multiple choice booklet 1 - kinross college

YEAR 9 SCIENCE EXAMINATION - SEMESTER 2, 2016 MULTIPLE CHOICE BOOKLET 1 STUDENT NAME: TEACHER NAME: DATE: DO NOT ANSWER ON THIS SHEET USE ATTACHED ANSWER GRID TIME ALLOWED FOR THIS EXAM: (Book 1 and Book 2 combined) Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes Working time for this paper: 1 hour 50 minutes MATERIAL REQUIRED / RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PAPER: To be provided by the supervisor: - This question and answer booklet To be provided by the candidate: - Pens, pencils, eraser and ruler IMPORTANT NOTE TO CANDIDATES: No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non- personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk. INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES: 1. Read through both papers to familiarise yourself with all the questions. 2. Use a blue or black ballpoint / ink pen for written answers. Use pencil for drawing the graph. 3. Write your answers in the booklets. 4. Should you require more space than you have been given please use the spare sheet (at the back of this booklet) and ensure that you include your name and the question / statement to which you are responding. AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION: - Any planning sheets or other pieces of paper MUST be handed in with this booklet. - At the end of the examination make sure that your name is on your booklet and any other pieces of paper used. Do not turn this page until you are asked to do so.

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Page 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE BOOKLET 1 - Kinross College








TIME ALLOWED FOR THIS EXAM: (Book 1 and Book 2 combined) Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes Working time for this paper: 1 hour 50 minutes

MATERIAL REQUIRED / RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PAPER: To be provided by the supervisor:

- This question and answer booklet

To be provided by the candidate:

- Pens, pencils, eraser and ruler

IMPORTANT NOTE TO CANDIDATES: No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk.


1. Read through both papers to familiarise yourself with all the questions.

2. Use a blue or black ballpoint / ink pen for written answers. Use pencil for drawing the graph.

3. Write your answers in the booklets.

4. Should you require more space than you have been given please use the spare sheet (at the back of this booklet) and ensure that you include your name and the question / statement to which you are responding.


- Any planning sheets or other pieces of paper MUST be handed in with this booklet. - At the end of the examination make sure that your name is on your booklet and any other pieces of

paper used.

Do not turn this page until you are asked to do so.

Page 2: MULTIPLE CHOICE BOOKLET 1 - Kinross College

Select and Circle the letter a, b, c or d, indicating the best and most correct answer on the grid below.

Marks Biology /15

Chemistry /15

Total /30

1 A B C D

2 A B C D

3 A B C D

4 A B C D

5 A B C D

6 A B C D

7 A B C D

8 A B C D

9 A B C D

10 A B C D

11 A B C D

12 A B C D

13 A B C D

14 A B C D

15 A B C D

16 A B C D

17 A B C D

18 A B C D

19 A B C D

20 A B C D

21 A B C D

22 A B C D

23 A B C D

24 A B C D

25 A B C D

26 A B C D

27 A B C D

28 A B C D

29 A B C D

30 A B C D

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1. Which of the following is the chemical equation for Respiration? a. Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy b. Glucose + Carbon Dioxide Oxygen + Water + Energy c. Carbon Dioxide + Water Oxygen + Glucose + Energy d. Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy Glucose + Oxygen 2. Describe peristalsis. a. The chewing of food in the mouth b. Contraction and relaxation of muscles that move food along the digestive track c. The absorption of digested food into the bloodstream d. The removal of water from the faeces in the large intestine 3. What is digestion? a. The breakdown of large insoluble molecules into smaller soluble molecules b. The burning of food c. Making small molecules into larger molecules d. The process of eliminating faeces

