new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1851-04-16. · taülaaipanoflaaalliaai patmaan aad oil.era...

r^DE PAINTERS! SH Suit shape Cm I 4 ..e bTo#i reM>eV.fuilj informed th .; uy mtjäaifBc ."-ttrnZTSbO* bntvd tut*, where P4ot« are ¦^Il btrf.a» capreVv tor Shade Paint-re. wind P»^- "n't. .lo conn j- *r. .>. r^f,'.-"-::"' . « Etam.«.*. RjgSaKI.»,«muperlb tli^SL^. .T»» «*nfj p*' Ih. ^ltTenUjre* V^OtltrVft b' .. i.t kr;t co Mai if. <fs -entfv-e of chai.-e en in safe oomj vm to g*! ,.. ... s st iioOnmaicbb .|ySM»W*___. Chettaia square, M. T. OROW.n an 1 . i'»la( k zin< taint ¦ J-Th'-' .«. ' i-.'al aar. ZfL r.ri...'!.v 8 T JON KS A CO. 4| . i B****» i; f j Eaplortfjg and Mtumg C >., SS Bearcat. mm fjbli ami L* I l)av Doc Orrtcat, Nan y ann. > f PiiiLAui i riii*. Oct. . I, LABAJ t Maarr» W F. Joitrt A Bn> . Philadelphia, f mgn!;fmtr.I have iborotu'h'v tested /'r.c f"'';'. tarred fn.m you aome reoutha aluce. and cheerfully ¦ratify tu Ml good QuajrJ-e. I have loo-. | '.; fu ly e<]'iel 10 all >uu laid of lt. 1 bad one pi.e-drlvln.- engine, which la .»-oacd to itie area:" r. pe'nted with f., wrv>-:t aiy dryer la (t. Waal partly ririah.d, ihe work waa iaoparaded by Bervereebowcr of ram which laeied two dava. and r>n leaurntrr the painting after lh" atom-, f am ' Uta f .".t harl and perfect. Theenc'.re and holier am pwBjetjy protected by It from ihe weather, and where moat KpOeBd10 MaA, gartun and vot watr-r. the pi'.r.t is perfec:!y aoucd. i! alto leated it >n wood ar.: lad it rh«nr>-r an ! batatf than apynitcr paint i t.aveevrr seen. W'eaiell uaeli for pa:r.v ksg oor tect ona in ih* epr'.sg if vou cat aupplyne nai gecremt' ma n -he at;' |*et with ih- tore nan a: i paintet la the Navy Yard. | nave no doubt bajl It w.::, aftM a AM a*, bt Bs' i .'.:»:..' y Ir. UM Nivy 1 neod j Wiahyou ike firc~*a yaw paint d'aervea. B..t tm M \*. S aVeapj y -tra truly, J t PgJ .1 Y?S (i L fs H METALLIC PAINT.. I IT!'. diff 't fr.-m ihe a.- ,je-, ?a. rj| * country bt «.»aral Impo.tanl reap-rn. lien* cboatier. a W|fetaraad aaored lan.e <nl.r, i.a..-i< a.! th- f. « and Taülaai pan of laaalliaai Patmaan aad oil.era wi.nmg a ¦apee'Qt palal for ioofa<.f tin or wool; al.o fi.r .a « ' wihkJ, aionn or t.rlra Will fmrt the ataaea at Iihi Water- . N.y. |k> iri .Mws-j sco.a. nroH *. col ff i \<! l'\ i nt..'i'f»ei rabaNiHbara bwvta| aTd'.ecn appjlr :-xi JtyenU for tnc ta'o of th'a meal anre- «V,rft'' F .".Uwa'attufrJ by tho NiiW JcilSKV t.X SCoitlrN'i A^O MIN'NOCO ere now prerr.-¦.* Ii er* Lie ->r 'rra f ' tee MM to tny catonl. "Th'i P * "¦! I ' aerrera aeett n ealared w tae pi'dlc ea a prdni In ail reaieeia tup»r\:r i* 5J.'.t. Thepui-1 c r> aprcifviiy Icvn«-' t > <-a to" ^patcn* LPAO PI PK »ir.'.- i> M'. BAJl AHB aid i . Äl>. col nantli »i .. . riat -.caw. iAMOBL O CORNELL At Co ¦j ., . No Ml . Now Yon ' rVUeEaiKAPH WIRE..ICäAßOjD BMW Wtre from forelza BeC i no Telearap! ¦riihi aaaealed.a Bprln. Wire A'l kin fa or Ro.üJ f al Ä' »uiai, m ".el W l*c!dne f.jr- w>*ea etrel?*'leifd and c t lo v.v le:j>»'.u Wor ii'r Sil»._''."if 1 TH E mag n ETIC TELEtiR *.PH bt- laraM MBW-TOBK. PHILADELPHIA, BaL.'/i. ¦OBKa'd tVAitlll.Mi ON New-York Office wper oi Car ead Baaeai eta, rear of the Bachen«* The Plot}. aer Line w»i four wtrea firoH Waaatofion lo New-York Mrlnr oirire. at New-*i It, Jereey < ty Newa < New fronaapa Prmee-..- 1 -r'..- p- - ;. »Vi ;t"l de «:.-»ce. W»-' ». 'v, a. * >[.. aaealBr with all th* Great BorteXinee, Beat, Woot, Hoftl pad Buaik TblaCompany Mvto| atet* r^-ie eat^naive Bjaalreof ibel a f. In reaeed lie ovriliiiee «. i i :ore (Aeri.. v ..o <er| lia loi. n«»a in the «rvernlee'o»- aadm^e a delieery of raoaaaajaa, are uow prepared to k- ectve traeeiali a-. I Settver a-y anmhar of m^aeafea rt ejylred IM U a aft >..odatl Ml of ;.»« p lb be, with en BOBaV Sn ly I rterto ooeqrieled PMiieia ajaapemf boaim aa ef the peMie la .refore reepeetrnllj KBelHra . ihe a c- <--m-r of Han»ve. aa I etearer at* ^7|yBJW8 W M kf. BWAJN. PruMaal jj.U'lJ;. pTi7E-TTTAI'EK..«;.iu-nry Jk :. .! I'. I" tvür.t f fu- <-.».. liid » .:. wal a»h t'n.i lit of S:r^ \. ii..r. i S'., ¦(..., .. ll..,,l- wwe, 1 a»ae. fa.-. Pimi'aa and oil. r fa.-. » of all »re- with t'.r.f B omI V.'M'o Bulei! Capa uud L.-*.'ern atiowrrici at^okaC Bo'iBilaTiwiaalaiiiai Papa* -.vare- boi,>u. No J ba-rt-,oapoatteCLf BlBlar* F'XCELSiüR SOAP, uiahu.aciLUfcii i raraal] i>y DAOWBJ h. PATBOM k CO, Corner of Riving ion «n.i Caanoa ata, Nato-To k Th a rtotip'» MrMpartor to any Mfcaf olfarad to in« pu'e Be It removei atema, ^'eaae. paint, tar aad MB, and waahea in tot, haro, aaM wilar.artthoul Ida . laatoal b"iory M any tal,nc r>r in ak n BM C lpt1 Woo -r afainif.rinrera. and all engaged In the traae, a't* eepiciaiiy trivl.eii aa teti ite vaiue >n.. tf jnENTKEL AND LUCRATIVE OC- . .LJB CÜPATION -The advartiaer will coo uonl any Urfv or i BttaMi Printed laaaToaAkxMta two haaat*. fui Ana at kV kaoUj > iplicil lo eu.-i:>.a eitbur aas to pre. ilea the MaBM kH.r, ut el and BKlattM occupation, either for prohi or aimi.rmetl. requiring no pre**ioua knowledge, atd but irlfi.n»! oaiiav whereby irlmre time nnv be pr .r,t- ably filled up. and a comfortable ticor.e tecured in the |e*oaMtiiea of aitiOa to r na.ani demand Mr. Bw.v n. PBca,wiBm "i !.av«tu.v ar iaairueiloaatoprofiia- bie account, the article bcinr in «real request in the borbood. i rn.p'oy im.tilf larij and/alo d»v* " The mrfurijorr wti; ha puaemaiiy forwarded hv return Of mall to e/,y part of Uie L'nlie.) 8ta-.e«, free or pojta^e tor fi, t) !. V. ...u.a- P i. JttVMHIJOMMG eii daviW* Bockamar, N Y. H(»aT, BARGE, R iCECLUB, like AHO PANt Y BOAT Hl 11,0KK Krom MAM Bäk Boats klwayi on baud N B Koala of aii deaoript'.oaa Bka t at the ahort-it i Mice, »' SootVat. mM aa* chari.KS L. IMOBBBOLaa, S~ pectacles scientific a llv APPLIED..OPPIOB la BOWBRT, i J.>.»ra BMB Bja Taeaiar, Now York P.ole^aor Slv JIT. Bpectwie at i r r aad Praci « in. i* cle Lact an the Anal aileäj Form and Phyelology of the il inten lye, and i ii i!, g od e'd bail Bfecl of Bpai la.'lee. RBTIMONIALfl ob ABILITY ANO reDOM- MJSM0AT1ON. Naw Yobr, Nov ;*.». s IM, '.Ad.jnai iif IpaetacaM to rietoo ran rttaa ^""ii |a ljraiea! an ike part of ibe Uptictan M»ny at^n'a are l-ij i.el.anu atune kotaliy loot, for Want of Ihie. We, me ler.l^ried,«! ..ei at dat a of Iba atmoal haportaece at the w.b ir io bava good Bpectaclee.and a< mraiMy appUad. %*. I v, iT'i' de leered ar h..(.¦¦ . * reetro rtlea I' th- Be Lecture on BM en'''e." 'n a BotltBly I I'lrary, Broad- Way, Nov ge |. o. He |a well arrraaioted win ifca eel e»ee Therefore we rocommead Am ae . very coaipMaM free.i. a Opi lakv.I airg« w k. » M.D-M Laigüt-aL, aargena lo the Now-Torh Eyaaad Kar Icnrarwy; Anra- Mni Dnii-ia, M i>. AM Boaaaaa-ai. Doeaa king rturgaoa to Bja Mew-York loatiwtaoa Am me Hand end Mar^eou toÜM (ye . re Kir !; .».'-. |.<nc Wo . MO Ewt BrOfjd- lap. Preaidobi M the Now-York \^ad-.<iy of MerHctaa, aei iion. oiinj; phvsirlan lothaloetiiuiluaifor Uta BHad: Wm Daiiinr. M D ;>> w.e^ter-at. »i"Bto>ni«al Deraoe> atraior io the New-Toth UoivaraiU MedlcaJ C .Uege ' N-v M IBM Mr SKUTT la an ngreeebe Lectarar, baa Bead uaaaal atiaottim to th* oeMeet, end lo a elerrer; Opm .an w CLAY WALLACB, AI D., 2*6 Poarth-at1 All Kpe. (ariea purclmaed bOM Prot BEOTT Will Ml Ba> aannce l. free of coat, if nol aattafaciory He e'ao repeira aad rue g.eaaee into periiee'own ban-er and klwayi ad. aeu ihe 8pe.-ia-ies lo the Byaa,«a Iba 'n >.i approead priBt-'pie» mal bareheaoutacovered laanolaalana m.>d- an, science Omre.s.' Bowerv, three doori from Tit.*aier, New- *5'»-_ aiSl tawMATblm- jt--:* i "ÖT' reautv..iio\v to *vbk HArtoaoMi 1 can :ta.ruct any r. is on low to b:i hL-.dt >me. I leach how to ueee bro wn ak'.n fair and cl. ar I teach bow to remore tan, plmplea aad frecklea. I leach how lo chance ihe aa'.lo w face into one of beaut? I teacn how- to u.«ko tho wrinkled ti:o atuooth. I teacr. h. » to m&ke brown tet>th as whlto aa pcarla. 1 leecs h^ w ;o make dhB ut.*d gutua bard a-d kound. j Ukci. bow to make offensive breath perfectly a wool. I learh how kg make hard, brown bände, aoft and whit* 1 teach bow to make the hair grew luxuriantly. I aa t.aaieu the growtbi f >\ biakara, moua^achloa, 1c. 1 teach how to have bright and aparkl'xg evea. a *** r Jkjw MMBCra ihe eyo-alghi for life. I teach how to reatoraimpahad eye-eight. I kach ho» to ahaaga grey heir to ttaortglnai color. 1 teach huw :o,-lia:.k<> tin clor oft!., ba'.r ae I teac.i how to n;ak» ihe hair aoft. rich and g'.oaay. I lea. h . ow lo make UM llee ai d BBBt ka rod. * teach how lo laakOTB auv<-.C,ioua hair. ' know laey are all peaiacaty bwixtbaaa, 1 know Ike] aiaaD tan eat apat.J plt ajant. I krow aeon pcrr*>a will lian them oa tri»;. 1 rl.e dliaatjOaal lo u.ake ai.d ua« BBBMcompoundA Ik..;.. j. . '....:.<.- .1 «.i a:,\, a .». i.' I BAl ONLY t**tK DOLLAR for al.'lhle Information, t receive no letters BBlaM poet paid. Add.reaM LAVABBE Kien. h fllBBlhat. Vt Naia&u at aartor of Aui.. New York.he w.U aend the arorfe by MkU. a5MMWaJ* ftaXPHOS PREMIUM A.N(iLESEV LyLBO- Mi la aolerj t.y u/n Bpi - - Btw-Tork .The autiaen- er, from an e.vpt rtence of ,v-r awrtity 5ears In Aurope ard f.ta couutty. aided Bt a lA B> SJrM AfMtioal knowledge of h.a ait. a esa >led aaaa«hsi!uj'.e tot a Int lim*» re the bet Baa worid an -rdi aaave seen ihe Attlracial Leg of Mr. Balpao Tma cia- ¦e * 'Prrar. n alloct, -.: d weil rix : ated toautwer aribe o*b-r.t art\,r<}. sj.j, t>eit of rtU ia ice proof of .oaewhowear them. Xh'.t U DCMtlM Badeolahka. T*. m '¦. eda w! tm e.. . - forri.-v ¦rfaurertor to t ., Mm | \- r.rt i iNt. MOTT, M o.' Also ariVV?- r.l'.!^lre"v- ! :-; r ' l'< Mwa.a.'1. ; s »iHTIPICI».'. H\ND. an - vcly e7a»\»b^,''l,':h'!':'i:'''',r* :°a: which, bj meaM aN»i t*a nP*'T*"»:*,tI'rrl th* fintp la made to opaeaad aatloo. et kv u?. rr,,p> -Vc Kurtber tn'o-madon on app'l- /'"-"ir n ; ^ o ¦*t**l's' .1 -* a i ''!; W LUGAL NOTICES. io, e^ ». Bf«l ,l Pt/fl A>»u.^ le»as-.. ,. L .KM'L.v:*..,i.. M ijaO kteeaeue> n paaaea Wit i l^tWTOft «vfrrvr evjVRT hWi * * r ito»»*.i Waii Mfir^iMiMM* H ajelaeesa Ii r»>K nirtnOAHI . ua linj mmil »*ii raejw to Bkttrei the ItlwablBt III Ilm T'i ii »' «/hulia cpy h ,hl Bar tied 11 tl* i*.n I t>rk r OeC'lv «n I ,'oiinlv if V » Vo-I ¦n-' t* ..r««ai0|« tj uiiii "'! '. lha BfAf i i> i * m b . > x ..>»'. M M OaVe, MlWiM la MM) Cttj - Ik -1 ..- dai . a'trr th* reavae kareef, et. in ii« of Iba d0» . f el ii «*r> .. . i »D.1 .f you fail ti. *i.*»»r Hi* «ai.l mm mmm w::i, ... . rata.*, tkr i* im Out artaoa will take j **n.* t aaaJool yu i. j .* raaj ol , ia headred awlt*rh') ». '"I «'" am .*¦¦*> ihr*« *nt. w ... n .. ., Hi.iii i-i .«« 1 .!¦ "i . tu "i.» hi « !¦' lead nit > a*. b-«;t* l..» .' at* oi Hi -. n n*ted, Vttaal IUI HolawflwM HKTfS* DOS "II I: pta ¦¦* m lit ruaya. SL'PKtMS court. -Ii Iba m '«. el I . ». .¦. * ¦ Um Ma)ur, Ald*rc t. a:.ri c< ..* ') of '.!.* t. .t> .1 .««* Fotk're hvwete the eeaweac ef Be»*e«y eifbtb-el Ireei T rdavoeaoto Fifth-a'teaa. mike «aieoloaBth Wei .. ¦ ft a hereby ajt** tl at U-* < oa'a. (bar***. anH citbuiavirttaW incurred ha nuog ,!.'».! ¦'' <. .':*«' .' . V In t»er. Wi.l » Mi >». .-« üi. H. n nbla Ji ba W KJujolI..-o« .f haJ -iraai/t .:.a 0 ... ..«-. (i .,¦« is-".. », Ufcee eae el th*r Ja*1 el Ihn tad Co irt, at>..* Supi*'.* to..rt Ch»uiti»r., n th* C -I. d .I i «f ftae Fork,eeSaAarrat .! a I.'tli da» i.l April,' .' i et t o'.. a .a th**- .-a., a Dat»« Hew i ft. «atUt.Uai. ji>HN H Ml rv: ) A J MuMi.iieFKT Vt n rw'» ait. rouca ¦TTCacOCK.) \T A SI'HR. llaTK'8 C<KtHT, k«U m for tlia Cunty of .' ». Y.«k,al'... I or ,.te i.:,- ..: . Ai IRewTefk.oa the laeatj eajklk ol tfaeck tbe year owe tk ..» i :.-«i mm anjr-eae eaeat, bttiaicer w ¦.. . the ti. mi ol ib« Apa leaUna in kk>rt(raca I .r kal ike k«.i taten at BRAJQLSI (. ><)!)M»* eweeiad rtn re*- 4 «-k! aiu< the appKcai a ©I HART Aim ttOOORAR, tbe »: «.: i ..tie Vataieoi BtaaThn o ^mai kiteeftkeCRty SeI rkaeeeeeaet i... » .. .ii ti t., %| r'i;t^«, i or ?»li ti.- Real ti'.'.i al tiia ft 1 .araaaae Ibr tbe eat taeat o! I i <akta i A ia erdararl, that el peeao . ¦r.*.«r«tt*4 -.t:« latele ef the m Itrailar OuaeaMU .i*».'..«.:. a;, «ar aefeea Iba Berreaata of the Ceaaty ofttawTen, atu.« OB ., n ttar .>. if Feel en theBfteeatkd«| «.! »Jty twit,a! t».. a't k, la the foreaoe* efthat "ay. th«n aad there te afc » eaaaa ah) .t.. tt i te .Hi "t i rea to Iba . j tim aiatrattn to M< rtca«e, !.«»». or tall ao ataek ur Ha K«»i ?;«..;- if ua B".e'e> C: dtuaa, J«caa«w, aj »lia '¦. nhVA at la eej k I > la. «-. im- a NT BRADFORD I He SUPRABJJ COUR1 la tfca marter of tbe appkeate a ol taa -. Me) r. »Mir.i I D .¦-.f the I - .»». f'.'k. r»«t le theOPXBIiia OP BATKM1 r.XiaHTrj sTrlitr, «rote fl iB-a*eeeeti P bh aaeaae, tatha S utaaatk \V».-J «r ...i. t>.- Tfl I ilV >aiiiaJ.Cv>niii »>:' -.era of £.. ::.»..« a-. J ' tl a It leeatrdal mater, dttlyapi kriedttj a rale ofthe Beere aCeert, (.a i..i..*-oeieeaat to tbe raoamineata ».i aa * t of the Lactala. i^ a ! tie oe<fh>Bf the Sute of Hew V rk, «i ti Ud " Al tel I a A^t. er.t '.If-.' ar. A. t. to ledei . tartaral U-«. t»U- u: par- | v »..w y- 'X, :rt« »n« ait ! » |. t paNed AprU.'r !«.<.- mat ike ibetrattof Iba E setaana a aaaaaaaawofwa aajB fi niwiaainitaia itht »t.. »ntit.V natter. i ... a .a i. '!*»«. -i. :,;a..-.oil.". «'» c! aa, 1, |..t« a* ttvey apr,4»r. n tt« mar« ef (J . Ce . -. .a:r. to « «h a-irh n.-ajaaad t:.« era aat ol Mtoirnwnt, ¦ .' irl . aaaaaeeebaeaaB, aaBatao an «ini.tit». *.. -o -. *..i o.a; j »4i« ... > tkva aata Cm ... .«.» < : i lUtmrt, Lata Uu - Bae B ... C. aiueer't of.nii tia rtj ar. I c rtatv f fTaw Toefc, be Uta I el «i '«.«oet/arit u.a> . aaeate ; Baara te reoaeta for at i.a.t atjl tfaj a, i..., . Ilia ¦. -i ("i ilaak aeea make I .. Rap r ¦¦ i . piai r. belira aadplarebara r aeai -.r.l. An-ike l..dC'.rjnm r..<iu.'» l-r|l .r ion ii a- i.r.niuit to t .a p.-oi « T. Ml.I icareerel ».:... nai Im ipaau ol all I -..« ir ioi.; .- '.. '-. .. J .'..¦¦..,,. ... c> ..¦;'»-. < i>. rtti." .. -n ». irre tj an im I Been wheel jätetaaiaa»eädert* heiab1 i*d wfc ray .-e oppoeedl ih« are ...maatee kg pea aarl U bm ia wme | j 'H i n. tVI 11 era, e No 7i WaJr-aUoaA, .111 (' tj ol flaw ffneh, wiUiiu lAurt) Jatafrou. tba Vafaefliiiei uee i aad «trat tl Ii - rnbraeef ha tbia A»>«r«rnect ar* aa l-iMuwa tbn'. a iu wuy hi' Oaoaa t aiacaa ;i ahel land, *lteate,h:ar ai Itaaingia in* a i,_e>**»tt( WardnT theCity ef a >. i-io'..^a)fe*t,foiii (liiBfli-,: wrfterlr tLivr tri ¦. roof tbe härtet eine beadaae '. «.> !.»'. le the . tale It of , tidee theFuerliiaeeaa*i inn....ö- real .* ii-<^'^n, ...j. or «:Jt ... thelh irthaeaaua twoha Ired a-.d«.«.> I ur . r '«< fr r ;4 ir.ihea. le th* poiatee place ol t>«^ an-r ¦. Aak alaa all theee " *- I '*-, *. i'*. . ' . »«.I »...»- tt 11 iae i.'ity ef New York, lail bneaded, mtm .»$ i taia<r|aefbhawa, Uatiak Barau t et a petal iotbo »aat*il> l.o*. or uda of tie Foorth avaoae, J.«'*ijt ou* huuJrea a'.a two f I".) (eat. two (2) ::.chae; aontlierly fem th* «<m.".erly Iiri*,or I . . ' S.vaily e ulith atr**t, r.t * r ti rjio|Ue«.ee waetarly,alna| t'.a ea or ol r . > .1.« ii iff. .> f^,i .. , v 4 , . a oftheFift anue i thaaca aurtheib alaag aatf aarterry line ei a leof Fi.'th avei ua, t«o I. .'Jred n.l ante fa r(Mal eet. tiarftj a Ii tbe i.r the Wo« a tl aa a a.-«!.. s jr Iba ea t-a . ....... .1 4>r*a (iftaj) lea* le the wane yhaa - -ire of t Tl ..... ,.-.,,.. i tarUai area aetiee. tLat their lt*p< -t a ib-> »bj»* aittar, *r II ha rear* i rl i re.*, iae to tbe ( apeaemC >art ef the State ef Ptaw- Tora, at ¦ *rielt*rn . f uun, to t** keM aathel v Hall ..i ufN«*.. ii.i ».o:.St\'\ I UI)at .tbn H'bda 11 .».*..iae- lot of Uw Court nhal **r, of at> aoxrn ih*T*aftar at Coa*aleaabe kaard.t ....»* « n»ui« n wi'l bettit i h-1 rl.. i"rn ...> H ti Hi i't j a J V..M.. .tu r ' ....... ajn JULIUS HITCHCOCK) v J ;, i:,. .. ^r, i«51, mitilJ-M*.': riUiE frOPLI 01 rUKSTATBOFFlRVt rOKK,I tbaQraea 1 oi (ti'.Kiee nd li.ila|«riSeLt: To all ptraon* r-.raraatH in tbt a- a'e. JOH.1 KUSSINO,la'<t.o: tba t ty ¦.( >et» Fork,dectatad, aei'iadit ra, legtteee, nail e k a ia utlnieaat. Baadflrtttiat T u t^l aai'h ol iouarahereby enV t lenaktad naftnaellji t-i oaa«a t. r«ar b'f.ire ii-ir ?' n^att uf tl.« Cmi.-itt ol N-* Torki at hu ¦'. a ii let i r* .a-w V rt, . .. t t Ii.. t.v ..! .V. :' t'» n oi l «k ir. the fvraeooe ol that BBJ, thee aad there le tttaa tbe thai to ikan t f lb* »¦. nut ol or. r< ' Ml..,1 i ¦ .- ,oi *. rtoroflhi !*.t wit ItetteoMBtof aaatdaeeeetd lu t**u iol) « btit I, aa bare eaaeaf the *aal of od . ol laid Sai n uat* tote beraoi' I aTiir*. it: eta, Aantrtdef W. "rat [i t ] id, Si - rata f oar raid County, at tMCitpof B*ew Yorh. ..... Bjai i, ia the year of eat U t tht -a-« aifAt hat r*d ai.t Sflr oua. BtM laa*a W BRAT)FORT).I rragati riCKithe.t aiearj that th* PKnctPli of tii* ol tba l t ret! estittol WlXLIAM RRHWICK, late ol lha Ctty of flew t rk, e». aated, tatAtttate, i«t«:, malt undtr the ordei lb*I irre eai* ol the Count) ot Saw )cik, by Jaroat Renwick,theadnuait- Lttor of al) tad ... .-,'»> the enedt rheltth aad eredtteof titaa.t istitute, w ill 1>L DIVIDED by the tard ltur<«fatt ataoai Ih* Craeiltiranf th* aa:d ir.ta. ttte, aoeordhBl . at Ih* Jurrogtta'i ortu* mtnaCtt .1 New Yorl.on tuaritb day ol Kay nail, II r.