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Page 1: 7 Laws of Wealth Attraction - Amazon S3Laws+of+Wealth+Attraction.pdf7 LAWS OF WEALTH ATTRACTION 1. The Law of Momentum The Law of Attraction is an amazing tool for manifesting what
Page 2: 7 Laws of Wealth Attraction - Amazon S3Laws+of+Wealth+Attraction.pdf7 LAWS OF WEALTH ATTRACTION 1. The Law of Momentum The Law of Attraction is an amazing tool for manifesting what

7 Laws of Wealth Attraction

(The Road to Riches)

By Darren Regan

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1. The Law of Momentum ... 6

2. The Law of Manifestation ... 8

3. The Law of Purpose ... 10

4. Law of Abundance ... 12

5. Law of Forgiveness ... 15

6. The Law of Gratitude ... 17

7. Law of Compensation ... 18

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Most people don’t think that wealth is for them.

Not because they don’t want it…because they have been conditioned their entire lives to believe that wealth is unattainable.

You’ve probably been told by everyone around you things like…

• Play it safe.

• Climb the corporate ladder.

• Don’t take risks.

…and this is good advice—for people who don’t want to be rich.

It’s not your parent’s fault, your guidance counselor’s fault or your teacher’s fault…they were all looking out for you. They wanted you to be successful, but they wanted you to take the conventional road to success.

This is what they were taught was the safest and easiest way to gain wealth.

The thing about most people that give life advice, though, is that they don’t have the kind of life that you want to live.

Most people that tell you to stay in school, get a job at a corporation, work up the ladder, have kids and retire at sixty-five are on that path…and they’re miserable.

They are stuck making $50,000 a year, kissing up to a boss that they hate and hoping that they can stash away enough in their 401 (k) that when it comes time to retire, they don’t go broke.

You can live this life. You have enough people around you that can give you a step-by-step playbook of how to become middle-aged, stressed out and bored with life.

OR you can make a different choice. You can choose to be rich. You can choose to be happy. You can choose to have freedom. You can choose to never have to worry about money again, and to work from wherever makes you happy.

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Do you want to work from a beach in Miami? How about a cabin next to a ski lodge in the Alps? When you are rich, you have the option to do:

• What you want

• Where you want

• When you want

This seems like an obvious choice, right? So why isn’t everyone rich?

Well, two reasons. The first is fear.

People are afraid of success, afraid of failure, afraid of their own shadow…they are plagued by fears that get in their way.

The other problem is that most people don’t know HOW to be wealthy.

They don’t understand how to attract and maintain wealth, and because of this, they live a life of constantly climbing up a ladder to nowhere, hoping they can reach the pinnacle of maybe $500,000 a year at the age of sixty.

That sounds awful.

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So, what if you could fast-track your success, skip the corporate ladder and effortlessly attract wealth into your life?

You can! And I’m going to show you how…

These 7 Laws of Wealth Attraction are the secrets to success that the rich don’t want you to know. They keep it a secret because they don’t like competition.

I don’t mind the competition, though. I know how to harness wealth, and I know that there is plenty of wealth to go around. I also hate seeing people suffer through the same cycle of poverty, when they have so much potential to be GREAT.

YOU can be GREAT. Just by reading this, I know that you are serious about taking your life to the next level.

So, let’s jump into the 7 laws. Just make sure that you take this SERIOUSLY. Take notes. Read it. Re-read it. Then put these laws into practice.

You WILL succeed, if you follow these laws, starting with…

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1. The Law of Momentum

The Law of Attraction is an amazing tool for manifesting what you want from the universe, but it doesn’t work if you don’t take action. You need to take the first steps, and you need to tune your mind into the frequencies of the things that you want to attract.

While it may seem difficult at first to attract the things that you want in life utilizing the Law of Attraction, it becomes significantly easier if you use it in tandem with the Law of Momentum.

The Law of Momentum is the law that tells us that once we start, we can build momentum and accomplish greater and greater things.

Think of a snowball.

A static snowball can’t achieve or attract anything. Once that snowball is set in motion, though, it attracts more and more snow, and becomes larger and larger. At a certain point, it becomes unstoppable!

In the same way that a snowball becomes more powerful with momentum, so do you. The more you put into achieving your goals, the more momentum you’ll pick up until you are at a point where you are completely unstoppable!

In order to get the Law of Attraction to work with the Law of Momentum, you simply need to focus on attracting the lowest hanging fruit. Attract simple things that are easy to manifest.

Once you get a few small wins, you’ll start to pick up momentum. You’ll also let the universe know that you are serious, and that you want to attract wealth and happiness into your life.

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This is a very important law, because without it you won’t get anywhere. In order to achieve success, you need to take the first step. You can’t be afraid of starting.

If you don’t get the ball rolling, you are choosing failure. That’s right, failure is a choice. You can choose to give up before you even start, or you can choose to give it your all. Wealth and happiness only comes to those who truly want them.

You may hit some bumps, and you may have a few setbacks, but as long as you have momentum you’ll be able to continue pushing forward towards success.

