minutes of regular board meeting monday, … minutes and notes...minutes of regular board meeting...

Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, February 22, 2016 Board of Trustees Katy Independent School District A Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Katy Independent School District was held on Monday, February 22, 2016 in the Board Room of the Education Support Complex located at 6301 South Stadium Lane with the following Board Members present: Joe Adams, Henry Dibrell, Courtney Doyle, Rebecca Fox, Charles Griffin, Bryan Michalsky, and Ashley Vann. Others present: John Alawneh, Christine Caskey, Freda Creech, Lee Crews, Debbie Decker, Scott Donahue, Fred Evans, Marcus Forney, Alton Frailey, Andrea Grooms, Tom Gunnell, Tory Hill, Bonnie Holland, Jamey Hynds, Scott LaMarr, Kim Lawson, Allison Matney, Kathy McDonald, Keith Meier, Linda Menius, Lance Nauman, Sharon Nowak, Michael Ouellette, Kerry Rampelli, Steve Robertson, Mike Robinson, Chris Smith, Alan Summers, Mark Teidt, Rhonda Ward, Brenda White, and other interested patrons of the district. , Call to Order At 5:03 p.m., Board President Charles Griffin opened the meeting. = Closed Meetinq Board President Charles Griffin announced that the Board was convening in Closed Meeting as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. concerning any or all purposes permitted by the Act including but not limited to the sections and purposes listed below. The Board then adjourned to Closed Meeting. 2.1 Conduct a Level Three FNG grievance (FNG-15-014A) pursuant to Katy Independent School District Board Policy FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL) regarding student and parent complaints/.qrievances. (Texas Government Code 551.0821: For the purpose of deliberating a matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation; and Texas Government Code 551.074: For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.) 2.2 Conduct a Level Three FNG grievance (FNG-15-016A) pursuant to Katy Independent School District Board Policy FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL) regarding student and parent complaints/.qrievances. (Texas Government Code 551.0821: For the purpose of deliberating a matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation; and Texas Government Code 551.074: For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.) 2.3 Discuss and consider Board approval for the purchase of property for a future elementary school within the Cane Island subdivision. (Texas Government Code 551.072: For the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person.) 2.4 Discuss land and property matters. (Texas Government Code 551.072: For the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person.)

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Page 1: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, … Minutes and Notes...Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, February 22, 2016 Board of Trustees Katy Independent School District A Regular

Minutes of Regular Board MeetingMonday, February 22, 2016

Board of TrusteesKaty Independent School District

A Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Katy Independent School District was held onMonday, February 22, 2016 in the Board Room of the Education Support Complex located at 6301South Stadium Lane with the following Board Members present: Joe Adams, Henry Dibrell, CourtneyDoyle, Rebecca Fox, Charles Griffin, Bryan Michalsky, and Ashley Vann.

Others present: John Alawneh, Christine Caskey, Freda Creech, Lee Crews, Debbie Decker, ScottDonahue, Fred Evans, Marcus Forney, Alton Frailey, Andrea Grooms, Tom Gunnell, Tory Hill, BonnieHolland, Jamey Hynds, Scott LaMarr, Kim Lawson, Allison Matney, Kathy McDonald, Keith Meier, LindaMenius, Lance Nauman, Sharon Nowak, Michael Ouellette, Kerry Rampelli, Steve Robertson, MikeRobinson, Chris Smith, Alan Summers, Mark Teidt, Rhonda Ward, Brenda White, and other interestedpatrons of the district.

, Call to OrderAt 5:03 p.m., Board President Charles Griffin opened the meeting.

= Closed MeetinqBoard President Charles Griffin announced that the Board was convening in Closed Meeting asauthorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.concerning any or all purposes permitted by the Act including but not limited to the sections andpurposes listed below. The Board then adjourned to Closed Meeting.

2.1 Conduct a Level Three FNG grievance (FNG-15-014A) pursuant to Katy Independent SchoolDistrict Board Policy FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL) regarding student and parentcomplaints/.qrievances. (Texas Government Code 551.0821: For the purpose of deliberatinga matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about thestudent will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation; and Texas Government Code551.074: For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation,reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hearcomplaints or charges against a public officer or employee.)

2.2 Conduct a Level Three FNG grievance (FNG-15-016A) pursuant to Katy Independent SchoolDistrict Board Policy FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL) regarding student and parentcomplaints/.qrievances. (Texas Government Code 551.0821: For the purpose of deliberatinga matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about thestudent will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation; and Texas Government Code551.074: For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation,reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hearcomplaints or charges against a public officer or employee.)

2.3 Discuss and consider Board approval for the purchase of property for a future elementaryschool within the Cane Island subdivision. (Texas Government Code 551.072: For thepurpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberationin an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental bodyin negotiations with a third person.)

2.4 Discuss land and property matters. (Texas Government Code 551.072: For the purpose ofdiscussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an openmeeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body innegotiations with a third person.)

Page 2: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, … Minutes and Notes...Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, February 22, 2016 Board of Trustees Katy Independent School District A Regular

Board Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, February 22, 2016

2.5 Discuss and consider Board approval of employees who are being recommended to receiveadministrative one-year term, administrative one-year probationary, administrative two-yearterm, staff member one-year term, staff member one-year probationary and staff membertwo-year term contracts. (Texas Government Code 551.074: For the purpose of consideringthe appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of apublic officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer oremployee.)

2.6 Discuss and consider Board approval of acceptinq professional staff resignations and hirinqof professional contractual personnel. (Texas Government Code 551.074: For the purposeof considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline ordismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a publicofficer or employee.)

2.7 Discuss Board duties. (Texas Government Code 551.074: For the purpose of consideringthe appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of apublic officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer oremployee.)

The Board recessed at 6:15 p.m. to attend the Booster Club PresidentsAppreciation Reception and Board Recognition in the ESC Car& The Boardreconvened in Closed Meeting at 6:40 p.m.

, Reconvene from Closed MeetingThe Board reconvened into Open Meeting at 6:57 p.m. Board President Charles Griffin called themeeting to order. Superintendent Alton Frailey verified that the provisions of Section 551.001 etseq. of the Texas Government Code were met in accordance with the public notice of the meeting.

3.1 Consider a Level Three FNG grievance (FNG-15-014A) pursuant to Katy IndependentSchool District Board Policy FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL) re.qardin.q student and parentcomplaints/grievances. The Board remanded the FNG-15-014A back to administration.

3.2 Consider a Level Three FNG grievance (FNG-15-016A) pursuant to Katy IndependentSchool District Board Policy FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL) regardin.q student and parentcomplaints/.qrievances. Moved by Joe Adams seconded by Ashley Vann that the Board ofTrustees denies the Level Three FNG grievance in FNG-15-016A, thereby upholding thedecision of the Level One and Level Two hearing officers.

Motion passed by a 7 to 0 vote.

3.3 Consider Board approval for the purchase of property for a future elementary school withinthe Cane Island subdivision. Moved by Henry Dibrell seconded by Rebecca Fox that theBoard of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute asale and purchase agreement with Katy 850 LLC for the purchase of an elementary schoolsite within the Cane Island subdivision.

Motion passed by a 7 to 0 vote.

3.4 Consider Board approval of employees who are bein.q recommended to receiveadministrative one-year term, administrative one-year probationary, administrative two-yearterm, staff member one-year term, staff member one-year probationary and staff membertwo-year term contracts. Moved by Joe Adams seconded by Charles Griffin that the Boardof Trustees approves the administrative one-year term, administrative one-yearprobationary, administrative two-year term, staff member one-year term, staff member one-year probationary and staff member two-year term contracts as recommended by theSuperintendent in Closed Meeting. Moved by Bryan Michalsky seconded by Rebecca Foxthat the Board postpone indefinitely the administrative one-year term, administrative one-

For videos of Board meetings go to www.katyisd.org Page 2

Page 3: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, … Minutes and Notes...Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, February 22, 2016 Board of Trustees Katy Independent School District A Regular

Board Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, February 22, 2016

year probationary, administrative two-year term, staff member one-year term, staff memberone-year probationary and staff member two-year term contracts as recommended by theSuperintendent in Closed Meeting.

Motion passed by a 5 to 2 vote.Joe Adams and Charles Griffin voted against the motion.

The first motion failed.

3.5 Consider Board approval of accepting professional staff resiqnations and hiring ofprofessional contractual personnel. Moved by Bryan Michalsky seconded by Henry Dibrellthat the Board of Trustees approves the personnel report as recommended by theSuperintendent in Closed Meeting.

Motion passed by a 7 to 0 vote.

= Pledqes of Alleqiance

4.1 Iliana Landaverde, 5th Grade, McRoberts Elementary led the pledges of allegiance.




5.1 Cardiff Junior High History Club

5.2 Journalism Education Association Rising Star Award for 2016

5.3 Katy ISD Booster Club Presidents

5.4 All-State Dance

5.5 All-State Choir

5.6 All-State Orchestra

5.7 All-State Band

5.8 All-State Athlete Awards

5.9 National High School Coaches Association (NHSCA) National Football Coach of the Yearand Texas High School Football Hall of Fame Induction

5.10 Board of Trustees Meritorious Service Award

Consent AgendaMoved by Courtney Doyle seconded by Bryan Michalsky that the Board of Trustees approves theConsent Agenda as recommended in items 6.1 through 6.13.

