr. kV.; Oood Ordinary. 10c,: receipt*, tu bale* shipments. Hill hales: sala. 184 Oaks: stock. «,186 oates .<si.rcsro>. Mar 27.-(Joitoo nominal; Mlddlinc. lo'et: Low Middling. H)*-r.: oood Ordinary. Uk.) net receipts. 3i bslesi expnita to (iruat Britain, 1,412 bale*; eales, 84 bale*: stock. 11,79". bsles. i.oinsvii.LK. May 27..Cotton dnll; Mlddlinc. Iliac Munni*, May 27..Cotton dnll: Mi.iiinnr, iOTec; reeelpts, so bub*: .lumneul*. 1,269 bales: sales, db baie*: stock 1.1,1) Ul bales. Mouii.r. Mav 27.-Cotion qulot; Mlddlinc. He; Low Mid Hine. IO'vc.. unod oii'.tiiarv, OSe.-. Bet receipts, ll bales: .XBortS to the Oontlnmit. LSOS balee; oosstwisc, 1.008 baie* sales. 400 bales: .tock. I&.S76 bales. NKW.ukiu.S4, May 27.-(otinri dull and easy: Mlddlinc, UV.: Low Mbidiinc. IO***., (Jo-st ordlnarr, 9V-: net. re. ipi*, taa bala*| groM*. 1,805 bales, export-, to the 'nn'li.eiii, n.'l lisles; sales, 1,000 bales; last eventoc. OOO hales: slock. 140,1 ill bales. Noarotx May 27.-i(ition quiet, weak; Mlddlinc, ll mci net 1. lillis, l.i Ol! bales : ex port* coast* as, 163 bale*; *alea, iso huies; iocs. ir..xr.7 bales. fiUUsliSU'Hlv, May is"..cotter, qnlet ; Mlddlinc. 12c, I/tw Mut.oma, 11*41-.: Hood Ordinary, 10V- net receipt.-., 417 .a cm- 611 bulne salo*, splnuers, 200 balts; stock, 11,212 Ula*. na vina*. May 97..Cottar. i|ti!et: Mlddlinc;. ll'i«<-; Low Mlddlinc. ln<e.; Oood Ordinary. 9Vi.; net reeelpts, 04 Mle-.. naies, 'Jen bales stork. I.),:.lit lui©*. mi. I /j i uv May 27.-colim, unlit AliildUac. ll*»c: Low MldiiliiiCj in',!.: ui.lilian, 1)*4C; receipts. AH l.aies; .Iii;, h. n's. hfio bales; (ales, 164 bales; stork. 41."SS bille*. W ii tMMTOfc, Mav 27.cotton weak, lower tn sell: Mlddlinc, Hr.: ixiw ..luldiiuK. lov.; Oood UnUuary. ibe.; net receipts, halo; stock. 1.701 bales._ i;i:impkan makkkt*. LmtaTOOL Mav 27..Pork--Pnnie Mes* Eastern, dull it t'l.'i \.">eleni, dull at 69 Itacoii-LuniberlaoO Cat, I nil ut ;:i>; snort lub. dull st Sft.od.. Ismc ("lear, lull nt 34'. HbsrtCtsse steady st SSi. Hums.Loos Ont. ii hut st 47'; should' ra duli ai 24.. Beef.India Moss, lull at76/1 lixtra AU**, dull ai Hoi; Prime Mesa, du'.l si Iii, .mi -iiiiiie Wibtira. ila 1 at ivTM. Tallow.Pilmt ItvSieadrat S3). Turpeutlue- spirit*, steady at il , retail. {.Min.Ciiinmnii. stesdv st I M.: Pine, dull St IO Od. Cbee»Mv. 'bulee, ateadr ut 70. Lard Oil. dui) at o»'. '.ul -l.xtia stain, dull al lil. Whet-No. 1, White. .tessi)/ al IO spriuc. »No. 2. dull si 9Vd.. New Win¬ er Western, -nany at IO Sd.: New southern Wlutir, steady i' .07d. Cuni Mixed Old. stead? at Bid.; New il li eil, in.ii r al i 'vd. i iiuonseed 'll.Yel.ow American, nous ii ui-rkct. hoaiu .comsii.u, ai L-m.lou. dull at 4,ou. ur|M nune. Spirlis, ot laiu.ion. ste.idy st to. ..-t.R...|. M.n 27-1:3) J., m.-ltreadstufTs-Whekt.f»/M. i .- ld, pi cental fae aveline ( allfornls White ; VI itv: ¦.: ll. d Wi ..tcru linnie, ami io 3d. isl ii, dd. for Ked Winter, ' I lid.¦;.".. per otu lal fur .Nit Mixed Weetcrn. Peas, ;.. .i nilli tor Canadian. D .financial. VLI. wini are iMorenloi. tu railroad bimtiese. i, mdes-u elslisUc* Bhould cot THK TKJilDNB AL- 1AJNAC ter . .. non ready, jun e j:, cen is by mall._ |>A.NKI.i;> and CUM CAI.isis will want to I* . ct he'i .\!iti»in.-for lltSO) lt jrivea the neurea iniitl .-tal.'* I.t-iuaiir uud i-.kP'tltd.l4ieH aiuvu l»7i. Price, indi._ tlllCAGO, MILWAUKEE rad ST. PAI'L ll ll I, WAY C'OMPANT. -Holdi-is of Itopd* of the '. ...ii i, .'i,Iw aukee sod SU I'sul luillwav Coianunv, known Lill ims.ltds Od bin.lbs Fund IIiiiiIm." ajn heiebynu- i!iid ilia; n in a. untie their b. ink at the office nf il.l* com. mi.), ka .. vv iikiii i.. ibe iMii,.l4 will be stamped rnle*Mlnc hem from Un- oiHL-ratlou*(.f t.'.edi.ikaic lund, and eaid bouda il 1 tJ.crt jlur be k'.owu as -('oiisniulat.-ii nonda." _J I JJ CH WADHUiiKTil. Vice-president. i AS ri I OCKS & Citv li. R. Btookl nnd Honda J bonah) <t (Old. K.T.liLWIl'l'.Ol JkUhSfiC44.pl4teak__ UVYNN.: vt DAY, 45 W'nH-st., N'ew-York *,i.-i 1».",4.. irsbaaei a emeral Hsukl'c ju.1 ir.-kc .. ¦. '.I.-::.. .-. .ii Hallway share*. Honii*. <?.-., ac. £&S >K)l'lv>. v.; Sew York ind Bronkl>n Omi-ttoaks,and also all kind* I l,:< uk', i n lu vi -.iiiietit aeciinttr* deal) lu liv i.eoMUi: ii. riii..\Tis,.-4, llltiiAD-sl an,..".", KXL'llA.NUKPI.ACE. On re os ma nm i's rTasTss mani faciirino* CnMl'A.M, tiii iiASI Ullin., > N;:-a V hR. April IMHO. ) NOTICE is Hi:KKI5Y GIVEN ihstaaieeting .1 ,r ce lockbo ...I the UKATKUMANU. f.\l .i,:1N,. Cti.Ytl'.t.NY will be ii ld attbeofflcoof tho iiiui.aui. in the Chi "I N'"* tork, oats* tota day of Jua* ->"...( .Ou'iiuk a. Bl., fi* tia p..rp.i..e nf lu. les-111. Hie ,,; -ti.. ¦« nf. ..I ni- in i mo Thniisaud ahSTos. al tho ni \ of ( ii uudnd Dolliirs (K r Mhiue. Ki>'*Akl) I- cul.Il, c\i ittl.K- il. Hi'i.n,Trnsiee. MACKICB li. ILINiS, lruato*. lawSw I ri_ MOl ld' is llf RI 11V (JIYF.X .1 'lli..l ilml.K.\OVIl.LK AMI sliAMKOCK MINING U.Mj'.iMD-* wen io.U-jtc I u-i Hi" .'. t!i mat. BBder the ame of the " l.c-idviile ( i,4,.it-i.ued .M'nine Company." iiii-k.'iii.di'is Iii I -e Lead vi lc and snsninita Minina l'ni». aili,. w||j pie* h| their clo k cu .:ul ufiet June ut inc Sires of me n.iii;i:uiv. No. HA ilrosdway, lloi-mt 11.1 and i j, and iud new dieck tor tte saint-. _A. EBgltT, -ecretary. ilidl'OSAI.s will Ihi received until Satur- a-- SJ, at noon, fat Coule of forty eichl i4b) of ...iii',, .ml Kulton U.i.lioii Flrsl Mnrt.iace md smkiuc ,,,,, Lund Crnut lliinde cf tl.OOO each lo the Colon Trust etnpsnr, ».< tiu-i.c ..( sod moina;.. A>\ pi-ui.osals to bo dlrsetsd lo UDWARDKHn'O, ITeal H. U. MAIIQUANIi. Vli-clii-Miilcnt Pt. r... T. M. .t: s. By. Ca IMMiirf T. N. V., Msv VD, ISSii. PUK ANNUAL MEETING of Hie stoolc- l holder* ot the C1.STKK AND DKI.AWAlli: IIAIU i. A li Ci >M i'AN V will be lu id al tin-otll. euf the company In i)M'OCT on J CN K 0. 18»V, at 1 o'clock p.m. A. IOCS son. secretary^ hs Ciam.*sn columbus, ciucphs*n amp isoianapo-) ur iuii war ant. (itkKu.ii. urFitJt. > CLIlVBLAMl. ohio. Mai ll. IH«0. I PHI8 COMPANY, ii.ivini? been icquosti-d by I holders, to s larce smouut, of lU consolidated baada io ui. 11 Hie .-inking fund i.»u»e conto ned tberein. aad to uer. ,ll thu sm.I bond* lo run un ul their maturity In tba rear 1014. i.l lids ci.inimny bulee willina" teooaiply willi Ute roiiuswt of lt-boudhoidi rs: Notice im tu rely elven thatanyof thoboldersof tbeeon ilhiuteit bonds may pros1 nisi Co. lu Ibo City ot itsomsot will be puce. liing the eiiiklnc fond danae, sud ali bond-ao iMturaed will iraaflar be excluded lunn recuniplton prior lo their actual atnrtty In the year 11*14, but for any bonds camtaixiiuf not prsacuu .1 sud nidorM-iL ibis ouiupany will couUAtoe to .Mt Hie eiikinc fund pro rkts willi th.- T nut tea. aad stub >uds will remain subject to rtdciuptlon by th* siuklnc fund .in tteonslnsl Oectf of Trust provided. i. II. DKVKFEITX. Presideat. iHELDON & WADSWORTH HANKKIIS, 10 WAI.I,ST. Tn sddlt'rm to s cen.'ral tianktnjt badness, buy and sell i coBimisMon all seeniitl.-s cnrrenl at tbe New-York -Stock xchause, adviincliiB on sami-. luwlmhlc u*t Mni tsus* Hallway Bond* for sale. WM. C. MHKl.fXJN. WM. h. WADSWORTH, ilkiutett bouda may present thoir bonds at U.o V uitcd state New.Yerk, when and where se I* 1 upon any bouda so ereseuted. oaa- KUHN, LOEB & CO MAVK I OK SALK A NC MIlliK Ot* ciioick i>ti:st>ii yr iio>i>.** A raWMrTlTI LIHI' OK WHICU CAN BB HAD CPON Ari'LICATION AT TUEXR OFK1CK. No. 31 NASSAC-ST. OHN A. DODGE & CO., UAMll-.lts *V ^TOt Ii. HOOK Kits, lil MAI.I.-M., MiW-YOua. Boy and carry stock* on H to S nerreut m»rrn. and et ate order* fur )*toek ITtvlleee Contracts st favorable les. Kuli Inf.inniiiion un Nil matter*lelaliuc tof*tock ¦¦ pec- a;lon fmuImI.ciI oh sppilcailon. Weekly report ot uieve- itiilelu Oin r>took Marcel sent fro*. iMT&McKEAN, 34 WALL ST., Ni:H-YOHK, [TY ANO SKM. ON COMMISSION OOVRnNMXNT. MA1I.WAY AM) MlMCl.'U.ANKOrs .iKCURI- TltCH AT TIIK STOCK KXCIlANOa AMI IN MIK DrKN MA11KI r. New York de narleas K-st. Lake Shore & .Hiestlsma !*s>aaa*mi B.B. Michlstaa Ccaural IL ki. Nsshville, t haiu.*4Vo«« et Ht. Louis Pt. I.sbU dy IrtMt Masntala R.B. Albany ft Snastaebanna M.R. New-TorkCealral ILK. Ctwved**)*! AV tSlUBwrs SLR. We *a>r fer asl-i tbe ilertgss* Bauds *f th* absi »-nstnea miiiuiie*. sil ut wlilcn ar* stiled*/ Prla** Iawrtaisat oarltias, sad sro dall v fal ad at ta* Mew-Yes* Btoec Kx- ssfssM Bsylux froia » ia 7 a*r eaat sa tnvsssaBsaaa w DE JONCE A CO., JftnansiaL rr fi an St East Wmj0 ari lint Ibatpff* «»»k*H *¦¦- 7 1 Caat laasi grant Goal BaatU Iai ©rafrattywWU ta* prsvBBaiS of th* Hi rms* secunaa tb* thors Brno*. k* Bald sat ooV^ . »e*>*?.* t*«»f*.d.*" «* yeas* si ii ¦ i *a_ af saatsTssHiiBBli kUW*a sra*..) tat! it* at iXTSaoe *fVa^fia3aa>¥4 laly aext, aa alter lt S3 SO J 140 148 15* 172 itn MO 1 » ie as 64 73 £ 1*4 141 178 247 295 108 BOXDS Of SIS* BACH. NTJM3KBa 749 ass ItSf lo. Its 18 a.o au 040 SiS 291 S80 . S47 018 199 970 Ii 804 Soi N Ml 403 SOS 811 IOU 428 872 814 IOU bli 6-s8 Sod itu 652 6J0 807 1184 004 70S 870 IIB* 812 TBS 872 1208 io bonds or taco back, nvu St 99 99 1M |li BM Blt 48 8.' 10S 20ft 248 SIM MM 050 BONDS OF 0LOOO ALACK. MOM 880 IBU 2374 8142 8932 4*20 SASS 8170 z K] 1624 8800 8j3 1630 2801 1641) 2828 1576 2330 J Snit 2341) 18SS 2868 1700 2469 1714 0470 H77 87H HUI HM 814-. Ho UKI ft'.8 879 loot 4TI 8 4031 490W 4030 4*00 404*5 SO01 1771 2496 884S 48*0 BOOS 1773 2614 8861 4068 8000 1848 2524 S084 4081 0082 270 1026 I860 2645 8418 44MS MM* 2»6 loSo ltj&6 MOT 8404 4tMM BOBO 830 1041 1800 2731 8611 4007 SOBS 334 105S 190t 2789 354H 4 KU SOTS 847 HOS 1029 2811 368)1 41:8 6137 0800 Mu 1100 ISSI 2itl3 8*88 4338 SUS Bl SOC. 1121 1956 2646 3018 4363 51*0 876 1140 ISKSfl 3)157 34324 4838 62.SI .'¦HO IK") 1993 287S 3607 4818 52*7 SHH 1199 1993 '-'HW 8685 4950 A3n3 438 1239 Vhf} 28H3 300'.) 441*1 i.*(M 4V0 1316 2021 2880 3701 4401 5821 4'.'I 1324 2040 21)10 3726 4409 5.1.(4 497 1328 2048 202U 8731 4484 (.808 00014 SKI 1 (49 211.1.' 'JDI4 3750 448* 6889 6065 21*32 21M4 8751 4442 B840 S4M7 .HXii* T.tHt) 3754 4443 4-3.3 11078 2118 iiix; 3779 4470 6:176 0070 2155 290S 37S1 2202 :«(T.'3 3788 22(15 :tl)J'i SHU 3H80 3915 8048 627 1803 501 1378 673 1891 678 1396 681 14.0 684 1491 0- li 149H 2221 lim;J U22 1203 2227 3131 4142 6400 0000 44S'l 61.K4 0114 4612 J .'siJ 0110 *70B 7M 4.,29 6.'>63 ens 9*61 la 4820 6583 UI7u 680$ WSW-Toax, April 16, 1880 JOHN 8. KBWMBUr.i^.^-- J..A- ROOSEVELT, J ".*¦¦¦* St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba R'yC&'t Second Mtge. 6 p. c. 30-Year Gold Bondi, A LIMITED AMOUNT FOE SALE BY u J. B. KKWEDY aV CO., 63 WUliaai Street. New.York. a**t**sttl»l jisWl *BsJ BaAiUZM. Kissam, Whitney & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 18 BROAD BTU BUT. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT AOCOtTaYT. Bl'UJECT IO KRAIT AT ri I Oil'!'. GOVE RNMB**" STATE, MUNICIPAL ANO KAIf.kOAO SEOOBITItBJ BOUOHT AND SOLI) ON.COMMDsHlON, IfOB OAS ll Oft UFO.-. MAOOIN. Diuident) Kow** oirtcsoKi-BHiuii lsd wiLBaseaaaaoosx costrair. I .NO. Ti BMOAIIW*!. SKW-YOBSL I Coupons due June 1. 1880, on the aa- acntett eonsoliilated 7 percent saon/psfeBond*of (Bas couipaiiv. will bo |.aj.t on ana after taut date at Hilt na*ra Helder* ot five or mora roai.on*are requested to Isa ra theL. at UH* office for »x:i!rV.iiation ob sod arter lath Inst, E. *V. i LARK, ) B. WILLIAMSON. SaVseevrers. _UM.H.TIl.LIHiCillAST. )___ \f OBILE AXD OHIO B. H.. First Monga*© Um (Issue of 1H79) Bond*..The Interest coanoee due Jua* 1. 1 80. on the ahove bgoda will U: paul um ami siter that SSS* 00 j.r. eeauilou at (he 1 armers' Lain aud 1 rust Ocv, Kee/. York, or at thc oBco ot til* oouirauv io tue oltr ts" Metal* , H. L. WILLOIOUBY, Trsoaursr. MoMle. Msy IS. 1890._ thk Stats or iowa, f; ExEcuTira lir.PAimnsjrr. > Das Moana. Mar «. 189* * NOTICE is limby *?iven that tho INTEHEST nilYiiMI lui ii ir due on ta* bm dav Of lull, iSS0.taa Orttday ol Januiiy, Inti, and Us0rat dar of J**r. D*H. ot the coiiDon bouda Issued by t he Mat* of Iowa, ands* aaUiot liv eonfrrre.1 by Chapter noleen il(5; of the Art* of Ute Extra Oosalos or the KIWiCi General A**, ISSI, knowu a* toe War sad Oases** Bead 1 ai .n.le st THE NATIONAL PA YORE, io the City of New York : and bolder* of Mich bo-.d* ste re,.aired to take notice hereof, and sresent aaoa asvpoii* ut nUC NAT1UNAL l'AUK BANK OBNKW-YOUK wkea approved Mar SS, B4»dAwl.lii4wart*rl»a uK BANK OF HKVf. JOHN H. OB AR, a Oovamsr of iowa. Cifction Jfolicce. .Nc ;h4 iittendway, Nwvum, Msy 04, leXO. I 4 T a MEKTING ot ide 1MKECTOR8 of the l\ LAMAR INStlBABCE COMPANY ot NUWTOKK, lu I.I I thcr umi-e Hil* d,iy. A. H FKOI'HINOHAK wa* ui.uiili.lonely t- ... teil, lo Oil tho vscai.ev csnsedSy the daata ot Issac li. bt. JmiB. WM. K, MACliIAKMlD. Soerstarr. NKW-Yoaa, May 24, lSftO. AT ffrp annnal mee'tino; o! tho storkiioldert of the Al KARIA OULDMINI.NO COMPANY, of (i-nra-iu. tbe followinc trustees wei-o eJeetod for I year: DANlfcL C. H»K. HAMUKLVANTM, JAM KM H. OIXUlOB, B. RAY, STANLEY U. RAY. Officer*: DANIEL . FISK, President, l-AMOKL VAN! K. VicsvJTeelden*. MAMAS H. OKOROL, rn- 'y sad orrock Railway ast N'AVir.>-no«i cojirAirr. 1 io. ioas.1 POB-ILA..T.. Usa., Blay IB. lKf*B ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Far Un purpose sf prepariosT tits list of siookhoUii-n S a lil. n to vote at the BBBOal iiieetiiij. us provided in Mr ellon .l ibe Rv Lae a. tbe Board of One. tera have waar*)* th* nauster BBaaaaf ih*«w*aa*Bty u> b*«aBH0 MAY n;,aadrs>- muiu ilosod uuill JUNE Ti, 18S0. THEO. WYOANT. assBMaBta .St Uf'VlLEOr IliK OHJIWASB AKB flt("MOB CABAL CO, I -Ntw-VokA. star 12, lssa I AT a iin-1'tinir of (ho St^Kkhoidors of tua Delaware and lladaon Cauai Ul, bold al tb* Ofttosi the Cora pun v tn ibe t Hy ot New-York, oa Taesday. ta* Ilia Inst, t*t« follewrn v nsruod fee tleurea were bbbbbbi ssasaataai (or ibe i-usuius year * ARIELA. LOW. I JAMErt M. ff AL>iTED. LKQRAND B.l A.N'NON. R.TAVLOB. '1HoMA> DICKSON. . JUN JACOB ASTOR. THOMAS CORN ELL. UEO. CA I'd]' WARD. ll" i ll I.K I .-.. HONK. IA MKS HOOSEVKLT. LEVI P. MORTON. A DOLPH VU MAM IXTOM. AI1RAHAM ll. VANNsflBT. Asdal* t-eetlasof sisnafars fc*td tats mm Thoui** DiiksoB. Esq.. wis ;iB»nlrooojiy rs*l*nt*d PresaleatV By order of ta* Board. OICOHOm L. HAIOBT. rn inc MAU. sTTAMSjiircoMrAJrr.i Mw-Toaa. Mar **. l*»- J AT a incotinif of the otixkhoiders of tree Pav- iiUc Mall Mciuushlii company, bold at tb* oflto* of ta* CniioaiiyAiu Hm etty ut N*w.Y*:k. *n WsdBesdsy, M*y M. iKho tin-toiii.wiux uaaied ceoUeuisa wsn*l**t*d mraetsra of Uki Coniiauy far BBBaasBBBs0*JBBFI JAYOOrJLIl. TREN UL W. PABJL ntliNEY DILI ON. Kl'S>eELf. KAOB. C. H HUN UNOTOM. CU A li LEMO. rUANCaU.YH. K. H P-REINS, Ja. OEOROK A.HoSrr. 3. B. HODS?ON. AiuliitameeUnarof the Board sf TNrstMar*. kola ta* ssas* 0JBJB Mt. J. a Motts ION was s***t«d President *< tasCnaiaiay. By *rder ot tb* Board. W. H. LANK.Bl ¦BBMf. N»w Yosjl Mai la, IsbbV* fJAEIBOD CONSOL. MININGCO. 'lin- Animal Meetlaa of tb* StorKnetders sf th* Carfbsa Consolidiitetl illirie: Cowpaay wi.i be held at Um Offioes tbeii-oi, Ns. SI Hi-oatl-aL. NoB-York, *a Tbarsdayy. JaosS, IHftUst l'J o'clock noon, for tbe purpose of (*ecUB«SvsTros- tocs to srrre tbeeu*4iin«y**r. sad sss* Meas* oaaa Bassja** timi of ni-ii s>tDtf mo (Ntpitsj Slock af tbs Co ma any fr*** Oas Milhun Ii illina to Oim Wililoo sad rive HaodreJ TtioaassS Dolisrs, such l nen >a -elf wade to bo applied io ibo |i*rih.set adVoluiiMr uisperiy. Poll* will cBiatuooen on* hour. Transfer Book* will close May 29 and witt roopes, Jaa*7, 18S0. BRAYTON TVER, i J4MB> B. M ETTA LP. V _U-.HJL aOLUbTBJt, S Taa Mirrt/AL Lil's iKM/BAXca coatrAKY. or NsRS-Yoas, I 14U to 140 Broadway. NSW YOBX, Main. 10BO. J I^UE ANNUAL ELLCTIUN tor THDSTEES of Ibl* compauy wi.I bs bo:* at Iwoflasasi auaut to lUcUant-r. os MONDAY,-Jsue 7, iSSf Tbe poll* win be opoa at 19 o'clock boob, and «ll 1 o'clock p. ra. ISAAC P. LLOYD, Nitwyobe. Mar a 1100. rrHE ANNUAL MEETING OF BIOCK- 1 HOLDERS of tbs CONMILIDATBB RBPUBUOAN MOUNTAIN MIN1NO COMPANY, far ab* aieatXam at .even Trustees, sod tbs trsssscuon of anv sshar baaiaasf that tnsy com* >tdbre ta*¦ nasa, was wah*** At Ma OH BROADWAT. Ob TCKBDAT. JUNE 0, 1000, At 10 o-doek, maom. Tam will Mtsala opsa «**. bear. _fl. IL DV*QXJJle\9mota*MT ' ornca or Tua Dtfaaaaaajki -THE ANNUAL alfi 1 BOLDEBB of UM DUWDMst PANY f«r tb* slrcMoa at aMraa. saber bMSBsaa aa a*ajr»*pia*tistt T«***asy. '¦**<. lc*. be dosed oa die _. alasjsd aattl aftar tb* aanaal kuaoo l OSU-ASV«| IsW'lf****.' MX. I Af BTGCKt Ml^Nti OOJtV wa**m*atBMssB4B> eWsTfat JWa^ffl a* estota. iLtTiBAftyoBiXi RwaflS

