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Life as a Diploma Holder Dragana Van de moortel-Ilić 19th March 2016

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Life as a Diploma Holder

Dragana Van de moortel-Ilić

19th March 2016

Before Diploma, early ‘90s, Institute of Chemistry, Novi Sad, Serbia

From chemistry to a higher wisdom

Dr Miroslav Pergal

Exam organic synthesis


Exam mechanisms of organic reactions

’90s – before Diploma

1999: D.F.Astrol.S. + Belgium

‘National sport’ in Belgium: shooting an astrologer…

Franz Cumont (1868 – 1947)

• Specialized in Eastern mystery religions, especially Mithraism.

• Worked 60 years, 730 titles, setting a “new standard for the methodical study of ancient religions”.

• University Ghent: Cumont was “magisterial, … his exhaustive knowledge of sources, his balanced will for unmerciful criticism on every single part of the material, his scientific honesty, his ability to synthesise, his evocative power of language … formed a so unusual unit of geniality that with him the antique history of religion reaches new horizons”.


Franz Cumont (1868 – 1947)

• Astrologie: “erroneous belief”, “heresy”, “pseudo – science”, “mental disease”, “morbid manifestation”, “desperate error”, “the bitterest of disillusions”…*

• Bertrand Russel: “to any person with even the vaguest idea of the nature of scientific evidence, such beliefs as those of astrologers are of course impossible”**

• *Franz Cumont, Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans, Cosimo, New York, (2006), (first published by General Publishing Company, Toronto, 1912)

• **Bertrand Russel, On Astrologers (20th Century Philosophy, 1932)

Adapting to life in Belgium – shoot me!

Building my professional astrological career


At the end: