minutes of the works and technical services … · 2017-04-04 · mr martin suggested that the...

MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE OF UPPER HUNTER SHIRE COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 14 JUNE 2016 IN THE BARRY ROSE ROOM 135 LIVERPOOL ST COMMENCING AT 1.00pm PRESENT: Cr Maurice Collison (Chairman), Cr Ron Campbell, Cr Lorna Driscoll. APOLOGIES: Cr Deirdre Peebles (Overseas) IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Wayne Bedggood, Mr Alan Fletcher (Director Infrastructure Services), Mr Nick Havyatt (Manager Works Delivery), Mr Jeff Bush (Manager Strategic Assets) and Mr Paul Turri (Manager Water Waste), Mr Geoff Radcliffe (Works Engineer Scone and Murrurundi), Mrs Belinda Olteanu(Infrastructure Support Officer) Elizabeth Flaherty (Scone.com) Public Participation without Notice: Mr Ron Martin Mr John Hind DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Nil

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Page 1: MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES … · 2017-04-04 · Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would


PRESENT: Cr Maurice Collison (Chairman), Cr Ron Campbell, Cr Lorna Driscoll. APOLOGIES: Cr Deirdre Peebles (Overseas) IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Wayne Bedggood, Mr Alan Fletcher (Director Infrastructure Services), Mr Nick Havyatt (Manager Works Delivery), Mr Jeff Bush (Manager Strategic Assets) and Mr Paul Turri (Manager Water Waste), Mr Geoff Radcliffe (Works Engineer Scone and Murrurundi), Mrs Belinda Olteanu(Infrastructure Support Officer) Elizabeth Flaherty (Scone.com) Public Participation without Notice: Mr Ron Martin Mr John Hind DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Nil

Page 2: MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES … · 2017-04-04 · Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would

Public Participation Two members of the public took Public Access at the meeting: Mr Ron Martin of 90 Waverley St Scone addressed the Committee of behalf of the residents of Scone between Liverpool and Short Streets regarding the poor state of the road. Mr Martin said he had been agitating for 9 years since building his home in 2005 for this stretch of road to fixed, the existing bitumen is barely wide enough for a vehicle to drive on, and the gravel either side creates clouds of dust when driven on. This is one of if not the busiest sections of road travelled upon by buses and cars alike. Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would like his request considered and responded to with Council’s intentions. Mr John Hind of 15 Towarri St Scone addressed the Committee with regard to Middlebrook Bridge Project. Mr Hind is an avid walker and used to reside at Stewarts Brook for a period of time when the Garlands Bridge was rebuilt for a cost of less than $1 million (actual cost). Mr Hind believes that the estimated project cost for Middlebrook Bridge of $2.3million is excessive, and the bridge should not be dual carriageway. Mr Hind has made submissions to Council, providing what he believes to be a reasonable and cost effective alternative. Mr Hind was advised that the Middlebrook Bridge replacement will be discussed at the next Council meeting to be held on 27 June 2016, which he is welcome to attend, and if he wishes to address the meeting. The Chairman Cr Collison advised for Mr Hind to book in at Council reception if he wishes to address the Council Meeting.

Page 3: MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES … · 2017-04-04 · Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would

COUNCILLOR QUESTIONS Wayne Bedggood (Mayor) Asked the question why the WTS Agenda was not available on Google Drive? The Agenda was uploaded on Friday 10 June 2016, however the entire document did not upload correctly. This file was removed and replaced on Tuesday 14 June when the problem was reported. Cr Lorna Driscoll Cr Driscoll advised that the signs on the learn to ride cycleway at the Aberdeen Sports Hub have been bent over. A CRM will be raised to check and repair if necessary. What is happening with the stockpile of dirt near Men’s Shed at Jefferson Park? The stockpile is recycled concrete to be used in the construction of the carpark. Cr Maurice Collison Hunter Road scrub clearing and spraying? Will be resprayed when shoots appear. Hunter Road at Barry Station – When will it be graded, class 4 road? Will be graded as per the adopted level of service. Can we have better communication with residents on Waverley Road regarding the timing of roadworks, and an explanation of the process. Yes residents will be informed. New section of tar at Gundy – gravel coming through between new and old sections – can it be fixed? Yes should be rectified within the month. Cr Ron Campbell Tree planting at Cassilis – when is it going to happen? A meeting is planned with the parties involved including Cr Campbell to arrange. Concern about the design of the intersection of Golden Hwy and Vennacher Street, can it be checked? The design has been checked by Council and RMS and is suitable for B-Double truck movements. Mt Erin Road gravelling – has it been done? To be done when resources become available. Halls Creek Bridge abutment needs some maintenance, particularly the western side, can it be fixed? This has been programmed for repair. No smoking signs needed outside the Hut in Merriwa – can they be installed? Will be followed up with Merriwa staff.

