margaret wetherald & len - · merlin rainwater & greg foster barney...

STEWARDSHIP REPORT THE POWER OF TWO (+50) We consider Abel Eckhardt and Caitlin Ames the dynamic duo of stewardship. Together they have checked off a long, impressive list of Land Trust “honey-do’s” in our parks, preserves, and on the farm this year. Together, with volunteers and interns, our dynamic duo achieved the following… Held 18 volunteer events where more than 50 people contributed over 300 hours of work Made building improvements to Bill Fisher’s old apart- ment (intern housing) at the old Fisher Pond warehouse Supported Vashon Nature Center research projects by helping sample for forage fish eggs along Vashon’s shorelines, collecting mussels for shellfish toxin testing around the island, and assisting with the Island coyote population study Removed 5 acres of fencing around one of this year’s new additions to the Judd Creek preserve Thanks to King County, 3 buildings inside the stream buffer were demolished at the mouth of Judd Creek Maintained 10 miles of trails Maintained 20 acres of restora- tion plantings Built and rebuilt bridges on Christensen Pond trail Built 150 feet of puncheons and turnpikes on the Judd Creek loop trail Planted nearly 500 native trees and shrubs We were happy to spend a week with our 2017 Summer Interns contributing to restoration efforts along the Elwha River MATSUDA FARM UPDATE Matsuda Farm really “grew up” last year. Cover crop and infrastructure progress made in 2017 has us positioned to grow and produce food for the Vashon Food Bank, our first customer. Progress made on Matsuda Farm in 2017: Built and sided new pump house, shed, and hoop house at Matsuda farm (lookin’ good over there!) Brought water and power to the farm field (that was one hell of a trench!) Planted cover crop seed on 3 acres of tilled land for cul- tivation in 2018 Facilitated expansion of Matsuda Pond habitat buffer planting with King Conservation District Salvaged hundreds of feet of fencing, siding, and other lumber for farm building projects * Not included are the in-kind gift of property by Mike Kneeshaw & unrealized gains on investments. Numbers are not audited. CONSERVATION HIGHLIGHTS The Judd Creek Preserve grew 9 acres when we were remembered in the will of neighbor and longtime Islander, Michael Kneeshaw, who left his home and land along Judd Creek to the Vashon Land Trust. We are actively restoring the home and will start on site restoration with the goal of opening the property “for the use and enjoyment of the people of Vashon Island”, as he requested in his will. The preserve grew another 12 acres with the purchase of two parcels in December. We’ll soon start site clean-up, invasive removal, and restoration - and look forward to developing a trail system through the properties so that the community can get out and enjoy these beautiful spaces in the heart of Paradise Valley. Be on the lookout for open house tours of our new Judd Creek additions in 2018. Photos from top, clockwise: Kids playing at the Big Sky Matsuda farm party, photo by Dawn Stief; Mike Kneeshaw, photographer unknown; Julie Grunwald opening the gate to our new 12 acre Judd Creek property, photo by Tom Dean; Putting up the hoop house at Matsuda Farm, photo by Tom Dean, Irrigation pump house at Matsuda Farm, photo by Julie Grunwald; Demolition at the mouth of Judd Creek, photo by Abel Eckhardt; Nee- dle Creek volunteer party with Van Os Photo Safaris and our Land Trust SCA summer interns, photo by Caitlin Ames; Volunteer Steve Fogard planting trees at Judd Creek, photo by Susie Fitzhugh; Abel Eckhardt and Caitlin Ames building the farm tool shed at Matsuda Farm, photo by Tom Dean.

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Post on 24-Jun-2018




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We consider Abel Eckhardt and Caitlin Ames the dynamic duo of stewardship. Together they have checked off a long, impressive list of Land Trust “honey-do’s” in our parks, preserves, and on the farm this year. Together, with volunteers and interns, our dynamic duo achieved the following…

Held 18 volunteer events where more than 50 people contributed over 300 hours of work

Made building improvements to Bill Fisher’s old apart-ment (intern housing) at the old Fisher Pond warehouse

Supported Vashon Nature Center research projects by helping sample for forage fish eggs along Vashon’s shorelines, collecting mussels for shellfish toxin testing around the island, and assisting with the Island coyote population study

Removed 5 acres of fencing around one of this year’s new additions to the Judd Creek preserve

Thanks to King County, 3 buildings inside the stream buffer were demolished at the mouth of Judd Creek

Maintained 10 miles of trails

Maintained 20 acres of restora-tion plantings

Built and rebuilt bridges on Christensen

Pond trail

Built 150 feet of puncheons and turnpikes

on the Judd Creek loop trail

Planted nearly 500 native trees and shrubs

We were happy to spend a week with our 2017 Summer Interns contributing to restoration efforts along the Elwha River


Matsuda Farm really “grew up” last year. Cover crop and

infrastructure progress made in 2017 has us positioned to

grow and produce food for the Vashon Food Bank, our

first customer.

Progress made on Matsuda Farm in 2017:

Built and sided new pump house, shed, and hoop house at Matsuda farm (lookin’ good over there!)

Brought water and power to the farm field (that was one hell of a trench!)

Planted cover crop seed on 3 acres of tilled land for cul-tivation in 2018

Facilitated expansion of Matsuda Pond habitat buffer planting with King Conservation District

Salvaged hundreds of feet of fencing, siding, and other lumber for farm building projects

* Not included are the in-kind gift of property by Mike Kneeshaw & unrealized gains on investments. Numbers are not audited.


The Judd Creek Preserve grew 9 acres when we were remembered in the will of neighbor and longtime Islander, Michael Kneeshaw, who left his home and land along Judd Creek to the Vashon Land Trust. We are actively restoring the home and will start on site restoration with the goal of opening the property “for the use and enjoyment of the people of Vashon Island”, as he requested in his will.

The preserve grew another 12 acres with the purchase of two parcels in December. We’ll soon start site clean-up, invasive removal, and restoration - and look forward to developing a trail system through the properties so that the community can get out and enjoy these beautiful spaces in the heart of Paradise Valley.

Be on the lookout for open house tours of our new Judd Creek additions in 2018.

Photos from top, clockwise: Kids playing at the Big Sky Matsuda farm party, photo by

Dawn Stief; Mike Kneeshaw, photographer unknown; Julie Grunwald opening the gate to

our new 12 acre Judd Creek property, photo by Tom Dean; Putting up the hoop house at

Matsuda Farm, photo by Tom Dean, Irrigation pump house at Matsuda Farm, photo by

Julie Grunwald; Demolition at the mouth of Judd Creek, photo by Abel Eckhardt; Nee-

dle Creek volunteer party with Van Os Photo Safaris and our Land Trust SCA summer

interns, photo by Caitlin Ames; Volunteer Steve Fogard planting trees at Judd Creek,

photo by Susie Fitzhugh; Abel Eckhardt and Caitlin Ames building the farm tool shed at

Matsuda Farm, photo by Tom Dean.


Charles & Mary Lou Adams Tom Amorose & Vicki Adams Charmaine Adsero Shelly Whitlock & John Affolter Theresa Aguilera Roger Taylor & Lindsay Aickin Thomas Allen Damon & Rebecca Alli-Lanphear Gregory Allison Steven MacDonald & Rita Altamore Christopher Anderson Cyrus & Elizabeth Anderson Ralph Moore & Ruth Anderson Jill & Murray Andrews Joel Andrews Jean & Steve Andrus Ray & Edith Aspiri Erik & Erica Assink Adam & Anne Atwell Doug & Sharon Aukland Terry Donnelly & Mary Liz Austin Donna Klemka & Martin Baker Thomas Baker & Stephanie Halstead Susan Balbas Jerry & Kathie Balcom Amy Baldinger Chris Ballew & Kate Endle Debbie Banner & David Waterworth Chuck & Mary Jo Barrentine Paul Barry Margaret Wetherald & Len Barson Joshua Barwick Randall Bass Kevin & Gretchen Baumgardner Donna Baxter Herb & Karen Beck Matt O'Meara & Lisabeth Belden Craig & Lynette Beles Skye Belline Karen Barich & Eric Bellscheidt John & Deborah Bender Scott & Kimberly Benner Alice & Mike Bentley Sonja Bergström David & Chingfen Berleth Kajira Wyn Berry Laura Bienen Karen Biondo Merrill Black Tavi Black Paul Blackburn Stewart Blackburn Randee & Robert Blackstone Jerrel & Bea Bland Rick & Tiffany Blasingim Marie Blichfeldt Hans-Erik Blomgren Marcia Blomgren Stephanie Johnson Blomgren Judith & Jim Boardman Kyle & Julia Boelte Beth Bordner Matthew & Karen Boyle Marie Bradley Kiley Branson Grant & Robin Branstator Elaine Kay Braybrooks Brenda Cotter & Chris Burge Liz A Brenneman Tom & Nancy Brenner Christopher & Stephanie Bric Daniel & Mary Margaret Briggs Inger Brockman Jeff & Claire Bronson Colleen Brooks Aaron Brown Barry Brown Brian & Sheila Brown Morgan Brown Paul Brown Sally Fox & Steven Brown John & Vicki Browne Troy Kindred & Marie Browne Cris Bruch Kate Thompson & Mary Bruno Joseph Bryan Delmar Langbauer & Katharine Bunnell Mary Shackelford & James Burke Carrie Utic & William Burkinshaw Susie Kalhorn & Greg Burnham Emily Burns Judi Burwell Ronald Simons & Mary Lynn Buss Carol & George Butler Patrick & Ellen Call Harry Campbell & Sandy Gilliam Betsy Savides & Terri Campman John & Carolyn Candy Donald Canfield & Linda Mather Amy Carey David & Erika Carleton James H Carlisle, Jr. Lath & Liz Carlson Ricki Carlson Carly & Tyson Christophersen Billy Plauche & Amanda Carr Laura M Carrier Ward & Ann Marie Carson Jim & Jeri Jo Carstairs Jennifer Jane Cassel Carter Castle Karen Chachkes & Dennis Chien Scott Chaffin Carrie Chambers Mary Chambers Zachariah Jonasson & Maia Chance Daniel Chasan Ture Brusletten & Matthew Chasan Laura & Wes Cherry Leslie Chertok

Karen Chesledon Gary & Grace Christophersen Lynn Davison & Judy Clegg Bruce & Penelope Cleland Michael & Catherine Cochrane Geoff Cole Pat Collier Haley Collins Odegard W. Paul Colwell & Catalina Quinn Colwell Larry & Susan Commeree Ernie Congdon Calico Cook Bruce Keefauver & Linnea Cookson Marc & Beth Cordova Elizabeth Corliss Kevin & Linda Crayton Lisa & Matt Crosby Margie Morgan & Jim Cross Jon & Beatrice Crouch Ethan & Erin Cudaback & Bowman Todd & Sylvie Currie James & Molly Cuthbert Lisa & Bruce Cyra N. James & Edna Dam Wilson Abbott & Caroline Hunter Davis Mike & Tina Dawson Jason Dean Myrla Thomas Dean Lynn Debar Callie Deegan Gisele Delanoy & Kevin Strel Scott & Susan DeNies Hugh & Ginger Denning Barbara Ricker & William J. DePaso Andra DeVoght Dianna Gentry & Walter Ebell Sheila & Richard Doane Nicholas & Akiko Dobbins Ann Donahoe Katrina Dorn Diana Drayton Joe & Sharon Dreimiller Jim Diers & Sarah Driggs Karen LeVasseur & Gail Dubin Debby Duchan James & Anne Dulfer Jesse Dungan & Meghan Ahearn Stephen Floyd & Phil Dunn Barbara Duntley Deena Eber Roger Eckhardt & Dianne Hyer Sarah Eckhardt & James Kincaid Janyce Eckhardt Rebecca Eddins Nadine Edelstein & Christopher Ezell Michael Haroz & Betsy Edmunds Jonathan Ehret Regina Lyons & Theo Eicher Fran Brooks & Michael Elenko Bob & Carol Ellis Ian M. Ellison-Taylor Barbara & Richard Emmons Jean Emmons Scott Engelhard & Susan Thompson Kevin Joyce & Martha Enson Deborah & David Epstein Esther & Melinda Lucero Robert C. Faine Kathleen & Richard Farner Cathy deSmet & Jim Farrell Hilary Feier Geraldine & Mike Feinstein Leslie Ferriel Bill & Shirley Ferris Cynthia Grace Ferrucci Susan Boyle & Scott Fife Jean & Gilbert Findlay Georgianne Fiorini Dylan & Elizabeth Fitterer Susan Fitzhugh James & Lynda Fitzpatrick Reed Fitzpatrick Katrin Fletter Jon & Shannon Flora Steve Foley Norine Martinsen Merlin Rainwater & Greg Foster Karen Fox Al Francisco Mark Freda Nathan, Heather & Chloe Frederickson Beatrice Mann & Bill Freese Francesca Fuller Craig Kanagy & Gail Fulton Bruce Funkhouser Karen Gardner Diana Garrett & David Bartus Barbara Garrison Carol Schwennessen & Jerry Gehrke George & Christine Lee George & Sandy Eustice Harry Gerecke Jim Gerlich Julie Gerrard John & May Gerstle Coe Gibbs & Bob Anderson Robert Jones & Julie Gibson Barney Gill Carolyn Shilling Gill Jane Gill Jenny Sorensen & Chip Giller Sebastian Giller Elise Caitlin Giordano Maria Glanz Pamela & Earl Godt Kimberly Goforth Harley & Miriam Goldberg Martin & Carol Golding Joy Goldstein Charles Gordon Richard S. & Stephanie Gordon Sara Manetti & Jed Gordon Glenn Gray Susan Gray Suzanne Greenberg Patrick Cunningham & Dale Greenfeld Kristine Gregonis Janet Grennell Sooze & Benjamin Grossman David Gruenewald Raymond Gruenewald Julie & Matthew Grunwald Barbara Guerena Ann Guss Barbara & Rick Gustafson Kathryn Gustafson Madie Gustafson Alvin Habbestad

