luttrell henrietta 2004 hawaii

mailed in Joplin 3/8/2004 P0 Box 2847 Waianae HI 96792-2847 e-mail; <[email protected]> EDITORIAL OFFICE MISSION SERVICES P 0 BOX 13111 KNOXVILLE IN 37920-0111 2004 1st Quarter HCM NEWSLETTER Greetings from Hawaii: I knov,' some of you are still experiencing cold, disagreeable weatlier. It will soon be spring and you will be more appreciative of the sunshine and warm showers. I am so grateful for our year-round warmth. I have orchids, roses, and papayas in bloom and oh, yes, green beans and a tree full of ripe lemons. We see signs of spiritual growth as well. Last quarter I mentioned the summer campout organized by the Monroe family and the baptism of their daughter. She is married to a military man who will be deployed to Afghani stan in March. The younger daughter is now teaching our Nursery class since my granddaughter has moved to California. On January 18 a 13-year old boy was immersed in the Pacific ocean, just a block from our building. We came back to the building for our bi-monthly lunch to celebrate December and Jan uary birthdays and his second birth. One of our ladies has a heart for the teenage girls in our congregation and community. She is planning to start a group meeting in her home to encourage them to grow in knowledge of the Bible with a desire to love and serve Him. She is going to start by using a book called "Girl Talk". I've outlined the first lesson with notes so that the girls can help her read the catchy stories by the author. She has such high hopes and plans for the class. I pray that the girls will respond, and that she will have the strength and health to carry out her plans. Mothers are excited about it. My oldest granddaughter, Leilani King, will graduate from the University of Northern Colorado on May 8. Lord wiling, our ^vholefamilj' from here will go and meet her sisters from Indiana and Michigan there. We want to leave here the first week of May, rent or buy a van (sell on the return trip), pick up Annie in Carson, CA, stop by my brother's house in Redlands, CA, then drive to Greeley, CO. The Kings want to drive on to Kansas City to see David's folks there and then on to Indiana and Michigan to take the girls back home. If that gets to be too much riding for me, I may return to San Jose and visit with my 3 children there. No return dates have been set, but it will be some time in June. Kawika King is a high-school sopho more and is a cross-country runner. He has come in third in his division in sev eral long-distance races, and was first in one 3-mile race. He has been invited to attend the Down-Under Games in Queensland, Australia from July 16-27. Expenses tliere will be covered but he needs to raise $3,100 for transportation costs. The cross-country coach from Arkansas phoned and talked to Amy for a CONTRIBUTORS: Deember-Febnjory Churches/Groups: Macedonia, Kokomo, IN; New Point, MO; Osage Hills, Tulsa, OK; Judson Road, Kokomo; Faith, Burlington, IN. Couples/Individuals: Frank Graham, Neal Bliss, Miller/Gardner, Joyce Vance, Paul Johnson, Rosemary Siefers, Ruth Dunn, Loretta Lamberl,John Page, Mildred Doug lass, Norma Small, Edith Simpson, Charles Brandt, Tlielma Imel, Martin Marchbanks, H J Durham, Pauline Blazer, Harvey Sewell, Gordon Springer, Gloria Mock, Dorothy Cot- tie, G O Medlin, Donald Roth, Robert Airhart, Audrey Alexander, L M Holt, Wil liam Davee, Louise Hahn, Myra Green. Luttreli You could receive this quarterly newsletter by e-mail if you chose to do so. Yes,that would save postage charges. If you have e-mail service and if you would as soon re ceive the HCM quarterly news BY e-mail, please send your e-mail address to <[email protected]>along with the re quest to be added to the HCM Friends group, and to have your name/address re moved from the HCM mailing list for sur face mail. TTianks. long time. Then there was a meeting at Punahou School of the atliletes and par ents from Hawaii. Of course, Kawika is excited about the possibility. Right now he is training for the track season which begins next month. One of my most-loved projects is the monthly newssheet for our sister churches. I compile the articles, then the Kings import them into tlieir desk-top publisher. They had most of them imported when their computer crashed. They lost one of the articles completely. After much finagling they were able to get out the February issue, but a couple of weeks late. I asked David about the March issue. He told me today he had one computer ready to be used for it, and for tliis letter which he transmits to my mailer by e-mail. I hope ail is well with you and you are happy in the Lord's service. Yours in Him 2003 YEAR-END FINANCIAL SUMMARY Balance Jan.i $ 2,438.79 Total Receipts $14,080.14 Sub-total $ 16,518.93 Disbursements: Service 748.05 Vehicle 1670.64 Office 1942.11 Salary 6000.00 Church Project 3700.00 Total Disbursements $ 14,060.80 Balance 12/31/03 $ 2,458.13