Page 4: MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES … · 2017-04-04 · Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would

Road naming at Merriwa – 37 Muswellbrook Rd/Bettington St/Golden Highway – can road naming be simplified? To be followed up. Has the extra bin been installed at Merriwa Bakery? A temporary bin was supplied for long weekends and events. Cr Campbell commended the work of the Merriwa showground toilet block. Can the people involved be thanked. Thanks will passed on to volunteers and staff involved.

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WWoorrkkss AAnndd TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess CCoommmmiitttteeee -- 1144 JJuunnee 22001166


WORKS & TECHNICAL SERVICES REPORTS ......................................................... 6 

WTS.06.1  WORKS PROGRAM - INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES - WATER & SEWER ......................... 6 WTS.06.2  WORKS PROGRAM - INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ................................................... 11 WTS.06.3  CAPITAL WORKS UPDATE ........................................................................................ 17 WTS.06.4  UPDATE ON MOONAN CUTTING ................................................................................ 20 WTS.06.5  PROPOSED JOINT WATER TREATMENT PLANT .......................................................... 23  Public Address without Notice Councillor Questions

Page 6: MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES … · 2017-04-04 · Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would

Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

Page 6 of 26 of the Minutes of the Works And Technical Services Committee of the Upper Hunter Shire Council held on Tuesday 14 June 2016



RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Alan Fletcher - Director Infrastructure Services

AUTHOR: Paul Turri - Manager Water and Waste

PURPOSE The purpose of the report is to provide an update on works undertaken over the previous month and those planned for the upcoming month.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee receive the report and note the information.

BACKGROUND The report provides information for Councillors and staff to address ratepayer enquiries regarding construction, maintenance and other activities in the area of Water & Sewer. REPORT/PROPOSAL Progress of major projects is listed in Attachment 1 along with planned works. The projects currently underway include:

Replacement of old water meters in Merriwa. Murrurundi, Aberdeen and Scone meter replacements are up to date.

Scone to Murrurundi Pipeline – Work is continuing on the communication plan. The concept report is completed. A peer review of the concept report is completed.

Sewer infiltration (Smoke testing) and sewer pipe cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in selected areas of Scone.

Linking dead end water mains in Bernard St, Murrurundi.


Director Infrastructure Services Supervisors and Team Leaders

STRATEGIC LINKS a. Community Strategic Plan 2013+

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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

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The report addresses the following focus areas and community strategic objectives in accordance with the Community Strategic Plan 2013+. Focus Area 6 “Maintain and enhance civil infrastructure and community assets to meet the needs of current and future generations” with the following Community Strategic Objectives: 19. Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best

practice and risk management. 21. Provide secure and potable water supply and sewerage services to meet the demands

of future generations to urban areas of the Shire. 22. Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs. b. Delivery Program The report addresses the following objectives as described in the 2015/16 DPOP: Water Supplies To provide an adequate and secure potable water supply to recognized standards in defined areas on a cost effective basis. Sewage Services To maintain a sewage system for the transportation and treatment of sewage to licence requirements and encourage appropriate further expansion of services. c. Other Plans Implementation of asset management plans. IMPLICATIONS a. Policy and Procedural Implications Maintenance guidelines as identified within Service Levels, Asset Plans and Strategic Plans. b. Financial Implications Identified within individual items in the 2015/16 DPOP except for the urgent repairs required on the sewer pipe A2/021 to A2/010. c. Legislative Implications Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 Water Management Act 2000 Public Health Regulation 2012 d. Risk Implications Maintenance and Capital activities play a vital role in reducing Council’s risk exposure in these areas. e. Other Implications

Page 8: MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES … · 2017-04-04 · Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would

Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

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URGENT SEWER REPAIR Current CCTV camera work of our sewer network has found a serious issue with a sewer pipe upstream of the Aberdeen St pump station in Scone. The sewer pipe is 450mm diameter asbestos cement and 6.5m deep. Requests for quotations to repair this section has been sent

to three suitable contractors. Images of the damaged section are below.

Infrastructure Services Compliance Issues – Water and Waste Site Issue Progress Blue Hole, Pages River, Water Infiltration delivery site

Department Primary Industry (Office of Water) concerns with the construction of the infiltration gallery. Licencing Review is underway.

Waiting for water licencing review to be completed. DPI chased up late April and advised a response will be sent soon regarding Blue Hole rehabilitation works. Licensing issues still being resolved by DPI.

Page 9: MINUTES OF THE WORKS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES … · 2017-04-04 · Mr Martin suggested that the optimum time for maintenance works would be over the Christmas break. Mr Martin would

Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

Page 9 of 26 of the Minutes of the Works And Technical Services Committee of the Upper Hunter Shire Council held on Tuesday 14 June 2016

CONCLUSION The updated report is provided as Attachment 1 and details work undertaken over the previous month and works planned for the upcoming month. ATTACHMENTS

1 Water and Sewer Capital Monthly Report


That the Committee receive the report and note the information.

Moved: R Campbell Seconded: M Collison CARRIED

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Page 10 of 26 of the Minutes of the Works And Technical Services Committee of the Upper Hunter Shire Council held on Tuesday 14 June 2016

Water and Sewer Capital Works Monthly Update

Capital Works Completed

Location Chainage/Details Work Area

Scone & Aberdeen Barton St reservoir site Installation of main control valve at Scone on Glenbawn pipeline

Scone/Aberdeen Water Supply

Merriwa Blaxland St (Bow to Vennacher St)

New water main linking dead end mains/improve flow Merriwa Water Supply

Capital Works in progress

Location Chainage/Details Work Area

Merriwa Water Supply System Replacement of old water meters Merriwa Water Supply

Murrurundi Water Supply System Replacement of old water meters Murrurundi Water Supply

Scone & Aberdeen Water Supply System Replacement of old water meters Scone/Aberdeen Water Supply

Capital Works Planned June 2016

Location Chainage/Details Work Area

All areas Water and Sewer maintenance activities in the reticulation network

Works include but not limited to responding to CRM’s, main breaks, valve replacements, sewer chokes, service connections etc

Scone/Aberdeen Water Supply

Murrurundi Mount St Water main to link dead ends/improve flow Murrurundi Water Supply.

Murrurundi Bernard St Water main to link dead ends/improve flow Murrurundi Water Supply


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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

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RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Alan Fletcher - Director Infrastructure Services

AUTHOR: Nicholas Havyatt - Manager Works Delivery


The purpose of the report is to provide an update on works undertaken over the previous month and those planned for the upcoming month.


That the Committee receive the report and note the information.


The report includes information on Infrastructure Services work including roads, bridges, and parks. The report provides information for Councillors and staff to address ratepayer enquiries regarding construction and maintenance works. REPORT/PROPOSAL

Some of the major projects currently under construction are:

Moonan Cutting - Roadworks have been completed and dust seal. The road is now open. RCA Geotech Consultants have been engaged to assess the condition of the new cut batters and propose a stabilisation treatment.

Rehabilitation works on the Golden Highway have now commenced. OPTIONS Nil.

CONSULTATION Director Infrastructure Services Infrastructure Services Managers Supervisors and Team Leaders STRATEGIC LINKS a. Community Strategic Plan 2013+

The report addresses the following focus areas and community strategic objectives in accordance with the Community Strategic Plan 2013+.

Focus Area 6 “Maintain and enhance civil infrastructure and community assets to meet the needs of current and future generations” with the following Community Strategic Objectives:

19. Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practise and risk management.

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Infrastructure Services

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20. Maintain and upgrade the road network, with consideration given to additional sealing only on an economically justifiable basis.

22. Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs. 23. Advocate, facilitate and provide traffic management and public transport facilities

to meet the needs of the community. b. Delivery Program

The report addresses the following objectives as described in the 2015/16 DPOP: Roads and Bridges – Local & Regional To undertake roads and bridge maintenance and construction works to Council’s standards and specifications so as to improve road safety and minimize future expenses.

c. Other Plans

Implementation of asset management plans. IMPLICATIONS a. Policy and Procedural Implications

Road maintenance guidelines as identified within Asset Plans and Strategic Plans. These guidelines include grading and service frequency based on a variety of factors including vehicle movements, road utilisation etc.

b. Financial Implications

Identified within individual items in the 2015/16 DPOP. c. Legislative Implications

Not applicable. d. Risk Implications

Road and asset inspections are undertaken to mitigate and minimise Council’s risk exposure in these areas.

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e. Other Implications

CONCLUSION The updated report is provided as Attachment 1 and details work undertaken over the previous month and works planned for the upcoming month. ATTACHMENTS

1 Works Delivery - Works Completed May 2016


That the Committee receive the report and note the information.

Moved: R Campbell Seconded: M Collison CARRIED

COMPLIANCE ISSUES – WORKS DELIVERY Site Issue Progress Merriwa Depot

Trade Waste discharge to sewer

Report complete from PPI Services, PPI Services now redesigning wash bay.

Timor Caves Gravel Pit and Cressfield pit

Incorrect batter slope for pit

Consultant redesigning pit, then Council will regrade the pit to the correct batter slope. Expected completion – 2016/17 Financial Year.

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Works Completed May 2016 

Location Work Area Capital Works Moonan Cutting Road pavement complete, awaiting detailed design of embankment and

top batter slope. Council staff and Contractor

Starrs Crossing Bridge Bridge works complete Contractor Starrs Crossing Approaches Works complete Scone construction crew Golden Highway Rehab Rehabilitation of roadway and guard rail installation Merriwa construction Golden Highway Road Safety Project Extension of pipe culvert and installation of wire rope. Merriwa construction Main Street Rehab and new kerb and gutter Main Street pavement, kerb and gutter complete. Awaiting footpath works. Scone construction crew Maintenance Grading Completed Dunblane Road Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Middle Creek Road Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Old Scone Road Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Webimble Road Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Witneys Road Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Avocado Road  Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Idaville Road  Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Glenroy Road Merriwa  Maintenance Grading Merriwa

LeitchRoad  Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Tunbridge Road  Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Old Scone Road  Maintenance Grading Merriwa

Stewarts Brook Maintenance Grading Murrurundi

Moonan Brook Road Maintenance Grading Murrurundi

Omadale Brook Road  Maintenance Grading Murrurundi

Waverley Road  Maintenance Grading Murrurundi

Cliftlands Road  Maintenance Grading Scone

Yarrandi Road  Maintenance Grading Scone

Sparkes Creek Road  Maintenance Grading Scone

Stoney Creek Road   Maintenance Grading Scone

Turanville Road  Maintenance Grading Scone

Dangarfield Road Maintenance Grading Scone

Halls Road  Maintenance Grading Scone

Kiernans Creek Road  Maintenance Grading Scone

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NethertonRoad  Maintenance Grading Scone

Millers Creek  Maintenance Grading Scone

Rossgole Road Maintenance Grading Scone

Thompsons Lane Maintenance Grading Scone

Cliftlands Road Maintenance Grading Scone

Upper Rouchel Road  Maintenance Grading Scone

Albano Road   Maintenance Grading Scone




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Works Planned June 2016 

Location Work Area Golden Highway Construction

Rehabilitation of roadway and guard rail installation Merriwa construction

Golden Highway Road Safety Project

Extension of pipe culvert and installation of wire rope.

Merriwa construction

MR105 Moonan Cutting Roadworks

Complete batter designs Consultant

Segenhoe Street Kerb and Gutter

Stormwater and Kerb and Gutter works Scone construction

Glenbawn Road Rehab Rehab of Glenbawn Road from causeway for 600mm.

Scone construction

Bettington Street Ped crossing

Safety upgrade of Ped Crossing at Bettington Street Merriwa

Scone construction

Programmed Grading works

Willow Tree Road Maintenance Grading Works Merriwa Rouchel Area Maintenance Grading Works Scone Gundy area Maintenance Grading Works Murrurundi Pages Creek Road Maintenance Grading Works Murrurundi  

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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

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RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Alan Fletcher - Director Infrastructure Services

AUTHOR: Belinda Olteanu - Infrastructure Services Admin Officer

PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide an update on capital works projects within the current budgetary period.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee receive the report and note the information.

BACKGROUND In association with the 2015/16 Delivery Program and Operational Plan, a schedule of the planned capital works has been prepared. Budget holders have been asked to identify when the project is planned to be delivered. REPORT/PROPOSAL The spreadsheet provided under separate cover shows the expenditure up to the end of May 2016, 91% through the 2015/16 financial year. It shows that YTD actual spend is 90% of YTD budget. Key projects currently underway include:

Scone waste depot works (sheds, weighbridge) are being finalized. Rehabilitation works on the Golden Highway have now commenced Moonan Cutting road dust seal (temporary seal) completed and open to traffic, awaiting

geotech and design to progress embankment stabilization work. Segenhoe St Aberdeen drainage, kerb & gutter and roadworks commenced.

OPTIONS 1. By receiving and noting the capital works update, Council is advised of works progress

and associated works scheduling. 2. Councillors may seek adjustments to works timing and priorities where identified. CONSULTATION

Director Infrastructure Services Manager Works Delivery Manager Strategic Assets Manager Water & Waste

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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

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STRATEGIC LINKS a. Community Strategic Plan 2013+

The report addresses the following focus areas and community strategic objectives in accordance with the Community Strategic Plan 2013+. Focus Area 6 “Maintain and enhance civil infrastructure and community assets to meet the needs of current and future generations” with the following Community Strategic Objectives.

19. Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through

best practice and risk management. 20. Maintain and upgrade the road network, with consideration given to additional

sealing only on an economically justifiable basis. 21. Provide secure and potable water supply and sewerage services to meet the

demands of future generations to urban areas of the Shire. 22. Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs. 23. Advocate, facilitate and provide traffic management and public transport facilities

to meet the needs of the community. b. Delivery Program

The report addresses the following objectives as described in the 2015/16 DPOP.

Roads and Bridges – Local & Regional To undertake roads and bridge maintenance and construction works to Council’s standards and specifications so as to improve road safety and minimize future expenses.

Water Supplies To provide an adequate and secure potable water supply to recognized standards in defined areas on a cost effective basis. Sewage Services To maintain a sewage system for the transportation and treatment of sewage to license requirements and encourage appropriate further expansion of services.

Fire Services To protect life, property and the environment from the effects of bushfire disasters within the UHSC area.


To provide Stormwater drainage systems to manage flows c. Other Plans

Many projects are identified within Community Plans, Emergency Plans or specific operational plans ie Standards of Fire Cover for Rural Fire Service infrastructure. Council’s Asset Management Plans are also reference documents for the development of the capital works program.

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Infrastructure Services

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IMPLICATIONS a. Policy and Procedural Implications

Some projects involve grant funds, community donations or use of other funding sources such as R2R funds and section 94 contributions. Expenditure of these funds is in accordance with relevant policies and legislative requirements.

b. Financial Implications

All works have been budgeted for in accordance with the Delivery Program and Operational Plan (DPOP) 2015/16.

c. Legislative Implications

Not applicable. d. Risk Implications

The correct planning and completion of capital projects assists Council to mitigate their risk exposure.

e. Other Implications

Not applicable.

CONCLUSION The capital works update report provides Councillors with a review of progress of the 2015/16 financial year capital works.




That the Committee receive the report and note the information.

Moved: L Driscoll Seconded: R Campbell CARRIED

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Infrastructure Services

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RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Alan Fletcher - Director Infrastructure Services

AUTHOR: Nicholas Havyatt - Manager Works Delivery

PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Moonan Cutting project.

RECOMMENDATION That Council receive the report and note the information.

BACKGROUND Moonan Cutting is located 51km north east of Scone on Hunter Road, adjacent to the village of Moonan Flat and the Hunter River.