Nicholas Halden Patricia Haley Kelly Robinson & Anita Halstead Jennifer Hamilton Annie Hamlin Joan & Jon Hanna Nell Coffman & Ray Hanowell Marcia Hansen Thomas & Beth Hanson Richard & Mona Hardy Charles Backus & Stephanie Harlan David Harrington Jerry Hart Michelle & Scott Harvey Sunny Speidel & Brian Haughton Pam & Bruce Haulman John David Hawkins & Maureen Hawkins Robert & Betty Hawkins Matthew Hayashi Tory & Scotty Hayes Merna Ann Hecht Benno Bonkowski & Susan Hedrick Bruce Hegnauer Kristy Hegnauer Margaret Heldring Greg Heline Lucille Hellier-Clarke Alice Bloch & Sharon Helmick JoAnne Helsby Susan Hesselgrave John "Hooper" Havekotte & Patty Hieb Carrie Van Buren & Joel Hille Sharon & William Hines- Pinion Robert & Constance Hodapp Eadwinne & Kevin Hoffberg Charles & Linda Hoffman Dana & Lindsay Hofman Lin Holley Amy Beth & Toby Holmes Ed Holmes Gus Holmes Rayna & Jay Holtz Susan Hormann Eric & Nancy Hosticka Jim Garrison & Trish Howard Valerie Howe Barb Huff Barbara Huffman Amy Huggins David Husch Todd Vogel & Karen Hust Josephine Louise Hutton Frank & Debby Jackson Gordon Jackson Sam & Marty Jacobs Bruce Jacobsen Richard & Becky Janke Jill Janow Mary & John Jenkel Dwight & Pam Jewson Richard Hesik & Barbara Johns Dana Illo & Catherine Johnson Diane Inman & Verne Johnson Kevin Jones Marnie Jones-Koenig Wayne Holt & Phyllis Kaiden Evan Justin & Jan Kammer Donna Kaplan Anne H. Kappelman Michael & Nancy Kappelman Linnea J Karpenske Rhoda Karusaitis David & Elaine Kearney Wendy Kearns Susan Keatts Donna Kellum Amanda Kelly Mary Kelly Ellen Johnson & Leila Khatapoush Doug & Erin Kieper Ana Kimball Larry Douglas Kimball Penny Kimmel David Kimmett Kevin Kim-Murphy Cal Kinnear Michael S Johnson & Amy Kirkman Bruce & Karen Kirschner Kirstin Kirschner Mike Kleer Katherine Klein Bianca Perla & Rusty Knowler Bill & Kathy Knowler Margaret Hoeffel & Martin Koenig Andree R Kolling Jacques White & Elizabeth Koutsky Tim & Beth Kraabel Piro Kramar Zoe Rothchild & Wade Kramer Roberta Krimmel Steve Ice & Lana Krisman Ellen Kritzman Laura Neebling & David Kroll Julie Thielges & Greg Kruse Yvonne Kuperberg Ted & Susan Kutscher Abbe Lake Peter & Karol Lake Karen Lamplough Andrew Peet & Sam Lanier Dan & Erika Lanske Rachel Larson & Alice Burns Jeff & Gail Larson Daniel Laster & Mary Buerhaus Michael Laurie Sheryl & Thomas Lehman Ina Oppliger & Anne Leiter Elona Lenhart Brian & Lisa Lenihan Desiree Leonard Karen Leonardson Larry Leonardson Harris Levinson Ann & George Lewis Rachelle Meenach-Ligrano & Michael Ligrano James & Diana Lilje Kathleen Lillard William & Karen Lockwood Susan Lofland Carmelita Logerwell Dawn & Pat Loraas L Lotus John & June Loveall Paul Boyes & Stefanie Lucas Marjorie Lund Len Quiat & Rozarii Lynch Dana Lynge Jarlath & Roxanne Lyons Mary Macapia