*c 0 hm a ia the lerertrioo 11 t-tt nur. I)tud kah lOta dtv al Marrb A ' 3... av Thl t I IiKPAl rrdKs I .ai a tl *.I.I. or KKI iiKli. ---«v*d 1 ', ealewUI -rn.ord attht Btiael fnwnainair'i Otta ti: t.' Pr lay. Ap';l IH. litflt, tl.a o't !i fk I' M .to buiM an additina Ii. II * p er So SB, f< 11 ot An. a «t. ft K.; to b-n'J en ad lilt « I '..'.« r...».. .7 r.w.t ..t u.nim.iiii at. R Bl t to die e wall aid !.¦.:! » pui. |, in Portt aaata »t b»t«..«n Sitth *id a^>*. tu m >pa»t lb*iair »£* ara) aal flat; a .pare fourBaM tridt thriwak Iht tide watt ul let. ar. Iri-ai lii..t> lecoed 10 Tairtl tl, .a at I Bt| aii.tta't. in Bi*fdt«ay In in lantb»'. Poiir'»tttb It ; to fill I IBBI lata ia Tlort> amh aad ivnv tataath ate eod raataaed Bkreeath a«* Fhne tpeelB^elBT«aeaaeal ieitMrtattäaathareto *e i>a had o..ü to tl.* Coatract link of Ihil Ta«», lea;-joK.n T DODOI ItraetCoetn ««i t.-r QUrtttltl COURT.. COUIITI Ol UHCMUBO..Jaht W OWbttr, BFiKan It. Jadeon *rnre! Clial -.r^ a » Mary U aata,bit wife. To r b Bpraa. aad M«r>- U -a. I ¦ fk Timm ate IrraeAy aataratea* a aad reaaiead t«i aatrwer the etweeteial ai Ihia«iiioii.whichtwapkviat trat BWrdla Iba ottce ol thaClarhol fi.r innut; County < n tba 4t!i dki of Mar. V tSBl «..d aert*.ico.n ol y i:r»n.**r up. ti raeatrap OBMB, n lb* t. ;,,* ol Kin-a, nth* i i'j «rroec wiOfitwf .'. «f-i f . "i.. - i|.-:-.|, e ilii.itei.itB».:.« 11 ..oh i*rarice i aad II yoe fad to aatwer lha i. mi ia.lit aa aferetald, the pAtuttll will *i;.U lotaePourl lei tiit Ml.«! dtii.-:..Vt it the i. u.p'a i.t I'..*. 1 M.i. '.!.. 8." reM tawaWWed1 j"Iis BY. Wl»WKR,Fla**tuT'a Atfy. -Iii»«»!":'. f t> u f > v y ¦.. O. tfata if' r, lat rai e C.f agairaIR W. I kal'aad BJithaalF O'ttavn .taaaatoa. f..r«i.*. teena I.tree'.. 7 Hu tadaalt K.W.XIMBALL Fooart trabyi wadaad r- ... .J to tawi r ibr coa pteiai in Ih.t ecu ... to terteai ; > of FBBf BBtwer to the atid orrpltu t on the (.i| b r, ia the City el Few-Tora« wrtaia twa&tj liyt at*er the tar thereof, . i. .tiroefthe <.«>. efaaehttt vkxi; *lI if reo feilte amwer matt d Ii ii l 'aiot Will i. tl.e tun« a'ore..i J, Ilia plo t if in Ihil ad ttka,ud(n>tBt trttett you fur the mm of lour hu idi.t! a.iJ **«*ot> «». .i ti .''.tu«. ".t.raat r. I:l- J r a:.' f.':y t«o» 1. "tr» fr'm ti . ma: t> .». <.; i Bay ,.;' b.(.t«n ker, K I, tr" Dt thr** huti'ired and m.-'t tii loDart rro*i tl. Ifteeath day of Haerh,one Iheetaad r t ...bditd and Mi)-me BStideo theeett af ihia ecttuej aad take aotice that the tomplaiat hi thit act no war R*ediathe <>*.* <>t the Citri l fhaCdj aadCoaat] of Sew York,oa the ahrraath dapaf Ap"l, IBBI I'alae, N*w Fork, Arm! w iha:. alrilaaramW 11 D. dCOtiWit' K, 1* a n' i!'« Att..'n«y. 11«0 Pierre A: ... t roeii «r>, i >. a r l. patard, Ptwre H abl I I Aahet La aajd Feterlaher,Philip Ladww. Jeaa ¦ Preeaaiee, Pa*tt JC.i. \ «r Mairt-. Pttrri f. r. (". r.e Matei. P.«rrt ChapBBBi Pardraaad Later, Wtshaaial ti PaJ.ntr. Richolaed. Kti I, Caroht t White, Pierr* F. ft a, Frederick Rotifer, Joha Fater ». n...'lra RarAoBtsA bUdetarli John i>r. »-h «ttiu. r w.t, p,.rr* Aeihwiha Rerd JeenhCrtok Fraee tfaita, IdaraBrowa Johatfayer, Ja It. Ii. i»i4,l .i..UI-...I btattu. Ii«-:.. i tt. ..'.* .pt. It a. Inf. Sifat Ta'rr:,;-. Edward F Mar In. mm Tay r. CA H . W:. -.*. L ... Ca » Beaterepa, Wdkaa laesei frteeajt, and W , | ..i pee aedeock ai |oa «r* he». ¦ ad tn a -»*r t. . ti ¦. a'aietof BWat C. Smith kaee a Da Ruaay,Frank ii Imitk Pk .i i..aSn.t'..M*rv J.Barth, XbaaI Bmlth,aad Praaklit S Ria- tey, tktiatidk, a i to terra a c py of yoar at . ir. an . at Detki, kt IheCeeaty of Pelawate,atd Sta'» aaar ) n, . :;.ui t*enty daj j * tat tl - -^rt ice ii t' - ti .a* :'...f* of tba day ol ..r. - dadkahoaeiiee t'at .' pea aa.ii a.i toai t**r i»iu:Ii.i>i *. karahj rtqanaad the pTawtaflt ». lapf) '.¦ IheDehtware Coaatj t .uit lor tt - r'.tt dt a aaded It the -.. foomphi ..t And ako take. r.f re, th.t tl - lairJr -i p«*i.t waa fl'ed eith th*C*rk ef *h* Cuu-.ty ol Oehiwar*, at kit eaVa Delhi, afeeeaatd, oat ¦ Btk iayefAptM, IBS and an .ii .nd»d cowplaint ua lha vStk iat af Riwamber, IBS O.t.d fdatvk S i, IBM. J rALMtll. J Vmll», IV.itir* ft law* W*J County, S V Atfj lor Pit at IB rUttil'ARf E .-r an..-dar of the BBUTOBBta o! tb« CcaaBJOl PewTotk, aoejee .a kerehl r.i»en to al! p«r«:«L» h»»ii{ cbuau ' avaaiet JOSLtU LUPTOS Mo ef ehefiRyef t*ew-l rk.eeeaaaBl t ... t the -a at ¦ kera H trt) ' I lha taktet bar, ttb*r r.»ni.i., *, So .7 >S*t«.ith .1 in lb* CiU . I V.a TOtk.00 Ot ktajbet tl* u.n*te*btb J.)of July oaat Dated r«»v. V, 14. :'r jrt«*Lli day oljar. try, l.ssi AfaTOUtVTTI LI riui, JtB !»w«ti\V« /'trttnl. I ra PURSUASfCE of aa 1 rdet al II - Bar* .«!. uf th* Ceaafg |t>. 1 ¦'. 101 . t herab] träte le al f. riauni liaetat *A 11.1.1*« UtRoKN, lata et tbaCita of N*« Vora. Pnnl*r, daxeaaed, te *^aaeak the tame who. t,* tl,ar*..f t tha *aa*c*i ter. atti e lei t'aoc* ol Oardt.-r S. Chap.n. fr.ta Fail ITtk ttiatS. the c ty 01 See f :t, 1 ^r tl . u . rtk 11> ol A'j,-i«t taaV.Daktd tt* t 11, the i«f nr.t i«) 1.1 K-e-uart. 'rv>i. ¦Bf iwrtarWad' Hi EBB l OSTaORB.Zaac .. PUBISUAMCE ol aa oeSer oT the SorngaU of thaCa unryof RBew-Tett e. . ...... f \mi. t«- *'! parti » kaaiat .It .. a»a.i»t PATKlt h 1 ItSt.N.N AN, lit* ,.f t: a Cty ol Sa* Tt rk. ¦taithaat, dttaaatd. toBteai t tl . Totekart thereof te t a Subrcnker. at the of* a of Jan ft S. lay tor, Ni ITS CalblllBB' *"»*t. id tha t rtj < f * mm \ it ot or kefoet the T.nrt.ath uar of taaäal tatt.Dated s*» Fork, IbaTwetti :'. th da) ol P*vi-4r«, .' « Mt I I TAYLOR, I I It g«f UW" W - JOHASA hKKNMAa, It Itfatf I iffPITk>tTJA\SCR el aa eiderofthe tkiBreiaki eftheCt uty <t lew Fork,aoticatthmt'jy tr*m n til pern r* bat <m eh ::ii(i:ii daVIOSOB -. rafRiw-Foct laeaeee^a *<? teatthe nit » ta .ou. i.ara th«r*. 11.. .ha tehti r.oer tl II < otS.a ol j m tut x . :...«. * «... 1: \v ,::....*,; ^-. .«c.t) af RewTeeh. eat ar beAwe t) 1 etteealh daj dJ raext katad Hew l it, the *a«aatk day M Jatwavy. lesi ,'.'.Mi» v DAVIDSBE ja !t»«« w Ada ¦ArteaB ... 1 ,mc. 1> PI KSl A«CF ol aa rdor o* th* SJ'r- |t * ol the C*a:.r Iftew-Tfetk S «> atebj . « arainatMAK) RRBBXDT. hita of thet>kt ef Mew l 4.3. tit eereaaad, f. ».ra^i.t the «aar « tou.l.trt»u! t the S-t .CfBter, at bat re«..<-tie a! .-. .-;.* ..¦>«-. e..-..- near Iti bba'P*rry. W».«^ *.|*r t'.."'t». ..«, »... ¦.» Ska PfM tty af Jhaty eait.Qalad 9rtauk»«ah. tha BTth tat «.* Dam % BjruwSBlWed* FRABCIi RRNRKOT, Ado utlralor. IR PORSUaNCR daa irtetofliaataiiaajaltuf theC ¦...» .s-w- T.rt. .ot cm im haaeOa ap**e to al per* > 4 eh aa .tt ^.t ELIZABETH DAVIDSOR, tau f lie Crtj I Pit* Yark,. »* tr* tf^m « S keett Weaft Wtrihei at theetVeol A « * > Maahw, AUoraara, I a ,v. at rat*'. toeC-lt . .'Naa V. fa. . ..r oaf. . ....* - .«- SI .»». I Ju'«, mmii.:.«.*» *.». r.'itithetei-. (laaaarpiatl ,y;*af".:.W JAMi't C i'a\! a,- -t-.. a In I'l'twbLA^vS of aa o.a*/ of U* SaiftejalB of Bat 0 tSAJ ! «i|*> T rt aotic* it ktrekr creea at t ;ti.-i ha^kaj .«-« ,*a.-*t «aW1 EL HASARD, '.'t » c « I a*» Ft ra ..*». »Vit d*>*a.*vi to rr*»*ri * »a « ¦ ir » ..r..r. Lhaeael a Ike ikJttinhai. at II* K. . I thai Slate I 1 a F .).*«. J-1 W.D «araatt :a ate Cmj of BewT « . ' . )h* laiaey aWrddai U li .«>t ««» * « t » . s - -r »v , tw-u . \\ l. W. I.t lb -at. VP * i*»- vr IB Pi K?l ASl I >*io'f*sur -...ft rtr.«.e.» F.ot.r .- »tote i new . JOÜB RDRDELL, kttaol | a City «f *.» . rl .-«».xi. to -». lha tan a ¦ era : ..*...' '' « \ Mayctit f»aft Hew Y t a > as te'.eta MT':i»faW« HARVET oLlil\'I.L,EiesBBai prR«r4!»rr f t r!« .Tt:.« ¦ ft /it. '.» , r ,-?r oi New YerB, n.' e it herar,} fnta to til p.raens dents ipwilH IHLBI J BVIXO*, .'.¦«<-, ft V .. e«.wd, i reseat oeaeeOkWrth row «. lee rw ''...'.» ariber, ,,\. Rnr s aj «.steak .tr-at. bj Ok*Cttj e.«T..». .p .* .'. -. .«w.nt. t; r! ... ¦' A'.ru«! Mit ."«I» wOV-TeOki BB) . ¦" ¦»«:.' Fsbrisu. laA.I ItDWaHll hLI.L' i A r . '. )>l l»»*n,\V« wih tha «.il ann«t«t II TOMI ANfk r.l sn a1BOT fll tae of Ike CMM i-'i '.s« T..ik. aaroby cftaa to a;i perseea kat 4 ekuM ip .. 1 am H k r LL1. bAa 01 lbs OR ..f.*«. ?.«, iraiaa, ....... ., resent tbe w ¦.». veeebert .' «» I to Dm isAtarl .,a. at tiua store of Befit - > I I '...»«¦-¦-..¦> at New fork.oeorBOBoro the twenty eglU. ta» of Hank ier*- Da'.d T.-- T . t : .>..,-. BERN HIB KFÜ.t.V lahan ¦.-».-¦ oil'.«".¦. t\» ESLLT, IdaBBBwialrii._ I" PI RrUARCK el in order of the Sorrorste I the Ceeeg el *»* Tfork aatra « kotoky r «an to ah aweuaa ka« ... i»t.'ARE3 KEl.L.lau. I the fly o' Ita ar T..rk. i* .".*".'" ... 1 wfth tie « h.r. ll -re- tr Iba . ' t atlBO r-Rceof RFH. D. HORRH, S Orareat ¦ tee CAT of ».*» >,-i oa er ketcr* the Rslb day of October Bert Dated New Ter«, l,» f -. -..I M S-mCEK, Kie "tor at lBwaar*Wed_ V1 M »¦ it eeral l < eft e t.. 'aw. to »:! rr- .a i.a».aa i> HORACE COtTaTWCLL, lata d tba.utaof Or-e-p< rt, is that' wr, of SouthoH «:.d County of^Sol.»o, ^JJJJJ1 i La I ¦-."'.//*!'; .*.,.,, V ~ ?. of aid '«««.aC at her re«.:eui e in <jrarnp..rt aforesaid, or V. .ar ... at-ra'-ä- Farlor ;r H7 .'r.ntb at, rtaw-Tork. na or betöre i\lT»ju.ti lOTaatk tar of May (»«.-Datei lew Y..rk. 17?n "o CAiHtKIML tCHiSWELL, Adm.n »tratru. .; leefeaW* .V''"ICE IS HERtBY OIVEfl to all ,.«r»or» hi«,r4! cla train 11 RURIRT A1HSLK&. lata *y I Hew-Tore, deeeaaaa ... ...()» aaate .rtel eroeeeere, jttheealeeef ta.LT/eoree v\ .. . reteelataf Aege« aeit R 1. TMOKNt. ( r,. ,t ., WM Ct l'.TIi .«.'JVEä i t,*cul «t\ EI.I/tHtTri a.V* AiitSLEl, Bit ttfil kjjRl It If !..: v .-..! t r... Jr* /. 1 I>.i.i.c aa toeeleel »ekln WEI>- af V t.. at W '. '<»» M ... »a«t bale of tt . f ar HaH'ioUie dt» of (taw li rk, all the riebt, title an I ietereat oi Ml MIT ¦ 1'tY, «! b. bad on tna 11th day of Rir. b, 18^1.1 r at ..>... -. ¦«'¦*' !.». " a «lT.a T. >. rl. .'. . .<. «r.r:», " i1- .' .? .¦. :-«. r . yaanfroei alretdatet Mav. IMT eteyeerlrreeteflertyeefleraa ujee, iQ tkal caitaie! toffreeaa' aed d«relfie(-bouse ikereoe,' iRaalae la Iba I6U. W«rJ ftleC ti ..i Sa« Y. r.. t ia Eas>. !"?. JV.a.vis. bftwa.r. lit an^ 311 ttrea?a. kniwa a :i aoaijereeaa benaeBo JM IO?h Ar.ane. «a>e It ef fPoaad bang it .... ¦ ii .1 a. win* ir f ortl snrl H f«rt H icibss wide in t is rear aO'l n fl D on Iba Sor.htri) «de M (eat i o.< a- o- !.- . .*> le thMiaat. beted Ai r i.'.tb.lesi. IHOM.ii C M. ... - I Jf .R. TIKR1 Poppe/. _I " u' | rv,< I i( RPOKATIOJI >.11 KB,.Pub'n- hiheraarf fivee tottal A_.,aii«r>.r » ... >.j H tor <> r..,.a-?. . f . a iaaa>>o»e*l er eataapriwee* lanes awka raJ Ibesee*, tbet tea I e bi-BMSBleba.r tr.n f.-t. (i'a(dd by tl.e AMSasors, sl-I ara I d;.d aa the etTice of the Rnraeeoi Assa.smsat. for euaasaKKMi by a'l jar aoe* iatereatad.T t. 'or lajing rrnSKara't id Weat «traet t<i pi.r eo «I. |'n-i -i? \r:n eri v au. h a-«»-« ,n« '.. a!' I' a aoaerel huesea set lot. of ii. ouJ. «a. Iota. pie. a. .1 ;>arieU o.' Ma:.* :. e».?ai! . - f '*.'» : »tre»'. 1.«..»».- ' - 1 i an el sat tt are asTe t«j :. * > re aetee 1. aeeae, aat el ara opseeei to too at a,et aalberef ibsre, |ra ra«i seta aroeoot tlis.r objection., iu wn'ing totbeei »:-...- r Ire. Ro. 4 HaD of Bei iws.eritbJel :> tsvt (tor tie ditt of that eotfee. ORpS Bureai of A'"«"men:a, 8-...r 1... . a ;, April 10, IMI lAllCIL H. OB MUTT, FRAKCI« HCHOiAOlt. ISAAC Wet katlTH. Aseeainn all / luRPol a. IIO» ft. -i ICK..Pak notice is beta rcireatothe Ü m . ¦¦"/J:.. [, * '. i.I,ris: For rag .' c ei MacAdai a»eg Rifl atk * a Srxm .: S r Ii a> . !;.» .I» e l. oa.*! ... b A eaes I. r. Inda ad tl e ..varal bou... and I. tt ol rjri.utid, »'acaat lo's. pietrs ai.d parrel. '.' lead aitaetattoe ...«».»« r.ft-e.i. .a ....-re. f-vecth ted »v.. A'l per.- n. w i:f.'.*V-trt all., ado] ilia sbore named tK^ssmatt»,aid wh.. ara«eaoa the saase, nr eiii.roi them, a a reqaaated to prsra .t Ibesfebjae I ta ¦ ... writ sf,te the tkeif .dice,Re t BaO i Itr oida, witbka tbiitj days Acaa the daU o( tbia notice.- 0 rIce, I: ras kasessmreta. Street Dei rtereet. April 10.1AM .dAHUEL H DI RUTT, FRARI 9 ITlCHOLSOit, [SAJiC tVB ^Mifn a re . ... alO lot (tOKPORATIOR ajoTICI Pabae aotice tt I «et,» (rrea, tba , bweea or eaeese,. o ups at or io aeei t. ol tii Boeaea a ..I Luts, iaapforedef aesatw »«J l.»nJ» sffe. t»J tliersb>, tt at tbe f .|l,.wui (,nents hs»eb»#r. aiekrlirl bv the a«sa»s ra.sLttrel dgsd n the oaVe of the Berta« ..f A«ee..nnenis for m.r.», ey all petetea ,r.>e,e,ta,:. y,. a;r*.i,, t. aj-i ,-., fr m e b !.. ntr ^.ennej ¦Ii«, or frttiitf 9ih aretiae. In m 3n h to tU at aod ra«tt.i:< tba ci berat ewttwr atoaesthsri .. Tl.e l.m.t. e:i,i,r.n *.i i.v .u. b A-»«>e avchftda all I | 'feral P.- a*m» tua fur.*.. o< tin un«, va.-tnt «.«ta. ai«Caa ai.d parcels ol Laad, sweated on h db ' des ol ltd st. between *o aad lite areeaee, r n noiii n^a. of ltb-e*eeao, bitatata ;on-ii ttlk sis, oe Ike lortbari] sale ofsotb-st aod botb skies of t tu. litt aid IM itt ledaeea t>to and lmb aveacas AM »er* wj .e ,a terctt sr» tfT'C-t ty tbe sb-»e namel Au'e-.n-eits, ». 1 wh «11 .-»#n t.. ii:- ..-a. or eitheroi lliem. are laanoatod t't nreteal il .ir i.l,,e, !,.n. eiftie* fa ai ie-. nad, et their otece, R I H- .l ii' Bei - estbia tSlrty Oa>a Ifui ke late ofO - a Do tad ( Ree B. renn I A .»t-ir.i Str»»t f)«|-artir »:,t, April 10, IHA1 I *. r i. h D£MOTT, FtlARClB RICHOLISfl, HAAG wr j«ii.n, a-..- .-. rja mi a Ulli I « t'l H'.a ^ »TK K i ... - - -i-- -. e . 1 eweer oreweera eeeeeael of o<-< anai tai f all Hoesea ...d tyits iwpttrredrreoinpmred Leora,affaetei Iberebr,tbat laeaoRrWiee A.....ii.e»t, bare boat apleted bv ti.. Aseatsuss, aod are lud ed m ibeadlre ef tba Bereea el a> rm.ata f r evaa .. peisous hrksrestesl, vm Por baiMiara i«»,rm awreeth at fries tba Bearer¦ AeeaeeCta *,<..».< tbebeiita a arecedbya a. aaaseseel iachsie all the earoral Houses aad Lots of Ground, rataal Lots, j,... ta a.- b f Lai '. tnateJ oa b II « at tete-sen Aver -:e C sr.l P,r-t av. atd on b..:n aiitio1 tvenaee A ani B, bet«area Siitb ard Eirbib sta AHpersoea wkoea itera iara affarted by tka a'rrrs aanted I awaaaaeeta, sat eh" ara ..ppo--1 t- the tare, of either i fll er,\ are reeeoate it,. p«eaa I Ibeir oeieclwms ateritiaeti ike etaseraeraod, at tben odtrs, Bo t H.'l ..l tt«. & it Wll-ie tl.r.-y days fi. ni tba «Ve ..f tl.e net « .8 iMl'fcl. H. Ill Murr rHA>cis MCBoLSOR, IBAAC wm smith, kstweaon - .'*<», Bereea oi keeeeeaaeeta, Itieel Deaaileiaul. kord 10, l.oi. aloioi tüRPOKATION Hi flCB. Batsre at I wetrr g.ree, to tee owaoi erowaera, iM,.w»i»t,t o, .. t.. oi .u ti . ., I. ,t-. n, (.r.-e.1.,, I.,, '..«".. I. tl.r.., ,tbV .... f '| w.iiia setsmenis lisrs teenru:i,i>!e'.ed ky the Aaaeeeers,aad sralnt^-l ib the Ifice of the Nuresn of Aa.eetm.n'a, for a?tor -slion, ay all par aooe akteented * a: Ter laying e cross wokj, in MaeuMseatreei op- ['¦. .?e ll.e Rotier. Intlitü'a. Tbe l.n,,t, an tim.-e bv ,u< i. Atre-s Msel itcktea all Ike several iluosee aed Lots ol Oroaad, »t<a^-. Lett pesreaandperealf of Lead, situat.i en both a !e.oi Mtn-on ttreei b-|weeeCli toa aad Meetgowery sirseta All aeraoea ebeea ii ¦*..a .11«, -«,i i,> ii.. skate aeeaed AeeeaeeaeaSa, aal arewreao 11, ssd to ti.e aasat. i atlber ol aTeata, .»« r.i|ii..i.J to pr.Mut tl tircbiecttots ie eiH I( tl a aad Hgerd, a- ibeii ¦ e Ro. t Ball of Roe rds *»¦" rtj da»« fron .'.» hiteoftbil aottee BAJaiikLll DE HUTI m\NCi< NICHOLSON l-a\cvvrl SlM'h. A..«..oi»-Oth.-e, hi,,,.. ..r ^ .. uo-.i l».| n ti.t Aim) *n IWd. aid PJt (..ill i.Hal ION bw ici Tabla notice i berebi givea, to tl a >oeaeroiowaere, tK.<«paitnr ocrupatitsol all bouses and I ts, unproved or nu inpro*ee busia, tlf.cred thereby thai the fi.d iw.-g A..«...- .: .. ».-«.«.. roni| 'etad by V e A-at*.<.-.. and are I in the < fece ol ii a Bore at oi keaeaewteets ."r otaaaieekl a,bl al Eer.i ii in. * . I r nui'dn t a Saner in fori» -fourth at. Iron, Kii.iii sr. to K (lib av. i be ,. ,ta arabrai >. t seek a araaaaaael .n Cl"dr all the several k n.ea ar t I. U of ground, vacant lot,. Sis' .I en-l parrele!». ' situetHot, n l! - .ea <>'V ..» i.? .. v»er B gl Oi m I N Bib a«s All ('Sr.¦ St al.u.e mUre«»a BIO klfsCled » ti e sb.oe Bau.« o Assaaaasei 't\ sr,d rhu are eppoeed t the ..rue. *.r e.tbsr ol them, art re<,'i».?ed to pre»»i.t Ibeir objei ?. .ns. in vrituu to-l.e ucnar. jir trt. tt tinritl a,4 HaJ K». rda, with-n Unnr dart fro* the date ol tl uitir-ii*-. Bunm i,.a..-.., llreet thsrarlsaeel »orillO IM|. SAMIKLH DU Mm r. Kit kit. Cl.tMv.HOI.5nr«. 13AAC UM SMIIrt. Atte.tors. elO 1 : STREET Irf.PAhltttllT. N... 4 H»n n| aOttBt |3 » L.r.b» t'o.u a. f Bowies .»«i.:... aes .»..iiJoitat tba Coo iCeai Bee , raat tea Bap ia Bn BaBaaal . »s rtl Blear, aetweea ISthtad M h«rs be hudt up nndertti . ., .... -.-e «rr»*i Co . eat aad tbat tee etoatsso tkers aetaeej aed tbe aaa ef twelve beodred detaate, be takee frees tea ., .. lord ke aad t-i". ti »t, and see tat »-.ara I the kwa frort ag en aaM bulkbesd. or ti.e Ma«acs of aa l M after s BI gl legt tu e ti ere.'. rn ; g-.-t :.- f am uj ig« , u.e; l.ion er ... s uegn, I ,-r Itfilta III leiailiaifj lite Out 11 ii a:,: for oieeooeei eerresneka luse ep aaid kuaJieei, that tea ts/eaaell Ike I rpetatioi be, aadaeabereki J..s.-:ad to take la ja.' .. rra «:.. .-.a r f recovea llroai the aaid aertias r a the v' tkers. ti.t tT-n I t f eipanses a., nicrjrred Adopted by tit Bokrd Ol .»ant A^.rmar. Dar. »8, IK50. Adopted bv the Roars .1 /. Jan. if. .-.v. steeroved by Ike Mayor Jea. ss,l ... :::.n_ -f -Uf T nonflf.. *treatCc.rprr)ise.caar. / IORPOBATU ;, M.IICE-I'm.;.. BbOra b kereb] riiae,tothi K'rmat'i.r owrers .itupartor orcapaeta of All boeaeeeed leu, . ;.''