With the Law of Momentum in place, you’ll start to see another law unveil itself…

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2. The Law of Manifestation

Keep in mind that the universe wants you to succeed.

I know this may be hard to wrap your head around, because up until this point, you’ve probably had a rough relationship with the universe.

When we don’t understand how the Law of Attraction works, we often use it to our disadvantage. We give negativity all of our energy, and this leads to the universe giving us more negativity.

I know that I used to be a very negative person. I used the word “can’t” a lot more than I used the word “can,” and I thought that the world was out to get me. I didn’t believe that I got a fair chance in life, and I didn’t think things would ever change.

It wasn’t until I was able to change my mindset to believe that success wasn’t only possible, but certain that I was able to succeed. I was able to recognize the trend of negativity in my life, and eventually I was able to break it.

To break this trend, though, you need to have a better understanding of how the Law of Manifestation works, so you can get it to work in your favor. You need to manifest the success in your life, and you need to manifest positivity so you can keep your momentum going.

The Law of Manifestation is the law that tells us that whatever we put our minds to, if we focus enough, we can manifest it.

This could be anything from your dream job, to a new car, to becoming a millionaire.

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In order to manifest what you want in life, you need a strong understanding of what those things are. Then, you can take steps towards manifesting those things in your life.

Don’t get me wrong, though. This is going to take action. Sitting around thinking about a new car isn’t going to magically put a new car in your driveway!

Instead, you need to get the Law of Attraction working in your favor. You need to put out the vibrations that allow the universe to know that you want a new car, and then you need to take the opportunities that the universe presents to you.

If you are able to do this, the Law of Manifestation will kick in, and you’ll be able to manifest whatever you want!

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3. The Law of Purpose

A huge reason that people aren’t happy and aren’t able to manifest wealth in their life is because they don’t understand their purpose. They wander through life waiting for direction, then they are miserable that they’re lost.

You can’t wait for direction—you need to forge your own path. In order to do this, though, you need to have a better understanding of what your purpose is.

The Law of Purpose says that if you find your purpose, you can manifest wealth, success and happiness.

It’s actually pretty difficult, if not impossible, to find true happiness without a sense of

purpose. All of the money in the world won’t do you any good if you don’t know why you are here, or what direction your life is supposed to go.

I’ve seen plenty of people that have a lot of money, but are hollow and miserable. This is because they have no sense of who they are, or what their reason for existence is.

I’m not saying that you need to discover the meaning of life, but you at least need

to figure out what your place in the world is, and how you can most effectively live up

to this purpose.

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When you know your purpose, the Law of Attraction becomes even stronger, because you are able to focus on what is in front of you. You can hone your energy on one thing, and then use that energy to manifest what you were intended to do.

I had to spend some time soul searching to discover my purpose in life. There was some trial and error, but eventually I got a firmer grasp on what I believed I had to offer the world.

I then visualized my future with this sense of purpose. I knew that I wanted to help people to achieve their dreams, but I had to discover how. That’s when I realized that by teaching people to build wealth I would help others, and I would fulfill my sense of purpose.

I guarantee that if you find your purpose, it will bring you the wealth and happiness that you are looking for, and so much more.

<To fast track the discovery of your sense of purpose, make sure you read The Manifestation Millionaire>

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4. Law of Abundance

Most people spend their entire lives with a scarcity mentality.

They believe that there is only so much of everything to go around…

• So much money

• So much wealth

• So much happiness

• So much love

• So much success

• So many jobs

• So many opportunities

You may have a scarcity mentality as well. You may believe that you can’t be wealthy, successful and happy because there is somehow a limit to these things, and that you—for whatever reason—don’t deserve them.

The Law of Abundance states that there is unlimited abundance, if you have the right mentality.

There are always opportunities all around you, but you need to learn to tune into those opportunities. This begins with believing that the opportunities exist.

Once you believe in abundance, you can start looking for ways to manifest your dreams, and the Law of Attraction will help to get you there.

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Remember, the Law of Attraction attracts what you believe. If you believe in a scarcity mentality, guess what you will attract?

If you believe in abundance, you’ll see opportunities everywhere, when you used to see none.

I want to tell you a quick story about a friend of mine. For anonymity, we’ll call him Bob.

Bob grew up in a lower-middle income house, with two working parents that struggled to support his brother and him. Because of this, he grew up believing that there were limited resources.

He believed that there was only so much money, because his parents could never afford the same toys that a lot of his friends had, and because the family rarely got to go on vacation or out to dinner.

He believed that there was only so much food, because his family kept a modest budget and often had to cook what was affordable, instead of whatever they wanted to eat.

He believed that there were only so many opportunities, because his dad would come home from work and complain about how he never seemed to get a promotion, and that all of the good jobs were taken.

By the time he was an adult, he believed that opportunity was a myth. He believed that

the world was made up of scarcity, and only the super lucky or those born

rich could ever be wealthy and successful.

I sat Bob down one day and I talked to him about where he was in life. He had a house he could barely pay the mortgage

on, a car that he was behind on in payments and a sour attitude

about money, opportunity and life overall.

That’s when I began to explain to him the difference between abundance and scarcity.