Allison MacEwan Melvin & Margaret Mackey Niall King & Maria Madden Laurier Mailloux Susan Hautala & Mark Malamud Joy & Chai Mann Rebecca Goertzel & Anthony Mann Renee Marceau Cliff Marks Jan Dorn & Greg Martin Laurie Martin John Martinak Anna & Nick Martinsen Kristine Wittman-Marvich & Steve Marvich Vicki Mathews Jan McClure Marc Gavin & Gwenyth McConnell Edith Sehulster & Philip McCready Leslie McIntosh Corey & Viveka McIntyre Erinn McIntyre John Michael McMillan Ruth L McPeck Lori Means Tom Dean & Shelley Means Marta Medcalf & Anita Snyder Joe & Helen Meeker Michael Meyer Stephen Meyer Lynn Greiner & John Midgley Jeff & Colleen Miller Wayne & Janet Miller Doug & Jan Milligan Pete & Linda Milovsoroff Miyoko Matsuda & The Matsuda Family Philip Mobilia Arlette Henquet Moody John & Brenda Moore Sheila Moore Emily & Marc Mora Jeffrey & Esther Morrison Sarah Day & Tim Morrison Richard Rotruck & Mary Beth Moser Anne & Robert Moses Yuka & Tony Mullen Dayna & Gerry Muller Sharon Munger Mark Rutherford & Nancy Murphy Richard & Susan Murphy Michael W. Murray Mark Musick Kathryn & Craig Nagao Mark Nassutti Michael & Beth Nauman- Montana Dawn Nelson Karin C Nelson Mary Nerini & Karl Haflinger Jane Neubauer Roger & Emma Newby Kelli Nichols Wendy & Phil Nickolay Richelle Nishiyori Wendy Noble Diane & Vincent Nordfors Deanna & Craig Norsen Philip & Esther Norton Steven & Virginia Ohmert Joe & Jeanie Okimoto Kathryn & John Olsen Susan & Bill Olsen Carol Olson Don & Betty Olson Judith J Olson Kris Olson Cory Winn & David O'Neill Frances O'Reilly Joseph Orint Leif & Martha Ormseth Joseph Van Os Marjorie K Otto Cynthia Phillips & Michael Pankratz Christina Pappas Matthew Fontaine & Tamara Paris David W. Parker Jonathan Parrott Kati Patnode Betty Capehart & Richard Paulis Lynne Pendleton Matthew Penning Douglas Klopfenstein & Sandra Pennington Paul Peretti Irene Holroyd & Patrick Perkins Guido & Karen Perla Sarah Perlman & Monica Damore Henry & Carrie Perrin Jacquie Perry Charlie Peterson Daniel Klein & David Pfeiffer Katrina Pflaumer Kay Pieringer Woodrow Pollock III Gretchen Porter Julie Ann Predhomme Raleigh Roark & Beth Preslar Gary & Lyn Preston Eric Pryne & Carla Valentine Pryne Daphne A. Purpus Keith Putnam Bart & Margaret Queary Nancy Quenneville Teanna & John Quinn Greg Rabourn Sue & Art Rack Meredith A Radella Larry Raff Mark & Maria Raleigh Katie R Randall & Ben Greene Gary & Lynanne Raven Elizabeth Parrish & John Rees Mike & Jane Rees Allison Hallstead Reid Cece & Joe Reoux Cary Retlin Michael Bowe & Myrna Reyes Terry & Marcy Rice Vicky deMonterey Richoux & David Richoux Jenna Riggs John Riley & Michael Antee Pat Ritzhaupt William & Susan Rives Annie Roberts Nelson Robinson Tim & Holly Robinson Caroline B Rockey Ana & Neil Rockwell Charles & Nancy Roehm