? ¦;..,«< atads taatied tterfy. r. a tee toNewata seeeeeosei n.« t~., coasaailed > n . A..~-r.. an «'«, »igad ,i, the ot*ireel tbe Bureau of A*....u air ail ¦ par I.- iiiteveated,Viai K. r build,ug bu'kl.a'd ant flii,« u,i tbeaBf I It Iba Um ? et irsiit t: lit limita ei.'.;ra,«d by such Baseaeoatal .n ( 'M ".ri:.1 101 Bed f i' I i »'-..'.-.;. «i s- aarcea sad, a sad bei dee of Ora I at, aetwas tba I I K sea .: .1 A?t. r. a, .:. oe I . ae of D «.».»u and East BiOadBBjr, BQlBBBI tote' Bad M.-i Li ..t.t ry tit., oo e.deeul Heirjtt, between firard fi< -.oerneur its on S.tb s des o! Ra- «..... ?...»»«.. «,-..< s--l - rr. ... ...«..« H. evoe al lettaaaa Oraed aed Jerk sea ate. i oe eolfa eatee ii tor- le«r.« st. !-r aeee ti aad C ar., .u aad aa both elea of Jicksot st , ('ate Weteel at ) l.tosen (irand and fdon.-.assri. All I »if ¦- w: ... >-,.-, i-» a-» :r » t e i. -. i -a « r. etil», and »lo are * p; oee ? to ths same, or either of u.em, j re ro- aaaeaad In praeesM Ibeir ol actioaa writntg to the aeslert i. ed. at t.e.r ....... .v I fBakel aecoioa, wai rtf days arnaa tkedeaa <. laia (....e-o:V.e kaioaa ¦>'. \..-- BgieelPaparlraeea, Apr,! IP, ll i| SAM I'LL ti. DE Ml I rRANCId .1UH0i.;'JN, lsvir SMITH. Aaeewrt sio-rn i «ORPORATlOsI BOTH E Pabla bi I CO it l.erebv r»eti, to the a o*. «r >r tweers, psit o .;« ; »:i H ..- » bete, kept <efl or saierareved lai - sil-'. :..i tbeiaby. that li.efol lowiag BassasniBiits here aeeo ooespietad tl.e A»soes«rs sad era I. «gsd at tea aaTtee of tka Bureee or Aawaeaaseaia ler aitaseasli ...> aB peiaoua iBteieated. i Pcrregn sg sad repainog Oawroort street, aetwaea Weabagt aad West sfaaata rea atrta aasbaaaei ... I, a-ir,,, .,! t...» ..>.,»! I...iiee aod l-ie of ground. »s,.aLt lots. j> eve. arid oar. eis ..I land, t.tu.ted oa b. tu t:!«j of BeaaevoottStreet, between Weit and Washington «trteM. and or ii« aeatethfeektel IVartatraat si.d w^-t.r;. ^ ia ai IReaauBgl .!"»t eatenaee Horatio s-t ftivto. ,rt .tra»-« tn pe-eoa. wbeea it. i-nti. nr« f., .«.) . -,,-e ...oe n.,-ned s- esaaeeala, ¦ i who ara . ape ad to ..-I « ereither efIbea eiaieeeeetad ei aaeaeal tiau '.' . a. I u ....».- a' t..«.r if-. 5- I Hill o! Ke or.'., w tl n thirty due from Ui date of thi. n t ee .OBoe Bu tea ef Aawssreeets.itrret Depetteaeol Apr i |»M starrt K ni In PRARCU NICHOLtOH, ISAAC WM. SMITH a aaa n » I tBOrOR AQtTEDCCT DEPARTMENT..TO CONTRkCTORJ. «L . Sa. ..1 Ptopo.a'-. a., j. rtsd l'ri.|M3«»U for b-i . Sewar J. 'i laLbaeweei 1 gbtbaad aVreeth a < aratbe reeaivedat tie tat . -it-, i. keeaderi Deeerb aal B Baaste ParkJ ¦. lUrHSISOtV tle^Vdavof Appl, Haan. stlocK-k.P H, la .., . rarer » t.. teceea ij reoarvie| Ha- ..s aad .-»-t- i rstslraeC.froa BajMh t> ueur SeveoU. s»e..ue beiast ia Iraftbal BtklS fcsat. The pis-, of tbe fewer a:j rjec f.isr. .rj for n ilnng or «.. same, ai.d all omer .niorrnatiea naataaj H ereto, cat o: .«d eo «i Kcsboe Iv the Contrail Clert. a? tbia obv a Bee Teak a rat 11. IM BICHOLAk DEAR, kll I t Pre- aat of tka Craaoa iaeedact Tkaeanet I I IROTON AtgtTEDCCI DEPAHTHEBT-T- Contra. ! .ra.- v Sealed btXMj aala eadoraed"Prepeaaj let i a Sewer ia n «.II bere.e »oc st ti.sOS -e öftre Croton Aquadiict Dtssrta sat,!ft : isda. Park,)aalilRrtday,tbelktt ijy of Apnl.iesi, f M bs nj .d . .,«., » , ... ,rf ei»i5g B.-ina «I Ct. »erte ,-j Tbiru seventh sueet fnim tee sewer ic -; - . a. I a .»..:.- feat wa«t, >u lengtb at-.-. RS '»».. The pets . i_a ?:.,«r aad specilii^-joaj fir -is bndc ng o.'the aante. art all other in!oreiati- n relating t ere'ui ca; o». i ratrpfratirritu tka COellBll flail attb-.. B.-e.New Terk air - MCKoLAi Vi:\\. BP1 t r.«- lest of lie Oaaaee tn-.»j. t r-..srtrtant rKOTUS AkjrErtCT DEPARTMENT .TO CONTKACTOM :'r-.V I .-. ; , 1 n. , s .I f r P t t 5«wtr I'wrrty f rtt-sf' w::! »e Meataad st 'he "ftte u.e Cr^u n Av-edocl '- »'¦ « lit-' -,-s, l'«rs. Pr.dsy. the ;a;B of Aprd, lafii. st 3 o rb. a. P I! t buiid s sewer w,u- tl a * ..-..» - « .1 C.l-e. let .1 .......r.l..-:., - ... -,r Iariiajaieavaeea.eecag ia lac^u. about |. feet. The plaa o! the Jaw.r - tttm *f. - tie b . !? -; ( tte jst:« sit ad Baaerka- ft rrns-.! n releorg (he-et,., can be -bttioed i n a-;, icat a U> l ie Cote >¦'-.> 'e-k .t -Sea.New York. Apt » a NICSOLU DEA.N. rir..j« u-: r. A s. t Tl. a,... ei.t a « '- COAL / 'O.vL.. |ej SO pei tLUi..Tne BiberBdibei «Ä. BTOIlliI IBBtBB ifklTtaj IbBjibI kll i .t.n-rsar.J-.'.». n ia ir, yer».r» thai Vie :a row pr-i »r^.l -.. -n> w ly n.ierd Peach Oiri.trf. Bleck Heath and I ..¦ i.-n Co«) of 1 « Li Wi RfH 1 - '|wv-. and t'jit la, .: .: wTsJI <c. COAL..Red Ash or White Ash Nat, II & , Urge Nat. 1Y1 ,-,r, or luro, tt fji |jr 19 OS p»r Cheldrno. d». >. -d Co m ..-rland »Od Cennei. from verds under ever at IT* j,r,r.:n«.#» nee. as/.ioeterei. and «i« lowery. lUitu*_ JACOt WEEKS a NLfUCUTL .POAL..$fi per rnn-IWh Orchard, \^ ¦l»r- »'»'». Lehlg, ,r d Beavea Mes/low Coei. Tne IU .irriger ras lusi ree-Hve) a IWf. RJiplf of UM a''of. named Coe'e, or* til ib« usual sires ei.d w.rr.n'er1 10 ne -f the »erj beat gaaMtp.wMoa babiat an ~t toatil . lMrKrt low p-'reuf » p-riun. if rea-.eer.ed fr.,-n r,, .' ft. ». per If taken f,.)m ,.paael, r-iuer-,1 fr-* ,,i cariaae A'ao, for seM very low, Liverpool. Or.ei Cafjae ai.i viict-y Coal JAMES L WORTH ^ a? if A Broadway, arl Pku», c ir ff| npooo. r\IHK SUBSCHIRER i7ao.tborizrd (m a"' c,,rnpanv) to r ..-art r r f.* delivery of SARUOriS of tberrv-brateu Ci>AL from tbe SaJem DU ft--. 'C P.. for:; - , vrofiCa l.y A tfaywood and Jotn G üewee tl' 1Y*_ 8 C OODEN. 69 Wa!!-et INSURANCE I'NIHN MUTUAL INSURANCE 1^ COM PAN Y. Office 58 Wail-st onpoelte Hanover-el CAPITAL AND ASSETS, «lioil 000. InrJrkDf 00 Mudne. Inier.,1 Navigation and P-r8 RUka. TRI HTKL8 Mmre Taylor. Peter V K\n*-. Jarr.ea W. E'wa] Freacll 8 Latl.rop.Jr.:i:ee 8ymii ^too. N. W. MasillL Horses B. Cufl.n. H. L. Ronta, Sidnev Oreen. Ji 'ic P Nea.ulUj. Lewis B Luder. J. B. j itmsnin. Paul IpotTord, II U Jdun.-.l. j B. Dlcfcina <a, Cbariee C. Hatch, Valentine Kiruv. Eii*vr.e Duuib, L. ti. Brl»haru. Antrew V 8.,UL Joseph Fowlor. E T.H. Gibson, B.I Collini. a 0.TtoaipevrA, E j AndertrrI, P A HargOOl llrsnrv Holt, Sam't 0 Balico.-lt, Lunt>»rt Suvüan. Dortd 3. Turner, NH. Wolfe. R. II OrSTOB, P. A Robertson. Jerrel D. Pli!i. C P Dam'.xsxa. j. t.a ".aa Neat, E'twln A. Oatxicka\Mort'l Urlafttosi, W.A K.-ta.;aa Richard Ba.!. j tl Brow.-r, Ellaj B. Brown. Oro P Par'.r JOHN PAf.C'JNKX. P;ei:jr;cx juh:i s TAPCAN, Vlr»fraa*aeatt Pesdiiosd Btisg, S-^rHtaj-y. N B.-Pa.-ti alar attaedijala called to the fact tttitttda Compaoy contlruca to Inruro B itldlrjjri, MenrbMidlae. Hi>u»etio:r) Kiirtiiture, Veeafia In Port, if. Iftlaat loa« or dan ajre by Pire. ar.d drrtda Iba proita on tbli <.!*... of bua'ceaa. V- i«tr;e as on i-e M-i pr sttaae). ad it* I TO ION MUTl ÄL LlFFlNä Ö R U ANr.E COM PA NY.IfOTIC K -P-raon. wiehi-,.- to h- h,, |l,i BMI \ f . f the NKXT tNttT i L PAETICTPAT10N OF PROFITS, »i .in to bamade am btettedaa tnahat eerlji applicattoo. Tt f Bi »rd uf Ptr>abee. v> h>> ar*a>eaoaf Ihemoet r-v>e inea lu tbla ( our try, lareet al. Iba f'r> a of iCeeapaMjr, »I Ir I. are aitu rertified bp a tadge or < f, t f it'- lords, ai. i the C> ntro :>¦; of tbe Btava, Lite I laaranca aa I Life Cor.tiDgen lee hi allof tberari brtMli dab eselaetesi i.tiaireae Caltforrjua aad other risks btkea at equ ubie re.-». Te'.i.a ol payiii.11aie ;. . u ijatlr jj ihan ai. v ather Coaapany. BOARD or PTffAnCE PraLk'ln IIa%ei,. p ». aal Men teata' l»a-.i., R iao.n: Tr.» u.k», Merchant, Buato p. ... v\-. ..... Preatdeai K- i.r.t bee Rel r .a.i »VII .r Parker. M I) Co t> lOlttop Pbjitdae; c i: Otlaian,MD. UedleatEae ief Raw-York OfrV«37 Weitest (Jan e*pGoartj Pones of propcaki. fall tables, abd every ii r,: sautoe mi» .ih ob* ¦alBOd ffrratnlof JODD A H0LLI8TEK, Am t* i..' Ii WAS Fj. H E~MERCHANTS' INiUKÄ.NCB J COMfABT, ok rue tv or VBw-roRK, On. :.* c i. -r ..! 't.en»n-h fl r Jit "1 tts. Orrn'i BaOl Hul Jin^. CASH I M'irtL t..'.'"i Iniannce ajjai^et Loeeor Dstm^-e by Piro, Directors' Aaron Clark, o tv rtiirakam. Croerel Artamr, Ward A. Wnrk, LeviAppar. Sniuei s lij»rina3, N-i' '.1 W>. ' v\ ro ii |>.e-r, Oavin v i| a, w i.. m H titace, Va'^Dtine K irHr, K bert Heat, Al A Hoppoel .Mn- -w.". B H. Van At-ken. K h ..." o C. V H. ouiancer, BhooexerBeaalaahao" D Randolph Mattto, Hanlaon Jozn, Eii' 11 p k. AAROS C'jAHK. I'r.'r <*r.: OniRcn VV. 8av-abu, Secretary. HftraSJ Eca A ti.ej jriROCERS' PIRE INSURANCE CO. N.r r. Wi ». .... er Pi .'l-it. CAPITAL 9'iOO.ftOO. Al an r 'eflliTi he'd Ihfadar, Iba rulklWtBf i ^riileiiieo ufrei boeeaDI actors oftkla Com anj for Ibetaeu an pear BampaoB Mooro, Moaea Taylor Oeon* Elder, Buj. B Bberman, Marshall repooa, Praacta latddv, Peter Manln, AleBatrr. H Oraot, Chaa Barfchalior, liuijs8u>ry, A»ad Porter, Jbbibb B. WUeoo, Beer] E ¦. IseaeC Ti' vr. WllTlsm R Piaster. At a i . ..: meeilci i f Iks Eoard BAMPIO.N MOORE, Ei v..a it.* ooslj i.! I'-, lent of Iba Colopan] J MILTON SMITB. Seci»*tB/y, Ni v.¦ !'. R.Bv.This Company eoBflBtl il Id Ifisare .1 lUdlstTB, Mar- rlandlte Bonn bold rarnlrare Veiielatn Port, Ac on fie ii on fatorai'lu t> rn.s. A.'. lo.»n . «,! ... 1 «ij faid iftf rp|H E~N E W-E N QL 4. N D r.i ¦ STOCK INll EANCE Cti.MPANY. of New Haven, C< rn., brettre boreri, ealtle, Ac Bgiinrt l"»t frt)-n dea eitf er ''om ta'tiral cause. aeetdBBl r dftOSBB of Bopde> keilptiofj whattver. Nv»» »urk Acer«;,' si tViillaan-BL, Metxbasts'Exeharttv tf| L ü HAItf, Aifnt HhOÖKLYN KJKK INSURANCE t t> Oir.ce f, Meret.anta' K. chin^e, \V..H »I , ¦ V. aaal4* Pnltoo at,Broofctye. WM ELLS .voftTH. Pre% L A o iTBrgriSf lecratary. l.fSm* dPtlTiZENS' FlRJfi INSURANCE Vri MKANV -0H'--t n7 Wallst, stta Irjr H'jw. ERY Tl la llnripanv wi'h a raeb canttal of llStfrOOO. and a largeenrj: it. i-ru/e; :.. .'ruf .), rondnues to Inrnra aeainat toaa or damere be f !llt:. or. 'iwr-oinj boriees. rrtfr- rji.tnd're, hoi »i-rtoM rorntofe, asd all <leeerp:v.ia rl Pas> v sal Property, on the moet favorahle '.wrta. DiaacT u Jereirilan JolBSBoa, tV l IsiU v'ai^r'lne Alon*o A Aiv. rd. Jani-*0 Baldwli, Danle' BurT-rt, Jav larvi», William Wa |i ¦ s Mama, Thomss MrKiraih, ItobOTl Bar« I Luke Prwels A Patter, j. M :i-r DANIEL B|. KTNKTT. PrssHant. J««r«M Secretary. jfHW-ij' RejraoraJ -Tito Offka of :i-.e nUUS(»N KIVKK FIRE INSUR¬ ANCE CUMrANY Is remove from No. J5 to No. t'i WaQ-BI'an Bank batMlrte. CAPITAL - a:i paid la ...; .*. oral) InraatodT, lictlic a la'üHt'irt'liii. Thin Ct'mpr.ny will c vttBM to loaure on Me.-jh&r.o'ae, DweiilDiri. Hoasi-boM Purnlturi:ai,dottic.-pro, snpM *t loss or o'ania».t 1 ; firt. n Ibfl :;i 01 '. orahl te BIB, eiid the public may rut aitu.-Nd all loss-*! which Ihia CoapBM may susutir. will '.c Bba r.illv adjnitt'.l. and pal I wiib HB Bfcui'otned prjnipütude In money current at tt"i iiar.k- In Ibis city I9AIAU BLOOD, fraal It^L P j Avf.rv. Secretary. Ja.MEsA EtQPA. Aaatstar.t 3e...¦.¦tary. u:\i M VS-J Ineuraric. a i>RITISii COMMERCIAL LIFE IN > btfeANCE Cf'MPA.VY. M WaJl-et. California »¦ I sp-cla! risks of ail klrn f..k»a at rim- niT surite proa bins, iiy JOHN SlOrliNSON, .,TI 1m fJeoOfBl Aif-arl THAVELIINW. FUR THE WORLDS KaIR..The iptOBdldBsrwpacSBBVoMpHENRI cLtY. tjootaaa Imrden Pra-r'a M PlBlitBI. fUmillBlldsr WilleBtl for Liv¬ erpool cp her regular day Apr; M, *. 4 tfirt a deaira'ile eypofloBlty Ü loose shoot io pre iBOd to the w >r Id's Pair. Tina sl.ip (s a ti ree eecser, has COnsawMsOU canine a: d state ri ons. s'.' berocc 'tarn idatio ¦ for pasierjjen are At"fcei!.er ura .ipaast O oy a- y nt» rr v^ate!. Forfrelfhlor i'aaraeei^p'y to Cipt frenrh, on board, at pier 11 East Kiver or to' BJI t.riah IPOKFiiAU, TILEiTON II CO South-it. OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION rOMPANY-r.n BP.EwKN via 80CTHAMPTON. T' - i ;... D m Mall Btsa :? WASilitorof. Oto. W PloTO. Coroinander. will sail for Bietiien via S.hiiIi- Bl ;toa.i i. L ATI ItfJAY, A(.r.. IMk, from ^lof No. J N>itb R-v. r. a; .' k An om erl«-u-ed Su'^emi Is atuc'-.ed to the ship. All lette-s must pa.- t:.rot..b tbe Poet-Office, gpefle delivered In Havre. Kur frelglit or passage apply u, MOLLLU. SXliU k RlkaftA, Ah- - droeJw»}'. a. tlPa* _ f > KM iT PAN( !ESto EN GL AN D. IRE- IR-LANi) AMD SCOTLAND-U-ars BO BbJblfflt any BWOBirt, fror... a iipw«r*rrJ, wh ,:b will BO cas.'ied at any Rir.a in the L sited Kingdom! A i Paeka(ee of every description f .rwaMed at low riieetiv all the H"-an to arv part of E oropo, BJ BD> W AKDS. SANDPt'KD 1 Co .> fra-'sar a K » -ss at ADAMS A CO ri 18 M 1 II Wati-st Imafl obtcbIb will bo Ftcatrod tl i A M ol tiiedayof BbU1b| of every Steamer io Europe. BiO lm "jr"s. PASSPORTS for EUROPE, CAL- e IPORAIA C^' CORtnl üd So-it America. At . lBB%|»0BOBhla 10 BJ1T0BMB BSd f <i tLla s. BBOSBIO fte> lection a....i f..-kn kft^rea.lon \.a...s to t.a tt'oiln a Fi r" ri-.,,:r« ICom.lf tbey visit BBS Contiaer.t- eatrtla. . it. .'s BrOOBBt diBlWBOABtolO. AjBUTKOBI Bp- pit it e for Letu-i at tte Lccdon Pos: OSce Cuoit produce . i.i .'.ispu.lS laiued r.y MS lar* J B fi'jr'Ei! T.'oury P»'"''.* ' Brja.'ray. 'THE KRITISHand NORTH AMKH- R ICA.N . JiALMAlL8TEAM-tt.PS Sr.t«v- . , REW.TI RK AND LH f RP< K)Ldtract,sad SETW EEN BOSTON AND LIVEttr-OOL. Tf s :;. - abipa rt y rbjjjbi v. EUBf x 'j iz& tii ra. celve n:a:is a^d paaierie-i ASIA, J ' EUROPA, E L i AFKICA. A RvHe. RIAOARAVJ Sume AMERiC A >e CANADA,Wa Ua.-r.t iO CAMBRrA J Leit:b. Ir«t» ve«.-|( carry a c ear w i.i rr lioht at tbe!.' rtsaev keod i oobbm oo aaBTBoord sMo; Reo oo port aMok Nose-- ibi poasannrfl will BO lORBBl BRor BBS lot OF Msrf err!) further aotieo No heri'n aeru'ed BOtil pali for BifBI wiii tie c'la'i'-i on specie neyond an amo«ni rjr persccru expr neee. A'exrv-ria^ '-ed >'nr£eon cb boe-d p Ah Irttersard te» aj.erv-is :-'ust peaa throafb toe roe* CMC* Por fre,tM ^-P^T.W . Broadway Pfirh.O' at' rforofcB rejoaw,looatrod acd ¦; ^V.'^Harr-'"rNew-Yo'B. A'trr thei Is* of'April m-^t ue rtuo of iretfbt by t^e . . ' ... i' r. Will f-« TCry iSi 7 1 reflated. THE NEW-YORK AND LIVER- POOL ITltlTCO HTATK.S MAIL, STEAMERA- Th- ships ci inpr'.s -ig tide line are the ATLANTIC. C. i Wtm\ PACir.'C. Cept Nve ARCTIC, C«ol Lara. BALTIC. Cept. c .uwiock. ADRIATIC. CapL J'a/ion. Three ahfpe have Uen bellt by MaRVaCd, ei?r«ea;y for .overcase:.; aei.:.-«. e. ery cue baa been liken in toetr coo .traction, u rueo La their Er»!--ee. ti taa-ire etreogtb aad ipel. trd their acro::.niod*ilur.» for paeeetferc arena- ee.elled for e'eirance or corafurt. . Ptca if ->ae»ri;o from New. York ..:> Liverpool BiSO; a- Be of *x:re .'./<- - la Mat na Bd *.-». front l.tverpaol to New-^ orb Eii Aa eip.irr . .r* «in aiiecbej ta ee-.: a: !p. N" I -rth can beeecti.-.d until paid for. Tnaowrrrt of ib»-,-, amps w.:: e .i ba avrniunutnMfor »< Btfver, balMoa, apacle, 'rwri.-y, pre-" an-oea or . o.v .-are ai.-cj iv-r-.^r. and ua vi/jotaerr-"'. - n -rrr- ««si PKOPusfcO DAT.-.8 uP BAJIslMM. PRRBj mwvoBK ri 'M limitwi Wedtiee-iey, Mar--:- .\ 1-m Saturday. March « lAfl wedneeo-,;-. .M« ¦( i-if. Marratt. tvi 7.** fee'87, April -' laM VVidaaaday April n IBS] v\edneedaj. April 1 It w«daaadRf, Apm KM Saturday, fct-.y Id,lail Wedoeeday, May it.'ivsi *«".rria-, May n IM| Wedaeadar, May M Saturday, junej T,IA51 WedaBeday, Jane ILMS fWdey, jur« || IAS| Wadaaaday, June is km eauirday. J-jiy S. Un Wednesday. July a igM Ba-urdey. Ju y |aj u-.j.y, j., i fj {-.a.orcay. Aug. it. >l We.'-ieaday, Aar S, |-<*| Reiurdey. Au<- IB,|M| Wedn-aadav. A ig M usi Baiur.lay. Aug B liil WeMllity BeM 3." 1851 Set-may, Sep. |y,laM WeeUaaMay Oc'i {, Bamrdey. Oci 11, IBM Waataeodey Oct. Itmt Saturday. (Vt. at, IBM Wedaeeday Oi » «5 Saturday, Noa. i,1M| Wadneediy Not jj [S Baiurdey. Not B, IBS) I W <ad rieed ay Noe. 3B 1831 Beaaaiday, Dec. i, 1- >l Saturday, d-«c u' ss Baiunlay. Dec. Br\ laM|BoAardav. Dec. 27'UM , JK 'ijms ur P^f1*''; «PP1-^ EDWARD K COIr LINS. 60 Wallet N-er Yor. BROWN. SHIPLEY At I ;. .e.pool. K. U RD!irlP,fS 1, CO. Vs Ktnaa Antm Yaid. Lon.lon 3 B.'iilevard aion.niar;re. Par a. Afur U.e lat uf Apill oezt. Hie rau» of freight liy tba ahovealearneiafr.ini l.lver.m.l erl.l ha aiKier.a.fv reduced. j 1HILADKLPHIA AND F, IV ER- * POOL LINK Or* bTEAMBHIPd CITY OB OLaVSO IW iJjieraae, Can. B R Mathewa PKNN«YI,V ANH. i N-tura Cant W. C BltlBRdlBIB CITY op PHILADKLPU1A,tmiaiia ' Two of ih» Bko*B «h'pa fen. w hei-g htr'it. and arilJ baplaead IbaedarlBj .h.e-c»-::ri'!>'j.'r-"»r Tbe I f Y or SLAJOOW, CapL B R Ma. ewe. (lite oft?- -G-~ei Weeterr; >t Inter Bad i" aal aa 'ir.der. raov eHi'.aurt phis | raoy Livra^ooL. .a rdey, lMb Marek. I Wedoeedey, 1Mb PejM'BATB raarada*, May 1& we..n.-edh'y. April KA.'r b op pajnaui raim »rii »or- lau j rao«, li»»»»oo- *alouo..lop i'..>'.»'» Balooa..H il^aeaa Cah'n. ft. p.. tare |<Sabca ... I* '»'ni-ae-. PBaai aaaaii idab < da'Pee. Vut oei Wlnee op Llipiore w-lrr; ear. i.»ea.' r>erd '. - .-»a« .. , a;'!) ei» ... »e -, ., , cflae- Mavie. BoUrraaaR, tVaa^jorg viariei. ee aid outer Ibarra ..., ,r r*h'.-a %. .11 -a- ba ablpaad to öiverp.N., «...I here- ... ibia i|"- |0 p| | >>h'a direTt IVori 0 » ir.ia-A ulled ajaaVbef of paeeeaaara wlU hatafcoB wfaaaafAeaar >r «;.... e nma «. !« Ibaea r. . Tbe «.¦ ¦¦ , «.¦ -ea and ao*i.d bboo aril] be Pwi bmbm aapaal . Aa BRaartaaead Baraaea arfil baaan e.i on m-h ab.p. Tre'gbt or> f.l e g.eaia «i<>a par RaRBad pronage All foodeaaeitä ke kfaaai M f'tAbaaaiaaaa aaafl aaMRV* «1, o. forwarded wiiK eooaoaty Bad d;n>eicb -m fr^'rni ..r pase*re. a^ply 10 RiriiABnsoN. vv *t-;<)n'»,*co New Yo-a «n,a phiiad BICHAROfON Bf\.<THKBS A CO. L.i»ernoo|. PATitlfK rTOm>BBAM>MA CO i»iaa<ow MM ST P ASSPORTS^rTim the tVpart- a nient of Str.'.., for ell pa-la of lh« World pro- ci.rru f r . r.e do..,r Itowe BBBaBeafl for l ha/iea or Call- f nia Tkrea dava' BOltco raqolrao. ! Veeey-el, \1.0r Houae. :r.o M a s p.\(Trie mailstkTmship com- M. P AN Y . Ol''y ihrol. 'h iii e for C , 'or- i a', Orn .11 The BOblM are M*Bf lied that tinder the new arroi^e- pent of tble Cooapeiry, etaaaiera loopocted appro red by tbe Naey Deporiaiiai,ead carrying the Uaitaa ti.aiee Afa'i a ..I.. i Uaae lo leave Panama Bad Bao Kraaetaea on tl;- lei ar.d th .'.ata ol e«ch rnnolh. BataBI dt Bd ov un- a.o out. e act .it i.u, ai d will touch al Acapuico, ban U..'^.> ai i Mot i. lev. Th« f.d.owing ateaniahlne, heloriglne to the Pat C Mt BtaaaaaMp Coaapai y an? atrt* In iüo i'a.. oaa of which will lie ara a* a la port aiaach and of ti e n ia Oiegua I,ORB tube] Bap ibUe, LSOo naai Paaeiaa. I kT tone j Cerotlee. BWt toaai Calif rata, I.I ht iura; OcdBnMbaj M M Ml Tiaoaaaea, ] IPOUtoaj lataaaaai Northerner, L3W luaBj fTalrora. BOO ianati Ceohaoibla, MM uu aj Aalalope j rraaaoBt, o>«. ntaa. Tl.e n.-w ItBBRiel In Colaaibia art p.* ..etw.«e.. Sau Preaelai o aad Porta in Ottajoa, awMiiai et laa foroaef por. the aniaal of ihe Btalia aod paaeaagere t on Peaaana, bad r 00111, BHaoaidelay wtib the ataiiaaad paaeaaaTerB for Um iiranrti f. >~ui Baa pi atx ia. o A re liaa of p e. ,-ra wiil he kept ai for t»e irane. pottadoo ofIratghtand raaaiaatpaaaiataTari leiween Pan¬ ama ead Baa Tfce waUkacrara alramthtp Sarah aanda of I M tooa Mrd> then, row ui der eaerbarto Iba aiRiipanj aid pucaiiar.y ffrrriBrrraitfBa io her cab i arraBgaaioota, will ba keptruu- el p m aa extra faailly boat, tfiiaofIhaahnTB aiaaiBBiBwill keep uu the cootectljo between Aeapalca >>r.i tin- o-her Meiican po-te. Ti..- 11 aw do io .tie Atlaalk win tie aaklautaad bp the L'piicd Butee Mall S.ea:'i Slilpe 1: le. Ii i-lu'..: Crei.-eot T'tr IV-Oiana; t. blo 111 bBBSj Cl.erukP.. I.SeO tu. a; Cmplro City. .Wf; Phlledeiphiv IJ900tora, LeatlBi New-Totk Ml Cakaiee on ti.e llut and aBttt of e.%ch in. 1 th. Ti e r.. m .0 -u: .11(. Eldorado and the Pain >.. will form a direct Una batarsea New Orlaaai and CbaRraa, aMTkagM Bat.., ei iodd aa t. ni ttiiuro ae dale daieaüoa na poeelaaBOR Bbaletbaaaa, ai.d kmatTia with ihe Pa.-.;;c .iHem«htpa, a H If k line lu and frota Nkw Orl.-aLt ai.i poria tu Mexico, Calt'omla ar.d Oregon Pnfta^e fro n Nevr Or'eene can heierured from AltMOTKUNO, LAWENrtON it CO., A.ei ta al thai plara TLe fare >t htroR| Li itckiiia from New York lo.San t'ta- laa l.rrn re,*,:, ed from BaCOlBSiai Ro :.ia to.UM 7 >o II i. e at I akraa ra. -Xe> $-,,» it Stc craa-e. 1'ii T- n fro,.i Ni.w Y..;k lo ei;! i at i .* w Bft adopted by any aale eea-steauer t etween th >»e pone tur rhoico of bertha, apply ai ikooaVa of ihe Company, turd .'. South «t, or at U.elr Agency, 177 Waat-at. adPktWtf san francisco ai.'] ORlÖ^, B nnw rura ramily BiaatBar On lat Jaaa Byihe IbrtBgb line from Psaaaai to San K am:iaeo The will kacwi im BaTorlla Bieaa»er BABAB H\N'üh, IMBltRM hnvir g 11 oat eater,,'.-, aad c -nvenient arcofi- n>. 'piioi.a for larnl tee. aennraie aia'e rooma lu both Beloc aad weoad i-aato.arffl ba deapaii-hed by lha Pacific Mao Bteaaieblp CoaRpaay, on tl.o let Jona, from Panama. Ber late trij f, m San Praacia o waa perfun i-o iu ItvaaMf* ... .Uya BaaartH baiaaaly lo receire .m board l.iinedt- Btvly on iheil arrival m the paaaen,>ereIntnndlog l > en liy her. ai.d by leavtnK New V ok ihe steamer . bleb will he despatched ids uildd!.-o.'May, locunnect » ib ber aad) by avalBag of tba reduced rates of fare, ihey will ternra nailalBlp ar.d tCRBOoiy nffere<l i.y r. i other itaaatar. Pi r itckete. wliich wiil be.In the Beiooa if ** f'.111 Patau,it lu Sau K ai ciso Sd Cabin *i V1 .App v lo HOWLAMD V A8PIN.VAI.I0 ll A rioitliat BUU 5 PACIFIC MAIL steamship Co.. I TbaoarytkroathIrkeaIrrCAUPOBifIA and ORE- UON, »la HAVANA and CM A'iRKS. Kate reduce! On Saturday. April .U. at 3 P. M -The ap'ecdll doulile-eigine, Bteaambip OHIO,Set 8 to: a arthea, Jaa Pindiay Bchenck. I 8. N Commander »1.1 tail pret.isa.y at i o'clock. P M. fn :r her pi«r at the foot of Warren at, N R. with ihe Oov. BtBtMRt Maila for Cnagrei. connecting with tbe fa/jrlto I Llted B'.alra Mall Steamah'p Oregon, to leeve Panerna en or about the lotb May K->r fret£-it r,r m - apply at tl.e office itft M South-It, or at 177 W rai al Bit I .' th. a LI forn1 A .TranspDf farion tcfosi ef'ibalMBaRaa of PaaaHRk- Z4CHBIBB0H, ¦ILBOl ACy of Fua*dBa.frotaihairIjogezparieocaoa the lath- noli., being eeiao jehed there e in e IH-iil. are w.-ll prepared to iransport 'mi; iiu. rii.»n>« l».!,i:iim, or tak^ it through to Ban PraacltSBO, e*>iiipper.' OOtloai but eai.-b package Btjaat ba >.( portable atca end weif-it. arid pioperly c-sr- e.ed as / n Kn are Bot iBepiaaatuBi fordaaaBRear ac- rttdeat ia the traaaii Tiie charge* of Draw|aaiiaWB tobe firseid Ir Ne»-Y'ork. Agaala in tliagre..Z«tiiai,»oft, HrlmrIi BtaMA, Aft al .ii Craeaa iu Oargjoaev. /..n a P'.r particuiara, a)ii !y lo afl im" E ZACHRJSSON'It CO fi'j Wall-at Hat ks (ik FAKE KED(jcei).. Oelv tfcronoh lice for CALIPOBNIA and OlEOOat via CH/.OKKB c:reri, a::d by Ibe L't.:ted Stetee Mall airamera or. the Pac:hc. On SAT(. RDAY, April 19, at 1 P.M. the new ard apiendid dcublo engine ateatnahlp EL UURAltO, 1,ftc tuna burden, Wright, commander, will leave Pitr 2. North P.: er. fjr CUag.'ta direci. on Saturday, April I'', at d o'clock preclarly Tte Ei Dorado haa proved henelf to h - the faeteat fet ttramer afloat, having male tie trip from Ct.agrea t > New- Yi ra in leas lean aBfM rBRBtBR daya. i'kttecgera by ttla reaael vrtll r arh Pa-ma'n ample tine to lake the ateaL-iera PANAMA or COLL .VtBL'S, M leave that pen on or BboaR May 1. Por freight cr paatage apply at the ofTue, 51 and =>5 Srtjtb it. or at 177 Weai-at cor of Warren-ai al i .atl . («HARLES B. LOOMIS. C.«n«;i-v B ^Merchant, BAN PRANCISCO, Cel having a two yeara'residence al ban Prar.oaco, aotli.-ia couaiguuienu. aod refera to the following oartiea. Bolbroafe A Reison. Egleaum tt Batiell, Buydam. Read A Co Qulncv k De Laoierre bi.epard A Ripiey, JoLn Randall iui5 tmMW'S* A LI FOR NIA..HERFORD & CO.'S ^LETTER AND PACKAGE EXPRESS.Oreat r-> ducuoe tn pr.cea. Preigbt to San Prktclaco. U « p-*r i''-: Lettera, 25 eta. Dagaerreotype to S«n PraxcUco. *1 DaguerTfOijpetoSx-.a'.i.n, Sacran.eato San Joae ft 50. Dkiuerrectype to Orc.oa, the Minei, Sasdwtch iaiacJa, ke BB 8u Ml packkgei of 5iht $i L»tten:o3'.'vkt'jn....'J5eta. r .. [u .- b ToBacpamen'.').%5 .. 13 .. |>i: To SaiJuie.V> .. if. .. U'Orejoe. and « Itlaadi. W .. so .' 1.5|Meyavil;e.EU2k ttoMlnee.Bl . . over So BRA toe TotLagr-t-.i"c^a prr :b. . 1 a. P'ir.a of S. Aniertce.Bl aiLlltir7. per CRl ii foot, |.'i. Mr. Berford. one of the proprietor!, r-e'de*. on the lath cri». and accomptr-lea all ort Bhipmecta over ine lathatu w I'c-t-tn-.a ' Neil a.Mc'f.'Et w!i. r e hj i-eajjaar No.-' i Air.enea, on Ulh A'n.i acl arrive :a Sat Krai.'- - - sit oa. i in alvance -r v inn "Oaa* .. i-'u a ma., oy "Nona An-rrica- Mall eloeee Bt tk, lllh Aarti _ BERPORD i. CO , i > -saey at ^'^"'y^ N. B.-Iicltie inter a-.d poetage tu :t 's .. ea Bad pra ?-iyit gJ. imMWB fPAMDBN a Ifboy RAILROAD V^LiNL fr i .' f* V.'.P'tIA ' ' iRA Billdd, Agent. 4 M RRrCA N H( rTEL, PtnRma. N. O. f * -TMs ee-tabltehmeBt is the wk«ii Pohle H i»-< no (itr - j, .,. ,,,. r»r r,',-a r ,,f,t O IB* rggtt tin H r. I|,l'rll"n",1'"!"'' M li KM eeet.rc.f bgef- plT,. age * t£V.Ve'' ,!",n"0a- ». ^ *. H.OIDBOH BbT. I. _. . a-J m STAPLE* I rrBprletJrs. Wm K Wiito, -. ' B _ r. p pmniü«. WESTOM St PTRKIMS .POMMIbSlON MERCHANTS 297 nrr.irv. ri. P K COLLINS M v»» »i .\nvhonv j rirrrirt,Tinuji Cl RTI8. MiTl HKi, i .>, III Wfj*rM BLOW i MARCH. >l "affri elJSa« CROSBY Si BECK NAP, LAWYER* AND LAND A1ENTS, Six J -a. Cal r iRtt, E c l ROSST. D F. SELKMAF. t>n vf. an. located at tfe arei of Government, wiihht aia h.-:'» :n «>i >f tiaa Fra/a-teco. end have arranreaaanai * rtrarssu-tlr a bBBABSSS In a.1 parte of the Slate. They rtm tVrio Hoa vim. M. Ii» in. W^lilng-too. D C Hoa. E. . g. BofUo; A.! J H C.xji of T-lrteenih Ward, N-w > IreSrv'h a. Co I * P-arl-et A Sened'cl, Eeq 4* WaU-el I c Baaste«, Eeo To WaAVstl Urea- ley A MrEi.nuh, R M P.!.-. Esq. fAva-'-ai.; E B. lei- knar. A »..8,1 Ooiiet. T A - i -it A Co. )tv O'd ellp. [VKW-VOKK ami n k\v-OKLEANS 1 V.rr-AUMlir line .The acasjod oVgant doubla en£tt,e »» ¦ , v Nr«r',''l) T. CV«, K«.nry CoaUerd, tlfOflB* i N.on. Lapt T B 1 uJJ L>j» '..oa CoaBpoeethia Line, and a Qwara New York and N.<w. Oriean* ;>n tl.e !.-: tr.d \Mk of every rrtontn, at 3 o'clock ttteaRanooat, eicep« *'¦¦<¦.. ikoaw Baaaa aall on Sander, whm t/h-fhina will leave m Mor. lav, a: seme hoar TLe WIN PI ELD BCOTT will leave New-York oa thm of Apr'X and rle CNtON oc Cte lat of April froai New. rjAi h ' 1 li. pa tave been b i It with (treat care and cost, aad nosklllor expense ipi-r,! .<) »ivuro sir-ngth, speed and aeenfbfi They an« ineier. r.-.-i et brat .. aej aaRaaaaaaaai Kor rVi itiht or passage. Hp tap f.iUoara: Por ...¦.an or t\ .».*.. a *-V. > l>A\i«\ BIOOKJ A CO, »i Broed-ef. r or .rci.mer I'mon to etilet- iPOPPORlkTlLEBTOMk CO. M Soath-ofc S. MAIL STEAMSHIP COM- R. ePANY-n>K NC»> ORLRANI DIRBCT, vi« I1A\ ANA -ttn »ATI Klüt Apt I . at I' M faxe Rfdu.-ed .Tt-e »p enrti.i dewkle eaaaaa ekaaaaahap t»itii>, hatv ttaao bwiakaa, J»> rian. «v Iraawca-TJ a n. cow¬ er. Wl aa'l preriae y at .> oY .>ca. P M fr.»iu her 1 ler at f.'"t ef Warreo-st.N R, eltb ibe Ooveruoaeol MaBe, tl Irrel for llavafa awd Ne ar-Or >aea Caaiprea pa.aerKe-« tr»n»'err.,j at Havana to th I aBMSe did doabiavei f/lne .tean'ern» K \LCO.N PreaiM ta«-n |0 now Ol »«naal tic per cubic fo>t. Specieoeli mk> n <>n fre <rii t.> UaraetR, . »f iaun.|{ wi.i >>e airt.eJ after the steamer baf aailed Kur fret, bt or passage anplv at tlie olT.oe of ine CjH« pai \. 117 \\ r.i at. con.rr . 1 Wa'ten at. aldkeSS M O KOBEBTS. »AaL a! M E R a R R anU km ent.('ora- atearteg March 31.-RAM A PO AND PATEKJOM R A ! LK"Al>i Brprooi Tr»:na ,e»v,. ft :.1erat as fol.owa, iarrival if raw Erietraree Atdto'eioehA-hR- »t- pph i ia t a; Pan rs >n m d Paaaata Bridge; at t tfrimm a '1 , atvpaaai . aij a. it.».. Paiareoet and u >i.'.ng? Sprtiti ai:i I'M atoppini oalpal Mohokas, Patersoa ard biH.lriE »,'iiog. Lean Rtm Voik at 7 o'eloek A. M etopptnf oniyal Patereottaed Hohokoe; at 5g o'einck f M kkeyphif osds ai Bi IIln(Sprto| PaBsaleBridgeaB4PaaerBMi atnoVioca; P M Stepping; OBlf H I'aterion und HokOOrBB The Rg. p -ii tralra wart Ma ke at siation, Patersoa for New. fork at 0| aad 'A M aad p m araw ihearnvalofiA« tri aa II a Bofli i t T p trains stop ai öei;<noa Blgi al War Pasttri IbatoB let « a: l| k H awl N»» V <rk H t M plBg at a lb* at itioi.a heiow ratere>>n. and at tha BtathBBB Bbore on «Unal. M >i iv Triisi leave .v. c-rtis' at rt| \ m -Leave New« Yi"» at b i' M , a' pplBB >n Pa.wrsoii ouij at Uo- aobi . pi vracrr TiifNj leave Kitersjn at I Bad Ilko^BkBafe A M andXIa III r'doekP M. Leave New-fork MD| a"'1 I" A M . a- d i.l and il tr,.a t M <i»''ii: Leave Marke: at e'aM.'n at et|o'clock A M., .ir up arr.vai f tl.e train fl . Leave Patersoa dOpOl at I o> .ock f. M I. »vB N. er. Y..,a at 0 o'e| ».% A M aod <v rk P. M. Ti.«- Sun lav T.-aiaaaUip nnioBP Paier» >n i>i !y at ILitler's and B dilBg Sprl i^. |afj if ~ ~ ISTHMUS" H0TE13. ,7,. ~~~ Chi .11 { \ ... in ri^HE IRVING HOUSE, sc Chagres, « liana. '- W. VVi'ltanis. ast...^! t v liufc.'i Miller, .nr. PANAMA Ita11.1. IAD UOT EL, al Oorgor.e, DO* 're ri f a h "!;"¦ r a-.,l J P tlongr r TU r IM! RICAN HOT I L ait nie-e. nnder the man- gj;-men ..f a K Ko'.'er tid H alt er, Jr. THV, I NtfrO KTATKr* IK'Tr L al Panama, ander SM BtMeVksTBt.i 1 *. Mtm B -r lei DAOU Hi pmi.s RIVER RAILROAD^. Trains frotu Nev» Y..ik to P.iu^tikeepale leave tb« . .t tear Chamhera-ev at 7 A M for Pas> t t.v«rs. at ;:\ P M for PaBBBBffarBBBjd freiKi.t, at i P M f. 1 .... . ., akdP.M Paeai terai r.i J P m Paeeea* i to PeekeAltl !.¦ ate, p. .rfi k", »te fjr New-York al f A M 7| A M^ HI AM t P M ri p m ., and leave Peeke* k I at* AM OLIVER Q LEE. S pertuterdenl. 0 Eüü LAR MAIL LINE hr-r weea KV BOBTON aad NEW ^> RR ria 8TONINOTON aasf PROVIDENCE -Tha ateen . C VANDEKBILT end COMMODOEE mbbtb Pier N> I, N wife Rlvw.daup ai i oriix-k fk Tha & D bj I i a,.lain Win. H. Praree, on Moadaya W eoreaiisys a-c PridaTBtSka f! Vender- 1 ilt Ceptefn Joel Stone. OS Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat. nnla\a OB BsS snWal of iheee waBMBBa al Bl.mlnirtnll- pae-r-iitfers proceeo mm Rnliroad to Pro ei.t en re and Boston* Tti>» theaaoel direct roe eft*. ¦ Near-Tark toBoBBest Por i.eetnge. ic. apply on lioaid oi at bbs o'uee Battnrf. pakea [\||>|.'KIS and EaSSEX RAILROAD.. l»fl »>,..,,,aa tt..I. a lea.'" Netv-York, fool of Cortland. si. at i A M sxJ 4 P M NewarB, "| a m a o i| p m _ Por Ni w-Tork, lee'-e Boeer at in A.M and IPJkT.| Mor* rlituwn. "i AM Bod £35 PM he Krei^iu Tralua learf I) rar a IAJJI and Ne» Pork skill AM «»r« re HoraB> C^r learei Orati^" at MS A M and V m i'a«aen<era are received and deliverer t»rh way in se^» in f >r the vart« I OBSBttfBB that Ir.ieiaecl iVs R.>ad. Tl k s ai.l be pro* eared basWa Bskhas . - . la B* rsre. «ENTRAL RAILKOAI) <>K XKXfc ? RS KV line avet Nsjer-Torl dally ny steam, RI-'O JACKET, l'ier I. North Hlver. al '< A M. pa#«eri);"'s P M freight, and at I P M paseen/era. and by New .l-reev Railroal fool of CorUaad-Bt al J A M. and at^ard 4 P M_ ^EW-y(>RK öc ERIE RA1LR4>AD.. This line leaves dally frees BBS pier al fool of Duaneet MOMIBS Wav Tkiim at i A VI for OtlswUiflV Plermonl. at.d all LnisrrBsedlaBi Btatl ae. PaesBagera by this uala conr.tct at S, Pans wllii the M-.-i i Mall iralu for ell eta* tints west i.f Oet.eva. M BBUaa MAIL TtAIN at T A. M.. Stopping stall the stations weal of Smt-roi, arrlvlnr at QsBBTB Iheaame evening W.v Taua al i) P M f*r Pk rnr rt. OtisviMe ai d all Ii lei mediate ataBBBBA Evtema \\ at Tuais at 'i for 8nr! n * tn;svioe an i all lule iuedl. aies'^.ioLa HitHT tir«««iT«n« at6 P M. CH AH MINtrP. Bupenatendaat I?or boston viä newpoKT \ nD KALL RIVER-The st»an «ra BtY ST \TK and ST AT K t.F MAINF l-ave Pie- 1 North ftlear, at * o ne eh da,ly Ba) Stale, Cspt Wm Brier,, on Tu. a lays, Thursdays ar>d Saturdays. S.ate of Maine gast tmOtmß 0 Jewe'.i i Hoadare, Ualneadays a/.d Fridays. TtiifJ le tl.e orih illrec Hue lo Newport A tletnier In coiioecttoR With ibis dn. nins lo and from Prov. .< BJ B TIKDALE A BORDI.iN. \g< nta, I' ar d 71 W <at m. FREIGHT REDUCED..On and after the 1st of April the ratei Of f-elk-ht between NEW. YORK and BOSTON by IDS FALL KUKK L'NC wlB bereduced. Shippers ra-'i BIracsre the new lar rf of ralea on application to T1SDALE A BURDEN, 7n A 71 Weet tt mil tt_ i\EW-york&NKW-HAVEN rail- 1 T Rfttn -This line eave*Cana! st Hialloo-Aceomui«» dallor, Train al 7 i A N Kipr-at Tre'n, ', A M aVOSSSBi rraffl 'A M y.if-'t Train, i P. M. Arcom. ggnaatlna Train for N^w lla^er. al 4 P M and Comma, twlen Trei'i fiir Bridgeport ai i P M Passen».ors are rk> cu-sted to procure tickets '<ef,^e laslng seau In the ca/s. R m M ASO.'I. Sapwl'iieodeel^ [|IOKNiN(> LIN I l'( Ü ALBA ftIf. l"l T:.e new srd elegant Steamer REINDEER, Capt. Or otcor, wl.Ilei.e Nem Y<.rk from p er fool of Murav sL, every Monday. Wednesday and Friday morn tr.g. at 7 uclocb, acd r.>ave A.'iany Tuesdaya, Tlmrsdavs and Saiurdajs, at OkS same hour, making tha usual lacitinga each Wav VtT Msaia eerved on terarl. N B Por further InXbnna'JoB app.v w JAMES SISilOP k CO. Braver si New .Toft Pare to Newhurgh and Pobeepsie Hi cents. oitwQ if KECULAR S 0 (:LCK:k~p7M. Oppo- sfckwB B. at f.r ALBANY a il I'.termadlateLandlnre. Para lerata to Hadaoi The stesmer SATTA CltAI/B, Cept T K. mend oi f. WlB le.v-ii,a pier f ><>: of Barclay St. (sjoaäk)e*Se)eearrMaaday, Wedieadap and Friday Ai- baayevei CB^aday, Tn n tu *> at,d Saturday, ail o'clock P M BUHDAT MORNINO BOAT TO KINO.sroN-Tha above steaner will letveevery SI'NDAY MORNINU at 7o'cIcrk, rstsraABg same evening._alS la* F^R~BRID(iEPORT. housatonic ard NAUOATUCK-Railroad Pare to centa-Tha Stea-ner ALICE, Capt W-eis. will leave Ike MTfkBaa] Marketat ev-ry Tu-snay, Tr.^-sday attd Saturda7. al 8 Cclo-k, A M RetBrclPg. wi !«ave the Railr<ia.l d »-k et Bridgeport every Morciay. W«o!needey and FrlJay at a ocoes,«. M. Freight for Bridgeport and idie RadiroBda taaeo at tt- io w«st rat's. wBlch -j:' be rseatraddBi«r at the ctteeon the pier. |al Im I W. H SLATER, AgL nuK HARTKORD-Direct. Tha r Steamer HERO. Cepi J ¦«-K'ng. wiU leere front Fr,s. Blv. r sieem'e^t ?'¦¦%> '.. P » a H uifjrd. every ai.r.d.v ard Friday atVrr.i» n at 4 o'cock. Por rachetr i"f.r,, .'on lür.ulre on (! of of SAX f 0 N V W EBB, ,n!7 if_mSoulh-st. POLCHKEEPSIKLI NE OP B A RCtES. -TleLarpe CLINTON. C»pt Wil's.e, every Mm- <>.k\ EXCHANGE, C»rr RosaBraaa, '¦¦erj Tbaradav; Plil 0HREEPS1E, C»;,i 11, svery b'atiirday, at t o'<.. eh P M. from tool of M inay st for paeavngers and fre ,.. Thaahore irf*e< .n- efe^esdy fbralsiied wttlt Bjf atilewcaiiin», and era exor> leij fttad no for I et miort ar.d cjaveBteaeeof paa- eert» i*.'end anive at Pournkaarpete in time lu the sueesj loSLart-0, Pine Plaina ami N » Por furtherY> n,rn V n, a- r, -r t > RIA hat WilLIav SOX a \ «il, 181 Weet-ef-^ fÜTATI-N fsl. \ SI) S KAM BOAT.. .. WhtfahBRSt > fia '''ail-kd C IS

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1851-04-16. · Taülaaipanoflaaalliaai Patmaan aad oil.era wi.nmg a ¦apee'Qt palal for ioofa


shapeCm I 4

..e bTo#i reM>eV.fuilj informed th .; uy mtjäaifBc."-ttrnZTSbO* bntvd tut*, where P4ot« are

¦^Il btrf.a» capreVv tor Shade Paint-re. wind

P»^-"n't. .lo conn j- *r. .>.

r^f,'.-"-::"'. «Etam.«.*.RjgSaKI.»,«muperlb

tli^SL^. .T»» «*nfj p*' Ih.^ltTenUjre* V^OtltrVft b' .. i.t kr;t co Mai

if. <fs -entfv-e of chai.-e en in safe oomj vm to

g*! ,.. ... s st iioOnmaicbb.|ySM»W*___. Chettaia square, M. T.

OROW.n an 1 . i'»la( k zin< taint¦ J-Th'-' .«. .»

' i-.'al aar.ZfL r.ri...'!.v 8 T JON KS A CO. 4| .

i B****» i; f j Eaplortfjg and Mtumg C >., SS fjbli ami

L* I l)av Doc Orrtcat, Nan y ann. >

fPiiiLAui i riii*. Oct. . I, LABAJt Maarr» W F. Joitrt A Bn> . Philadelphia,f mgn!;fmtr.I have iborotu'h'v tested h« /'r.c f"'';'. :»

tarred fn.m you aome reoutha aluce. and cheerfully¦ratify tu Ml good QuajrJ-e. I have loo-. | '.; fu ly e<]'iel 10

all >uu laid of lt. 1 bad one pi.e-drlvln.- engine, which la

.»-oacd to itie area:" r. pe'nted with f., wrv>-:t aiy dryerla (t. Waal partly ririah.d, ihe work waa iaoparaded byBervereebowcr of ram which laeied two dava. and r>n

leaurntrr the painting after lh" atom-, f am ' Uta f .".t harl

and perfect. Theenc'.re and holier am pwBjetjy protectedby It from ihe weather, and where moat KpOeBd10 MaA,gartun and vot watr-r. the pi'.r.t is perfec:!y aoucd. i!

alto leated it >n wood ar.: lad it rh«nr>-r an ! batatf than

apynitcr paint i t.aveevrr seen. W'eaiell uaeli for pa:r.vksg oor tect ona in ih* epr'.sg if vou cat aupplyne naigecremt' ma n -he at;' |*et with ih- tore nan a: i paintetla the Navy Yard. | nave no doubt bajl It w.::, aftM a AMa*, bt Bs' i .'.:»:..' y Ir. UM Nivy 1 neodjWiahyou ike firc~*a yaw paint d'aervea.B..t tm M \*. S aVeapj y -tra truly, J t PgJ .1

Y?S (i L fsH METALLIC PAINT..I IT!'. diff 't fr.-m ihe a.- ,je-, ?a. rj| *

country bt «.»aral Impo.tanl reap-rn. lien* cboatier. a

W|fetaraad aaored lan.e <nl.r, i.a..-i< a.! th- f. « andTaülaai panof laaalliaai Patmaan aad oil.era wi.nmg a

¦apee'Qt palal for ioofa<.f tin or wool; al.o fi.r .a«

' wihkJ, aionn or t.rlra Will fmrt the ataaea at Iihi Water-. N.y. |k> iri .Mws-j sco.a. nroH *. col

ff i \<! l'\ i nt..'i'f»ei rabaNiHbara bwvta|aTd'.ecn appjlr :-xi JtyenU for tnc ta'o of th'a meal anre-

«V,rft'' F .".Uwa'attufrJ by tho NiiW JcilSKV t.XSCoitlrN'i A^O MIN'NOCO ere now prerr.-¦.* Ii er*

Lie ->r 'rra f ' tee MM to tny catonl.

"Th'i P * "¦! I ' aerrera aeett t¦ n

ealared w tae pi'dlc ea a prdni In ail reaieeia tup»r\:r i*

5J.'.t. Thepui-1 c r> aprcifviiy Icvn«-' t > <-a to"

^patcn* LPAO PI PK »ir.'.- i> M'. BAJl AHBaid i . Äl>. col nantli »i ...

riat -.caw. iAMOBL O CORNELL At Co¦j ., . No Ml . Now Yon

' rVUeEaiKAPH WIRE..ICäAßOjDBMW Wtre from forelza BeC i no Telearap!¦riihi aaaealed.a Bprln. Wire A'l kin fa or Ro.üJf al Ä' »uiai, m ".el W l*c!dne f.jr-

w>*ea etrel?*'leifd and c t lo v.v le:j>»'.u Wor ii'r



¦OBKa'd tVAitlll.Mi ON New-York Officewper oiCar ead Baaeai eta, rear of the Bachen«* The Plot}.aer Line w»i four wtrea firoH Waaatofion lo New-YorkMrlnr oirire. at New-*i It, Jereey < ty Newa < Newfronaapa Prmee-..- 1 -r'..- p- - ;. »Vi ;t" de «:.-»ce. W»-' ». 'v, a. * >[..

aaealBr with all th* Great BorteXinee, Beat, Woot, Hoftlpad Buaik TblaCompany Mvto| atet* r^-ie eat^naive

Bjaalreof ibel a f. In reaeed lie ovriliiiee «. i i :ore

(Aeri.. v ..o <er| lia loi. n«»a in the «rvernlee'o»-aadm^e a delieeryof raoaaaajaa, are uow prepared to k-

ectve traeeiali a-. I Settver a-y anmhar of m^aeafea rt

ejylred IM U a aft >..odatl Ml of ;.»« p lb be, with en BOBaVSn ly I rterto ooeqrieled PMiieiaajaapemf boaim aa ef the peMie la .refore reepeetrnlljKBelHra . ihea c- <--m-r of Han»ve. aa I etearer at*

^7|yBJW8 W M kf. BWAJN. PruMaal

jj.U'lJ;. pTi7E-TTTAI'EK..«;.iu-nryJk :. .! I'. -» I" tvür.t f fu- <-.».. liid » .:.

wal a»h t'n.i lit of S:r^ \. ii..r. i S'., ¦(..., .. ll..,,l-wwe, 1 a»ae. fa.-. Pimi'aa and oil. r fa.-. » of all»re- with t'.r.f B omI V.'M'o Bulei! Capa uud L.-*.'ernatiowrrici at^okaC Bo'iBilaTiwiaalaiiiai Papa* -.vare-boi,>u. No J ba-rt-,oapoatteCLf BlBlar*

F'XCELSiüR SOAP, uiahu.aciLUfciii raraal] i>y

DAOWBJ h. PATBOM k CO,Corner of Riving ion «n.i Caanoa ata, Nato-To k

Th a rtotip'» MrMpartor to any Mfcaf olfarad to in« pu'eBe It removei atema, ^'eaae. paint, tar aad MB, andwaahea in tot, haro, n» aaM wilar.artthoul Ida . laatoalb"iory M any tal,nc r>r in ak n BM C lpt1 Woo -r

afainif.rinrera. and all engaged In the traae, a't* eepiciaiiytrivl.eii aa teti ite vaiue >n.. tf

jnENTKEL AND LUCRATIVE OC-. .LJB CÜPATION -The advartiaer will coo uonl

any Urfv or i BttaMi Printed laaaToaAkxMta two haaat*.fui Ana at kV kaoUj > iplicil lo eu.-i:>.a eitbur aas to pre. ileathe MaBM kH.r, ut el and BKlattM occupation, either forprohi or aimi.rmetl. requiring no pre**ioua knowledge,atd but irlfi.n»! oaiiav whereby irlmre time nnv be pr .r,t-ably filled up. and a comfortable ticor.e tecured in the

|e*oaMtiiea of aitiOa to r na.ani demand Mr. Bw.v n.

PBca,wiBm "i !.av«tu.v ar iaairueiloaatoprofiia-bie account, the article bcinr in «real request in the i rn.p'oy im.tilf larij and/alo d»v* "

The mrfurijorr wti; ha puaemaiiy forwarded hv returnOfmall to e/,y part of Uie L'nlie.) 8ta-.e«, free or pojta^e torfi, t) !. V. ...u.a- P i. JttVMHIJOMMG

eii daviW* Bockamar, N Y.

H(»aT, BARGE, R iCECLUB, likeAHO PANt Y BOAT Hl 11,0KK Krom MAM Bäk

Boats klwayi on baud N B Koala of aii deaoript'.oaaBka t at the ahort-it i Mice, »' SootVat.mM aa* chari.KS L. IMOBBBOLaa,

S~pectacles scientificallvAPPLIED..OPPIOB la BOWBRT, i J.>.»ra BMB

Bja Taeaiar, Now York P.ole^aor Slv JIT. Bpectwieat i r r :» aad Praci « in. i* cle Lactan the Anal aileäj Form and Phyelology of the il inten

lye, and i ii i!, g od e'd bail Bfecl of Bpai la.'lee.RBTIMONIALfl ob ABILITY ANO reDOM-

MJSM0AT1ON.Naw Yobr, Nov ;*.». s IM,

'.Ad.jnai iif IpaetacaM to rietoo ran rttaa ^""ii |a ljraiea!an ike part of ibe Uptictan M»ny at^n'a are l-ij i.el.anuatune kotaliy loot, for Want of Ihie. We, me ler.l^,«! ..ei at dat a of Iba atmoal haportaece at thew.b ir io bava good Bpectaclee.and a< mraiMy appUad.%*. I v, iT'i' de leered ar h..(.¦¦ . * reetro rtlea I' th-Be Lecture on BM en'''e." 'n a BotltBly I I'lrary, Broad-Way, Nov ge |. o. He |a well arrraaioted win ifca eele»ee Therefore we rocommead Am ae . very coaipMaMfree.i. a Opi lakv.I airg« w k. » M.D-M Laigüt-aL,aargena lo the Now-Torh Eyaaad Kar Icnrarwy; Anra-Mni Dnii-ia, M i>. AM Boaaaaa-ai. Doeaaking rturgaoa to

Bja Mew-York loatiwtaoa Am me Hand end Mar^eou toÜM(ye . re Kir !; .».'-. |.<nc Wo . MO Ewt BrOfjd-lap. Preaidobi M the Now-York \^ad-.<iy of MerHctaa,aei iion. oiinj; phvsirlan lothaloetiiuiluaifor Uta BHad:Wm Daiiinr. M D ;>> w.e^ter-at. »i"Bto>ni«al Deraoe>atraior io the New-Toth UoivaraiU MedlcaJ C .Uege

' N-v M IBM Mr SKUTT la an ngreeebe Lectarar,baa Bead uaaaal atiaottim to th* oeMeet, end lo a elerrer;Opm .an w CLAY WALLACB, AI D., 2*6 Poarth-at1

All Kpe. (ariea purclmaed bOM Prot BEOTT Will Ml Ba>aannce l. free of coat, if nol aattafaciory He e'ao repeiraaad rue g.eaaee into periiee'own ban-er and klwayi ad.aeu ihe 8pe.-ia-ies lo the Byaa,«a Iba 'n >.i approeadpriBt-'pie» mal bareheaoutacovered laanolaalana m.>d-an, scienceOmre.s.' Bowerv, three doori from Tit.*aier, New-

*5'»-_ aiSl tawMATblm-

jt--:* i "ÖT' reautv..iio\v to*vbk HArtoaoMi1 can :ta.ruct any r. ison low to b:i hL-.dt >me.I leach how to ueee bro wn ak'.n fair and cl. arI teach bow to remore tan, plmplea aad frecklea.I leach how lo chance ihe aa'.low face into one of beaut?I teacn how- to u.«ko tho wrinkled ti:o atuooth.I teacr. h. » to m&ke brown tet>th as whlto aa pcarla.1 leecs h^w ;o make dhB ut.*d gutua bard a-d kound.j Ukci. bow to make offensive breath perfectly a wool.I learh how kg make hard, brown bände, aoft and whit*1 teach bow to make the hair grew luxuriantly.I aa t.aaieu the growtbi f >\ biakara, moua^achloa, 1c.1 teach how to have bright and aparkl'xg evea.

a*** r Jkjw *° MMBCra ihe eyo-alghi for life.

I teach how to reatoraimpahad eye-eight.I kach ho» to ahaaga grey heir to ttaortglnai color.1 teach huw :o,-lia:.k<> tin clor oft!., ba'.r ae teac.i how to n;ak» ihe hair aoft. rich and g'.oaay.I lea. h . ow lo make UM llee ai d BBBt ka rod.* teach how lo laakOTB auv<-.C,ioua hair.' know laey are all peaiacaty bwixtbaaa,1 know Ike] aiaaD tan eat apat.J plt ajant.I krow aeon pcrr*>a will lian them oa tri»;.1 rl.e dliaatjOaal lo u.ake ai.d ua« BBBMcompoundAIk..;.. j. . '....:.<.- .1 «.i a:,\, a .». i.' BAl ONLY t**tK DOLLAR for al.'lhle Information,t receive no letters BBlaM poet paid.Add.reaM LAVABBE Kien. h fllBBlhat. Vt Naia&u at

aartor of Aui.. New York.he w.U aend the arorfe byMkU. a5MMWaJ*

ftaXPHOS PREMIUM A.N(iLESEVLyLBO- Mi la aolerj t.y u/n Bpi - -

Btw-Tork .The autiaen- er, from an e.vpt rtence of ,v-rawrtity 5ears In Aurope ard f.ta couutty. aided Bt a lA B>

SJrM AfMtioal knowledge of h.a ait. a esa >ledaaaa«hsi!uj'.e tot a Int lim*» re the bet Baa worid an -rdiaaave seen ihe Attlracial Leg of Mr. Balpao Tma cia-

¦e a«* 'Prrar. n alloct, -.: d weil rix : ated toautwer

aribe o*b-r.t art\,r<}. sj.j, t>eit of rtU ia ice proof of.oaewhowear them. Xh'.t U DCMtlM Badeolahka.T*. m '¦. eda w! tm e.. . - forri.-v¦rfaurertor to t ., Mm | \- r.rt i iNt. MOTT, M o.'

Also ariVV?- r.l'.!^lre"v- ! :-; r ' l'<Mwa.a.'1. ; s »iHTIPICI».'. H\ND. an - vclye7a»\»b^,''l,':h'!':'i:'''',r* :°a: which, bj meaMaN»i t*a nP*'T*"»:*,tI'rrl th* fintp la made to opaeaadaatloo. et kv u?. rr,,p> -Vc Kurtber tn'o-madon on app'l-

/'"-"ir n ; ^ o ¦*t**l's' .1 -* a *¦ i ''!;W


io, e^

».Bf«l ,lPt/flA>»u.^

le»as-.. ,. L

.KM'L.v:*..,i.. M ijaO kteeaeue>n paaaea

Wit i

l^tWTOft «vfrrvr evjVRT hWi * * rito»»*.i Waii Mfir^iMiMM* H ajelaeesa Iir»>K nirtnOAHI . ua linj mmil »*ii raejw to

Bkttrei the ItlwablBt III Ilm T'i ii »' «/hulia cpy h ,hl Bar tied11 tl* i*.n I t>rk r OeC'lv «n I ,'oiinlv if V » Vo-I ¦n-'t* ..r««ai0|« tj uiiii "'! '. lha BfAf i i> i * m b . >

x ..>»'. M M OaVe, MlWiM la MM) Cttj - Ik -1 ..- .»

dai . a'trr th* reavae kareef, et. in ii« of Iba d0» . f el ii «*r> .. . i»D.1 .f you fail ti. *i.*»»r Hi* «ai.l mm mmm w::i, ... . rata.*,tkri* im Out artaoa willtake j **n.* t aaaJool yu i. j .* raajol , ia headred awlt*rh') ». '"I «'" am .*¦¦*> ihr*« *nt. w ... n

.. ., Hi.iii i-i .«« 1 .!¦ "i . tu "i.» hi « !¦' leadnit > a*. b-«;t* l..» .' at* oi Hi -. n n*ted, Vttaal IUIHolawflwM HKTfS* DOS "II I: pta ¦¦* m lit ruaya.

SL'PKtMS court. -Ii Iba m '«. el I . ». .¦. * ¦ UmMa)ur, Ald*rc t. a:.ri c< ..* ') of '.!.* t. .t> .1 .««* Fotk're

hvwete the eeaweac ef Be»*e«y eifbtb-el Ireei T rdavoeaotoFifth-a'teaa. mike «aieoloaBth Wei .. ¦ ft a i« herebyajt** tl at U-* < oa'a. (bar***. anH citbuiavirttaW incurred ha nuog,!.'».! ¦'' <. .':*«' .' . V In t»er. Wi.l » Mi >». .-«

üi. H. n nbla Ji ba W KJujolI..-o« .f haJ -iraai/t .» .:.a

0 ... ..«-. (i .,¦« is-".. », Ufcee eae el m» th*r Ja*1 elIhn tad Co irt, at>..* Supi*'.* to..rt Ch»uiti»r., n th* C -I.d . I i «f ftae Fork,eeSaAarrat .! a I.'tli da» i.l April,' .' i et to'.. a .a th**- .-a., a Dat»« Hew i ft. «atUt.Uai.

ji>HN H i» Ml rv: )A J MuMi.iieFKT Vt n rw'»

ait. rouca ¦TTCacOCK.)

\T A SI'HR. llaTK'8 C<KtHT, k«U m for tlia Cunty of.' ». Y.«k,al'... I or ,.te i.:,- ..: . Ai IRewTefk.oa

the laeatj eajklk ol tfaeck tbe year owe tk ..» i :.-«imm anjr-eae eaeat, bttiaicer w ¦.. . theti. mi ol ib« Apa leaUna in kk>rt(raca I .r kal ike k«.i tatenat BRAJQLSI (. ><)!)M»* eweeiad rtn re*- 4 «-k! aiu< theappKcai a ©I HART Aim ttOOORAR, tbe »: «.: i ..tieVataieoi BtaaThn o ^mai kiteeftkeCRty SeI rkaeeeeeaeti... » .. .ii ti t., %| r'i;t^«, i or ?»li ti.- Real ti'.'.i al tiia ft 1

.araaaae Ibr tbe eattaeat o! I i <akta i A ia erdararl, that el peeao .

¦r.*.«r«tt*4 -.t:« latele ef the m Itrailar OuaeaMU .i*».'..«.:.

a;, «ar aefeea Iba Berreaata of the Ceaaty ofttawTen, atu.«OB ., n ttar .>. if S« Feel en theBfteeatkd«| «.! »Jty twit,a!t».. a't k, la the foreaoe* efthat "ay. th«n aad there te afc » eaaaa

ah) .t.. tt i te .Hi "t i rea to Iba . j tim aiatrattn to

M< rtca«e, !.«»». or tall ao ataek ur Ha K«»i ?;«..;- if uaB".e'e> C: dtuaa, J«caa«w, aj »lia '¦. nhVA at la eej k I > la.


SUPRABJJ COUR1 la tfca marter of tbe appkeate a ol taa-. Me) r. »Mir.i n« I D .¦-.f the I - .»». f'.'k.r»«t t« le theOPXBIiia OP BATKM1 r.XiaHTrj sTrlitr, «rotefl iB-a*eeeeti P bh aaeaae, tatha S utaaatk \V».-J «r ...i. t>.-Tfl I ilV >aiiiaJ.Cv>niii »>:' -.era of £.. ::.»..« a-. J ' tl a

It leeatrdal mater, dttlyapi kriedttj a rale ofthe Beere aCeert,(.a i..i..*-oeieeaat to tbe raoamineata ».i aa * t of the Lactala.i^ a ! tie oe<fh>Bf the Sute of Hew V rk, «i ti Ud " Al tel Ia A^t. er.t '.If-.' ar. A. t. to ledei . tartaral U-«. t»U- u: par-| v »..w y- 'X, :rt« »n« ait ! »

|. t paNed AprU.'r !«.<.- mat ike ibetrattof Iba E setaanaa aaaaaaaawofwa aajB fi niwiaainitaia itht »t.. r» »ntit.V natter.

i ... a .a i. '!*»«. -i. :,;a..-.oil.". «'»

c! aa, 1, |..t« a* ttvey apr,4»r. n tt« mar« ef (J . Ce . -. .a:r. to« «h a-irh n.-ajaaad t:.« era aat ol Mtoirnwnt, ¦ .' irl .

aaaaaeeebaeaaB, aaBatao an n« «ini.tit». *.. -o -. *..i o.a;

j »4i« ... > tkva aata Cm ... .«.» <: i lUtmrt, Lata Uu - Bae B ... C. aiueer'tof.nii tia rtj ar. I c rtatv f fTaw Toefc, be Uta I el«i '«.«oet/arit u.a> . aaeate ; Baara te reoaeta for at i.a.t atjl tfaj a,i..., . Ilia ¦. -i ("i ilaak aeea make I .. Rap r ¦¦ i .

piai r. belira aadplarebara r aeai -.r.l. An-ikel..dC'.rjnm r..<iu.'» l-r|l .r ion ii a- i.r.niuit to t .a p.-oi «

T. Ml.I icareerel ».:... nai Im ipaau ol all I -..«

ir ioi.; .- '.. '-. .. J .'..¦¦..,,. ...

c> ..¦;'»-. < i>. rtti." .. -n \« ». irre tj an im I Been wheeljätetaaiaa»eädert* heiab1 i*d wfc ray .-e oppoeedl ih«are ...maatee kg pea aarl U bm ia wme | j 'H i n.

tVI11 era,e No7i WaJr-aUoaA, .111 (' tj ol flaw ffneh, wiUiiu lAurt) Jatafrou. tbaVafaefliiiei uee i aad «trat tl Ii - rnbraeef ha tbia A»>«r«rnectar* aa l-iMuwa tbn'. a iu wuy hi' Oaoaa t aiacaa ;i ahelland, *lteate,h:ar ai Itaaingia in* a i,_e>**»tt( WardnT theCity ef

a >. i-io'..^a)fe*t,foiii (liiBfli-,: wrfterlr tLivr tri¦. roof tbe härtet eine beadaae '. «.> !.»'. le the . tale It V« of ,tidee theFuerliiaeeaa*i inn....ö- real .* ii-<^'^n, ...j.

or «:Jt ... thelh irthaeaaua twoha Ired a-.d«.«.> I ur . r '«<fr r ;4 ir.ihea. le th* poiateeplace ol t>«^ an-r ¦. Aak alaa alltheee

"*- I '*-, *. i'*. . ' . »«.I»...»- tt 11 iae i.'ity ef New York, lail bneaded, mtm .»$i taia<r|aefbhawa, Uatiak Barau t et a petal iotbo»aat*il> l.o*. or uda of tie Foorth avaoae, J.«'*ijt ou* huuJrea a'.atwo f I".) (eat. two (2) ::.chae; aontlierly fem th* «<m.".erly Iiri*,or I. . ' S.vaily e ulith atr**t, r.t * r ti rjio|Ue«.ee waetarly,alna| t'.aea or ol r . > .1.« ii iff. .> f^,i .. , v 4 , .

a oftheFift anue i thaaca aurtheib alaag aatf aarterry line eia leof Fi.'th avei ua, t«o I. .'Jred n.l ante fa r(Mal eet. tiarftja Ii tbe i.r t» the Wo« a tl aa a a.-«!.. s jr Iba ea t-a. ....... .1 4>r*a (iftaj) lea* le the wane yhaa - -ire oft Tl ..... ,.-.,,.. i

tarUai area aetiee. tLat their lt*p< -t a ib-> »bj»* aittar, *r II harear* i rl i re.*, iae to tbe ( apeaemC >art ef the State ef Ptaw-Tora,at ¦ *rielt*rn . fuun, to t** keM aathel v Hall ..i .»

ufN«*.. ii.i ».o:.St\'\ I UI)at .tbn H'bda 11 .».*..iae-lot of Uw Court nhal **r, of at> aoxrn ih*T*aftar at Coa*aleaabekaard.t ....»* « n»ui« n wi'l bettit ih-1 rl.. i"rn ...> H ti Hi i't j

a J V..M.. .tu r '....... ajn

JULIUS HITCHCOCK) vJ ;, i:,. .. ^r, i«51, mitilJ-M*.':

riUiE frOPLI 01 rUKSTATBOFFlRVt rOKK,I tbaQraea1 oi (ti'.Kiee nd li.ila|«riSeLt: To all ptraon* r-.raraatH in tbt

a- a'e. JOH.1 KUSSINO,la'<t.o: tba t ty ¦.( >et» Fork,dectatad,aei'iadit ra, legtteee, nail e k a ia utlnieaat. Baadflrtttiat T u

t^l aai'h ol iouarahereby enV t lenaktad naftnaellji t-i oaa«a

t. r«ar b'f.ire ii-ir ?' n^att uf tl.« Cmi.-itt ol N-* Torki at hu ¦'. a

ii let i r* .a-w V rt, . .. t t Ii.. t.v ..! .V. :' t'» n

oi l «k ir. the fvraeooe ol that BBJ, thee aad there le tttaa tbe thaito ikan t f lb* »¦. nut ol or. r< ' Ml..,1 i ¦ .- ,oi

*. rtoroflhi !*.t wit ItetteoMBtof aaatdaeeeetdlu t**u iol) « btit I, aa bare eaaeaf the *aal of od . ol laid Sai

n uat* tote beraoi' I aTiir*. it: eta, Aantrtdef W. "rat[i t ] id, Si - rata f oar raid County, at tMCitpof B*ew Yorh.

..... Bjai i, ia the year of eat U t tht -a-«

aifAt hat r*d ai.t Sflr oua.BtM laa*a W BRAT)FORT).I rragati

riCKithe.t aiearj that th* PKnctPli of tii* ol tbal t ret! estittol WlXLIAM RRHWICK, late ol lha Ctty of flewt rk, e». aated, tatAtttate, i«t«:, malt undtr the ordei lb*I irreeai* ol the Count) ot Saw )cik, by Jaroat Renwick,theadnuait-Lttor of al) tad ... .-,'»> the enedt rheltth aad eredtteof titaa.t

istitute, w ill 1>L DIVIDED by the tard ltur<«fatt ataoai Ih*Craeiltiranf th* aa:d ir.ta. ttte, aoeordhBl . at Ih* Jurrogtta'iortu* mtnaCtt .1 New Yorl.on tuaritb day ol Kay nail, II r.*c

0 hm a ia the lerertrioo 11 t-tt nur. I)tud kah lOta dtv al MarrbA ' 3...

av Thl t I IiKPAl rrdKs I .ai a tl *.I.I. or KKI iiKli. ---«v*d1 ', ealewUI -rn.ord attht Btiael fnwnainair'i Ottati: t.' Pr lay. Ap';l IH. litflt, tl.a o't !i fk I' M .to buiM an additina Ii.

II * p er So SB, f< 11 ot An. a «t. ft K.; to b-n'J en ad lilt « I '..'.«

r...».. .7 r.w.t ..t u.nim.iiii at. R Bl t to die e wall aid !.¦.:! »

pui. |, in Portt aaata »t b»t«..«n Sitth *id a^>*. tu m >pa»tlb*iair »£* ara) aal flat; a .pare fourBaM tridt thriwak Iht tidewatt ul let. ar. Iri-ai lii..t> lecoed 10 Tairtl tl, .a at I Bt|aii.tta't. in Bi*fdt«ay In in lantb»'. Poiir'»tttb It ; to fill I IBBIlata ia Tlort> amh aad ivnv tataath ate eod raataaed Bkreeatha«* Fhne tpeelB^elBT«aeaaeal ieitMrtattäaathareto *e i>a had o..ü to tl.* Coatract link of Ihil Ta«»,lea;-joK.n T DODOI ItraetCoetn ««i t.-r r»


OWbttr, BFiKan It. Jadeon *rnre! Clial -.r^ a » MaryU aata,bit wife. To r b Bpraa. aad M«r>- U -a. I ¦ fkTimm ate IrraeAy aataratea*a aad reaaiead t«i aatrwer the etweeteial ai

Ihia«iiioii.whichtwapkviat trat BWrdla Iba ottce ol thaClarholfi.r innut; County < n tba 4t!i dki of Mar. V tSBl «..d aert*.ico.n ol

y i:r»n.**r up. ti raeatrap OBMB, n lb* t. ;,,* ol Kin-a, nth*i i'j o» «rroec wiOfitwf .» .'. «f-i f . "i.. - i|.-:-.|,e ilii.itei.itB».:.« 11 ..oh i*rarice i aad II yoe fad to aatwer lhai. mi ia.lit aa aferetald, the pAtuttll will *i;.U lotaePourl lei tiitMl.«! dtii.-:..Vt it the i. u.p'a i.t I'..*. 1 M.i. '.!.. 8."reM tawaWWed1 j"Iis BY. Wl»WKR,Fla**tuT'a Atfy.

-Iii»«»!":'. f t> u f > v y ¦..

O. tfata if' r, lat rai eC.f agairaIR W. I kal'aadBJithaalF O'ttavn .taaaatoa. f..r«i.*. teenaI.tree'..7 Hu tadaalt K.W.XIMBALL Fooart trabyi wadaadr- ... .J to tawi r ibr coa pteiai in Ih.t ecu ... to terteai ; >of FBBf BBtwer to the atid orrpltu t on the(.i| b r,

ia the City el Few-Tora« wrtaia twa&tj liyt at*erthe tar thereof,. i. .tiroefthe <.«>. efaaehttt vkxi; *lI if reo feilte amwer matt dIi ii l 'aiot Will i. tl.e tun« a'ore..i J, Ilia plo t if in Ihil ad l«ttka,ud(n>tBt trttett you fur the mm of lour hu idi.t! a.iJ **«*ot>«». .i ti .''.tu«. ".t.raat r. I:l- J r a:.' f.':y t«o» 1. "tr» fr'mti . ma: t> .». <.; i Bay ,.;' b.(.t«n ker, K I, tr" Dt thr** huti'ired andm.-'t tii loDart rro*i tl. Ifteeath day of Haerh,one Iheetaadr t ...bditd and Mi)-me BStideo theeett af ihia ecttuej aad takeaotice that the tomplaiat hi thit act no war R*ediathe <>*.* <>t theCitri l fhaCdj aadCoaat] of Sew York,oa the ahrraath dapafAp"l, IBBI I'alae, N*w Fork, Arm! w iha:.alrilaaramW 11 D. dCOtiWit' K, 1* a n' i!'« Att..'n«y.

11«0 Pierre A: ... t roeii «r>, i >. a r l. patard, Ptwre H abl II Aahet La aajd Feterlaher,Philip Ladww. Jeaa ¦ Preeaaiee,

Pa*tt JC.i. \ «r Mairt-. Pttrri f. r. (". r.e Matei. P.«rrtChapBBBi Pardraaad Later, Wtshaaial ti PaJ.ntr. Richolaed. Kti

I, Caroht t White, Pierr* F. ft a, Frederick Rotifer, Joha Fater». n...'lra RarAoBtsA bUdetarli John i>r. »-h «ttiu. r w.t, p,.rr*Aeihwiha Rerd JeenhCrtok Fraee tfaita, IdaraBrowa Johatfayer,Ja It. Ii. i»i4,l .i..UI-...I btattu. Ii«-:.. i tt. ..'.* .pt. It a. Inf.Sifat Ta'rr:,;-. Edward F Mar In. J» mm Tay r. CA H . W:. -.*.L ... Ca » Beaterepa, Wdkaa laesei frteeajt, and W , |..i pee aedeock ai |oa «r* he». ¦ ad tn a -»*r t. .

ti ¦. a'aietof BWat C. Smith kaee a Da Ruaay,Frank ii Imitk Pk.i i..aSn.t'..M*rv J.Barth, XbaaI Bmlth,aad Praaklit S Ria-

tey, tktiatidk, a i to terra a c py of yoar at . ir. a n . at Detki, ktIheCeeaty of Pelawate,atd Sta'» aaar ) n, . :;.ui t*enty daj j

* tat tl - -^rt ice ii t' - ti .a* :'...f* of tba day ol ..r. -

dadkahoaeiiee t'at .' pea aa.ii a.i toai t**r i»iu:Ii.i>i *.

karahj rtqanaad the pTawtaflt ». lapf) '.¦ IheDehtware Coaatjt .uit lor tt - r'.tt dt a aaded It the -.. foomphi ..t And ako take.r.f re, th.t tl - lairJr -i p«*i.t waa fl'ed eith th*C*rk ef *h* Cuu-.tyol Oehiwar*, at kit eaVa Delhi, afeeeaatd, oat ¦ Btk iayefAptM,IBS and an .ii .nd»d cowplaint ua lha vStk iat af Riwamber, IBSO.t.d fdatvk S i, IBM. J rALMtll. J Vmll», IV.itir*ft law*W*J County, S V Atfj lor Pit at

IB rUttil'ARfE .-r an..-dar of the BBUTOBBta o! tb« CcaaBJOlPewTotk, aoejee .a kerehl r.i»en to al! p«r«:«L» h»»ii{ cbuau

' avaaiet JOSLtU LUPTOS Mo ef ehefiRyef t*ew-l rk.eeeaaaBlt ... t the -a at ¦ kera H trt) ' I lha taktet bar, ttb*rr.»ni.i., *, So .7 >S*t«.ith .1 in lb* CiU . I V.a TOtk.00 Ot ktajbettl* u.n*te*btb J.)of July oaat Dated r«»v. V, 14. :'r jrt«*Lliday oljar. try, l.ssi AfaTOUtVTTI LI riui,JtB !»w«ti\V«/'trttnl.

I ra PURSUASfCE of aa 1 rdet al II - Bar* .«!. uf th* Ceaafg '¦|t>. 1 ¦'. 101 . t herab] träte le al f. riauniliaetat *A 11.1.1*« UtRoKN, lata et tbaCita of N*« Vora. Pnnl*r,daxeaaed, te *^aaeak the tame who. t,* tl,ar*..f t tha *aa*c*iter. atti e lei t'aoc* ol Oardt.-r S. Chap.n. fr.ta Fail ITtk ttiatS.

the c ty 01 See f :t, 1 ^r ~» tl . u . rtk 11> ol A'j,-i«ttaaV.Daktd tt* t 11, the i«f '» nr.t i«) 1.1 K-e-uart. 'rv>i.

¦Bf iwrtarWad' Hi EBB l OSTaORB.Zaac .¦ ..

T« PUBISUAMCE ol aa oeSer oT the SorngaU of thaCa unryofRBew-Tett e. . ...... f \mi. t«- *'! parti » kaaiat .It ..

a»a.i»t PATKlt h 1 ItSt.N.N AN, lit* ,.f t: a Cty ol Sa* Tt rk.¦taithaat, dttaaatd. toBteai t tl . Totekart thereof tet a Subrcnker. at the of* a of Jan ft S. lay tor, Ni ITS CalblllBB'*"»*t. id tha t rtj < f * mm \ it ot or kefoet the T.nrt.ath uar oftaaäal tatt.Dated s*» Fork, IbaTwetti :'. th da) ol P*vi-4r«,

.' « Mt I I TAYLOR, I I Itg«f UW" W - JOHASA hKKNMAa, It Itfatf I

iffPITk>tTJA\SCR elaa eiderofthe tkiBreiaki eftheCt uty <tlewFork,aoticatthmt'jy tr*m n til pern r* bat <m eh ::ii(i:ii

daVIOSOB -. rafRiw-Foct laeaeee^a *<?

teatthe nit » ta .ou. i.ara th«r*. 11.. .ha tehti r.oer tl II < otS.a olj m tut x . :...«. * «... 1: \v ,::....*,; ^-. .«c.t)afRewTeeh. eat arbeAwe t) 1 etteealhdaj dJ raext katad Hewl it, the *a«aatk day M Jatwavy. lesi ,'.'.Mi» v DAVIDSBEja !t»«« w Ada ¦ArteaB ... 1 ,mc.

1> PI KSl A«CF ol aa rdor o* th* SJ'r- |t * ol the C*a:.rIftew-Tfetk S «> atebj .«

arainatMAK) RRBBXDT. hita of thet>kt ef Mew l 4.3. titeereaaad, f. ».ra^i.t the «aar « tou.l.trt»u! t the S-t.CfBter, at bat re«..<-tie a! .-. .-;.* ..¦>«-. e..-..-near Iti bba'P*rry. W».«^ *.|*r t'.."'t». ..«, »... ¦.» Ska PfM ttyaf Jhaty eait.Qalad 9rtauk»«ah. tha BTth tat «.* Dam %

BjruwSBlWed* FRABCIi RRNRKOT, Ado utlralor.

IR PORSUaNCR daa irtetofliaataiiaajaltuf theC ¦...» .s-w-T.rt. .ot cm im haaeOa ap**e to al per* > 4 eh aa .tt ^.t

ELIZABETH DAVIDSOR, tau f lie Crtj I Pit* Yark,. »* tr* tf^m « S keett Weaft .¦ Wtriheiat theetVeol A « * 1» > Maahw, AUoraara, I a ,v.

at rat*'. .« toeC-lt . .'Naa V. fa. . ..r oaf. . ....* - .«- SI .»». I Ju'«,mmii.:.«.*» *.». r.'itithetei-. (laaaarpiatl,y;*af".:.W JAMi't C i'a\! a,- -t-.. a

In I'l'twbLA^vS of aa o.a*/ of U* SaiftejalB of Bat 0 tSAJ !«i|*> T rt aotic* it ktrekr creea at t ;ti.-i ha^kaj .«-«

,*a.-*t «aW1 EL HASARD, '.'t » c « I a*» Ft ra ..*».

»Vit d*>*a.*vi to rr*»*ri * »a « ¦ ir » ..r..r. Lhaeael a IkeikJttinhai. at II* K. . I thai Slate I 1 a F .).*«. J-1 W.D«araatt :a ate Cmj of BewT « . ' . )h* laiaey aWrddaiU li .«>t ««» * « t » . s - -r »v

, tw-u . \\ l. W. I.t lb -at.VP * i*»- vr

IB Pi K?l ASl I >*io'f*sur -...ft rtr.«.e.»

F.ot.r .- »tote i new .

JOÜB RDRDELL, kttaol | a City «f *.» . rl .-«».xi. to -».

lha tan a ¦ era : ..*...' ''«

\ Mayctit f»aft Hew Y t a > as

te'.eta MT':i»faW« HARVET oLlil\'I.L,EiesBBai

I» prR«r4!»rr f t r!« .Tt:.« ¦ ft /it. '.» , r ,-?r oiNew YerB, n.' e it herar,} fnta to til p.raens dents

ipwilH IHLBI J BVIXO*, .'.¦«<-, ft V -» ..

e«.wd, i reseat oeaeeOkWrth row «. lee rw ''...'.» ariber,,,\. Rnr s aj «.steak .tr-at. bj Ok*Cttj e.«T..». .p .*

.'. -. .«w.nt. t; r! ... ¦' A'.ru«! Mit ."«I» wOV-TeOki BB).¦" ¦»«:.' Fsbrisu. laA.I

ItDWaHll hLI.L' i A r . '.

)>l l»»*n,\V« wih tha «.il ann«t«t

II TOMI ANfk r.l sn a1BOT fll tae of Ike CMM i-'i

'.s« T..ik. aaroby cftaa to a;i perseea kat 4 ekuMip .. 1 am H k r LL1. bAa 01 lbs OR ..f.*«. ?.«, iraiaa,....... ., resent tbe w ¦.». veeebert .' «» I to Dm isAtarl.,a. at tiua store of Befit - > I I '...»«¦-¦-..¦>at New fork.oeorBOBoro the twenty eglU. ta» of Hank ier*-Da'.d T.-- T . t : .>..,-.

BERN HIB KFÜ.t.V lahan ¦.-».-¦

oil'.«".¦. v» t\» ESLLT, IdaBBBwialrii._I" PI RrUARCK el in order of the Sorrorste I the Ceeeg el*»* Tfork aatra « kotoky r «an to ah aweuaa ka« ...

i»t.'ARE3 KEl.L.lau. I the fly o' Ita ar T..rk. i* .".*".'"

... 1 wfth tie « h.r. ll -re- tr Iba . ' t atlBO

r-Rceof RFH. D. HORRH, S Orareat ¦ tee CAT of ».*»

>,-i oa er ketcr* the Rslb day of October Bert Dated New Ter«,l,» f -. -..I M S-mCEK, Kie "tor

at lBwaar*Wed_V1 M »¦ it eeral l < eft e t.. 'aw. to »:! rr- .a i.a».aa

i> HORACE COtTaTWCLL, lata d tba.utaofOr-e-p< rt, is that' wr, of SouthoH «:.d County of^Sol.»o, ^JJJJJ1i La I ¦-."'.//*!'; .*.,.,, V ~ ?.

of aid '«««.aC at her re«.:eui e in <jrarnp..rt aforesaid, or V. .ar

... at-ra'-ä- Farlor ;r H7 .'r.ntb at, rtaw-Tork. na or betöre

i\lT»ju.ti lOTaatk tar of May (»«.-Datei lew Y..rk. 17?n "oCAiHtKIML tCHiSWELL, Adm.n »tratru.

.; leefeaW*.V''"ICE IS HERtBY OIVEfl to all ,.«r»or» hi«,r4! cla m» train

11 RURIRT A1HSLK&. lata *y I Hew-Tore, deeeaaaa... ...()» aaate .rtel eroeeeere, jttheealeeef ta.LT/eoreev\ .. . reteelataf Aege« aeit

R 1. TMOKNt. ( r,. ,t .,

WM Ct l'.TIi .«.'JVEä i t,*cul

«t\ EI.I/tHtTri a.V* AiitSLEl, Bit ttfil

kjjRl It If !..: v .-..! t r... Jr* /. 1

I>.i.i.c aa toeeleel »ekln WEI>-

af V t.. at W '. '<»» M ... »a«t bale of tt .

f ar HaH'ioUie dt» of (taw li rk, all the riebt, title an I ietereat oi

Ml MIT ¦ 1'tY, «! b. bad on tna 11th day of Rir. b, 18^1.1 r at

..>... -. ¦«'¦*' !.». '« " a «lT.a T. >. 5« rl. .'.

. .<. «r.r:», " i1- .' .? .¦. :-«. r . yaanfroeialretdatet Mav. IMT eteyeerlrreeteflertyeefleraa ujee,

iQ tkal caitaie! toffreeaa' aed d«relfie(-bouse ikereoe,'iRaalae la

Iba I6U. W«rJ ftleC ti ..i Sa« Y. r.. t ia Eas>. '«

!"?. JV.a.vis. bftwa.r. lit an^ 311 ttrea?a. kniwa a :i aoaijereeaabenaeBo JM IO?h Ar.ane. «a>e It ef fPoaad bang it .... ¦

ii .1 a. win* ir f ortl snrl H f«rt H icibss wide in t is rear aO'l n fl D

on Iba Sor.htri) «de M (eat i o.< a- o- !.- . '¦ "¦ .*>

le thMiaat. beted Ai r i.'.tb.lesi. IHOM.ii C M. ...-

I Jf.R. TIKR1 Poppe/. _I " u' | rv,<I i( RPOKATIOJI >.11 KB,.Pub'n- hiheraarf fivee tottalA_.,aii«r>.r » ... >.j H tor <> r..,.a-?. . f .a

iaaa>>o»e*l er eataapriwee* lanes awka raJ Ibesee*, tbet tea I e

bi-BMSBleba.r tr.n f.-t. (i'a(dd by tl.e AMSasors, sl-I ara I d;.daa the etTice ofthe Rnraeeoi Assa.smsat. for euaasaKKMi by a'l jaraoe* iatereatad.T t. 'or lajing rrnSKara't id Weat «traet t<i pi.r eo

«I. |'n-i -i? \r:n eri v au. h a-«»-« ,n« '.. :« a!' I' a

aoaerel huesea set lot. of ii. ouJ. «a. Iota. pie. a. .1 ;>arieU o.'Ma:.* :. e».?ai! . - f '*.'» : »tre»'. 1.«..»».- ' - 1

i an el sat tt are asTe t«j :. *

> re aetee 1. aeeae, aat el ara opseeei to too at a,etaalberef ibsre, |ra ra«i seta aroeoot tlis.r objection., iu wn'ingtotbeei »:-...- r Ire. Ro. 4 HaD of Bei iws.eritbJel :>tsvt (tor tie ditt of that eotfee. ORpS Bureai of A'"«"men:a,8-...r 1... . a ;, April 10, IMI lAllCIL H. OB MUTT,FRAKCI« HCHOiAOlt. ISAAC Wet katlTH. Aseeainn all

/ luRPol a. IIO» ft. -i ICK..Pak notice is beta rcireatothe

Ü m . ¦¦"/J:.. [, '¦* '.

i.I,ris: For rag .' c ei MacAdai a»eg Rifl atk* .¦ a Srxm .: S r Ii a> . !;.» .I» e l. oa.*! 0» ... b

A eaes I. r. Inda ad tl e ..varal bou... and I. tt ol rjri.utid, »'acaatlo's. pietrs ai.d parrel. '.' lead aitaetattoe ...«».»« r.ft-e.i. .a

....-re. f-vecth ted »v.. A'l per.- n. w .« i:f.'.*V-trtall., ado] ilia sbore named tK^ssmatt»,aid wh.. ara«eaoathe saase, nr eiii.roi them, a a reqaaated to prsra .t Ibesfebjae Ita ¦ ... writ sf,te the tkeif .dice,Re t BaO iItr oida, witbka tbiitj days Acaa the daU o( tbia notice.- 0 rIce, I:ras kasessmreta. Street Dei rtereet. April 10.1AM .dAHUEL HDI RUTT, FRARI 9 ITlCHOLSOit, [SAJiC tVB ^Mifn a

re . ... alO lot

(tOKPORATIOR ajoTICI Pabae aotice tt I «et,» (rrea, tba, bweea or eaeese,. o upsat orio aeei t. ol tii Boeaea a ..I Luts,

iaapforedef aesatw »«J l.»nJ» sffe. t»J tliersb>, tt at tbe f .|l,.wui(,nents hs»eb»#r. aiekrlirl bv the a«sa»s ra.sLttrel dgsdn the oaVe ofthe Berta« ..f A«ee..nnenis for m.r.», ey allpetetea ,r.>e,e,ta,:. y,. a;r*.i,, t. aj-i ,-., fr m e b !.. ntr ^.ennej¦Ii«, or frttiitf 9ih aretiae. In m 3n h to tU at aod ra«tt.i:< tbaci berat ewttwr atoaesthsri .. Tl.e l.m.t. e:i,i,r.n *.i i.v .u. b A-»«>e

avchftda all I | 'feral P.- a*m» tua fur.*.. o<tin un«, va.-tnt «.««Caa ai.d parcels ol Laad, sweated on h db ' des ol ltd st. between

*o aad lite areeaee, r n noiii n^a. of ltb-e*eeao, bitatata ;on-ii

ttlk sis, oe Ike lortbari] sale ofsotb-st aod botb skies of t tu. littaid IM itt ledaeea t>to and lmb aveacas AM »er* n» wj .e ,a

terctt sr» tfT'C-t ty tbe sb-»e namel Au'e-.n-eits, ». 1 wh

«11 .-»#n t.. ii:- ..-a. or eitheroi lliem. are laanoatod t't nretealil .ir i.l,,e, !,.n. eiftie* ?¦ fa ai ie-. nad, et their otece, R IH- .l ii' Bei - estbia tSlrty Oa>a Ifui ke late ofO - a Dotad ( Ree B. renn I A .»t-ir.i t» Str»»t f)«|-artir »:,t, April 10, IHA1I *. r i. h D£MOTT, FtlARClB RICHOLISfl, HAAG wrj«ii.n, a-..- .-. rja mi

a Ulli I « t'l H'.a ^ »TK K i ... - - -i-- -. e .

1 eweer oreweera eeeeeael of o<-< anai tai f all Hoesea ...d tyitsiwpttrredrreoinpmred Leora,affaetei Iberebr,tbat laeaoRrWieeA.....ii.e»t, bare boat apleted bv ti.. Aseatsuss, aod are lud edm ibeadlre ef tba Bereea el a> rm.ata f r evaa ..

peisous hrksrestesl, vm Por baiMiara i«»,rm awreeth at fries tbaBearer¦ AeeaeeCta *,<..».< tbebeiita a arecedbya a.

aaaseseel iachsie all the earoral Houses aad Lots of Ground, rataalLots, j,... ta a.- b f Lai '. tnateJ oa b II «

at tete-sen Aver -:e C sr.l P,r-t av. atd on b..:n aiitio1 tvenaee Aani B, bet«area Siitb ard Eirbib sta AHpersoea wkoea itera iaraaffarted by tka a'rrrs aanted I awaaaaeeta, sat eh" ara ..ppo--1 t-

the tare, of either i f ll er,\ are reeeoate it,. p«eaa I Ibeir oeieclwmsateritiaeti ike etaseraeraod, at tben odtrs, Bo t H.'l ..l tt«. & itWll-ie tl.r.-y days fi. ni tba «Ve ..f tl.e net « .8 iMl'fcl. H. IllMurr rHA>cis MCBoLSOR, IBAAC wm smith, kstweaon- .'*<», Bereea oi keeeeeaaeeta, Itieel Deaaileiaul. kord 10,l.oi. aloioitüRPOKATION Hi flCB. Batsre at I wetrr g.ree, to tee owaoierowaera, iM,.w»i»t,t o, .. t.. oi .u ti . ., I. ,t-. n,

(.r.-e.1.,, I.,, '..«".. I. tl.r.., ,tbV .... f '| w.iiiasetsmenis lisrs teenru:i,i>!e'.ed ky the Aaaeeeers,aad sralnt^-l ib

the Ifice of the Nuresn of Aa.eetm.n'a, for a?tor -slion, ay all paraooe akteented * a: Ter laying e cross wokj, in MaeuMseatreei op-['¦. .?e ll.e Rotier. Intlitü'a. Tbe l.n,,t, an tim.-e bv ,u< i. Atre-sMsel itcktea all Ike several iluosee aed Lots ol Oroaad, »t<a^-.

Lett pesreaandperealf of Lead, situat.i en both a !e.oi Mtn-onttreei b-|weeeCli toa aad Meetgowery sirseta All aeraoea ebeeaii ¦*..a .11«, -«,i i,> ii.. skate aeeaed AeeeaeeaeaSa, aal arewreao

11, ssd to ti.e aasat. i atlber ol aTeata, .»« r.i|ii..i.J to pr.Muttl tircbiecttots ie eiH I( tl a aad Hgerd, a- ibeii ¦ e Ro. t

Ball of Roe rds *»¦" rtj da»« fron .'.» hiteoftbil aotteeBAJaiikLll DE HUTI m\NCi< NICHOLSON l-a\cvvrlSlM'h. A..«..oi»-Oth.-e, hi,,,.. ..r ^ .. uo-.i l».|

n ti.t Aim) *n IWd.aid PJt

(..ill i.Hal ION bw ici Tabla notice i berebi givea, to tl a

>oeaeroiowaere, tK.<«paitnr ocrupatitsol all bouses and I ts,unproved or nu inpro*ee busia, tlf.cred thereby thai the fi.d iw.-gA..«...- .: .. ».-«.«.. roni| 'etad by V e A-at*.<.-.. and are I

in the < fece ol ii a Bore at oi keaeaewteets ."r otaaaieekl a,bl alEer.i n« ii in. * . I r nui'dn t a Saner in fori» -fourth at. Iron,Kii.iii sr. to K (lib av. i be ,. ,ta arabrai >. t b» seek a araaaaaael .n

Cl"dr all the several k n.ea ar t I. U of ground, vacant lot,. Sis' .I

en-l parrele!». ' situetHot, n l! - .ea <>'V ..» i.? .. v»er

B gl Oi m I N Bib a«s All ('Sr.¦ St al.u.e mUre«»a BIO klfsCled »ti e sb.oe Bau.« o Assaaaasei 't\ sr,d rhu are eppoeed t the ..rue. *.r

e.tbsr ol them, art re<,'i».?ed to pre»»i.t Ibeir objei ?. .ns. in vrituuto-l.e ucnar. jir trt. tt tinritl a,4 HaJ K». rda, with-n Unnrdart fro* the date ol tl uitir-ii*-. Bunm i,.a..-..,llreet thsrarlsaeel »orillO IM|. SAMIKLH DU Mm r. Kit kit.Cl.tMv.HOI.5nr«. 13AAC UM SMIIrt. Atte.tors. elO 1 :

STREET Irf.PAhltttllT. N... 4 H»n n| aOttBt|3 » L.r.b» t'o.u a. f Bowies .»«i.:... aes .»..iiJoitat

tba Coo iCeai Bee , raat tea Bap ia Bn BaBaaal. »s rtl Blear, aetweea ISthtad M h«rs be hudt up nndertti

. ., .... -.-e «rr»*i Co . eat aad tbat tee etoatsso tkersaetaeej aed tbe aaa ef twelve beodred detaate, be takee frees tea., .. lord ke aad t-i". ti »t, and see tat»-.ara I the kwa frort ag en aaM bulkbesd. or ti.e Ma«acs of aa lM after s BI gl legt tu e ti ere.'. rn ; g-.-t :.- f am uj ig«

, u.e; l.ion er ... s uegn, I ,-r Itfilta III leiailiaifj lite Out11 ii a:,: for oieeooeei eerresneka luse ep aaid kuaJieei, that teats/eaaell Ike I rpetatioi be, aadaeabereki J..s.-:ad to take laja.' .. rra «:.. .-.a r f recovea llroai the aaid aertias r a thev' tkers. ti.t tT-n I t f eipanses a., nicrjrred Adopted by titBokrd Ol A» .»ant A^.rmar. Dar. »8, IK50. Adopted bv the Roars.1 /. Jan. if. .-.v. steeroved by Ike MayorJea. ss,l ...

