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  • 7/30/2019 METOD s10.pdf


    ~ - lC752

    Brief reportPrevalence of hypertension and risk factors in Heilongjiangprovince in 2007FU Shi-ying, Ll Wei-min, ZHAO Yu-juan, DONG Li-hang, ZHAO Jingbo, WANG Bai-qiu,LO Yan-jie and YANG Bao-fengKeywords: hypertension; epidemiology; blood pressure

    A pproximately 2/3 of cardiovas cular di seases in theAsia-Pacific region are closely associated withhypertension.' And statistics indicates the existence of160 million hypertension patients in China in 2004 withapproximately I billion patients simultaneously sufferingfrom other cardiovascular diseases ? It is evident thathypertension control plays a crucial role in the preventionof cardiovascular di sease. This study aimed to find theepidemiological features of hypertension in Heilongjiangprovince and to gather statistical in formation about theprevalence and causative factors of hypertension.

    METHODSSubjectsUsing the stratified chunk method, investigators of thisstudy completed a survey form, physical examination,and laboratory analysis of I0 620 participants (4691males and 5929 females), who aged 15 yea rs and above,being permanent residents from both rural (Lanx i) andurban area (Nangang District of Harbin) of Heilongjiangprovince from January I to February 28 in 2007. Theparticipants were those without stress of fever, acutein fection, history of operation, trauma, etc. They weredivided into 15- , 25- , 35- , 4 5- , 55- , 65- , and 2:75 -yearage groups.ProtocolThe investigators consisted of cardiologists, PhD students,and MSc students from the First Affiliated Hospital ofHarbin Medical University as well as related physiciansfrom local hospitals. Fo llowing the completion of thetraining program, the investigators started to investigatethe participants from both urban and rural areas.According to a widely accepted standardized protocol aswell as quality control regulation, the investigatorsmeasured blood press ure, height, and body weight of theparticipants. Blood pressure was measured using a mercurysphygmomanometer under the circumstance of bright,silence and at room temperature (about 2 1C), nosmoking 15 minutes before examination, and nomovement and stress 5 minutes before examination.Systolic and diastolic pressure was measured according to

    Korotkoff sounds. Specificall y, systolic pressure wasidentified using a mercury sphygmomanometer when thefirst sound was heard; diastolic pressure was identifiedwhen the fifth sound disappeared. The measurement wasrepeated three t imes with the average value beingcalculated based on the second and third measurements.The criteria for diagnosis of hypertension were the 2005revised China Guidelines for the Management ofHypertension. The accuracy rate of blood pressure was Imillimeter of mercu ry.Height and body weight were measured using standardinstruments. In addition, body mass index (BMI) was a lsoassessed (BMI=weight (kg)/height2 (m2) ) . The criteria fordiagnosis were identified as follows: BMI 2:24 wasconsidered overweight; BMI 2:28 was considered obese.The accuracy rate of height and body weight was 0.0 I mand 0.1 kg respectively.A 5-ml venous blood sample was taken from eachparticipant who had fasted for 8- 10 hours. Totalcholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low densitylipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and hi gh densitylipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were examined by theendpoint method in the blood sample (TARGA-2000Automatic Biochemistry Analysator, Italy).Statistical analysisData were double entered and validated using Epidata3.02 software. Categorical variables were expressed asrates or proportions and were compared us ing thechi-square test. We analyzed risk factors by the Logisticregression model. A 2-sided P value less than 0.05 wasconsidered statistically significant. A ll the data wereanalyzed by SAS 9.1.3 statistical software package.DOl: I0.3 760/cma.j.issn.0366-6999.20 I0.06.02 1Department of Cardiology, First Affiliated Hospital of HarbinMedical Un iversity, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China (Fu SY.Li WM, Zhao YJ and Dong LH)Cardiovascular lnslirute , Harbin Medical Un iv.ersity, Harbin,Heilongjiang 150001, China (Wang BQ. LO YJ and Yan g BF)Public Heallh College of Harbin Medical Un iversity, Harbin,He ilongjiang 150001, Ch ina (Zhao JB)Correspondence to: Or. ZHAO Yu-juan, Department of Cardiology,First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin.Heilongjiang 150001, China (Te l: 86- 13845 104322. Fax:86-451-53643907. Email: [email protected])

  • 7/30/2019 METOD s10.pdf


    Chinese Medica/Journa/2010;123(6):752-755 753Table I. Prevalence ofhypertension in Heilongjiang province in 2007

    Toll !Male F ! ! t n a . l To tillGroups

    Rural area Urban areaMille Female Totill Mal e Female Total

    Nonnal (n) 171 6 1993 3709 1323 23SI 3674 3039 7313Hyp

  • 7/30/2019 METOD s10.pdf


    upt ake . Furthermore, we discovered that dia stol icpressure was signifi cant ly elevated (5 mmHg hi gher thanthe non-alcoho lic gro up , P

  • 7/30/2019 METOD s10.pdf


    region for hypertension and should be considered animportant target area for nation-wide hypertensionprevention and treatment.Acknowledgements : We thank Ll Bin from lhe Heahh Departmenlof Heilongjiang Province, Z HOU Jin from the Firs! AffiliatedHospilal of Harbin Medical Univcrsily, HU Wei-fang from lheHcahh Departmenl of Nangang Dislrict of Harbin, QU Gui-rongand ZHOU Guang-wei from the Ninth Hospilal of NangangDislricl of Harbin fo r their conlribulion and financial support. Weare al so graleful to the I00 graduale Sludents and relaled doelorsinvolved in the project for their hard work.

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    (Received December /6, 2009)Edited by WANG Mou-yue