David Rogers Karen Rogers Robbie Rohr Celeste & Juan Rosas Stephen & Nancy Rose Charley & Lanora Rosenberry Claudia & Al Ross-Weston Bradley Roter Eric & Margaret Rothchild Caitlin Rothermel Tom Northington & Mary Rothermel Kevin Mitcham & Susan Rousseau Mary Frances Lyons & James Roy Marty Brigham & Harriet Rubenstein Gaye Detzer & Steve Rubicz Uwanna Thomas & David Rubincam Merrilee & John Runyan John & Joanne Rupp Cindy Walker & Bryan Rutherford Robert Rutherford Sonja Sackman Sherrie Saint-Amant Kristy Salinas Melanie & Steve Salonen Marguerite & Edwin Sandico Julie Burman & Robert Sargent Judy Sarkisian Cathy Sarkowsky Lincoln Sarmanian Andrea Sato Laurel Saville Kirsten Lee & Joseph Sawicki Michael Sasnett & Roberta Saxon Fred Sayer Janet Schairer Douglas Huizenga & Rita Schenck Keith & Sarah Schieron Barbara Dennard & Steven Schlossman Jane & Dan Schmaus Alan Schmidt Kelly Schmidt Meg & Gary Schoch Schofield Family Paul A Schuster & Tracy Barrett Jacqueline Schwartz Kip Schwarzmiller Luke Lukoskie Jr & Lois Schwennesen Cynthia Scott Michael & Shelley Scuderi Robert Seely Kate Severson Claudia & Thomas Gross Shader Jon Carlson & Leslie Shattuck Daher Jorge & Tina Shattuck Richard Calvo & Julie Shell Peter Shepherd & Anne Hubbell Bill & Lynne Shepherd Sarah Sherman & Jay Greene Corinne Sherry R Brad Shinn Cynthia Perkins & Michael Shook Darren C Short Harriet Shull Philip Royal & Geri Siebert Cathy Bailey & Richard Siegrist Stephen Silha Tamara Singh Ted Watson & Ted Sive Beverly & John Skeffington Norman Skougstad Jane Slade Al & Carol Slaughter Jeanette Smith Sharon Metcalf & Randy Smith Kimberly Smoot Denis Snow Lyn Solander Curtis Miller & Shirley Solomon Joseph Souza Carol & Bob Spangler Joseph Henke & Julie Speidel Kathryn Sposato Gretchen Spranger Thomas Spring Eli & Risa Stahl Steve Abel & Marie Stanislaw Janie & Kirk Starr Katy Jo Steward Laurie & Jack Stewart Nance Myers & Jen Stock Wendy Blair & Robert Stolk Carla C Stone Bill Stoneham Mark Stoppel Zabette Macomber & Kelly Macomber Straight Mark Stranahan John & Carolyn Stratton Irene Malli & Guy Stricherz Mark Strother Charlotte & Don Stuart Deborah Stuart Gene & Nancy Studer Elizabeth & Terry Sullivan Susan & Peter Serko Carole Sussman Robert & Mary Jo Svendsen Nancy McKay & Dennis Swanson Linda & William Swartz Nick Kazan & Robin Swicord Sally Sykes-Wylie Amy Jean Scott & Deborah Taylor Gail Terzi Jon Thomas Robert & Jeanne Marie Thomas Eugene Carlson & Mimi Thompson Mark & Ann Thorn Charlotte M Tiencken Elaine & Arnie Tinter Kelly Cole & Jonathan Tinter Susan Tower Rebekah Townsend Michael Tracy Elizabeth Trader Leslie Trew John Koriath & Kathryn True Aaron Turner & Faith Coloccia Suzanne Rutkowski & Brian van Buren Chuck vanNorman Bonnie Veldwyk

Thea Vernoy Holly Shull Vogel Mary Ellen Walker Mary & Eric Walker Tom Craighead & Lorna Walker Janice Wall Royce Wall Karen Baer & Rick Wallace Sheila Eckman & Berneta Walraven Lynne & Joel Walters Alan Warneke Susan Warner Donna McDermott & Terry Warnock William E. Wayburn Tracy Maurice Wayman Larissa Webb Sybil Weber Bob Horsley & Kathleen Webster Joan Weeks Joshus & Anya Weil Kim von Henkle & Chuck Weinstock Janet & Robert Weir Adam & Erin Weisbart Stephen Shanaman & Terry Welch Melania & Bill Weller Barbara Wells Allison Werner Amanda Westbrooke & Laura Michalek Laura & Ron Weston Emma Amiad & Susan White Joy & L. Dennis White Judith White John & Anna Whittaker Kirsten Whittemore Sandra Wilcox Hazel Wilding Richard & Susan Wiley Tom & Bonnie Wilkins Faye Wilkinson Kathleen Farrell & Bryce Will Jerry & Debora Williams Linda & Drew Williams Bailey de Iongh & Jay Williamson Megan Minier & Kevin Wing Anthony & Gina Marie Winkler Virginia Wolfe Gail Cunningham & Sara Wood Martha & John Woodard Chris & Lisa Woodley Patricia Woodley Christine Woods & Michael Sperazza Donald Cole & Joan Wortis David & Suzanne Wray Judith Wright Erin Flory & Meredith Yasui Sharon Young Phil & Lois Yunker Carol Zabilski & Richard von Kleinsmid Ken Zaglin Jennifer Zeisig Ray Konrad & Ida Zodrow COMPANIES, FOUNDATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS

Amazon Smile Foundation Alaska Airlines Artisan Electric Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gift Program Boeing Company Gift Match Program Cambia Health Foundation Gibson Financial Services Inc. HENRYBUILT Island Escrow Service, Inc. John L Scott Vashon JP Morgan Chase Vashon LLS Fisheries McIntyre Construction Services, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gift Program Northwest Farm Credit Services Pacific Research Laboratories, Inc. Royal Little Family Foundation Rubens Family Foundation Sayre Law Offices State of Washington Employees Fund Drive Trip Advisor Charitable Foundation & Matching Gift Program Tulalip Tribes Charitable Contributions Vashon Island Ultramarathon & Trail Run Vashon Thriftway Wild Woods Foundation REALTOR 1% CONTRIBUTORS


In Memory of Jack Barbash Rayna & Jay Holtz Kathryn Sposato

In Memory of David W. Boyes

Paul Boyes & Stephanie Lucas

In Memory of Bruce

Sally Sykes-Wylie In Memory of Barbara Chasan

Ture Brusletten & Matthew Chasan

In Memory of Darin “Dag” Gray

Susan Gray In Memory of Thomas A. Grunwald

Susan Hesselgrave In Memory of Paul Guedet

Laurier Mailloux

In Memory of Paul Helsby JoAnne Helsby In Memory of Mike Kneeshaw Ray & Edith Aspiri Rayna & Jay Holtz Harris Levinson In Memory of Joel Kuperberg Luke Lukoskie Jr. & Lois Schwennesen In Memory of Sally Longworth

Sarah Sherman & Jay Greene

In Memory of Ka Luomala

Carol Olson In Memory of Inez Nichols

Jane & Dan Schmaus In Memory of Meiko Nishiyori Richelle Nishiyori In Memory of Connie Parker

David W. Parker In Memory of Steve Paschall

Stephen Silha In Memory of Stan Pieringer

Kay Pieringer In Memory of Katherine E. Queary

Paul Blackburn Stewart Blackburn Alice Bloch & Sharon Helmick Bart & Margaret Queary Terry & Marcy Rice

In Memory of Jane Rady

Judith White In Memory of Les Roberts

Annie Roberts In Memory of Rousseau

Jon Thomas & Jinna Risdahl

In Memory of Mark Schmidt

Alan Schmidt In Memory of Jaralene Spring

Sally Fox & Steven Brown In Memory of Jane Carlson Williams Eugene Carlson & Mimi Thompson In Memory of Marvin Wittman Kristine Wittman Marvich & Steve Marvich In Honor of Devin G. Branson

