navan nugget

BUSINESS CARDS ROTATED BI-MONTHLY DIGITAL COLOUR VERSION AVAILABLE ON NAVAN.ON.CA MAY 2018 Navan Nugget A few images from Navan taken on April 16th Photos: Tom Devecseri

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MAY 2018

Navan NuggetA few images from Navan taken on April 16th

Photos: Tom Devecseri

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NAVAN NOTABLESDenis et Lyse Perrault, Perrodale Farms

Denis and Lyse have been farming since 1964. On the 500 acre farm, south of Trim Road, he milks his 100 holsteins. Over the years they had 4 children and now are blessed with 6 grand kids. Busy years these were! At 41 years of age, Lyse went off to college, got her Diploma, and began working at C.B.C. for over 13 years. She then worked part time for the “Canadian Nurses Association” for 3 years. All this time she was still working on the farm. Denis loved the cows and the soil he farmed. He also had acquired a lot of knowledge about farming. He became involved with Alfred College, sitting on the Board and becoming the President. He also travelled for C.I.D.A., going to Tchad and Togo to help the farmers in Africa. An Experimental Farm was set up and was a vehicle to transfer knowledge to the African Farmers. A mill was built as well as medical clinics. He enjoyed these experiences and people. Along the way, he became President of Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, a mandate of the University of Guelph . He was a member on the Ministry of Agricultural Tribunal for 10 years. For 5 years, he sat on the University of Guelph’s International Advisory Council. An involved farmer in his extended community!In 1999, willing to diversify, he planted 6 acres of vines. This was an experiment to attract agrotourism to our area. It certainly worked! Every weekend, in three seasons, we see his little sign at the corner of Trim and Colonial directing patrons to his winery. Over the years the wines get tastier and more popular. I love it when I go up to his boutique , have a sip of wine, then buy a few bottles of Zanibel . I also meet people from all over the Ottawa area. Such fun! His winery has put Navan on the map! Some bottles have found their way to California, The Vatican, Belgium, France. I enjoy bringing Perrault wine as a hostess gift or for my own entertaining. Some years there have been over 5,000 that visit the Perrault Winery!This year Denis and Lyse were awarded the Pierre Bercier Award. This is given to the French Farming couple who is involved with the agricultural francophone community in Ontario. It also honours innovative projects from these successful candidates. We all know Denis and Lyse are certainly in this category!! Félicitations Denis et Lyse. Navan vous remercie pour votre vision et d’avoir fait votre “home” ici dans notre petit village!!

Sheila Minogue-Calver

Félicitations à Lyse et Denis PerraultLe prix d’excellence en agriculture Pierre Bernier a récemment été decerné à Lyse et Denis Perrault de Navan. C’est lors du Banquet annuelle de l’Union des cultivateurs franco-ontariens (UCFO) que le couple a reçu ce prix qui souligne leur contribution à la communauté agricole franco-ontarienne.Lyse et Denis appartiennent la ferme laitière Perrodale au sud de Navan ainsi que le Domaine Perrault qui produit 20 000 bouteilles de vin par année.C’est un couple très impliqué dans plusieurs aspects de la communauté et qui n’hésite pas à donner de leur temps et talents pour les autres. Ses lauréats sont décidement des récipiendaires bien choisis.

Anne-Marie Potvin

Local Volunteer is awarded the Celebrating Seniors Award by The Council of Aging for Ottawa

One of our local residents Juanita Vetter was one of forty four recipients from Ottawa who were awarded the “Celebrating Seniors Award” for 2018. The award was created to recognize the significant contributions that seniors make in our community each and every day. The presentation ceremony took place on March 26 at the Awards Luncheon in Ottawa Ontario where Mayor Jim Watson was the guest speaker. CONGRATULATIONS Juanita, well deserved!