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-05-28 [p 7]. · 2017-12-13 · Insanediatety they bonan to yield, aad aontiaaed todeelioeBBtiltbefallamount**!toaamachsaia 3 per cent. After that

Insanediatety they bonan to yield, aad aontiaaedto deelioe BBtil tbe fall amount**! to aa mach sa ia3 per cent. After that there was a steadyimprovement, subject only to narrow fluctuations,np to tbe very close of business, and with few ex¬

ceptions to-day's last prices an considerably betterthan yesterday's. Tbe coal stocks continue to he

special feature*of tho market, and of them to-dayCentral of New-Jersey waa tho leader both in thcanwxiDt of business done and in tbe iinul advancethat was recorded. The granger stocks fluctuatewith tbe remainder of the market, bot generallyare finn. The trunk line shares are attracting leesattention, hat Lake Shore fluctuates! leaper cent

between 99*9 and 100%. closing at its beat figure,and Canada Southern rose from SI la to 54, Piriemaking a final gain on yesterday's price of only ^percent. The Northern Pacific etocks were activeand higher on tbe Washington dispatch that thcHouse Committee had voted to extend tho time fur

tbe completion of the railroad. If this is concurredin by the House and Senate it will restore tho com¬

pany that part of ita land grant which baa boenforfeited. Of the Southwestern list of railways, thcshares of Hannibal and St. Joseph and St. Louisand iron Mountain are notably stronger, while thcothers make little ahow of improvement, andMissouri. Kansas and Texas remains at aboutSO. Western Union was dall between 93*4'2 031%.with final sales at 94?,j. and Pacific Mail, after sell¬ing up i* to 36**, fell to 3-1*8331?*, The marketolosed almost buoyant.The following is an extract from a lotter nd-

dmaed by Secretary Sherman to Assistant Treas¬urer Hillhoose: " I am not satisfied with the pricesthat the Department bas been compelled to pay forthe bonds recently purchased, and am dis¬

posed to extend the call lor bids to tho4s and 4*as, which, at market rates, will paythe Onvernment a better Interest. . . . Yon will,therefore, please give notice that next Wednesday.nd every Wednesday thereafter until further no¬

tice the Department will receive bids for the 4 and4*8 per cent bonds of the Dinted States, as well rn

for those of the description heretofore purchased.''This was the cause of a moro active buaiuooo in

Government bonds aud of marked changes in themiative prices of the different issue*. The sixesdeclined %a)*9 per cont and the fives Vampercent, wiiilo th 4*as advanced 5«- and tho 4s 34 percent. The business at the boards amouuted tof993,500, principally of Ss and 4s. Tbe marketclosed strong at the annexed quotations:

Hid. A sued.r.e.r.* sn r««....io4 losV.B. Os'80. coop..101 liltt'.b. tie ki. reir..-.1001 106s*V.B. 6*'xl. coup..1061 1011**''7s li*81V.B. 6S'M. coup..Ill-7* 103'gV.R 4ie'Hl.reir..l(i»N 109"V.8.4lB,!M,COlU>..110ai HO

ma. Asxe;PS 4*1907. rsc.10 8*1108*4r.S. 4s J'l7.COUP. 10K1 108*4U.S. Cy Ha 1S9.V.126 ....

C.S. Cv Us 1830..USO ....

I'.S. ("vS* 1897..188 _0.8. Cse* 1R;>8..127 ....

1 1 U.S. Cv 8* 1H1W..1281 Dl9LotCol.3tt.iBO 051 !>.'.*»

State bonds were nioro active nnd unusually firm.The business included Georaia 6s at 100. Suit hCaroliua Gs, nou-foudable, at 3*294, North Caro¬lina 6s, special tux, third class, at 3'S414. and Vir¬ginia Os deferred at 8. The following are the quo¬tations:

Bis. Asuea.als. Class A 2 to 5.looo_.r.7 ices

Ala. do., small....... SOAla. class ii. OB,190G.J.AJ. 80 ..

A La. class C. 2 to*.1006. J. A i. C7 _.