Kiley Branson In Honor of Abel Eckhardt

Don Cole & Joan Wortis In Honor of Deborah Epstein & David Seborer Richard & Kimberleigh Fund In Honor of Duncan Greene Darren C. Short In Honor of Jack & Mary Gustafson Madie Gustafson In Honor of Pam Haulman Bruce Haulman In Honor of Henry & Aesa Zachariah Jonasson & Maia Chance In Honor of Patti Hieb John “Hooper” Havekotte In Honor of Amy Beth & Toby Holmes Nicholas Halden Linnea J. Karpenske In Honor of Rayna & Jay Holtz Merlin Rainwater & Greg Foster In Honor of Kristyn & Porter Donna Baxter In Honor of Jane Neubauer Julie Ann Predhomme In Honor of Ashley Plauche

Rebecca Eddins In Honor of Gay Roselle Sherrie Saint-Amant In Honor of Shannon Shinn Brad Shinn In Honor of Robin Terzi Gail Terzi In Honor of Johnathan Tinter & Kelly Cole Elaine & Arnie Tinter In Honor of Chuck Weinstock Andrea Sato In Honor of the Wray Children David & Suzanne Wray In Honor of the Children of Vashon Theresa Aguilera In Honor of the Vashon Wilderness Program Lath & Liz Carlson


Hedy Anderson Wally Bell Tiffany Blasingim Rita Brogan Amy Broomhall Tom Conway Linda Crayton Callie Deegan Martha Enson Katie Langworthy Kris Olson Martha Ormseth


Mary Papa Karen Perla Charley Rosenberry Julie Shannon Jane Slade Snapdragon Gretchen Spranger Risa Stahl


Caitlin Ames Andrew Will Wines Shannon Johns Beck Cassie Bergman Sherry Bottoms Marie Bradley Jeff Bronson Greg Burnham Bruce Busch Erika Carleton Jamie Nicole Clapperton Jake Conroy Linda Crayton Tom DeVries Jim Diers Andy Dunnicliff Abel Eckhardt Michael Elenko Elixir Wines Karen Fevold Susie Fitzhugh Michael Fitzpatrick Anneli Foght Barret Fox Karen Fuller Chip Giller Duncan Greene Martin Halliwell Rob Harmon Emma Hathaway Amy Beth Holmes Jay Holtz Kelly Keenan King Conservation District Cal Kinnear Martin Koenig Lagunitas Shango Los Caitlin Marie Little Sylvia Matlock Peter Murray Melinda Q Myra New Belgium Brewing Jeanie Okimoto Julie Olstad Grunwald Bella Ormseth Precept Wines Renee Rutkowski Sayre Law Offices Scarpetta Wines Ann Spiers Martin Stallings Erik Steffens Dawn Stief Hardware Store Don Stuart Jon Thomas Van Redeker Band Vashon Audubon Society Rob Verchick David Waterworth Jenny Wegley Julian White Davis Chris Woods & Michael Sperazza VOLUNTEERS

Amy Huggins Anna Plummer & Stephen Holtz John "Hooper" Havecotte Doug and Jan Milligan Guido and Karen Perla Owen & Rosie Tom Amorose Anne Atwell Parker Bright Fran Brooks Francesca Buitenkant Gene Carlson Dan Chasen Ben Clarke Kieran Enzian James Evans Susie Fitzhugh Steve Fogard Sally Fox and Steven Brown Francesca Fuller Coe Gibbs & Bob Anderson Barney Gill Jeff Good Susan Good Glenn Gray John "Hooper" Havekotte David Husch Bruce Jacks Phyllis Kaiden Darren Kavanagh Donna Klemka Marcus Laxton Desiree Leonard Robert Luke Zabette Macomber Sandie Mctighe Jan Milligan Elizabeth Moen Melissa Moen Sharon Moran Frances O'Reilly Owen & Rosie Mary Papa Karen Perla Tera Rica Terry Rice John Riley Charley Rosenberry Katy Sassara Laurel Saville Madeleine Schroeder Edith Sehulster Beverly Skeffington Jenny Snowden Kirk Starr Nodie Sullivan Sue Travathan Leslie Trew


Tom Amorose, Vice President Joseph Bogaard, Treasurer Eugene Carlson Linda Crayton Chip Giller Amy Holmes Mary Frances Lyons, Past President Zabette Macomber Kris Olson Charley Rosenberry Zoe Rothchild Tom Spring Kirk Starr, President