4. Saliva contains amylase enzyme which? a. Breaks starch down into sugar b. Breaks protein down into amino acids c. Breaks fat down into fatty acids d. Makes food fizzy 5. Tissues are found in multicellular organisms. Select the best definition of a tissue? a. A group of cells of the same type working together b. Different organs working together to perform an important function c. A number of different types of cells that make up an organ d. Another name for a system 6. What is another name for the windpipe? a. Larynx b. Lungs c. Oesophagus d. Trachea 7. What is the name of the moist and sticky substance that lines areas of the respiratory tract? a. Cilia b. Mucus c. Allergens d. Antibodies 8. Nutrients and oxygen are transported to the cells by which system? a. Digestive system b. Circulatory system c. Respiratory system d. Nervous System 9. In the lungs alveoli are surrounded by capillaries. This is the place where: a. Gases are exchanged b. Food is transferred into cells c. The balance of water is stabilised d. Harmful substances are filtered out

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10 When we inhale, which of the following does not occur? a. The diaphragm contracts b. The chest cavity expands c. The ribcage lifts d. Air is forced out of the lungs 11. In which direction do arteries transport blood? a. Away from the heart b. Back to the heart c. Towards the legs only d. To the lungs only 12. When healthy people exercise and then rest, their pulse rate will: a. Increase and stay high b. Increase and then return to normal c. Decrease and then return to normal d. Not be affected

13. Red cells, white cells, plasma and platelets are all parts of: a. Urine b. Sweat c. Exhaled air d. Blood

14. The upper chambers of the heart are called? a. Atria b. Aortas c. Ventricles d. Veins 15. The primary role of red blood cells is to: a. Transport glucose b. Transport Oxygen c. Carry out the immune response d. Form blood clots to repair damaged blood vessels 16. The mass number of an atom is: a. Number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus b. Number of protons and electrons in the nucleus c. The number of protons in the nucleus d. The number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the atom 17. A small beaker containing ammonium thiocyanate and barium hydroxide stands in a puddle of water on the bench. As the reaction proceeded the water around the beaker froze, cementing it to the bench top. This indicates that the reaction is:

a. Endothermic as heat is absorbed from the puddle of water on the outside. b. Exothermic as heat is absorbed from the puddle of water on the outside. c. Endothermic as heat is released to the puddle of water on the outside. d. Exothermic as heat is released to the puddle of water on the outside.

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18. Which one of the following represents the symbol for a compound? a. Co b. CO2 c. Hg d. Ca 19. Which of the following groups only contain non-metals?

a. Chlorine, fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen b. Nitrogen, sulphur, potassium, phosphorus c. Sulphur, oxygen, bromine, mercury d. Nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, nickel

20. Identify which of the following will cause an atom to become a negative ion.

a. Gain electrons b. Lose protons c. Gain neutrons

d Lose neutrons 21. Which of the following reactions shows the rusting of iron?

a. 2Cu + H2O + CO2 + O2 → Cu(OH)2 + CuCO3

b. 2Ag + H2S → Ag2S + H2

c. 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2

d. 4Fe + 3O2 + 2H2O → 2Fe2O3.H2O 22. When petrol explodes, it releases energy in the form of heat and light.

This reaction is an example of:

a. An endothermic reaction

b. An exothermic reaction

c. A neutralisation reaction

d. A corrosion reaction

23. Copper reacts with sulfur dioxide to form copper sulphide and oxygen gas.

The reactants for this reaction are:

a. Copper

b. Copper and sulfur dioxide

c. Copper sulphide and oxygen gas

d. Copper, sulphur dioxide, copper sulphide and oxygen gas

24. Identify which of the following statements best describes a particle with 17 protons, 16 neutrons and 18 electrons.

a. It is an ion because it has lost an electron. b. It is an atom because it has gained an electron. c. It is an atom that has lost a proton. d. It is an ion because it has gained an electron.

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25. When ammonium chloride is dissolved in water a fall in the temperature of the solution is observed. Which one of the following statements is consistent with this observation? a. An exothermic reaction has occurred. b. There is a loss of heat energy to the surroundings. c. Ammonium chloride dissolves faster as the temperature decreases. d. Heat energy is absorbed from the surroundings. 26. A beta particle consists of a. Two protons and two neutrons b. A high speed electron c. Electromagnetic radiation d. None of the above

27. An atom of an isotope of argon (Ar) has a mass number of 40. The number of neutrons in the nucleus of this atom is: a. 18 b. 22 c. 40 d. The same as any other isotope of argon. 28. Which one of the following represents the symbol for an element? a. CO. b. Ca. c. HCl. d. CO2. 29. Which atom has 3 protons within its nucleus? a. Carbon. b. Oxygen. c. Lithium. d. Hydrogen.