Ats. Ts ur.ams.ias. 6

Ara. Ts Mernuhl*AUK. 6 9

Ark. 7m I_ B, P. B.A N. ii. 6

Ark. 7s Miss. (). *H.B. «,. 6U (Mirria>.*A._UK>

Grorria7a nev t\lK8b. J.AJ.110

Oeorsi»7s.lDil."8«.lu»iOem tria Ts uelil 00*1S80. U.HOI ..

111.iinii uiiiiou es1878J.AJ..100

Illinois War Utan.IbSO.J. AJ.....1C0

Xestuckv Os.loola. Tscoti. 1014... 441 431Michigan ea 1883J. AJ.103

Mlcli.7s'MO.M.AN.ll3Ho. Ss, due 1882 ur1803. J. ft J....1021 ..

Mo. Os. due io lHHtiJ.AJ.107*s ..

Mo. 0*. duetn 1887J.AJ._.108

Mo. Os.OuelSKMJ.&J._..109

Mo. tis. (tue tn 1889or imsj J ft J..110Mu Usn. A st. Jadue l*«0..I.AJ...10fl1 ..

Kew-York 0*. goldres. 1-487.J. AJ.107

jffwYnrk (tscoup.i18ST.J.AJ.107 ..

Kew-Yoi kits. Loanisa*. J. aj.loo ..

Of city bank stocks Republic sold (18) at 130,AiTic-iioan Exchange (191 at ll4*2, and Fourth Na¬tional (16) at 118. Tho foliowina were tbs biddingand a-king prices at ibo " iii st call" I

niiL AskedKew-Y'ork 6s. Loan

18!)1.J. A J.117 ..

Kew-York os. Loan188'J.A. AO.118 ..

Kew-York Cs. Loanl»l)3. A. A O.119 ..

*.'. c bs old.l88o-'PS.J. ftJ. 281 30

K.C. Os. A. ftO... 281 30N.C.

N.Clio..7*. coff... 00N.t. iln.7*. A.* 0.110N.C. tin.7s c. off't'OO-lttOOA.AO. 10 li

H. Cfdc.aifc- :w 10 llN.C. new Ods J. AJ. 180.-DS. 17

K. < new O'S* A.sndO. 17

N.e. Chatham 1CILA. A ti. ... 21 ..

K.C *i>'i Lax,tinsel.»8-».. SI ..

N.CSB'I t*x,classy 81 4*4N.C'.sp"! titi l.i--. 3 4 4SjB. 1. ts. coho. 1m;i;;IS'JU.J.Aj.112

S. C. iinu.fuiitUbiebonus. 1 shs. 4

jVnn.ljs.old.'OO-i.'A 30Tinn.rts.iiewOonaa.ISOJ-S-IWIO. 26

Tenn. San. a.1914 25Vs. tKold. TlVa. C.s.uewb.l'W-.. 33Vu. in. ii. Il, IH87« TlVa. on. con. blinds. 82Va. Os, cx-Diat'U c.. f-5Va 8s eon.'.td »rrips 21Va. ns. net. bonila.. 7L-.s* C. lumtliiK 3s,




D.otC '.¦ CL rcglsierciLlOUQOcbcoO*. looa..



Bid. Asked.Mee*', aad TrftflA'.looMercai.tilu..Meii-lisiits'.130Merchants' Ks... SOMetKurtliuui.Kutti National... 10.'.Park ...196l'K.pins'.lillI'lieir*-.lolBepiibiie..130siioeaml I.lither. 181



Bia.Asked.Alberio*.-.14b ..

Central National.. .. 116Chase Ni<IIonai...l37Coaiuvrr.'.lil 143ContlnimtsI.ll? 115J)'iilll1)l National., ll il ..

Filth Avenue.27S(tallai in Nat Ional.! 37(.i noun.American. 80 84Manhattan.. 143Mechanics'.140 135Me. Hkif. Aas'u.... 03

A fair amount of business was done in railroadbouda of the speculative kind, und a small aiiijiuitwas done in al.out xho usual variety of Wbat aro

regarded as investment bonds. Ene aeoond consolswere flnctuatinfr, and made no improvement on-

j-esterdav's filial timi rea. Tbe price declined from66^4 to Wi*, aud roao to 8o*a«ia6*4> On Tuesdaynext tbe bonds will ho quoted ex-June couponof 3 per cent. The fonded 5s also were activebetween 80*8 and 70*4^80, against S0\ yesterday.Missouri. Kansas and Texas lirwts advanced from101 to 1019a, and seconds from S4*a to 57. Rome,Watertown and Ogdeuaburg firsts sold atSii'-'<,i,against 54 tho last previous sale. C., C. and I. C.first assented rose from 70 to 81, andtbs incomes from 32 to 83. New-Jersey Cen*trul consols and convertibles were firm at yester¬day's recovery, and adjustments sold nt 105,against 08. Canada Southern first* were 1*2 higherat 80*3. and St. Louis and Iron Mountain first in¬comes were 3 per eent higher at 78, nndthe second incomes were l*a per centhigher at 60. The Wabash issues wero strong-Toledo and Wabash irate, St. Loo is Division,rising to 105, and T. and W. seconds to 003t, andconvertibles to 057s, aud Great Western secondsto 98*2. Kanaas Pacific consols recovered to 00..The quotations are as follows t


».Y.C.*H.lstin.r.m 1*71Can.aoutb'u. lara hoi 89**Uar. 1 m. is ch,u;>.l^.-P* .

Hst. 1 m. 7e re«. ..189** .

N.V.Kiev.R. lm..ll«nevada Cen tl 1stm. 6«,18t)4. 961 98

ObioA Miss ca 1.1141 ..

Ohio* M ss.con..ll4 1141Ohto«lMl*s-Aleoii.i09 110Ohm a Mus. 1stBB'gTd tilv. 7S*a ..

Ohio Ccu. 1st inor.bsl»J0. 90

Pc uria, l)t-o. & i,.lat tisiU'.'0. 91

O.P *r.b.113C. I'.sJuantttu b'iiloi




Matt, a a 1st OsUrtb'\ latin. J81

B.C.K.AN.. IttSs. 811Central Iowa 1staaveTa, 1890.Clea A tl. Gs soldKer-slMn.d.l'.H)* 03

Cites. & O. Os soldarlsn.aa*.l90e CO

Ck**, a O. 6* ev.Int. Safer'a isis. 81

Cele, a Alum, lto.1'1*)J.4C. lt-tm.L. a M. lt. K.i..bu u. J. a c.. 1*1.111C.B. a (4.8s. lat ni.110aR.i.ap.8*i8i7c.H7i 118JC'k'saDs M's 1stmtVeltna-99 98na a os mi

entail Vrnda.CK.ot.N.i.ietTs.llJtK.(iI.N.J.aes-nfd 99

K.ol.v.j.i.aa't'd DOK. ol NJ. SI.Ooo

adj'iiitt... 1908..10.1 10j1taw.B.cen.4fd.llWaw.&asaontcd 69*4 93aa*.i>**.tKi*.. .. toolXaRtP.lstluSp.d.l2ri*4 1^0MaKtl,l*t7»Sa.r.(lll4 113M4katPis4iBXaOi>. 11311uM*v*u'aisBiaM..mM**au'i*i*B(j<aM.ii4 nsM.a**i. p.c*ts.tii.. 1111112H4M.K 1st st7s

I *1> Ext.....109M.*Ht.P. H.W.nTr.UtOelsHNs..102 «.

atam. e. is a*

m. a nt p. a*.Mauler. Sa....1011109

cwa. a N.W. af-ns ..

arte.*.'..W.l.b..'05 ..

St4e.AN.We. b.1211191Oklc.aK.W.l*tm. .. HOICBle.aN.W.c^.b.119 1181tame etatta*. Ss- ... 121Os*Kiaa>Jkt*.«Sfc.l041 ..

cate* a. lets*, .nswi*.a a*.ium* ..

Wm a hu p. a m. 1121 ..

OLCcailarf'saXllf 1901

B«».?LAW^»d(a".l0]ia '.' ..

H.AN.Y.l*t7».ll8«ill5er. a»». 'Mm. ..1131 ..

^^ajjgaiofl uM99 a *VAe»as*a. t. 197%1<«*.

,1041. ..

tUcftlL .. 110*H.e.e.7s'94.107


C. P. Cal. A ti. UL 10411051C. 2' a std bans*., losCl*I.crant IxKiilslOiVf. P. bila..I(i71196

., V. V. latm.bds_.118091 D.P.Iaii(1trant«7alll


h.* H. c. Mast,**.a, 7a. 1917. ._ . 114

V.V. s!uiiiisi,\llti-sU. P. rea. 8*.'88.115K.P. 1st 64.1H0VviUici>np.c*rtlt.il7l ..

K. P. 1st (JtslH'.tb.wits coup. e*rtl1117

Rsa Pac. ex c.. 102K. p. lien. Div. tr.rsa. ss.....102** 109%

Kuu.Psfl.lst aile. MO'4 801P. lt4»fM.)st»*Vr»i07*« ..

t-t. 1.. a lian*iA mos ..

bfc U a Maa Pr***3d class R1006.. (18

5. P. Ker Ms.lau 103Tex. a Pac. Stwej1st Ss ISO*.. .....103Tex a Pac eeniKMSs 1906. 03

tub. a p4bc amrtre«.7*.l816. 471 ..

c. a p. sta st.. 114C.. C. a LC 1st m 80C. C. a Lu. rt. Csveati.ljiaeB.aas 69

st^8Va**v/ii ,*0,*i**ai«.7aiaftriis 19a

st, L. VsaTJUL2d 70898.... 90MTd a-td,7»7'>lS.'l03 10S1

P. a H. gea') m. e.6s1808. SQ

H. W.aos.e. 1st. od*s 96V

acLai.M^ArtB'h 1*1 7*. 189S. .. lOSI

St, L. A. I. M.. U.a Fal. 1st 7s. '91.108 .,

Bfc U, cairo. Ark.







¦Mesa**JUKaBSBB.lsSai.llSBena, a Sar.let e.. 1*4R. a Har let peer.. 114UAttnU'AIMD -1001Brtelat m. ax_1211122.ns SS as. Ta,io7Brts 4U m. 7a '80.10X1 ..

KrlsSthas. 7a', ..

M. 1st c. aM.7a....11811181Lon* nee*heart*.. .. 1191B.N.y.AK.lm.'77.1221 124N. Y.. laka K. AW. n. 2d eon. Hs. 80*4 86**

W. Y. L. K. A Vf.2dc..f.e.."i*«slf»C9 721 80H.A8LJ 8s A Tex. Com.1st M'n L7a'H1.108 1091

Hims. A 'Hx. 1stWn dlv.7s 18.IL100 107 "s

Ilona. A Tex. Caa.Inc. AIoil'v7s.. .. 061

Lub. AS. CM m.. ..' 108Dub. A.S.C. 2div. 1101C. K A M. lat m..1001108Ir:l .IDiK.m'n A W1st iinTiLIiDO..1181 ..

Ind. B. AW'nlm. 72 73Iiul. It A W'n8«. .. 61lu.i's. Decatur ABp'dnt7*,i9O0. 97 981

lut'n'l A Ou N'nlat Cs cold I91D. 9>i 9"*1

M.IS.AN.I.S.M.C. IOUCAT.*, f. 112CA I. n. b.106 1"7C.P. a A. n. b ...113 116K. AW. P. 1st. 113L.S.e. oono. 1st...123L. H. crerd. 1st... ta..114Loulsv'e A Nash.consol 7*. Hrt8.118 113*4

fxiu'v. A Nash. JAai. 7s ffold. 1883.103 1041

Ism v.A N san.('ec.Boh 7*. 1807. 110

Latte Rrie A W*nIstS* 1919. 971 »*<«.

Lat.. Bl'n A Monisl 8s 1819. 97 08

Manhattan B-achCo. 7s. 10S

N. V. A Man. B.Iat7*.101 110

Mar. * ('In. I iii ..Int!Mrt.Klev.lHtlWH IOU 101 \.s.c.c.7s lure.. 117 1171Mn. K. 10'.'Mi..K.l'.r.Udm.lne. 681 67*4ILA Cent.Miss.latlll.'l 103N. v. c. 6s i 1-17... 1 ooi ..

N.Y.C.Be.sabrn.luaThe following aro the quotations for seoaritiai on

tho " i'rec List":

Bia. Asked.¦a.***. 7* issn... .. 109

few U, LAT. H'U.SM.IBS.7SIS94- 7* 89

SI.PMU asmxc.latSslVtB.IOU ..

0*.P.,M.AMs«it.1st 7s 1909.

TOL, P. A W. Par__C.Bee.v*tta.e.dl27

Tel. P. a W. Pa*.O.rieclstm. w.d. ..

Watt. K. sa. 7*.Tol. AW. 1 m. ex.111ToiaW.lsta*.B.L«104l 105*«TohA W.2dm.... 89lil«0T..I.AW.e.e.. WN,6*li.Wa 1st m.. HOO.W'n.adm..981 998t h~ omaha div..Ist7*.1919. HO

81. L. Ossa. (Uv,CIsrlBd* b.«*. 90

Rt. L, K. A N-Ht.Chss. Bdae. 1st.. ,..M i<>5N.M.l*tia*rV»o..ll6S117

W. U. bd*. 1900C.112 -.

W. U btl«.1900r.. .. ll*Or*«t>n K. A Nav.latU* 1909. 921 931

Cuni. B. N. JcrttVinc. nd*.. 1908... ..

C. *t.L A NO.2d ni. 1007 . CSOM hie A Ind-C) _.,

Income 7* 18.KJ.- 321Cunnii Iowa coup.debt cettlflcnti s.

Inil'ps, Hlniun'n AWo tai- IMIli.

Ind's, Decster AHp'd'/dinc l'.IOS. ¦.

Int* O N.20 inc 08LetnirliA *. CoalC0..18HH._L*k* Krle * W'nlui. 7s 1H99. 641Iailf..BL*M.lB.7s 621 631

Molt. A O.lsl prddPhi-ntu'ea.«9 70Mob AO 2d prdrteoentiirwi. 361 40

Molt. A (i. Md prdnrlH-ntiiris. 26

Viii-, a n. itiipfddebentures. 98

peoria, Dec. A >-.

incomes 1020 46Si. I., I.M.A H.letVs pref mt. ne'e. 7i

Rfc L.I. M.AS.'J.IOalut. acu'lauv* i»8\ 091







Hut Askod.Clli. .t-Si'il 1st M.ClCA 1.1901. .. 107

Chic, St. Pl A M1st Os 191-4.1011 102

Chit-.. St. I"l A M.L. O.Inr.6*imm 9S1 ..

E.Tmn.Y*. Alia.1st 7a 1900.108 110

rlld. A*kc<l.Ern- A Pl ti si'nra:coesol. 7*1898 1001 ..

IloiKlA:('.l.N"th'n21! pnr. com. rep.

luteru'l UH Puj'kCuni. Ilcr.'t*.

