module 7 – growing the branches of your tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. here...

Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree What You'll Learn in this Module... Do you know the biggest mistake that even seasoned marketers make all the time? They drop the ball and lose all the momentum they built up during a big launch! And when you lose momentum, you lose REVENUE. So get ready to learn how NOT to make this mistake... and how you can profit wildly after you're already made a killing with your launch! They first thing you'll learn in this module is that the launch of a product is not the END of the sales process - it's just the BEGINNING. The idea is to build an entire business out of that launch… and not just rely on selling product after product. We're going to show you how to turn “launch momentum” into “business momentum…" and the shocking truth about what REALLY creates a strong relationship with your customers - it's not content, it's not freebies, it's not what you think at all! Anik will even explain exactly how he made more than a QUARTER OF A MILLION dollars by… doing nothing! (Well, almost nothing.) You just have to be careful when you do this, because your reputation is at stake. You'll also learn about a NEW type of marketing push you can do right after a launch. This was pioneered by Anik and Amit during the launch of PPC Classroom 2.0 - a "launch within a launch" that ANYONE can do (even if you've just launched your very first product). This module is jammed with marketing techniques that really are out-of-the-box. They're new, they're powerful… and even a beginner can do them! Come on, let's grow some branches on that Launch Tree!

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Page 1: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree

What You'll Learn in this Module...Do you know the biggest mistake that even seasoned marketers make all the time? They drop the ball and lose all the momentum they built up during a big launch!

And when you lose momentum, you lose REVENUE. So get ready to learn how NOT to make this mistake... and how you can profit wildly after you're already made a killing with your launch!

They first thing you'll learn in this module is that the launch of a product is not the END of the sales process - it's just the BEGINNING. The idea is to build an entire business out of that launch… and not just rely on selling product after product.

We're going to show you how to turn “launch momentum” into “business momentum…" and the shocking truth about what REALLY creates a strong relationship with your customers - it's not content, it's not freebies, it's not what you think at all!

Anik will even explain exactly how he made more than a QUARTER OF A MILLION dollars by… doing nothing! (Well, almost nothing.) You just have to be careful when you do this, because your reputation is at stake.

You'll also learn about a NEW type of marketing push you can do right after a launch. This was pioneered by Anik and Amit during the launch of PPC Classroom 2.0 - a "launch within a launch" that ANYONE can do (even if you've just launched your very first product).

This module is jammed with marketing techniques that really are out-of-the-box. They're new, they're powerful… and even a beginner can do them!

Come on, let's grow some branches on that Launch Tree!

Page 2: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

A. The Mistake Most Marketers Make: Losing Momentum

The period right after your launch is a very critical time. It's ripe with opportunity, because that’s when your customer is paying the most attention to you and your offer. Here is proof of this from Anik:On my daily email list, I’m lucky if I send a promotion and cross a 6 percent click-through rate, which means that six people out of every 100 click the link in my promotion.

However, during the launch of a product, the fresh “pre-launch” list I am building easily gets at least a 25 percent click-through rate!

That means that 25 or more out people out of every 100 click the link in my promotion.

Do the math. That means I have a 416 percent increase in attention from this new, fresh, and highly motivated list!

Most marketers work their butts off during the launch of a product, which makes them exhausted. After the launch, they disappear and stop marketing. They have no follow-up products and barely even send mail to the customers on their hungry new lead list.

BIG Mistake. We repeat…BIG Mistake!All the momentum built up during the launch just fizzles out. This mistake alone will kill your chances of building a BUSINESS from your launch. You end up settling for just building a product and earning some part-time income.

Right after launch is when you can capitalize on your customers' attention the most. They are not just listening to you — they're ready to hang on your every word — and act on your every recommendation.

• You have a group of new and excited CUSTOMERS. They have paid money and are serious.

Page 3: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Remember the “briefcase salesman” story. We learned that the best time to sell someone is right after they have bought something that interests them.

They’re engrossed in the topic at that moment — they want everything they can get!

• Your pre-launch list is GOLD. This is your list of visitors who may not have bought your product. So what? They are still fresh leads. You know for a fact that they are actively learning at the moment because they just signed up.

Maybe your offer was not the right one. Maybe it was not the right price. But who says another one won’t be?

Who says an affiliate offer you promote won’t be?

Starting to get the hint?There is no better time than right after launch to…

• Put MORE offers in front of your customers. They bought from you. They loved your product (hopefully). They’ll be excited to hear about more.

• Communicate like crazy with your customers. Send them follow-up emails and give them ample reasons to log in, visit your blog, and click on links in your emails.

Show your customer that you were not just excited about helping them before the launch of your product; you’re there for the long haul with them.

• Follow-up with the non-buyers on your lead list. Remember, just because they didn't buy, doesn't mean they are not interested. They want to hear from you or else they will unsubscribe.

At the very least, they will be curious to see how things are working for those who did buy from you, so tell them!

Page 4: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

B. Build a Business, Not Just Products

When you follow-up properly with your customers by providing a sequence of subsequent products — you’re officially building a business.

We can't stress this enough. You may start out worrying about the individual product or upsell or downsell. But in the end, it's not about any single, individual product (no matter how high ticket it is).

It’s about the funnel — the entire process and how it all functions together.

From your customer's perspective, your business is the collective value that your entire enterprise offers. That includes not just your products or services, but your brand, mission, energy, websites, support, and even the output of your team.

Think of your business as an OFFER — the ultimate offer. Customers perceive your business as the totality of everything you bring to the table. To them, your business is something they interact with, and that they can return to over and over again to get literally endless amounts of value.

Turn Launch Momentum into Business Momentum

From pre-launch through launch, for weeks and even months afterward, you can use the power of momentum and literally build a multi seven-figure business off of it!

You've built a relationship with your customers, so now let's use that to grow the branches of your tree.

Page 5: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

C. Right After Your Launch — What Next?

Let’s clarify one thing. By “launch” we really mean, “right after you get a new customer.” Each of the strategies below work just as well with an evergreen product.

You don’t need to do a “launch” to implement these strategies.What you need to focus on is what you should do with a new prospect or customer after they enter your sales cycle — whether by just opting in to your list, or by buying a product.

The most critical period after a launch is the first 30-40 days. If you are not active within this period, you will quickly lose the attention of your prospect or customer. By active we mean:

• Consistent and constant communication with your list.

• New product offerings.

• Releasing testimonials (keeping the excitement up).

• Releasing proof that your product works.

• Conducting webinars, teleseminars, and other events to build a personal relationship.

• Offering them more products!

Are you wondering about that last one? Here’s the bitter truth.

You can communicate with your customers until you’re blue in the face, but nothing helps strengthen a relationship more than an exchange of money!

Believe it or not — even though your customers will never admit it — if you can get them to spend more money within the first 30-40 days of their exposure to you… they will have a stronger relationship with you.

So, yes, communicate with them… but remember, if you're not

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building a business relationship, so what?

Communication must lead to growth. Growth means offering higher levels of products, related products, and advanced products.

Ready to grow new branches of your tree? Ready to make MORE after you launch than you did even during your launch?

Here are three options that have worked very well for us. We use all three at the same time, and we recommend you do the same.

• An affiliate or JV launch. Team up with another marketer who has a complementary high end product you can promote to your customers.

We always look for a related product that is going into “launch” mode right after ours is done launching. That is the BEST chance.

Remember, even if your list is smaller than other marketers' lists — you still have the BEST out of all of them. The last three times Anik has done this, he’s DOMINATED the launch and been the top affiliate by far!

Later, you'll learn how PPC Classroom recently earned over $512,000 in affiliate commissions in the few weeks after a launch by promoting a highly related product.

• A “launch within a launch” - internal launch. This strategy alone has made us MILLIONS after a launch. It’s a truly unique concept that 98 percent of marketers do not use.

We’ll dive into the details in a moment. We’d also like to give a shout-out to Amit Mehta (Co-Founder of PPC Classroom) who pioneered these strategies with Anik Singal. Amit has fast become the “Launch within a Launch” expert!

• Launch a recurring product. There is no better way to build and maintain a relationship with your customer than to have them paying you every month!

If a recurring element was not involved in your original launch, then you can launch one afterwards as a “launch within a launch.” However, if you already had recurring as a part of it, consider launching an even higher level program.

We’ll give you some examples in a minute, and we'll also go into how to maintain a recurring program in Module 9.

No matter what you do, if you truly want to explode your business, "growing the branches of your tree” is a necessary step. You need to set yourself apart from everyone else!

You do that by offering your customers constant access to more value — new products, related products, personalized services, etc.

Page 7: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

D. Option 1: Post-Launch: Affiliate/JV Promos

We're going to discuss this first because it’s the easiest. It requires little work and can make you a ton of money.

Here are some examples from PPC Classroom:

How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing” 3 Weeks After Launch…

In March 2008, just three weeks after the PPC Classroom 2.0 DVDs launched, a highly targeted product related to PPC was entering the market.

After trying it, the team at PPC Classroom 2.0 felt it was a great fit for their customers and decided to back the product. The team dedicated an entire week to reviewing the product and mailing our opt-in lists about this product.

They made videos, created landing pages, and added an enormous bonus package.

The results?

PPC Classroom BLEW past every affiliate and dominated the entire promotion — earning over $512,000 in affiliate commissions to be paid over the remainder of the year.

The best part? The profit margins were ridiculously high here.

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There was NO product to deliver — all they had to do was promote and then collect the check!

Now the results that PPC Classroom 2.0 got are not typical. That situation was almost perfect — perfect timing with a highly targeted product.

However, it IS typical that after your own launch of a product, you will dominate as an affiliate on a follow-up affiliate promotion (within 30 days of your launch). No matter what, you will earn great commissions and will have to do almost no work for it!

Be Careful – Your Relationship Is On the Line…Choosing an affiliate promotion is a big responsibility. Don't take this lightly. You should be very certain that the product and company you are promoting are of the value your customers expect from you.

The easiest way to kill your reputation and relationship is to highly endorse a product, have a customer buy it simply because they trust you… and then have the product fail to deliver on its promises.

Whether it was your fault or not, the customer will come back and hold you responsible. That will be the end of your relationship.

We've provided you with a complete, five-module mini-course on how to establish joint venture (JV) relationships with other marketers in as little as 10 days. That course covers every aspect of evaluating a product, setting up a promotion, and maintaining good working relations with your JVs.

Access this course by clicking here… But for now, just be aware that when choosing an affiliate promotion, you will first need to answer these questions:

• Is this product something that you like and believe in?

• Do you sincerely feel that this product provides value to your customers?

• Does it fit in with your business?

• Would you be proud to put your name on it?

• Would you use the product yourself?

• Does the product creator have a good reputation?

Remember, when you promote an affiliate product, you are putting your name, your reputation, and your brand behind it.

Also, you should resist the temptation to throw your weight behind more than one affiliate launch at a time. You'll be better off for it. Otherwise your customers will feel that you are just ‘selling’ them.

Remember, customers don’t like to be sold — they want you to help them buy.

From a business perspective, we find that by focusing on one affiliate launch at a time, we maximize earnings not only from

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that launch but from future launches as well. If you spread yourself too thin and promote every new product launch, you confuse everything and everyone.

Here are some guidelines to follow if you are setting up to put ALL your weight behind one affiliate promotion after your own launch.

1. Start promoting at least one week before the launch.

Getting involved with the PRE-launch is KEY. It’s been seen over and over; any affiliate that supports a product launch during the pre-launch WILL far out-perform everyone else.

You want to start at least a week before, because you will do multiple mailings and also need time to add bonuses.

2. Prepare a KILLER stack of bonuses.

This is by far the BIGGEST difference between top-selling affiliates and those who are at the bottom of the barrel.

Adding your own bonuses DOES work, but you can’t just throw them in. You have to do it very well.

3. Choose a promotion schedule to use.

We’ve found some key rules to follow if you want to consistently be the number one affiliate for any product.

Here are specific techniques to use:

1. HIGHLY related: Just like your upsells and downsells, all your bonuses should be highly targeted. Don’t just “shove” in anything and everything you have.

Add value.

2. TEASE It during the week: NEVER announce your bonuses until 48 hours before the launch.

We like to tease the list during the pre-launch, saying that we have a large bonus coming soon. Build the anticipation.

3. Announce it 24 hours before launch: We typically announce the bonus about 24 hours before launch. This is the best timeframe to get the “shock and awe” effect.

We’re able to use this to make our bonus page go viral very fast.

We consistently see sales from many who are not even on our own lists! They planned on buying the product and found out about our bonus, and then bought it purely for the bonus!

4. “Price of product X 10” rule: If you really want to destroy it and blow past any competing affiliate, use this rule.

Let’s assume the price of the affiliate product is $397. The BEST bonus you can add will be worth $3,997 at least.

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For the product that PPC Classroom earned $512,000 on, the product was $997 and our bonus was just under $9,000 in value!

5. Mail at least three times before launch: This is why you want to start a week before. As a bare minimum you want to mail TWICE for the pre-launch, and of course on launch day.

For the PPC Classroom $512,000 affiliate promotion, we mailed three times before launch and then again on launch time/day.

6. Make a video: Videos are key, especially if you can do a product TOUR or show the product being used. You’ll likely be the ONLY affiliate going to this length and the results will show.

The video will also go viral.

We typically like to make the SECOND pre-launch mailing into a video release.

7. Follow-up mailing two to three days after launch: You can easily see a 30 percent jump in sales if you mail again within two to three days after the launch.

The results can be even greater if you have a specific announcement. For example, maybe you are adding bonuses? Maybe the product is closing its doors?

Page 11: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

E. Option 2 & 3 — Post-Launch: Internal Launches and Recurring

Option 2 Post-Launch: "Launch Within a Launch"

As we mentioned earlier, this unique strategy can generate millions of dollars of revenue — and within only a month of your initial launch!

Amit Mehta and Anik Singal developed this strategy for the launch of PPC Classroom 2.0 in October 2008. (They actually modified it by adding a high ticket recurring program to it.)

Just to review, a "launch within a launch" is a unique offer that is ONLY for customers who bought the initial launch product.

The "launch within a launch" is designed to work with the momentum and excitement you generated during the launch. It helps you bond with your current customers because you are offering them a unique product created solely for them.

Here are the basic principles of a "launch within a launch:"

1. You develop a new product that ONLY your customers can order. You will NOT offer this product to the pre-launch list, or to any of your other lists or customers.

2. Drop hints about the new product from day one! You should be preparing your customers for your “launch within a launch” starting the very same day you sell them the first product. But you must do this quietly and "behind the scenes."

Drop hints about it, making people think “What is that? I want that!” Don't do a full-scale promotion — instead, create some "pre-launch buzz" for your launch within a launch through teasers.

The DAY customers came on board with PPC Classroom

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2.0, Anik Singal and Amit Mehta started dropping subtle hints about a “VIP program.” They did it in all their reports, in the course, and on teleseminars and webinars. They would say things like:

“And as our VIP group will soon find out…” or “We’re getting a group of one-on-one coaches together for our VIP coaching students!” They dropped hints that the VIP group would involve personal "hand-holding" coaching.

When the VIP coaching was finally released -- exactly one month after the October 2008 PPC Classroom 2.0 launch — it was a smashing success. (On the next screen you'll see the full case study on this recurring “launch within a launch” product.)

So, always be thinking “what’s the next launch or product” when you are delivering any content. Even on a pure content call, you should be dropping psychological triggers for your next product!

3. Release the "launch within a launch" product seven to 30 days after your initial launch. The earliest it should be done is 7-10 days after the first launch. And the latest it should be done is one month after launch.

Either way, you won’t be revealing the actual "launch within a launch" product until then.

SPECIAL NOTE: IF YOU USE PAYPAL, CLICKBANK, PAYDOTCOM, ETC.A "launch within a launch" is the perfect upsell if…

• You can't implement 1-Click technology right now

• You can't get your own merchant account

With the "launch within a launch" strategy, you develop a higher ticket upsell designed just for people who buy your existing products. But you don't show it to your customers immediately.

Instead, you modify all of your follow-up communications to drop "teasers" about your "launch within a launch" product. Then release the "launch within a launch" with a lot of fanfare seven to 30 days after their purchase.

The key is to start dropping those hints about the "launch within a launch" product to your new customers. Remember, you want to think of each new customer as their own little launch!

Option 3 Post-Launch: Recurring We’ll go into how to build and sustain a recurring program in Module 9. Right now we want to introduce you to the concept of using a recurring offer as an upsell or cross sell during the post-launch momentum phase.

We believe an upsell with a recurring element is absolutely essential. To build a “real” business, you need consistent and stable income.

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Recurring income can provide that!

You've already done 95 percent of the work by getting the customer to make a purchase. Now, with the post-launch momentum working in your favor, all you have to do is nudge the customer a bit more. You can turn that initial sale into a strong recurring income!

Easy Recurring IncomeMany marketers shy away from recurring programs because of the ongoing commitment. Creating new, fresh value every month — whether it's a product, a service, or a combination of the two — sounds like a lot of work.

Recurring programs CAN be a lot of work, unless you use our strategies!

The good news is that there are several types of recurring products that are simple to maintain. A review of Module 3 will give you many more ideas. The key recurring program types are:

• Monthly Premium Newsletter. This can be digital, print, or CD. A physical version always carries the highest perceived value. You can write many of the newsletters ahead of time and use a fulfillment company like to burn and mail the CDs.

• Monthly Premium Audio Newsletter, Class, or Teleseminar. This can be digital or physical. Once again, this is simple to do with the right software or online teleseminar service, and it carries very high perceived value.

Line up interviews with experts and record them months in advance for release later. An even more valuable product is a live teleclass with Q/A sessions.

• Monthly Premium Webinar. This can be digital or physical, and works well with guest experts.

• Monthly Mastermind Group. This is a monthly or bi-monthly webinar or virtual meeting with a select group of customers. Remember, the more exclusive and smaller the group, the higher the price point you can charge.

When should you introduce a recurring offer during the post-launch phase? Well, ideally you've been priming your list with hints and teasers all throughout the prelaunch (more on this later).

Once you are in the post-launch, we recommend a minimum of two weeks after the initial offer closes, but no more than one month later.

Now let's look at a case study from PPC Classroom that combines the “launch within a launch” model with the “recurring” model...

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Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

F. Case Study: Adding $1M To Our Annual Revenue

Perfect "Launch within a Launch" Timing and a High Ticket Recurring Program

The following idea was pioneered by Amit Mehta and added a minimum of $1 million a year to our business — all recurring.

We combined two concepts:

• The Launch within a Launch — Only allowing our customers to order — not the pre-launch list.

• Higher Ticket Recurring — Although we already had a recurring program, we were able to build so much value that our customers purchased an upgrade, and paid 400 percent more than their current recurring!

How PPC Classroom Launched a VIP Coaching Program - The Following is a Note From Anik:

We noticed that students were asking for more “hands-on” support with their technical and content related questions. However, our support staff was not properly trained to handle these.

Both Amit and I were too busy to answer the hundreds of tickets — we needed a solution.

We decided to “try” this after our October 2008 PPC Classroom 2.0 launch. We hired a few “VIP Coaches,” who are individuals with a lot of expert PPC experience.

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We then put together an exclusive area on our website for our “VIP members,” and set up a structure to support one-on-one help.

At that time, our recurring cost was $29.97/month and the VIP program was going to be expensive (given what we were paying our coaches). We would need to charge at least $197 a month.

Within 30 days of our launch, we did a “Launch within a Launch” only to our customers. The “mini-launch” lasted seven days and was identical to a pre-launch. We did videos, webinars, teleseminars, etc…

On launch day, we brought in over 400 students at $200/month! That added $80,000 in extra monthly revenue to the business in just seven days.

Over the course of the year, we can expect to easily add about $1 million to our business thanks to the VIP program.

Most marketers would never have done this -- and you can see what kind of money would have been left on the table.

NOTE: Since then, we had to nearly double the cost of the VIP program, since we hired even more coaches and made changes that added a lot to our costs. Today, the program costs $397/month and we have hundreds of students that are happy to be in it!

What can we learn from this case study? Two BIG lessons…

1. It’s all about value again. As long as the value is there, your customers WILL pay. Don’t be shy of launching a “high-priced" recurring program.

2. Adding recurring creates consistent revenue you can count on. That way you can focus on building your business KNOWING you’ll have income the next month - even if you don’t launch a “new” product.

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Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

G. Momentum Builders: Future Cross Sells and Upsells

In Module 4 (Creating the Perfect Valuable Upsells and Downsells) you learned about dozens of ways to recycle and repurpose content to create new offers.

Let's quickly look at those options now, because NOW is the time to plan the upsells and cross sells that will keep the momentum of your launch going, even post-launch.

Go through this list, and see if you can come up with at least five MORE upsells and cross sells, on top of the ones you have already planned for your Launch Tree:

• Different media• Written - Digital download, print, or data CD• Spoken - Download or physical CD• Video - Download or physical DVD • Software - Download or physical CD

• Different types of content• Ebooks• Workbooks• Checklists and Tip Sheets• Process Maps• Heat Maps and Diagrams• Newsletters

Page 17: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

• Magazines• Glossaries and FAQs• Resource Directories• Spreadsheets• PowerPoints• Articles• Reviews• Photos• Web graphics• Email exchanges• Physical books• Screen capture videos• Templates• PLR Products• Resale Rights Products• Live teleseminars, webinars, Ustream conferences• Written transcripts of audio and video• Recordings of teleseminars, webinars, ustream conferences• Recording of a live lecture, seminar, workshop, class• Memberships• Subscriptions• Courses • Live Coaching• Email Coaching• Platinum or Elite Coaching Groups • Offline workshops, seminars, classes• Live events, large scale

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Module 7 – Growing the Branches of Your Tree

H. Case Study: Live Event — Launch Within a Launch

Now we're going to discuss one of the points we touched on very briefly: holding a conference or seminar and making that an upsell. We'll look at how a live event can really add to and even extend the post-launch momentum period.

Remember we said that LIVE events where customers attend physically are a BAD upsell for the sales process tree. However, LIVE events are an EXCELLENT upsell to add as a “Launch within a Launch.”

During the week of pre-launch, your customers have time to check the dates and plan their travel. Also, now that they have had a chance to experience your content, they are far more likely to want to invest the money to attend a LIVE event.

Before we get into the case study, let's look at how live events can be a great post-launch momentum builder:

• Customers get to actively participate. The attendees at your live event are going to get a very intimate view of you and your business, while actively participating with others who share their same goals.

This puts a human face on your company and creates an even stronger bond between you and your customers. People often leave a live event feeling like you

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are best friends. It's great for morale and retention if you have a recurring program!

• A LIVE event strengthens your business’ image. Make no mistake, putting together a LIVE event is a lot of work. It takes muscle, planning and coordination. The people who attend appreciate this, which gives a kind of "weight" and credibility to your business.

After all, why would you go through all this effort and put your brand on the line if you didn’t believe 100 percent in what you are doing?

• It keeps your product "top of mind" with your customers. At a live event your customer is completely immersed in your product or service. In a sense, your product gets "under their skin" in a good way.

By being physically present with you, their mind starts to associate your product with the answers to all their needs.

• It’s a one-stop shop for your product. You are making yourself physically available to help and answer their questions — why would they ever need to go to a different company?

• Back-of-the-room sales can generate significant additional revenue. Many live events invite speakers on a shared revenue basis. They have high-ticket products to offer your attendees and will offer them at the end of their presentation.

By choosing speakers who offer products or services that complement your own, your share of the revenue can be very substantial.

• It gives you an opportunity to obtain powerful testimonials and endorsements. You may be surprised at how eager attendees are to provide you with a face-to-face testimonial for your product. They’ll actually line up!