The original road was constructed as a side cutting with batters on both sides of the road. The downhill batter face contains an area of flood damage where an existing stabilisation structure failed. Amongst the failed debris are some large concrete pillars, concrete slabs, steel and sand bags. Additionally there are some tension cracks along the verge of the road pavement indicating movement. The uphill batter face contained a 30m high rock face. The road was narrow and difficult for two trucks to pass simultaneously. REPORT/PROPOSAL The scope of works on the downhill face was to determine and nominate stabilisation requirements eg drilling, grouting, sizing, depth, quantity, and strength for the proposed works. Council has engaged SMEC to undertake the detailed design works for this section of road with the final design expected this month. Council has designed a proposed road cutting on the uphill side in conjunction with the downhill works to achieve a series of benches and an 8m wide road, with a guardrail on the downhill side and drain on the uphill side.

There have been a number of unforeseen issues involving the rock composition of the cutting which have delayed site works, however to date all issues have been resolved. The major challenge on the downhill side of the cutting is the location of the rock, and how the proposed retaining wall will connect to it. Council’s contractor designers have a proposed solution for this issue. The biggest challenge of the uphill side was the solidity of the rock, and the removal of material. Earthmoving equipment has removed 80% of material with the remainder having to be blasted out. The excavated material has been stockpiled nearby and crushed for reuse on local roads. The Hunter Road is now open to traffic. Council crews have now completed the earthworks through the cutting and put a dust seal on the road. Additional works are required on the uphill

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cutting to stabilise the rock batters and the bank. Upon completion of these works the remaining roadworks will be carried out. OPTIONS


Director Infrastructure Services Manager Civil Assets Works Delivery staff Councillors Contractor engaged for downhill works Drill and Blast contractor previously used by Council Adjacent property owners Moonan residents have been issued with a flyers An email user group of Moonan residents wanting email notifications on updates was

created Information in newspaper and on Facebook

STRATEGIC LINKS a. Community Strategic Plan 2013+

1. The proposal meets key focus area 6 of the Community Strategic Plan “Maintain and enhance civil infrastructure and community assets to meet the needs of current and future generations”.

2. The maintenance and renewal of infrastructure is consistent with the Community Strategic Objective 19, “Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.”

b. Delivery Program

The proposal meets the objective “To undertake road maintenance and construction works to Council standards and specifications, so as to improve road safety and minimize future expenses”.

c. Other Plans Roads Asset Management Plan IMPLICATIONS a. Policy and Procedural Implications Roads – Inspection, Evaluation and Maintenance b. Financial Implications

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Infrastructure Services

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$758,200 has been set aside in this year’s DPOP and $150,000 in the 2016/17 budget to complete the works. So far Council has committed $604,286 to the project. c. Legislative Implications Nil d. Risk Implications This is a complex project and there is a risk that once the project is underway that it may be more costly than initially budgeted due to unexpected geotechnical or engineering issues. e. Other Implications Nil CONCLUSION Council staff and contractors will continue to work through all the options to get the best outcome possible for this project.


There are no enclosures for this report


That Council receive the report and note the information.

Moved: L Driscoll Seconded: R Campbell CARRIED

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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services


RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Alan Fletcher - Director Infrastructure Services

AUTHOR: Paul Turri - Manager Water and Waste

PURPOSE The purpose of the report is to provide an update on discussions between Muswellbrook Shire Council and Upper Hunter Shire Council relating to a possible joint Water Treatment Plant.

RECOMMENDATION That Council receive the report and note the information.

BACKGROUND Upper Hunter Shire Council

Council is currently in the process of improving the quality of Glenbawn Dam source water by the proposed fluoride dosing, ultraviolet (UV) light energy to disinfect raw water (to prevent the spread of waterborne pathogens like protozoa) and additional chlorine dosing at Brushy Hill. Council DPOP identifies a future water treatment plant for construction commencing 2019/20. The $11.63 million project for the future Water Augmentation Treatment Plant (WTP) is not subject to grant funding and is currently unfunded.

Muswellbrook Shire Council

A previous water treatment option considered by Muswellbrook Shire Council was a future upgrade to the current Muswellbrook WTP with existing source supply from the Hunter River

The options now being considered: 1. Augment Muswellbrook WTP + new raw water from Glenbawn Dam 2. New WTP at Brushy Hill for supply to Scone, Aberdeen and Muswellbrook 3. New WTP at Aberdeen for supply to Aberdeen and Muswellbrook 4. Receiving treated water from Scone

REPORT/PROPOSAL It is proposed to investigate a concept and develop options that will lead into a design of a WTP that will serve the needs of both Upper Hunter and Muswellbrook Councils. This is a collaborative approach as both Councils are seeking water treatment improvements and a joint effort has a much better chance of securing funding.

