lect - 4 steady conduction one dimensional.pptx

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  • 8/17/2019 Lect - 4 Steady conduction One Dimensional.pptx


    Steady Conduction One DimensionalDr. Senthilmurugan S. Department of Chemical Engineering IIT Guwahati - Part 4

    Slabs, cylinders and spheres; Critical

    thickness of insulation

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    5/12/16 Slide 2


    #nderstand the concept of thermal resistance and its

    limitations, and de"elop thermal resistance net$orks for

    practical heat conduction problems

    Sol"e steady conduction problems that in"ol"e multilayer

    rectan%ular, cylindrical, or spherical %eometries

    De"elop an intuiti"e understandin% of thermal contactresistance, and circumstances under $hich it may be


    &dentify applications in $hich insulation may actually

    increase heat transfer 

     'naly(e finned surfaces, and assess ho$ efficiently and

    effecti"ely fins enhance heat transfer 

    Sol"e multidimensional practical heat conduction problems

    usin% conduction shape factors

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     Steady state conduction heat transfer one dimension

    Steady *eat Conduction in +lane alls

    -enerali(ed .hermal esistance 0et$orks

    .hermal Contact esistance

    *eat conduction in cylinders and spheres

    .he O"erall *eat.ransfer Coefficient

    Critical .hickness of &nsulation

    Steady *eat Conduction $ith *eatSource Systems

    Cylinder $ith *eat Sources

    ConductionCon"ection Systems


    .hermal Contact esistance

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    Steady State *eat Conduction in +lane alls

    ate of heat transfer into the $all ate

    of heat transfer out of the $all 4 ate of

    chan%e of the ener%y of the $all

    .herefore, the rate of heat transfer into

    the $all must be eual to the rate of

    heat transfer out of it &n other $ords,

    the rate of heat transfer throu%h the $allmust be constant



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    Steady State *eat Conduction in +lane alls

    &f the system is in a steady state, ie, if

    the temperature does not chan%e $ith

    time, then the problem is a simple one,

    and $e need only inte%rate ourier8s la$

    of heat conduction euation and

    substitute the appropriate "alues tosol"e for the desired uantity

    hen k is constant

    One Dimension 9 Constant 'rea


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    .hermal esistance Concept

    .he rate of heat conduction throu%h a

    plane $all is proportional to the a"era%e

    thermal conducti"ity, the $all area, and

    the temperature difference, but is

    in"ersely proportional to the $all


    heat conduction throu%h a plane $all

    can be rearran%ed as

    .he thermal resistance of the $all

    a%ainst heat conduction or simply the

    conduction resistance of the $all

    .he thermal resistance of a medium

    depends on the %eometry and the

    thermal properties of the medium .his euation for heat transfer is

    analo%ous to the relation for electric

    current flo$ &, e:pressed as Ohm8s la$

    in electriccircuit theory<

    Similarity $ith =lectric resistance


    electrical conducti"ity

    Electric resistance

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     'nalo%y bet$een thermal and electrical resistanceconcepts


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    Onedimensional heat transfer throu%h a composite$all and electrical analo%




     'ssumption@ esistance for

    $all contact is ne%li%ible

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    5/12/16 Slide A

    -enerali(ed thermal resistance net$orks

    .he thermal resistance concept or the

    electrical analo%y can also be used to

    sol"e steady heat transfer problems that

    in"ol"e parallel layers or combined

    seriesparallel arran%ements

    4 1B2

    .hermal resistance net$ork

    for t$o parallel layers

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    -enerali(ed thermal resistance net$orks

    .he total rate of heat transfer throu%h

    this composite system can a%ain be

    e:pressed as

    .he result obtained is some$hat

    appro:imate, since the surfaces of thethird layer are probably not isothermal,

    and heat transfer bet$een the first t$o

    layers is likely to occur

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    -enerali(ed .hermal esistance 0et$orks


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    -enerali(ed .hermal esistance 0et$orks ethod

    .$o assumptions in sol"in% comple:

    multidimensional heat transfer problems

    by treatin% them as onedimensional

    usin% the thermal resistance net$ork are 


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    .hermal esistance Concept

