manifesting your wealth building power


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Manifesting your wealth building power

Manifesting Your Wealth-building Power

While manifesting your wealth-building power, you must remember who you are. You are a magnificent human being who is moving totally into greater resonance with that which is radiantly beautiful, creative, expansive and powerful.

It is your natural state to manifest peace, joy, abundance and power. The Universe always acknowledges your power, even when you do not see yourself as powerful.

Page 2: Manifesting your wealth building power

Because the Universe responds to your every thought, word, action and belief, you must assume that your every thought, word, action and belief begins to take manifestation. When you have no awareness of your thoughts, you are unconsciously creating your reality. So in effect, you are giving your power to whatever thoughts you may have at any given point in time. You cannot be thinking of your lack of abundance and trying to manifest massive abundance at the same time. All thoughts are given equal power, so what do you end up with - struggle, self sabotage and frustration. See below for suggestions to manifest your wealth-building power.

Page 3: Manifesting your wealth building power

If you do not like what you see in any area of your life, what can you change to bring a different result? How are your thoughts contributing to this part of your life that you don't really want? What feelings are triggered from the pleasant or unpleasant reactions you may have to a situation you do not want? Are your deeper and more intense emotions coming into play and at the same time affecting your physical body and your mind? What you say and what you do may cause mis-alignments with your wealth-building power.

Page 4: Manifesting your wealth building power

While manifesting your wealth-building power, you must remember who you are. You are a magnificent human being who is moving totally into greater resonance with that which is radiantly beautiful, creative, expansive and powerful. 15 Minute Manifestation

It is your natural state to manifest peace, joy, abundance and power. The Universe always acknowledges your power, even when you do not see yourself as powerful. Look around you and check to see what your wealth-building power has manifested in your life experience today. Do you have the financial security you want, the relationships you desire, a terrific home life, a satisfying and rewarding work life