national mission on agriculture extension


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Page 1: National Mission on Agriculture Extension



Presented by:-

Miss. Nishu Kanwar Bhati


Page 2: National Mission on Agriculture Extension

Agricultural Technology, including the adoption/promotion of critical inputs, and improved agronomicpractices were being disseminated under 17 differentschemes of the Department of Agriculture & Cooperationduring the 11th Plan. NMAET has been envisaged as thenext step towards this objective through the amalgamationof these schemes.

The Centrally Sponsored Scheme “National Mission onAgricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET)” wasimplemented during the XII Plan.

“National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET)”

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Sub Mission on

Agricultural Extension (SMAE)

Sub-Mission on Seed and

Planting Material (SMSP)

Sub Mission on

Agricultural Mechanizatio

n (SMAM)

Sub Mission on Plant

Protection and Plant

Quarantine (SMPP)

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The common threads running acrossall 4 Sub-Missions are Extension &Technology. Seeds, pesticides andmachinery are three importantagricultural inputs whosetechnological and economicsignificance needs to be disseminatedto all the farmers through efficaciousextension machinery. However, besidesthe core component of ensuring easyavailability of these key inputs (i.e.Seeds, Pesticides and Machinery) atreasonable prices, there will be asubject specific capacity buildingelement built in the latter three Sub-Missions as well.

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Farmers Interest Groups (FIGs) and Farmer

Producer Organizations


Availability of quality seeds,

plant protection

Interactive methods of information

dissemination, Popularisationof modern and

appropriate technologies


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Sub-Mission on Agricultural Extension will focus on awareness creationand enhanced use of appropriate technologies in agriculture & alliedsectors. Gains made in the past will be consolidated and strengthenedthrough increased penetration of extension functionaries. Personneltrained under Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme (ACABC)and Diploma in Agriculture Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)will also provide extension services to the farmers. Use of interactive andinnovative methods of information dissemination like pico projectors,low cost films, handheld devices, mobile based services, Kisan CallCentres (KCCs) etc. will be used and convergence brought amongextension efforts under different programmes and schemes at villagelevel through the institution of ATMA (Agriculture TechnologyManagement Agency) and Block Technology Teams (BTTs).

Sub Mission on Agricultural Extension (SMAE)

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Adoption of quality seeds is the most cost effective means for increasingagricultural production and productivity. The interventions included inthe Sub-Mission will cover the entire gamut of seed chain from nucleusseed to supply to farmers for sowing and also to the major stakeholders inthe seed chain and also provide for support for infrastructure to create anenabling environment for development of the Sector. SMSP also envisagesstrengthening of Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ RightsAuthority (PPV&FRA) in order to put in place an effective system forprotection of plant varieties, rights of farmers and plant breeders and toencourage development of new varieties of plants.

Sub-Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP)

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There is a strong co-relation between farm power availability andagricultural productivity. Therefore, Sub-Mission on AgriculturalMechanization will focus on farm mechanization. The Sub-Mission willmainly cater to the needs of the small and marginal farmers throughinstitutional arrangements such as custom hiring, mechanization ofselected villages, subsidy for procurement of machines & equipments, etc.

Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM)

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Sub-Mission on Plant Protection included in NMAET envisages increasein agricultural production by keeping the crop disease free usingscientific and environment friendly techniques through promotion ofIntegrated Pest Management. Strengthening and Modernization of PestManagement Approach aims at this vital aspect of Plant Protection andalso covers regulatory requirements of pesticides. The component onStrengthening & Modernization of Plant Quarantine facilities in India isregulatory in nature with the aim of preventing introduction and spreadof exotic pests that are harmful to crops by regulating/restricting importof plant/plant products. Monitoring pesticide residues in foodcommodities and environmental samples is also included in this Sub-Mission. The component on National Institute of Plant HealthManagement (NIPHM) will promote environmentally sustainable PlantHealth Management practices in diverse and changing agro-climaticconditions, pesticide management, and Biosecurity through capacitybuilding programmes.

Sub Mission on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine (SMPP)

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The gaps in all farmer centric trainings and field extension in respect of otherSub-Missions of NMAET would also be included in the SREP. SREPs will beprepared in coordination with the line departments, Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs), Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), Private Sector, farmers and otherstake-holders at the district level.