Community Category winner Juanita Vetter with COA staff at awards presentation

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The NCA Executive would like to encourage all residents to become members of the community association. NCA meetings are held on the third Monday of the month, next meeting May 21st at the Navan Arena at 7:30 p.m. Your membership entitles you to vote at the AGM, bring issues relative to the village to the agenda, and get actively involved in projects that are of interest to you. The NCA also provides the community link to our City representative.

Chair: Philippe GrandmaitreSecretary: Christina MacphersonTreasurer: Dale BorysSafety: Bob PriceNavan Nugget: Tom DevecseriNCA Membership: Ray Vetter

The NCA is the umbrella organization for:-The production and distribution of the Navan Nugget;-The Nifty 50 Plus Senior’s Club;- Canada 150 Celebrations; -The Navan Youth Ball league;-The Navan Tennis Club;-The Soccer Registration Group;-The Fall Fest Committee;-The Winterfest Committee;-The Outdoor Rink Committee, and-Members of the NCA maintain the floral gardens at the entrance of the village.

The NCA has successfully completed projects such as the Cenotaph Restoration, the Shade Structure Park Project, the Clock Tower and Wall of Fame, the 150th Celebration, and the Outdoor Skating Rink.

Navan Community Builders Wall CeremonyTwo names will be added to the Community Builders Wall at the ceremony on Saturday, June the 2nd. Ross Bradley and Fred Hyde are well deserving Navanites who have made great contributions to better our community. You are invited to the Clocktower Plaza at 2 o’clock where the plaques bearing their names will be added to the Builders Wall.

COMMUNITY SAFETY ZONEThis months Safety Column offers tips for cyclists. Helmets are an important piece of safety equipment. Here are some tips: - Cyclists under 18 must, according to law, wear a hel-met in Ontario.- The helmet should have a CSA, CPSC, Snell B-95, or N-94 certification sticker.- Ensure the helmet fits snugly and that is sits 2 finger widths above your eyebrows.- The straps should meet in a “V” just below your ears and there should be no more than 2 finger width space between your chin and the strap.- Replace your helmet if it has received any strong im-pact, even if damage isn’t visible on the outside, or if its greater than 5 years old.- All bikes must be equipped with an alarm, horn or bell.- By law, when riding at night or in low visibility, your bike needs to be equipped with a white light in the front and a red rear reflector or light.- Cyclists , like any other vehicle operator, have the same rights and duties as motorists including stopping at all stop signs and red lights, signalling lane changes with hand signals and driving on the right side of the road. It is unsafe and illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk.

We appreciate hearing your comments, receiving your concerns and taking suggestions for future Community Safety Zone topics. Please feel free to email us at [email protected]


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NAVAN ART SHOW DRAWS A CROWDThanks to everyone who came out to our annual Navan Fine Arts show & sale in April. We’ve had wonderful feedback on the show and already have new ideas for 2019.

Pictured here is one of our guest artists, Maria Saracino, figurative clay artist.


WITH BACKUP POWERAs part of a two-year pilot project, financial assistance

is currently available to qualified City of Ottawa property owners for the installation of a secondary sump pump with backup power to prevent flooding

due to increased ground water levels.Please note this pilot program is very limited.

The maximum rebate amount for a backup sump pump with battery power is $400.00.

For the link to the City of Ottawa website google:“New rebate available: Secondary sump pump

with backup power”

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Nifty 50plus Birthday Revellers

The Navan Nifty 50plus Seniors April pizza luncheon was enjoyed by a large crowd of members and friends. The weather outside may have been less than friendly but the atmosphere at Nifty 50 was cheerfull as members enjoyed their meal and the usual visiting, book exchange and games. There was a large birthday cake to celebrate the 15 members having a birthday in April.

On April 18 the ladies had the opportunity to have a manicure, thanks to Amanda and her staff from the spa for making this possible. There was also a nice surprise when a long time Navan resident Mr. Eric Smith dropped in for a visit.

If you would like to join in on the fun the requirements are simple! IF YOU HAVE reached your 50th birthday you are welcome to join the Nifty 50plus Seniors Club. The group meets every week from the first Wednesday in September to the last Wednesday in June upstairs in the Navan Memorial Arena from 12:30PM to 4;30PM. Your Nifty 50plus Committee

Knotty Knitters We are looking for new knitters to join us at Café Latte Cino on Mondays at 1PM. It’s such a pleasant time we have together. Lots of chit chat and help over the tapping of the needles!

Navan StreetwalkersThe weather as well as other exercise groups have made a dent into our numbers that walk through Navan, 3 days a week. Come on out and join these energetic ladies on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:30AM at the Curling Club!

Cartoon by Jeff Amey

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The Biggest Small Investment You Can

Navan’s Women Inspired!May 9, 2018 at 7PM at the Navan Curling Club Lions’ Den, we will be hosting Michael Habonimana. He recently spoke in Toronto on his adventures at a couple of Tim Horton’s Camps. He is a new immigrant to Canada and is enjoying his life here. It will be a pleasure to hear about his experiences. Come on out and join us.

Congratulations to Takara O’Donoughue the 2018 Navan WI Bursary recipient. Presenting Takara with her bursary are

Pam O’Donoughue and Sue Woram of Navan WI. .Bursary applications may be found at

Fundraiser for Navan Women’s Institute:

Looking for a great evening with fun and friends? The WI invites you to a Paint

Nite that will be held in June, date to be determined beginning of May. Cost may vary depending on the number of attendees. If this is something that interests you please e-mail

[email protected] for further details.

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Navan Lions ClubPresident: John GeigerSecretarial Team: Mark O’Donoughue and John LaddsTreasurer: David Grattan

The Bradley Cup was a great success. Not only was it great fun for the participants and spectators, but it was also a great fundraiser which has supported many charitable causes. Each team competing supported a local charity including: the J5L Memorial , the Vars Community Association, the Orleans Cumberland Community Resource Centre, La Fondation Oceane Roy and the Association Communautaire De Sarsfield. The bulk of the money ($6800 to 11800) was divided between The Navan Lions welfare fund, the Hannah Billings fund and the Navan Women’s Institute. At present we are not sure what these amounts will be as not all the donations promised have been received yet – but we are hoping that there will be $3500 each for the WI and the Hannah Billings fund and $4700 for the Lions Welfare. This money is very timely as we have just received two heart wrenching requests for funding from the Hannah Billings fund. And if you are aware of a family struggling with a seriously injured or sick child – we would like to hear from you. Maybe the fund can help.It has also been district A4 Lions Convention Time and those Lions who attended from Navan tell me that it was a useful and successful event. However, the thing which is engaging us most at present is the Ham and Scalloped Potato Supper on the 27th April. By the time you read this it will be over, but let me just say that the ham from Lavergne’s, dressed with Gerald Grimes Maple syrup is to die for and our guests always seem to love it. And then there is the Murder Mystery “Professor Plum’s second murder mystery”. In this episode Miss Scarlett, a student at Blodger’s University in Poughkeepsie, New York State, has met her end. There have been strange goings on and it is up to our dinner guests to solve the mystery and so help out our long suffering police detective Inspector Baffled.

Finally – start thinking golf – yes I know we are being subjected to cruel and unusual winter torment - but June will come and with it the Navan Lions Golf Tournament on Friday June 8th.

Lion David Grattan

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NAVAN COMMUNITY SUNDAY SCHOOLNavan Community Sunday School & Youth Group 9:45-11:15 St.Mary’s Hall - Smith Rd (ages 3 & up)

Actively looking for Volunteer Teachers- police record check for vulnerable sector required.

2018 Schedule6-May Sunday School & Youth Group 11:15-1:15pm13-May Sunday School20-May Family Sunday - attend church of your choice27-May Sunday School3-June Closing @ St. Mary’s Hall - Potluck Lunch to follow

For more information email - [email protected]

YARD AND BAKE SALEThe Navan-Vars United Church Women is pleased to once again invite you to its annual Yard and Bake Sale on Saturday, May 5, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Church members donate delicious, fresh home baking such as buns, breads, pies, squares, cookies, cakes, and other treats. We welcome you to enjoy a coffee and muffin as you browse our gently used items and household donations. Items will be displayed outdoors, in front of the church, and in the church basement hall. Children are welcome, as many have found affordable Mother’s Day gifts or treasures for themselves in past years. We often have a selection of good used children’s clothing.

We are located at 1129 Smith Road in the village of Navan (west of Trim Rd.). Call 613-835-2372 (Karin) for more info. We look forward to seeing you.

CAMP AWESOME 2018sponsored by Navan-Vars United Church

& St. Mary’s Anglican Church Children ages 4-12 years $85 per child

($80 per child with early registration by May 31)

Mon. to Fri. July 9-13th, 201810:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.

St. Mary’s Hall & Navan-Vars United Church

Camp Awesome Sunday ServiceJuly 15 @10:00 Navan-Vars United Church

Download the registration forms

For info: Call Shelley Douglas 613-835-3965 or email: [email protected]

"Bible Stoies Songs Games Crafts"

SPAGHETTI SUPPER AT ST. MARY’SWhat a delightful evening we had on Saturday, April 21st at St. Mary’s Hall. Salads, Sweets, and delicious sauces accompanied the spaghetti. Each table was filled with hungry and sociable diners! A silent auction was another highlight of the evening. Love those cooks at St.Mary’s!

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Homecraft Prize ListGet a head start on your homecraft projects

for the 2018 Navan Fair!!!The Homecraft Prize List is available on our web site, the office can e-mail you a copy OR you can pick up a hard copy at the Navan Fair office. Please follow the Homecraft division tweets on Twitter @NavanFairHmCrft. Check out the new kids, men’s and

persons with disabilities categories

Office Hours in May – Tues, Wed & Thurs- 10:00 – 5:00President: Andrew Davies

Admin. Coord: Madeleine Gauthier1279 Colonial Rd., Navan ON K4B 1N1

Tel: 613-835-2766 Fax: [email protected] or

2018August 9,10,11,12, 2018

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Articles or announcements must be submitted to [email protected] by the 20th of the month to be included in next month’s issue.What a wonderful place in which we have chosen to live.

What happened to Spring.Article David Grattan and Photos by Tom Devecseri

Yes what happened to spring – the birds must have had a desperate time of it during the last few days – cold weather and falling ice. As the snow inexorably melts, we all begin to notice something unpleasant – a winter’s worth of garbage littering our ditches and walking path. We have now started picking stuff up, as we usually do, and what we see are a lot of empty bottles and cans, paper coffee cups, and most annoying of all, colourful little bags of dog poo carefully left behind by some lo-cal dog walker. If we care about our community, and if we care about each other we wouldn’t be so callous as to dump our discards in such a lazy way – but perhaps we can all share in the picking up of stuff on our walks.Aluminum cans are particularly important. Aluminum has one of the highest embedded energies of any material - the smelting operation from bauxite requires a massive amount of energy – so when we pitch a drink can rather than recycling we are losing all that energy.Enough, David - you’ve had your rant - not quite up to Rick Mercer Standard so now back to birds-

Cooper’s Hawks have been making their pres-ence known in the village once more. There is one nest in Clark Woods 1 and another possibility on Smith Road. Tom and I watched one this morning - circling round in the Smith Road region. We have also been observing a lot of purple and gold finches as well as a few Turkey Vul-tures. It was beginning to be a wonderful spring before winter struck back – in the coming days we’ll gauge the impact on the bird population. We have noted, however, that the birds are eating a staggering amount of oil seed from our feeders – sometimes we are refilling them twice per day.