    0e$ton8s la$ of coolin% for con"ection

    heat transfer rate can be rearran%ed as

    Con"ection resistance

    ith con"ection heat transfer 


    * , , then

     't surfaces $here boilin% and condensation


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    .hermal esistance Concept

    hen the $all is surrounded by a %as, the radiation effects .he rate of radiation

    heat transfer bet$een a surface of emissi"ity and area 's at temperature .s and the

    surroundin% surfaces at some a"era%e temperature .surr  can be e:pressed as

    adiation resistance

    adiation heat transfer coefficient

    .emperature must be in kel"in in the e"aluation of hrad


    ith radiation heat transfer 


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    .hermal contact resistance

    .he temperature drop at plane 2, the

    contact plane bet$een the t$o

    materials, is said to be the result of a

    thermal contact resistance


    effect physical situation

    .emperature profile

    $here the uantity 1 /hc  A is called the thermal

    contact resistance and hc  is called the contact


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    .hermal contact resistance

    0o real surface is perfectly smooth, and

    the actual surface rou%hness is belie"ed

    to play a central role in determinin% the

    contact resistance

    .here are t$o principal contributions to

    the heat transfer at the !oint@ .he solidtosolid conduction at the

    spots of contact

    .he conduction throu%h entrapped

    %ases in the "oid spaces created by

    the contact

    .he second factor is belie"ed to

    represent the ma!or resistance to heat

    flo$, because the thermal conducti"ity of

    the %as is uite small in comparison to

    that of the solids


    Actual (imperfect) thermal contact


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    .hermal contact resistance

    Desi%natin% the contact area by Ac  and

    the "oid area by Av , $e may $rite for the

    heat flo$ across the !oint

    $here Lg  is the thickness of the "oid

    space and k f  is the thermal conducti"ity

    of the fluid $hich fills the "oid space.he total crosssectional area of the

    bars is A Sol"in% for hc , the contact

    coefficient, $e obtain


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    .hermal Contact esistance

    &n most instances, air is the fluid fillin% the

    "oid space and kf  is small compared $ith k ' and kE &f the contact area is small, the

    ma!or thermal resistance results from the

    "oid space

    .he main problem $ith this simple theory is

    that it is e:tremely difficult to determine

    effecti"e "alues of 'c, '", and F% forsurfaces in contact

    .hermal contact resistance can be reduced

    markedly, perhaps as much as >5 percent,

    by the use of a Gthermal %reaseH like GDo$


    rom the physical model, $e may

    tentati"ely conclude@

    .he contact resistance should increase

    $ith a decrease in the ambient %as

    pressure $hen the pressure is decreased

    belo$ the "alue $here the mean free path

    of the molecules is lar%e compared $ith a

    characteristic dimension of the "oid

    space, since the effecti"e thermal

    conductance of the entrapped %as $ill be

    decreased for this condition

    .he contact resistance should be

    decreased for an increase in the !oint

    pressure since this results in a

    deformation of the hi%h spots of the

    contact surfaces, thereby creatin% a

    %reater contact area bet$een the solids


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    .hermal Contact esistanceeasurement .echniue


    .he thermal contact resistance can be

    determined from euation %i"en belo$ by

    measurin% the temperature drop at the

    interface and di"idin% it by the heat flu:

    under steady conditions

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    5/12/16 Slide 27

    .hermal contact conductance of some metal surfacesin air from "arious sources<

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    *eat conduction in cylinders

    Consider a lon% cylinder of inside radius

    r i , outside radius r o, and len%th L,

    e e:pose this cylinder to a

    temperature differential T i IT o 

    or a cylinder $ith len%th "ery lar%e

    compared to diameter, it may beassumed that the heat flo$s only in a

    radial direction, so that the only space

    coordinate needed to specify the system

    is r 

     '%ain, ourier8s la$ is used by insertin%

    the proper area relation .he area for

    heat flo$ in the cylindrical system is

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    *eat conduction in cylinders

    ourier8s la$

    ith the boundary conditions

    .he solution to ourier8s la$ =uation is

    .hermal resistance


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    Onedimensional heat flo$ throu%h multiple cylindricalsections and electrical analo%

    .he thermalresistance concept may be used for multiplelayer cylindrical $alls !ust

    as it $as used for plane $alls

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    ourier8s la$

    ith the boundary conditions

    .he solution to ourier8s la$ =uation is

    *eat conduction in Spheres


    r i

    r o


    D i i

    D i i

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    5/12/16 Slide 25

    System Flu !esistanceDri"ingforce

    =lectrical &   ∆J




    Conduction   ∆.Conductionthrou%h sphere


    Con"ection   ∆.

    adiation   ∆.

    System Flu !esistanceDri"ingforce

    =lectrical &   ∆J




    Conduction   ∆.Conductionthrou%h sphere


    Con"ection   ∆.

    adiation   ∆.

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    5/12/16 Slide 26

    *eat Conduction in Composite Cylinder 

    0et *eat transfer rate

    0et *eat transfer rate amon% the indi"idual

    layer is eual

    Onedimensional heat flo$ throu%h

    multiple cylindrical sections

    =lectrical analo%y

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    O"er all *eat .ransfer Coefficient

    Consider the plane $all sho$n in i%ure,

    e:posed to a hot fluid A on one side and

    a cooler fluid B on the other side .he

    heat transfer is e:pressed by

    O"er all *eat .ransfer Coefficient

    +lane $all

    =lectrical analo%y

    O"erall heat transfer throu%h a plane $all

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    O"er all *eat .ransfer Coefficient

    .he o"erall heat transfer by combined

    conduction and con"ection is freuently

    e:pressed in terms of an o"erall heat

    transfer coefficient U,

    $here ' is some suitable area for the

    heat flo$

    O"er all *eat .ransfer Coefficient

     *ollo$ cylinder $ith con"ection boundaries

    =lectrical analo%y

    *ollo$ cylinder $ith con"ectionboundaries

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    5/12/16 Slide 2A

    O"er all *eat .ransfer Coefficient

    0ote that the area for con"ection is not the same for both fluids in this case, these

    areas dependin% on the inside tube diameter and $all thickness .he o"erall heat

    transfer $ould be e:pressed by

    Jariable heat transfer area system

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    Critical &nsulation .hickness

    e kno$ that addin% more insulation to a$all al$ays decreases heat transfer .he

    thicker the insulation, the lo$er the heat

    transfer rate .his is e:pected, since the

    heat transfer area A is constant, and addin%

    insulation al$ays increases the thermal

    resistance of the $all without increasingthe con"ection resistance

     'ddin% insulation to a cylindrical pipe or a

    spherical shell, ho$e"er, is a different

    matter .he additional insulation increases

    the conduction resistance of the insulation

    layer but decreases the con"ectionresistance of the surface because of the

    increase in the outer surface area for

    con"ection .he heat transfer from the pipe

    may increase or decrease, dependin% on

    $hich effect dominates

    .hermal heat transfer 

    An insulated cylindricalpipe

    exposed to convectionfrom the outer surface

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    Critical &nsulation .hickness

    .he rate of heat transfer from theinsulated pipe to the surroundin% air can

    be e:pressed as







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    &mportance of Critical &nsulation .hickness

    Should $e al$ays check and make surethat the outer radius of insulation

    sufficiently e:ceeds the critical radius

    before $e install any insulationK

    +robably not, as e:plained here

    .he "alue of the critical radius r cr  is thelar%est $hen k is lar%e and h is small

    Fo$est "alue of h encountered in

    practice is L 5 /m2MN for the case of

    natural con"ection of %ases, and k L

    775 /mMN for common insulator

    .he lar%est "alue of the critical radius$e are likely to encounter is

    Do $e need to be concerned about the criticalradius of insulation $hen insulatin% hot$ater

    pipes or e"en hot$ater tanks

    .his "alue $ould be e"en smaller $hen the

    radiation effects are considered .he critical

    radius $ould be much less in forced con"ection,

    often less than 1 mm, because of much lar%er h

    "alues associated $ith forced con"ection 1

    mm in "ery small considerin% practice

    .herefore, $e can insulate hot$ater or steam

    pipes freely $ithout $orryin% about the

    possibility of increasin% the heat transfer by

    insulatin% the pipes

    Eut, the radius of electric $ires may be smallerthan the critical radius .herefore, the plastic

    electrical insulation may actually enhance the

    heat transfer from electric $ires and thus keep

    their steady operatin% temperatures at lo$er

    and thus safer le"els


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    Steady *eat Conduction $ith *eatSource Systems

    Consider the plane $all $ith uniformlydistributed heat sources sho$n in

    i%ure .he thickness of the $all in the x

    direction is 2L

     'ssumptions@ &t is assumed that the

    dimensions in the other directions aresufficiently lar%e that the heat flo$ may

    be considered as one dimensional

    .he heat %enerated per unit "olume is ,

    and $e assume that the thermal

    conducti"ity does not "ary $ith

    temperature +ractical 'pplications@ +assin% a current

    throu%h an electrically conductin%

    material 0uclear fuel rod, nuclear



    One dimensional +lane all

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    Steady *eat Conduction $ith *eatSource Systems