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mailed in Joplin 3/8/2004

P 0 Box 2847Waianae HI 96792-2847

e-mail; <[email protected]>



P 0 BOX 13111

KNOXVILLE IN 37920-0111

2004 1st Quarter HCM NEWSLETTERGreetings from Hawaii: I knov,'

some of you are still experiencing cold,disagreeable weatlier. It will soon bespring and you will be more appreciativeof the sunshine and warm showers. I am

so grateful for our year-round warmth. Ihave orchids, roses, and papayas inbloom and oh, yes, green beans and atree full of ripe lemons.

We see signs of spiritual growth aswell. Last quarter I mentioned thesummer campout organized by theMonroe family and the baptism of theirdaughter. She is married to a militaryman who will be deployed to Afghanistan in March. The younger daughter isnow teaching our Nursery class since mygranddaughter has moved to California.

On January 18 a 13-year old boywas immersed in the Pacific ocean, justa block from our building. We cameback to the building for our bi-monthlylunch to celebrate December and Jan

uary birthdays and his second birth.

One of our ladies has a heart for the

teenage girls in our congregation andcommunity. She is planning to start agroup meeting in her home to encouragethem to grow in knowledge of the Biblewith a desire to love and serve Him. She

is going to start by using a book called"Girl Talk". I've outlined the first lesson

with notes so that the girls can help herread the catchy stories by the author.She has such high hopes and plans forthe class. I pray that the girls willrespond, and that she will have thestrength and health to carry out herplans. Mothers are excited about it.

My oldest granddaughter, LeilaniKing, will graduate from the Universityof Northern Colorado on May 8. Lord

wiling, our ^vhole familj' from here willgo and meet her sisters from Indiana andMichigan there. We want to leave herethe first week of May, rent or buy a van(sell on the return trip), pick up Annie inCarson, CA, stop by my brother's housein Redlands, CA, then drive to Greeley,CO. The Kings want to drive on toKansas City to see David's folks there andthen on to Indiana and Michigan to takethe girls back home.

If that gets to be too much riding forme, I may return to San Jose and visitwith my 3 children there. No returndates have been set, but it will be sometime in June.

Kawika King is a high-school sophomore and is a cross-country runner. Hehas come in third in his division in several long-distance races, and was first inone 3-mile race. He has been invited toattend the Down-Under Games inQueensland, Australia from July 16-27.Expenses tliere will be covered but heneeds to raise $3,100 for transportationcosts. The cross-country coach fromArkansas phoned and talked to Amy for a

CONTRIBUTORS: Deember-FebnjoryChurches/Groups: Macedonia, Kokomo,IN; New Point, MO; Osage Hills, Tulsa, OK;Judson Road, Kokomo; Faith, Burlington,IN. Couples/Individuals: Frank Graham,Neal Bliss, Miller/Gardner, Joyce Vance,Paul Johnson, Rosemary Siefers, Ruth Dunn,Loretta Lamberl,John Page, Mildred Douglass, Norma Small, Edith Simpson, CharlesBrandt, Tlielma Imel, Martin Marchbanks, HJ Durham, Pauline Blazer, Harvey Sewell,Gordon Springer, Gloria Mock, Dorothy Cot-tie, G O Medlin, Donald Roth, RobertAirhart, Audrey Alexander, L M Holt, William Davee, Louise Hahn, Myra Green.


You could receive this quarterly newsletterby e-mail if youchoseto do so. Yes,thatwould save postage charges. If you havee-mail service and if you would as soon receive the HCM quarterly news BY e-mail,please send your e-mail address to<[email protected]>along with the request to be added to the HCM Friendsgroup, and to have your name/address removed from the HCM mailing list for surface mail. TTianks.

long time. Then there was a meeting atPunahou School of the atliletes and parents from Hawaii. Of course, Kawika isexcited about the possibility. Right nowhe is training for the track season whichbegins next month.

One of my most-loved projects is themonthly newssheet for our sisterchurches. I compile the articles, then theKings import them into tlieir desk-toppublisher. They had most of themimported when their computer crashed.They lost one of the articles completely.

After much finagling they were ableto get out the February issue, but acouple of weeks late. I asked David aboutthe March issue. He told me today hehad one computer ready to be used forit, and for tliis letter which he transmitsto my mailer by e-mail. I hope ail is wellwith you and you are happy in the Lord'sservice.

Yours in Him


Balance Jan.i $ 2,438.79Total Receipts $14,080.14

Sub-total $16,518.93


Service 748.05Vehicle 1670.64

Office 1942.11Salary 6000.00

Church Project 3700.00Total Disbursements $


Balance 12/31/03 $ 2,458.13

mailed in Joplin 3/8/2004

P 0 Box 2847Waianae HI 96792-2847

e-mail: <[email protected]>



P 0 BOX 13111

KNOXVILLE IN 37920-0111

2004 2nd Quarter HCM NEWSLETTER

Greetings from Oahu! Isn't itwonderful to realize that wherever

we are and whenever we pray, Godis by our side and listening to us,and He is with those for whom we

are praying.

I had planned to leave with theKing family here on May i, to visitfamily and friends and attendLeilani's graduation in Greeley, Colorado. Tickets were purchased and atentative itinerary arranged. OnApril 19, I received e-mails tellingme that my brother, Julien Storms,had died suddenly. He was 91, hadbeen to church that morning, felt illafter lunch and was taken to the hos

pital where he died.

Amy got on the internet, rearranged my flights, and I left thatnight for Indianapolis, and wentdirectly to the funeral home inKokomo, Indiana. His two daughters were there, and my sister's children. Julien was commended for his

service in the church, community,and Civil Air Patrol. Sister Bertha

was unable to attend because she

was in the hospital to get a pacemaker. I went back with her chil

dren and was able to help her forabout three weeks. She is doing well.We had a wonderful visit.

I did fly up to Denver to attendthe graduation and met the familythere. I later went back to Kokomo

for almost a week, and then to SanJose to visit my three children and

their families there. Flew home on

June 2. It's so good to be back.

While I was gone, Zola and herhelpers used video Bible stories forthe Kid's Club - mostly her youngerclass, because there was often no oneto bring my older ones. During thesummer it is hard to keep the children coming - vacations, park programs, etc. We are trying to keep itgoing to provide a springboard forVacation Bible School July 19-23.

We usually have VBS right afterschool is out, but our preacher andAllene Miller - teacher, pianist, treasurer, are now on the mainland andwill not be home until July 19 or 20.I'm substituting for Allene, and amthe VBS director. I am now enlistingteachers, helpers, ordering suppliesand craft projects, etc. A busy but funtime. While Steve is gone for fiveSundays, we are using the VBS lessons in our adult Sunday School

CONTRIBUTORS: March-MayChurches/Groups: Osage Hills, Tulsa;Macedonia, Kokomo, IN; Faith-Burl-ington, IN;New Point, MO;JudsonRoad, Kokomo, IN.Couples/Individuals: Louise Hahn,

Norma Small, Ruth Dunn, Thelma Im-el, Pauline Blazer, Joyce Vance, H JDurham, Neal Bliss, Jean Simpson, LM Holt, Miller&Gardner, Doug Williams, Paul Johnson, Audrey Alexander.



Yoii could receive this quarterlynewsletter by e-mail if you chose todo so. Yes. that would save postagecharges. Ifyou have e-mail serviceand if you would as soon receive theHCMquarterly news BY e-mail,please send your e-mail address to<[email protected]> along witlithe request to be added to the HCMFriends group, and to have yourname/address removed from the

HCM mailing list for surface mail.Thanks.

class. The theme, "Jesus will HelpYou to Power Up" is appropriatefor every age to enable us to "Love,Accept, Serve, Comfort, Forgive - oneanother." Amy will be leading thesinging and driving me to Waialuaevery day.

Shortly before I left, I receivedword that a dear friend and militarychaplain who formerly served here,was to be here for a few days. I wasable to contact some of the keywomen in our churches and arrangedfor her to speak for our ladies. Shehad spoken at several of our conferences, so both she and her friendswere happy to get together. I'm sorryI missed it.

