microstructural characteristics by ebsd and ecc in ecae processed pure cu samples

This study showed that it is very often useless to use a neutral gas as an inhibitor to oxidation when operating the thermal treatment. This result runs counter to the common opinion. In the presence of argon, oxygen in an amount as low as 1 % is sufficient to form an oxide layer which turns up to be thicker than in an atmosphere composed of nitrogen and 20 % oxygen. As nitrogen plays the role of diffusion bar- rier as it occupies the octahedral sites, thus preventing oxy- gen to squeeze its way this spots and thus form titanium oxide. This is can easily be accounted for by comparing the respective size of the sites and the molecules : nitrogen then accumulates at the Ti±TiO 2 interface. Received: June 30, 2003 ± [1] A. E. Jenkins, J. Inst. Metals 1955±1956, 84, 1. [2] I. A. Menzies, K. N. Strafford, J. Less Common Metals 1967, 12, 85. [3] S. Frangini, A. Mignone, F. De Riccardis, J. Mater. Sci. 1994, 29, 714. [4] H. L. Du, P. K. Datta, D. B. Lewis, J. S. Burnell-Gray, Corr. Sci. 1994, 36, 631. [5] M. N. Mungole, N. Singh, G. N. Mathur, Mater. Sci. Technol. 2002, 18, 111. [6] Isabelle Halley-Demoulin, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bourgogne 1992. [7] R. Feldman, M. DØchamps, P. Lehr, Contribution à l'Øtude des interactions solide-gaz. Cas de l'oxydation du titane sous pression atmosphØrique d'oxygne, MØtaux Corrosion-In- dustrie, January 1977, No. 617. [8] F. Borgioli, E. Galvanetto, F. P. Galliano, T. Bacci, Surf. Coat. Technol. 2001, 141, 103. [9] A. M. Chaze, C. Codet, G. BØranger, Proceedings of 6th World Conf. on Titanium, Part IV, Les Editions de Physi- que, France 1989, p. 1765. [10] P. Poupeau, Diagrammes d'ØquilibreÐAlliages Binaires, Techniques de l'IngØnieur, TraitØ MatØriaux MØtalliques, M 70, p. 84. [11] D. David, E. A. Garcia, X. Lucas, G. BØranger, C. R. Acad. SC, t. 287, sØrie B, Paris 1978, p. 125. [12] A. M. Chaze, C. Coddet, J. Less-Common Metals 1986, 124, 73. Microstructural Characteristics by EBSD and ECC in ECAE Processed Pure Cu Samples** By Gang Wang, Shiding Wu, Claude Esling, Guangyi Li, Liang Zuo, Zhongguang Wang* Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) is a process in which a work-piece undergoes very severe plastic strain without any concomitant change in its cross-sectional dimen- sions. [1±3] This process has received considerable attention in recent time as it has the capability of introducing an ultrafine grain size Ð in the submicrometer or nanometer range Ð in large-grained materials. [4±7] In our own experiments, the pure Cu single-crystal samples were ECAE-processed to investi- gate their fatigue properties. But it was shown that, when the samples were stored at room temperature, the grain size in some parts of the samples became larger than that in other parts. After some time, the size of the growing grains in these samples became so large that the local orientation and grain boundary distributions could be investigated applying elec- tron back-scattering diffraction associated with scanning elec- tron microscopy (SEM-EBSP) [8±10] to these locations. In these places, the microstructures of the samples were also observed by the electron channeling contrast technique in scanning electron microscopy (SEM-ECC). [11,12] The results showed that the change in grain size could be attributed to the occurrence of recrystallization. As it developed in only a few parts of the samples, it was appropriate to analyze the relationship be- tween recrystallization and structural characteristics in the ECAE-processed pure Cu samples. Basing on the analysis of characteristics such as orientation distribution function (ODF) and statistical grain boundary character distribution (GBCD), COMMUNICATIONS ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2003, 5, No. 8 DOI: 10.1002/adem.200300388 Ó 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 593 ______________________ ± [*] Dr. G. Wang, Dr. G. L. Zuo Key Laboratory of EPM (Northeastern University) Ministry of Education Shenyang 110004, P. R. China Dr. S. D. Wu, Dr. Y. Li, Dr. Z. G. Wang Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China Dr. C. Esling Laboratoire d'Etude des Textures et Application aux MatØriaux, CNRS UMR 7078, ISGMP, UniversitØ de Metz, 57012 Metz Cedex 1, France [**] This work was supported by the Franco-Chinese Cooperative Research Project (PRA MX00-03) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant number 50171072. L. Zuo gratefully acknowledges the support of the TRAPOYT of MOE of China.

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Page 1: Microstructural Characteristics by EBSD and ECC in ECAE Processed Pure Cu Samples

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Page 2: Microstructural Characteristics by EBSD and ECC in ECAE Processed Pure Cu Samples

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Page 3: Microstructural Characteristics by EBSD and ECC in ECAE Processed Pure Cu Samples

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Page 4: Microstructural Characteristics by EBSD and ECC in ECAE Processed Pure Cu Samples

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Page 5: Microstructural Characteristics by EBSD and ECC in ECAE Processed Pure Cu Samples

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