He was living his life with a scarcity mentality, so the universe was giving him only what he believed he could get—which wasn’t a lot.

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I told him that he needed to believe in abundance. He needed to believe that there was opportunity, there was wealth and there was an abundance of resources available, if he allowed himself to be open to them.

I’m not going to say Bob did better overnight. He still had some more negativity to burn through before he could finally relent and try something new.

Once he started to give abundance a chance, though, something changed. All of the sudden, he got a raise at work. It wasn’t a huge raise, but it was enough to start the momentum. He then spent that money going out and trying new things, like going to seminars and networking.

One day he met his business partner, and they started an online business that taught others about the power of believing in abundance.

Bob now is wealthy beyond his wildest dreams!

So, what did it take?

It took him believing in the Law of Abundance in order to use momentum to find his purpose, and then manifest the life he was meant to live.

See how all of this works together?

So, now that you understand what it takes to build yourself up, I now want to take a moment to discuss how you can grow not only financially, but as a person.

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5. Law of Forgiveness

Most people go through their lives carrying a lot of baggage.

They carry resentments for things that happened years ago, they hold grudges against people they know longer know and—maybe most importantly—they can’t forgive themselves for what they’ve done in the past.

In order to open yourself up completely to the gifts that the universe has to give you, you need to cleanse yourself of all of this negativity, and you need to move beyond your resentments and anger.

In order to do this, you need to practice the Law of Forgiveness.

The Law of Forgiveness states that in order to make forward progress, we need to let go of the past, and the negativity we derive from it.

Think about relationships that you may have been through, or that people you know are involved in. If they are still holding on to their feelings for their last significant other, it ruins any potential relationships that they have in the future.

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In order to be successful in their relationships, they need to let go of past relationships.

The same goes for your past, and all of the weight that you are carrying on your shoulders. In order to move forward, you need to drop all of that heavy nonsense, and allow yourself to be free.

Trust me, you’ll feel lighter, and you’ll feel so much more positive!

In order to do this, you are going to need to forgive the people in your life that have hurt or scorned you.

It’s the past, and you can’t change it.

You can learn from it, and you can avoid these people moving forward, but dwelling on it won’t do anything for you.

You also need to forgive yourself.

You’ve made mistakes—and that’s okay. We all make mistakes. You can’t keep flogging yourself for them, though. It doesn’t help anybody.

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6. The Law of Gratitude

Once you start learning to forgive, you need to start working on being happy with the gifts that the universe has given you. You can’t ask for more until you are able to enjoy and be grateful for what you have now.

The Law of Gratitude tells us that in order for us to be happy, we need to be grateful for everything that the universe has provided for us right now.

Again, this isn’t what we are expecting the universe to provide us in the future…I’m talking about today.

I don’t care how much more you believe you deserve, or how little you think you have…you have a LOT more than most people.

Actually, you have more than most people have for thousands and thousands of years. You are in the richest age in human history, with access to medicine, soap, clothing and even the internet. How else are you reading this?

These are all things that you can, and should, be grateful for.

Before you ask for more, learn to enjoy what you have. Then, as you progress, the universe will continue to reward you.

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7. Law of Compensation

What you get out of this universe is directly correlated to what you put in.

That is what the Law of Compensation tells us.

Now, a lot of people get this confused, because they don’t understand when they are supposed to receive their compensation. They think it’s an even trade; that they do something positive and they immediately get something positive back.

That’s not the way the universe works!

You may be putting in the work for years before anything shifts.

Still, if you continue to do the right thing, and you make positive changes, you will see positive changes begin to appear in your life. They may be subtle at first, but they add up over time.

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Call it karma, call it energy, call it whatever you want—you only get as much as you put in.

Be generous, be willing to help others and be kind. If you are, the universe will always provide for you.

Manifest Your Millions

I’ve given you the 7 Laws of Wealth Attraction that are going to take you to the next level. If you put these laws into practice, I guarantee you are going to see amazing results!

You need to practice them fully, though, and you need to have a deep understand of how wealth works—as well as how the universe works—in order to rake in the money, power and positivity that you’ve been looking for.

I want to help you to get the rest of the way there. How?

By introducing you to something that has been YEARS in the making…

The Manifestation Millionaire

This game-changing product has all you will ever need to know to take your life to the next level, and to attract the millions of dollars that you deserve.

These 7 Laws of Wealth Attraction are going to help you—don’t get me wrong—but there is a whole lot more to learn if you want to be rich and successful beyond your wildest dreams.

I am living the life that I’ve always wanted, and everything that I’ve learned that will help to get you there is in THIS AMAZING PRODUCT…

The Manifestation Millionaire

The value that I’ve crammed into this product is incredible, and it is a total game changer!

I ran it by some of my wealthy friends, and they think I’m crazy. They think I shouldn’t be telling you all of this. They think that I am going to create too much competition, and shoot myself in the foot.

Well, what does the Law of Abundance tell us?

That’s right—there’s plenty to go around!

Take it to the next level and give this a read…

I promise that you not only won’t regret it, but it will change the way that your brain works forever.

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Check out The Manifestation Millionaire HERE:

I’ll see you at the top!