name: units –4 class: date: potenziamento · 2019. 5. 11. · units network concise potenziamento...

49 © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE Name: Class: Date: Potenziamento units Network Concise Potenziamento Units 1–4 –4 Alice is a student. She usually 1 jeans and T-shirts, and in her free time she usually listens to her MP3 player, reads magazines and hangs around with her friends. But at the moment she’s wearing a long, old-fashioned dress and a hat, and she 2 her morning job – cooking breakfast for all the people who are working in the fields. Why? Alice is spending three weeks this summer 3 Kentwell Hall in the south-east of England. It’s a big, old Tudor house, with fields and forests around it. The word Tudor describes the period of English History from about 1485 to 1600. The name comes from the royal family during this time, and people from this period are called Tudors. Every summer, more than 700 people of all ages from all over the world 4 here to live as Tudors, 5 to learn about life in England in the Tudor times. So that’s why Alice is wearing the clothes from that historical period and she’s cooking breakfast for the workers. Schools and the general public buy tickets to visit the house so they can experience life in Tudor England. They can see the ‘family’, the servants and the labourers doing their daily 6 . They can hear conversations and smell the cooking. It’s lots of fun and a great experience. Alice says, ‘It’s good fun, but hard work. When we 7 as Tudors, we haven’t got washing machines or fridges. Nowadays we’ve got TVs, computers and phones. Life is much easier for us, I think, 8 we’ve got a lot gadgets to help us!’ Reading K 1 Look at the photos. What time in British history do they show? Tick () a, b or c. a the 1500s b the 1800s c the 1900s Now read the article about Alice’s summer holiday and check your answer. 2 For questions 1–8 choose the correct word, A, B, or C, for each space. 1 A wear B wears C is wearing 2 A does B makes C ’s doing 3 A to B at C outside 4 A are coming B comes C come 5 A because B want C and 6 A activities B housework C meals 7 A live B lives C ’re living 8 A so B why C because

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    Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 1–4


    Alice is a student. She usually 1 jeans and T-shirts, and in her free time she usually listens to her MP3 player, reads magazines and hangs around with her friends. But at the moment she’s wearing a long, old-fashioned dress and a hat, and she 2 her morning job – cooking breakfast for all the people who are working in the fields. Why?

    Alice is spending three weeks this summer 3 Kentwell Hall in the south-east of England. It’s a big, old Tudor house, with fields and forests around it. The word Tudor describes the period of English History from about 1485 to 1600. The name comes from the royal family during this time, and people from this period are called Tudors.

    Every summer, more than 700 people of all ages from all over the world 4 here to live as Tudors, 5 to learn about life in England in the Tudor times. So that’s why Alice is wearing the clothes from that historical period and she’s cooking breakfast for the workers.

    Schools and the general public buy tickets to visit the house so they can experience life in Tudor England. They can see the ‘family’, the servants and the labourers doing their daily 6 . They can hear conversations and smell the cooking. It’s lots of fun and a great experience.

    Alice says, ‘It’s good fun, but hard work. When we 7 as Tudors, we haven’t got washing machines or fridges. Nowadays we’ve got TVs, computers and phones. Life is much easier for us, I think, 8 we’ve got a lot gadgets to help us!’

    Reading K 1 Look at the photos. What time in British history do they show? Tick (✓) a, b or c.

    a the 1500s b the 1800s c the 1900s

    Now read the article about Alice’s summer holiday and check your answer.

    2 For questions 1–8 choose the correct word, A, B, or C, for each space.1 A wear B wears C is wearing2 A does B makes C ’s doing3 A to B at C outside4 A are coming B comes C come5 A because B want C and6 A activities B housework C meals7 A live B lives C ’re living8 A so B why C because


    Name: Class: Date:



    Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 1–4


    University researchers are doing an experiment. They’re putting a selection of toys one metre from 90 children – aged between nine and 36 months – and studying which toys the children choose to play with. It seems that boys spend more time playing with cars, trucks and balls, while girls spend more time playing with the dolls.

    Researchers say the study suggests that young children instinctively prefer toys that are stereotypical of the sexes. The children also show a preference for different colours.

    One of the researchers, Mette Pedersen, says, ‘Boys immediately choose the ball and the black car, and girls go to the teddy bear and the doll. In a separate

    study, we’re also seeing that girls generally prefer lighter colours, like pink and the boys like darker colours, like dark blue and black.’

    The team says its study is the first to find consistent differences in the choices children make about toys. Another researcher, Dr Angela Cooper, says, ‘We’re surprised to find the differences at such a young age.’

    But she adds, ‘Children of this age are already experiencing a lot of social conditioning. For example, they possibly see their father do ‘car’ things and they see their mother look after other children. But these results show that children instinctively prefer particular kinds of toys.’ So perhaps boys and girls are closer to traditional stereotypes than we think.

    Reading K 1 Read the article and tick (✓) the best title, a, b or c. Write it at the top of the article.

    a Girls prefer cars, boys prefer dolls b Boys prefer cars, girls prefer dollsc Girls and boys like the same toys

    2 Read the sentences. Are they Right (A), Wrong (B) or Doesn’t say (C)?1 Very young boys and girls are naturally more

    interested in different toys. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say2 The research is taking place around the country. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say3 There are 36 children in the experiment. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say4 The oldest children in the experiment are three

    years old. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

    5 Girls prefer playing with balls. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say6 Boys and girls prefer different colours. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say7 The researchers aren’t surprised by the children’s

    choices. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say8 Children always copy the things their parents do. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

    Boys are naturally more interested in cars and girls are more interested in dolls from a very early age, a study suggests.


