learning from home whole school timetable

Below is a sample recommended timetable that adheres to the National Education Standards Authority (NESA) requirements for each key learning area. We recommend that you follow this routine as much as possible according to what works in your house. The following equates to one week of work and is applicable to all year groups. Lynwood Park Public School Learning From Home Whole School Timetable Stage 2 – Term 3 Week 5 2021 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10 mins Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading 15 mins Comprehension / Word Work Comprehension / Word Work Comprehension / Word Work Comprehension / Word Work Comprehension / Word Work 30 mins Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing BREAK CRUNCH’N’SIP CRUNCH’N’SIP CRUNCH’N’SIP CRUNCH’N’SIP CRUNCH’N’SIP 45 mins Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics 20 mins Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness BREAK RECESS RECESS RECESS RECESS RECESS 45 mins Science & Technology Personal Development Creative Arts Geography / History Catch up

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Below is a sample recommended timetable that adheres to the National Education Standards Authority (NESA) requirements for each key learning area.

We recommend that you follow this routine as much as possible according to what works in your house.

The following equates to one week of work and is applicable to all year groups.

Lynwood Park Public School Learning From Home Whole School Timetable

Stage 2 – Term 3 Week 5 2021

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10 mins Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading

15 mins Comprehension /

Word Work

Comprehension /

Word Work

Comprehension /

Word Work

Comprehension /

Word Work

Comprehension /

Word Work

30 mins Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing


45 mins Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics

20 mins Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness


45 mins Science & Technology Personal Development Creative Arts Geography / History Catch up

Stage 2 Term 3 Week 5 – Learning From Home

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




Before you read: List 5 talents or skills that you have or that you can demonstrate Read the poem: “Whiz kids”. Write the name of the students in the class and their skills. (attached below the grid).


Read: Re-read the poem: “Whiz kids”. Think about fluency and expression as you read.


Before you read the article, listen to a sound clip featuring the creature we’ll be reading about. Can anyone in your family guess what it is? https://www.giantearthworm.org.au/

Read the article: “The Giant Gippsland Earthworm”

(attached below the grid).


Read: Re-read the article: “The Giant Gippsland Earthworm” article from yesterday, focusing on fluency when reading aloud.


Read: ‘Tias’s Tantrum’

(attached below).


Word Work

Spelling - complete the spelling tasks attached.

Comprehension /

Word Work

If you were going to survey 5 students from our class about their skills and talents, make a list of questions that you’d need to ask them. You might want to come up with specific questions based on what you already know about them.

For example: In your opinion, what is the one skill or talent you are most proud of?

• What do other people say you do well?

• What do you enjoy doing?

Comprehension /

Word Work

●List 5 adjectives to describe the Giant Gippsland Earthworm

●What kind of language is used in the article: informative, factual, persuasive or descriptive?

Find 3 examples of phrases or sentences that helped you decide this.

●Why do you think farmers had to set aside areas where no farming can take place?

●Do you think all farmers would agree with this idea? Why or Why not?

Scroll down on the webpage where the sound clip was. Watch a video of the earthworm in action

Comprehension /

Word Work

●Make a list of 5 interesting adverbs from the article about the Earthworm.

● Make a poster persuading farmers and locals of the Gippsland area to change their activity for the benefit of the environment. Refer to the task information attached below for what needs to be included in your poster.


Answer the comprehension questions related to the text ‘Tia’s Tantrum’

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Spelling sentences – write a sentence for each of the 5 rule words from the spelling list. Make sure each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop and uses an adjective.

For an extra challenge try and use our Word of the Week (livid) in one of the sentences.

Learning Intention – Students can write simple and compound sentences with correct punctuation.


Today you are going to write a plan for an information report all about spiders. Using the information sheet on spiders or your own research, fill out each section of the animal research plan. You can use dot points for each section. You might like to do some of your own research to find facts and information about spiders (https://www.kidcyber.com.au/spiders)


Using yesterday’s animal research plan, write an information report on spiders.

Remember to:

· Write in sentences

· Focus on your spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphs

· Check your spelling and edit your writing when you have finished

· Write an introduction and paragraphs describing a spider’s habitat, diet, behaviour and any other special information.

Learning Intention – Students can write a well-structured Information Report on spiders


Using the attached information sheet on Uluru, correct and edit the errors. Use the symbols included to correct capital letters, lower case letters, end marks, spelling errors, missing words, paragraphs and spaces. Then rewrite the passage correctly on the lines provided. Don’t forget to reread your work.



Write the ‘Olympics’ passage (attached) in your neatest cursive handwriting. Practice writing your full name underneath. If you are working on the worksheet, remember to use the guidelines when copying the passage. If you are working on paper, remember to set your work out neatly, demonstrating your entries and exits. Year 4 - we’d love to see your letter joins.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




● Answer Monday’s maths mentals.

● Division (number

lines) Use number lines to solve the division problems. Read the questions and use the example of the number line to answer the problems attached.


● Answer Tuesday’s maths mentals.

● Division (word Problems)

Write 10 division word problems. Be creative and funny. Share the problems with a member of your family and have them answer it. Remember to not tell them the answer, try to make the questions challenging. Have your family member write down how they worked it out. Take a picture and upload the questions & answers.


● Answer Wednesday’s maths mentals.

● Division Wheels

Complete the division wheels.

Challenge: Time yourself and write down the time on your worksheet. Upload your answers and time. .


● Answer Thursday’s maths mentals.

● Short Division

Look at the example of short division attached. Try to solve the short division problems on the worksheet.


● Answer Friday’s maths mentals 7x Tables

● 2D Shapes

Can you be a detective at home and find the following 2D shapes around your home. Shapes - square, circle, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, oval, rhombus & parallelogram.

Draw the item and name the shape.




Spend some time in your backyard, front yard or at a local park kicking a ball, skipping, throwing a frisbee or riding a bike or scooter.


Create an obstacle course in your backyard.


Try some Tabata (20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest, 8 times). Exercises can include star jumps, squats, burpees, high knees and tuck jumps.


Go for a walk or bike ride with your family.


Create an obstacle course around your front or backyard or at a local park. Make sure it includes running, jumping, hopping, galloping and balancing.


Listen to a song of your choice and create a dance routine.


Watch ‘Just Dance’ on YouTube and follow along.


PE with Joe – Find PE with Joe on youtube and follow along with the workout.


Create your own workout! Count how many of each exercise you can do in 1 minute and record your results. You could do: star jumps, burpees, sit ups, push-ups, shuttle runs etc. Make sure you do 10 different exercises.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Afternoon Science and Technology

Last week we learnt all about gravity. To recap, gravity is a force which pulls things from a distance, it is a non-contact force. You cannot see it happening, but you can observe its effects, for example, skydivers jumping, or an egg falling off a wall. It is said that, because of gravity, what goes up, must come down! Today you are going to conduct a scientific investigation to test the gravity of different objects. Use the attached sheet ‘What Goes Up Must Come Down’, to record your investigation.

Personal Development

Developing a growth mindset

The last few weeks we have explored ways to build your resilience and turn a negative thought, situation or action, into a positive. This all links into having a growth mindset. To continue to be a lifelong learner who accepts challenges and feedback, you’ll need this skill.

It’s ok to not be able to do everything you set your mind to, you just have to understand the power of yet. Think “I can’t do that YET, but…” and use your positive thinking to find a way to set a goal to achieve.

On the worksheet ‘Developing a Growth Mindset’ attached, write or draw something that you can’t do YET. Then write and draw steps you can take to grow that skill. Finish off by drawing a ‘selfie’ of yourself, surrounded by some positive or encouraging thoughts to help you ‘fill your own bucket’ everyday.

Creative Arts

Do you know what a pictogram is? You might have seen a pictogram when watching the Olympics. Pictograms are images that have been used to represent and communicate different sports to people of all nations. Pictograms were first used in the 1964 Tokyo games to convey the characteristics of each sport at the Olympics. The pictograms have been created and used by each host city of the Olympics ever since. Can you guess which host city used these pictograms?

Using the attached sheet of pictograms to create a new pictogram using either fruit and vegetables or perhaps some stationery you are using during our home learning. Don’t forget to upload a picture of your pictogram.


Read the article attached below about ‘International Days’ and answer the questions.

Catch Up

Use this time to finish any tasks that need completing from this week.

If you are looking for more activities to do, you could do some reading of texts of your choice, complete some Study ladder activities, or look at some of the links provided at the end of this grid.

You could also carry out some different STEM activities from the STEM BINGO card attached.

If you are looking for more reading or extension activities here are a few websites you can visit (please note that some websites require you to sign up):

https://www.abc.net.au/btn/ https://www.fizzicseducation.com.au/ https://www.headspace.com/meditation/kids

https://www.studyladder.com.au/login/account?lc_set= - you will need your username and password to log in


Learning Intentions – Students make connections between texts and their own experiences.

Students read aloud with fluency and expression.

Monday - Spelling Week 5

• Use ‘look, cover, write & check’ to write your spelling words for this week using the words listed on the spelling sheet attached.

• Using your list, write out all the ‘little’ words that you can find within the spelling words. For example: grow= row

• Think of some words that rhyme with the following spelling words; shake, roll, spin, drop, thread

• Using a dictionary or a device, find and write the meaning of spinnerets. Can you use it in a sentence?

Week 5 Spelling

Rule: ‘-tion’ sounds like ‘shun’

High Frequency Rule Science Theme





















Wow Word – livid: enraged, furiously angry

MONDAY Mathematics Activity

Learning Intention – Students use appropriate strategies to

accurately spell familiar and unfamiliar words



Learning Intention – Understand that force can be exerted from a

distance by exploring the forces of gravity and magnetism.



Learning Intention – Students can plan a well-structured Information Report on spiders


Learning Intention – Students can develop a growth mindset to make the most of learning

opportunities and challenges.


Learning Intentions – Students summarise information to make meaning from texts. Students read

aloud with fluency and expression.



Learning Intention – Students can divide numbers using efficient

mental strategies.

Learning Intention – Students can create a pictogram using objects

from around their house or classroom.


Comprehension and Word Work Tasks

1. Make a list of 5 interesting adverbs from the article about the Giant Gippsland Earthworm.

2. On a blank piece of paper, make a poster persuading the farmers and locals of the Gippsland area to change their activity for the benefit of the environment. You should include the following:

*An image of the Giant Gippsland Earthworm or its habitat– they may choose a picture from the article, find one online or draw one. *A persuasive caption introducing the Giant Gippsland Earthworm, the threats to its survival and calling for action to protect this unusual creature. Example: What slurps and gurgles and lives in underground tunnels? The giant Gippsland Earthworm! Never heard of it? Well, now you have! This incredible creature lives underground in one small area in Gippsland and it needs your help – its limited habitat is at risk – join us in the fight to save the endangered Giant Gippsland Earthworm and ask farmers to give them more space to live!’

*Think about WHERE you may like to publish the poster- will it be in people’s letterboxes, newspapers, on shops or somewhere else?


Learning Intention – Students summarise information to make meaning from texts

and use this information to inform and persuade others.


Learning Intention – Students can edit text to include correct punctuation.


Learning Intention – To understand how to solve number questions using the short division strategy.

Thursday History #4


Learning Intention – Students can correctly form letters using cursive writing



Learning Intention – Students can recall multiplication

and division facts.

FRIDAY or any time as an extra activity