minko - flash conference #5

Flash Online Conference #5 Targeting mobiles, WebGL and Stage3D... with a single app! @Minko3D http://minko.io

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Post on 08-May-2015




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Flash Online Conference #5

Targeting mobiles, WebGL and Stage3D... with a single app!

@Minko3D http://minko.io

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LATEST ADDITIONS Available today on minko.io

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New Editor Features

Dynamic framerate


First-person camera mode

New layer WYSIWYG interface

Integration of CrystalATF – 6 to 9x faster ATF conversion – Only for texture loading in the editor, not yet for publishing

Minor bug fixes…

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New Framework Features

Support for 4096 textures

Context-loss handling

Compatibility with 2D frameworks (Starling…)

Minor bug fixes…

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New Community Features

Better search engine for the forum

Already existing threads suggestions when your create a new one – Avoid asking questions that have already been answered

Discussions feed available directly from the blog’s right


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New Game Released: IronForce

Published by EA/Chillingo – http://www.chillingo.com/games/iron-force/


– Already available on iOS – Available soon on Android

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New Game Released: IronForce

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« We chose Minko to be the 3D engine in one of our new Flash-based games because we think it’s a highly professional Stage3D based solution

in terms of development ecosystem and high performance. »

André Weissflog, Head of Development at BigPoint

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MINKO 3 Codename « Normandie »

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Target new platforms – Keep the « design once, deploy everywhere » workflow – Larger community

Increase performances, epecially CPU-wise

– Multi-threading?

Leverage existing codebase

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New Platforms

Platform Status Target Languages

iOS OK Native C/C++

Android OK Native C/C++

Flash (Stage3D) WIP X-Compilation C/C++, AS3

Windows (DirectX) WIP Native C/C++

Mac OK Native C/C++

Windows (OpenGL) OK Native C/C++

Linux OK Native C/C++

HTML5 (WebGL) OK X-Compilation C/C++, Javascript

Windows Phone WIP Native C/C++

BlackBerry 10 NA Native C/C++

Firefox OS NA Native C/C++

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Current status

Feature Status Comments

Signals 100%

Scene Graph 90% Assets loading, scene manipulations, signals, layers

Post-Processing 30%

Effects/Shaders 100% Vertex/fragment shaders, effects parser, render to texture, multi-pass

Über shaders 80% Init. OK, but won’t fork automatically afterward

Dynamic lights 100% Ambient, directional, point and spot lights

Dynamic shadows 50%

Particles 90% Missing some modifiers

Physics 90% Missing joints, triangle collider and heightmap collider

MK files parser 80% Missing compression

JPEG parser 100%

PNG parser 100%

Collada parser NA

OBJ parser NA

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About Collada and OBJ

Might be supported in the future as a plugin using the ASSIMP project

Still supported in the editor to be exported as MK – Smaller files – Faster to load – More features (physics, particles…)

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In the browser implementation of the OpenGL API – Based on the specifications of OpenGL ES2 (like Stage3D!)

Supported by most modern browsers

– Supported by IE11 next year!

Not as fast as Stage3D – But that’s another story…

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WebGL VS Stage3D - Penetration Rate

Firefox 4+, Chrome 9+ Any browser with Flash 11+

Source: Statcounter

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WebGL VS Stage3D – HW Compatibility


* 2006 and newer hardware, software fallback otherwise

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WebGL => Flash Fallback!

Start working with standards today, but keep adressing the largest audience possible

Is WebGL


Run WebGL/JS app.

Run Flash app. no


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C++ 2011

Standard, fast, well documented and supported by a vast community

Already fully supported by all major compilers (VS, GCC, LLVM…)

New additions make it closer to what we’re used to with AS3/Javascript – Closures/lambda functions – Type inference (instead of dynamic typing) – Shared pointers

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FlasCC/Crossbridge http://adobe-flash.github.io/crossbridge/

Open source project driven by Adobe – Based on LLVM, which is supported by Google, Apple, Intel and

many more

Cross-compiles C++ code to ActionScript 3.0 – No (stable) OpenGL bindings – Provides virtual file system – C++ AS3 bindings using SWIG

Leverages LLVM/C++ based optimizations

– Strong typing – Low level memory management: no GC!

Still suffers from AS3/AVM2 performance issues

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Emscripten https://github.com/kripken/emscripten

Open source project driven by Mozilla – Based on LLVM, which is supported by Google, Apple, Intel and

many more

Cross-compile C++ code to Javascript code – Binds OpenGL to WebGL – Provide virtual file system – C++ Javascript bindings

Code optimizations

– Closure compiler – asm.js (2x performances of native code!)

Code compression using LZMA

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ANGLE https://code.google.com/p/angleproject/

Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine

Open source project driven by Google – Used by Chrome and Firefox WebGL implementations

OpenGL wrapper that will map OGL calls to the DirectX API

– Provide better performances on Windows – Makes it possible to target DirectX with an OpenGL based

implementation – Should provide Windows Phone 8 compatibility out of the box

Also converts GLSL shaders to HLSL

– Completely transparent to the developer! – Write once, deploy everywhere

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Premake http://industriousone.com/premake

Cross-platform build system – Windows, Mac and Linux – Reference in the video game industry – Well documented

Compatible with most IDEs/tools

– gmake – Visual Studio – XCode

Easy to extend and customize

– Based on LUA script configuration files – Adding support for emscripten was easy

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Vagrant http://www.vagrantup.com/

Goal: easily cross-compile without installing/configuring complicated stuff

Virtualized build environment – Based on VirtualBox – Will install and bootstrap everything for you – Will auto-update itself to make sure you always use the latest

stable toolchain

We provide the configuration file to compile to HTML5/WebGL in just a single command line! – Ubuntu virtual machine – Uses Premake4 + gmake – Will do the same for Flash/Crossbridge