    Name: Class: Date:



    Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 1–4


    My favourite sport is volleyball. Volleyball is very popular all over the world and it’s now an Olympic sport. You can play it indoors or outdoors, so it’s perfect for any season.

    To play the game you need two teams of six players. There is a net between the teams. Each team scores points by getting the ball on the ground on the other team’s side of the net. It’s quite a difficult game. You need to hit the ball over the net. You don’t throw or catch the ball. You usually hit it with your hands, but you can use your head or chest too.

    In Italy, the top championship is the Series A championship. My favourite team is my local team, Trento. I support them in every game they play!


    3 Choose your favourite sport and write a description of it (100 words). Include this information:

    • where and when you do this sport• some rules• the names of some players and/or teams in your country• the name of some big championships or tournaments• your favourite team/player

    Writing T 1 Read each sentence and guess the sport, a, b or c.

    1 You don’t kick the ball. You throw it to the other players. a tennis b basketball c football2 Pass the ball behind you and run! a table tennis b volleyball c rugby3 The cup final match is at the new stadium next week. a athletics b cycling c football4 The first person to get to the other end of the pool is the winner. a tennis b swimming c volleyball5 She’s the only teenage competitor, but she’s winning the race. a badminton b tennis c cycling

    Which of the sentences explain the rules of different sports?

    2 Read Chiara’s project about her favourite sport and underline the rules.

    My favourite sport is…


    Name: Class: Date:



    Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 1–4


    My school

    Writing T 1 Read Jake’s email. Number the things you read

    about (a–i) in the correct order (1–9).

    a uniform b homework c school clubs d type of school e the year Jake’s in f the number of lessons every dayg the subjects Jake’s studying h when school starts and finishes i what Jake’s doing at the moment

    2 Write an email (100 words) in reply, describing your school life. Answer these questions:

    • What type of school do you go to?• What year are you in? • What subjects are you studying this year? • What time do you start and finish school? • What do you wear to school? • What do you like about school and what don’t you


    Hi Alberto, How are you? I hope you’re well. Thanks for your email about your school. It sounds great!Well, I go to a comprehensive school. I’m in Year 11 and I’ve got my GCSE exams at the end of this year, so we’re spending most of the time at the moment preparing for the exams. GCSEs are the exams that all students take when they’re sixteen. They’re quite soon, so we’re doing lots and lots of practice papers at the moment. I also do exam questions for homework every evening. I’m doing GCSEs in ten subjects – the usual subjects like Maths, English, Geography, History and Science (Chemistry, Biology and Physics) and I’m also doing Music, French and Drama. The school day starts at 8.30 and finishes at 3.30, and consists of six 45-minute lessons. Some subjects are a double lesson, so we usually have three or four different subjects every day. We finish school early on Wednesday because there are Sports, Drama or Art clubs on Wednesday afternoon, but most students just go home early! We wear a uniform at my school, but it’s not too bad. Everyone wears a white shirt with a collar and a tie. Boys wear black trousers and the school blazer with the school badge on it. It’s horrible! All the girls wear black trousers or a black skirt, but they don’t wear a blazer. I think it’s really unfair! School’s OK, but I really want to finish my exams and go to France on holiday! So, tell me about your school.Jake




    Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 1–4


    Speaking T Student A

    1 In pairs. Look at the picture. Describe your picture to Student B and describe the family. Find 12 differences between your pictures.

    2 In pairs. Tell your partner how you and your family typically spend your evenings.

    • Do you usually do things together as a family in the evenings?

    • What kinds of things do you do? • Do you watch TV together? • Which programmes do you watch? • Is the scene in the picture typical of

    what you and your family do in the evenings?

    • What is a typical family scene in your home?

    Useful language I can see… On the left/right… On the wall/floor…In the background… The son/daughter is… The mother/father has got…

    Student B

    1 In pairs. Look at the picture. Describe your picture to Student A and describe the family. Find 12 differences between your pictures.

    2 In pairs. Tell your partner how you and your family typically spend your weekends.

    • Do you generally do things together as a family at the weekend?

    • What kinds of things do you do? • Do you go out together? • Where do you go? • Is the scene in the picture typical

    of what you and your family do at weekends?

    • What is a typical family scene in your home?

    Useful language I can see… On the left/right… On the wall/floor…In the background… The son/daughter is… The mother/father has got…




    Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 1–4


    Student B

    1 You’re at a party with Student A, but you don’t know many people. You only know the girls and Student A only knows the boys. Answer Student A’s questions about the girls.

    Speaking T Student A

    2 Now answer Student B’s questions about the boys at the party.

    Useful languageWhat’s Sophie doing? Is Sophie …-ing?Has she got dark hair?Is she dancing?

    2 Now ask Student A questions about the boys and write their names in the correct places (a–e) in the picture.

    1 Ricky 2 Mike 3 Jim 4 Joe 5 Alex

    Useful languageWhat’s Ricky doing? Is Ricky …-ing?Has he got dark hair?Is he playing the guitar?

    1 You’re at a party with Student B, but you don’t know many people. You only know the boys and Student B only knows the girls. Ask Student B questions about the girls and write their names in the correct places (a–e) in the picture.

    1 Sophie 2 Sally 3 Julia 4 Lucy 5 Alison








    a d




    a d e
