local reasoning peter o’hearn john reynolds hongseok yang

Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Post on 15-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Local Reasoning

Peter O’HearnJohn Reynolds

Hongseok Yang

Page 2: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Outline• The ideal assertion language• Difficulties with pointers• Solutions• The separation logic• Concurrent Separation Logic

Page 3: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Hoare Proof Rules for Partial Correctness

{A} skip {A}

{B[a/X]} X:=a {B} (Assignment Rule)

{P} c0 {C} {C} c1 {Q}

{P} c0;c1{Q}

{Pb} c0 {Q} {P b} c1 {Q}

{P} if b then c0 else c1{Q}

{Ib} c {I}

{I} while b do c{Ib}

P P’ {P’} c {Q’} Q’ Q

{P} c {Q}

(Composition Rule)

(Conditional Rule)

(Loop Rule)

(Consequence Rule)

Page 4: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

The Ideal Assertion Language

• Natural

• Succinct

• Expressive – Closed under WP for every command

• Efficient algorithm for entailment checking

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• Abstract syntaxcom::= X := a | X:= cons(a1, a2) | X := [a] |[a1] := a2 | dispose(a) | skip | com1 ; com2 | if b then com1 else com2 | while b do com|

Page 6: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Informal Semantics IMP++

• Allocation x := cons(y, z)

• Heap lookup y := [x+1]

• Mutation [x + 1] := 3

• Deallocation dispose(x+1)

Store: [x:3, y:40, z:17]

Heap: empty

Store: [x:37, y:40, z:17]

Heap: 37:40, 38:17

Store: [x:37, y:17, z:17]

Heap: 37:40, 38:3

Store: [x:37, y:17, z:17]

Heap: 37:40, 38:17

Store: [x:37, y:17, z:17]

Heap: 37:40

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First assertion languageAexpv

a:= n | X | [a] | i | a0 + a1 | a0 - a1 | a0 a1


A:= true | false | a0 = a1 | a0 a1 | A0 A1 | A0 A1 | A |

A0 A1 | i. A | i. A

Page 8: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Destructive Pointer Reversaly: = nil ;

while x nil do (

t := y

y := x

x := [x +1]

[y+1] := t


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Assignment Axioms

{?} [a1] := a2 {p}

{?} [x] := z {[x] =y}

{?} [t] := z {[x] =y}

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Assignment Rule with Mutations• [Morris 1982] Characterize aliasing patterns with

assertions• [McCharthy ?] Define a logic for stores

• heap:locval • First order assertions over heap• {p} [a1] := a2 {p[a2 /heap(a1)]}

• [Burstall 1972] Local reasoning• Split the heap into disjoints parts• Contents can be shared

{x=37 z=x heap(37)=40}

[x] := 77

{x=37 z=x heap(37)=77}

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Separation Logic

x y * y x

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Separation Logic

x y

x y

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Separation Logic

y x

x y

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Separation Logic

x y * y x

x y

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Separation Logic

x y

x y

42 10

10 42

x=10 y=42

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Separation Logic

y x

x y

42 10

10 42

x=10 y=42

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Separation Logic

x y * y x

x y

42 10

10 42

x=10 y=42

Page 18: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Assertions in Separation Logic

Syntax Intended Meaning

e=f Pure expression comparison

ef A heap with one location pointed to by e

with content f

emp Empty heap

p *q p and q hold in

disjoint heaps

true,false, pq, pq, x: p standard

e _ l: e l

ee0, e1, …, en-1 e e0 * e+1 e1* … * e+n-1 en-1

ef e f * true

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Assertion Example state

x3,y Store: x:, y: Heap: : 3, +1:

y3,x Store: x:, y: Heap: : 3, +1:

x3,y * y3,x Store: x:, y: Heap: : 3, +1

: 3, +1: , +1, , and +1 disjoint

x3,y y3,x Store: x:, y: Heap: : 3, +1:

x3,y y3,x Store: x:, y: Heap: : 3, +1: : 3, +1:

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Unsound Axioms

p p * p Contraction

p= x1

p * q p Weakening

p= x1

q= y 2

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In-Place Reasoning

{x7 * p}[x] := 7{x_ * p}

{?}[x] := 7{true}


{p}dispose(e){x_ * p}

if {p} c {q} holds then p describes the resources that c needs

Page 22: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Semantics of separation logics

s, h e = f es = fss, h e f {es} = dom(h)

and h(e) = fs

s, h emp h=[]

s, h p * q exist h1, h2: dom(h1)dom(h2)=

s, h1 p

s, h2 q

h = h1 # h2

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Semantics of separation logics(cont)

s, h false never

s, h p q if s, h p

then s, h q

s, h x. p exists v:

s[v/x], h p

Page 24: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Three “Small” Axioms

{e_} [e] := b {e b}

{emp} x := cons(y, z) {x y, z}

{e_} dispose(e) {emp}

Page 25: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

The Frame Rule{p} c {q}

{p * r} c {q * r}

Mod(c) free(r)={}

Mod(x := _) = {x}

Mod([e]:=f) =

Mod(dispose(e)) =

Page 26: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

A simple application of the frame rule

{p} c {q}

{p * r} c {q * r}

Mod(c) free(r)={}

{(e_ )* p } dispose(e) {p}

Page 27: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Inductive Definitions

• Define assertions inductively

• Allows natural specificationslist [r] x (r= x= nil emp) ( a, s, y: r=a.s xa, y * list [s] y)

list(x, y) (x=y emp) ( t: x_, t * list(t, y))

tree(r) (r=nil emp) (l, r: r_, l, r * tree(l) * tree(r))

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The Reverse Exampley: = nil ;

while x nil do (

t := y

y := x

x := [x +1]

[y+1] := t


, . list [] y * list [] x rev(0)= rev().

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The Delete Example

bool elem_delete(delval, c)prev=nilelem = cwhile (elem nil) ( if ([elem] = delval) then ( if (prev = nil) then c = [elem+1] else [prev+1] = [elem+1]; dispose(elem); return TRUE) prev=elem; elem = [elem+1]

prev=nil /\ list(c,nil) prev != nil /\ (list (c,prev) * (prev -,elem) * list (elem, nil))

list(x, y) (x=y emp)

t: x_, t * list(t, y)

{list(c, nil)}

{list(c, nil)}

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• For WP we need another operator

• “Fresh” implication p -* q– We can extend a heap in which p is true with an

additional disjoint heap such that q is true in the combined heap

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Disjoint Concurrency

{p1} c1 {q1} {p2} c2 {q2 }

{p1 * p2} c1 || c2 {q1 * q2 }

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Disjoint Concurrency

{p1} c1 {q1} {p2} c2 {q2 }

{p1 * p2} c1 || c2 {q1 * q2 }


[10] := 5 || [10] := 7


Cannot prove racy programs

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Disjoint Concurrency

{p1} c1 {q1} {p2} c2 {q2 }

{p1 * p2} c1 || c2 {q1 * q2 }

Preconditions can pick race free programs when they exist


[x] :=4

{[x]= 4}


[y] :=7

{[y]= 7}

{x 3 * y 3}

{x 4 * y 7}

Page 34: Local Reasoning Peter O’Hearn John Reynolds Hongseok Yang

Example: Parallel Dispose Tree procedure dispTree(p)


local l, r

if (p !=nil) then {

l = [p+1];

r = [p+2];

dispose(p) || dispTree(l) || dispTree(r)



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Parallel Dispose Tree - Proof Sketch

{tree(p)} dispTree(p) {emp}

{p_, l, r}









p _, l, r * tree(l) * tree(r)

dispose(p) || dispTree(l) || dispTree(r)

emp * emp * emp

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• Hoare Conditional Critical Regions– with r when B do C

• Fine-Grained Concurrency– Combine with Rely/Guarantee

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• Separation logic provides a solution for the heap– Limited aliasing– Dynamic ownership

• Concise specifications

• Elegant proofs for several examples