mahmood qasim slides on personality for organizational behavior students


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Page 2: Mahmood Qasim slides on Personality for Organizational Behavior students

The relatively stable set of psychological characteristics that influences the way an

individual interacts with his or her environment.

What is Personality?

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Nature and nurture both contribute to one’s personality.

The genes affect the brain functions that in turn affect how

people interacts with their environment and thus their


Role of Heredity & the Brain

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The degree to which a person has a positive self-evaluation.

Self is a product of many interacting parts may be thought as the

personality viewed from within. Thus self-esteem can be said to be

an attempt to understand ones self.


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People are not static, acting the same in all situations, but instead

are ever changing and flexible.

Person-situation Interaction

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Personality development consists of continuous process and the sequence is based largely on the learning opportunities available

and the socialization process. There is increasing recognition given to the role of

other relevant persons, groups, and especially, organizations that greatly influence on

individual's personality.

The Socialization Process

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1. Change of attitude.2. Continuity of socialization over time.3. Adjustment to new jobs, work groups,

and organizational practices4. Mutual influence between new recruits

and their managers5. Criticality of the early socialization


Characteristics of Organizational Socialization

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1. Provide a challenging first job.2. Provide relevant training.3. Provide timely and consistent feedback.4. Select a good first supervisor to be in charge of socialization. 5. Design a relaxed orientation program.6. Place new recruits in work group with high morale.

Steps to successful organizational socialization

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Dependable, Responsible, Hardworking, vs.

Unreliable, Irresponsible, Careless,Stable, Confident, Calm

vs.Unstable, Depressed, Anxious

Tolerant, Cooperative, Courteousvs.

Fanatical, Stubborn, Rude Sociable, Talkative, Outgoing

vs.Shy, Reserved, Withdrawn, Curious, Original, Creative

vs.Dull, Uninspired, Unimaginative


Emotional Stability



Open to Experience

Big Five Personality Traits

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Carl Jung’s Theory

People were typed as



Mental Process







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Myers – Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Where do you get your energy? How do you evaluate and make decisions?

Extraversion (E) Introversion (I)Outgoing QuietInteracting ConcentratingSpeaks then thinks

Thinks, then speaks

Gregarious Reflective

Thinking (T) Feeling (F)Analytical SubjectiveHead HeartRules Circumstance

Justice Mercy

Sensing (S) Intuiting (N)Practical GeneralDetails PossibilitiesConcrete TheoreticalSpecific Abstract

Judging (J) Perceiving (P)Structured FlexibleTime oriented Open endedDecisive ExploringOrganized Spontaneous

What do you pay attention on, to collect information?

How do you orient yourself to the outside world?

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A fairly stable emotional tendency to

respond consistently to some specific

object, situation, person, or category of people.


The Nature and Dimensions of Attitude

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Attitudes can be thought of as making up the


Personality is thought of as the whole person.Personality

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Components of Attitudes




If your friend is honest,Belief

Honesty is good,Values

Then your friend is goodAttitude


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Attitude Behavior

SAIMS’ faculty is very cooperative,Belief

Cooperative faculty is an advantage,Values

I love to be a student of SAIMS,Attitude

I am always proud to a SAIMIAN.Behavior

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Functions of AttitudesAttitudes help people adjust to their work

environment. Their attitude reflects the environment they are faced with.

The Adjustment

Employees defend their self-images. They develop positive perception about

themselves whereas others may take them as wrong.

The Ego-Defensive

Attitudes provide people with basis for expressing their values. Senior managers may force certain work ethics which they


The Value-Expressive

Attitudes provide people with knowledge that help them explain the world around


The Knowledge

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Changing Attitudes

We frequently try to change other people’s attitudes. We attempt to get others to develop favorable attitudes towards

us. The organizations are also involved in the modification and management of attitudes. Some examples of cases in which

management might desire attitude change are as follows:

•Attitudes towards workforce diversity;•Attitudes towards ethical business practices;•Attitudes towards anticipated changes, such as the introduction of new technology or total quality management;•Attitudes towards safety practices and the use of safety equipment.