:::.n_ -f -Uf T nonflf.. *treatCc.rprr)ise.caar.

/ IORPOBATU ;, M.IICE-I'm.;.. BbOra b kereb] riiae,tothiK'rmat'i.r owrers .itupartor orcapaeta of All boeaeeeed leu,. ;.''? ¦;..,«< atads taatied tterfy. r. a tee toNewataseeeeeosei r» n.« t~., coasaailed > n . A..~-r.. an «'«, »igad,i, the ot*ireel tbe Bureau of A*....u« u air ail ¦

par I.- iiiteveated,Viai K. r build,ug bu'kl.a'd ant flii,« u,i tbeaBf IIt Iba Um ? et irsiit t: lit limita ei.'.;ra,«d by such Baseaeoatal .n

( .« 'M ".ri:.1 101 Bed f i' I i »'-..'.-.;. «i

s- aarcea sad, a sad bei dee of Ora I at, aetwas tbaI I K sea .: .1 A?t. r. a, .:. oe I . ae of D «.».»u and EastBiOadBBjr, BQlBBBI tote' Bad M.-i Li ..t.t ry tit., oo e.deeulHeirjtt, between firard fi< -.oerneur its on S.tb s des o!Ra- «..... ?...»»«.. «,-..< s--l - rr. ... ...«..«

H. evoe al lettaaaa Oraed aed Jerksea ate. i oe eolfa eatee ii tor-

le«r.« st. !-r aeee ti aad C ar., .u aad aa both elea ofJicksot st , ('ate Weteel at ) l.tosen (irand and fdon.-.assri. AllI »if ¦- w: ... >-,.-, i-» a-» :r » t e i. -. i -a «

r. etil», and »lo are * p; oee ? to ths same, or either of u.em, j re ro-aaaeaad In praeesM Ibeir ol actioaa writntg to the aeslert i. ed. att.e.r ....... .v I fBakel aecoioa, wai rtf days arnaa tkedeaa<. laia (....e-o:V.e kaioaa ¦>'. \..-- BgieelPaparlraeea,Apr,! IP, ll i| SAM I'LL ti. DE Ml I rRANCId .1UH0i.;'JN,lsvir w» SMITH. Aaeewrt sio-rn

i «ORPORATlOsI BOTH E Pabla bi I CO it l.erebv r»eti, to thea o*. «r >r tweers, psit o .;« ; »:i H ..- »

bete, kept <efl or saierareved lai - sil-'. :..i tbeiaby. that li.efol

lowiag BassasniBiits here aeeo ooespietad i» tl.e A»soes«rs sad eraI. «gsd at tea aaTtee of tka Bureee orAawaeaaseaia ler aitaseasli ...>aB peiaoua iBteieated. i Pcrregn sg sad repainog Oawroortstreet, aetwaea Weabagt aad West sfaaata rea atrta aasbaaaei... I, a-ir,,, .,! t...» ..>.,»! I...iiee aod l-ie of ground.»s,.aLt lots. j> eve. arid oar. eis ..I land, t.tu.ted oa b. tu t:!«j ofBeaaevoottStreet, between Weit and Washington «trteM. and or

ii« aeatethfeektel IVartatraat si.d w^-t.r;. ^ ia ai IReaauBgl.!"»t eatenaee Horatio s-t ftivto. ,rt .tra»-« tn pe-eoa. wbeeait. i-nti. nr« f., .«.) . -,,-e ...oe n.,-ned s- esaaeeala, ¦ i who ara

. ape ad to ..-I « ereither efIbea eiaieeeeetad ei aaeaeal tiau'.' . a. I u ....».- a' t..«.r if-. 5- I Hill o!Ke or.'., w tl n thirty due from Ui date of thi. n t ee .OBoe Butea ef Aawssreeets.itrret Depetteaeol Apr i |»M starrtK ni In PRARCU NICHOLtOH, ISAAC WM. SMITHa aaa n »

I tBOrOR AQtTEDCCTDEPARTMENT..TO CONTRkCTORJ.«L . Sa. ..1 Ptopo.a'-. a., j. rtsd l'ri.|M3«»U for b-i . Sewar J.

'i laLbaeweei 1 gbtbaad aVreeth a < aratbe reeaivedattie tat . -it-, i. keeaderi Deeerb aal B Baaste ParkJ¦. lUrHSISOtV tle^Vdavof Appl, Haan. stlocK-k.P H,

la .., . rarer » t.. teceea ij reoarvie| Ha- ..s aad .-»-t- irstslraeC.froa BajMh t> ueur SeveoU. s»e..ue beiast ia

Iraftbal BtklS fcsat. The pis-, of tbe fewer a:j rjec f.isr. .rj forn ilnng or «.. same, ai.d all omer .niorrnatiea naataaj H ereto, catD» o: .«d eo «i Kcsboe Iv the Contrail Clert. a? tbia obv a

Bee Teak a rat 11. IM BICHOLAk DEAR,kll I t Pre- aat of tka Craaoa iaeedact Tkaeanet I


v Sealed btXMj aala eadoraed"Prepeaaj let i a Sewer ia.¦ n «.II bere.e »oc st ti.sOS -e öftre Croton Aquadiict

Dtssrta sat,!ft : isda. Park,)aalilRrtday,tbelktt ijy of Apnl.iesi,f M bs nj .d . .,«., » , ... ,rf k» ei»i5g

B.-ina «I Ct. »erte ,-j Tbiru seventh sueet fnim tee sewer ic

-; - . a. I a .»..:.- feat wa«t, >u lengtbat-.-. RS '»».. The pets . i_a ?:.,«r aad specilii^-joaj fir -isbndc ng o.'the aante. art all other in!oreiati- n relating t ere'ui ca;o». i ratrpfratirritu tka COellBll flail attb-.. B.-e.NewTerk air - MCKoLAi Vi:\\.BP1 t r.«- lest oflie Oaaaee tn-.»j. t r-..srtrtant

rKOTUS AkjrErtCT DEPARTMENT .TO CONTKACTOM:'r-.V I .-. ; , 1 n. , s .I f r P t t 5«wtr

I'wrrty f rtt-sf' w::! »e Meataad st 'he "ftte u.e Cr^u n Av-edocl'- »'¦ « lit-' -,-s, l'«rs. Pr.dsy. the ;a;B of Aprd,

lafii. st 3 o rb. a. P I! t buiid s sewer w,u- tl a * ..-..» K» -

« .1 C.l-e. .« let .1 .......r.l..-:., - ... -,r

Iariiajaieavaeea.eecag ia lac^u. about |. feet. The plaa o! theJaw.r - tttm *f. - tie b . !? -; ( tte jst:« sit ad Baaerka-ft rrns-.! n releorg (he-et,., can be -bttioed i n a-;, icat a U> l ie Cote>¦'-.> 'e-k .t -Sea.New York. Apt » a NICSOLUDEA.N. rir..j« u-: r. A s. t Tl. a,... ei.t a « '-

COAL/ 'O.vL.. |ej SO pei tLUi..Tne BiberBdibei«Ä. BTOIlliI IBBtBB ifklTtaj IbBjibI kll i .t.n-rsar.J-.'.». n iair, yer».r» thai Vie :a row pr-i »r^.l -.. -n> w

ly n.ierd Peach Oiri.trf. Bleck Heath and I ..¦ i.-n Co«) of

1 « Li Wi RfH 1 - '|wv-.and t'jit la, .: .: wTsJI <c.

COAL..Red Ash or White Ash Nat,II & , Urge Nat. .» 1Y1 ,-,r, or luro, tt fji |jr 19 OS p»r Cheldrno. d». >. -d Co m ..-rland»Od Cennei. from verds under ever at IT* j,r,r.:n«.#» and «i« lowery.lUitu*_ JACOt WEEKS a NLfUCUTL

.POAL..$fi per rnn-IWh Orchard,\^ ¦l»r- »'»'». Lehlg, ,r d Beavea Mes/low Coei. TneIU .irriger ras lusi ree-Hve) a IWf. RJiplf of UM a''of.named Coe'e, or* til ib« usual sires ei.d w.rr.n'er1 10 ne -fthe »erj beat gaaMtp.wMoa babiat an ~t toatil . lMrKrtlow p-'reuf » p-riun. if rea-.eer.ed fr.,-n r,, .'ft. ». per If taken f,.)m ,.paael, r-iuer-,1 fr-* ,,icariaae A'ao, for seM very low, Liverpool. Or.ei Cafjaeai.i viict-y Coal JAMES L WORTH^

a? if A Broadway, arl Pku», c ir ff| npooo.

r\IHK SUBSCHIRER i7ao.tborizrd (ma"' c,,rnpanv) to r ..-art r r f.* delivery of

SARUOriS of tberrv-brateu Ci>AL from tbe SaJem DUft--. 'C P.. for:; - , vrofiCa l.y Atfaywood and Jotn G üeweetl' 1Y*_ 8 C OODEN. 69 Wa!!-et

INSURANCEI'NIHN MUTUAL INSURANCE1^ COM PAN Y. Office 58 Wail-st onpoelte Hanover-el

CAPITAL AND ASSETS, «lioil 000.InrJrkDf e» 00 Mudne. Inier.,1 Navigation and P-r8 RUka.

TRI HTKL8Mmre Taylor. Peter V K\n*-. Jarr.ea W. E'wa]Freacll 8 Latl.rop.Jr.:i:ee 8ymii ^too. N. W. MasillLHorses B. Cufl.n. H. L. Ronta, Sidnev Oreen.Ji 'ic P Nea.ulUj. Lewis B Luder. J. B. j itmsnin.Paul IpotTord, II U Jdun.-.l. j B. Dlcfcina <a,Cbariee C. Hatch, Valentine Kiruv. Eii*vr.e Duuib,L. ti. Brl»haru. Antrew V 8.,UL Joseph Fowlor.E T.H. Gibson, B.I Collini. a 0.TtoaipevrA,E j AndertrrI, P A HargOOl llrsnrv Holt,Sam't 0 Balico.-lt, Lunt>»rt Suvüan. Dortd 3. Turner,NH. Wolfe. R. II OrSTOB, P. A Robertson.Jerrel D. Pli!i. C P Dam'.xsxa. j. t.a ".aa Neat,E'twln A. Oatxicka\Mort'l Urlafttosi, W.A K.-ta.;aaRichard Ba.!. j tl Brow.-r, Ellaj B. Brown.

Oro P Par'.rJOHN PAf.C'JNKX. P;ei:jr;cx

juh:i s TAPCAN, Vlr»fraa*aeattPesdiiosd Btisg, S-^rHtaj-y.N B.-Pa.-ti alar attaedijala called to the fact tttitttda

Compaoy contlruca to Inruro B itldlrjjri, MenrbMidlae.Hi>u»etio:r) Kiirtiiture, Veeafia In Port, if. Iftlaat loa« ordan ajre by Pire. ar.d drrtda Iba proita on tbli <.!*... ofbua'ceaa. V- i«tr;e as on i-e M-i pr sttaae). ad it*

I TOION MUTl ÄL LlFFlNä Ö RU ANr.E COM PA NY.IfOTIC K -P-raon. wiehi-,.- toh- h,, |l,i BMI \ f . f theNKXT tNttT i L PAETICTPAT10N OF PROFITS,

»i .in to bamade am btettedaa tnahat eerlji applicattoo.Tt f Bi »rd uf Ptr>abee. v> h>> ar*a>eaoaf Ihemoet r-v>einea lu tbla ( our try, lareet al. Iba f'r> a of iCeeapaMjr,»I Ir I. are aitu rertified bp a tadge or < f, t f it'- lords,ai. i the C> ntro :>¦; of tbe Btava, Lite I laaranca aa I LifeCor.tiDgen lee hi allof tberari .» brtMli dab eselaetesii.tiaireae Caltforrjua aad other risks btkea at equ ubiere.-». Te'.i.a ol payiii.11aie ;. . u ijatlr jj ihanai. v ather Coaapany.

BOARD or PTffAnCEPraLk'ln IIa%ei,. p ». aal Men teata' l»a-.i., R iao.n:

Tr.» u.k», Merchant, Buato p. ... v\-. .....Preatdeai K- i.r.t bee Rel r .a.i »VII .r Parker. M I) Co t>lOlttop Pbjitdae; c i: Otlaian,MD. UedleatEae iefRaw-York OfrV«37 Weitest (Jan e*pGoartj Pones of

propcaki. fall tables, abd every ii r,: sautoe mi» .ih ob*¦alBOd ffrratnlof JODD A H0LLI8TEK, Am t*

i..' Ii WAS


ok rue tv or VBw-roRK,On. :.* c i. -r ..! 't.en»n-h fl r Jit "1 tts.

Orrn'i BaOl Hul Jin^.CASH I M'irtL t..'.'"i

Iniannce ajjai^et Loeeor Dstm^-e by Piro,Directors'

Aaron Clark, o tv rtiirakam.Croerel Artamr, Ward A. Wnrk,LeviAppar. Sniuei s lij»rina3,N-i' '.1 W>. ' v\ ro ii |>.e-r,Oavin v i| a, w i.. m H titace,Va'^Dtine K irHr, K bert Heat,Al A Hoppoel .Mn- -w.".B H. Van At-ken. K h ..." oC. V H. ouiancer, BhooexerBeaalaahao"D Randolph Mattto, Hanlaon Jozn,Eii' 11 p k.

AAROS C'jAHK. I'r.'r <*r.:OniRcn VV. 8av-abu, Secretary. HftraSJ


VÄN.r r. Wi ». .... er Pi .'l-it.CAPITAL 9'iOO.ftOO.

Al an r 'eflliTi he'd Ihfadar, Iba rulklWtBf i ^riileiiieoufrei boeeaDI actorsoftklaCom anj for Ibetaeu anpearBampaoB Mooro, Moaea Taylor Oeon* Elder,Buj. B Bberman, Marshall repooa, Praacta latddv,Peter Manln, AleBatrr. H Oraot, Chaa Barfchalior,liuijs8u>ry, A»ad Porter, Jbbibb B. WUeoo,Beer] E ¦. IseaeC Ti' vr. WllTlsm R Piaster.At a i . ..: meeilci i f Iks Eoard BAMPIO.N

MOORE, Ei v..a it.* ooslj i.! I'-, lent ofIba Colopan] J MILTON SMITB. Seci»*tB/y,

Ni v.¦ !'.R.Bv.ThisCompany eoBflBtl il Id Ifisare .1 lUdlstTB, Mar-

rlandlte Bonn bold rarnlrare Veiielatn Port, Ac on fieii on fatorai'lu t> rn.s. A.'. lo.»n . «,! ... 1 «ijfaid iftf

rp|H E~N E W-E N QL 4. N D r.i¦ STOCK INll EANCE Cti.MPANY. of New Haven,

C< rn., brettre boreri, ealtle, Ac Bgiinrt l"»t frt)-n deaeitf er ''om ta'tiral cause. aeetdBBl r dftOSBB of Bopde>keilptiofj whattver. Nv»» »urk Acer«;,' si tViillaan-BL,Metxbasts'Exeharttv tf| L ü HAItf, Aifnt

HhOÖKLYN KJKK INSURANCEt t> Oir.ce f, Meret.anta' K. chin^e, \V..H »I , ¦ V.

aaal4* Pnltoo at,Broofctye. WM ELLS .voftTH. Pre% LA o iTBrgriSf lecratary. l.fSm*

dPtlTiZENS' FlRJfi INSURANCEVri MKANV -0H'--t n7 Wallst, stta Irjr H'jw.ERY Tl la llnripanv wi'h a raeb canttal of

llStfrOOO.and a largeenrj: it. i-ru/e; :.. .'ruf .), rondnues to Inrnraaeainat toaa or damere be f !llt:. or. 'iwr-oinj boriees. rrtfr-

rji.tnd're, hoi »i-rtoM rorntofe, asd all <leeerp:v.ia rl Pas>v sal Property, on the moet favorahle '.wrta.

DiaacT uJereirilan JolBSBoa, tV l IsiU v'ai^r'lneAlon*o A Aiv. rd. Jani-*0 Baldwli,Danle' BurT-rt, Jav larvi»,William Wa r« |i ¦ s Mama,Thomss MrKiraih, ItobOTl Bar« ILuke Prwels A Patter,

j. M :i-rDANIEL B|. KTNKTT. PrssHant.

J««r«M Secretary. jfHW-ij'RejraoraJ -Tito Offka of :i-.e

nUUS(»N KIVKK FIRE INSUR¬ANCE CUMrANY Is remove from No. J5 to No.

t'i WaQ-BI'an Bank batMlrte.CAPITAL -

a:i paid la ...; .*. oral) InraatodT,lictlic a la'üHt'irt'liii.

Thin Ct'mpr.ny will c vttBM to loaure on Me.-jh&r.o'ae,DweiilDiri. Hoasi-boM Purnlturi:ai,dottic.-pro, snpM *t

loss or o'ania».t 1 ; firt. n Ibfl :;i 01 '. orahl te BIB, eiid thepublic may rut aitu.-Nd all loss-*! which Ihia CoapBMmay susutir. will '.c Bba r.illv adjnitt'.l. and pal I wiib HBBfcui'otned prjnipütude In money current at tt"i iiar.k- InIbiscity I9AIAU BLOOD, fraal It^LP j Avf.rv. Secretary.Ja.MEsA EtQPA. Aaatstar.t 3e...¦.¦tary. u:\i M VS-J

Ineuraric. a


M WaJl-et.California »¦ I sp-cla! risks of ail klrn f..k»a at rim-

niT surite proa bins, iiyJOHN SlOrliNSON,

.,TI 1mfJeoOfBl Aif-arl


iptOBdldBsrwpacSBBVoMpHENRI cLtY. tjootaaaImrden Pra-r'a M PlBlitBI. fUmillBlldsr WilleBtl for Liv¬erpool cp her regular day Apr; M, *. 4 tfirt a deaira'ileeypofloBlty Ü loose shoot io pre iBOd to the w >r Id's Pair.Tina sl.ip (s a ti ree eecser, has COnsawMsOU canine a: dstate ri ons. s'.' berocc 'tarn idatio ¦ for pasierjjen are

At"fcei!.er ura .ipaast O oy a- y nt» rr v^ate!.Forfrelfhlor i'aaraeei^p'y to Cipt frenrh, on board,

at pier 11 East Kiver or to'BJI t.riah IPOKFiiAU, TILEiTON II CO South-it.


T' - i ;... D m Mall Btsa :? WASilitorof. Oto.W PloTO. Coroinander. will sail for Bietiien via S.hiiIi-Bl ;toa.i i. L ATI ItfJAY, A(.r.. IMk, from ^lof No. J N>itbR-v. r. a; .' k An om erl«-u-ed Su'^emi Is atuc'-.edto the ship. All lette-s must pa.- t:.rot..b tbe Poet-Office,gpefle delivered In Havre. Kur frelglit or passage applyu, MOLLLU. SXliU k RlkaftA, Ah- - droeJw»}'.a. tlPa*


f > KM iT PAN( !ESto ENGLAN D. IRE-IR-LANi) AMD SCOTLAND-U-ars BO BbJblfflt anyBWOBirt, fror... a iipw«r*rrJ, wh ,:b will BO cas.'ied at anyRir.a in the L sited Kingdom!A i Paeka(ee of every description f .rwaMed at low

riieetiv all the H"-an to arv part of E oropo, BJ BD>W AKDS. SANDPt'KD 1 Co .> fra-'sar a K » -ss at

ADAMS A CO ri 18 M 1 II Wati-stImafl obtcbIb will bo Ftcatrod tl i A M ol tiiedayof

BbU1b| of every Steamer io Europe. BiO lm

"jr"s. PASSPORTS for EUROPE, CAL-e IPORAIA C^' CORtnl üd So-it America. At .

lBB%|»0BOBhla 10 BJ1T0BMB BSd f <i tLla s. BBOSBIO fte>lection a....i f..-kn kft^rea.lon \.a...s to t.att'oiln a Fi r" ri-.,,:r« ICom.lf tbey visit BBS Contiaer.t-

eatrtla. . it. .'s BrOOBBt diBlWBOABtolO. AjBUTKOBI Bp-pit it e for Letu-i at tte Lccdon Pos: OSce Cuoit produce. i.i .'.ispu.lS laiued r.yMS lar* J B fi'jr'Ei! T.'oury P»'"''.* ' Brja.'ray.


REW.TI RK AND LH f RP< K)Ldtract,sad SETW EENBOSTON AND LIVEttr-OOL.Tf s :;. - abipa rt y rbjjjbi v. EUBf x 'j iz& tii ra.

celve n:a:is a^d paaierie-iASIA, J ' EUROPA, E f» L i


CAMBRrA J Leit:b.Ir«t» ve«.-|( carry a c ear w i.i rr lioht at tbe!.' rtsaev

keod i oobbm oo aaBTBoord sMo; Reo oo portaMokNose-- ibi poasannrfl will BO lORBBl BRor BBS lot OF

Msrf err!) further aotieoNo heri'n aeru'ed BOtil pali for

BifBI wiii tie c'la'i'-i on specie neyond an amo«ni rjr

persccru exprneee.A'exrv-ria^ '-ed >'nr£eon cb boe-d pAh Irttersard te» aj.erv-is :-'ust peaa throafb toe roe*

CMC* Por fre,tM^-P^T.W . BroadwayPfirh.O' at' rforofcB rejoaw,looatrod acd

¦; ^V.'^Harr-'"rNew-Yo'B.A'trr thei Is* of'April m-^t ue rtuo of iretfbt by t^e


... i' r. Will f-« TCryiSi71reflated.


Th- ships ci inpr'.s -ig tide line are theATLANTIC. C. i Wtm\ PACir.'C. Cept NveARCTIC, C«ol Lara. BALTIC. Cept. c .uwiock.

ADRIATIC. CapL J'a/ion.Three ahfpe have Uen bellt by MaRVaCd, ei?r«ea;y for

.overcase:.; aei.:.-«. e. ery cue baa been liken in toetr coo

.traction, u rueo La their Er»!--ee. ti taa-ire etreogtb aadipel. trd their acro::.niod*ilur.» for paeeetferc arena-ee.elled for e'eirance or corafurt. .

Ptca if ->ae»ri;o from New. York ..:> Liverpool BiSO; a-Be of *x:re .'./<- - la Mat na Bd *.-». front l.tverpaol

to New-^ orb Eii Aa eip.irr . .r* «in aiiecbej taee-.: a: !p. N" I -rth can beeecti.-.d until paid for.Tnaowrrrt of ib»-,-, amps w.:: e .i ba avrniunutnMfor

»< Btfver, balMoa, apacle, 'rwri.-y, pre-" an-oea or. o.v .-are ai.-cj iv-r-.^r. and ua

vi/jotaerr-"'. - n -rrr- ««siPKOPusfcO DAT.-.8 uP BAJIslMM.

PRRBj mwvoBK ri 'M limitwiWedtiee-iey, Mar--:- .\ 1-m Saturday. March « lAflwedneeo-,;-. .M« ¦( i-if. Marratt. tvi7.** fee'87, April -' laM VVidaaaday April n IBS]v\edneedaj. April 1 It w«daaadRf, Apm KMSaturday, fct-.y Id,lail Wedoeeday, May it.'ivsi*«".rria-, May n IM| Wedaeadar, May MSaturday, junej T,IA51 WedaBeday, Jane ILMSfWdey, jur« || IAS| Wadaaaday, June is kmeauirday. J-jiy S. Un Wednesday. July a igMBa-urdey. Ju y |aj u-.j.y, j., i fj{-.a.orcay. Aug. it. >l We.'-ieaday, Aar S, |-<*|Reiurdey. Au<- IB,|M| Wedn-aadav. A ig M usiBaiur.lay. Aug B liil WeMllity BeM 3." 1851

Set-may, Sep. |y,laM WeeUaaMay Oc'i {,Bamrdey. Oci 11, IBM Waataeodey Oct. ItmtSaturday. (Vt. at, IBM Wedaeeday Oi » «5Saturday, Noa. i,1M| Wadneediy Not jj [SBaiurdey. Not B, IBS) IW <ad rieeday Noe. 3B 1831Beaaaiday, Dec. i, 1- >l Saturday, d-«c u' ssBaiunlay. Dec. Br\ laM|BoAardav. Dec. 27'UM, JK 'ijms ur P^f1*''; «PP1-^ EDWARD K COIrLINS. 60 Wallet N-er Yor. BROWN. SHIPLEY AtI ;. .e.pool. K. U RD!irlP,fS 1, CO. Vs Ktnaa AntmYaid. Lon.lon 3 B.'iilevard aion.niar;re. Par a.

Afur U.e lat uf Apill oezt. Hie rau» of freight liy tbaahovealearneiafr.ini l.lver.m.l erl.l ha aiKier.a.fv reduced.



Two of ih» Bko*B «h'pa fen. w hei-g htr'it. and arilJbaplaead n« IbaedarlBj .h.e-c»-::ri'!>'j.'r-"»rTbe I f Y or SLAJOOW, CapL B R Ma. ewe. (lite

oft?- -G-~ei Weeterr; >t Inter Bad i" aal aa 'ir.der.raov eHi'.aurt phis | raoy Livra^ooL.

.a rdey, lMb Marek. I Wedoeedey, 1Mb PejM'BATBraarada*, May 1& we..n.-edh'y. April 1«

KA.'r b op pajnauiraim »rii »or- lau j rao«, li»»»»oo-

*alouo..lop i'..>'.»'» Balooa..H il^aeaaCah'n. ft. p.. tare |<Sabca ... I* '»'ni-ae-.PBaai aaaaii idab < da'Pee. Vut oei

Wlnee op Llipiore w-lrr; ear. i.»ea.' r>erd'. - .-»a« .. , a;'!) ei» ... »e -, ., , cflae-

Mavie. BoUrraaaR, tVaa^jorg viariei. ee aid outerIbarra ..., ,r r*h'.-a %. .11 -a- ba ablpaad to

öiverp.N., «...I here- ... ibia i|"- |0 p| | >>h'a direTtIVori 0 » ir.ia-A ulled ajaaVbef of paeeeaaara wlU

hatafcoB wfaaaafAeaar >r «;.... e nma «. !«i..inIbaea r. . Tbe «.¦ ¦¦ , «.¦ -ea and ao*i.dbboo aril] be Pwi bmbm aapaal .