So be sure to bring a portable video camera to tape these live testimonials.

Case Study - PPC Classroom VIP and LIVE EventRecently, after the PPC Classroom February 2009 launch, Amit wanted to sell a $5,000 2-day workshop.Note from Anik Singal:

Honestly, I thought it was crazy. Just days before our launch, the stock market had had the largest drop in HISTORY. The economy was crumbling and I did not feel that anyone would have $5,000 to invest in a two-day workshop.

Finally, Amit insisted and finally convinced me, and wow! Am I glad he did.

We took only a small portion of our customers — just 900 of our top buyers — and promoted the LIVE event ONLY to them.

Out of 900, I was shocked and stunned to find that we sold 35 seats at $5,000! That’s over $175,000 in pure NET revenue.

Again, that’s easily $175,000 sitting on the table that many are just leaving behind.

Page 20: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

_______________ $ _____ Aff Comm ____%

5 - _____________________________ $ _____ Aff Comm ____%

(3)____ Note which type of "launch within a launch" you think you will do within the first 7-30 days post launch.Major Affiliate PromotionProduct ___________________________________

Price $ ________ Commission $ ________

Custom Bonus ______________________________

Internal Launch Within a LaunchProduct ___________________________________

Recurring? ________________________________

Combined Affiliate Promo and Launch Within a LaunchProduct ___________________________________

Price $ ________ Commission $ ________

Custom Bonus ______________________________

Recurring? ________________________________

(4)____ If needed, take the mini-course on how to establish joint venture (JV) relationships with other marketers in as little as 10 days.

(5)____ If you are planning a new product launch, write down five ways you can hint at your "launch within a launch" during the pre-launch:1 - ___________________________________

2 - ___________________________________

3 - ___________________________________

4 - ___________________________________

5 - ___________________________________

Page 21: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

(6)____ Brainstorm a live event you can offer during post-launch. Even if you don't feel ready to take on a live event, write down some topics and ideas for pesentations - writing it down makes it more "real" and gets you pumped about it!

Topic: _______________________________________

Audience: ____________________________________

How many participants? ________________________

How many days? _______________________________

Location: ____________________________________

Cost: (Suggestion- think of ways you can make it FREE.) $ ______

Ideas for presentations:




Page 22: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

QUIZTrue or False: When you follow-up properly with your customers by providing a sequence of subsequent products, you’re officially building a business.

• False• True

Correct Ans: True

True or False: Building a business is always all about developing individual products, and the sales funnel is a secondary consideration.

• False• True

Correct Ans: False

True or False: The best time to promote new offers is right after the initial launch.

• True• False

Correct Ans: True

Choose one: A "launch within a launch" is...

• None of these answers is correct• A unique offer that is for anyone on your list• A unique one time offer for a membership site• A unique offer that is ONLY for customers who bought the initial launch product

Correct Ans: A unique offer that is ONLY for customers who bought the initial launch product

True or False: Building a business is more about the particular products and not about the funnel.

• True• False

Page 23: Module 7 – GROWING The Branches of Your Tree 7... · work and can make you a ton of money. Here are some examples from PPC Classroom: How PPC Classroom Earned $512,000 Doing “Nothing”

Correct Ans: False

The following ideas were pioneered by Anik Signal and Amit Mehta:

• Higher-ticket recurring• None of these answers is correct• The "launch within a launch"• Both

Correct Ans: Both

True or False? You will normally have a decreased click-through rate on promotional emails after a launch.

• False• True

Correct Ans: False

True or False: LIVE events where customers attend physically are a BAD upsell for the sales process tree.

• False• True

Correct Ans: True

Choose one: The key recurring membership types are...

• Monthly Premium Webinar• Monthly Mastermind Group• Monthly Premium Newsletter• All of the above

Correct Ans: All of the above

Choose one: A "launch within a launch" is the perfect upsell if…

• None of these answers is correct• All of the above• You can't get your own merchant account• You can't implement 1-Click technology right now

Correct Ans: All of the above