    .he differential euation that %o"ernsthe heat flo$ is

    EC1@ &nterface temperature

    EC2 @ .hermal Symmetry


    Substitutin% EC2 C147

    Substitutin% EC1

    Substitute =uation 2< in 1<

    One dimensional +lane all





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    Steady *eat Conduction $ith *eatSource SystemsOne dimensional Cylinder 

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    Steady *eat Conduction $ith *eatSource Systems

    .he differential euation that %o"erns

    the heat flo$ for cylindrical coordinates


    EC1@ &nterface temperature

    EC2 @ .hermal Symmetry


    One dimensional Cylinder 

     Substitutin% EC2

     C147Substitutin% EC1






    Substitute =uation 2< in 1<

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    Steady *eat Conduction $ith *eatSource Systems

    Deri"e an e:pression for thetemperature distribution in a hollo$

    cylinder $ith heat sources that "ary

    accordin% to the linear relation

    ith the %eneration rate per unit"olume at r 4r i  .he inside and outside

    temperatures are T 4T i  at r 4r i  and T 4T o 

    at r 4r o

      Deri"e an e:pression for thetemperature distribution in a hollo$

    sphere $ith heat sources that "ary

    accordin% to the linear relation

    ith the %eneration rate per unit"olume at r 4r i  .he inside and outside

    temperatures are T 4T i  at r 4r i  and T 4T o 

    at r 4r o


     'ssi%nment problem *ollo$ Cylinder and Sphere

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    ConductionCon"ection Systems

    .he heat that is conducted throu%h abody must freuently be remo"ed or

    deli"ered< by some con"ection process

    =ner%y in left face4ener%y out ri%ht face

    B ener%y lost by con"ection

    Con"ection *eat loss 0e$ton8s Fa$ ofCoolin%<


    ( )





     x dx

     x dx

    nv p

    dT q kAdx

    dT dT d T  q kA kA dx

    dx dx dx

    q hA T T  


    = −

     = − = − + ÷


    = −

    co x x dx nvq q q+− =

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    ConductionCon"ection Systems

    .he ener%y balance yields


    .o sol"e second order differential

    euation 2 EC are must

    EC1 @ :47 4

      .he other boundary condition EC2<depends on the physical situation

    Se"eral cases may be considered@

    Case 1@ .he fin is "ery lon%, and the

    temperature at the end of the fin is

    essentially that of the surroundin% fluid Case 2@ .he end of the fin is insulated

    so that d./d:47 at :4F adiabatic in tip

    Case )@ .he fin is of finite len%th and

    loses heat by con"ection from its end

    Case 3@ Specified temperature at fin tip


    ( )2

    2  0

     phAd T T T 

    dx kA  ∞− − =


    2  0 phAd 

    dx kA

    θ θ − =



    2  0

    d m


    θ θ − =

    2   phA



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    Solution for Case 1@ Jery Fon% &0

    .he ener%y balance yields

    EC1 @ 4 at :47

    EC2 @ P 47 at : 4

    Solution for differential euation


    .emperature at the end of the fin is essentially that of the surroundin% fluid



    2  0

    d m


    θ θ − =

    2   phA



    1 2

    mx mxC e C eθ    −= +

    0 1 21: BC C C θ    = +

      22 : 0 BC C   =


    0 0

    mxT T  C e

    T T 




    −= =

    0   0





    dT q kA hP dx






    = − =



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    Case 2@ .he end of the fin is insulated

    .he ener%y balance yields

    EC1 @ 4 at :47

    EC2 @ at : 4 F Solution for differential euation

    Sol"in% for the constants C1 and C2, $e



     'diabatic in tip

     'pplications.o pro"ide safe temperature

    ran%e end of fins



    2  0

    d m


    θ θ − =

    2   phA



    1 2

    mx mxC e C eθ   −= +   0 1 21: BC C C θ    = +

    ( )1 22 : 0

      mx mxd 

     BC m C e C edx

    θ    −

    = = − +

    ( )2 2

    0 0


    1 1 cosh

    mx mx

    mL mL

    m L xT T    e e

    T T e e mL





    − −   = = + =− + +

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    Case )@ Con"ection at =nd.he fin is of finite len%th and loses heat by con"ection from its end

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    5/12/16 Slide 3)

    Case 3@Specified temperature at fin tip 

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    5/12/16 Slide 33

    in .emperature .emperature profile

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