After discussion with officers of Upper Hunter Council and Muswellbrook Shire Council, GHD Pty Ltd. was invited by Muswellbrook to prepare a project to review 4 options for using raw

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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

water from Glenbawn Dam for potable use to customers in Aberdeen, Murrurundi, Muswellbrook and Scone. These options are:

1) Increasing the capacity of the existing treatment plant by way of fast flow filtration within the same footprint of existing filters and clarifier using raw water from Glenbawn Dam. Trunk main could be constructed tapping into existing raw water main to Scone from Glenbawn to serve Muswellbrook Shire Council.

2) Constructing a new WTP near Brushy Hill to produce treated water for Scone Aberdeen, Muswellbrook and Murrurundi.

3) Constructing a new WTP near Aberdeen for Aberdeen and Muswellbrook 4) Receiving treated water from a Common WTP in Scone


1. Council continues exploring a joint water treatment plant option and develop a joint grant application with Muswellbrook Shire Council. This is the preferred option as the collaborative approach provides the opportunity for economies of scale and a strong funding application.

2. Do nothing, continue with the proposal to build an $11.63 million WTP to serve Upper Hunter only that is unlikely to attract grant funding.


Neil Pope, Director Community Infrastructure, Muswellbrook Shire Council. Phil Redan, Executive Manager Water & Waste, Muswellbrook Shire Council. Gamini Hemachandra, Project Engineer (Water & Waste), Muswellbrook Shire Council. Gerhard Lategan, Operations Manager, Muswellbrook Shire Council. Alan Fletcher, Director Infrastructure Services, Upper Hunter Shire Council Paolo Turri, Manager Water Waste, Upper Hunter Shire Council Nilakshi Fernando GHD Pty Ltd.

STRATEGIC LINKS a. Community Strategic Plan 2013+ The report addresses the following focus areas and community strategic objectives in accordance with the Community Strategic Plan 2013+.

Focus Area 6 “Maintain and enhance civil infrastructure and community assets to meet the needs of current and future generations” with the following Community Strategic Objectives:

19. Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best

practice and risk management. 21. Provide secure and potable water supply and sewerage services to meet the

demands of future generations to urban areas of the Shire. 22. Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.

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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

b. Delivery Program A Water Treatment Plant has been identified in the 2015-16 DPOP and the draft 2016-17 DPOP in the future years capital works program. c. Other Plans

Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Simplified Strategy May 2013. Scone-Aberdeen Water Supply Augmentation: Concept Review, Department of Public

Works & Services, Report No.96135, June 1998. Scone-Aberdeen Water Supply Augmentation: Report on Water Quality and Treatment

for the Proposed Glenbawn Dam Scheme, Report No. DC96077, October 1996. UHSC Drinking Water Management System (DWMS): Drinking Water Quality Risk

Assessment, No.60301752, March 2014. IMPLICATIONS a. Policy and Procedural Implications Nil. b. Financial Implications The current $11.63 million project is not subject to grant funding, and is currently unfunded. A joint Water Treatment Plant that serves two Local Government Areas is more likely to attract grant funding as it will have a regional context. c. Legislative Implications NSW Local Government Act 1993 – Section 60 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2004 Public Health Act 2010

d. Risk Implications There is no guarantee that a joint WTP will be successful in obtaining grant funding. As the proposed joint project has a regional context, it increases the chance of funding success. e. Other Implications Nil. CONCLUSION There is significant financial advantage to pursue a joint Water Treatment Plant with Muswellbrook Shire Council. A joint Water Treatment Plant with Muswellbrook will be a more attractive proposition to funding providers as it has a regional context.


There are no enclosures for this report.

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Report To Works And Technical Services Committee 14 June 2016

Infrastructure Services

The Mayor questioned why such a Water Treatment Plant would not attract State Funding? Further investigation will be made into grant funding, Director of Infrastructure suggested that funding may be attracted under the Resources for Regions Grants. Collaboration between Councils would meet the Regional criteria.


That Council receive the report and note the information.

Moved: M Collison Seconded: R Campbell CARRIED