manag strateg

Equity portfolio management strategies Equity portfolio management strategies

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Equity portfolio management strategiesEquity portfolio management strategies

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Portfolio management stylePortfolio management style


Buy and hold strategy, often known as indexing


Continuos rebalancing

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Passive managementPassive management

ObjectiveObjectiveMatch the return of a benchmark

ApproachApproachReplicate the benchmark


Full replicationIssues: Transaction costs

SamplingIssues: Tracking error

Quadratic optimizationIssues: Programming

Completeness fundsIssues: Special benchmark to complement active portfolio management

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Active managementActive management

ObjectiveObjectiveOutperform a passive benchmark portfolio on a risk adjusted basison a risk adjusted basis

Portfolio return > Benchmark return + transaction costs


Measuring returns on a risk adjusted basis

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Themes in active portfolio managementThemes in active portfolio management

Sector rotation

Value vs. growth

Earnings & price momentum

Factors modelsIdentify stocks that are sensitive to _________factors

Long-short approachScreen & rank; buy the top, sell the bottom

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Style analysisStyle analysis

Compare manager’s return to that of different styles of indices

• Grid style• Regression analysis

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Style analysis: Grid styleStyle analysis: Grid style

ValueValue GrowthGrowth

Small Small capcap

Large Large capcap

Wilshire 5000Wilshire 5000

S&P 5000S&P 5000

Russel midcapRussel midcap


Russel 2000Russel 2000

Russel 1000Russel 1000

Joe B.Joe B.


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Style analysis: Regression analysisStyle analysis: Regression analysis

R = b1F1 + b2F2 + ….+ bjFj + …. + e


R = return on the portfolio under analysis

bj = sensitivity of portfolio to style factor j

Fj = return on a factor j style portfolio

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Style analysis: Regression interpretationStyle analysis: Regression interpretation

Look for (bj)s that are large and significant

They reveal which factor style portfolios are similar to the portfolio under analysis

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Asset allocation strategiesAsset allocation strategies

Integrated asset allocation

Strategic asset allocation

Tactical asset allocation

Insured asset allocation

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Integrated asset allocationIntegrated asset allocation

Evaluate and integrate:

• Capital market conditions• Investor’s objectives & constraints

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Integrated asset allocationIntegrated asset allocation

Capital market conditionsCapital market conditions

Investor’s assets, liabilities, and net worth

Investor’s assets, liabilities, and net worth


Expected returns, risk, Expected returns, risk, correlationscorrelations

Expected returns, risk, Expected returns, risk, correlationscorrelations

Investor’s risk tolerance Investor’s risk tolerance functionfunction

Investor’s risk tolerance Investor’s risk tolerance functionfunction

Return evaluation & feedbackReturn evaluation & feedbackReturn evaluation & feedbackReturn evaluation & feedback


Investor’s objectivesInvestor’s objectivesInvestor’s objectivesInvestor’s objectives

Optimized portfolio: asset allocation & security selectionOptimized portfolio: asset allocation & security selectionOptimized portfolio: asset allocation & security selectionOptimized portfolio: asset allocation & security selection

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Strategic asset allocationStrategic asset allocation

Classical optimization: It results in a constant asset allocation mix

Similar to integrated asset allocation, without a feedback loop

Exemplification: • Pension plans

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Tactical asset allocationTactical asset allocation


Mean reversion

Aka. timing the market

It’s a contrarian strategy:

“Buy low, sell high”

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Insured asset allocationInsured asset allocation


Returns & risks constant over time, but investors change

• Switch between equity & cash to accommodate investor’s risk tolerance

• Similar to integrated asset allocation without feedback on the capital market side

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Evaluation of portfolio performanceEvaluation of portfolio performance

Requirements of a good portfolio manager:

• Derive no less than averageno less than average returns for a given risk-class (timing & security selection skills)

• Diversify away all non-systematic riskall non-systematic risk

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Approaches to measuring performanceApproaches to measuring performance

• Peer-group comparisons• Treynor’s composite measure• Shapre’s measure• Jensen’s measure• Fama’s approach• Attribution analysis• Market timing skills measurement

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Peer-group comparisonsPeer-group comparisons

Ranking can be random

Most data tracks funds, not individual portfolio managers

See also textbook

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Treynor’s composite measureTreynor’s composite measure

Comparison of risk premium per unit of relative risk


Ti = (Ri - Rf)/bi


Tm = (Rm - Rf)bm


• Looks at performance only

• Uses realized returns

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Sharpe’s measureSharpe’s measure

Comparison of risk premium per unit of absolute risk


Si = (Ri - Rf)/si


Sm = (Rm - Rf)sm


• Looks at performance and diversification

• Uses realized returns

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Jensen’s measureJensen’s measure

