mcpa fall newsletter

VISIT US ONLINE TODAY: / Presidential Welcome - Fall 2009 By Shelley Errington Nicholson - President 2009-2010 - MCPA H e l l o a n d welcome back to another academic year. I want to take a moment to introduce myself as the new President of MCPA. I took office on July 1 st and am happy to report the executive board has been hard at work over the summer gearing up for a great new year. I, myself, have been a member of MCPA since 2002 and have held various positions on the board, including as a State and International Liaison (SAIL) for the ACPA Standing Committee for Women, Membership Coordinator and then President-Elect. I have loved my time with MCPA and am looking forward to another wonderful year. We have a lot to be excited about this year, as you will see from some of the articles inside this newsletter. In 2010 the ACPA National Convention will be held in BOSTON!! This is going to really provide a chance for MCPA and all of the Massachusetts institutions to shine. We have many exciting things planned for this year’s convention and have been working closely with the planning team for some time. In addition to activities at the National Convention, we will also be continuing our traditional programming including our Coffee Talk series and the Drive-in Conference. We have a busy year ahead of us, and I am sure it will be exciting! As the membership, this is really your organization. I would love to hear from you. I welcome suggestions and feedback throughout the year and of course we are always looking for volunteers! One of the challenges we all face this year is the economy. Although we hear things are getting better, I know we are all feeling the pinch. It may be in our professional lives where we have restricted travel, or no professional development funds. It may be where the professional meets the personal and you or someone you know has experienced a lay-off. We are in uncertain times, but there are a few constants that for me always keep me motivated and excited about the work we do. The biggest one being the students we work with everyday. There energy is simply contagious, especially at this time of year. There really is a charge in the air and it rejuvenates all who step foot on a college campus. The other thing that really keeps me going is the wonderful colleagues we have in this profession. And finally, if you find yourself feeling just too TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 -PRESIDENTIAL WELCOME Current MCPA President Shelley Errington Nicholson welcomes in another academic year and sets the tone for her year as President of the organization. PAGE 2 -MEMBERSHIP Sara Jacques the membership coordinator provides information about membership! -COFFEE TALK 1 Read about a Strengths based approach for our first Coffee Talk of this academic year!!! September 25. PAGE 3 -MAKING A PLACE FOR “I” Member at Large Sara Hummel Mueller explores navigating the extroverted field of student affairs -ANNUAL DRIVE-IN Read about our upcoming drive-in conference - October 23, 2009- The Power of Possibility PAGE 4 -MAKING A PLACE FOR “I” CONTINUED -ACPA 2010 UPDATE Read about the upcoming annual conference and deadlines PAGE 5 -MAKING A PLACE FOR “I” CONTINUED -GIVE THE GIFT OF MCPA Read about exciting opportunities to share MCPA with others! SEPTEMBER - 2009 FALL ISSUE - THE NEXUS - PAGE 1 MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION THE NEXUS 2009-2010

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This is the fall newsletter of the Massachusetts College Personnel Association


Page 1: MCPA Fall Newsletter


Investor Newslet terPresidential Welcome - Fall 2009By Shelley Errington Nicholson - President 2009-2010 - MCPA

H e l l o a n d welcome back t o a n o t h e r academic year. I want to take a moment to i n t r o d u c e myself as the new President o f M C PA . I

took office on July 1st and am happy to report the executive board has been hard at work over the summer gearing up for a great new year. I, myself, have been a member of MCPA since 2002 and have held various positions on the board, including as a State and International Liaison (SAIL) for the ACPA Standing Committee for Women, Membership Coordinator and then President-Elect. I have loved my time with MCPA and am looking forward to another wonderful year. We have a lot to be excited about this year, as you will see from some of the articles inside this newsletter. In 2010 the ACPA National Convention will be held in BOSTON!! This is going to really provide a chance for MCPA and all of the Massachusetts institutions to shine. We have many exciting things planned for this year’s convent ion and have been working closely with the planning team for some time. In addition to ac t i v i t i e s a t t he Na t i ona l Convention, we will also be

con t i n u i ng o u r t rad i t i o na l programming including our Coffee Talk series and the Drive-in Conference. We have a busy year ahead of us, and I am sure it w i l l b e ex c i t i n g ! A s t h e membership, this is really your organization. I would love to hear from you. I welcome suggestions and feedback throughout the year and of course we are always looking for volunteers!