Funds earmarked for such activities under different Sub-Missions of NMAET,Missions & Schemes / Programmes will be utilized through ATMA.

Manpower under ATMA will be effectively utilized for extension relatedactivities under various Sub-Missions.

Technical, legal, administrative & regulatory functions and other components(not related to farmer centric extension) will continue to be dischargedindependently under the respective Sub-Missions.

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Seed VillageProgramme

Farm Schools, DemoPlots, Trainings, ExposureVisits

Capacity Building byInstitutions identified bythe State Government

Pest Monitoring(including Pest Scouts),FFSs, IPM Training toFarmers

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National Level Steering Committee (Chaired by Sec. (A&C))

National Mission Director (MNAET)—JS (Extn.)

Executive Committee of

SMAE- Chaired by JS (E)

Executive Committee of

SMSP- Chaired by JS (Seeds)

Executive Committee of

SMAM- Chaired by JS (M&T)

Executive Committee of

SMPP- Chaired by JS (PP)


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Secretary (A&C), DAC

Addl. Secretary (Extn.), DAC

Additional Secretary (Seeds), DAC

Additional Secretary (M&T), DAC

Additional Secretary (PP), DAC


Advisor, Planning Commission

Joint Secretary (Extn.), DAC

Joint Secretary (Seeds), DAC

Joint Secretary (M&T), DAC

Joint Secretary (PP), DAC

DDG (Extn.), ICAR

DDG (Crops), ICAR



Director (Extension)

– Chairperson

– Vice Chairperson

– Member

– Member

– Member

– Member

_ Member

– Member

– Member







–Member Secretary

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“National Mission on Agricultural Extension shall support thestate governments, local bodies & institutions for enhancingtheir capacity and institutionalizing structures & mechanismsfor a knowledge-driven, accountable, decentralized, broad-based & participatory programme planning & implementationto facilitate farmers, farmwomen & youth to achieve economic,food, nutritional & environmental security and thus achievePlan objective of faster, sustainable and more inclusiveagricultural growth”

Mission statement

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The Mission shall focus on sustainable small farm agriculture,especially in rainfed areas, through integrated farming systems approachincorporating components of natural resource management, minimizingexternal costs and maximizing realization through value addition incrops, horticulture, livestock, fisheries etc.Programme implementation, convergence, service delivery and goodgovernance which are the central focus of 12th Plan, shall be the corestrategy of the Mission. Convergence shall be achieved through

Convergence of technologies by following the IntegratedFarming Systems approachConvergence of schemes and programmes through projectapproach to extensionInstitutional convergence at national and state level throughcabinet sub-committees; andConvergence at District level through representation ofvarious institutions of ATMA

Salient features

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Knowledge driven growth to be facilitated byProviding quality extension resources at cutting-edge level along withcritical mass of extension personnel (one extension worker for about 1200farmers) by supplementing public extension system with agripreneurs,trained input dealers etc.;Enhancing the extension efficiency and effectiveness by institutionalizingFarmers Friends at village level;Capacity building of farmers, extension functionaries, institutions andother stakeholders on lifetime basis through a network of KnowledgeCentres like KVKs, Agriculture Research Stations etc.;Partnering with knowledge generators (public & private, formal &informal systems) to develop knowledge portals for capturing, collating anddisseminating knowledge through all channels including print & electronicmedia, farm journals, regular meets etc.;Reaching out to and connecting farmers and stakeholders so that theycommunicate with each other; andTest all indigenous technical know-how (ITKs), identify farmerinnovators, recognize their skills and leverage for field extension as farmerconsultants.

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Precision, quantification and benchmarking, which facilitated growth ofmodern economy, shall be incorporated in the Mission in various areas like

Delineating, coding and mapping farming situations, yield gaps, yieldvariability;Technology availability, adoption and impact directories and indices;Indices of resource use efficiency;Defining quantifiable capacity levels, testing and certifying capacity offarmers, extension functionaries, trainers, institutions; andMonetization of agriculture wealth of the district.