Kawika will be leaving for Australia July 16 for the Down-Undergames, and is still trying to raisefunds. Teresa had hoped to start theclass for the teenage girls, but she hassevere health and financial problems.Odette is an elderly member withsevere health problems, but won't goto the doctor. The man whose wifedied a few months ago, is stilldepressed. Two of our men are in themilitary and serving in Afghanistan.Please pray for these, for our congregation, and for me. I am so thankfulthat my health is good, but I do nothave the stamina of former years.May the Lord bless and keep you,and make His face to shine upon you!

Yours to be useful in His Kingdom,

^cmaccmailed in Joplin 8/2S/2004

P 0 Box 2847Waianae HI 96792-2847

e-mail: <[email protected]>



You could receive this quarterlynewsletter by e-mail if you chose todo so. Yes, that would save postagecharges. If you have e-mail sei\'iceand if you would as soon receive theHCM quarterly news BY e-mail,please send your e-mail address to<[email protected]>along withthe request to be added to the HCMFriends group, and to have yourname/address removed from the

HCM mailing list for surface mail.Thanks.



P 0 BOX 13111

KNOXVILLE TN 37920-0111

I A d When Steve returned, he was2004 3rd QU9rt6r HCM NEWSLETTER aWe to persuade the elderlyoaette

to go to the hospital to get the careGreetings from Oahu: "Praise

the Lord... all you peoples: Forgreat is his love toward us, and thefaithfulness of the Lord enduresforever. Praise the Lord!" Psalm117.

That idea is so encouraging tous through this turbulent time fromdeath to life and new birth.

Our preacher, Steven Sturm,was gone for six weeks to attend theAdvanced Pastoral Studies Summer

Session at the San Francisco Theo

logical Seminary. He met all therequirements to advance to Doctorof Ministry Candidate status.Before he left, he resigned his secular position as surrogate father forat-risk children in order to devote

more time to the church. He does

do some private counseling, but haslost half of his income and the

church barely pays him anything -just utilities and gas, etc.

When he returned, our VacationBible School started. We were

pleased with the results althoughthe attendance was down from last

year. Our newest members, daughters and mother, did a fantastic jobwith the pre-school and Kindergarten classes. We had a staff of 11and all but 3 were from our congregation. We are considering havingVacation Bible School next year

during Spring Break. It is almostimpossible to find time in thesummer to have it when there are

not too many competing communityactivities. One of the teachers feared

she would not be able to help - herhusband was returning fromAfghanistan for 2 weeks of R&R. Hewas baptized that Sunday. That wasthe NEW BIRTH.

Our preacher's daughter, Sunshine Williams had her baby - agirl, on August 6. She weighed 7# 2oz. Her name is Sheilah Jean.

Praise the Lord for NEW LIFE!

But we are saddened by thesudden DEATH of Larry Ragasa,our only deacon. He has beendepressed since his wife's death several months ago. He was Steve'shelper in many ways - teacher,friend, sounding board. His memorial service will be August 28. Hewill be missed! Praise the Lord for

His strength and comfort even indeath.

CONTRIBUTORS: June AugustChurches/Groups: Osage Hills,

Tulsa; Macedonia, Kokomo, IN; Jud-son Road, Kokomo, IN; New Point,MO; Faith-Burlington.

Couples/individuals: Louise Hahn,Norma Small, H J Durham, RuthDunn, Gloria Mock, Joyce Vance, NealBliss, Audrey Alexander, L M Holt,Thelma Imel, Miller/Gardner, JessicaFloyd, E Jean Simpson, Paul Johnson

she needed to clear up the bad infections in both legs, and to get hereating again. He has worked withher daughter to dispose of her dogs,her rental house and goods, now hercar.

Teresa has suffered with much

pain for years. They finally decidedto operate on the vertebra in herneck. I'm sure it was reassuring toher to have Steve waiting for her.Her sister came from California to

help her. They both were at churchSunday - Teresa in her neck brace.

My grandchildren here are backin school and the boys are intraining for cross-country racing.Kawika had a wonderful time in

Australia and ran well in the competitions.

It is so gratifying to hear fromfriends on the mainland - manywho have lived here - who enjoyreceiving my monthly "Encourager."I'm glad I can serve in this way. TheIsland Family Church will behosting a seminar with Mark Scottand his wife, October 1 & 2.1'U behelping with the lunch arrangements for the ladies planningmeeting August 28.

