ndt prsentation

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  • 8/16/2019 Ndt prsentation


    Non Destructive Testing

     Tony K P

  • 8/16/2019 Ndt prsentation


    Visual Inspection

    Most basic andcommon inspectionmethod.

     Tools includefberscopes,

    borescopes,magniying glasses andmirrors.

    !obotic cra"lers permitobservation in ha#ardousor tight areas, such as air

    ducts, reactors, pipelines.

    Portable videoinspection unit "ith

    #oom allo"s inspection

    o large tan$s andvessels, railroad tan$cars, se"er lines.

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    Visual Inspection %undamentals

    • Visual Testing is used to determine thequantity, size, surface nish, shape,colour, function, leakage, and surface


    • &uccessul results depend on – Trained operators

     – 'leanliness and condition o the test ob(ect

     – )uality o the optical instrument

     – Proper illumination o the test part

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    Visual Inspection *+asic Principle

    • Illumination o Test specimen "ithlight, usually in the visible region.

    •  The specimen is then eamined "itheye or by light sensitive devices – Physical measurements

     – Visual appearance and colour

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    Visual Inspection -pplications

    1. 'hec$ing o the surace condition othe component.

    2. 'hec$ing o alignment o matingsuraces.

    3. 'hec$ing o shape o thecomponent.

    4. 'hec$ing or evidence o lea$ing.

    5. 'hec$ing or internal side deects

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    %re0uently inspected items6-pplications7

    1. Pumps• Pump impellers 6bending through erosion

    corrosion, "ear and atigue7

    • casings, bearings, seals and gas$ets

    2. Valves• 8all thinning due to corrosion and erosion

    • Valve seats, seals, gas$ets 6"ear, creep

    and hardening73. +olting

    • +olt ailure6improper tor0ue, "rongmaterials o construction and corrosion7

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    4. 'astings•

    &urace discontinuities 6adhered sand,scale, crac$s and hot tears7

    5. %orgings• Visual inspection o critical components

    ollo"ed by /PI

    9. trusions

    :. Microcircuits

    • ;verall 0uality, connection reliability andsolder integrity

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    Visual Inspection /imitations

    1. 'an detect only surace =a"s

    2. ye resolution is "ea$

    3. ye atigue

    4. scanning the test site "ith ullcoverage "ithout line o sight

    5. The inability to provide evaluation"ith a high confdence level

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    &election o correct visual techni0ue

    • +ased on manufacturing process, "hat defectscould present>

    • 8hat "ould the nature of expected defects be>8ould they be visible or hidden>

    • 8hat should be used as a basis for determining pass/reject test criteria>

    • 'an articial standards be made and usede?ectively>

    • 8hat is the smallest defect  that can bedetected>

    • 8hat is the smallest deect that could possibly

    cause part/equipment failure>

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    •  The Human Eye

    •  Optical Aids

     – Microscope

     – Borescope

     – Endoscope

     – Flexiscope

     – Telescope

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     The human ye

    • Most sensitive to yello"green light o"avelength 559@ -@

    • -de0uate lighting 6

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    Visual Perception• Perception is the di?erence bet"een

    physical reality and the vie" that "ethin$ "e see. It is ho" an observerBs braininterprets the data it is being given. The

    MCllerA/yer illusion demonstrates one othe problems

    • Di?erent individuals perceive the samevie" in di?erent "ays and it is importantto $no" "hy and ho" these di?erencesoccur. The di?erence bet"een observersdepends upon preAprogramming o the

    brain by training and eperience and the

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    Müller-yer illusion

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    Deects detected by unaided visualinspection

    1. The general condition o component2. The presence or absence o oide flm or

    corrosive product on the surace

    3. The presence or absence o crac$s,orientation o crac$s and position o crac$srelative to the various #ones

    4. &urace porosity, unflled craters, contour o

    "eld bead and probable orientation ointerace bet"een used "eld bead andad(oining parent metal

    5. Potential sources o mechanical "ea$ness

    such as sharp notches or misalignment

  • 8/16/2019 Ndt prsentation


    Visual aids* enses, prisms andmirrors

    !" #haracteristics of construction enses – - lens is a portion o transparent reracting

    medium bounded by t"o spherical

    suraces or by one spherical surace and aplane surace.

     – /enses usually are made o glass or othertransparent material.

     – The centres o curvature o all lenssuraces lie on a single straight line calledthe principal ais o the lens

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     Types o /enses

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    Magnifcation 6linear magnifcation7o lenses

    • Magnifcation is defned as the ratioo the si#e o an image to the si#e othe ob(ect.

    • Mathematically, it is given byM &i#e o ImageE&i#e o ob(ect

    •  The magnifcation is positive "hen

    the image is real and inverted and isnegative "hen the image is virtualand erect.

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    Prisms• - prism is a transparent reracting body that

    is bounded by three rectangular and t"otriangular suraces

    •  They can be used to deviate a ray o light to

    disperse "hite light into visible spectrum orto erect an inverted image as is in+inoculars and Pro(ectors

    • In periscope, prism is an important optical

    component used to guide the path o light tosee an ob(ect over the surace or "hich theobserver is "ithin the sea as in submarines

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    • - surace that re=ects most o thelight alling on it is called a mirror. -plane mirror is a =at and shining

    surace – plane mirror

     – &pherical mirrors


    'oncave mirror – 'onve mirror

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    Mirrors as optical tools

    • -n essential tool or visualeamination is a mirror.

    • Mirrors are available in all si#es and

    shapes, "ith and "ithout lights.

    •  They are available "ith longetensions, s"ivel heads, and

    remotely actuated heads

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    Inspection Mirrors

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    • Magnifcation M 1@E 8here is the ocal length o the lens and

    1@ is a constant that represent theaverage minimum distance at "hichob(ects can be distinctly seen byunaided eye

    •  The practical range o the magniying

    po"er is 1@F to 2@@@F• %ield vie" and depth o feld

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    'ourtesy o ITIEInstrument Technology, Inc

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     To inspect the inside o a narro"tube, bore or chamber

    •+orescopes are manuactured in – !igid

     – tended

     – %leible

     – Micro design

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    • Main optical components

    1. ;b(ective lens systemo /ocated at the end o borescope and it

    orms primary image o an ob(ect on the

    bac$ o the lens2. !elay lens system

    o !eorm the primary image every e"inches along the length o borescope

    3. The eyepieceo nables the human eye to see the fnal

    image ormed

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     Total +orescope magnifcation Mb

    •  Total +orescope magnifcation Mb

    Mb  6Mo 76Mr 76Me 7

    Mo  magnifcation o ob(ective lens

    Mr  magnifcation o relay lens, usually 1Me  magnifcation o eyepiece

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    • ;b(ects are constantly in ocus romabout 4 mm to infnity

    • Various vie"ing angles

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    • Provide sharp and clear images oparts and interior suraces

    • !emote end tip de=ecion

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