Aa BRaartaaead Baraaea arfil baaan e.i on m-h ab.p.Tre'gbt or> f.l e g.eaia «i<>a par RaRBad pronageAll foodeaaeitä ke kfaaai M f'tAbaaaiaaaa aaafl aaMRV*

«1, o. forwarded wiiK eooaoaty Bad d;n>eicb-m fr^'rni ..r pase*re. a^ply 10

RiriiABnsoN. vv *t-;<)n'»,*co New Yo-a «n,a phiiadBICHAROfON Bf\.<THKBS A CO. L.i»ernoo|.PATitlfK rTOm>BBAM>MA CO i»iaa<ow MM

ST PASSPORTS^rTim the tVpart-a nient of Str.'.., for ell pa-la of lh« World pro-

ci.rru f r . r.e do..,r Itowe BBBaBeafl for l ha/iea or Call-f nia Tkrea dava' BOltco raqolrao. ! Veeey-el, \1.0r

Houae. :r.o M a s

p.\(Trie mailstkTmship com-M. P AN Y .Ol''y ihrol. 'h iii e for C , 'or- i a', Orn .11

The BOblM are M*Bf lied that tinder the new arroi^e-

pent of tble Cooapeiry, etaaaiera loopocted approredby tbe Naey Deporiaiiai,ead carrying the Uaitaa ti.aieeAfa'i a ..I.. i Uaae lo leave Panama Bad Bao Kraaetaea on

tl;- lei ar.d th .'.ata ol e«ch rnnolh. BataBI dt 1« Bd ov un-

a.o out. e act .it i.u, ai d will touch al Acapuico, ban U..'^.>ai i Mot i. lev.Th« f.d.owing ateaniahlne, heloriglne to the Pat C Mt

BtaaaaaMp Coaapai y an? atrt* In iüo i'a.. oaa of whichwill lie ara a* a la port aiaach and of ti e n iaOiegua I,ORB tube] Bap ibUe, LSOo naaiPaaeiaa. I kT tone j Cerotlee. BWt toaaiCalif rata, I.I ht iura; OcdBnMbaj M M MlTiaoaaaea, ] IPOUtoaj lataaaaaiNortherner, L3W luaBj fTalrora. BOO ianatiCeohaoibla, MM uu aj Aalalope j

rraaaoBt, o>«. ntaa.Tl.e n.-w ItBBRiel In Colaaibia art p.* ..etw.«e.. Sau

Preaelai o aad Porta in Ottajoa, awMiiai et laa foroaef por.the aniaal of ihe Btalia aod paaeaagere t on Peaaana, badr 00111, BHaoaidelay wtib the ataiiaaad paaeaaaTerB forUm iiranrti f. >~ui Baa pi atx ia. oA re liaa of p e. ,-ra wiil he kept ai for t»e irane.

pottadoo ofIratghtand raaaiaatpaaaiataTari leiween Pan¬ama ead Baa

Tfce waUkacrara alramthtp Sarah aanda of I M tooa Mrd>then, row ui der eaerbarto Iba aiRiipanj aid pucaiiar.yffrrriBrrraitfBa io her cab i arraBgaaioota, will ba keptruu-el p m aa extra faailly boat,tfiiaofIhaahnTB aiaaiBBiBwill keep uu the cootectljo

between Aeapalca >>r.i tin- o-her Meiican po-te.Ti..- 11 aw do io .tie Atlaalk win tie aaklautaad bp the

L'piicd Butee Mall S.ea:'i Slilpe1: le. Ii 1« i-lu'..: Crei.-eot T'tr IV-Oiana;t. blo 111 bBBSj Cl.erukP.. I.SeO tu. a;

Cmplro City. .Wf; Phlledeiphiv IJ900tora,LeatlBi New-Totk Ml Cakaiee on ti.e llut and aBttt ofe.%ch in. 1 th.Ti e r.. m .0 -u: .11(. Eldorado and the Pain >.. will form a

direct Una batarsea New Orlaaai and CbaRraa, aMTkagMBat.., ei iodd aa t. ni ttiiuro ae dale daieaüoa na poeelaaBORBbaletbaaaa, ai.d kmatTia with ihe Pa.-.;;c .iHem«htpa, a

H Ifk line lu and frota Nkw Orl.-aLt ai.i poria tu Mexico,Calt'omla ar.d Oregon Pnfta^e fro n Nevr Or'eene can

heierured from AltMOTKUNO, LAWENrtON it CO.,A.ei ta al thai plaraTLe fare >t htroR| Li itckiiia from New York lo.San t'ta- laa l.rrn re,*,:, ed fromBaCOlBSiai Ro :.ia to.UM7 >o II i. e at I akraa ra. -Xe>

$-,,» it Stc craa-e. 1'iiT- n fro,.i Ni.w Y..;k lo ei;! i at i .* w

Bft adopted by any aale eea-steauer t etween th >»e ponetur rhoico of bertha, apply ai ikooaVa of ihe Company,

turd .'. South «t, or at U.elr Agency, 177 Waat-at.adPktWtf

san francisco ai.'] ORlÖ^,B nnw rura ramily BiaatBar On latJaaa ByiheIbrtBgb line from Psaaaai to San K am:iaeo The willkacwi im BaTorlla Bieaa»er

BABAB H\N'üh,IMBltRM hnvir g 11 oat eater,,'.-, aad c -nvenient arcofi-n>. 'piioi.a for larnl tee. aennraie aia'e rooma lu bothBeloc aad weoad i-aato.arffl ba deapaii-hed by lha PacificMao Bteaaieblp CoaRpaay, on tl.o let Jona, from Panama.Ber late trij f, m San Praacia o waa perfun i-o iu ItvaaMf*... .Uya BaaartH baiaaaly lo receire .m board l.iinedt-Btvly on iheil arrival m the paaaen,>ereIntnndlogl > en liy her. ai.d by leavtnK New V ok ihe steamer.bleb will he despatched ids uildd!.-o.'May, locunnect» ib ber aad) by avalBag of tba reduced rates of fare, iheywill ternra nailalBlp ar.d tCRBOoiy nffere<l i.y r. i otheritaaatar. Pi r itckete. wliich wiil be.In the Beiooa if **

f'.111 Patau,it lu Sau K ai ciso Sd Cabin *i V1 .App v loHOWLAMD V A8PIN.VAI.I0 ll A rioitliat BUU


PACIFIC MAIL steamship Co..I TbaoarytkroathIrkeaIrrCAUPOBifIA and ORE-UON, »la HAVANA and CM A'iRKS. Kate reduce! OnSaturday. April .U. at 3 P. M -The ap'ecdll doulile-eigine,Bteaambip OHIO,Set 8 to: a arthea, Jaa Pindiay Bchenck.I 8. N Commander »1.1 tail pret.isa.y at i o'clock. P M.fn :r her pi«r at the foot of Warren at, N R. with ihe Oov.BtBtMRt Maila for Cnagrei. connecting with tbe fa/jrltoI Llted B'.alra Mall Steamah'p Oregon, to leeve Panernaen or about the lotb May K->r fret£-it r,r m - apply attl.e office itft M South-It, or at 177 W rai al Bit I .' th.

a LI forn1 A .TranspDffarion tcfosief'ibalMBaRaa of PaaaHRk- Z4CHBIBB0H, ¦ILBOl

ACy of Fua*dBa.frotaihairIjogezparieocaoa the lath-noli., being eeiaojehed there e in e IH-iil. are w.-ll preparedto iransport 'mi; iiu. rii.»n>« l».!,i:iim, or tak^ it throughto Ban PraacltSBO, e*>iiipper.' OOtloai but eai.-b packageBtjaat ba >.( portable atca end weif-it. arid pioperly c-sr-e.ed as / n Kn are Bot iBepiaaatuBi fordaaaBRear ac-

rttdeat ia the traaaii Tiie charge* of Draw|aaiiaWB tobefirseid Ir Ne»-Y'ork.Agaala in tliagre..Z«tiiai,»oft, HrlmrIi BtaMA,Aft al .ii Craeaa iu Oargjoaev. /..n a'.r particuiara, a)ii !y loafl im" E ZACHRJSSON'It CO fi'j Wall-at

Hatks (ik FAKE KED(jcei)..Oelv tfcronoh lice for CALIPOBNIA and OlEOOat

via CH/.OKKB c:reri, a::d by Ibe L't.:ted Stetee Mallairamera or. the Pac:hc. On SAT(. RDAY, April 19, at 1P.M. the new ard apiendid dcublo engine ateatnahlp ELUURAltO, 1,ftc tuna burden, Wright, commander, willleave Pitr 2. North P.: er. fjr CUag.'ta direci. on Saturday,April I'', at d o'clock preclarlyTte Ei Dorado haa proved henelf to h - the faeteat fet

ttramer afloat, having male tie trip from Ct.agrea t > New-Yi ra in leas lean aBfM rBRBtBR daya.i'kttecgera by ttla reaael vrtll r arh Pa-ma'n ample

tine to lake the ateaL-iera PANAMA or COLL .VtBL'S, Mleave that pen on or BboaR May 1.Por freight cr paatage apply at the ofTue, 51 and =>5

Srtjtb it. or at 177 Weai-at cor of Warren-ai al i .atl .

(«HARLES B. LOOMIS. C.«n«;i-v B^Merchant, BAN PRANCISCO, Cel having a two

yeara'residence al ban Prar.oaco, aotli.-ia couaiguuienu.aod refera to the following oartiea.

Bolbroafe A Reison. Egleaum tt Batiell,Buydam. Read A Co Qulncv k De Laoierrebi.epard A Ripiey, JoLn Randall iui5 tmMW'S*


ducuoe tn pr.cea.Preigbt to San Prktclaco. U « p-*r i''-: Lettera, 25 eta.

Dagaerreotype to S«n PraxcUco. *1DaguerTfOijpetoSx-.a'.i.n, Sacran.eato San Joae ft 50.

Dkiuerrectype to Orc.oa, the Minei, Sasdwtch iaiacJa,ke BB8u Ml packkgei of 5iht $i L»tten:o3'.'vkt'jn....'J5eta.

r.. [u .- b ToBacpamen'.').%5 ..

13 .. |>i: To SaiJuie.V> ..

if. .. U'Orejoe. and « Itlaadi. W ..

so .' 1.5|Meyavil;e.EU2k ttoMlnee.Bl. . over So BRA toe TotLagr-t-.i"c^a

prr :b. . 1 a. P'ir.a of S. Aniertce.BlaiLlltir7. per CRl ii foot, |.'i.Mr. Berford. one of the proprietor!, r-e'de*. on the lath

cri». and accomptr-lea all ort Bhipmecta over ine lathatuw I'c-t-tn-.a '

Neil a.Mc'f.'Et w!i. r e hj i-eajjaar '¦ No.-' i Air.enea, on

Ulh A'n.i acl arrive :a Sat Krai.'- - - sit oa. i in alvance-r v inn "Oaa* .. i-'u a ma., oy "NonaAn-rrica- Mall eloeee Bt tk, lllh Aarti _

BERPORD i. CO , i > -saey at ^'^"'y^N. B.-Iicltie inter a-.d poetage tu :t 's .. ea Bad pra

?-iyit gJ. imMWB

fPAMDBN a Ifboy RAILROADV^LiNL fr i .¦ .' f* V.'.P'tIA


iRA Billdd, Agent.

4 M RRrCA N H( rTEL, PtnRma. N. O.f * -TMs ee-tabltehmeBt is the wk«ii Pohle H i»-< noU« (itr - j, .,. ,,,. r»r r,',-a r ,,f,t O IB* rggtt tinH r. I|,l'rll"n",1'"!"'' M li KM eeet.rc.f bgef-plT,. age * t£V.Ve'' ,!",n"0a- ». *̂.

H.OIDBOH BbT. I. _. .

a-J m STAPLE* I rrBprletJrs.Wm K Wiito,



r. p pmniü«.WESTOM St PTRKIMS


nrr.irv. ri.P K COLLINS M v»» »i.\nvhonv j rirrrirt,TinujiCl RTI8. MiTl HKi, i .>, III Wfj*rMBLOW i MARCH. >l "affri elJSa«


Six J -a. Cal r iRtt,E c l ROSST. D F. SELKMAF.

t>n vf. an. located at tfe arei of Government, wiihhtaia h.-:'» :n «>i >f tiaa Fra/a-teco. end have arranreaaanai* rtrarssu-tlr a bBBABSSS In a.1 parte of the Slate. They rtmtVrio Hoa vim. M. Ii» in. W^lilng-too. D C Hoa. E.

. g. BofUo; A.! J H C.xji of T-lrteenih Ward,N-w > r¦ IreSrv'h a. Co I * P-arl-et A Sened'cl,Eeq 4* WaU-el I c Baaste«, Eeo To WaAVstl Urea-ley A MrEi.nuh, R M P.!.-. Esq. fAva-'-ai.; E B. lei-knar. A »..8,1 Ooiiet. T A - i -it A Co. )tv O'd ellp.

[VKW-VOKK ami n k\v-OKLEANS1 V.rr-AUMlir line .The acasjod oVgant doublaen£tt,e »» ¦

, v Nr«r',''l) T. CV«, K«.nry CoaUerd, tlfOflB*i N.on. Lapt T B 1 uJJ L>j» '..oa

CoaBpoeethia Line, and a Qwara New York and N.<w.Oriean* ;>n tl.e !.-: tr.d \Mk of every rrtontn, at 3 o'clock i«ttteaRanooat, eicep« *'¦¦<¦.. ikoaw Baaaa aall on Sander,whm t/h-fhina will leave m Mor. lav, a: seme hoarTLe WIN PI ELD BCOTT will leave New-York oa thm

1« of Apr'X and rle CNtON oc Cte lat of April froai New.rjAi h '

1 li. pa tave been b i It with (treat care and cost, aadnosklllor expense ipi-r,! .<) »ivuro sir-ngth, speed andaeenfbfi They an« ineier. r.-.-i et brat .. aej aaRaaaaaaaaiKor rVi itiht or passage. Hp tap f.iUoara:Por ...¦.an or t\ .».*.. a *-V. >

l>A\i«\ BIOOKJ A CO, »i Broed-ef.r or .rci.mer I'mon toetilet- iPOPPORlkTlLEBTOMk CO. M Soath-ofc

S. MAIL STEAMSHIP COM-R. ePANY-n>K NC»> ORLRANI DIRBCT, vi«I1A\ ANA -ttn »ATI Klüt Apt I . at I' M faxeRfdu.-ed .Tt-e »p enrti.i dewkle eaaaaa ekaaaaahap t»itii>,hatv ttaao bwiakaa, J»> rian. «v Iraawca-TJ a n. cow¬

er. Wl aa'l preriae y at .> oY .>ca. P M fr.»iu her1 ler at f.'"t ef Warreo-st.N R, eltb ibe OoveruoaeolMaBe, tl Irrel for llavafa awd Ne ar-Or >aeaCaaiprea pa.aerKe-« tr»n»'err.,j at Havana to th I aBMSe

did doabiavei f/lne .tean'ern» K \LCO.NPreaiM ta«-n |0 now Ol »«naal tic per cubic fo>t.Specieoeli mk> n <>n fre <rii t.> UaraetR,

. »f iaun.|{ wi.i >>e airt.eJ after the steamer bafaailedKur fret, bt or passage anplv at tlie olT.oe of ine CjH«

pai \. 117 \\ r.i at. con.rr . 1 Wa'ten at.aldkeSS M O KOBEBTS.

»AaL a! M E R a R RanU km ent.('ora-atearteg March 31.-RAM A PO AND PATEKJOM

R A ! LK"Al>i Brprooi Tr»:na ,e»v,. ft :.1erat as fol.owa,iarrival if raw Erietraree Atdto'eioehA-hR-

»t- pph i ia t a; Pan rs >n m d Paaaata Bridge; at t tfrimma '1 , atvpaaai . aij a. it.».. Paiareoet and u >i.'.ng?Sprtiti ai:i I'M atoppini oalpal Mohokas, Patersoaard biH.lriE »,'iiog.Lean Rtm Voik at 7 o'eloek A. M etopptnf oniyal

Patereottaed Hohokoe; at 5g o'einck f M kkeyphif osdsai Bi IIln(Sprto| PaBsaleBridgeaB4PaaerBMi atnoVioca;P M Stepping; OBlf H I'aterion und HokOOrBB The Rg.p -ii tralra wart Ma ke at siation, Patersoa for New.fork at 0| aad 'A M aad p m araw ihearnvalofiA«tri aa II a Bofli i t T p trains stop ai öei;<noaBlgi alWar Pasttri IbatoB let « a: l| k H awl N»» V <rk

H t M plBg at a lb* at itioi.a heiow ratere>>n. andat tha BtathBBB Bbore on «Unal.M >i iv Triisi leave .v. c-rtis' at rt| \ m -Leave New«

Yi"» at b i' M , a' pplBB >n Pa.wrsoii ouij at Uo-aobi .

pi vracrr TiifNj leave Kitersjn at I Bad Ilko^BkBafeA M andXIa III r'doekP M. Leave New-fork MD|a"'1 I" A M . a- d i.l and il tr,.a t M<i»''ii: Leave Marke: at e'aM.'n at et|o'clock A M.,

.ir up arr.vai f tl.e train fl . Leave PatersoadOpOl at I o> .ock f. M I. »vB N. er. Y..,a at 0 o'e| ».%A M aod <v rk P. M. Ti.«- Sun lav T.-aiaaaUip nnioBPPaier» >n i>i !y at ILitler's and B dilBg Sprl i^. |afj if~ ~ ISTHMUS" H0TE13. ,7,. ~~~

Chi .11 { \ ... in

ri^HE IRVING HOUSE, sc Chagres,« liana. '- W. VVi'ltanis. ast...^! t v liufc.'i Miller,.nr. PANAMA Ita11.1. IAD UOT EL, al Oorgor.e, DO*

're ri f a h "!;"¦ r a-.,l J P tlongr r

TU r IM! RICAN HOT I L ait nie-e. nnder the man-

gj;-men ..f a K Ko'.'er tid H alt er, Jr.THV, I NtfrO KTATKr* IK'Tr L al Panama, ander

SM BtMeVksTBt.i 1 *.Mtm B -r lei DAOU

Hi pmi.s RIVER RAILROAD^.Trains frotu Nev» Y..ik to P.iu^tikeepale leave tb«

. .t tear Chamhera-ev at 7 A M for Pas>t t.v«rs. at ;:\ P M for PaBBBBffarBBBjd freiKi.t, at i P Mf. 1 .... . ., akdP.M Paeai terai r.i J P m Paeeea*

i to PeekeAltl !.¦ ate, p. .rfi k", »te fjr New-York alf A M 7| A M^ HI AM t P M ri p m ., and leave Peeke*k I at* AM OLIVER Q LEE. S pertuterdenl.

0EüüLAR MAIL LINE hr-rweeaKV BOBTON aad NEW ^> RR ria 8TONINOTON aasfPROVIDENCE -Tha ateen . C VANDEKBILT endCOMMODOEE mbbtb Pier N> I, N wife Rlvw.daup ai ioriix-k fk Tha& D bj I i a,.lain Win. H. Praree,on Moadaya W eoreaiisys a-c PridaTBtSka f! Vender-1 ilt Ceptefn Joel Stone. OS Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat.nnla\a OB BsS snWal of iheee waBMBBa al Bl.mlnirtnll-pae-r-iitfers proceeo mm Rnliroad to Pro ei.tenre and Boston*Tti>» i» theaaoel direct roe eft*. ¦ Near-Tark toBoBBestPor i.eetnge. ic. apply on lioaid oi at bbs o'uee |» Battnrf.pakea[\||>|.'KIS and EaSSEX RAILROAD..l»fl »>,..,,,aa tt..I. a lea.'" Netv-York, fool of at i A M sxJ 4 P M NewarB, "| a m a o i| p m _

Por Ni w-Tork, lee'-e Boeer at in A.M and IPJkT.| Mor*rlituwn. "i AM Bod £35PM he Krei^iu Tralua learfI) rar a IAJJI and Ne» Pork skill AM «»r« re HoraB>C^r learei Orati^" at MS A M and V m i'a«aen<eraare received and deliverer t»rh way in se^» in f >r the vart«

I OBSBttfBB that Ir.ieiaecl iVs R.>ad. Tl k s ai.l be pro*eared basWa Bskhas . - . la B* rsre.

«ENTRAL RAILKOAI) <>K XKXfc? RS KV line avet Nsjer-Torl dally ny steam, RI-'O JACKET, l'ier I. North Hlver. al '< A«eri);"'s P M freight, and at I P M paseen/era. andby New .l-reev Railroal fool of CorUaad-Bt al J A M. andat^ard 4 P M_^EW-y(>RK öc ERIE RA1LR4>AD..This line leaves dally frees BBS pier al fool of Duaneet

MOMIBS Wav Tkiim at i A VI for OtlswUiflV all LnisrrBsedlaBi Btatl ae. PaesBagera by this ualaconr.tct at S, Pans wllii the M-.-i i Mall iralu for ell eta*tints west i.f Oet.eva. M BBUaa MAIL TtAIN at T A. M..Stopping stall the stations weal of Smt-roi, arrlvlnr atQsBBTB Iheaame evening W.v Taua al i) P M f*rPk rnr rt. OtisviMe ai d all Ii lei mediateataBBBBA Evtema\\ at Tuais at 'i for 8nr! n * tn;svioe an i all lule iuedl.aies'^.ioLa HitHT tir«««iT«n« at6 P M.

CH AH MINtrP. Bupenatendaat

I?or boston viä newpoKT \ nDKALL RIVER-The st»an «ra BtY ST \TK and

ST AT K t.F MAINF l-ave Pie- N» 1 North ftlear, at *o ne eh da,ly Ba) Stale, Cspt Wm Brier,, on Tu. a lays,Thursdays ar>d Saturdays. S.ate of Maine gast tmOtmß0 Jewe'.i i Hoadare, Ualneadays a/.d Fridays. TtiifJle tl.e orih illrec Hue lo Newport A tletnier In coiioecttoRWith ibis dn. nins lo and from Prov. .< BJ B

TIKDALE A BORDI.iN. \g< nta, I' ar d 71 W <at m.

FREIGHT REDUCED..On and afterthe 1st of April the ratei Of f-elk-ht between NEW.

YORK and BOSTON by IDS FALL KUKK L'NC wlBbereduced. Shippers ra-'i BIracsre the new lar rf of ralea

on application to T1SDALE A BURDEN, 7n A 71 Weet ttmil tt_i\EW-york&NKW-HAVEN rail-1 T Rfttn -This line eave*Cana! st Hialloo-Aceomui«»dallor, Train al 7 i A N Kipr-at Tre'n, ', A M aVOSSSBi

rraffl 'A M y.if-'t Train, i P. M. Arcom.ggnaatlna Train for N^w lla^er. al 4 P M and Comma,twlen Trei'i fiir Bridgeport ai i P M Passen».ors are rk>

cu-sted to procure tickets '<ef,^e laslng seau In the ca/s.R m M ASO.'I. Sapwl'iieodeel^

[|IOKNiN(> LIN I l'(Ü ALBAftIf.l"l T:.e new srd elegant Steamer REINDEER, Or otcor, wl.Ilei.e Nem Y<.rk from p er fool ofMurav sL, every Monday. Wednesday and Friday morn

tr.g. at 7 uclocb, acd r.>ave A.'iany Tuesdaya,Tlmrsdavs and Saiurdajs, at OkS same hour, making thausual lacitinga each Wav VtT Msaia eerved on terarl.N B Por further InXbnna'JoB app.v w JAMES SISilOPk CO. Braver si New.Toft Pare to Newhurgh andPobeepsie Hi cents. oitwQ if

KECULAR S 0 (:LCK:k~p7M. Oppo-sfckwB B. at f.r ALBANY a il I'.termadlateLandlnre.

Para lerata to Hadaoi The stesmer SATTA CltAI/B,Cept T K. mend oi f. WlB le.v-ii,a pier f ><>: of Barclay St.

(sjoaäk)e*Se)eearrMaaday, Wedieadap and Friday Ai-

baayevei CB^aday, Tn n tu *> at,d Saturday, ail o'clockP MBUHDAT MORNINO BOAT TO KINO.sroN-Tha

above steaner will letveevery SI'NDAY MORNINU at7o'cIcrk, rstsraABg same evening._alS la*

F^R~BRID(iEPORT. housatonicard NAUOATUCK-Railroad Pare to centa-Tha

Stea-ner ALICE, Capt W-eis. will leave Ike MTfkBaa]Marketat ev-ry Tu-snay, Tr.^-sday attd Saturda7. al 8

Cclo-k, A M RetBrclPg. wi !«ave the Railr<ia.l d »-k et

Bridgeport every Morciay. W«o!needey and FrlJay at a

ocoes,«. M. Freight for Bridgeport and idie RadiroBdataaeo at tt- io w«st rat's. wBlch -j:' be rseatraddBi«r atthe ctteeon the pier. |al Im I W. H SLATER, AgL

nuK HARTKORD-Direct. Thar Steamer HERO. Cepi J ¦«-K'ng. wiU leere frontFr,s. Blv. r sieem'e^t ?'¦¦%> '.. P » a H uifjrd. everyai.r.d.v ard Friday atVrr.i» n at 4 o'cock. Por rachetri"f.r,, .'on lür.ulre on (! of of SAX f0 N V W EBB,


-TleLarpe CLINTON. C»pt Wil's.e, every Mm-<>.k\ EXCHANGE, C»rr RosaBraaa, '¦¦erj Tbaradav;Plil 0HREEPS1E, C»;,i 11, svery b'atiirday, att o'<.. eh P M. from tool of M inay st for paeavngers andfre ,.. Thaahore irf*e< .n- efe^esdy fbralsiied wttlt

Bjf atilewcaiiin», and era

exor> leij fttad no for I et miort ar.d cjaveBteaeeof paa-eert» i*.'end anive at Pournkaarpete in time lu the sueesjloSLart-0, Pine Plaina ami N » Por furtherY>n,rn V n, a- r, -r t >

RIA hat WilLIav SOX a \ «il, 181 Weet-ef-^fÜTATI-N fsl. \ SI) S KAM BOAT..

.. WhtfahBRSt > fia'''ail-kd