Yours in His service,


mailed in Joplin 10/27/20O4

P 0 Box 2847Waianae HI 96792-2847

e-mail: <[email protected]>



P 0 BOX 13111

KNOXVILLE IN 37920-0111

2004 4th Quarter HCM NEWSLETTERGreetings from Oahu: "Enter into

His gates with thanksgiving, and intoHis courts with praise; be thankfulunto Him and bless His 72ame."Psalm

100:6. I write this just before Tlianks-giving Day, so gratitude is much onmy mind. In spite of the turmoil in theworld, we can find rest and peacethrough our faith in the Lord.

Faith has been the focus of our

lessons in our Kid's Bible Club for the

past ten weeks. We studied examplesof faith mentioned in Hebrews ii.

Now, as the conclusion, we are usingthe closing program for that VBScourse at the morning service onNovember 28. All the children and

staffwill dramatize an "Extr'eme Faith

Adventure" in a hike up FaithMountain as a way to experience inreal life the lessons learned.

This will also be presented as amahalo (thank you) to our preacher,Steven Sturm, on this Pastor Appreciation Day. We hope he doesn't knowit yet, but he did agree to let us havethe worship hour. David King, myson-in-law, has led a group of ourmembers to take care of all the details

in the service. He will lead the singingwith his guitar. After the play, allthose who want to will join in singing"Thank Youfor Giving to the Lord"and present notes and gifts to Steve.

Your support allowed HCM tohelp with the cost of repairing a waterleak in the church building andtenting of the church parsonage to ridit of termites. Termites are a recur

ring problem, and constant vigilance isneeded in any wooden structure.

People ask about my children, so asmy annual custom, I'll try to updateyou. My youngest, LORA, is married,and she and her husband, GREG, workin the computer field. They have a bighouse and yard and frequently entertain the whole family for holidayevents. MARK continues -with Lock-heed-Martin and his wife is the house

hold manager, school volunteer, andfull time mom. Both NATALIE and

ALEC play soccer, so weekends arebusy. LETA continues as TEACHER/ADMINISTRATER in the Kinder

garten of a Christian school. Her husband, DAVID LEGGITT, is almostfinished with his course to become a

certified teacher in CA. He is doingstudent teaching this year. Both theirgirls attend mainland colleges. Theseall live in the San Jose area. I plan tospend the holidays there with them.

AMY, (my oldest) and husband,DAVID KING and family live next doorto me. They watch out for me and pro-

CONTRIBUTORS: Sept November Churches/Groups: Macedonia-Kokomo, IN; Osage Hills, Tulsa;Faith-Burlington, IN; New Point,MO; Judson Road-Kokomo, IN

Couples/Individuals: KennethMartin, Louise Hahn, Ruth Dunn,Nonna Small; H.J. Durham, PaulineBlazer, Miller/Gardner, DorothyCottle, Herbert Kurtz, Joyce Vance,Paul Johnson, L M Holt, AudreyAlexander, Jean Simpson.



You could receive this quarterlynewsletter by e-mail if you chose todo so. Yes, that would save postagecharges. If you have e-mail serviceand if you would as soon receive theHCM quarterly news BY e-mail,please send your e-mail address to<outreach(^> along withthe request to be added to the HCMFriends group, and to have yourname/address removed from the

HCM mailing list for surface mail.Thanks.

vide many physical services - runerrands, help with house upkeep, etc.They are a vital part of my ministry.They do the computer part of publishing our monthly newssheet for ourisland churches. David drives me to

Waialua on Sunday morning, arrangesfor communion and offering servers,and sometimes leads the singing. Amydrives me on Wednesdays, has beenleading the singing at Bible Club, andwill paint the back drop and"mountains" for our play. Amy is againa full-time mom, active in schoolaffairs, and does some computer workfrom home. David is working full timein construction.

LEILANI graduated from collegein May and is home now for a fewmonths and helping her dad until shemakes definite plans for her future.CYNTHIA continues her studies to

become a Christian Youth Minister.

BETTINA is working, taking some college classes and plans to be married inJune. ANNIE is working in the LosAngeles area and will be starting college classes when she goes back thereafter her two-week vacation here the

first part of December. KAWIKA,ROBERT, and MOANI attend publicschool here.


HOU as you celebrate God's best gift tothe world - the birth of His Son.

Yours in Him,