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Inclusive growth shall be achieved throughComprehensive framework of development of difficult areas anddisadvantaged groups of farmers on the highest priority by every sectorsince the low yield in these areas (which otherwise have huge potential)keeps the macro yields low;Assessing gaps in infrastructure and development on each parameterand bridging the gaps as per fixed time schedule;Computing index of variance\standard deviation of growth along withaverage growth to measure inclusion and prescribing inclusion as atarget along with average growth;Constructing disadvantaged index and matrix to capture variousdisadvantages for prioritizing resource allocation by every sector;Prescribing allocation of mission resources to these groups egproportionate allocation to those belonging to SC, ST, small & marginalfarmers and women.

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The human resource and infrastructure of SAU/ICAR/KVK and otherinstitutions shall be utilized to organize large scale frontline demonstrations oftechnology under field conditions which serve as training arena for farmers &extension functionaries. Concept of Challenge Approach should be developedand implemented to realize the full potential of decentralized approach andthe zeal and capacity of various stakeholders to extend the frontiers ofpossibilities of achievement for others to follow.

The Mission shall fully leverage power of ICT for linking every componentof the Mission from national to field level, provide accountability andempower farmers to demand & access service. Continuous contact withfarmers shall be established to provide knowledge & information; redress theirconcerns & grievances; and capture ground reality for use in policy making &improving delivery through

Farmers portal Kissan Call CentresCommon Service CentresShort message services Community radio stations etc.

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MANAGE, EEIs and SAMETIs have to be strengthened for aligning andlinking all their activities with the mission.

Leveraging youth for agriculture and generating employment inproviding on and off farm services through various interventions andprograms; pilot testing program of ‘full employment for youth inagriculture’; developing concepts of employment budgeting andemployment mapping and designing technology models and extensionapproach for attracting, stimulating and retaining youth in agriculture.Launch “Jai Kisan” movement to mobilize every societal unit and generatea national movement to support agriculture and give prestige to farmingthrough creating proper atmosphere.

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Promote frugal household food and nutrition security throughcounseling farmwomen and youth on scientific storage, processing &value addition, food & water quality, better eating habits, maintainpersonal & kitchen hygiene etc. to leverage the preventive healthcareproperties of food for frugal health care. Similarly promote urbanagriculture for tackling food inflation, and promoting nutrition,livelihood and environmental security. Shift from concept of greeningto edible greening and landscaping to edible landscaping to convergeenvironment and food concerns.

Centre for agrarian distress and conflicts to track, study andprovide policy support to tackle distresses, such as suicides by farmersand their indebtedness, farmers’ agitations, violence and conflicts andother concerns through action research projects, challenge projectsand linkages with other institutions. Promote national outreachthrough long term extension projects in developing countries as perpolicy at the field level.

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The suggested implementation structure for the mission is as follows: Joint Secretary (Extension) & Extension Commissioner as mission leaderMission will have appropriately constituted General Council and Executive Council at the national level and supporting structures at the state and the district levelsMANAGE to support mission implementation and monitoring at National Level and EEIs & Zonal Project Directorates at regional level.Mini Missions to be located in MANAGE or with relevant partner institutions SAMETIs and the Directorate of Extension of SAUs, ATMAs / KVKs to support mission implementation at State and District levels respectively

Mission Structure

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Technology Solutions and InnovationsExtension Policy and SystemsConvergence, Programme Delivery, Governance and innovationsManpower Planning, HRD and AccreditationLeveraging E-governance, ICTs and Mass Media Support Partnerships and Agripreneurship DevelopmentNational and International CollaborationJai Kisan-Mobilization for Farmers Empowerment Women Empowerment, Household Food & Nutritional Security Leveraging Youth in AgricultureMore Inclusive Growth-Difficult Areas and Difficult Groups Agrarian distress and conflicts, INSTA response and Farm StudiesForeseeing the foreseeable for instant and effective response

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Overall ImpactThe mission will result in a more efficient,

effective and relevant extension system that supports producers to enhance

productivity, income and quality of life on one hand and help achieve the plan

objectives of faster, sustainable and more inclusive growths.

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Mass Media Support to Agricultural Extension


Central Sector Scheme on Extension

Support to Central Institutions

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