One of the challenges we all face this year is the economy. Although we hear things are getting better, I know we are all feeling the p i n c h . I t m a y b e i n o u r professional lives where we have r e s t r i c t e d t r a v e l , o r n o professional development funds. It may be where the professional meets the personal and you or s o m e o n e y o u k n o w h a s experienced a lay-off. We are in uncertain times, but there are a few constants that for me always keep me motivated and excited about the work we do. The biggest one being the students we work with everyday. There energy is simply contagious, especially at this time of year. There really is a c ha rge i n t h e a i r a nd i t rejuvenates all who step foot on a college campus. The other thing that really keeps me going is the wonderful colleagues we have in this profession. And finally, if you find yourself feeling just too


PAGE 1-PRESIDENTIAL WELCOMECurrent MCPA President Shelley Errington Nicholson welcomes in another academic year and sets the tone for her year as President of the organization.PAGE 2-MEMBERSHIPSara Jacques the membership coordinator provides information about membership!-COFFEE TALK 1Read about a Strengths based approach for our first Coffee Talk of this academic year!!! September 25.PAGE 3-MAKING A PLACE FOR “I”Member at Large Sara Hummel Mueller explores navigating the extroverted field of student affairs-ANNUAL DRIVE-INRead about our upcoming drive-in conference - October 23, 2009- The Power of PossibilityPAGE 4-MAKING A PLACE FOR “I” CONTINUED-ACPA 2010 UPDATERead about the upcoming annual conference and deadlinesPAGE 5-MAKING A PLACE FOR “I” CONTINUED-GIVE THE GIFT OF MCPARead about exciting opportunities to share MCPA with others!



THE NEXUS 2009-2010

Page 2: MCPA Fall Newsletter


overwhelmed to even appreciate those around you, take a little time for yourself. I know it is unheard of in our profession. It is what we are so good at telling others to do – our students and our colleagues, but we never seem to find that kind of time for ourselves. Your relaxing activity does not have to be a cruise to Bermuda (although that would be nice!), but something that costs little or nothing. Read a good book – for fun! Paint the porch – seriously, I did that this summer for some relaxation and stress reduction and not only did it keep me stress free, but now I have a wonderful new shiny porch for the whole neighborhood to enjoy. Painting may not be your thing, but the point is, do something for yourself, and preferably by yourself. Have some genuine me-time. This will keep the stress from

building. Why wait until mid-semester when you are burned out? Do these things now, so you will prevent the burn out (or at least soften it a bit)!

With that said, I am off to finish the trim on our front door – it was looking kinda shabby with the new porch paint, and it sounds a lot more fun than doing that pile of laundry staring at me or anything work related and of course, a lot less stressful!

Enjoy this issue of the MCPA Newsletter and hope to see you at an MCPA event soon!

Greetings to our Fabulous Membership!by Sara Jacques

I am excited to announce we have a strong membership of 120 professionals and graduate

students from Massachusetts, as well as Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire… even as far as Finland!

With members from more than 50 universities and colleges in the region, and throughout a wide array of functional areas, we are proud of our association! It is because of our strong and loyal member base that we are able to continue as a leader among regional chapters of ACPA. We hope you will take advantage of the programs, services and opportunities we have to offer in the upcoming year.

In addition, MCPA is a great way to connect with colleagues and we a r e a l w a y s l o o k i n g f o r membership involvement!   Even if you only have time to be involved with one event, we have a spot open for you! Please let me know i f yo u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n volunteering.

PRESENTER:Jodie Castanza, Assistant Director of Residence Life, University of Massachusetts, AmherstREGISTRATION:All MCPA Members, non-members and Executive Board members should complete the registration form at COST:Free for MCPA Paid Members$5.00 for non-membersPlease bring cash or check to program. Exact change appreciated.DESCRIPTION:You can improve your strengths by 80% over the course of your lifetime - Make sure to do the strengths assessment before the event - See for full details on the event.


Page 3: MCPA Fall Newsletter


As a reminder, check out our w e b s i t e a t h t t p : / / for continuous u p d a t e s o n e v e n t s a n d information.

I f yo u have q ue s t i o n s o r feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached b e s t b y e m a i l a t [email protected]

Welcome to the beginning of a new school year!

Making a Place for “I” in the Team:N a v i g a t i n g t h e Ext rover ted F ie ld of Student Affairsby Sara Hummel Mueller

I still remember the day I learned about being an introvert. It was m y t h i r d y e a r a s a n undergraduate Resident Advisor and my Hall Director, Mike, and I were having our weekly meeting in his office. I shared feelings of

guilt I harbored for being uncomfortable when spending time with fellow staff members after classes.

“I’m exhausted at the end of the day and I just need some time to myself. I don’t think they understand,” I explained.

“I understand because I’m an introvert,” Mike responded. “I really love being with and talking to people but they really drain my energy, so when I’m tired, I need to be alone.”

What? Mike -- one of the most outgoing and fun individuals I ever met -- an introvert? How so?

Mike went on to explain that being an introvert or extrovert is not about being shy v. outgoing. It depends upon from where people derive energy; and that while extroverts recharge via external s t imu lat ion , most in t rover t s recharge by being alone.

According to Dr. Marti Olsen L a n e y i n “ T h e I n t r o v e r t Advantage: How to Thrive in an E x t r o ve r t Wo r l d , ” M i ke ’ s explanation was and remains on target. Laney’s research, a follow up to the introversion/extroversion aspect of temperament assessed by the Myers -Br iggs Type Indicator (MBTI), says there are three main ways that introverts differ from extroverts:

Energy Creation. This is what Mike explained – that extroverts get energy by talking with people and engaging in activities (the outside world) while introverts get energy from the inner world. “Counter to our stereotypes of introverts, they are not necessarily quiet and withdrawn, but their focus is inside their heads. They need a quiet, reflective place where they can think things t h r o u g h a n d r e c h a r g e themselves” (Laney, 2002).

Response to Stimulation. Laney says since introverts already have


Dr. Charles Fey, VSPA, University of

Akron - MCPA’s First President


All MCPA Members, non-members

and Executive Board members

should complete the registration

form at


Please see registration page.


An annual event for MCPA the

drive-in conference is an excellent

opportunity for local professional

development - See for full details

on the event.


Still Accepting


Proposals Until




to submit


Be part of the

Legacy of

Leadership! Eastern Nazarene CollegeAdams Executive Center 180 Old Colony Avenue Quincy, MA 02170

Register Today!

Page 4: MCPA Fall Newsletter


a lot going on internally, they are easily over-stimulated by external stimuli. Just being around people, in classes or in noisy environments can cause an introvert to shut down. In contrast, extroverts may feel under st imulated from internal processes, suc h as studying, and may take breaks to g a i n s t i m u l a t i o n v i a t h e surrounding environment.

Depth v. Breadth. “By and large, extroverts like breadth – lots of friends and experiences, knowing a little bit about everything, being a generalist” Laney says (2002), whereas introverts like knowing a lot about a little. “Introverts like depth and wi l l l im i t t he i r experiences but feel each of them deeply” (Laney, 2002). For example, introverts may have fewer friends but more intimacy.

Navigating Student Affairs as an “Innie” (Nickname for Introvert)Now that you know you may be an Innie, consider these tips for

navigating Student Affairs (a field full of external stimulation).

Educa te your co-workers. Facilitate an introvert/extrovert inventory at a staff meeting or training session and explain the d i f fe ren ce s . (V i s i t h t tp : // for a short assessment or contact a qualified MBTI facilitator to take the full MBTI.) Being upfront with your coworkers will help prevent misunderstandings. For example, when your coworkers ask you to go to lunch and you opt to sit outside by yourself, they will understand why.

Learn about extroverts. If you want to be understood, it is important for you to understand where extroverts are coming from, too.

Explore your introversion. Are you at the extreme end of in trovers ion or jus t on the borderline? Understanding where

you are on the continuum will help you become aware of how much energy you have to expend. (See p o i n t 1 f o r a s s e s s m e n t information.)

Pace yourself. If possible, try to s c h e d u l e b r e a k s b e t we e n meetings, appointments with students and training sessions. This will allow you to recharge and be ready for the next activity. Additionally, if you know you have a long day coming up (like move-in day or the first day of classes), store up some extra energy in the proceeding days by using free time for quiet activities like watching a movie at home or reading a book.

You as the facilitator. Laney says introverts need time to reflect before speaking. Keeping this in mind can be helpful. For example, in meetings where there is a need to generate ideas or opinions, give participants a chance to silently write down their

Innovative Ideas - inspires and empowers us to imagine and to act as agents of change

Revolutionary Results - commits and challenges us to demonstrate effectiveness in support of teaching and learning

Innovative Ideas- Revolutionary Results starts now! Join us on this journey.

For full conference information Visit:


ACPA BOSTON 2010 - MARCH 20-24, 2010

For years, the ACPA Convention has served as the primary means for association members' professional and personal learning and growth. With unparalleled opportunities to actively engage, 2010 celebrates the opportunity to build on our present core competencies while boldly focusing on emerging trends and critical issues of the next decade.

Page 5: MCPA Fall Newsletter


ideas before discussing them. This way, the extroverts, who tend to speak first because they can speak while they think, will not overshadow the introverts, who think and then speak.

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, it is important to a p p r e c i a t e t h a t i t i s advantageous to have introverts and extroverts (as well as other personality types and leadership styles) on your staff and in your office. Both innies and outies bring distinct strengths to work and other environments. A proper balance ensures a thriving team.

For more information on this exciting topic, please visit for more information.

Reference:Laney, Marti O. (2002). The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World. New York, N Y: Wo r k m a n P u b l i s h i n g Company, Inc.

Give the gift of MCPA!

Are you a leader within your department?

Are you interested in the professional

development of your staff?

Consider giving your staff the gift of membership to MCPA!

MCPA is a great organization for

Higher Ed professionals in the area to get involved!

Support the development of your staff with an MCPA


MCPA benefits include:

♦Monthly Events & Professional

Development : MCPA sponsors events such as quarterly Coffee Talks hosted by institutions around the state, our annual Drive-In Conference and the Vinny T’s Senior Student Affairs Officer event.

♦Networking: Opportunities to

connect with more than 100 members from small and large, public and private, 2-year and 4-year institutions across the state.  

♦Local Involvement: MCPA is a

great way to connect with colleagues and we are always looking for membership involvement! Even if you want to help with one event, we have a spot open for you!

♦Newsletters: Our quarterly

newsletter highlights upcoming events, information on student and professional development in our region, and updates on the field of Higher Education.

♦Affordable, Professional

Involvement: At just $30 per year, enjoy the benefits of a professional organization at a small cost of the national organizations.

Contact Sara Jacques at [email protected] for

more information.


Want to meet the new E-Board?MCPA has a great new E-Board starting

the 2009-2010. Read about all of the

excited new members at: