medieval church part ll

Medieval Church Part ll Jennifer Farrell & Margo Poleway Chapter 7 Section 3 Period 6 Global 9H

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Medieval Church Part ll. Jennifer Farrell & Margo Poleway Chapter 7 Section 3 Period 6 Global 9H . Focus Questions. Who were the key people of the Medieval church? How did the church impact society? What happened to the church and society during the corruption and reforms?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Medieval Church Part ll

Jennifer Farrell & Margo PolewayChapter 7 Section 3

Period 6Global 9H

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Focus Questions

• Who were the key people of the Medieval church?

• How did the church impact society?• What happened to the church and society

during the corruption and reforms?

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Church Power Grows

Centuries after Rome’s fall-Hierarchy unique position in Western Europe

Church gradually became powerful

Secular: Worldly, force in medieval Europe

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The Church’s Role in Society• Pope= spiritual leader of Western Christian Church• Papal Supremacy: Authority over all secular rulers, including kings and

emperors. • Churchmen supervised activities• High clergy were nobles• Feudal lords had territories and armies• Church rulers linked to secular rulers• Churchmen were highly educated

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Religious Authority and Political Power• Dedicated to worship God• All were sinners• Canon Law: Churches bodies of laws• -Religion teachings, aspects of life, • -Disobeyers were prosecuted• Excommunication: Could not receive sacraments or Christian burial• Interdict: Powerful noble who opposed the Church• -Caused revolts by the common people

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A Force for Peace

• Used authority to end noble warfare• Truce of God: Temporary peace• Demanded the stop to fighting

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Corruption And Reform • “Dark Ages”• Began the religious revolution• Popes were barely educated• Didn’t know religious services• Churches lost a lot of money

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Two Movements for Reform• Abbot Berno reformed his monastery of Cluny

in Eastern France– Refused to allow nobles& bishops to interfere in

monastery affairs• Gregory VII – Monk– Became pope – Pushed for reform– Outlawed marriage for priests– Prohibited simony: The selling of church offices

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New Preaching Orders

• Friars: Monks who did not live in isolated monasteries

• Took a different approach to reform

• Traveled around Europe’s growing towns

• Preached to the poor

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Women in the reform movement

• Supported the reform movement- Some became Dominican nuns- Others joined the Poor Clares- Well-born women gave a gift (Dowry) to the church. -Poor women were welcomed by the Beguines

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St. Francis of Assisi

• Wealthy Italian• Grew up rich• Founded the first friars• Preached poverty, humility and love of God

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St. Dominic• Spanish priest• Patron Saint of Astronomers• Founded the Dominican Friars – Orders of Preachers

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Jews in Medieval Europe

• Existed all across Europe-Muslim rulers in present day Spain-Spain became center of Jewish Culture-Jew served as officials in Muslim Royal Courts-Jews were given positions by early German kings-Jews were protected and valued by rulers in Europe-Jews taxed highly

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Jews in Medieval Europe continued..

• Christians blamed Jews for the illnesses- Jews& Christians had little interaction with each other- Rulers and popes turned to educated Jews for help-Thousands of Jews migrated to Eastern Europe- Jewish communities settled in Eastern Europe until modern times

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Works Cited

• TEXTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

• "Saint Dominic." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 08 Feb. 2012. <>.

• Wikipedia. "St. Francis of Assisi - Saints & Angels." Catholic Online. Web. 08 Feb. 2012. <>.

• "The Reformation and Counter Reformation." World History International: World History Essays From Prehistory To The Present. History World International. Web. 08 Feb. 2012. <>.