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Changing Behavior to Change Attitudes

Cognition are simply thoughts or knowledge that people have about their own beliefs, values, attitudes, and behavior. Cognitive dissonance refers to a feeling of tension experienced when certain cognitions are contradictory or inconsistent with each other.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

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Providing New Information

Use of Fear

Resolving Discrepancies

Influence of Friends or Peers

The Co-opting Approach

The positive affectivity (PA) and negative affectivity (NA) plays a

vital role in work-related attitudes such as job satisfaction and

motivation.Besides PA / NA, job satisfaction and organizational commitment has been important study in the field of organizational behavior.

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A collection of attitudes that workers have about their jobs.

What determines Job Satisfaction?


Distributive FairnessEquity TheoryProcedural Fairness

•DispositionMentally Challenging WorkHigh PayPromotionPeople

Job Satisfaction

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Key Contributors to Job Satisfaction



Perceived job

Outcomes Received


Job Outcomes




Job Satisfaction

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Other Effects and Ways to Enhance Satisfaction

•Make job more fun.•Have fair pay, benefits, and promotion opportunities.• match people with jobs that fit their interests and skills.•Design jobs to make them exciting and satisfying

The Consequence of Job Dissatisfaction

•Mental Health and Off-the-Job Satisfaction•Absence from work•Turnover•Performance•Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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Job satisfaction and commitment are treated as different attitudes. As an attitude, organizational commitment is most often defined as :

i. a strong desire to remain a member of a particular organization;

ii. a willingness to exert high levels of effort on behalf of the organization;

iii. a definite belief in , and acceptance of , the values and goals of the organization.

Organizational Commitment

This is an attitude reflecting employees’ loyalty to their organization and is an ongoing process through which organizational participants express their concern for the organization and its continued success and well-being.

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Three-component Model proposed by Meyers and Allen

1. Affective commitment involves the employee’s emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the organization.

2. Continuance commitment involves commitment based on the costs that the employee associates with leaving the organization. This may be because of the loss of sonority for promotion or benefits.

3. Normative commitment involves employees’ feelings of obligation to stay with the organization because they should; it is the right thing to do.

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The Outcomes of Organizational Commitment

1. There is a positive relationship between organizational commitment and desirable outcomes such as high performance, low turnover, and low absenteeism.

2. It also relates to other desirable outcomes, such as the perception of a warm, supportive organizational climate and being a good team member willing to help.

Some studies shows absence of a strong relationship between performance and other shows moderate relationship.

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Guidelines to Enhance Organizational Commitment

1. Commit to people-first values2. Clarify and communicate your mission3. Guarantee organizational justice4. Create a sense of community5. Support employee development

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Discussion Question

1. Critically analyze the statement that “the various psychological processes can be thought of as pieces of a jigsaw and personality as the completed puzzle picture.”

2. What are the “Big Five” personality traits? Which one seems to have the biggest impact on performance? How would knowledge of the Big Five help you in your job as a manager?

3. What are the four major dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that yield the 16 types? How can the MBTI be used effectively?

4. In your own words, what is an attitude? What are three characteristics and three components of attitudes?

5. What are some of the conditions under which a person’s attitudes might not predict his or her work behavior?

6. What types of barriers prevent people from changing their attitudes? How can attitude be changed?

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Discussion Question

7. What is meant by the term job satisfaction ? What are some of the major factors that influence job satisfaction?

8. What are some of the important outcomes of job satisfaction?9. Many organizations use diversity training to promote favorable

attitudes among employees who differ in gender, age, race or ethnicity. Given our discussion of attitude change, what factors would improve the success if such efforts at persuasion? Could behavior change foster attitude change?

10. Discuss the pros and cons of the argument, “Organizations should do everything they can to enhance the job satisfaction of their employees.

11. Explain why workers who are very satisfied with their jobs might not be better performers than those who are less satisfied.

12. What is organizational commitment? What three components have emerged to help better explain the complexities of commitment? Why may an understanding of organizational commitment be especially important in the years ahead?