Jefferson R. H- 1»*Mort'celS89 H'l

lions Is'd 1st at.7alOS*aThe Sn 1>-I'rea*iir.y to-day lost sJ2.008.187 oa bul-

ance, tnada op by losass af $022,003 currency and18,060,14*] coin. This mnk.s tbe net loss sines bulFndav 83.107,457.' There lu no chango io tbecondition of the. iou:,ev market, 1I1" snjiply ot loan¬able capital Wing excrsMve at tin-Sleek bxchsng*.Bates rule at 4 and 3 per cent <m ordinarv col'at-ersls mid at -a'.i per emil on ti ve nu cot Inutile.The dotnestie eicbaneas on New-York at thcpltici'8 named arc :na follows: Savannah.*iiy3Riepretuittiii, Charleston Va-U premium, Vw-t >i e ms

Commercial par, bask lt BOpreminm; Hi. lanni* 2.1cents premium : Chicago 50 tvnta discount : l35 cents dtacnant. Tho United Stat-- I rei surerat Washington to-day received 827:l,(NK)National bank note* tor redemption. The cn*to n

receipts were $1.".1,uimi, and the internal revef«oeipts 8420,000. Tiie following is thcji'leanngHouse statement today: Exchangee. 8131 ."..;_', NObalances, 86,21*1,335. Hie tranaactiona j*.l the8nb-Treasurv covered i Receipt*. 81,507,157 ; pay¬ment*, 84,205,20-1 ; cum ney balance. 87,820.075 jcom balance, 801 .<>."i:i, 1 ".7.

I bs foreign exchanges n main steady with a t"i!'-.

perhaps, mthrr finner to-day than wa* jrcsteriiay a;bat business is dull. Thc nomiuul qnotatious ari¬

as PankM-s' atei linn lulls SO days.on London.94 *rtia4«*7

dood baukert' ano prue* com 4 SI a 4 * '¦ 1Ooodeomaaercial. i-¦'.IsicBinmitarv cu.nineiciai.... Ii-J «tl x:i1Psrt»ifranc*i. ^ lu\*5 lS'sAmwfrpilraucai. .'. '¦¦<¦¦s>nss iaaaa*).Aii.Mt-rdani lamllrterpi...Ilanilmra; ireichuiarsai.lYaukfort ireii'hinaiksi.liri men treichinarke)_Kel nu irtlciiiaaikei.

6 1:"V«0..|ll'4<*ss «

1-401OM*9S*si).. 19->1

3 d*vs«; >. i-,<»i no

A .V'4</1 -I.'41 H»*4ft 17S*.'. 1»*«fi ] 7 S6 17 s4"*a" 40»sH6* * >OS14 96*4P.". 1asia u-'i^

The governors of the i'milr of England, a! thenweekly nieetinc to-dav, made noebange in the ratefoi discount, and rt remains at 3 ncr cent. Dunnethe week tho bank gained C214.OO0 bulliub, andthe proportion of ita reserve ton-- liabilities wa'increased from 46*wi a w**>k ase to 17'Jjo per cent.Al the l.otidiin Stuck Rxchantre Hr.timi kuih I- wereito biinitixl nt 01*^10 liol h for aaoney and aeftiunt.United iStato^ 5 per centadeclined '« to 105 j J1..tier cents ro»n« *4 f<> 111. nnd -1 per eenie advanced '¦'¦*paroant lid's. American railway aecuril -¦¦ ter

cnaettlcd Hnu fluctuating. Eris sold ai '.l'<a'.',\'-j.attanit-t Sl8^ yctenlav ; aud the second 1lroin Hii-4 lo 88*2^ ^^14. Atlantic and Orea< West¬ern Drats rose from Cl to fl" and tell tu li:|i-.i amithe seconds ad vnuei d fruin 2n tn 20*4 nnd <i«" l'lu-'ito L'8*2. lllinoiH Central Mihi iii ll),'. ,.¦ l(»i -j.nirsiiist 104, Pennsylfania at S2. acnin«t M'-j.Neiv-Jeraey Central consols at lt)2, againai Kin.iU-adiiiK at l'JVal", against li's, and Central nndIlndson al 128*j against 128. Iiarailvci is quotedlie bighar at ."i'j'h per ounce. In Paria, French !l percents ruse from H,"t.;{2i^ to 85.42*3, sigbl exchaiiKuin London nsinir to 25.32 francs in nm £. Iii.-Hank ol Franc- r.-p'irtsit li-ssot specie foi tim wei !.anii.injiiiiK to 2,025,000 francs.

'I'.(¦ cross i-uruiniis of tbe following railroads arereported:

suanout, ami kt. aosxra.1M7H. Ih^ii.

Third »f4>kof May.S31,V1I1 flt -ilJai.uury 1 lo Mar 'il.74.'..:i7.1 h'tt.:'. 19

BTjaaoDar, kaxsas .wd n w-lS7a 1880.

TTiIrd week of Mav.S47,A0.'i .'.,'.'...;-. lue. 914,910Jsaoary 1 to May 'il.941.471 l.OHC.Ool Ino. f)4lV,lSilcxavaxaao, collubus, iti ami ikduxajvus.

IsT'.i. Ih^ii.Tlordweek of Mav.Il .y.'l »«0.9(J7 Inc SJ] 170January 1 li!.].:.-.';.". 1,790,749 lui. Joplin

MINNKAl-oUa A.M. ST. Ult IS.JH71I. lt-).

Mecrmd wM;k in afar. 90,679 »]i-,i47 Inc. *y:t.r.i"7Comparative nv iris ol Mian, wheat and cur:

from jirincipal Atlantic ports, for weeli* endedIduy 22. und from January 1. 1870 and iHhU:

rtotm.riew-York. lislllmnn. I'hlladrlnliia. OosBsa

lu-.Iii ll...

Work. '70. Mt'.*.-ik.'MO. hhls.

JJlleitiiinm. hills...Tear, '70. Ubi*.Yeas 'k.i. Uhla_ijlfl.*.Obis...


1--. 797ln.......'.t

I.OASi'J.,('.''!(J . l.'.H1*0,-4.1



'.'ill 904121,107


o.i;vif.7 o«:i

i.'i.'.i.-.i1 |-!1L'iSS,9»9t.tOH,-07 -."J

WWB&T.Week, '79. ttnsn .. 7r,?.911 113,090Week, 'SO, hu»li.1.CS1 Ola 1Piflmiii et. Hn*h.. .H2S.702 1140.(111.1Tear,'79, bush.10.^70.423 6.61X117 le« 111Ycar.'HO, busli. ....17.SS1.6IS 6.639.4.69 'J.'i'A.; ', 1.6; ..MlDuTenrcaa, bn»h...*l.W66.193 '199,414619,9^8,934 '^7.(170?

CttKK.W6.146 711.HI 4 4P.'..2?fl 24* .117lilft.llS 24H,l*4l'i f.Wl.lK'.l |.H,«7'JI140.7S1 »4«7.8tW .211,073 I0i.238

11.H92.747 19.199,946 7,l:io.oiil l.v: i.» >71S.34S.I70 x.siii.iisi 7,Mi.s,:.xi4 i.r, , ,,

.M49,42StS,97S,0So .t.-:>..,JV i.

.IMA ii



¦Week,'70, bn»ti..ts'Hek, 'i»o, bufhDiOi-rcuoe*. truAti.,Year, '70, bnsh...Year. 'so. boshDifference*, bush.

'Increase, tlxwreast.Tbe lollo-ving ia a comparative atatcuieut nf thc

Canal Audi or, abowitiit the total Quantity of eacharticle(in tons) cleared on the canals trom May IS to22. inclusive, 187U and 18>S0, niuo the total amountof tollu received and total number of miles boalscleated I




1879.Boards *ndsciuitllnir 3apl5


li.-ttlie I..-1-erk..Cheeec....«I>*rtl. wi¬low sudlard etl..

.WO .1-Bide*_-Himr...Wheat...Rye.»Corn., 28.114-UornMtsd hiBarley.... 603Barley^alt.....Oils.Bian anda b I pstaffa.....

Pea* sodbean*_

I'otai >es....DriedFmiu..«.

.rot i on....

. passaaavfacturedtabacco..

.Hemp.. ..


. IlinuistlOapititn....

Oil melliand cake

.leather..Fariillore..Bar and



1.47a9.1411,727 j240














ess tins*ami Ironware.

. linnie-1'.twoniiena.

. II.'UH MicCOU'ins..

1) o 2.708

¥ ot ai gaeau. 613




jin- leas..lMniriui....Blo.irn andbar Iron.



Molasses..'CeSXt.Nail* spiltec andboris.hoe*....

iron anilster-l.

Hail roadlum.

Flint mamel, cn»k-111.

All ol herin'ten.

Stun e.. limesnrt flay.

25U, (lyi.siiin..riinsphatt


B 11 umiiinus ooal.

Irnn urePstrelenm,e r a d eand re¬fined

'Un i-iiU'tlle*1

Total UrnsTutsi lollsTutsi miteshost scleared... 226,. 14












2, ISO




80,4<»4 27.0308.078b.Oib

6.8H1lt). 200



'Un Irue ilsa.The tidlowing were th* receipt* ami Hhij>ni.;:itn

At and from Chicago and Milwaukee to-day:,-Receipts-- --4lupm*nt*-Cnleseo. Milwaakss. Cblcscit. Milwank-.

6.811 6,740 6.8W3 6,783Flour, bbl*.

Wheat. rra*h. 100.3(7torn, bush_usu. bn*b. le

mtorn. bu*h. 70il,o»i

U'3.027Bye, bu**...Barley, bosb_Total ooah. 98S.ao7


189.869The receipts and shipments at and from liuflalo

to-dai are reported aa follows tnsrslri*

By laka lullroad*.rionr, bbls..... 4.9(10 1.600

-.<0daosnts.-"silnBy canal. Itsilrnida.

. 6,800

Wheat, bush-., loe.oooOom. smsa_ 68,000o»t*. tm**i..._ .Ky*, baaa....^. .Barley, wen... ,v-..Tstal busiu... ISajffl

19.000 146.660 26.000

tm %z,\T.'.'.' ~49")

94aj»46 166,600

The receipts of floor anti grain at the prinolwAtlantic porto this 27th day ot May wawi

Wew-Terk.CanaL BTFd. crtw> Bal*. Pnfla. BooVi

Fleer,bbl*..... 11.943 1,217 W70 1.790 T.S1

Weest.bmia.. 90. 00 «£oOQ - S$!Si,$?'rX2 **?.1!CernImrt....138.31X1 80.6^ . ^»JM 5Wg0»ts. trash..127.250 . 9,740 «-2°0 14.401»rye.tnish. 666 . 818 600 ...j.¦^KTaiKeMJ^BeS :.:^llK4lB8192;S)0 78.961

EUTtOPF.AN FINANCIAL IdARKBTH.Losdox, Blay 27-12:80p. m.-UAfem-snd ahaU perren

per rants. Ul; Nsw Aves. 105*s; Atlantic and Great Waftern first morteaee. trustee* ce rtiflc* te*. 65; da., secouii,-.uErle Rstlwsv shares, 85; do., secead eeo set a. Wt.AWgOenu-al. I06J Readme Ballmad, 12*s: New-Terk Central. 12tIiindok, Ita*- 27-8 n. m.-The bullion In .*»¦**¦*¦_";

Enflaon has increased a214,OoO dunne th* psst week. Tin

proportion of the Bank of Knirlanil reeerve te liability Whicilast week was 4U*., per cent, la now 47*is per cont.Lrwnoa. Mar 27.*:8o p. bv-U. s. oonda foor per eanu,

1 IO** Kew Ave*. 106; Atlantic ann Orv»t Western first morts-as-e trustees certificates, tu *a; do., second. US'*: Elie Han

way snare*. 31 »s ; do., seoontl consols. 88 Now Jerscv Dantra! consol*. 102. The amount ot bullion withdrawn from thi

Bank ol Kiielauitea balance t<vdav la jgoO.OOo. Paris ail vt rei

qnote throe per cent rente* st 86 trance 42*a centimes lor tnt

laanuX, Msy 27.- 811vfr I* qnotsd at 52*ed. per ouncer'ASls. Mny 27.. Fxrlianre un t/mnon, *.!.'. frnnc* 32 cen

Umes for checks. Tbe specie in the Bank ot France bs* dccreased 2,926.000 franc* nurina; tbe past week.


Prr Sorts Biter. VeearHimi Itailroa'it.Tm.'asrnT. Mit 27. lfl«0.

hard. te*... I.M4Laid, kass. 9.1 HiHiitter.pc*. IfOTi

Ashes, pnw. 1 Pee*, bash. 2,640Colton, hies. 471 Oatml. bbia lldConon se«d DStin'l.bK*. W>oil,bids.. 2">21 (iresar.itcs. '-'-I r.r.'i Hide*. Ni... 6(H)Kc**, pkif*. 2.117 Hide*, hies. 277Hmir. bbl-.. H.VM I Hops.bales. 7( "riini'J.bls. 1 hu Lealh'r.sds 11,907w heal, bu*.16H,(t|K) oik'kt'.pirs. h.107Oom. hash 317,-00 Pork. pkKS. .'¦ lev.oat*, boa*. 147,7601 Heel, pkirs. 107 Tob..pkir»Bro. hush.. HOS jCal mesle. \Vi-.i.'y,b ..

Msit. basil. 8,2001 pkss. 1,7031 Wool, balee, li

ilise**, aaa, 12.0.1stnrch, pa*. 3o4-trine, pa* liT**. xh;I'allnw 30'

Titi hhd* . 71


ASHKB.Tn sn:, il -mri'l rale Bl isle lrircsCOTTON- ?I'm is. lower -"nll|ll1< t. Imt the Cle*e W -SSte.idy;

aaiea.007 hale*il .1 last rvejuniri, memana; IVm fur rinorland x<>7 ter Hpiiiiiinv delivered mi contract. 300bales; re¬

ceipts »t the pori'tn dav. 2.6 13 ba.i s aaalaat2,012 thuds*-laaiweek ami 907 baleelastyesr;since Ksptaanbef I, 1.74 ..oi.iibal.-sn/aiuht 4,3791.067 .lining t ir sum- period U»l s-sxiu.

.¦<. ol'nillp'an-is. sn.i inf- res**.

rintinsrv. Sf* [?** 9*4tMnct oniinarT. 0".s l"'is l,'*i*(0~h1 I'nliiisrr. V>h 10\ Ilr*

HtrlctO.I0i*ia lo"|9 J i .i

|X>W Middllnr. ..11',, ll'ia ll'isBillet Low** U8* 1*":n ll"'!* 11* ihv sildlmcr.IH'ia Igu l^is

Hr-it iswmI Muli:hue.i2».» l'.'t,i r-"uns Fair. "it !?I*i«

Fm . I l-''ii l*»Hsri. -

Urdlnsry R'*i» ; Lo-.* Middini*.10%Mun iliad ordi*»rr.. 9'» I Nlddliac. .....i1!