Motion passed by a 7 to 0 vote.

6.1 Consider Board approval of the minutes for the Board meetinqs held in January 2016. It isrecommended that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes for the Board meetings heldin January 2016.

6.2 Consider Board approval of grant ratifications. It is recommended that the Board ofTrustees ratifies the District's participation in the grant projects presented.

For videos of Board meetings go to www.katyisd.org Page 3

Page 4: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, … Minutes and Notes...Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, February 22, 2016 Board of Trustees Katy Independent School District A Regular

Board Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, February 22, 2016

6.3 Consider Board approval of the February 2016 budqet amendments. It is recommendedthat the Board of Trustees approves the district's February 2016 budget amendments.

6.4 Consider Board approval of the January 2016 financial statements. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees approves the district's January 2016 financial statements.










Consider Board approval of the January 2016 check reqisters. It is recommended that theBoard of Trustees approves the district's January 2016 check registers in the amount of$27,937,895.

Consider Board approval of the December 2015 tax report. It is recommended that theBoard of Trustees approves the December 2015 tax report.

Consider Board approval of the proposed summer work schedule. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees approves the proposed summer work schedule as presented by theSuperintendent.

Consider Board approval of the proposal for property insurance. It is recommended theBoard of Trustees approves the proposal for property insurance from Lexington InsuranceCompany/Wells Fargo Insurance Services, Inc. under the terms and conditions presented.

Consider Board approval of desiqn services associated with the Cinco Ranch High Schoolfield house expansion and renovation and the science lab up,qrades. It is recommended thatthe Board of Trustees approves the retention of PBK Architects for design servicesassociated with the Cinco Ranch High School field house expansion and renovation and thescience lab upgrades for a fee of 6% of the final construction cost.

Consider Board approval of Amendment One to the Drymalla Construction Company, Inc.Construction Manager at Risk contract for the Guaranteed Maximum Price related to thebuild out of the Education Support Complex second floor shell space and associatedrenovations. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves Amendment One tothe Drymalla Construction Company, Inc. Construction Manager at Risk contract for thebuild out of the Education Support Complex second floor shell space and associatedrenovations for the total Guaranteed Maximum Price of $2,101,342 and approves the totalproject cost associated with Amendment One not to exceed $2,582,423.

Consider Board approval of Amendment Two to the Drymalla Construction Company, Inc.Construction Manager at Risk contract for the Guaranteed Maximum Price related to theexterior athletic facility improvements at Katy High School. It is recommended that theBoard of Trustees approves Amendment Two to the Drymalla Construction Company, Inc.Construction Manager at Risk contract for specific components of the exterior athletic facilityimprovements at Katy High School for the total Guaranteed Maximum Price of $543,641 andapproves the total project cost associated with Amendment Two not to exceed $736,270.

Consider Board approval of Amendment Three to the Drymalla Construction Company, Inc.Construction Manaqer at Risk contract for the Guaranteed Maximum Price related to theexterior athletic facility improvements at Katy High School. It is recommended that theBoard of Trustees approves Amendment Three to the Drymalla Construction Company, Inc.Construction Manager at Risk contract for specific components of the exterior athletic facilityimprovements at Katy High School for the total Guaranteed Maximum Price of $2,116,580and approves the total project cost associated with Amendment Three not to exceed$2,527,813.

Consider Board approval of closed campuses for intra-district transfers for the 2016 - 2017school year. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the list of campuses as

For videos of Board meetings go to www.katyisd.org Page 4

Page 5: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, … Minutes and Notes...Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Monday, February 22, 2016 Board of Trustees Katy Independent School District A Regular

Board Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, February 22, 2016

presented to be closed to voluntary student intra-district transfers for the 2016 - 2017 schoolyear based on enrollment projections.




7.1 Discuss and consider Board approval of Board Policy BE (LOCAL) - Board Meetinqs.Moved by Bryan Michalsky seconded by Rebecca Fox that the Board of Trusteesapproves the revisions to Board Policy BE (LOCAL) - Board Meetings.

Motion passed by a 7 to 0 vote.Information Items

8.1 Donated Items to Katy Independent School District

8.2 Board Member Activities Update - Katy ISD Education Foundation Marketinq CommitteeMeetinq and Gulf Coast Area Association of School Boards. Courtney Doyle, BoardMember and Joe Adams, Board Sergeant-at-Arms, presented.

9. Future Meetinqs

9.1 Board Work Study A.qenda. March 21, 2016

9.2 Re.qular Board Meetinq. Monday, March 28, 2016

10. Adjournment

Board President Charles Griffin adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m.

s GriffinPresident, Board of Trustees

Approved: March 28, 2016

For videos of Board meetings go to www.katyisd.org Page 5