magento extensions: advanced permissions user manual by aitoc

Developed by AITOC, Inc. user manual Advanced Permissions More flexibility in managing permissions within catalogs and store views. List of features: Advanced Permissions Extension enables admin to assign permissions to users for editing products wit hin specific catalogs and/or store views. This extension will be particularly useful for stores with big catalogs, for multiple store views and for businesses that allow merchants to manage their own products. With this extension you will be able to give your staff clearly defined responsibilities and will gain better control over your information. The full list of extension features can be found on extension page at - advanced_permissions.html hand made

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Advanced Permissions for Magento extension enables the Super Admin to assign permissions to admin panel users for editing products, managing product categories, managing orders, customers design, newsletter, reports, promotions and configurations within specific catalogs, Magento store views and websites.


  • 1. Developed by AITOC, Inc. user manual Advanced Permissions More flexibility in managing permissions within catalogs and store views. List of features: Advanced Permissions Extension enables admin to assign permissions to users for editing products wit hin specific catalogs and/or store views. This extension will be particularly useful for stores with big catalogs, for multiple store views and for businesses that allow merchants to manage their own products. With this extension you will be able to give your staff clearly defined responsibilities and will gain better control over your information. The full list of extension features can be found on extension page at - advanced_permissions.html hand made

2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. How to activate the module .....3 2. How to find the module in the admin area ...4 3. Permissions to default modules ....5 4. Advanced Permissions .....6 5. Product Edit Permissions ........8 6. Product Create Permissions .....10 7. Product Owner...11 8. Assign the role to a user .......12 9. Staff view.....13 10. Staff view Edit Products .......14 11. Settings..15 12. Product Approve.16 Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 2 / 16 3. 1. How to activate the module Go to System > Manage AITOC Modules, check Advanced Permissions and click Save module settings button. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 3 / 16 4. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 4 / 16 11. Settings A user can either see all products or products in available categories only. This setting overrides the Allow manage own products only setting (in edit Role -> Advanced Permissions). The module gives an ability for a store owner either to allow or deny deleting products, product images and categories per Store-view or per whole Website for users with restricted permissions (sub-admin/staff users). Store owner can set if restricted (sub- admin/staff) user is able to view all customers or only those who are registered within available website. The setting lets Admin to decide whether s sub- admin/staff users need to view products, that dont have any category assigned or not. This settings page can be found in System > Configuration > Advanced - Admin. This allows to display product owner (sub admin) for each product in Catalog > Manage products grid. 5. 2. How to find the module in the admin area To set permissions on your catalog, you need to create a new or edit an existing role. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 5 / 16 6. 3. Permissions to default modules Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 6 / 16 If you would like to provide access to product management, please make sure that Manage Products action is available for the role.Once you set all the necessary permissions on the Role Resources page, switch to the Advanced Permissions" tab. If you would like to provide access to CMS and Reports sections, please make sure that the appropriate actions are available for the role. 7. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 7 / 16 If you would like to limit access by store views, please choose Limit Access to Store Views/Categories option, then select one or several store views and corresponding product categories available for the role. 4. Advanced permissions This setting will let you restrict sub- admin/staff user to manage and view products, created by the sub- admin/staff user only (or set as product owner). IMPORTANT! Global settings (section 7) can override the setting. To have Product Edit Permissions and Product Create Permissions available you need to enable Advanced Permissions on Advanced Permissions tab. This setting will let you restrict sub- admin/staff user to manage orders with own products (created by the sub- admin/staff user only or set as product owner). Checking this setting will let your restricted sub-admin/staff user edit global attributes for available products in the checked Stores/Categories. 8. If you would like to limit access by websites for sections, chosen at Role Resources, please choose Limit Access to Websites option, then select one or several websites. 4. Advanced permissions Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 8 / 16 9. If you would like to limit access to Magento default Product Edit tabs you can do it here. Unchecked tabs are available for sub admin user. 5. Product Edit Permissions Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 9 / 16 To have Product Edit Permissions and Product Create Permissions available you need to enable Advanced Permissions on Advanced Permissions tab. 10. Here you can limit access for a role to attributes edit. Allow role can edit the attribute Deny role can not edit the attribute. Inherited from Scope default setting for a role. Attribute is edited according to the scope set in next column. Tabs the tabs in product edit where this attribute is displayed. 5. Product Edit Permissions Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 10 / 16 11. Here Super Admin can set if the role is allowed to create products. If set yes Super Admin can set the product types Role user can create 6. Product Create Permissions Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 11 / 16 12. If you switched on the Allow manage own products only settings, then each sub-admin/staff user will be able to see and manage only products, that he/she created. But this new setting Product owner in each product will let you change the product owner, by choosing sub-admin/staff user account name. 7. Product Owner Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 12 / 16 13. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 13 / 16 8. Assign the role to a user Now you can assign the role to a user at System > Permissions > Users > Edit User page 14. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 14 / 16 Only one store view (or website) is available to the user with restricted permissions (sub- admin/staff user). 9. Staff View The system shows products from allowed categories only. 15. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 15 / 16 10. Staff view Edit products The system shows available categories only By default the module hides the Delete button for a user with restricted permissions. To remove the product from store front end they need to set Visibility attribute to Nowhere 16. Advanced Permissions Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 16 / 16 12. Products Approve Switch the setting on, if you need all new products, created by sub-admin/staff user to be approved by super-admin In System->Configuration->Advanced->Admin there are two subsections: Products Approve and New Categories Approve. They are used for switching on/off Products and Categories approval functionality. If the setting is on (Yes), then all new products and/or categories, created by sub-admin/staff users will automatically get awaiting approve status. Only super-admin will be able to enable such products and/or categories. Once such new product and/or category is enabled by super-admin, no further approval for edits is necessary. Super-admin will be able to filter Awaiting approve products in the product grid. Switch the setting on, if you need all new categories, created by sub-admin/staff user to be approved by super-admin You can enter a custom e-mail, where super- admin will receive notifications about new products awaiting approval. As specified in the note below the field, if left empty, the notifications will be sent to the default admin sales e-mail. The same functionality is available for categories approve. 17. Thank you for your interest in AITOCs extension for Magento. To buy this extension and browse through other useful modules, please visit our website May you have any questions, please contact [email protected] hand made