Pattin »Bindi rat ly active.riostn* stead* at adcellos ot 6 t<>H p..mis..n I he eal I]Mjt. 11.40 ur ll 17Alisa*!. I1.S'J#I1.7«<; l^ 1 I .'.'.'. > '.'.'.' di-lo-r.

10.7(1* 10.7.. Si..:iii.'.i Prices fm Kirs* ami Mannas.Mai. Il.*'»ill IS; July, ll.KO Alienist ¦'¦ Keplcmber, ll.'.'.:; (ii lobrr. 10.71 November lo61: 1 Junu.' 0. Tn-dST'* clnsinir pnees foi con I ra il '-n. lill l.i .im.-, i l.i ., 11. i. Inly. il. .>.:.. :. .\npii»i.i f.-,./i l.i.i) Henternber, ll..."j- fK-tobee. I".71Novemhrr, 1".' /1 '. .''¦; Beeeniber, I0.5iiai0.67. 'liShir nrtlere. 11.4.col-r'M lu.i -ti ¦' nerslly nnrhsnre-1. tenneacy In bny-ii- f.n. r 511 in'*;- i BieU t- -lo oa K,>.,", .' """ i^"1;..o rn I444.M |.i-r "liol ii iU iii.f.-l' previous ki iifait* .1 e. " uni * i»" ll <» '(. M: n "i t:. m.. 1.4 .Lui.ri ut i: ASH MKAI. Kl ni lt- Mai kel -Ml slmi

ai ir (| "i.' nm pi ul uni inalnli I )."».,i ,.'.. I.'.me m -i'- hieCy ta email pio !..i'

¦onie .1 fe I", ns r.. li Im liding ¦¦.'

aim eiijH'-nn-i lonrnv. sa'.«. llh*r ."»,ViHIMilinesOU xiiu. : I'll bbl*.Wlnti tt li .1 hi rn. l-l ft ' " I KIM. «lill, .'.'i. 1 ski bbla Cite W.l :-"i'r».*i ' S'i* t". " t -r M li:", r Wheal*". (,./-. Til foi \'. rel 1*4 :(-'. SOS 2,40 PbU .%.'. -' at <?\t nm i Wtcai; ol ineaatca. '.'.io<) nins. .. /

(JiirilntI en..ii to Kau Kites ~i-*t' «;

Common io ¦.i Kxtrs t*"e*" '¦' *. ri ><

... ksnrr li... SI ' fi::.Renns Hoon 'bi i '

(.in 2.7 t iinni'iii t-nr* MinnesotaS4 t*:li ¦¦' ii '

47-'. I itinil. Iii i'iOiiUII.'', it.-eflr si' :!. ¦¦¦

| ar in '.. h..:*.- o ./..'. 7". ..««: i.n I .. I-sin liv. ..

Patent Uintfr vi bent hitrs. *..«-»s if) rill i.n i ima to Otsa Kim* *.;. loass *". <.¦-. uki. ... T.i .,

sl.'i :..;< Ii'm.i li I sm i, I. --'ii/m. :. in*. Fl -i llcn itIn Pani ' "

1.;ihi .),-... Indu .i,..- VollnW Wibn.mliWini, S I fiUltAfN.U'HRAT.Market shoal '.

a id ittverUb, lrr*i«nlai ami ii.'. i. aill .,ily HIM|V* -ti e snit

'.'"¦--.i" bilSm nu-.*: ll .-tl l. .-.

2 '.'!winerNu 3 lied, SI 24: No. S ht- i.S3 Antin. «l X-'. N"

NO. 1 While. SI :'.fe*' '.".t nisnNo. '-' ll il. Ms)". SI 41./tl 12V .: -i/ MlJnne. 41 -.'.. ¦/ *l -."'i -¦

0| lil1*. rliH.li2> -.iii 'Jil Si. rtneills «<

* 1 2a *»T 2.' ll VI

Mate and . an*.r.AKl.l.l !.\'.l IJUlltl


Actively incl! '1 In,- I' ,.

Mi''-.l..'.'¦'«i.. ii".. June,

.¦ Mil ilwnli li »rt " i"in'"i.Lu- ,i


V ,i :. Male, 17.. :-... liIll . 11:< ii i, .ii 1itml.HAY VNII

nu. an.I ."..'. i -. Imusl.Hil'-'ll il '. ii ... .i ..

r. arlina Us i ->'"

New r I- -i ii. tolt,|.- ii.lif l.'.i:..; Ih!i Ihlai.d* ..irt ii'.-.N ". V A I. s i'll (pim ¦-. h. ne.'lai'i-. ¦' Hil

IlKIs n'llil un lin- » 'i:ir 2.1*4UulnlBtSl I'..isl 42*slor Mtratnesi i.t n. .; -h >:¦ i, i »;

li dull.SN I- li Mil . nl'v iwel

. Unsli-rale, f sall, li ¦ n| oll.iu,11 n;i, 12s. :. ;.. i .,.. i,

im li .i Him I'.-., i, pi lon list ..'. sn I. ii,li

Menin, iii mm hush. Oraln, ilCl a ... I.'ii.o bales c.-li li,,,i'i bolos I'h-.ii .nm.: -.''joli.Ii- hMi- limn.Mus. On 2* 1.2.1 bah * ultim, tin..lona Mriimiri-n.rii-J'ur., SS t-:., isar, .:.'».; u.l I .ki-. ;">¦ .-, i,,'iM.iii.'r.i. i;o. Lonnon, sall. 100 u>u* Mi iainMund*. 12s. fULi .ii n oiinieii is. SM. iw-r Md. u > peilou .'mil eases ijaiin'-'l IJoiMla, !-. (si elesin. -O'hi nunOraln, 5'4't.; 2,0i«J ease* IaUheil . .;. ;.(j |uUIOreaus. 2HK.I IMO noses llanos, 1J4 Od SO les Hvef,Lin-. Pork, la.; .¦." ions .»¦ k Flour. aVIs.: 1.INHJ bbe*. d2m, ,/2v m son pkes. linn.-1 ai di ..).».lid; I1S1 urns Measiirriiient (MimIs. -.-ii, .,, "i«i,,t <"4la»Kow,steam.2,000 bhls. Kb.ur. Us ul i.-iu.*!, Klmir els-Om lu Hum Meas in ineiil (bin:,. -.'. . j": ,: ji¦. ,.,_ ;|, .]Huirei yin.Ld ¦.'.".».. ikLi sall, Hull lilin. I imir. ;'s. VI: Meihosea hlalt'b, od.; .1..0 bl,la. i,uiuieal.iiK no, *-. lill«1 jil il (in. J.'.s. Lei lb, stesra, IS,(.bush. '.ru..,'. .1., atantlanl i"'sli., 4'io cases canuel (.ihhIs. .7,4 Sd. Bresssn.JO t4sii. (irciiii'. lfts.S.1 Antwerp, sall, UVi um. Lsu-ti.MivateVernie, 1. im twit* MUrch, las. n.-i-i-. aajl. '.'.".11 icmIlilli, -"-'i. Od.; I.mi.b ship 1.1 (erk fur urdnra, Hmoins 1.1 un. 4s. (id. .'.iirwetisu leirk IO do., t.lMJOdo(11-lliiaii .Inp 1:11 llnslou) to I Iain bnr»r, K.iajn ,!.., j» , |.ilil,||ship to .In.. i.KOO do., Ss. lOHid.: Norwi- -I.n bilk lo Iii- Maltlc. S.W-Odo., 4s. no.i Mrltish tteaaier, ova ton*, lo Bbrdisuior Antwerp. »,is"Kt un. f.«. Sd.: Boolhef, June iosdmir to(Vtr* for (inters, ami OnitlneM, eii-m-Ilns linnet h iixidnfis. H.I.; inn! another, late fun* lowdina, asian vi^aa-e wedlethis; Norwosian l.aik to the oorm itt Ballia, v..omi bhlsllrliiinl fi ru lenin, i-ts.. a bili; In M 1.1,1. tin, . and lilli no*Ar ros. m.1.0 essea da, ana.; Dnilah bri*;, TM lu lolsow, Spirits Turpeullni-, Ha; llntlsli lisik. M7 tuns Lon Inlill (."Ski. i|it..I11I Us.; lin',nil si.itiini, 1,401 lui,., tn I.ur'pool, siurra! caiiru. private iittus. 1 mm riillaiti-lphla rtrlii Jj -'.' aniei lo urK nu unit rt- m..l Continent,ii.01 sj l:s uiulnMivnl' ii-rrus; Norweala'i bur* In IrportO. S.OSJara. ds Iiihui: p. i's haKM, UV. ls-r,el snotliM lu lim minnel2.500 du a*. 3d.: llrltlsb bar* Ina:, IiImIi purl, il nu.,lo*i/i. Fi om Baltimore.2 finish steamer* to ('nra'furoiilurM. so-., JniielomlliiR, 7,00O sud H.ooodo. 5* Hd italianami a lliuudan l>ar« lo do., 4.000 mjkI b.OOO na., Aucust lua^l-lUK, fi*. U."

(tl 1,-4 -Uutef, and prlren n(i;ii!n,illr unchangedfKHbll.K.OM -lu-ttiied verv nrtu.OWIBa IO limited offer.

Inns, (erl lits;us Inwi-i enid.., 1 Mhpi.ina urib-r. rt--/*7»4C-. Naphtba. 5"<.*.i UeOned at 7-^e. Nssr.TorfciiV. for fhuadelphia, ami 7 c for Ualtlmure. case..llrtlv.-. (inn tumut nush reports aaiea L'nltwl Usrtltt-r.lea (( mle Petroleum), Ncw-imk. l.'i.OOO bids.; UH

14:1,000 bbl*. Hradfora, ^74,ooo nblai npeuecbid; blshest.O'.'-Se.; lowest, S<l<rC.i elused INJ4-. bull PtUiVlHiuNb-puitlk^Msss epsboil 1./1..1. per bblbelier, bul closed seas, w|lb s janlou of tue iiuiuovem«.-ullost; exi.n11 (lemana only BMdVmte; sueeulalyrv".' ''bis. .New Mesa.apo*.SI ./»l .0 lull,

mHIIiiik Mice i.n last Call. SUI DA; Bot billi' doll*in 1,idi,him ¦Murd tall.June, alu nnu-Ml Juli *l411 10; AUKUMi. H1««,U Ht; -rpi. nb."-, -ill KialiirtuiH-i, s>tl i5d.SU Sd.iii;!,i Mm active ami stoatlytales, lin us. (ny Kxtrs ind .,, ;.,.'.,Hain Mso*. SW WaSl'U F.tttB ,u,., *.,,,, + ,,.,.,.ludls Moss. »HaS20; i-lnlH.'-liihli. da *i'iBEKKllAMK "teadll* held i.u-,1,, .,. |..,.,,-', ",,.", ;,"jVii«»ly "0,.'I'1 BthATH unjet imo wituoui uti.'haiijfi ; riuklod Mi-ii'-lcis, A'(a< 1 ii,,,, w*.aio'4C; hu."ki"! Sh 1...'Un. 5-*4«0c.; .-un.I id llauiH I11I..0li'ic; Middles nnettsnged and sail, j.,,u^' ii ir

e..1 l inn C> 1 -. ;,.,( ,,, rtli-:u. hiilf mid bstf, -i H I" uh

.ec. lllk'ti'T itml f mil sctlvn I'lty Ji.auPig*, c.. l.AHH Market 01 cued ;i . lai.Sard lueBdvaa e wu^. lusi.aii.l c-|.a«l HU-.uly at alwut '.' e

rettuijt, fi nun .M. 111,m spill..quotod S.d, k .,. ,Bhl (Jii(Blee, 250 les. Mut, u.07i., rluMin; tl.Woo.: 7,000 U-i lu...7c., cusVus e.Duc., 5.1)00 t... ^jly, ,,.1,,..,u7,0^^.1'.;l.ieitw 7c.; 2,260 los. Aili ...Ina ,".o."h

rs ttotrtssaoer, ".l-«. 7,l.".c., i iu inc 7.iuo.; 25o les!'l'ear, U.U.'u-. 1 'uni Call. .lune, i! fl.'«vui..»7 vc- .Injv 7,riM-ae-i Anguat, 7.0-j.,,, 7.u, ¦-.«.; .s,-puani,.-.r, 7.u; ti<»7!i,.c.fear. C-ir^ssui'Sc.; do. hui ero' 014.141.*7.4-c.^lir bv4vam lanlj- ar;lve and steady asia*.."0, ,ci-.,u-:'("'-- offtoUi.ed. aalua. OMUa. V-miU.lent. ..Soc..Ulillhii-Maj'ki.t dull. pu. et still.jV'.ulua" bin rn; New linn, r-Htsie pulu uud;uba. Common to C i«ee, 14*30c.; mu'.o Weish lube, Cumin.nju Cho ce. I4o20c.; slate Creamery, Cutoni.iu lo 1 ii-nce Iiir'.'lc^ WcsUrn lu-ltatlou frswuiery, 14u1ih-.; 'i.r.i'uiiOalry, Poor to Choice, 12»lHr.; WeMieru Faclorv.I'oor tu Fancy, 0»l*«.i Very Pojr. 7«H44i.CHKJk abade el 1 oncer with a cood demand Milo Ka. Ul 1, Ooott.0 12*71 Js«i-.; Half Hslma. lodll'yo.i Hklui*, ."n.-yeWestern fist, OiskI io Choice, ifjai2r.; Couinum. ssu*-eSkims. Common to Coolee, 590s.KUUH-A abase eosi.riud very dull: Lon* Island and N*wJersey, l2*»*Mac.ijute and Pannaylvanls, liaiHac.; Westoru. 10*Bll(ec:Canada, U»ll*» iCK - Moderately aetlvs, Woady, unchanged; ^>eolliis. O'*HLOATt-Baw flrsa bot qrrlet; Pair to Oood rleflnhir. 7*,.s>

I»uc, aad Ctnlrifucal, S'«i*8a»c.: sale*, 2t)0 nbd». iieiado.

6*iaC.; 60 hhd". St. Dom in co, private terms t 200 bbl*. Ja-n tic*. sinint7*4e. Befined stnocer,mers active; Crushessud Powdered, w*4«.: OrsirsJBtsd. 0*ac; Cut Loaf, 8V«>U'*»%jStandard - A," S*»39l*cHEFDs.Qnlot, snrB.sidIlL^^J^^^feooliia^.8^TEA-At th* saeoon sale tonia/ K«-ntos»Ooleu sbow«b

no miterui ebanjr*. but the otborklnds aotd snows* s allfbsdecline: parttcolars sr*: Tao bait enacts Moyen* Oroeo ss»3'»«2Ae. tor Bysoa ; S0*»B35*se. for Yana*: Hjt**** 31*t»33se. for Im^rlaij MSHOe. fer (fcutBOWis*i S41 jdua.Mnjnvoev Oreen st afrMS«t*._for Yosxnfjfysoa ; 26*«»J9*»a

LIVE STOCK MARK El'.NKWVork. Msy 27.-BF.EVES-No fresh eoetpts »nd no

trade of importance at either of saedook yards. A few choice( attie hsid over from yesterday were welfbed to an exporter,hui m.-t of the stale stock waa left nndismrbrd In tbsfoedinc liens. A elow trade tn Dressed Bssf was resorted stttushiucton Market, aad price* strongly favored too buyer»fur an early hour, neutral sales were st 0*^7 *4C., withVe.7fc,h*^«tdesat7*sc. Tm» steamer CslUo sslled to-dsywith G«o qnarters of Beef sod 200 earcssso* of Mutton forJoseph I-as-in sn.CAi.VEH-Hecelptswers2.U3 besd-1,871 st00thst_14t

st\Au»hincton Market.and 08 st Jersey Citv. Tmsl sinceHatii'ilay, 6,311 head, against Q.H'll head tor us corr** time last week. Heavy receipt*, extremely w*irawealJier and adeprsasod Dresaod Moat market combined toinaks a dull and lifeless market tot Uv* Calves. Tho situa¬tion was so very nm srtaln that hntchers scarcely knew whatto pay for stock. Sellers Invariably met boyer's vlewa after 7a. m., and a largo part of tbs offerings chanced bands,t hour li abooi 2Bo head will he csrried over.Strstchtlotsot Hnttcrmllk Calves were sold st 2*nSr-',4c.;whero tl.rie wein a lew slippery Veals mixed lo 8c. wnsreacheii; mixed lots at :04c.. sud Ordinsry to Prime StateVcultat 4 <rSr; choice aud selected lota bioucht S'ettS'so.,bot th**- are -xtreme flcurea Itressed Veal* were very dullst .>'« 7c, and Biiuermli* Calves st Sir lc.HMi-a-IInlleiiiiMk- m Diivis stud: 15 State Buttermilk

Calvi*. 181'J*ac: 21 do., InHfc, sf 2»4C.; 70 Mixed da,HIS. staV; tm Veils (few Buttermilk cal vet), 122 IB. at4c.; bl do., 132 Bi, al 4c.; 4:4 Ho.. Ill a, at 4*40 27 do.. 180Ih. ai ft 70; 71 do. 1..7 lb, at 4 V.; Ul do, 138 th, si r.e.- -judu, 1 .,.-._», at 5c.; .".5 do.. 141 a. ht »*4C; 10 do., 156 IB, at6'*.'.. -ii du.. 14, IB, a'J. 17. Hume sold; 09 Matu lluttsru.ilk Calve*. 121 lb. St

2>C:78 ih... 137 m. at 2 v.: 32 Mixed co.. 1.14 Si at SV-;Ul) V.'SN, 120 fl», S' 4 e.;iir. do., 131 tb, at 43iC; 78 do.. 138IB, st .".c.; 4 do., lull DJ. ul 54 .; 27 do, 1 '0 lt. at SV.

Kill, ubjik A Di wei soid 15 Malo lluttermilkca've-i, 128m. st 2V.: Hi'co.. 184 SX st 2V-; 7 Veal* .Culla>. 1210). ut8VC.;2d0, 4c ;77 On., Id2 lb, st -I Sic; 33 do., 157m. at oe.Ji luff.- Wrli-ht, Ito. r a Co. toto i ll'. Matu Viuil*. 14() tb.

st i' e.. 22 o, l»o lb. atf-l SA I 29 do., lld Iii. at A V.; 32 do,lin m. a. ;.r.; ii ..., ian m. ni 5"gcKn bva co. -mid: ic -rm,, liiiif-rmiik- naive*. 113 m. at

'.".(. 1< du, 153 Ul,at 2a4c, lo Veals, ll.i IB. ni 4c.;i2x a. si ic.Baa it Otis wibi S RMprerv reals. 1 Ul lb, at »'-<..; "> slat"

Veals, Uk tl,, at -ie.; .",1 do, rjr, Bj, k| i ...,. .« ().., lil m. at4-V ¦'. du., iii ft. ai r.e.,- 12 Hucks County do., 131 lt.. ut ov.;12 do., 12j IB. at o'jc. 2 do., 1(mi lt., in Se.Juill * Inn kinch,un mid 70 Pcnii.-iylvanla Veal*, 187 fti, at

C. Collins sold 20 Mt. Holli- VraJa extju) ai ''.3d*, c.P. it.." n aold H Jerse) Vast* nt Jr and i do., nt Se.n!ii:i-.i- ami i.amii^ itii einr. w- 'i S.nnr,

Ui-.ui 27 esr* st Jcrwiy City. 3 curs nt. no- hst. uni 2 cir- itWaMiinctou Mantel. Total sttira aatuiilav .7.-3o hmd;.-u.n-I 21.1)10 li, ni Ibu curri MiM.iitiii,^ Illili- List WSOJC Alicraike of Sheep nil cir ka* '4.c p> rik. inn at then- needneurea s f;i r bnainswa done. I sstbern and Weal, ruI nu .a wera lunch ibu asmi aa t .»u-mj.. hut lbs 7oo lu ml ofj er.ii do, na sale were som .,''.¦ lower. Huies ofSheep weroats«fl*4C for i iswinon tn choire-a carnied >tI'liiiu-WeUiers toMr. iiiu* lor export ai tba Isttorptlee.\H>..i.:i Kid i.eiilu kj l.iiiih-i rsil--. >, 11 oiu .'.7nC. Io 7^:11

..I Ai.,, limn do. ai -h.. and 1nu.11 ol the JurBrr d" wile wild st H,Hali . ll illeni.i. k .1 ki-- sud st SOth rt.i 40 xtnli- Shem

'.- .: '..',. ¦'¦ III i, .il .-'ec; 2.iLamb*. --1 Bi. J' H v..: 13

¦h...n. re.: 23 w ur do.. Bu ;... ai oe.. SS iin,f.5. ai.. a Dewey told: 07 Western Sheep, 04 m, at ."-c;152 W hli rn I., ni -,

J. ll Hume sold 112 Western Miecp. 'U fh.'.-tt A*ir 17.-1do. Ill '. il .. ic -.' HUI.. " ll lt st f.*«e.i 1H stale

OVc. Phil .. . -i ld .: J - Itv 102 Ohio -lieei.

¦t SI ii"do ;¦ |... .it .-,.- 170 .:., ||J IB, .il

..Se ilkentu,>y, al 7i.. 2. j

.ii t '. i",' Mary.lane M ih, at m- im> lereer do., 50 rt. at Kr M'S do..

tl ii-xNi i iou A U dwi a sold ; -ll Ohm sheep, ho tb, al ;¦"..;

s 2d" i. n7 a, hi iv.; 22 iiiu.,..' a.St¦: Virginia I ninl.s. .'J tr., al

Bl !¦-,(.. i-'.-i'In. i-2 IB, ai "c.; 830 do., ...

Judd a lliiriincbsin sold : 2 NOhm Phi it fl 70;2.0do.,00 "*r. Ml Pena*y!vanis ilnr-k.. sud Kwaa,

nisi 41 jh, at bc.: TlJet*, vdu, ,41 -.<./.,

J. r :.. nt r-.e.;lP<du. 11" mm- -. 7' P. .u I., mi do.. 1 il

p fi Ine'ii Mst* Jer* | 1r. ii"t..... rn hi h »4r.usiH.hl J.iJi mb*, ' " ;.t S«9(

ami... '.I a. at ? sc IS do., 54

ii '.. .;¦;- win 27 ,,i J. rSd ( '.'.. .0

ow:ri MM lime UslHoes U.-I >.»i :¦ .!..-, .1 ia

lilia in....' I

HUM'S DAKithltl- Itv I'KI.'/l'MKII..

.'.I Mit I'SI kill!-.Henty, -i

um,- m.tb ,i siuubei

cart'a.Hiki »lom, h.. * nu

.iii li lu. i.

«in marketqUIl I Si ¦.

!i a; i fairly i< liva:»; i -. -; j.

I i., ..-Si 25

las*. 1,000 hied; afllp-

I 4^1 i. ste sn ijtf lui y

.. ;o

umwon to Kx

I, 0

MrkIS al SI i I*

'.<<: i' forlill « m., I lill

rars market

IO; s.x

.V l||t|«

mi lltaij

III-: .-! '. I. cl I'.'M'KI ll i \'i.-I li

r la id mi- arlyii urlu, ' '-r -ullin, -ii

Nu. Mi.ii.\\ .ni. I I'.-.I. SIH.t,

c.-. si .-.,%'.". -I i- '..'.. 10'-.

ii lol I ll I ure;ii ..i ru

.1 ..'.,..' lb;Am-.i.'. iW lld Wi '.tn

lie. inc linn .ilu'i .i ;.- lt sn.j

.-.ii M ii vi. t, LuiIml an ni .li i Cs's

... quiet, lu in USl V dun IO- .uni.¦dui sud icuni .-I .il lo

.,.., -A* .-> .fl |l<yc w blakeyi.i.l qu ... 4 fri lents lo I.I vi rpool pel

aleauw-r miiuuial i lotion, '41.. Fioar. 2a: drain, no .¦

lu |iU I- .-ir. K7.I bbl*.; VS'; IV.IKSJ bush.'.( mn. .1. io.. i..i«|i o.iiM. .1..h.; live. 2i-0 buab. .- -1

in-^iiu urn. 3s.inI2 bu»u. asl nsWheat. 325.1100 bush.: cu.. 7...0 ll bush.

lay un dil w ;,. il J:iM No. 1 Duluthoffered si $1 WO Ni. '.' 4 .10+1 |7 kio-., H.OOO bilah, Nu. IlUi.l Iiiilnih. .11 in a, ai ti 23. Corn BSSM iiiul dull sale*.I,.' l.u-li. U..l.i Jim:. In lcIk, ;,. 4..C|U ¦! >.e.; .i.iiillbu li. Ni. 'J Milwaukee, lu it:ivc. at 45 V. Hale doll andscares; ailee. Tao bosh White, oa ii.e trui k. ui^o .1-. liur-Itt Ins. live llyo uer ictnl.csu '.mt. Mer 27.-Vl'iur dull and nominal Wheal nrtsottli rt

¦ind ki ,ui oh lower, bat iloavd Bru: Na " i^-d Winter,,1 h., Nu. 2 chlraco MsnuaT. si l*** ea 4 h sud Mari »i i'4 V.;*! Ol*.- Jinn -fl l|i"4 Jnl>: 00 Uu 30 Ss". Aucnial subs ut0 .'-j..,/-1 01 July; r.". 3 1 bicsco Hpifnc, t>iiii-7c Coratellly uelive sud ii sha le hl)riierut S7*4C. COShl '-ti'.'se. Jin ei

Inly and Aiii.'ii-.t l;.ju. od. Mhe. o*U aetiie. timiand bi her si i»«»e. ossa ami Moy 1 Sl*«c. Juue: 2 >e. July,

uh .ed uurbsnawd. I'ork niiMlerntel) sud blctier it *I006 issb and lunn. S10 15»«ll) 17 ,

j nlv *lo 'j:, \nuiist. iJird ste.uly with 11 fell dimind al(,. ftc. raab Sisl Juno: li.57*jtril.Ooo. July 1 ll«2'»c. bidAncn*t. Hulk .Meats siea.1) 1111.I un. li.i;iK.iL Wbiaki-y stead]und nm d ai »1 ol). PmahU- Corn to umful.t, tt'ee.iw :..... 1, i;c. ai Hi" close. Wboat lairiy active and a eimdelui;)..rut SI ol 'a Jun.. »l 1 July, coiu ac I nc, linn un.1him -r st 3Mi,r. Muv KS*sB3H-V. June; :U;',c. .Illly. Oularn rood iii-iiisiui *nd .c. blcbttr. Pork auady and uiu-hauged.Lani *sstcr and 'fi-, lower.

.\4)l, Miir 27.-Uonr henry Fsnilly. »4 WliTSS IS;l-.un -., r In./-*.'.. Wheal weaker; So.'i Bed WlUtor, SI 1.1 ifsi 14 1 11 -I-iIm. 7.'i0 liuslv; slilproelilM. 10,000 boan, ('urnnaree So.2 Mixed, 11 *.i .liieb-vuior; 4-. r..,tosriivo. natsituilsnrt lower No. 2 .Mlfo.1. 34c. live null al 02r. B»r|ev rC»rii<sud Him; astra No. .1 KbII, SSS. Perk dull at flo .'.0. Ijndnu,i-l ut B.57*»*o.tK)0. I;ul* Meals sipl Huron ii'iiet and un-chanced. Whiskey iteadt with a fun demand nt 4107. Bult,.r eiiMi'-r. but tin.- 'quoiablt lower. Kiif^sr steady Hants, IO

New'i liken* blither ut 7-',<rH«4C lluis eiuli-i;c..1111110.1, *':./*3 '.'.. MkIi 1. *3 80a*a4IO| SJ noa'SI IO; lliilrliers. *1 l.'i (1*4*21) rve4'!ptM. 1,000 berni slop-melita, BoO heud.

in cudi. .Muy 27.-Floor dull and Dnrnanjrsd. Wbaatfevinshaad higher: Kxtrs Uicbhtsn nominal: Nu. lWiatuMiihicuii. »1 1 J*v; May. f Ki's,; June. SI 12"-.: .lulv. noauks MUlina -No- I. Sellars, *l 13. CoriiUulhlBcilniiiK.

.ii and sie.-ili. ('In- i-i -1 -i I linn nt Si bid for P111110.l.i-,. 14.t-4 -1'iiuir. 1.41*0 I.I.-1 Wheat, 55,000 boah.; Corn,in 11 'nisi... (..iii, 'J,','Ui' bilah. Mnp-iiciila i lull', J. leo blib).,Wbest. 17.".« ililli; cnn, sun bush.1 Oats. I.doo boab'.Mii.wsisrv, May 27. -Hour dull »iu! iinchsiiKed. Wheal

nirenisl strone, advanced '..-., mid i-l.tacl ste-nlv No. IMnwullkes . (ititi at fl 081 do- emn at $1 ni-j; No. 2Mlwankee, oaah and M: y. |101*s| June, #102'4; July,tm.'1,: No 3 Mliwankreal H0*aoj No. 4 d.-. ni 82C.J Uti.-ried in 'i'-e. Cuni lalrty acllvo aaa a shade higher 1 No. I,

oat* finn and lilclior No. KStSlo, rive lower midic lected Nu. I at7i»C Uarley in.-. -ti .ul, No. " sj.i mc, 70

Prc l«i.i:i quiet but firm Mrs* Pork quiet at s.O 101.1 I, sud June; flo iW July. ard-pinue Steam nt il.65c

ind June 1r Uocs raster al ?.uti 15.Ftetcbts- Wliuat to llinfaui, ec.PHlLAUII.l'HiA. tim 27.- -Klor.rinscllv.i and weak. SA'heat

esrRu rate fur No. 2 Ked ia innitiial at SI 32, free onboanl; lull Illili-ur none om-rlna; at lid. Ileura. At tbe

K bi I St 32*j asked for cir Inls nf No. 2 lied, luiud Pennsylvania, if bern, would

cuiniiianil 02c Corn stvaay i Piunsyuuul*. Wesicru andrn Yellow, on track and in crain depot, S5*a

Western Hall Mixed int. con track. 54*ac;i, on tra**, o4«54**tV. while In aJSvatat,Ooo. Atr*eouM i nil. 54c. bul, o5c *akedfor rnr-luu ol M-nl

Mixed, in stavator; esrso rate tor still Mixed, promptelnpiuen.'*, Sse. free on board: du. Srst hslf, June. 52'|0.ii it< mi board I". BBSrS. tree on board.Out* dull .'iud iiiisetllt'd lirlrea iiidined 'vi'.; Na 1While, 45 'ec. No. 1 do., 4S4»4S*iic: No 3 d... 4'JoHaie.; ll"li ct. J. ll* 42c; Mixed, SH x lue.: Miked No. 1 at 42c Pee.

very quiet; Citv Mea* Beef. $12; Hm f ll*iu*,*:7<»S'. 7 fl); Miss Pork, esr lot*. SH 25 ital 1 50; Extra trime, SO;flunked llama, lOsllC; do. tn Halt Sud Plukln. rl*jail*an.|( lear nb Hreuked, 7*40.1 d*. tn Halt, 7o.; Hhoulders, tnhilt. 4I-.C.; du. bucar Pickled. 5'4 05Va; do. hsiwketl, OSGU..; Itressed liocn, 6\ti61*o. lard- \\ esuun, 7.7. c.;de. Hteam, 7.*7.)Oc; do. H-itcbwrs', moon, 6*«e. rlniterdull,11,1 ul Choice, lear* 9rm 1 rsnasvlvsnls. t4c; Vteitern,i3c Ch«wee-Cheioe warned ; Poor dali; New York Pasusrv.

Vieauru Pall Crssta, liailSe. rtuolosin guiet 1ltnllued In bbl* 7Vi rases, ile Whltkey sUouc ; WesterssoldatSl ll.nswheW*! 41 IA t*ntBS««Trts.WTisat, 58.770tiuali.i Cora. 71.085 bash. 4 p. at.Wheat escsaw t Msy si 3* otd. a aa saMd a* No. a Bsd. Mar 1 SI 24%lu". Si '-'4', anked Juue SI 13*. bid. SI 14** asked July!SI 10 bid, SI 10*4 **ked AllfDSt. Corn Sim j B4*e0. hld.

Louts, blay ^..fVonr dun j only small ordsr frat!Unnsottlsdi eaah towac, bat opuona batter; fa. ill

U "miati *°* ** a?'' *"" * "sa *Jre lewse atSl& Bavtey-r** marret Wadawey Jaafc

fl 08. Pork dall at flO S3 bid easb aad afa/. Lord jm*bi

i.wet oeu*BJis rwar, ,i,wv ooo.; wew> tnw ;rwOva. 62.000 boaki Oats. £000 boaVT»w*eo*a-nii»jo.oofS bbts.1 Wheat, 1.00Cibosh.; Ossa, U.000 *Mtaa.i Oat9JOOO~2*oonb»*a.toledo. May it.wbss*. atsadr i ga 1 WMta Missaja

f] 18*»i AiaisrHlohicaa. Ol Hi Bo. f Bsd wB4Maa,aa>il 17*s: Jons, ft !**.: July, fl ol* i Ko. 1 DsTtoajti

PBIHT CLOTH MARsTKT.FATA Hirst, afass Julv 97.-Tho prlntlac etoth msrlr*

bs* been more active la demand, bat bo .slea stwrsporlaiQuotations rule a* lc old and 4 *ea asked tor 64 *o,nares.

COTTOM MARKKTH-BY TKLBOBAPH.Uvrsroou Mar 77-19:30 tx m.-Cotton quiet sflddUa

Colanda. «*i,«d-: Mlddlinc Orleans. B's*.: asles,8.000 balee, ticludlne l.ixo bales for spacolsttoo aud export. Kecswpti17.100 balsa. meiadtBr ii.Boo bales Amsrleta, rasarse D|lands, low Mlddlinc clause, Mas* delivery. 0*t*ti do., rlanna. I*>w Mlddlinc clause. May delivery. 0*4*1,1 do., May ssJun* delivery. OM., also «'»t*d.: do., Jims tad Julv deliver)h«m!.. also «i».d.: do.. Jnlvend Anjrost esliTery, 8*ad.. al*8'*»ad.: do^Ancust *ad Heptembsr dorl very. 6*'aad., also8Mdo.,September sim October delivery, 6*url; do., Oetobsr atvNovember dellverv. 7wt*d.. slso 8*4(1.: do., November sud I>*cember delivery. 6T»jd.; do.. January and February deliveryfejaALivasrooi. Mar 27-1.30 p. re.-MISdllnc Uplands CottonStiled.) Mlddlinc orleans,!!*,.!.! I>w Mlddlinc upland*,b*i#d.Ootsl ordlnarv Uplands, BULi Ordinary C uland*. 6*»d.I.ivrr.roou May 27-5:16 p. m..The sains of (be d*y In

clinioii .1,000 bales Amencau. Futores.Uplands, Low Midd linc clause. December sadJanuary delivery, 0*«d. Future*closed ..nil.Aioisis. Msy 27.-Ootton quiet: MlcdAine, 13V.i Lo*

Mlddlinc, lo V.: Oood OtiUnary, SHc.i receipts. 73 balessales. 114 bales.lULriMOKk. May 27.-cotton inlet i Middling, ll***.: Lo*

Middini!'. ll***.: Unod ordinary, lOt'ac.: exports coastwise2 bale*; sales. r,o bale* (tock, 9,284 balec

Howth!*. M»v 27.-*'olton .lixll: Mlddlinc, 19e,: I,ow Mid(Hine, UV.: Oood (irdlnarv. UV.: net roootnta. 946 bales»rr. .sa, 24(1 balee exports to Oreat Britain, 820 baie*; clock11.516 bats*.OHaitLsaioa". 5fsy 27.-Cotton es*y Mlddlinc. ll»g«llV.

Low Mir.dlinc. llV'-llV-; Hood ordinarv, l<i**a»10**e.:, H.- bake; experts coastwise,01S belo*; sales. 40(bales: shh*, ll,"34 baie*.ciNnssAii. May 27. cotton easy; MlCdllnr. ll*4C.i Los

Midd mr. kV.; Oood Ordinary. 10c,: receipt*, tu bale*shipments. Hill hales: sala. 184 Oaks: stock. «,186 oates.<si.rcsro>. Mar 27.-(Joitoo nominal; Mlddlinc. lo'et: Low

Middling. H)*-r.: oood Ordinary. Uk.) net receipts. 3ibslesi expnita to (iruat Britain, 1,412 bale*; eales, 84 bale*:stock. 11,79". bsles.

i.oinsvii.LK. May 27..Cotton dnll; Mlddlinc. IliacMunni*, May 27..Cotton dnll: Mi.iiinnr, iOTec; reeelpts,

so bub*: .lumneul*. 1,269 bales: sales, db baie*: stock1.1,1) Ul bales.Mouii.r. Mav 27.-Cotion qulot; Mlddlinc. He; Low Mid

Hine. IO'vc.. unod oii'.tiiarv, OSe.-. Bet receipts, ll bales:.XBortS to the Oontlnmit. LSOS balee; oosstwisc, 1.008 baie*sales. 400 bales: .tock. I&.S76 bales.NKW.ukiu.S4, May 27.-(otinri dull and easy: Mlddlinc,UV.: Low Mbidiinc. IO***., (Jo-st ordlnarr, 9V-: net. re.

ipi*, taa bala*| groM*. 1,805 bales, export-, to the'nn'li.eiii, n.'l lisles; sales, 1,000 bales; last eventoc. OOOhales: slock. 140,1 ill bales.Noarotx May 27.-i(ition quiet, weak; Mlddlinc, ll mci

net 1. lillis, l.i Ol! bales : ex port* coast* as, 163 bale*; *alea,iso huies; iocs. ir..xr.7 bales.fiUUsliSU'Hlv, May is"..cotter, qnlet ; Mlddlinc. 12c, I/tw

Mut.oma, 11*41-.: Hood Ordinary, 10V- net receipt.-., 417.a cm- 611 bulne salo*, splnuers, 200 balts; stock,11,212 Ula*.navina*. May 97..Cottar. i|ti!et: Mlddlinc;. ll'i«<-; Low

Mlddlinc. ln<e.; Oood Ordinary. 9Vi.; net reeelpts, 04Mle-.. naies, 'Jen bales stork. I.),:.lit lui©*.mi. I /j i uv May 27.-colim, unlit AliildUac. ll*»c: Low

MldiiliiiCj in',!.: ui.lilian, 1)*4C; receipts. AH l.aies;.Iii;, h. n's. hfio bales; (ales, 164 bales; stork. 41."SS bille*.W ii tMMTOfc, Mav 27.cotton weak, lower tn sell: Mlddlinc,

Hr.: ixiw ..luldiiuK. lov.; Oood UnUuary. ibe.; net receipts,halo; stock. 1.701 bales._

i;i:impkan makkkt*.LmtaTOOL Mav 27..Pork--Pnnie Mes* Eastern, dull

it t'l.'i \.">eleni, dull at 69 Itacoii-LuniberlaoO Cat,I nil ut ;:i>; snort lub. dull st Sft.od.. Ismc ("lear,lull nt 34'. HbsrtCtsse steady st SSi. Hums.Loos Ont.ii hut st 47'; should' ra duli ai 24.. Beef.India Moss,lull at76/1 lixtra AU**, dull ai Hoi; Prime Mesa, du'.l siIii, .mi -iiiiiie Wibtira. ila 1 at ivTM. Tallow.PilmtItvSieadrat S3). Turpeutlue- spirit*, steady at il , retail.{.Min.Ciiinmnii. stesdv st I M.: Pine, dull St IO Od. Cbee» 'bulee, ateadr ut 70. Lard Oil. dui) at o»'.'.ul -l.xtia stain, dull al lil. Whet-No. 1, White..tessi)/ al IO spriuc. »No. 2. dull si 9Vd.. New Win¬er Western, -nany at IO Sd.: New southern Wlutir, steadyi' .07d. Cuni Mixed Old. stead? at Bid.; New il li eil,in.ii r al i 'vd. i iiuonseed 'll.Yel.ow American, nousii ui-rkct. hoaiu .comsii.u, ai L-m.lou. dull at 4,ou.ur|M nune. Spirlis, ot laiu.ion. ste.idy st to...-t.R...|. M.n 27-1:3) J., m.-ltreadstufTs-Whekt.f»/M.

i .- ld, pi cental fae aveline ( allfornls White ; VI itv:¦.: ll. d Wi ..tcru linnie, ami io 3d. isl ii, dd. for Ked Winter,' I lid.¦;.".. per otu lal fur .Nit Mixed Weetcrn. Peas,

;.. .i nilli tor Canadian.



VLI. wini are iMorenloi. tu railroad bimtiese.i, mdes-u elslisUc* Bhould cotTHK TKJilDNB AL-

1AJNAC ter . .. non ready, jun e j:, cen is by mall._|>A.NKI.i;> and CUM CAI.isis will want toI* . ct he'i .\!iti»in.-for lltSO) lt jrivea the neureainiitl .-tal.'* I.t-iuaiir uud i-.kP'tltd.l4ieH aiuvu l»7i. Price,

indi._tlllCAGO, MILWAUKEE rad ST. PAI'L

ll ll I,WAY C'OMPANT. -Holdi-is of Itopd* of the'. ...ii i, .'i,Iw aukee sod SU I'sul luillwav Coianunv, known

Lill ims.ltds Od bin.lbs Fund IIiiiiIm." ajn heiebynu-i!iid ilia; n in a. untie their b. ink at the office nf il.l* com.mi.), ka .. vv iikiii i.. ibe iMii,.l4 will be stamped rnle*Mlnchem from Un- oiHL-ratlou*(.f t.'.edi.ikaic lund, and eaid boudail 1 tJ.crt jlur be k'.owu as -('oiisniulat.-ii nonda."_J I JJ CH WADHUiiKTil. Vice-president.

i AS ri I OCKS & Citv li. R. Btookl nnd HondaJ bonah) <t (Old. K.T.liLWIl'l'.Ol JkUhSfiC44.pl4teak__UVYNN.: vt DAY, 45 W'nH-st., N'ew-York*,i.-i 1».",4.. irsbaaei a emeral Hsukl'c ju.1

ir.-kc .. ¦. '.I.-::.. .-. .ii Hallway share*. Hon ii*. <?.-., ac.

£&S >K)l'lv>.v.; Sew York ind Bronkl>n Omi-ttoaks,and also all kind*

I l,:< uk', i n lu vi -.iiiietit aeciinttr* deal) lu livi.eoMUi: ii. riii..\Tis,.-4,

llltiiAD-sl an,..".", KXL'llA.NUKPI.ACE.Onre os ma nm i's rTasTss mani faciirino*

CnMl'A.M, tiii iiASI Ullin., >N;:-a V hR. April IMHO. )

NOTICE is Hi:KKI5Y GIVEN ihstaaieeting.1 ,r ce lockbo ...I the UKATKUMANU.f.\l .i,:1N,. Cti.Ytl'.t.NY will be ii ld attbeofflcoof thoiiiui.aui. in the Chi "I N'"* tork, oats* tota day of Jua*->"...( .Ou'iiuk a. Bl., fi* tia p..rp.i..e nf lu. les-111. Hie,,; -ti.. ¦« nf. ..I ni- in i mo Thniisaud ahSTos. al thoni \ of ( ii uudnd Dolliirs (K r Mhiue.

Ki>'*Akl) I- cul.Il,\i ittl.K- il. Hi'i.n,Trnsiee.MACKICB li. ILINiS, lruato*.

lawSw I ri_MOl ld' is llf RI 11V (JIYF.X.1 'lli..l ilml.K.\OVIl.LK AMI sliAMKOCK MININGU.Mj'.iMD-* wen io.U-jtc I u-i Hi" .'. t!i mat. BBder theame of the " l.c-idviile ( i,4,.it-i.ued .M'nine Company."iiii-k.'iii.di'is Iii I -e Lead vi lc and snsninita Minina l'ni».aili,. w||j pie* h| their clo k cu .:ul ufiet June ut incSires of me n.iii;i:uiv. No. HA ilrosdway, lloi-mt 11.1 andi j, and iud new dieck tor tte saint-.

_A. EBgltT, -ecretary.ilidl'OSAI.s will Ihi received until Satur-

a-- SJ, at noon, fat Coule of forty eichl i4b) of...iii',, .ml Kulton U.i.lioii Flrsl Mnrt.iace md smkiuc,,,,, Lund Crnut lliinde cf tl.OOO each lo the Colon Trustetnpsnr, ».< tiu-i.c ..( sod moina;..A>\ pi-ui.osals to bo dlrsetsd lo UDWARDKHn'O, ITeal

H. U. MAIIQUANIi.Vli-clii-Miilcnt Pt. r... T. M. .t: s. By. Ca

IMMiirf T. N. V., Msv VD, ISSii.PUK ANNUAL MEETING of Hie stoolc-l holder* ot the C1.STKK AND DKI.AWAlli: IIAIUi. A li Ci >M i'AN V will be lu id al tin-otll. euf the company Ini)M'OCT on J CN K 0. 18»V, at 1 o'clock p.m.

A. IOCS son. secretary^hs Ciam.*sn columbus, ciucphs*n amp isoianapo-)

ur iuii war ant. (itkKu.ii. urFitJt. >CLIlVBLAMl. ohio. Mai ll. IH«0. I

PHI8 COMPANY, ii.ivini? been icquosti-d byI holders, to s larce smouut, of lU consolidated baada ioui. 11 Hie .-inking fund i.»u»e conto ned tberein. aad to uer.,ll thu sm.I bond* lo run un ul their maturity In tba rear 1014.i.l lids ci.inimny bulee willina" teooaiply willi Ute roiiuswt oflt-boudhoidi rs:Notice im tu rely elven thatanyof thoboldersof tbeeonilhiuteit bonds may pros1nisi Co. lu Ibo City otitsomsot will be puce.liing the eiiiklnc fond danae, sud ali bond-ao iMturaed williraaflar be excluded lunn recuniplton prior lo their actualatnrtty In the year 11*14, but for any bonds camtaixiiuf notprsacuu .1 sud nidorM-iL ibis ouiupany will couUAtoe to d».Mt Hie eiikinc fund pro rkts willi th.- Tnut tea. aad stub>uds will remain subject to rtdciuptlon by th* siuklnc tteonslnsl Oectf of Trust provided.

i. II. DKVKFEITX. Presideat.


Tn sddlt'rm to s cen.'ral tianktnjt badness, buy and selli coBimisMon all seeniitl.-s cnrrenl at tbe New-York -Stockxchause, adviincliiB on sami-.luwlmhlc u*t Mni tsus* Hallway Bond* for sale.WM. C. MHKl.fXJN. WM. h. WADSWORTH,

ilkiutett bouda may present thoir bonds at U.o V uitcd stateNew.Yerk, when and where se I*

1 upon any bouda so ereseuted. oaa-


ciioick i>ti:st>ii yr iio>i>.**A raWMrTlTI LIHI' OK WHICU CAN BB


OHN A. DODGE & CO.,UAMll-.lts *V ^TOt Ii. HOOKKits,

lil MAI.I.-M., MiW-YOua.Boy and carry stock* on H to S nerreut m»rrn. and etate order* fur )*toek ITtvlleee Contracts st favorableles. Kuli Inf.inniiiion un Nil matter*lelaliuc tof*tock ¦¦ pec-a;lon fmuImI.ciI oh sppilcailon. Weekly report ot uieve-itiilelu Oin r>took Marcel sent fro*.




MA11KI r.

New York de narleas K-st.Lake Shore & .Hiestlsma !*s>aaa*mi B.B.Michlstaa Ccaural IL ki.

Nsshville, t haiu.*4Vo«« et Ht. Louis I.sbU dy IrtMt Masntala R.B.

Albany ft Snastaebanna M.R.New-TorkCealral ILK.Ctwved**)*! AV tSlUBwrs SLR.

We *a>r fer asl-i tbe ilertgss* Bauds *f th* absi »-nstneamiiiuiie*. sil ut wlilcn ar* stiled*/ Prla** Iawrtaisatoarltias, sad sro dallv falad at ta* Mew-Yes* Btoec Kx-ssfssM Bsylux froia » ia 7 a*r eaat sa tnvsssaBsaaa



JftnansiaLrr fi an

St East Wmj0 arilint Ibatpff* «»»k*H *¦¦- 7 1 Caat

laasi grant Goal BaatUIai ©rafrattywWU ta* prsvBBaiS of th* Hi

rms* secunaa tb* thors Brno*.

k* Bald satooV^

. »e*>*?.* t*«»f*.d.*" «* yeas* si ii ¦ i *a_ af saatsTssHiiBBlikUW*a sra*..) tat! it* at iXTSaoe *fVa^fia3aa>¥4

laly aext, aa alter





108 BOXDS Of SIS* BACH. NTJM3KBa749 ass ItSflo. Its 18

a.o au040 SiS291 S80 .

S47 018 199 970 Ii804 Soi N Ml403 SOS 811 IOU428 872 814 IOUbli 6-s8 Sod itu652 6J0 807 1184004 70S 870 IIB*812 TBS 872 1208

io bonds or taco back, nvuSt 99 99 1M |li BM Blt48 8.' 10S 20ft 248 SIM MM050 BONDS OF 0LOOO ALACK. MOM880 IBU 2374 8142 8932 4*20 SASS 8170

zK] 1624 88008j3 1630 2801

1641) 28281576 2330J Snit 2341)18SS 28681700 24691714 0470



84031 490W4030 4*00404*5 SO01

1771 2496 884S 48*0 BOOS1773 2614 8861 4068 80001848 2524 S084 4081 0082

270 1026 I860 2645 8418 44MS MM*2»6 loSo ltj&6 MOT 8404 4tMM BOBO830 1041 1800 2731 8611 4007 SOBS334 105S 190t 2789 354H 4KU SOTS847 HOS 1029 2811 368)1 41:8 6137 0800Mu 1100 ISSI 2itl3 8*88 4338 SUS BlSOC. 1121 1956 2646 3018 4363 51*0876 1140 ISKSfl 3)157 34324 4838 62.SI.'¦HO IK") 1993 287S 3607 4818 52*7SHH 1199 1993 '-'HW 8685 4950 A3n3438 1239 Vhf} 28H3 300'.) 441*1 i.*(M4V0 1316 2021 2880 3701 4401 58214'.'I 1324 2040 21)10 3726 4409 5.1.(4497 1328 2048 202U 8731 4484 (.808 00014SKI 1 (49 211.1.' 'JDI4 3750 448* 6889 6065

21*32 21M4 8751 4442 B840 S4M7.HXii* T.tHt) 3754 4443 4-3.3 110782118 iiix; 3779 4470 6:176 00702155 290S 37S12202 :«(T.'3 378822(15 :tl)J'i SHU



627 1803501 1378673 1891678 1396681 14.0684 14910- li 149H 2221 lim;JU22 1203 2227 3131

4142 6400 000044S'l 61.K4 01144612 J .'siJ 0110 *70B 7M4.,29 6.'>63 ens 9*61 la4820 6583 UI7u 680$

WSW-Toax, April 16, 1880

JOHN 8. KBWMBUr.i^.^--J..A- ROOSEVELT, J ".*¦¦¦*

St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba R'yC&'tSecond Mtge. 6 p. c. 30-Year Gold Bondi,


J. B. KKWEDY aV CO.,63 WUliaai Street. New.York.

a**t**sttl»l jisWl *BsJ BaAiUZM.

Kissam, Whitney & Co.,Bankers and Brokers,



Diuident) Kow**oirtcsoKi-BHiuii lsd wiLBaseaaaaoosx costrair. I


Coupons due June 1. 1880, on the aa-acntett eonsoliilated 7 percent saon/psfeBond*of (Bas

couipaiiv. will bo |.aj.t on ana after taut date at Hilt na*raHelder* ot five or mora roai.on*are requested to Isa ra

theL. at UH* office for »x:i!rV.iiation ob sod arter lath Inst,E. *V. i LARK, )B. WILLIAMSON. SaVseevrers._UM.H.TIl.LIHiCillAST. )___

\f OBILE AXD OHIO B. H.. First Monga*©Um (Issue of 1H79) Bond*..The Interest coanoee due Jua*1. 1 80. on the ahove bgoda will U: paul um ami siter that SSS*00 j.r. eeauilou at (he 1 armers' Lain aud 1 rust Ocv, Kee/.York, or at thc oBco ot til* oouirauv io tue oltr ts" Metal* ,

H. L. WILLOIOUBY, Trsoaursr.MoMle. Msy IS. 1890._

thk Stats or iowa, f;ExEcuTira lir.PAimnsjrr. >

Das Moana. Mar «. 189* *

NOTICE is limby *?iven that tho INTEHESTnilYiiMI lui ii ir due on ta* bm dav Of lull, iSS0.taa

Orttday ol Januiiy, Inti, and Us0rat dar of J**r. D*H. otthe coiiDon bouda Issued by t he Mat* of Iowa, ands* aaUiotliv eonfrrre.1 by Chapter noleen il(5; of the Art* of Ute ExtraOosalos or the KIWiCi General A**,ISSI, knowu a* toe War sad Oases** Bead1 ai .n.le st THE NATIONAL PAYORE, io the City of New York : and bolder* of Mich bo-.d*ste re,.aired to take notice hereof, and sresent aaoa asvpoii*ut nUC NAT1UNAL l'AUK BANK OBNKW-YOUK wkea approved Mar SS,B4»dAwl.lii4wart*rl»auK BANK OF HKVf.

JOHN H. OBAR, aOovamsr of iowa.

Cifction Jfolicce..Nc ;h4 iittendway, Nwvum, Msy 04, leXO. I

4 T a MEKTING ot ide 1MKECTOR8 of thel\ LAMAR INStlBABCE COMPANY ot NUWTOKK,lu I.I I thcr umi-e Hil* d,iy. A. H FKOI'HINOHAK wa*ui.uiili.lonely t- ... teil, lo Oil tho vscai.ev csnsedSythe daata ot Issac li. bt. JmiB. WM. K, MACliIAKMlD.

Soerstarr.NKW-Yoaa, May 24, lSftO.

AT ffrp annnal mee'tino; o! tho storkiioldertof the Al KARIA OULDMINI.NO COMPANY, of

(i-nra-iu. tbe followinc trustees wei-o eJeetod for Iyear: DANlfcL C. H»K.


Officer*:DANIEL . FISK, President,l-AMOKL VAN! K. VicsvJTeelden*.MAMAS H. OKOROL, rn- 'y sad

orrock Railway ast N'AVir.>-no«i cojirAirr. 1io. ioas.1POB-ILA..T.. Usa., Blay IB. lKf*B

ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING.Far Un purpose sf prepariosT tits list of siookhoUii-n Salil. n to vote at the BBBOal iiieetiiij. us provided in Mr ellon

.l ibe Rv Lae a. tbe Board of One. tera have waar*)* th*nauster BBaaaaf ih*«w*aa*Bty u> b*«aBH0 MAY n;,aadrs>-muiu ilosod uuill JUNE Ti, 18S0.



-Ntw-VokA. star 12, lssa I

AT a iin-1'tinir of (ho St^Kkhoidors of tuaDelaware and lladaon Cauai Ul, bold al tb* Ofttosi

the Cora pun v tn ibe t Hy ot New-York, oa Taesday. ta* IliaInst, t*t« follewrn v nsruod fee tleurea were bbbbbbi ssasaataai(or ibe i-usuius year* ARIELA. LOW. I



Asdal* t-eetlasof sisnafars fc*td tats mmThoui** DiiksoB. Esq.. wis ;iB»nlrooojiy rs*l*nt*d PresaleatV

By order of ta* Board.OICOHOm L. HAIOBT.

rn inc MAU. sTTAMSjiircoMrAJrr.iMw-Toaa. Mar **. l*»- JAT a incotinif of the otixkhoiders of tree Pav-

iiUc Mall Mciuushlii company, bold at tb* oflto* of ta*CniioaiiyAiu Hm etty ut N*w.Y*:k. *n WsdBesdsy, M*y M.iKho tin-toiii.wiux uaaied ceoUeuisa wsn*l**t*d mraetsraof Uki Coniiauy far BBBaasBBBs0*JBBFIJAYOOrJLIl.TREN UL W. PABJLntliNEY DILI ON.Kl'S>eELf. KAOB.C. H HUN UNOTOM.CU A li LEMO. rUANCaU.YH.K. H P-REINS, Ja.OEOROK A.HoSrr.3. B. HODS?ON.

AiuliitameeUnarof the Board sf TNrstMar*. kola ta* ssas* 0JBJBMt. J. a Motts ION was s***t«d President *< tasCnaiaiay.By *rder ot tb* Board.

W. H. LANK.Bl ¦BBMf.N»w Yosjl Mai la, IsbbV*

fJAEIBOD CONSOL. MININGCO.'lin- Animal Meetlaa of tb* StorKnetders sf th* Carfbsa

Consolidiitetl illirie: Cowpaay wi.i be held at Um Offioestbeii-oi, Ns. SI Hi-oatl-aL. NoB-York, *a Tbarsdayy. JaosS,IHftUst l'J o'clock noon, for tbe purpose of (*ecUB«SvsTros-tocs to srrre tbeeu*4iin«y**r. sad sss* Meas* oaaa Bassja**timi of ni-ii s>tDtf mo (Ntpitsj Slock af tbs Comaany fr*** OasMilhun Ii illina to Oim Wililoo sad rive HaodreJ TtioaassSDolisrs, such lnen >a -elf wade to bo applied io ibo |i*rih.setadVoluiiMr uisperiy.

Poll* will cBiatuooen on* hour.Transfer Book* will close May 29 and witt roopes, Jaa*7,


_U-.HJL aOLUbTBJt, STaa Mirrt/AL Lil's iKM/BAXca coatrAKY. or NsRS-Yoas, I

14U to 140 Broadway. NSW YOBX, Main. 10BO. JI^UE ANNUAL ELLCTIUN tor THDSTEES

of Ibl* compauy wi.I bs bo:* at Iwoflasasiauaut to lUcUant-r. os MONDAY,-Jsue 7, iSSfTbe poll* win be opoa at 19 o'clock boob, and

«ll 1 o'clock p. ra. ISAAC P. LLOYD,Nitwyobe. Mar a 1100.

rrHE ANNUAL MEETING OF BIOCK-1 HOLDERS of tbs CONMILIDATBB RBPUBUOANMOUNTAIN MIN1NO COMPANY, far ab* aieatXam at.even Trustees, sod tbs trsssscuon of anv sshar baaiaasfthat tnsy com* >tdbre ta*¦ nasa, was wah***


At 10 o-doek, maom.Tam will Mtsala opsa «**. bear.

_fl. IL DV*QXJJle\9mota*MT'

ornca or Tua Dtfaaaaaajki-THE ANNUAL alfi1 BOLDEBB of UM DUWDMstPANY f«r tb* slrcMoa at aMraa.saber bMSBsaa aa a*ajr»*pia*tisttT«***asy. '¦**<. lc*.be dosed oa die _.

alasjsd aattl aftar tb* aanaal

kuaoo l OSU-ASV«|IsW'lf****.' MX. IAf BTGCKtMl^Nti OOJtV

wa**m*atBMssB4B>eWsTfat JWa^ffla* estota.iLtTiBAftyoBiXi