Measures excess return (above and beyond that required by the market)

(Ri - Rf) = a + (Rm - Rf)bi + e

If a > 0

Portfolio earned more than the required rate

If a < 0

Portfolio earned less than the required rate


• Uses realized returns

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Fama’s approachFama’s approach

Excess return = Portfolio risk + Selectivity

See also textbook

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Attribution analysisAttribution analysis

Attribute performance to:

• Selection

• Tactical asset allocation (market timing)

Allocation effect:

[(wp - wb)stocks(Rbstocks - Rb)] + [(wp - wb) bonds(Rbbonds - Rb)] + …

Selection effect:

[wp(Rp - Rb)]stocks + [wp(Rp - Rb)]bonds + …

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Attribution analysis: ExemplificationAttribution analysis: Exemplification

Asset class Portfolio weights Benchmark weights DifferenceStock 0.5 0.6 -0.1Bonds 0.38 0.3 0.08Cash 0.12 0.1 0.02

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Attribution analysis: ExemplificationAttribution analysis: Exemplification

Asset class Portfolio weights Benchmark weights DifferenceStock 0.5 0.6 -0.1Bonds 0.38 0.3 0.08Cash 0.12 0.1 0.02

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Attribution analysis: ExemplificationAttribution analysis: Exemplification

Asset class Portfolio weights Benchmark weights DifferenceStock 0.5 0.6 -0.1Bonds 0.38 0.3 0.08Cash 0.12 0.1 0.02

Asset class Portfolio return Benchmark return DifferenceStock 9.7% 8.6% 1.1%Bonds 9.1% 9.2% -0.1%Cash 5.6% 5.4% 0.2%

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Attribution analysis: ExemplificationAttribution analysis: Exemplification

Asset class Portfolio weights Benchmark weights DifferenceStock 0.5 0.6 -0.1Bonds 0.38 0.3 0.08Cash 0.12 0.1 0.02

Asset class Portfolio return Benchmark return DifferenceStock 9.7% 8.6% 1.1%Bonds 9.1% 9.2% -0.1%Cash 5.6% 5.4% 0.2%

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Attribution analysis: ExemplificationAttribution analysis: Exemplification

Asset class Portfolio weights Benchmark weights DifferenceStock 0.5 0.6 -0.1Bonds 0.38 0.3 0.08Cash 0.12 0.1 0.02

Asset class Portfolio return Benchmark return DifferenceStock 9.7% 8.6% 1.1%Bonds 9.1% 9.2% -0.1%Cash 5.6% 5.4% 0.2%

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Attribution analysis: ExemplificationAttribution analysis: Exemplification

Portfolio return = (0.5)(9.7%) + (0.38)(9.1%) + (0.12)(5.65) = 8.98%

Benchmark return = (0.6)(8.6%) + (0.3)(9.2%) + (0.1)(5.4) = 8.46%

Allocation effect

(-0.1)(8.6% -8.46%) + (0.08)(9.2%-8.46%) + (0.2)(5.4% - 8.465) = -0.02%

Selection effect

(0.5)(9.7% - 8.6%) + (0.38)(9.1% - 9.2%) + (0.12)(5.6% - 5.4%) = 0.54%

Allocation effect + Selection effect = -0.02% + 0.54% = 8.98% - 8.46%Allocation effect + Selection effect = -0.02% + 0.54% = 8.98% - 8.46%

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Attribution analysis: InterpretationAttribution analysis: Interpretation

Manager underperformed benchmark by 0.02% due to deviations from benchmark’s weight

Manager outperformed the benchmark by 0.54%, due to its superior selection skills

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Measuring timing skillsMeasuring timing skills

Measure the effectiveness of switching between asset classesHaving perfect timing skills (hindsight 20/20) is equivalent to owning a lookback optionlookback option:

At expiration, it pays the return of the best-performing asset class.

Ri = Rf + max[(Rb- Rf), (Rst- Rf)]

Regression measure:

(Ri - Rf) = a + (Rb- Rf)bib + (Rst - Rf)bist + y max[(Rb- Rf), (Rst- Rf)] + e

a = excess return

y = proportion of the lookback option captured by manager

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Factors that affect performance measuresFactors that affect performance measures

Knowing what is the true return generating processAll the above measures are based on CAPM

Finding the real market portfolioChanging the proxy for the market portfolio completely changes the ranking

Accounting for manager’s style

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A question of benchmarkA question of benchmark

Portfolio managers have different objectives and styles.

Wee need customized benchmarks.

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The making of a good benchmarkThe making of a good benchmark

• Unambiguous• Investable• Measurable• Appropriate: Consistent with manager’s style• Reflective of manager’s current investment opinions• Specified in advance