30. The atomic symbol for a gold atom is




Clarify what this tells you about the gold atom.

a. It contains 118 protons. b. It contains a total of 197 protons, neutrons and electrons. c. It contains 118 neutrons.

d. It contains 197 electrons.

END of Multiple choice questions.


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Spare page: Name Date: (Number your questions if this page is used)

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TIME ALLOWED FOR THIS PAPER: (Booklet 1 and 2 combined) Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes Working time for this paper: 1 hour 50 minutes

MATERIAL REQUIRED / RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PAPER: To be provided by the supervisor: To be provided by the candidate:

- These question and answer booklets - Pens, pencils, ruler, eraser

IMPORTANT NOTE TO CANDIDATES No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk.


5. Read through the paper to familiarise yourself with all the questions.

6. Use a blue or black ballpoint / ink pen for the written answers. Use pencil for drawing the graphs.

7. Write your answers in this booklet.

8. Should you require more space than you have been given please use the spare sheet (at the back of this booklet) and ensure that you include your name and the question / statement to which you are responding.


- Any planning sheets or other pieces of paper MUST be handed in with this booklet. - At the end of the examination make sure that your name is on your booklet and any other pieces of

paper used.

Instructions to candidates

1. Sitting this examination implies that you agree to abide by the examination rules set down by Kinross College.

2. Answer the questions in the space provided. 3. You must be careful to confine your responses to the specific questions asked and to

follow any instructions that are specific to a particular question. 4. A spare page is included at the end of this booklet. It can be used for planning your

responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. (a) Planning: If you use the spare page for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the

page. If you choose to use lined paper for planning, ensure your name and the title is clearly printed.

(b) Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, give the page number. Fill in the number of the question (s) that you are continuing to answer at the top of the page.

5. This examination contributes towards your report. If you have any questions, please ask them during the ten-minute reading time. Manage your time wisely. Always provide substantiation (evidence). Make sure that what you have written makes sense.

Note: Do not turn the page until you are asked to do so.

Page 10: MULTIPLE CHOICE BOOKLET 1 - Kinross College

Topic Marks

Biology 40 Chemistry 40



Suggested time to complete 80 minutes

1. Describe the changes that take place in your chest as you breathe in and out.

(5 marks) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which BODY system is responsible for: (3 marks)

a. Transporting gases around the body?_____________________________________

b. Processing food?_____________________________________________________

c. Provides oxygen for the body?__________________________________________ 3. What is the main function of: (4 marks)

a. Red blood cells? _______________________________________________________________

b. White blood cells?


c. Platelets? ____________________________________________________________________

d. Plasma?

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. Why is it necessary for the blood to circulate through the lungs? (2 marks) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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5. Use the diagram below to help answer the questions:

a. Use the words aorta, vena cava, pulmonary vein and pulmonary artery to identify the blood vessels labeled 1, 2, 3 & 4 on the diagram. Place your answers in the table below. (2 marks)

Blood vessel on diagram Name of blood vessel





b. Complete the four missing words in the table below using either word “Body” or “Lungs”

(2 marks)

Blood goes to Blood comes from

Right side of heart

Left side of heart

c. Draw arrows on the diagram ( figure 5.1) above to indicate the direction of blood flow.

(2 marks)

d. Use red and blue pencils to colour the heart chambers. Red to represent oxygenated blood and blue to represent deoxygenated blood. If you don’t have a red and blue pencil use what you have and make a key to show us how you have answered the question. (2 marks)

6. Choose two of the body systems from the list and explain how they work together, use a diagram if it helps. (3 marks) Digestive system Circulatory system Respiratory system ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2 3


Figure 5.1 a diagram of the heart

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7. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.

Fig 7.1 The digestive system and the time food spends in each part.

a. What is the main function of the mouth?

(1 mark)

b. Name two features of the small intestine that help it to absorb nutrients. (2 marks)

c. The diagram shows the parts of the digestive system and the time food spends in each part. Calculate the minimum and maximum amount of time a piece of food would remain in the digestive system. Show answer in hours, minutes and seconds.

(2 marks) Minimum time food spends in digestive system: _________________________________ Maximum time food spends in digestive system: ________________________________

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8. In the table below list four pieces of evidence, which might indicate a chemical change, has occurred. (2 marks)





9. Magnesium burns in oxygen gas to form magnesium oxide. Its unbalanced formula equation is:

Mg + O2 → MgO

Complete the table below (6 marks)

a Identify the chemical formula for magnesium oxide.

a b Construct a word equation describing this reaction.


c c Identify which element (Mg or O) is unbalanced in the above equation.


d Copy the above equation and modify it so that it becomes balanced.

10. Describe a beta particle and explain what happens when beta radiation is emitted from an unstable atom.

(3 marks) 11. Describe an alpha particle is and explain what happens when alpha radiation is emitted from

an unstable atom?

(3 marks)

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The element nickel has 5 naturally occurring isotopes which are scientifically identified as Ni-58, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62 & Ni-64.

Nickel has an atomic number = 28

(7 marks)

12. Complete the tables by writing the correct symbol or name (4 marks)

13.Draw a scientific diagram of (Li 4

7 ) showing how the protons, electrons and neutrons are arranged in the atom with atomic number 4 and a mass number of 7. Show the electrical charge (if any) on each type of particle. (5 marks)

a) How many protons in every nickel atom? ________________

b) How many electrons in every nickel atom?________________

c) Calculate how many neutrons are in each of the isotopes of nickel to complete the table below

Isotope Ni-58 Ni-60 Ni-61 Ni-62 Ni-64

Number of Neutrons

Name Element


Symbol Element NAME…......

(correct spelling)

Sodium Fe

Manganese He

Lead Li

Carbon Kr

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14. This graph shows the average breathing rate of a group of students as they jogged. The students breathing was measured in breaths per minute while they were at rest and then after 30 seconds, 1 minute and 5 minutes of jogging.

a. Think of a suitable title and write it on the graph. (2 mark) b. Label the two axes of the graph with suitable labels and units if needed. (2 marks)

c. Using the graph, describe the change in breathing rate after 1 minute of jogging?

Explain why you think this is happening? (2 marks) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. Using data, describe the changes in breathing rate of the students as they exercise? Explain why this occurs? (2 marks) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e. Predict what will happen to the breathing rate 3 minutes after the students stop jogging

and give a reason for your prediction. (2 marks)


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Miss Cowan a young chemistry student investigated if a change in temperature occurred when she added chemicals to water. She observed a temperature change in two reactions.

Reaction 1 10 grams of Chemical 1 was added to a beaker of water. A temperature change occurred in the mixture. The temperature was measured every minute for 10 minutes as shown in table 1.

Time (Minutes)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Temperature ° C

20 22 23.5 25 26 27 27.5 28 27 25.5 24

Table 1- Temperature change when Chemical 1 was added to water.

Reaction 2 10 grams of Chemical 2 was added to a beaker of water. A Temperature change occurred to the water. The temperature was measured every minute for 10 minutes, as shown in table 2.

Time (Minutes)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Temperature ° C

20 18 16.5 15 14.5 14 14.2 14.5 15 16 17

Table 2- Temperature change when Chemical 2 was added to water.

On the graphing grid- ( next page) .. Draw a graph that compares the temperature change that occurred for the first 10 minutes during reaction 1 and reaction 2 Remember to include labels, units, title and a line of best fit for each reaction. (7 marks) Looking at the graph make an inference to answer the following questions….

a) Which chemical caused an endothermic reaction with water ? _____________________

b) Which chemical caused an exothermic reaction with water ? _____________________

c) Estimate the temperature of both beakers after 1 hour __________________________ (3 marks)

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Title of graph _____________________________________________________________



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Spare sheet: Name Date (Number questions if this page is used)