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Mimics flash.display3D.Context3D interface – Leverages Adobe’s work on wrapping DirectX/OpenGL – Mainly uses simple native types (int, float…) to make it easier to

wrap/bind in multiple languages

Defines all you need to work with OpenGL ES 2-compliant APIs – Enforces compatibility – Can be extended to provide more « custom » capabilities if you


AbstractContext OpenGLES2Context WebGLContext

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Extends AbstractContext

Implement all required methods using the OpenGL API

Actually uses OpenGL bindings, but limited only to what is actually available in OpenGL ES 2 – Should work out of the box with any OpenGL ES 2 compliant

implementation – But also on any OpenGL implementation (ex: Windows, Mac and


AbstractContext OpenGLES2Context WebGLContext

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Extends OpenGLES2Context – Actually inherits more than 95% of its code

Override a few methods to handle some minor WebGL qirks

– Some methods do not work properly/exist and have to be wrapped using (simple) workarounds

AbstractContext OpenGLES2Context WebGLContext

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Goal: provide an extensible API to add behaviors to scene nodes with concepts shared by artists and developers

Replace « controllers » – Scene nodes just describe a hierarchy – Components add behaviors

One scene one can have multiple components

– Ex: the scene node of a torchlight can have a component for the mesh and a component for the actual light source

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Components – Ex: Directional Light

The Transform component is not mandatory – Scene nodes do not necessarily have a 3D transform: lighter and

more customizable – Yet our directional light is pointless without a configurable


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Components – Ex: Camera

Our camera has 3 components: – Transform will make our Camera position/orientation customizable – PerspectiveCamera will provide actual camera related data to

the rendering API – Renderer will do the actual DrawCall storage/frame rendering

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Support for GLSL 1 as defined by the OpenGL ES 2 standard – Vertex shaders – Fragment shaders

Implementation could easily support earlier/more powerful

versions of GLSL – Gives you the ability to leverage extended hardware capabilities

when available!

Vast codebase, tutorials and various documentation articles available on the web

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Shader Optimizer

Open source project created by Unity – Used by default since Unity 3 – Based on Mesa’s GLSL compiler open source implementation

Provides significant performance boost on mobile GPUs

– Compensate the lack of proper drivers on both iOS and Android

Completely transparent to the user: you don’t have to do anything – JIT optimizations

Not working with WebGL (yet!)

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Data-driven API to create rendering effects – Everything defined in JSON data files – Loaded natively by the core framework – Interact seemlessly with the scene and the existing assets/effects

Create even the most complicated effects without a single line of C++

code – Only GLSL and some flags/properties to setup – Support every rendering states/properties you might need: blending,

filtering, render target, etc… – Both rendering and post-processing – Techniques and fallbacks (WIP)

Dependencies injection to create libraries of re-usable GLSL

shader functions – Ex: Phong.glsl gives you everything you need to implement Phong


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Effect Bindings

Goal: copy/paste existing GLSL code and « plug it » in the engine without a single shader code modification

Declare « links » between effect/shader « properties » and what is actually provided by components in the scene – Uniforms – Vertex Attributes – Macros

Makes it possible to have macros that will be defined only if

some scene/component properties actually exist – Uber shaders!

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Minko Minko Sources


C++ app. code

Plugins C++ Code



JPEG Parser

PNG Parser

MK Parser

Core framework C++ code

Plugins Static Libraries



JPEG Parser

PNG Parser

MK Parser

Core framework static library

App. object file

ASM.js Javascript code

C++ 2011 code

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Plugins Static Libraries



JPEG Parser

PNG Parser

MK Parser

Core framework static library

App. object file


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Run the closure compiler on the generated Javascript code

application.js application_optimized.js

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Workflow - Compression

Use LZMA compression – Emscripten will embed LZMA decompression code all by itself – Decompression can be watched when the app. runs

application.js application_compressed.js

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EXAMPLE: SPONZA HTML5! http://minko.io/showcase/sponza-html5

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My Feedback – The Good Parts

Working with C++ 2011 is amazing – More complex but so much powerful/expressive than AS3/JS – Useful and reliable STL containers (list, maps, sets, etc…) – Shared pointers make memory management just as easy as with

managed languages: not a single memory leak so far!

Visual Studio/XCode are very good IDEs

Minko 3’s implementation is much lighter and yet just as much powerful

Vagrant + Premake provides an efficient build system with cross-compilation

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My Feedback – The Good Parts

Compatibility – The app runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and WebGL withouth a single

modification! – Haven’t tested iOS/Android yet, but should work out of the box

Binary size

– Closure compiler will make the binary 2 to 3x lighter – LZMA compression will make the binary 5 to 6x lighter – Combine both to get a final binary even lighter than the native one!


– 2x speed of native code thanks to asm.js! – Possiblity much faster than an AS3 implementation


– Emscripten « modules » system make it easy to generate a *.js file and run it in any web page

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My Feedback – The Bad Parts

Workflow – Haven’t figured out how to make dynamic libraries for now


– WebGL API is the bottleneck

Memory consumption – 256MB of required memory seems excessive (I haven’t make a

comparison with AS3 so far though…)

I miss the Flash API – How do to a 2D UI using HTML5 comps? – URLRequest?

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C++ 2011 is very efficient to build interactive and rich apps

Emscripten is mature enough to start working on large-scale applications

Using #ifdef for portability of C++ code is a bit cumbersome – But it can easily be fixed by wrapping the app. init

Minko 3

– Alpha in september – Beta in december – Final release in April 2014

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MERCI ! Don’t forget to check http://minko.io !